#ewan manson band
@joestrummershowl tagged me to do this, thanks honey 💕💕💕
Nicknames: kitten, strawberry, Livvy, Livers
Gender/pronouns: Female, she/her
Star sign: Cancer
Height: 5’6”
Time: 2:36 PM
Birthday: July 8th
Favorite bands: The Beatles, The Clash, The Stooges, Nirvana, Hole, Marilyn Manson
Favorite solo artists: David Bowie, Iggy Pop, Billy Idol
Song stuck in your head: Rebel Yell- Billy Idol
Last movie you watched: The Help
Last show: Roseanne
Why did you create your blog: to bless you all
What do you post: you tell me man. Memes and punk rock
Last thing you Googled: ,..Billy Idol
Other blogs: @iknewishouldcreateasensation and @cometolondon are the only ones u all need to know about
a03: in no way would I ever give you the name of this account, pls
Do you get asks?: not enough of them
How did you get the idea for your url: I’m Brian Slade, I inspire myself
I follow: at least 100 people or so
Followers: Five people and a napkin
Average hours of sleep: more like Average Hours Of Vague Unsettling Stress Dreams
Lucky number: 6
Instruments: guitar(s)
What are you wearing: anything you like, sailor~
Dream job: David Bowie
Dream trip: Ewan McGregor’s lap
Favorite foods: Chocolate and meat because Health
Significant other: is a dummy 💗
Last book: Currently reading Carmilla
I tag anyone who’d like to take a stab at this
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unaccreditedmedia · 11 years
Behind the Scenes on ‘Should I Still Love You’ by The Ewan Manson Band music video
Produced by Glasgow Film Crew
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