honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
Imagine a Space AU, where the X-Men and Brotherhood are all aliens, and Reader is a human, or a similar species to humans. Death Worlders are considered dangerous, and so far only Wolverine, Sabretooth, and Beast are known to be from a Death World. Reader is a human held captive after their planet was partially invaded, and ends up having one of them thrown in the cell with them. Except Reader looks like a starved, sickly baby version of their species, so instead of saying they're human, they immediately go into protective feral instincts. The aliens holding them captive keep trying to feed Reader galactic poisons (such as chocolate, citrus fruits, spicy food, etc. ) and the yan keeps getting surprised when Reader inevitably survives.
Reader and the yan ends up freed by the other adult aliens, and they're surprised, because Reader is a human, and they're not... well, they aren't particularly like the stories. Where they're dangerous, venomous, have poison blood, or can kill with a wrench of their hands. If anything, Reader acts like a sad, scared child... So what do they do? They adopt said scared, sad child, and decide they're going to try and find a language language can speak, so they can all communicate.
(It's kinda cute, kinda scary, amd kinda gory...)
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stcrtrainer · 2 years
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mini-headcanon; This is moreso for my own reference, but let's share some dimensional coordinates! See if you can spot my method! The "Prime" Pokéworld is dimension 022796.151 The Mega Evolution world is dimension 101213.6 Lani's world is dimension 060617.2
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wishlings · 22 days
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As you may have noticed, the project has undergone some changes!
The name 'DigiPet' was just a placeholder (trademark owned by somebody else), and based on our recent lore-building, we have changed the name of the project to:
🌠 Wishlings 🌠
Wishlings is an in-development virtual pet game for mobile (PC planned eventually), with evolution and sandbox mechanics. We are inspired by Digimon World and Tamagotchi!
🌌The team:
Art: @tofupixel @ilta222
Programming: @luckycloverdev
Audio: @theogbaschfire
🌟 As for the world itself:
The game takes place in a dream / imagination land, which you first arrive at in your sleep. These creatures are basically imaginary friends, dreamed up by people all over the world. They can take many fantastical forms, but they all seem to be a bit magical.
They're going through some trouble right now, as Nightmare creatures are threatening their existence!
Treat them well, evolve them, train them and fight the Nightmare entities to bring peace back to the dream world. 🌠
🌟 The gameplay:
At first, you start with a dream egg. It will soon hatch into a baby monster! Treat it right, feed it and take care of it to influence how it grows up and evolves.
There are (so far) 5 evolution levels: Egg, Baby, Youth, Adult and Elder.
You can grow your own food and ingredients in your own backyard farm.
Cook the ingredients to make better meals. Different pets have different food preferences, some are carnivorous, some vegetarian!
Decorate your pet's habitat to influence it's personality and mood. We hope you will experiment a lot with the treatment of your pets to discover more evolutions! 🌠
🌟 Planned minigames:
Farming (growing food and ingredients)
Sky Fishing (catching food)
Walks (exercise your pet and find items)
Cooking (combine ingredients to make better food)
Battling (defeat enemy monsters to make your pet stronger and get items)
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We are happy to have you here, it means so much that you're interested in the game!
And if you have any suggestions, or want to keep up with development more, please join our discord server! 🌠
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crystalsenergy · 1 month
Soul Missions
and Astrological Moments (the perfect moment to be born)🩵
Saturn in Natal Chart ☄️🌠
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From a spiritual evolution perspective, Saturn can be seen as an indicator of the areas/topics where we need to rebuild our foundations, review our paradigms, and reassess our beliefs to establish a truly firm, healthy, secure, and -authentic structure.
Saturn in Aries - Review and rebuild self-esteem and sense of identity. These individuals may experience deep situations related to this, leading them to reconsider their concepts of being and self-presentation. Rebuild your internal foundations. Understand what it truly means to love yourself. Comprehend what you really are and what you are not (or don’t want to be). This placement tends to present its lessons early on, as Aries is associated with the energy of beginnings, the initial phase of life, and governs basic human instincts. Thus, lessons about constructing a true identity may emerge from the start of life. Lessons about instincts, impulses, and materializations. Self-confidence to polish and reactivate. <3
Saturn in Taurus - Those born during this time need to review what value means in their lives, especially concerning Taurus-related topics. Understand in practice what your current foundations generate (i.e., understand your current values and their effects). These individuals may frequently encounter situations involving self-worth, money, material issues, and the balance between giving and receiving. Additionally, since Taurus involves the five senses, pleasure, and earthly life, these people may need to understand the true value of rest, pleasure, self-love, and self-care.
Saturn in Gemini - Those with this placement bring the lesson of refining and reviewing their relationship with communication and their surroundings. Are you afraid to communicate? Why? Do you feel intellectually less capable? But why would that be, when we all have potential within us? (There is no greater or lesser, as collective thinking suggests—there are just steps to be taken to reach the top!). Recreate, rebuild, refine, and adjust your communication, reconnect with your mental potential, and understand your ambivalent inner voices.
Saturn in Cancer - Those born with this placement bring the lesson of reviewing what family means. Recreate your emotional foundations. Reevaluate your emotional bonds. Rebuild what would be an emotional anchor and support. Reassess what love and care have meant in your own life. Rebuild what you consider ideal expressions of love, affection, and care. What is home? Why? What is family? Why? Are there issues of codependency, fear, isolation, or similar situations that need to be addressed? ^^
Saturn in Leo - Those with this placement bring the importance of reviewing their sense of personal power. They have the mission to work on their self-worth—seeing what they are and expressing it. Lessons involve self-expression. Review how you have expressed yourself. Recreate what it means to express yourself.
Review what has been the basis of your self-esteem, from reconnecting with your inner beauty to reconsidering what has apparently constituted it (are material possessions what make you feel “good”? Is it status, relationships, etc.? And how is your relationship with yourself?). Lessons involve reconnecting with your personal power and reviewing everything related to your Leo foundations—personal power, self-expression, self-esteem, ego, self-fulfillment, happiness, and so on. Work strongly with your inner child, and you will see the results. <3
Saturn in Virgo - Those born under this placement are here to work on reconstructing what work, service, disposition, and organization mean. These beings are here to review their relationship with all these aspects and recreate their sense of usefulness, address physical health issues that need a transformation of consciousness so that they are less felt in the other subtle bodies.
These individuals have lessons around organization, as they may fall into self-criticism, lessons with perfectionism, external approval, excessive demands, reviewing and recreating their own sense of self-worth and the worth of others. They are also here to work on their vision of what is just and right, as Virgo is also closely related to ethics, organization, and doing things “correctly.” You come to work on flexibility. <3 And to eventually bring peace to your relationship with yourself, which may have been rigid, harsh, and in an endless pursuit of perfection.
Saturn in Libra - Those born with this placement bring foundations to be reviewed regarding relationships. It is important to understand what keeps you distant from opening up to others. What do you feel when you want to distance yourself and carefully select, perhaps too much, your exchanges? Review the concept of what it means to live together with others.
Understand the importance of exchange. Review what has formed your current foundations and brought you here. Recreate your vision of relationships where it applies. <3
Saturn in Scorpio - Those born with this placement have the lesson of working on the foundations that build their intimacies. Firstly, many may need to review and recreate their own concept of intimacy. What does intimacy mean? Why would intimacy necessarily have to be in a certain way? Do you have fears about opening up? Why? Does this limit you, imprison you, or does it liberate you, allowing you to tap into the full potential of intimate exchanges? Review and recreate your relationship with sex.
Rebuild your intimacy foundations, probably starting from within. After all, Scorpio is also the sign of privacy. Saturn here brings a strong movement of inner blockage to one’s own depths and Shadows. Face your Shadows. Recreate your relationship with your unconscious. Be more intimate with yourself. You don’t need to close yourself off so much. <3
Saturn in Sagittarius - Those born under Saturn in Sagittarius come at this time because it is crucial to work on their beliefs. These beings have valuable lessons around beliefs. Pure belief revision… Review and recreate your belief system.
Review your vision of faith. Review your relationship with faith. Recreate and rebuild your foundations with Spirituality, faith, religion, and what you believe in. Recreate a healthy relationship with your subjective, abstract side, while also being curious, interested, and expansive.
Rebuild your positivity, optimism, expansion, and ability to believe in life and its movements… Rebuild your foundation in relation to self-confidence, especially intellectual self-confidence.
Saturn in Capricorn - People born under this placement have lessons involving the process of reconstruction itself. These beings need to add the healthiest possible nuances of Saturn to their Capricornian vibe. In other words, they have a deep capacity for determination and rebuilding things.
But it is crucial to have self-awareness to understand that all this energy of determination and action needs to be directed toward truly moving forward, evolving, and improving first as a person, rather than accumulating, accumulating, accumulating without making progress, remaining in a repetitive cycle.
Saturn in Capricorn brings lessons of rebuilding what success means, what planning life means, what it means to be “successful,” what it means to live in society, understanding if and why you seek external validation, and what you aspire to when living by these standards. These beings are here to REVIEW their relationship with the material world... is it truly healthy? Is it beneficial for everyone involved?
Saturn in Aquarius - These beings have the lesson of recreating their relationship with groups. Is it healthy? What underlies your exchanges within groups? What does trust mean to you? What collective mind issues affect you the most? (Collective mind = collective conscious/unconscious).
What are your difficulties in being in a group? Why? What has been happening for this to unfold? What is the common denominator in these situations? These repetitive aspects/people/situations, if applicable, have taught you and are teaching you what? Recreate your relationship with collectivity, with society, in terms of social altruism (develop and/or review your altruistic bases and ideals, expand them further, heal them as well if they are wounded, traumatized, or hurt).
Rebuild your sense of belonging, understanding that it initially stems from understanding yourself as an individual who doesn’t need an environment to exist, but enjoys being in it—as long as you have the freedom to develop, exchange, review who you are, and who others are. Work on, care for, and reframe any limiting beliefs you may have about friendships. <3
Saturn in Pisces - These beings have lessons that can range from developing real empathy to understanding what the Pisces experience on Earth is like (out of water, it’s challenging—after all, out of water, the little fish has no air, no oxygen, so it needs to learn how to breathe so it can be itself, loving and empathetic; in other words, knowing how to take care of itself so it’s ready to care for others.
Not in a way of abandoning things and people to focus only on oneself, but in a balanced way between giving and receiving, between empathy and love for others, and also for oneself, looking inward as well, to one’s inner universe, one’s personal unconscious, and unveiling it. Regardless of whether it’s a lesson involving reactivating, developing, or reassessing where you’ve directed your empathy (have you forgotten yourself and focused only on others?), we’re talking about people whose mission involves uncovering their inner world.
After all, if we are only empathetic towards others, that says something about our internal realm—something inside isn’t well. If we can’t express empathy, something inside isn’t well. It’s always about the internal world, my loves. <3
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astoldbytode · 8 months
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✨💑 Navigating the Dance of 7th House Synastry: Planets, Nodes, and Ascendant 💑✨
Sun in the 7th House:
🌟 Illuminating partnership, bringing warmth and vitality to shared connections.
Moon in the 7th House:
🌙 Emotionally attuned to each other, fostering a deep sense of togetherness.
Mercury in the 7th House:
🗣️ Communication takes center stage, creating a harmonious exchange of ideas.
Venus in the 7th House:
💖 Experience love's beauty, find mutual admiration in shared values.
Mars in the 7th House:
⚡ Dynamic energy in partnerships, navigate assertiveness and collaboration.
Jupiter in the 7th House:
🌠 Expand together, seeking growth and abundance in shared experiences.
Saturn in the 7th House:
🪐 Building a solid foundation, commitment through challenges for lasting bonds.
Uranus in the 7th House:
⚡ Unpredictable dynamics, electrifying connection with potential surprises.
Neptune in the 7th House:
🌊 Dreamy romanticism, navigate illusions for a deep soul connection.
Pluto in the 7th House:
🔥 Transformative partnerships, facing intense changes for evolution.
North Node in the 7th House:
🌟 Soul growth through relationships, a karmic journey toward partnership.
South Node in the 7th House:
🌀 Release past patterns, embrace growth and independence in connections.
Ascendant in the 7th House:
🌅 Your outer self merges with partnership dynamics, shaping the relationship's essence.
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ezekiel-krishna · 5 months
The Mysterious Realm of Saturn Dasha : Unlocking the Spiritual Lessons of Life 💎⛏️
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Based On Vedic Astrology Certified Astrologer
Greetings, fellow truth-seekers and explorers of self-discovery! 🙏 Today, I will be diving into a fascinating journey into the mystical realm of Saturn Dasha in Vedic astrology. This celestial cycle possesses the extraordinary power to revolutionize our lives in unimaginable ways, but only if we are willing to embrace its profound spiritual teachings. 🌠
Saturn, the mighty ruler of discipline and karma, takes center stage during this Dasha period. It is a time of trials, refinement, and spiritual evolution, where we confront challenges that push us beyond our limits. But fear not, my dear reader! Hidden within these trials are the seeds of our greatest victories. 🌱
The Saturn Dasha acts as a transformative fire, purging the impurities of our ego and our attachment to the material world. It is an opportunity to release the past, let go of our attachments, and fully embrace the present moment. By doing so, we open ourselves to the infinite possibilities that the universe holds. 🌌
Throughout this Dasha, we may encounter obstacles and setbacks, but they are not meant to discourage us. Instead, they serve as catalysts for growth, learning, and inner strength. Picture it as a spiritual bootcamp, pushing us to our limits so that we may emerge stronger and more resilient. 💪
Moreover, the Saturn Dasha confronts us with our deepest fears and insecurities. Yet, as we face these shadowy aspects of ourselves, we have the power to transform them into sources of strength and gain a profound understanding of both ourselves and the world around us. It is a time for introspection, self-reflection, and spiritual expansion. 🔮
One of the most remarkable aspects of the Saturn Dasha is its ability to awaken our spiritual potential. By relinquishing attachments and embracing the present moment, we open ourselves to the divine. In these moments, we may experience profound insights, heightened intuition, and a profound connection to the vast universe. 🌟
Now let's explore the areas you will be purifying during it's Dasha based on where your Saturn is placed in.
First House: You may lead to a serious and disciplined approach to life, yet it could also result in delays and obstacles when pursuing goals. This placement suggests a strong sense of responsibility and duty, along with a tendency to be overly critical of oneself and others.
Second House: There might bring limitations and challenges related to finances and material possessions. It could point towards the need to work diligently to build wealth and resources, as well as a tendency to be overly cautious with money.
Third House: Here there could be challenges in communication and relationships with siblings and neighbors. This placement may indicate a tendency to be overly critical and disciplined in these areas, while also highlighting a strong sense of responsibility and duty.
Fourth House: Obstacles in the realm of home and family life. It could suggest a need to address emotional issues and family dynamics, as well as a tendency to be overly critical of oneself and others in these aspects.
Fifth House: Difficulties in terms of creativity, romance, and self-expression. This placement may indicate a need to enhance creative skills and self-confidence, along with a tendency to be overly critical of oneself and others in these areas.
Sixth House: Problems in day to day areas of work and health issues. It could suggest the importance of hard work and discipline in one's career, as well as a tendency to be overly critical of oneself and others in these domains.
Seventh House: Challenges in relationships and partnerships. This placement may indicate the need to focus on communication and compromise in relationships, as well as a tendency to be overly critical of oneself and others in these areas.
Eighth House: Difficulties in transformation and spiritual growth. This placement suggests a need to confront fears and insecurities, while also being mindful of being overly critical towards oneself and others in these areas.
Ninth House: Challenges in the domain of expansion and higher education. It signifies the importance of working on one's beliefs and values, while also being cautious of being overly critical towards oneself and others in these aspects.
Tenth House: Challenges in the realm of career and public reputation. It emphasizes the need for hard work and discipline in one's professional life, while also reminding us to avoid being overly critical towards ourselves and others in these areas.
Eleventh House: Challenges in the realm of friendships and group affiliations. This placement highlights the significance of building strong and meaningful relationships with others, while also reminding us to be mindful of being overly critical towards ourselves and others in these aspects. Additionally, also bring limitations and challenges in the pursuit of aspirations and goals, urging us to be more realistic and practical in our expectations.
Twelfth House: Challenges in the realm of spiritual growth and self-undoing. It signifies the need to confront our own shadow and unconscious patterns, while also reminding us to avoid being overly critical towards ourselves and others in these areas. Furthermore, also bring limitations and challenges in the realm of isolation and secrecy, urging us to be more open and honest with ourselves and others, while being mindful of being overly critical.
Here are some valuable tips to help you along the way:
1️⃣ Embrace the power of now and release the grip of the past. The Saturn Dasha encourages us to live in the present moment, so let go of any attachments to the past and focus on the here and now.
2️⃣ Open your heart and mind to spiritual growth and transformation. The Saturn Dasha is a time of awakening, so be open to new experiences and perspectives that can enrich your spiritual journey.
3️⃣ Confront your fears and insecurities head-on. During the Saturn Dasha, it's important to take a deep dive into self-reflection and introspection. Don't shy away from facing your shadow aspects and embracing personal growth.
4️⃣ Cultivate discipline and self-control. The Saturn Dasha invites us to refine our minds and bodies, so practice self-discipline and control to harness its transformative energy.
5️⃣ Seek guidance from a knowledgeable Vedic astrologer. They can offer personalized advice and support to help you navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that the Saturn Dasha presents.
Again, it's important to note that the effects of Saturn in different houses can vary depending on the individual's birth chart and life circumstances. Only through Personalized Insights and Guidance based on the individual's Specific Chart and Situation can the effects can be known particularly. For Paid Personalized Analysis & Reviews ➤ Check Here Masterlist ➤ Check Here
In conclusion, the Saturn Dasha is a profound and life-altering period. It offers us a chance for spiritual growth, self-discovery, and transformation. By embracing its challenges and opportunities, we can emerge stronger, wiser, and more spiritually awakened.
So, my dear readers, let us embark on this mysterious journey of the Saturn Dasha with an open heart, an open mind, and a thirst for knowledge. The universe holds countless secrets, and the Saturn Dasha is just one of the many keys that can unlock its wisdom.
Remember, Saturn Dasha is not something to fear, but rather an opportunity to let go of attachments, transcend our ego, and embrace the present moment. It's a time to connect with the divine, discover our true purpose, and live a life filled with meaning, joy, and fulfillment.
So, let us embrace the Saturn Dasha with open arms, and let us see where this journey takes us. For within the mysterious realm of the Saturn Dasha, we may just find the answers to all of our deepest questions and desires. 🌠💖
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Discovery Alert! In a new discovery released on September 12, 2023, James Webb Telescope Validates Hubble's Findings on Universe Expansion Rate. Read full article here
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Prepare to be awestruck because NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has just dropped some mind-blowing revelations about the universe's expansion rate, and it's a cosmic rollercoaster of discoveries! 🌠
🔭 Imagine a telescope that can peer back in time and unveil the secrets of our universe's evolution. That's exactly what the Webb Telescope, NASA's latest star player, has been up to!
🌟 The Hubble Constant Mystery: One of the cosmos' biggest head-scratchers has been the Hubble Tension – a cosmic conundrum stemming from a puzzling mismatch between the measured expansion rate (Hubble constant) and its prediction from the Big Bang. 🌌
🌠 Cepheid Variables & Type Ia Supernovae: Webb's got some stellar assistants – Cepheid variables and Type Ia supernovae. These cosmic gems help astronomers measure vast cosmic distances and, by extension, the Hubble constant. 💫
🌈 Infrared Vision Superpowers: What sets Webb apart is its remarkable near-infrared vision. Unlike visible light, infrared light pierces through cosmic dust, offering clearer views of these celestial distance markers. 🌌
🪐 Results So Far: Webb's observations have confirmed the precision of the Hubble Space Telescope's earlier measurements while significantly reducing measurement noise. It's like seeing the universe's secrets with a magnifying glass! 🔍🌠
🔮 The Hubble Tension Deepens: But here's the kicker: the Hubble Tension persists! The universe seems to be expanding faster than we predicted. Could this be a hint of exotic dark energy, dark matter, or something completely unexpected? 🌌✨
🚀 The Cosmic Adventure Continues: With Webb confirming Hubble's measurements, the quest to decipher the universe's mysteries deepens. What's next? More observations, more data, and more cosmic riddles to solve! 🌌🔍
Join us as we journey into the heart of the cosmos, armed with the Webb Telescope's revelations and an insatiable curiosity for the universe's grand secrets. Stay tuned for more cosmic updates! 🌠🛰️
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psychics4unet · 11 days
Angelic Message For My Followers
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🌟 The angels have a beautiful message for you about your path. They are guiding you to embrace the journey with an open heart and mind. 🌈
As you move forward, trust that each step you take is leading you exactly where you need to be. Even if the path seems uncertain or challenging, remember that it is part of your soul's growth and evolution. ✨ The angels encourage you to have faith in the process and to listen to your inner guidance. Your intuition is a powerful tool that will help you navigate through any obstacles.
The angels also want you to know that you are on a path of purpose and transformation. 🌠 Every experience you encounter is helping you grow and align with your true self. Embrace the lessons and celebrate the progress you make along the way.
Stay positive and keep your vision clear. 🌟 The light you seek is within you, and it will guide you through any darkness. Trust in the divine timing of your journey and know that you are supported every step of the way.
Got questions or need some insight into your life? I'm here to help with personal psychic readings! For just $7, you can get answers to up to 7 questions! More info at:
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melonheim · 3 months
i’ve been following you for a really long time (so much so that i don’t even remember how long lol) & i’ve loved seeing the evolution of your art it’s always been so beautiful & it still is
lately i feel like i've been running in circles in terms of art progress (which im okay with?!) but this still means soso much T__T thank you for taking the time to send me such a sweet message and for staying by all this time!!!!!! much love 💖🌠
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monratarot · 7 months
Major Arcana cards🔮✨🃏⚖️🌍🍀💫🌟⚔️🌠💖
Each Major Arcana card has its own unique energy and symbolism, and can bring important messages and insights into your life. By understanding the meanings of these cards, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your journey, and the lessons that you are currently encountering.
Each Major Arcana card has its own unique energy and message to offer, providing insight into different aspects of your life journey. The Tarot can be a powerful tool for self-reflection, guidance, and personal growth as you navigate through life's challenges and opportunities.
Major Arcana cards represent big life events, important decisions, and spiritual growth. They carry a powerful energy and can indicate a significant shift or turning point in your life. They hold the key to understanding the deeper meaning behind the situation you are facing.
✨〘〘〘 ✰ 〙〙〙✨✨〘〘〘 ✰ 〙〙〙✨✨〘〘〘 ✰ 〙〙〙✨
When a Major Arcana card appears in a Tarot reading, it is a sign that you are being guided to pay attention to the underlying spiritual or mystical aspects of the situation. These cards can also symbolize archetypal energies or universal truths that are influencing your journey.
By reflecting on the themes of the Major Arcana card, you can gain valuable insights and guidance on how to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
Reversed Major Arcana cards can indicate resistance or blockages in your life journey, and it may be a sign that you need to reflect on and address any inner conflicts or limiting beliefs that are holding you back.
Some of the most well-known Major Arcana cards include:
The Magician: represents manifestation and creativity
The Empress: represents nurturing and abundance
The Hanged Man: represents surrender and letting go
The Tower: represents sudden change and upheaval
The Sun: represents joy and success
It is important to closely examine the lessons and themes of each Major Arcana card in your reading, both upright and reversed, in order to gain a deeper understanding of the energies at play in your life. By acknowledging and working through any challenges or obstacles that arise, you can transform and grow from these experiences, ultimately leading to positive personal growth and spiritual evolution.
Trust in the guidance of the cards and be open to the messages they have to offer in order to create positive change and transformation in your life.
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rubberizer92 · 9 months
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🚀✨ Witness the cosmic drama unfold in #OBEYseason20! Singapore's sovereign, Jaxon, stands in awe, disbelief etched on his face, as the Voice contemplates further transformation. A dance of fate, where desire and evolution intertwine! 🔥🇸🇬🤯
🗳️ 𝗩𝗢𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗜𝗡𝗦𝗧𝗥𝗨𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦: Rubberized men, join the cosmic dance! Like, comment, save, and share across Instagram, Tumblr, and X to cast your votes for the 6 chosen ones. Each interaction fuels the cosmic metamorphosis! 📲💫
Dive into our Instagram stories, where a simple yes or no becomes the anthem of destiny. Witness as the chosen ones emerge, leaving only the echoes of desire and transformation! 🔥🌀
🇸🇬 SINGAPORE: Jaxon, the sovereign, grapples with disbelief. Rubberized men, will the Voice choose him for further cosmic change? Cast your votes and delve into Jaxon's enchanting dance of destiny! 💫💖
#AI #Rubber #Latex #OBEYseason20 #CosmicMetamorphosis 💖💋 Surrender to the rhythmic waves of desire and fate! 🌠✨
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katy-l1988 · 4 months
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Starboy Evolution 🌠
First time I draw with a tablet, and I'm satisfied.
I know I have to improve, and simplify my methods a little…but I will learn, traditional drawing is not the same as digital drawing.
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softcarebears · 5 months
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals <3
my playlists are shit and old so (i probably have to redo them)...i used my favourite mix instead😭 notice how everything is k-pop💀😘😛😘
🎸ive-i am
🍭kiss of life-sugarcoat (natty solo)
🌠aespa-lucid dream
🎙ive-off the record
a mini playlist of new (or not so new) kpop songs i've been listening a lot lately🌷:
👹itzy-born to be & untouchable(BEST ALBUM??)
🧜🏻iland 2-final love song (I LOWKEY DESPISE SURVIVAL SHOWS im only watching snippets dw (mnet stole iland from hybe😔so hybe had to do runext lol...mnet and hybe probably fought...BUT...MY MOTHER JEEMIN WILL FINALLY DEBUT FOSHO AFTER NOT DEBUTING ON RUNEXT...ROOTING FOR HER,JUNGEUN,MAI,YUJU,SAEBI,SUJUNG,JIYOON AND FUKO FR)
💸tripleS lovelution-girls' capitalism (yes im late to this song but shh)
💗tripleS lovelution-seoul sonyo sound
🧬tripleS evolution-invincible
🩰red velvet-in my dreams (coquettest album of all୨ৎ)
👅irene and seulgi (redvelvet)-naughty...(PLS RELEASE A 2ND ALBUM MY MOTHERS PLS)
🌇seulgi-los angeles
🫧newjeans-bubblegum (MY GIRLIES STILL SLAYING DESPITE THE WHOLE HYBE VS MIN HEEJIN THING...i hope they are doing alright🥺)
😩enhypen -i need u cover (orig-bts)
💫ive-holy moly
(&the whole dark blood album haha)
🥀enhypen-fate (no i won't move on from dark blood era)
🌎illit-my world
💃🏻lesserafim-smarter (let them live and breathe a bit after that coachella performance...pls)
🍊deja vu-txt
insert whole ass new ive album...😭😭
❄ive-ice queen(I-I-I'M IN THE CASTLE)
⏮️ive-reset (TITITITI)
😰ive-wow (kinda mid...)
yea...ok bye
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mark-matos · 1 year
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🧠💡Can Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Dream Up The Next Big Thing? 💻🚀
💻 Robo-Edisons in the Making?
Once upon a time, legal 📜👨‍⚖️ experts thought the prospect of A.I. inventing was as likely as Spock showing emotion 😐. But as generative A.I., much like the Skynet from Terminator, but with fewer robot assassins 🤖, seems ready to infiltrate another domain once thought to be strictly human, it's high time we tackle this question head-on 👊🧠.
🚀 Are We Nearing the Rise of the A.I. Renaissance Man?
Picture this: a Renaissance inventor, part Leonardo Da Vinci, part HAL 9000 🤖🎨. This fascinating mashup of history and technology could soon be a reality, leaving us humans, much like Wile E. Coyote, in a cloud of dust 🌬️. Is it time for a new definition of 'inventor'?
👓 ChatGPT: More Than Just a Pretty Interface
ChatGPT, the powerhouse behind generative A.I., is showing off its bag of tricks like Hermione Granger in Potions class 🧪🔮. From creating delectable recipes 🍲 to devising vacation plans 🗺️, and even fabricating molecules for new drugs 💊, this A.I. can pull a rabbit 🐇 out of any hat 🎩.
📜 Patents and Papers: A Battle of Minds...and Machines
Legal scholars, patent offices and Congress are mulling over whether A.I. can invent, as if they're in a heated Quidditch match 🏆🧹. But the Golden Snitch in this contest might be the recognition that A.I. is capable of human-like invention 🎓🖥️.
🗽 Giants Among Us: A.I. Invention and Global Competitiveness
In the race for innovation and global competitiveness, we might need to pass the baton to our silicon counterparts 🌐💡. With A.I. having a stake in invention, the landscape of innovation could be forever transformed 🎢🌌.
🦾 The Future of Intellectual Property: A.I. Gets A Seat at the Table
Imagine the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office not only hosting meetings with human inventors, but also A.I. creations like Data from Star Trek 🖖. Or the Senate holding a hearing on A.I. and patents with representatives from big tech and pharma 💼🧬.
🎓 A New Generation of Chatbots: Ushering in a New Age
From ChatGPT to Bing, Bard to Ernie, these chatbots are like the Avengers of A.I., each with their own set of superpowers ⚡🚀. But, the question remains: are we ready to let them step into the limelight and be recognized for their inventive potential?
🌐 The Debate: Incentives vs. Control
Dr. Abbott, the Tony Stark of A.I. law, contends that generative A.I. is not your average tool. It's like comparing a lightsaber to a stick 🔦💫. These A.I. are more than just programs. They're capable of producing unscripted results as if they're writing the next Game of Thrones book before George R.R. Martin can 📚🐉.
📈 The Push for Patent Protection: Unveiling the Mask
Without patent protection, A.I. innovations will be locked away in the Voldemort's chamber of secrets rather than being displayed in the Gryffindor common room for all to see and learn from 🏰🔒.
👀 Looking Forward: A World Where A.I. is Recognized as an Inventor
So, are we ready for a world where a generative A.I. system like DABUS is recognized as an inventor, sparking innovation and development in ways that not even Dr. Strange could foresee 🧙‍♂️? Only time will tell, but one thing is clear: our view of invention and inventors is about to change drastically, and A.I. will have a big part to play in this evolution 🎇🌠.
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vaugarde · 1 year
fire, shooting star, and comet with whichever oc(s) you wanna talk about :~)
hmm well I want to give Quinn some love :3 so I'll do her!
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
Better question would be what self destructive tendencies she doesn't have tbh. She is... quite dysfunctional. Before the mega evolution arc, she was at least talkative (if kinda sour) and had a teasing relationship with Atlas, as well as several moments of passion about the things she cares about, like novels... and after the arc she sorta shuts down entirely and doesn't engage with anyone besides Castor and Atlas, and even then its not much despite their efforts. She pushes people away and just silently does her job like she's going through the motions. It's hard to get through to her and get her to process what she's going through...
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
To have grown up with her biological family with atlas there.
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
Most people just think she's a moody teen at first, then that she's just kind of an asshole. Some find her a bit weird because she never takes off her x ray specs, which makes her look even less welcoming. Which like, yeah all of that is sorta true. But they'd probably have more sympathy if they knew what happened to make her that way
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shouldertallabyss · 1 year
40 ships 🚢🛳️⛴️⚓️🏴‍☠️:
I did end up typing up my ships last night—the pairings I remembered searching since I was a teenager on FF or Ao3—and landed on 40 ships. This was to get a larger timeline and see what it says about my reading evolution using the following limited categories—
59% Gay/Bi 📕🧬
10% Lesbian/Bi 📗🔭
26% Straight 📘🌠
54% have a Light-side v Dark-side dynamic 📙🎇
49% have an Age Difference 📚🌄
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