reallyqueenkay ยท 3 years
All my enemies deserve nothing less than death and never to be rembered I don't ever mention the names of the wicked you want to stay dead unless I have to. I have never hated with my entire heart as I do these four tyrants I don't see humans at all they are the lowest scum that belong in the depths of hell burning forever. I used to be nice and try to see decency but there's nothing in these four I like nor want around. These four black people disgust me. Rapist, sexually sodomizing elderly people is awful, anyone that would ever harm their family deserves death. I have never in my life been a dirt bag and these four I honestly don't know. I met one briskly and it was hell I had to get rid of him because two weeks was to much for a good woman like me. Just trash the earth accidentally had. Won't be rembered is best. It's such a shame this happened. Over jealousy and their lack off. I honestly don't care just solution based. Three out of four I never met but they want to do things on the low and the stupid bitch that keeps stealing I can tell she was born poor who cares I don't. When so many people dead or alive hate you and someone that used to be nice will take your life's it's game over. Today was another day of disrespect from my race being attackes I don't play that shit I don't like you I don't want your evil near me. I'm doing any and everything to eliminate these scum bags the world lost GOOD people. It's not fair so many decent humans who didn't deserve to die passed and the four who rwpe lie steal and kill and torture didn't. It's clear those are the ONLY people that need to go and should if went. I will handle this evil. I hate that this shit is alive and tryna be other people to harass someone. Make sure you know someone before you stalk and kill their family.
My dumbass dead stealer didn't know me. Stole when I was in jail but talks shit 24/7 I have so many people that don't understand why she so wack. Shooting people up in their sleep isn't gangster whatsoever it's bitchy I said the same shit from last year only this year I don't care. I never met anyone like this stupid ass woman that acts hard and confessed to the murder of Frances Anita Moore Smith my dear mother that she shot up. Funny how she had the balls to come mess with me and never met me. I'm not the one to mess with ever. But robbing a man's house when I'm in jail got you world wide attention government attention and a lot of hate from others. The fact this woman stole my restraining order against her and her boyfriend. So stupid how dumb this used to be living creature is. It's best to hide these four the same way they did others it's the best thing to do.
I don't want to know it see it ever be around it. My power is only protecting me. My room knows me well I'm not in the mood for anything fancy I have no issues than with the evil niggas but something tells me they will get there's
I'll hide anthing under the carpet that eliminated these criminals.
Death is around the corner no cross roads no heaven never a burial that's to fancy for world evil.
I get a vomit feeling when I hear the voice I guess that's the sign
Times over!!! 0000
I'm tires of being harassed And annoyed And this bum near me I clearly hate and will eliminate. Nothing looks like a friendship or a joke my heart is pure. Can't miss or like something you never met. A man tried to overdose me.. goodwrittensm I can care less if they ever existed. I rather kids be safe and have a good future. Innocent decent hardworking human beings with MORALS. No more shit.
Wipe it out
They never existed
Kayla don't help enemies she saves herself and her man :)
My face and his face forever
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