chrmiing-arc · 6 years
Chad Charming is like a glasslipper. He's been on every fair maiden in Auradon.,easy to break, and regular left at the ball.
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          ❛         easy to break? no. no. no. okay —- i’ve been around the odd kingdom or two however not every girl in auradon has had “the chad experience.” but i am not ! ——- easy to break? you just don’t know how to handle with care! i’m sensitive okay.         ❜
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happy birthday beautiful! i miss you! if it is okay i'd love to send a starter ur way.
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~ DARLING you can send me anything you want pls & thx. ilu and tHANK YOU
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theonecalledfailure · 6 years
tfw no gf
continued from here @evilveined
Wow, this lady sure talked a lot. Naruto is reminded of a few specific personalities that liked to ramble, especially in an attempt to make themselves look good. It’s not that he doubts her claim (she was pretty cute), but Naruto can’t help but zone out a little until near the end of the spiel. Hmm....she must’ve had a lot of time on her hands if she dated so many people in such a short period. Naruto scratches his cheek with a curled finger, lips pressed into a line.
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“Are you sure I should be taking advice from a serial dater? I mean, what kinda trends are we talkin’ about here?” He’ll let the implication that his personality is terrible slide (mostly because she complimented his appearance). She seemed energetic about this whole thing, at least. He’ll hear her out; it’s not like anyone else has offered to help him. Naruto didn’t exactly expect to meet anyone or have time to, but maybe he could take this information back with him to the village.
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ribcagebullets · 6 years
“Are you lost?”
Late Night Wanderings Sentence Starters
(no longer accepting)
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“Not in the slightest.” He replies simply, offering a gentle smile. “I know this part of town pretty well, now. I’m just on my way to a job. Don’t you worry.”
He shifted the briefcase in his hand; a case had come up that required his attention. “... Actually, could I ask you a few questions? I’m with the Detective Agency.”
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springstreams · 6 years
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    There was something about this girl in front of her that Maki couldn’t help and find intriguing-- Perhaps it was the mere demeanor in which she was presenting herself in. The brunette was used to living her own life in seclusion. Prior to this city and the killing game she so abruptly and unjustly ended up in, her life had been nothing but repetition and repressions. She would never so quickly tell someone she was an assassin, but nonetheless, her cold and blunt demeanor always seemed to be off-putting for others.
    She was hardly the type to strike a conversation, however, finding herself alone in the night sky somehow held an odd feeling in the air. Her red hues shifted directly towards the girl she spoke to and her expression remained rather straight: “It’s late. You shouldn’t be out at this hour.” Not that Maki was particularly concerned, but it was a fact.
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krojibbed · 6 years
❝ I’d wondered why all the birds had suddenly stopped singing. ❞
brooklyn // accepting
[And there you were, sprawled on the ground like a hapless turtle pushed to its back. You didn't mean to fall--the tree was much less sturdy than you had originally assumed--but you suppose no one means to fall victim to such accidents. The birds had ceased their songs when you hit the ground, a startle to shake the nests of the feathered occupants.]
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[At the sound of her voice, soft and familiar, you glance up at Evie with a hint of embarrassment, though you were a little too dazed to care very much about your mistake.]
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isolaradiale · 6 years
I'd like to reserve Courier Six ( Ophelia ) , Fallout , contact and you can contact me on this account my name is Tricia the day is 12/4/18.
– mod altair.
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anglerfishnabe · 6 years
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let me out 
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virmentis-blog · 6 years
🙄 Roll their eyes at my muse
         It had been for the briefest moment, but the time frame felt as though it had stretched. Cyrus’ eyes met that of a young woman’s, there was a pause, and then, after looking him up and down, she... rolled her eyes at him. Rather openly and dismissively.
   It was confusing to him, especially when she didn’t immediately leave. He’d received warnings on how he interacted with women, that his actions and words didn’t lead them to think things they shouldn’t, but he hadn’t said a word to her, and he hadn’t done anything to offend.
   At least, that’s what he thought. Now he had to make sure.
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     “Pardon me, miss, but did I... do something to to make you cross?”
Nonverbal RP StartersAccepting
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divinelusive · 6 years
3. Brothers, sisters? Who do they like? Why? What do they despise about their siblings?
Character questions !! // Accepting !! // @evilveined
3. Brothers, sisters? Who do they like? Why? What do they despise about their siblings?
oh boy does he EVER have a lot of siblings … 4 Step siblings, 4 Adoptive siblings, and 1 half sibling ! And possible brothers and sisters in law if his siblings get married. He’s got, from Oldest to youngest … Xander, Ryoma, Camilla, Hinoka, Leo, Lilith, Takumi, Elise, and Sakura !  He does like all of his siblings a lot, he couldn’t pick favorites ever, he just adores all of them though he does sometimes feel like he owes more to his hoshidan siblings then his nohrian siblings because … he feels like he put his hoshidan siblings through a lot and most of them all forgave him so easily when he feels like they shouldn’t have.
Though if he had to choose anything to despite about all of his siblings (other then his younger ones) would be how they all baby him a bit. He doesn’t like to be treated as naive or as if he is a baby that can’t do things for himself, it can be frustrating for him even if he does appreciate the love from them and wanting to protect him but there is a limit ! 
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chrmiing-arc · 6 years
@evilveined replied to your post “     my ass got flagged content aswell. that gif set isn’t even...”
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diaflares · 6 years
❛ Ritual sacrifice. It’s slightly different. ❜
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Sentence Prompt
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    “Is that so.. I’m, ah, sorry if this question seems bizarre, but.. What do you mean by that? Granted, I suppose I’m not overly familiar with sacrifices as a whole.” She knew what it entailed from what she had read in books, but she had never seen it in reality nor did she study upon the specifics behind it. However, it did seem intriguing. It wasn’t that she was interested in trying it herself per-say, but the mechanics and thoughts behind it held an appeal.
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sotouso · 6 years
(`・ω・´) : What does your muse completely gush over?
Headcanon Meme
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Ouma’s ‘gushing’ or ‘excited’ faces are mostly acts to make things seem more dramatic, however I do believe some things could make him go genuinely “wooow” and these are 
1. Tasty Sweets
2. Anything “Fun”, Ouma hates boredom more than almost anything. So he appreciates anything that entertains him a whole lot. This could be a fun place like an amusement park, a entertaining movie or video game, or even a mystery he could spend his time on to unsolve. Of course something that is the most fun to him, is teasing and playing pranks on people, so yeah, these are pretty much his passions! 
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biggergiants-a · 6 years
evilveined replied to your post “.”
I know a bunch
chin hands tell me more
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tokifausa · 6 years
❝ Sometimes mean is what you are. ❞
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 “I have no idea, what you are on about. I am, a  nice person. One that hopes the future generation will do a service and be better people.”
Lip service. 
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neverlandborn · 6 years
‘ you listen to your gut . even if it makes them hate you . ’
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“I can always count on you” a small smile tugs at the corners of his lips, eyes lighting up as he turns to her “Fuck the world and their opinions, that’s a good motto” 
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