#evil-curtains [the black in my heart]
chaoticbardlady99 · 10 months
I Wondered If I Could Come Home? (Astarion x F! Reader)
Synopsis- It’s been 4 months since you last saw Astarion and 3 months since you killed the Netherbrain with your other companions. Shortly after, you settled down in Silverymoon to begin a life out there and try to push Astarion out of your mind- except it can never be that easy. You shortly discover you are pregnant with his child- a child that could kill you during childbirth. Scared and alone- Shadowheart stays with you to help you deliver the baby and keep you alive.
While out at the local market, Shadowheart runs into Gale and invites him over for dinner. Gale has unexpected company.
CW: Pregnancy, mentions of potential death during birth, mentions of nudity, mentions of NSFW smut
To my fellow DND fans- no this is probably not canon compliant, yes I’m upset about that, but look I really needed to write this so sue me I guess
Author note- Self indulgent, I have baby fever, but don’t want a baby fic. I’m unsure of how long this will be or if it will have more parts-it depends on how angsty I feel, but I need to have like six different ideas to think about at a time soooo 😂
*This hasn’t been edited ✨well✨so please forgive me
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*again, no fucking clue who’s picture it is, but it sure as shit isn’t mine so if it’s yours- reach out so I can give credit!
You keep yourself propped up against the sink in the kitchen as Shadowheart holds your hair out of your face and dabbing away the cold sweat that drips down your neck.
You are really sick of being morning sick. It’s absolutely the worst thing in the world- well besides your potential death from carrying your little girl inside of you. You sometimes think Astarion may get his wish- you may just die screaming.
You dry heave one last time- not a single thing comes up because you haven’t kept a single thing down since two mornings ago. Your morning sickness is inconsistent and comes on with little to no warning.
It’s been five months since you conceived this fricken kid, but it was like all the symptoms hit after you killed the Netherbrain.
A part of you really wishes you had somehow known before then- maybe it would have changed the cruel fate that ended your relationship with Astarion. You were literally pregnant in the middle of fighting Cazador. You think about what he last said to you all the time and just sob hysterically- like it happened yesterday.
A deeper part of you feels abandoned, but you blame yourself for him leaving. You should have been more convincing or maybe you shouldn’t have flat out told him no and explained why in the hells you didn’t want him to ascend.
For example- you didn’t want to lose him to some evil version of himself.
Ironically, you lost him anyway and are pregnant with his fucking child who insists on occasionally making you miserable.
Despite your inherent sadness, anger, and sickness, you find you are actually quite excited to meet her. You haven’t settled on a name yet and Shadowheart has been very helpful in regards to making sure you are healthy and strong for delivery. She’s your best friend and you could not be more grateful for her.
“I’ll go back to the market today and get you more of those herbs,” Shadowheart says quietly when she talks to you, “they seemed to help last time?”
You nod- exhausted and your head is pounding. You and this kid are going to need to have a serious conversation. You will not be letting a second Acunin make you miserable before she is ever born.
Shadowheart guides you to your bed upstairs, standing behind you in case you get hit with a wave of vertigo- which usually happens post vomit episode.
You pull your curtains closed- thankful that the desperate hope in your heart led you to buying black out curtains. You close your door and lay down on your bed- tears spilling down your cheeks freely.
You miss him terribly. You shouldn’t. You should positively hate him, but everyday of this pregnancy makes you ache for him. You should be doing this together.
You know it’s hormones- the weepiness, the intense longing, and the Gods awful horniness. Dreams are the worst. You wake up a squirming disaster at least three times a week with your skin burning hot with memories of Astarion touching you.
You are happy that isn’t the case currently, but the weepiness sucks too. Remembering how he used to curl around you, the way it felt to have him kiss you on the forehead, and all those late night conversations with (now empty) promises. You curl yourself around your pillows, willing your imagination to pretend it’s him, and you sob until you fall asleep.
Astarion tries to contain his excitement and fear as he follows Gale and Shadowheart to your home. Finally, after searching for literal months, he was going to see you again.
Astarion has been haunted by the last words he had said to you for what feels like eons now. He hadn’t meant it at the time and he certainly doesn’t mean it now.
He had been too afraid to come back to you after everything he had said. Astarion decided you probably hate him anyway so he tried to move on.
He tried being with other people (it always failed miserably because they weren’t you), he drank until he couldn’t remember a damn thing, and when all else failed, he began his search for the Ring of the Sunwalker.
After the nightlife of Baldur’s Gate lost it’s appeal and he finally found a ring location, Astarion found himself in front of Gale’s door in Waterdeep- begging him of all people to help him.
The wizard had been puzzled and melancholy when he realized Astarion was at his door. Astarion told him every little piece of how he feels about you, how much he misses you, and how he wants to be able to give you the life that you deserve. Astarion was practically on the verge of hysteria while trying to make his case.
Thus began the search for the Ring of the Sunwalker.
They were able to locate and obtain one after a grueling three month long journey and some help from one of Gale’s old friends. Then, they headed straight to Silverymoon- your last known whereabouts.
Running into Shadowheart had felt like a miracle, but to also have her living with you had made the trip even easier. Except Shadowheart was being really really weird towards him.
When Gale first asked if Astarion could come along too, Shadowheart had asked Astarion why he wanted to come and see the person he “hoped died screaming?”
Astarion had flinched at the anger and venom in Shadowheart’s voice. He figured the others would be mad, but he was hoping maybe Shadowheart would give him a little easier time like Gale had. Astarion was genuinely surprised by how quick she was to be defensive of you and your whereabouts. When Gale confirmed that Astarion was telling the truth, Shadowheart reluctantly said he could come.
The three arrive at the front of your shared townhome- it faces the beach and has the perfect amount of windows for the sun to light up the house, but one of the rooms is hidden from sight with heavy, black out curtains.
Shadowheart turns to both of them, “Tav might not be able to join us… she’s been sick for a bit now and is… recuperating.”
Astarion feels his heart drop to his stomach.
“Sick? For how long?”
Shadowheart shifts on her feet uncomfortably, “5 months, but it got worse around 3 months.”
“Tav has been sick for that long?” Gale exclaims, “why didn’t you write!? I could have helped.”
“This particular affliction is one you wouldn’t understand,” Shadowheart says with a finality that suggests the conversation is done as she leads them into the kitchen.
Shadowheart immediately gets fussing with the herbs while Gale looks around the house. Astarion is still unsure of what he should be doing. The house engulfs him in your scent and he feels positively intoxicated. You must be really sick though because your scent smells different- not bad at all, just different.
Does he talk to Shadowheart? Does he look around with Gale?
Or does he sneak off and find you? Astarion doesn’t want to waste anymore time than he already has. Slowly, he creeps towards the stairs.
“Don’t even think about it, Astarion,” Shadowheart warns.
Astarion looks at her and then back at the stairs. He does this a couple times until Shadowheart appears to be annoyed enough that she’s let her guard down a bit.
Astarion takes off up the steps and he hears Shadowheart and Gale coming up right behind him.
Astarion hears a dry heave from down the hallway and he goes racing for the door.
If you are as sick as Shadowheart has suggested (5 months is crazy long), Astarion may not have much time with you and Gods he needs to take advantage of the time he does have.
Shadowheart be damned.
You wake up feeling even worse than you did when you fell asleep. Your headache feels like it’s taken on a life on it’s own and Gods you are going to vomit all over the floor if you don’t move NOW!
You get up with an impossible amount of speed for how dizzy you are and you grab the pail on your nightstand and heave painfully.
You are rocking back and forth, groaning as more stomach acid comes up because again, not able to even keep anything down.
You hear a pair of footsteps and then Shadowheart screaming after-
“I have been looking for them for months now,” you hear him hiss, “if they are sick, I need to see them. If this has lasted five months- then who knows how much time I’ve wasted!”
“Will you stop being selfish for five minutes!? It’s not about you and who even says she wants to see you!?”
Shadowheart and Astarion are yelling in front of your door now. You feel tears prick your eyes- Astarion is here. Here here. A flurry of excited kicks from inside you catches your attention and a feeling of blissful happiness comes over you. Oh look, the nausea is gone. Of course it is.
“Traitor,” you whisper before laying down on your bed for a moment.
You are very happy that your unborn daughter appears to be pleased and feels good about her dad being on the other side of the door. You, on the other hand, are less than optimistic.
Wasted time doing what? And why did Shadowheart say I was sick!? In what world was that going to keep him from going upstairs!? Especially if he, your mind pauses, cares about me? Again?
Which you hope he does- you would hope Shadowheart wasn’t so sick of taking care of you that she brought him here to finish the job. Maybe this is all one big show.
Another, “I WILL DO WHAT I PLEASE” from Astarion, a “YOU SELFISH BASTARD” from Shadowheart, and a “Please can’t we all just be nice, catch up, and get along?” from Gale finally gives you the motivation to get up. The arguing feels far too much like being in camp again. You pinch the bridge of your nose, willing the growing headache to go away.
It doesn’t so you change into a pair of longer cotton pajama pants, a t-shirt that is unfortunately showing off your bump more than you’d like, and then you swing open the door in tired annoyance.
You are met with Astarion looking at you- his eyes scanning up and down your body- settling on your stomach. His expression is unreadable- it’s somewhere between lust, love, grief, and heartbreak. Embarrassed by Astarion’s intense gaze, you look over at Gale who is all smiles for you.
“Congratulations Tav!!!” Gale practically yells, making you wince, “the father is a lucky man.”
“I don’t think he considers himself a lucky man,” you say pointedly before turning to Astarion, “or do you?”
Astarion’s face changes entirely with your words. His eyes look at you, round and soft. His eyes are full of adoration and need- a look you never thought he would give you again. You have to fight the urge to grab him and drag him into your bedroom. You will not let the hormones win- you will be strong.
“I- it’s- I mean,” Astarion is fumbling over his words, “you are carrying my child?”
“Yes,” you say grumpily, crossing your arms,” and she’s been giving me nothing but trouble. Thanks to your genetics, I’m sure. This is day two of not being able to keep a damn thing down and this fucking headache is UNBEARABLE so please for the love of every God keep the arguing down.”
Astarion is still looking at you with a mystified expression- taking you in as if for the first time in his entire life. You look back towards Gale and Shadowheart- you are entirely too self-conscious and way too excited to see him for him to be looking at you like that. You are trying to be mad dammit!
Shadowheart gazes at you and your surely red tipped ears with amusement before she says, “I’ll go and get the potion ready for you- that should hopefully help.”
“I will- uh,” Gale says awkwardly, looking between you and Astarion, “join you! I might need to know which herbs to use… in the future?”
“Planning on getting pregnant Gale?” You say with a smirk.
Gale snorts at you, “Dear friend, as wonderful as you look right now- none of the side effects sound appealing.”
“Oh they most certainly aren’t,” you say,” but thanks for thinking I look ‘wonderful’. I feel, well, disgusting.”
“Gods, how could you even think that?” Astarion blurts out, appearing shocked that he even said it, “you look like…. A vision. A wonderful, stunning vision, Darling.”
Shadowheart and Gale excuse themselves as you struggle to find the words for Astarion’s comment. Your entire body feels like it’s on fire and you feel yourself begin to melt a little bit. You feel your emotions bloom into something resembling spring as he steps closer to you- looking at you with pleading eyes.
You clear your throat, “would you like to come into my room and talk?”
Astarion nods eagerly, following behind you so close that you once again have to remind yourself that ripping off the clothes of someone who literally told you they wanted you to die screaming was not healthy- at least not until you get a proper apology.
You sit against your headboard as Astarion walks around your room- running his fingers along the bassinet and rocking chair in the corner. You still can’t get a read on him.
“A girl?”
His question breaks the air.
“Yes,” you smile at him, “no name yet though.”
“I’m sure you’ll pick a nice one,” he says with a smile, but his tone is entirely too melancholic.
A painful thump in your heart fills your body with sadness. He doesn’t want to be involved. Of course he doesn’t want to be involved. You are his knocked up ex-girlfriend. What were you expecting? The lump forming in your throat is unbearable.
“You don’t want to be involved?”
Oh good Gods you are crying. Astarion rushes over to you the minute your tears begin to fall- sitting in front of you on the bed. He reaches out and gently wipes your tears away as he speaks.
“I want to be involved so badly it hurts,” his voice comes out scratchy and emotional, “but that is your decision, not mine. You have been on your own for months, my Love. Instead of trying to come back and make it better- I pushed it off until I thought I could give you what you deserved- a life in the sun.”
You almost whine in protest when his hands leave your face. He twists the ring around his index finger before continuing, avoiding your gaze, “But maybe I was wrong. Maybe what you deserve is a person that isn’t so damaged. Someone who can give you what you actually deserve which is a loving partner who hasn’t hurt you over and over again- a man worthy of being a father to ou- I mean your child.”
His confession and the tears that are streaming down his face are enough for you. Yes, you absolutely want to scream and yell at him, but you also ache for him. You can’t fault the man for being a slave for 200 years and then not taking it very well when you told him what to do. You always knew you would forgive him if he came back- you never thought he would, but here he is and like he said- there is no reason to keep wasting time.
“She is our child, Star,” you whisper and guide his eyes to look at you, “I want you to be involved. I don’t care what you think I deserve either. I have missed you so horribly since you left. It’s almost pathetic really. I’ve tried to blame it on the hormones, but… I don’t know. The picture has felt incomplete up until now.”
You absentmindedly put your hand on your stomach- receiving a kick. You glare at the place where your hand is resting.
“Will you stop kicking me for five minutes!?” You scream, “I WAS IN THIS BODY FIRST!”
Astarion looks at you bewildered and confused, but quickly realizes you aren’t talking about him. The smile that spreads across his face is wide and Astarion gingerly moves closer. You are still a little cautious- needing to protect not only yourself, but also your unborn child. He moves to the right of you and goes to move you just slightly so he can slip in behind you.
“Could I? I mean if it’s not crossing any boundaries!”
Astarion is on edge- you can tell that much, but he doesn’t look at you like he did that last time you saw him- Astarion is looking at you like you are the most precious individual who has ever walked this earth.
You nod shyly, and then Astarion slots himself behind you, your back against his chest, his face in the crook of your neck, and his legs on either side of yours. He cautiously puts his hands on your stomach and is immediately kicked.
Astarion laughs with joy, “she’s strong!”
“Strong willed and strong physically,” you shake your head and you are laughing a bit now too, “you may just get your wish yet.”
“What wish?”
It had slipped. You hadn’t meant to bring it up again- or maybe you did. You want to know for sure if he still feels that way, but the confusion in his voice says he doesn’t. You go rigid and go to dismiss it when you feel his posture change behind you, his grip loosening ever so slightly.
“Right… that.”
The silence is nerve-wracking. You’ve lost him again, you are sure of it. A stray tear begins to roll down your cheek.
“No, let me think, Darling. I want to make sure I say everything I want to say correctly.”
You continue to sit there in silence, he places soft kisses on your neck. You feel him smile against your skin at the needy moan that escapes your lips. You absentmindedly reach out for one of his hands and begin to play with his fingers while he thinks. Astarion used to let you do this all the time while you were traveling- it helps you feel grounded.
“I was so consumed by all that power in the moment,” he says slowly, “I wasn’t thinking. By the time I had realized what I had done, I felt like it was already too late- you most likely hated me and moved on.”
You have to bite your tongue- you want to scream. Hate him? Never. You had been miserable without him around for that last month of traveling. Your heart had felt like a dead weight in your chest and you had been moving around like a zombie.
“So I tried to move on… I even tried to be with others, but I just couldn’t do it. It’s selfish, but I want you. I never want anything bad to happen to you- I certainly don’t ever want you to die screaming. I don’t want you to ever carry a child that is not mine.”
You are surprised by the warmth in your core when he says his last sentence. There is something so primal there that you have to really focus on what he is saying next.
Astarion clears his throat before finishing speaking, “I don’t want to be without you anymore- four months is too long. I don’t want to miss out on anymore of your pregnancy and I want to be here for you- with you- doing this together like we should have been doing this whole time. I was a horrible fool- please give me another chance. Please, Darling. I love you- so so much more than I ever thought anyone could ever love someone.”
Astarion’s words hang in the air and you are trying not to begin crying for the 15th billion time. This is what you had wanted to hear all along. You can feel his tears on the collar of your shirt- the way he inhales as if to memorize your scent like this is the last time. Astarion is not expecting you to say yes- you know that because he’s starting to loosen up, pulling away from you so that he can respect your decision.
“I love you too,” you whisper, “I don’t want to be without you anymore either. I forgive you- please stay.”
“I won’t be going anywhere unless you want me too, my Love.”
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foxy-eva · 1 year
Dancing in the Moonlight
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Summary: Spencer gets creative in order to cheer up Reader
Request: could you please write about how sunshine!reader ends up having a bad day and grumpy spencer spends all day to no avail trying to cheer up the sunshine!reader. The thing that finally works is a little bit silly? 
Pairing: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader
Category: Comfort, Fluff
Content Warning: Reader has a bad day and is upset but it's not specified why, mentions crying
Word Count: 1k
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Just like a sunbeam sneaking through black curtains you came into Spencer's life all those months ago. He would never forget the first time he felt the heat your presence radiated, warming even the darkest corner of his heart. After those long days of fighting evil, he craved nothing more than coming home to bask in your kindness. 
However, when he entered your apartment that night, Spencer immediately realized that something was different. Where he'd usually find excitement and joy, he only saw a fake smile on your face.
"What's wrong, my love?" 
Spencer found his place beside you on the couch, offering to pull you right into his arms. You hesitated, afraid that his touch might break loose the tears you so desperately tried to hold back. 
Instead of accepting his embrace, you just shook your head and answered, "I just had a bad day." 
Spencer knew that it must have been a truly terrible day for it to take away your smile. You were the most optimistic person he had ever met, always seeing the good in everything even when he couldn't. 
"I'm sorry to hear that. What can I do to make it better?" 
You just shrugged and leaned back on the couch, ready to simply wait until this day would be over. 
Spencer, however, decided to make it his mission to cheer you up. After giving it some thought, he realized that he had no idea how to do that, though. Usually your roles were reversed with you being the one to comfort him after a bad day. You were the one who – without fail – always managed to light up his life.
Now it was his turn to do the same for you. He just needed to figure out how. 
"Do you want to talk about it?" He offered. 
You shook your head while sinking back further into the couch. Spencer reached out his hand to brush over your fingertips. His touch was soothing, so you opened your palm to take his hand in yours. He moved closer to you until his shoulder touched yours. 
When you locked eyes with him you managed to flash him a timid smile, not as genuine as usual but less fake than before. 
"Hey," Spencer whispered.
"Hi," you breathed. 
His lips found yours in a brief and innocent kiss. It wasn't enough to make up for what happened today but you appreciated his attempt to light up your inner spark again. 
Spencer quickly noticed that his nearness alone wouldn't be enough to cheer you up. 
"Are you hungry?" He asked. "I could make you something to eat."
"I already had dinner earlier," you declined his offer. 
He got up from the couch to turn on the TV and put on your favorite show before disappearing in the kitchen for a few minutes. When he came back he handed you a mug with freshly brewed tea. 
"Thank you," you said while taking the beverage. "I really appreciate it."
It was true, you did appreciate his attempts to make your day better. It didn't work though. As he sat with you to watch the show while occasionally checking your facial features, he realized that, too. 
"You're still upset," he stated with a frown present on his face. 
"Sorry, I–"
"Don't apologize," he interrupted you. "It's not your fault. I just hate that I have no idea how to help you. You're always there for me and know exactly what to do or say and here I am… so…lost." 
"It's okay, Spencer. I'm sure it'll just pass. Tomorrow is a new day."
"No, don't you try to cheer me up!" He protested. "This is about you. I really want to make you feel better." 
You turned your head to look out the window. The sun had already set, all you could find was darkness on the other side of the glass. It almost felt like a metaphor for that day, as if all you could do was to wait for the next morning to let the rising sun warm your heart again. 
Spencer couldn't accept that, though, so he suggested, "We could go for a walk. Maybe the fresh air will help you clear your head."
It was worth a try. Chilly air met puffy cheeks when you stepped outside, Spencer’s hand immediately reaching out to intertwine his fingers with yours. Walking side by side, you followed his lead, unable to make a decision as to where to go yourself. Soon you stepped into a park together, noticing how a mild breeze created a rustling sound as it met leafy trees.
Tilting your head, your eyes wandered over the night sky. The moon was bright and big, almost looking unreal from your point of view. Although it was only borrowing its light from the sun, it still did its bet to illuminate your path. 
Very sudden and without a warning Spencer stopped his motions to step in front of you. He softly smiled at you when he said, "Dance with me."
Those were words you never thought you'd hear from him, so you asked in disbelief, "What?" 
He gently got ahold of your wrists to move them to his shoulders before he grabbed your waist. 
"Dance with me," he repeated. 
And so you did. 
At first you just swayed from side to side, not unlike all those kitschy prom scenes in teen movies. There was no music playing but that was alright, the sound of the wind was your beat while some sleepless bird sang the harmony. When Spencer made the first step, you simply followed his motions. 
It was clumsy and graceless but he didn't give up, not even when he almost fell over his own feet. The smile slowly forming on your face spurred him on to keep going despite his lack of skill. There was no holding back the laughter spilling from your lips each time your chests almost collided because you missed a step. 
However, after a few moments your body moved naturally with his, almost as if you had done that a million times before. Your smile grew bigger with each spin, making you slowly forget the sorrows of the day. And although the sunrise was still many hours away, just like that your inner light began shining again.  
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Taglist: @nomajdetective @reidsbookclub @gspenc @samuel-de-champagne-problems @matthew-gray-gubler-lover @malindacath @reidselle @alexxavicry @frickin-bats @spencersprettyslut @sebs-oxygen @happymangospot @cynbx @melifluorei-d @hotchandspencearedilfs @emiliaserpe @thenerdthatwrites @velvetthunder93 @cncoxlifeline @saturnstringz @missabsey @guacam011y @whoopdy-doo @hugyourlungs @reiderwriter @snapeknot @enamoradax @hales-17 @cham9ions @loaksulluyswife @ecneremili @xserenax-13 @grumpyy-bearr
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wolfiihoney · 3 months
Little Megumi can’t sleep and Toji needs your help. <33
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A/N: Hey, honeybuns! Saurr here’s another fic for you guys! I’m excited to start my “Evil Reader x Sukuna” series, I just have to get in the right head space but until then I’ll be giving y’all some fluffy stuff to read. I hope you all like it! Credit goes to the artist of the picture above. I just found it on Pinterest and it didn’t have any details about the artist.
Pairing: Toji x reader x bby megumi
Established relationship
Wc: 1700
Warn: none
a/n unedited srry! <3
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“Hey, doll. Were you asleep?" Toji's tired, deep voice crackled through the other end of your phone, sounding slightly sheepish. "I’m sorry to call so late."
You sat up in bed, surprised to hear from him at such a late hour. "I’m awake now, Toji. What’s going on?"
There was a brief pause, and you could hear Toji clear his throat before speaking again.
"It’s... It’s Megumi," he said, his voice growing serious. He’s a little scared of the rain and he won’t settle down until you're here."
You were silent for a moment, your heart slightly touched that Megumi had asked for you. Up until this point, you'd never spent much time alone with the quiet 6-year-old, always respecting his boundaries. But something about hearing that he wanted your presence made your heart skip a beat.
"I know it’s late and the weather’s terrible. But Megumi’s been upset all evening and he hasn’t stopped asking for you."
knowing that you couldn’t refuse after hearing the urgent tone in Toji’s voice. You had always cared for Megumi, but hearing his vulnerability like this was something new.
"Okay," you finally said. "I’ll come over." You said.
“There’s no way in hell I’m letting you drive in this weather, I’m coming to get you. Yuji is here anyway. he can watch Megumi for a while.” He said instantly.
He was right you didn’t need to be driving at this time of night.
You nodded, even though he couldn’t see you. "Alright, I’ll be ready by then."
You quickly hung up the phone and rushed to get dressed, anticipation and a strange sense of nervousness building up inside you.
About 28 minutes later you peek out from your yellow living room curtains and see the familiar sight of Toji’s black car rounding the corner. It pulled up right in front of your apartment building and the passenger window rolled down, revealing Toji’s handsome face.
“Get in, doll,” he said, his deep voice barely audible through the rain.
rushing outside with an umbrella in hand. You quickly get into the car, and as the door closes behind you. there's silence between the both of you, broken only by the sound of raindrops tapping against the windows. Toji's strong arm reaches over you to put your seatbelt on for you.
Toji’s car smelled like him, a mix of musk, leather, and a hint of his cologne. It was a familiar and comforting scent that you had grown addicted to over the past year.
“Thanks for coming in this weather,” he said, his eyes flicking over to you. “I know you probably weren’t expecting to get out of bed tonight.”
You chuckled softly, trying to ignore the fluttery feeling in your chest.
"No, I wasn’t expecting this," you admitted, leaning back in your seat. "But I couldn’t say no after hearing about Megumi."
Toji nodded, his eyes focused back on the road. The wipers were going double-time to keep up with the heavy rain.
"Yeah, he’s been asking for you," he said quietly. "I’ve never seen him get so worked up over a bad dream before."
You were slightly surprised by this revelation. Megumi had always been a laid-back child, but hearing that he was so shaken by a bad dream was normal for other 6-year olds but unusual for gumi.
"Has he had bad dreams like this before?" you asked, the concern evident in your voice.
Toji’s grip on the steering wheel tightened slightly.
"No," he said, his tone becoming serious. "This is new. He’s never gotten this upset about a dream before. You could sense the tension in Toji’s voice and the way his jaw was clenched. It was clear that he was worried about Megumi.
"Do you think something happened with him at school today?" you asked, trying to figure out what could be causing Megumi to be so upset.
Toji shrugged, his eyes fixated on the rain-soaked road.
"I don’t know," he answered gruffly. "He seemed fine when I picked him up from daycare, but then he started getting upset as we got closer to home."
You sat in silence for a moment, contemplating what could be bothering Megumi. The rain continued to beat down on the car, the sound of the droplets hitting the window creating a soothing rhythm.
Toji suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence.
"You know, doll," he said, his voice softer this time. "Megumi hasn’t asked for anyone else except you. It’s always ‘I want doll’ or ‘Can we call doll?” He said, you smiled lightly at that, knowing Toji never really called you by your real name and Megumi must have picked up on that.
Toji broke your thoughts again.
"I wonder if he’s been feeling lonely or something," he said, his voice laced with a hint of worry. "He’s never been very close with any of the kids at daycare. Maybe he’s lonely and missing his mother."
As Toji mentioned Megumi’s mother, a pang of sympathy shot through your chest. You knew that Megumi’s mother had passed away when he was just an infant, leaving Toji to raise him on his own.
You reached out and placed a hand on Toji’s arm, trying to offer some comfort. It went quiet again and you felt sympathy for both of them
After a few more minutes, Toji finally pulled into the driveway of his house. The rain had lessened slightly, but the night was still pitch black.
As you both stepped out of the car, you could see a faint light through the window of the house, indicating that Megumi was still awake.
Toji led the way up to the front door, quickly unlocking it and gesturing for you to enter first.
As you stepped into the house, you were immediately enveloped by the warmth and comfort of Toji and megumi’s home. The smell of fresh coffee lingered in the air, mixing with the familiar scent of Toji’s cologne.
Toji shut the door behind you and gestured for you to follow him down the hallway.
“Just give me a minute to go check on him and then I’ll bring you in.”
Toji disappeared into the bedroom for a moment, leaving you standing alone in the hallway. You could hear the sound of Toji’s deep voice speaking softly to Megumi, followed by a slightly softer and younger voice replying.
A few minutes later, Toji emerged from the bedroom, a small smile on his face.
"He’s willing to talk now," he said, his eyes meeting yours. "He asked for you specifically."
As you made your way toward Megumi’s bedroom, you caught a glimpse of Yuji stumbling out of the guest room, rubbing his eyes. He was clearly half-asleep and disheveled, his messy hair sticking up in all directions.
Yuji caught sight of you and Toji, and his eyes widened slightly as he suddenly realized there was a guest in the house,
Toji chuckled softly at the sight of Yuji’s sleep-filled expression.
"Going to bed, kid?" he said, a hint of amusement in his voice.
Yuji nodded, letting out a loud yawn.
"Yeah, I’m tired," he mumbled, still bleary-eyed.
You couldn’t help but smile at Yuji's messy appearance. It was adorable how sleepy he was, barely able to keep his eyes open.
Yuji stumbled back towards the guest room, mumbling something that sounded like a “goodnight” before disappearing back into the room.
Toji turned back to you, a soft smile on his face.
"Ready to see Megumi?" he asked, gesturing towards Megumi’s bedroom door.
Toji knocked softly on Megumi’s door before gently opening it. The room was dimly lit, with a small lamp casting a warm glow over the room.
On the bed, you could see a small lump where Megumi was hiding under the covers. He looked up as you entered, and his face lit up slightly when he saw you.
Megumi sat up in the bed, his eyes still a little puffy from crying.
"You came," he said softly, his voice sounding louder than usual.
You smiled gently, moving over to the bed and sitting down carefully beside him.
"Of course I did," you said, ruffling his hair affectionately. "You asked for me, didn’t you?"
“I didn’t think you’d come," he admitted, fidgeting with the edge of the blanket.
You shook your head, reaching out to place a hand on his small back.
"Why wouldn’t I come?" you asked, looking at him with a caring expression. "You were upset, and you asked for me. I’d always come."
Megumi looked up at you, his eyes filled with a vulnerable expression.
"I had a bad dream," he said quietly, his voice quivering slightly.
You wrapped an arm around him, pulling him closer to you.
"Bad dreams happen," you said gently. "But they’re not real. You’re safe here, Megumi. Nothing can hurt you when You’re daddy is here."
Megumi looked at you with pleading eyes, his bottom lip trembling slightly.
“And You?” He said. “Yes gumi, and me.” He was so sweet you felt like crying.
"Can I... can I sleep in bed with you and daddy tonight?" he asked, his voice small.
Toji, who had been standing nearby, let out a soft chuckle.
"Sure, kid," he said, his voice gentle. "You can sleep with us tonight."
Megumi's eyes lit up at Toji's answer, and he immediately looked up at you with a hopeful expression.
You smiled down at Megumi, feeling a pang of affection for the young boy.
"Of course, Megumi," you said, ruffling his hair gently. "You can sleep in the bed with us tonight.
With Toji's help, you made room for Megumi in the bed, making sure he was comfortable and secure between you and Toji
You were all snuggled up in the bed, with Megumi securely nestled between you and Toji. Toji's arm was thrown loosely over both you and Megumi, keeping you both close.
Toji reached over and placed a gentle kiss on the top of Megumi's head, his voice rumbling deep in his chest as he spoke.
"You're safe now," he said softly. "We've got you. You can have good dreams now.”
Toji's voice softened even more, with a hint of emotion in his tone.
"Sleep now, both of you," he said, his arm tightening slightly around you. "I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere."
You felt a warm feeling in your chest at Toji's words, knowing that he truly meant every one of them.
Megumi let out a soft sigh, his eyes already fluttering closed as he relaxed into the bed.
Toji, seeing Megumi and you starting to drift off, spoke up again in a quiet voice.
"And remember," he said, his fingers gently rubbing your shoulder, "I love you both.”
The words hung in the air, filling the room with an atmosphere of safety and comfort.
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writerslittlelibrary · 11 months
I'm your mother now, chapter 1
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masterlist series masterlist
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8
summary: when you wake up in a strange room, you soon come to realize the amazing Black Widow, who appears to be the perfect role model for girls all around the world, is greatly deranged…
pairing: Dark!Natasha x teen reader
warnings: yelling, a lot of swearing, dark themes, kinda evil Natasha
genre: angst
words: 2972
a/n: I really wanted to write a dark Natasha fic but I didn't want to make it romantic or anything, so I went with the idea of Natasha kidnapping a child. Please don't read this if you are not comfortable with dark themes. Reader is kinda abused but that's because of Natasha's trauma.
Hope you enjoy, and please let me know what you think :)
(I decided to make this a series, as I have so many ideas but find them simply too long for one fic. I will probably make a separate masterlist for the series) 
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work 
 |——————————— ⴵ ———————————|
You dropped your bag on the floor, kicking your shoes off and walking through the house, allowing yourself to fall on the couch in exhaustion. You were in highschool, and no matter what teacher you'd ask, they all called you their best student.
You passed every test, got good grades for every project, but mentally you were slipping. You hated your life. You hated the stupid loop you were trapped in. Every day is the same. You were tired. 
Your foster parents were scheduled to come home after dinner, so you knew you'd be able to lie on the couch for a while without being yelled at.
So that's what you did. 
You took a nap on the couch, enjoying the quietness of the house, when a noise upstairs catches you off guard. 
You get up slowly, carefully walking up the stairs. You had seen horror movies, and you knew what a bad idea it was, yet you decided to do it anyway. You creeped up the stairs, through the hallway and made it to your bedroom. It was small and there weren't many places to hide, but you were cautious anyway. 
Your window was open. The curtain was moving slightly due to the breeze outside. A shiver ran down your back. You had that feeling again. The same feeling you've had for the past few weeks. The feeling of being watched. 
You walked to your window carefully, pushing it close and locking it. Didn't you lock it yesterday?
Before you could even turn around, an arm clasped around your waist and a hand holding a cloth covered your mouth and nose. You tried to scream and try to get out of the person's grip, but it was of little use. The person holding you was strong. Way stronger than you were. 
You flung around in their grasp, trying to hit the arms that were holding you, but it was of no use. You heard a woman's voice behind you, shushing you and telling you it's all gonna be okay. Your eyes started drooping, falling close. The last thing you heard was a simple sentence….
“Shh baby, mama's got you…” 
Natasha had been observing you for weeks. She saw you in the park one day, sitting on a bench. You appeared to be okay, but she could see the way you were holding back tears. It took everything in her not to walk up to you and comfort you. 
After that day, she decided to watch you more often. She watched you when you picked out your clothes. She watched you when you went to school. She watched you when you came home and got yelled at. She watched all of it. 
After watching you for about a week, she decided to do some more research. She had to know everything about you. You were absolutely perfect.
She found out about your parents, how they left you in front of the police station one night. They didn't want you, and Natasha's heart broke. The foster families you were placed with didn't care much for you either. You were often heavily neglected, and you never knew real love. 
From what Natasha had seen, you were barely capable of taking care of yourself. She wondered how often you showered, how often you ate and if you even brushed your teeth. 
No one seemed to have taught you how to live, and it broke Natasha's heart. She was determined to make you feel loved. She knew it was fate. She had to take care of you. It was simply meant to be. 
Natasha had been trying to have a child for so long. After her past in the Red Room, she knew she'd never be able to conceive herself, but she had tried everything there was. She had gone to adoption agencies and tried to adopt. She had applied to become a foster mom but nothing worked. She'd pass most criteria, but when the psychological tests came her test scores dropped. The authorities simply deemed her to mentally unstable to take care of a child.
Natasha was mad. Mad at the authorities and mad at herself. She just wanted a child. That's all she's ever wanted. How on earth did anyone dare deny her that.
After she was denied for foster care, she was upset, but she didn't dare give up. Natasha was determined that she would find someone for her to take care of, and she did. Anyone in their right mind could see it. You were destined to be with Natasha. 
After observing you for quite a while, Natasha decided it was time. You were crying almost every night, the stress of school and your grades were simply too much. Natasha couldn't bear to see you like this any longer, so she finally decided to make her move. She snuck in when you were at school. She didn't even have to sneak in through the window. The doors had an easy lock, and she could easily pick it open. 
When she made her way inside, she immediately went up to your room. She looked through it, smelling your clothes, touching your bed and everything you owned, which wasn't a lot. 
She clutched your only stuffed animal tightly to her chest, a tear rolling down her cheek. She was finally going to be a mom, and she couldn't wait. 
She collected some of your stuff, but only the stuff she couldn't replace, which included some notebooks, coloring books and your stuffed animal of course. She stuffed it in a bag and put all of it in her car. After she finished, she made her way back inside and waited. 
When she heard you come home, she was nearly jumping at the anticipation and excitement. 
She started making some noises, hoping you'd come upstairs soon. She had opened the window in your room, knowing you'd walk over to close it. You did that every day. If you forgot to close the window, you'd close it after coming home from school. 
Soon enough, she heard you walking upstairs, peeking through the door of the bathroom. She waited until you went into your bedroom, indeed closing the window as she expected.
The moment you weren't looking, she snuck into your room and quickly covered your face, making you inhale the Chloroform she'd put on the cloth. You were flailing around heavily, trying to get loose from her grasp, but she just held on tight. 
Natasha tried to comfort you, shushing you as you slowly lost consciousness. 
After you had passed out, she carefully lifted you up, walking down the stairs and, after grabbing your school bag, walking back to her car. She was careful as she placed you on the backseat, protecting your head as you slept peacefully. 
She placed your stuffed animal in your arms, smiling at the sight of you fast asleep. She got into the driver's seat and took off, driving you two far away from the big city.
You groaned as the light hit your eyes, covering them with your hand as you blinked a few times, trying to get used to it. You stretched your arms above your head, slowly waking up from your deep slumber. 
The bed you were laying on was soft, way softer and more comfortable than you were used to, but you didn't really notice. The drugs were still wearing off, your brain pleasantly fuzzy as you slowly regained control over all of your senses. 
When you yawned and brought your hand up to your face, you finally realized the clothes you were wearing were not yours. 
You sat up quickly, scanning the room and realizing it looked nothing like yours. It was way too big, but it did seem to be arranged to your style and interests. You took in the room, confused as to how you got there and why it seemed to be accommodated perfectly to your wants and needs. 
You slowly slid your legs off the bed, sitting on the edge and carefully standing up, afraid your weary state would make you fall over. The pajamas you were wearing were soft and seemed to be made out of an expensive silk. 
You slowly stood up, walking around the room slightly. You thought you were dreaming. When you looked out the window, there was nothing but trees. You appeared to be in some clearing in the woods. You checked out the room, noticing how the books on the shelf looked an awful lot like the books you owned, except the books in this room seemed to be new and neat. 
It confused you, and when you turned around, you noticed the bedding was the same bedding as you'd always had, just for a queen sized bed. 
There were three doors in the room, and you ran to the closest one. When you opened it you found a closet, probably as big as your room back home. When you opened the next, you found a bathroom. It looked almost impossibly clean and the shower looked like it came straight from a millionaire's home.
When you opened the third door, you finally stood in a hallway. When you looked right, you saw another door, which was probably where the hallway ended, so you decided to go left. You walked fast, wanting to get out of the house as fast as possible. 
You were very confused by the whole situation. You remembered someone kidnapping you, but these were not the circumstances you expected to wake up in.
When you stormed down the stairs, you could see a kitchen on your right. You spotted a door right in front of you. It looked like the front door, so you immediately ran towards it, trying to open it. It didn't budge. You'd need a code, a finger scan and voice recognition. You sighed as you leaned your forehead against it. 
After standing there for a solid 5 minutes, you decided to explore the rest of the house. 
You reckoned you were alone, as no one had approached you yet, even when you tried to leave the house. You slowly walked into the kitchen, from it spotting a living area with a few couches, and on top of it, you saw a redhead. 
You froze when you saw her, unable to move or talk as fear overtook your body. 
“Ah, good. I was wondering when you'd wake up. I was thinking of ordering take-out. Just come over here and we can pick something,” the woman spoke as if she'd known you for years.
You didn't move, so the woman turned around, putting her book aside and getting up. She walked towards you slowly, but she didn't seem worried she'd scare you away. “You don't want take-out?” she questioned, putting her phone on the kitchen island. You stood next to it as she now stood in front of it, crossing her arms. 
“Where am I?” you shakily asked, worried you'd upset her. You knew the woman, of course. Every person in the world knew her. She was Natasha Romanoff. The Black Widow and fearless Avengers, although she retired a few years back. 
“What do you mean, silly? You're home of course,” Natasha spoke, looking confused as to why'd you even ask such a question. 
You frowned. “This isn't my home?...” Natasha shook her head. “Of course it is.” “Why did you kidnap me?” Natasha shook her head at your question. “I just brought you home, sweetie.”
“What the fuck?! Take me home!” you yelled, and she looked a little surprised before her expression went back to normal.
“I know it's your first day here, but you do not speak to me like that. Do you understand?” she responded, but it only made you madder. “Who the fuck do you think I am? Let me go, you crazy bitch!” you yelled as you tried to push her, but Natasha easily caught your wrists. 
“Careful honey. I know you're confused but that is no way to speak to your mother.” “You're not my fucking mother-”
Natasha had slapped you across the face. Your head turned from the impact, your cheek almost immediately reddening. tears stung in your eyes as you moved your hand up to cup your cheek, a silent sob wrecking through your body.
“I am a very lenient person, but don't you ever dare speak to me in such a tone again,” she said. “Now go sit on the couch and think about what you want to order for take-out dammit.” 
You moved slowly, keeping your head down as you sat on one of the couches, silently crying over the situation. After a few minutes, Natasha returned from the kitchen, holding an ice-pack. She grabbed your chin and tilted your face up without a word, pressing the ice-pack against your red cheek. She softly smiled down at you, using her free hand to pet the hair out of your face. 
You sniffled, and she leaned down to give you a kiss on your forehead. “Mama didn't want to hurt you like that sweetheart, but you took it too far,” she said, pulling back and smiling down at you again. “Mama loves you. I promise.” She pulled the ice-pack away and softly kissed your cheek.
She put the ice-pack on the coffee table and sat on the couch to your right. She pulled out her phone from her back pocket and seemed to scroll through something.
“So what are you feeling like?” she asked, looking at you with a smile. You sniffled quietly, looking down to avoid her gaze. “We could do burgers, or maybe sushi? I know those are your favorites,” she told you, and you instantly wondered how she'd know such a thing. 
“Come on. Tell me what you want,” she urged, nodding slightly to encourage you. 
“Fries…” you said quietly, and Natasha smiled. “Exactly what I was feeling. Would you like chicken nuggets on the side?” she asked you, and you nodded. “Perfect,” she said as she typed it into her phone, paying quickly and tossing it aside.
“The food will be here soon. Would you like to watch a movie while we wait, or would you rather explore the house a bit more?” she asked, patiently waiting for your answer.
You shrugged, not wanting to pick an option that might make her mad. “We can also just sit here for a while. I know you must be confused, but I promise you everything will fall right into place.”
You were mad. Mad at how Natasha acted like everything was fine. Mad at how she acted like she had any authority over you. Mad at how she'd slapped you. Mad at how she was acting like she was your mother. Mad at how she seemed unbothered and acted like your behavior was insane. But mostly, you were mad at yourself. Mad how you looked up to her. Looked up to the amazing Black Widow. She had always been your favorite Avengers. How could she not be?
After sitting on the couch for a few minutes, you looked up slowly, seeing Natasha staring at you with a smile on her face. 
“Would you like to watch something now?” She asked, holding up the remote. When the hell did she grab that? You nodded slightly, and Natasha smiled widely at you for it. She pressed a few buttons on the remote, and soon the tv lit up with your favorite show ready to play. Natasha pressed play, and the show started exactly where you stopped last night.
You sat quietly as you watched the show, scared to make any noises. 
After about an hour, there was a knock on the door, and Natasha got up to open it. “Just wait here,” she said as she walked away. You got up from the couch and peeked around the wall, seeing the door and catching a glimpse of a blonde woman. 
She didn't look like a delivery person, and you realized Natasha must've called someone she knew to make sure no one knew the location of the house.
The woman handed Natasha the take-out bag and they spoke for a moment, before she moved to give Natasha a hug. They hugged for a second and Natasha kissed the woman's cheek. You watched as they said their goodbye's, hearing Natasha say she'll visit the blonde woman soon.��
You quickly made your way back to the couches, sitting back down and waiting for Natasha to come back.
Once she did, she set the take-out on the kitchen counter. You watched silently as she moved around the kitchen, grabbing two plates and opening the bag. “Just so you know, I see and hear everything. Don't sneak up on me again. You're old enough to ask when you want something,” Natasha spoke, not looking up from her task of plating the food.
Your breath caught in your throat. You should've known. She used to be an assassin for goodness sake. Of course she could tell if you'd watch her. 
Natasha grabbed the two plates and brought them back to the couches. She handed one to you, but when you went to grab it she didn't let it go. You looked at her, and she raised an eyebrow to you. “Thank you…” you said silently, and she smiled as she let you take the plate, moving to sit down herself. 
You ate in silence, not missing the glances Natasha shot your way. You found it creepy. You had no idea why you were here and what Natasha wanted with you. She had referred to herself as your mother a few times now, and it confused you beyond words. 
For now, you decided to let the confusion go, focusing on eating your food and surviving the night. 
Who knows what tomorrow would bring…
chapter 2
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Noirceur | JJK | Main Part
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Pairing: demon! Jungkook x fem! human! Reader
Summary: A kiss. A curse. A tangled fate. A dark soul. His love breaks your fate, your bond cures his death. And a poetic dance that he traps you in, along with your own song that only he can hear. A story told wrong or in which Jungkook finds his lover after swimming through centuries of lost time and cursed minds.
Warnings: fluff?, angst, demon! Jungkook, black swan! Jungkook because I'm obsessed, toxic love, soft yandere?, obsession, implied kidnapping, dark fantasy, magic, curses, spells, blood, minor injuries, anxiety and feelings related to it, non-con kissing, kinda creepy, mentions of death, poetic writing, (let me know if I missed anything!)
Word Count: 3.1k words
A/N: I wrote this one in one sitting O.O, let me know what you think in the comments, darlings! Also, who else is obsessed with Black Swan Jungkook? Because I certainly am and this fic was inspired by the music video and my own ideas :D.
ALSO, this au is open for further parts if you request anything, darling! My inbox is open, lovelies xxx. This story will go how you like and I'll link all the parts into a Main Masterlist when something is requested for this story.
☕Caffeinate me so I can keep on writing! ☕
Noirceur: (noun). The state of being pitch black in colour; a state of lacking illumination.
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The stories you have heard all your life were true. You didn't doubt it anymore.
From purity to evil. From light to the darkest night. A loneliness that turned into love, it morphed into an obsession. A claymation of a life, a soul. A being. A heart.
In the depths of hell where shadows writhe,
A demon walks, his heart alive.
His eyes, twin flames, burn with desire,
To find a soul, his dark empire.
The legend had changed, because Jungkook did not live in hell. His empire was situated over this very Earth. He had searched for centuries for that part of him, that part of him that was still alive. That part of his heart that was still beating and that should not fear him. That soulmate that was given to him by fate itself. That soulmate he wanted to claim. That lover he needed to possess.
He felt it when you entered the abandoned castle of arts, the large opera house where he had died many moons ago. He could no longer remember how he stopped being in the land of the living but he had never come across another one of his kind.
He was cursed. To live forever and torment the unfortunate souls of this world. He was cursed. To be alone in his long time punishment. He was cursed, his heart burned to ashes and his power rose from the depths of the earth.
But since you came across his path, Jungkook's punishment became a game for him to play. A game for you to endure.
You had been running endlessly through the infinite halls of the large opera house. Your naked feet were painted in crimson red as they bled with every step you took. You ran, passing through many hallways with many paintings hanging on the walls. You ran and ran, a soft music in the background made the hairs at the back of your neck stand up with nerves, with fear.
Footsteps were heard behind you. Those footsteps that had been chasing you for so long you could no longer remember when was the last time you had actually been outside of this abandoned castle of arts that was now your prison in hell.
"Come out, little dove. I only want to play."
You bit your lip as the words reached your ears. Those words that dripped from the mouth of your captor. The man who chased you to the end of the world, however you doubted he was actually a man.
You hid behind some curtains worn out by time itself. Your hands clenched the fabric of the dirty dress that was only enough to cover your dignity. It made you shiver. From the cold, from the fear. Maybe both, maybe neither.
"(y/n), (y/n). Dearest, (y/n)...STOP HIDING!"
You flinched when his voice boomed around the place you didn't doubt had once been beautiful. Blood oozed from the bite your teeth inflicted over your tender lip and you sniffled, hearing the footstep halt before they began echoing around once more, this time coming closer to you.
Through realms of terror, he roams the night,
Seeking a heart to claim as his right.
A soulmate bound by fate's cruel hand,
To join him in the demon's land.
In fear, you ran once more. As if you could ever leave his poisonous claws. As if you were able to leave that hideous place that played with your mind, with your soul, with your heart and memories as if they were toys at his reach. For him to use as he pleased. 
Curtains hung from the tall ceiling that once had a beautiful pattern painted on it. It made you feel lost. As if you were running in circles. Always lost. With nowhere to go. As if you had ever had a choice. Or better said, as if your choice had been willingly taken by you. 
Because there had once been a choice. A choice you made. A decision you chose. You entered that place by your own will yet your freedom in leaving was never yours to be held in the first place. It made you sick to the stomach, as if a storm was closing in on you and there was no way out of it. No sun ripping through the curtains, no wind blowing the clouds away. 
Jungkook could hear your frantic breathing, your hurried footsteps and suppressed sobs. He could hear your beating heart resonating so strongly in his ears it only sent a chill down his spine at the chase.
He remembered the sweet scent that suddenly invaded his own prison the moment you entered the large opera house. For only the kiss of his soulmate would free him from the shackles of fate, only the purity of the heart would be able to set him free and roam the world as he pleased.
In whispers cold, his voice does call,
A siren's song, a chilling thrall.
He seeks a soul as dark as he,
To walk with him, for eternity.
"Don't you know that I love you, sweet (y/n)? Why do you run from your lover, hmm? If you come to me willingly, it will hurt way less, love."
You ran and ran, ignoring the pain in your feet, the pressure in your chest, the harsh beating of your heart. You weren't going to give up that easily. You weren't going to surrender without fighting back.
The hallways carried so many paintings on the walls. So many paintings of beautiful women. Pictures that you couldn't pay enough attention to. Paintings that resembled absolute fear and sorrow, something you didn't know but felt utterly familiar.
You stopped running when you made it to the main theatre as you stood on the old stage. The wooden beneath your feet was dusted with the remnants of time, broken glass was scattered along the dark wood from the frail chandelier that hung from the ceiling with its crystals tainted in greying dust.
The pain in your feet was ignored as you walked across the stage. You didn't hear Jungkook's maniac laugh, you didn't hear his approaching footsteps or his sick declarations of love. Of obsession. Yet the silence made you even more nervous. You didn't know where you were, you didn't know what day it was. Time had become a foreign concept for you, a thing your mind could no longer grasp.
How long had you been trapped in that hauntingly beautiful place? Has it been hours, days... months? Did people search for you? How about Taehyung, the man who sent you to that place to begin with? Was he wondering why you never came back to work? Was he wondering if you were still working on the story of the broken opera house to publish in his extravagant magazine? Did he even remember your presence or did he keep you around because you never questioned his orders and demands?
But there was no use in blaming others for your current situation because there was nothing to be done. You walked in an almost monotonous way to the centre of the stage, blood staining the ground below your feet as more and more cuts opened your precious skin.
Jungkook watched you from behind the curtains, he watched you wander around the open space. He watched you with haunted eyes glimmering in golden magic that cursed through his veins. He watched you with desire and delicacy. As if you had been crafted into a perfect doll for him to care when all his hands had ever done was to destroy and taint.
Your tears adorned your face like small diamonds over your soft looking skin. He wanted to wipe them and treasure such pearls of pain and fear within him. Your hands trembled as you gazed around you, eyes fixing on the fallen glass on the ground, the broken chandelier that hung from the ceiling and that seemed to snap at any moment, the crusty wood beneath your feet and the old paintings of women around the grand place.
"You don't have to run anymore, little dove."
Beneath the moon's unholy light,
He searches for his love in fright.
Through haunted woods and cursed moors,
His longing heart forever lures.
With a choke gasp you turned around, watching as Jungkook emerged from the back of the stage, the curtains giving him an aura that made you shiver. He took a step forward and you took a step backward. The need to keep as much distance between the being that kept you in his grasp and your own sanity was stronger than your actual fear of him.
"I have waited centuries to finally meet you."
His words only made more tears roll down your cheeks, eyes red and puffy as you glared at him in fear. You took a step as he approached you once more.
Your sweet voice enchanted him like a curse. Desiring to hear you speak once more, he remained silent and listened, taking another step towards you and instinctively you took once back.
"...please, let me go. I p-promise I won't tell anyone about what happened h-here today. I'll never come back and disturb you but, please-"
He laughed, a sound so harmonious it echoes around the empty opera house. You found it alluring, like a siren's song but you had to physically refrain yourself from falling into his arms.
"Do you really think I'll let you go after searching for you through so many lifetimes? You are mine, little dove. Forever mine."
Jungkook smiled, ever so sweetly you felt sick. A smile that got engraved in your memories forever. You shook your head but couldn't look away, taking another step back as he insisted on getting close to you.
"Look around you, love! Look around you and deny me that we aren't meant to be! We are destined, little dove. Tangled by fate. Look! Look around, (y/n)!"
And you did, not hesitating to follow his command with the force in his voice that made you suppress a sob. You looked around, eyes landing on one of the many paintings of the large room. One of the paintings that decorated the dull walls. The paintings that were old and worn out by time. Your eyes widened when you saw it. When you witnessed that the demon in front of you spoke nothing but fact. A sudden realisation dawned upon you and you felt as if you were drowning in a well with nothing to hold on to and nothing to hope for.
Because the lady on the painting cried tears of blood, the lady on the painting resembles your soul. Those were your hands, fisting the fabric of your dress in a deathly grip. Those were your tears rolling down your cheeks. The woman in the picture was the reflection of your soul trapped in a timeless mirror of blood.
"You see now? This whole castle of arts is our sanctuary. Our palace, Queen of mine."
You shook your head, in shock, in rejection. In fear. In anguish. You shook your head as you took step after step backwards even when he wasn't doing anything to get close to you.
Was your fate really next to him? Were you really tangled in such a web of lies you weren't able to escape? Or was he just playing with your mind?
"Stop it, (y/n)."
Jungkook spoke in alarm as he saw you getting closer and closer to the edge of the stage. But you didn't listen, your mind acted on its own in a fragile attempt at getting you away from this nightmare you had fallen into.
"Stop it!"
"Get away from me!"
Your scream resonated all over the place, your feet didn't stop moving until you stood at the edge. The height was enough to hurt you and the sole idea of it made him feel his heart beating, at least for a second or two as you stood on the edge while you faced him with shock written all over your beautiful features.
You took another step and a gasp escaped your lips as the floor disappeared from beneath you. Your eyes closed in instinct and your arms flailed as gravity pulled you down towards the hard ground covered in broken glass that was surely going to break you.
Jungkook acted in an instance, his eyes glowed in golden yellow as his large and black wings spread behind his back and he moved across the stage in less than a second, a path of ice was left behind him, freezing the ground below him, the curtains around the stage and his heart as well as he caught you in his arms before you were to succumb to nature's own force.
But in his quest, he leaves a trail,
Of fear and anguish, deathly pale.
For those who cross his path beware,
The demon's love is naught but despair.
Your eyes met his in a dance of emotions that made you dizzy in its nature. His hands found home on your waist just as your own rested on his forearms. His eyes, ever so beautiful, hid so many secrets you felt curious about yet you wished to remain in the darkness as well.
"I won't leave you. Not after burning in my own grief with your absence. You are the key to my existence, love"
His words pierced your soul like a sharp dagger. You sniffled, breathing in deeply as you found yourself gazing into his golden irises.
"You'll never leave my side."
One of his hands left your waist as it cradled your cheek softly. His touch burned you with an ice cold feeling it made you shiver in his arms whether from the coldness itself or fear of your current position, you really couldn't tell.
"You will learn to love me, (y/n). Just like I have loved you all this time. You'll learn."
Jungkook never broke eye contact with you as he allowed himself to swim in your (e/c) gaze. Your skin under his palm felt soft, the softest he has ever touched in both his lives as a mortal and as a demon of death.
You gulped, wanting to run away from him. Disgusted at his unwanted touch but strangely craving it more. As if you had been deprived of it for so long. Maybe your soul has. Maybe it was your soul that missed him, that missed that other part that was to complete your existence yet your heart and mind rejected that very own idea.
His eyes glowed once more, his wings extending behind him as he looked down at you with his golden eyes that prevented you from looking away. You found yourself enthralled by his magic, his powers and strength.
Your rigid body relaxed in his arms and he suppressed the growing smirk that threatened to appear over his lips. For he had captivated your mind in a glowy golden trance that would allow his freedom.
Jungkook leaned forward and he found no resistance from you so he continued until his lips met yours. His spell had worked over your mind even when your heart was beating wildly against your chest.
He kissed you and golden magic radiated from him. He kissed you and the chains of fate released him. He kissed you and was now a free demon, free to roam the Earth as he pleased. Free to do whatever his heart wanted for as long as you stayed next to him.
He escaped his own jail, that castle of arts was no longer his prison but was now his palace with you as his Queen of darkness.
He kissed you and he tainted you. His golden magic erupted from the very depths of his soul and enveloped you both as he was crowned as the king of darkness, with you as his precious queen.
Forever and always.
For all times to come.
For all lifetimes to last.
And you'll learn to love him, maybe not as much as he loved you. But you'll learn. Eventually. Why shouldn't a Queen love her King? Why wouldn't you love him when he gave you the world to your feet? Why wouldn't you love him when your souls were tangled?
Jungkook would wait. Wait until you'd love him completely, wholeheartedly. Absolutely and undoubtedly. For you were the reason for his black soul and now beating heart. A heart that only beats for you and you alone. His Queen of Darkness.
And when he broke the kiss and your body grew limp in his hold, he carried you in his arms, his wings extended and he flew. He flew to the skies with your body in his hold. He flew away to a place no other mortal knew about. His own palace. His own hell. His kingdom. That place where his home was, that place he’ll share with you. 
Because Jungkook had waited centuries for you to finally find your way to him. He’d wait more if it meant you’ll love him in the end. Another lifetime felt like nothing if he knew you would give him your heart with your very own hands as you wore your crown of darkness, matching with his and ruling his kingdom of evil. 
What was heaven compared to your love? What was light compared to your heart in the night? What was obedience compared to the sins of his own mind? Did it matter? No. It never did. And now that you were finally his to love and cherish for eternity, he could burn the world down for you to smile at him ever so softly and delicately, like an elegant rose with deathly thorns. Like a true queen of his domain. 
His Queen. 
So if you hear his haunting cry,
Beneath the starless, moonless sky,
Beware his love, a twisted fate,
For in his arms, darkness awaits.
☕Caffeinate me so I can keep on writing! ☕
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nunalastor · 14 days
Resident Evil 7 AU
In mini-fic response to anon's post about a certain someone arriving at the Hotel:
* Takes place after “Radio Killed The Video Star”*
*knock knock knock*
Charlie: *gasps, eyes sparkling* Oh, a new guest? And so soon after Sir Pentious!
Charlie: C o m i n g ~ *pulls the front door open* Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel… nobody?
Charlie: *looks left and right in confusion* Is this one of Angel’s pranks?
????: *small voice from below* Excuse me.
Charlie: *startles and looks down, eyes widening in shock* Oh!
Vaggie: *walking up behind her* Charlie, who’s at the door- *blinks in shock* Is- Is that a child?!
????: *a young girl stares up at them with large eyes (grey with black sclera) from behind a curtain of inky hair that hides half her face*
*Husk, Angel and Sir Pentious, gathered at the bar, all crane their necks to see past Vaggie at the source of the commotion*
Angel: Holy crap! That really is a kid!
Husk: *remembering his own family from back on earth* She can’t be any older than three… how on earth…?
Sir Pentious: *eyes welling up* I-Is she really a sinner? Poor thing…
Charlie: *recomposes herself, kneeling to look the young girl in the properly in the eyes* Sorry about that! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! How can we help you today? Are you looking for redemption?
????: I’m looking for my mommy.
Charlie: *heart overflowing in sympathy* Oh no…
Vaggie: You’ve gotten separated from your mother? How long have you been separated?
????: A very, very long time.
Vaggie: *to herself* She’s just a little kid… So that could mean anything from five minutes ago to five years ago… Oh God, what if her mother was lost during the last extermination?!
Charlie: *stands and offers a hand* Well, don’t you worry! We’ll help you find her!
????: *frowns at her hand, before taking it and following her inside*
Charlie: Do you like apple juice? Husk, do you have any juice behind the counter?
????: *shrugs indifferently, looking around the lobby, eyeing each person with a critical eye*
Charlie: *nods patiently, thanks Husk, and leads the girl to the lobby’s couch, pouring out glass*
Charlie: So, where did you did you last see your mommy?
????: I saw Mommy on the TV. The TV said he is here!
Charlie: The… TV said that… your mommy was here? Are you sure?
????: *nods firmly*
Charlie: *turns to her partner* Vaggie… do you…?
Vaggie: *rubs her forehead* Sorry, I don’t either. You don’t think Niffty-
Husk: *flatly* Absolutely not.
Charlie: *takes a deep breath* Okay, well, maybe Al will know-
Alastor: *calling from upstairs* What’s all this? Do we have a new guest?
????: *the moment that voice spoke, the ears that that had laid flat and unnoticed until now suddenly flick up, twitching restlessly*
Charlie: *flagging him down* Al, good timing, do you know- ah!
????: *jumps up from the couch, shaking and breathing heavily*
Charlie: *holding her hands up* Don’t be scared! Alastor works here! He won’t hurt you!
????: *doesn’t seem to hear her, stumbling slowly around the couch to where the Radio Demon is making his way down*
Alastor: *stops at the foot of the stairs, and tilts his head slightly, narrowing his eyes* You’re…
????: *stares at him for a long moment… before giggling*
Alastor: *his eyes widen in recognition, shoulders subtly tensing* Eveline.
Eveline: *gleefully* I finally found you, Mommy!
To be continued… maybe…
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jestercake · 7 months
Finished some writing for you lovelies! Sorry for the delay but the concept piece to go with it took more time than I expected it to.
Preliminary Before Reading:
This short story is based almost entirely off of Disney’s Haunted Mansion 2023 film, with some allusion to the 2003 film adaptation. All of the characters within this story belong to Disney and I have adapted many of them to my own personal interpretation. This storyline takes place the night before Ben Matthias enters the mansion and Kent has gone back to New Orleans in order to seek him out. This story is a tragedy! (NOTE: I often capitalize the pronoun “He/Him” in most sentences in order to identify the Hatbox Ghost.)
Word Count: 10,414
Before reading, this story has specific and mature content listed: Necrophagia, Suicide by manipulation, poisoning, implied assult, explicit violence to ghosts, and implied enslavement.
The Dining Room
Almost every night at midnight, many ghosts were forced to set the elongated dining table for dinner. Some servant spirits had no trouble setting the table for their previous masters of the house, William Gracey amongst them. However, those times were far behind them. Now that Gracey had fallen victim to what others called, “the Hatbox Ghost,” dinner was a time of misery and melancholia.
William Gracey watched the upper levels of the grand dining room with a sunken heart and a sunken soul. How, in retrospect, it used to glow with warm orange candlelight, full of life and merriment, especially when guests used to come round. Now, the only light was an ominous, cold purple, gloomy and wrong.
William decided to ignore the subtle beat of the grandfather clock, thumping akin to a metallic heart. It would soon strike the thirtieth hour, signifying evil was on its way. He dematerialized down to the grand hall with a fair swoop of blue light as he grappled his yellow lantern. He was fond of it, for it was reminiscent of Elanore’s warmth.
“Quiet night tonight, isn’t it?” The ghost of a footman seemed to exclaim with a mellow tone to Gracey.
They patted the obvious pillows upon the largest dining armchair. Gracey exhaled as if he still had life within his lungs, folding the napkins as if to make himself useful.
“Yes...it always seems so.”
“It’ll get lighter!” Another spirit had said rather optimistically.
“It was lighter then…” Gracey finished the rest of the napkins off as if he were a footman himself, contemplating how many would be eating here tonight.
Every night was different now that the new master of the house had taken authority. The unfortunate souls that had seemed to disturb His presence spent the rest of the night locked away in objects of his choice, or worse. Sometimes, it was any object He’d set eyes upon— such as a lamp or a curtain hanger. William particularly remembered a time where He trapped a soul inside a chaliace and started to drink from it. Really, it was all who enviced such cowardice that were selected, brought forth to their ferocious master, and were led off immediately to be punished as an atonement for their offense. It was quite tortuous actually, being trapped inside something inanimate just to further the idea of enslavement. Being used was another abuse.
“Oh don’t let Him get to you now, Master Gracey. Grief wants something in all of us, y’know.” A parlor-maid spoke after she had set the chairs in their places.
William Gracey looked around in anxiousness after the maid had called him ‘Master Gracey.’
“Don’t say that dear, not at this time. He could be listening.” Another parlor-maid had said in a sudden response.
William then noticed a much wilder, tall-stature spirit materialize across the room, but it was not black like a shadow. It was the Hatchet Ghost, titled that way by the Hatbox Ghost, where his mortal name was once Vincent Gracey. William’s shoulders ran tight when he spawned near the rest of the maid-servants and footmen.
Vincent wore the same tattered dark suit and tailcoat, accompanied by a straight Victorian bow tie. More noticeably, there lay a prominent and raw wound across his neck. He grimaced, side-glancing at one of the maids who addressed William as ‘Master.’
“Ah…I thought I’d heard something out of you few. Still resisting, are we?” Vincent sneered with his strange, grotesque smile and sickly bulged eyes.
His skin remained a ghastly color with somewhat sunken features. William Gracey watched the Hatchet Ghost paced past the two maidservants, skimming the decorative table once or twice. Then, he stopped at the dining armchair, scoffing.
“Who patted the pillows!? Our master likes them rather billowy! Was it you?” Vincent suddenly pointed at a servant who’s back had faced the scene.
Suddenly, the soul turned with a terrible expression while the Hatchet Ghost forced them to the floor with a strange unseen power. The ghosts screamed and were blasted out of the dining hall in a matter of seconds. The other servants cowered after the event, looking toward the floor with dreadful expressions, while others retreated themselves.
“That’s better...” Vincent grumbled as he turned his head back to the chair.
He took the time to readjust the pillows so that they were perfect. After he did so, his eyes met with William Gracey. Although William wanted to react, use what little power he could to resist, he had no control over the situation. Any situation, in that fact.
“Oh, William. Why the long face? You of all… specters should know these rules…” Vincent made his way over to his nephew.
There was a small moment of silence between the two until William decided to speak.
“I don’t care, Vincent. I don’t serve devils like you do.”
With subtle fury upon his face, Vincent closed his fists tightly in response. However, he was cunning enough to know William’s mannerisms would be dealt with rather soon.
“…I’m..sorry to hear that, William. I expected more from you. But…” Vincent paused for a moment as he neared his distant relative with an unforgivable face.
“I remember you’re just a coward who lives in the past.”
William Gracey stood his ground, but in response, the slight flame within him was snuffed out in a matter of seconds.
“…You’re stuck, Gracey, just like the rest of them. Stuck mourning over some dead drab that wouldn’t even remember you.” Vincent spoke with such poison.
William brought his head down to where it was less painful, contemplating those words that were sharp as spears. He knew his uncle was right and it sickened him. It almost made his bones twist deep within the Earth, as he knew the truth. No matter how much he tried to resist, how much he’d tried to better himself, nothing would change the fact that this was all his fault. All his damn fault.
“…Perhaps if you did your job you wouldn't be so…useless. Besides, I won’t be the one to help you when you’ll inevitably pay Him for your actions.” Vincent continued to speak.
“And I’m sure you know His punishments quite well…don’t you…William?”
The Hatchet Ghost smiled unpleasantly at William and watched him return to a submissive state of sorrow and regret. It wasn’t hard to degrade him, and he knew that all too well.
“Now then…How about you go and pour our Master His glass before he arrives. Make yourself useful for once…”
William kept his eyes off of Vincent as he passed him. However, it was obvious to him how the other spirits watched as he carried himself in misery towards the end of the table. As he passed the maidservant, she returned glances with him, truly sorry that he’d fallen victim to this darkness.
He poured a large chalice full of arsenic for the Master of the house. Arsenic was His favorite and quite a strong delicacy for dark spirits to consume. It was like any other form of alcohol in the mortal realm, though much more potent. Devil’s whiskey, he thought.
William set the glass back down as more spirits were forced into the grand hall without liberty. He could recognize a few of them in the large crowd, some of them distant friends he’d once known in his past life. However, many of them were new acquaintances that he’d met during his purgatory. He made his way to Victor, a pipe organist, and Dorian Gracey, a distant relative to himself. He was also good friends with a harpist who had no name, for she couldn’t remember what it was, but she was a kind spirit. Dorian was the first to speak.
“William, I wish I could say good afternoon to you, but…” Dorian’s voice faded slightly.
William Gracey only smiled with his lips in response, but his expression hadn’t changed.
“It’s good to see you intact, Dorian.” William said half-heartedly.
He knew Dorian was cursed and would soon start to deteriorate, but it was always good to remind him of his obvious beauty.
“I didn’t know you were helping tonight, Gracey. And if I’m being quite frank I’m not even hungry.” Victor had said afterwards as he met up with the small group of spirits.
“One is always…particularly hungry. We don’t even need to be here.” The flutist caught up with Victor, adding into the conversation.
“It’s good to see you both. The realms haven’t been so kind to me.” William spoke with a dreadful undertone, knowing the reasons why.
“Don’t dwell on the past, William. At least we can see each other now.” Dorian patted William’s shoulder in an attempt to lighten the mood.
“Yes, In the grand hall….Which I can never seem to escape…” Victor Giest scoffed in slight annoyance, though he was glad to be with his fellow spirits.
William exhaled a small laugh as the four of them continued to converse with each other. However, he couldn’t help but notice the darker spirits around them, maintaining the proper order of their master. Constance was one of them, corrupted by the Hatbox Ghost and forced to do his bidding unwillingly, despite her general liking to frightening mortals.
“You know, I sometimes wonder why He invites so many of us. One should not invite fewer than the Graces nor more than the Muses.” The flutist had commented upon the obvious, uneven amount of spirits present.
Constance met eyes with William suddenly, her eyes blinded with a strange blue light. Even for a ghostly entity, she was quite awful to look at. He inhaled suddenly, turning his head towards the upper levels of the house in a moment.
Suddenly, the grandfather clock echoed throughout the entire realm of the mansion, refracting perfectly as if to evoke fear upon every sorrowful soul. The painful ticking heartbeat seemed to cease after the twelfth stroke, as every spirit turned heads without content. William inhaled and watched as every exit seemingly faded away within the walls of the grand hall, which had stretched effortlessly in every direction. All spirits were lively, some even attempted to flee. However, an unknown presence forced their standing as if the floor became an ethereal cement. Even William had come to find himself stationary, which made every particle of his plasmic form circulate with worry and anticipation of what events would unfold.
Soon, the last chime of the clock echoed through the atmosphere and the repeated loud tapping of a cane’s ferrule could be heard everywhere, as if to snare the helpless souls once and for all. Every loud clap was a disturbing reminder of agonizing pain, akin to the sound of a whip to the abused. Each stab noisier than the last until the final blow came to a halt almost suddenly.
William Gracey looked around for the rest of his small group, no sign of the Hatbox Ghost anywhere. His eyes found movement when Vincent walked from the table effortlessly in silence. As he watched the spirit near one of the walls that had recently closed off, everything ran cold and still. Not a single Spector made a sound once the world around them grew dark with a black smog. He was near.
Trapped in thought, Gracey gripped onto his lantern in means of comfort, hardly able to make out his friends beside him in the thick fog. The feeling of grief began to overwhelm him without control, as he began to recall his beloved Elanore’s passing. Frightened souls wailed in the darkness as they heard the Hatchet Ghost’s calling.
“Everyone in their places…”
William shut his eyes as he was engulfed in terror, unable to escape. Every move seemed torturous as a now present sinfulness resonated throughout the endless realm, pure and maddening. The void of the fog started to reabsorb itself into one large, singular entity. An evil spirit of tyrannical might and manipulation. An infamous, malevolent entity.
“…Sir Hatbox Ghost…” Vincent exclaimed softly as he stood behind a nearby dining chair, arms folded.
The remaining section of a wall was ripped open as the dark spirit entered the room, only to have it close quickly after he’d entered. The air was deathly still as his cane tapped mockingly against the cold tiles. An animalistic growl escaped the entity as His great dark, ghostly cape dragged shortly after His grotesquely discomforting limp, a hatbox held in His left claw. The dark spirit had about him a spectral aura of blackness, something unnatural for even the ghost realm, where a strange bright orange light illuminated within the hatbox.
“…No reason to be…afraid…” came an omniscient, dark echo.
William Gracey attempted to move his feet, but to no avail. It was unwise that he had to stand so near the end of the table, for that was where the Hatbox Ghost approached. The Hatchet Ghost followed his master shortly after, making sure he drew the seat from the table.
However, before Hatbox Ghost took a seat, he stopped. Suddenly, the light within his hatbox faded to reveal a dark and desolate face of demoniacal features upon his hunched shoulders. He stared across the lengthened grand dining hall without a single sound, looming above them all. Only His great yellow eyes sifted every soul within His vicinity, followed by a deep, breathless inhale and a low snarl with bared teeth.
Many ghosts never saw his true face upon his shoulders, for he was a cursed entity, head bound to his hat box. Only during midnight was he able to soothe his own pain, once his head rested upon his shoulders.
The darkness within the dining hall never ceased as long as the Hatbox Ghost was present. No one held a voice, for he was too powerful to be spoken with. The only way one could stay below the radar was to disengage Him. But that was inevitable.
“Ah, what a…delightful bunch I have here tonight. I’m sure you are all…ecstatic upon my arrival.” He spoke through his booming, guttural, accented voice.
“Yes, Sir—Marvelous indeed!” One of his goons had said suddenly without context.
The Hatbox Ghost turned to face the outspoken spector, only to have them fall to silence instantly. Then he exhaled, finishing off his strained cycle towards his enlarged dining armchair.
Every eye watched with underlying dread as the Hatbox Ghost first analyzed the pillows. He glared with some content upon the work, akin to a critic, then held out his cane for a footman to take. Then he set his hat box beside him, still standing. Quickly, the footman took the large object in complete, almost robotic sync against his very will.
Something upon the entity’s face painted an impatient and ferocious expression in such a gradual manner as He stalked the still atmosphere. Then, He grimaced with sharpened, decayed teeth whilst he set himself down with a bit of strain. Within an instant, every spirit had made their way to the table without their will present. They all waited for Hatbox Ghost to sit before anyone could. Only after, did everyone take their seat in a repetitive manner.
William Gracey had found himself bending down until he and the rest of his friends were glued to their seats, unable to get up. It was an engaging, yet terrible entrapment caused by the evil spector’s supernatural abilities. Only He was in control.
After a moment of long silence, The massive ghost lifted His dark spell upon the spirits so that they could move freely. However, no one could leave their seat after He turned his clawed hand in a strange manner. Some whispering and vickering came shortly after the Hatbox Ghost had done so.
“Ah, yes. There’s no need to thank me, for I am rather…generous tonight.” A deep bellowing growl escaped His thin lips.
Then, He set his folded claws upon the edge of the table. It was in such terrible grace it made William Gracey feel quite weary. No one responded, in fear of what Hatbox Ghost might say or do to them. It was something every old spirit had painfully adapted to. However, some still spoke, for they were rather young and oblivious.
“Generous you are, Sir Hatbox Ghost! But, I was wondering something myself of late...” A rather plump spirit had responded, for it was Phineas, as most ghosts went by.
The Hatbox Ghost lifted his chin a bit, eyes now gazed upon the ghost irritatingly. His chest rose and one could notice the sheer width of his ribcage through his eccentric clothing.
“What do you…want, Phineas? Or should I say…you three.” Hatbox ghost snarled, for this has happened almost every evening occasion.
“Well, Phineas is just being quite chaste! If you—your uh—excellency…can lend us a car—” Another ghost beside him, Ezra, was brought into the conversation rather swiftly.
William Gracey, as for many of the other spirits at the table, observed the Hatbox Ghost as He pressed two of His long fingers against the sharp bridge of his sunken nose, closing His eyes in annoyance. This was the usual, everyone presumed.
“Yes Sir! I think we could be a great help if we weren’t—well, y’know—all cooped up in this house. Of course we all know you can't even leave the grounds yourself!” Another spirit, Gus, added his voice as well.
After a short bit of laughter, the trio changed expressions upon a quick thought. They noticed the Master’s widened, yellow eyes, beaming back at them unpleasantly. It was enough to even frighten the Hatchet Ghost, who sat closest to Him. It was rather animalistic and unnatural how small His pupils were slit.
Ezra looked away quickly, nudging the two others to quit their useless bickering. Then, he grinned back as if to relieve the thick atmosphere.
“We’re sorry, Master. Please…Do carry on in ignoring our requests. They are stupid requests…”
“Oh yes, childish!” Gus added.
The Hatbox Ghost exhaled with bared, slimy teeth. However, His terrible look was drowned out with a sudden, strange and false smile. Then, He spoke with sound gravel.
“The…only reason why I seem to be..stuck here…”
Suddenly, Hatbox Ghost clenched his fists and the three spirits were lifted slightly from their seats, which encouraged distressed cries. Then, they were all forced to face the evil Spector.
“Is due to the pitiful failures of little souls such as YOU THREE!” He bellowed.
Suddenly and by force, the Hatbox Ghost made the three of them strain painfully midair as if they were foolish puppets. Then, after enough torment, he brought them back down as they scrambled to their seats in a panicked frenzy. It was quite a terrible spectacle.
“Tedious old fools…” The Hatbox Ghost muttered.
William Gracey exchanged looks with Dorian, who now looked deathly sick as he reached the decomposition process of his curse. William turned his head in an instant, too overwhelmed to deal with Dorian’s malformations. Instead, he’d begun to fidget with his translucent, skeletal fingers underneath the table with his eyes shadowed.
“Now, where were we…” The Hatbox Ghost spoke with undertones of latent ravening. He was, however, quite capable of hiding such fury.
“The...mortals, Sir.” Vincent had imposed as he subtly whispered beside Him.
Slowly, the evil Spector wore a strange, deathly grin in light of the news, as He glided His vision across the table.
“Ah…yes. As many of you know, we have some new…guests with us of late.” He sneered.
The Hatbox Ghost grappled his chalice as he brought it to his gaunt lips with great emphasis. He took a rather considerable gulp, as he knew that all eyes were upon him.
It was strange to see the dark fluid melt into His ghostly form. William could see how it passed down His body, through His ribcage, every time lightning flashed into the room. It made him shudder. It was unnatural.
It brought Him much pleasure to be surrounded by the horror of others. Many souls knew He was not one of them, a cursed demon of sinfulness and lingering desires. Upon setting His toxic refreshment down, the Hatbox Ghost dragged his lengthy tongue across the surface of his teeth with such unpleasantness. His stare soon caught up to Victor, then to William Gracey, which made both of them presently unsettled.
“A priest, a mother and her…boy. What a bright little bunch if I do say so myself.” He spoke.
There was some short murmuring from the souls after the Hatbox Ghost addressed the news, most of them up to date. However, it was more due to their anticipation of the mortal guests that made them apprehensive.
“Oh…what will become of these most sorrowful souls?…” He spoke almost rhetorically, masking a wicked chuckle.
A grumble escaped the Hatbox Ghost as he failed to hide his content. It wasn’t unclear what the dark spirit would inevitably do to the mortals. For the entrapped souls, such as William Gracey, it was enslavement.
“Well, never mind that…for now. Let us dine together as acquaintances…”
After a moment of silence, the Hatbox Ghost raised his right claw and administered the footmen to leave the dining hall at once. As if it were almost routine, the ghouls headed towards the kitchen for the first course. That’s when the murmuring started up again.
“I heard the mother’s name was Gemma, or Gabbie, or something of that sort. Wonder where they’re from.” Victor spoke quietly from across the table to William Gracey and the Flutist.
“I do wish them well—That poor kid. He must be a bright young lad.” The Flutist had said to Gracey, who glanced back at her.
William attempted to disregard the obvious gaze from the Hatbox Ghost as he spoke to the spirits beside him.
“Uh—yes. Poor kid…” he muttered.
William Gracey now sifted his view upon Dorian, who’s skin had completely fallen apart from putrefaction. He was now an acrid skeleton, left in humiliation beside his friends. From the gratified look of Vincent, he enjoyed this quite awfully.
Dorian lifted the bare bones that were his hands, in an attempt to shield his brother’s gaze. However, William Gracey had stopped his relative before he could take any action, staring at him. Dorian looked back in slight bafflement.
“Don’t let them get to you..” William managed to say as he shook his head.
Vincent, among other goons, watched in subtle fury as the other spirits conversed, and perhaps even schemed, against the superintendency of the Hatbox Ghost. What dishonor they had for their glorious overlord, sitting in the very company of Him as if it meant nothing.
Willam Gracey set his eyes upon Vincent, and gave him a stern look. However, that soon vanished as the Hatbox Ghost suddenly gave him a look of absolute intent. It sent an unanticipated shiver down his entire form, filling him with despair, as he found himself frozen upon the deathly eyes. He couldn't help but relive those memories so long ago.
A pen had taken itself to parchment, he remembered. It was filled with words written in her handwriting. Every curve, every dot was hers. Instinctively, he wrote back to Eleanor, longing to see her again.
“I miss you as I loved you so. Why must death do us part?” He wrote in an expression that reflected his soul.
Madame Leota had warned him about this entity weeks on end, but he was blinded by grief and sorrow. He had seen Eleanor at times- as pretty as a picture and all the more. Sometimes she’d appear in a mirror or glass, refracting in a similar nature to water or dew. And sometimes, he heard her whisper things in his sleep. But mostly, she appeared in his dreams, and it was a presence that had wrapped him tight. A presence he couldn not escape.
“Gracey, my dearest love…” Eleanor had said within Gracey’s dream one night.
She caressed his false body, moving up his back and shoulders from behind. When William attempted to look at her, she set a hand upon his eyes and said,
“Mortal eyes cannot look directly upon the deceased…”
Gracey inhaled, soothed by her soft hand almost instantly. He moved his fingers across hers as he felt into complete darkness.
“…But why? Why can’t I look upon you, my love?” William remembered saying.
“…No man can gaze at My face and live. look at Me and you shall be lost for all eternity…”
“Then I beg of you to let me indulge in other senses! I want to picture you—remember you so that I don’t forget!”
After a subtle silence, Eleanor responded.
“…I will give you something…you will never forget.”
Her voice echoed within the darkness, giving off a shallow, uncanny feeling. It was as if it were doubled and strangled out in some strange way. But nonetheless, Gracey disregarded it.
With great dread and longing, he attempted to get the most out of his once lost love. He could remember her breath—absent of warmth—as she set her lips upon his. Together, they were in complete, desolate harmony as Gracey felt overcome with this lustful addiction. He continued to kiss her and so did she, arms intertwined as he felt her body like a blind man would with the world around him. He could almost picture her face clear in this dream until he felt hers draw away from his.
“…Eleanor…” Gracey exhaled, eyes locked away from sight as he shivered from the cold.
He gripped at her clothes, begging for more. However, slowly Eleanor had pulled away from him.
“—please—don’t leave me…” He uttered mournfully.
Gracey’s hands shook desperately as he held onto her.
“My time with you grows shorter. Listen to me, my love…”
“…Only the force of life has parted us from one another. You must give the life you have to Me. Only then will we reunite on the other side.”
Gracey reached out at nothing but ice-cold blackness as Eleanor faded away. On his knees he cried out, but she was no longer there to listen to his dreadful groans. In silence, he cupped his face with both hands until the dream slowly grew faint. But one echo was still heard from within the void, deep and omniscient.
“…Only through death can you see me once more…”
With the words reverberating infinitely in his mind, Gracey finally awoke in a sweat. Rapid breaths overcame him and quite suddenly, he drew away the covers to light a nearby candle. As he made his way towards the study of the mansion, the sound of spirits began to accompany him. Whispers filled the halls as he ran down them, trying to escape the chaos yet to unfold around the mansion. Nothing in the world would stop him from seeing his lost love tonight.
Upon entering the study, Gracey lit the fireplace to draw the darkness away. He stood within his office, noticing a piece of parchment enveloping an object on the large desk. with great anxiety and desire for action, he took the note and small object into grasp and brought it close to the light. He read the note first:
“Tonight we will meet on the other side. —Eleanor.”
Then, with terrible anticipation, he unraveled the note from the object, revealing a small bottle of arsenic. Poison.
Grasping the small bottle at hand, he covered his mouth and inhaled. It was all loud and true, and he knew what had to be done. However, even in grief something never set with him right. He started to quarrel with his morality as he paced in a panicked frenzy. Someone had told him once not to be envious of death, but Gracey felt as if even the malice of Hell would be meek compared to the torment of grief.
Gracey’s pacing subsided as he stopped to look upon the light of the fireplace, face wet with tears of confliction. It was warm and radiant— something he longed to feel again. Without Eleanor, he felt lost in the mortal world. Even after months of performing the same repetitive seance, it all felt futile, for he finally had a chance to see her again. He wouldn’t just let her fade away as if nothing had happened. It was only terror that seemed to engulf him. To live or to die, that was the question. The question that had brought him more pain than poison or hellfire. Finally, he felt as if he was in some control of his decision. He felt something other than misery.
And with this in mind, he slowly unscrewed the cork of arsenic as if it were a bottle of strong liquor. A liquor strong enough to stop a man’s heart. A subtle pop was heard and William Gracey glanced at the bottle with great apprehension, palms sweaty as his heart thundered. He winced away his fear and thought of Eleanore’s desperate command. With this in mind, his jaw tightened as he gradually brought the bottle to his lips. And finally, he slipped it down his throat with curled lips.
Upon finishing the bottle, he grimaced at the pungent and sour metallic flavor of the poison. He searched the room with rapid, uncontrollable thoughts, knowing there was no turning back. He gazed upon the table, setting his hand on the hard leather surface while he dragged his fingers across it. Then, he walked towards the fireplace, standing by it.
Hastily, Gracey’s breath started to stagger as he felt incredibly nauseous. His intestines screamed in anguish as he clutched his torso, for the pain never ceased afterward. It felt as if every organ and bone within him started to break apart and leak out in puddles upon the floor. He wretched out what he could in an attempt to free this sudden agony, but this acute state had him snared.
“AGH—” He screamed only once, gurgling a mixture containing vomit and foam.
His muscles had lost all control and he stumbled around the room with such terrible pain. Objects fell and broke all round him as every sinew within his body was electrified with excruciating pain. It was absolute Hell— something a simple poison could not inflict upon a mortal. This was something far greater.
Eventually, gravity had taken Gracey’s weight down to the cold hard tiles within the study. His eyes blurred the images about him as he faded in and out of consciousness. Now, in a deep state of paralysis, he only twitched in an attempt to move. The agony had overcome his state, for death would shortly arrive. Blood creeped down his lips in a deep red stream, indicating internal bleeding.
As William Gracey heaved his last breaths on the ground and awaited death, a cold presence overcame him. From what his eyes and mind could barely comprehend, he noticed a black silhouette on the left side of him, carrying a fog-like shadow as it moved across his lens. It was no angel like he’d imagined.
Slowly, the unlighted entity dragged itself toward him, circling him like doomed prey. It drew closer and closer with terrible rapping rhythm until it stopped close to Gracey’s face. It seemed to heave a deep and terrible breath, something that made his soul quiver in terror. This was not Eleanor…
Unable to escape, Gracey drew his last, long breath and the dark entity took it in like life. It groaned with terrible pleasure as it watched Gracey’s mortal form fall limp on the floor, bottle and note still at hand. The rest of his soul was devoured and trapped in an endless cycle of fear and grief as the entity had seized it from its eternal rest. This terrible entity was the first to greet him in the afterlife.
A demon.
All the painful memories flooded back as he stared at the Hatbox Ghost with fear and terrible regret. He held no conception of time as he did once so, never quite snapping out of it, heavy and lifeless breath engulfing his ribcage.
“Well…William Gracey. Once again pestering your relatives…” The Hatbox Ghost’s voice came, which accompanied a grim smile upon his face.
William opened his mouth to say something but quickly stopped himself. He stuttered, not knowing what to say to the evil Spector that sat before him. He was wrong— he was just attempting to ease Dorian’s humiliation. But, he knew he was just trying to convince his mind otherwise.
“I—” William stammered.
“Perhaps I should put an end to your…pestering…hm?” The Hatbox Ghost shifted slightly in his seat.
And before another stutter could escape, William Gracey was forced from his seat beside his friends and led down the table to where Hatbox Ghosts’s ghoulish goons sat, right beside the looming dark spirit that had entrapped him for eternity.
William, though persisting in his defiance by stance, could only withstand the agonizing pain of resistance for so long. Eventually, he stayed seated in order to keep the agony he felt at bay. It was a terrible feeling— to have the devil force one’s spirit like a puppet. With a widened lens, William looked around at the entities he sat with. They all stared at him with an occulted hatred as the Hatbox Ghost sat to the right of him, encompassing sinful pride with every expression. William looked down almost immediately.
“You see…That’s much better now. No more pitifully distracting side shows that squander my valuable time…”
Dorian attempted to comfort William from across the table, but it was obvious that he wasn’t responding to anyone, too frightened to do so.
“Speaking of wasting time…” The dark spirit spoke with prolonged groans in between.
He watched as the footmen carried in a multitude of silver platters, all of which were covered quite beautifully. Every spirit watched as the food came in, curling in their chairs with loads of anticipation. Despite the Hatbox Ghost’s torturous, inhumane mannerisms, he still allowed the ghosts to dine through offerings. It was a sick way of manipulating naive souls, causing them to almost believe He cared for them.
Normally, the feast was carried out with a variety of specific smells and memories found only in the past lives of the spirits. Whether it was the meaty scent of Jambalaya, or the pungent and delectable crawfish Étouffée with crispy crab cakes, it was a dish fit for a soul. And of course, a subtle glass of red wine on the side never hurt anyone. He knew that of all entities.
However, something was quite different as soon as the silver platters were placed in a manner that appeared planned. William slowly turned his head curiously and noticed the Hatbox Ghosts’s rotten grin when he spoke.
“Finally…something to celebrate my success. Satiate my hunger…”
Gracey inhaled without breath and winced almost immediately at a sudden odor. With terrible speculation, his fears were eventually portrayed through every spirit within the room. The platters were lifted up, revealing the nightmare.
Upon the long table was a rotting corpse, still fresh in a sense that it gave off a significantly horrific odor of death and decay. On everyone’s plate was a random piece of it— a hand or cheek alike. However, a lifeless body formed across the table in front of the Hatbox Ghost. It was enough to make all the souls’ wretch back within their chairs or simply stare in shock. Even the hitchhikers and goons had sat in silence as they gazed back at their plates.
Many spirits watched in utmost terror as the Hatbox Ghost inhaled the putrid scent of the corpse as if it were a dessert. He let out a sickening cackle afterward as he pressed his palms against the table, his gloved hands squeezed involuntarily. It was absolutely horrid, and many of the souls would rather die again just to get away from the situation. Even Vincent, the Hatchet Ghost, found that ideal hard to resist.
The Hatbox Ghost then shifted his cruel gaze upon every expression, for he found a gruesome pride in the fact every spector had a new and profound fear of him. He traced his green tongue against his rotted teeth, chuckling in the back of his throat.
“What seems to be the matter? Haven’t any of you had your fair share of tartare before?”
The dark spirit bellowed out in maniacal laughter again shortly afterwards, akin to a madman, as he covered his chest as though he had a heart. Even when he joked, it was as if the sorrowful souls had perished again all those years ago.
“Please…let us dine together now on this fine evening…”
The Hatbox ghost adjusted within his seat as he began to remove his black gloves one finger at a time. He acted in a manner of which every ghost could watch him with grueling anticipation as he revealed his monstrous claws.
Too frightened to look upon his friends, William Gracey’s skeletal hands shook underneath the table as he stared onto his plate. He had to look more than once to realize it was. A heart— a mortal heart—on his plate, covered in an array of dull greens and purples. There wasn’t any blood pouring from what he could see, just holes deep within the ventricles and shriveled, brown fat encasing its shape. If he were alive he would have evacuated himself. But now, he just felt paralyzed as the heart gazed back at him quite menacingly.
It all made devastating sense as William watched the Hatbox Ghost’s prominent side-eye. It was as if He vouched for such a dish just to vex him. In fact, the dark spirit had been tormenting him ever since the beginning, and He would do the same now. There was always madness within Him, but it was madness with an underlying method to it. There was always something the Hatbox Ghost wanted.
Vincent among other ghosts continued to watch his master once he set his large talons upon the table. The dark spirit’s elbows and wrists ceased to touch the edge of the cloth, which was a rather polite courtesy. He even picked up the silverware neatly placed upon the cloth as he examined its condition. He brought the fork to his eye level and slowly turned it before his hands began to tremble subtly.
It was His humanity slowly disappearing.
Then, as if something had snapped within the Hatbox Ghost, immediately the pupils within his yellow eyes began to wane as he dropped the utensil. He then violently grabbed the atrocious corpse in his massive claws as he began to devour it vigorously, revealing his truly famished presence.
Some airless gasps and mourns could be heard from the ghosts present, for it was an utmost horrible sight to see. There was strenuous struggling within the dining room chairs as the souls attempted to get away, unable to watch the beast take fourth in His sinful actions.
The Hatbox Ghost’s eyes evinced his pleasure as his whole massive frame hunched forward, continuing to partake in the gluttony. He felt a joyous impulse as he saw the fluids of innocence flow through his fingertips.
William nearly gagged as he watched Him, thoroughly revolted by His manners. But he knew the Hatbox Ghost was cursed to feed off of the living and deceased alike, truly unable to enjoy memories of food He had once indulged in. He knew this dark spirit truly felt hunger—something that all of the trapped souls did not.
The ghost’s claws were covered in the grotesque green and brown coloration, but nevertheless, His talons grabbed what was left of the slimy entrails. He seemed to devour most of them within minutes. However, time was irrelevant in the realm of darkness, and to some ghosts, it felt like He was eating for hours on end.
The souls that sat nearest to the Hatbox Ghost were quickly splashed and dirtied by the gush of old blood and gruel. William Gracey couldn't help but shed tears of misery and pain of what had unraveled before him. He was filled with agony, for the lifeless corpse returned him to his constant bereavement.
Oh—Why must this be so! To live among Satans whilst Eleanor lived in the realm of kings and queens? Was she even watching from above? He felt torn apart at the thought of her forgetfulness of him, mangled from the infinite pain, with no hope and no home. This was not the region beyond as he was promised. This was Hell. Because, unlike the eternal dream, this was the land where souls dwelled in torment and agony, forced to watch the Hatbox Ghost take his share of blood, flesh, and marrow. It was, of course, the acrid flavor that He desired, barely enough to satisfy His superimposed gluttony. The way He ate was enough to degrade even the toughest of souls.
William Gracey kept his face hidden, reminiscent of his dread. Normally, the Hatbox Ghost’s goons would’ve helped out with his wicked pestering, but they were all strictly preoccupied with his latent ravening. It was enough of a distraction until Gracey started to sniffle. Goodness—why did he have to sniffle?
Nevertheless it was heard, which had caught the attention of the monster to the left of him. The Hatbox Ghost’s claws unsheathed the mess intertwined in them, which fell from his hands slowly like a bloodied slime. Then, He quickly looked toward William with an unkenneled pleasure.
William, who shielded himself from many lingering eyes, wiped the tears and purged the marks from his face in an attempt to alleviate his constant dismay. However, he couldn’t stop pouring himself out with dreary wet tears once he’d started, which was no help to him in the end.
The Hatbox Ghost slowly leaned closer to Gracey and smelt the almost tangible atmosphere around him. He emitted a terrible groan—the sound of a monster as he widened his mouth to taste the addictive sensation. His ghostly hair seemed to stick on end subtly. In the Ghost Realm, sensations were like memories that gave off the scent of nostalgia, sorrow or any other deep emotion as a replacement of taste. Of course, they weren’t as pungent as the feelings of mourning spirits and mortals. And how pungent grief was to Him.
It didn’t take long for the Hatbox Ghost to become addicted to it, eyes maddened with the same inherent voracious prodigality. Many ghouls and spirits attempted to leave their seats again, aware of the inevitable outcome of this display. Eventually, The Hatbox Ghost would lose any mannerisms he had previously held before dinner, and would leave behind a madman. This needed to be stopped before anyone was permanently harmed. Vincent quickly proposed this ideal as the evil spector moved Himself closer to Gracey.
“Now, Your Excellency— Master of the Realms— perhaps you should finish devouring your lovely meal?” Vincent exclaimed quickly.
Other spirits had started to add onto this distraction in an attempt to draw the Master of the House away from the stench of grief. However, The Hatbox Ghost had already started to drool ferociously with every spectacle matching his inward appearance.
“Yes!— I think we all enjoyed the courtesy of your meal! Perhaps we should be excused before you—”
“SILENCE!” He roared.
And presently, not a sound was heard afterward, other than the mourns of William Gracey, who’d attempted to cease his internal dilemmas rather quickly.
William shut his eyes and only sniffled now that he had shielded his rather robustious cries. Though it was hard, he couldn’t let the demon before him get what He desired so desperately and with such ease. Even with eternal blackness to cloud out his vision, William pictured Him perfectly. It was disturbing how every component was laid out within his mind with no comparison to a painting. And it was that same painting that had been stuck within his mind ever since he’d died so many decades ago.
Slowly, the evil spirit made His way towards William Gracey, not hesitating to push his chair away from the long table. As He stood tall over William, many heads turned in utter terror, for they knew they were nothing against the wrath of their unwilling Master. This was quickly proven as Hatbox Ghost looked at everyone with a sudden animalistic fury.
“…What are you all looking at?! DINE!” He spat.
Almost suddenly, every ghost took up their forks and knives like puppets that feasted without hunger or desire. It was such an ugly sight to anyone, even the deceased, that some spirits would much rather suffer for years trapped inside an airtight box than have to face eating the remnants of a human. The spitting of sludge and crunching of bones was a bitter enmity to anyone forced to participate or even listen, the crimes justified only by Hell itself. After all, it was His realm now.
Even William was forced to take up the fork. He unwillingly sliced off a stiff piece of the old, wretched heart, much like the rest of the thralled spirits, forced to bring it to his tongue and eat it. Nothing in the mortal realm before prepared him for the disgust as he began to chew without will. Every empty tear fell to the floor without a stain, almost as if every one of them meant nothing in a dimension of infinite sorrow. They were tears in the rain, pointless to remember even if they meant something. Once William swallowed with great misery, he’d given into the inevitable that was The Hatbox Ghost’s eternal torment.
“—Why…” William had said rhetorically with a cloudy and woeful expression.
He spoke aloud but with little volume, for his spirit felt low and chained from within. It was more than just a spell that he and the ghosts were under— it was a curse. A terrible curse.
As if the deathly dimension couldn't take any more away from him, William was quickly torn from his seat by a large set of claws that had tightened painfully around the rest of his torso. He yelled only once, before the large hands suffocated him as if he had air to breathe. He couldn’t escape it.
The Hatbox Ghost ceased his terrible laughter as he neared William Gracey to his monstrous facade. His ferocious and lifeless breath exited the emptiness of his nose cavity. It was truly His face altogether that expressed His violent yearning towards such helpless and innocent souls. There was no exaggeration as He savored the grieving spirit’s aroma grotesquely, full of content.
“Mmm…You smell of…Misery…”
It was William's fragrance of grief that He’d found irresistible. It was enough to impose the sins of Gluttony and Lust simultaneously. What a mistake it was to show this heartfelt pain. He’d begun to feed a demon.
William felt his ghostly form ripple painfully as the Hatbox Ghost took fourth in his own obscenities. He fed off Gracey’s grief, which caused his spirit to cripple and lose all thoughts that were dear to him during the process. The love he held for his friends turned sour, into dread and sorrow instead. He began to focus on Eleanor’s death once again.
“Leave him alone!” One of the maids screamed toward the Hatbox Ghost with a small spark of resistance.
The Hatbox Ghost let out a deep chuckle as he violently grabbed Williams neck instead, allowing him to dangle midair. William let out a strained noise as the grasp tightened like a serpent around his neck, firm and constricting.
“Oh, you really care for him, don’t you?…” The Hatbox Ghost’s voice seemed to grow darker as he gazed at the parlor maid with monsterous eyes.
“…Willing to share the same fate?…”
Suddenly, the maiden fell into the floor that stretched open beneath her. She let out a shrill scream of terror as she fell into a large pit of black sand that emitted a dark aura. The ghosts around her gasped audibly as some peered into the gaping hole next to them, which began to fill up quickly and swallow up the poor soul. Her screams ceased as the floor closed up afterward with a strike of lightning from outside.
The Hatbox Ghost let out a horrendous, boisterous laughter afterward, and it was clear he gained sickening satisfaction from the event.
William gripped at the Hatbox Ghost, almost in a pleading manner, desperate to be set free from the torment. This elicited the dark spirit to focus his gaze back toward him. He bared his slimy teeth as He fought His ferocious desire to confiscate and devour Gracey’s kind spirit in an instant.
Even in sorrow, William was so full of life—brilliant and caring—everything Hatbox Ghost was not. But He was patient.
“Don’t you recall…that night…” The Hatbox Ghost muttered as he neared William’s face closer to his own.
William scrunched his expression horribly as he struggled to relieve himself from the monster's grip. His translucent, skeletal fingers grappled the Master’s tough dark claws in an attempt to relieve himself from the constant, agonizing restriction.
“The night Eleanor deserted you…” The Hatbox Ghost whispered through a chuckle.
His eyes fiercely studied William’s, for He still desired much more delicious grief from him. William quickly felt the torment burn down on his soul again, which had forced his sorrowful tears to pool in his sockets. And those terrible words repeated endlessly within his head. It was all his fault…
“She never loved you…” The Hatbox Ghost uttered through a masked grin, eyes pulsating with a strange, yellow aura. Soon, He would get what He desired. And how He deserved it.
Gracey mouthed “no,” too weak to project any resistance. Even if he were a strong and enduring spirit, nothing could withstand the excruciation of this Devil.
“…She…left you here, allowing your torment. To waste away and rot in your own home…Just to suffer.” His words came again like poison.
William let out a strained sob as he shut his eyes. The misery was almost too much to bear, for tears began to stream rapidly down his face without an end, almost forced out. The Hatbox Ghost’s eyes widened at the tormented soul with an exhilarated pleasure. Only He noticed the visible aura of misery and grief illuminated around William. This is what he longed for.
William kept his eyes shut tight as he felt the Hatbox Ghost lean in towards him. He could feel a demented chill wash over his spectral form as he realized quickly that he was being drained of his life force slowly—feasted upon.
William understood the enslavement he constantly found himself under—all willing souls shared this fate. Many of the willing souls He fed on were wasted away into entities too weak to move or speak. In other words, they only existed for Him and his desires to satiate Himself. They were the true course— the reason why the Hatbox Ghost hosted the demeaning dinners. Why was he to be damned for all eternity this way, devoured into nothingness—Left with empty torture and grief?
The Hatbox Ghost groaned pleasantly as he began to consume William’s soul, exhausting him in the process. His jaws opened extensively whilst he drew in the concentrated anguish and suffering from Gracey. It roused and stirred the madness within, rather thrilling to Him.
“You’re…Mine!” He growled.
The Hatbox Ghost wheezed airily as he took in another lifeless breath full of grief and pain. lightning crackled in a much more electrified manner outside the windows, which had flashed in strange shapes of purple and green. Every loud crack against the immaterial realm sent a shrill scream of terror throughout the dining room, adding onto His deranged symphony.
Even Vincent, the Hatchet Ghost, had taken recognition of this most demonic sight, watching his very nephew waine and weep as he was feasted upon by the new Master of the house. He couldn’t help feeling an indiscretion deep within his spectral form, for he found the execution incredibly hard to watch. He suddenly intervened on behalf of any ghost unwilling to make the sacrifice.
“Master— Must you stop this…this madness?!”
A jolt of loud thunder was heard afterwards, silenced through the ferocious stare of the Hatbox Ghost. His beady, yellow, and menacing eyes were enough to stop any mortal heart— any soul’s at that. And it sent a terrible, antagonizing might that stunned Vincent into a state of pure shock. The only movement he could bear was his own trembling. It was only through this reaction that The Hatbox Ghost temporarily recessed his gruesome mannerisms, snarling as he spat.
“You DARE…disrupt ME?!”
The Demon roared with great severity towards the Hatchet Ghost among the other trembling spirits. The dining room had darkened all around them and all fears had been brought forth to their salacious Master. William, still trapped beneath the claws of the massive spector, held only the strength to look toward Vincent Gracey, who stood his ground even in fear. He winced in appealing agony with tears that could’ve burned at his skin if he were still alive. Why was he doing this for him— a ghost weak and pathetic beyond comparison? This was all his fault…
“Sir—” Vincent had managed to say before the fear had restricted his lifeless vocal chords.
Although he loathed his nephew, he couldn’t face the fact that he too was a willing soul just like him.
And how He craved the Willing.
“Even my most…Loyal adversary…Seeking to betray Me?…”
The Hatbox Ghost sifted himself towards the Hatchet ghost with William Gracey still snared in between his massive talons, much like a hawk with its prey. He bared His gray, rotten teeth at the demented, meek spirit with no desire to blink even once. The darkened aura seemed to engulf most of His cape now as if to stretch His shadow across the room, which gave Him a much larger expression than before.
“Of…of course not—” Vincent managed to speak.
The darkness around him started to crawl close to the putrid scar embedded across his fleshy, green neck. It made him grunt due to the sudden enforced agony.
“You’re not…caring for him, are you now? Much like…the others?”
The Evil Spector studied the Hatchet Ghost’s perturbed expression, His eyes enticed with such insanity and deception, they were enough to entrance any ghost who gazed directly at them. Every spirit hid their eyes from Him. All except Vincent Gracey.
“I…” Vincent muttered, enraptured by the Hatbox Ghost’s pulsating yellow eyes. He couldn’t resist them.
William Gracey watched in horror as his relative fell under the hypnotic and tractable spell. His eyes— Why must he look into those eyes?! He had almost seen Vincent Gracey’s true self, shrouded out within an instant through the manipulative power of the Hatbox Ghost. He almost had his uncle back. He almost had hope.
“Besides…I won’t be the one to help you when you’ll inevitably pay him for your actions…Right?…” He chuckled.
The Hatbox Ghost restated the Hatchet Ghost’s previous statement to William Gracey as if He’d known of their recent encounter. It sent a petrified chill down William’s spine.
He listens. He heard everything. And all roads lead to Him in the end…
The Hatchet Ghost strangely inhaled as the darkness faded around him, seemingly done with him. Then, those hypotonic clouds ceased within his eyes and revealed the same bitterness William Gracey had always seen in him. Hatred.
“...Of course, Master. Thank you for your…assistance.”
William Gracey faintly struggled within the Hatbox Ghost’s claws and watched as the Hatchet Ghost got up from his seat without hassle. It was quite alarming for the rest of the sorrowful souls, still glued to their seats without content. It was a statement which meant the loyal were favored over the enslaved. A terrible statement that meant one had to give into the dark spirit’s bidding just to be free. It was all an illusion, however. No one was free.
The Hatbox Ghost’s perpetual smile sneered all the more wider, now that the Hatchet Ghost had gazed at William with such unpleasantness. It made William shed more empty tears, no longer recognizing Vincent Gracey in those addhorrent, misshapen eyes.
“What do you think of…poor William Gracey now?…” The Hatbox Ghost snarled in his guttural voice.
Presently, He lowered William Gracey back down to the hard tiles so that Vincent could gaze upon him. William’s knees buckled from his lack of strength, kneeling as he held a heavily depleted expression. The Hatbox Ghost still kept an intense hold of his neck and torso while he wheezed, watching Vincent walk up to him with a sadistic grin upon his face.
For a moment, the Hatchet Ghost lingered his daunting smile at William Gracey, who had no choice but to gaze back with tired eyes. After a moment of silence, he spoke…
“I want him to…suffer…” He spoke through an inhale.
“I want to…watch you break him. Only I…”
Vincent’s voice was layered with darkness as he knelt down in front of his tormented relative. What was said was something imparable and vile, addressed to no one except the once luminescent soul before him. Now, he was nothing but an eternal feast for the demon before him.
“…And let the others’ blindness overcome them with a fear far greater than the sweet escape of closure…” The Hatchet Ghost added, looking up to his dark ruler.
William shook with a sunken head, eyes glassy and darkened by the condition of his very being. He could only listen to the quaked voices of his fellow friends, for they too always winded up paying for his actions. Why must this always be so? This was all his fault. Always his fault.
“What a…pleasant surprise…” The Hatbox Ghost uttered through an utmost sinister chuckle.
He was infatuated by the animosity He’d caused between a once happy family. How he loved the capability of destruction caused by His own making. He was a monster, vain and vile, created with misanthropic power and the disposition for committing atrocity.
“Wouldn’t you agree…William? He bellowed.
The dark spirit hunched down with a most wretched snarl, one claw upon the floor, while his eyes gazed upon William Gracey. He was once again lifted off the ground with such ease and carried back towards the Hatbox Ghost’s mummified facade. It was acrid and dark, his face. Void of any life or pleasantry it had once possessed in a forgotten timeline. His nose cavities enlarged after every powerful, lifeless inhale, eyes but yellow fragments of hellfire as they stared back at William. William had made no effort to voice out even a feeble ‘no,’ too dreadfully exhausted to do so. All he could muster was a heart-wrenching stare at the dark spirit before him, eyes blurred from tears.
“Well then. I shall see to this manner…personally. Within a more…confined setting...”
As the Hatbox Ghost straightened himself up back into his menacing, overbearing stance, he fixed his eyes upon every quivering ghost and spirit within the room that had watched the grimful spectacle commence. He groaned and bared his spear-like teeth as he made his gaze known across the room, then inevitably stopped at William’s acquaintances.
Victor, the Flutist, and Dorian Gracey couldn’t help but share the same alarmed expression with each other, the rules made known to all of them clearly. The Master was never wrong. The Master was always listening. And if He shall ever look upon you with greatness, He will do so with great reason. And ‘great’, He was. It was this final oath that had made them tremble with anticipation.
The darkness began to ripple throughout the massive dining hall, which had echoed its deathly sweet lullaby into the infinite chambers of the mansion. Sometimes it thundered like lightning or rippled akin to waves. Nevertheless, it taunted every soul under His mighty curse. Haunted them.
“Oh, I hate to be a terrible host and run, but I do think it’s time for me to go. You see, I have some…important matters to attend to…”
The Hatbox Ghost’s aura had begun to ripple and mystify him as he took a gradual step back from the chair that was his throne. Everyone had eyes on the Master of the house as he took William Gracey with him into the blackness that had been summoned. The Hatchet Ghost was beside his Master, and observed as the black veins started to crawl and intertwine around them. Although it was inevitable to show fear, he’d embraced it long long ago: something his nephew did not.
“Enjoy the dinner…Ta-ta, now…” The Hatbox Ghost muttered in an exaggerated voice.
The dark spirit quickly dematerialized within His own darkness alongside the other two spirits. He always spoke the final word. Even after He’d vanished just as elegantly as He’d come, no one was allowed to leave until they were finished with their dish. And Every ghoul alike held this deep and unforgiving punishment, the solemn supper being only the beginning of it all.
Many had known what this celebration had meant, for it was all loud and clear what the Hatbox Ghost had in store for the delicious mortal souls entrapped within the mansion. Eventually, they would all share the same fate as every ghost had—forced to abide by the dark spector’s command. And the willing souls? The willing were special to Him; potent to Him. It was something He craved ever since his arrival, something eternal that would fuel his insatiable hunger for more. Because, unlike the mortal realm, there was no escape from the infinite oblivion waiting for them on the other side.
And how He waited ever so patiently…
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Part 2 of Adamsapple + Cain angst
Adam and Lucifer weren’t on speaking terms after the argument. Adam kept true to his words; he wouldn’t allow Cain to go out with Lucifer. Lucifer tried everything to make it up to Adam and Cain but the lamb demon wasn’t letting him go by. It been three weeks and four days since Adam last talked to Lucifer face-to-face. The king of Hell could forced the first man to talk, but unfortunately, Adam was very stubborn when upset. Hell, the only way to get Adam from talking in Eden is when he was upset and Lucifer doesn’t remember the ruby blood flow like a waterfall from under Adam’s right chest.
So, he went to the person who knew Adam the best.
The Root of Evil, herself
Eve, the mother of humanity.
In an Inn, there was a long-haired sheep dinner at the table. His hair was fluffy and curly like a sheep’s fur and he wore neat, clean clothing. There was a name tag on the sinner.
It read as “HELLO my name is ABEL”.
He was busy talking to a distressed sinner with a forced smile on his face, “Oho! I wouldn’t know why you’re in Hell. I mean, who’s knows? Here just take a key and relax yourself, Mister. You have all of eternity to find out! Like me.” The sinner took the key and went down the hall. Abel looked around the—finally—empty lobby before signing and taking a drink of some fancy wine or vodka that Luluwa’s husband got for her that he stole.
“Long day?”
“Yeah,” Abel took another drink of the alcohol. For a moment, he thought the voice was Awan, his older sister who finally came back.
But it wasn’t the burnt up swan demon.
It was the King of Hell, himself. How boring to Abel?
The sheep demon stared daggers at the devil before placing the bottle down on the counter. It wasn’t his fault he looked down at the fallen angel. He was very short.
Abel: “What the fuck do you want?”
Lucifer, chuckling nervously: “I know we got off the wrong foot… but I—“
Abel, buried his face in some type of magazine: “Ma is in here room, Seth in the kitchen, Seth’s wife in the garden, and Luluwa and her husband are busy.”
Lucifer quickly nodded his head before speaking up but the first victim flipped him off, “Father like son,” Lucifer thought before creating a portal and stepping through it.
After the fallen angel closed the portal, the room he was in was dark and red filled with eyes of all different shades staring at him. It was quiet at first. The curtains were closed. The only light source was coming from the ceiling. “Abel did say she was here… was he wrong?” The devil thought before looking up at the ceiling. More eyes and a falling candle with bright flame burning from it. Lucifer caught the candle, “Odd,” he thought, he turned his head around before hitting his head against something. He stumbled backward before looking up to see a head. The head was attached to a body that was standing on the ceiling. The fallen angel heard a snapping sound as the head made a 180 degree turn to face him. The body and the head were pitched black and covered in eyes. “Eve always know how to make someone feels welcome.” Lucifer rolled his eyes as the mother of humanity spines her head upward so she wasn’t getting a blood rush to her head, after all, she was still human.
Eve: “How the in unpleasure of Heaven’s wrath do the king of duck want?”
Lucifer took a breath before sighing, “This is about Cain and—“
Eve: “You want to know why I didn’t tell about Cain! Isn’t that correct?”
Lucifer: “Uh—well… That’s partly so…”
Eve clapped her hands as her smile grew wider, “Because we didn’t trust you~!” She sang.
Lucifer: “Didn’t… trust me?”
Eve: “Well, you did gave him false hope and promises, Lilith was his wife, you didn’t even notice Adam was bleeding, you stole his heart and shattered it so many fucking time, and after you tricked me, we didn’t trust you, Lucifer. Why would we trust you with a half human if you didn’t treat a full human good?”
The archangel gulped, “Adam… was bleeding?”
Eve: “You don’t remember? It would be very funny if Adam learned you didn’t even notice there was a hole under his right chest and the blood.” Eve remembered it as if it was yesterday. It was the day she was created. It was a sunny day, everything was still wet from there being a rain storm just happened. She first thing she saw was the wet grass before looking up and seeing Adam. His face was covered in tears. The mother of humanity looked down from the first man’s face and her eyes just stared at his chest. There was blood flowing down like a waterfall from a wound under Adam’s right chest. There was a giant being beside Adam, God. God told her that she was created from Adam’s right rib and he was her husband. The first man helped the second woman to get up. He smiled as if there was no pain in Eden. But there is pain in Eden. God left. Eve was on Adam’s left side as she held him close. Soon, she saw the archangel, Lucifer, and the first woman, Lilith. Lucifer greeted her with a big smile as his eyes were only on her not Adam. Not his wound. Not the blood. Her. How was she supposed to feel? She wished she didn’t fall for a moment in love with Lucifer. But she did. And Cain was born because of it.
Lucifer: “… I want to make it up to them.”
Eve: “Hm?”
Lucifer: “I want to make it up to Adam and Cain. I know this family isn’t the greatest… but I do love them both.”
Eve: “Adam said the same thing about you and Lilith in Eden. But Adam pissed this time. No how much flowers, apologies, anything will make it up to him. Words and little actions won’t make it up for Cain tears.”
Lucifer thought for a moment, “What does Cain like?”
Eve smiled grew larger as she walked backwards towards Lucifer and whispered in his ears what her firstborn son liked. After whispering, Eve and Lucifer were inches apart. “You know, Abel and Cain were once very close on Earth. And you know Abel was the first sinner correct?”
Lucifer: “Yes?”
Eve: “Good. But we never told you why he died, did we?”
The devil shook his head.
Eve: “Well… Abel was Cain’s new favourite brother after Awan was a girl. Cain would hold onto Abel like a koala bear! It was quite adorable to see it. Cain… I couldn’t give much attention to him when he was alive… but Adam did. He did his best. But so many our children did before adulthood… Adam give more attention to children than Cain. He knew they were important… it didn’t help. After Abel reached adulthood, me and Adam decided after so many death to not have children. Adam wasn’t in the best place after the triplets’s death. Since Abel was the youngest, he gave more him more attention. One day, Cain couldn’t help himself. He was filled with anger and jealousy and so… when Abel and he were together and alone. Cain killed Abel. Abel did forgive Cain after his died. But we still don’t know what happened to Awan and Abel blame Cain.”
Lucifer: “I thought Seth was the youngest.”
Eve: “He’s not important right now.”
Outside of the room, there was a hooded sinner walked by with a food tray in hands. The figure wore a name tag.
It said “HELLO my name is SETH”.
Seth: “I feel so loved in this family,” he grumbled as he continued walking down the hallway.
Lucifer: “Why did you tell me this?”
Eve: “I know you’re dating Adam. Adam loves his children more than anything. More than you, Lucifer. If you want Cain to see you as a father, you have to get all of Adam’s children to see you as a father.”
Lucifer: “How do I—“
Eve: “Get yourself, Adam, Charlie, Lilith, Abel, Cain, and Seth in therapy.”
Lucifer: “What about Awan?”
Eve: “If I cannot find her. What make you able to find her?”
Lucifer: “… What about Luluwa?”
Eve: “She already did her time.”
Lucifer: “That sound like she went to jail.”
Eve started to crawling away on the ceiling.
Lucifer, shouting: “What about you?!? Don’t you need therapy, Roo?!?”
Eve, fading into the darkness in the ceiling: “I BEAT THERAPY!”
Lucifer, confused: “What is that supposed to mean?!?”
When Lucifer was walking back to the hotel, he felt Eve’s presence behind him.
Lucifer: “Need something?”
Eve: “Promise me something, Lucifer. Promise me, that you won’t break his heart again.”
Lucifer: “I promise, Eve.”
Eve: “If you do break this promise like all of your other promises to Adam, I will find a way to kill an archangel. After all, you lost some power down here, don’t you?”
If wondering, Lilith was super freaked out when she saw blood just poured out of Adam’s wound. She just left him for an hour and he got a new wife and a mysterious wound under his right chest.
(No one knows, beside Adam and Eve, how Eve was created)
God is not a surgeon (and He’s a giant compared to Adam and Sera) and He fucked on taking Adam’s rib.
That was so sad! Oh Eve! Wow this was a lot but very good!
Thank you!
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gachawolfiebloom · 1 month
Two Hearts In The City of Love
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Chapter 13: PuzzleVision's Grand Finale
I may not have my five stars...
I may not have the stardom or talent to make it into the big leagues...
I may not even be good enough to make content at all, but I know one thing...
I will make it to the top again and everyone will cheer my name. Puzzlevision will go down in history as the greatest entertainment company ever seen. And I will accomplish that by any means necessary.̵̰̻̔.̸̤̀̏.̶̩̟̑̍͋
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"Welcome everyone to my next big upcoming movie! It means a lot that you enjoyed my first series so much that you would come to see the sequel. And I think this one will be much more to your liking."
"I mean just look at all the work I put into this. I tricked those idiots into winning a trip to Paris so I could start my own new take of the show. Romantic-comedy is really popular nowadays and who better to do it then my beloved actors. Great to have them back right!?"
Mr Puzzles played a recording of an audience applauding and cleared his throat. "Now, in order for us to move on to the next wave of Puzzlevision, I must take a new approach. I have recruited a new partner to help me in production that will surely boost my ratings straight to the top. Unfortunately, he is not ready to go public yet, so until then please sit back and enjoy this new movie that will leave your hearts melting, funny bones broken, and eyes astonished!"
The curtains rose up and a big movie screen put on a classic fairytale that had an oddly familiar setting to a previous Puzzlevision movie.
Once there was a beautiful princess who lived in a tower. He had been imprisoned by an evil witch who was jealous of his beauty and charm. One day, Prince Smg3 was riding by and heard a beautiful voice coming from a tall tower nearby. He decided to investigate and wanted to save the fair maiden that was stuck. The tower had no stairs, but it was a good thing the princess was gifted with incredible...MEMES! That's right. The prince called out "Smg4! Smg4! Let down the memes!"
The princess stepped forth, but something was wrong. His face was missing and every time he talked, it would come out like "!^#Y(#*((%^&*(!Q#$^*<>:'[]\" Smg3 looked confused. "Smg4?" Why wasn't the star actor here? Come to think of it, where was Mario? Isn't he usually the sidekick in these stories?
Where exactly were they..?
"Someone...please...help...anyone..." Four looked really bad. His body was sore and aching all over the place, his mind felt like it was slipping away, and those pink cracks on his face were such a pain. Pink cracks? What had happened? Everything was fine a few weeks ago. Now look where he was. Stuck in a dark, black void with nobody around and this machine was about ready to tear his arms off.
Something was coming closer. Four got more nervous by the second. "Who's there? D-Did you d-do this to m-me?" The figure didn't say a word, but the footsteps were getting louder. "AHHHH!" Smg4 shut his eyes, preparing for the worst when he heard "Hiya Smg4!" He peaked one of his eyes open to see a fat Italian waving happily back at him. "Mario!? Thank god you're here! You've got to get me out of this!" Mario eyed the machine and said with derpy eyes "Ooooo is this a spaghetti maker?"
"What do you mean? Don't you know who caused this?" Mario thought back to a few days ago. "Oh yes, the bad TV man brought Smg4 in here and Mario followed." Four looked perplexed. "Bad TV man? You mean Mr Puzzles!?"
"Yes! He hooked you up and-"
Mario's expression then changed. "Then what!?" Four shot out in eager panic. Mario fell down to his knees and held his head in his hands. "He...He..." Four didn't have time to play games as he shouted "WHAT HAPPENED MARIO!? I NEED TO KNOW!" Mario said in a cold tone of voice "He...tortured you." Four's eyes widened as he remembered the painful memories. What had happened last week, leading up to this moment.
"Is...is this the prize?"
"It sure is! And it's all yours!"
The two giant claws grabbed onto Smg4's arms.
"Hey! What the-"
"You see, I had to make you win somehow. I needed you."
"W-Why do you n-need me?"
"Oh, for something far important. From now on, you will serve me as my partner."
"Mario and Smg4 are the only ones left now. Mario's been hiding here ever since, trying to find a way out." Four tried to move freely, but the scars, combined with the tight grip of the clamps made him groan. "Ugh...how many times has he shocked me?" Mario held up a bunch of fingers, more than he could count. "37?"
(Actually it had only been 5 times.)
His eyes then began to glow pink for a second. "Forget them. Who cares if they suffer as long as the show is perfect." Four's eyes versed back to their original blue as he shut his mouth. "I...didn't say that." Mario looked confusingly at his best friend. "Smg4? Are you going coo coo crazy again?" The moment Mario said it, everything clicked for Smg4.
"So that's why he wants me..."
"Mario doesn't get it."
Four said in a panic "Don't you see Mario? Ever since the perfect incident, he's been using us for his own gain of shows. He wants my knowledge of memes and entertainment for his shows and he's reprograming me to do it!" Mario's brain was stuck on a loading screen as he shrugged and said in a Patrick voice "I don't get it."
Mr Puzzles slammed open the door and turned on his screens. "What is going on here!? Why aren't people rating my masterpiece!" He looked closely at the Rapunzel parody going on and saw the characters confused. Next to them was a dysfunctional Smg4 that was speaking in random keys. "Ugh. Right. I forgot. Now that Smg4 has been transferred, he can't be casted in my shows anymore." Mr Puzzles tried to use his finger laser to fix everything, but it fizzed out.
"What!? Not again!" He quickly checked the screens when a scene from last week caught his eyes. He was dragging Smg4 over to the secret room and Mario had followed, unintentionally seeing the whole plan. How he strapped Four to the machine and shocked the living hell out of him. His hyper realistic face glitched out of control as his anger boiled over.
"No...not again...I've had enough of him running my shows. He is going to mess up my whole plan if I DON'T GET RID OF THAT SELFISH BRAT!" He quickly ran out the door and down the hallway.
"Keep trying!" Mario kept pulling at the tubes on the machine as Four warned him "We have to get out of here before Mr Puzzles finds out!" They soon found out he had already discovered their little revolution when he bust through the door and said "MARIOOOOO!!!" The two instantly stiffened as he grabbed Mario by the throat and said "YOU HAVE INTERFERED IN MY PLANS FOR THE LAST TIME!"
His grip got stronger in rage as he yelled "NOW I'M GOING TO CHOKE YOU UNTIL YOU DIE! HOPEFULLY THAT WILL TEACH YOU A LESSON!" Four became increasingly worried as he used every last bit of strength to pull through and cried out "Let him go please! He's my friend!"
"Friend...FRIEND!? YOU THINK I DIDN'T WANT FRIENDS WHEN I WAS YOUNGER! WELL GUESS WHAT, WE DON'T ALWAYS GET WHAT WE WANT IN LIFE DO WE!? AND SOMETIMES WE ALL HAVE TO MAKE SACRIFICES TO GET THERE!" He let Mario go for a second to flip the switch on the machine and more waves of shocks went through Four's body.
"And you will be one of them." He then turned around with his finger gun. "And so will...him?" Mario had gotten up and was running out the door. "Oh great." He sighed and gave himself a pep talk. "Get a hold of yourself Mr Puzzles. Control your temper." After a few deep breaths, he looked back at Smg4 and his deep, etching scars. "It will all be worth it. Just you wait."
It was the same as before. Static eyes and the crew floating in the dimension where a certain TV lived. Smg3 was the first to regain his body as he groaned "Ugh...my head..." His friends soon followed, clutching their aching heads. "Guys...what's going on?" Meggy spoke up "I can't remember. The last thing I saw was the power switch in the hotel basement and..."
All of them got some serious deja vu. Tari spoke up "Is this...who I think it is." Three looked at their surroundings and said "Without a doubt." He shouted "SHOW YOURSELF TV FREAK!" A mild chuckle could be heard as the guy of the hour appeared before their very eyes. "Looking for me?"
Meggy got visibly upset and asked him "Now what do you want with us? Haven't you already learned your lesson!?" He leaned his TV box against his hand in pleasure and said "Apparently not. I thought I made it perfectly clear that I'm not going anywhere until I get the fame I so desperately deserve."
Three was getting furious. This insane man always chasing them for views. Why can't he just leave them alone already. "WE DON'T GIVE A CRAP WHAT YOU WANT! AND AS LONG AS WE HAVE A SAY IN THIS, WE REFUSE TO BE YOUR ACTORS!"
"Yeah! Leave us alone!" Tari said, backing up her friend.
Mr Puzzles rolled his eyes and said "I'd think about that twice if I were you." He changed the channel and everyone watched in horror as all the screens played a recording of Four trapped in the machine, grieving in pain with pink cracks along his face. "I will only tell you this one time. If you do anything that interferes or ruins my shows, then I'd have to take unnecessary cautions." He directed his attention to one of his cast members and told him "I'm specifically talking to you Smg3. I'd hate for Smg4 to be-" He gestured a slit neck motion with his hand that instantly made Three's eyes widen.
"Too late. The plan has already been set in motion and Smg4 is already strapped to my machine. Once I have fully controlled him, I will combine his knowledge with my skills and then nothing will stop me from achieving the highest ratings." He took out a remote and flipped on the playback of Mario escaping from him. "Not even that...pesky plumber." He stayed quiet for a minute and then turned back around.
Bob retorted "YOU'RE CRAZY MAN. ONLY A MILLION DOLLARS COULD MAKE ME GO BACK THERE." He was hoping Mr Puzzles would bribe him, but he just scooped them up and dropped them back into the TV boxes. "Don't forget who's got creative control of your real life." (sorry dear viewers, no song this time)
Three dropped down into the city of New Haven, Connecticut as he slammed face first into the sidewalk. "Ow! Could have at least shown a little decency..." He picked himself up, but found that he was alone this time. No Smg4 to accompany him this time. "Right...Don't worry Four. I won't let him hurt you."
He felt a hand on his shoulder as he immediately freaked out and flung the person over his shoulder into the ground, only to find it was..."Luigi?" The green Italian held his head dizzily. "Mama mia...I'll warn you next time."
"Luigi!? Where the hell have you been!?"
"I..don't know. Last thing I remember was being in some wacky fairytale and the next I was transported here. Um...where are we?" Three took notice of the surroundings as it was night time. "How should I know?" Luigi mumbled "I don't like this...can we leave now." Three remembered how the last time him and Four jumped channels it was by a portal. Not the ones he and his partner made, but ones conjured by Mr Puzzles.
"Well...we'd have to find a portal. See any?" Luigi cautiously looked around shook his head. "No?" Three rolled his eyes and said "No wonder Mario doesn't bring you on every adventure. You're downright useless." The green Italian looked at him with sad eyes and bawled his eyes out on the ground. Three ignored him and stepped over to look down street corners, but it was hard to tell. Did you ever notice how all streets look the same at night?
Three groaned and said "Look. If we want to get out of here, we'll need to work together. Let's just walk around and try to find a portal that's shaped like a TV screen. Got it?" Luigi was still crying, but he gave a thumbs up. "Good. Now let's go." He started walking down the sidewalk as Luigi rolled alongside, still curled up, crying. "Just so you know. This isn't because I like you or anything...I'm just doing this for Four." Luigi's sobs got louder as Three covered his ears. This really made him miss Smg4. At least he wasn't whining like a spoiled brat...most of the time.
Mario kept opening doors. Mr Puzzle's production building was like a giant maze. Each time he would open a door and some weird movie thing like a boxing glove or a jump scare would pop out. "Smg4? Is that you? Noooo."
"Smg4? Is that you? Noooo."
"Smg4? Is that you? Noooo."
Meggy had landed by a beautiful lake. It was actually really nice and peaceful, except Tari was missing. She began looking behind trees and bushes, calling out "Tari? It will be okay Tari! Mr Puzzles is gone now. Come out please. You're really making me worried." Finally, she heard the soft voice of the blue haired girl. "Are you sure you want to see me Meggy?"
"Yes! Why wouldn't I?"
"It's just...will you promise not to freak out?" Meggy thought it was an odd question, but answered back with simplicity "I promise." Behind her stepped out a beautiful white swan. Probably the prettiest swan Meggy had ever seen. "I look weird don't I?" Did that swan just talk!? Meggy asked with surprise "T-Tari is that...you?"
"Yeah..." She waited for some kind of laughter of mockery until Meggy cried "Tari you're beautiful!" A honk escaped from her swan lips as she said "You really think so?"
"Yeah! But how did you even become a swan?" The bird turned girl thought to herself for a second and shrugged using her wings. "I'm not exactly sure. I was like this since we got here." This had Mr Puzzles written all over it. Meggy knelt down and petted her silky feathers. "Don't worry Tari. I'll find a way to change you back and then we'll get out of here!"
"And save Four right?" Meggy happily nodded and said "Of course! Although, I think Three might beat us to it." She began walking into the forest as Tari flew alongside her, giggling. "You're right Meggy. Three wouldn't let anything bad happen to Four. He cares too much." Meggy then tapped her chin. "I wonder...how do you think Bob and Boopkins are doing?"
Bob had found himself stuck on top of the Notre Dame. He kept shouting down to the people below "HEY! I NEED HELP! I'M STUCK!"
By the time his computer automated voice grew hoarse, Bob sighed and gave up. He slumped down on the balcony and not to long after, he heard the pitter patter of little feet. Quickly, he sprung up. "THANK GOD! I'M SAVED! WHAT TOOK YOU PEOPLE SO-" His eyes shrunk down upon sight of his savior.
"Hi Bob!"
It was Boopkins, but he had a hideous face with a giant wart covering his eye, his eyebrows were all slumped down, and his back looked hunched. "EWWWW! STAY AWAY FROM ME GREMLIN!" Boopkins confusingly came closer, asking "What do you me-" Bob punched him square in the face, knocking him into the wall. When Boopkins recovered, he got up to see Bob hiding in the corner of the balcony, waving a cross around, and yelling "STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU NASTY BEAST! THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU! THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!"
Boopkins didn't get it, but once he saw his face in a broken mirror that was lying around, he immediately understood. "Oh no! What's happened to me!?" He could see how his face could be mistaken for one of a monster, but Bob was still shaking and holding up the cross. Boopkins carefully approached this time and reasoned "It's okay Bob. It's just me Boopkins. No reason to be afraid."
He gave the cross a power-up and it enlarged in size, as did Boopkins' eyes when Bob raised the giant religious symbol over him. Just as he was about to slam it onto Boopkins, another voice said "Greetings Boopkins. Who's your new friend?" The two crooked their heads around to see a talking gargoyle. "What? Something on my face?" The two began screaming at the top of their lungs, holding each other in fear.
"And that's how I fended off the evil boos and saved my brother!" Luigi was trying to strike up a friendly conversation with Three, but he just kept ignoring him. "This isn't the time for chit chat!" Three thought. "Doesn't he know what's at stake here?" Truthfully, he was just very worried for Smg4 and it ticked him off that Luigi didn't feel the same. The two kept walking for some time until they finally reached the end of the street and Three couldn't hold it in anymore. He spun around and shouted right into Luigi's face, startling the poor man.
Luigi's expression softened as he said "Of course I'm worried."
He then said something that he didn't mean to say...
Luigi took a small step back as Three realized what he just said and quickly covered his mouth. A few tears started to fight their way out as Luigi reached a hand out to make sure Smg3 was okay. Three couldn't let Luigi see him like this and spun around to wipe the tears off with his sleeve. "I..I'm sorry Luigi..." The green italian slowly put a hand on his shoulder and told him "No. I'm sorry Smg3. I didn't know you were feeling that way. I was just trying to cheer us up, but I should have been more considerate."
Three managed to calm down and surprisingly embraced Luigi's comfort. "Let's just take a moment to relax." Three nodded and closed his eyes, taking deep breaths and really taking time to understand the predicament. "Feeling better?"
"Yeah. Thanks."
Luigi seemed glad to have soothed his friend's problems, but he was still curious. "No problem, but I just have one more question." Three turned around and crooked his eyelids open. "Hm?"
"Who is him?"
Thank goodness Luigi was too clueless to pick up on that. Three felt his cheeks grow warm and he suddenly looked incredibly awkward, fiddling with his hands a bunch. "I...can't say." Luigi's head raised a little and he asked "Why not? Wouldn't it just be easier to tell me?" Three thought about it for a second and mumbled "It's...someone I like." Luigi perked his ears up, leaning in closer to hear better and said "What?"
"I like someone okay! And I'm very worried for him!"
Luigi was overjoyed by this news. "Really? That's great! What's his na-" Three interrupted him, knowing exactly what he was going to say. "I'm not telling you. It's personal." He puffed his cheeks and crossed his arms when he saw Luigi smiling at him sweetly. "I understand. And don't worry, your secret is safe with me." Three breathed a heavy sigh and said "Thanks man..." The two shook hands when they saw a brightly lit building next to them.
The sign said "Tony's Diner" and it strangely was the only lively place on the block. Both of them knew it was just Mr Puzzles trying to lure them in so they bravely walked into the restaurant, ready for anything Mr Puzzles would throw at them. A waiter showed them to a table and handed menu's. Three was confused as hell, but then he saw someone familiar at their table. "FOUR!?"
Luigi could tell something was sketchy about him and sadly said "I don't think it's really him Three. Mr Puzzles just created a doppelgänger of him." Three's smile soon vanished as he wished it had been the real thing. "But I don't get why Mr Puzzles would make a fake version of Smg4."
Three was getting a weird feeling about this, but Luigi simply dismissed it and hummed to himself. The waiter asked "May I take your order?" Luigi nodded and pointed to a certain dish on the menu. "A plate of spaghetti for us please!"
The waiter ecstatically said "Good choice sir. It's our most popular dish." and went to the kitchen. That's when it all clicked for Three. He facepalmed himself and said "Of course!" Luigi quizzically asked him "What is it? This place seems nice." Once again this guy was being gullible. "That's exactly it Luigi! This TV freak is making us act out popular movie scenes for his shows! And right now he's forcing me and this cheap copy of Smg4 to do the spaghetti kiss from Lady and The Tramp!"
Both of them turned to find Mr Puzzles in a chef's hat and apron while wearing one of those curly mustaches and slammed down a plate of delicious spaghetti for them to share. "Bon appetite!" Luigi took a huge gulp as Three shot back "Are you sick or something!? No way in hell am I kissing this phony!" Mr Puzzles twirled his mustache around and said "Oh well that's too bad. It's your choice." He started walking back inside, but then said at the doorway "But if you want to get out, that's the only way."
Three looked absolutely appalled. "I refuse to do this! I had a feeling this was a trap." Luigi quickly caught on and said "Three. You have to do it."
"No way!"
"It's the only way to leave. To save our friends. To save Smg4."
Three stopped being stubborn and felt a bit stressed like he was keeping something in. "It's not like you're kissing the person you've been bottling your feelings up for. It's just Smg4." He didn't know. Smg3 stuttered "A-Actually...it is."
"The person I was telling you about. That was Smg4."
Luigi gasped and said "Oh...well that's okay. Just imagine you're finally sharing a kiss with him for real." Three began freaking out and said "I can't just imagine that! We're supposed to be rivals! I've accepted him as a friend now, but actually thinking of being something more...it's just...I can't! And if I don't do this then he'll be..." Three stoped rambling and looked at the fake Smg4 with great worry in his eyes. Luigi sighed and said "You don't have to do it if it's too hard for y-"
"I'll do it."
Luigi looked back at him with stunned silence. "But I thought you said-" Three put his hands up and said "I know. I'm just afraid of what he'll say if I confess, but losing him. It makes me feel even worse." Three sucked it up and took out his fork as "Smg4" did the same. They ate in silence until both of them felt a piece of noddle they were sharing. Three shut his eyes tight and tried to imagine sharing a deep kiss with Four after he rescued him. Three spinning him around and Four making that cute little giggle. Then their lips would collide. How passionate it would be, deeply leaning into it. And any emotional scars would just melt away as they felt safe in each other's embrace.
"Three? You can open your eyes now. You did it!"
Smg3's eyelids flickered open as he was back at the restaurant. All the lights were turned off now and the clone was gone. "What happened?" Luigi explained "After you kissed him, the fake Smg4 vanished and this portal appeared." He pointed to a giant TV screen with static in front of them, but Three was still wrapped up in his own little world. "I kissed him..."
Luigi shook him out of it gently and told him "It was just a puppet Three. We still have to save our friends and the real Smg4." Three nodded and came back to reality as both of them jumped through the portal.
Meggy paced back and forth, trying to think of someway to change Tari back. "Why would Mr Puzzles do this to you?" It had to be some form of manipulating them into creating one of his shows. "Now which film features a talking swan?" Tari tapped her beak in thought until she joyfully knew the answer "The Swan Princess!" Meggy quickly agreed. "Yes! If this is based off that story, we just have to wait until night and you'll turn back into a human!" Tari looked up in the sky and the sun didn't even look close to setting.
Meggy noticed as well, but then turned back to see Tari start panicking. "Oh what are we going to do Meggy! We can't leave until we finish the story and by the time we do, Mr Puzzles will have captured all of our friends!"
"It's okay Tari. Just calm down."
"Calm down!? I'M A SWAN! I can't do anything stuck like this and what about Smg4! He's in danger and we need to save him as soon as possible!" She started bawling as Meggy watched tears run down her white cheeks and softly hit the water. "Shhh Tari. Look at me." The swan's sad honks calmed for a second as Meggy knelt down closer to her. "I promise we will find a way to save everyone, including Four, but I need you to be brave and strong for me. Okay?"
The swan sniffed a few times and gave a weak smile. "O-Okay M-Meggy...I'll try." The orange haired girl gave her an assertive look and said "Besides, we've beaten that guy before. We can do it again." Meggy sat down in the grass and told her "How about we talk for a little while to pass the time. Any new games you like to play?"
"Oh...Oh yeah! I love this new racing game! I've already won a couple of trophies in it!"
"Wow! That sounds exciting! Tell me more."
The girls had a nice conversation, learning more about each other while keeping them at ease. They didn't notice how the sun seemed to speed up more and more till the sky was pink and the sun had almost fully gone down. "Wow! It's almost night time already."
"I told you so Tari. Just a few more seconds and you'll be back to your beautiful self again." Meggy can't believe she just said that. Tari smiled sweetly and said "Thank you so much Meggy. I'm so lucky to have a friend like you." The swan fluttered over and threw he wings around Meggy to which she graciously returned the hug. "Always Tari."
The full moon was out now and a flash of light appeared around Tari. When she opened her eyes, she was back in her regular form, waving her hands around to make sure she was alright. "I'm back!" Meggy nodded and said "Yep! Look there's the portal!" She pointed to another TV screen portal in the sky and both girls held hands, running and jumping into it with not a bit of remorse.
Mario wasn't running around frantically anymore, but walking at a steady pace. It took a moment for him to realize this situation was creepy and unnerving to think about. Every time he went around a corner, the next part of the hallway would just have another row of doors to go through and he couldn't tell which one was holding Smg4.
Just wait until he found that evil TV man. He was really going to teach him a lesson this time. He could already hear the sounds of him crying. Wait, that wasn't crying. It sounded like...laughter? Mario heard it from a door at the end of a hallway. If Mr Puzzles was in there, then that must mean "SMG4!!!" Mario bolted down the hallway and swung open the door to find another room instead. One that was lying with multiple monitors all around and Mr Puzzles watching them.
The red Italian slowly backed up and hid behind the door as Mr Puzzles saw Smg3 and Luigi had arrived back in the TV dimension. "Soon the rest of them will escape as well and when they do...I'll be ready for them." He got up from his seat and crooked his head. "Huh...why's the door open?" He shrugged it off and headed down the hallway while Mario clasped his hands around his mouth, being careful not to breathe.
Finally when he was gone, Mario allowed himself a moment to catch his breath and looked inside the room. Many monitors were playing the previous shows and movies that Mr Puzzles had forced the crew to do, but then he saw the one Mr Puzzles was observing that had Smg3 and Luigi. He pressed his entire face against the screen and cried out "SMG3! LUIIIGGIIII!"
The two became startled as they saw fat cheeks pressing on a screen in front of them. "Mario?" Luigi was overjoyed to see his brother was still in one piece. "MARIO! YOU'RE OKAY!" His brother waved and said "Hello Luigi! The toilet is clogged! Could you go fix that while Mario talks with Smg3?" Three rolled his eyes and said "Listen Mario. We're still stuck in here so we need you to find a way to get us out. Have you found Smg4 yet?"
"No, but Mario's working on it!"
"Mr Puzzles told us that he wants to control him and use his knowledge for himself. You've got to find Four before that happens or I swear I will break out of this TV and kick your butt!"
"Okie dokie!"
Mario raced off while Three called out "Wait! Where is- and he's gone." Luigi assured Three "Don't worry. My brother can handle this." They then heard some crashing sounds from the other side of the TV. "I hope..."
"Wait! I'm not going to hurt you!" Boopkins calmed down from his screaming and asked "You're not?" Bob was still majorly freaked out and kept screaming at the top of his lungs.
"Didn't you hear me? I said I'm not going to hurt you."
"Would you please shut up."
Finally the gargoyle had enough and kicked Bob right in the private area. "OW MY OVARIES!" With that out of the way, the gargoyle cleared his throat and said "As I wanted to say, are you finally going to go down and meet the people of Paris?" Boopkins and Bob looked at each other in confusion and both said in unison "What?" The stone statue pointed down below and said "For the festival? Don't you want to go?" Bob's suddenly became very intrigued and asked "A PARTY!? ARE THERE GOING TO BE LADIES AND BEER?"
"Uh...I guess girls will be there, but I don't know about that last one. It's the Feast of Fools. I thought you wanted to go Boopkins." The fish tried to piece things together while Bob placed a blade on his shoulder and said "OH DEFINITELY! THIS PIECE OF CRAP IS THE KING OF FOOLS!"
"You really think he could be the king of fools!? That's such a tremendous honor!"
Bob then kicked Boopkins off the balcony as he fell down to the ground. Bob jumped off after him and he fell on his groin. As the two recovered from the massive fall, the sounds of cheery music, smells of delicious food, and the laughter of merry amusement instantly hit them. "OOOOO I'M COMING FOR YOU ALCOHOL!" He was about to take off when Boopkins stopped him. "Bob wait! We need to find a way out of here so we can stop Mr Puzzles from hurting our friends!" 
"Because it's the right thing to do and I know that deep down inside of you there is good in your heart that wants to do the right thing because it's nice and-"
Halfway through his monologue, Boopkins noticed that Bob had already ran off, ignoring everything he said. Typical of him to do so. Bob immediately bowled over half the crowd to check out the party. The moment Boopkins made himself visible by yelling for Bob, everyone swiveled their heads around and stared at him silently. "Oh hey guys! I'm just trying to get to my fri-" Once again, Boopkins found himself being cut off as the crowd erupted into thunderous applause and held him over their heads, throwing him onto stage. Some guy put on a king's crown and robe on him and the people cheered "King of fools! King of fools!"
Bob was looking at the portion table to be heavily disappointed that the only alcohol being served was wine, but in no way was he drinking that. He then heard the chanting as he turned around and saw Boopkins being glorified and worshiped. Bob thought "WHAT IDIOTS. THIS TURD DESERVES TO BE BULLIED. ESPECIALLY WITH THAT FACE." He took a tomato, stood up in front of everyone, and shouted "HEY LOSERS!" Everyone turned as Bob threw a tomato at the poor fish, staining his face with tomato juice. Everyone gasped and mummed around how it wasn't a mask.
"OF COURSE IT'S NOT A MASK. COME ON EVERYONE JOIN IN!" He continued throwing fruits and veggies at him and all the people did the same, pelting him with food. "S-Stop i-it!" Bob was getting a good laugh out of this, but soon realized he had enough. The crowd didn't think so though. Bob was starting to get a little annoyed as he pushed and pulled people, trying to get their attention.
Finally, he looked up to where his best friend was cowering and fear and rushed up to the stage, blocking him with his cloak and yelled "EVERYONE STOP IT AND SHUT UP! I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO GETS TO DECIDE WHEN TO BULLY BOOPKINS!" All the people suddenly stopped and drooped to the ground like mindless robots. "THE HELL?" A TV screen portal appeared behind them and they got sucked into it, being thrown out back into the TV dimension.
Boopkins felt his face for a few seconds as it didn't feel lumpy anymore. "Hey! My face is back to normal! And look, there's our friends!" He pointed over to the group where they concernedly discussed how to find Mario and Smg4. Tari was the first to notice and said "There you guys are! We were getting worried!"
Meggy turned and explained "Oh we were all trapped in different parodies like last time, but all we had to do was act out the scene to escape!" Boopkins and Bob quickly pieced it together and the fish replied "Awwww it's because you saved me like the gypsy girl..." Bob had his own idea that was different than what Boopkins thought. "I THOUGHT IT WAS BECAUSE I STARTED THE IDEA OF THROWING STUFF AT YOU!"
"Anywayyyy...my best bet to get out of here is finding channel 999 again, unless Mario calls us back with a better way."
Mario kept busting through walls and doors, determined to find his best friend. That and Smg3 was threatening to kill him if anything happened to Smg4. He still wasn't having any luck until he found a door he had never seen before. It was labeled "Stage" and seemingly boarded up. That didn't stop Mario as he just t-posed and phased through the door. There were no lights on and a small podium with a button was in the middle. Mario couldn't pass up the opportunity to push a big red button, but his mind wondered "Is this a good idea?" The only thing inside his head was a spinning Mario head so the red Italian didn't think too much of it and pressed the button for the scene to change.
He now found himself in the snowy woods with a sign behind him. This was the set for the Anastasia movie Mr Puzzles put on. Mario pressed the button again and he now found himself in the middle of Verona from Romeo and Juliet. Mario kept pressing the button as it flipped through a bunch of sets until one caught his eyes and he stopped. It was the game show set from that couples fanatic except the studio was totally abandoned. Mario thought he could hear something behind the wall as he remembered it now.
He tried no clipping and BLJ, but those didn't seem to work. Mr Puzzles really didn't want him to go anywhere near Smg4 did he. Mario tried to use his big brain for another solution, but that just overloaded him to the point where he caught on fire and began running around. After a few minutes of this, he tripped and saw a vent. "Oooooo" Mario gripped and pulled the door off, scurrying through the vents. Somehow in this life or death situation, Mario got the need to hum a catchy song in the midst of all this.
He didn't pay attention to the floor and fell through an opening. Now he was back where he started. In a black void...which means... Mario quickly called out "SMG4!?" There was no response. "SMG44444!!??" A weak and timid voice croaked out "M-Mario..." Smg4 was still stuck in that machine, looking worse than ever. This time the cracks were glowing and had almost covered all of his body. His eyes became drained from all the pressure and his body felt incredibly exhausted. Mario became extremely concerned as he ran over and tried pulling apart the machine. "LET MARIO'S BEST FRIEND GO!!!"
"I-Its no use Mario..." Four squeaked out. "Just get out of here and save our friends..."
A shadowy figure approached behind him. "MARIO! WATCH OUT!" The Italian's reflexes were too slow as Mr Puzzles grabbed Mario with a crooked smile. "What did I say about coming back here...?" Mario gulped as Mr Puzzles chuckled and said "I am so close...so close to getting what I want AND NO CROSSEYED, DOWN RIGHT STUPID, RETARDED IDIOT IS GOING TO MESS IT UP FOR ME!" He threw Mario into another TV as he began pounding on the glass. "Let Mario out! Mario doesn't like small spaces!"
"Wait what!?" Smg4 never heard anything about fighting his friends when Mr Puzzles controlled him. It was too late to do anything now though. His body was worn out and his last hope is imprisoned. Mr Puzzles flipped the switch and said "NOW RISE MY PARTNER! STOP FIGHTING YOUR PAST SELF!" This was the worst shock yet. Smg4 tried his best, but nothing could be done. Mario watched in horror as Four screamed out with his eyes bloodshot and the pink cracks spreading everywhere.
The crew started looking for channel 999 when all the TV's started flickering and went to static. "Wh-What's happening..?" Tari nervously asked. A live recording of Mr Puzzles appeared making Tari jump back. Everyone else prepared themselves, but it didn't seem like Mr Puzzles was talking to them, but more so everyone in the world.
"Greetings viewers. I have exciting news! My partner is finally ready to go public in the show business. Just imagine what better movies and shows we can create together."
The camera moved over to a curtain as Mr Puzzles proudly said "Give it up for the new co-host of Puzzlevision, SMG4 himself with his new debut!" The curtain rose as everyone immediately froze in terror. It was the insane version of himself with bright pink pupils that matched the cracks on his face. Three felt tears rise up and a huge lump in his throat. He collapsed onto his knees as he didn't even try to fight the waterworks. "No..."
Mr Puzzles swung an arm over his partner's shoulder and said "Let's give him a huge round of applause!" Three's eyebrows furrowed as he yelled "GET YOURSELF AWAY FROM HIM YOU BUSTED PIECE OF TV CRAP! I'LL KILL YOU! YOU HEAR ME! I'LL DESTROY YOU!" Obviously, the TV man couldn't hear him, but Meggy stopped him from lunging forward. "Three calm down. I'm just as upset as you are, but you have to get a hold of yourself." He didn't care. "LET ME GO SQUID! HE HAS FOUR! I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!"
Mr Puzzles continued on "Our next performance, Smg4 will be destroying his former members with our special audience, Mario!" He played a recording of Mario banging on the TV, screaming "Let Mario out! The TV man tricked him!" Luigi cried out "MARIOOOOOO!"
All the TV's started to glow white as Mr Puzzles appeared with a devilishly handsome grin on his face. "Get ready folks! It's time for the Smg4 crew's retirement!" The insane Smg4 slowly walked behind him, ready to defeat his former friends. "Are you ready Mario?" The Italian was furiously banging on the glass. "Ugh don't bother. That glass is almost impossible to break. It's not like the power of friendship or anything will help you escape."
He hopped into a theatre chair with a big bucket of popcorn and put on some 3D glasses. "ACTION!" Insane Smg4 launched forward at Meggy, who narrowly dodged his attack. "Smg4! Snap out of it!" He didn't listen and targeted Boopkins next, who was blocked by Bob with his samurai swords. "DUDE! QUIT FALLING INTO YOUR EMO PHASE!" Insane Smg4 called upon some tentacle arms to aid him in the fight.
Mario was still banging as hard as he could, but it was no use. He fell to the ground out of exhaustion. There was nothing left for him to give. Three couldn't stand by and let this happen. As Smg4 loomed over the girls, Tari cowering and Meggy shielding her, Three kicked Four down. "I don't want to have to do this to you dude, but I can't let you hurt my friends!" Three pushed though the pain of fighting the one he loved and took out a gun, firing at the insane Smg4, who used the tentacles to swallow the bullets.
He created one behind Three as it knocked him down in a fatal swoop. He laid there, stunned on the ground and looked up to find the insane Smg4 looking down at him, ready to strike. "I'm not sure if you're in there Four, but you have to stop this. Don't listen to whatever that freak has told you. I'm here for you and so are our friends. Don't take away the ones you love." He hoped Four would listen to him like last time, but he didn't. No eye twitching. No fighting the control. Not even a tiny flinch of remorse. Mr Puzzles laughed and said "Nice try! Your stupid speech won't snap him out of it this time!"
Mario then felt something resonate in him. He looked down and saw a blue glow around his hands. Curious, he hit one against the TV screen and it began to crack. Mario was overjoyed and called out "SMG3! Keep going! Smg4 is helping Mario thanks to your gay speech!" Three was surprised to see the blue glow that was aiding the fatso in escape. "I knew you were still in there..." Three whispered as the insane Smg4 gritted his teeth and tried to land a punch, but Three grabbed hold of Four's wrists. "You helped me change for the better so I'll do the same for you."
The blue light grew brighter as Mario kept banging on the screen. "Hey! What are you doing!?" Mr Puzzles sat up, wondering how this was possible. "Quick guys! Say something to Four!" Three instructed the rest of the crew as he was still holding back Four's fists.
"You're such a good friend Smg4!"
"You've made our lives better!"
"You support us all and never give up!"
Mario kept breaking through the screen as he stuck his head through. "NO!" Mr Puzzles leapt up from his chair and yelled "SHUT THEM UP! I'LL DEAL WITH MARIO!" The insane Smg4 nodded as he threw Smg3 and swung at the rest of his friends. Meggy pulled out her splatshot, Bob's arms turned to bazookas, and Tari got her arm ready. Boopkins was there too I guess. Luigi was kinda just trembling in the corner, but he couldn't just cower while his friends were fighting for their lives. "No...I CAN DO THIS! I AM A MAN!" His body transformed into his buff, powerful form as he strangled a tentacle with his bare hands.
Mario broke through the screen and fell flat on his face, seeing Mr Puzzles stand before him. "Well now it looks like it's just you and me!" His hand was filled up with zaps of energy. Mario got an angry look and took out a bat. "This is for Smg4!" They two began clashing with each other while the crew was fighting against the corrupted Four.
Finally, the insane Smg4 had enough and pinned his friends to the wall, determined to finally end this for good. Mr Puzzles was about to get the drop on Mario when he turned and said "Nighty night!" swinging the bat as hard as he could that it broke Mr Puzzles' screen and he fell down.
Mario loomed over when Mr Puzzles chuckled and said "Looks like you're out of time Mario." He looked over and saw his friends were in danger. While he was distracted, Mr Puzzles got up and kicked him to the ground, pointing his finger laser right at him. "Heh...looks like your friends are your biggest weakness. When I finally defeat you, I will prove to the world that I'm not just some NOBODY!" Mario cowered in fear until he heard what the TV man had said and felt a guilt rise up in him. Was it wrong for him to feel remorse like this? No, Mr Puzzles had hurt him and his friends. He deserved to be destroyed...didn't he?
Mario then remembered what Mr Puzzles had said earlier. His past. His horrible past. No. He didn't deserve this. He deserved something better. Friends. "Mario's so sorry." Mr Puzzles looked at him with a perplexed expression "Huh?"
"The TV guy had no friends. He just wants others to love him. Mario is-a right?"
Mr Puzzles stopped and retracted his finger. "No..you don't understand. I never had friends. I never did." Mario got up and got closer as he calmly said Go on. Mario is listening." "What are you doing Mario!?" Meggy confusingly asked. "My parents never believed in me no matter what I did. All I wanted was for someone out there to love me. And I wanted it so badly that I did...unspeakable things. I watched TV every minute, every hour, every day. Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore that I cut off my head and replaced it with a TV. But the pain never went away. Once I learned about your show...I was obsessed that I did...so many terrible things." He looked like he was on the verge of tears as Mario held his hand and whispered "Let it out." Mr Puzzles fell to pieces, breaking down.
"Oh Mario! What have I done! I'm repeating my same horrible actions! I've done so many awful things for fame and respect! I'm so selfish! All I wanted was a friend, but now because of me I've made too many mistakes! I've blown it! Nobody will ever be my friend now! I'm trapped!"
Mario couldn't believe he was seeing this egotistical TV man, the star of the show, the one who never seemed to care about anybody but himself, crying...
"I'm sorry Mario..."
He then felt someone's arms around him, he looked up to see that his sworn enemy was hugging him. "You...why?" Mario nuzzled his head into Mr Puzzles shoulders and said "Because Mario wants to be your friend."
"You do...even after all I've done to you and your crew." The Italian nodded and Mr Puzzles was taken aback. "I don't know what to say..." He softly embraced the hug and whispered "Thank you." As they pulled away, he looked up to his screens to see that people were actually rating his show and were saying such nice things. "My..my fans?" He smiled sweetly, but Mario pointed down to the still insane Smg4. "Can you please fix Mario's best friend."
"Oh. Yes of course!" He snapped his fingers and Smg4 returned to normal. The crew were let go and allowed a moment to recover. Smg3 looked up to see Smg4 blinking and touching his face. "I...I'm back?" Three was so relieved that he ran up and tightly hugged Four. Even more than Mario did with Mr Puzzles. "Four! I'm so glad your okay! I thought I lost you forever!" Smg4 was confused at first, but kindly wiped away the small tears in the corners of Three's eyes and said "Me too. I was so worried I would never see you again." He held Four's face and calm spoke in his ear "I'm not going anywhere."
Mr Puzzles and Mario watched the heartwarming scene as he sighed and said "Well, I guess let's bring this to a close." Mr Puzzles faced the audience and said "Thank you all so much my lovely viewers! But I'm afraid this is the end. Thank you all for your support and my...friends here for helping me realize the importance of my life." He said goodbye and told the crew "You might want to close your eyes for this." They did as they were instructed and a bright light filled the scene around them.
Upon opening them again, the crew found themselves back in the streets of Paris, except it was dark. Mr Puzzles bashfully said "Well I guess until we meet again." He took a bow and started walking away, but Mario still felt like there was more he could do. "Wait!" Mr Puzzles turned around as he asked "Would...TV man perhaps...consider staying here." His eyes rose in surprise for such an offer. The crew didn't really get it either on why Mario would want this villain to join them.
"Mario...would like to spend time with...Mr Puzzles?" He thought about it for a second and said "If...you want? I guess."
"YIPPEE!" Mario threw himself around Mr Puzzles again as he tried escaping from his grasp. "Okay. That's enough! Quit it!" The Italian would not let go as Mr Puzzles sighed and trudged back to the hotel. Meggy watched them and turned back to the others with a raised eyebrow. "I'm not sure what that was about, but I guess if Mario wants to give him a chance, we will too." Four smiled and said "Yeah. Someone's taught me to look for the good in everyone." He immediately narrowed his eyes on Three, who gave him a playful roll of the eyes. "You're lucky that I've missed you." Four felt blush on his cheeks and looked over to a bridge that seemed eerily familiar.
"Three, can we take a walk?" He smiled and said "Sure." The blue boy made some cute squealing noises as he started tugging on Three's arm and Three said "We'll see you guys in the morning." Meggy waved with a reply of "Alright!" as she and the others went back to the hotel.
Thank you for watching Puzzlevision!
Chapter 14: Confessing Under the Moonlight
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sexymanxisuma · 11 months
Masterpost of all aus, fics and series that have been tagged on this blog
if you enjoy any of these, please feel encouraged to go check out the blogs tagged and check out more of their stuff! ^-^
#shep dbh au <- the detroit become human au that @shepscapades has that is in the form of comics and other drawings as well (think like doodles and wips ^-^)
#the silver sun <- a xisuma centric fic that @thathermitweirdo and art that is made inspired by the fic
#tastes like coffee <- an ethubs fic that xisuma shows up in by @thatonewatercat
#hunger au <- posts about the fic lost in the dark (he's got a heavy heart) by @definitelynotshouting that is a grian fic where grian goes through a lot of stuff and xisuma shows up in the fic. heavy tags
#vampire au <- so far just one post by @thathermitweirdo talking about writing vampire hunter xisuma ^-^
#it spreads au <- a comic series by @foxxology where grian becomes corrupted by skulk during s9 and xisuma shows up
#creaturfication au <- an au by @evenmoreevil & @applestruda
#sporelings au <- an au by @sporelings-au that takes place during s7 where grian is mother spore and the other resistance members are his kids and doc is his partner. xisuma shows up and is lovingly referred to as uncle egg by the sporelings ^-^
#meiy'ia <- a pirate fic and art by @kitsunespawz where xisuma is the captain of the ship. there is hermitshipping in it
#space outlaws <- a hermitcraft space au by @martuzzio that has art and a fic called my reality, yours
#starred water au <- an au by @kingscourthouse that includes both xisuma and evil xisuma
#little big hermitcraft <- a little big planet au by @slime-gods
#iris au <- an interactive au on the blog @ask-the-iris-au-hermits
#apricity au <- an au by @isolarya which includes watcher lore and traffic series
#the swap au <- a post double life au by @arthropod-concoctions where the soulmates end up swapping places. xisuma shows up during in the fic, which is called and why are you british now?
#spicy chicken au <- a fantasy au by @mojo-chojo (and their mutuals, followers and anons) with various comics and fics. this au has hermitshipping elements ^-^
#hot guy aquarium au <- a merfolk x superhero au on @officalhotguyaquarium where xisuma is the owner of the aquarium ^-^
#black rose au <- a four part series by @cobradoesmcyt that is set in s6
#diverging future <- a fic by @bunnyloverqueen where xisuma adopts grian and jimmy as children. evil xisuma is in the fic too. heavy tags.
#mini tango au <- an au by @mysteriousmoss about tango having a clone/son. evil xisuma appears in some art for the au
#void duo hero au <- a superhero au by @kiwinatorwaffles that has both art and fics. this au includes both xisuma and evil xisuma
#hc scp au <- a scp au by @rosego1dd
#daau <- a desert alien au by @stiffyck that xisuma is a part of ^-^
#tcpootw <- the curtains pulled out of the wall is a fic by @meteormoss about etho cleo and bdubs. xisuma is only mentioned in asks i believe (i haven't finished reading the fic yet so sorry if im wrong ^-^). a bit heavier fic.
#tamacrafters au <- an au by @hybbart where players spawn in as eggs and then hatch into lil creatures ^-^ this au is partially inspired by tamagotchi if i remember correctly (let me know if im wrong ^-^)
#jevin's egg disaster <- an au by @theminecraftbee inspired by the easter egg hunt that jevin put together in s9 where the eggs hatch and lil hermits run around the server ^-^
#private detective gem tasey <- a gem centric detective au by @kiwinatorwaffles
#featherweight au <- an au by @doctorsiren that xisuma and evil xisuma appear in
#featherswap au <- an au by @doctorsiren that xisuma and evil xisuma appear in
#commission competition <- an au by @stitchthesewords that is about etho and bdubs mainly. xisuma has appeared in it tho ^-^
#dry lightning au <- an au by @t3rm1n0s where an oc (koda) is created and their shenanigans on the server. xisuma appears in the au
#winter's rebirth <- a multifandom au by @mysteriousmoss that xisuma and evil xisuma appear in
#wall au <- a superhero au by @nullvoidface where cuteguy becomes the villain. xisuma appears in it. the fic is called And Now There's A Coldness (And It's Shaped Like Me)
#coastal town au <- an au by @solsearchingnights that is multi fandom. xisuma shows up in it.
#aadtd au <- an au by @sleepychaoticentity where both grian and zedaph are watchers on hermitcraft. xisuma is a part of this au
#kitsunes space pirates au <- a pirate au by @kitsunespawz where every server is a pirate ship and the admin of said server is the captain. both xisuma and evil xisuma are in this au
#odyssey craftpunk au <- an au by @gumptiomdog that both xisuma and evil xisuma are a part of
#hermitfold au <- a hermitcraft x dsmp au by @serendipitous-posts where c!jack manifold appears in hermitcraft s8 and ends up basing with zedaph. xisuma is a part of this au
#metal hearts au <- an au by @votederpycausemufins where mumbo and grian rebuild grumbot and jrumbot but as little robots, so they now have essentially 2 kids on the hermitcraft server. xisuma is in this au
#snapshot au <- an au by @doctorsiren where different hermits have been "snapped" and are evil robots (pls correct me if im wrong about this) both xisuma and evil xisum are in this au
#dadskall au <- an au by @doctorsiren where iskall is doom guy/used to be doomguy and is also xisuma & evil xisuma's dad because of being doomguy
#this is about a stuffed bird <- a fic written by @theminecraftbee where mumbo jumbo sets out on a mission to find grian after the world seemingly ends and he sees things that no one should ever see. evil xisuma is in this fic and there are mentions of xisuma
#hermit doomsday au <- an au on the @dailyxisumavoid blog where xisuma is surviving in a post apocalypse world and is finding other survivors along the way ^-^
#recks au <- an au by @wasyago that takes place in s8 with the concept of the builders are robots that the redstoners have made in a cyberpunky setting ^-^ both xisuma and evil xisuma present
#from the archives <- a the magnus archives au by @sixteenth-days that has multiple fics and has characters from multiple different smps. both xisuma and evil xisuma show up during the au.
#hermitcraft mermaid au <- an au by @remderance where xisuma is the owner of an oceanarium and ocean research center. different hermits in this au are different ocean creature mermaids like scar and pearl ^-^
#fallen london au <- an au by @redstone-sun that is multifandom and has multiple fics
#octopath au <- an au by @bathtea4 inspired by octopath 2
#SEN au <- an au by @tunastime around the fic Stretching Endless Nights. xisuma is mentioned in the fic and in some other posts about the au
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tsukikoayanosuke · 4 months
One's Dazzling Light - Ruikasa Week 2024
Day4: Fantasy
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Rui always thought that the world was cruel. That happiness doesn't exist in his play of life. The curtain rose to reveal a dark wood where he lived since he was born. A poor peasant couple; the toy maker husband and the housewife. In a world where magic surrounded the air, what could a pair of magicless humans do? 
Neither of them could raise a child of magic. Not just any magic; the Pure Darkness. A magic of jinx and curse. A magic that could bring ruin to the world. 
A magic bestowed on the only son of the poor Kamishiro family. 
His parents tried their best. They did. They loved him more than anything in the world and he lived him back. His father taught him about crafts and his mother taught him about flowers. 
But Rui was a child. A lone child who only wants friends. 
And yet no children his age wanted to step onto his stage. They shun him for having the cursed magic. He could count on one hand the children who eventually accept him the way he is; a shy mermaid named Nene who accidentally swam too close to the beach when he was practicing and a knight-in-training named Mizuki who had been outcasted for being too feminine. 
Those four people are the people Rui kept close to his heart.
And the world decided to take them away almost immediately.
"I got accepted!" Nene said to him, happy tears streaming down her cheeks. "Phoenix Orchestra. I get to sing and travel the world."
He didn't have the heart to beg her to stay.
"I'm going to the Knight Academy next year," Mizuki said to him. "Do you want to join in as well?"
He just shook his head, knowing he had no place there.
"We'll be home in just a week, okay kiddo?" His father ruffled his hair.
"Don't forget that we love you." His mother kissed his forehead.
They never came home. Their carriage was attacked. It was not an accident, Rui knew that. The punishment of being the parent of a cursed child. 
They tried to kill him as well, but a burning house could never hurt him. He sent it back to them, burning them to the bone. After all, Pure Darkness magic could increase misfortune. Perhaps he accidentally cast it upon himself. But he no longer cares. 
If the world tries to kill him, then he'll destroy them first with his own hand. 
"I understand you," the spotlight shone upon a lady in black with pink hair who smelled like death. She offered a hand toward him. "There are many who seek justice, to restart the world with a blank canvas. With your power, we shall bring salvation to those who seek." 
"What must I do?" 
"There are people who are the opposite of you; four people hold the power of Pure Light. Find them, bring them to me, and with the power of Pure Darkness, we shall create a Utopia." 
Rui, who has nothing left to lose and a desire to see the world crumble, took the hand. 
The title 'Alchemist' was bestowed upon him.
The world trembled before his title despite never seeing his true appearance for his illusion magic. In his search for those Pure Light, he brought judgment upon evil. Those who commit crimes will receive punishment from him. Those who wish for revenge upon their enemies, he shall fulfill it. The true Utopia may not come sooner, but he shall bring a little salvation to the people.
In the small provincial town of Phenny, Rui had found one of the Lights. He had sensed a shift in magic the moment he stepped into the town. It was warm, inviting, peaceful... It was everything that Rui wasn't. A Pure Light, such presence they had.
It brought him to an inn. Rather crowded this late in the evening, filled with drunkards and knights off-shift. Rui schruched up hin nose. Could the Light possibly be here in this lowly place?
"Rui? Is that you?"
Rui turned toward the voice and saw a familiar pinknette, now dressed in a silver uniform. "Mizuki..."
"Hey, man!" Mizuki ran toward him, not hesitating to hug him. "It has been a while!"
"I thought you were still studying at the Knight Academy."
"I am. I'm in my final year, so we had a one-year service thing."
"Who are you servicing to?"
"Oh, just some guy." Mizuki didn't look at him as they waved their hand nonchalantly. A gesture of avoidance. They were hiding something and Rui had his guesses.
There it was. A Pure Light walking toward them. Taking a figure of a young man dressed in simple, yet elegant, clothes at the same time; a suit, blue hat, a bow as a tie, and a coat over its shoulder with constellations. Hair as gold as sunset and eyes that shine with innocence.
The Light widened its eyes. "O-Oh. Hello! Are you a friend of Mizuki?"
"You can say that." Rui smiled just for pleasantry. "I'm Kamishiro Rui. And who might you be?"
"Tenma Tsukasa. But you can call me Tsukasa." It offered its hand and Rui took it. Such power radiated from that hand, sending shivers down their spines. "Are you a traveler?"
"You can say that."
It smiled. "Well, I hope we see each other around."
For a prey to invite its predator into its nest, perhaps the Light was more gullible than Rui thought it was.
Passing Akito's room, he could hear the sound of him humming. It wasn't an unusual occurrence, the Wanderer is often one who announces his presence with either a whistle or a caw of his eagle. 
This melody, however, sounded more cheerful, more passionate, and filled with excitement.
"What are you humming about?"
Akito raised his eyebrow from his spot on his bed. Book perched on a thigh and a pencil in his hand. "Why do you care?"
"Just curious."
Akito rolled his eyes and looked back to his book before writing something. When Rui thought he had decided to ignore him, Akito said, "It's just something Kohane taught me."
He paused. His gaze shifted to avoid Rui. "I mean, the Light."
Rui chuckled. "Oh, aren't you getting too chummy with it?"
"Shut up. It just happens we have the same interest."
He jumped off his bed and pulled his hood. "Where are you going?" Rui asked when Akito walked past him.
"Meeting-" He stopped himself. "I mean, keeping an eye on Kohane."
"Sure you are."
For a Darkness and Light to be friends... 
How ridiculous.
Phoenix Orchestra arrived at Phenny. It was said that this small town was the birthplace of the most well-known orchestra in the entire country. The same orchestra that Nene joined. Thus their reunion happened in Phenny.
"Rui!" Nene was never one with physical contact, but she leaped into his arms. Even in his cold heart, Rui couldn't deny returning it. "It has been too long."
"I'm glad I can see you again."
"Me too." Nene pulled back. "Oh! I need to introduce you to someone!" She pulled him toward a small pinknette with a smile so wide. "This is Emu. She's the daughter of the head orchestra."
"Hello!" Emu took Rui's hands and shook them hard. "It's nice to meet you! Nene told me a lot about you!"
"She did?"
"Yup! I would love to get to know you!"
Rui couldn't help but chuckle. "Likewise."
"Oh! Oh! Now it's my turn to introduce you to my friend!" She pulled them toward the inn where Rui was now staying. And upon entering, he could hear the sound of a piano. A beautiful melody; soft and inviting. The Light sat there, eyes closed and smiling softly. Fingers glided down the keys, foot pressed the pedal to a ringing tone. A harmony that left Rui speechless. 
"It's just something Kohane taught me."
Was this what Akito felt when he met his Light? To hold a melody close to his heart and cause a change of heart.
When the piano stopped, Rui craved for more.
"Tsukasa!" Emu leaped into Tsukasa's arms, almost causing him to fall from his seat. 
"Emu! I didn't know you were coming back."
"We'll be here for a couple of months! Keisuke is thinking of holding another audition soon. You should try in." 
Light smiled and patted Emu's head. "I'll think about it."
"But you always said that!" Emu pouted.
"It's a hard decision, Emu."
"And why is that? If I may ask," Rui asked.
Light looked at him. His gaze softened and sighed. "I have a personal reason. I don't want to be a bother."
"You'll never be a bother," Emu said again. "Everyone will love you. I just know it! You'll be a star! Don't you want that?"
"I did." He sighed again. "But that was just a phase, Emu."
Emu stared at him with a slight sadness and Rui was curious about that answer.
Thus, when one night came as Emu, Nene, and Mizuki hung around at one table, Rui walked up to the piano where Light was playing once again. Even after a couple of times listening, Rui could say that he was quickly attached to Light's playing.
"What do you mean 'it was just a phase' last time?"
Light smiled. There was a hint of melancholy in his gaze. "I always know my time is limited. I can't let myself indulge in dreams." He glanced at him. "Aren't you here to take it away quicker from me?"
Rui hummed. "So, you know."
"Pure Light and Pure Darkness always resonate with each other. I've never met with you fellow, but I had sensed you the moment you arrived here."
"Are you going to fight me for your life?"
Light paused his playing. "Tell me, Rui." He fully looked at him. "Do you know what it means to bring salvation to the world?"
Rui didn't answer. The question haunted him in his sleep.
"Rui, do you think we're doing the right thing?" Shizuku had asked him one day.
Rui turned to her. "What do you mean?"
Among the four of them, Shizuku had always been the most compassionate. She loves humanity, which includes her sister who she hadn't seen for a long time. The secret of her being the Pure Darkness was spoken and the guilt of leaving her sister behind always burdens her. 
"Minori told me," Minori was the name of the Light assigned to her, wasn't it? "that maybe we're heading to a decision that we couldn't go back anymore." 
"We are aiming for a Utopia. It's only normal that once the world is rewritten, everything won't be the same."
"I know that." She looked at her hand as Pure Darkness danced between her fingertips. "But still." She brought up her hand to her chest and smiled. It wasn't like the cold smile of the Songstress who charmed her victims. But it was Shizuku's smile; a smile filled with warmth. "I think I want to try to live in this world with her for now."
The Light - Tsukasa - stood in the middle of the plaza, surrounded by children. There was a hint of jealousy blooming in Rui's heart. How funny that he hates the sight of children playing around him. He had gotten close these few days under a self-reassurance of building trust. His conversations with Tsukasa about their daily days were pleasant. In the evening, Tsukasa would play at the bar for his part-time job. Rui had asked once why he even bothered to have a job. Tsukasa just answered with, "I just want to experience life."
That was also a thing that Rui was confused about: the desire to live. Rui had given up on life for he had nothing else to do other than wait for salvation Lady Death would bring. Watching Tsukasa going on with his daily life (buying cute stuff for Mizuki with his own money, attending Nene and Emu's rehearsal, inviting Rui for stargazing), Rui wondered if he could do this as well in the new world. Perhaps, if he ever met Tsukasa again, they could live together and experience it.
What was that thought again?
"Do the magic, Big Brother Tsukasa!" One of the kids cheered. "Do the magic!"
Tsukasa giggled. "Alright, alright." Tsukasa looked up to Rui, smiling and offering a hand. "Come and give me a hand, Rui."
Rui frowned. "Me?"
"Yeah, come on." Tsukasa skipped to pull Tsukasa into the circle.
"Is he magic too?" One of the kids asked.
Tsukasa nodded. "Yeah, and a great one." He turned to Rui, still smiling at him.
"Are you sure?" Rui whispered. "Pure Darkness brings destruction."
"And Pure Light brings creation." Tsukasa opened his palm and Rui's keen eyes could see magic dancing on his palm. "When combine..." Tsukasa brought Rui's hand closer. "A miracle can be created."
Their hands joined together and Rui could feel their magic intertwined. It felt so right. The wind picked up underneath their feet, fluttering Tsukasa's coat and Rui's robe, carrying white and black feathers. The children cheered from the spectacles. When they reached for the feather, it burst into fireworks and bubbles. 
It was beautiful...
A feather landed on Tsukasa's head and it burst into bubbles. Tsukasa giggled and Rui's heart skipped a beat.
"Luka, I don't want to do this anymore." 
Lady Death didn't even look surprised when Mafuyu stood up from her seat. The table felt so empty after Akito and Shizuku's departure, leaving only a pot of a single black lily in their seat. 
"Kanade had told me everything. You lied to us." 
"You trust the Light more than me?" Luka commented. 
"You never told us anything about sacrificing us all!" 
"What?" Rui looked between the two. "Mafuyu what are you talking about?" 
Mafuyu turned to him. The Marionette had always been emotionless, but at the moment Rui could see the great anguish in Mafuyu's eyes. "In order to create a new world, you need to destroy the first world before creating the new one. If Pure Light is the power of creation, what is needed for the destruction?"
"Darkness? We already know that Mafuyu-"
"The Pure Darkness is tied with our own soul. The same goes for the Pure Light to Kanade's. Once magic tied with one's soul, it became harder to extract." She turned back to Luka, glaring at her. "Any attempt of extracting Pure Darkness or Pure Light won't only result in death, but also the erasure of our existence."
"What... What are you saying?"
"We won't be able to enjoy this Utopia is we disappear for good!" Mafuyu curled her fingers into a fist. "The only one winning here is Luka! She's just using us to get all the Pure Light and later killing us to get the Pure Darkness!"
"Luka..." Rui stared at her. "Tell me this is not true... We're not going to die, right?"
Luka never answered them. But her silence was enough.
"I don't want to die..." Mafuyu lowered her head. Rui couldn't see her face, but he knew the devastation feeling she felt. "I don't want to leave Kanade... She's the only one I have..."
"Sacrifices need to be made to reach one seemingly impossible goal," Tsukasa said as they stared into the sunset from the hill of white lilies. It was a secret place that even Mizuki wasn't told about. And yet Tsukasa showed it to Rui out of all people. "Four Light. Four Darkness. For one utopia that we won't be able to enjoy. Is it worth it?"
Rui turned to look at him. "Are you saying it's better just to let evil roam around this Earth?"
"No." Tsukasa shook his head. "Evil can't roam freely if law and order exist is being held up high." He looked up to the orange sky. "If a Utopia is a paraside where people can do whatever they want, then what's stopping them from doing evil again? Light and Darkness, good and evil, will always be there. One cannot be there without the other. How can one judge that something is evil if good doesn't exist? How can you say you've done a good deed if you don't know what evil doings are?"
"So, what do you suggest?"
"It's a tough question." He reached to snap a lily of its stem, bringing it closer to his nose to smell the scent. "But I don't think bringing the end of the world is a good solution." He giggled. "I still love this world and the people in it."
Tsukasa looked at him with a smile as soft as the sunset as he tucked the lily behind Rui's ear. His fingers lingered on his cheeks for a second too long. Rui caught his fingers, pressing Tsukasa's palm onto his cheek as he kissed it.
"I don't want to die," Tsukasa whispered.
"I won't let you," Rui answered. He leaned into Tsukasa's face and pressed their lips together.
He understood now. He understood why Akito resonated with Kohane's music, why Shizuku wanted to live together with Minori, and why even the thought of leaving Kanade brought Mafuyu to tears.
Rui always thought that the world was cruel. But the simple action from Tsukasa, his Light, made him want to stay in this world together with him.
The city was empty when Rui arrived and immediately he felt dread.
Luka is here.
No no no no no.
Rui ran.
She wasn't supposed to be here. She wasn't supposed to be here!
The inn was empty when he barged in. Not even the sound of the creaking window. The bartender who usually already working on his order, was nowhere to be seen. Rui could feel the darkness coming from upstairs inviting him, challenging him.
Rui ran up and slammed the door open.
There, under the moonlight that shone through the window, Luka stood in the middle of the room. With an unconscious Tsukasa in her arms.
"You really think I would let walk out of our deal that easily?" She smiled at him. "Out of all the Pure Darkness, you were the last person I expected to betray me. I guess all those big talks about hating the world are just for shows."
"Luka..." Rui knew he had the power and yet he felt utterly hopeless under the gaze of Lady Death herself. "Let him go."
"Didn't I tell you?" Luka glanced down at Tsukasa, eyes gleaming with greed. "We need the Pure Light if we ever going to create Utopia."
"But you also need us Pure Darkness."
"That's true. But you'll come." She stepped back, separating Tsukasa from Rui even further. And Rui couldn't even lift a finger. "You will all come. All of you are attached to those Lights. And I'll be taking everything."
A portal appeared as the wind picked up again. Rui could feel the world shift, returning to its original form before being visited by death herself.
And Tsukasa slowly opened his eyes, dazed. He didn't even register that he had been captured. All he knew was that Rui was standing there, just a few feet away from him. "Rui..."
He reached out for him. And Rui snapped as if a freezing spell was finally being lifted from him.
"TSUKASA!" He ran toward the pair, arm stretched to reach his Light. But before he could even graze a finger, Tsukasa was gone.
He's gone.
Tsukasa's gone.
Luka caught him.
He's going to die.
All because of Rui.
"Rui!" He didn't even realize Nene was there, clutching his shoulder and shaking him, because Tsukasa was gone. Luka has Tsukasa. He's gone. Rui couldn't stop her. She's gone with Tsukasa.
"We'll find him." Nene clasped his cheeks, grounding him. "We'll bring Tsukasa back."
Bring Tsukasa back...?
"We'll bring him back." Mizuki knelt beside him, hand on his shoulder. Emu gave him a determined nod. "Not just to stop the end of the world."
Right. They can Tsukasa back.
Rui looked at his hand. A hand that could bring disaster with his magic. But Tsukasa believes that he's a good person, even if his hand is cursed.
Rui would believe him. He clenched his fingers into a fist, feeling Pure Darkness flowing in him.
"Wait for me, Tsukasa…"
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benevolentcalamity · 6 months
By the Ruinous Sea [Susabi x GN!Reader]
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It's been a while since I did a fic for Onmyoji, so what better way to return to it than with my first SSR. Heheeee~
With a flick of your fingers, the incense lights, the distant tide calming in a blink.
"Hear me..."
A village by the sea, once proud with bounties of fish and joy. Legends speak of a boy who lived in it that could predict the coming storms, and thusly the people were blessed with his fortunes and visions. Over time, though, his predictions would be more wrong by the day, until the village turned against him. In their fury, they deemed him a perfect sacrifice to their god.
What followed was perfect ruin. Be it because the god rejected their offering, or simply that they had disgraced a gift, the village was decimated beyond repair. Very few managed to escape all this trauma, and whoever did could only speak that fear in hushed tongues.
Your mother, for example, and her mother before and even her mother before, passed this tale down. It took you a long time to track down this village, moreso because the wreckage is unrecognizable from many others like it. But now you're here, and you can finally unload this burden.
"I am not a child of this village, therefore I've no right to speak or pray on its behalf - of this you know yourself." You swallow. "But all the same, I ask your forgiveness of those who once lived here. Their grave sin of spurning your gift cost them dearly, the punishment swift and absolute." For a moment there's a flicker, and you pause, opening your ears, before clearing your throat. "They hadn't a clue the weight of their decisions. Even so, it was too cruel an action, sacrificing a dear child that had brought no evil."
Outside, the tide roars a moment, slapping against the rotted wood door. At first you're shaken to the core; could it be Susabi himself responding to you? Or perhaps it's something else. All the same, you must finish your prayer. Tightening your palms together, the prayer beads sway on your wrists with the growing breeze.
"... Susabi-kamisama, forgive them, I beg." You swallow. "That regret haunted them, and it haunts us, their distant children. Their souls cry with each homage, and the scent of the ocean brings naught but tears. The time for that pain has passed, has it not? For that poor boy rests now among the stars... My only wish is for him and you to know, truly, how deeply we seek atonement."
The ocean goes quiet, unbearably. At the same time, the wind does as well.
Shame weighs down your heart, not in an insincere prayer, but a notion it will never be heard. Perhaps it is deserved - what god would listen to a lineage like yours that cursed a gift? - and yet you can't help but despair. Swallowing harshly, you lower your folded hands onto the ground, adjusting so you can rest your forehead on them. You'll remain for a while... Maybe get some sleep before you begin the journey home.
You hardly have enough in your purse to buy more meat buns, and traveling merchants are more... lascivious when it comes to someone like you so pious and gentle. But you're hardly a fool, so the berating is not new.
A soft light on the sand draws your eye, and slowly you rise up. With the incense halfway burned, and the offerings still fresh, you blink. Something passes through your heart, and you unevenly gasp, standing and whirling around.
Standing there at the door, arms crossed, is a man. Deep indigo, almost black hair near-obscures the one eye, his ornate clothes signifying deep importance. Displeasure, annoyance even, curls his lip and furrows his brows, sharp eyes looking down at you. Not from his nose, no, but simply from his standing. Even with a momentary onceover you realize, this is not a man to be trifled with.
"Foolish humans... They reject the gifts from the gods they so wanted, and take so long to show even a hint of remorse for their callousness." His derision isn't directed at you, and yet it stings. "... Their god is not here. Your prayers shall be heard by no one. Even if it were, what good would it do now? If your distant ancestors were complicit in the child's suffering, then it would be their duty to apologize, not you."
"Children pay for the sins of their parents," You reply. "... That's what I've always known."
An exasperated huff is the response, and your brow furrows.
"... Even if it isn't my responsibility to apologize for what was done that day, it has never felt right to me to brush it away as simple folklore or a wives' tale. If I can do this much, then the guilt that has haunted us for so long will be lifted, someday." You swallow. "Be it by their own admission, or on behalf of the dead, is it not unfair that a past sin be ignored?"
"And is it fair, then, that a babe be punished for a father's cruelty?"
Your hands tremble. "... No."
"The guilt you speak of is a bodiless heirloom of no value. The sin committed in this place has been punished, and there is no more to say or do. The gods will hear no prayer that is unneeded to say." He takes a few steps closer to you, towering over you. "... Leave this village, and do not return - you have no business bearing sins uncommitted."
Somehow, someway, you maintain to meet his eyes. "... Who are you, exactly?"
He doesn't answer.
"You know of this village as well, don't you? What is your family name?"
He remains silent, his gaze drawing to the side as the ocean regains its vigor.
You gulp. "... Wait a moment..."
That's when you have his attention. "The tides will recede tonight, another wave to follow. Before long it'll sweep away what remains of this place." Then his eyes snap back to you. "... Go home, [Name]. And don't come back."
A cold whir in your ears, and your one hand rises. "... Susabi-kamisama...?"
His hand sweeps, and the incense burns out, the ocean beginning to roar. "Leave."
Defeat draws a soft breath from your chest, and you decide to simply do as he says. Pushing open the rotted door, you notice the ominous calm of the sea. Biting your lip, you note how it shrinks away, little by little, like a critter not wanting to be seen by a fox. Seems it is readying itself for another tsunami...
Your innate demeanor guides you to turn back to thank him for the warning, but strangely, the man is gone. All that remains is the soft glimmer that only slightly resembles the divine starlight that twinkled even in his eyes.
A soft nod, and you turn to begin the journey, clutching your beads tight as you ascend into the lonely paths of the highlands.
"Susabi-kamisama... I thank you, for your mercy."
A shooting star above, straight forward over your path, is the sole reply.
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dmitriene · 1 year
ᴄᴏᴡʙᴏʏ'ꜱ ᴘʀᴏᴍɪꜱᴇ.
𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝: 𝚌𝚘𝚠𝚋𝚘𝚢 𝚓𝚘𝚑𝚗 𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚡 𝚐𝚗 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚜: 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏, 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝, 𝚏𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎, 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜, 𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚘𝚏 𝚍𝚒𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚞𝚎𝚜. 𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: 𝙲𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝙹𝚘𝚑𝚗 𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚎, 𝚊 𝚝𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚠𝚋𝚘𝚢, 𝚖𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚗 𝚞𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖 𝚘𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞. 𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛'𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎: 𝚑𝚎𝚢𝚢! 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚕𝚕 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚌𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚜𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚢 𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐 «𝙲𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 — 𝚆𝚑𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚁𝚘𝚘𝚖» 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚠𝚋𝚘𝚢 𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚎.
ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ)
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᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌  ᠌ ᠌ ᠌᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌«in the white room with black curtains near the station»
᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌  ᠌ ᠌ ᠌᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌  ᠌ ᠌ ᠌«black roof country, no gold pavements, tired starlings»
᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌  ᠌ ᠌ ᠌᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌  ᠌ ᠌ ᠌᠌«silver horses ran down moonbeams in your dark eyes»
᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌  ᠌ ᠌ ᠌᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌  ᠌ ᠌ ᠌᠌ ᠌ «dawn light smiles on you leaving, my contentment»
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In 1875, the American West was a land of stark beauty and harsh reality, a time when cowboys and outlaws roamed the vast plains, lawlessness ran rampant in the streets of towns and cities alike, the dry air was filled with tension and unpredictability, danger lurked beyond every corner.
The streets were often shrouded in shadow, illuminated only by the flickering light of gas lamps that cast eerie dancing shadows on the wooden sidewalks.
The streets were lined with buildings with black roofs and weathered facades, their paint peeling and faded from years of exposure to the unrelenting sun and harsh winds, the city's wooden structures a testament to endurance, just like the people who inhabited them.
In this unforgiving landscape, theft and murder were as common as tumbleweeds rolling through the deserted streets, lawmen were few and those who dared to stand up for justice often met a violent death at the hands of ruthless criminals, the air was thick with the acrid smell of gunpowder, a constant reminder of the violence that hung in the air like a storm cloud.
And then there was Captain John Price, a man who defied the stereotype of the rugged cowboy, he was a tall figure, his broad shoulders and weathered face gave him the appearance of a bear in human skin, however, underneath that imposing exterior John had a heart of gold, which distinguished him from the lawless people who roamed the West.
Unlike many others, John never touched innocent people, he was known for his unwavering commitment to protecting the vulnerable and ensuring justice, he had a reputation for helping in any way he could, whether it was protecting the estate from marauding bandits or nursing wounded traveler.
John Price had a unique set of skills that made him a formidable force in the lawless West, he had a keen eye for danger, an uncanny ability to predict the most treacherous situations before they unfolded, as if he could read the heartbeat of a city, knowing when it was brewing trouble, and intervene to defuse it before it escalates into violence.
The people of the town respected John greatly, to them he was more than just a protector — he was a symbol of hope in a lawless land, they trusted him unconditionally and knew that while Captain John Price was around, a glimmer of civilization burned among the chaos.
His connection to the townspeople was deep, he knew everyone intimately, their names, their stories and their struggles, he was a confidant, a shoulder to lean on, and a beacon of kindness in a world that was often brutal.
The tired looks etched on the townspeople's faces softened momentarily when they saw John, as he brought with him a sense of security and confidence.
In a place where the line between good and evil was blurred, John Price remained an unshakable pillar of morality, he was living proof that even in the harshest conditions good could flourish, his mere presence was a reminder that kindness and compassion were not completely lost in a world overrun by criminals and the desperate.
John moved through the dusty streets and his steps were purposeful, he was a protector, a guardian angel of sorts, and the people of the city knew that as long as Captain John Price was on their side, they had a chance to fight the lawlessness that was sweeping the West.
The evening was one of those typical Wild West nights where the air was full of tension and the tavern was filled with the clinking of glasses, raucous laughter and the occasional gunshot from outside.
John, known far and wide for his imposing presence and kind heart, made his way to his favorite tavern, an establishment located near the train station that was a refuge amid the chaos.
When he entered the atmosphere changed slightly, the locals immediately recognized him and nodded respectfully, making way for a tall cowboy with broad shoulders and a rugged appearance, John was a regular here, being both feared and admired, his reputation as a protector was well known and earned him the respect of many.
However, that evening everything was different.
His sharp eyes scanned the dimly lit room and settled on a face that seemed completely out of place in this rough and chaotic environment.
It was your face, framed by soft, demure features and an expression that hinted at innocence, the atmosphere seemed to freeze as if the room itself had paused to notice your presence.
John watched you from afar, intrigued and somewhat puzzled by your appearance, you sat alone at the corner table, your posture prim and proper, your hands folded neatly in your lap, your outfit, although modest, spoke of sophistication and contrasted sharply with the dusty boots and weather beaten hats of regular visitors, you were like a delicate flower among the thorns, too gentle and well mannered for the harsh world of the Wild West.
Unable to contain his curiosity any longer, John walked over to your desk.
He approached with the same measured gait he used in dangerous situations, his boots echoing on the creaking wooden floor as he cleared his throat as he stood in front of you, his presence casting a shadow on your desk.
— «Good evening» he greeted in a deep, raspy voice that resonated with authority — «Mind if I join you for a spell?»
You looked up, surprise in your eyes, as if you weren’t expecting anyone to approach you in this establishment.
You nodded politely, pointing to the empty chair opposite you — «Of course, sir, please take a seat»
John settled into his chair, studying you intently with his piercing blue eyes — «You're not from around here, are ya?» he asked, suspicion evident in his tone — in a country where trust was a scarce commodity, newcomers often drew scrutiny.
You smiled slightly, your demeanor was calm and collected — «No, sir, i'm not, i'm just passing through»
John's initial hostility began to subside as he continued the conversation — «Passing through, you say? What brings you to this part of the world?»
You explained that you were there to help your father with his business, which led to John's demeanor softening a bit, the idea of family and duty resonating deeply with him and he found himself letting his guard down a bit.
As the evening unfolded, you and John talked, he discovered that you came from a bustling city, far from the border, a place of sophistication and politeness, the thought of a city dweller going into the lawless wild west puzzled him, but he didn't could deny the intrigue I felt.
The rowdy tavern patrons continued to party around you, but inside the little bubble you and John had created, the world seemed to disappear, captivated by your stories of city life and the difficulties you had to face adapting to the harsh conditions of the West, your gentleness and good manners provided a refreshing contrast to the rude characters who frequented the tavern.
As the night wore on, John couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness towards you.
He may have been wary of your presence at first, but he realized that underneath the veneer of sophistication, you were just a traveler finding his way in a harsh and unforgiving world, and for the first time in a long time, John felt a glimmer of hope that among the lawlessness he had found something , something that is worth protecting.
As the weeks passed, it seemed like your first meeting with John was supposed to be nothing more than a chance meeting, but fate had other plans — it wove a story that brought you and the cowboy together like two stars in the night sky.
The atmosphere of your growing bond was like a slow burning fire in the heart of the Wild West, keeping you both warm on cold, deserted nights.
Your meetings became more frequent, as if the universe was conspiring to bring you together, John couldn't help but be drawn to you, his stern appearance contrasting with your soft demeanor.
On your bad days he was a comforting presence, offering a strong shoulder to lean on, a calming voice in the chaos of the city, on your good days he was there to share in your joys, his deep laughter mingling with your own.
You often walked together along the dusty streets, his broad body casting a protective shadow over you, his calloused hand resting gently on the small of your back — a quiet but powerful gesture that let the world know that you were under his care, the townspeople noticed this, and some exchanged knowing glances, realizing that the unapproachable cowboy had found something special in you.
The days turned into weeks and John couldn't deny the growing affection in his heart, he found himself sneaking glances at you when he thought you weren't looking, his eyes softened with a warmth that wasn't there before, he'd seen his fair share dangers and hardships in the unforgiving West, but nothing prepared him for the vulnerability and tenderness he felt when he was with you.
But he knew the harsh reality that loomed on the horizon, you were passing through, your journey was related to the affairs of your father, and soon you would have to say goodbye, the thought of losing you weighed heavily on John's heart and he silently struggled with his emotions.
The day of your departure finally arrived and John walked you to the station, his stern exterior masked the turmoil inside as he watched you prepare to board the train, he knew this might be the last time he would see you and it pierced him like a merciless desert wind.
When you boarded the train, he felt a sense of desperation, unable to let you go without expressing what was growing inside him.
In a sudden impulsive movement, he reached out and yanked you back onto the platform, just as the train began to move.
His voice was rough with emotion as he poured out his feelings — «I can't let you go without telling you how i feel» he admitted, looking into your eyes — «I've never met someone like you and i don't want to say goodbye, i want to kiss you, hug you and see ya every day, not just in my dreams»
In that exciting moment you didn't hesitate, with fierce determination you grabbed him by the neck, pulling him into a quick, messy kiss that made sparks fly between you, the kiss was filled with passion and longing that grew between you, the promise of the connection you both shared.
As the train started moving again, you hurriedly shoved a piece of paper into John's hand, your eyes met and you nodded, silently urging him to read the sheet, letting him know that you were prepared for this situation.
There were only couple of words on the piece of paper, but they carried a huge meaning for him.
«Find me, John, i'll wait for you»
John watched the train carry you away with a fire burning in his heart, he promised himself that he would find you, because cowboys were known for their unwavering dedication to their goals.
The address you left became a beacon of hope for him, and he was determined to embark on a new journey that would lead him to you and the possibility of a love that could challenge the soul oppressing Wild West.
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taglist: @roseglazedlens, @scar-crossedlvrs, @daydreamrot, @valsthea dm me if you want to be tagged in my works or open my taglist.
© dmitriene - my masterlist or ao3
please, don't copy my works as your own, and if you want to post them somewhere else - contact me.
reblogs, likes and comments are very much appreciated, thank you for reading! ♡
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otomefiend · 1 year
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Victor & William Rex
Story Event: Villains want to bother little 'Robin'
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Okay, those loaded comments are so sus Victor. Tell us the truth. I'll be watching you even more intently now 👀
This is such a cosy sammich. ✨️
~~Part 1~~
I stepped outside, sandwiched between two men, to find a breathtaking view of the palace garden.
The infantry and cavalry lined up in regular formation like pieces on a chessboard, watching over the path Her Majesty was taking.
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Victor: "Your Majesty. Today we are to ride this carriage around the city."
(Umm... I don't have to answer that, right?)
When I nodded, Victor smiled gently.
Victor: "I'm off to finalize the route we'll be taking during the parade. William, please escort Her Majesty."
William: "Yes... Your Majesty, may I have your hand?"
As I took William's hand and walked down the path to the carriage, everyone around me bowed their heads.
(...what a sight! I'm sorry but I'm so happy that I can't calm down...)
William, who was walking next to me, whispered in a voice undetectable to those around us.
William: "What's the matter, Your Majesty? You seem a little more tense than 'usual'."
Kate: ".... you definitely can't see me through the veil, can you?"
William: "Heh, my apologies."
Despite the circumstances, he had the usual smile on his lips.
(Hmm, as expected from the Crown's no.1 most memorable member)
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William: "Before Your Majesty gets all jittery, let's think about easing that tension."
William: "Is there anything you'd like me to talk about?"
~~Part 2~~
(What would I like to hear? Well...)
Kate: "You and Victor have been together since the founding of the Crown, haven't you?"
William: "That's right. We've been friends for more than 10 years now?"
Kate: "I'd like to hear about the first time you've met."
William: "...Was it around the time I was arranging the funeral of my father I condemned with my own hands?"
William: "I was unexpectedly invited to the palace by Her Majesty, and there I had a chance encounter with Victor in the audience room."
William: "Neither I nor Victor said much."
William: "But we could immediately see we had something in common."
Kate: "And that something being...?"
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William's long eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings.
William: "The desire for freedom."
Kate: "........."
William: "So we joined our forces and became accomplices."
William: "-- this is how we came together."
Victor: "Oh! What in the name of evil are you chatting about?"
William: "Her Majesty wanted to hear something embarrassing about you."
Victor: "Gosh-darn. What secrets did you share? Is it about me hitting my little pinky the other day? Or..."
William: "Haha, are you curious? You'll have to ask Her Majesty for details."
Kate: "Where are you off to?"
He smiled and whispered in my ear.
William: "......Most people don't know how close I am to Her Majesty."
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William: "To avoid strange misunderstandings, I will watch over you from a distance."
~~Part 3~~
The carriage with Victor and me on board set off towards the city.
Kate: "I overheard the guards say that it's unusual for you to accompany Her Majesty at times like these."
Victor: "Indeed, more often than not, I'm in charge of the whole thing. Today's special."
Victor: "I can't leave your cute and adorable self.
Kate: "Hehe, thank you, Victor."
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Victor: "Oh, you should be able to see people soon. Shall we open the curtains?"
When Victor removed the curtains, outside the window --
Young man with black hair: "Hey, I see Her Majesty."
Freckled woman: "Congratulations to Her Majesty Queen Victoria!"
The townspeople standing in the streets were smiling and waving at us.
Something indescribably hot welled up in my heart at the sight of it.
(Oh, I see)
Kate: "... so this is what Her Majesty wants to protect?"
She reigned at the top of this prosperous country and thus continued to be loved by the people.
All the while, she led the Crown behind the scenes to conquer evil with evil.
No matter where you looked in the world,
you would never find a person who lived surrounded by light and shadow to such an extent.
Kate: "... It'd be impossible to rule this place without extraordinary resolve."
Victor: "Yes, it's very difficult to fulfil such a duty with the sensibility of an ordinary person. I've thought about it many times myself."
Victor: "......I have heard these words from people around me."
~~Part 4~~
Kate: "... It'd be impossible to rule this place without extraordinary resolve."
Victor: "Yes, it's very difficult to fulfil such a duty with the sensibility of an ordinary person. I've thought about it many times myself."
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Victor: "......I have heard these words from people around me."
Victor: "`Her Majesty is not a human`."
Kate: "... not a human?"
Victor: "A pretty selfish thing to say, don't you agree? Kate, are you afraid of Her Majesty?"
I certainly felt something akin to awe.
-- though it seemed different to mere fear.
Kate: "No, quite the opposite."
Victor: "... the opposite?"
Kate: "There's not much I can do otherwise, but I want to support Her Majesty as a fellow woman myself."
Victor: "........."
Victor: "Thank you, Kate. I'm sure the Queen would be pleased to hear what you've just said."
Guard: "Your Majesty, Lord Victor. We managed to ensure the safety of the area, so feel free to go outside."
(Ah… if I remember correctly, I'm supposed to step out and wave to the citizens, right?)
Victor: "Take my hand. Shall we go, Your Majesty?"
Brown-haired worker: "The Queen is here! Congratulations, Your Majesty!"
As I got out of the carriage, the enthusiasm and cheers of the townspeople became even more intense.
(... this is amazing. I wish Her Majesty could hear this as well)
With that in mind, I frantically waved my hand, trying my best to fulfil my role --
Young man with black hair: "Hey... What's with the... carriage?"
Man in a top hat: "That horse is running out of control... Hey, isn't it dangerous!? It's coming this way...!"
Soldier #1: "Stop the carriage! Protect Her Majesty...!"
Soldier #2: "No, we'll never make it in time...!"
Victor: "...Kate, come here."
As he pulled me towards him,
the horse ran out from among the cavalry.
(... William?)
Just as it was about to crash into us, William jumped in front of the carriage.
William: "...`Stop`."
~~Part 5~~
The runaway horse came to a halt at William's command.
It was as if the creature had forgotten its ego and was manipulated by someone else.
William: "Are you safe, Your Majesty?"
He smiled when I nodded.
(No one was hurt, right...?)
(...phew, what a relief)
Guard: "Arrest the carriage driver immediately! I will kill you for your impunity!"
(Oh no!)
Kate: "Please wait."
Guard: "... Your Majesty?"
(Ah! I shouldn't. My voice...!)
Victor: "... Kate, it's okay. Leave it to me."
Victor: "This situation was an accident, not a set-up. Her Majesty says to forgive this blunder."
Victor: "Is that so, Your Majesty?"
I gave a hasty nod and received the biggest cheer of the day from those around me.
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Victor • William: "........."
The parade then continued and I returned to court where I finally took off Her Majesty's ceremonial dress.
Kate: "I'm sorry for being selfish."
Victor: "Why should you apologise? I think even Her Majesty would have made that decision."
William: "Indeed. You were just fulfilling the role you've been entrusted with."
William: "As it happens... we're proud of you for doing that."
Kate: "... Victor, William."
(If it wasn't for the two of you, this could have ended up in something serious)
Kate: "Thank you for protecting me."
Victor: "Still, it was great to see William gallantly step in."
Kate: "Very much so. Though I was surprised by your reflexes as well!"
Victor: "Oh? You excel at flattery."
While I was happily chatting with Victor I heard William's soft voice.
William: "...so, Kate."
William: "You look like you want to ask us something, am I right?"
Victor: "Miss Kate."
Victor: "If that's what you want, we will answer in good faith. Don't hold back."
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Blood-colored eyes and jewel-like eyes seemed to see right through me.
(In that case)
Kate: "There's something both of you are not telling me, is there?"
Chapter 3 Premium
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scaredy-katts · 2 months
a t t r i t i o n
karim flam | masterlist | prologue
cw/notes: mdni/nsfw, this one is just suggestive, talk of sex, language, religion, they're literally in a confessional so, sacrilegious acts/talk, butchered script of a confessional oops, concept of sin/what's "good and evil" through the lens of religion, this fic is pushing my limits as a writer and I'm kind of here for it, written in karim's pov
-> opening hymn. . .angel of small death
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Said in unison, but he swallowed hard upon hearing the voice on the opposite side of the curtain.
“Bless me, for I have sinned. . ."
That voice, fuck, he knew that voice.
Sinful and razor sharp, making his breath hitch in his throat from a mere sentence. A voice that brought wicked thoughts and depraved actions into their confessions; everything rotten and debauched within every thread of reconciliation. A familiarity within the cadence and tone, he felt his heart sink right down to his stomach. A feeling that festered, long since over due to bubbling over, that he pushed down even harder; shoving down any prior thought he had with a force that could kill - to maim. 
“It's been a month since my last confession. These are my sins. . .”
Everything about this was wrong.
He had an ever growing feeling that the woman on the other side of the curtain knew that. Divulging lustful coated sins within a saccharine breath, erotic details that had no such business within a holy place. Acutely aware of the smirk that hung on her lips with every sin confessed - he heard it. He could feel it. Hitting him right in the stomach and bringing him crashing down with every syllable that left her upturned lips. Every righteous thought hammered into the very fiber of his soul screamed at him that this was wrong; this was evil.
". . .I seem to have an issue with lust of the flesh. . ."
He should stop this.
He grabbed at the thick black fabric of his pants, just above the knee, in hopes to center himself and pull himself back. To not let his thoughts wander again - to not sin again. But he listened all too attentively, hanging on every single word, every so called confession, that left her lips.
He didn't want to stop this.
". . .you're the same priest as last time, aren't you?"
Interrupting her own confession, interrupting every thought he had of remaining calm and collected. Interrupting the bashing of memorized scriptures in his mind, as he repeated them over and over and over as she spoke.
"Yes." A nearly breathless reply. Furthering him to clasp the black fabric tighter, white knuckling the seams with sweat slicked hands, and clench his jaw.
He heard a hum.
He wanted to wretch, the amusement in a single word made him nauseous. He didn't know a word to have such a dreadful effect; an effect that made him grit his teeth from the desire filled tone that swallowed the word whole. Screwing his eyes shut as to not further himself astray. Sin filled thoughts already creeping into his mind that he took with an iron grip and forced to the deepest parts of his mind; he prayed they would never surface again.
He was a righteous man, a holy man, one of which shouldn't dare entertain even the mere idea of such wicked actions. But the moral sin of desire was a treacherous one to fall to; falling to his knees in attrition - such false repentance - as the stain of lust was his only folly.
"Now make a good act of contrition." Uttered through gritted teeth and closed eyes, following a script within the caverns of his mind. He heard another hum and felt his resolve start to crumble at his feet.
"I firmly intend, with Sol's help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin."
No you won't, is what he wished to say. He instead took a deep breath and held it, pausing a moment as he wracked his brain of another prayer. The only salvation in the moment being she would leave soon, to leave him a mess of a man - but righteous nonetheless.
"Aren't you going to pray for me? Tell me my sins are forgiven?"
"I absolve you from your sins," spoken in a single breath. Forced through his teeth, knowing forgiveness meant nothing to the woman beyond the curtain - she didn't care. "Látom." Cleansing heinous actions, disgraceful words, and his own mind within a single word.
"Go in peace."
"I have every intention to. Thanks be to Sol."
He felt his breath return to him once he heard her leave; nearly out of breath as he filled his lungs with air. Putting his head in his hands and letting put a groan.
"God forgive me for thinking such things."
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mlwritersguild · 7 months
Love Square — “Band-Aids Don’t Fix Bullet Holes”
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The response for this prompt comes to us from @chai-ki!
So this idea actually came about when I was working on my Eras fic but I scrapped it because it promised to be way too long for the 10,000 word limit. 😅
When I saw the title “Band-Aids Don’t Fix Bullet Holes” it immediately brought me back to this story. It’s one I definitely want to write and I think I may keep the title because I love it. I just have other pieces I’ve committed to that I need to finish first. 🫣 (Looking at you December event fic…)
The story takes place post “Destruction”, post Monarch defeat and follows my typical ‘I use what I want from cannon and scrap the rest’ type of writing. It’s an AU where Adrien and Marinette have never met -potentially. I haven’t figured out the plot holes there yet. Adrien is traumatized by the fact that he not only killed a person but that that person was his father who was also an evil psycho. Maribug of course only knows part if the story and tries to be supportive but he falls off the face of the earth, refusing to transform ever again. Two years later is where the majority of the story would take place. So yeah. 
If you’ve gotten this far, enjoy the snippet below and thank you! 🥰
Adrien awoke to his head pounding. Rays of all too cheerful sunlight streamed in through his curtains that gently swayed in the breeze flowing through his wide-open balcony doors. He tried to remember what exactly happened last night that would lead him to leave them open. Trying and failing to focus on any sliver of a detail, he decided to try and get up.
Bad idea.
His stomach lurched and he barely made it to the bathroom before emptying what little remained inside. The action only spurred his headache on, and his vison went blurry. Leaning back against the wall he tried again to recall any sliver of a detail from the night before. Despite the obvious hangover, his heart felt incredibly heavy, like something large was suddenly missing, but for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out what it was. Rapidly he came to the conclusion that he needed more sleep if he were going to figure anything out.
Adrien crawled his way back to his bed and hoisted himself up, facing away from the open window this time. A black blob filled his line of sight and for a moment he thought something was truly wrong with his eyes before realization hit.
“Hey kid. You look like…”
“What- what happened?”
Plagg hoisted the large comforter up and over Adrien’s shoulders. “Get some sleep, you need the rest.”
Rather than reply, Adrien quickly fell into a deep slumber, already forgetting what it was he had wanted to know in the first place. Plagg hovered above him with a sad look in his eyes.
“It would break your heart if you remembered, kid.”
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1 New Voicemail
“Hey kitty, just checking in. You had me really worried last night. Plagg assured me that you were okay… I don’t really believe him, but I suppose I don’t really have the choice. Heh.  Um. So, anyways, I’m at our spot. Please come see me soon.”
1 New Voicemail of 427
“Kitty… It’s been a year. I hope you’re alright. I miss you.”
“Nothing new has happened lately. Same old minor crimes and what not… My friend (the one I told you found out who I was about a few months ago) and I have been talking and… well I think I want you to know who I am outside of the mask.”
“No, I know that I want you to know.”
“My balcony hatch was always open for you, even if it was raining because I wanted you to know you were welcome any time... You used to come by for cookies and tea… Sometimes we’d stay up late and watch a movie, sometimes you’d fall asleep on my chaise. We were closer than you knew… silly kitty.”
“Marinette. My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. And I miss you, Chaton.”
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