#evil isn't born; it's queued
xadenviolct · 7 years
elizabeth swann icons | potc: dead man’s chest
188 Elizabeth Swann icons (100x100) from Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest 
Screencaps by keiraknightleyfan.net 
All cropping/editing/etc. done by me 
Made for @storyisms (because I felt like it heh) but free for public use; just like/reblog if taking, please
All my icons can be found here 
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(with a few more examples below, you can download the zip file on dropbox. or mediafire) 
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queenxvanessa · 6 years
I only dream beautiful things about you
So waking up always seems to hurt
And I hate goodbyes,
But I will try to make them work
If you choose to break my heart when I return
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forbidding-souda · 3 years
hey there mod souda! by any chance, could i request hajime having a s/o whose birthday is the same day as his? (definitely not because I share birthday with him) thanks ♡
Hajime Hinata with a S/O who has the same birthday as him
oh my goodness happy birthday!! this is supposed to be queued for awhile down but i'll move it up so it gets posted on the day of your birthday
i'm putting zodiac shit in this btw *evil laughter*
-Mod Souda
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❤ He had never met anyone else with his birthday. His birthday is particularly unique - and it always makes people intrigued when he shares that fact about himself. When he told you, your eyes had light up. He found himself impressed. He doesn't believe in fate, not entirely, but he did also find himself believing that perhaps you had met each other for a reason. In the beginning stages of your blooming relationship, he realized it was rather easy to... want to get to know you. He was interested in you and the things you had to say.
❤ You two are rather similar. The more he talked to you, the weirder the coincidences got. Your closest friend was born only a few days behind his childhood friend; your house's car is the same color as his parents; the two of you always managed to match shirt colors. It freaks him out majorly. He begins to think - yes, I definitely have found my 'soulmate', whatever that means for me.
"Here," he tosses a wrapped box onto the table, causing you hope it isn't something fragile, "it was originally going to be a Christmas Eve present but I thought it would fit your birthday better."
"Our birthday."
"Our birthday." He furrows his brows.
With pride, you wiggle your shoulders before holding the box in your hand. It's about the size of your palm. You take off the wrapping paper and lift the lid.
In silver words is the word Hajime - and when you look closer you realize it's a rather masculine necklace. "Oh my goodness."
He leans forward, his hand going past his collar, where he pulls out a matching one with your name on it. "Mahiru said it would be a good idea."
"I'm just surprised this was the one you saved for my birthday," you laugh, taking the tape off of the back and trying to untangle it from the cardboard. "I hope people think my name is Hajime."
"It is... a very good name."
"Oh, I agree. The best name out there." You hand it to him, turning around to give him access to your neck.
With it clasped and pressed against your collarbones, you look at your reflection in a nearby pot. "Good color choice, too."
❤ You always save at least one gift for the birthday rather than for Christmas. Every year he likes to do that coupon thing - once, in the beginning of your relationship, Sonia had brought it up, claiming she saw it on a forum of good couple activities. He thought it was so hilarious that he ironically made you a bunch, to which it became unironic after years. Things like this coupon is good for a massage/breakfast in bed/a good movie of your choice/automatic argument win (his least favorite one).
❤ A little less than half of the gifts you get from the Ultimates are gift for the both of you on your shared birthday. Every birthday Ibuki draws the two of you together, and it's not very good artwork, which ended up being a cute thing because now you have pictures taped to the wall of the development of your relationship in crayon.
❤ Sometimes when you guys travel the check-in desk attendant will look at the two of your plane tickets will a quizzical look before asking, which one of you put the birthdate wrong? No, you assure, we were literally born on the same day.
❤ No matter who invites you out, you are going to invite him to come with. He never really had a lot of friends before he was forcibly involved with the Class 77-B, so when he decides to interact with parts of your family and friends it makes his birthday an extra bit less alone.
❤ He's not the best at expressing gratitude, as he tends to just assume you know he is grateful for you. His words of affirmation come late at night on New Year's, where he kisses your forehead and thanks you for spending your birthday with him.
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m-eowdy · 9 years
can someone tell me if they like my queue tag? (it’s tagged below, because this post is queued)
It’s from the quote “Evil isn’t born, it’s made.” from Once Upon a Time :)
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xadenviolct · 7 years
Drabble: Angelic Bickering [Michael/Lucifer]
Title: Angelic Bickering Rating: PG Length: Drabble (242 words) Pairings: Implied Michael/Lucifer Era: Post-episode 5.22: "Swan Song" Warnings: Slight language Summary: Brothers bicker and fight. Even if they are powerful archangels. Note: Written for the "Tweet Tweet" challenge on spnland; prompt - 'write a 'story' using tweets that any character or mix of characters would use if they started using Twitter'
LightBringer6: @TheGoodSon This is all your fault, you know. TheGoodSon: @LightBringer6 MY fault?! Yeah, I don't think so. It's ALL your fault. Always has been. Always will be. And that's never going to change. LightBringer6: @TheGoodSon You should've just listened to me, you know. It would've worked out SO much better. But nooo, you HAD to go and be - you. TheGoodSon: @LightBringer6 You still don't get it, do u? After all this time, you've learned nothing! U r still the same arrogant, prideful annoying (c) TheGoodSon: @LightBringer6 (c)selfish sonofabitch of a little brother I've ever dealt with! Damnit, Lucifer! Just what is your problem?! LightBringer6: @TheGoodSon ... Everything, okay? You, Dad, humans, demons. The whole freaking mess of it. I hate it and I'm tired of it. But mostly - you. TheGoodSon: @LightBringer6 ... Me? LightBringer6: @TheGoodSon Yeah, you. Your whole brainless loyalty to Dad that turned u into someone that - damnit, Michael, I don't even know you anymore. TheGoodSon: @LightBringer6 ... do you even want to? I mean, you know I was just - I was just following orders with everything. You know that right? LightBringer6: @TheGoodSon But that's my point! You never - You could've - But I guess it doesn't matter now. You're stuck w/me whether u like it or not. TheGoodSon: @LightBringer6 Well ... I suppose things could be worse ... and ... I'm sorry ... little brother. LightBringer6: @TheGoodSon Yeah, yeah, I guess I ... I guess I kinda am, too.
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xadenviolct · 7 years
Poem: The End was Still the Same [Michael/Lucifer]
Title: The End Was Still The Same Rating: PG Length: Poem (82 words) Pairings: implied Michael/Lucifer Era: Not specified Warnings: Character death Summary: It didn't matter ... because the end was still the same. Note: Written for the "Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue" challenge on spnland; prompt - 'write a poem related to Supernatural in some way'
It happened. Quicker than you thought - Easier than you imagined - But it still happened. The end was still the same. He was still dead, gone. It didn't matter, in the end, what you wanted. It didn't matter about your past together, the memories you had shared. It didn't matter about what you'd taught him, or what he had taught you. It didn't matter that you had loved him. The end was still the same. Fate had already taken him away.
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xadenviolct · 7 years
Drabble: This One, I Knew
Title: This One, I Knew Rating: PG Length: Drabble (174 words) Pairings: None Era: Hmm, I guess Season 05, since it deals with those story lines, etc. But really, everything? Summary: I knew it; I knew this one. This one had already been marked, had already been chosen. Note: Written for the "journaling" writing challenge on spnland; prompt - 'journal as an SPN character' [Part 6/10]
I knew it, the moment that he arrived. The average soul does not catch my attention – so many come here, and all for so many different reasons – but this one … this one was special. This one had already been marked. This one had already been chosen. This one, I knew, had a part to play. He was the purest of any soul to have ever been taken down into the depths of Hell, and that was the last little bit of knowledge that I needed in order to know exactly who he was. If the soul of my brother’s vessel was already down here, then things were moving along faster than I had thought. Azazel must have done well. Lilith was out. She would begin playing her role soon, if she had not already. As soon as things really began down here, the rest could be put in motion. And just as I knew the moment that Dean Winchester had arrived, I also knew the moment that Dean Winchester broke the first seal.
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xadenviolct · 7 years
Drabble: Never Before
Title: Never Before Rating: PG Length: Drabble (193 words) Pairings: None Era: Hmm, I guess Season 05, since it deals with those story lines, etc. But really, everything? Summary: He was my brother, after all. Note: Written for the "journaling" writing challenge on spnland; prompt - 'journal as an SPN character' [Part 3/10]
How could that happen? How could Michael not believe me? Not trust me? How could he think me something unnatural? I told him everything – everything that I believed, everything that I knew to be true – and he did not even want to listen to a word of it. He acted just like so many of the others … but worse. Some of the others, I could have expected distrust from. I could have expected them to not believe me (about everything, that is). But how Michael – how my older brother – could turn on me like this … I just do not understand. It is a betrayal of the worst kind, I will admit. I had never doubted him before, even if I had disagreed with him sometimes. I always knew that he, at least, knew and believed in what he was doing. He was my brother, after all. But this time – this time was too much. Never before had he chosen Father over me in such a great magnitude. Never before had he looked at me with such intense, negative emotion. Never before did my big brother look as if he hated me.
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xadenviolct · 7 years
Drabble: Someone to Stand with Me
Title: Someone To Stand With Me Rating: G Length: Drabble (153 words) Pairings: None Era: Hmm, I guess Season 05, since it deals with those story lines, etc. But really, everything? Summary: I need to find someone who will listen. Note: Written for the "journaling" writing challenge on spnland; prompt - 'journal as an SPN character' [Part 2/10]
I need to get someone to help me. Someone who will stand with me – who will stand beside me – who will listen to me and trust me when I say that our Father is wrong. That He has made a horrible mistake in creating these humans. I do not want to doubt Him, not really. I love Him – but this is not right. He was wrong, and since so many of them will not see it, I have to find at least one of them who will. Because they will not just listen to me if I am the only one to say anything. My big brother will listen, I am sure of it. Even though he always listens to Father, is always doing what Father asks of him, he is sure to see the truth from me. I would not lie to him – and he knows that. He will stand with me.
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xadenviolct · 7 years
duke philip icons | the tudors
223 Duke Philip of Bavaria icons (100x100) from episode 3.08: The Undoing of Cromwell 
Screencaps from c-odonoghue.com 
All cropping/editing/etc. done by me 
Free for public use; just like/reblog if taking, please
All my icons can be found here 
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(with a few more examples below the cut, you can download the zip file on dropbox) 
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xadenviolct · 7 years
Fic: What You Need [Lucifer/Dean]
Title: What You Need Rating: PG Length: Oneshot (1773 words) Pairings: Lucifer/Dean, implied Gabriel/Sam, implied past Michael/Lucifer Era: None stated Warnings: (Mostly) Unedited Summary: Even the Devil deserves to be loved - but sometimes, everyone needs a little help understanding that point. Note: Written for the "Fic Exchange" on fuckyeahdeanlucifer; prompt - 'Dean/Lucifer: Fic or art: fluff. Pure fluff. Whatever else is up to you, but the fluffier the better. Maybe cuddling while watching TV, or an attempt at an actual date, or a night spent in Rome or Paris in an attempt to be romantic that fails miserably. I don’t care as long as it’s cute and fluffy. Fluff!' [And, well, it has its 'fluffy moments blame Lucifer for the angst]
It was a normal day. The sun had been shining; the sky had been bright blue and cloudless. Actually, it had been better than normal. No one could really remember the last time things had seemed this good. It was almost like everything was straight out of a Disney fairy tale… “No, Sam, it isn’t—But good idea for next time.” Sam turned to the short character on his left, his eyes meeting those of Gabriel’s as the angel grinned around his latest bit of candy. He smiled. “You mean the fairy tale?” he asked, his own smile appearing across his face. “Might as well be,” said Gabriel. “It’s not like there’s a shortness of the whole ‘true love’ floating around, now is there?” Gabriel passed over a chocolate bar to Sam, and the two of them turned back to watch the doorway to the motel room. “So, how long until … something?” mumbled Sam, his words slightly inhibited by the thick chocolate. The angel shrugged. “Well, your brother’s always been a bit dimwitted and it’s not like ol’ Luci is just working really hard to see the obvious here either. So probably … forever … unless …” Sam turned away from watching the motel and glared at Gabriel. He knew that tone of voice; he knew that look that the angel had, that glint in his eyes. “What have you done, Gabriel?” said Sam. Gabriel just smirked. * Dean awoke to the feeling of a body pressed up against his. He kept his eyes closed, enjoying the comfort and closeness that he hadn’t felt for a long time, his mind wandering as he tried to piece together the identity of the individual next to him. He couldn’t remember falling asleep last night with anyone … But he couldn’t really remember much about last night in general, so Dean supposed the fact that he was ignorant concerning the simple fact he’d obviously had a very good night wasn’t much of a surprise. Dean turned over in the bed, not really wanting to get up but somewhat eager to at least discover the identity of whomever it was he was currently in the company of. The individual’s grip was strong, his form cool, but Dean pressed closer into his companion as he opened his eyes slowly … saw a head of short, blond hair … and a very familiar face … What the—? * The last thing Lucifer had remembered was sitting on the hillside, alone, waiting for the rain to come. He hadn’t felt so lost, so without purpose, in so long, and being around all of them—being around his brother and the Winchesters and everyone else—he didn’t know if he could handle everything that came with it at the moment. He’d buried himself in one thing, in one belief and one path and one destiny, for so long that without it, Lucifer didn’t know what he had left. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want to take the time to face things that he had spent millennia seeking to avoid—or trying to forget or suppress or do whatever else he could to pretend. “You pout too much, you know?” “Go away, Gabriel,” said Lucifer, not even turning around to face his brother as the younger angel approached and sat beside the Morningstar. The two of them just sat in silence for a few moments before Gabriel shoved Lucifer's shoulder and, grinning, broke the silence. “You should just do something about it, Luci,” he said. “It’s not like he’ll turn you away… Or, you know, hate you.” Lucifer glared at Gabriel. He never had been overly fond of that particular nickname, but it was one that his younger brother just insisted on using. All the time. No matter what Lucifer did or said or threatened him with, Gabriel never stopped calling him… that. He sighed. “It doesn’t matter,” he said. “You may have gained favor in some ways but with this, Gabriel …” Lucifer shook his head. “You know nothing, little brother.” “I know you’re afraid, Lucifer,” said Gabriel quietly, causing Lucifer's head to jerk up and look over at Gabriel. He met the younger angel’s eyes, his own blue gaze showing a mix of shock and surprise briefly before he suppressed it. “I’m no—” “No, don’t even try it,” Gabriel interrupted. “You may know me better than anyone, Luci, but I also know you.” Gabriel watched his brother out of the corner of his eyes, wondering how Lucifer would respond to what he was going to say. There weren’t many who just out-and-out argued with someone as powerful as Lucifer, but Gabriel has always pushed the envelope—and had always gotten away with it. Mostly. “You are afraid,” the younger archangel continued. “You’re afraid you’re not who you were. You’re afraid of what will happen.” He paused, his voice growing quieter. “You’re afraid the past is going to repeat itself. That he’s too much like a certain someone else we both know …” A low, warning growl came from Lucifer, and Gabriel knew he was really pushing things. “Don’t,” hissed Lucifer. “Just… stop talking.” “You know I’m right, don’t you?” Gabriel just shook his head. “That’s the only way you’d give me such a weak little argument like that.” “Gabriel—” “What? What are you going to do? Nothing.” Gabriel moved around on the grass on the hill so that he was sitting directly in front of Lucifer, rather than next to him. “Actually, you’re going to listen.” He took a deep breath and, lifting his hand, begin to tick off items like he was counting. “Number one, if you think you’re not the same as you were thousands of years ago, you’re right. You can’t be. But newsflash, Luci: no one expects you to be. Number two,” continued Gabriel, lowering another finger as he counted, “the past is the past. Everything that happens now—between anyone—is a completely different story. Completely unwritten, too. Number three, just because Sam was so much like you doesn’t mean Dean is going to behave in the same way as the one he was made for.” Gabriel paused and made sure Lucifer was listening. “You and I both know he cares a hell of a lot more than Michael ever did.” Silence fell over the two archangels, and very shortly, clouds broke in the sky and rain began to tumble down. Gabriel’s brown hair started to stick to his face, while water dripped from the blond strands on Lucifer's head. Neither paid much attention to their vessels becoming more and more drenched. “You need him, Lucifer,” muttered Gabriel, his voice barely heard over the rainfall. “Whether you want to admit it or not, you do.” He shrugged. “And believe it or not, he needs you, too.” * Lucifer kept his arm wrapped around the warm body next to him, not wanting to let it go. It had been so long since he’d been so close to someone, had such a connection with someone, that he didn’t want to let it go. All of that time alone, all of that time apart from … everyone, everything … it was too much for someone like Lucifer, and he strived to regain what he’d had so very long ago … what he needed … A slight smile subconsciously appeared on his face as Lucifer sought to get closer to the one lying next to him, the one whom he desired … The one he couldn’t quite remember seeing in this same position earlier that night. Lucifer opened his eyes to see a pair of surprised green eyes staring right into his own. Blinking, he stared back. Neither individual—man or angel—spoke for several moments, silence hanging heavily over the two of them as they both just stared at each other, unmoving; Lucifer kept his arms wrapped around Dean, whose body was pressed into the angel’s as much as he could, seeking closeness. Finally, Dean was the one to break the silence. “So…” he muttered, trailing off as he attempted to subtly glance down at the two of them. Ah, still clothed, he thought, and was then struck with a brief moment of disappointment at the discovery. “This, um …” Lucifer forced himself to, reluctantly, remove his arm, pulling it back to his side. However this situation had come about, it obviously couldn’t be; it wasn’t—it wouldn’t—he knew better. “Don’t worry, Dean,” he muttered, turning away from the elder Winchester and attempting to get up from the bed. “No one will know of it.” Dean grabbed Lucifer's wrist before he could get up and leave the bed. “Wait,” he said. “Lucifer … Where are you going?” Lucifer paused, his back still facing Dean, and sat there in shock. The words Dean had just said were not what Lucifer had been expecting, to say the least. “You do not want this, Dean,” said Lucifer quietly. He shook his head. “You cannot want this.” Dean gave a slight smile. “Yeah, well, I do,” he said. He shrugged, sitting up so that he was next to Lucifer on the bed and looked right into the angel’s eyes. “Maybe you should get to know me better, and not doubt everything so much, Lucifer.” Lucifer shook his head. “I’m not—” Dean grabbed Lucifer's neck and kissed him, cutting the angel’s insecurities off. “You’re you,” he said. “And you deserve to be loved, too, Lucifer.” Lucifer smiled slightly at the thought of being loved. It had been so long … so long … He lay back and brought Dean down next to him, pulling him close. Lucifer and Dean returned to the position they’d been in upon awakening just moments ago. Dean’s body was pressed up against Lucifer's, while the angel kept his arm wrapped tight around the strong human. His free hand ran softly through Dean’s hair, the movement subconscious, and Dean’s hands held onto Lucifer's. Close. Connected. Comfortable. A love that both had been wanting for far too long. * “Oh, I maybe just gave things a little push or something. Nothing major.” Sam stared at Gabriel before turning back to watch the motel, waiting to see if whatever the archangel-turned-trickster had done had worked. “You know I love you, but if this causes problems …” he trailed off as Gabriel smirked at him. “What?” “Trust me, Sammy. Everything is perfect.”
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xadenviolct · 7 years
Drabble: Cold and Alone
Title: Cold And Alone Rating: PG Length: Drabble (253 words) Pairings: None intended, but can be read with implied Michael/Lucifer Era: Nothing specified Warnings: None Summary: He stood there, all alone ... Note: Written for "Devotion" drabble challenge on spnland; prompt - "Devotion"
He stood alone, that night he knew everything was changing -- the night when he knew that nothing would be the same -- that it couldn't possibly remain so. He stood alone as he thought and remembered. Even if "alone" was the furthest from how he really wanted to be. "All I ever did was love him," he'd said, looking the other angel directly in his eyes. A look that he had used time and time again, and he knew how it worked. 'Believe me,' the look said. 'Trust me,' the look said. 'Please,' the look said. 'Don't hate me,' it whispered. But although Michael held him close and muttered, "I know," as his Grace and wings wrapped around him, he knew the truth. He knew that it was over. So as he stood there -- thinking, remembering, and watching -- he tried to pay no attention to how cold he felt without any of his family. Without his Father smiling down on him, loving him as the brightest in all of Heaven. Without Gabriel following him around, wanting to know everything that he knew, wanting to spend every moment he could with him ... not that he ever really minded it, he supposed. And without Michael, holding him, and sheltering him, and keeping him safe -- taking care of him like he had done from the very beginning -- and never letting him go. Lucifer tried not to think of how cold he felt when he was all alone.
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xadenviolct · 7 years
Drabble: You Didn’t Care [Michael/Lucifer]
Title: You Didn't Care Rating: PG Length: Drabble (100 words) Pairings: Michael/Lucifer Era: Post-Episode 5.22: "Swan Song" Warnings: Spoilers for episode 5.22: "Swan Song" Summary: You didn't care that just moments ago, you were ready to kill him. Note: Written for the "Lucifer Drabble" writing challenge on spnland; prompt - 'Write one drabble of exactly 100 words featuring or about Lucifer' Received SECOND place!
You didn't care that just moments ago, you were ready to kill him. You didn't care about that while the two of you fell, Hell reaching out to welcome its leader home. You didn't care how much you'd thought you'd always hate him as you just held him close, wrapping your wings around his form and sending your Grace over to him. You didn't care about past betrayals or hurts as you sought to protect -- rather than harm -- him. You just held your little brother close, glad -- for once -- to finally have your family together again.
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queenxvanessa · 6 years
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@QueenVanessa: uploaded a new photo 
@QueenVanessa: Finally sharing my editorial spread for Vogue UK after London Fashion Week. I’ve really missed home and it was an honor getting to write this. xx
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queenxvanessa · 6 years
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Queen V At New York Fashion Week 2018
Day Three: Zuhair Murad // Queen V Winter 2019 Collection 
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queenxvanessa · 6 years
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Queen V At New York Fashion Week 2018
Day Two: Queen V Spring 2019 Collection
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