#evil Steve Rogers
qft · 1 month
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Is that the Hydra Cap shield in Deadpool and Wolverine, I spy?
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winterironrox · 3 months
A Break In
Starring: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and Jarvis (A.I.).
Tony Stark’s Basement Lab, Avengers Tower.
“Jay, run the sequence again would you,” Tony mumbles through a yawn.
The screens remain the same. “Jay? You there buddy?”
Jarvis doesn’t respond. Suddenly, the lights turn off and all the screens vanish. Tony stands from his bent position as the lab doors swish open. A big shadowed figure stocks toward him.
The device Tony was working on clatters to the ground. A large hand grabs him by the upper arm. Tony feels a pinch in his neck. He then collapses into a hard fabric covered surface passing out cold.
Communal Kitchen, Avengers Tower.
Steve sighs heavily in response. “Tony, I just banned you from the lab for three days. That’s it, “ He chides, crossing to Tony who appears to be seconds away from pouring coffee all over the counter.
“Evil Steve. You are evil.”
Steve takes the coffee pot from Tony, pours the dark liquid until it’s half an inch from the top of Clint’s Pinkie Pie mug, adds a heaping teaspoon of sugar; then crosses to the fridge and adds a splash of creamer. Just the way the genius likes it.
“I never thought I’d see the day that Mr. Good turns into the worst villain imaginable.”
“Tony it’s three days. You can spend them sleeping for all I care. In fact that probably wouldn’t be a bad idea considering the position you were in when I dragged you out of the lab.” Steve hands Tony the mug making sure he has both hands on it.
“I was absolutely fine before you barged in.”
“You could barely stand and you had screws stuck to your neck.”
“I was perfectly able to stand. You don’t think maybe I just wanted to hug you so I could try and love the evil out of you. It’s not my fault love doesn’t conquer all. As for the screws, things just end up places so again not my fault.”
Tony shuffles toward the table. Steve follows behind with his hands out to catch Tony if he falls again.
They take seats next to each other. Steve picks up the smoothie he made himself earlier that morning grimacing at its now room temperature.
“And you, Jarvis, don’t think you’re off the hook. You conspired with Stevil. I nearly had a heart attack when you didn’t respond and everything shut off.”
“I apologize sir. It was not my or Captain Rogers intention to alarm you in any way. But if I may, sir? You did mute me before when I tried to request for you to retire for a few hours.”
“I don’t remember doing that.”
Jarvis plays a recording of Tony four and a half hours earlier with slurred words telling Jarvis to zip it and then Tony on the recording makes a loud squeal as something catches on fire. They hear Dum-E beeping in excitement before the recording stops.
“Okay fine, maybe a day off won’t kill me”
“You’re still not allowed back in the lab for three days, Shellhead. Jarvis and I will make sure of it.”
“Jarvis, alert the media that Captain American is a super villain.”
“Should I include the video of Mr. Rogers carrying you to the living room, gently depositing you onto the couch, and placing a blanket over you with that message?”
“He’s corrupted my child. I’ll never be able to stop them both.”
Steve tries to smother the laughter building inside him. Tony is just too cute when he’s being this ridiculous. “Tony, we just want you to take a break. We care about you.”
Tony rises from the table and turns tired red eyes to Steve, “Stevil.”
He looks at the camera in the corner of the room, “Jarvil.”
The genius then stomps out of the kitchen with authority minus when he stumbles and knocks his shoulder into the door frame.
Steve erupts with laughter.
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atlasscrumpit · 2 years
Bucky x reader
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Play nicely
(tw it's kinda creepy. Evil Steve. Your hydra name is Dove)
"Ow! That fucking hurts!" you shouted as the winter soldier looked at you angrily while he was stitching up a cut on your hand.
"Well, maybe if you stop fucking moving it won't hurt." He growled as you kept your mouth shut.
"Maybe if you hadn't fucked up the mission I wouldn't have got hurt." You growled as he pressed his thumb into the wound making you scream.
"Stop!" You screamed before he went back to stitching it up.
"That's what I thought." He growled in response as I turned away from him and kept quiet.
"I would hope you two weren't fighting again." You heard a voice say as you looked up to see Captain Hydra, aka Steve Rogers.
"No, sir." You and Bucky both said as he chuckle softly.
"Good, because you two are my best soldiers. I don't need you trying to kill each other. Now what do we do when we've had a fight?" Steve said as you glared at Bucky.
"We weren't even fighting." You grumbled as Steve looked at you.
"Now, my sweet girl. You know I don't like when you tell fibs." He said as you looked at Bucky.
"Let's just get this over and done with." You grumbled to Bucky who sighed.
This was the routine, Steve was sick and twisted in so many ways.
You leaned froward and quickly pecked Bucky on the lips, before backing away.
"Good girl, good boy always being so good." Steve said as you kept your eyes away from him.
Steve liked to treat you and Bucky like you were his kids in a very twisted way.
"Head back to your room and rest, sweethearts." Steve said as you stood up and walked out with Bucky.
Steve walked behind you both as you kept your eyes down.
Once you finally reached your cell you stepped inside and crawled into your bed.
Steve smiled and kissed your forehead before doing the same to Bucky and leaving.
"Do you think this is better?" You whispered as Bucky looked at you in confusion.
"What do you mean?" He asked as you cuddled the blanket close to your chest.
"Him treating us like this, is it better than how the other agents get treated? Or would you rather just get beaten." You whispered as Bucky looked at you sadly.
"Don't think about those things, Dove." He replied softly as you nodded a little.
"I'm sorry." You whispered as Bucky continued to stare at you.
He always knew exactly what you were feeling, and right now he knew you wouldn't stop thinking things over in your mind.
"Come here." He whispered, lifting his blanket up.
You quickly got up and shuffled over to Bucky and cuddled into his arms.
"Don't think, doll. Just focus on me." Bucky whispered as you nodded and closed your eyes.
Bucky was good at naming sure you didn't think, something about him made you fall asleep instantly.
You woke up about an hour later feeling cold metal around your wrists.
"Soldier?" You called out weakly.
You looked up to see Steve above you.
"Sir? What's happening?" You asked in fear as you tried to move.
"Shh, it's going to be alright, my sweet Dove. You're such a skilled little solider for me, but I know you can be more powerful. I want to make you just as perfect as the winter soldier, make you a super soldier." He said as he brought out a needle, you looked at him in fear and shook your head.
"No! No please please! Sit, please I don't want to." You begged in tears as he smiled.
You'd seen what it had done to Bucky, you didn't want to be next.
You hated it, but you knew what you need to do.
"Daddy, please. Please, it'll hurt." You whispered as Steve looked down at you and ran his finger over your cheek.
“My sweet little girl, it’s going to be okay. Daddy will be right here beside you.” He said as you thrashed in the restraints and screamed as loud as you could.
You felt a sharp prick in your shoulder as you began to feel drowsy.
“No…” You whispered as you slowly fell unconscious.
Back in your shared cell Bucky kept throwing himself against the bars, he could hear your screams of agony and it was driving him mad.
He screamed and used his metal arm to rip the hinges right off the door, he ran as fast as he could to the lab.
He saw Steve and two doctors around you, injecting you with things.
He grabbed a knife and slit the doctors throats before he punched Steve.
“Get off her!” He screamed as he pointed his knife at Steve.
“Look at you Soldier, so powerful when she’s in danger.” Steve said in amazement as he felt his face.
Bucky heard you sobbing as you tried to break free.
“Please, soldier.” You cried out as Bucky slowly stepped back and looked at you.
You had dark circles under your eyes and your skin was awful dull.
Suddenly Bucky was knocked out by Steve and you cried even more.
“Well, my darling girl. Looks like the serum didn’t work, but that’s alright. Just means you can be something even more important now.” He said as you looked up at him with tears in your eyes, you knew what he meant.
After everything he’d injected into you, you would be weak now and not being able to fight.
You’d go from Soldier to whore in just a day.
Steve undid your restraints from you, he thought you would be completely weak, but knowing what he was going to do to you you felt even stronger.
You grabbed an empty needle and stuck it into Steve’s neck, making him drop you.
You stood on your unsteady feet and grabbed one of the needles that still had some serum inside.
You were hoping it was a sedative.
You plunged it into his neck and injected it as he slowly fell to the floor.
You fell to your knees beside Bucky and rested your head on his chest as you cried.
“Wake up, Soldier.” You cried out, you heard him groan and his hand reached up to your back.
"Dove?" He whispered as you pulled away and looked at him.
"We have to get out of here." You replied as he nodded, you helped him to sit up as he looked at Steve.
"Look away." He growled as he grabbed a knife.
You looked away and blocked your ears, you knew you couldn't leave Steve alive.
But a twisted part of you would miss him.
Bucky tapped you on the shoulder and you turned around and quickly got up.
He gave you a gun and he kept a knife in his hand.
He grabbed two lab coats from a closet and you both dressed in them.
"Stay close to me, and don't say anything." He said, grabbing the two key cards from the dead doctors.
You secured the coat around you and kept the gun in your pants before you headed out.
You kept your head down as you past other agents and doctors.
You made it to the hanger doors and saw two guards waiting, the doctors cards wouldn't have access.
Bucky looked at you as you nodded a little.
You both ran up and chose one each, taking them down as quietly as possible.
You swiped their cards and got into the hanger, looking at all the jets.
"So, which one?"
(part 2 here)
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sunnysideprincess · 2 years
I've been in a writing slump since real life is being a massive bitch, so I wrote evil Steve to cheer myself—enjoy!
Steve/Tony, established relationship
On Monday, Steve arrived to a mess in his war room. Newspapers and clippings thrown about in haste. Boxes of reports upturned and dumped off their perch on the shelves. The table lying face down on the ground, the chair kicked off to the other side of the ten by ten room. The wall with the connections, carved with blades had been hit with something blunt, repeatedly. It was a wreck. A tornado hellbent on destruction. And in the middle of it all, Tony Stark stood with his shoulders heaving, wearing the shirt he was supposed to wear for their dinner reservation.
"How long?"
Steve didn't answer. Instead, he walked around the scattered information, taking care not to step on the shards of the ceramic bowl that once held candy for the "kids". Tony didn't turn, just stiffened when their fingers brushed. When Steve gently grabbed the hammer from his hand and set it aside.
"New York."
He often compared his lover's rage to an inferno. Rather poetic, that it would be aimed at him one day.
Tony stepped away and slipped. It was only Steve's hand grabbing him by his hip that kept him from falling on the floor. From hurting himself. And hurting Steve by extension.
"How—Why?" Tony snarled and backed away. Steve, magnanimously, let him go. Let him think he could get away. "Who else?"
"Natasha. Wanda. Bruce. Maria. Clint. Sometimes Pepper."
A blink, long and surprised. Hurt.
"Pepper?" His voice broke. Still. Better the truth than lie. And they really wouldn't have gotten anywhere without her. "My Pepper?"
"She wants to protect you."
"Protect-" Tony laughed, smacking his head with the back of his hand. He was stumbling a little. "Protection? You're killing people!"
"Only the ones who get in our way."
"Your way to where?"
Steve tilted his head and assessed the damage. Natasha often accused him of being too unfeeling. Too balanced. But losing control, losing his temper wouldn't make Tony trust him again.
"Justice. Accords were one way to get there. But it was wrong. Too..." He looked for the right word, while also looking at the loose buttons of Tony's collar. He looked ethereal under the dim glow of fluorescent lamps. In his rage and grief. "Restricting."
"And this is better how? How is killing Ross, Fury and god—T'Challa any closer to justice?"
"T'Challa was holding his nation back, Tony. All that tech. Knowledge. How many could they help?"
"Bullshit! The only thing you took from Wakanda is weapons!"
"To fight the war."
"You blew up the WSC! You killed hundreds, Steve!"
"They were necessary sacrifice, Tony. For the greater-"
Just one word was enough. Steve gulped, a semblance of want rising in his chest at the way his voice echoed in their quiet, sombre getaway apartment. At the way it shook the foundations.
It's why he couldn't let go of Tony. Why he kept hoping he would find out. Why he would find his lover, drag him away to a secluded corner after their missions.
Steve was always accused of being as cold, hard and uncompromising as the ice he was found in. But Tony was the opposite. All fire and rage, blazing warmth of a thousand suns.
Steve wanted to feel that burn against his skin. Wanted Tony to melt the ice as well as his bones.
It was a morbid thought. But maybe also a romantic one.
"I'm leaving."
"I'm leaving. I'm not coming back. You won't see me. You won't touch me with those hands."
He made a show of bracing himself, of his own stubborn determination. Later, Steve would laugh at it. The way he stumbled and yelped when Steve grabbed his arm.
When he spun him so his back was pressing against his chest. When the ice encircled the fire, to keep it imprisoned.
"No, Tony."
Tony shivered and struggled.
"Steve, what the hell?"
"You're not going anywhere. We're going to talk. You're going to tell me who told you about us. And then we will have our dinner-"
"Let me go. Steve, let me go right now!"
Steve smiled and sighed.
"No, sweetheart. Didn't you hear? Captain Hydra is one crazy bastard."
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blacksupremacy86 · 1 year
Taking It By The Horns Part 1
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Steve Rogers AKA The titans of The USA The Captain America is on his way back to the base after a run in slim toned tight grey shirt.
He races up the staircase to the main floor in a huff of air he sighs backing to the wall laying his back he does not expect anybody else to be up that morning.
A large crash can be heard from high above In the glass ceiling the shattered remains of it land on the floor and Captain jumps to it once more.
A man in the shadows stood waiting for him in the darkness of the night he claps loudly as the lights blare on revealing a man in a cloud of blue aura.
Captain America crosses his arms in a truly super defiant stance he runs out leaping on to a giant pipe line and flips up and down like a Russian gymnast.
He threw up in the air flipping till he lands on to the mat with an impressive show of skills in a superhero fascination and the world would be astonished.
The next day Steve woke up in fit of sweat and horror washing over him he rolls on to the grass coming back to reality he could not believe that’s
What a strange dream he thought as all else fades in to the light of the bright shining lite silver moon dancing on his skin and he fell deep.
He backflips on to his feet he remembers his jump kicking his axe upward by his foot and he caught it in his right hand he cuts a case of wood.
“The wood it felt so good to place it on the board.”
“All I can do it cut it in half “
“I am lost”
“My mind is a fog”
“Hello Steve”
“My name is Steve?”
“Do you remember?”
“Yes! Steve Rogers”
“My champion “
“Yes! Captain America “
“Are you my sweet pet?”
“Pet me”
“Rub me”
“Feel me up “
“What took you so long?”
“I’ve waited for you “
“How long was the wait?”
“Many years”
“Oh the shame!”
“You should be embarrassed “
“Spun to me”
“Follow me “
“My eyes are your focal point “
“Good boi”
“Mmmmm…yes Master”
“It’s Master Lawrence “
“Yes….Master Lawrence “
“I love you Steve”
“Say it “
“I love you too “
“Good boi “
“Kiss me”
“Tenderly “
“Baby! Stevie”
“God! I want you so bad”
“Ravish me Steve”
He kisses me with every bit of effort he has memories are fading in to a foggy sense of nothingness and Peggy, her niece and his parents disappear.
The end
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suggesting-themes · 2 months
I’ve been thinking so hard about Stucky recently (and of course I live in this beautiful la la land where Bucky comes back to Steve after CA:TWS and CA:CW never happens) but like, every time Bucky remembers something, it’s something he’s already lost. Everyone focuses on his relationship with Steve which is like, why we’re all here obviously. But like, the pain of realizing the last time you saw your mother was 70 years ago. The last thing your sister ever said to you was “See you soon!” and then she lived her whole life without you. You missed everything. The guilt, the grief. Steve had no siblings, never knew his father, and his mother died when he was 18 so he had already learned to carry it by the time he went under the ice at 26. He knew how to get by on his own, but Bucky never did. Steve tries his best to be there for Bucky when he wakes up one day and remembers that he had a family. Sometimes being there for him means taking him to the cemetery, finding his parents graves and letting him sob over them, like Steve had done over Buck’s empty grave in Arlington when his feet took him there on the nights he couldn’t sleep.
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wingheadshellhead · 10 months
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Steve Rogers & Tony Stark in Avengers Assemble 2.09 "The Dark Avengers"
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reebmiester · 7 months
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Back in my 2014 stucky angst
@whotheheckitheheck Happy birthday hon
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biteofcherry · 11 months
Okay, I lied. It's me again! 🫠🤤🥵
Since Kindergarten Teacher!Ari Levinson got paired up with a nice Aunt to a cute niece, what kind of pairings would the following have in that same Kindergarten School? How would they meet up and how would they hook up?
1) Administration Officer!Lloyd Hansen - He's also in-charge of the Secretaries, Nurses, Receptionist, etc.
2) Maintenance Coordinator!Curtis Everett - He's in-charge of the Bus Drivers/Supervisors, Utilities, Security Guards, etc.
3) Principal!Steve Rogers - He's in-charge of Academics and Administration
4) Accountant!Bucky Barnes - crunching numbers
5) Public Relations Officer!Ransom Drysdale - includes Marketing
6) CEO/KG Consultant!Andy Barber - He's the head honcho
7) Kindergarten Teacher!Nick Fowler
I don't know if you're aware, but I've been naming you evil goblin Anon. Turns out the goblin is occasionally a softie, who doesn't only want to see me suffer 😜
In reference to kindergarten teacher Ari.
Under the cut because my reply turned out long. Also some of these are fucking hilarious 😂 really, better not be drinking when you read it, especially Lloyd and Nick 🤣
Lloyd - of course he's in charge of all the secretaries, receptionists and nurses, I bet he has a different one for every day of the week (weekends included) 😎 He likes to undo buttons on women's clothes, but loves to push buttons even more. And what a better opportunity than meeting with an OSHA inspector! In reality, Lloyd makes sure everything is perfect when it comes to regulations, nothing needs to be improved, but he just loves the faces you make when he plays a careless asshole. His smirk when you stare at him, unsure if he was joking or being serious about leaving some wires for the kids to play with. At the end of inspection Lloyd makes a comment that usually after being poked and probed at the doctor's he gets a lollipop, but what you'll give him instead after your probing 🤣 Lloyd instantly knows he hit the jackpot with you, when he said in a low tone "I've never violated OSHA regulations at work, but I can violate you a bit later, if you want me to, Sunshine" and you moaned.
Curtis - Your catering company is newly hired to prepare meals for the kids of that kindergarten. The staff can also get the meals, but you've noticed Curtis never joins others at the time of meal. You've made some inquiries, if perhaps his meal wasn't paid in advance, but it turned out it was, he just ate it much much later (apparently after everyone was gone). So one day, after helping out dishing out all the food to hungry kiddos and the staff, you take Curtis' portion and go around looking for him. You find him in the far corner of the playground, sitting in the sun and eating a small sandwich. Turns out, Curtis avoids shared meals, because he's aware the kids are a bit scared of him (he's big, dressed in dark clothes which often get dirty from all the maintenance work he does, and has some visible scars). So he eats alone and later takes his catering portion back home. Somehow, since that day, you end up sharing lunch with Curtis. And one day he asks, if you'd maybe like to also eat dinner with him. In a restaurant.
Steve - gets me, because I said so 😏 Seriously, tho. Steve ends up with a doctor/nurse. It's a completely outside of kindergarten meeting, however it's because of the kindergarten. Steve ends up in your ER after getting into a fight with one of the fathers (it was a complete mess, Andy almost went completely gray because of it). When he tells you he got into a fight you almost roll your eyes, because you're so done with aggressive men. But then he mentions he punched a kid's father after learning he was abusing his kids. And he didn't care if he was going to lose his job, he doesn't tolerate any bullies, but especially ones hurting children. It wasn't a part of medical treatment, but you were ready to suck his dick right then and there. Instead, you offered him lunch (and went down on him afterwards...)
Bucky - he's a nerdy, focused, hot as fuck cutie who ends up with a fellow cute, nerdy accountant. You managed to get into kindergarten's accountant on internship, though they usually hire only Bucky. He's half your colleague, half mentor and 100% the hero of your needy dreams. There's occasional flirting, but Bucky won't cross the line as long as you're an intern. So you spend your working hours being dutiful, but also talking over your passions or new discoveries, or funny stories. You kinda meet Bucky's sister, because she tends to call at least once a week and he just puts her on speaker - which led to you occasionally joining their conversations. Then in the evening you lie in bed and get yourself off, imagining Bucky. Then your internship ends and it's almost heartbreaking that you won't get to see him daily. Bucky asks if you'd like to do a small send-away, which ends up just the two of you in a nice restaurant and then a stroll and ice cream, and then you losing count of your orgasms.
Ransom - I never even thought kindergartens have PR officers. If it's a private one then I get it, I guess. But I don't think Steve would run a private one, so we just going to assume Ransom does marketing for them as an annoying favor (while also having his main job for a different company). Still, pro-bono or not, Ransom is adamant on maintaining his level of professionalism, which means his level of snobbish. You're a single mom who is very engaged and critical. Steve doesn't have to rein Ransom in, because you're there, marching into his office with complaints about making the new website of the affordable kindergarten look as if it was for upper class only. There are a few other occasions when you clash with him, until the annual kids' photoshoot comes. You're ready to argue with Ransom again, expecting him to organize some snobbish royal type of stiff photoshoot, but instead it's a carefree, happy chaos at a mini zoo. And Ransom is there in simple jeans and softest looking sweater, holding a fucking baby goat. You bluntly propose him sex, because you really really felt like fucking him. What starts as a few hot booty calls turns into something more serious.
Andy - poor Andy needs someone to help him survive this kindergarten from hell that he's running. The kids are great, but his staff is causing him gray hair 😂 You meet Andy when you write your dissertation and set up a meeting with him to talk about economics in educational systems. During your interview Andy notices that while you ask very smart questions, you seem bored by it all. It's quite unprofessional, but you admit to him that you chase your degree, because you always thought you want to make a big career. But the last few years, especially since you've been visiting some kindergartens when doing research, you've found yourself longing after that - having kids, caring for them and for a household. You blurt out to Andy that you get so very excited about doing decorations and baking for the holidays and if you could that would be your daily reality. It hits a certain spark in Andy's housewife kink, but he simply comments that you can always make that dream come true after getting your degree. He also asks you to give him a call when your paper is finished. And you actually do. You're so proud and happy (including being happy that it's over), then Andy invites you to dinner. Few months later you end up married and pregnant and happy to stay at home.
Nick - first of all, when I thought of Nick as a teacher the only thing that came to my mind was:
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seriously, I bet he's the one teaching kids about secondary locations
So I went with that thought. Nick is a teacher, but not of one group of kids. He's hired to do safety drills and teach how to call an ambulance, or what to do if you know something bad is happening to another kid. He's also there when groups go on trips. But he occasionally can be too cool about it, aka too brusque. Kids love it, but you - a fellow teacher - try to keep him in line. At a kindergarten's funfair, where Nick helps kiddos throw balls to dunk principal Rogers, you eat too much funnel cake (well, you tell yourself later it's because of all the sugar) and drag Nick into an empty classroom for a quickie (insert a joke about taking him to a secondary location🤣)
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oddrustyy · 5 months
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siremasterlawrence · 25 days
Who’s The Real Hero Here?
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The boat hit the shores as Captain America lands on to it with a small boat as he crawls upward scaling the rocky area to the top of the clips grabbing one rock at a time and he finally reaching the top of the hill he climbs up higher. He now plants his feet as he peers in to the window staring down at empty room even though he was sent on a mission by the old school ways of being by Shield even he is aware of how crazy it is and he took his shield upward smashing it in to the window. He throws himself following that as he flips barreling in to the room descending done a field of stairs he grabs on to the rail flipping in to alley oop on the staircase in a perfect ten I am watching through my camera in my basement as the room begins to widen up.
Getting even bigger and of course he has the body stamina of a Olympic Champion as he leaps to the ground floor racing across the end of the steps on to the ground floor with so much determination in his eyes and his heart. The floor literally opens from under him as he descends miles down floor by floor in the air as Steve needs to make a emergency like strategy grabbing hold on to edge of a floor he manages to getting stiff lifting upward on to the bridge because as we know Steve can do it all day. Yanking himself with a bit of a struggle he is able to land back on to the brighter he race in to dthe room as he finds himself in midst of a elongated hall way calling to him a voice in the sound system all he can hear is S-t-e-v-e.
Steve unhooks his shield launching it in to the air as he kicks it hard smashing across the room it ricocheting from wall to wall at full force downward of the hall way as it is slamming in to the elevator doors and Cap breaks through and the heat of the building steams up. Loading on to the elevator shaft as the door closes instantly shaking a bit before the lift starts to speed upward to the top floor of the elevator bank the lights begin to blink blinding him and the buttons begin to blink on and off in a strange aura of colors giving Steve a minor headache. The elevator door pops to the side allowing him to access to the floor as he walks in to the room clinging his back to the wall his shield is already to go and he is uses both of arm and shields what he is not expecting is the figure in the dark lit up translucently before him.
Something triggering electrical out put of the locks of the building are shuttering the him as he locks down the world keeping Steve in his place and in his heat and Steve can feel it in his soul that his life is about to go through a significant change as he walks further in to the room as the temperature drops causing Cap to become the Capsicle Iron man calls him. The figure comes into picture now in a fuller, brighter and special effect thoroughly as it’s obviously a sneak attack by him the mystery new villain who has appeared on the scene from no one in particular because it is totally obvious and we all he is The Spectacle a super villain man of supernatural power consuming him in all ways. Steve does his best to resist the man who’s eyes glow emeraldintensity as they go spiraling out of control ensnaring him easily his eyes follow him in deep forgetting everything else that has happen as he dropping deeper, faster and harder then he ever thought in a mixing a swirl pool of craziness drowning Steve in it a sea of pure power.
“Oh Captain! That daring look in my eyes.”
“You are remnant of the past, I can’t shake it off.”
“Do not compare me to…the red skull.”
“You are more evil then…”
“Why are you so interested then?”
“You found my case, you had to track me all the way here.”
“I can stand idly bye”
“Mwahahahahaha…goody two shoes”
“I am Soldier…fuck off”
“Do you honestly think I would care?”
“ Typical of you “
“Why Cap?”
“It’s Captain”
“Captain “
“I am a hero”
“Let me show you “
“Would a hero do this?”
“I failed yes”
“Your friends are dead Cap”
“They are gone…no you did this”
“I can’t prevent the truth “
“Even I tried”
“Can’t handle the heat ?”
“I am only saving you “
“I can make it go away “
“I won’t surrender “
“One kiss Captain”
“I am not you puppet”
“So you say”
“No! I am in control “
“Why are you standing up?
“Walking towards me”
“Kissing me”
“You love it, give into the lust”
“Oh fuck! Whatever! Who am I ?”
The man snaps his fingers as the walls rise receding upward in to the ceiling as a white light covers the room in a sea of color blinds Steve as he backs up when a figure walks up to him. The light flashes in to the room as he witnesses who the man it is ole pal Bucky Barnes who stood up facing with him in utter rage in his eyes and Steve looks with joy but is soon met with a massive punch to the face. Steve manages to take most of the power of the heat from that punch as he smacks his pals hand a side and they go toe until our guy Steve grabs him by his arm.
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As he back flips to the end of the ground slamming his foot on to him. Bucky burst out loud barrels throughout the room bouncing wall to wall as he uses his foot to kick him in the shin as Steve cries in pain and Bucky uses it to pin him down.The man laughs bit as Bucky wides his arms open up when he jumps in to Bucky’s body as they merge in to one taking Bucky’s own appearance to Steve is completelyleft in sea of horror at this revelation and he will regret it. He has no time to react when a barrage of bullets hit him head on as he backflips to his feet using shield to launch forward hitting Bucky hard as it shreds over the room and slams him into the wall in a unique permanent way.
“Bucky STOP!”
“Bucky is no longer here”
“Get to the point”
“I want you to serve me and be mine”
“Never gonna happen”
“How fowl Cap!”
“Bastard! Release me”
“As if!”
“Release Buck and I”
“You will serve me eventually “
“Excuse me! No who you are …”
“Speaking to you?”
“Bucky hear me”
“He Can’t!”
“What are you a dunce ?”
“Watch yourself I am…”
“Sentinel of justice?”
“Fuck off”
“Oh well! Bucky end him”
“Yyyyeeeesssssss!” NOW mwahahaha “
“Oh Master! Your power surges through us my king. “
“We are compelled! You erased us forever “
The end
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 6 months
Me: Why do i love making myself sad by thinking about the clones and order 66 and the jedi so much?
Also me: Captain America: The Winter Soldier is my favourite movie of all time.
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lanyakea-universe · 1 year
Iron Man wasn't a hero, and that's precisely why the Avengers sought so diligently to capture him. But it seemed that the man behind the mask was always a step ahead of them, and their many failures were like good old jokes the villain couldn't get enough of. He was destructive, anarchic and mischievous. Steve knew he had to stop him at all costs before his technology affected more than just their city.
His vision changed in spite of himself when, one day, just as Steve was about to enter a burning building headlong to seek out the last citizens to evacuate, he witnessed the massive Iron Man armor emerge from the flames, holding a small bundle in his arms.
A tiny baby with a soot-stained face, wrapped in a half-burnt blanket, bawling pathetically against the heat and lack of air.
He saw the tiny shifting of the armor as Iron Man cradled the baby, his full attention riveted on this defenseless little being. He saw Iron Man gently place his mettalic fingertip against the baby's lips, so that the toddler could suck on it and soothe himself.
Steve lowered his shield, flabbergasted by the sight. Before his eyes was living proof that his beliefs were wrong: Iron Man was not the monster he'd imagined.
The man in the armor straightened up and turned his head in his direction. "The baby needs help, Cap."
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atlasscrumpit · 2 years
Bucky x reader
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Trigger warning, sex, abuse, manipulation
Alpha/Omega au
You were asleep inside of your small room when your metal door was ripped open.
You looked up and saw three guards rushing in, they grabbed you roughly as you yelped a little bit. They brought you out and you saw Steve.
"Sir?" You muttered as he reached forward and ran his hand over your cheek.
"It's come to my attention that there's a traitor in my ranks and while I know you would never betray me there's some things I need to make sure of." He said as they dragged you along along behind Steve.
When you finally reached your destination the guards threw you inside while Steve grabbed you and sat you down at a metal table.
"Did I upset you, sir?" You muttered looking down at the table.
"Not one bit, doll. But I have to rule out every possibility. Now, stay still." He said coming towards you with a needle, you instantly tilted your neck to the side and made him chuckle.
"Such a good girl." He praised brushing your hair away from your neck before injecting the liquid into your neck.
"Now this, my sweet girl, is going to make sure you tell the truth." He said before sitting across from you.
"Do you love me?" He asked tilting his head as you nodded.
"Of course, alpha. I love you more than anything, I just want to be perfect for you and make you proud." You said making him smile.
"Do you ever think about running away?" He asked as you looked at him in shock.
"Never! I would never even think about it." You replied watching Steve smile wickedly.
"Would you do anything for me, baby girl?" He asked as you saw him reached down to press his palm against his own crotch.
"Of course, master. Anything you ask of." You replied making him smile.
"That's what I thought, angel. Now come here." He whispered patting his lap as you obediently stood up and went over to him.
You straddled his waist feeling him run his hands up your legs.
"I knew you would never betray me." He whispered leaning in to kiss your neck softly.
Steve led you out of the interrogation room about 40 minutes later after releasing all of his pent up emotions on you.
But you didn't mind, you were glad he was happy.
"Go back to my room and sleep, there's things I need to sort out." He demanded playing with your hair as you nodded.
"Of course, sir." You replied obediently walking away.
Steve's second in command came up to Steve.
"Maybe we should get you someone like Y/N. You could do with releasing some of that tension." Steve said chuckling as Bucky's face didn't show any emotion.
"Oh come on, Buck. Have some fun. Don't you want a little thing like mine to fuck?" Steve said as Bucky glared at him.
"She's not an object, she's your omega." He grumbled making Steve's face fall.
"That's what she is, Buck. She's my toy and you'll be the same if you keep talking back." Steve warned as Bucky looked away in submission.
"That's what I thought." Steve growled before they both walked away.
Back in Steve's room you were laying in his bed waiting for him to come back.
When he did return you perked up like a happy puppy and ran to him making him chuckle.
He held your face in his hand and kissed your forehead.
"There's my good puppy." He praised kissing your lips softly.
"Have you found the traitor, master?" You asked as he looked at you sadly.
"I think I have and I'm very disappointed." He replied before walking away to get changed.
"Is it Bucky?" You asked as he turned around and looked at you in confusion.
"And why would you think that?" He asked stalking towards you.
He backed you up against the wall as you shrunk before him.
"I-I just know that sometimes he doesn't obey you and when you said you were disappointed I thought it must be someone close to you." You replied as he reached up and pressing his hand against your throat.
"Please." You whispered gripping onto his wrist before he smiled and let go.
"Sometimes I forget how smart my little omega is. Plus that truth serum works for 24 hours so I know you're telling the truth." He whispered making you smile.
You stood beside Steve as two guards strapped Bucky to a table and injected the same serum they had injected into you.
Steve kept asking questions but Bucky was fighting the serum.
But Bucky was an alpha and there was one thing he couldn't fight.
"Sweetheart, you know what to do." Steve said as you nodded and moved over to Bucky.
"He's just using you, Y/N. Once he's done playing with you he'll throw you away and get a new one." He growled as you looked at him and reached forward to press your palm against his neck.
You were about to use your omega effect on his before you felt something surge through your veins, you whined softly and Bucky growled.
Steve quickly interrupted and grabbed you away from Bucky.
"What the hell did you do!?" Steve shouted at Bucky as he tried to catch his breath. You couldn't stop your hands from shaking, you'd never felt anything like that before.
"Y/N is my mate." Bucky said as you eyes widened, you looked beside you to see Steve angrier than you'd ever seen.
"Steve?" You muttered as he turned to you.
"Little slut." He growled grabbing you by the hair and throwing you onto the ground as you yelped. He grabbed out a gun and pointed it to you.
"You're worthless to me now." He said before Bucky broke free and dove onto Steve before he shot you.
You backed away trying to not hyperventilate as you cried softly. The two guards rushed towards you before you dodged out of the way and grabbed one of their guns.
"Oh come on, puppy. You're just an omega, you really think you can harm an alpha?" One of the guards said as your hands shook violently.
"She can't but I fucking can." Bucky growled grabbing the guard and slitting his throat before killing the other.
You looked down to see Steve passed out. You felt a burning on your neck and reached up with your shaky hand to feel Steve's mark fading from your neck.
"He rejected me." You whispered as Bucky dropped the knife and came over to.
He reached forward and ran his hand over your cheek.
"It's going to be okay, he wasn't your mate. You don't remember anything before all of this and I know it makes it all confusing. I can tell you everything later, we just have to get out of here." He said as you nodded a little.
Bucky grabbed your hand and a gun in the other and ran out of the room.
You weren't sure how you'd made it out but you did, not without a few wounds but it didn't matter right now.
After stealing a car and crashing it you'd both made it to the safety of a cave. Bucky had set up a fire and you sat in front of it.
"He kidnapped you." Bucky muttered sitting beside you as you looked at him.
"Steve kidnapped you and brainwashed you. Making sure you were a perfect omega for him because in truth, before you he had a mate, he had an omega. And he killed her, so he wanted a new one." Bucky explained as you felt your heart stop beating.
"And now you've found your real Alpha." He muttered as you felt tears run down your cheeks.
"I don't want another alpha, Steve hurt me so much. I don't want to be anyones ever again." You whispered covering your face as Bucky looked at you sadly.
"What you had with Steve isn't what a normal alpha omega relationship looks like. An alpha is meant to care for their omega and make sure they're safe, not hurt or use them." He muttered as you turned to him.
"I would never hurt you, Y/N. But eventually we'll have to bind ourselves together so no one else can hurt you. I would treat you better than Steve did." He said slowly turning to face you.
You gently laid your head on his shoulder and nodded. Bucky wrapped his arm around you and you felt safer than you ever had.
"Thank you, alpha."
(Im sorry that was a bit shitty)
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Kinktober 2023 Master List
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Welcome to the 2023 Kinktober Master List
A/n- Don't interact if you're under the age of 18+. Read the tags for each post. This is all for fun. Reblog and like for this next year.
Word Count: 26,091 k
Kinktober 2023 Tag List Link
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Day 1: Geralt R. + Marco/Mirco
Day 2: Billy H. + Titfucking
Day 3: Homelander + Hate Sex
Day 4: Soldier Boy + Prostitution
Day 5: Daryl D. + Sweat
Day 6: Steve R. + Frottage  
Day 7: Rick G. + Virginity (Pre-Outbreak) 
Day 8: Tony S. + Breeding
Day 9: Billy B. + Lacation/Stripping
Day 10: Damon S. + Praise Kink
Day 11: Spencer R. + Humiliation
Day 12: Stefan S. + Somnophila
Day 13: Thor O. + Size Diff
Day 14: Leon S. K. + Orgasm Denial
Day 15: Jill V. + Temperature Play
Day 16: Maggie G. + Public/Gags
Day 17: Steddie & Y/n + Threesome
Day 18: Yennefer + Spanking
Day 19: Hopper + Uniform
Day 20: Lady D. + Body Mode/Mind Control
Day 21: Ada W. + Panties /Lingerie
Day 22: Bucky B. + Thigh Sex
Day 23: Negan S. + 6/9
Day 24: Klaus M. + Toys
Day 25: Joel M. + Pregnancy
Day 26: Steve H. + Masturbastion
Day 27:  Albert W. + Double Penetration
Day 28: Aaron H. + Daddy, Body Worshipping
Day 29: Karl H. + Breathplay
Day 30: Elijah M. + Over Stimulation
Day 31: Eddie M. + Costumes
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Kinktober 2023 Tags- @lanad3lreyscokewhor3 @homelanderscumdump @hummusxx @chvnsdimple @vvitzvafflezvv @lokisivy @claud-blood0703 @iliketoreads-stuff @all-that-glitters-is-treasure @clearscissorsbonkgiant-blog @lxonix--ac @piecesofx @mortallyswimmingpainter @playwithfire99 @fucak @everythingneytiri @lovetheos @xxxxxoseungxoooo @durazopato @hotpead42069 @oddseabiscuit @capoda @witching-hour @viviwows @lover103 @alexlovesfanfiction @oddseabiscuit @katiecat10 @electricfans @jianasmind @max-505 @powerbun21o @the-horny-simp @missy420-0 @jaq-dav @arescosplays
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antigone-ks · 2 months
Lantern of Evil, Chapter Three
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Chapter Three - The First Night in August
You'll fall asleep / With your arm around my shoulder/ And nothing will come between us/ On the first night in August
So that’s that, then, you think, as you stand around the corner from the restaurant waiting for your Uber. You had walked that morning, like you said, but you weren’t about to hike half an hour back home with all this food. And you didn’t feel like sitting inside waiting with Grant.
That’s stupid, you know, you try to reason with yourself. He clearly wants to be friends, and you can wait for a car with a friend. Except . . . trying to continue a conversation seemed too hard right now. Because you’re stuuuupiiiidddd, your traitorous brain sing-songs. Shouldn’t have thought of it like a date in the first place, and now you’re disappointed and you’re gonna spend the rest of the day sadfaced when you should have known he wasn’t into you.
Yeah, well . . . yeah. You should have. It’d been a while since a guy you were interested in was interested back, or interested in the way you wanted. Plenty would try it at a bar, thinking they’d get an easy night with a woman they’d never have to call again, but you’d learned to spot that type a long time ago. Grant just seemed different, but maybe that’s because he really only wants to talk about art and old slang.
And anyway, you did have fun until your brain sabotaged you. You could definitely be friends with him. Just friends. Like Kate and Lila at the historical society. He’s basically Lila, but shorter and blond. And hot, your idiot brain chirps.
You hate your idiot brain.
“She’s cute,” Natasha says. “And she’s definitely into you.”
“She’s not into me,” Steve mutters, “and it’s not like that.”
Bucky smacks him on the back of the head, not pulling his punch, and Steve nearly faceplants into the coffee table. They’re back at the compound; Natasha had made Bucky ride back with him in case Steve got the urge to drive into the river to escape the exact conversation they were obviously about to have.
He had considered it.
“She is, and it oughta be,” Bucky says, ducking the half-hearted retaliatory punch Steve throws at him. “She seems like your type: funny, way too smart for you – oof” he doesn’t quite dodge Steve’s kick to his ankle. “Looked like she could fill out a dress, too. Stevie always did like ‘em built for comfort,” he confides to Natasha.
“I’m going to kick you in a minute,” she threatens, flopping onto a lounge chair.
“I don’t like – it’s not – look, you – “ Steve takes a deep breath and gathers the tattered remnants of his dignity. “This conversation is over.”
“You gonna fix your problem?” Natasha calls after him.
“Fix what? It went fine.”
“Sure, pal.” Bucky glances at the chair Natasha’s in and decides against trying to squeeze into it with her. This conversation needs intervention-level formality. He flops onto the longest sofa instead. “It was going great ‘til you assured her you weren’t interested in her.”
Steve gapes. “I did not say that.”
“Betcha a shiny nickel that’s what she heard. Didn’t you learn anything watching me?”
“I watched you take two dames to a petting party, Buck; not sure that’s gonna work here.”[1]
“Different times,” Bucky assures Natasha, who’s grinning like she’s just had a brilliant idea. “Anyway, you went to one, too. I remember timing how long you spent on your hair.” Steve splutters indignantly even though it’s absolutely true, and Bucky’s voice turns nostalgic. “Got to first base, too, didn’t you?”
“I never made it to bat,” Steve grumbles. He had, technically; one of the girls there called him adorable and kissed his cheek, and then she went back to her real date as he clutched a pillow in his lap for the next hour. A swing and a miss.
“Well, you got out of the dugout for once. It was good for you.”
Or would that count as a foul? Steve shakes himself back to the present and glares. “Anyway, it can’t be like that. Not now. Once I get fixed up it’ll be different.”
“Oh, sure.” Natasha’s voice has that flat, mocking tone. “You’re gonna show up at her doorstep a foot taller and a foot wider and tell her that her arty little crush was really Captain America the whole time? A) she’s going to scream. 2) she’s going to think you’re a liar. And Veh) she’s going to feel like you were deliberately messing with her.”
Steve stares at her. “Sometimes you make my head hurt. And she doesn’t have a crush on me. And we’re both too old for crushes, anyway.”
“You’re never too old for crushes, Steve.”
“So, wait – important question,” Bucky interjects. “You definitely didn’t tell her who you are, so what did you say?”
“Grant Stevens, graphic designer,” Steve answers promptly. He’d had it planned. That . . . that’s a bad sign, isn’t it?
Natasha’s looking at him like she knows exactly what he’s thinking, which she probably does. “So will you keep seeing Ms. Built for Comfort, or are you gonna lay low for the foreseeable future and then spring Captain Sixty-Inch Biceps on her?”
“That’s not her name, Romanoff,” Steve growls. “It’s –“
“I know her name, Rogers. I ran a search on her while you were canoodling over the old ladies two weeks ago. Facial recognition,” she says when he splutters in outrage. “She’s mostly clean, likes puppies and filthy jokes. Knows all the words to ‘Luscious Lena from Messina’ – at least she’d get some of your ancient jokes.”
Steve is outraged into silence, glaring, and she sighs. “Okay, let’s go kick Bruce until he finds a cure for whatever this is.”
Pep talk aside, you stay away from the museum for nearly a week. But you’re not hiding! You’re working – the opus is quickly becoming medium. You really should devote your time to grinding it out, alone with your work in the pretty blue house on Mansion Street that came with the fellowship. You should do what you actually came to do. If you need a distraction, go for drinks with Kate and Lila and the other history nerds. The museum isn’t necessary to your well-being. You don’t need anything that it offers.
You weren’t so proud you couldn’t admit to spending a day or so – as expected – being a sadfaced mess. By the morning of the second day, you’d gone to the historical society just to get away from yourself and be around people who weren’t handsome blonds with slender fingers and awkward smiles and serious blue eyes and the worst old-fashioned jokes. Just the worst. Ugh. You don’t even like his jokes.
“You dooo,” David Tennant’s voice sang in your head.
You do.
The historical society is gearing up for a fundraiser, and you offer to help out in some vague and non-social capacity. That’ll show Grant. Show you. Show your foolish heart that fell too fast, for a man who was just a normal level of nice to you and would never fathom that you’d spent such an indecent amount of time wondering how it would feel to run your fingers through his hair, to have him take your face in his hands, to feel his breath . . .
So you’re going to stick to a strict work-and-volunteer schedule with only occasional museum breaks and if you see Grant, you see him and if not, you’ll forget about him. You’re forgetting him already. You can hardly remember his eyes.
(they’re so blue)
(and his lashes are so long and thick)
(seriously, no money could buy those eyelashes)
And when finally you do go to the museum (because you aren’t hiding), your feet carry you past the room with Joan and the witches and Cormar, taking you to a room with Hudson Valley landscapes. You aren’t avoiding Grant; he could spot you easily if he passed by, you’re just . . . letting it be his choice.
And these landscapes are not cutting it. You snarl at them and flounce out of the room, bouncing chest-first right into someone not much taller than you, whose delicate hands come up to grip your shoulders.
“Excuse me, I – hey!” Grant smiles, looking almost shy. “Hey, I’ve missed you the last few days.” You can’t help but smile back, feeling heat creep up your face. For a second, you gaze at each other all doe-eyed, or limpid-eyed, or however Georgette Heyer would describe it, then Grant clears his throat and steps back and you feel a hot wave of embarrassment wash over you.
Well, if you’re gonna almost knock the guy down, might as well do it with your boobs.
“Yeah, I’ve been really busy. But I’ve missed” you you you “relaxing with the art.”
“You look as relaxed as a tire iron,” he says. “I mean – I mean –“ he stammers as you glare up at him. “I mean, you look great but you felt really – wait, no – I didn’t feel anyth –“ he stops, sighs, and hangs his head.
You could kiss him.
Grant peeks at you from under his eyelashes and brushes his hair out of his face. “I’m glad you’re here,” he says simply.
Oh, fuck you and your stupid face, you think, and say “I’m glad you’re here, too.”
He smiles.
You smile.
He smiles. Then he shakes himself, like he just remembered something. “I wanted to ask . . . you know, since you like old movies . . .” he trails off, and you nod, encouraging. “There’s a great movie house that’s doing a Cary Grant thing for the next few weeks – they’re showing North by Northwest on Saturday, then Notorious next weekend, you know, a different film each week for the rest of the summer.”
Wait. So . . . wait, is he? Is this . . .?
“Oh, so you’re going with friends?” you ask, not certain how you want him to answer.
“Well, I . . . neither of us have seen the Hitchcock years, so I thought. If you want.”
“Yes,” you say, but not too quickly. “Which theater? I’ll get the tickets.” You wave him off when he starts to protest. “I made like 5 meals from that one lunch; I can get this.” And this way he knows you know it’s not a date. There will be nothing date-like about going to the movies with Grant, sitting there in the dark, hands brushing over popcorn . . . there will be no popcorn, you tell yourself severely.
He tells you, then pulls out his phone. “What’s your number?” he asks offhandedly. “I can pick you up, or –“
“Or we can meet there,” you assure him, tamping down the giddiness at finally getting his number. It is for logistical purposes only.
He smiles.
You smile.
The landscapes aren’t so bad, with a friend.
[1] Petting parties started going out of fashion in the late 20s/early 30s, probably before Bucky ever felt a boob, but indulge me here. Beth L. Bailey, From Front Porch to Back Seat: Courtship in Twentieth-Century America (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989).
Carole King – “First Day in August”
You'll fall asleep / With your arm around my shoulder/ And nothing will come between us/ On the first night in August
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