#evidently they don’t consider his behavior to be abusive/negligent
theluckiestlb · 2 years
Hm, I wonder why Adrien referring to Gabriel as “Papa” (Dad) makes me feel viscerally uncomfortable? He wouldn’t be able to do so if Gabriel didn’t permit it.
I guess one’s impending doom really makes a man reflect on his decisions/legacy?
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creepingsharia · 4 years
Families of service members killed, wounded by Saudi jihad mass shooting at Florida Naval Air Station file lawsuit
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Pensacola Navy base mass shooter had accomplices, help from Saudi Arabia, victims claim in terror lawsuit
Families of three slain U.S. service members and 13 others wounded in a mass shooting at Naval Air Station Pensacola in 2019 alleged Monday that the government of Saudi Arabia facilitated the attack that U.S. authorities concluded was an act of international terrorism.
A 152-page complaint in federal court in Pensacola makes startling new allegations that the shooter, Royal Saudi Air Force 2nd Lt. Ahmed Mohammed al-Shamrani, executed the attack with the support of “accomplices.” Those included fellow Saudi air force trainees, who he told of his plans at a dinner the night before and during a November visit to the 9/11 memorial in New York City to pay tribute to the hijackers, the plaintiffs alleged.
Al-Shamrani, who was killed by responding sheriff’s deputies, worked with al-Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula for five years to plan the Dec. 6, 2019, attack, U.S. authorities said last May after de-encrypting his phone.
The families also accused the Trump administration and Saudi government of reneging on pledges of support for families.
“In the eyes of the American people, there is no greater betrayal than the realization that a purported ally is, in fact, an enemy, “ the lawsuit asserts. It seeks damages for an attack the families say was caused by Saudi Arabia and its willful or grossly negligent acts in sending a terrorist operative “Trojan horse” into a U.S. program to train pilots flying billions of dollars of U.S.-sold warplanes.
“I think they knew he was out to destroy the American people, and he was a terrorist. Innocent lives were loss. It should have never happened,” said Evelyn Brady, a 20-year Navy veteran whose son, Airman Apprentice Mohammed Haitham, 19, was killed while running unarmed toward the shooter with his hands up, pleading with him to stop.
“They were supposed to take care of the families. … They’ve done nothing,” said Brady, who is represented with other plaintiffs by law firms led by Kreindler & Kreindler, which is also suing the kingdom on behalf of 9/11 victims and survivors.
A U.S.-based attorney for the Saudi government and spokesman for the Saudi Embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The lawsuit comes as U.S.-Saudi relations have fallen to a new low since January, with the new Biden administration canceling arms sales, criticizing human rights abuses and the harassment of dissidents and pledging to “recalibrate” ties with the kingdom and its de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
The administration has said it will continue arms sales to the world’s biggest customer for U.S. weapons and signaled that it wants to continue a strong counterterrorism partnership.
But it is also expected to make public as early as this week a long-sought U.S. intelligence report concluding that the crown prince ordered the 2018 killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and to press Riyadh to end its war in Yemen and to moderate their own extremism.
A State Department spokesman said it declined to comment on pending litigation, but the Pensacola families’ allegations further complicate U.S.-Saudi ties. There are also pending federal lawsuits against the prince and other Saudis by Khashoggi’s fiancee and by a former top Saudi intelligence officer and close U.S. intelligence ally now living in Canada who claims he was also targeted for assassination.
Saudi Arabia has been frequently targeted by terrorist groups, including al-Qaeda, which carried out large-scale attacks beginning in 2003, and more recently by assailants sympathetic to the Islamic State group. Attacks have been directed at government facilities, Westerners stationed in the kingdom and members of Saudi Arabia’s Shiite minority, who are considered heretics by hard-line Sunni Muslims.
In January 2020, then-Attorney General William P. Barr announced that the 15-minute rampage at the Florida base was an act of terrorism, with the FBI concluding that  Shamrani was motivated by “jihadist ideology.”
Barr and aides said that while it was initially reported that Shamrani arrived at the shooting site with others, who filmed it, he in fact arrived alone and that the investigation had not found evidence that anyone else acted with him.
Barr said 21 cadets from Saudi Arabia, including 12 from the Pensacola base, were disenrolled from their training and would be returning to the kingdom after U.S. officials said they found evidence that 17 Saudis had shared Islamist or anti-American material through social media. Fifteen — including some of those who had shared anti-American material — were found to have had contact with or possessed child pornography.
Barr said U.S. attorneys had reviewed each case and determined that such people would not normally be charged with federal crimes.
The families’ Pensacola lawsuit makes more specific allegations. They claim that Saudi authorities knew of the radicalization and anti-American and anti-Jewish statements of  Shamrani — an al-Qaeda operative who made his first contact with al-Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula by at least 2015 — which he shared via Twitter.
Shamrani was nevertheless one of two out of hundreds of students in his Royal Saudi Air Force Academy class awarded a scholarship to enter a joint military training program in the United States, the suit asserts.
It also claims that the Saudi commanding officer on base and 11 other trainees it did not name knew that Shamrani purchased and stored a 9mm handgun and ammunition on base in violation of U.S. and Saudi policy; and that Saudi officials left the commanding officer’s post unfilled from September 2019 until after the shooting.
“None of the Royal Saudi Air Force trainees at the scene of the attack reported  Shamrani’s behavior nor did they try to stop the NAS Terrorist Attack, because they supported it,” the suit asserts.
On Sept. 11, Shamrani posted a message on social media saying, “The countdown has begun,” and later that month sent a copy of his will to AQAP purporting to explain the coming attack, the suit alleges. That Thanksgiving weekend, the suit said, al-Shamrani visited the memorial in New York City to those killed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, in which 15 of 19 hijackers were Saudi nationals.
Read the lawsuit here
The suit alleges that during the visit, the trainees “discussed the plans for the NAS Pensacola Terrorist Attack.” It also asserts that on Dec. 5, the night before the attack,  Shamrani hosted a dinner party for fellow trainees at which he screened videos of mass shootings and discussed his plans for the next day.
At least three trainees who attended the dinner called in sick the next morning, one of whom stood outside the building and recorded the shooting on his cellphone while two others watched from a nearby car, the suit claims.
That so many trainees were at least sympathetic to al-Qaeda and that several were “actually accomplices” demonstrates their belief that their extremist views “were in furtherance of [the kingdom’s] political and religious goals,” the suit claims.
Killed in the attack were Ensign Joshua Kaleb Watson, 23, of Enterprise, Ala., a recent Naval Academy graduate; Haitham, of St. Petersburg, Fla,; and Airman Apprentice Cameron Walters, 21, of Bryan County, Ga., days removed from boot camp and serving his first day on watch duty, who Shamrani approached from behind and shot in the back of the head.
Four Navy service members, a Navy civil servant, seven sheriff’s deputies and a Department of Defense police officer wounded in the attack also joined the suit. Two are partially disabled for life, including Airman George Johnson, 26, and Jessica Pickett, 20. Johnson, a single parent who now must use a cane, was hit seven times, including one bullet that was blocked by a metal “I love you” card from his mother in his wallet. Pickett, a Navy veteran and civilian employee, was struck nine times and has a metal rod in her left leg, a gap in her femur and requires a walker or wheelchair.
After expressing terrorist views for two years before being chosen for a coveted slot, training overseas to become a pilot, “An officer in their uniform murdered three Americans,” said Walters’s father, Shane Walters, 47, a former Navy F-18 Hornet mechanic and sales team manager at Gulfstream Aerospace.
“Why? How did he get here? They had to have known. … It’s shameful,” Walters said.
Walters condemned the Trump administration for failing to prioritize “dealing face-to-face” with the Saudis over the attacks. He also rebuked former president Donald Trump and the Saudi royal family for never personally speaking with the families of the killed or wounded U.S. service members.
The Trump administration was preoccupied with striking new arms and diplomatic deals and coddled Saudi Arabia “in a way no president ever has. I don’t think my son’s murder, or Mo’s murder, or Joshua’s murder, was a top priority,” Walters said.
The suit asserted that, adding “insult to injury,” Saudi Arabia has ignored or rebuked all attempts to discuss the families’ claims, as it purportedly promised in exchange for the U.S. allowing Saudi officers at Pensacola to immediately return home rather than face further investigation.
The suit cited then-President Trump saying to reporters after a phone call with King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud: “The king will be involved in taking care of the families and loved ones. …  likewise the crown prince. They are devastated by what took place in Pensacola. And I think they are going to help out the families very greatly.”
However, neither the U.S. government nor the kingdom of Saudi Arabia “contacted my family or talked to the other families,” Walters said. After the attacks, representatives of his son’s last private employer came to Walters’s home to give him two challenge coins from the vice president, Walters said, “one for me and one for my wife. They couldn’t do it themselves.”
Foreign governments and leaders  are typically immune from civil suits in U.S. courts while in office. However, the lawsuit cited exceptions for terrorism and for victims of Saudi Arabia. It also cited a 1991 law called the Torture Victim Protection Act which provides recourse in U.S. courts for violations of international law and for victims of “flagrant human rights violations,” including torture and summary execution abroad.
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aelaer · 4 years
Hmm, I saw the Howard post and I haven’t read the MCU comic tie nor have I read any iron man comics but i guess he was abusive for hitting his son toy. Many parents from older generations are fine with corporal punishment. It’s not an excuse but abuse is way more severe. A daily constant beating for no reason.
For the Howard post (here, for those who missed it), I was focused strictly on the MCU rather than the comics. In the comics for Earth-616 he was 100% abusive, no question about it, from my understanding. I’m no expert on comic Tony.
As the ask indicates, this is gonna get into heavy topics. Mind yourselves. The heavier stuff is under a cut (at least if you aren’t viewing the original post on the mobile app; fix your stuff tumblr).
For the MCU, it’s much greyer if you rely on the movies, but Tony’s memories of his father from Iron Man 2 don’t speak well of Howard’s character, though they try to paint him in a better light by the end of it. So if you only view the films, it’s much harder to determine the relationship based on only one scene (after all, everyone has bad days, and there’s no parent out there who hasn’t been cranky at a four-year-old).
But then you get a second, worse occurrence with the tie-in comic. The official MCU tie-in comics (as opposed to the inspired-by comics) are considered canon. You can find a list of the tie-in comics and inspired-by comics over at Wiki, as well as most of their summaries. (Sadly they fail to mention the comic sponsored for Iron Man 2, which is freaking hilarious if you read what happens in the 2010 timeline of the wiki. He’s driving race cars in India. It’s great. The wiki timeline is literally the only place I can find information for this promotional comic.)
Anyway, back to the serious topic. Abuse comes in various forms, and from what I can see from a quick look at Google, there is no hard agreement of the types of abuse or the number. For instance, this site categorizes six types of abuse, while this site categorizes ten types, but lumps one of the abuse types above into one category and includes self-neglect as a type of abuse. Still, it’s some reading if you’re looking for further education on the topic.
Based on those definitions and what we see in the tie-in panels, Howard would fall into both emotional/verbal and physical abuser categories - if the reader considers corporal punishment on children as inherently abusive. Let me explain, and get into the nitty gritty of corporal punishment in the home.
Corporal punishment has hugely shifted in public opinion as a parenting/teaching tactic from the mid-20th century to now in the United States. In America in 2020, in my personal experiences, the most a parent could get away with is spanking (as opposed to using a switch, cane, belt, or slapping as used to be normal), and that has been massively falling out of favor the last 20 years, especially in states that have made it illegal in schools. This is at least, how it’s seen in media; I just don’t know enough about different sub-cultures in the United States to know if it’s universal. In middle-class California, it has fallen hugely out of favor. This may be very different in the rural areas of, say, Mississippi. I just don’t know.
I also don’t know about the status of corporal punishment for children across the world and had to do some digging. There is a lot of statistics in how favorable vs unfavorable it is around the world again on Wiki, and you can see most of Europe has made it illegal everywhere, half of the states have it illegal in schools, but as Wiki mentions, it’s legal in the home across most of the world and largely not illegal in schools. I think in the 21st century we’re going to see it sharply decrease as a punishment tactic as millennials raise their children and Gen Z starts growing up and raising their own children.
I want to address something you said: “Many parents from older generations are fine with corporal punishment. It’s not an excuse but abuse is way more severe. A daily constant beating for no reason.”
In the mid-1970s it was definitely very common for open-handed smacks to be dealt out by a parent to a children in Western society, at least from what statistics I can find. Here’s some more Wiki reading on it.
So I’ll play devil’s advocate: if we’re looking at the American mid-late 1970s (when Tony was a kid) and physical discipline not being viewed as abusive by the overall general populace, so long as it wasn’t excessive, let’s say that in this panel the smack in itself wasn’t abusive. If we’re going to make that conclusion, let’s look instead at the reason why Tony was being punished and the words used in the panel.
Howard [holding up a toy car that hit his foot]: This is yours, I take it? Is this how you spend your weekend at home?!
Tony [holding up a remote control for the toy car]: D-dad, I…
Howard [slaps Tony, and breaks the remote control]: Waste of time! I don’t need to deal with this nonsense! Do you understand me?!
Corporal punishment was delivered for many reasons in the ‘70s in America; in schools it happened from fooling around when you were supposed to be paying attention to being a punishment for nasty fights to disrespecting the teacher. In the home, I suspect it was largely disrespect or things like fighting with your siblings or stealing a sweet.
Tony’s “crime”, so to speak, is playing with a toy car and accidentally hitting his father with it. Nowhere in the lead-up does it indicate that it was done maliciously. It was careless, sure, but breaking a toy and meting out a slap in turn from carelessness is a huge overreaction. The punishment does not fit the crime.
Going into Wiki’s definitions of child abuse (more official answers can be found elsewhere, I’m sure), the conflict and debate about physical abuse is noted there, but I’m more interested in what they say about psychological/emotional abuse. With the resources listed there, they note that modern definitions of emotional abuse of a child entail:
“A repeated pattern of caregiver behavior or extreme incident(s) that
convey to children that they are worthless, flawed, unloved, unwanted…”
“Other examples include name-calling, ridicule, degradation, destruction of personal belongings […] excessive criticism…”
“Emotional neglect: characterized by a lack of nurturance, encouragement, and support…”
Furthermore, it notes some of the consequences:
“Childhood psychological abuse [is] as harmful as sexual or physical abuse.”
“Psychological maltreatment is “the most challenging and prevalent form of child abuse and neglect."”
"Given the prevalence of childhood psychological abuse and the severity of harm to young victims, it should be at the forefront of mental health and social service training”
You can read the sources all in the Wiki article.
With all of those definitions, and the two scenes in canon we see with Howard interacting with young Tony (this one and the film reel in Iron Man 2), the evidence provided suggests that this was Howard’s natural tone when talking to his young son.
And that is, following all those definitions above, emotionally negligent and psychologically abusive.
So one may argue about corporal punishment all they want, and cultures around the world will continue to change their attitude towards it as we go further into the 21st century, but the scenes presented in canon firmly put Howard into an abuse role psychologically at the least.
Thanks for the ask, anon, and I hope that you found this interesting and potentially enlightening.
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angrycactusmother · 5 years
Falsettos Theory
Falsettos, a musical written by William Finn, about a 1979 family of man divorcing his wife, leaving his son and running off with a friend. It ends with Whizzer dying of AIDs, and a funeral. However, this end just might be the start of the deaths of everyone in Falsettos. The killer? An overlooked line.
One theory that I want to touch on is Whizzer spreading AIDS to (mostly) everyone. This theory is shaky, but is still possible. What this idea is is that before Marvin left Trina, he and Whizzer had their affair, where Marvin got AIDs and passed them onto Trina before they divorced. When Trina got with Mendal, she also could have spread them to him as well, creating the three of them to die shortly after Whizzer. However, when looking at the evidence, this is where things start to get a little rough.
Whizzer and Marvin were together before they ran off, which is mentioned multiple times, one of them being in ‘I’m Breaking Down’.
‘I caught them in the den With Marvin grabbing Whizzer's ass!’
This implies that the two were together during the time of the marriage, as if she “caught” them they were trying to hide it, and if it was after the divorce they would be much more open about it. This is also mention once more in ‘A Breakfast Over Sugar’, from ‘In Trousers’.
“Hold me Hold him, too”
This is when Trina is pleading for Marvin to stay with her, even if he’s still with Whizzer. This reinforces the time of their affair to be during their marriage, which then means that AIDs could have spread to everyone.
However, there are some conflicting evidence to this. One of them being that the first time that Marvin and Whizzer have sex is right after he tells Trina he’s leaving her, with ‘Whizzer Going Down’ being right after ‘A Breakfast Over Sugar’. But the thing with ‘In Trousers’ is that it’s not entirely accurate. Much contradicting material is in that to the other two acts, so everything taken from this may not be the best source. For example, a second child is mentioned, which is later scraped to be just Jason. But that still does not necessarily mean that everything from it is wrong and must be ignored, but everything should be taken with a grain of salt.
Something from Falsettos itself though that disproves that is a line from ‘Thrill of First Love’.
“Whizzer screws too much to see What a joy's monogamy What a joy is saving his joys For one man”
This line was changed from the original line of
“Whizzer drinks too much to see What a joy is chastity What a joy is saving his joys For one man”
The word “monogamy” would suggest having only one partner at a time, while “chastity” would suggest no previous sexual relationships. This change can very well mean that Whizzer cheated on Marvin during their relationship, then contracted AIDs from one of his affairs, saving Trina and Mendal. While the change may not mean anything, it is possible that they rethought the connotation of this line, and changed it to spare the pair from the same fate of Marvin and Whizzer. Because whether or not the couple is bringing down his ex-wife, without a doubt Marvin has contracted the disease.
However, this second theory affects Trina and thus Mendel directly, which is shown in overlooked lines in ‘Love is Blind’.
“Then Marvin came from work Sat me down on the bed He told me how he loved me How needed and/or valued me I have What? Syphilis”
“He took pains to not excite us He explains I've Hepatitis”
Both can lead to serious medical issues, and by Marvin giving them to Trina, it’s very likely that Whizzer and Mendel have them as well. They can lead to serious problems, and in worst cases, death.
Before I go into detail on these diseases, I will mention that finding death rates, infection rates, treatment, etc., is extremely difficult for this time period and some information might be wrong, but I will try to be as accurate as possible.
Syphilis is a “Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by bacteria...it can cause serious damage to your brain, heart, nervous system, and even lead to death.” With Syphilis, it’s easy for it to go undetected. Luckily for them, they were able to realize this. However, In the early 1980’s, there wasn’t a huge understanding of this disease. So, it is possible that they went untreated or improperly treated and they suffered the worst of it. Although with Syphilis, it can take decades for it to start becoming deadly. Nonetheless, this can still be a possible killer for the two couples.
Hepatitis is also a potential killer, “It can cause scarring of the organ, liver failure, and cancer.”Assuming that it’s specifically Hep B, it also has the dangers of reappearing.
“A new study indicates that most infected people don’t even learn they have the virus until it’s already too late for effective treatment...Able to effectively hide from the immune system, the hepatitis B virus can continue to replicate, produce viral proteins, and damage the body. Even worse, another new study reports that if a person’s immune system is weakened, as with HIV, the dormant hep B virus can spontaneously reactivate.”
So not only will they have to go through it once, it has the potential to reactivate unknowingly and then bring them in for a round two, where their lives are once more put onto stake.
While these might take longer than AIDs would, these have been stated directly and are much more likely to happen.
So where does Jason and the lesbians lie in all of this? Well, the lesbians are safe. There’s no mention of them being diseased, or no inferring to do, unless you’re really going out on a limb. However, with Jason, his death is much more psychological.
He has to deal with the loss of four parents. He did consider Whizzer to be his dad, or at the very least a close friend. But it’s absolutely devastating for some to lose just one, but times that by four and you’ll have a real messed up kid, especially with how close in time they are. Marvin is going shortly after Whizzer, there’s no way he doesn’t have AIDs, but with Trina and Mendel, if they take the second route it may be much longer. However, if the first theory is correct and they do have AIDs, they all got infected around the same time and will most likely pass around the same time. It’s unknown for how long Whizzer had been HIV positive, so the others might go a little while after him, but still likely together.
This can hit hard for someone, especially a child, even more so Jason. He had to deal with crazy families, divorces, parental mental breakdowns, likely some form of negligence (which is a topic for another day), so much in such a short time. While Jason’s relationship with his father is uncertain, he is certainly close with his mother, as stated by his line in ‘Love is Blind’,
“I love my mother”
He also has a great relationship with Mendel, which you can see in ‘Everyone Hates His Parents’ and ‘Jason’s Therapy’.
There was also a strong relationship with Whizzer, as seen in ‘The Baseball Game’. After seeing Whizzer dying, he would certainly be incredibly distrubed by that, and knowing that his parents will likely have that same fate. All of this would put Jason in such a mental state he will likely never recover from, and in a time where mental health didn’t have the same importance it does today. It may lead Jason to reckless behaviors, like drug or alcohol abuse, or possibly taking his own life. Whether or not he actually dies, a part of him will, that he will never get back.
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deadinsidedressage · 5 years
do you think that ppl should not be ''taught'' to be scared of stallions? Sure you can't just think that they are like geldings and easy to train. Finnhorse breed for example is starting to little by little having more incest in it since there is not enough stallions and because ppl are taught that even slightest move means they are going to kill you, who would wanna buy a stallion. Then there is everything else like going through fences but those things should be ''easy'' to fix with training.
The sentiment that stallions are entirely dangerous and wildly different from geldings or mares is a fairly uniquely American sentiment. In Europe, you have children showing stallions and it’s a non-issue. (I say this is uniquely American based on the anecdotal evidence of any time in the past this notion running around on here has been met with a lot of Europeans being confused we treat stallions differently).
To relate this entirely not to horses but to something else I’ve researched a lot:
I think a lot of the misconceptions about stallion aggression stems from the same place as misconceptions about “roid rage”. The way the media portrays anabolic steroid use is in a way that suggests anyone and everyone who takes it is transformed into some Mr. Hyde freak-beast who can’t control their temper and breaks everything. Unfortunately that excuse has also been used in criminal defense of athletes who murdered people instead of addressing the fact that in autopsies it’s been proven these people had repeated brain trauma that would’ve mad them more aggressive, more depressive, and more impulsive. The reality is less than 2% of steroid users (and studies are showing that’s a 2% that either has brain trauma or history of mental illness) are impacted by a massive increase in aggressive behaviors or reactions; so while there are some people who go Dr. Jekyll /Mr. Hyde when they’re on or off cycle— that’s untrue of the overwhelming majority.
I’d wager the same is true of stallions or any domesticated animal we as humans have chosen to keep. Some stallions do exhibit hyper-aggression or hyper-reactiveness as a result of remaining intact. Just like some dogs do as well. Or cats who are intact. Let’s face it— if it was just the presence of testosterone that overwhelmingly created aggression in a population of animals; then wouldn’t every single human man with sex hormones (self-produced or store-bought) be extremely aggressive? Wouldn’t we want to “geld” every man for the safety of society? Wouldn’t it also stand to reason that Mr. Olympia competitors/winners like Kai Greene, Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler, or Dorian Yates would inevitably be uncontrollable monsters as a result of the amount of anabolic steroids they take? You’d think so, but all these men are regarded for being extremely soft-spoken in interviews, extremely intelligent in the way they present themselves, and overall not aggressive assholes. In fact, if it were steroids that automatically created aggressive monsters... it would be Arnold Schawrzenegger with an infamous history as a domestic abuser and not Sean Penn? Not that Arnie is a perfect beacon of human decency, but the former 7-time Mr. Olympia isn’t know for aggressive or abusive antics. Sean Penn is and Sean Penn isn’t someone with a verifiable history of steroid use.
The fact of the matter is that testosterone alone doesn’t create aggression. Will I acquiesce that there are certainly outliers? Yes. However, it’s more of an issue of how we’re interacting with them. Have you ever heard the old timer wisdom of “never let a big horse know it’s big”? The idea there is that by never allowing a horse who could easily physically overpower you know that that’s the case; it’s a non-issue. If you never give the horse an interaction where it learns that it has a size advantage to get its way, then you don’t have a horse who uses its size for intimidation. Well, same can be said for handling stallions.
If you interact with a stallion in a way that’s fundamentally different because you have any fear that it’ll act different because it’s a stallion… You’ll get a horse who acts different because it’s a stallion. This isn’t some “dominance theory” nonsense where you can’t “show fear” or the horse “wins”— this is more a case of conditioning. Again, using the big horse as an example; the “big horse who knows he’s big” doesn’t use his size to his advantage because he’s the “alpha” but he uses it because he understands a basic cause and effect: “If I stretch my neck high and act big people are too afraid to make me do something I’d rather not do.” Same can be said of a lot of stallion behavior. If a stallion learns that people will back off because he acts like a “stallion”, he’ll act like a “stallion”.So, do I think people should be taught not to treat stallions differently? Yes, absolutely. Stallions aren’t evil death machines.Stallions aren’t inherently different on some incomprehensible level, but stallion ownership is like owning an intact dog--- you have to be a lot more responsible than the average owner. Someone with an intact dog shouldn’t be allowing their dog off-leash. Someone with a stallion has to be more aware when out in the public and have different “rules” they need to adhere to when showing. Just like with owning an un-spayed or un-neutered dog--- it’s not your animals that’s the probably generally; it’s the negligence and incompetence of the other animal owners you’re going to have to interact with. Aside from all these incorrect notions about stallions that are perpetrated in media & “word of mouth” equine communities--- a lot of people are discouraged from stallion ownership because of the extra precautions they need to take and complexity involved in showing or just being able to ride in public spaces. In my region, we have several stallions that regularly compete at dressage shows of all sizes. They’re all also very well-behaved. The issues that arise with them at shows comes from people not recognizing a stallion in the warm-up and giving them space. You know that picture of the obedient pitbull not eating a steak because he’s following orders to not eat the steak? Stallions at shows are a lot like that pitbull, they’re not necessarily going to cause an issue if a steak walks by--- but unlike the pitbull and the steak... a stallion in warm-up with a mare in heat riding past isn’t the only one who needs to show obedience or restraint. The mare is just as likely to be the problem. When you then consider that stallions are almost exclusively owned and showed by professionals whereas mares are still overwhelmingly shown by amateurs... that’s the issue. It’s not the stallion or the way the stallion has been conditioned or trained much of the time. It’s the issue of how amateur owners and riders react to stallions.Another complexity of showing with a stallion is the stabling situation--- again, pitbull-steak/stallion-mare comparison... it’s not certainly going to be the stallion who is the issue. Whereas a mare or gelding owner you can get around stabling issues of a mare being listed as a gelding or a gelding listed as a mare in show paperwork (one of my mares was always incorrectly filed as a gelding at one showing facility); stallions owners can’t easily take on these mistakes. Even with greatly behaved stallions you can have issues being stabled next to a mare because as much as you can make a point that stallions aren’t aggressive or bad because they’re stallions, you also can’t ignore the fact that they’re stallions.As much as I want to hold-on to the pitbull-steak analogy... at the end of the day, the pitbull isn’t trying to have sex with the steak but a stallion is 100% biologically wired to have sex with a mare. There are instances when training doesn’t hold up against biologic impulses. That’s why animals will mate with their parents or siblings--- at the end of the day you can’t convey consequence for sexual response the way you can convey consequence for misbehavior. No stallion owner wants to deal with their stallion breaking down the stall because he’s too near a mare in heat because the show facility fucked up and listed him as a gelding. 
In order to own and compete (or own and keep at “home” without competing) a stallion, there’s a lot of work that has to go into place. For ownership you need a large facility to keep the stallion away from mares. For showing, you need to be extremely proactive and constantly be on top of keeping your stallion out of scenarios that could end badly. It’s a lot. 
So, no I don’t think it’s the belief in stallions being aggressive that prevents larger scale stallion ownership. I think it’s an issue with stallion ownership having more difficulties associated with it and those are difficulties that (again, focusing on America) most owners do not want to take on---even professionals. There are many breeding farms that only have mares. There are many professionals who only want to ride geldings or mares because they don’t want to deal with the associated difficulties of campaigning a stallion. 
Are the misconceptions about stallions or difficulties associated with stallions related to inbreeding and poor genetic variance? No. To assume this was the case would be to ignore the fact that every single animal isn’t breeding quality. The biggest reason out there why people don’t own and show stallions has nothing to do with misinformation or extra care--- it has everything to do with the fact there’s absolutely zero reason to keep a non-breeding animal intact. 
My cat isn’t neutered because I was afraid he’d be dangerous. My cat is neutered because there was absolutely no reason for him to not be neutered. He’s not a purebred with excellent conformation, so he’s not going to be producing babies. Keeping in him intact would’ve just meant I would have to deal with a lot more issues making sure he never tried to impregnate another cat. Keeping him intact would’ve meant I possibly wouldn’t be able to safely keep him with my spayed female and may never be able to bring another cat into our home until he’d passed. I absolutely wouldn’t be able to let him outside off-leash (which I don’t believe in outdoor cats anyway) and potentially never be able to have him outside on-leash. There would be far too many feral intact cats that would cause him to harm me with misplaced aggression if he went outside. 
It’s the same for horses. Unless that horse is determined to be of breeding quality conformation and performance... then you don’t keep it intact. Why risk a stallion breaking out to impregnate the neighbor’s mares when you’re just keeping the horse for your personal enjoyment and the horse isn’t of any genetic benefit to its breed? You don’t want to be responsible for anymore unwanted cats or dogs in the world--- that’s why you neuter. You don’t want to be responsible for anymore unwanted horses in the world either--- that’s part of why we geld. 
Breeds that are suffering from too small a genetic pool don’t benefit from allowing subpar genes. Gelded Finnhorses (or gelded any other breed) are gelded because they do not possess traits that should be passed down. If you breed low quality horses, you get lower and lower quality horses. The only way to salvage breeds that don’t have enough genetic variance is to allow in outside breeds. Which is hard to do with breeds that have closed books and aren’t open to the idea of losing “purity”--- which just leads to a continued degradation of the “pure” horses left. More people owning stallions can’t fix a small gene pool.The horses that are marked for breeding quality are marked for breeding quality (generally) before they ever hit the market. Are some horses that could be beneficial to the breeding pool that never get bred because they’re sold into the sport market by breeders without the resources to keep them? Yes, but generally horses that are actually going to be benefiting the breed stay within the breeding community.
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Whenever I see Chara being portrayed as a murderous demon child, I just want to hug them so bad! I won't get angry at other people's opinions, but I still don't like it! I relate to them so much!
Dude I TOTALLY Agree, like, I get the only time you see their physical appearance is in a negative light, but at the same time, following the heavy evidence towards the narrator chara theory and analyzing their motives and emotions a little bit, we can see that the kid is a lot more multidimensional than people give them credit for! 
Gonna ramble for juuust a minute here but they say stuff like “Cactus, truly the most tsundere of plants.” and “Scandalous! It’s Toriel’s sock drawer.” Like that is a kid who is funny, probably has some dry wit, but they tell PUNS too. 
“Mandanna” “Leg, Hero” “Bisicle/ Unisicle”
This is a kid who probably picked up on the general light-hearted humor of the family since their time staying with the Dreemurrs, as well as some cultural osmosis I would think, being that anime seems to be an extremely important cultural aspect of the underground (that is a sentence that was bizarre even for me).
And they have a little bit of dark humor, as evidenced here by thier “dirty joke” towards woshua
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It doesn’t make much sense until you realize they were telling a joke about a kid who took a “dirt nap”; why would  Frisk to tell a joke about a dead child? Now, it would seem out of place unless you look at the Chara is the narrator theory, putting the thought of that into their mind.
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There was a pink hand knit sweater, probably made my Chara and Asriel, that said “Mr. Dad Guy” for Asgore! And he’s kept it all those years. I know it may have been knitted by Toriel, but Chara pauses before finishing that sentence, almost as if they needed a moment. 
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Oh yeah, demon children with nothing but Chaos and destruction on their mind draw FLOWERS, and no, before Flowey, so no dramatic cruel irony, just probably saw a pretty flower and drew it.
The kid hated humanity, but any child who hates humanity was probably undoubtedly wronged in some way by them, especially if the parents were negligent enough to allow their child climb the cursed mountain where “Legends say those who climb the mountain never return.” They also say shit like, ‘If you look cute, monsters won’t hit you as hard.” Like, what kid who hasn’t experienced something like that says, well, something like that?
Nobody is born evil, and I think that, well, considering characters like Flowey, that’s a big point Undertale was trying to drive home. Another thing I picked up on Undertale was that good people can do bad things with good intentions, even if all the motivations were not pure as gold, as evidenced by Asgore and Toriel. 
Asgore killed children to bring hope to the monsters, bad thing for a good cause, but he was also motivated by his fear of humanity. Because of the atrocities humanity had committed against monsterkind, he was afraid. The death of his beloved children? He was greiving. Sadness and fear, as well as duty to the kingdom, encouraged him to put aside his morals to prevent crisis. 
He is a kind man, silly sometimes even, giving Alphys a lizard cup he thought looked like her (a professional under his rule, he’s like her boss and Alphys is comfortable enough to have a crush on him), and forgiving, giving Alphys a hug and forgiving her for being afraid of confessing about the amalgamates, because in the end she did the right thing. *cough* But according to Toriel she didn’t do the right thing soon enough *cough*
And speaking of Toriel, Toriel had left him when he decided to kill the children, stating that there was another way. But people were dying of the loss of Hope, waiting on another child to fall and die of old age wasn’t an option for most of them, not when the whole kingdom was stricken with grief. Toriel stated that he could have taken just one child’s soul, and taken to to get help from the humans, or perhaps to get souls from the sick and dying, but is she not a boss monster as well? When Asgore failed to step up to the task, Toriel failed too. Where was she when the underground was collapsing, falling down? 
She got into the throne room easily enough to attack the king, it’s not like coming back wasn’t an option. Fear and Pride are her motivators, and she did not want to admit she was afraid, nor that her morals were in fact, fallible. 
Granted, she did change her mind later, coming after Frisk in the end, but we gotta remember, six other humans weren’t as lucky as Frisk.
I believe some motivation as to why she protected humans who fell down to was make up for the fact that because of her and her ex- husband’s cowardice, they would be killed later. Motivated also by wanting to relive her happy past perhaps, she stays in the ruins after all, and has not changed furniture around for what can be assumed to be a century or longer. Perhaps she blames herself as well, and I would honestly like to see that explored more, but back to Chara for now.
Now, if they liked the Dreemurs even a little bit, think, for one second, that maybe a 9-year old is not a manipulative demonic mastermind, and enjoyed having a loving family who showed them love and friendship and kindness, things they probably were lacking on the surface, that could add an entirely new motivation. Asgore kept telling them they were the hope for humans and monsters, they probably learned about souls, basic monster history and what human and monster souls did, they could have killed themselves, and knew their soul could be used to free monsterkind. 
But Chara did want to go back just to kill the humans, say they were just a vengeful, hateful child for what humanity had done to them, whatever that may be, even if you think it’s minor, this child felt so STRONGLY about it that they took their own life. That’s strong evidence that this was a child struggling with something deep within themselves, that they couldn’t come to grips with, and they wanted to end the pain. A child was driven to suicide out of hatred and vengence, and people are going to completely and utterly demonize that? 
So, Chara killed themselves to free the monsters, but was also motivated by vengence to get back at humanity for what happened during thier time on the surface. A person did a bad thing with good intentions, but all the motivations were not pure as gold. Seems to run in the family don’t it?
And the way they killed themselves?
The same thing they accidentally poisoned Asgore with, the same thing he almost died from, and where they learned about that poison. Just because they laughed didn’t mean it was funny. 
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Going to assume tears also ran down thier cheeks when Asgore got poisoned too.
We all know Chara had a daggar, it would have been quick that way, they could have made that look like an accident. There’s other kids of poison probably, something faster, maybe. There’s a lot of ways. But instead they decided to die slowly and painfully, with stinging and itching poison, the same thing they hurt thier dad with. 
Now, as for Chara’s relationship with Asriel, there’s plenty of evidence Chara and Asriel had good times together, Chara’s the only person Flowey cares about as a soulless husk, for one. The Best Friends Forever amulet, the Memorial which is highly believed to be of the soul-fusion before they dusted (Memory plays, which is Chara and Asriel’s combined theme), and even when the Asriel Dreemur Memory Sequence happened, those memories were a combination or Chara and Asriel’s memories, There is no possible way Frisk could have known those memories were there, Frisk probably wasn’t even alive at the time. And the only other people who could have shared some of them were the newly freed Lost Souls, Toriel and Asgore, and they weren’t there for half of them. 
Chara and Asriel were not the healthiest sibling relationship. But relationships AREN’T always black and white, abuser and victim, sometimes people just aren’t good for each other. And it’s unfair to paint Chara as abuser and Asriel as victim, they were children, they probably didn’t realize all the nuances to unhealthy relationships, heck, if Chara had experienced abusive behaviors in their time on the surface, (ie. Big kids don’t cry) then they couldn’t see a pattern with what they were doing as unusual, especially given Asriel’s idolization of them and his willingness to enable them to do things that miiiight not be the best idea. (Making a pie without thier mom’s help, killing themselves, little things). But just because they weren’t the healthiest relationship didn’t mean Asriel and Chara didn’t CARE about each other. Chara and Asriel TRUSTED each other, Chara for Asriel to carry out the plan, Asriel for Chara to go through with thiers.
And over the years, even after Chara caused Asriel to lose his ability to love, even after he lost his body, he did not hate Chara. He put the kid on a pedestal, and they are a multifaceted kid, they are not a beacon of perfection, and even according to Asriel, they were not the best person. But even still, there’s no way he would put the kid on a pedestal for no good reason. They probably had lots of good, happy times together, and as his time as Flowey, he remembered them, he clung to them, like sticky seeds that don’t want to let go. And he MISSED them. 
And dipping into Badtime territory, Sans and Asgore are killed automatically, however
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It is the PLAYER who must click to follow through with the killing blow. It is NOT an immediate action on Chara’s part.
Also lest not forget the ONLY fights during pacifist the narration gets into “Serious Mode” for are the fights against the Dreemurr family; the fights hold a lot of weight in regards to storytelling, so that is a possible motive for the activation of serious mode, but it is also Chara’s family. And that’s a fact that I don’t think should be outright ignored.
When Frisk fell off the bridge and landed on the pile of flowers in waterfall, Asriel’s first words to Chara played. Every time Frisk dies, Asgore’s words to Chara to Stay Determined, ring through Frisk’s head. This is IRREFUTEABLE evidence that throughout pacifist, CHARA. IS. THERE. (also that there’s heavy evidence they are the narrator but I digress) 
And they are there, NOT guiding Frisk to do genocide, not encouraging violence, they are there, commenting on how Frisk plays in the leaves, calling pie Buttspie, makes jokes as to Frisk’s greed from taking too many pieces of monster candy, they emulate FRISK. And who controls them? YOU.
They look for guidance from Frisk. And what Frisk does is what we have them do. The true enemy of Undertale isn’t the evil “demon that comes when they call it’s name.”  YOU called their name and YOU guide them through paths with Frisk.
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All that reloading and resetting even after getting fucking obliterated by sans a gazillion times? That was the player doing that, Chara is just looking to you for what to do next. At ANY point, except until the very end, when you’ve fully brought Chara back under your quest for curiousity, when the world is erased, you could stop, and Chara comes along. 
Perhaps Chara and the player share the same “human soul” and ‘determination”, but note the quotes, I believe that what Chara’s referring to is the game constructs of those concepts used during your run. 
I think a big mistake that gets made when characterizing Chara, especially for things like comics is that they try to seperate the player from the equation, but like Chara says when you complete genocide a second time,  
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They then proceed to tell you that you, the player, are strange for wanting to keep recreating and resetting, they can’t understand what you, the player is feeling, because they can’t understand this sense of utter completionism that comes from knowing everything and everything. 
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The reason they think this was the way to go was because you WILLED this ending to happen. YOUR Guidance. YOUR quest for power. YOUR views as all of monsterkind as the enemy that needed to be eradicated. They took ALL of it to heart, they took all of it as a guide, as they do pacifist. Chara is an impressionable child whose ideals you warp with your genocide route.
And the part where everyone likes to assume Chara was the grand mastermind? 
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Well, unless you’re masochistic enough to actually enjoy playing through the genocide route through all it’s frustrating grinding and impossible two boss battles, then you kinda let your determination and curiousity get the better of you, huh? 
You weren’t even able to control yourself.
Chara is not someone who did nothing wrong, nor is Frisk, following along with all these plans of yours, perhaps for once they decided to follow instead of lead and see how that turns out. They are willing to be complicit in the deaths of all thier loves ones and follow what you say, but sharing your determination and soul, I would say thier choices by themselves are pretty limited.  
Going back to what I think is a common trend with people handling Chara’s character in UT comics is that they like to combine Chara with the metaphysical concept known as the “Player”. However a big part of the player’s motivation is simply CURIOSITY and COMPLETIONISM, whereas Chara makes it clear they wish to erase the world, or to even get back at the humans by taking your soul and going to the surface. 
The one thing I tend to dislike about removing the player from the eqution is that people also tend to remove Chara’s capacity for good, making them wholly responsible for the genocide route, which i feel undermnes another big lesson from the game, which is Your Chosen Actions have Consequences.
Granted, some instances of this have been done skillfully and tastefully (such as AFAC, which I follow closely because thier Chara is an amazingly done morally dark grey character) but others painting them as a soulless and ruthless murderchild with no room for redemption make me sad because there is so much more to them than that. 
Chara can vary wildly depending on what run is done, and whether you complete pacifist or genocide, they’re going to learn lessons based on what they learn from your actions. I believe that the true hero/villain of undertale is YOU, but only if you want to be. Only if your curiosity doesn’t get the better of you. You lend Frisk your determination, and what they can do with it is up to you. 
The player’s Determination creates a happy ending, and their Curiosity takes it all away.
I love to see lots of morally grey and even morally dark grey Charas, but it’s gotta be done with sense and taste, depicting Chara as chaos for chaos’ sake makes no sense because, as stated before and what I believe is a big part of UT, No one is born evil. And personally, seeing some softer Chara’s is cool too, we don’t see enough of Chara showing off thier childlike side, and I think it’s great in getting people to see Chara as more of a morally complex character.
But hey, that’s just my 2 cents
whoa geez this is long make that like uhhhhhh $1.36 on the matter
Of course other people have different headcanons and all of my thoughts on this don’t always align with everyone’s headcanons, but I hope you enjoyed my little ramble nonetheless. I want people to be able to see Chara as complex and interesting; despite not being related to the Dreemurrs, they sure tend to be the scapegoat for a lot of the player’s actions less-than-tasteful actions, yet not for any of the good ones. Feel free to add your thoughts to reblogs and such, I love analyzing this game, and I know I probably didn’t get everything right but hey, 
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  *peace sign* 
-Mod Avery
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positivelylgbtq · 8 years
So I think I'm poly. It would make so much sense. But I've got a very overly jealous boyfriend who does not like sharing me (which I also find very attractive) but I have no clue how to let him know this. It's not that he's not enough for me because he is so much more than I need and I love it. But I crave sexual intimacy and romance from other people as well?
 (Remember that time when mod Kai got serious? No? Me neither but here we go.)
Look hon, I’ve been where you are. I’m polyam too. Had a possessive and overly jealous girlfriend. Couldn’t stand the thought of me having a man in my life. Wouldn’t even let me talk about it. Didn’t let me explain that it wasn’t because she wasn’t enough but just that needed to have more than one partner just as much as she needed the surgeries that would make her look like the woman she was. 
Like you, I thought there was nothing more attractive than someone who would fight for attention and affection. I worshiped her. (I feel that the popular media portrayal of this sort of behavior as normal and encouraged is to blame.)  But all the while I couldn’t shake who I was, what I craved.
Still, I thought nothing of all the times she demanded to know where I was, who I was with, how long I intended to be out, photographic evidence for it all. I didn’t flinch at the berating I got if I took too long to respond to texts or didn’t pick up my phone when she called. Not a single red flag was raised when she accused me of being unfaithful when I told her my ex had assaulted me. Every time she was angry I took the blame. And when someone told me she was wrong to treat me that way, I defended her.
There was more, so much more. Four years of more. I’ll save you the details of her negligence of me and our relationship. I’ll save you the stories of her shaming me for her impression of my friends, people she had never even met. I’ll spare you from  the time I thought I was free of her, only to allow her to drag me back in when I sought closure. I’ll spare you the times she threatened to kill herself if I left her and the story of how she almost did the first time I tried to break free.
I’ll never recover from the mental trauma she caused me.
I’m not accusing your boyfriend of abuse, Nonnie, I don’t know him or you. What I am saying is if you feel like you can’t bring up some innate part of who you are for fear he’ll get angry, you need to review his other behaviors and really consider why you feel this way. You should feel free in your relationship to talk about any part of your sexuality, romanticism, etc. Healthy relationships are about communication. And if you feel you can’t communicate with him then, sweetheart, you need to get the hell out.
~Mod Kai
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automatismoateo · 5 years
There was an anti-lgbt march on Church St. in Toronto today and the mods on /r/toronto are actively filtering criticism of religion and shaming atheism. via /r/atheism
Submitted September 29, 2019 at 01:59AM by Kelosi (Via reddit https://ift.tt/2nvRX3s) There was an anti-lgbt march on Church St. in Toronto today and the mods on /r/toronto are actively filtering criticism of religion and shaming atheism.
r/toronto is one of the most toxic subs on reddit, and its largely because the mods are corrupt and biased. This demonstrates a clear conflict of interest and is the exact wrong way for a person in a position of authority to respond to a serious concern.
There's got to be some form of recourse against this. Preferential treatment of religion in Canada is a real problem. And its a much bigger issue than most Canadians realize. This is not a secular country. We do not have separation of church and state. And our publicly funded catholic school system, which also gets to claim that 30% of that subsidy as a donation making it tax exempt, is literally separate but equal. And we were condemned but the UN multiple times in 1999, 2005 and 2006, which most Canadians just brush off without even addressing the actual arguments.
I attended a part of my high school in Montgomery, Alabama. I've seen segregation first hand, I've seen the KKK marching down the streets of Birmingham, and I was laughed at by my classmates when I mentioned we have publicly funded catholic schools. I learned a lot when I was living in Alabama and Ontario is way behind them and most Canadians don't even realize it. We have a total of 38 secular schools boards and 38 religious school boards in Ontario funded completely by tax dollars. That would be illegal in the United States.
This march was just like the march in Birmingham. And I really think more Canadians need to start speaking up about our lack of secularism, the fact that our constitution was literally conditional on catholic schools, which half of our provinces have abolished by now, and how this hidden subculture is actually at the root of countless examples of segregation in Ontario and across Canada.
Like segregation between the French and the English. There is propaganda opposing the secular movement in Quebec right now, and its made possible because despite being our closest neighboring province, Ontarians have zero knowledge of current events in French Canada. The border between Ontario and the US is more permeable than the border between Ontario and Quebec. And aboriginal segregation is a million times worse. Half of populated reserves aren't connected by roads and are struggling for basic amenities like clean drinking water. Its literally like inner China.
Canada is under a huge threat right now. As we approach our federal election, anti-lgbt and anti-abortion bigotry is on the rise in preparation for and in the hopes of electing their own alt-right prime minister, Andrew Scheer. Scheer is to religious fundies in Canada what Trump is to evangelicals in the US. They think he's their messiah, and I genuinely fear for the security and safety of minorities in Canada. More people need to be speaking up about this and how these groups and religious demographics in particular pose a direct threat to our democratic process. They're trying to recreate the catastrophe in Canada that put Trump in office in the United States. Its like Trump is an invitation to them, and probably the only thing standing in the way of an alt-right Prime Minister is the success this group has already had on putting Doug Ford into office as Premier of Ontario, which has turned into an epic disaster.
10,000 teaching positions have been cut by Ford, increasing some class sizes to 40 students per teacher. Which btw disproportionately affects public schools since catholic schools get a tax exemption. And he cut low income subsidies for post secondary school to give a tax cut to education. He essentially took money out of the hands of poor students and gave it to rich students. And despite his cuts, this is still one of the most expensive budgets Ontario has had in decades. He openly lied about the figures in the Ontario Hydro buy back and we lost over $100 million. And I'm not even going to touch his $1 billion dollar plan to end the monopoly on alcohol (which needs to be done but not like this) so that he could fulfill his election promise of $1 beers. I'm not joking!
And the legal marijuana scandal is a national embarrassment. We lost over $40 million dollars selling weed. How is that even possible? Its because those companies were reserved for conservative pals of Ford, there's practically zero competition, prices are twice as high and the quality is garbage, and the licensing program for suppliers is a complete crony scam. Illicit marijuana is actually experiencing a huge boom now that the government shut down all the "illegally" operating clinics servicing terminally ill patients. Its been scandal after scandal after scandal, and its our religious subculture that's supporting this hypocrisy.
And if Scheer gets into office it will spell disaster for all of Canada. He refuses to discuss his views on lgbt or abortion, implicating himself and indicating that he knows his views are wrong. He doesn't believe in climate change and wants to abolish the carbon tax, and his alternative is a subsidy that studies have already shown would make a negligible difference for low income earners and have the greatest impact for those earning more than $120,000/year. Like Ford he's an obvious puppet and his policies are blatant and obvious lies explicitly designed to benefit the rich.
These actions should be chargeable. He is overtly and evidently deceiving voters.
As it stands I am completely appalled that r/toronto is filtering coverage of the anti-lgbt event and silencing criticism on religion. And this kind of stuff happens every day and no one speaks up about it. Its paralyzed our democratic process and these cuts eat away at the social services Canadians value and fought for. Our social systems are a disgrace. They consistently fail to meet their intended purpose because they're skeletons of what they should be and have been picked dry by cuts and American crony wannabes. Their strategy is to make it look like these services don't work so they can cut them even more, and you hear this rhetoric in the United States too but these services are failing entirely because of attacks by conservatives. They are creating the problem that they are self reporting on. Sound familiar?
Canada is not as pious as it pretends to be. From the outside it looks like we have socialism but on the inside its a political shit-show riddled with corruption, misinformation, abuse and privilege. We need to fight for election reform and secularism, otherwise these groups are going to continue to have a disproportionate influence, all while decreeing prosecution. Case and point. Literally no one is excluding them yet they claim "diversity includes bible believing Christians." In response to gay marriage?! We do ourselves a disservice by giving this misinformation equal footing. Especially considering these groups have traditionally opposed every equal rights movement we've ever had.
Religion is not race, gender or orientation. Religion is a belief and beliefs can be wrong. Especially when they're used to target race, gender and orientation. And we do condemn certain beliefs, like Nazis and the KKK. You can't compromise with a belief that actively seeks to undermine you and make up its own facts as it goes. And that includes religion. People read those signs and actually believe that religion is being persecuted in Canada, when no other business or group gets a subsidy AND a tax exemption. How can you trust voters to make informed decisions when we allow misinformation to stand side by side with reason based on evidence? That's why democracy is failing in Canada, and why so many of our services are littered with corruption and exist solely to save face.
The more I learn about my country the more I realize that it does not value evidence, merit or integrity. It is a meticulously tiered system of in-groups that consistently sweeps every problem we have under the rug only for it to rear it head again in another decade or two. Just research the history of religion in Canada. From the controversy in 1907 when catholic school teachers were held to a different standard of education, to the push towards secularism in the 60s. Most Canadians don't know these things. And most people outside of Canada have no idea about the aboriginal residential school system that removed 30% of aboriginal children from their homes and resulted in the deaths of between 3,200 to 6,000 children. We still don't even know due to incomplete record keeping. Or about the Japanese internment during WWII where Japanese Canadians were rounded up and put into internment camps. Most of which did not have their belongings, property or businesses returned to them. I recently met a Japanese Canadian man in a men's trauma support group who still feels defined by this event. These are not one-time events. This is a pattern of behavior that spans our entire history as a nation and we need to make our government and our peers much more accountable than this.
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poop4u · 5 years
The Books on My Bookshelf
Holy moly, Batman, the books on my night stand are piling up. Here’s a sample:
OUR DOGS OURSELVES,  by Alexandra Horowitz. (Released September 3rd, but available for pre order.) This thoughtful book by the author of The Inside of a Dog and Being a Dog deserves to be read by dog lovers everywhere. I say that, full disclosure, not having read the entire book yet. An “advance readers edition” came several weeks ago, and I will admit to, at first, feeling a bit wary of how much new information it would contain. But then I started reading it, and this is, bravely and insightfully, a book that goes far beyond the usual musings about our relationship with dogs.
One early chapter is titled “Owning Dogs,” and explores our contradictory relationship with dogs–legally defined as property and yet considered by many of us to be family members and best friends. I’ve said in the past that if someone took one of my dogs it would be kidnapping, not stealing. But that’s not what the laws says. This is an issue that we’ve never adequately addressed, involving many complicated considerations, and I appreciate Horowitz’s attempts to continue a conversation about it.
Another chapter looks at our country’s spay and neuter practices–no controversy there (!). The author takes this issue on full frontal:
“For me simply to bring up the topic of de-sexing for discussion will be, in the eyes of some, impermissible. So sacred is the policy–so heartfelt (and good-hearted) is the intent behind it–that one is almost not allowed to talk about it.”
But of course, she does, and asks us to look carefully at costs and benefits of our current belief in whole-scale spaying and neutering. (Note this other article that looks at the costs of spay-neuter policies.
Our Dogs, Ourselves also takes on the biology and ethics of current breeding practices, among other topics, so expect to be engaged.  Horowitz faces these controversial issues head on, and I love her for it. In subsequent posts I’ll no doubt talk about these issues, perhaps agreeing or disagreeing with the author, but grateful nonetheless that she is talking about them.
Last thing: Horowitz or her editors deserve an award for “best titles ever,” after The Inside of a Dog (from Mark Twain’s “Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.”)  Our Dogs, Ourselves is, of course, reminiscent of Our Bodies, Ourselves. Kudos.
TRANSFORMING TRAUMA:  Resilience and Healing Through Our Connections with Animals, edited by Philip Tedeschi and Molly Anne Jenkins.
Well, this is a fundamental switch from a book like the one above, but I highly recommend it to people who are interested in trauma recovery, especially in relation to animal-assisted interactions and therapy. Those of you who have read The Education of Will are aware that trauma is a central theme is my life’s story, so this is a book that speaks to me professionally and personally. What I like about the book is its integration of kindness and benevolence, along with lots and lots of good, solid science that backs up what we know, and don’t know, about the impact of human-animal interactions in the recovery of trauma.
Actually, “The impact of human-animal interactions in the recovery of trauma” is title of the first chapter, whose lead author is Marguerite O’Haire (who I refer to as “The Woman Whose Talks Should Never Be Missed”). Seriously, this chapter is worth the price of the book for its summary of evidence-based research, and introducing (to most of us), the concept of “bio-affiliative safety”, in which other animals allow trauma victims to turn off their vigilance and mechanisms of defense.
This is not beach reading. For example, in Chapter One, relating to bio-affiliative safety: “In Porges’ explorations of the polyvagal system and the concept of neuroception, we can begin to understand how the presence of a nonhuman animal interaction may offer critical information . . . “.
But that’s exactly why I am a fan of this work–we need to continue to push beyond the feel-good, rosy picture of all animals helping all people all the time, and support serious science that looks at exactly how, and how not, other animals can help us humans recover from trauma.
The other perspective that is vital in Transforming Trauma is its emphasis on never using animals in a way that discomforts or exploits them.  Here, here.
DOG BEHAVIOR, MODERN SCIENCE AND OUR CANINE COMPAIONS, by James Ha and Tracy Campion. Also not a beach reach, this book is a treasure trove of information for people who are interested in the integration of science and dog training. It includes a great deal of history and analysis of animal behavior studies, from Darwin’s interest in canine skulls, to cost-benefit analyses of decision making. It’s both practical (lots of stories from the author’s case studies) and theoretical (kin selection and dogs–who talks about that?).
What I love most about this book is based in part on my shared academic experience with one of the authors, James Ha. Both of us were trained as ethologists, and both of us spent years studying animal behavior in a general sense before we became involved in the dog world. I’ve always believed that to truly understand dog behavior, you need to understand the full range of behavior found in the animal world, so that you can put dogs in perspective. That’s exactly what this book does, and that’s why, for example, reading the chapter titled “Debunking Dominance: Canine social structure and behavioral ecology” is like a breath of fresh air. The chapter begins thus: “The social structure of a species, and hence their social behavior, is based upon resource distribution”. Oh, oh, music to my ears to see this in print. This is such an important concept to grasp, as is the fact that individuals of very closely related species can behave very differently, in part based on resource distribution. (Compare male-dominate chimps versus matriachal bonobos for example.)
Anyone who argues against “dominance or force-based training” would profit from reading this chapter, from its distinction between dominance and aggression, to the evidence that wolf packs in the wild are not “dominated by a alpha” but led by parent-like adults who take on roles of defense and hunting/provisioning, primarily based on sex.
There’s lots and lots more in this book, and I look forward to reading more of it, I’m thinking it will be a great way to start my every morning. (I tend to read fiction at night, non-fiction in the morning. You?)
GOOD AS A GIRL: A MEMOIR, by Ray Olderman. Ready for a paradigm shift? This book has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with dogs, but it holds a special place in my heart because it was written by a man who saved my soul in college. Quite literally. I was taking his class in literature at UW-Madison and working part time at the Primate Center. Long story, but at that time, the housing conditions for the monkeys at the Center were profoundly different than they are now. And pretty awful. When I went to the someone in charge to talk about what I felt were abuses, he literally told me “There is no biological evidence that monkeys can feel pain.” Yup, that’s what he said, in the mid 1980’s. I had thought that perhaps I could have some effect on the way the monkeys were treated, but it became clear that my ability to do so was negligible.
I couldn’t quit, I desperately needed the money, and I mean desperately. I could barely afford to eat. And yet working there violated everything I believed in. I stopped sleeping, and had a hard time just getting through the day. Ironically, in my literature class we were reading a book about a man who thought he could change a corrupt system by working within it, but was eventually destroyed by it. I finally went to see my professor, Ray Olderman and told him I was living the life we were reading about it. And it was killing me. And I couldn’t quit, I was beyond broke and there were no jobs available at that time of year. He hired me on the spot, finding some spare money to help him with grading. I will never forget it, and will always be grateful.
And so, I admit to a profound lack of objectivity about Ray’s book. But here’s the thing. I loved the book. Ray’s mother had wanted a girl, and had no pretense that she was disappointed when Ray turned out to be a boy. And so, at age eight, he vowed to her that he’d be “as good as a girl”. We follow Ray throughout his life trying to understand the female perspective while negotiating the complexities of Madison WI in the 70’s and 80’s during a time of profound cultural change.
If you’re interested in a delightful memoir about a guy who “couldn’t keep his mouth shut,”  fought the system all of his life while doing all he could to understand women, this book is for you.
  MEANWHILE, back on the farm: This weekend seemed to be a celebration of small, flying animals. This bee and butterfly kept displacing each other until they finally settled into feeding on opposite sides of the Hyssop flower.
Here’s the butterfly by itself; it appears to be a species in the Checkerspot group, but I’m not confident to say which one exactly.
This is one of my favorite insects, a hummingbird moth. Check out the video in the link, it’s really fun.
And here’s the source of its mimicry, still finding nutrition in this tacky looking Bee Balm flower.
Swallowtails everywhere. Monarchs too, although I could never get a shot. I hear that Monarchs are doing better this summer (yay!), and it’s also wonderful to see so many bees out. Finally! The wet spring and early summer was so hard on them, and they have enough challenges right now.
What brought you joy this week, whether a new book, animals or plants? You know I’d love to hear.
Poop4U Blog via www.Poop4U.com Trisha, Khareem Sudlow
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aelaer · 5 years
☕ Howard 👀👀👀
(It’s been a while since I’ve answered one of these; for those who don’t recall, the mug represents the asker looking for my opinion on a specific topic).
I wrote about this in reply to another post back in November, but I’ll reiterate my thoughts here.
At first, I thought MCU Howard was certainly emotionally negligent, but not necessarily on purpose and more “a product of his time”, with the lack of verbal communication expressing his affection, but had expressed it in other ways. My grandfather (dad’s dad) was similar. My grandpa was an engineer in WWII, which is the only reason he wasn’t shipped overseas because he was definitely in the right age group (early 20s). Anyway, grandpa was gruff and a disciplinarian, but showed his love through all his actions and in how incredibly hard he worked to get all seven of his kids in great schools and through college. So I always figured Howard was something similar.
However, the MCU considers the official tie-in comics canon, and back in November someone posted a panel of how Howard was not only harsh, but actually abusive. I dug through my archives to post them here.
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So yeah, my assumptions were simply incorrect. I’m not sure which MCU tie-in these panels were from, but with this evidence there is no other conclusion but that Howard Stark, no matter what he may have been before, was a terrible, abusive human being by the time Tony was a child. He was not a good father. Anyone with that type of behavior to someone who is meant to be under their care simply isn’t a good person. He may have some strengths, but activity like this is the ultimate sin one can make as a parent.
I think that Tony learning to forgive him is the healthiest outlook for Tony, as the forgiveness is to ultimately heal the abused’s spirit and part of the path of moving on. And forgiving is not forgetting.
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jimmiekiser · 6 years
How to Get a Divorce When you are Struggling Financially
It’s very difficult ending a long-term relationship and even more when doing so will put a toll on your finances. This is particularly true for stay-at-home moms who are financially dependent on their spouses. Divorce can be a costly process, particularly when children are involved. But there are ways to alleviate these financial burdens and strategically plan a successful divorce with the help of a Salt Lake City divorce attorney.
Let’s start with your joint credit cards and any other department store card. You should cancel them before the divorce takes place. This will avoid a common problem divorcees have in court where a spouse is held responsible for the other going on a shopping spree.
Use joint funds to fix your car, home improvement projects, buying clothes for your children, or any other necessity. It’s best getting a divorce with everything fixed otherwise you will have to argue with your ex about who should cover these expenses.
Open a PO Box where all important correspondence with your attorney is kept safe.
You can open an account in your name and save some money. You will eventually tell your ex but remember this money can help you pay for your divorce. It’s also helpful to apply for your own credit cards. It will help you establish your credit and help you find financial stability after all joint accounts are canceled. If you need some cash now, you can always borrow money from trusted sources.
Keep copies of your taxes, wills, financial statements, loan applications, insurance, car registration, etc. Even if you are not sure about getting a divorce, have these documents ready. Keeping an eye on your finances may help you get a good settlement. Keep a copy of all records of separate property, including gifts and inheritance. This belongs to you but you must prove is yours.
Don’t relinquish your right to spousal support even when you think you don’t deserve it. If you waived your rights, you won’t be able to get them back. Instead of receiving monthly payments consider receiving a lump sum. Remember those monthly payments may never make it to your bank account. Avoid child support fights as it can get very costly. Tell your attorney you will rather follow the local guidelines.
Think about the stuff that you really want to keep. Don’t become greedy. It may be nice to keep your home but it’ll also cost you to maintain it. Think within your budget. Think about your degrees and their value and don’t forget assets such as vacation, flyer miles, subscriptions to magazines, timeshares, and insurances as they also have value that can be shared between both spouses.
When a person has been abused by someone he or she loves and trusts, it may take a great deal of effort to speak out. Often, victims are groomed by the perpetrators to believe that they deserved the abusive behavior. When he or she finally faces that person in court, it can be an intimidating event. There are guidelines that may be helpful to Utah residents who have experienced domestic violence at the hands of someone they care for that may offer them peace of mind.
Contacting any witnesses who may have seen the abuse occur or the injuries that resulted can contribute to a victim’s case, as testimony can be helpful in proving what happened. Any evidence or documentation that shows that abuse took place is important. This could include medical records, court testimony and police reports. Dated photos of injuries, 911-call audio tapes and other records are also relevant. If a victim does not have any of these, his or her testimony is still considered evidence and is very important. Victims may find it beneficial to practice telling what happened prior to being asked to do so in court. It can help calm one’s nerves and help to recall any additional details that might have been forgotten. Being specific about what occurred and focusing on relevant information is crucial. Though it can be an emotional event — and there is nothing wrong with feeling emotional — it is still important to observe courtroom etiquette, such as being on time, being prepared and dressing appropriately. Concentrating on the truth and knowing that it is okay to not know the answer to or understand a question may be reassuring to victims.
There are many other helpful tips for pursuing a domestic violence case. Any Utah residents who are pursuing these types of charges as part of divorce proceedings may benefit from the advice of those who are experienced in this area. It may be difficult, but it can also be the first step to a new future.
Free Consultation with Divorce Lawyer in Utah
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will fight for you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/how-to-get-a-divorce-when-you-are-struggling-financially/
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benchgenderstudies · 7 years
Unresponsive Trump OSHA/followup
Dear David Schmidt
I am contacting you about failed response and action related to a letter sent to OSHA secretary Dougherty in April. The contents of this letter are enclosed below and they were sent in USPS express mail. There is no American Citizen in the means of employment that is outside the protection of OSHA's stated purpose in Title 29 Chapter 15 Section 651. That also means that women and minors in the fashion industry conditionally employed for specifically self destructive dieting and exercise addiction are victims of neglect, abuse and faulty instruction.
I have raised this matter with the George  W Bush administration and Obama Administration without movement. Edwin Foulke Jr referred the matter to the private sector CFDA who have proven themselves incapable of sound regulation. The Obama administration made no response from OSHA. Howard Shapiro mistook his excuse as credible to say because no mention was made in a 1970 document of body mass index that a 1998 accepted parameter could not be applied. OIG also minced that horse jockeys had a high incidence of eating disorders and weren't regulated either. Well, theres two groups at risk of eating disorders and nobody efforts improving that. I have never heard an average male aspire to be a horse jockey. The fashion model has a core influence on womens presumptions of beauty that well groomed horseparasites don't.
My address of OSHA began in 2007 and United States could have been on the map as an originator of regulation. Instead it stood idle while other countries took a lead role. How was I effected. This faggot country I was assisting its/my people among ignored my contribution. Following France's fake regulation at 18.0 BMI , Harvard columnists were granted an article to name OSHA the agency with the shortcoming of regulation.  Dr. Bryn Austin and Dr Katherine Record  wrote the article "Paris Thin". Link enclosed
There's no test to prove eating disorders are caused by fashion because its not a disease. Its a socialized class level gender role defined specifically by the fashion model industry and designers. Mainly they are homosexual male designers projecting their lusts of a gay male twink on the female body I(Its gay illness that can be slurred.rightly). The history of fashion modeling compels the link on its own. Disordered eating, fasting, behaviors of exercise addiction, drunkorexia,chain smoking the pounds away, and diets to offset the immune system. Much of this is contained in the comments below. OSHA regulation 1910.262 is lacking detail for the many more jobs of the fashion industry as well as all the female centric jobs yet lacking in its mention. Lets get on that.
If I just saw President Donald Trump semi defend the White Nationalists he should be atleast aware the same fashionistas he protected Ivanka from should be restrained from ruining other young peoples lives as well. The outlet of gay male fashionista design is a toxic dysmorphia being projected upon and sickening women models and their emulating fans. Its a step the republican party opted to ignore when trying to defend marriage. The evidence was all in the open. If gay was unnatural , the fashion industry was where to exploit at cause of eating disorders of current visionary designers.
<required info>
I can be reached at this email or 37 Bench LaneLehighton, PA 18235
The change I request made1)models must be at least 19.2 BMI of a stature that fits in a size 8 dress. This effectively eliminates/bans haute couture as a purveyor of anorexic idealization. France's standard of 18.0 BMI is still in the pathogenic range of being underweight and poorly applied without a minimum stature within acceptable range not to fool the metric
2)Parental correlation of employment. An employer may not demand unhealthy or risky behaviors of diet, exercise or additional factors straying illegal or odd (using IVs for meals) for conditional employment. If a parent would be found for abuse and neglect then also would be an employer for the same. The industry may not create women even through photomanipulation to those ends either.
3) The minor will not be asked to alter her growth rate for any reason and will be enabled a normal growth curve up through age 27.
4)Fit models are a specific type of model known to inhabit the designers studios and tend to be even further emaciated than runway models. 'Fitmodels are a term by the designers wants of a dress shape and in no way suggest a healthy lifestyle. Neither shall they be catered to a designers preference against their wellbeing. The designer must be charged for endangering health and demanded counseling for dysmorphia.
5)Models may not consider themselves nutritionists nor attempt to counsel weight loss through media or otherwise. Weightloss is not a credible means of conditioning the body. No diet has ever credibly offset atrophy. Exercise in and of itself is required at all times and exercise requires proper and balanced food that fad diets historically lack.
6)Fashion media may not consider itself a purveyor of health or dietary advice nor will it intend to target minors with such advice and must be limited to Age 18 or older consumers. The link between target marketed fashion media and body dissatisfaction that would sell such diet products is a historical blemish of the industry. This doesn't qualify for free speech limitation because fashion media do not restrict or deny access to the garment itself. The conditions of the garment access are purely financial and physically distorted against a minors wellbeings
7a)While not related to OSHA , I suggest sanctions against france and european countries harboring unregulated haute couture designers and enabling models putting themselves at personal risk in front of children seeing her fame as sadistically motivated.
7b)Holding former US LABOR Solicitor M Patricia Smith and New York Department of Labor culpable for the endangerment of children since 2009. Smith deliberately circumvented the means of anti eating disorder legislation and general inspection of the fashion industry of new york. She failed to hire experts in the field of eating disorders to evaluate the very local New York City entertainment industry applicants and employees. The result of her negligence was girls as young as 14 being hired to walk the runway and presented as a norm of mature female stature. M Patricia Smith then prevented my gathering of information via FOIA as to why OSHA was failing to regulate.  David Michaels , former OSHA director also failed to act to those ends.
//How does this effect me. America has an expert in the field of eating disorders. That would be me.The people benefit from my keeping their kids off unnecessary antidepressants they wouldn't need for body dissatisfaction.My directives will be understood  .. starting with FBI. The effect of the fashion industry crosses state lines. They have a duty to act on threat foreign or domestic and have not.  To conclude the point, credit and fame leads to accommodations and fiscal opportunities that has since delayed my completion of 3 patent applications; requiring legal assistance.
I feel I have given a substantial detail to the means and reasons of why I am writing this letter to comply with standards of protocol. If you would require more information, do not hesitate to ask. When I wrote courteously USgovernment did nothing. See the truth, abide the truth and respect the truth for it exists greater than the path of this country's steering.  Responses from Donald Trump, Dorothy Dougherty and HHS Secretary Price are required and they will all say "we will regulate fashion,Sir." Cheers
Michael Bench,MEP,GCERT
Department of Labor
200 Constitution Ave, NW
Washington DC 20210
Dear DAS/ OSHA Director Dorothy Dougherty
I congratulate you on your appointment to the OSHA secretary position. Of equal importance of this accomplishment raises the purpose I contact you declaring a necessary regulation of the fashion model industry. Since 2007 I have called on OSHA to this duty and Edwin Foulke Jr immediately deferred to the Council of Fashion Designers of America. He deferred to the private sector. The CFDA has not shown a timely interest to establish credible regulation or itself a dependable body. I refuse any suggestion of self regulation valid.  
The united states delay in recognizing the problem of fashion was a larger blunder in ignoring the health problems of Americans. There is a trail of medical bills for drug rehabs, street drug stimulant abuse, suicide attempts and grief counseling, unnecessary antidepressants treating physical immuno -depression caused by crash diets, body dissatisfaction and anxiolytics, alcoholism, and overshopping leading back to the fashion industry. Crash diets cause women to lose a dependable activity linked relationship with their clothing size due to supplements and “thinness tricks’. The united states government is not waiting on further data from Scientists. The united states government is waiting to mature a respectable identity that its seated plutocrats prioritize above self-involved two party dramatics
If the anorexic look prescribed by Haute Couture designers is truly ‘Feminist”, then he only appeals the female body when she is most like himself. The arl Lagerfelds and Hedi Slimanes sexualized the under-developed female body as a cudgel of consumerism.
Are there penalties for 'anime’ pornography that depict underage sex? If yes I will refer to the anorexic status as sexualizing an emulated underage female.. sometimes without clothes in promotions.
If it was not already known, most couture designers are gay males. When the female no longer maintains the nymphoid, emulated male, lean appearance she’s tossed out. She’s no longer beautiful for the industry when she’s mature enough to not be androgynous .. when she’s 100% recognized as woman. Haute couture is not Feminist for it shuns the female body through most of her lifespan. On this I must also raise a clear prognosis of body dysmorphia card against gay males. Conditionally employing females to abuse their identity  just appearing in their runway shows is unethical. The French government also has fiscal duties to pay for concealing the practices of the couture genre of fashion. The Donald Trump administration should not delay an aggressive move on this point of foreign policy.
The models are not contacting OSHA for protection for they are willing participants. Fashion models of couture are mental invalids; some form of attention needing creature positioning themselves in front of youth with addictive personality traits. They tolerate the intolerable for money. The addictive personality rewards itself through fame and the people drawn to modeling must be deemed suspect not only for eating disorders but also complicit psychological traits of masochism. While new models are entirely subject to personal morality, their exposure to the industry’s absent sense of limits cannot continue. It’s a corrupting force.
Fashion media employees  are also empty of morality. The Vogue editors will let unhealthy industry practices continue and then make huge profits on their tell-all book. Former Australian Vogue Editor Kirstie Clements is one of those grifters.  An International Business Times piece about Clement’s book “ The Vogue Factor” by Nadine Deninno revealed the runway model thinness is not even the most severe conditions of the industry.  Does New York City health board or New York Labor bother to look?
One model during a show revealed to Clements that her flat mate was a fit model and in the hospital most days with an IV in her arm.  This is the exerpt :
is a “fit model,” which are models used directly in designer ateliers to act as the mannequin while designers work on creations in the studio.  This flat mate, according to the model, is “in hospital on a drip a lot of the time,” referring to intravenous therapy, to keep herself nearly two-dimensionally skinny.
Clements wrote: “That the ideal body shape used as a starting point for a collection should be a female on the brink of hospitalization from starvation is frightening.” She added that a “dubious achievement” of this nature, “all in the quest to fit into a Balenciaga sample” size, comes with severe side effects such as mood swings, extreme fatigue, binge-eating and self-harm.
The designer is present. His most near model is sickly and she is sickly from his preference in sizing. That’s all there is .. Fashion causes disordered eating. Fashion caused this consumer strain of  body dysmorphia. Women are being distorted by madmen having no concern of a females wellbeing. Much of the disordered eating crisis is the usual female target audience as far back as 1600s Europe.  Upperclass fashion was also a form of body modification. In most states you must be 18 or have parents permission by 16 to get a body piercing. The fashion based anorexia is a form of uneducated body modification in a form it cannot be: on terms of someone else’s ideals. Is it sexual ambivalence or conceit? What it is is cheap. Cheap on sample dress fabrics to an unrealistic frugality.
I don’t actually attribute being cheap to their real delusion.,It’s the “I’m going to leave a pretty corpse and I don’t care about eating till I’m dead” type of stubborn narcissism fuel. Across the luxury industry are parrots who pad their identity through movies. Billionaire heiress Daphne Guinness is one of them. None other than Karl Lagerfeld himself , quoted “ curves are out’, can be seen exhibiting his personal style as a pilgrims corpse for most of the past decade.  If Homosexuality isn’t directly an affliction, then among homosexuality are couture sadists. An obsessive self contentment creating the ultimate non female .. or dead female from a live fame glutton.  I don’t register that as karma. She followed other models into the industry with too positive an opinion of the work.
Refer to the quote just a bit earlier. If the studio fitting model is the ideal stature for the designer, realistically we have starvation tactics hurting the girls that needed employer assistance the most. There are smaller girls so conforming to the smallest dress doesn’t hurt them as much as an average size 8 or 10 model having no assistance from her industry agency who agreed to get her the job. Her looks got her in the door. What is being propositioned for employment…. are. not. her. looks. Not even DNA models of New York can see past their own company name to protect their models. Absurd. Its called Phenotype. They signed it. They have to protect it.  
I request your immediate assistance to regulate the fashion industry. All who seek to discontinue or obstruct that regulation among you or in the private sector are to immediately be charged with child and public endangerment. Please inform me of their identity for I will have sharp words with them. I am making this most immediate in your career at OSHA for it needs the most attention. No other human can better expertly decide that for this nation. Enclosed are tentative list of recommended regulations  to extend 1910.262 for including the fashion model career to regulation. Any career not being covered by OSHA is a Citizen not being protected by OSHA. Department of Labor OIG and Government Accountability Office have already failed for any legitimacy from 2009-2013.
I at this time will also report M Patricia Smith , Former US Solicitor and Former New York Labor Commissioner for willful failure of duty to protect youth from the fashion industry, willful neglect and contributing to the neglect of minor-employees during her time as Labor Commissioner circa the year 2009. Her lack of oversite led to girls as young as 14 being exposed to the corrosive atmosphere fashion modeling is made of.
David Michaels , and Edwin Foulke Jr, .. your predecessors, each are faulty to those matters. FBI will now again be called upon to arrest David Michaels for said charges whether they like it or not.
Michael Bench, MEP, GCERT
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jimmiekiser · 7 years
Parental Alienation and Custody
In most child custody cases, children do not spend an equal amount of time with both parents. As a family lawyer, I think this is the unfortunate part of the divorce many families face today, especially small children who often feel they do not spend enough time with mom or dad. Then, parental alienation comes in the picture.
A divorcee may influence his or her child against the other parent causing the child a lot of emotional distress. Attorneys dealing with these types of cases find it difficult as a parent may request having sole custody of the child or the child having little contact with the ex-spouse. While some parents’ irresponsible behavior may have provoked these harsh battles, collaboration between parents and focusing on the best interests of the child can be very helpful when developing a child custody plan.
Parents who don’t agree during child custody battles can impact their children in a negative way. According to recent studies, children who have been involved in these battles tend to have more mental and addiction problems. Due to the severe impact parental alienation can have on the children, the court may order a change of custody after they find out that one of the parents is trying to alienate the children.
In some cases, parents can be a bad influence on minor children, therefore, the little contact they may have with them is excused. These cases are generally linked to child abuse, domestic violence, and drug abuse. Parental alienation is quite different. This is when a child rejects a parent with no foundation. In other words, someone is influencing the child negatively against the other parent. Another factor that may contribute to the child’s dislike or rejection of one parent is the family social dynamics.
There are different levels of parental alienation. It all depends on the behavior of both parent and child. A good example of parental alienation is when one parent talks about the other in a disrespectful manner, tries to change child visitation arrangements, says that the child was abandoned by the other parent, and interferes in the child’s relationship with the other divorcee. Family law attorneys know how to effectively navigate these complex cases. They may file a motion for a change of custody based on the magnitude of the alienation.
Get Legal Help
Parents involved in child custody disputes should seek legal assistance and be supportive during this difficult time in their lives. Children as well as divorcees can greatly benefit from mutual cooperation. A family law attorney well versed in child custody matters can explain what your options are and achieve a positive outcome on your behalf. You need someone to help you present to the court your suspicion of parental alienation. Some judges may be ignorant of how parental alienation can impact the child negatively, and your attorney may have to educate them. Your attorney will work along mental health experts who can testify in court and diagnose the problem when necessary.
There are many considerations made when calculating alimony in Utah. The court may consider factors such as the earning ability of each spouse, the financial needs of each party and the length of the marriage; but what about the cost of broken dreams? Can a court put a price tag on something like a failure to have children during marriage? And if they could, should an ex-spouse be reimbursed for the lost shot at parenthood?
That is what one lawyer is trying to find out. He is representing a woman who, at the age of 38, does not want to lose her chance at motherhood. With time running out in terms of her biological ability to conceive, she wants to freeze her eggs. As part of her divorce settlement, she is asking her soon-to-be-ex to pay $20,000 to cover the procedure, as well as related expenses. The lawyer explains that because the couple had unsuccessfully tried in vitro fertilization several times during the marriage, those fertility treatments should be considered a part of the marital lifestyle and maintained even after divorce.
There are likely to be opinions on both sides of the tracks. On one hand, some believe it may make sense to award alimony for eggs, because losing a chance to have a child while married may be seen as a form of sacrifice. On the other hand, there is the worry that putting a price tag on fertility could lead to putting a price tag on other things, such as the price of a face-lift to make up for lost youth during a marriage. Either way, the outcome of this case will likely affect future divorces, as there has been no state case law on the topic thus far.
Free Consultation with Divorce Lawyer
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need help with a family law case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
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