#evfra/female ryder
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thedaselcor · 4 months ago
Twenty Questions for Fanfic Writers
Tagged by @tansyuduri (thanks!) Taggong forward: @cat-in-a-tesseract , @gallows-into-oblivion , @mxkelsifer , @miyriu , @toomanyfanficsbruh
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Not including unrevealed exchange works I currently have 60 works on Ao3.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Dragon Age and Mass Effect (ThedasElcor , ThedasHanar)
Merlin (OAFelcor)
Overwatch (MildBeagle)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
the hope of a new life (38 kudos)
Mass Effect Andromeda Evfra de Tershaav/Female Ryder | Sara I'm always a bit disappointed about this one because I had a whole subplot involving this Ryder being deaf and specifically preferring hearing aids to corrective surgery but I didn't have time to really perfect it before the exchange deadline so I had to scrap it.
a love that burns like holy fire (32 kudos)
BBC Merlin Arthur/Merlin I just started this one not long ago and it's really been neat to see it take off and have a huge welcome from the Merlin fandom, it's been a really cool community to join. The concept for this one is that Merlin is Transmasc, and that he uses magic as part of his gender affirmation, and somehow that leads to all sorts of dominoes falling that changes the entire outcome of the series starting around the middle of season one.
nights of holy fire (30 kudos)
BBC Merlin Arthur/Merlin So this one's actually the nsfw companion piece for "a love that burns like holy fire", I decided to write the main fic as fade to black and have this separate place for sex scenes and I think it's actually been working really well.
Some Kind of Wonderful (30 kudos)
Dragon Age Female Inquisitor Trevelyan / Josephine Montiliyet This is one of my favourites, I think. I wrote it as an exchange treat and it led to me meeting my fandom friend @sandalinbohemia A funny story with that one is that Rowan as an inquisitor stuck with me so much I thought Sandal had specifically requested the name, but I entirely made up the request and the name and had no idea for over a year. The premise is that Inquisitor Trevelyan finds an old clause that allows her to duel for Josephine's hand using a board game rather than a physical duel, and it's a bit of a fix it for the canon Lord Ortranto situation.
Of Wrath and Wanting (19 Kudos)
Dragon Age Leliana/Morrigan Honestly this is a tiny little flash piece I did for a crackship request back on the bird site. It's really neat, but it's only about 250 words. I have no idea how it did so well.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Definitely, I love comments. the main reason I write most of my longfics like a serial in a newspaper or an old cable tv show where I publish as I go is that I can find writing exceptionally lonely. I love to talk about my work, my blorbos, whatever else.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't write a lot of angst, and I don't write a lot of endings, but probably Rotten Touch. It's a true drabble (100 words), Overwatch, Reaper/Soldier. Since it's so short I'll include it here.
Jack remembers a time before Overwatch, remembers the love they’d shared, remembers Gabriel’s hands on his body in the dead of night. Dead… Dead… That was the problem, wasn’t it? That past was long since over, and now Jack couldn’t even think of himself as anything but 76. Gabriel Reyes had stopped being Reyes, had stopped being anything, long ago, and the vision in Jack's mind can’t cling to the fantasy. Gabriel’s hands become Reaper’s hands become rotten, foreboding, and cold. Every lover, Reaper, before him, and since, melt into an amalgam of broken promises and rotten touches. Jack’s alone.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That's a tough one! I really like fluff, but I also tend to leave stories with an indication that life continues so it's a bit more ambiguous than happy. I guess I'd say my Josephine/Sebastian Dragon Afe epistolary series Vael in Vellum, it really has more of a conclusion than a lot of others and I think it's really cute.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not that I know of.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep! honestly all kinds. I write sweet things, spicy things, things I'd be mortified for people in the real world to know about, all sorts of pairings. I'm a transmasc guy who is gay married and who spent a good amount of time thinking he was a lesbian AND in what he thought was a hetero live-in thing for a while so I feel like I have a lot of the mechanics covered and I have a pretty good imagination. Idk if it's good or not, but people seem to like it, and I tend to like it when I reread it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't go out of my way to, but I do write them, especially for exchanges. I think the craziest one was the Commander 'n Chief fShep/The Iron Bull series I wrote for @ferindencadash (Mass Effect/Dragon Age)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. I started translating Moments Between (Mass Effect Sloane Kelly/enbie Ryder), especially since later chapters that I need to rewrite have Ryder speaking an almost creole-like French dialect, but I got lonely :P If folks were interested, I'd be willing to translate some of my pieces, especially the shorter ones, into French or Spanish.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I used to do a lot of chat based role playing, but I don't think I ever officially wrote something with someone. I can be really intense when I'm mid hyper-fixation, though, it probably wouldn't be a good time for a co-writer.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Honestly, whatever one I'm writing at the time. I'm absolutely in love with Sloane/Ryder (Mass Effect), writing fCadash/Varric Tethras for the Tethras n' Trouble series and , HardAssi (Krem/Lace Harding) for Her Safeword is Apples (and she smells like blossoms in the rain) (Dragon Age) both felt absolutely world altering. Now that I'm writing Merthur (Merlin/Arthur from BBC Merlin) for the Elements of Albion series, that's everything. I love ships... all the ships. Give them to Ziiiiimmmmmm.. ahem...
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I think that I'll keep writing all my pieces as the fixations shift, honestly. Eventually I'll finish more and start more. I guess the most precarious right now is probably A Perfect Fit (HardAssi), but I don't think any work is really doomed. Sometimes I hyperfixate and write over 20k in a weekend, sometimes it takes me weeks to get 500 words out... I think it's more of a lifestyle at this point.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Probably portraying emotions and emulating cadence and mannerisms.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Commas, run on sentences, an absolute gay audacity and disregard for all the rules of grammar...
But seriously probably angst, hurt/comfort, I'm really very "meta" in my writing and I go through all the emotions the characters are going through, very, very vividly, to get it all right, so it can be really difficult for me to finish works that hit the really hard spots for long periods.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I enjoy it! I like it better when the text lends itself to having the translation right there or having the narrator tell us. I've got a few works that use extensive footnotes that are all neatly linked back and forth and stuff and it's just a lot of work to format.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
No idea. The first fandom I published is Dragon Age, I keep a bookmark to the Ao3 import of the fic (I orphaned the account a long long time ago) and it reminds me that I was never as bad as I thought, but that I've also gotten a lot better. In terms of ever written, including role playing days and just loose leaf notebooks I started almost 25 years ago, so I really have no idea.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
In terms of complete works only probably either The Writer and the Racketeer (fCadash/Varric) or Antivan Coffee (Josephine Montiliyet/Zevran Arainai), both Dragon Age. I did a lot of Dragon Age exchanges so a lot of my finished works are in that fandom. I would say right now, though, that I'm really enjoying writing a love that burns like holy fire, it's inspiring a bunch of spinoffs and it's been super great to more actively join the Merlin fandom.
Thank you so much to @tansyuduri for tagging me for this, it was so much fun. Thanks to anyone who read through all this, it felt really neat to do a little interview of myself. Hopefully some people I tagged forward have fun with this (no pressure as always), and I really look forward to writing for you all in the future!
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fornaxexchange · 2 years ago
Sign-Ups are Live!
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SIGN UPS ARE LIVE RIGHT NOW. We will be accepting sign ups until March 26 at 11:59pm US EST.
Important Links
AO3 Collection
Nominations Spreadsheet
Requests Database
If you are interested in signing up for the exchange, follow these three simple steps:
Go to the Sign Up form on AO3 (you will need to be logged into AO3, if you need an AO3 account please message us here)
Fill it out (detailed instructions below). Please put at least one relationship in each of the three fields, but you may put three relationships in each field and add more boxes to give 10 request boxes and 30 relationships (from the tag set).
You may choose Any as your offer. Any really does mean any pair/group
Sign-ups end on March 26 11:59 pm US EST. Matches will be received no later than March 27 US 11:59 pm EST
How to Sign Up:
The Request Boxes
Upon opening the form you will have three boxes. You may, at the bottom of the request section, add more boxes (up to 10). You may put three relationships in each box, up to a grand total of 30 relationships. You must request and offer at least three relationships, at least one in each or the first three boxes. Your gift-giver will pick one of these relationships to create content for.
Relationships: Please put at least one relationship in each box and up to three. AO3 will suggest approved pairing in the tag set. If your pairing does NOT autofill - this is a known AO3 bug. Please enter your relationship as it appears in the tag set.
Additional Tags: Please choose whether you wish to receive fanfiction, fanart, or both by checking the boxes.
Prompt URL: You may link to a letter or document on Tumblr, Google Docs, Dreamwidth, or anywhere that goes into detail about what you’d like to see or gives extra information about any OCs you’d like to see in the work. This is not required.
Description: Anything that is VITALLY important for your request needs to go in this box because this is the only portion the moderators can guarantee your match can access. Please include general likes and dislikes and Do Not Wants (DNWs). The DNWs MUST be listed, they are the only thing your match is asked to follow to the letter. If you have any ideas for the pairing or prompts, please feel free to put them in this box as well. Prompts are optional and may or may not be followed. Please do not kink-shame or state you have a preference for one pairing above the others.
The Offer Boxes
Upon opening the form you will have three boxes. You may, at the bottom of the request section, add more up to ten. You may put three relationships in each box, up to a grand total of 30. You must request and offer at least three relationships. These are the relationships you are offering to create content for.
Relationships: Please put at least one relationship in each box and up to three. AO3 will suggest approved pairing in the tag set. If your pairing does NOT autofill - this is a known AO3 bug. Please enter your relationship as it appears in the tag set. You may also choose to offer for ANY relationship in the tag set. Any means any relationship, but you may specify which content you will not create.
Additional Tags: Please choose whether you can create fanfiction, fanart, or both.
Comments for Mods: Please use this to inform the moderators of anything you deem relevant for matching and if there is a participant you do not want matched to. This field is confidential and will only be seen by the moderators.
Your assignment will include at least one match between your offer and the other person’s request, but you may not match on all of them. You are also not beholden to complete the request you matched on, although you must complete at least one of the requests.
IE: You offered Female Ryder/Jaal Ama Darav, but see the participant also requested Male Ryder/Evfra de Tershaav and decide to do that one instead even if you did not offer it. You are encouraged to incorporate the prompts/likes if possible, but you MUST respect the DNWs listed.
Assignments are due May 07 11:59pm US EST.
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natsora · 2 years ago
Writer’s game: first sentences!
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven’t written ten fics, share as many first-sentences as you have. Thank you for tagging me @fogsblue!
Tagging @wickedwitchofthewilds @hardcore-like-eezo @tungstenb @crackinglamb No obligations
Lodestone - A Cassandra Pentaghast / Female Inquisitor fic Cassandra bowed her head low, panting hard, as she sheathed her blade.
The Candidate - an original fiction set in my FML world So, before I’ve worked as an agent, I was a broke student, trying to make ends meet.
14 Days of DA Lovers 2021- 2023 - A series of prompt fills featuring Cassandra Pentaghast / Female Inquisitor “Maker give me strength,” Cassandra hissed as she spurred her horse to go faster.
Only Beggars, No Choosers - A Mass Effect and Arcane crossover gen fic featuring femshep and fRyder “Why are they after us?” Shepard shouted.
With a Bang - A Evfra / fRyder fic A red dress draped over Ryder’s frame — a body honed over years of combat training and active duty.
Privacy Mode - A Evfra/Jaal/Akksul/fRyder smut fic Somehow, being stuck in a room, forced to sit through hours and hours of Tann shooting down all Ryder’s plans and initiatives for the coming financial year, had planted his voice into her brain.
The Warforged and Her Dwarf - an original fiction featuring ace main characters Time turns all to dust and worm food.
Tiny Cuts - Whump Prompt Fills - a series of TAT whump prompt fills Broken! Trev grits her teeth.
Fragile Hearts - A Cassandra Pentaghast / Female Inquisitor fic “Do it again,” Trev laughed.
Locked In - an original fiction set in the far future where people volunteer to be turned into super soldiers. Fei would sighed if he could, if his breathing wasn’t controlled by a tube down his throat, if he wasn’t fucking bedridden and unable to bat even a fucking eyelid — because his eyes were taped shut.
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seigephoenix · 5 months ago
Kinktober 2024
Since we only have technically 2 more days until Kinktober starts, I wanted to go ahead and get everything out.
I changed one of the prompts. Consensual noncon was taken off as I just couldn't get into the right headspace for it. Instead we have: monster fucking.
The fandoms are: Destiny 2, Cyberpunk, Dragon Age, Mass Effect OT/Andromeda, Fallout, and Skyrim. Edit: I forgot I do have 1 BG3 fic.
Skyrim - Aurelia Tullius x Farkas Cyberpunk - Evie "V" x Vik, Veronika "V" x Judy, Veronika "V" x Johnny Mass Effect OT - Marlowe Shepard x Zaeed, Jane Shepard x Garrus Mass Effect Andromeda - Celeste Ryder x Reyes Vidal, Cerise Ryder x Evfra, Aurelia Ryder x James Vega (AU) Fallout - Hancock x Georgia (female Sole Survivor) Destiny 2 - Siobhan x Crow (and their past selves too) Dragon Age: Alissa Trevelyan x Garrett Hawke (and an additional person for the threesome prompt)
Block the following tags if you don't wish to see any of my Kinktober stuff: kinktober2024, kinktober 2024, seige kinktober
If you'd like to be tagged in any specific work, drop me an Ask. I'll put you down for that post.
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hotwing-sauce · 5 years ago
I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. 
This fic is rated  T for Teen
Ryder thought her parents were kidding, when they said that twins ran in the family--heavily pregnant with her own, she enjoys some down time with Evfra
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fromathelastoveritaserum · 3 years ago
PK_Chu’s Fanfiction Masterlist
✨ A quick list of my current fanfictions ✨ ٩(⁎❛ヮ❛⁎)۶ 
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[WHEN JOY RETURNED]  AO3 (HERE) Far Cry 5 story involving original Deputy and the Seeds with a childhood twist ~ Story Summary: Born and raised in Hope County, Joy Owens never thought she would return. When she was young, her family moved to the big city, cutting off all ties, and never looking back. ‘It was because of that Seed family,’ the rumor mill whispered. But, that was a long time ago…a time Joy has trouble recalling and has simply let be. Now, she has finally achieved the role of Junior Deputy in the city where the large white signs on the hills spell out ‘Hollywood.’ But, when a U.S. Marshal suddenly arrives at the station to drag her back to Hope County, Joy has no choice but to confront the past. Back to the wilds of Montana, where old wounds had been left to fester, heartache had never healed, and memories once cherished lay forgotten. Joy will soon remember the Seed family; and as she does something reawakens deep within her, a darkness, the reason she had to leave. Can the secrets that lay hidden in her memories save the Seed Family from themselves or will it tear Joy apart, bringing the Resistance crashing down with her? 
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[MY BELOVED PROFESSOR]  AO3 (HERE) or Fanfiction.net (HERE) Fire Emblem Three Houses fanfic involving Dimitri x Byleth  ~ Story Summary:  Byleth was never one for emotions; even in the heat of battle her heart is still and her face is stoic like a mask. So, no one could fault Dimitri for his uncertainty when Byleth is offered a position as a professor. But, once he sees her smile, Dimitri's fate is sealed. Fate that would lead him to one day call the Ashen Demon, his beloved. (Spoilers! Currently on Ashen Wolves DLC - More Papa Jeralt and Sassy Sothis too!)
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[IN SICKNESS & IN HEALTH]  AO3 (HERE) or Fanfiction.net (HERE) Mass Effect Andromeda fancifc involving Sara Ryder and Evfra de Tershaav. ~ Story Summary: Evfra de Tershaav, the venerate Resistance leader, is stricken with the Angaran flu. Forced to stay at home under quarantine, Evfra would have been taken care of by family and close friends. Without either, he suffers alone, until Sara Ryder, Pathfinder extraordinaire, shows up at his doorstep as his self proclaimed caretaker. Soon long forgotten feelings begin to stir awake for this free spirited little human. // Evfra has accepted the fact that he is smitten for an alien, and not just any alien, but Sara Ryder the Human Pathfinder and leader of her people. However, having been so long out of the dating scene his wooing skills are practically non-existent, and what is worse, he isn’t the only angaran who has set sights on Ryder. Meanwhile, Sara is completely oblivious as to what certain angarans are vying for. The Pathfinder finds herself stumbling through the intricate art of angaran courtship, realizing that only one ever grouchy angaran had her heart all along.
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[FALLING FOR YOU]  AO3 (HERE) Mass Effect Andromeda fanfic involving Tiran Kandros and Sara Ryder ~ Story Summary:  A collection of drabbles celebrating the developing relationship between Kandros and Ryder, for which we were bereft of in the game. Adding my own twist and fun side plots. Slightly loose in the timeline sequence in the game 
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[OF TACTICS AND KNIGHTHOOD]  AO3 (HERE) or Fanfiction.net (HERE) Fire Emblem Awakening fanfic involving Frederick and Robin with a Pride and Prejudice twist ~ Story Summary: Frederick had no idea he would later be eating his own words and chasing the heart of the very tactician whom he had been ever wary of. Yet Robin, overhearing the slight from Frederick at the Ylisse Harvest Ball, will not be won over so easily. It doesn’t help that the two so easily rile the other up.A Fire Emblem Awakening slight AU with a strong hint of Pride and Prejudice. For if you squint your eyes and tilt your head, one might get away with Fredrick as Mr. Darcy, Chrom as Mr. Bingly, and Robin as Miss Elizabeth Bennett. This idea struck me and Naga help me, I’m running with it!
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[THE HERALD’S COMMANDER]  AO3 (HERE) or Fanfiction.net (HERE) Dragon Age Inquisition fanfic involving Cullen and Inquisitor Trevelyan with a twist ~Story Summary: Go to the Chantry conclave they said, it will be fun they said. Oh, how wrong they were! Now, Evelyn Trevelyan finds herself in the thick of the Inquisition with a bizarre glowing mark upon her hand, and hailed as the Herald of Andraste. Follow along as the novice fighter, and ‘menace on two legs’ as Cassandra calls her, tries to patch back up the hole in the sky along with the oddest rag-tag group of companions in all of Thedas. And to make matters more interesting, Evelyn is dealing with conflicting emotions and awkward encounters with Cullen; for his first love, the mage, was Evelyn’s sister…
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[THE DRUNKEN TEXT] AO3 (HERE) or Fanfiction.net (HERE) ~ Story Summary: On a drunken dare prompted by a hiccuping Sylvain, a rosy cheeked Dimitri texts his old college professor, asking her out for a cup of coffee. Before he returns to his senses, and recovers from his hangover, the young man is plunged into a series of events as he reconnects with Professor Byleth Eisner.
Dimitri realizes he never stopped loving her...Byleth finally learns how to express her love to him.
...will Sylvain get any credit in the end?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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kittenbluestudios · 6 years ago
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more art for my fanfic series found here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1250435
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elenachatnoir · 7 years ago
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Tiran Kandros, Evfra de Tershaav and Cerise Ryder for @seigephoenix​, the gift I made as secret santa for the Mass Effect Writer Circle gift exchange ♥ It was so much fun, I eagerly await for the next one! ♥♥♥
Go check her story on AO3 about this OT3 ♥ https://archiveofourown.org/works/12262194
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acrossdarkspace · 3 years ago
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SIGN UPS ARE LIVE RIGHT NOW. We will be accepting sign ups until October 3 at 11:59pm US EST.
Important Links
AO3 Collection
Nominations Spreadsheet
Requests List
Treatless List
 If you are interested in signing up for the exchange, follow these three simple steps:
 Go to the Sign Up form on AO3 (you will need to be logged into AO3, if you need an AO3 account please message us here)
Fill it out (detailed instructions below). Please put at least one relationship in each of the three fields, but you may put three relationships in each field and add more boxes to give 10 request boxes and 30 relationships (from the tag set).
You may choose Any as your offer. Any really does mean any pair/group
Sign-ups end on October 3 11:59 US EST. Matches will be received no later than October 4 US EST
How to Sign Up
The Request Boxes
 Upon opening the form you will have three boxes. You may, at the bottom of the request section, add more boxes (up to 10). You may put three relationships in each box, up to a grand total of 30 relationships. You must request and offer at least three relationships, at least one in each or the first three boxes. Your gift-giver will pick one of these relationships to create content for.
 Relationships: Please put at least one relationship in each box and up to three. AO3 will suggest approved pairing in the tag set. If your pairing does NOT autofill - this is a known AO3 bug. Please enter your relationship as it appears in the tag set.
Additional Tags: Please choose whether you wish to receive fanfiction, fanart, or both by checking the boxes.
Prompt URL: You may link to a letter or document on Tumblr, Google Docs, Dreamwidth, or anywhere that goes into detail about what you’d like to see or gives extra information about any OCs you’d like to see in the work. This is not required.
Description: Anything that is VITALLY important for your request needs to go in this box because this is the only portion the moderators can guarantee your match can access. Please include general likes and dislikes and Do Not Wants (DNWs). The DNWs MUST be listed, they are the only thing your match is asked to follow to the letter. If you have any ideas for the pairing or prompts, please feel free to put them in this box as well. Prompts are optional and may or may not be followed. Please do not kink-shame or state you have a preference for one pairing above the others.
The Offer Boxes
 Upon opening the form you will have three boxes. You may, at the bottom of the request section, add more up to ten. You may put three relationships in each box, up to a grand total of 30. You must request and offer at least three relationships. These are the relationships you are offering to create content for.
 Relationships: Please put at least one relationship in each box and up to three. AO3 will suggest approved pairing in the tag set. If your pairing does NOT autofill - this is a known AO3 bug. Please enter your relationship as it appears in the tag set. You may also choose to offer for ANY relationship in the tag set. Any means any relationship, but you may specify which content you will not create.
Additional Tags: Please choose whether you can create fanfiction, fanart, or both.
Comments for Mods: Please use this to inform the moderators of anything you deem relevant for matching and if there is a participant you do not want matched to. This field is confidential and will only be seen by the moderators.
Your assignment will include at least one match between your offer and the other person’s request, but you may not match on all of them. You are also not beholden to complete the request you matched on, although you must complete at least one of the requests.
 IE: You offered Female Ryder/Jaal Ama Darav, but see the participant also requested Male Ryder/Evfra de Tershaav and decide to do that one instead even if you did not offer it. You are encouraged to incorporate the prompts/likes if possible, but you MUST respect the DNWs listed.
 Assignments are due December 6 8:00pm US EST.
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anavakarian · 3 years ago
Mission: Havarl
Mass effect Andromeda fandom.
Evfra/Female Ryder.
M rating - although it might change.
Summary: what looked like a simple artefact recovery mission on Havarl goes sideways.
The buzzing murmur of the shuttle was more than enough to take her far away. It was hypnotic at the best. And then there were the lights: the sporadical glowing of the trees when the wind blew, the lightened up shrubs on ground level and the mushrooms. Those mesmerising mushrooms that gleamed like millions of little neon lights in the partial darkness of the rainforest
Purples, blues, pinks…
Havarl was stunning.
And dangerous in equal parts.
Read it on AO3
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ignitesthestxrs · 8 years ago
11. Bandages with Evfra/Sara or Jaal/Sara! Much love from your friendly Angaran prompt-AI.
Evfra is bleeding.
For only being three words long, the thought sure is the sneeze that causes an avalanche in Sara’s brain. One - holy shit that looks bad. Two - medigel works on angara, right? Where���s Jaal when you need him? Three-
Did he take that instead of me?
Evfra is a brutal fighter when he has the freedom for it. She’s seen him snipe a target from truly breathtaking distances if the mission requires it, but she still remembers the gleam in his eyes in the split-second before the kett had ambushed them.
It resonates. She’d charged into battle with the same wild ferocity she always wielded, and he had joined her in the middle of the fray, slaughtering kett with the same terrifying efficiency he did everything. Including taking hits for her, apparently. Sara’s brain rocks back to reality as he stumbles, and she moves quickly to stabilise him, sliding under one of his arms.
“Heyheyhey, I’ve got you,” she says, except he’s of course refusing to rest his weight on her. That earns him a scowl, which gets her a blank look in return, because it’s just her luck to be saddled with the one angara in the universe allergic to sharing his feelings.
“I do not,” he growls, “require your assistance, Pathfinder.”
“Yeah, yeah, tell me again when you haven’t just had your back torn open.” She squints up at him as they stagger their way back to the relative shelter of the Nomad, before straight up kicking him in the shin. He grunts, sags for a second, and then gives her a look that’s somewhere between rolling his eyes and tearing her head off.
But he lets her lead him to the Nomad, so Sara’s going to consider this one a win.
She raises her voice for a second. “Vetra? Watch our backs, would you? We don’t seem to be that great at doing it ourselves.”
“Already on it,” the turian’s dry tones report back.
Evfra’s eyes flicker after her, return to Sara. They’re disconcertingly blue, and wow, now is definitely not the time to be thinking about that.
“You trust your team,” he says.
She lowers him to the ground, thanking her dubious parking skills for landing them next to one of the heat lamps the kett had set up. Warmth and cover, a good first start. And, her memory pings, Jaal has definitely used medigel before. Sara fumbles for some of her supply. Good step two.
“With my life,” she says. “Look, I’m not a doctor, but I’ve got medigel and steady hands that are going to reach this wound of yours a lot easier than yours are. Will you let me deal with it?”
He looks at her for so long that she starts to wonder if the translators have borked. She opens her mouth to repeat it, but he makes some kind of noise in the back of his throat, shaking his head. Frustration, she realises, although if it’s for her or himself she can’t tell.
“In this, at least, I’ll trust you.”
“Thanks,” she mutters,, crouching behind him. The round ripped through his armour when his shields were nearly depleted, and weeps a sluggish blue. Ugly to look at, but Sara’s just grateful not to be using words like pouring or gushing.
Honestly, she should probably have him removed the armour for this, but they’re still in uncertain territory, and...on Voeld. Heat lamp or not, it’s fucking freezing.
“You underestimate the importance of the angaran Resistance leader presenting an alien with his back,” he says flatly.
“I kind of thought our relationship had moved beyond that. I’m applying medigel,” she warns, not wanting to surprise a guy who just announced she’s lucky to be helping him at all. “Come on, Evfra. What do I have to do to prove I’m not here to hurt you?” A beat. “Or - or the rest of the angara.”
“I trust your intentions.” He doesn’t move other than breathing as she applies the medigel, sort of...awkwardly poking it to cover the worst parts of the wound, working around the cracked armour. “I even trust your skill. And I trust that you will do everything in your power to keep your people safe. The same as I would.”
Sara’s hands still, pressed flat to his back. She can feel the faintest rise and fall of his torso and - and the smallest tremble running through his form. Not bioelectricity, something else. Your people. Her mind flashes to the Tempest first, of course, but the Initiative is hard on its heels. The angara are allies - close allies, and Sara thinks that Evfra knows she’d do her damnedest to keep them safe in almost any situation imaginable.
She draws in a gulp of icy air, the next best thing to just beating her head against the side of the Nomad. It would be nice, Sara thinks, if one thing in her life could be simple. Just one thing.
“So what does that make me?” she asks, immediately inserting her foot into her mouth instead. Classic Ryder. “Because last I checked, that hit was coming right for me.”
She watches helplessly as his shoulders stiffen, and then he’s twisting, unfolding until he towers over her. Sara remains cross-legged on the ground, eyeing her goop covered fingers and determinedly pretending like she hadn’t just insinuated she meant something to the head of the Resistance. Strategy, she expects him to say. Or, politics. The last thing I need to deal with is your people making a fuss about the death of the human Pathfinder.
Except it seems that Evfra is subject to the same sentiments as the rest of the angara when it comes it emotion, if in his own taciturn way. What she gets instead is a hand in her face, and a gruff - very gruff--
“You are important.”
There’s a hideous sort of intimacy to the admission, coming from a man who had so brusquely explained the death of his family to her.
“Oh,” she says unsteadily. He’s the injured one, but she allows him to pull her to her feet. She stumbles a little because she’s Sara Ryder, free hand flying up to steady herself against his chest. “Right.”
His eyes are really blue. Alien, and all too recognisable at the same time. He fails to let go of her hand, and she fails to move hers from his chest. That fine tremor, she notes dizzily, slowly eases out of him. Like he’s become more certain of something, in this breathless moment between them.
“Incoming!” Vetra calls, and the sound of gunfire snaps Sara right back into Pathfinder mode.
“Get down!” she barks at Evfra, reaching for for her shotgun and forgetting everything about who and what he is at the same time.
His lips peel back from his teeth in an expression that might be a smirk, or might be a snarl, and if there were less kett incoming, Sara might find either option kind of (very) interesting.
“You must be joking,” he says, shields flickering to life around his form.
“Ugh,” Sara says back, summoning her biotics and Charging the enemy in lieu of dealing with him and the riot of feelings the man stirs in her.
It’s probably the first time in the history of Andromeda that anyone has ever been glad of the kett for a rescue.
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fornaxexchange · 3 years ago
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SIGN UPS ARE LIVE RIGHT NOW. We will be accepting sign ups until March 27 at 11:59pm US EST.
Important Links
AO3 Collection
Nominations Spreadsheet
Requests List
Requests Database
Treatless List
 If you are interested in signing up for the exchange, follow these three simple steps:
 Go to the Sign Up form on AO3 (you will need to be logged into AO3, if you need an AO3 account please message us here)
Fill it out (detailed instructions below). Please put at least one relationship in each of the three fields, but you may put three relationships in each field and add more boxes to give 10 request boxes and 30 relationships (from the tag set).
You may choose Any as your offer. Any really does mean any pair/group
Sign-ups end on March 27 11:59 US EST. Matches will be received no later than March 28 US EST
How to Sign Up:
The Request Boxes
Upon opening the form you will have three boxes. You may, at the bottom of the request section, add more boxes (up to 10). You may put three relationships in each box, up to a grand total of 30 relationships. You must request and offer at least three relationships, at least one in each or the first three boxes. Your gift-giver will pick one of these relationships to create content for.
Relationships: Please put at least one relationship in each box and up to three. AO3 will suggest approved pairing in the tag set. If your pairing does NOT autofill - this is a known AO3 bug. Please enter your relationship as it appears in the tag set.
Additional Tags: Please choose whether you wish to receive fanfiction, fanart, or both by checking the boxes.
Prompt URL: You may link to a letter or document on Tumblr, Google Docs, Dreamwidth, or anywhere that goes into detail about what you’d like to see or gives extra information about any OCs you’d like to see in the work. This is not required.
Description: Anything that is VITALLY important for your request needs to go in this box because this is the only portion the moderators can guarantee your match can access. Please include general likes and dislikes and Do Not Wants (DNWs). The DNWs MUST be listed, they are the only thing your match is asked to follow to the letter. If you have any ideas for the pairing or prompts, please feel free to put them in this box as well. Prompts are optional and may or may not be followed. Please do not kink-shame or state you have a preference for one pairing above the others.
The Offer Boxes
Upon opening the form you will have three boxes. You may, at the bottom of the request section, add more up to ten. You may put three relationships in each box, up to a grand total of 30. You must request and offer at least three relationships. These are the relationships you are offering to create content for.
Relationships: Please put at least one relationship in each box and up to three. AO3 will suggest approved pairing in the tag set. If your pairing does NOT autofill - this is a known AO3 bug. Please enter your relationship as it appears in the tag set. You may also choose to offer for ANY relationship in the tag set. Any means any relationship, but you may specify which content you will not create.
Additional Tags: Please choose whether you can create fanfiction, fanart, or both.
Comments for Mods: Please use this to inform the moderators of anything you deem relevant for matching and if there is a participant you do not want matched to. This field is confidential and will only be seen by the moderators.
Your assignment will include at least one match between your offer and the other person’s request, but you may not match on all of them. You are also not beholden to complete the request you matched on, although you must complete at least one of the requests.
IE: You offered Female Ryder/Jaal Ama Darav, but see the participant also requested Male Ryder/Evfra de Tershaav and decide to do that one instead even if you did not offer it. You are encouraged to incorporate the prompts/likes if possible, but you MUST respect the DNWs listed.
 Assignments are due March 28 11:59pm US EST May 08 11:59pm US EST.
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natsora · 5 years ago
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@badthingshappenbingo Prompt fill for Setting a Broken Bone Fandom: Mass Effect / Mass Effect Andromeda
The Sky Comes Down
An Evfra and fRyder story.  Chapter 1: Shit Start to the Day
It took a miracle to get Evfra’s and Ryder’s schedule to match up. Of course, disaster has to strike.
Shore leave on Havarl is rudely interrupted when Old Pelavv explodes in the middle of a rather steamy situation.
The Leader of the Resistance and the Pathfinder never rest, not even during shore leave.
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erlie · 8 years ago
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Mass Effect Andromeda sketches! 
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hotwing-sauce · 5 years ago
Should I add the scene where they sleep together or not?
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fromathelastoveritaserum · 5 years ago
WIP Monday!
Thank you for the tag @chyrstis ! ٩(⁎❛ᴗ❛⁎)۶ Now that I have time, I’m working on catching up with my three (maybe four) fanfictions! ...wait wha?! Why do I do this to myself?? (ಠ_ಠ)
Below are some sneak peeks at my work in progress:
“My Beloved Professor” - Ch20 - Fire Emblem Three Houses
“In Sickness & In Health” - Ch12 - Mass Effect Andromeda
“When Joy Returned” - Ch11 - Far Cry 5 
“My Beloved Professor” - Fire Emblem Three Houses
“Have you been living under a rock?” Catherine asked with a frown, before she added, “You probably have been huh. Well, there won’t be a trial. Lady Rhea's word is law. And as a Knight of Seiros, I’m going to make sure the deed is done.”
“Sounds more like a task for an executioner, rather than a knight,” Byleth remarked without emotion.
Catherine’s brow arched in response. “I’m loyal to Lady Rhea through and through,” she stated  gruffly as her posture straighten proudly upon the saddle.
Ashe shifted uncomfortably in his saddle as he remained quiet. His lime green eyes snuck a glance towards Dimitri, who seemed to be sharing his thoughts; an odd power shift was at play here. 
“A blind man who questions the use of his sword is less dangerous than a man who uses his sword blindly,” Byleth quipped as she kept her gaze straight ahead.
Catherine huffed in response. “And which high and mighty person uttered that?” 
“My father,” Byleth simply remarked.
“Well, we have our mission...be sure to stick to it Professor. I don’t want any insubordination. Got it,” Catherine stated, her bright sapphire eyes now narrowed upon the young woman riding next to her.
Finally, Byleth tore her gaze away from the road to looked directly at Catherine. Face as still as a mask, she merely gave the swordswoman a solemn nod.
‘Damn, I can’t get a read on her,’ Catherine thought with gritted teeth. “Good,” she remarked out loud. Though knight had an inkling she would have to keep a wary eye on the professor.
“In Sickness & In Health” - Mass Effect Andromeda 
“And this is the Medbay,” Sara proudly announced as she lead Evfra into the clean and polished clinical area. “Though, you’ve already been here huh,” the young woman realized as she pursed her lips into a soured expression.
“Yes, he has,” Stated Lexi, in a tone that was a more cooler than what Sara would have expected from the gentle doctor. There was also a foreboding gleam in the Asari’s eyes. The Pathfinder knew that look all to well when she ended up in the Medbay after doing something Lexi had explicitly forbade the Pathfinder from doing.
“I remember General de Tershaav very well, especially on the day he brought you in when you were suffering from hypoglycemia,” Lexi recounted with a pencil thin smile.
“Wait Evfra, you brought me to the Tempest?” Last thing Sara could recall from that mission, was Akksul helping her walk!
Meanwhile Evfra just gave a noncommittal cough for he did not like where this was heading…
“In fact, I remember the General asking me, quite bluntly, whether I was qualified to take care of humans,” Lexi smiled. But, it was the razor thin smile she wore upon choosing the largest sized needle to inject you with. “I must say he made taking care of you quite the challenge. Constantly hovering over you to the point that I had to kindly request the General to step out,” the Asari added, her grey eyes gleaming with the joy of payback.
“You had to kick Evfra out of the medbay while I was being treated?” Sara gawked. She glanced from the Asari towards the Angara who refuse to make eye contact. Ryder’s mouth then snapped shut as she hissed, “I see.” And without another word, the young woman dragged Evfra by the hand out of the Medbay.
She was silent the entire way to her cabin, and Evfra became worried that the Pathfinder was upset with him. Not only had he not disclosed that event to her, but the leader had clearly obstructed the physician from properly taking care of Sara.
“SAM open this door right now” Sara commanded in a forceful voice. As the doors whoosed open, the young woman tugged Evfra in before barking, “No one is allowed to enter! And go on privacy mode!”
Finally the Pathfinder relinquished the angara’s hand. “Sara are you upse…” Evfra began, but he didn’t get to finish his sentence as the young woman raised her toes, pulling Evfra down to her by the scruff of his tactical suit.
“Shut up and kiss me!” She growled throatily before pressing her warm lips upon his gawking mouth...
“When Joy Returned” - Far Cry 5
The heavily wooded forest allowed some sunlight to peek in through its lush canopy. Down below, the smell of damp earth now mixed with the invigorating crispness of spring.
“Joy! Please slow down!” Joseph pleaded breathlessly as he carefully made his way around the large jutting stone maze of the underbrush. The teenager was clearly not used to such activities. Meanwhile, Joy skimmed along the mountainous trail like a jubilant billy goat.
The pair were taking a trip through the Whitetail Mountains as a part of filling out their high school biology field notebooks. The requirement was to sketch various springtime fauna and flora spotted along the trails.
“Come on Joe, come on! It’s just a bit further!” Joy cheered in her seemingly unending energy reserve. She climbed up the stones with ease before turning around and reaching back down to aid Joseph
“Here give me your hand,” Joy offered. But when Joseph lifted his hand up to her, Joy accidently grabbed his mid-forearm, eliciting a cry of pain from the teenager.
Quickly Joy released his arm, worried she had hurt her friend. And as she did so, Joseph’s sleeve slipped down, revealing large purple to yellow blotches of discolored skin.
“Joe...” she gasped. “What are those on your arms?” Joy whispered as she stared, wide eyed down at him.
Joseph quickly pushed his sleeve back down his arm as he looked silently away.
“Are those bruises?” Joy asked softly. “Joe...who is hurting you?”
She remembered that Jacob was Joseph’s older brother and the new worker at the Owens Ranch. But, while she was still just getting to know Jacob, he seemed to love his brothers dearly and wouldn’t lay a finger upon them. Then there was John, the youngest Seed. Gods, Johnny was a little angel who wouldn’t even hurt a fly. Actually he began to tear up after nearly killing one!
“It’s...it’s okay Joy, don’t worry about it,” Joseph gently remarked as he heard Joy shift about overhead on the boulder.
“But...” Joy paused. “Alright, I won’t ask...but Joe,” she stretched down her hand to help Joseph properly up the boulder this time. However, she didn’t let go of his hand even once Joseph was standing up on the boulder in front of her.
How do you convey feelings of utmost trust? Within the few short months Joy felt she already knew Joseph for a lifetime, as if they were just old souls reuniting once again in this time period...
Silently Joy reached out to him with other hand and pressed her warm forehead against his as she closed her eyes. ‘You are precious to me,’ she tried to convey with her gesture. 
“Joe, if you ever need help or anything, please let me know,” Joy whispered.
“I will Joy, I promise,” Joseph whispered back as he returned the pressure upon her forehead, as if to say, you are precious to me too...
Tagging: @strafethesesinners @rpgwarrior4824 @angaranprincess @anavakarian (apologies for any double-tags and no pressure!)
And if you would like to be tagged in the future please let me know! :3
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