#everytime i drink it suddenly i have an awful night and get very paranoid
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watch-out-it-bites · 7 months ago
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tenaciousarcadeexpert · 6 years ago
Criminal Minds-The Good Ol Days
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Chapter 9-It All Falls Apart
@marvelfanlife, @itsmeedee, @cynbx, @jaqren, @gabriellewritermua, @princesswagger15, @screaminginbi, @tleighstone12, @cosmicmelaninflower, @ssadavieboy
A collaboration fic with @princesswagger15
If you thought the last chapter was bad, things get even worse for the team in this chapter
 The following day after Stephen’s accident, it was like a dark energy was formed over every student in the campus. Everyone’s movements were hesitant and slow, almost zombie like. It was as if everyone shared the same burden with the team, without any real knowledge of the situation. Especially during breakfast, where even in the cafeteria, there was not a single peep, apart from a few whispers.
“Well, I ain’t heard a room this quiet since Thanksgiving two years ago at my momma’s house.” Marissa comments, trying to lighten the mood.
“Marissa, calm down. A student just got into an accident, I’m pretty sure now is not the time to make jokes.”
“Forgive me if i'm trying to make at least ONE PERSON SMILE!!!” Marissa shouts and a few glances our thrown her way for breaking the deafening silence.
“Babe, calm down okay? We appreciate your efforts, but now really isn't the best of times love.” Reid says.
She sighs. “Well I’m sorry for trying to lighten the mood.”
The gang all give some rather exasperated looks.
“This can’t get any worse, can it?” Elle groaned. 
“Elle I swear to god if you jinx us I’ll kill you myself.”
“Listen y-” “Can you both stop it?!” Emily snapped. “We were all a bit shaken up about last night. Gideon is was murdered, Kyle too and now Stephen is currently in a coma. So, it’s pretty reasonable that everyone is a bit paranoid today.” “I still can’t believe that of all people, it had to be him.” Kate moped as she plays with the bits of fruit on her bowl. JJ rubs her shoulder. “I know, it’s always the nice ones that get hurt the most.” “I hope that whoever did this, I hope they rot……..in HELL!” She lashed out, unknowingly stabbing her meal with a fork. 
“OH shit, someone needs a visit from Dr. Phil.”
“I’m NOT fucking around!” Kate slams her hands on the table, startling everyone in the cafeteria. “Uh Kate, yo-” “I-I think I need some fresh air.” She slowly got up from the table and walked out.
“Guys, until Rossi comes around shouldn’t we be coming up with theories, finding suspects, finding clues? Something?” Luke asked.
“Why? You got something?” Tara asked him.
“Well maybe we can go back to square one. Look at the CCTVs and see who was last to talk to or at least see Stephen. Or at the very least, see if someone was following him around campus.” 
“We do know that the page from Rossi’s journal was found in Stephen’s car. Which means that he must’ve had the journal with him.” “That’s still not enough, it’s possible that he did have the journal. We don’t know why he would steal it?”
“The car….” Emily pondered. “It’s possible and I hate to say this but…..this accident must’ve been staged.”
“You mean someone planned this on purpose?” Derek asked.
She glared at him. “Yeah I mean, it’s just an assumption-” She was interrupted by Kate, who had just returned after storming the place. “Sorry about that, I just had to clear my head. What did I miss?” “Emily thinks that someone planned Stephen’s accident.”
“And I mean there is one more thing we can consider guys. Maybe Stephen didn’t have the journal. Maybe whoever planned the accident planted the page from Rossi’s journal. I mean, consider this. If this wasn’t planned, then why would there be a page from Rossi’s journal perfectly layed on the front seat? And where would he even be going if he was part of this? The cabin is easily walking distance of the campus. And the car would leave tracks in the dirt, which could make the car identifiable.” Marissa points out.
“You know you talk too much, no offense.” Elle glares at her.
“None taken, but you may want to get an invisalign for them crooked ass teeth you got Elle. No offense.”
Elle gives a cold stare at Marissa as she sips her drink while everyone else consider the possibility of Marissa’s theory.
“As much as this little banter is annoying as it is, Marissa does have a point. It’s possible that whoever has Rossi’s journal is trying to evade arrest and what better way of doing that than to put the blame on someone else...Stephen.” Hotch responds.
“Does anyone here know Stephen a little? Or at least someone you know that knows him? Like maybe his best friend! If we can find his best friend, maybe we can see if he has any enemies.”
“Well, Haley knows……” Ashley responds. “I saw them do a play together.”
“Hotch, aren’t you and Haley dating?” Says Matt.
Hotch glares at him. “Y-yes….and?”
“Maybe there could be a way you could ask her somehow without letting her know about the situation.” Hotch grunts under his breath, while everyone snicker around themselves. “Fine…...but you are coming with me.” “Dammit, why?”
“Because you came up with this idea in the first place. So you’re coming with me and you’re gonna like it.”
Matt groans. “Fine.”
“Meanwhile,” Hotch addresses the team. “Can you hack into the CCTVs again Garcia? Without getting caught, of course?”
“I can..” Garcia gives him a thumbs up.
“Good the rest of you stay here and look for more clues through the cameras and talk to any people you can without raising suspicion. Garcia, I also give you the go ahead to look through texts and phone calls if you need to. Good luck everyone.”
Hotch and Matt leave to find Haley while everyone else try to find more evidence and clues.
“We still don’t know how this all connects to Rossi, like what’s the endgame here?” Ashley asked.
“Best conclusion right now is since Rossi used to be a fed, this could be someone he put away, or their loved ones.” Emily responds.
“I guess so.” 
“If only Rossi was here.” Luke thought. “I wonder where he is?”
“Safe? Hopefully?” Kate shrugged her shoulders.
   A few hours later, the group decided to part ways while continuing to solve the mystery behind Stephen’s accident. 
“I can’t believe it.” Emily paused, still overwhelmed from what Garcia just found on her computer. “I-I” 
“Well, if what Garcia found is true, then is could change everything.” Tara rubs Emily’s shoulder. “We should tell Hotch and Matt about this.”
“I know…...but for now, I just wanna relax.” She grabs her hand and slowly swings it. “With you.”
Tara smiled. “Well, we could do that at the lounge.” The two walked together through the halls only to be stopped by an unexpected visitor. “Mom?” She gasped, pulling her hand out from Tara’s. “Emily.” Elizabeth gives a sincere smile. “And you must be?”
“Oh, I’m Tara, Tara Lewis.” “Nice to meet you.” The two shook hands.
“What are you doing here?” Emily asked.
“I uh…..” She looked at Tara before turning her focus back on her daughter. “I think it’s better if we’d discuss this privately.” “Oh.” She looked over to her girlfriend. “T-” “It’s okay Emily, I’ll see you at the lounge.” She nods before leaving the halls. “She seems like a nice girl. Are you two friends?” “Uh, yea, guess so. What is it that you wanted to talk about?”
“I’ll tell you, but first let’s head somewhere private.”
 Elsewhere JJ and Ashley had just returned from their respective classes and were walking outside the courtyard while pondering over the aftermath of Stephen’s accident.
“Any word from Hotch or Matt?” “Not yet, though Matt texted me that they would wait after dress rehearsal is over so that they could talk to her.” “That’s cool. You’ll think they’ll get something from her?”
“Hopefully. I just hope that they, Hotch especially are careful in getting info from her.” Ashley raised an eyebrow. “Why so?” “Cause if Haley finds out that her own boyfriend is interrogating her about her friend’s accident, the only info we’ll get is that he got dumped.” The two girls laughed at the thought of Hotch being dumped in a ridiculous manner, though as they continued to walk, they witnessed several students whispering amongst themselves, slightly louder than inside the cafeteria, but still mostly quiet. 
“Well this just got a bit weird.”
“You don’t think they’re talking about us, are they?” Ashley asked as she noticed some of the students giving them ugly glares at them.
“Not exactly.” They are joined by Elle who was sitting by a bench. “They’re a bit aghast that two girls happen to be laughing out loud the day after a student got into a coma.” “I see.”
“Although, I’ve managed to overhear a few whispers but…” She stood up, leaning over to say something to her friends. “I could’ve sworn that they mentioned Rossi a few times.” “What?” “Yeah, like I’ve heard at least seven students mention him, even from those that don’t even have him as a professor.” “What did they say?”   
 “T-” “That your poor poor professor is a big phony.” The girls were suddenly joined by Meadows and her posse of friends. 
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“Well look who decided to show up?” JJ rolled her eyes. “Whatever it is, save it. Cause I’ll make sure Garcia knows what kind of person you really are.” “Aw.” Meadows pouts. “Why so defensive ‘Gigi’? You know it’s true.”
“Don’t call me Gigi, you goddamn bitch!”
“Yeah Meadows, what’s your fucking problem?” Elle adds.
“OH come on, old man Rossi deserves what’s coming to him. Why do you think he disappears everytime something bad happens here? It doesn’t matter how good of a teacher he is. He’s a disgrace.”
“How dare you say that about him!”
“Yeah Rossi is a good man.” “Really Ashley, you’re siding with them.” Meadows crossed her arms. “Guess I should’ve known you were all just Rossi’s little pets.” “Please, don’t do thi-” “Why? So you could protect your pathetic friends a-” She was suddenly grabbed from the wrist by JJ.
“Take that back, you bitch!”
She scowls at her. “Fuck you you stupid slut.”
JJ lifts her arm, only for Elle to pull it down.
“Leave her, she’s not worth it.” Meadows smiled at the little exchange. “That’s right, go listen to your little girlfriend.” She and her friends snicker and walk away, only for Elle to mutter something under her breath.
“Skank.” “What?” She turned around. “What did you just say?” “S K A N K!”
She and her lackeys march up to them. “Take that back.” Vanessa, one of Meadows friends snarled at Elle. “Okay, I will, if your friend here takes back all those things she said about our professor.” Meadows walks up to her and smiles. Elle raised her eyebrow as she opens her mouth, instead of words, she was stunned after getting hit with a splat of spit on her eye. The girls all gasped, where Meadows’ friends all laughed at her.
“Y-you” “What’s wrong? I did what you asked.” Ashley hands a tissue to Elle while JJ confronts Meadows. “Meadows what the he-” Before she could finish, she too was also hit from her spit, feeling the stickiness from her face.
“And those are for all those things I said about Garcia. Though no words could never be as ugly as she was-” Out of nowhere, JJ slapped Meadows right in the face, much to the utter shock from everyone outside. Meadows managed to pull herself up, rubbing her cheek while staring at JJ dead in the eye.
“You bitch.” “I-I-” Meadows lunged right at JJ, tugging her head while she screams. As she tries to resist, Meadows punches her in the face, causing her to fall down. After recovering, she lifted her arm up, grabbing Meadows by the collar and dragged her to the ground. The two wrestled it on the grass, taking turns slapping, kicking, scratching, even pulling each other’s hair. The other students looked on in anticipation as the two girls continue to attack each other, watching as JJ slams Meadows against the dirt. Amidst the chaos, both Elle and Ashley run out, trying to contact the others regarding the scene.
 At the same time, Garcia was not far from the scene in which she saw a group of students swarming one area of the quad. Curious, she goes to see what’s happening, only to witness the sight of JJ pinning Meadows to the ground.
“Woah woah woah!” She screamed, the students all stopped as the open a path to Garcia. She then rushed to the sight of her two friends, whom have both pulled out from fighting, shocked to see her presence.
“What the hell is going on? Why are the two of you fighting?! You know I hate seeing my two best friends fight!”
“Garcia, I could explain-” “Oh Garcia!” Meadows rushed to grab her hands. “Oh you don’t know how relieved I was. She did it!” She points at JJ. “She’s the one who started the fight!” “What?! Me?!” “It is true JJ?” She shook her head. “N-no Garcia, I didn’t-” “Liar, liar! Don’t believe her. All I did was try to talk to her about Stephen and then she called me a bitch and tackled me to the ground.”
“Is this true?” Garcia’s voice gotten stern.
JJ shook her head. “N-no, it’s not true-” “And oh!” Meadows looked as the large tear on her skirt. “She even ripped my dress, my favorite dress!” She hugs Garcia before pulling up, and lifting her arm up. “And look at this scratch she gave me.” JJ stood up and watched as Garcia gasped while Meadows sobs over the rather small cut on her arm. She was then nervous as Garcia turn to give her a harsh glare at her.
“Garcia, I-” “How could you do this JJ?! Mary is my friend and you did this, you you back-stabbing bitch!”
“Please please.” She stammered. “I didn’t mean t-” “Shut up JJ! Don’t ever talk or come to me or my friends ever again!”
“B-but!” She tries to grabs her hand, only get slapped in the face by her now former friend.
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“Stay the hell away from me, J.” She spits on her before walking away. She then grabs Meadows hand. “Let’s go get you cleaned up.”
“Thanks.” While the two walk away, Meadows turns back to give JJ a smug smile, much to her frustration. Devastated, JJ collapsed on her knees breaking down into tears just when Elle returned from the scene.
“JJ what happened? Where’s Meadows?”
“S-she left, with Garcia.” “With Garcia?” She nods. “Mm hmph. Garcia saw it, the whole fight, and she’s mad. S-she doesn’t want to talk to me anymore.” With that, she collapsed into tears. Regretting that she was not able to help JJ when Garcia arrived, Elle bent down and hugged JJ, comforting her. “I’m sorry, I should have stayed.” She lets her friend rest her head on her shoulder as she continues to cry. “She’ll reach out to you.” “No she won’t, not anymore.” “Yes she will, I promise.”
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“No, absolutely not.”
“Sweetheart, this was only for your own good.” 
“Mom.” Emily complained. “You’ve asked the dean to file a leave of absence behind my own back. Without telling me. How is that good?”
“Well to be fair, you seemed to have a genuine dislike when you first set foot at this place.” “That was before, but now…...it’s different.” She raised an eyebrow. “What made you change your mind?”
She stammered. “I-uh-I, a lot of things.” “I see.” She paused as she looked down on her daughter. “Still, I think it’s best that you leave this place immediately.” “Why?” Her mom glared at her. “After what? Two murders and another student in a coma, you think I’m gonna let my own daughter stay here and risk endangerment? I don’t think so.” “I have friends here, I’m not leaving them.” “Well, you can always make new friends at Oxford.” “But it won’t be the same.” “So, it’s not l-”
“Listen, I’m staying here mom, whether you like it or not.” She crossed her arms. “And that is final.” “Oh.” She then hands her a piece of paper. “Well, here’s the form incase you changed your mind…...but don’t bother calling me for help should you ever find yourself in a sticky situation.”
Emily snatches the paper from her mother’s hand and watched as she slams the door behind her. She then unfolds the piece of paper, reading it and sighs. She was now worried on what to say to her friends, especially Tara.
       A few minutes later, Tara was at the lounge reading a magazine. She heard a couple of footsteps approaching her, placing the magazine down when she sees Emily sitting down across from her.
“Hey, nice to finally join.”
“Sorry about the delay.”
“It’s okay, I’m glad that you’re finally here.” “So am I.” Emily stared down at the table.
“So what happened?” “Huh?” “Why did your mom wanted to speak to you?” “She….” She tapped her fingers on the table. “She gave me an offer to switch to another school.” “Why?” “Well, after everything that has happened so far, she thought that this place was no longer safe for me to continue my studies here.” “I see.” Tara rest her back against the chair. “I can’t blame her for wanting to protect her own daughter.” “Yeah well…..I told her no.” “Why?”
She hesitated. “Because I didn’t want to leave my friends, especially you. You and all of my friends are the reason I care about this place…..and Rossi, he needs us. I can’t turn my back on him when he needs us, especially now.” “Well, what did your mom say?” “She said that she accepts my decision, and it’s cool.” “You sure? Cause going by that long face of yours, it seemed like you both part in ill terms.” “Well, she said that if something else happens and I get involved, she won’t try to help me out anymore.” “Ouch, I’m sorry.” “It’s whatever, not like she even tried to help me. All the times she did, it was only to help herself, make herself look good. Cause she’s an ambassador and one small mistake and oh no, scandal. Too bad she doesn’t even bother understanding how I feel, how hard she can be on me sometimes.” “Well…” She rubs her hand. “She’s a mom, just wanting what’s best.” “I guess.” “She might not understand you, but I do.” 
“But I do hope that you patch things up with her.” “Why so?” “Despite your differences, she’s still your mom, you’ll never know what life throws at the two of you. I know I didn’t when I lost my mom.” “Yeah…...maybe….just not right now.”
“Are you sure about this?” Kate asked. “I mean you haven’t told the gang about this yet.”
“Well, I mean there’s nothing wrong in trusting her. After all, she is a friend of Rossi.”  Marissa responds. She then pats Reid on the shoulder. “What do you think, Spence?”
He continued to stare at the door in front of them. Not bothering to turn to his friend and girlfriend, he walks up, knocking at the door.
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“Why hello there.” The door opens, revealing Blake. “What can I do for the three of you.” “W-we have a few things to share, about Rossi, and Stephen.” “Okay.” She paused. “But can this wait a little later? I got some work I need to d-” “Also, we did some online research and....” Reid leans over to whisper to Blake. “Do you know anything about someone known as ‘The Replicator?’“ 
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She hesitated at first, but the three students noticed that the name brought a chill down her spine, indicating that she knew who Reid was referring to. 
“Come on in.” She responds, allowing the three to enter before looking around outside and closing the door shut
    Somewhere at the campus center, Courtney was exiting the art studio, parting ways with her friends and classmates after finishing a painting for her Intro to Color class and was making her way back to the dorms when she sees JJ standing. She was too hyperfocused on seeing the blonde hastily pressing her phone, muttering Garcia’s name and getting all frustrated whenever she hears it go on voicemail. It was only when she felt a tug on her friend’s shoulder that she shifts her focus on her friends.
“Hey, is something up?” She shook her head. “No, I-I uh.” She glanced at JJ. “Sorry, I was just feeling a bit tired. I’ll uh catch up with you guys tomorrow, okay?” “Okay.” Her friends part ways as she walked over to JJ. “Uh, excuse me-”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” She nearly jumped when seeing Courtney tap her shoulder. “Courtney.” “JJ, am I right?” “Yeah, that’s me.”
“Are you okay?” “Yeah.” She shrugged her hand. “I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.” “I don’t know, you seemed a bit distressed, seeing how you were trying to get a hold of Garcia. Is something wrong?” “I-”
Courtney grabbed her hand. “It’s okay, you can tell me.”
JJ shook her head. “I don’t know.” “Please, if it’s about Garcia, trust me, I can help.” She hesitated at first, but seeing how sincere she was and knowing that she was Garcia’s roommate, she nods. “Okay, but let’s go somewhere private.” “Okay.”   A few minutes later, they head to a cafe, JJ rest her head against the table as Courtney hands her a croissant and a cup of coffee.
“So, what’s up with you and Garcia?” “We got into this huge fight.”
“You and Garcia got into a fight?” “N-no. Technically, it was me and Meadows. She said some rude things about Rossi and my friends and them humiliated me and my friend Elle.”
“How so?” “.......she spat on us.” Courtney scrunched her nose. “Ew. I’m guessing you retaliated.” JJ nods. “Yes, I did…….I slapped her.”
“Oh…” She gasped.
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“And that’s when the fight happens….unfortunately, Garcia saw us and….Meadows. She blamed the whole thing on me….that I started the whole fight and that I hurt her when it was in fact the other way around.” Her eyes start to water as she continued. “I-I tried to reason with Garcia b-but, she wouldn’t listen to me anymore. She believed Meadows and lashed out on me, thinking that the whole thing was my fault.  And now, I’m no longer her friend.” She whimpered. “It’s sad because all this time, I was nice to her, cared about her and defended her from bullies and now, she won’t even talk to me.” She shed a few tears while Courtney hands her some tissues. “I’m sorry.” “Oh no, don’t be…..” “Thanks…” “You know I’d hate to see someone as sweet as you cry.” She grabbed JJ’s hand. “I know you got a heart J, if only Garcia knew that you truly care about her.” “Well, not anymore. She’d rather rely on a girl like Meadows than me.” “Well, you got a point. She may be a bit ditsy but she has a way of meeting people.” “I guess.” She frowns. “Hey, I know we were never really close, and I may not know much about your relationship with my roommate, but I believe you JJ. I really do.”
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“I’m glad someone does.” “Well, give Garcia some time…..eventually, she’ll give you another chance. She’s rarely the one to hold grudges for so long.” JJ sighs. “I hope so too.”
Matt was exhausted, today had brought a lot of new questions that had no answers, whom was a lot to cope with. Gym was really one of the only places where he could really let loose, even if it was only for an hour and a half. It was his way to get away from reality for a bit. As he walks to his gym class, he has a bit of spring in his step. Just the thought of playing basketball with Luke and Derek and having fun was putting a smile on his face. He was practically glowing as he walked into the boys’ locker room as he walks towards Derek and Luke, greeting them with a smile.
“Sup.” “Oooooo.”
“What, what’s going on here?”
“I know that look…” The two guys rushed to their friend. “So what happened?”
“What? I don’t understand.”
Luke sighs. “Haley, did you and Hotch talked to her?”
“We did.” “And?”
“And what? Nothing much happened, we got a little info but nothing groundbreaking.”
“That’s it? That’s boring.” Derek groans. “Oh, I’m sorry that i wasn’t able to get some juicy deets on their relationship.”  
“Damn….and to think that I was hoping for a little something from them.” Both Luke and Matt had some bemused faces at Derek’s response.
“Well it’s not like I can say ‘Hey guys, make out right in front of me so I can go gossip to Luke and Derek about it!’ I’m pretty sure Hotch would punch the shit out of me.”
The two laughed. “Relax bro, we won’t tell him.” “Though it’d be pretty funny to see Hotch get all hot and bothered. To be honest, I’m surprised he hasn’t done the deed with her yet.”
“Will you guys quit it?” “Come on Matt, I’m just saying, to see Hotch flustered would be………………….. Legendary!!”
He scoffs. “Ugh, and to think, you two made it to college.” He muttered as he opens his locker.
“Okay Matt, don’t think we’re that stupid.”
“What do you mean Derek?”
“Come one man! The party! You left HOOOOUUUUURRRSSS earlier. You barely stayed for two and a half hours AND left with Kristy. We know you two did the deed already!”
“Oh.” He groaned while trying to get dressed. “So what if I left the party with her? We’re already dating.”
“Yet you’re crashing on us for commenting on Hotch’s relationship. HA! Matt you can’t defend yourself here hahaha!”
“It’s his choice to disclose his relationship, not mine. How would you feel if Luke decided to tell me, Hotch and Reid about you and Savannah that night after the party?”
“Whhhhaaaaaaatttttt?? What do you mean?”
“Wait, you and Savannah?” Luke raised an eyebrow at his roommate.
“I have no idea what you are talking about? I know no one by that name.”
“Really Derek? Really?” “Take it easy Luke, he’s trying to mess with us.” Matt continues to dress. “Besides, all that happened was that she and Stephen were friends and he stopped by to ask for advice on this girl he was asking out.”
“Kate!” They all shout, referring to the girl Stephen was gonna go out with.
“Yeah……” Matt tugs on his shirt. “Anyway, I’m starving, you guys wanna get a bite?”
“Where to?”
“I’m thinking maybe a quick bite down at the diner?”
“Sure, that sounds nice.” Matt closed his locker door. “Be right back.” 
“Okay, hurry though man, we’re starving!” Both Derek and Luke complained while Matt leaves to finish cleaning up by the sink. As they wait, they noticed Matt left his bag on the ground. Curious, Derek decides to take a peek.
“Derek, what are yo-”
“What?” He glares at him. “What could possibly go wrong? I just want to see if there’s anything in here I can tease him for.” Derek laughed. He zipped open the bag, digging through some of his friend’s belongings. “Find anything?”
“Nope, noth- Oh my god.”
“What is it? Did you find something?”
Luke watched as Derek pulls out a small book.
“Is that a journal?” 
“It’s not just any journal man! This is Rossi’s journal!”
“Oh come, that can’t be.” “No, look at this. There’s a page ripped out right here. Along with a few more pages!”
“My god.” Luke muttered. “I wonder why Matt has that in his bag?” Just as Derek could answer, they suddenly heard Matt coming back.
“Hey guys have you seen my-” They look up to see Matt catching them snoop in his bag, and gasps when he sees them holding Rossi’s journal.
“Dude, what the HELL are you doing with this?!” Derek’s attitude shifted from being all jokingly to a more stern tone.
“What are you guys talking about- have you been looking through my bag?!!”
“That’s not the point here! You don’t get to ask the questions here!” Derek throws the journal down. “WHY THE HELL IS ROSSI’S JOURNAL IN YOUR GYM BAG!!”
“What?!” Matt gives him an exasperated look. “Don’t what us! Now we know who’s responsible for Stephen’s accident.” “What the fuck Derek, I did not start that accident.”
“Why so defensive Matt? Are we getting close?”
“NO! I-I, Okay, someone start from square one. HOW THE HELL DID YOU FIND THE DAMN JOURNAL?”
Luke crossed his arms. “I-I don’t know man, you tell us.” “Luke, not you too.” “I’m sorry Matt, it’s just that Rossi needed that journal and a page of his was found in Stephen’s car and now all of a sudden, the journal suddenly appears in your bag.” “Please.” Matt begged. “You have to believe me guys! I didn’t do anything!”
“Matt, we want to believe you b-b-”
“Bullshit. Shut up Luke! We all know you’re full of shit. You lied to all of us! So make this easy on yourself and all of us. Who are you working with and why?”
“N-no one okay!!! No one!!!” “Liar!” Derek slams Matt against the gym lockers again. “TELL US!!”
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“I’m fucking serious, I don’t work for anyone.”
“Derek please…” Luke begged, brushing his shoulder. “Can we not make a scene here? Can’t we just settle this down the right way?” “I see.” Derek sighs, he turns to Matt, whom was still pleading for his innocence. “Luke..” “Yes?” “Take out your phone, the team will want to know about this.”
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“But w-” “Just do it. Also, while you’re at it, call Rossi as well.” He turns to Matt. “I want them to know what this traitor has done.”
Although hesitant, Luke sighs, pulling out his phone and texting everyone to meet at the conference room on the other side of the campus. Now.”
“Not so tough are you, Matt.” Derek taunts him.
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“Screw you Derek. You’ll see I have nothing to do with this.”
“We’ll see about that.” He grabs Matt’s arm, dragging him along to the other side of the campus to the meeting spot.
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wintersxsoul · 6 years ago
Fire Meets Gasoline (11)
Summary: You leave your city to start over in your best friend’s town, oblivious to the fact that you have an unexpected roommate. What will happen when fire meets gasoline?
Pairing: Loki x Female!Reader
Word Count: 2k-ish?
Warnings: Angst bitches, we love that
A/N: hehehe
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 / Series Masterlist
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After what happened at Christmas Eve with Loki, you tried to avoid thinking about it, thinking that maybe it was the alcohol making you paranoid, because between you and him, there was nothing.
Loki knew avoiding you was wrong, he needed to clear his mind and focus on his work, but everytime he tried to think about something else, you popped into his mind. He was at the kitchen having his third coffee, since he couldn’t sleep last night, the nightmares waking him and haunting him. He heard steps coming from your room and he knew it was too suspicious to leave the kitchen now, since you knew he was there, so he just breathed a couple of times trying to gather his thoughts and get back to the forgotten book on the counter.
You entered the kitchen, the smell of freshly brewed coffee filling your sleepy senses. You closed your eyes for a second and smiled, totally ignoring the fact that Loki was staring at you wide eyed, his heart pounding loudly on his chest at the sight of you. You were wearing a big long shirt, your hair pulled up in a messy ponytail and last night’s makeup smudged under your eyes. You thought when you looked at yourself in the mirror that you looked gross, but he thought he’d never seen you more beautiful. Loki shook his head at his thoughts and cleared his throat, focusing back on his book right on time, before you opened your eyes.
“Good morning, babe.” You smiled at him and he lifted his head from the book he seemed too immersed in. His green eyes looked at your hazel ones, that odd glint in his eyes again.
“Hey. I made coffee for you.” You grinned and reached for your cup and poured the dark elixir of gods into it.
“By the way, don’t call me babe, please.” He said between laughs and you followed him. You sat in silence next to him for about five minutes, thinking about what you could say, but just when you were about to open your mouth, a message popped in your phone.
Shay: Bitch, get ready. I will pick you up in an hour, we are going shopping.
You smiled at your phone and Loki frowned, not even trying to hide the pang of jealousy he felt. You looked at him, still smiling but it fell as soon as you saw his expression.
“Shay just texted me, we are going shopping in an hour. Do you need anything for the party?” As soon as he heard your friend’s name, he felt like he could breathe again and he smiled.
“I really need a bow tie for my suit, so if you could please bring me one?” You nodded, taking a sip of your coffee, closing your eyes at the sensation of warmth you thought the hot liquid was giving you. You finished your drink, you went to get ready as fast as you could and stepped out of your room, expecting Loki to be in the kitchen, but he was already blasting his music. You knocked on his door, not knowing why. Subconsciously, you wanted him to see your outfit, remembering the face he made when he first saw you in your leather jacket and combat boots. He opened the door and stepped outside, his body not letting you see his room. He looked at you from head to toes, and frowned when he reached your face, wondering what you wanted.
“I’m leaving now, I’ll be back after work, so maybe we could watch a movie or something?” You shrugged, the confidence you felt, leaving you. He nodded and rubbed the back of his head nervously.
“I’m…” He cleared his throat. “I mean, yeah. Sounds great.” You smiled widely, suddenly excited for tonight.
“So, uhm, I gotta go.” You turned around frowning and shaking your head at yourself for sounding so stupid
“I can’t afford that gown and I also think is too much.” You stated while reading the menu on the greek restaurant. You heard Shay huff and you looked up.
“Listen, I am ridiculously rich, so consider it my late Christmas present.” She left no room to argue, looking back at her menu. You knew the dress was a work of the gods as soon as you saw it, even the dress had a goddess’ name. The gown was made of black tulle with a black silk lining, hand-embroidered in gold threadwork, creating constellations on the skirt and a gold bullion bodice. Shay convinced you to try it even though it was see-through, with a very long v neckline and expensive as fuck, and of course you fell in love with it as soon as you saw yourself in it.
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“You know that dress was made for you. So please, consider it.” You thought that maybe when you started eating, she would forget about the dress, but she was stubborn. She tried a dress from the same designers that was amazingly gorgeous but she said it looked too similar to yours.
“I will let you buy me that expensive as fuck dress if you buy the one you tried, no excuses.” She swallowed her food and sighed, rolling her eyes.
“Deal. But I hope you know that right now, I love this tzatziki more than I love you.” You laughed at her words and shook your head. You were so glad you met Shay and Bucky, you hit it off immediately with them, specially with her. Since Val left to live with her girlfriend abroad, you felt kind of lonely, missing a close friendship with a woman. Loki was an amazing friend, but sometimes you needed this kind of dates with friends.
“Bitch, I can’t wait to see Loki’s face when he sees you in this fucking gown.” You looked at her, fear on your eyes, and asked her what she meant with that. Loki and you were just friends, nothing else. Just friends.
“Are you still lying to yourself, making you think you are just friends?”
“Shay, I really don’t know what you mean. I really believe we are just friends. I recently had a bad experience and-”
“Yeah, yeah, I know what happened with that asshole. But that doesn’t answer my question. What are you so afraid of?” You anxiously looked around the coffee shop, trying to avoid eye contact. After lunch, you went to buy the dresses and you decided it was a good idea to have a coffee before your shift at the bookshop. You inhaled and sighed heavily, looking at her brown eyes.
“I-I don’t know, Shay. I’m just terrified.” You stuttered, feeling the tears in the corner of your eyes. You closed your eyes and gulped, trying to swallow your unknown feelings, trying to avoid any kind of enlightenment towards your friendship with Loki. You needed him, you couldn’t afford to lose him as well.  
“Just don’t force yourself to ignore what’s in front of you, out of fear.” You nodded and held her hand in yours.
“Thank you, for this and for your friendship. I know it’s been less than a week, but I feel like I’ve known you forever.” She squeezed your hand and smiled at you, agreeing with you . You had the feeling that she would play an important role in your life as soon as you met her and what you did today, was just the confirmation of it.
You were walking to your work, speaking lively with her about your plans for the party they were throwing in New Year’s Eve. You stopped dead in your tracks when you saw the poster on the bookshop’s door. You jumped excited and Shay was staring at you in awe.
“Oh my god, my favorite writer is doing a book sign next week!!” You looked closely at the information and remembered that that exact day, it was your day off, so you could go with someone.
“You like the God of Mischief?” Shay asked amused, the tone of her voice indicating she knew something you didn’t, but right now you were so happy you could combust.
“I adore him! He is my favorite writer. Would you come with me? Please?” You asked her with pleading eyes and she couldn’t say no. This is going to be fun, Shay thought to herself.
“I’ll take the bags to my house, since we’ll be getting ready together, so don’t worry about them. Have a good afternoon, hoe.” You blowed Shay a kiss and watched her as she left, your mind suddenly wandered, thinking about the conversation you had about Loki and you.
You were piling the new arrivals on the floor and started placing the books on the shelves, when an idea popped. You needed to have a few drinks and meet someone new, you hadn’t had sex since Eric, so maybe that’s what you needed to clear your mind. It was impossible you liked Loki, even more impossible him liking you. Right?
Once your shift was over, you headed straight to The Black Moon, totally forgetting about the movie night with Loki. You had only one thing in mind, get wasted and fuck someone new tonight. That’s all you wanted and needed. Five hours later, you were stumbling in your apartment with a guy named Sam next to you, totally oblivious to the fact that Loki was still awake, sick worried because he thought something happened to you, since you weren’t picking up your phone or answering his text messages.
You spent almost all the night awake with Sam, but after you were done, he left. The sunlight was strong, so you assumed it was pretty late. You stood up and went straight to the bathroom, taking a hot shower and your body craving for coffee. You frowned when you walked towards the kitchen, Loki was sitting in his usual spot with his book, his headphones plugged in and a cup of coffee on his hand, no coffee for you.
“Hey there.” You said in a loud tone trying to get him to hear you. He looked up from his book and glared at you, his stone cold attitude you haven’t seen in months, back. He unplugged one earphone and spoke in a harsh tone.
“Would you look at that? You are alive.” He spat. If looks could kill, you would be dead right now.
“What’s wrong?” You frowned confused, not sure what was going on.
“Well, what should I begin with? Uhm maybe the fact that you stood me up last night and never said anything? Or maybe the fact that you brought someone here and were so fucking loud I couldn’t sleep? Or maybe you not fucking telling me you were out, so I didn’t have to be worried the whole fucking night because you didn’t answer your phone?” He stood up and stared at you coldly.
“I hope I was clear enough, Y/n.” He was about to leave when you reached for his hand and stopped him. You knew that what you did was fucked up, and if you were being honest with yourself, it didn’t help you clear your mind at all.
“I’m so sorry, Loki. I had a hard day at work and I totally forgot. I’m so sorry.” You said with pleading eyes. He hesitated, but finally he nodded.
“It’s okay, next time, please inform me or someone else. I can’t add my worry for you to my already long ass list of stressful stuff.” He squeezed your hand and pulled you to him, embracing you in his arms. You breathed in his cinnamon and lavender scent and a shiver ran down your spine, making you pull off abruptly.
“I need to get back to work. I have a lot of reading to do and all that stuff book editors do.” He smiled at you sweetly, but it never reached his eyes.
“Yeah, I have to die peacefully in my bed to pass this hangover.” You said to him, his back already facing you.
“What the fuck is going on with you, Y/n?” You asked yourself when you felt your heart pounding loudly on your chest, the scent of Loki still embracing your senses.
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