#everytime I see a given edit or someone mentions it to me I start tearing up/srs😭😭
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tsuuuukiii ¡ 5 months ago
A few months ago I decided to rewatch given for the first time since it came out and now the brainrot is so bad so I drew my mafuyama plushies ❀.(*´◡`*)❀.
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They sit together holding hands!!! (๑>ᴗ<๑)🩷🩷🩷
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missgarnet ¡ 4 years ago
Where We Stand
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Word count:5.7k
Genre: angst with fluff
Warnings: pregnancy, mentions of past miscarriage, blood and injury, Duchess Min and other characters from Stay,  I swear there’s a happy ending
Summary by @minjoonalist​: fluff, pain, almost pain, spain without the s' and fluff?
Link to ao3
Happy Birthday @sope-and-shine​ Belle, I love you! (also I’m sorry for not killing anyone off in this story, I just couldn’t) 
I also want to say thank you to @minjoonalist​ and @sope-and-shine​‘s Fae for reading through this to helping me edit and think of titles!
“How do I look darling?” you ask, slipping the thin dagger into the hidden slit in the corseted top of your dress.
The duke stepped closer to you and took in the reflection of the two of you together. You watched in the mirror as he swept your hair to the side and started to kiss you, his lips a gentle whisper against your neck. “You look… powerful. I’d have to be an imbecile to ignore that.”
“Is that it?”
You feel his lips forming a smirk against your skin, “Of course not, you’re stunning and you know it just as well as I do. How was I lucky enough to find a wife as brilliant and beautiful as you.” His hands find themselves at your waist, trailing back to play with the laces of your dress.
“Yoongi,” you laugh as you swat his hands away. “They just finished getting me all dressed up in this, I don’t want to call the maids back to retie this again.”
“I’m surprised you haven’t already, you normally make them redo this until it’s as tight as you can get and both of you are exhausted.” He wraps you in his arms again and turns the two of you to face the mirror, “unless you’re…”
He can feel the sharp breath you take, realizing he’d figured it out. “Please, don’t get excited, it's too early for that. I don’t want to tell anyone else just yet.”
“Who else knows?”
“My maid, she thought it was weird when I asked her to find dresses with a higher waistline. She figured it out pretty soon, and I politely asked her not to say anything just yet.”
“Mmhmm, and what do you mean by politely asking this time.”
“I may have… accidentally… threatened to have her tongue removed if she so much as hinted to it”
“You never cease to amaze me, my love.”
A sharp knock on the door interrupted the few moments of alone time you had left. The two of you rushed to finish getting dressed for the day, this meaning countless weapons being discreetly tucked away in the many hidden pockets of your clothing. It was an important day, and you made it a rule to be prepared for anything and everything that could go wrong. Today you had one mission and no one was going to get in your way, not even the king himself.
Looking back you should have said no when she asked you to walk her down the aisle. Traditionally she should have had a family member to give her away, but tradition be damned, if your best friend and closest ally wanted you by her side then nothing was getting in your way.
By the time you got there the poor dear was already panicking as she paced the floor of her dressing room. “What if I mess up or trip and the entire court starts making fun of me”
“I’ll give them something else to talk about.” You said, instinctively reaching toward your favourite dagger. It’s jeweled angel wings sitting at the very top of your gown, giving the appearance of a simple broach when tucked into it’s spot atop your corset.
“Y/N, no weapons. How many times do we have to say this, stabbing people doesn’t solve problems. It only creates more.”
You scoffed at her reply, knowing fully well that it was the first thought you had. “First of all, I wasn’t going to stab anyone… this time. Second, there’s no rule against blackmail or accidently sharing information that would draw far more attention to others.”
“I don’t know how you did this. You didn’t even know Yoongi when the two of you got married, I’ve known Tae far longer and I’m still way too nervous for all of this.”
“Are you kidding me?” You laughed, “I was a wreck on my wedding day. Hell, I practically had to be dragged down the aisle and I would have clawed my way out if I could. I wanted nothing to do with it, then again that wasn’t really up to me. Even afterwards I was still too nervous to actually talk to him, it was much easier to argue and plot all the ways I could get rid of him.”
“You were planning to divorce him?”
“Oh Queenie, divorce was mild compared to what I had in mind.” You smiled at the memories of when you first moved in with your husband. The two of you had barely spent a minute alone, and were at each other's throats any time you were in the same room. He expected someone docile, sweet, and a little fearful of him the way that almost everyone else was. What he hadn’t expected was to be matched with a wife even more stubborn and intimidating than he was, you had become the first true rivalry he had ever experienced and it was thrilling.
It didn’t help him to find out that he had met the only person with a reputation worse than his own among the court, nor that you had found ways to win over his entire staff in a matter of days. Despite being incredibly talented and an excellent asset to have on his side, Yoongi seemed determined to prove that he was still the one in charge for those first few months. Everyday was a competition and the two of you had engaged in a seemingly endless battle of bickering and petty vengeance against one another. Your favourite of these occurred after he made it a point of removing you from a meeting with the generals. He should have known better than to mess with someone who was feared by the court and adored by both his family and his staff.
That next morning as the sun began to rise Yoongi was nearly blinded by the amount of light pouring into his chambers, waking up to the smell of burnt fabric and charred toast. You could hardly contain your laughter when one of the staff recalled being called into the sight of him slipping on his robe only to find that the right sleeve had been completely torn off. Tears ran down your face as you heard about him storming around the room looking for something to wear to meet you at the breakfast table only to find most of his clothes had been sent off to the tailor to be altered or repaired in some way and he had been left with an assortment of mismatched clothing and heavy winter suits. That morning neither of you felt willing to give each other the satisfaction of reacting to the other’s actions. Showing weakness was to show defeat, and neither of you planned on losing. You couldn’t help but feel a sense of just pride as you watched your husband shift in his seat clearly displeased with the current state he was in, almost laughing as he hobbled in missing his left shoe.
You had almost missed the defeated sigh he gave as he took his seat across from you. If he were like any other man you knew, he’d have given you the outburst of rage that you had been preparing yourself for. Instead he had a rather gentle gaze as he met your eyes from across the table and spoke in a soft almost admiring tone, “We can’t keep doing this. I mean seriously, destroying my curtains, burning my breakfast, and ridding me of my entire wardrobe in one morning. And why? I’ve done nothing to offend you.”
The servants quickly began backing out of the room in anticipation of another argument between the two of you.  “Nothing? You really think you’ve nothing wrong?” The icy glare you were so determined to keep directed at him was the only thing holding tears of frustration at bay. But you refused to let him or anyone else see you crying. “Yoongi, you undermine me at every opportunity available, making sure that I have no say in what is going on around me. I have no family here, no friends, no allies on my side. Everything here is about you, while I am constantly pushed aside and belittled by even your guards and servants. I was one of the most brilliant women my age. I learned the arts of battle, bribery, and blackmail by the age of five, and perfected each of them by eleven. And the worst part is all of that is going to waste, I am wasting away and it is all your fault.”
“I’m sorry I had no clue. I just thought you’d want a break from having to fight all the time, I guess I should have noticed this was wrong when you seemed so determined to argue at every opportunity possible.
“You really are an idiot sometimes.”
He laughed at this, the two of you finally sharing a moment of understanding and bonding over as you later called it his very best moment of complete stupidity.
As you sat there recalling all of this your eyes began to water and you let out a quiet sniffle. The two of you had been through so much since then and with very limited exceptions you wouldn’t change a thing. You may not have had the best of beginnings with each other, but he’d done his best to make up for that every day that you’ve shared since then. The two of you still bickered, but it was more affectionate and caring now that you’d decided to save your fury to defend one another.
“Y/N are you crying?” your best friend placed her hand over yours in a comforting gesture.
“No, of course not.” You tried to dry your eyes, but the gesture was not as subtle as you had hoped. “Fine maybe a little. I think I’m just feeling sentimental, all this wedding stuff had me thinking about when Yoongi and I were newly married and the time we had our first good fight”
“You still haven’t told me what happened to the shoes, and everytime I tried to ask the staff they just got really quiet and seemed like they were too afraid to speak.”
“Well, I took all of his left shoes and I had one of my maids put a box outside his room. Then I took most of them and put them away in the box, and I sent the rest away to be burned.”
“You burned his shoes”
“Only the left ones, and only the pairs I didn’t like. Besides if I were to do that now there would have been a lot more of them being burned, I swear just the smell of that shoe polish is enough to make me sick nowadays. Then again there’s been a lot of things that do.”
“Are you, you know?” The young queen-to-be asked, doing her best to emphasize the implied meaning.
“Am I what,” you asked, a challenging tone in your voice. It was obvious she knew, but if she wanted to ask she would have to use her words.
She gives you a knowing smile and pulls you in for a hug, “Congratulations Y/N!”
“Oh, shut up” you laughed trying to hide how nervous you were feeling. Yes she was your best friend, but this pregnancy was news you didn’t want out to the public just yet. “Today is your day, I don’t want to take away from that.”
She rushes to the clock at this realizing the two of you were running horribly behind schedule. As you rush through the halls together, you do your best to pin her veil in place and keep the train of her dress from collecting dust and dirt from the floor. Both of you pause outside the closed doors grandly looming before you, your faces warm and nearly out of breath.
You begin the task of fixing her appearance one last time before everything starts changing again. She was always so small and quiet when you first met. You never thought such a timid young woman would come this far, but something about her just spoke of being so much more than just another commoner. And now here she was in the most delicate white gown with layers of chiffon carefully draped over each other and tiny sleeves resting just off of her shoulders, looking more composed and regal than anyone you’ve ever seen before. The light reflects against some of the crystals sewn into her veil almost creating a halo around her. The light airy dress looked stunning on her and seemed even brighter as the two of you stood side by side. All the intricate layering and the bright white of her dress contrasted beautifully against yours. It wasn’t your original plan but the midnight blue gown and it’s simple pattern seemed to exaggerate your figure in the best of ways. It’s plain bodice and jeweled collar drew attention up and away from the changes you were hoping to hide.
The doors are drawn open and the two of you take a sharp breath as you begin the long anticipated journey down the aisle. To anyone else she would seem calm and composed, but you knew better, “You know, I’ve still got the carriage waiting outside. Say the word and we’ll start running. I’ll even lead the horses myself if that’s what it takes.”
You can see the slight bounce of her shoulders as she begins silently laughing. Looking around you begin to hold on to faces in the crowd, doing your best to remember where everyone was seated to use for later. It was a shock to see Namjoon and his new bride so close to the front, you thought they’d be in the back where she’d be hidden away from the prying eyes of so many nobles. After all, their relationship had been quite a scandal and she was much too far along to hide anything. What didn’t surprise you was the look on Taehyung’s face when he saw you and his fiance nearing the altar. The two of them were stupidly in love with each other and you could see that from a mile away.
You found yourself rather exhausted after all the excitement from the queen’s wedding, deciding to take just a short break at home before involving yourself with any of the court’s drama for a while. It was meant to be just a week, maybe two at the most but as time went by it felt much better to be in the manor with Yoongi than anywhere else. The two of you were still bickering like any other day, but being at home gave you a space away from the rest of the court once you’d started showing. The two of you became cautiously excited about your future child, still too worried to be fully invested but getting closer as each week went by.
There had been a few rough times along the way, but everything had been going well for the most part. That little piece of hope growing each day was worth any of the worries and discomforts you were facing, even the morning sickness that lasted much longer than you would have preferred. You thought things were getting better until another worrisome incident took place.
“Yoongi,  I started bleeding this morning, and something feels very wrong.”
“Are you alright?” He shook his head realizing his mistake, “I’m sorry that’s a ridiculous question. What are you feeling, is there anything I can do?”
“I’m scared Yoongs, I don’t know what’s going on and I can’t tell if it’s normal or if it’s going poorly again. It can’t end like last time, I can’t lose another. I don’t know if there’s anything that can be done, I just don’t want to be alone.”
He crawled up into the oversized bed beside you, gently taking you in his arms as he brushed your hair aside. “I know there’s nothing you or I can do and it’s completely out of our control, but I want you to remember I’m here and I will always love you no matter what.”
The midwife had a sad smile when she entered the room. Mrs. Lee was one of the oldest staff members serving the Mins, having delivered you herself. It warmed her heart to see the two of you curled up together so caring and gentle for once. She had originally been hired to act as a wet nurse, but when your mother went into early labor the midwife had been by her side. You’d practically been raised by her along with a few other maids, so when you found out you were with child there was only one person you wanted to have with you.
Mrs. Lee had seen you grow from a small frail infant to a rather intelligent young woman, and knew almost all of the struggles you had faced along the way. It was always her that you went to with any problems whether it was scraped knees or scheming nobles. Your first pregnancy was rough to say the least, and she was there for all of it holding your hand when everything came to it’s heartbreaking end.
And here she is now, doing her best to keep you calm as she conducts her exam. You begin to shift as you feel another one of the pains you’d felt earlier. It wasn’t horrible, only strange and unpleasant. Yoongi presses his lips to your forehead while you begin to play with his hands to distract yourself. The two lay holding tight to one another as you wait for the midwife’s news. As she felt your stomach, Mrs. Lee paused for a moment furrowing her brow before suddenly bursting out in a smile unlike any other.
“Your Grace, I have good news and even better news. First off your child is in perfect health at the time being.”
You let out a heavy sigh of relief, both of you feeling as though a large weight had been lifted.
“Second is those little pains you were complaining about. It’s not something going wrong that feeling is from the baby kicking. A lot of mothers complain about it being an odd feeling, but it’s good and it means that the baby’s doing well.”
“They didn’t kick last time,” you whispered.
“I know Angel,” she explained. “But you’re much further along this time, and you seem much healthier. Having some spotting this late is a bit concerning, but so long as you start getting enough rest and I keep checking up on you, I don’t think we have anything we need to be too worried about. I’m going to head out now and give the two of you some space, but you can call for me at any time even if it’s something small.”
Mrs. Lee excused herself and quietly left the two of you on your own once more. Yoongi loosened his embrace and turned to face you, there were tears in his eyes and the biggest gummy smile he’s had. You take your hand and place his against your stomach where your unborn child kept kicking. The two of you sat in a comfortable silence for a while before he finally felt something, “They kicked! They actually-” He laughed and gave a joyful little sigh at this, “I love you so much Angel, you’re going to be an amazing mother.”
“I love you too Yoongs, I couldn’t do any of this without you. We’re going to be a great team, but I think our child is going to need a name pretty soon.”
Yoongi gave you an evil grin, “We should name her Yoonji”
“Absolutely not, I think I’m going to be sick,” you announced pressing your hand to your stomach. “We are not naming her after your sister, she’s too much of a b-”
“You can’t keep calling her a bitch, especially when we’re in front of others,” he tried to sound exasperated but the laughter that followed quickly put an end to that act.
You rolled your eyes at the ridiculous argument the two of you kept falling into, surely there were more important things than your opinions and not so backhanded comments about his sister. “Please be serious. If you could choose any name for our child, what would it be?”
“What about Aria for a girl’s name?”
You smile and take his hand in yours once more, “I think it’s beautiful, but we’re not going to need it. We are having a son.”
“My Love, I have no doubt that you know just about everything but we’re not going to find out until they’re here. There’s no way of being sure.”
“No, I’m absolutely sure. This child will be our first beautiful little boy, and I know I’m right. It’s a mother’s instinct and I’m never wrong.”
“Then what are you suggesting, since you’re never wrong.”
“What about Hyun-Su?”
“It’s perfect.”
You pull him closer and reach up to cup his face between your hands, “We’re going to be good at this, right? They’re going to turn out better than we did.”
“I hope so,” he turns his head slightly as he presses his lips to each of your palms. “Regardless they’re going to grow up knowing that they have two parents who will love and fight for them no matter what.”
The two of you stayed under the covers, wrapped in this moment of relief and utter bliss at knowing that your child would grow to be safe, healthy, and above all else loved. What you didn’t know was that this joy would be short lived as much grimmer news was always just around the corner. You had found out quite some time before Yoongi, receiving the letter from one of the associates you had within the court. Oftentimes it paid to have eyes and ears throughout the kingdom, but for possibly the first time you regretted having this knowledge. The letter shook in your hands as you considered your choices, you could send help but you knew there would be some kind of trap lying in wait. There was no way you would risk losing Yoongi to such an obvious scheme, even if it meant sacrificing someone else. Throwing the parchment into the fireplace you watched as all of it crumbled to ash.
The letters kept coming, this time from the Southern Kims themselves each one growing more desperate in their pleas for assistance. It would be one thing to send soldiers, but you knew Yoongi would try to go with and fight the second he heard that Seokjin was in danger. The Kims were kind and had been there for you and your husband every time you needed help, they deserved better and it broke your heart to turn them away knowing that they and their children were likely to die.
At first you just hid them in the pockets of your dress, but after one had nearly slipped out in front of Yoongi you had taken more precautions in hiding the precious information contained in the writing. It began with storing them under the dresser, and then in your pillowcase, burning them the second you had a chance. You had been pulling up the floorboards in search of a new hiding place when Yoongi finally found out. Pushing the envelope under your skirts you had tried to keep him from noticing anything amiss. Unfortunately your husband was more observant than you would like to give him credit for and he had known you long enough to know how you’d try to hide something.
“Yoongi, you can’t go. These aren’t just another group of ruthless barbarians stupid enough to slaughter their own men, they’ll know that you’re coming and they will plan for that.”
“I’ll meet with the generals before I go, we’ll come up with a plan. It will be alright, I promise.” He took your hand in his willing you both to believe the words he said.
You pulled away from him as you stood, “Very well, we can meet with the generals and send troops to help the Kims. However, you are staying here.”
“No, Jin might get on my nerves at times but he’s one of my closest friends. I’m not going to do nothing while he and his family are at risk.”
“What about our family? I know I didn’t want to get too excited about anything, but we don’t have very long until we’re parents ourselves.”
“I’ll be back before the baby comes, without so much as a scratch. I promise.”
“Please don’t. Don’t make promises that we both know aren’t guaranteed.” You took a shakey breath, “Yoongi, I rarely ask anything of you, but this time I am begging you please don’t go. I can’t lose you- we can’t lose you.”
He said something, but you could hardly process the words as his footsteps echoed across the floor, he left you with the hollow sound of your bedroom doors swinging shut behind him and a simple apology mumbled from behind the sealed doors.
You refused to sit and do nothing as your husband led himself to slaughter, if there was anyway to prevent his death you would find it. Collecting all the debts and favours owed to you by the less than upstanding members of the court was just the beginning. It took more bribing and blackmail than you had bargained for, but you got other nobles to send the reinforcements you needed. Lady Park had been all too cooperative after you happened to mention a certain nude portrait and it’s current whereabouts, she and her husband sent twice the guards you had asked for and even provided maps of the area. As for the others, some were less generous but were still eager to compensate you for information or silence in one way or another. The Northern Kims were unable to send any troops of their own. However, Namjoon’s young wife had provided a sizable amount of gold and information on a mercenary group that was up to the job. You had nothing to use against them and didn’t know of anything they were in need of, but for some reason she had given you help regardless. It was a small kindness, but a greatly appreciated one in your time of need.
Everything was in place and you’d given the go ahead for them to approach the men surrounding the Southern Palace, but you’d yet to hear back from any of your troops. All of this had been meant as a backup plan in case something went wrong, but as days turned into weeks Yoongi’s chances of success were growing smaller. You’d taken to pacing the halls at night as your due date drew nearer, he should have been back by now.
“Y/N, you have to rest. You're putting too much stress on your body and that’s not good for you or the baby,” Mrs. Lee warned as she pushed your hair away from your face.
“ Well... seeing as how he’s the one causing all of this, you can take that up with Yoongi once he’s back. Until then I’ll be up doing everything I can to make sure that he comes home in one piece.”
Mrs. Lee didn’t seem too fond of your reply and folded her arms across her chest, “I’ll be sure to mention that, but until then I want you to be resting as much as possible and taking care of yourself. So little miss, you will be in bed, eating three full meals a day, and you will not be fussing over all of this anymore. What’s done is done and all we can do is wait.”
One of the maids came knocking at your door, disturbing your mandated rest. Somehow you’d become even more confined to your room after the slight back pains you’d felt that morning. You’d been told to get your rest and avoid getting too worked up. Mrs. Lee would be furious if she found out, but she wasn’t the one in charge here and you had told them to wake you at any hour if they had news from your husband. The young girl had placed a small parcel before you and saw her way out as quietly as possible. You tore the small bow apart, unwrapping it as quickly as possible, tearing the paper piece by piece until you felt shredded wet fabric against your hands.
From the mess you were able to identify one of Yoongi’s jackets, torn to bits and coated in sweat from the battlefield. You’d grown used to seeing things like this, but what stopped you in your tracks were the warm heavily saturated stains of blood that had seeped into the cut fabric. He’d sent you these before, but never in this condition. The two of you had a running joke that he could damage any clothing or armor he wore in a fight, so long as he came home unharmed. But this didn’t seem like it came from someone else, if he had been wearing this then it had to be his blood. Picking up the paper, you looked again for a ransom note, a threatening letter, anything that would tell you that he was still alive, but there was nothing else. He was gone and there was nothing you could do about it.
You felt a sob forming as a different kind of pain tore through you. It was a kind of pressure that brought you to your knees, crying out as Mrs. Lee rushed to your side. She helped you to the edge of the bed, helping you to lay back as she wiped the tears from your eyes.
“It’s going to be alright Y/N, we’re gonna get through this.”
“I can’t- I can’t do this alone. I’m not ready.”
Mrs. Lee takes your hand and squeezes it in hers, “You’re not alone, I’m right here with you
“That’s not what I mean and you know it, he’s gone.”
“Now that’s enough of that, you need to save your energy. I was trying to keep you from going into labor this soon, but it looks like it’s about time to push.” You shook your head at Mrs. Lee’s words as you tried to delay the inevitable. As much as you attempted to stall your labor, your efforts had been in vain as you entered the hours of pushing. Your vision blurred from falling tears as you cried out for the one person who vowed to be by your side for moments like these, all the while knowing that he was never going to walk through that door again
“Angel, I’m here.” Yoongi’s voice called out as the doors were thrown open.
“You’re hurt,” you commented as you took his face between your hands. He had a large gash running down his face, the cut at first glance seeming to go through his eye as well. As you started to remove the blood it became clear that it had been a very narrow miss, but was deeper than you had hoped.
“It’s only a scratch.”
“Oh really, If that’s only a scratch then all this is but a stomach ache and I should be up and about in a few minutes at most.”
“That’s hardly a fair-” Unfortunately for Yoongi, whatever argument he had planned was soon cut off by your yelling at yet another contraction. He climbed into the bed behind you, holding your hand as you cursed him for putting you in your current position.
Whomever said that the pain of childbirth disappeared from one’s memory the second they held their child was horribly wrong, and you wanted nothing more than to personally stab that person in the stomach so that they could feel a fragment of everything you went through. And yet, when you looked at your newborn son it felt as though all that pain were worth it. Yoongi had somehow forgotten about all the horrible things you had called him during labor, or at least decided not to bring it up for a very long time. Your child had made an early and all too exciting entrance into the world, and all of you seemed to be recovering from this in one way or another.
Yoongi had been healing very well, but it became apparent that his wound would leave a scar. Not that you minded, he’d teased you about yours since the very first night the two of you had known each other intimately. Even now as you lie in bed he still traces the two lines on each side of your spine, pressing a kiss to each of the spots he claimed must have held the wings of an angel before you had fallen.
“I think we’ve earned ourselves at least a full day of napping.” Yoongi commented, already pulling the covers over the two of you.
“Just one?” You asked, “If you ask me I think we should try and break our old record and try for at least two and a half days of sleep.”
“When did we,” he paused as the memory dawned on him, “Are you talking about the New Year’s when we were snowed in with the Park family. I remember being in bed for most of that weekend, but I don’t recall much sleep going on at the time.”
“I was talking about after all of that, we ended up being so tired that we spent our last couple days asleep. We could have gotten a few more hours of rest if their staff hadn’t woken us up.”
“Well, there’s no one to bother us now. And our son is sound asleep, so I think we should be too.”
The two of you glanced at the tiny figure in the crib across from you, he looked so small and fragile but you had been relieved to know that he would continue to grow into a strong and healthy young boy. He was only a few days old and you were already starting to notice that he had formed his dad’s same habit of oversleeping, “Hey Yoongs, I’m happy he takes after you.”
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creativeashproductions ¡ 8 years ago
Let Go // Dolan Twins
Summary: After years of being together Ethan puts together something incredibly beautiful and luckily making a video for Gray to react to. Now you get to start the rest of your lives together with Gray tagging on also because what’s Ethan without his twin? They’re a package deal no matter which one you’re engaged to.
Characters: Ethan Dolan x Reader, Grayson Dolan, Lisa Dolan, Sean Dolan and Cameron Dolan
Words: 5043
Disclaimer: I do not own YouTube, images or songs used in this. Song is ‘You Can Let Go’ by Crystal Shawanda.
Warnings: Possible swearing, major fluff, mention of hearattack and sad Grayson  
Author: Caitsy
Tagged: At the bottom
A/N: Sorry for not posting! It’s been hectic with uni ending next month and I’ve been writing this for so long. We’ve posted but it’s not showing up in the tags sadly.
Master List
Prompt List
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If you were a little girl and you were asked the question of who you would marry you would have answered differently from now because you weren’t a child anymore wishing for things that can’t happen. You were nineteen years old and your boyfriend Ethan had switched your promise ring with an engagement ring with a small vintage theme. You weren’t going to wait until you were twenty-eight to plan a wedding because you were just as in love as you would be ten years from now.
Ethan hadn’t taken you out to a fancy restaurant where you would have to act like someone else because your laughs were too loud. He didn’t hide the ring in the food despite the obvious problem of choking on it by accident. He didn’t make you do a scavenger hunt either because you guys weren’t basic and fought against the stereotypical clichés. He had done something unique and very him instead with no help because he wanted it to be special. You had accompanied him to his childhood home for his older sister Cameron’s birthday. It was both a surprise to you and everyone else because only him and your Dad knew about it.
“Can I show you a place I love?” Ethan asked as soon as the movie everyone was watching ended.
“Uh…I was going to help your mom.” You said frowning at your boyfriend of many years.
“Go ahead.” Lisa said from her position by her husband, “Gray can help me instead. Go spend some time together and relive Ethan’s childhood.”
Grayson groaned while Ethan helped you off the couch where you had been cuddling with a blanket covering your legs. His sweater enveloping you with the familiar scent that screamed your boyfriend and you always felt like he was hugging you when you wore his sweaters but they didn’t make it look like you weren’t wearing any pants. He smiled as you pushed your hair out of your face and blushed until his gaze. He gently pulled you out of the house with Cameron sneakily following behind you with a camera.
You were in the passenger seat with the windows down making your hair shift in the wind and the music blasting throughout the vehicle. Ethan had a hard time keeping his eyes on the road when you were being incredibly adorable singing along with no hesitation. You were a masterpiece in his mind and he couldn’t wait until he could name you ‘Y/N Dolan’ to complete it.
“I love you.” Ethan said grabbing your warm hand into his larger one.
“I love you too.” You smiled looking as he brought your hand up to press a lingering kiss to the back of your hand.
Ethan wasn’t overly nervous about asking you since it only be two of you and Cameron in attendance as he put himself out there. His plan would be a good thing and it was original instead of searching for videos on the internet, specifically Tumblr and Pinterest. He had set everything up really early with the excuse of going to work out and you didn’t bat an eye even though Gray hadn’t gone with him.
He pulled up to this small little hut thing that looked really worn down from the lack of use but it was still rustic and adorable. This hut was the place that Cam, Gray and him had spent many hours at playing before kicking the older sister out of the club. Changing the rules to state no females to spread and contaminate the building with cooties.
The sun was setting behind the tree line making it very aesthetically pleasing and it helped that Ethan could come out here everytime he was out to watch this from the safety of his property. The problem was that the sun was setting a little faster than he had planned. He had to quickly park and get out to open your door before you had a chance to get your seatbelt off. You were too busy watching the fairy lights handing from the trees to illuminate the steadily darkening area.
“Can you go in and turn the lights on? I’ll be right in.” Ethan said holding the door open for you to get out of.
“Sure.” You smiled hurrying to get into the small building and getting out of the slight chill.
The small hut was interesting with the initials of the Dolan siblings on the front door just below the childish sign. It was a hand made sign with the words ���no girls allowed…even you Cam!’ that was crookedly placed on the door and nailed on. You ran your finger over the engraved smooth wood with a small smile imagining the young siblings forever tattooing their lives to this building. It was pitch black when you opened the door so you immediately went the window to pull the curtains away. You went to switch a light on but instead it was pull string light.
“What…?” You trailed off seeing something hanging on the string.
There was a beautiful, simple and elegant ring on the very end where some crystal figurine was supposed to be. When you turned the light on you saw exactly what kind of ring it was but outside the window was what took your breath away. There was a montage of pictures and videos of Ethan and you playing on a large screen with only a couple that featured Gray.
All the photos you took over the years together or screenshots of tweets and Instagram posts of lyrics and quotes with the other tagged in them. Your whole three years spent together as a couple went on the screen with your favourite song playing as it went. One of your favourites was the video of Ethan giving you the promise ring that had spent a year and a half on your finger. A video of Ethan from a couple days ago came up with him explaining how much you meant to him and how incredible happy he was to spend his life with you and how he couldn’t wait for more.
“Will you marry me?” Ethan asked in synch with the video.
He had managed to swipe the ring out of your hand and kneel just to the side of you with a hopeful expression and a nervous smile painted on his face. You were in tears because he hadn’t hinted that this would be happening and you remembered how much time he had spent editing over the last couple weeks. You were in shock as the first song that played in that restaurant you went to on your first date played in the background.
“I love you so much.” Ethan said rubbing his sweaty hand on his jeans, “I know we’re young but I love you just as much as I will years from now because you’re my person.”
“Yes!” You yelled throwing yourself into his arms nearly causing him to fall over from the force. You were kissing him the moment the ring was finally placed on your finger.
‘I thought you were going to say no for a second there.”
“I would never say no to you.” You giggled pressing a passionate and very deep kiss to his lips. The euphoria was rushing throughout your body.
“We should tell our family.” You whispered, “I’m so happy you don’t understand.”
“Cameron is here, she got the entire proposal on video.” Ethan said resting his forehead against yours.
“I’m so happy because he told me instead of Gray.” Cameron grinned coming out of her hiding place. She was oddly proud that she had be in the act despite not fully understanding exactly what her brother had been planning.
“Gray doesn’t know?” You asked surprised at the revelation because he shared everything with Gray.
“Well and your Dad technically but Cam didn’t know I was proposing to you. You would have unintentionally known if Gray had been involved somehow.” Ethan chuckled, “He accidently revealed your surprise birthday party last year.”
“True.” You hummed.
“I’ll edit the video for you and we’ll get Gray to react to it in a video.” Cameron said, “Trust me on this.”
Ethan nodded as he started to remove the things he had set up in order for the plan. Even though both Cam and him tried to tell you to sit down and relax you just wanted to cuddle with Ethan as soon as possible which meant helping them clean up and you were okay with that.
Ethan and you kept your engagement to yourselves for a couple weeks before Grayson asked what Ethan and him would be doing for that weeks video. After a lot of editing Cameron had given the video to you guys a couple days ago. You were nestled into Ethan’s side watching movies with Grayson when he brought it up.
“What are we doing for this weeks video?” Gray asked turning his attention to his twin instead of the screen.
“We already know.” Ethan said playing with the engagement ring that was unnoticed by everyone.
“We didn’t talk about it though.” Gray retorted giving Ethan a weird look.
“We’re reacting to a video.”
“Oh what video?” Gray questioned pausing the movie.
“I chose it.” You said throwing your legs across Ethan’s legs.
“Should we film?” Gray asked.
“Yeah it’s all ready to be watched.” You said not bothering to get up and help as they set up everything they would need. You decided instead to message Cam for the video she had made and how you couldn’t wait to finally Gray react to it.
Both Ethan and you had already watched it to be prepared for the feels that would definitely hit the two of you. You had already cried watching it once but somehow you know that watching it again wouldn’t stop the tears from coming once more. It was so heartwarming that Ethan had cried along with you.
“What’s up guys! We’re back!” They said in unison as per usual, “We’re something a little different than usual.”
“We’re reacting to a video that Y/N has chosen for us. We haven’t watched it at all and she wouldn’t even take bribes to let us see it.” Ethan announced, “I’m a little nervous for this and I really hope she didn’t pick something incredible dirty to watch.”
“I know! She’s so sketchy sometimes.” Gray laughed as you made a face at him.
Once the video had started up it showed Ethan setting up everything without showing his face to the camera he had set up. Gray paused the video already.
“Is this a fail video?” He asked.
“Just watch! I wanna know what happens.” Ethan said pushing Gray away so he could unpause the video.
Ethan quieted down as he watched his twin brother try to figure out what kind of video this was and why they were watching it. He got quiet when your face showed up in the video once you were in the cabin. Gray unpaused it on your face.
“Is that you?” Gray asked looking towards you.
You came into the camera view with the boys in order to start the video again as to silently tell him to shut up. The montage of videos and pictures had started in the video only briefly showing your reaction in the video. Grayson gasped when he saw the entire thing through the video starting to realize that something big was happening. Once more he paused it to look at you.
“What is this?” Gray asked.
Ethan was the one that unpaused the video this time with tears welling up in his eyes. Gray frowned glancing at him before his attention turned to the computer again. It was the end of the montage where Ethan had began his speech to you.
“You did that because you were nervous?” Gray asked already knowing the answer to the question. Ethan nodded while Gray smirked at him.
Once again you began to cry at the video just as Ethan had grabbed the ring out of your hand in the video and was now on his knee. Gray’s mouth opened a fraction as he gasped out feeling the tears well up in eyes too knowing exactly what was happening now.
“Will you marry me?” Ethan asked in the video, “I love you so much.” Ethan said rubbing his sweaty hand on his jeans, “I know we’re young but I love you just as much as I will years from now because you’re my person.”
“Yes!” You yelled throwing yourself into his arms nearly causing him to fall over from the force. You were kissing him the moment the ring was finally placed on your finger.
“Oh my god.” Gray exclaimed meeting his twins eyes in shock, “You…”
The end of the video showed Cameron back at the place Ethan had proposed the following night with something set up again. The fairy lights were now spelling something out in the trees with the words ‘Congratulations Ethan and Y/N!’.
“We are engaged guys! I proposed on July 27th at a special spot my brother, sister and I used as kids. The video was filmed by Cameron even with her not knowing that it was because I was proposing and she edited it. The only people that knew I was proposing was Mr. Y/L/N and myself.” Ethan explained grabbing your hand, “We wanted to show you the video along with Gray as a surprise.”
“That was quite the surprise.” Gray laughed.
“We don’t know when we’ll get married but we’ll be doing what Sam and Rosa Pottorff did with their wedding.” You said from Ethan’s lap.
“We won’t be revealing where and when the wedding will be taking place because it is just Y/N and my day. We want it to be special and memorable. Any comm-“
“I may have just found out about their engagement but it’s their day. The guests invited will just be lucky to witness the gathering. Any comments on crashing will be deleted and you will be blocked if we see anything else.” Grayson explained.
“That’s it for this video.” The both said, “We’ll see you guys next week on a Tuesday!”
Once the camera was put away in the safe location Gray stared at the two of you in complete disbelief which was understandable since you had thrown it at him. They told each other everything because they were not just twins. They’re best friends. If Gray thought it was prank you wouldn’t be surprised at all.
“You okay?” You asked concerned.
“Just surprised is all. I never thought he would propose at his age.”
“Are you sad?”
“No! I’m ecstatic but completely surprised.”
“I love her.” Ethan said squeezing your hand only to smile when he felt the ring dig into his palm, “I don’t see how waiting another five years would make a difference."
“Do I have to ask if you’ll be my best man Gray?” Ethan asked even though he knew the answer to the question.
“You made yourself stupid just asking that question but yes I will.” Gray laughed, “Who’s the maid of honour?”
“I don’t know just yet.” You replied already stressing out about the planning that would be happening.
“Too bad you don’t have a twin.” Gray chuckled, “Makes it easier.”
“Shut up.” You laughed hearing the frequent phrase that Gray asked you at least once a day.
“Should we go home for the weekend? Tell our families?” Ethan asked looking at both Gray and you.
“We would have to remember that we’ll need to facetime my family because they’re in England.”
“Your dad and you moved here a couple years ago but your mother hasn’t visited?” Gray asked confused.
“She doesn’t have the money to fly out.” You frowned.
“Would she be able to fly out for the wedding?” Ethan asked walking you over to the couch that was back in it’s position.
“Dad will help her.” You muttered.
There was a moment of utter comfortable silence as Grayson grinned at the two of you. Things weighed on his mind you vaguely knew what was running through his mind. He was scared of what would happen after you became Ethan’s wife. You also knew he was too selfish to bring it up to either one of you.
“What’s wrong?” Ethan asked his brother.
“Nothing.” Gray shrugged not meeting your eyes.
“Y/N, can you give us a moment?” Ethan asked.
“Of course. I’ll go start supper.” You replied kissing the top of Ethan’s head.
As you walked passed Grayson you squeezed his shoulder in support at revealing his fears. You may have been with Ethan for three years and knew him before that, Gray was the constant being his twin. They had a bond that E and you wouldn’t ever be able to have and you were okay with that. You didn’t want Gray to feel like you were replacing him.
You were going through one of the cook boos Lisa gave the twins in hopes they would have enough options to cook. You were smiling when you came across the handwritten recipe you had shoved in there a couple months ago. It was something your mom had made and gave you a copy. While reading it your ears were picking up the conversation the boys were having.
“What’s wrong?” Ethan questioned.
“I knew one day we would each get married and start a family but it just became real.” Gray admitted, “You’ll be a married man with a wife and future kids. You won’t have much time to make videos.”
“Why are you sad about that?” Ethan asked, “You knew nothing will stop me from making videos with you. Y/N would kill me if I gave that up.”
“I’m not sad about it, it’s just you’ll get a place with her because that’s what a married couple shouldn’t live with the husband’s brother.”
“Gray you can live with us.”
“No. You’ll need privacy to fuck all around the house.” Gray said cracking a smile.
“We could get places right next to each other.” Ethan grinned thinking back to a video from years ago.
“Like we said at the end of the separation video?”
You peeked into the living room to see the boys sharing a hug before setting up a video game to play as they usually did after a video. They didn’t immediately edit a video till the next day. You retreated back into the kitchen to finish the food that you had been making the entire time of their long conversation. It was fairly quick to make so when the rice was done you dished that up. The meatballs in a thick sweet and sour sauce was just finished when you dished that up also. You were digging in quick so you could call the boys in and give them some time to bond.
“Guys! Food is ready!” You called into the loud living room. It didn’t take long for the boys to be dishing up their food also.
“This looks so good.” Ethan announced as he sat at the table with Gray, “You getting anything?”
“I ate already. I’m going to go out so you can bond because you haven’t hung out alone in a long time.” You replied as you rinsed off your plate and utensils.
“We could all hangout.” Gray said but you shook your head.
“Hangout. I’ll be back tomorrow. I haven’t been at my apartment in a long time.”
In a way you lived with the twins about half other time but you still had your own place. IT was mainly for the safety of your parents mind, you didn’t want to cause your dad to have a heart attack; he was told by the doctors he was at risk of having one.
Why do you still have that place?” Gray asked.
“Because I like having my own place?”
“Her dad would have a heart attack if he knew we were sleeping together.”
“I thought he liked you? He gave you his blessing.”
“Oh he likes him but not me spending all my nights with him. He thinks I’m still a virgin.”
“Well I’ll call you later.” Ethan said kissing you while Grayson made a sound of disgust at the scene.
You chuckled at your future brother-in-law while grabbing your jacket on the way out of the apartment with a graceful move. Both of the boys nodded as you closed the door standing as you heard the excited sound of Grayson and an amused Ethan happy to make the best of the time alone together.
“It’s going to be a long night.”
*A Year and Half Later*
“I don’t think you should see me!”
“Grayson Bailey Dolan!” You yelled through the locked bathroom door where you had managed to corner the man, “I need-“
“You can’t see the groom!”
“YOU’RE NOT THE GROOM!” You screamed exasperated banging your closed fists against the door.
“I’m his twin though!”
“Whoa! Y/N, calm down. What’s wrong?” Lisa asked coming up to you dressed up in a gorgeous dress and natural makeup.
“I need to talk to Gray but he won’t come out!” You said mostly towards Gray.
“Do you want to chance antthign and potentially lower your chances for a succ-“
“Grayson Dolan don’t you dare finish that sentence!” Lisa threatened towards her hiding son.
“Would you just give these to him!” You huffed dropping the vows on the ground before storming back to your dressing room.
“Ready?” You dad asked from the doorway of the room. You nodded refraining from biting your painted lips.
You weren’t entirely nervous as the normal bride probably would be because you knew the today was something that Ethan and you had been impatient for. Forever was only a few minutes away. You could deal with Grayson being weird and barging into your future house like Barbra-Jean from Reba.
“You’re up.” Cam smiled smoothing her hands on your dress getting out the non-existent wrinkles.
“Are you sure you don’t want to be at the alter? It would be okay.”
“You would have a lopsided wedding party and I want to watch it in front of me.”
She was right your childhood best friend was your maid of honour despite having not been as close as you once were. You hadn’t seen each other in person more than a handful of times in two years. She was working towards getting a medical degree and you were living in different cities. Both of your were actually British but you each moved to America at different times, both with dual citizenship thanks to your one American parent.
When the music start as the door in the church opened you were hit by the butterflies that had been dormant for the door. Ethan for the first since you first met him was dressed in a fitted dark navy almost black suit. Throughout knwing him he had always gone to a button up shirt and dark jeans for fancy occasions.
“Holy shit.” You mumbled seeing that Ethan had said the same thing at the same time.
“Did you really think he would be wearing his notorious denim dress shirt?” Dad chuckled tucking your hand in the crook of his elbow. You let a nervous giggle out before straightening up.
It was when he had to hand you off to Ethan that he began to cry softly. He was havin a hard time taking his hand off yours finally seeing his little girl change her number one man in her life. He was shaking while placing your hand in Ethan’s and letting go.
“You can let go now, Daddy. You can let go your little girl is ready to do this on my own. It's gonna be a little bit scary but I want you to know. I'll be okay now, Daddy You can let go.” You whispered into his ear as he shakily nodded his head.
With a kiss to your cheek he sat down next your mother letting a deep breath out as the service began. His separated wife made a strange movement by grabbing his hand in hers as they watched their daughter become a wife.
“We are gathered here today…”
The best day of your life went by fast with the ceremony happening in the morning that had been so beautiful and exactly like you had envisioned. The vows were so well thought out and romantic you had have relived that hour countless times and still be so affected by the words. Now you were at the head of the room at your table with the now cut cake being ate. You knew that you would regret eating so much food later but it was your wedding so you deserve to over eat.
“We’re married.” Ethan whispered into your ear his breath tickling your neck.
“Yeah.” You smiled watching as everyone looked at their glasses once they were filled with relief.
“Do you want any wine?” Ethan asked having noticed you were only drinking water the entire time.
“No thanks. You know I’m not big on alcohol.” You smiled to yourself as your newlywed husband finished his wine off.
“Ethan?” Gray asked from his seat next to his twin brother. His gaze was fixed on the bottom of his wine glass.
“What?” Ethan asked turning towards him.
“Look at your glass.” He replied shocked.
Ethan frowned confused as he looked into the bottom of his now empty wine glass where there was two bears engraved on the bottom. They were lined with gold easily showcasing each bear holding a pink or blue ribbon and a question mark between them. It was a hidden message that was inside every glass in the building.
“There’s another guest here was invited by me.” You giggled.
“So we’re starting out own family earlier than we initially planned?” Ethan asked completely shocked.
“Yes. In seven months we’ll be parents to a baby. I found out a couple days ago when I was sick and they needed blood to get my iron. Doctor accidently checked off the box for pregnancy test.” You laughed as Ethan let out a chuckled at the sheer luck.
“I’m going to be an uncle.” Grayson whispered grinning manically to himself.
“I’m going to be father!” Ethan exclaimed with excitement.
“E, tell everyone to look into their empty glasses.”
Following your instructions Ethan snagged the DJ’s mic gaining the attention of everyone in the room as it wasn’t time for speeches just yet. Everyone smiled at the excitement that Ethan was showing towards everyone and it was inspiring.
“A couple minutes ago my wife…whoa that’s weird to say…told me that I’m going to be a father.” Ethan grinned, “She surprised me by this. Look into the bottom of your glass.”
A collective gasp was heard as it cemented inside their minds that there was a future Dolan child would be in the world. The first people to be at your sides so fast were your in-laws with huge smiles and tears of happiness. Grayson was hugging his twin as if his life depended on it. Grayson was only slightly sad at how fast things had changed since this morning.
“Congrats! This is amazing!” Lisa grinned pulling her oldest son into a hug as Sean hugged you also.
Your mother and father joined you all to give both Ethan and you hugs even though your dad was ignoring the fact of how you had gotten pregnant. Your Dad was practically sobbing compared to how he had been giving you away. Ethan had dropped to his knees to place either hand on your stomach and leaning close to talk to his unborn child. You weren’t surprised when Grayson crouched beside his twin to whisper a few words that were lost to you. Before you realized what was happening he was hugging you close.
“I can’t believe this.” Gray chuckled not ending the hug, “I remember when you two first got together and now you’re married with a kid on the way. Things change so fast.”
“Gray you’ll still be a huge part of our lives. You’re still going to have a place to crash with us.”
“Actually I will be living next door to you. It’s official.” Gray smiled, “My realtor closed the deal yesterday.”
“Are you serious!” Ethan exclaimed excited getting off the floor.
“Yeah.” Gray smiled pulling Ethan into a hug again, “Good thing we pre-filmed videos. Remember to have fun on your honeymoon.”
“No problem or complaints on our side.” Ethan smiled holding your hand, “Nothing is going to change about our career. We’ll still film even when I’m a father.”
“Honey it’s time for your first dance.” Dad interrupted clapping Ethan on the shoulder and squeezing yours.
Not even a full week passed by before Ethan began to really miss his twin, it was like that video from years ago all over again. You would be lying if you said you didn’t miss Gray either and just wanted him to be here exploring with you guys once the third day had past. You were supposed to be gone for two or three weeks.
“Ethan, maybe we should hed back to LA.” You admitted watching as the guilt flashed across your husbands face.
“No we still have a week.”
“We both aren’t having as much fun as we would have with Grayson here to annoy us.”
“Are you sure?”
“We have years to go on holidays. Imagine when Grape comes and the amount of fun we’ll have as a family?”
“Head home?” He asked as you rolled onto your side holding onto your small bump forming. His hands rested on your while he stared lovely where your unborn child was growing.
“Yeah. Can we get food before we go?” You asked.
“We just ate breakfast.”
“Grape is hungry.” You chuckled while Ethan pressed a kiss to your cheek.
You were so in love with him that it was insane. Now you had a small part of him growing inside of you with a child that would probably be like their father and uncle. Crazy, happy and hilarious people. Your type of people.
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