#everything reminds me of saye
buried-in-stardust · 5 months
Grass sliding (滑草) in Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia
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p-receh · 3 months
What was your fav part? Mine? ALL OF IT
3 things.
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Not one by one like the comic counterpart, but literally Boboiboy used a freaking Hepta Split!
Tbh my expectations were low cause I was skeptical that Monsta not want to bring them after that last ep (link). But HOLY SHIT WTF???!!!!
I am absolutely jumping in my seat like a football supporter, I can't--
They got short screen time--I DON'T CARE. They still got a chance to team up once again after a whole 8 years since the first movie! Besides, that movie also shortened their screen time.
Whoever decided to make Oboi's armor resemble an ant needs a raise. That's freaking clever.
Btw it seemed their hats were locked with Oboi's position. Also, Hali, and Duri were the only elements that used their sword? Interesting...
"Kembali Beraksi" rearrangge version in the background during the whole scene?? Yes please!!!
Even though it is just short, their portrayal somehow solidified my deduction about the elementals.
Anywho I am still in tears that they finally showed up on screen again. That is my personal wishlist ever since when they announced the show. I am already satisfied with that alone tbh (like really, why should Monsta need to cut that part where they were essentially the big part of the promotion during the Windara comic arc??)
2. Finally Monsta went bold.
Oh, I looooooove that moment. Monsta started to not hold back and I am captivated by every single one of it. The dying scene was well executed, all voice actors were perfect, and this scene reminds me of this.
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In my opinion, this scene was also a test for their next project which honestly more dark and horror(the most horror arc throughout the galaxy series for me)
Can I say Nurfathiah Diaz as Beliung here was downright phenomenal? Like holy shit, this is by far her best performance imo, yet.
Her voice acting was blown me away and I could see her improvement from Taufan's first debut to Beliung's was....I'm-I'm lost for words right now.
Look at this line delivery! (Her laugh felt diabolical and I love it.)
"Tuanku yang seksa penduduk planet ni, paksa orang tua dan budak-budak kerja di lombong, tapi saye yang biadab?!"
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Edit: Turns out she was pregnant when recording Beliung??
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My Respect to her went rocket. Wow.
As a person who watch her performance since the very first season of Upin&Ipin until Boboiboy... I couldn't be more proud :')
And the animation team seriously packed the action right to the tea! Reramos was absolutely blasted the whole way by Beliung. He's as ruthless as Taufan's OG era!
See? See??? Being patient is worth it guys. Therefore I was easily enjoyed the design choice of Beliung's TV ver without seeing leaks.
Taufan's upgraded board also acted as weapons and wings? Genius. And also directly parallel to the first fight with Maripos. He even said this:
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The way Beliung flies on his board almost looks like this.
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Now I am 100% ready for other 3rd tier designs if this is what Monsta decides to continue on.
(oh I will draw this with the cyber Sonic for sure.)
To end this, Monsta decided to some sort of "invite" Oboi and Kuputeri into a small dark room, purposely to give a more in-depth conversation between the two, linked by Kuputeri's telepath power.
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In my opinion, I prefer this strategy rather than the comic counterpart. Cause in a way, Monsta wants to show the bond between Kuputeri and Oboi as same as how Tok Kasa did with him in movie 2. Symbolize by placing the hat as they entrusted their power to the very same boy.
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It might be exaggerating but that jumbled corrupted effect when Beliung's struggled? Impressive. Even more impressive that Monsta knowingly used the same effect when "finally" showcasing Beliung's card.
Speaking of ads, now they released the merchandise after the debut.
Talk about self-aware :/
Everything's not perfect and I do have slight issues, but honestly? I'm pretty satisfied with this episode! They ended it nicely done!
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Are they not use DWIFUSION as their next title? If so, Gentar arc and Baraju arc are separated! Thank god! My biggest worry apparently will not come true! Alhamdulillah!!
PS: Oh wow, would you look at those numbers! 2 million within 3 hours when I screenshot this. What an impressive improvements.
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dleena2023 · 1 year
ramadhan beginnings
day 6 of ramadan is coming to an end soon, and the day that concludes the 1st week of ramadhan will arrive in about 4 hours patiently. actually, i wanted to write this ramadhan beginnings at the start of ramadhan but tu lah asyik terlupe jerr >.< okay so alhamdulillah i managed to puasa today although my heart still was a bit heartbroken that i was unable to fast on the first day :') tapi takpelah i know everything semua ade hikmah. maybe Allah nak saye prepare mentally for the upcoming days cos i knew i didn't prepare well before ramadhan arrives. tbh, i feel it too. like i haven't even plan my ramadhan schedule that i intended to do before welcoming ramadhan. so yuppp maybe that's one of the reasons. or sebab Allah nak saye able to solat subuh before going to work cos last week subuh's timing is way too late for me to solat before heading out to work. i need to reach woodlands mrt by 6.20 so that means i need to keluar rumah latest 5.55 gitu - the timing clashed :'( but this week i checked alhamdulillah subuh is around 5.45 meaning i still have time to solat ringkas for subuh in sha Allah. today's ramadhan has been how should i say.. productive? like i've never been this hardworking before haha and alhamdulillah can you believe it?!?!?! i managed to solat my 5 prayers today :DDDD syukur alhamdulillah <3 truthfully, i still have a looooot to improve and there's a long way for me to reach what i aimed for this ramadhan. i take this as a stepping stone for me to be continuously better. i aim to make ramadhan this year better than last year and a memorable one for me in sha Allah. my goals this ramadhan? perbetulkan niat, to take care of my solat, istiqamah dalam kebaikan (can be anything ye!) & to berdo'a banyak-banyak. i'm struggling & have always been so may this ramadhan allow me to believe in myself and have faith that i can do it. even if the hundreds of possibilities say otherwise. i want to try new things i never tried before, spend my time productively and helping others in need more. cakap pasal helping, tomorrow i'll be volunteering at foodbanksg for the first time with dils :) time ramadhan gini why not kite ringankan tulang kan to help other people hehe. lowkey not feeling anxious or anything haha except excitement x) dils is not feeling well cos she's been coughing for the past few days... if she cannot make it then takpe lah i'll just go jer. anyways get well soon dils <3 ramadhan check in - perbetulkan niat, aim a positive mindset and just go jerrrrr. on a side note, may the upcoming days of ramadhan be beneficial for me and for others as well. i know there will be ups & downs along the way but i'm confident that they will help shape me to become a better person. can't wait for the remaining days to comeeee and be better!! may it be a motivational source that reminds me of Allah and brings me closer to Him in sha Allah.
ps./ will do a check-in here if ade rezeki! hehehehe :)
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Making Changes: The Reception The Wedding Night {NSFW}
Summary: The wedding reception. The Earl asks a favor of Lady Annalise. Duke Richards shows up where he’s not wanted. Ernest and Angelina have their wedding night. (I’m serious y’all. I reached into the deep recesses of my mind for this one. It gets nasty.)
Warning: IT GETS NASTY! May contain offensive language.  I’M WARNING YOU NOW!!!!
Catch up HERE
Word Count: 3804
Tag List: @flyawayboo​ @youngbloodbound​, @shelivesinthewoods​, @hopefulmoonobject​, @cocomaxley​ @super-secret-fandom-blog​, @agirlnamedegypt​, @xo-endlessmayhem-xo​​ @hellospunkiebrewster​​ @majesticmintyj​​ @katurrade​​ @lady-omfg-lannister​​ @shirinalshabra​ @tanyaschoices​ @boneandfur, @3pawandme @mrsernestsinclaire @shirinalshabra @drakewalkerfantasy @giulia2372
After the ceremony guests were led to another ballroom that had been set up for a reception. A chamber orchestra of thirty musicians were set up in the far-left corner. Staff wandered around with drinks and hors d’oeuvres.
Mr. Chambers smiled at Miss. Daly “The Earl certainly spared no expense.”
She nodded “I was involved in most of the preparations here. They were extensive.”
“Glad you got to enjoy this part of it then?”
Briar grinned “I’m glad I got to be by Angelina’s side. Mr. Woods invited me to the staff party afterward.”
“That should be fun. Are you prepare for our dance?” Bartholomew asked. It was tradition that the entire wedding party dance together.
The young maid blushed “I admit I’m not up to date with the latest dances but I will do my best to not embarrass you Mr. Chambers.” Bartholomew smiled gently and patted the hand that was hook at his elbow, “We’ll be waltzing. I won’t let you stumble.”
Briar smiled as Mr. Woods approached with a platter “Sausage roll Mr. Chambers? Miss. Daly?” Briar winked as she took one, “Thank you Mr. Woods.” The butler winked in return, nodded to Mr. Chambers and continued on his way. A little further down Angelina, Ernest, Garrett, and Annalise stood talking.
“How long have you all known each other?” Angelina asked. Ernest ran his thumb back and forth over her knuckles.
“Garrett and I have known each other a while. He’s the closest I’ve gotten to a brother. Our parents were quite close. Garrett’s mother, Dowager Saye, met the late Marchioness in London and then Anna was introduced to us.” Ernest explained. His lifted Angelina’s hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it. Angelina smiled.
Garrett nodded “Anna stuck a frog down my trousers a few hours after we were introduced.”
“You were being obnoxious!” Annalise bristled “You wouldn’t let me play with you and kept Ernest for yourself because ‘he’s a boy like me’!” she lowered her voice to mock a younger Garrett.
“Oh, that’s not how I remember it happening my love.” Garrett shifted so he was facing his wife, arms folded in front of him. Annalise mimicked his pose “Oh, and how do you remember it my dear?”
If smiles had not have been tugging at both their lips Angelina would’ve thought them to be fighting in truth. Ernest leaned over to whisper to her “They do this all the time. Often, I would just sit and watch. It’s…quite amusing.”
“I can tell.” Angelina whispered back before kissing his cheek. Ernest blushed a bit and squeezed her hand.  
Attempting to break up the mock argument Angelina spoke up “Well what happened with the frog?”
Before anyone could answer, Annabelle hurried over “Excuse the interruption, we’re expected on the dance floor.”
The group nodded, Annalise gave her husband a gentle kiss on the cheek and a push towards Annabelle “Do well not to step on Miss. Parsons toes.”
Garrett grinned down at Annabelle as she took his arm “I would never.”
Vincent came to stand next to the Marchioness as the wedding party took to the center of the room.
“My lady, a pleasure to see you in such high spirits.” He said, inclining his head. Annalise smiled “Me? My Lord, you looked ready to float out of your chair during the ceremony.”
Vincent laughed as the musicians began to play a fast-up-tempo piece. The Viennese Waltz. Waltzing was still viewed as improper and intimate. Gasps of scandal worked their way through the crowd as the wedding party began dancing, it was seamless, effortless, beautiful. Even Briar, for all her self-doubt, was keeping up with an experienced dancer like Mr. Chambers. Nothing anyone said could take the look of joy from Angelina and Ernest’s faces as they twirled around the dance floor.
“Oh, they’re going to be talking about this for ages!” Annalise giggled.”
“My Lady Marchioness” Vincent began, the use of her full title caught her full attention, Annalise straightened her posture and turned to the Earl.
“Yes, my Lord?” she over lapped her hands on her belly, gently caressing it.
“I have…a request.” Vincent picked up a glass of sherry from a passing butler. “…As you know, there are certain, expectation for a mother and daughter on that daughter’s wedding night. However, Henrietta…”
“Looks as if she’s bitten into a lemon every time she sees Angelina?”  Annalise raised an eyebrow a smile teasing at the corners of her lips.
Vincent exhaled a laugh “Yes. I don’t want Angelina to…miss anything. Would you attend to her tonight?”
Annalise gave the Earl a gentle smile, her green eyes sparkling, “It would be my honor.” Tension drained from the man’s shoulders as the music ended. Vincent gave the Marchioness a deep bow and took his leave.
The wedding party, breathless and giddy, rejoined Annalise on a row of settees. Mr. Malcaster caught Miss. Sutton’s hand before she could sit, “Miss. Sutton, if I…could have a word. I, believe there are some things we need to discuss.” The two hadn’t spoken much other than to say hello, not for a lack of trying on Edmund’s part. Still, Theresa nodded “Very well Mr. Malcaster. We can go into a parlor.”
The two left and Annalise sighed “I hope they work things out. Countess Henrietta is going to ruin that man’s life trying to better it.” she shifted and laid her legs in Garrett’s lap. He slipped his jacket off and placed it over her legs, covering her ankles. “Garrett, no one cares about the ankles of a married pregnant woman.”
“Maybe not any man.” A smooth voice carried over the noise of the party. They looked up to see a young woman wearing a simple grey dress and her hair tied back in an unadorned bun. “I’ve always found your ankles quite appealing Annalise.” 
Annalise’s eyebrows shot upward “If it isn’t Lady Kathryn Emerson!” she righted herself and stood, pulling the woman into a tight hug. “I’ve missed you desperately, Katie!”
Annalise turned to the group and smiled “May I introduce Lady Kathryn Emerson. Kathryn, this is Lady Angelina Sinclaire.” The smiled disappeared “She was in her year of mourning. I didn’t think you’d make it, Katie.”
Kathryn nodded solemnly “I thought my reintroduction to society should be a happy occasion.” She turned to Angelina and Ernest and curtsied “I offer my sincerest congratulations and happiest wishes for you.”
“Thank you. It’s good to see you again Kathryn.” Ernest said
“It’s lovely to meet you. I’m glad you could make it.” Angelina began only to be interrupted by a voice that made her skin crawl. Ernest’s hand tightened on her own
“Ah, there you are Sinclaire. I couldn’t find you in all of this.” Duke Richards appeared behind Lady Emerson and Lady Annalise, almost shoving them out of the way, with Miss. Holloway on his arm. Garrett stood and caught his wife by her shoulders as she stumbled sending a dark look the Duke’s way. Lady Emerson rolled her eyes and decided to sit next to Miss Parsons, their hips brushing slightly.
“I’m sure you would have eventually, Your Grace.” Ernest said, trying to keep his voice even. After Garrett helped settle Annalise next to Angelina again, Annalise leaned over to the bride “Did you issue them invitations?”
“I invited Miss. Holloway’s parents. That is probably why she knew of the date.”
Annalise scoffed “Duke Richards invites himself to everything.”
Angelina nodded and squeezed Ernest’s hand.
“Lady Emerson? Would you care to get a drink with me?” Miss Parsons stood “I should like to tell you about this new novel I’m reading.”
Kathryn stood “Sounds lovely!” the two women curtsied and excused themselves.
Duke Richards turned his gaze back to the ladies before him “Lady Annalise, how long has it been since we’ve seen each other? Truly you are a beauty like no other. Unfortunate you ended up married to a third son and not someone who could elevate you to a status worthy of your beauty.”
Miss. Holloway had the gall to giggle
Garrett opened his mouth to speak but Annalise stood up, eyes dark and her voice deadly cold “Your Esteemed Grace, it hasn’t been long enough since I have had the misfortune to be graced with your presence. I chose my husband, because I love him. He could have been a stable boy and I would have chosen him. I quite content with my title and status. Though, Your Grace, if you are truly curious as to the exact date and occasion we last met, I’d be happy to remind you. I think the Holloway’s would be most interested in the topic. As would most people here.”
“What’s she talking about?” Miss Holloway questioned. She attempted to remove her hand from the Duke’s arm but he held fast.
Duke Richards mouth flapped for a moment before he found the words to speak “I-You can’t…I’m a Duke! You speak above yourself!”
Annalise straightened her spine and looked up at him, he took a step back, “I am a Marchioness. In my own right. I am also willing to bet that I have more allies in this room alone than you do in this whole region. Have care how you speak to me, my husband and my family Duke Richards. Or you will find that we are all quite proficient with a sword.”  
The Duke pinched his lips together, face contorting in a scowl and turning near purple. He turned on his heel and dragged Miss. Holloway with him.
Annalise sighed and sat down again, looking pale, “This is why you don’t show up uninvited.”
This made the rest of them laugh. Soon Mr. Chamber arrived with Mr. Konevi and Prince Hamid. The men bowed.
“Please excuse me Your Highness, I’d curtsy but…” Annalise began
“She just finished giving Duke Richards a piece of everyone’s mind.” Garrett finished.
“Oh? I am very glad to here this then.” Prince Hamid laughed “Congratulations on your union Lady Angelina, Mr. Sinclaire. I wish you nothing but the best.”
The newlyweds nodded and smiled “Thank you Prince Hamid, that means the world.”
“Ah, I…” Prince Hamid’s cheeks darkened just a little “I didn’t realize that wedding gifts were not given to the bride and groom in this country until yesterday…and so, I had my footman take my gift to you to Ledford Park.”
Ernest and Angelina’s eyes went wide “You got us a gift?” He questioned
“Whatever is it?” Angelina asked
“I had to talk Prince Hamid out of getting an elephant or a tiger.” Mr. Konevi said
“That would have been interesting.”
“They wouldn’t have done well in this weather. The tiger perhaps but the elephant not likely.” Bartholomew said. Annalise nodded.
“When I received your invitation, I immediately sent word back home to have a chest carved. What is in it, is a surprise.” The prince grinned with the same mischievousness that Angelina had grown fond of.
Ernest and Angelina stood, Ernest held out his hand to the Prince who grasped it “Thank you Prince Hamid. Your presence here is a joy. You will always be welcome at Ledford and Edgewater.”
The party continued and Ernest and Angelina made their rounds. Greeting people with promises to make more formal visits. Baring Duke Richard’s unexpected appearance, it was a perfect day.
Angelina followed Annalise down a dim hallway of Ledford Manor, their way lit by a candle Annalise held. Briar trailed behind, once again in her maid’s uniform. Normally this was something that her mother would be doing. Preparing her for the marriage bed. Angelina had no mother. Her step-mother could stand the sight of her and her grandmother was…out of practice. 
Angelina took a deep breath as they approached a set of large doors. They entered and Briar set about lighting the other candles in the room. The room was large and housed a four-poster bed not unlike the one in her old room at Edgewater. The duvet was a rich cream color and matched the canopy. Angelina and Annalise sat on the settee at the end of the bed.
“Ernest explained everything to me. This will be your room. There’s a joined bathing room through there, on the other side of it is his room.” Annalise pointed to a door in the middle of the room “And your closet is over there” she pointed to the other side “And Briar’s room is through the closet.”
“We…won’t be sharing a room? I know Father and the Countess don’t share a room but…you’ve met her.” Angelina frowned.
“Met her?” Annalise laughed “We used to call her the Wicked Witch of Edgewater when we were younger.” Annalise took Angelina’s hands “Garrett and I share a bed. That is a conversation you will have to have with Ernest. Find out if he snores.” That made Angelina laugh.
“Now. Angelina. I’m here to answer any and all questions you have about your wedding night.” Annalise smiled “Ask away.”
“I’m nervous. Is it going to hurt? What should I expect?”
Anna thought “My mother told me that for her it didn’t hurt. She still bled as she was expected to, but it didn’t hurt. It hurt for me, but Garrett was so gentle. You must trust that Ernest would never intentionally hurt you. Do you trust him.”
“Of course!”
“Then you will be fine.”
Angelina nodded but still looked uneasy.
Annalise tilted the new bride’s head up so they were eye level “Another word of advice. You have more power than you know Angelina. Not just in the bedchamber but outside of it as well. You are the only heir to Edgewater. Command respect and it will be given. You’ve more grace and poise than half the ladies I meet on a daily basis. They’d be lucky to meet you. In the bedchamber, make yourself heard. If he does something that displeases you, tell him. He’ll stop. He loves you. He doesn’t want to cause you harm, of any kind.”
Angelina nodded sitting up a bit straighter “And what if I…like what he does?”
Annalise gave Angelina a smile that set her whole body in fire “Why, Angelina…You encourage him.” Annalise stood up, kissed Angelina on the forehead and headed toward the door. “Come along Briar. I can’t imagine Angelina will need you until tomorrow. I’ll do your hair for the staff party.”
Briar gave Angelina a quick hug and headed out.  
Shaking out her hands the young woman stood and walked over to the vanity to take her hair down from the intricate updo. The sapphire pins were gifts from the dowager countess, she’d worn them on her own wedding day. Thick black coils fell past her shoulders and Angelina sighed with relief.
“Would you like some help?” Ernest’s sounded at her ear making jump.
“Oh!” One of the pins slipped from her fingers.
Ernest chuckled “Forgive me, Angelina. I didn’t mean to startle you. I thought you heard me.” Angelina looked at him in the mirror fully prepare to scold him but stopped short when she saw him. His hair was its usual wind-swept curls but his jacket was gone and his shirt was unbuttoned revealing a patch of chest hair that was a shade lighter than that on his head. He looked so…unkempt…she liked it.
“Angelina?” Ernest looked down at her, the pin she dropped in his hand outstretched to her, “Everything alright?”
Angelina blinked “Yes. Perfectly.” She took the pin and smiled up at him “Thank you Ernest.” She stood and turned her back to him “Could you assist me with my dress?” she gave him a coy smile over her shoulder “It must’ve slipped Briar’s mind on her way to the party.”
It did not slip Briar’s mind. With the combined effort of the bridal party and Lady Annalise, Angelina had a beautiful set of underclothes she was eager to show Ernest.
“Very well.” Ernest took a few steps closer to her and began unlacing her dress. Then unhooking it. Finally, the material began to give and he was able to slide it down her shoulders. He kissed them “How long did it take—” he didn’t finish his sentence. As the wedding dress pooled at Angelina’s feet, he saw what she was wearing underneath. She wore a lacey corset that was somehow strapless, the tops of her breasts threatened to spill out and a pair of what looked like short trousers but equally lacey and cut to fit her curvy form.  
“Ernest?” her voice was small, nervous.
Ernest closed his eyes, took a deep breath, when he exhaled it came out a growl. He reached for her, his movements harsh and fast but his touch gentle.
He cupped her face “You have no idea what you do to me, Mrs. Sinclaire.”
Their lips pressed together and soon parted, tongues dancing not unlike their feet did only hour before. His hands moved from her face down her arms to roam her body.  He palmed her breasts through the corset making her moan. Her arms came around to grip at his shirt, trying to pull him closer. He pulled back, both of them panting to catch their breath.
He shook his head “This…isn’t how I wanted to do this, Angelina.”
“How did you want to do it?” She asked her hands on his shoulders. Ernest smiled down at her, bent at the knees and picked her up.
“First, on a bed.” He plopped her, rather unceremoniously on the middle of the bed and removed his shirt. As he turned to discard it, Angelina took the time to appreciate the firm lines on his back. When he came back, Ernest laid down on his side, propped up on his elbow.
“Second, I thought, since I’ve done this before, I could make you more comfortable.”
“How would you do that?” Angelina copied his position
“By letting you…explore.” Ernest said with a hesitant smile. He dug in his pocket and pulled out a length of silk.
“Explore…you? And what’s the ribbon for?”
“I thought you’d be more comfortable with the idea if you knew that I wouldn’t be able to do anything.”
Angelina chewed on her bottom lip and Ernest fought the urge to do it for her.
“Alright. I’ll do it.” she took the ribbon from him and tied his hands to one of the bed posts.
Angelina ended up sitting on Ernest’s chest and smiled down at him. She leaned in and kissed him which he returned. She kissed her way down his body stopping at his chest. She wondered…she kissed one of his nipples, gently scraping her teeth over it when Ernest hissed, and kissed it again.
“Was that bad?”
“No, that…” huff “…felt good.”
She smiled triumphantly and continued her way down kissing, licking and sucking, making him moan and gasp her name until she reached his trousers. Emboldened by Annalise’s words and her previous success Angelina unfastens Ernest’s trousers and works them and his underclothes off his legs and onto the bedchamber floor.
Seeing Ernest naked for the first time gave Angelina pause. Yes, he was handsome and beautiful but he was also…large. Angelina reached out and poked his member with her forefinger. It was hard and didn’t move with the force that she’d pushed it with. It had been warm however. Very warm. Angelina remembered what they’d done in the Library on Monday. She knew the basics of how tonight would work so if Ernest had done that, then she needed to…she wrapped a hand around Ernest’s erection and pulled gently upward. She was rewarded with a gently sigh from her husband. She looked up at him.
“Was that right?” the phallus throbbed in her hand. Ernest’s eyes were closed
“Move your hand lower and start from there.” He answered he voice tight with need.
Angelina did as she was instructed his hips started to move in time with her hand, his breath came quicker. Wanting to try something she’d read in the Kama Sutra, Angelina rubbed the tip of his member using the fluid there to coat the rest of it then lowered her mouth onto him.
“Angelina!” Ernest shouted her name and Angelina found herself smiling, getting a great satisfaction out of pleasing him…no, out of driving him to madness.
Suddenly Angelina heard the sound of fabric tearing and her lower half was being lifted up and Ernest’s tongue was lapping at her already wet folds. He sucked so hard on that small bundle of nerves Angelina couldn’t concentrate on what she was doing. The short trousers she was wearing were ripped off and Ernest added two fingers to his work.
Angelina removed Ernest from her mouth with an audible pop and cried out “Yes…Yes!!” her thighs quivered and the muscles in her lower stomach clenched. She gripped the sheets and her toes curled as ecstasy was upon her.
Ernest lowered her to the bed and turned her onto her back. “Angelina?”
“Hmmm?” she reached up and cupped Ernest’s face “Yes, my love?”
“Are you ready for me?”
Ernest kissed her, deep and unyielding, as he positioned himself between her legs one hand teased a nipple sending thrills through her and the other guided himself to her entrance. He broke the kiss and he pushed inside of her the feeling at first pleasant, though the deep he went the more unpleasant it got. Something broke and tears formed in Angelina’s eyes. Ernest was immediately still.
“I love you. I love you. The pain will be gone soon. My sweet Angelina.” He peppered her face and neck with kisses until she sniffed
“I’m alright now, I believe.” She nodded “Yes.”
Ernest nodded and began moving, slowly at first, one hand balancing him the other going between them to rub that small bundle of nerves.
Soon Angelina began to moan. Ernest kissed and sucked on her nipples, moving faster.
“Oh Ernest, yes…more…please…yes! AH!”
“Angelina! Angelina!” Ernest moved in just a way that he found that same spot that made Angelina fall apart on Monday. She closed her eyes, legs tightening their hold on Ernest as ecstasy took her again.
Ernest’s thrusts became erratic and faster. Soon, he too reached ecstasy. Panting, he pulled back and looked down at her, both sweaty and unkempt. He smiled, she smiled. They laughed. He pulled out of her, and rolled to one side of the bed.
“I love you Angelina.”
“I love you too Ernest
Angelina opened her mouth to speak but closed it.
“What is it Angelina?”
“A-are you going to stay?”
“The night? If you’d like me to.”
“Yes, the night…but I’d also like us to share a bedroom…if that’s possible.”
Ernest picked up Angelina’s hand and kissed the inside of her palm “For you, anything.”
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flakk · 5 years
Reed Deed Redeemption
Chapter III
The three men stood amongst the freezing cold backdrop of what was the breathtaking (literally) Grizzlies. The storm had passed, resulting in a fresh layer of snow atop everything else. They waded through the almost waist-high blanket. Aksel leads his horse along by the rein, carrying their bounty along with them. The only sounds to be heard; the crunching fresh snow underneath the men’s feet, and the birds, singing only ever enough to remind you that the Wood need no provocation to force one to their knees on a whim. “I saye’ det’ ve’ just leaf’ him heer’ to dye’.”, Aksel said, breaking their introspective silence; though all of the men were contemplating the thought indeed, they dare not address the matter.
Donovan was the next to fall in line with the Northerner, “Yea, howe’ mooch’ is dat’ Sheriff intendin’ on payin’ oss’ anywho?”. In turn, Alfred replied, “Ee’ sayed’ iss’ basserds’ worth bout’ $350 alive-”. Aksel cut Alfred off, “Su’, 150 for you ant’ eye’. Ant’ Donofan’ hass’ 50. Dette iss’ gud’ ja?”, he said hurriedly, knowing that his accent would make the proposal harder to understand; and more likely to be accepted. “Nowe’ joost’ wate’ one second ther’ Ax.”, Donovan objected. Ax snuck a glance up at Donovan; his smirk and wide eyes finding their way out from under the brim of his large hat. Donovan returned the playful smile back to his companion, followed by a chuckle; the situation was understood between the two.
A voice interjected from behind Aksel’s horse, “Wuld’ yew’ tew’ stawp’ tung’-fuckin’ each other and git’ a rewm’ already?”, the man’s voice was quickly overtaken by Alfred’s, laying out a plan for their road ahead. “Aright’ you can spawt’ em’ from ere’ if you pay attenshion’.” the subject of the sentence now became apparent once the others looked to where Alfred was knelt down and pointing to; a small speck in the distance, almost proportional enough to be a wagon. “A wagon?”, Aksel asked. “Yeeahp’, a prison wagun’ moar’ lack’.” Alfred returned. He turned to Donovan and continued, “Yew’ know de’ drill?”. “Woahy’ yoo’ askin’ me if eye’ know yer’ drill?” Donovan questioned. “Because yer’ the mows’ charmin’ n’ yew’ know it tew’.” Alfred explained, “Look, yew’ juss’ gotta’ go up ere’ and tell em’ you got there ahead of everyone else, and stard’ cheesin’ em’ up fer’ us.”. Donovan chimed, “Oi, well you do haff’ a point dere’. I am de’ most charmin’.” Aksel rushed, “You heard de’ mann’, be on your way.”
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