#everyones saying that if you hate it ur just misogynistic or dont get movies
sugo1stuck · 1 year
its actually rlly hard for me to not be a little contrarian. as soon as someone says that i have to like something or someone lest i be stupid or reactionary its just like. woulnd't it be funny if i hated it instead. wouldnt it be cool.
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alltooreid · 3 years
please do rank mgg's movies on how much you liked them ! i've only seen a couple and i'd love to hear it :D
omg i got so many asks and im so happy so first of all thank you everyone!! @ssa-m-187 also asked for this so im just gonna do it in one
just to clarify this is ranked purely on my favs, not how long mgg is in it or how important he is (also spoiler free cause of course i want everyone to watch any of these that sound interesting to them!!)
also this is subjective! so if i say i dont like anyones fav or i love ur least fav its all good!! opinions and commentary are good and im just being dramatic in these casual reviews cause its fun
18. zoe
this movie annoyed me, because its SO BORING, i struggled to make it through the full thing cause it is not interesting at all imo. i wouldn't recommend you watch unless you specifically (like me) wanna be able to say you watched them all
17. beautiful girl/the ugly life of a beautiful girl
mgg himself said he didnt think this movie would ever see the light of day and i completely understand why, it wasn't made well, and there was almost no actual point (ALSO THE ENDING MADE ME WANNA SHOVE MY HEAD INTO A WALL)
however... if you wanna see mgg play a *ahem* adult film director than i will not judge you
also if anyone was to ask me to rate them based on how hot he looks this one would be HIGH
anyway moving on
16. endings, beginnings
once this was SO BORING... how can a movie with 4 of my celebrity crushes struggle to hold my attention so much?? ill tell you CAUSE ITS NOT VERY GOOD and all the characters suck and are boring (except mgg plays this like perfect ex boyfriend so good job casting department)
15. rv
its just... not funny... like it gets to be up here cause i wasnt bored out of my mind but its just.. not funny at all
14. newness
i know a lot of people love this one but i just didnt vibe with it, i expected it to be something it wasn't and i think that's partly the fault of how they marketed it but it made me a little peeved
13. the great buck howard
probably the most average out of every film on here, i really have no take aways from it, its fine but like i wouldn't recommend you go watch it if that makes sense
12. 68 kill
please dont murder me, i know my opinions are unpopular everyone but I DONT LIKE IT, i think its entertaining, i think its fun to watch with friends so you can all make fun of it together but its just not a objectively good movie
also its incredibly misogynistic
11. life after beth
this one i know is objectively bad but i cant help but love it anyways... its just fun and entertaining
10. magic valley
i struggle where to place this one, it's definitely interesting and thought provoking... but i dont think its one of the best
i liked it more the more i sat and thought about it
9. how to be a serial killer
i like this one a lot!! if you can find it i say watch it, but it's not a stand out for me personally
8. hot air
ONCE AGAIN I KNOW THIS IS LIKE EVERYONES FAV AND ALL THAT but i just dont like the "homewrecker" trope, in like really any kind of media
i feel like it's romanticized a lil here and that kind of turned me off
however!! i understand why people like this one and other than that i think this one is really good so i would definitely recommend it
7. trash fire
i thought about this movie for hours after i watched it... its so good... like ahhhh i really like this one (its a lil... strange though so it might not be for everyone if that makes sense)
6. (500) days of summer
not a love story but so good (im telling yall this cause youll hate it if you think its a love story oops)
5. the life aquatic with steve zissou
compelling, interesting, and i love a good unreliable narrator, it truly keeps me going
4. band of robbers
this is also an unpopular opinion but i love this one (im allowed to like movies for the sole reason that theyre fun yall and this is one of them)
3. horse girl
2. suburban gothic
one of the funniest movies ever imo, its my go to comfort movie
1. excision
HOWEVER, its disturbing (i watched it while eating lunch, i would strongly suggest you DONT do that) and has a lot of cutting and general medical/surgical horror, if that is not your thing maybe dont watch this one
but seriously i dont think this movie is appreciated enough, i love it and im so glad i decided one time i was gonna watch all the mgg movies cause i would have never seen this otherwise
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moontours · 4 years
can you talk more about Iron Man 2 Natasha versus other Natashas?? I feel pure joy when I see it <3
sure <333 ill break it up into sections by movie
iron man 2: shes literally the love of my life and the reason why i even started liking natasha in general but like outside of My personal feelings i do think this is the best iteration of natasha by far. her cover story for stark industries was SO good like do u know how clever u have to be to get around tony’s systems? and imo its literally the ONLY time in the mcu where we get to see natasha being a SPY even though thats a large part of her skillset. i loved the hallway scene in the end where she got to show off and literally singlehandedly take down all those guards and i loved the moment between her and tony before his birthday party. it was honest, vulnerable but subtle enough that it makes SENSE for natasha’s character. 
the avengers: hmm. probably my second favourite iteration of nat. i loved the beginning with her at her mission and then her manipulating bruce, i thought those scenes were both in character. also, ive seen ppl say that they hate that first scene where nat is being interrogated bc it makes her appear as weak when ?? i feel like it does the opposite ?? like shes literally only still tied up bc she wants to be, so that she can get more information. she is literally in control there, she was just waiting for the time to strike n had to do it sooner than later bc of clont getting compromised. anyways idk i like ta!nat i think shes fine but theres not much in terms of like. anything else other than Badass Character, u feel? also i HATED how scared she was of bruce/hulk. it left a bad taste in my mouth n i cant believe they tried a romance there after
winter soldier: maybe controversial but i hate her in this movie jrbjhabsjd or i guess hate is a strong word but i dont like her in this movie. like first of all the role shouldnt have even been hers??? it shouldve been sharon’s and it was supposed to be until they decided to replace sharon with her. her characterization in this movie is literally god-awful which imo led to her shitty characterization in endgame. she was genuinely humiliating when she tried to go undercover in this like idc how brief it is shes always ready (in dd v2 she literally wore a FULL disguise to visit matt as work when there was a lot of press so she wouldnt gain any attention for him. foggy didnt recognize her til she took off her wig) so the fact that she would put on a HOODIE ??? AND GO ??? TO A PLACE WHERE THERES CLEARLY CAMERAS ??? humiliating. the part where she was like 🥺🥺 would u trust me to save ur life ?? humiliating. natasha doesnt give a SHIT about what people think of her. frankly, all steve did up to that point was heavily judge her so she shouldnt care abt what he thinks. they obviously tried to make her a more emotional character in this but it just came off wrong lmao. i did like her last scenes though
age of ultron: ill keep this short—i dont like aou nat, i dont think it was a good representation of nat at all and i absolutely despise the brucenat romance with my entire heart. i did like her suit and fight scenes but thats it. theres not enough words to describe how misogynistic and wrong and disgusting it was for them to say natasha is a monster like bruce to make HIM feel better just bc she cant have children. 616 natasha sweetie.
civil war: the twist of her being the one to change sides was so lame i literally have to laugh like omg wowow the former spy ended up switching sides how unexpected i cant believe no one saw that coming. her being on tony’s side was the right call and the switch was stupid thats all lmao they just wanted her to stay with steve and sam after the team broke up which is literally stupid bc either way she shouldve been on her own. irritashun
infinity war: honestly not much to say she only had 6 minutes and all she did was Fight ppl so it was ur typical portrayal of nat. her eyebrows and hair were atrocious though. it shouldve been black hair as a nod to 616 nat’s tendency to dye her hair black in the old comics
endgame: oh boy where to even start. this is my least favourite iteration of nat in the entire mcu. i literally did not recognize her for a SECOND. before the movie came out, sc/rjo talked abt how we would see a pissed off nat ready to take action and i was really excited because THAT sounded like the nat i knew. but when the movie actually came, we saw her ?? moping ?? crying ?? eating a sad ass sandwich by herself ?? basically doing the emotional labour for the team because god forbid any of the men do it ??????? and the fact that they CUT OUT ALL OF HER COPING SCENES TOO LIKE THE TARGET PRACTICE, THE PUNCHING BAG??? i cant jbhjabsdhj it makes me SO fucking furious that they would make her some overly emotional character—like not to say that its a bad thing to be that, its not, but it’s also NOT natasha in any way. ive said this before but natasha’s grief almost ALWAYS manifests in the form of anger and u can explicitly see that in secret empire when she cries by herself for a minute, composes herself and gets ready to kill stevil. u can see that during hickmanvengers when its HER that realizes this is more than just taking sides, theres a bigger fight. i wanted so desperately to see a pissed-off nat and i was literally lied to. n then her ending lmao?!?!?!?! i dont even want to touch on that bc its going to get me so fucking mad jrbhavshgd abut i will talk abt it briefly: FUCK her ending FUCK the russos FUCK m&m and FUCK everyone who said this was empowering. it wasnt. she literally died for HER family, who she decided wasnt as important as clint’s blood family. thats BULLSHIT. its so stupid and the fact that she wasnt even able to reunite with everyone?? the fact that she died in the SAME DISGUSTING MANNER that gamora did???? like she didnt even make it to the FINAL BATTLE. how on earth do u treat ur first female hero (and one of the first female leads of the mcu in general) like that????? the fact that they didnt even give her a proper funeral bc they said that natasha is ~private~ like shes not some fucking loner or recluse. at the very least, we shouldve seen them mourning her properly (steve shedding one tear and bruce throwing shit around doesnt count) but they really said fuck women xo
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