#everyone's kind words truly helped make a pretty dark month a lot brighter. I probably would have crumbled without the support.
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In Regards To Your 2024 Summary:
Holy shit it’s been another year????? The hell?????
Also! Your art style is gorgeous and that being found in 2023 and then refined throughout late 2023 and the entirety of 2024 really shows, as does your growth in panel layouts, perspective, and — as you said — experimentation. If you ever post your animation or video game art I’m looking forward to it.
As cheesy as it sounds, being able to laugh at funny comics and look at all the details of your art really made my 2024 brighter, even when things were hard. Including looking at your older art— it doesn’t need to be new to be enjoyable! I’m glad your art is well loved and it’s a privilege to have been here since the (near) beginning. I hope you take care of yourself in 2025 and beyond!
You and your art bring a lot of people a lot of joy never forget that <3
Thank you so much for keeping up with my art journey throughout these last two years! Two years!!! I am baffled at how that feels both too long and too short!
Admittedly, my art summary didn't manage to capture the fact that I did a lot of comic layouts that I'm really proud of. I also drew more backgrounds and made some very detailed works (*Dungeon Meshi spoilers for these examples*).
The growth is lot more evident when comparing my 'best' comics of 2023 to 2024:
Sometimes the growth is vertical, sometimes it is horizontal - and damn, sometimes it goes out of sight into the Z-plane. But it is always happening!
#art summary#ask#The privilege is honestly mine; to be able to create comics and have had people rooting me on since the beginning really means a lot.#To everyone who the potential I couldn't and continues to stick around: Thank you so very much.#I cannot emphasize enough that I do see you. I do notice those who regularly like/reblog/comment.#I notice when people who haven't been around come back and mass like/reblog posts.#There are some people who have only *ever* liked my posts or have only ever lurked! I notice! I am so thankful!#At the risk of also sounding cheesy; I'm honestly happy to give back whatever I can to my audience.#Knowing I have brought people a little bit of joy to their day with my silly comics makes every long night worth it.#I probably make a longer post about it in the future; but last year when I made my first comic redraw-#-was the same day I got the news that someone very beloved to me passed away. I was in such deep grief I couldn't respond to comments.#But I still read them and I mean this earnestly; even though I was smiling through tears -#everyone's kind words truly helped make a pretty dark month a lot brighter. I probably would have crumbled without the support.#What really gets me is this: it was never directed at trying to cheer me up. It was just earnest kindness towards a stranger making comics.#If you've ever wondered 'hey does PD-MDZS know how much I appreciate their silly comics?'#know I have also sat here and thought 'Hey does this person know how much I appreciate seeing them in my notifications?'#Which also includes you! Mina BNHA you will always be associated with the cool person who's been rooting for me B*)#I wish everyone a wonderful new year; may all our creative endeavors be something we see as an exciting discovery.
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clois fic
Title: i’m broken and it’s beautiful (can someone just hold me, don’t fix me) Fandom: Smallville Pairing/Characters: Clark Kent/Lois Lane (mostly pre-relationship) Rating: G Word Count: 3063 Summary: A sad anniversary, a broken locket, and a talk that promises a brighter future. A/N: for the poetry_fiction (DW) 2021 challenge; prompt: I'll be the things left behind for you, I'll be much kinder then. I'll kiss the drowning atmosphere all a summer's afternoon, and that's not all.
AO3 link
The rooftop of the Talon was quiet and peaceful and yet the silence wasn’t at all comforting. It was still better than being alone inside her apartment, since Lois couldn’t bring herself to be around other people, which is why she had been actively avoiding her friends all day. Well, for the past two days really.
She didn’t actually like being alone, but she needed the space. The downside of making that decision was that she had to turn down dinner at the Kents, and as much as she regretted missing out on Mrs Kent’s cooking, she knew she wouldn’t be very good company.
Glancing down at her phone, she swallowed down the disappointment as she realized that the two people she hoped would call yet knew probably wouldn’t hadn’t. She shouldn’t be surprised; after all, it’s not like her dad or Lucy had acknowledged this day, but Lois’s stupid hopeful heart wouldn’t let her give up.
You’re a sad fool. Which wasn’t anything new and likely wouldn’t change. She finally pocketed her phone, accepting defeat, as her other hand fingered a broken locket, the metal chipped and the chain having snapped years ago. It had been her mother’s, and it was one of the few things she carried around wherever she went. While Lois didn’t have that many memories of her mom, she remembered her wearing the necklace all the time, pictures of her family kept inside, always close to her heart.
Lois herself had never worn it, but she also couldn’t let go either. Letting go was never her style. Then again, it felt like she was the one people let go of, as everyone else always left her behind, from her family to the men she dated. Staring out into the night sky, she wondered if she was just destined to be alone, her heart aching at the thought, feeling as cracked and chipped at the locket in her hands.
Yet, unlike the locket, she wasn’t sure if she even wanted to be fixed, just accepted for who she was, broken parts included, but at this point, that seemed like a pipe dream. As if anyone wants to sign up for that.
A sudden noise shook her out of the path she was on, and she spun around, ready to snap at whoever dared to interrupt her solitude. Much to her shock, it was none other than Clark who had entered through the door leading to the rooftop, carrying a white plastic bag in his hands.
“Smallville,” she said, surprised evident in her tone and expression. “What are you doing here?”
He shrugged, making his way to her, and offered her the bag. “Mom felt bad that you missed dinner tonight and she sent me over here with some food.”
Feeling touched, Lois’s lips curved into a smile at the thought of Martha Kent’s generosity. The other woman had been nothing but kind to her, and more welcoming than she deserved. She and Jonathan both, and Lois felt an ache in her heart as she remembered him, still not completely over the pain of his sudden death.
Their fingers brushed as she accepted the bag, causing an unexpected spark ran through her spine, and she barely refrained from jerking her hand away at the feeling. Keeping her expression as neutral as she could manage, she moved her hand away, fingers clutching around the plastic straps.
“Thanks,” she said, hoping she didn’t reveal anything in her voice or facial expression. “Got stuck playing delivery boy then?”
“Something like that,” Clark replied, shoving his hands in his pockets. “We haven’t seen you around in a few days so I figured I would drop by to see what’s up.”
“Aww, Smallville, I didn’t know you would miss me that much,” Lois teased.
“I never said I missed you,” he protested. “Just making sure you were still in one piece. I’ve seen the trouble you can get into on your own.”
“And you were worried about me,” she said triumphantly. “No need to hide it. I’m touched, truly.”
He rolled his eyes, and she smirked, already feeling better.
“More like the house was quiet, and the fridge was full for once,” Clark countered.
“With you around?” she retorted. “I doubt it.”
“And Shelby might have missed you,” Clark continued, as if he hadn’t heard her. “But he likes to chase his own tail, so there’s really no accounting for taste on his end.”
“Jealous your dog likes me better?” Lois asked. “Don’t worry, I’ll visit soon.”
“I’m sure he’ll be relieved,” Clark said, dryly, leaning against the railing.
“I know he’s not the only one,” she said, nudging him.
“Yes, I was terrified that you had found someone else to harass,” Clark remarked, glancing at her out of the side of his eye, his lips twitching into an easy grin, which she couldn’t help but return.
“Don’t worry, Smallville, I’ll never replace you,” she promised, realizing that she was only half joking. She couldn’t imagine her life without him anymore, and it was a pretty terrifying thought that she decided not to linger on.
“Well, now I can sleep at night,” he said, fortunately oblivious to her line of thinking.
“That’s what I’m here for,” she managed, as her fingers stroked the locket unconsciously.
Clark let out a chuckle, his eyes drawn to her hand, his gaze turning questioning.
“That’s nice,” he commented, gesturing to her locket.
She lifted it up and gave a half hearted smile. “Don’t lie, Smallville, I know it’s seen better days.”
He shrugged. “But clearly it means something, right? Which is more important than how it looks.”
Taken aback, she could only nod. Composing herself, she said, “Who knew you were so deep?”
“I have layers,” Clark replied easily. “Have to keep you on your toes after all.”
“Let’s not go too far,” she warned. “My toes are firmly planted on the ground.”
“Worth a shot,” he responded, with a cheeky smile. “So …” He gave her an expectant look, pointedly glancing at the necklace. “Is it a deep dark secret?”
She bit her lower lip. “Nothing that exciting. It was my mom’s.”
“Oh.” Clark’s expression immediately went sympathetic, almost apologetic. She could easily say she didn’t want to talk about it, and she had faith he would drop it, and they could immediately go back to making fun of each other, or he would even leave, but for some reason, she felt the need to share.
“She, um,” Lois looked down, “it’s actually the anniversary of her death today.”
Clark placed his hand on her arm, and Lois automatically leaned into it, comforted by the touch. “I’m sorry,” he told her.
She forced a smile. “It was a long time ago.”
“Pretty sure there isn’t an expiration date on grief,” Clark replied.
“Yeah,” she said, a touch of wistfulness in her tone. “Anyway, that’s why I missed dinner. I get kind of moody this time of year, and I didn’t want to bring you all down too. Just thought it’d be best to be alone.”
“I can leave if you want?” Clark offered.
She shook her head. “No, you can stay.”
He moved closer, dropping his hand, and Lois kind of hated herself for missing the touch almost immediately.
“Just because you think you should be alone doesn’t mean you have to be or even want to be, from what it sounds like,” Clark said. “You don’t have to protect us from you.” Offering a teasing smile, he added, “We can handle a little grumpy Lois. I have seen you in the morning before you’ve had your coffee after all.”
Suddenly feeling self conscious, she just shrugged. “I mean, it’s not been that long since …” She trailed off, unable to finish the sentence. “Well, the point is you are both going through your own stuff. Doesn’t seem fair to burden you with something that happened a long time ago. I’m not that selfish.”
Clark frowned. “Lois, I would call you a lot of things, but selfish isn’t one of them.” His face relaxed for a moment. “Well, when you’re not using up all the hot water anyway.”
She let out a small laugh, and watched as he grew serious once more.
“Look,” Clark said, taking a deep breath, running a hand through his hair. “I miss my dad. I’m always going to miss my dad, five months from now or even five years. I would hate it if I was told I can’t be sad about it, just because it’s not as recent as someone else’s loss. I’d never do that to you, and mom wouldn’t either.”
“He was a good man,” she said quietly.
“And I’m sure your mom was a good person too,” Clark replied sincerely.
Lois felt her throat tightened, grateful for Clark’s kindness, which she had witnessed first hand more times than she could count. He was a little weird sometimes, and could drive her crazy on any given day, but overall he was a good man too.
“She was,” she confirmed finally, unable to stop the tears from springing to her eyes. “I miss her.”
To her surprise, Clark didn’t say anything, just pulled her in his arms, and she felt herself sink into his embrace, the tears that she had been holding back falling down, finally letting her grief and disappointment go.
Clark didn’t judge her, just stroked her back, until she sniffed and slowly pulled away.
“Are you okay?” he wanted to know, and she nodded, wiping her eyes.
“Looks like you went from delivery boy to glorified tissue,” she said, gesturing to his shirt.
“Told you- I have layers,” he claimed, looking down at the wet spot. “And I have other shirts.”
“Yeah, do you buy those in bulk or something?” Lois asked, doing her best to pull herself together once more.
“No comment.” He raised an eyebrow. “There are a few flannel ones that have suspiciously gone missing though since you moved out. Know anything about that?”
“Nope,” she said, giving him her best innocent look, leaning over to lightly punch him in the arm. “Besides, finders keepers, losers weepers, Smallville.”
“I don’t think that’s how that works,” Clark said, but he was smiling. “Did you want to stay out here?”
“Nah,” she decided. “I think I’m done now. I wouldn’t want you to get too cold.” She started heading toward the door, and Clark followed her.
“You’re all heart,” he remarked, as they headed inside, and back to her apartment. Once they were inside, she set the necklace down on a coffee table, and the food on top of the counter.
Turning back to Clark, she asked, “Do you have to head out?”
“If you want me to go, I can, but I can also stay,” Clark replied.
“I was just planning on watching a movie,” she said nonchalantly.
“Something with sharks or lots of blood and gore?” he questioned, amused.
“I’ll have you know I was watching Star Trek earlier,” she proclaimed, and then wrinkled her nose at the admission. He always got more information out of her than she was comfortable with.
“I wouldn’t have guessed you were a Trekkie,” Clark commented, raising an eyebrow.
“My mom was a fan” she admitted, taking a seat on the couch. “She liked the idea of there being life in outer space, and that there could be peace between humans and aliens.”
His expression turned unreadable, and she wasn’t quite sure what to think about that. “Oh yeah?” he said.
“Yeah, I never quite knew if she was serious or not,” Lois explained.
“What about the rest of your family?” Clark asked, taking a seat next to her.
“Who knows what Lucy thinks?” Lois sighed. “Don’t even ask the General about this stuff though. One mention of Area 51 or aliens and you can get that vein in his forehead to show up in five seconds flat.”
“What do you think?” Clark asked, and Lois wondered why he cared so much. His expression was serious, almost as if her answer meant something more, which was obviously ridiculous. He was probably just trying to distract her.
“Once upon a time, I would’ve said it’s nonsense,” Lois responded. “Now- who knows?” If he was going to be patient with her, she might’ve well give him a real answer instead of a sarcastic remark.
“Not afraid of being kidnapped in the middle of a corn field?” Clark joked. “Have your brain probed?”
“Nah,” Lois said dismissively. “Besides, humans can be pretty awful. Who says the aliens will be bad guys bent up on taking over Earth? Maybe they just might be looking for a home … somewhere to belong.”
Clark was silent long enough for Lois to look up, worry running through her veins, and his expression was filled with something, if she didn’t know better, was gratitude. It was a look she wouldn’t understand for years. As of right now, she dismissed the idea. After all, she hadn’t said anything for him to feel that way.
“Should I ask you if you’re okay?” Lois quizzed, and he seemed to find himself, and immediately shook his head, expression clearing.
“No, just thinking about how it turns out that I’m not the only one with layers,” Clark responded, with an easy smile.
“What can I say?” she offered. “I like to keep you guessing, Smallville.”
“I take it you haven’t shared those ideas with your dad,” Clark suggested.
Lois snorted. “Are you kidding me? I just mentioned the vein, didn’t it?”
“Have you heard from them-?” Clark trailed off when he saw the look on her face. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” she said. She picked up the necklace once more, keeping her eyes focused on it. “I never do. I am used to it. I’m better off alone anyway.”
Clark’s hand covered her’s. “You’re not alone.”
“So you keep reminding me,” Lois said. “I’m starting to wonder if I should take it as a threat.”
“Take it any way you want,” Clark responded. “Still won’t stop it from being true.”
“Guess I can deal with that,” she allowed. “So you can stick around then.”
“I’m honored,” Clark said dryly. He pointed at her necklace. “Have you ever worn that?”
“No,” she said. “As you can, it’s kind of broken.”
“Can easily be fixed,” Clark pointed out.
“I’m pretty broken too,” she murmured, without thinking. “Can I be fixed?”
“I don’t think you need to be,” came Clark’s response, and that was when, much to her horror, she realized she said that out loud.
“Oh, please, like you wouldn't make a few changes,” Lois said, as dismissive as she could, hoping she kept her feeling off her face for once.
“Nah, I think I like you as you are,” Clark insisted.
“Even when I bully you and steal your shirts?” she challenged.
“Yeah, even then,” he replied, eyes twinkling. “Besides, I’m flattered. Clearly I have better fashion sense than you will admit.”
“Whatever, they’re just comfortable,” Lois said, infusing some haughtiness in her tone. “Don’t get a big head over it.”
“No promises,” Clark retorted. Softening his voice, he added, “We’re all a little broken, Lois. Doesn’t mean we need to be fixed.”
She cleared her throat. “Whatever, Smallville.” Leaning over she punched him lightly on the shoulder. “Don’t go getting all sappy on me.”
He let out a laugh. “I wouldn’t dare.”
Popping up from the sofa, she said, “Want to watch that movie now? I am suddenly in the mood to see something with lots of violence.”
He thankfully let her change the subject, even if the transition wasn’t her best work. “Sure.”
“I’ll get the popcorn!” she said, making her way to the kitchen, gathering some snacks and drinks for the two of them while the popcorn bag was in the microwave.
Plopping back down next to Clark, she grinned and he smiled back. He didn’t even complain when she popped in The Amityville Horror dvd that she had rented recently, the two of sitting in mostly a comfortable silence as the movie played.
At one point, she leaned close and told him softly, “Thanks, Clark.”
“Any time, Lois,” he replied kindly.
He stuck around for a second movie, but she fell asleep halfway through, only to wake up in the middle of the night to an empty apartment, a pillow under her head and covered by blanket. Clearly Clark had some of those caretaker instincts, and she really shouldn’t be surprised at this point.
She fell asleep again, with a smile on her face, feeling better than she had in awhile.
And two days later, she would walk into her apartment to see her broken locket on the table, suddenly fixed, still with its original chain, just shinier and no longer with cracks. The fact Clark would go through those efforts for her left her more than a little overwhelmed.
How he got in and out of her apartment that easily, she didn’t want to know, but she was grateful and didn’t ask.
And she’d wear it to see the Kents the following day.
“That’s a nice necklace,” Martha commented, as she passed. Clark’s smile seemed to widen upon seeing her with it, and she returned the smile, keeping her gaze on him.
“Thank you.”
He seemed to get the message.
And Lois realized when he said he wasn’t going anywhere, he meant it.
Which he would continue to prove in the years to come, even when she realized he could no longer fit in the friendship box she had put him in. Falling in love and letting him in completely wasn’t easy, but she’d find it was more than worth it.
Clark was there for her for her good days, as well as the bad ones, never forgetting that anniversary, or really any other ones. And when she would wake up in the middle of the night, feeling off, she could just roll over and snuggle closer to Clark, who was always ready with open arms and a heart that she would eventually accept was her’s and only her’s.
Maybe she was broken, maybe they both were a little broken really, but their broken pieces seem to fit together, and he did accept her for everything she was and wasn’t.
And it turned out she wasn’t meant to be alone after all.
#clois#clark x lois#clark kent#lois lane#smallville#lois x clark#clark/lois#lois/clark#clark kent/lois lane#lois lane/clark kent#clois fic#clois fanfic#clois fanfiction#smallville fic#smallville fanfic#smallville fanfiction
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okay here’s my full character analysis??? Headcanons???? canon retelling with my shit slapped on??? on
(under read more cause its gonna get long)
Viktor is said to be born in the borders of the Entresol level of Zaum (aka the middle), but I’m guessing that means the lower border because of how often he’d have to move or stay away from home due to accidents.
I assume Viktor had good parents. They were artisans and seemed to encourage his creative pursuits with robotics and so on. (I also believe he is trans and that his parents supported him in that as well haha).
So yes, we have this child who likes building things. And he lives in this place that is not healthy or safe for the people that live there. His parents probably go to the upper levels to work and Viktor gets a glimpse of a better place there. He sees where he’s at and at first, he is motivated by both kindness and frustration. He is a child with a passion and all these leaks and accidents are getting in the way! So he starts studying to see what he can do. Time passes though and he realizes the extent of those things, the casualities of those humam errors. So he takes his work more seriously and soon he is producing results. But of course no one takes a teen seriously, no matter how good he is.
Until someone does and it works. His inventions are good! So he keeps doing it! He’s awkward and socially anxious but he really LOVES building things so he does it and sells his work to the factories until he gets the attention of the Zaun academy of techmaturgy (this is canon btw).
He goes into the academy and he’s.... awkward... Like, Zaun is full of weird people sure but Viktor is pretty bad at talking about anything but robotics and stuff and comes off as blunt often, so he’s kinda isolated by his peers. He doesn’t mind, he’s there to study. But professor stanwick approaches him with interest in his work and Viktor is happy he is recognized by a professional. He’s a little naive back then and trusts his teacher a lot. Which is why he is convinced to move to Piltover, despite a bit of his reluctance to leave his home. His parents wave him goodbye and he leaves.
He moves to Piltover and gets a better lab, more tools, more money and more people to help. His work just improves in time and he’s put to work with a lot of people. He once again fails incredibly of socializing properly and falls into isolation yet again (hello darkness my old friend). People end up working with him either because he’s really the best option or because they can stand him for the time he is needed {:- (
Well, that is, until he works with Jayce. Jayce is infurating and doesn’t do things the way Viktor likes doing and has this weird outlook on how things are done that sometimes just works despite it all. He’s a puzzle that doesn’t make sense and the two end up doing a lot of things together. And having a lot of discussions. A LOT of them. They are both kinda lonely. But its like.. they don’t dislike eachother?? Because they kind skipped some steps in how socializing usually goes so it just kinda worked.
They could’ve kept going, getting comfortable in eachother’s spaces until they could just go out to chill together or something but neither of them was brave enough to try it (or smart enough to realize that could be good).
But then at this time that awful chem spill happened in Zaun in the entresol level and Viktor rushes home to help.
I’d say this is where Viktor’s character starts like, solidifying I guess? Because I think for the first time, as a grown mature person, Viktor is seeing death and suffering with his own eyes. Death and suffering that could’ve been avoided. He’s watching all these people die and suffer and he can only do so much to repair the damage. If only it could’ve been avoided, could’ve been stopped. He knows it’s possible. Why didn’t anyone do it?
He doesn’t find his parents either.
So he spends the next several months throwing all his energy and sanity into doing whatever he can to help these people. He builds blitzcrank and they fix evertyhign they can. It’s a fucking CHEM spill, can you imagine just how AWFUL it all was?? people were dying for several weeks after the accident , even after the damage to the structures were already fixed. These people were slowly suffering around him and he was trying and they kept dying around him. These are workers, families. It’s a pretty bad situation.
He learnes how to infuse mechanical parts with flesh in an astonishing way just to try to replace the rotten, sick parts of the people around him. Get rid of the parts that were kiling them.
And then! He finally goes back to Piltover, after it all, and the first thing he gets is the news that Stanwick stole credits on his invention of Blitzcrank.
Like.. the emotional toll of it all? He’s tired! He’s burdened with the ammount of death he saw and people wanna be shitty and play games like that for glory and fame! It’s stupid and he doesn’t understand it! He tries to fight for his right and loses because no one really bothered to support him through it (Jayce didn’t think he’d really have to and would you look at that).
He’s angry and upset and grieving and possibly traumatized. He keeps wondering why would people do that to eachother and comes up empty. So he’s here, obsessing with replacing every part of human error to garantee that people WILL live. Of course, he’s more isolated then ever and people don’t bother to sit down and listen, they just think he’s weird and obsessed and stuff like that.
So when he needs to do the colaboration on the dive suits with Jayce and they have their fight about free will, people side with Jayce quickly. They think Viktor is mad and they had seen it coming miles away.
He gets fucking expelled from the Piltover academia and sent back to Zaun.
To his ruined home, alone, with nothing but his name and his thoughts.
Clearly that leads him into a deep depression. After all, he lost everything but he doesn’t understand why ! because sure these people in piltover like acting high and mighty and theorizing and politicizing but they didn’t have to watch children crying because they were coughing so much blood was coming out because their lungs were corroded and they wouldnt last another week. They thought viktor was mad.
And viktor had a lot of time to wallow over it, and think about his failures and suffer on his own and he’s actual conclusion is that negative emotions ( envy, pride, sadness) clouded people’s judgemetns. They’d let others suffer for their own gain out of fear of losing.
He thought that himself feeling sadness was just another obstacle to do what he had to: save people.
So he basically starts operating on himself until he can barely feel emotions anymore, removing his own happiness with it (but its not like he felt it anyway so what difference did it make). And then he starts plunging into work like never before, dedicated to this new cause that is the glorious evolution. He starts again from the bottom and once again he rises, because Viktor is a genious, and he is honest in his work, in his intentions. He wants to help.
People were scared of the Mad Man Viktor, but Viktor would do anything he could to save you if you came to him. He understood limits though, he never imposed over people. Do no harm, as they say ( what would be the point of doing that?? )
And then the other toxic even happens in Sump, another really bad one, and Viktor rushes in to help. He’s keeping these people alive in his lab but he knows he doesnt have the power to keep them so. So he goes to Jayce after an energy source.
He thinks Jayce will listen to him now, now Viktor isn’t emotive and easily hurt, now he isn’t insecure, he has a cause, he has something he fights for. A brighter tomorrow.
And Jayce calls him mad.
Viktor is kind of dissapointed, he’d think Jayce, who has always been so uncaring of people’s opinion’s would at least try to understand. He doesn’t. So he takes the crystal by force from Jayce (petty arguments can be saved for later, those people on his lab needed him NOW).
When Jayce follows him there with a hammer he understands the stakes.
One life against hundreds is an easy math. Viktor chooses to sacrifice Jayce (Jayce chose to come here after all)
But then Jayce actually destroys his lab.
And like... imagine waking up to your laboratory destroyed, just dozens of corpses of innocent people laying around. yet another failure, yet another big price to pay.
He has to start from zero again. His reputation is completely stepped on ( he is truly crazy now by everyone’s eyes) and Jayce is a hero. Blitzcrank sticks around for a little while, moved by the same passion to help people, but blitzcrank can stand the deaths and the gruesomeness of viktor’s work, he leaves to try to help in other ways. Viktor lets him of course, blitz has free will and he isn’t anyone to stop him.
Some people, desperate people, still come to him for help. He does his best to give them what they need. A strange cult forms and idolizes him, he hates it, he is no god, he is just another man. People thinking of him as an etheral being just proves his theory on how fear and wayward emotions lead to dumb, dangerous mistakes.
In the end, Viktor is trying to cheat suffering, cheat death at all costs.
I don’t believe he sent any golems or anything after Jayce, vengence is way too beneath him. Stealing? Maybe not, depends. I think Jayce became a bit paranoid after “defeating” viktor. Because Viktor said some big words and Jayce is suddenly realizing that truly, he has no purpose. He’s just a useless tool. He makes things sure, but what for? He’s raised as a hero but damn he doesn’t feel like it.
And to end it all, this is why I think Ekko and Viktor should sit down and chat at some point. They are so similar and so different all at once. They both love Zaun and its people, they both wanna protect them and have a passion for inventing. But while Viktor wants to reject his human side to achieve his goals, Ekko embraces it. Like, I don’t think Viktor shouldn’t even be his mentor, more like his colleague. Ekko is his own person and has a different way of doing things, but they could do a lot together as well.
Also Ekko and Blitz are totally friends in canon so like.. yeah.. Zaun for life....
Anyway this is it thank tou all for reading this is UUUH like 1,8k words long
extras or stuff I already said and will say again:
viktor is trans
he was an anxious yet hopeful (and maybe a bit naive) teenager
he still loves sweet things and thats canon.. he likes chilling sometimes
workaholic as seen
blames himself for literally everything like a dumbass
is kinda of very afraid of death in general
is not the kind of person that steals children to experiment on them cmon guys thats propaganda
is embarrassed of the cult following him
i guess he doesnt have his whole left arm anymore, chop chop it went
USED braces as kid
loves blitzcrank like a son, doesnt realize it
I think thats all, sorry yall
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[MadaTobiWeek] Fourth Day: Youkai
Title: Amor Aeternus
Pairing: Madara x Tobirama
Theme: Youkai
Summary: If you love someone, then spoiles them, gives them everything they ever wanted, and then... destroy their wings forever. Until then that they truly become yours, until then that they will stay by your side forever and ever...
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Amor Aeternus
“You haven’t been hanging out with us lately, Madara”
“Yea! Did something happen?”
Hearing those words from his friends – or at least that’s the only term he can think of, they are just people that he hangs out with. Perhaps a little closer than stranger, but they aren’t someone he trusts enough to tell everything. It isn’t that hard to understand though, the life isn’t full of pink and sometimes a few relationships is needed in order to make everything progress well. Madara isn’t the type to make friends with people, he has things he needs to deal with, brothers to take care, but he guessed it all change when his only brother started studying abroad. They still talk and video call, but it was never the same. The stress his father placed upon him, it is what made him starting to hang with them – to place he would never visit before – too busy to do that and he didn’t want to disappoint his father.
However, that changed now. Some would call him crazy for did, but honestly, Madara doesn’t care about them nor their words. It has been two months since he started meeting this guy – something he first thought it was just a dream, because he only met him when he goes to bed. But turned out, it wasn’t his imagine or a simple dream, because night after night, he meets him and fuck, Madara thinks he may get addicted to this. The man is simply breath-taking, not just his looks but also his personality and his clever mind. Although there is something off about the man, something Madara just can’t put a finger to it, but he just couldn’t reject him. Said person is called Tobirama and since then, he no longer has nightmare or even feels lonely. Although they only meet when Madara falls asleep, but that’s enough for now.
Life seems to be brighter, Tobirama is a good listener and also gives good advise, something that help Madara a lot in life, however, for the past few days, the Uchiha has been feeling that this isn’t enough. He is curious, wants to know more about this strange white-hair guy, how he keeps appearing in his dream. He did some researched, but he just isn’t that sure anymore. Perhaps a talk is what they need, still, Madara has a feeling it won’t be easy, not only because Tobirama will probably try to avoid this topic but also because... well... Madara can’t really focus when he meets him. It is hard to meet someone that clicked so well with him like that and the Uchiha knows he has never a straight man.
Fortunately, he has yet to meet anyone that catch his interest so it is safe to say no one has found out about this secret, not even his family. Everything changed when he meets him, and like hell Madara can deny the fact he isn’t interested in him. Who wouldn’t anyway? Whenever he looks into those red orbs, he feels like drowning and it is so hard to look away from him. He even caught glimpse of what is hidden under those shirts Tobirama wears and fuck, 22 he may be, Tobirama still knows how to make him feel like a fucking horny teenage. But of course, it isn’t just about sex nor look, Madara is drawn in by Tobirama’s mind and words, how the man is so clever is still a mystery to him.
Sighed to himself, he honestly can’t stop himself from wanting to go back and falling asleep as quick as possible – just because he wanted to meet him. Madara knows it is bad, because he isn’t that stupid, he realizes he is withdrawing from the rest of the world, even from Izuna, just to spend more time with Tobirama, but there is barely anything for him to do. When people fall in love, they become blind, don’t they? It is the same case for Madara and he just wishes he can spend more time with him, or even holds him in reality, but somehow, he doesn’t think that is possible, or is it? Shook his head, the man put away those thought, he has things to do and unless he doesn’t want to spend more time with Tobirama, he better does it fast! With that settle, the Uchiha focus on his work, but somewhere in his mind, a familiar figure just stand there and smile at him...
“You have been staring at me for a while now, Madara...”
Sighed, Tobirama gazed at the Uchiha and wondered what is wrong with him today. Since they are in the dream land, where Tobirama pretty the one in control, it isn’t that weird seeing a room in japanese style, nor the fact they are drinking some tea right now, especial when they are the Land of Dream. Someone once said, illusion is reality and reality is illusion, someone can be nowhere yet everywhere, and someone can be someone yet noone. The line just doesn’t exist here, so yes, things like that can happen. Calmly picked up his tea cup, Tobirama relaxed himself at the smell of this lavender tea while waiting for Madara’s answer.
Knew that he should just get out with it, but seeing the way Tobirama relaxed himself like that, it reminds him of an adorable cat and it made him wanted to touch him so badly, even just a small stroke at Tobirama’s chin would be enough. However, Madara pushed those thought away and kept himself in check because while he has feeling for him, the dark hair male doesn’t believe it is possible for them. What if this is just some kind of insane dream or his mind play trick on him? But most of all, he doesn’t want to lose this friend...
“Well, it has been two months since we met and I’m just curious... What exactly are you?”
Paused, Tobirama knew this question would come, and Madara is more patient than he has thought, most of them couldn’t wait that long to ask this question. Allowed the warm liquid to fill his throat, then the Senju placed down his cup and looked at him, red orbs seem to lit up, but perhaps it just Madara’s imagine.
“Curious?” Earned a nod from Madara, which made the Senju chuckled at how eager Madara is. Yes, the Uchiha is an adult, but compared to someone like Tobirama, Madara still quite young.
“Hm... I can tell you, but...” He trailed off and gazed at him with those half-close eyes, like a smug cat which made Madara became more impatient and leaned toward.
“You see, nothing is free, my dear Uchiha... You should know, I don’t share my personal information with people I don’t trust”
“But aren’t we friends?”
“We are, however, that alone isn’t enough for you to have my whole trust”
Tobirama could see the frustrated in Madara’s eyes and he knew, everything is progressing nicely. The Uchiha will never know that this youkai has been watching him for a while before approached him two months ago, nor the fact everything actually planned out by him. It isn’t because Madara is too dense for those things, but because Tobirama has been living for a while now, he has met and interacted with different kinds of people, he knew exactly how to make them fall into his trap. However, Madara is different. At first, it only because the man’s dream is rather delicious to him, but sometimes, those dream containted his memory and the more he learnt about him, the more Tobirama found himself wanted him. Does he love him? That is a good question, one that Tobirama isn’t so sure, after all, is it possible for someone like him to feels such things? Many has met him before and Madara wouldn’t be the first one to be lead on like this, but one thing for sure, the Uchiha is the first one that caught Tobirama’s attention and made him wanted the man so bad. As if he wanted to own him completely...
It isn’t coincidence that they met, everything that happened, it happened for a reason. Tobirama was the one who wanted it to happen and he trusts himself that he can catch this Uchiha’s interest. It is a bet, and guessed what, he won. From the corner Madara can’t see, the Senju smirked – one that made people feel like he has finally archived his goal, however, he isn’t an arrogant, he knew this still a little too soon...
“Then what do you want from me?”
Madara knew he shouldn’t ask this question, because it felt like he will regret this. But does he look like he will give a damn right now? He just too close to it and it actually hurt to know that Tobirama hasn’t trust him fully yet. Trust takes a long time to build, but Madara already falls so hard, so deep. He gave the Senju his whole trust, not only because Tobirama only exist here but also because there is just something that made him wanted to trust him so badly.
‘Hook, Line and Sinker’
“What I tell you are a little dangerous, so I will need to form a contract with me. It isn’t because I don’t trust you, but this is our rules.” The words made Madara perked up a little, contract sounds like something could give Madara some trouble, however, it isn’t like Tobirama will harm he, right?
“I want to read the contact first”
In a burst of flame, the contract appeared right in front of the Uchiha. Upon reading and scanning it, he has to admit, this is acceptable, basically, it is to make sure he won’t tell anyone about what he has heard from Tobirama, nor try to harm Tobirama after he has known what the man truly is. However, he thought that wouldn’t be necessary, Madara would never try to hurt him! Although he can be rather ruthless towards his opponent, when it comes to his family and friends, Madara would do anything for them, even if he won’t admit it. Still, if this is needed, Madara wouldn’t mind signing it. However, there is one sounded a little strange, because it stated that once he signed this contract, it means he will now a part of Tobirama’s group and he just frowned. It is good to be close to Tobirama, but does this mean everyone who meet Tobirama before also sign something like this? And why would it needed to be in the contract? Something seem off, but he just couldn’t figure out what is what. Perhaps Tobirama too, noticed the look from Madara, that’s why he gave him a small smile and cocked his head to the side.
“Something wrong?”
“...I suppose not”
Shook his head, Madara decided it probably because he thinks too much. So received the pen from Tobirama, he signed down his name, never notice this dark look from his dearest crush, or the small smirk on his face. If Madara has seen it, perhaps he will know just what he got himself into, but unfortunately, he should have been more careful of who he has been meeting with, because sometimes, things isn’t like what they seem to be...
The moment the contract is seal, it burst into flame and vanished as quickly as the moment it shown up. Onyx gazed toward the white-hair male and even without words, the Senju knew what the Uchiha is asking. Doesn’t matter, everything is progressing smoothly and in no time, he will have the Uchiha as his own. As promise, Tobirama will have to tell him what he is and explain everything – something he has no problem with, because this isn’t the first time it happened. So calmly enjoyed his tea, the inhuman figure began his tale.
“As you may guess... I aren’t a human, nor used to be one” A spirit could appear in dream like this, however, those trash could never reach Tobirama’s level. “I am what you people called Baku...” A creature that eat nightmare and dream, but of course, this is barely the end of said story. This only the beginning, and as red orbs bored straight into onyx one, Madara felt as if he is melting under those look.
‘Not now, boner!’
Is it even possible for him to have a boner in his dream? He has no idea, but he wouldn’t want Tobirama to know. Laughter filled the entire room and as Madara once again swipe his attention to Tobirama, the man carried on with his story.
“So it begins like this....”
A month later...
Lately... Madara has been rather tired, he doesn’t know why but he has been sleeping a lot more than usual. Of course if it is someone else, they may suspect the Senju seeing the Senju eats dream and nightmare, so he could be the reason. However, Madara trust Tobirama too much and well, it isn’t really a bad idea as it means he can meet Tobirama more. Ah, has he mention it? Just last week, they have offical became a couple! Yes, it sounds insane but after knowing that Tobirama isn’t a dream or something his mind created on its own self, Madara just doesn’t give a shit anymore. So what if the man is a youkai, he is real and he is there for him. Dream it can be, but everything is even more real than reality. He just doesn’t realize this, but he is being dragged deeper into the Land of Dream, one that Tobirama controls and soon, the Uchiha would never manage to return to his world anymore.... But perhaps, it will happen even faster than Tobirama ever planned, because sometimes, things would never follow the plan nicely.
A yawn passed his lips, Madara tried his hardest to focus on the route, however, just as he turned the wheel over, the car from the opposite way somehow lost control and within a blink of eye, it crashed into Madara’s. Unexpected, his eyes widen as he never thought something like this could happen seeing he always try to drive as safe as possible. Pain crashed through his body and Madara could barely think of anything, image of his family flashed through his mind as he became dizzy and the pain just increased, to the point where his body and mind could no longer handle it and the last thing in his mind was the worry face of his lover.
Fortunately, the pain didn’t last long because right after darkness claimed him, Madara snapped out his eyes, wondered to himself just what the hell happened, wasn’t a car crashed into his and he fainted due to the pain and the blood lost? How can he awake that quickly? As he took a look around him, he realized this place seem familiar, but he thought he could only enter this place when he goes to sleep? Curious and confuse, yet it all disappeared when he felt a pair of arms wrapped around his shoulder, he knew this scent, it belonged to Tobirama – Madara was certain because he could never forget it. Whenever they get too close, he could smelt it, especial when... they make love to each other.
Unsure tone, he turned over and looked at his lover. However, Tobirama stopped him and tighten the hug around him. Madara will never know but if the man has faint before he called out for Tobirama, chance is, the Senju won’t be fast enough to grab his soul first, and the Death God could get his hands on Madara’s soul before him. He felt worry and scare, something he didn’t know he could feel, because he is a youkai and emotions are something rather expensive for them. But he did, and it is all because of this Uchiha. He knew, he may have him, but Madara has his heart and well... Perhaps Tobirama was the one who lost to this game.
“You’re safe now....”
“I remember I got into an accident”
“You did. But you are safe now... I will protect you, I won’t let them take you away” Tobirama repeated the line, as if he is telling himself that Madara is safe now and won’t leave him.
“Them? What did you do, Tobirama...?”
“Shh... It isn’t important.”
Turned his lover over, Tobirama caressed his face gentle. A little faster than the plan, but seeing that Madara already here... he isn’t going to let him go anymore.
“I won’t let anything happen to you again.” Blood red eyes seem to become darker and Madara suddenly felt like something is wrong, however, a finger pressed against his lips and he could only stared into those red orbs.
“I will protect you” Leaned forward, Tobirama allowed the space between them became smaller and smaller, finger stroked against Madara’s lips.
“I will give you everything you want, however....” As the Senju removed his finger and closed the gasp between them, they were close enough for their lips to meet and Tobirama muttered against Madara’s lips. “I will never allow you to leave my side again... You’re mine and mine alone, Madara...”
And with that, he pressed his pressed against his lover’s lips. All words left Madara’s mind and the only things he could feel or think is Tobirama. He knew he should talk to him about what Tobirama just said just now and about the accident, he knew he should be worried as Tobirama is acting strange. Especial because from what he gathered, he gets in a serious accident and he could die. What Tobirama said just confirm his theory, however, words is meaningless right now, it isn’t like he could do anything and Tobirama needed him right now. He knew the event must gave his lover a heart attack, so wrapped his arms around his lover, he pinned him down and licked his lips playfully.
“Allow me to show you how it done”
The rest can be handled later... Right now, Madara has a lover to satisfy, and as he leaned down to kiss him, he never sees the way Tobirama’s eyes lit up or how demonic it looked. Yes, he loves him, there is no doubt about that, but at the same time, Tobirama is hardly a good youkai. He is selfish and he takes what he wanted, even without this accident, Madara would soon become his and his alone. Never forget, “The devil doesn���t come in pointy horns and red cape... He comes at everything you’ve ever wished for.”
[You’re mine....]
Since the moment Tobirama saw Madara, the Senju has already marked the Uchiha as his and his alone. He loves him, but he also a selfish person, too paranoid to wait for Madara’s time to come. As long as Madara still alive and out there, there is a small chance that someone will come and steal him away from Tobirama, something the white-hair male couldn’t allow to happen. He is madly inlove with him, that’s why...
‘I’m sorry...’
And he stole away Madara’s soul – just as he tore apart his lover’s wings... With these bloody eyes, he will seduce him; with this body, Tobirama ties Madara to his; with this soul and heart, he lock the Uchiha in his golden cage. The happiness because he finally made Madara his, the guilt because he just destroyed his own lover, it is what pushed the youkai to insanity. Lips curled up into a small smirk and he wrapped arms around him. So what if he is insane, what if he no longer the same...? As long as he has Madara, even if he has to pay with his life, it’ll be alright.
[Forever and ever... ]
#madatobiweek2018#madatobi#madatob#madtob#uchiha madara#senju tobirama#myfanfic#ivysylph#madara x tobirama
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AK RarePair week Spring 2017, Day 1 - Rain
((Hello everyone, and welcome back for the second edition of Rarepair Week ! Are you all ready for it ? Well I am ! Not. Please somebody stop time for me.))
Rating: General Audience Characters: Hazama Kirara, Kurahashi Hinano Relationship: Hazama/Kurahashi
Ao3 link here
Hazama never was one to like the sun. Not only her skin burned easily, the dry weather made her hair curl up into a knotty mess her mother had many times, during childhood, tried to tame with rough brush strokes that left a painful impression on her. Rain was better. Rain made her hair wet, straightened them and stuck them to her face like a ghost just released from her well. She liked that appearance much better.
But her main problem with the sun have always been how she was forced to indulge her mother’s fantasies. Picnic, walk in the wood... With the rays of sun came maternal ideas straight from a fairy tale, and the girl would only be able to follow those plans. Pointing out the gap between those romanticised delusions and reality would only make her mother scream ; no one was allowed to shatter the dreamy illusion in which she lived, or there would be dire consequences. It was all very stressful, and for naught too, because ultimately she would get irritated by ants or dirt or who know what, and her husband and daughter would would get the short end of her low mood.
There wasn’t much she could do about the sun, hanging the teru teru bōzu upside down or recite spells meant to bring out the rain. She could, however, try her best to avoid her mother, mostly by locking herself in the library or following the idiots from her gang in whatever stupid idea they’ve got.
However, neither of those things prepared her for an invitation from Kurahashi. Which explained how, despite hating physical effort and staying outside whenever unecessary, the gloomy girl ended up walking in the woods near her school, sweaty from the hot yet humid summer weather accompanying a sky cloudy since days, yet refused to rain and relieve everyone. Mother Nature truly was someone terrible.
To be fair, Hazama was indebted to Kurahashi. No longer than a week ago, her newly acquired pet tarantula happened to lay eggs, something its precedent owner had somehow forgotten to warn her about. How was she supposed to guess that when its usual mating season didn’t even start, and in which conditions was it kept for such an event to happen ? Her usual composure had vanished on the moment, and it was thanks to Ritsu’s idea of contacting their animal-loving comrade that she was able to get out of this mess.
Outside of this incident, Hazama hadn’t talked much to Kurahashi. They were sitting at opposite ends of the class and frequented different groups, which left not much occasions to befriend each other, and Hazama liked it like that. If she were to be honest, the other girl made her uneasy.
She had a pretty good instinct for the darkness humans kept in their hearts. Negative emotions. Greed. Happiness at making someone suffer. Those things, Hazama always have been good at guessing them. She was pretty proud of it, in fact, how she could point out the exact things that would depress a specific person or make them show their true face. She liked awful people because she could be venomous without restraint around them, and she prefered to surround herself with the ones with a bad reputations, that would accept her as she was, far from the pretty princess her mother had tried to turn her into.
Kurahashi was a strange case, for Hazama couldn’t see this kind of darkness in her. Rather, whenever she was around, it was as if the bad feelings evaporated into the air, as if her sole presence alleviated people from their worries. She could repeat the sleazy words she heard the guys secretly say with the same innocent smile as usual. It left Hazama speechless. Unable to think of how she should speak to her or to stand next to such a bright person. Kurahashi have been described by their classmates as being a ray of sunshine, and in that they were surely right, because Hazama had a hard time handling her.
That didn’t mean she disliked the girl. Their times together were rather awkward, but she liked listening to her peppy talk, and she was grateful for her help in dealing with her pet’s many children. Plus, she took a vicious pleasure in imagining what would be her mother’s reaction if she heard that the girl she complimented when Hazama brought her home - “So charming and sweet, why can’t you be more like her ?”- was dragging her to go seek her beetle baits.
“I’m glad you came along.” Kurahashi commented while walking. If it weren’t for Karasuma’s training, Hazama would have a hard time following her while conversing casually, but she doubted her comrade would have needed it in the first place to move around with so much ease. She seemed like an outdoor person. “With the summer vacations, I didn’t know who to call, but then I remember you mentioning you were there till the end of the month, and I thought, ‘If it’s Hazama-chan she will surely come !’.”
This could seems like the girl had no idea of her comrade’s personality. Hazama choose to rather see it as her admitting she knew the gloomy student would be unwilling to refuse her something after her help. Kurahashi was, after all, one of the best students of Irina-sensei ; under her carefree air, there would be no way she wasn’t observant enough to not notice the other girl’s daily attitude, and she knew how to manipulate people in subtle ways. Hazama had no chance to win against her, as usual.
“Why do you need someone, though ? I don’t think I can help you in any way. -Because it’s a fun activity to do together ! Ah, don’t tell me, you don’t dislike beetles, do you ?” she sounded so surprised, as if the thought only just occurred to her. “I don’t dislike them, but I don’t have particular feelings about them either. I like how they look, though. -Yes, aren’t they adorable ?” This wasn’t exactly the word Hazama would have used, no. “I was more thinking in the lines of ‘elegant’. -Ah, I see what you mean ! They would make a good subject for jewelry, wouldn’t they ? -Like the scarab of ancient Egypt ? -Exactly !” Kurahashi pondered something for an instant, then asked “Do you like ancient Egypt, Hazama-chan ? -I’m more interested in their curses, but I’ve read about some of their gods. Isn’t there supposed to be a scarab beetle rolling the Sun around ? Sounds like it could suit you. -Why, thank you !”
The girl’s approval made Hazama conscious of what she had just said, leaving her feeling slightly awkward, through her face only showed composure. She hadn’t even meant it as a compliment. Casual compliments aren’t her style, except as thinly veiled insults. Was it that Kurahashi was so used to be called ‘sunny’ that she thought it was probably something similar ? Maybe not. She did seems the kind who would actually appreciate being compared to a bug.
“It’s too bad there isn’t a lot of stories about beetles. I like every insect, but I have a soft spot for them. -I think there’s one in North America. They helped the natives in making the rain falls.” She didn’t know the details, but that one story had peeked her interest enough to remember it. “Oh, that’s interesting ! It would be nice if the rain would fall here, too, the clouds accumulate but won’t release anything. If we find beetles, maybe we should ask them if they know a song or two for that !” While she said that lightly, Kurahashi then hummed a song to herself, as if really considering this eventuality.
Hazama envied her, if only for a bit. The way she acted as if those silly stories would have no impact on her - no, it was more than likely the case. If the rain was to fall, they would be soaked, but that would be far from the end of the world. If the clouds would dissipate and let the sun shine even brighter, they might get sunburns, but all kinds of bugs would probably come out, maybe even unusual ones. The weather didn’t matter much for Kurahashi’s enjoyment of the situation.
It was sort of cute. And also something Hazama was unable to do. For a fourteen year old, it wasn’t unusual to have strong opinions on insignifiant subjects, but she thought she was mature enough to be above this. Yet. She couldn’t forget that feeling she got as a younger child, buried in incantation books and whispering words she forced herself to pretend she didn’t believe in. That tiny sparkle of hope that, maybe, with enough efforts, she could make the rain fall on the garden and her mother would be forced to cancel the afternoon tea she spent days organizing. Maybe, if she repeated the words enough times, she wouldn’t have to sit among all those adults and look at sweets she wouldn’t be allowed to eat, because her food and health advisor of a mother wanted her to stay thin and pretty.
Hazama was unable of letting go of her bitterness from those memories, nor did she wished to. Kurahashi could be as happy as she wanted to be, the pleasure of seeing rain fall down on people’s expectations suited her much more.
Still. As water droplets descending from the sky minutes after their conversation, she felt a tad jealous to see the girl’s lighthearted humming being rewarded.
“You must be kidding me... -Ah, I know where to shelter ourselves ! Quick !”
A hand took Hazama’s, warm from the summer heat. She had no time to react, as she was suddenly pulled forward.
She hated running, especially in the woods where the ground was uneven and her feet could potentially be caught in anything, but she wasn’t given the leisure to choose her pace. The air was supposed to get chillier, but as they arrived at their goal, she felt even warmer from the race.
The place Kurahashi was thinking about was small. A cavity in the rockier part of a slope, not even a cave. Was there a cave on this mountain ? There must be one. It would be more comfortable than being forced to sit down, the hole not tall enough to permit standing up, nor big enough to let them have much personal space between them.
After catching her breath a few minutes, tempting the ignore how close the other girl was to her - she could almost feel her against her skin, soft and lukewarm-, Hazama finally told her.
“I think that’s confirm it. You’re really a beetle. -No way !” Kurahashi laughed at the suggestion. “You seems happy, given our current situation. -Well, it was really time for rain to fall. And it makes me kinda glad you came, since else I would have to wait alone. -...It’s true that the rain is refreshing.”
She wasn’t sure how to interpret the second sentence. Kurahashi just wanted to say she would be bored without someone there. It could have been anyone else. But she still felt a tiny bit happy at those words.
That... bothered her. She wasn’t even sure why. She wanted to ignore this, to respond casually with a snicker. She used a low, supposedly menacing voice. It came out more nervous than she wanted.
“You know, though, I could do terrible things to you just to distract myself, are you sure you’re glad that I’m here ? -Hm ? What could you do, I wonder ?”
Kurahashi turned her head to face her comrade, a smile on her lips.
“If it was Rio-chan or one of the boys, it would probably be something sleazy, but that would be too boring from your part... You always get interesting ideas, don’t you ? I want to hear all about them~"
That’s right, Hazama had always been clever when it came to this kind of things. Always finding the most unexpected words to bully someone verbally, or methods to scare them without brute force. Her reputation as a witch was earned honestly.
Yet, when Kurahashi approached her face, her mind was empty.
It really made her feel uneasy to be so close. Her face was so bright, after all. Her arm so warm against her own.
“If you’re not going to do anything, maybe you won’t mind if I act first, then ?”
Aah, that wasn’t good, that wasn’t good at all. This was precisely a reason why Kurahashi made her feel apprehensive. The way she would get so familiar that Hazama couldn’t keep her coolness, nor find any way to push her back -no spiderweb can resist to the beetle’s will after all. The way that made her not even sure she actually wanted to keep her distance with this ridiculously cute and happy girl.
...If only for letting this moment exist. Hazama was glad it rained this time.
#akrpweek17#assassination classroom#ansatsu kyoushitsu#assclass#暗殺教室#Hazama Kirara#kurahashi hinano#gargouille writes
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