#everyone who knows him shuts down any attempt at conversation with 'okay arthur' before he can get 2 sentences in
slippery-minghus · 6 months
sometimes characters really will be the most trans and autistic coded you have ever seen. and i'm fucking living for it
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outlaw-apologist · 2 years
Save Yourself | GN!Reader x Various (RDR2)
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Summary: It’s the beginning of the end and gang members are starting to flee. Things are looking grim, fights are breaking out. Arthur begins to realize you’re in danger. However, he’s not entirely sure whose side you’re on. It’s time for an unfortunate conversation.
Multiple endings if a specific gang member is your lover
Pairings: Friend!Arthur, Arthur, Charles, Hosea, Javier, John, Kieran, Dutch
Warnings: Mentions of death,  Murfree Brood activities AO3 LINK
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The air was so thick you couldn’t breathe. Was it the humidity of this shit-hole or the unsettling presence of iron and burnt skin wafting forward from the cave so rank you could almost taste it? Perhaps it was the mood everyone was simmering in now that betrayals have been made? You weren’t too sure, but it was hard to exist inside of. Whatever it was, it was only worsened by the heavy loss you held in your chest. Hosea, who had been a father figure in your life, and Lenny. Truth be told, you thought Sean’s death was pretty horrific. Never did you imagine you’d lose so many of your family in such a short period of time.
Molly’s death seemed to haunt everyone, even those who hated her. Was she a rat? Nobody could agree on an answer. To certain gang members it was a just cause and a good riddance; while to others it birthed paranoia in their minds that they, while innocent, may be next. You couldn’t sleep. Not that most of the gang could. Echoes of the Murfree Brood washed over Beaver’s Hollow all day and all night creating a sense of unease. They could return and attack at any moment. Slit your throats and skin you alive. Could you really trust those on guard duty when arguments are breaking out daily?
The line was being drawn in dirt before everyone eyes. Sides were being picked. You knew it was coming. Everyone did. It was hard to believe. Hard to accept. Everyone here… You love them all so much! Some more than others, but the fact still stands that these people have been your life and your family for years. This was all you knew. It scared you. Who were you without the gang? What would you do? Where would you go? That monstrous weight of reality sunk in while you watched Arthur physically remove Strauss from camp. No one said a word.
Because soon it’ll be their turn.
Because soon it’ll be yours.
Waiting for the other shoe to drop was agony. Frightened whispers were exchanged between the women as the men threw words like ‘brothers’, ‘loyalty’, ‘rat’, and ‘betrayal’ around violently. “It’ll be okay.” So many tried to comfort each other, but you know the truth. You know it’ll only get worse from here and it weighed heavy on your mind the past few nights while staying up listening to strange calls from the forest and arguments around the fire.
You didn’t know what to choose or where to go. You love everyone so much, life without them seemed terrifying. A loss within its self you’ll have to grieve hand in hand with the deaths. How could you do that to yourself when you’re already so down? Maybe dying with them would be best… You could tell Arthur’s nearing his end and he seems to know it too. Watching him die, watching everyone lose their heads trying to make sense of everything, knowing more deaths will come and not knowing who will be the next to go… Hell… It was hell.
“Looks like Trelawny is gone for good.” You gazed up as Arthur leaned against the tree across from where you were trying to read in an attempt to escape the reality of things. With a sigh you folded the book shut, studying Arthur’s pale face. It’s hard to believe this is the man who had been so strong for you all these years. Who was as healthy as a bounding deer only months ago. Seeing hin in such a state broke you in ways you couldn’t even describe.
“It’s probably for the best.” Was all you managed to say. It was hard but you tried to keep your feelings swallowed away. Arthur didn’t need that on his plate right now.
You were surprised when he bent down, meeting you at eye-level. “Ride with me.” There was no room for argument, it must be something serious. You both rose in silence, making your way through camp towards the horses. As you walked you couldn’t help but to check on Karen who was passed out drunk, making sure she won’t choke to death on her own spit while you’re gone. Jack waddled past the two of you. “Have you seen Kane? I can’t find him anywhere.” Your eyes scanned the area as you realized you too haven't seen the dog around for some time. “He might be out exploring. I’m sure he’ll come back.” Your words were little comfort for the boy who walked off with a pouted lip to ask someone else.
“It’ll be okay.” Arthur’s voice startled you out of your thoughts. He must’ve noticed a tint of darkness wash over your face. “I mean… It’s not okay, but we’ll make it okay.” Tired eyes searched your features. He was trying hard to understand where your head-space was at in all of this.
Pulling yourself into your saddle, you tugged the reigns of your horse. “I know. We always do the best we can, right?”
“That’s right.” Something in his voice gave way to his heart in this moment. He was just as torn up about all this as you were.
The ride was silent. You both just sat with your peace while riding towards the East Grizzlies. “I thought… Uh… We’d head up to O’Creagh’s Run. Maybe do some fishin’.”
“Sounds good, Arthur.”
“I had a friend up here, Hamish, he’s a funny guy. An old veteran who lost his leg. Found him on the side of the road one day while I was uh,” he shrugged, “wonderin’ around. Said his horse bucked him and took his false leg, asked me to get it back. After that he invited me to go huntin’ a few times. We had a nice talk, recalled our lives and the things we should’ve done different. That’s how I got Buell here.” Arthur pat Buell lovingly as he spoke. “Old Hamish didn’t make it back from one of our hunting trips, asked me to take care of him. How could I say no?” His voice was soft since Arthur switched from talking to you to talking to the horse himself.
A fond laugh found its way past your lips. Arthur loved animals so much, it was endearing. You could tell he cared greatly for Buell. “I did wonder when I saw Buell show up suddenly. Found a good match after Boadicea?”
“I think so.” He flashed you a brilliant smile. “I hate to think our time together might be cut short with all this-” He waved his hand as if motioning to some abstract thought-form created by Dutch’s recent behavior. “Boadicea was my girl. But Buell? Well, I think I can trust him to carry me for the rest of my days. He’s strong, stubborn-”
“Like you.” You interjected cheekily, causing Arthur to playfully roll his eyes.
“If you say so.”
Soon you came upon the lake and slowed your horses. Despite his physical state, Arthur still helped you down, giving you an affectionate pat on the back. “The real reason I wanted to bring you out here… Well… We need to have a talk, away from all this mess.” You could tell it was hard for him to get these words out. Arthur didn’t quite know exactly where you stand and a part of him was worried he’ll make the situation worse than it already is.
Your legs carried you until the front of your boots were licked by lapping water. This place is peaceful, you thought. Not muggy. Not decaying. Immediately you sucked in a deep inhale, allowing your lungs to fill with crisp clean mountain air. Deer bound across the other side of the lake and you can see colorful fish dart beneath the waters surface. In this moment you felt so much gratitude towards Arthur for taking you here. “This is a good place to have it, can probably keep my head straight here for once.”
He grunted in agreement. “I know what you mean. Beaver’s Hollow…”
“More like Beaver’s Shithole.” You sat a moment, screwing the components of your rod together before accepting the bait Arthur stretched out in the palm of his hand. He let out a hearty laugh which then dribbled into a coughing fit. Without a second thought you rubbed his back while passing over your water canteen.
“I’m fine.” He waved it away, wiping his mouth while his chest settled.
Silence spread over the shore. You and Arthur soaking in each other’s company. The only sounds that reached your ears for awhile were of your lines casting and the chattering ducks. “I wanted to ask you something.”
“Shoot.” You cocked your head to look up at Arthur. His eyes were trained on the water, as if trying to see something.
“Where’s your head at with all this? I mean Javier is…. And Bill hasn’t had a thought a day in his life, but he’s stayin’ with Dutch. Then there’s that business with Marston being broken out too early, there was talk of hanging him for Christ’s sake!”
“I know…” You paused, reflecting on the tone in Arthur’s voice. His heart is broken for his brothers. For his family. “I saw the way Dutch talked to you yesterday, couldn’t believe my own ears. Looks like Micah’s the golden child now.”
Arthur let out a mirthless laugh. “I said to John just the other day, looks like we don’t gotta worry about who Dutch’s favorite is anymore.”
“You went and blew that bridge up, right?”
“Yeah, we did it.”
“How’d that go?”
He shrugged. “Almost got ran over by a train, but it went as well as expected. Don’t know if this is the noise Dutch wanted. Seems idiotic if you ask me.”
“I’m gonna be honest Arthur, I don’t know what he’s thinking. I don’t understand any of this. New York? We hardly survived Saint Denis and that’s nothing compared to New York… It makes no damn sense. He gets pissed off when people treat us like a bunch of yokels but that’s who we are. That’s who we’ve always been.”
“Don’t I know it. But Dutch… He’s gone. He’s changed. I don’t know when it happened or why. I-” Arthur shook his head, eyes tilting up to watch the clouds float by, “I tried so hard to make sense of it all and I just can’t wrap my mind around it.”
“John mentioned he thinks it was the trolley accident but I remember even at Horseshoe, Hosea was calling him out on his bullshit. He started changing things then. The plan he had was good, was solid. If we had just gone West, back to our home… And bought some land we could’ve lived peaceful lives.” Old feelings of upset swelled in your belly as you reflected on your time camping out at Horseshoe Overlook. It now seemed as though it were a lifetime ago instead of mere months. You paused to let it settle before continuing. “Hosea knew then.”
Arthur’s eyes squinted and you could tell he too was recalling these moments. “I remember that. He said something to Marston, told him to get out while he can. Take Abigail and the boy and run far far away. Suppose he knew something was up before the rest of us did. Hosea knows Dutch best… knew…”
The correction made you both flinch. It still wasn’t real, Hosea being gone.
Thankfully attention was diverted when a fish tugged at your line. Jerking the rod sideways you quickly reeled it in with excitement. “I caught something!”
“Let’s see it.” Arthur leaned down to scoop your fish out of the water, showing off a nice pike. “Not bad.”
Pulling out the hook, you decided to stow the fish away. “Nice dinner, we’ll have to cook it before we head back, I don’t think Pearson would be happy with our fish haul.”
“Probably not.” Arthur mused. “I’ve seen him drinking recently. Karen too, poor Karen.”
“She hasn’t been the same since Sean.”
“None of us have, but she definitely took the worst of it. This whole thing… I guess we’re at the end now.” He side-eyed you in an attempt to measure your reaction. “You know, while we’re about all this…. I know it’s not easy but you should get yourself out. Start makin’ a plan, do something. I don’t want this to end with you gettin’ hurt.”
Anxiety shot through your heart like a streak of lightening across a pitch black sky. “Arthur-”
He said you name quietly in an effort to silence you. “There’s no way forward now and some distance between you and this will do you some good. You’ve been with us for a long time. Hell, we had a good run. But, John and I were talking, and I know you wanna stay loyal to Dutch, but we ain't the ones who changed. I’m afraid… well… I’m afraid Dutch’s gonna get you killed. Losing you ain’t worth all the money in the world.” The tears in Arthur’s eyes showed you just how much those words meant to him.
If Arthur is your friend/brother and you have no lover in the gang:
“Obviously I can’t tell you what to do and I don’t wanna force you to pick sides. Javier and Bill are our brothers and I don’t wanna fight them. You’re my family before everything else, before money, always. Get yourself out. Make a life for yourself.”
You stay silent, holding eye-contact with your long time friend. “Is this really how you feel?”
His head dipped down as he kicked at a stone. “It is.”
Nodding, you let out a tensed breath. “What about you?”
“I’ll be fine. Just- put yourself first. You worked yourself to death for this gang, that’s good enough. I don’t need to be burying you too. So get out of here. It doesn’t have to be now, it doesn’t have to be tonight.” You watched as Arthur fished a bill clip out of his bag. “When the time comes, take this and go.”
Taking the wad of cash, you flipped through seventy bucks. “Arthur, I don’t need your money.”
“Oh yes you do! Don’t pretend with me, I ain’t that stupid. How you gonna start a new life with ten cents to your name? Dutch has all our money, every last dime of it hidden somewhere out there. You take this and you make the best of it. I don’t need it anymore.”
You reached over, gently squeezing Arthur’s shoulder in solidarity. There was a moment where you both swapped fond smiles. “Thank you Arthur, truly.”
“Don’t mention it. Go somewhere and start right. No more of this life, got it?”
“Got it.”
“Now,” he picked up his rod again, “let’s catch me a fish so I don’t go hungry.” Arthur’s laugh rang out across the lake, sounding wonderful to your ears. There was something so bittersweet about this moment in time. The other shoe has dropped. This will probably be one of the last peaceful moments you’ll have with Arthur.
If Arthur is your lover:
You could feel your own oncoming tears now starting to burn the corners of your eyes yet not ready to spill. No… Not like this. This can’t be how things go. “Run away with me!” You blurted desperately.
Arthur seemed confused as you grabbed his hands, squeezing them tight as if you were afraid he would leave you. “What?”
“Run away with me, Arthur. We can… I don’t know. Get you somewhere warm and dry. I heard Colorado’s a great place for people with tuberculous. We can go West, just like we wanted. We can make a home for ourselves, get another dog.”
Arthur forced himself to turn away in an attempt to hide his tears, shaking his head while repeating your name like a mantra. “What about the rest of the gang?”
“They can come with us! Listen, we can make plans for everyone to slip away and make their escape. Then, if they want, they can join us again. We can get that land together. Build a house or two. That was our idea all along, right?” You gently pulled him towards you, wrapping your arms around his thin waist. God he had lost so much weight in the past month… “Arthur… Please look at me.”
“Christ.” Came Arthur’s trembling words. He finally looked at you. Crying. He wanted so desperately to have a life with you. A future. Reaching out he caressed your cheek. “It won’t work, sweetheart. Not with the price on my head. We’d be runnin’ forever and you need to get out of this life.”
You frantically searched his face, hopelessly trying to hold onto any crumb of information that might aid your racing mind. “Then… We’ll help everyone else get out and we hide in the Rocky Mountains. I heard the Pinkertons don’t bother searching anywhere past Telluride. Let’s go to Colorado city, it’s our kind of place. Real rough and the law is loose there.”
He scoffed, pulling away from you in frustration. “Damn it! Just stop. Why’dya gotta be so damn stubborn all the time?”
“Oh, I’m the stubborn one?”
“Look at me.” He raised his arms out, doing a little spin so you could take in all of him. “I ain’t making it to no Colorado city. I’m dying. It’s too late for me. But you? You have your whole life ahead of you.”
He interrupted you, words cutting like a knife. There was no changing his mind. “Get yourself that plot of land in the West. Somewhere nice, peaceful. Get yourself a hound, okay?” You hadn’t noticed in the heat of things; tears of frustration and heartache that were clouding your vision now fell freely over your rosy cheeks while Arthur pushed a huge wad of cash into your shaking hands. “There’s a thousand here.”
“A thousand?” You breathed, simply staring at the money. You made no move to count it or put it away. It was just too… surreal. Too fake. This couldn’t be happening…
“Should be enough. I can try to get you some more, but…” The flat of his palm dragged across his tear stained cheeks. “Don’t waste your life on me. Find a nice man to settle down with, you deserve that much. I can’t go with you… I wish I could I-”
“I don’t want to leave you.”
Arthur flinched at the heartbreak in your voice. This was just as hard on him as it was on you. “I know darlin’. But I rather die happy knowing you got out and you’re long gone before anything can happen to you. You can finally live the life I could never give you.” His large hand gently folded your fingers over the money and he guided you to your satchel, prompting you to tuck the money away safely. “Please… Please, this is all I ask.”
A gut wrenching sob ripped through your trembling form. All of your pent up negative feelings were rearing their ugly head, stampeding through you like wild horses until you completely broke. You found yourself in Arthur’s arms, sobbing miserably into his shoulder. “I love you.”
“I know.” His voice held just as much pain while he said your name and kissed your hair. “Now set me free. I’ll always love you, wherever you go. So leave.”
“Okay.” You whispered. “If this is what you really want, I’ll do it.”
“Thank you.”
If Charles is your lover:
“Charles has a good head on his shoulders. He and I’ve spoke about this and-”
Now it all made sense. “He asked you to talk to me.”
“He did.” Arthur confirmed. He gently said your name to draw your attention back towards him. “Look, I get why he’s worried. You’ve known me far longer than he’s known you. We’re family and you’re one loyal piece of work.”
It was hard to fight the small sad smile that made its way to your lips. “He wants out then?”
“Charles? Shit, he’s your partner. You know what he wants. He just doesn’t know if you’ll choose him or me.” Abandoning his rod, Arthur took out a pack of smokes, placing a cigarette between his lips. “Choose him.” He struck the match on the bottom of his boot only to flick it away once the cigarette was lit.
“Arthur-” You scoffed. “Charles knows what you and John mean to me. What this gang means to me. I know he won’t ask me to pick sides, but you and I’ve been together for far too long. It seems wrong if I don’t see this through with you ‘til the end….”
He simply shook his head. “This is the end. Everything beyond this is some fucked up story we ain’t got time for. Dutch’s twisted fairy-tale. I’m already on my way out a different route. Hell, even Marston’s realizing he needs to pack his family up and leave. You’re right about Charles, but to be frank, he shouldn’t have to ask you to pick sides. You choose him. You always choose him, you hear me?”
Arthur’s words dissipated into the air followed by a long silence as you tried to register everything being said. “I hear you.”
“Good.” He picked his rod back up, attempting to keep the fish interested by reeling it in a bit. “I’m happy for you, ya know? Out of all the men you could’ve ended up with I’m happy you’re with him. He’ll take care of you, treat you right.”
You gently elbowed him, wearing a shit eating grin. “Does that mean we have your blessing to marry?” You took delight as Arthur squinted at you.
“As if you need my blessing. But yeah, you have it.”
You both laughed and for awhile it was peaceful as you fished. “It still feels wrong.”
“I know it does. It is wrong, Dutch should’ve never gotten us in this situation to begin with.”
“And now I have to leave my brothers behind.” Even though they were your own words they shocked you as they reached your ears. Realization finally hit you like a fearful deer frozen in front of an oncoming train. “I don’t want this situation to be the last time I see you, Arthur.” You reached up to brush away a stray tear. “I can’t bear the thought of that.”
He hummed in appreciation. “I know. But we’re all leaving one way or another. I rather you leave right.” Shuffling beside you drew your attention over to him as he pulled a bill clip from his satchel. “It ain’t much but Charles is a capable man. I’m sure this’ll last you long enough.”
You counted out fifty dollars. “Arthur-”
“Don’t you say you can’t go accepting my money. You can and you will. Charles sure as hell won’t. That doesn’t change the fact that you need money to survive.” He eyed you almost threateningly. “Put that way before I make you.”
There was no arguing with him, you knew better and so the money disappeared into your bag without fuss. “Thank you. For always taking care of me. I wish you could come with us, I know Charles feels the same.”
Arthur simply shook his head. “I have a lot of unfinished business to take care of. And, if I’m honest, I’ll sleep better at night knowing you got out safe before anything gets worse.” He took a final drag of his cigarette before stomping it out, then he pulled you into a tight embrace. “You live a good life for me, okay?”
A shaky breath rattled your body while you hugged him for dear life. God, did you love this man. He always cared about you before anything else. “Okay. I will.” The promise was true to your heart. Anything for Arthur.
You two stayed hugging for awhile until a tug on Arthur’s line diverted the emotional tension. “Looks like I got dinner!” He giddily grabbed at the pole, reeling it in. “Check out the size of this one! You sir, are a fish.”
You couldn’t help but to laugh and admire the way the setting sun illuminated him. There Arthur was, one of the most genuine human beings you’ve ever met. Your heart swelled with love and adoration for him in that moment, just appreciating it for what it is. This will be one of your last core memories with him, you thought. Might as well make it last.
If Hosea was your lover:
“I know you stayed loyal to us because of Hosea, but… I think he’d want you out.”
It was hard considering what Hosea would want for you in this situation. He had wanted you out since Blackwater but you insisted he should stay with his found family… The family that got him killed. Not that you blamed Arthur and John, but you weren’t stupid. You knew Hosea didn’t feel great about the bank robbery and you knew Dutch played his hand. There was a time you were upset with Arthur for not taking Hosea’s side that evening, yet you had seen how much guilt riddled him already and so any harsh feelings fell away almost as quickly as they began.
“He would. He did.” You finally spoke, idly playing with a loose strand of your hair. “But I know if he were here he’d want to make sure you boys were safe. I can’t do that to him. I want to fulfill his wishes if I can.”
Arthur scoffed, shaking his head while cursing your name beneath his breath. “Don’t do this to yourself. Look at’cha,” he motioned to you, “you’re exhausted. You’re miserable. You need to go. Before Dutch decides his dear old friend’s lover is a rat or- whatever’s going on now. Don’t stay in this mess on his account. That’s what got him shot. He should’ve left with you when he had the chance.”
“There’s no point in should’ve’s Mr. Morgan.” Arthur’s face softened when he realized you’re on the verge of tears.
“I know.” He said quickly, voice dropping to a harmless tone. It wasn’t Arthur’s intention to drag you down further. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. I just want you to understand.”
“The message is loud and clear.” You sat yourself on a nice rock, needing something solid beneath you in an attempt to help ground your raging feelings. “Hosea loves you boys so much. I love you boys… And the girls too, of course. I guess… I feel like I have a responsibility to make sure you’re all okay.”
Arthur stepped forward and bent down to meet you at your level respectfully. “Thank you. I truly do mean that, but you’ll get yourself killed. Now, how are John and I supposed to live knowing Hosea would beat our ass for letting you get hurt? I know it’s scary. Hell, it’s scary for me too. Hosea’s gone. He made it out his own way. It’s only right you go too. Live your life for him, it’ll make him happy.”
You looked down when Arthur placed something in your hands. “You’re giving me this?”
“Sorry it ain’t much, but you’ll need the money. Abigail snatched up Hosea’s savings before they moved camp, gave it to me in case I wanted to put it in the box but it only seems right if you have it. This is your money now.” He gently squeezed your hand, flashing a tired yet genuine smile. “Thank you for making Hosea happy for all these years. We had a good run.”
You searched his fatigued face, taking note of how genuine Arthur looked. His eyes heavy with pain and his smile was somber from old memories. “Yeah,” you breathed out a mirthless laugh, “we did.” It was truly over now. Time to let go. “I know there’s nothing I can do for you, Arthur. That’s why you’ve been so quiet with everyone, isn’t it? Because it’s bad…. Hosea, he-” Your fingers idly played with the dollar bills in your hands. “Well, you know. He was sick for awhile. Not sure if it’s what you have or not but- He lived quite long.”
“He did. Not as long as he should have, but you’re right. Can’t say I have the same fortune as he had, or maybe I do in another sick way. I don’t know. All of this is confusing. Despite everything, one thing has been clear to me for some time now. You belong somewhere you can build a nice peaceful life. I don’t know exactly what I believe in just yet, but I do know… Wherever Hosea is, if he can look down at you and know you’re safe and happy, then that’s enough.”
No longer could your tears be held back. You let out a soft cry, leaning down to rest your forehead on Arthur’s shoulder “Thank you Arthur. I wish I could do more… Just… Please keep him company until I can come home to him.”
“You have my word.”
If Javier is your lover:
“I won’t stop you if you choose to stay. I know your loyalties probably lie more with Javier than Dutch himself, but Javier is… Well…. He’s something else. I ain’t gonna lie, it hurts knowing this is what he’s choosing.”
You nodded slowly, seeming to understand what Arthur meant. He and Javier have been brothers long before you joined the gang. It must be hard knowing a bond like that was being broken. Javier himself has been devastated Arthur and John aren’t on his side.
“After everything Javier’s been though… I don’t think he can picture a life without Dutch. Whether he’s giving too much importance to him in his life or not, it’s not my place to say.” You turned kind eyes towards Arthur. “Just know there’s more to this than loyalty. This is bringing up a lot of feelings in him and I don’t think he knows what to do with them. Somewhere along the way Dutch become his safe place.”
Arthur hums slowly, squinting as he listened. “I’m not sure I fully get what you mean, but I think I understand. I’m just worried is all.”
“You and me both.” You sighed, staring up at the orange sky. Your eyes followed the darkening clouds as night approached. “If I’m honest, I don’t know what to do. I can’t lose Javi... He’s my everything.”
“I know. I can’t even begin to imagine how you feel. I know your relationship is none of my business, I just can’t help but to worry about you. Javier ain’t got his head on straight and I’m afraid Dutch’ll have the barrel of his gun right at your temple while Javier’s swearing he won’t shoot you. I don’t know how much he can be trusted right now and I mean no offense by that. He’s my brother, and you’re my family same as him.”
Arthur rubbed the sweat from his brow before continuing. “I’m not gonna tell you to leave him or nothin’ like that. Just… Make yourself scarce for awhile. Get out of the line of fire. Javier’ll find you again. Come what may, he does love you.”
It killed you to consider something like this. Everything was happening so fast it was frightening. There’s even a small part of you that fears someone will claim you’re a rat and you’ll end up with a bullet in your skull. If that happened… would Javier watch you die with disgust on his face? Or would he be heartbroken for you, his lover?
You know Javier would never hurt you. He’s always been sweet on you, so much so the camp used to playfully make sick noises whenever they ran into you two… It’s hard to believe that wasn’t so long ago, when you were all friends and jokes were harmless. You hated how things became. You finally got your Javi back from Guarma and now… This all must be so traumatic for him. It sure was for you.
“Arthur… If I leave it’ll destroy him.” You finally look down, electing to study a rock beside your shoe. “I can’t do that to him.”
Arthur was silent for a long time. You could tell this decision pained him. He’s always been someone who cared deeply for you and your well-being. “Okay.” It was such a simple response, yet it was not uttered lightly. Arthur knew there was nothing he could do. “Just pretend I didn’t say anything.”
You gently pressed your elbow to his arm in an attempt to lighten his mood. “And Arthur?” He grunted in response. “Thank you for always being such a good friend. I’m sorry it’s come to this. I hate seeing you two fight. I know you’re doing the best you can and it hasn’t been easy on you… Just… Thank you.”
A warm arm embraced you in a side hug, causing you to look up at Arthur’s smiling face. He really did just want you to be happy. “Don’t worry about it. Just catch me a fish. I’m hungry!”
“Huh?” You laughed, wiggling out of the hug. “What makes you think I’m catching your dinner?”
“You’re the one who knows Javier’s secret fishing techniques. I’m sure you can manage.”
Maybe this decision isn’t the right one. You didn’t know. But, for now, you enjoy the last moments of happiness with your dear old friend, Arthur Morgan.
If John is your lover:
“Your relationship is none of my business. I know you and John are sweet on each other, but I also know he cares for that boy and his mother. If you can… take them with you. Maybe some good can come out of Jack’s life.”
You took time to consider Arthur’s words carefully. “I hate that everything’s so complicated.” You admit. “I know our relationship ain’t the most proper thing to do, but you can’t choose who you fall in love with.”
“I know-” Arthur laughed a little followed by a few body shaking coughs. “Maybe I fell in love with the wrong people, I don’t know. But I get what you mean. Love is complicated business.”
“Jack, he’s… Such a cute kid. John already told me Abigail might know where Dutch hid the money… I understand she’s not fond of me and I don’t blame her. I’m worried she might only help herself and Jack.”
“Abigail? No, she’s not like that.” Arthur’s hands came to rest on his gun belt while he took you in, giving you a gentle smile. “Even if she did, she has every right to. That boy should come first.”
“I can’t argue with that.”
“You and John will be fine. You’re a good shot and he’s… A mangy coyote of sorts.”
Arthur’s comment amused you enough for a chuckle to pass your lips. Your eyes settle on the ducks resting across the shore for awhile, watching them prune themselves. Life as a duck must be so peaceful, you thought. They only had to worry about surviving… Then again maybe you and the ducks were one in the same. In the end everything is just trying to survive, including you. “You don’t think John’ll leave me to save Abigail and Jack, do you?”
“I don’t know,” he confessed, “but what I do know is that he loves you. At least, I think he does. It’s hard to tell with him sometimes. After he left Abigail and Jack like that… I’m glad he realizes he messed up. But… Marston…” Shaking his head, Arthur slowly began reeling in his lure in hopes it would invite a fish to his hook. “My best advice is to get friendly with Abigail and all three of you make a plan together. Don’t try to go it alone, it’ll only make things harder.
You nodded in understanding. “I love Jack, I really do. Every day I hear him ask Abigail why everyone’s being so mean and it breaks my heart. He shouldn’t have to grow up like this. And John… Well, of course I want him out too. He almost died for Dutch’s foolishness. Dutch could’ve saved him in Saint Denis!”
“I agree with you, but maybe it was a blessin’ in disguise.”
You scoffed, brows furrowing with both upset and confusion. “How can you say that, Arthur!?”
He held his hand up in surrender, signaling that he meant nothing nasty by it. “Our boat sank to the bottom of the ocean. The chaos was so great, I’m not sure if I could’ve grabbed Marston before the damn thing went under. You know he can’t swim. I’m glad he was in prison than with us. If he was there… You can break a man outta prison but you can’t break a man outta death.”
Shoulders falling, you searched Arthur’s face. It was easy to get lost in your feelings nowadays but you knew Arthur’s words rang true. So much gratitude was held in your heart for Arthur Morgan. Saving John all those times… You didn’t know what would happen without him. “I know I haven’t said it enough, Arthur, but you’re a good friend.”
“Maybe sometimes, but not always.” He gave you a knowing look, offering a small smile to show he appreciated your words. “Take care of them for me, okay? Make sure Marston stays straight and Jack has a good life.”
“I will.” You promised.
If Kieran was your lover
“I’m surprised you stuck with us for this long after….” Arthur trailed off. He was struggling to figure out the right way to bring him up. “Kieran was a good kid. I didn’t know him well but I liked him enough. I know you loved him a lot and he was real sweet on you… After what happened to him... After you watched…” He fell silent again, afraid he’ll say the wrong thing. “Look, all I’m sayin’ is maybe it’s time to find somewhere peaceful.”
You searched Arthur’s face, desperation reflecting on your own. “But… Where will I go?”
“I don’t know.”
“How will I make money?”
“I’ll give you some money, so don’t worry about that. I’ll find something for you. We’ll figure it out. It’s the least I can do after all this mess. Kieran didn’t deserve what happened to him. If you want to watch Colm swing you’re welcome to come with us, but I doubt that’s any business you wanna stick your nose in. I’m sure there’ll be plenty of O’Driscoll boys there.”
You sucked in a shaky breath, eyes clouding up at the very thought of your beloved Kieran. What a gentle soul with his whole life ripped away from him. You two had spoken about maybe one day owning a stable together, or trying to make a life for the both of you… Those dreams shattered your heart these past few months. The image of his death still haunts you. “I’ll thank about it.” You responded to Arthur’s hanging comment. You weren’t sure if you wanted to see any more death. “I’m going to be honest… I don’t know if there’s anything out there for me.”
“Sure there is.” Arthur gently nudged you in a brotherly way. “I know it’s hard to see the future now, but Kieran had big plans for the both of you, didn’t he? You can still do that if you want. Wherever he is, I’m sure that would make him mighty happy. Or- uh… I don’t know… We’ll figure something out.”
Imagining yourself surrounded by beautiful horses made you smile. “It would be peaceful. I could use a little peace in my life after all this.”
“Yeah, me too.” He chuckled. “Whatever you decide now you don’t have to do that forever. Just take each day at a time. But one things for certain, you need to leave.”
“I know.” Your voice shook with emotion. “This has all been scary and I feel so overwhelmed.”
Stepping sideways, Arthur wrapped an arm around you and pulled you into a warm side hug. He rubbed your arm in an attempt to soothe your fears. He wasn’t good at comforting people but he hoped this would do something. “Hell, I feel the same way. But we’ll get you taken care of. Don’t you worry.”
“Thank you, Arthur. I’ll try to be strong. I think… I want to live the life Kieran always wanted but never had. And maybe… If he’s ever here with me… He’ll be able to enjoy it too.”
“That sounds nice. I think you’re right, I’m sure he’d love it.” Arthur’s blessing lifted a weight off your shoulders. He was one of the few members of the gang you trusted with your life. If he agreed it would be good for you then it must be the right choice.
Calmness washed over you for the first time in days. Your gaze met the clouds, wondering if Kieran could see you right now. “Then it’s settled.” You decided. “I’ll pack tonight.”
If Dutch is your lover
“I know you love him.” Arthur gently placed a hand on your shoulder, giving it a little squeeze. “Dutch is.. was my family. But all this insanity…”
You immediately pulled away from Arthur. You weren't upset with him, Dutch had been treating you coldly too. But to think your Dutch wasn’t the man you loved anymore was terrifying. What happened to him? Was everything a lie? Did Dutch sell you a dream? It made you ill trying to make sense of everything. Arthur pulled you out of your thoughts by gently calling your name.
“Look, I’m sorry but after Molly they’re already looking for someone else to be the rat. Now, I don’t know if we have a rat or not, but if we do it sure as hell ain’t you. Bill’s been talkin’. His words don’t mean much to anyone with half a brain but Micah’s starting to agree with him and now those words are gettin’ into Dutch’s ears. I don’t want to see anything bad happen to you.”
Your jaw dropped in disbelief. “They’re saying all that… About me?” A dark look washed over Arthur’s face confirming his truthfulness. Fear froze your blood ice cold. Suddenly you were hit with a silent understanding that you probably won’t make it out of this alive even if you didn’t want to betray Dutch. “Shit!”
“I know.” A weary sigh left Arthur’s lips. “The girls in camp are real worried about you. Molly loved Dutch in her own special way, look where that got her.”
Wrapping your arms around yourself in an attempt to find comfort, you stared at the ground in contemplation. “I know... Shit, Arthur! Dutch… The Dutch I know is such a loving man. Someone who always wanted to do right by everyone, who wanted to see orphans taken off the streets. This isn’t him.”
“Look at me.” Arthur murmured your name so you’d raise your head. “That Dutch is gone. I wish it weren’t the case, but it is.”
“Is he still in there?”
“I don’t know. If he is… He’s buried deep inside. I can’t see him no more and I tried… I really tried.”
“I can’t give up now! I-” You trailed off in an attempt to swallow down the cries that wanted to escape your lips. “After Hosea, I’m afraid of leaving him alone.”
Arthur understood. You could tell he felt similarly and that this was destroying him as much as it was destroying you. “It’s hard. I hate going against him like this, he’s all I’ve ever know. I wish there was a way to… Uh…. I don’t know… But we can’t risk it. I can’t make you do anything you don’t wanna do. All I’m saying is that it might be better to cut your losses. Leave now so you can remember Dutch as the savior you knew instead of the man he became.”
“Betrayal is out of the question even if I don’t wanna stay.”
“C’mon now. That’s not true.” You could hear the groan in his voice. “You stayed loyal far longer than you needed to. Sometimes things just end. Knowing when to step away isn’t betrayal.”
“I guess.” Your finger brushed against your cheek to catch a falling tear. “I don’t know what happened to him, Arthur. I miss him so much. All I want is my Dutch back.”
Arthur abandoned his pole to pull you into a tight hug. Such a simple gesture, you hadn’t been hugged in so long. You didn’t even realize how badly you needed a hug until your emotions broke through your walls. He gently rubbed your back as you wept openly into his shoulder. Arthur’s voice was soft and soothing while he spoke. “Me too. But he ain’t comin’ back. I wish he was… Believe me. We’ll have to do the best we can. We’ll get through this. Just consider it, alright? That’s all I ask.”
“Alright.” You whispered, holding onto him for dear life. You couldn’t bear the thought of your family falling away just yet. Trying to dismiss your anxiety you close your eyes and take in a shaky breath. All the crying in the world won’t help you. It was over whether you liked it or not.
You felt gratitude towards Arthur for being so patient with you. He held you until you felt well enough. “Now, let’s get you that fish dinner.” You could feel the rumble of laughter in Arthur’s chest as he responded heartily with ‘Gladly!’. Dutch was gone, but it made you feel better that you at least still had Arthur.
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lomlmarvel · 4 years
Only You Pt. V
Only You Series Part 5
Part One | Part Two | Part Three I Part Four | Part Five
Cedric Diggory x fem!reader
Word Count: 5.5k
Summary: The last two challenges. That’s all I have to say for the matter.
A/N: Also, I’m very sorry for the delay in this update :/ I hope writer’s block leaves and I can start on the finale? Please share your comments and reactions with me, I love reading them. Thank you guys so much for the support with this series! 
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It had been a few weeks since the Yule Ball. Students who had left for the holidays had now returned, and classes were back in session. Y/N had been living on cloud nine since that night with Cedric. The two seemed to be almost inseparable if it wasn't for their different classes. Everyone could see the change in their behavior; it was prominent that something had happened that night of the Yule Ball. 
After Y/N had returned to her dorm, Alicia and Angelina bombarded her with questions about her getaway with Cedric. They had seen her leave the ball and walk out hand-in-hand with the older boy. The two were so excited and giggly when Y/N told them the gist of what had happened. She didn't reveal all the details, just general descriptions that she knew the girls would enjoy. After she finished talking, she encouraged the other two to talk about their dates, getting excited for them. It was a few minutes after curfew, which meant everyone should be in their respective rooms. However, someone then knocked on their door. 
Y/N walked over to the door, the two other girls setting themselves in bed just in case it was the house head. When she opened the door, Ginny stood there in her pajamas with an annoyed look on her face. 
"Is everything okay, Gin?" The older girl asked her. Ginny rolled her eyes and pointed towards the stairs.
"Fred has been shouting your name from the common room for almost 15 minutes. Get him to shut up, please!" Ginny stated before turning around and walking back to her room. Y/N turned back to look at Alicia and Angelina's confused expressions before she walked out to meet Fred. 
"Oi! You!" Fred slurred. Y/N quickly shushed him for yelling before she was attempting to drag him over to the sofa. "You abandoned me at the ball!" Y/N stopped pushing him and stopped in her tracks. She sat down on the couch and looked up at him. 
"I did, didn't I? I'm so sorry, Fred," She hadn't realized it before, and she felt terrible. "I'll make it up to you, I promise." Fred didn't reply, but instead, he threw himself on the couch and laid his head on her lap. 
"He's your boyfriend," Fred mumbled, closing his eyes.
"He's your boyfriend," He repeated, "You don't have to feel bad for not hanging out with me. He's your boyfriend, not me," Y/N subconsciously ran her fingers through his red hair and nodded.
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I can't hang out with you and George. You're still my best friends; that's not going to change," Y/N responded. Fred hummed in reply and opened his eyes to look at her. 
"You're beautiful; you know that?" She rolled her eyes at his flirty comment and patted his shoulder.
"Who let you drink firewhiskey?" Fred laughed and sat up. "I'm sorry for ditching you, I am. Cedric just makes me feel..." The two looked at each other.
"Like if you're the only person in the entire world?" Fred replied.
"Yes! Exactly," The two laughed together before Fred stood up.
"You can go to sleep now; I'll just bug George until I fall asleep," he stated, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Goodnight, Y/N/N"
She watched Fred walk up the stairs that led to his dormitory. He waved goodnight before disappearing into the darkness. Y/N sat in the common room, taking in her conversation with Fred. It was very much like him to call her when he was wasted, but he spent it dancing and trying to get her to party with him, not to have a short conversation. When he said about feeling like they were the only people in the room, the look on Fred's face was unique. She had never seen him like that before. He reminded her a lot of Arthur when he and Molly would share secret looks across the room. It was like if he was in love. 
But back to the spring term, the second challenge was set to be in a few days. Y/N had spent almost every day in the library, trying to find something that could help Harry. Cedric had stated that he had found a spell to help him, but Harry refused to use Cedric's idea. To no luck, she and Hermione hadn't discovered anything quite useful. The day before the challenge, Neville had found the girls in the library and stated that he had found something for Harry. He met with Harry a few minutes later, and the two dished out their plan. 
Cedric and Y/N walked hand in hand through the courtyard. They were about to head to the great hall to have lunch before the challenge started, but Professor McGonagall stopped them. 
"Oh, Miss Potter! Excuse us, Mr.Diggory, but Professor Dumbledore requires Miss Potter's presence in his office right away," She stated, signaling for Y/N to follow her. Cedric let go of her hand and smiled.
"I'll see you later?" Cedric asked her rhetorically. She nodded and then walked to Dumbledore's office. 
It was a few minutes before the challenge started, and Cedric looked for Y/N everywhere. Harry was looking around for his friends and his sister, too, making Cedric more anxious.
"I'm sure they're just running late," Cedric comforted Harry as the younger boy looked nervous. 
Before they had gotten on the boats that took them to the arena in the middle of the lake, Neville had told Harry that he wasn't a hundred percent sure their plan would work, something about a debate between salt and freshwater. With his missing best friends and sister, Harry was more nervous than he was when he was fighting a dragon. He wasn't sure what he would face underwater, but the lack of support from the people he needed it the most felt a little bizarre. 
Harry stood next to Cedric, along with Fleur and Viktor, on the platform. Dumbledore explained the rules to the rest of the students, as the four champions shivered in their swimsuits. The canons fired, and the four jumped into the lake's freezing water, starting the challenge. 
It didn't take long for Harry to find the seaweed maze that he was forced to swim through, finding four people floating underwater, with their legs tied by seaweed, holding them down. As he swam closer, he saw three familiar faces, sending a panic wave to his brain. His two best friends stood next to each other, while his sister was next to Fleur's sister. He quickly reached for his sister's hand and patted her cheeks to wake her up. Concluding that they were all unconscious, Harry swam down to untie his sister's feet. He was then pushed by a mermaid holding some kind of trident. She hissed at his actions, causing him to back away.
"But she's my sister!" Harry said to her. The mermaid hissed again and pointed at Ron, telling him who his 'treasure' was. Harry had no choice but to swim to Ron and began untying him. There was a commotion coming towards him, putting him on high alert. Cedric swam into view and pulled out his wand. The spell he cast cut the seaweed holding Y/N down. Cedric grabbed onto her waist before tapping his watch, telling Harry he had to hurry up. 
Harry watched as Cedric swam up with his sister and let out a sigh of relief he didn't even know he was holding in. 
Y/N didn't remember much after McGonagall had dragged her away from Cedric earlier that morning. She remembered reaching Dumbledore's office and seeing Hermione and Ron. Dumbledore thanked McGonagall, leaving the Gryffindors alone with the headmaster.
"Professor, what exactly are we doing here?" Y/N questioned him. Dumbledore smiled at the oldest Potter and motioned behind him. Walking down Dumbledore's staircase led down from the collection of books, was the Minister of Magic. 
"Are we in trouble, sir?" Hermione added, switching between the minister and Dumbledore. 
"Blimey. Mum won't like it if I get in trouble again this year..." Ron whispered to the girls next to him. 
"No. No, you are not in trouble, Miss Granger," Dumbledore eased their minds. The door opened, and in walked in one of the Beauxbaton students. She was young and looked scared.
"Thank you for joining us, Miss Delacour," Dumbledore greeted her. He patiently filled in the students on the next challenge, assuring them that they were safe. 
The next thing Y/N knew, she was gasping for air in the middle of the Black Lake, with Cedric's arm around her waist keeping her afloat. She searched his eyes for an answer but was pushed towards the platform where the cheering Hufflepuffs extended their arms to help the two. One of Cedric's friends pulled Y/N in and immediately handed her a towel. She wrapped herself tightly, searching for Harry. Cedric walked to her sides and helped her put on his robe.
"Are you alright?" He asked her, his teeth chattering. She nodded, but her attention was back on the water, where she knew Harry was. 
"He was right behind me," Cedric said to her. Y/N notice his uncontrollable shaking. He was just wrapped in a towel since he had given her his robe.  She wrapped her arms around him, transferring some heat to his ice-cold skin. 
Hermione and Viktor surfaced a minute after; Y/N then helped Hermione heat up. She hadn't noticed before, but Fleur stood at the edge of the platform, in a light blue robe looking distraughtly into the water. It finally clicked in her brain when she remembered that Gabrielle had been in Dumbledore's office with them earlier. It also meant that she was still underwater.
Hermione grabbed onto Y/N as the seconds counted down. Harry was meant to pop out any second. The crowd went silent when two heads shot up from the water. It was Ron and Gabrielle. The two were quickly ushered in by the Beauxbaton girls and were surrounded by dry towels in seconds. Dumbledore and the minister rushed down to the platform, a worried look on both of their faces. Cedric walked over to his girlfriend and wrapped an arm around her. The chatter began among the students watching; the last few seconds were on the clock. Suddenly, Harry flew out of the water and landed right on the platform. 
Y/N ran to his side, patting him down with the towel she had on. It wasn't long before he was surrounded by Seamus, Ron, Hermione, and a few girls from Beauxbaton. They all worked together, trying to help Harry, who winced when the towels came in contact with his wounds. He had scraped along his legs and arms, a few scratches on his face and neck. 
"You saved her, even though she wasn't yours to save. My little sister!" Fleur thanked Harry with a kiss on his cheek. The young teenage boy flushed in embarrassment. 
 "Thank you! And you-- You helped!" Fleur moved onto Ron, who stood in shock when she kissed him too. 
Y/N helped Harry stand up as Dumbledore tried to grab everyone's attention. Different loud conversations were happening everywhere. The guys from Durmstrang were chanting Krum's name, even though he finished second. Cedric's friends were shouting his name since he was the first to surface with his 'treasure.' Others were wondering if Harry would be disqualified for pulling out another champion's loved one. 
"Attention! Attention!" Dumbledore shouted. Everyone shut up in a matter of milliseconds. "The winner is... Mr. Diggory!" 
The crowd went wild when Cedric's name was announced. Harry smiled at the Hufflepuff, standing right in front of him. As Cedric's friends and his house cheered for him, he reached out for his girlfriend's hand, who was immediately at his side, congratulating him. 
"The way I see it, Mr. Potter would have finished first had it not been for his determination to rescue not only Mr. Weasley but the others as well," Dumbledore stated. Cedric looked in Harry's direction and nodded in agreement. "We've agreed to award him second place! For outstanding moral fiber." 
The Gryffindor house went wild at the information that Harry won second place. The Durmstrang school was angry that Krum was pushed to third place, but that didn't stop the cheers coming from the Hogwarts students, celebrating the two Hogwarts champions. 
It wasn't long until the Golden Trio and the Mischievous trio (Fred, George, and Y/N) were on a boat back to the main grounds. They were laughing and releasing the tension from the challenge to ease all of their minds. 
               "All that moral fiber, eh?" Fred chuckled at Harry, causing the group to laugh.
"Blimey, even when you go wrong, it turns outright," Ron commented. 
 "Well done 'moral fiber,'" George teased. The rest of the group continued walking past the Forbidden forest to Hogwarts. Y/N stayed behind with Harry as they noticed the minister waiting for Harry. 
"I'm really proud of you, Harry. I'll see you later for dinner," Y/N kissed his cheek. She greeted the minister as she walked past him. The walk back to Hogwarts was loaded with teasing coming from Fred and George, mostly towards Hermione and how she was Krum's treasure.
Later that night, after dinner, Y/N rested against Cedric's chest as he read to her a book his father had gifted him. There was a vacant classroom on the fifth floor that contained random furniture. Students usually hung out there during their free periods if their common rooms were too chaotic for them to rest or do homework. Y/N and Cedric had come to realize that the professors were a little more lenient about curfew hours with them, considering Cedric was competing in the tournament. 
Cedric ran his hand up and down her arm, creating heat friction to keep her warm. The castle walls tended to get cold in the spring. In a few weeks, summer would start, and the problem of keeping warm would no longer exist. Y/N played along with the jewelry hanging on her neck, catching Cedric's view. He paused his reading and looked down to see her playing with the necklace he had gifted her.
"Is that the necklace I gave you?" He asked her. Y/N looked up at him and smiled.
"It's our good luck charm," She replied. Cedric tossed his book to the side and flipped her over. Y/N laid on her back, with Cedric now towering over her. She couldn't retain the grin that took over her face when Cedric started kissing up her neck. Wherever his hands met her skin, she felt like a fire-heated up her skin. Their lips connected in a passionate embrace, parting slowly to allow their tongues to meet. Y/N didn't hold back the moan that escaped her lips when Cedric sucked on her sweet spot. Cedric pulled away and smiled at the delightful sounds that she let out.  
"We can't do it here, Ced. Anyone can walk in," Y/N panted, her shiny eyes stared up at Cedric. He smiled and nodded before planting another kiss on her lips. He stood up and pulled her against him. 
Y/N was confused. Was he mad that she didn't want to have sex in a random classroom on the fifth floor? It would be so embarrassing if a professor or Filch walked in on them.
Y/N started getting even more confused when he began leading her out of the room and into the dark halls of the castle. Cedric showed her in random directions, casually stopping to hear if Mrs. Norris or Filch were walking by. She didn't question his actions until they stopped in front of a dark, tall wooden door. 
"Where are we?" She whispered, leaning onto his shoulder. Cedric smiled and pulled open the door.
"It's the Room of Requirements," Cedric answered. Y/N felt the heat on her cheeks when he revealed the room they had been in before. As students in Hogwarts, it was almost impossible to get any alone time anywhere. Let alone anywhere where there was a bed. A few days after the Yule Ball, Cedric and Y/N had come across the Room of Requirements during one of their nightly getaways, finding themselves a place where they could have all the privacy they wanted.
A few hours later, Cedric slowly rocked Y/N to wake her up. Her sleeping figure was something Cedric wanted to be implanted in his memory forever. Her lips were slightly parted, and her hair was a big mess. She looked peaceful and calm. Things she usually wasn't, especially during this time of year. With the end of the year approaching, it was time for students to start focusing on their final grades. But with this year's tournament, Y/N was more worried about the last challenge. 
"Hey, darling. You need to wake up; I'm not exactly sure what time it is, but my guess is its breakfast," Cedric got no response from the brunette lying next to him. He let a few moments pass and subconsciously began tracing patterns on her bare skin. It didn't take long for Y/N to stir awake when she felt the tingling sensation on her skin. She rubbed the sleep off her eyes and smiled at the handsome boy staring down at her. 
Cedric was lying on his side, his head resting on his hand, as the other hand was still tracing shaped on her skin. He looked so happy and magical. Y/N didn't think Cedric could get even more handsome-r than he already was, and he kept proving her wrong. 
"Goodmorning, Ced,"  Y/N's faint voice cut through before she sat up to stretch. She held the white bedsheet tight to her body while she searched for her clothes. Cedric sat and admired how she so delicately ran her fingers through her hair to calm her wild hair-do. She fixed her hair into a braid when she finished dressing. She turned to see if Cedric was ready and saw the older boy fumbling with his uniform tie. 
She had no idea why they even bothered to look civil. It was Saturday, meaning that most students wouldn't even be in their uniformed robes. Their friends would know what happened if they weren't able to sneak back into their dorms without anyone noticing and changing before meeting back up in the Great Hall. 
After helping Cedric fix his tie, the two calmly opened the door to reveal that they were in the Gryffindor tower. Y/N let out a sigh of relief when she saw Alicia and Angelina walk out of the common room and down the stairs. If she were lucky, that meant everyone had already left to eat breakfast. Cedric walked her to the portrait of the Fat Lady and leaned against the wall. 
"My dad sent me a letter yesterday. He asked if you were coming for your summer break," Y/N looked at Cedric to see the sincerity behind his question. It wasn't out of the blue that he asked this question. He had been dropping hints about wanting Y/N to meet his parents since they began dating. Sure, Y/N had met his father, but they didn't really have a chance to converse; with the game and then the death eaters attacking, there wasn't much time for open conversation. Cedric already knew that his father adored Y/N, having heard many stories from Arthur and Cedric.  He knew his mother would love her; it was inevitable. Y/N had the power to make anyone enjoy her presence. Even people that ultimately disliked her; even had to admit that her attendance wasn't as bad as they wished.
"I have to ask my aunt and uncle, but I'm confident they'll say yes. They'd rather have one wizard at home than two," Y/N replied, staring down at him. He looked adorable with puffy eyes and swollen lips. She's sure the two of them didn't get enough sleep, but if they were gone for a few more hours, people would have started to notice.
"He's going to be so excited," Cedric replied, a small smile appearing on his face. 
The rest of the day was uneventful. The two decided to spend the day at Hogsmeade, having caught breakfast shortly after they changed out of their day-old clothes. Angelina, Alicia,  and a few of Cedric's friends noticed the two walk into the Great Hall and pointed out their tired faces. Cedric ignored them all and focused on eating breakfast to walk away from their playful teasing. Y/N, on the other hand, was a blushing mess. She had thankfully avoided running into her younger brother and his best friends, along with her two best friends, who would play the joke out for too long. 
After escaping their teasing, Cedric and Y/N caught the group of students heading to Hogsmeade for a few hours. Flitwick was in charge of taking the group this weekend, seeing his small figure at the front of the group. Hogwarts students, along with Beauxbaton girls and Durmstrang boys, accompanied the assemblage. 
As the seasons started to shift from Spring to Summer, more traveled to Hogsmeade and didn't worry about freezing to death on the way back to Hogwarts. Cedric and Y/N walked around the small shops, stopping to buy sweets from Honeydukes and enjoying butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks. Towards the end of their trip, they invited Flitwick for a butterbeer, which he graciously accepted. 
Professor Flitwick admitted that he enjoyed having Y/N Potter as a student. He admired her patience and generosity. When he had first met her, she was just a first-year, confused and amazed by the wizarding world and her family history. Quickly, she adapted to their new world and culture and effortlessly enchanted most professors with her fast learning and determination to learn as much as she could. When she started to hang out with the Weasley twins, he was worried she would turn into them and get caught in between their reckless pranks. However, she became best friends with them and managed to influence them into getting their work done. She wasn't as successful in stopping their tricks but rather stayed far away from most of them. But unknowingly to the charms professor, she was the brain behind most. She chose the prank receivers and made sure not to target her favorite professors, leading to Filch and Snape being on the receiving end of most pranks. 
When Harry joined Hogwarts, Flitwick expected him to be more like his older sister. But mischief found Harry more than it did with her. He could see their father's mischievousness DNA in them both. Hanging out with Weasleys only added to that lifestyle. 
He was pleased and grateful to have been able to watch this incredible young witch grow into the potential he had seen in her from her first day in class. Y/N had surpassed every expectation, and with each year, she exceeded herself. It was unprofessional for Hogwarts professors to gossip about their students, but they thoroughly enjoyed talking about their drama and playing matchmakers. McGonagall and Trelawney had betted that Fred and Y/N would end up dating; however, they were all surprised when she and Cedric were seen holding hands. Sprout and Flitwick decided to place bets that Cedric and Y/N would wound up getting married after Hogwarts and being happily married. 
When the topic of them getting married was first brought up, McGonagall couldn't help but snicker and note that Lily Evans was charmed by James Potter's intelligence, mischievousness, and adventurous spirit. It was something that she noticed in Fred. Sprout brought up the fact that Y/N was already in love with Cedric, and their love was something she had never really seen in such young students. Professor Flitwick only sneered and enjoyed their conversation before changing directions to a serious matter. Professor Trelawney sat in silence, holding her cup of tea close to her chest. She felt a dark presence whenever she thought of the young couple. She wanted them to be happy, but she could see a heavy cloud in their future; something big and horrible was in their future. She was fearful and kept it to herself, but she knew she couldn't keep it to herself. 
The remaining weeks of the term were spent studying for exams and preparing the champions for the final challenge. Students were shaken with news when they found out that the minister of magic was found dead in the Forbidden Forest. Students were assured that they were safe and would get to the bottom of it, but no new information was discovered. 
It was the morning of the last challenge, and everyone was excited. After this, the champion would get crowned, and everyone would celebrate a successful tournament. Regardless of who won, the three schools had enjoyed their stay together and had made friends. Y/N had been helping Harry learn new defensive spells, teaching him dueling tricks that Flitwick had taught her and those that her godfather, Remus, had practiced with her before she knew he was her godfather. 
"McGonagall asked me to join you during the opening ceremony, is that alright?" Y/N asked her younger brother. The two hung out in the owl tower to calm Harry's nerves before the challenge. 
"That'd be great, thanks, Y/N," Harry turned to look out the massive arch. He could see almost everyone, those in the courtyard, the castle grounds, quidditch field, but what attracted him the most was Cedric and his father walking in the yard. 
He was invited to attend, to support his son. Krum and Fleur had their headmasters join them, Cedric had his father, and Harry was thankful for Y/N. He was grateful for his friends for supporting him, even those who thought he had cheated. He really hoped any of the other champions won; he didn't want or need the glory. He only wanted to make his sister and his friends proud. 
Before Harry noticed, he was on the field, his sister comfortingly grabbing his arm while sporting a matching shirt to his. Cedric and Amos stood a few feet far from them, next with Fleur and Krum with their headmasters. Dumbledore had just thanked the band for their musical support and had introduced the final challenge. 
"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the tri-wizards cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now, as Mr. Diggory," The crowd went wild, and the Potters turned to see his blushing cheeks. Cedric looked in the direction of his girlfriend, a broad grin on his and his father's face, who proudly lifted his arm in the air. 
"And Mr. Potter tied for the first position they will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr. Krum and Ms. Delacour," As students cheered for their friends and classmates, Harry tuned out. He felt off since the morning. Something about that day didn't feel right. He didn't want to bother his sister, but little did he know she felt the same way.
On her way to breakfast that morning, Professor Trelawney had asked her to join her in her office. The divinations professor led Y/N to a seat where she began to ramble and stutter on her words. 
"Professor, are you feeling well?" Y/N asked. Trelawney stopped her stuttering when the young woman grabbed her trembling hands in her own. 
"If it's about the last challenge, I can assure you; I helped train Harry. He will be fine," Y/N assured her. The Professor smiled and remembered why she enjoyed having her as a student. She was caring and gentle with others, always bringing a soothing and tender aura with her. 
"Young girl, I didn't want to alert you, but I feel a presence," this caught the younger witch's attention. "It's cold and dark. I feel death and confrontation around your future. I just had to let you know," Trelawney cut herself off as to not worry Y/N much more. Y/N nodded, and her smile faltered. 
"Thank you, Professor.  I know your best interest is in us and I am sure I'll be fine. I can't worry too much right now; the term is almost over. Maybe we can talk about this next term?" The younger woman smiled. Trelawney nodded in return and watched as she walked out of her classroom. She didn't know whether to run after her and explain that the dark presence was surrounded on that particular day. She decided to think about her decisions further and wait for the best. 
Professor Trelawney knew that the older Potter was very well aware of their famous connection with He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named or how Harry and Y/N referred to him, Voldemort. It wasn't a surprise that he tried to make himself come back every few months to attack Harry. It had been a few months since the Death Eaters attacked the World Quidditch Cup, and that was the last time they had heard of anything having to do with Voldemort and his group of cowards. 
The ministry had been keeping a very close eye on dark magic and former death eaters. They knew a successful Triwizard Tournament would ease the minds of many wizarding families, and that meant that they could get back to their regular business. 
Y/N, however, felt eerie after leaving the divination classroom. Something didn't seem right about Trelawney being so worried. She usually just muttered that fate was fate, and they just had to accept it. She loved to teach her students everything she knew about the foretelling of the future, but usually, her predications were about mild things like upcoming exams and OWL's. Y/N didn't want to worry Harry or Cedric with this, so she kept it to herself. 
"Hey, there you are! We've been looking everywhere for you," Cedric had greeted his girlfriend earlier. They were making their way out of the Great Hall, where Amos had accompanied Cedric during breakfast. It had been a bit weird, but he was thankful to have his father at his side. 
"Hey, I was with Trelawney; she wanted to talk to me about something," Y/N smiled at Cedric before turning to the older Diggory, "Good morning, Mr. Diggory, it's great to see you." 
Amos smiled sweetly at his son's girlfriend. The last time he had seen her, she was being whisked away by Cedric, who wanted to spend some alone time with her at the Quidditch World Cup. 
"Hello, Y/N. Excited for today?" He asked her. Y/N smiled in return and replied. While his father and his girlfriend chatted amongst themselves, Cedric couldn't help but tune out. He knew it was premature of him to think of this, but he knew that Y/N was the love of his life. She was the one he was meant to be with forever.  He had countlessly written to his parents throughout the year about his relationship with Y/N; he confessed when she had broken up with him and told them when they got back together. 
Amos knew Cedric was in love with Y/N. He felt it when he read his letters, but he knew it when he saw his son's eyes when he spotted the young Gryffindor. His eyes lit up in milliseconds, and his entire mood had changed. He had never seen his son, so in love, and that's all it took for him to love Y/N, too. 
"I'll see you at the opening ceremony? I'm meant to meet Harry after breakfast," Y/N looked back at Cedric. He snapped out of his thoughts and just smiled in return. 
"Yeah, sure. I'll see you later," He turned to look at his father, who had turned to occupy himself with one of the portraits near the Great Entrance. Cedric quickly kissed his girlfriend, blushing deeply when he noticed his father's attention had fallen back on them. 
"See you later, Mr. Diggory," Y/N excused herself before entering the Great Hall to join her friends for breakfast. 
Dumbledore gathered all the champions around him. He talked through some rules first before preparing them for the countdown. Cedric had hugged his father, and Y/N had pecked Harry on the cheek. 
"On the count of three... ONE---" Filch accidentally fired the cannon, pressuring Harry and Cedric to step into the maze. Once they stepped further into it, their entrances were closed off from the audience's eyes. After, Krum followed in with Fleur a few seconds behind. 
Mr. Diggory walked over to Y/N and invited her to sit next to him. Y/N agreed and thanked him before following him to the arena seating. She hugged Arthur Weasley, who had been patiently watching from the audience as his son's best friend and his close friend's son waited to compete against each other. 
"Exciting isn't it!" He commented, watching as the band started to play music to entertain the audience. 
Almost an hour had passed, and with each second that continued, Y/N grew even more anxious. Fleur had been the first to be rescued from the maze. Her school, along with everyone else, applauded her. It wasn't long until Krum appeared with defeat on his face, disappointed that he didn't win. Everyone waited for either Harry or Cedric to appear after him, but no one came. 
Dumbledore began to worry as well until the two teenagers apparated with the Goblet at their feet. However, Y/N was the first to leave her seat when she saw Harry clutching onto her boyfriend's shirt. 
@lilulo-12 @malfoys-demigod @ladyblablabla @truly-insatiablem @dottirose @lovinnholland @ziggyspurplehaze  @firefliesindaylight  @inmygardensuit  @bebana-7913 @suixdal-dreams29 @onebatch--twobatch  @degeathesaviour @sunles
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peakyblinderswhore · 4 years
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GENRE: Christmas!au, Fluff, a lil Crack
PAIRING: John x Reader (although it does include interactions with the whole family :) )
SYNOPSIS: After John convinced you to spend the day with the Shelby’s, you made sure that you were there to help with anything and everything you could. Except when it came to the family photo that Polly had suggested on a whim. Everything was getting a little bit more chaotic than usual and the family was more than struggling to keep in check.
W/C: 3.4k
A/N: *ugly crying* because i love john!! john deserved better and i’d happily die for him. *shouting* ENJOY! OR ELSE! also merry christmas :) also john doesn’t have kids in this scenario :D it’s safe to say i got more than carried away adn fell in love with this fic. it pains me to have to leave this world behind after finishing this.
merry christmas! joyeux noël! feliz navidad! meri korisomasu! (🇯🇵 rom)
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After that cold afternoon in your house when John had convinced you to spend the day celebrating with his family, you had found that you had become incredibly anxious as the day neared. Last night, you had been running around, making sure that the food you had promised to bring was cooking before wrapping it up tightly, burning your fingers twice as you hadn’t waited for it to cool down. 
John had given you some pocket money and you had spent the weekend deliberating between two dresses, having no idea which one would look better on you and which one would please Polly more. You knew she could be straightforward at times but you didn’t know if this translated over to what she might say about your appearance. In the end, John had blindly pointed at one and told you to buy it after getting frustrated about your nervousness but he kept insisting that it was ‘just like any other day with the added extra of strictly no business talk at the dinner table’.
When you finished stressing the morning of, John halted your never-ending train of thoughts when he knocked on your door, prompting you to open the door and make sure that you had everything you needed for the day in a flurry.
“John!” You breathlessly exclaimed as you swing the door open to greet him, “Please come in, there’s just a few more things I need to make sure of.”
Wordlessly, he wraps his arm around you, stopping you from walking away to whatever you were going to do next. “It’s one day; there’s no need to stress out,” he mumbles into your hair,pulling your back closer to his chest and winding his other arm around you.
You bring your hands to rest on his forearms, leaning your head back on his shoulder and breathe out, “I don’t want anything to go wrong… that’s all.”
John lets out a light laugh, “Have you met The Shelby’s before? No matter what you say or do or think is going to prevent a disaster from happening, there will always be something. I’m pretty sure last year it was Arthur’s drunk antics breaking things and the year before Finn knocked over the tree by accident which, in turn, lit up the rug as he knocked it into the fire.”
“Jesus… I’m not sure that helps my mind,” you say, wincing at the thought of Polly screaming at everyone as they put out the fire and attempt to save the rug and the tree, “Wait, is that where the massive scorch marks came from in the lounge?”
John loosens his hold on you, letting you turn to face him, his grin takes over his face, “You noticed? Pol’ tries to hide the scorches by arranging the furniture differently but we all know it’s there.”
“I was only trying to be polite,” you mutter, a small smile gracing your lips.
“That’s why she loves your company,” he leans closer, eyes flickering to your lips, “it’s one of the many why I love you.”
Your eyes flutter close and he presses a chaste kiss to your lips, not pressing for anything more. Turning your body to face him completely, you bring your arms to his chest, resting your palms on  the breast of his coat before curling your fingers around the lapels. His fingers brush your face, rubbing soothing circles into your cheeks. It was a kiss filled with love and it made you melt into his body, knowing that no matter what would happen today, you would be okay and you knew that at the end of it all you would still have John to turn to.
Eventually, you pull apart, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, making you instinctively run your thumb across the bottom of his lip, enjoying how they looked when stained with your lipstick, “You got a lil’ something…” you whisper before pressing a kiss to his lips and pushing him away gently.
“I’ll go clean my face then,” he replies, moving towards the sink.
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When you’ve decided that you’ve gathered everything you need for the day you make your way over to the Shelby family home. It was a brisk walk in the biting cold, tucked under John’s arm with your arms wound tightly around his torso for warmth as he carried the food you’d insisted on cooking to lessen the load on Polly.
John pushes the door open and calls out, “Pol’? We’re here.”
At the sound of her nephew’s voice bouncing off the walls, Polly appears, wiping her hands on an apron that was tied around her waist, a smile board on her face.
“Love! You made it; I’m so glad you’ve decided to come over this year. Could’ve used the company last year -- what with our Ada moving down to London,” she pulls you into a hug, pressing a kiss to your cheek in greeting before addressing John, “and you, mister,” she raises an eyebrow, “I hope you’ve warned her about your shenanigans you like to pull on Christmas day.”
Amused, you turn to look at John, “Shenanigans? You never told me about any shenanigans.”
His face heats up, turning red from the sudden attention being directed his way and from the onslaught he knew Polly was going to let you in on. Instead he directs the conversation in another direction, “Ah listen  yeah,” he rubs the back of his neck with his free hand, “I don’t know…” he mumbles.
You decide to save him, resting your hand on his that carried the bags you had packed, “I made something so you don’t have to worry too much. Let’s unpack it.”
Polly grins, raising her hands in the air in celebration, “Perfect! I tricked Finn into helping too so he doesn’t accidentally light any trees on fire this year.”
You giggled, “Oh I heard about that one a little earlier on.”
Polly holds her hand out for your coat that you slip off of your shoulders, you quickly thank her before she throws it at John, “Hang that up, you little gremlin,” she playfully growls at him, “me and my niece have important work to be doing.”
He huffs in annoyance but does as his Aunt requested, pegging up your coats on her coat hanger -- something that she moved towards the front of the house when it came around to Christmas, knowing this might be the only day of the year that the boys actually stay long enough to remove their coats. She lets you lead the way into the kitchen, shooing you to stand by the table. Finn wanders over from the betting den, a spoon in his hand and a bowl tucked under his arm.
“Finn! Did you let Arthur taste some?”
He sheepishly nods. She lets her head fall back and her arms sag behind her as she groans, “I gave you one job! Don’t let Arthur eat the produce; it ruins the build-up to the main course.”
John shuffles into the kitchen and picks a chair to sit at, more than happy to watch you smile and be happy around his family.
You make your way about unpacking the food you had cooked while Polly scolds Finn. It’s not really serious scolding but it’s something you can watch from a distance, enjoying it. When Polly turns to go back to the oven, John gestures to Finn, encouraging him to move closer and takes the spoon from his grip. Finn’s eyes widen but he doesn’t say anything, not wanting to set Polly off again. John lets himself sink into the chair when he licks the spoon and you giggle at him.
Polly’s head snaps in your direction, making you squeak as you clamp your lips shut.
She eyes you before turning her attention towards Finn who had made his way closer to her, spoon mixing around in the bowl. “What have you made, love?”
“I made a crumble. I wasn’t sure if you were a Christmas Pudding family so I went for a family recipe instead. I also made some chocolates in case you weren’t a crumble family either,” you say, unveiling a baked apple crumble, still in the pot and a box filled with chocolate shapes, “I made the crumble last night but it can go in the oven to be warmed up later.”
John leans into you, hand reaching to pick up a chocolate but you slap his hand away, making his yelp, having not expected that. You glare at him, “Don’t be greedy. I know you had some while I went to reapply my lipstick.”
He waves you off, pretending to not know what you’re on about, making Polly laugh after seeing the scene that unfolded before her. Finn stands close to you, peering into the box, wanting to see what they looked like. When he saw them his eyes widened. You had spent the rest of your money on buying the best ingredients you could afford, not wanting to turn up with half-assed chocolates.
“Have one,” you whisper and nudge him with your elbow, “go on.”
“But…” he glances at John.
“Don’t worry about him. He gets to eat these all the time when I make them.”
Finn places the bowl down and gingerly picks a chocolate out of the box, making John burst out, “Hey! You can’t have any if I can’t.”
“Not true,” you counter. His mouth blubs like a fish. “Finn can have some since he’s never tried them before. Plus you get to eat them when I make them and you like to steal one every now and then when you think I’m not looking.”
John gets up and engulfs you in a hug that you weren’t prepared for. Polly moves the crumble out of the way and puts the box of chocolates on the side, not wanting any of this to get in the way, she smiles fondly at the two of you. He presses a kiss to your lips, to which Finn turns and imitates sticking his fingers down his throat and being sick, sticking his tongue out. Polly abruptly hits his arm, making him jump and rub it.
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At some point Arthur walks in from the betting den while you and John are making a cock-up of the potatoes. By this point, you’re both mucking about while Polly sits smoking a cigarette at the table, occasionally telling the two of you what to do with something. Finn had run off to fetch something for Polly while she took a break.
“I thought I heard trouble brewin’.”
You spin on your heels, “Arthur!”
You drop what you were doing and greet Arthur with a bear hug, making sure to keep your hands away from his clothes in case you made them dirty. He lets out a chuckle and when you’re finished hugging him, “I almost forgot you were here. Were you finishing something up?”
He nods, “Finished now. Pol’s pleased she’s got me for the day now. It was urgent. Anyway, while you were busy, er, cooking,” he offers a skeptical look when he peers at John over your shoulder, you smile, shaking your head at this, “I pushed the table to the middle of the room.”
Polly looks up from her position at the kitchen table, “Did you get out the cutlery and the napkins?”
“Got Finn setting it up now -- Tommy rang. Said he’d be here soon.”
Polly scoffs, “Whenever that means,” she drags on her cigarette before stubbing it out in the ashtray on the table, “let’s start plating up.”
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It takes Tommy less than ten minutes to arrive. He brings his smiling son, Charlie with him. Ada knocks on the door not too soon after in tow with Karl, a pleasant surprise for Polly who had explained she wasn’t sure if Ada was going to be able to make it on time if at all.
Polly dragged Tommy into helping her plate up the food and Ada pulled you to a side in the betting den, now transformed into the dining room with enough chairs to seat you all and some.
“So,” she drawls, “have you and John… y’know, made anything a little more official? Tell me there’s at least a bun in the oven! You two have been making puppy eyes at each other for years and have been dating for almost two.”
Charlie and Karl run around the table, chasing each other while Finn desperately tries to get them to sit down for fear that Polly will tell him off for not being able to look after a couple of kids on his own. You glance at Finn fretting over the boys and shake your head, smiling fondly before turning your focus to Ada, “Nothing yet.”
“Well,” you begin, suddenly going shy, “I’ve suggested a baby. He’s more than happy to comply with that.”
Ada’s hands wrap around yours, something she tended to do right before whispering something that was supposed to stay between the two of you. “Personally, I think he wants you to himself for just a little bit longer,” she whispers, “and I cannot wait until we reach that fateful day… oh just thinking about it no--”
“Ada, where’s Y/N?” John calls out.
Ada releases your hands from her hold and calls him over, “Here, John. We were just having a catch-up since it’s been so long. Let’s switch, mhm? I’ll help Polly so you can talk to your girlfriend,” she emphasises the ‘girlfriend’ part, winking at you as she scurries away, her hair bouncing before she halts to whisk Karl up to help in the Kitchen with her.
John rounds the corner, scooping you up in his arms and spinning the two of you round. You squeal having not expected it but enjoying his playful mood. When he sets you down again, he rests his palms on either side of your waist, pulling you closer to him. You lean back, fingers wrapped around his biceps to keep yourself steady as you look up at him.
“What is it?” You ask after he had been gazing at you for a little while, “Is there something on my fa--”
He lowers his head, lips meeting yours as he begins to kiss you, keeping it soft and suitable in front of the young, wandering eyes.
When he pulls away he rests his forehead on yours, “What was that for?”
“I love you,” he simply says.
“I love you too,” you feel a warmth bloom in your chest, making your heart beat that little bit faster than usual.
“John!” Arthur calls, “Did Charlie tell you if ‘im and Curly were coming or not? I wanna know if I should bully Finn into setting up another two seats or if I can rest.”
John rolls his eyes, grasping your hands and lacing his fingers through yours as he leads you back towards the kitchen as Finn aids Polly with the turkey. “He said he was coming. He said he’d also bring the folding camera, to which I assume Curly is coming since most of the fun stuff is usually his.”
Polly looks up from setting the turkey on the biggest dish you’d ever laid eyes on, “Perfect; I think we should take a family photo. Don’t you?” She asks no one in particular.
Tommy sighs, “It’ll take too much time.”
Ada waves him off, “Nonsense, all the best photos are taken in a limited amount of time. Plus we’ll be able to get everyone in it, it’ll be a good experience.”
Arthur wanders off, not wanting to have too much to do with this conversation and mutters something about setting up more places at the table.
After a little bit of back and forth arguing, Charlie and Curly arrive, camera in tow. Charlie has a cigarette dangling from his lips and Curly brings you into a hug, leaving Charlie clutching onto the camera equipment.
“Curly! I’ve missed seeing your smile every time I pop by to see the horses,” you grin as he replies back to you, “where’d you get the camera equipment anyway?”
“Oh,” he begins, “Tommy thought it’d be a grand idea if we got pictures with him and his horse after it won at the races so I searched high and low for something to please him. Eventually I found this set up and got it under my ownership soon after. Tommy even pulled me into the photo since I looked after it mostly.”
Charlie scoffcs, “Curly, you’re the only one who cares for the creatures as well as you do. I don’t know anyone with a heart quite like yours.”
Polly comes over and pulls Charlie and Curly towards the dining room having them set up the camera at one end of the table. Yourself and Curly finish the conversation when Polly returns, informing you that dinner was ready to be served.
Everyone made their way into the dining room, a plate full of food to be served up each. Ada had scribbled out quick namecards, insisting it made it more fun and then there also wouldn’t be the argument from previous years about who gets to sit next to who -- especially with the younger kids now. Of course, you were seated next to John and you were sure that you noticed the seats were a little bit closer than the rest of them scattered around the table. Nevertheless, you made your way to your seat. John stood behind you, pulling out the chair to which you smiled warmly, not wanting to call him out on his manners that he only pulled out in front of his Aunt and instead enjoying the gesture.
When you’re all seated, Polly stands at the head of the table, hands clasped together, apron thrown away to the side somewhere and hair falling at her shoulders. “Everyone,” it’s been a tough year, I know that much more than you think I might. I’m thrilled that we could all be here this evening and I hope we get to experience this again for many years to come.”
The candles dotting the tablecloth illuminate everyone’s faces, eyes wide as you all wait for what she is going to say.
“While the food is still hot, let’s take a picture, eh? Curly, love would you mind setting it up and running back round again?”
Curly nops, jumping up from his seat, making sure everything was in the right place and the flash was on a makeshift stand.
“Alright,” he says, “the lighting’s a bit funny, so if you could all stand, it might be better.”
Slowly, you all rise from your seats. John’s hand rests on your waist so you move to the side to lean into his touch and rest your head on his shoulder.
He presses kisses to your hair, “You look gorgeous in that dress, you know?” 
You lift your head to talk to him, “It’s the one you picked.”
“I saw,” he grins, proud of himself, “sorry it took me until now to compliment you. I was trying to calm you down for the first half of the day and spent the rest of it helping out around here.”
You shake your head, “It’s okay. I knew you liked it. You grinned and gave me a good lookin’ when I answered the door this morning in it.”
“You saw that?”
“How could I not?”
“All right,” Curly calls out, “I’m going to set it off now.”
“Kiss me,” you whisper to John.
He does.
Curly runs back to his seat, Ada rests her hand on Karl’s shoulder in front of you, Polly rests a hand on Arthur and Tommy either side of her, Tommy has Charlie in his arms. Curly stands proudly next to Uncle Charlie opposite you and Finn sits closest to the camera in front of his Uncle.
You almost miss Ada slapping Karl’s hand and shouting, “Those cookies are for Santa!” as the flash goes off.
It’s in this moment, that you know you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world right now.
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callsign-mischief · 4 years
Chilly Summer Nights.
Day 14 of ‘A Very Harry Potter Summer!’
Ron Weasley x Female!Reader!
Word Count: 2.6K
You were currently running frantically about your room packing your school trunk with everything you would be needing for the upcoming school year; as you were preparing to stay at your best friend's house for the remainder of your summer holiday. Your grandmother called out to you from the bottom of the stairs leading to your bedroom.
“(Y/N)! Let’s get a move on young lady! I sent an owl to Molly half an hour ago saying you would be arriving soon! Let’s not keep them waiting any longer!” 
“Sorry Gran!  I’m almost done, I promise. I’ll be down in a- woah!” You yelped, as you tripped over your trunk and crumpled to the floor with a loud THUD!
“That hurt..” you grumbled, with your face flat against the hardwood flooring of your bedroom. 
 Heavy footsteps ascended the stairs and before you knew it, your grandmother was stepping over the threshold of your dainty bedroom. She peered at you with her hands placed on her hips, brows arched high in curiosity.
“What did you do this time?”
Standing from the floor rubbing your sore knees and cheek, you look at her with an embarrassed smile. “Tripped over my trunk. But I’m okay Gran, don’t worry.” 
“Glad you are alright but- for Merlin’s sake!” She yelped as her eyes left your body and scanned over your messy living space. “You certainly don't know how to pack correctly, my dear. Please do step aside so I can finish this quickly and you can head off. It’s getting quite late.”
 Nodding your head, you step aside as you watch your grandmother pull her wand from her cooking apron before giving it a wave. You watched in silent awe as various strewn items, ranging from clothing to new schooling supplies, flew from different spots around the room. Into the trunk it all went before it was snapped shut and buckled then sent flying down the stairs, landing by the fireplace. Even though you were thirteen years old and were raised all your life around magic, it still amazed you.
“There, much better. Far quicker at that too! Now grab your school bag and Wisp so we can go!” 
“Yes, mam.” You acknowledge as she waltzed out of the room and back down the stairs. Hauling your bag over your shoulder and grabbing Wisp’s pet carrier and your wand from the bedside table, you exited the room, shutting the door tightly and gliding down the stairs with a newfound pep in your step.
Meeting your grandmother in front of the fireplace, she gave you a once over before giving you a loving, tender hug, and ushering you into the fireplace. Making sure you were settled in,  she offered you the pot of Floo powder with a gentle smile. Wisp, your loving black cat, gave a loud meow as a goodbye to your grandmother. Smiling at her, you take a handful of the powder before speaking clearly of your intended destination. 
“The Burrow!”
Instantly, you’re engulfed into flames and your sneakers reach the hard ground of the Weasley’s fireplace below you as you are hit with a quick bit of dizziness. “Gosh, I hate that sometimes.”
With Wisp’s cat carrier in one hand and your trunk in the other, you step out of the fireplace careful to not dirty up Molly's floor. When the dizziness in your eyesight has cleared, you are met with the sight and smell of the cozy home of the family you have come to love and adore over the past few years. 
You barely have a second to walk into the quaint living room and set down your belongings before two bodies come crashing into yours at full speed.
“You’re finally here!”
“It’s about time you’ve arrived, love! We were beginning to think you abandoned us!"
Chuckling at the two people’s words, you wrap one arm around each of their torsos, hugging them as equally tight as they were you. 
“Yes! I have arrived, Georgie. And Fred, that’s pure nonsense! I would never abandon you two! You are my favorites after all…” you pause to stand on the tips of your toes and whisper in their ears, “Just don’t tell your sister I said that. She would hex the daylights out of me once we got back to Hogwarts!”
The twins couldn’t help but laugh and release you from their smothering grasps as Ginny was heard barreling down the stairs to greet you.
“You two step away from her this instant! She is MY best friend!” She yells, running into the room.
“You should have gotten to me quicker then Gin.” You couldn’t help but grin as you were enveloped into yet another bone-crushing hug. You squeezed her back just as hard, beyond ecstatic to be reunited with your best friend after weeks apart. You break away from each other, catching up on the past couple of days leading up to your arrival when Mrs. Weasley walks in from the kitchen with Arthur in tow. 
“(Y/N), how lovely to see you, dear. It was ‘bout time you’d be arriving.”
Flushing red, you step up to her with open arms. “Sorry Mrs. Weasley, that was my fault. Got a late start to packing and Gran had to help me finish making sure I had everything I needed.”
Embracing you into her warm arms, she squeezes you gently (unlike her children), patting your arm lightly. “No worries dear, we’re just glad to have you with us.”
Moving on from Molly, Arthur gave you a hug as well. During your quick embrace, he began telling you all about the long list of new questions he had about Muggles. You couldn’t help but laugh and tell him that you would answer any and all questions he had throughout your stay. Once released from Mr. Weasley, Ginny, George, and Fred swept you away talking excitedly about the upcoming Quidditch World Cup match you all would be attending next week. Barely into the discussion, your ears perked up as you heard two more sets of footsteps descending the rickety staircase. Your face flushed a light pink instantly knowing who one of those footsteps belongs to. 
“What the bloody hell is all the ruckus down here about?”
Glancing over in his direction you couldn't help blushing a darker shade of pink. “Hi, Ron.”
Eyes bulging in shock, his face matches yours, flushing as red as his hair. “H-hey..you..you’re here! Why..w-why are you here?.” 
Ginny lets out a snort of annoyance, “If you can have your best friend here then so can I!”
The twins share a knowing look between themselves before Fred slings an arm around your shoulder smirking at his younger brother in the process, “Don’t act like you aren’t happy to see her mate.”
“I’m not!” Ron yells back defensively. But realizing what he had said, his hands fly up in surrender. "W-wait! No! That is not what I mean! I'm not not happy to see you -I..I am glad to see you! Ecstatic, even!” he scrambles trying to save his last shred of dignity. 
  Harry smirks, slightly leaning in close to the redhead, “Nice save there. Real nice.”
Ron shoots Harry a daggered look as his face flames in embarrassment and irritation, but his anger is short-lived as Molly announces from the kitchen that supper is ready. 
Jumping at the chance to leave from the room, Ron grabs the smirking dark haired boy beside him running away to the awaiting food with the towering twins following them out. Before you can fall in line behind George, Ginny grabs your wrist bringing you to a halt. 
“You like my brother!” 
Don’t panic, don’t panic. “I like all your brothers. They’re all quite nice and enjoyable really. Nice boys each of them are Gin-”
“No. I mean Ron specifically! You like Ronald.” It wasn't a question of 'if'. 
Feigning ignorance you brush off her statement, “Pfft. I do not! You’ve gone right mental Ginny.”
Before the feisty redhead could speak once more, her mother yelled for the two of you to come take your seats at the table. Thank you, Molly.
Sending one last look your way she narrows her eyes in a playful manner, “Do not, for one second, think that you are off the hook about this!” 
This is not good. Not good at all. 
Attempting to forget about the conversation with Ginny, you basked in the presence of some of your most favorite people. Dinner was amazing as always. The food was beyond delicious, smiling faces were seen all around- it was just perfect. Nothing could ever be better than this. You had spent most of the meal interacting with Mr. Weasley. Of course- the topic of choice being all things Muggle but that was all okay! You loved being helpful and answering any questions he had. 
When everyone’s bellies were stuffed to the brim with food, Molly excuses herself from the table to begin putting away any leftovers. Arthur follows after his wife while the Weasley boys and Harry disperse quickly, the twins dashing up the staircase conversing in hushed tones while Harry and Ron make their way into the living room. 
You and Ginny share an eye roll and begin to rid the table of all dirty dishes. With dinnerware piled in your arms, you two girls carry everything into the kitchen and are instructed by Mr. Weasley to place them on the counter top by the sink where Molly was waiting. With a grateful smile, Mrs. Weasley ushers you and Ginny out. You two venture into the cozy living room to see the two fourth-year boys sitting on the floor playing a game of Wizards Chess. Ron is leaning back against the sofa while Harry sprawls out on the floor on his stomach. You venture over to the sofa while Ginny takes the armchair by the fireplace. You plant yourself on the old piece of furniture, lying down behind the redhead and getting comfortable before cracking open a book you had brought with you. He glances over his shoulder, giving you a shy smile before turning away to take his turn. 
The rush of butterflies in your stomach was instant. You couldn't help but blush and move just a tad bit more towards the edge of the couch to be closer to him. You only hoped he didn't notice the shift, not wanting him to think of you as weird but he felt it. He didn’t mind though. He wanted you to be close to him. He couldn’t help but blush at the thought of you wanting to be closer to him too.
After a while, the heads of the home walk out from the kitchen bidding you all a quiet ‘goodnight’ before heading up to bed. Shutting your book, you place it on the coffee table beside you before your eyes slowly flutter over to the boy in front of you. The silence of the house is interrupted when you hear two sets of footsteps tiptoeing not so quietly down the stairs. Looking away from the youngest boy in the family, you see two identical faces pop out from around the corner.  
“Oi! You four come with us!” Fred whispers across the room. 
Without questioning the request, the four of you make your way out of your seats and follow behind the mischief makers. They lead you through the house and urgently usher each of you out the front door of the home into the chilly evening air. You couldn’t but shudder as a gust of wind rushes past you, sending tingles down your spine once you step out. You really wished they had let you grab a sweater. 
Lighting their wands with ‘Lumos’, Fred and George lead you all into the field eventually coming to a stop by a pile of old wood and sticks. 
“What’s all this?” you question as George sets down the box he had been carrying. 
“This, love, is our wood pile for a bonfire! And to make it even better, we have supplies for a snack! It’s a muggle treat, actually. What do you call them Harry?”
Harry chuckled, “S’mores. My cousin Dudley eats them all the time in the summer.” 
You couldn't help the excited giggle that spilled from your lips. You had heard about these but never got the chance to try one! Without wasting another second, you quickly set the twins on getting the fire started while you found yourself a small log to get comfortable on, ready for the fun to begin as you curl up to get warm again. The fire is quickly lit (all thanks to Harry) and everyone begins to dig in to make the famously sweet and gooey treat for themselves. The youngest Weasley son jumps at the chance to follow in your footsteps, planting himself on your small log seat. You peer at him with a wide grin causing his cheeks to flush pink. 
Tonight had been amazing. And although you loved your summer holiday’s, the one thing you didn't appreciate was that the later into the evening it got, the chillier it got. The fire had helped keep you warm but not completely. After seeing you attempting to hide your shivers due to the chilly breezes for what seemed like the hundredth time that night, Ron couldn’t bear to see you so miserable any longer. Scooting closer, he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you flush against his side. With wide eyes and cheeks flaming as red as his hair, you turned to look at him. He’s facing the roaring fire but you could see a content smile graced upon his lips. How is his side profile just as attractive as his entire face?!
Sensing your stare, his head turns. “You okay, love?” Love.
“Y-yeah! I’m great. But w-why?” you jester to his arm around your waist.
"You kept shivering so I thought this might help get you warmed up a bit more." 
Oh.. so he's just being friendly. Right. Of course he doesn't fancy you in return. That only happens in cheesy romance novels. 
He watches as your face falls slightly but before you can move away he tightens his grip on your hip.. "I-it's not just that ya know.." 
"Wait, what? W-what do you mean?" Your heart begins to beat out of your chest. ‘Please, PLEASE be the reason I'm hoping for.’ your mind pleads. 
He clears his throat nervously. "W-well..I um..I have fancied you for quite a while now a-and I um thought this," he nods at the position you were in "was a good way to show it. I-its okay if you don't feel the same, of course, I just wanted to make it known.." The poor bloke was shaking! How can someone be so nervous but still be so cute?!
You couldn't believe it! The boy you've been pining for for two years has feelings for you too! "Y-you do!? I like you too Ron. I really really do!" you all but exclaim, flinging your arms around his neck in an excited hug. Your cheeks ached from how hard you had been grinning and you couldn't help the giggles that slipped past your lips in pure happiness. 
His grin matched yours as he squeezed you even closer to his body, if that were even possible and placed a loving gentle kiss to your forehead. "I'm so glad you do." 
This felt like a dream. If all it took was a couple hours out in the chilly evening air to get where you were now, in Ron's arms, you would happily do it again anytime. Chilly summer nights were not so bad after all.
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kingangelrose · 4 years
RWBY Volume 8 Chapter 3 Recap
“Strings” -----------
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Ruby’s Team manage to travel through the tubes from Snowshoe Shipping to the Schnee Dust Company. Nora apologized to Weiss for accidentally pushing the button and putting her through the tubes first, all while Weiss pinches and pulls Nora’s ear, Nora also told Weiss that it was a once in a lifetime experience, Blake, while being the last to make it through the tube, says that’s a good thing, because she never wants to do it again.
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May asks Penny, calling her “robogirl”, which way they should go, Penny uses her robotics eyes to zoom and scan the area and automatically get the directions, she tells the team that they need to go. Penny says that they need to cross the bridge then go left, straight, right, straight, left, up, up, right, straight, right, right, straight, left and left, all while gesturing the directions, getting the rest of the team confused, Penny then tell May that he name is Penny and not “robogirl��, Ruby looked smug at May afterwards.
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May turns the team and herself invisible as they were on the elevator, two Atlas guards entered the elevator while the team was in it, but they couldn’t see them, May puts her finger on the mouth, to signal the team to stay quiet. The guards have a conversation about the situation outside the kingdom, the female guard says that the Grimm situation is creepy and they might get attacked, the male guard tells her to not say that, and to not cause a jinx on them, Penny slowly lead the team out of the elevator when the door opened, Nora quietly pressed all the buttons to the elevator floors on the way out with a mischievous smile on her face.
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The team made it to a door that needed hand authorization, Penny turned her finger tip into a port, placing into the scanner port, she managed to get the scan authorized as Pietro and got the door to open. May asked Penny where to go next, and when Penny pointed to Central Command, there were a lot of people in the area.
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May says that she can’t maneuver the team through that crowd, but Penny says they won’t have to, explaining that Ruby can use semblance on herself and the team to maneuver them all through the crowd without being detected, Ruby was confused and surprised on how she knew, Blake asked Ruby did Penny figure that out before she did, Ruby then said to Blake that Penny knew that she was a faunus before she did.
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Meanwhile, Ironwood entered a room where he apologized for being late, and says today was “busy”, that someone was Arthur Watts who was assisting Ironwood against his will, Ironwood walked towards him and asked how was the progress going and that he would hate to have to “motivate” him again if he told him otherwise. Watts says that given what they’re after, he has all the motivation he needs, he says it doesn’t make taking down Penny any more cumbersome, Ironwood says that he trusts that Watts will come up with something, Watt sarcastically says that the trust is palpable, all while four guards point their guns at Watts.  Watts sees an alert on the screen and asks Ironwood that if he knows that Pietro is gallivanting around his military compound, or someone else using his credentials, Ironwood then announces an intruder alert in the compound, that any personal to use lethal to handle the “threat”. 
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Penny says that the tubes have been shut off due to the lock down, trapping them, May says that she can hijack one of the airships for them to escape, Penny says that they can still succeed, saying that they are so close, Nora then gets an idea, using May’s invisibility, she trips an intern with hot coffee in his hand, causing him to fall and trip, and drop the hot coffee on an Atlas workers lap, as well as the keyboard, this distraction gave Ruby a chance to use her semblance to fly past the workers and upstairs, doing a Sailor Moon type pose at the end, Blake, a bit scared says that this is another thing that she doesn’t wanna do again.
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Ruby’s team made to the area where the terminal is, Penny walked over to the computer, then contacted Pietro, saying that she was ready, she then took a deep breath and he eyes changed color, Pietro was speaking through Penny herself saying to Ruby, who was surprised by this, that this was a little complicated process, so he would be remote Penny in from Amity Coliseum, Pietro then began the process as Ruby watched on.
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While waiting, Blake says that she hopes the others are okay, that being Team Yang, and that she’s never seen Ruby and Yang fight like they did at the hideout, Weiss tells Blake to not worry , saying that they are sisters, and sometimes sisters have very different ideas about what’s right, Nora agrees, saying that they’ll be fine, saying that Jaune is a great leader, Oscar has grown a ton and Yang is more than capable of protecting them in fight. Weiss and Blake both notice that Nora left out Ren, Nora goes on to say that she doesn’t know what Ren is, saying that they’ve been together their whole lives, yet she thinks understands him less more than ever, and she doesn’t know if its his fault or hers. “When you’ve been at someone’s side for so long, after a while, they become a part of you, but that’s just it, they’re apart of you, don’t forget about the rest” - Blake Belladonna Nora responds by saying she doesn’t know who she is without Ren, Weiss says to Nora that she can take this opportunity to find out and do something only she can do, Nora asked if that was to be strong and hit stuff.
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Pietro was downloading the code imprint, saying to the team that when Penny makes it to Amity, they can run the launch sequence, and Amity computer will find a connection to the generals terminal, but get Penny instead, Penny switches back and says that after the launch, she’ll return to help Ruby and the others with the evacuation, however, Pietro suggested that she should stay with him and Maria after the launch, Penny says that they need her there, she then asks Ruby if that was the case, Ruby says that if Penny stays far away from Salem’s reach than she can’t open the vault or get to the relics, Weiss says that maybe it is for the best, as they were going to the hanger, Penny says that maybe they all have to do things that they rather not do, but then when Penny opened the door, they were greeted by Aces Ops, confronting them.
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Harriett says to Penny that it’s time to come home, Weiss asks the Ops if their first time losing to them wasn’t enough, Marrow responds by saying that they were holding back, Vine then steps forward, trying to reason with Penny, saying that he knows he was doing the right thing when you obtained the maiden power, but with Salem here, things have changed, Penny responds by saying if Ironwood plans to leave Mantle behind, then nothing has changed, Vine says that he thought was supposed to protect the people, and not hurt them, Penny says that she would never hurt anyone, Elm tells her that Winter is in critical condition because of her, Harriett then tells Penny that she repays Winter by stealing the power that she was meant to obtain and if she keeps refusing to do the right thing, everyone in Atlas and Mantle will die, Marrow then says to Penny that she can stop all of this and save Atlas, if she just opens the gate and hands over the relic to them. Ruby says that it won’t save Atlas, saying that Salem will find her way to the relic, no matter where they go, Harriett, irritated says that if she says another word, she’ll throw her in jail with Qrow, that angered Ruby, Penny stepped in front of Ruby, telling Harriett to leave her alone, then ready to fight, Harriett asked what she was going to do about it, calling her a tin can, and when Penny walked away from the door, Harriett used her scroll to close the door and barricading it with an electric field, locking Ruby’s Team in and Penny out, but Penny was ready for a fight.
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Penny used her maiden powers to emit an wind like aura and pushes back the Ace Ops with a gale force wind, Harriett used her speed to push forward while Vine used his aura vines to hang on to the railing, Penny told the Aces that they won’t hurt her friends as she summoned her Floating Array against Vine, Harriet used her quick speed to attack Penny, left and right, until Penny stopped her in tracks countering it, Penny was blasted from behind by Elm’s rocket, then gets up quick to fight against both Marrow and Harriett, managing to hold her own against them both for the time being, Penny used her powers to form a hail storm, forcing Marrow to block it and giving her the chance to kick him away, almost off the platform, until Vine grabbed him for the save. Vine signaled Harriett to go in for another attack, for extra pressure, Harriett hopped onto Elm’s hammer head and used her speed and the swing power of Elm to charge at Penny, delivering a fury of punches, Penny tosses the arrays at Harriett, only for Harriett to dodge out of the way and bait her into getting struck by a powerful hammer toss by Elm, Vine swooped down for an attack, but Penny dodged it all while parrying Harriett’s attacks with her arrays, but then suddenly, Elm uses her brute strength to grab Penny from behind, making it seem like she was stopped as the gale force winds and lowering her arrays down, but then Penny used her maiden powers to break free from Elm’s grip and pushes the Ops back with a energy wave of wind, Harriett gave the order to Marrow to toss his boomerang sword at Penny, knocking her off the platform, but then floated right back, attempting to hit a blast attack, however, Marrow used his Freeze Command to stop Penny in her tracks, giving Vine the chance to pull her down to the ground with his Aura vine.
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Meanwhile, inside the room, Ruby’s Team tried to break through the electric fielded door, even using Weiss’ giant summon knight to help, but it had no effect, Weiss called the Ops cowards for facing Penny four on one. However, Nora said that they had to get out there and help Penny.
“Be strong and hit stuff....” - Nora Valkyrie
Weiss tells Nora to wait, but Nora didn’t listen as she placed her hammer onto the electric field, Nora can absorb electricity, so she could take it through her body and turn it into power, but in this case, her body was being overcharged as it made her hair stand up and electricity lit up all around her body, and all that energy gave her the boost she needed to break down the door open in an explosive force, pushing back the Ace Ops as well, with an overcharged hammer strike, the power started fade as a tired and spent Nora said that was awesome before her aura was depleted and she fell to the ground, Penny went to check on her afterwards, as Ruby, Weiss and Blake were ready to fight.
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Ironwood was about to call for backup after looking on at the fight, but Watts says that he wants to send a message to his operatives, The Ops are given the orders from Ironwood, Harriett wanted him to change his mind, but Marrow said that he understood and the Ops carried out their new objective, Penny, Ruby, Weiss and Blake charge at the Ops, then Vine used his aura vines to know the three off the platform, only for Ruby to use her scythe to hang on the edge with Weiss and Blake holding on below her, Penny and Harriett faced off once more, but then as Penny parried Harriett’s attack with the arrays, Harriett uses her speed to grab one of  the array that was hanging by a threat and tore it off of Penny’s back, Ruby managed to use her semblance to pull Weiss, Blake and herself back on the platform, only for the Ace Ops to retreat with one of the arrays, Marrow looked back at Ruby’s Team, distraught. Penny went to check on Nora, she was still unconscious, and her hammer was so overcharged, not even Penny could grab it.
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Ruby’s Team, with an unconscious Nora in Penny’s arm, meet up with May in the hangar, where she had the airship in her invisibility cloak field, Penny then blasted a hole in the wall, giving the team a way out they all flew in the airship away from the Coliseum, Penny laid Nora down on the floor of the airship and apologized, Ruby and Penny had one last hug as they had to part ways for the time being, Penny said that she had to go, Ruby responds by saying that they will see each other again real soon, she promises. May then opens the ceiling of the airship, and after give one last salute to the team, Penny flies away.
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Meanwhile, Ironwood says good work to the Ace Ops for retrieving the array, Harriett says that “good work” would’ve been capturing Penny, Ironwood then hands the array to Watts. “Well, you know what they say, if you can’t beat them, then make them join you...” - Arthur Watts ---------- No doubt about it, Penny is getting hacked for sure.
How will the heroes deal with that?
Did that overcharge give Nora a new power? I wonder.
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bgnmagic · 3 years
Frozen Dreams - Merlin Fanfic
Summary: MODERN AU
Arthur, Merlin, and the boys (the knights) rent a cottage by the sea during winter to take a break for a bit. The only problem is when Merlin discovers the heat in his room is broken and he nearly freezes to death on the first night. Arthur comes to the rescue and helps him warm up.
All I wanted to do was whump my boi Merlin. Hence this odd premise of renting a cottage by the sea with malfunctioning heating, in winter no less. Places can be fun to visit in winter too! lol I also wanted more bromance, they are so soft with each other I just can't help it. Pretend it's shippy if you want but I'm all for them being nice and sweet cause they are besties.
A heavy thump roused Arthur from sleep. Unsure if what he’d heard was merely part of his dream, he waited. Turning over to face the door Arthur shivered despite being covered in a down comforter. This place felt abnormally frigid; hopefully the rest of their trip would still be fun. After a few minutes Arthur didn’t hear anything else and decided to go back to sleep. It was far too cold to go outside in the hallway to investigate anyway.
Burrowing down into the bedding Arthur let his eyes slip closed. Then, he heard it again; there was something or someone in the hallway. Who in their right mind would be out in the middle of the night trying to break into their rental cottage? Everyone had drunk enough at dinner to be passed out right now. Easing out from under the covers Arthur bit back a hiss at the cold floor. Even wearing socks didn’t help dampen the sensation.
Sneaking over to the door he listened, but it was silent save for an odd chattering noise. Great, did they have a mouse problem to deal with as well? Unfortunately, nothing prepared Arthur for what he saw when he slowly pulled the bedroom door open.  
“Merlin?!” he half whispered in shock. His friend was sitting partially crumpled on the floor, hugging himself and shaking. Upon hearing his name Merlin lifted his head and looked about ready to cry. It was too dim in the hallway to really see clearly but it seemed as though Merlin was wearing his coat over his pajamas. “What’s happened? Are you hurt?” Arthur tried again. Merlin shook his head and attempted to shrug, although it looked more like an invisible force was shaking him violently.
Springing into action Arthur grabbed Merlin by his arms and hauled him upright. The younger man barely held his own weight as Arthur dragged him into his room and set Merlin down on the edge of the bed. Reaching out Arthur nearly knocked over the bedside lamp fumbling with the switch. When a soft yellow light set the room aglow, Arthur felt his insides twist. Merlin looked terrible.
His friend was pale and his lips almost looked blue. Panicking for a moment that Merlin had gone outside Arthur began checking for injuries. Maybe he’d been sleepwalking? However, they’d been friends for years and Merlin had never admitted to such behavior.  Finding nothing out of place after a cursory check Arthur decided to address the most pressing matter, Merlin was freezing.
“Come on let’s get you warmed up okay?” Taking stock of what Merlin was wearing revealed a thin pair of cotton pants and a button down flannel shirt. All of this had been topped off with Merlin’s ridiculously large puffy down coat. “Um, can we switch out the coat for something less bulky?” Arthur asked as he held Merlin by the shoulders. The lack of response was beginning to concern Arthur. It was almost as if Merlin had checked out mentally.
Too focused on Merlin’s well-being Arthur flinched when the door suddenly creaked and opened. Lancelot poked his head in looking a little worse for wear, “Wha’s going on?”
“Merlin’s not well, you can help actually,” Arthur replied reaching out and dragging Lancelot into the space. “I found him in the hallway a few minutes ago and he’s nearly frozen.  What’s the best way to help him warm up?”
Lancelot sobered immediately once he laid eyes on Merlin’s still shaking form; he took his job as a nurse seriously even when he wasn’t at work. “Do you have a spare jumper? Extra layers will help considerably. Then we can get him back to bed with some more blankets.”
“No, no, no, m’n-not going b-back in that ice b-box,” Merlin exclaimed, shaking his head vehemently.
Relieved that Merlin was at least communicating with them now, Arthur was still confused. “What are you going on about?”
“My r-room, is fre-freezing, c-can’t sleep.”
“I’ll go check, you help him change okay,” Lancelot offered before he disappeared through the door.
“P-please don’t kick me o-out,” Merlin begged.
“Idiot, I’m not going to kick you out. My bed is big enough, we can share.” Merlin slumped in relief and nearly fell off the bed in the process. Scrambling to catch him Arthur sat down and put an arm around Merlin’s shoulders. “Get that lumpy coat off and I’ll give you a nice cozy jumper instead.”
Merlin nodded and shrugged out of his coat. Arthur was already in motion, peeling off his own jumper; it was warm and just what Merlin needed.
‘C-can’t take this, it—it’s yours,” Merlin protested weakly.
“Shut up and put it on, I’ve got more.”
Merlin didn’t argue as he took the garment and quickly tugged it over his head. The small smile that graced Merlin’s trembling lips was enough to spur Arthur onto his next plan.
“Get under the covers, no need to be sitting here when you could be getting even warmer.” Guiding Merlin backward Arthur pulled the covers aside and watched as his friend burrowed into the bedding.
“R’thur, this is s-so warm,” Merlin mumbled quietly.
“I know, I’ll grab another blanket, just stay there,” Arthur was happy he’d thought to tuck Merlin into his side of the bed. It was already warm from earlier. Lancelot came back when Arthur was unfurling the last extra blanket he could find over Merlin. The look on Lancelot’s face was worrying. “What’s wrong?” Arthur asked.
“The heat stopped working in that room, plus I found a draft. A whole chunk of one of the window frames is missing. The curtain was hiding it!” Lancelot hissed. “No wonder Merlin was freezing, that room really is an ice box.”
“Shit, he could have frozen --, “Arthur trailed off, he didn’t want to think about the worst case scenario if Merlin hadn’t woken up in time.
“Keep an eye on him tonight and make sure he warms up, if anything changes come get me,” Lancelot instructed.    
“Should we be worried about Merlin getting sick or anything?” Arthur asked.  
“Merls, how ya feeling bud, any better?” Lancelot asked of the lump on the bed, by way of an answer.
“M’warmmmm,” was the garbled response.
“Tell us if you need anything okay?”
“Mhmmm, m’good now, m’warm.”
“I think you found him in time, we can talk more in the morning. One thing is certain no one is sleeping in that room. It’s not habitable in this weather,” said Lancelot.
“Oh, I’ll be calling about that in the morning, this is unacceptable,” Arthur huffed.
Lancelot nodded and went back to his room. It appeared they’d not woken anyone else up, that was a blessing. Arthur knew Merlin hated to be the center of attention. Turning back to his friend all Arthur could see what a tuft of black hair sticking out. Merlin had made himself a cocoon with the blankets, guess he was feeling better.
Quickly grabbing another jumper Arthur wasted no time in crawling back into bed and turning off the light. No sooner had the room plunged into darkness did Arthur feel something cold touch his hand under the covers. “God Merlin your fingers are still ice,” he hissed. Taking Merlin’s hand in his own he held it tight. Merlin didn’t say anything but Arthur felt him squeeze back once or twice.
After a few minutes Arthur deemed his job complete and let go only to have the other hand thrust his way. Smiling Arthur took hold and warmed it up as well. “I’m not holding your feet, so don’t get any ideas,” he teased. Merlin snorted softly but kept quiet.
When Merlin’s hand wasn’t ice cold anymore Arthur assumed they’d both go back to sleep, but the younger man kept fidgeting next to him. Something was still on his mind. “Are you warmed up yet?” Arthur checked.
“Mostly, but can I um, can we um, sleep back to back?”
“I’m onto you Merlin, you’re trying to leach more of my body heat off me,” Arthur complained halfheartedly as he turned around in the bed to do as Merlin asked. The minute Merlin’s lithe frame leaned into him Arthur heard a content sigh. When two cold feet started to tangle with his own legs Arthur flinched but stayed put. “How are you this cold?!”
“Dunno, but this feels really nice.”
“Think you can sleep now?”
“Yeah, thanks for helping, I was so cold I didn’t know what to do,” Merlin admitted.
“Don’t worry about it, you know you can always come to me for help, you’re my best friend Merlin.”
“I know, I didn’t want to bother you though, I --,” Merlin paused to yawn loudly before he went quiet.
“You what?” Arthur asked, “Did you fall asleep over there?”
“Hmmm, ur’warm.”
Chuckling Arthur shook his head and gave up trying to continue the conversation, Merlin was clearly very tired. “Go to sleep, we’ll talk more in the morning.” A faint hummed acknowledgement was all Arthur received followed by the sound of Merlin’s breathing evening out. Thanking god he’d found Merlin in time, Arthur pushed back a little more and wrapped the blanket tightly around his shoulders. The extra warmth from Merlin helped lull Arthur back to sleep.
Something heavy on his chest prevented Merlin from taking a full breath. Struggling to move he soon realized the great weight he was feeling was Arthur. The man was tucked neatly under Merlin’s chin with most of his upper body pinning him in place. Their legs were tangled together and if Merlin were being honest, he’d have to say this was the best way to wake up, warm.
Wondering if Arthur would agree with this sentiment he stopped moving and enjoyed the feeling. Last night had been terrible; this little moment of bliss was well deserved. The room he’d picked seemed fine during the day but once the sun had gone down it got down right unbearable.  Stupid cottage by the sea, this was supposed to be a fun getaway with his friends, not a death wish.
A soft knock on the door roused Merlin from his thoughts. Answering back he waited to see who would appear. Lancelot came into a view a second later and smiled when he saw them. “How are you feeling?” he asked.
“So much better, I don’t ever want to go through that again, I’ve never been so cold in my life.”
“Do you need some help moving him?” Lancelot laughed pointing at Arthur.
“Noooo, he’s my human blanket at the moment, if you take him away I’ll get cold again,” Merlin whined.
“He’s not gonna stay that way forever, I think he was really wanting to explore the cliffs down by the beach later today.”
“All well and good Lance, but I’m not waking him up.”
Lancelot laughed and shook his head, “you’ve been warned. I’m going to go see about getting some breakfast started, I’m hoping Leon will get up soon and come help. Gwaine, Elyan, and Percival probably won’t be getting up anytime soon after all the shots they had last night.”
“That’s what they get for playing a drinking game!” Merlin huffed. “They’ll be in bed till noon most likely.”
“Hey don’t pick on them too much, it’s nearly eleven and you’re still in bed.”
“Is it really that late? Wow, I guess I was more exhausted than I realized.”
Arthur suddenly groaned and lightly pinched Merlin in the side, “Shut up, m’tryin to sleep. Lance, go away you’re makin’ my pillow move!”
Merlin rolled his eyes for good measure even though Arthur couldn’t see. After sharing a look with Lancelot he kindly waved him off and settled back into the pillows. “Can I sleep in here for the rest of the trip? I’m worried it’ll be cold downstairs if I try and sleep on the sofa.”
“Merlin, what did I just say? Shhhhhhh, and where else would you sleep, idiot, it’s ten times warmer when we share anyway.”
“Prat,” Merlin mumbled softly already drifting off again.
“Clotpole,” replied back Arthur fondly.
Merlin was far too gone to argue that ‘clotpole’ was his word. That conversation would have to wait until breakfast, or lunch for that matter. He was warm and relaxed. Maybe this little vacation wouldn’t be so bad after all. https://archiveofourown.org/works/33627802
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zodiyack · 5 years
Tommy Shelby Special HCs
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x (read note)!reader
Warnings: Swearing, violence, a bit o’ sexual reference, alcohol
Note!: So I had an idea. Rosa Diaz from B99 kind of reminds me of Tommy, so what if the reader had a personality...like Rosa’s? I have more ideas of weird kind-of-crossovers || I slightly hate this, so if you like it please let me know! <33
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masterlist | Peaky Blinders Masterlist
He would meet you because you were friends with Ada. She was one of the few people who could make you smile
However, the way he met you would be forever known as one of the scariest...but horniest moments of his life
You threw a guy off his stool and he landed at the feet of the Shelby brothers.
In all honesty, you were pretty much visibly f u m i n g
It was hot
Tommy watched as you drunkenly stumbled to Ada, scooping her up in a hug before yelling,
“I’ve only known this sexy woman for a month. But if anything were to happen to her, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.”
I had to
It honestly took him by surprise...
Well really, it took all the Shelby family by surprise, but you get it
After Ada sobered you up the best she could, she introduced you to her family
“Hunka Hunka” were the only words that came out of your mouth, and they came out...when you turned to Tommy.
The brother’s laughed it off while Ada tried to remind them that you were still somewhat drunk
Tommy thought it was amusing though- so he encouraged you to drink more
“Okay, if you’re buyi-” “No Y/n, no more alcohol.” “Boss lady says no, sorry Tommy-boy.”
The night went by alright, you didn’t speak much, nor did you smile at all
It genuinely made the Shelby boy curious
Ada and you slept over at the Shelby residence, and as always- you woke up first.
Charlie was crying so that might’ve been the reason why, but this time, it was cause you missed the cutie
Ada had babysat him with you before, that went unknown to Tommy though
You picked him up and smiled, whispering kind words softly to the young boy
At some point you even sang a nice little song, your voice no longer the dull emotionless voice you put on daily
After 10 minutes or so, you felt a gaze on your back
Your smile fell from your face, “Tell anyone about this and I’ll slit your throat.” You really didn’t mean it..or did you?
“Ah, but then the other Shelbys will have to slit yours. We don’t want that, now do we?”
Before you turned to face the ocean eyed man, you kissed Charlie’s head lightly and returned back to your infamous emotionless face/attitude
He didn’t tell you, but he did see at least a minute or two of your smile
and damn did he want to see it again
He questioned you about how you knew his son and why you thought it would be okay to hold and kiss him
You simply replied with, “I’ve learned to love and adore him thanks to Ada.” and handed him the little boy, walking out of the room
And you can’t tell me that you didn’t purposely bump his shoulder on the way out
He couldn’t help but feel a bit turned on
A woman, dressed in a nightgown she borrowed from Ada, just showed her true colors to a boy that isn’t even hers, and then turned right back to a badass within the presence of the man most people feared.
You showed no fear, let alone any emotion
You were stuck in his head
The question is- is that a good or bad thing?
You left and Tommy would.not.stop.bothering.Ada.
He asked questions about you over and over again
It was amusing but still annoying
Ada, being over Tommy’s need to know information of his crush, decided to invite you over again just so he’d shut up
When you did, you asked about Tommy
“No, not you too!”
“Oh hush, I’m just curious. I don’t want him stopping me from saying hi to Char Char”
Oml I wanna say Char Char Binks now
And well...speak of the devil.
Tommy greeted you, with Charlie on his hip
You held the empty looking face and waved to the two
You’d say a proper hello to Charlie later
This went on for a while, you being greeted by the Peaky Blinder, then you giving him a small wave plus emotionless expression, you sneaking off to go hang out with Charlie... You were surprised Tommy hadn’t caught onto you
That was because he had
Every time you snuck into Charlie’s room, you were giggling with him and smiling so much it made your face hurt
It was this one day, that he knew he loved you, the woman who preferred trousers over skirts;
You were talking to Arthur and Tommy about joining the Peaky Blinders when some guy bumped into Tommy and then you
Before Tommy could do anything about it, you shoved the guy
“Move it, scum.”
While the man was on the ground, you kicked him in the gut and then continued the conversation as if nothing happened
“Yes, I can be ther-” “You’re hired.”
Both brothers interrupted you
Their faces were full of awe
You fought off a smile and thanked them
Tommy and Arthur both saw the smile itching to show, exchanging looks of amusement
Later, at the Garrison, you were attempting to open a bottle of whiskey 
When you couldn’t get it open, you threw it at the ground and kicked the pieces of glass across the floor
“I’ll pay for that.”
Again, it was very much needed
“Y/n!” Ada now had mom mode activated “Please. Just- just go pay for that so we can sit down.”
While you were paying, a random person came up behind you and asked what you were doing all alone, wrapping an arm around your waist.
You grabbed his hand off your body and twisted it, “Fuck off, creep.”
Ada quickly grabbed you and hurried back to the table of her brothers- who were laughing their asses off
even Tommy
“What- No one touches me without my permission.”
Arthur was the first brother to speak up from his laughter. “You, Y/n, are a scary woman.”
You winked in response. Who has time for ‘thank yous’ and smiles?
After they caught their breathe and the laughter died down, you took a seat next to Tommy.
He would be lying if he said his heart didn’t skip a beat
This night was fun...and crazy, and not just for Tommy
A man walked up to the table and started insulting and threatening the Shelbys, and you didn’t take to lightly to that.
“Son of a bitch!”
Shelby families eyes = wide asf
they can handle themselves but like, wOaH woman
You leaped out of your seat and tackled the man
When the Shelby boys and Ada got out of their seats, they saw you straddling the guy with his shirt collar in your fists, his nose was already bleeding thanks to your knuckles
He was crying and apologizing continuously 
Ada pulled you off the man and told you to let him go
your breathing was not steady in the slightest, but that wasn’t alarming due to how badass you looked
That, unfortunately, wasn’t the end of it.
The man decided he was gonna fuck up his mercy, and insult as well as try to throw some punches at Tommy
And boy did he fuck up big time
You broke out of Ada’s grip and jumped onto the man’s back
With your gun against his head, you said words you thought no one would hear, “Leave my lover alone. You do anything involving him again, and he tells me, I’ll do something to you and it won’t be pretty.”
He scurried out of the bar as fast as his legs could carry him
Just as you sat back down in your spot by the Peaky Blinders leader and closed your eyes...
“So, I’m your lover now?”
“Yes. Now shut up and hold me.”
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stellarcat52 · 4 years
Timeless Blue chapter four
Okay so here we are. I apologize I have no skills in writing dialogue for extended periods of time. Also hadn’t specified any sort of sleeping arrangements, Krel has his own room, and that’s where a good portion of this chapter takes place.
Krel and Douxie were not on good terms. Krel blamed Douxie for letting Merlin find out about the time travel mess, and Douxie didn’t like how Krel wasn’t helping to repair the timeline. Claire just wants to keep her boyfriend safe and get home and Steve’s newfound obsession with being a knight is honestly not helping the group in any way.
And due to pretty much everything, from Arthur’s distrust in Krel, to Douxie’s and his disagreements, to Claire’s annoyance every time they fought, everyone thought it better that Krel stayed in Camelot for as long as he wasn’t needed.
He almost snuck into the party, but after seeing Douxie knock out his past self and take his place, he knew it would be difficult and not worth it.
So while Douxie, Claire, and Steve were busy trying to fix the relationship between Morgana and Arthur, while also keeping Jim and as many trolls as possible alive, Krel was making sure Hisirdoux wasn’t going to lie in the street all day.
So Hisirdoux Casperan, woke up in the room where the extraterrestrial guardian of Arcadia was staying, to a blue, four armed prince experimenting with previously hidden materials. A book from the Alchemists in the village lay open on the desk in front of him.
Keel jumped in his seat, turning around to the apprentice. “Great your awake.” Krel’s eyes were rolled and he turned around.
“What’d I do? I’ve only just met you!” Krel froze whatever he was doing, the soft glowing in his hands faded slightly as he stopped focusing on what was in his hands.
“Right. I’ve met your future self, not you.” He set down the materials, turning back at the apprentice, who was very confused. “You but with blue hair.”
“Yeah I know. You’re saying I meet you in the future?” Krel nods, turning back to his curiosity-driven work. “Wow... I must be really lucky. So what are you working on?” Hisirdoux got up to look over Krel’s shoulder.
Keel pushed him away with one arm, continuing his work with the others. “I’m trying to figure out how that gauntlet of yours-Douxie’s,” he looks back quickly to take not of whether or not Hisirdoux also has the gauntlet, “works. If I could figure out what material it was made of I might be able to mimic it.”
“Well, I’m no master wizard, but I don’t think you can make magic with metal.” Hisirdoux grinned and lit a small blue orb of power in his hand, pushing his way forwards so Krel could see it.
“Trust me. If you were a master wizard, you’d be more unbearable in the future.” Krel turned back around, fully this time, to face Hisirdoux. “Why don’t you go back to the wizard tower? The only reason I didn’t put you there myself if because the amount of knights still in the castle scare me. Also I don’t remember where it is.”
“Yeah, took me a little while to get the grounds memorized too.” Hisirdoux settled for sitting cross legged besides Krel, a birds eye view of the Akiridion’s failures and progress. “Magic isn’t something you can create you know.”
Krel pushed the comment aside, continuing to putter with thin metal strips and attempting to draw the magical glyphs only seen briefly before from memory. “Shut up or be helpful. I have broken the laws of physics before. I shall not-“
“If you tell me that story, I’ll show you the glyphs again, you’re writing them all wrong.” Douxie interrupted, holding out his gauntlet in front of Krel’s work.
Krel grabs his hand. “Deal.”
Douxie’s memories were changing, he didn’t notice at first, but he realized that he met Krel way before Arcadia. Their conversations entered his mind as they happened, even though he was nowhere near the Akiridion or his past self. What definitely wasn’t helping was that very vivid thought and image. A glowing character, in once unfamiliar alchemical dress, with a sarcastic tone of voice, and his immediate thought, calling the creature beautiful, then handsome, and worrying why he already didn’t like him.
Thankfully, he didn’t need to focus on the changing memories yet, he needed to protect Arthur and repair his and Morgana’s relationship. He had to save te future before he can worry about the weird feeling in his stomach after remembering the arguments the night and morning prior. For once, the constant checking of the time map wasn’t only due to nerves, and Merlin’s nagging was welcomed.
Krel and Hisirdoux spoke casually, explaining their culture to the other and complaining about the future Douxie. Hisirdoux wasn’t the best with words, and Krel slipped up his charismatic act because of how different the apprentice was to the other wizards he had met.
Krel’s study in magic didn’t do very well until Hisirdoux had an idea. There were magical materials in Merlin’s tower, and not many people would attempt to stop a wizard’s apprentice from entering the wizard’s tower. So they snuck in, nobody questioned it and nobody tried to stop them.
Immediately Krel tried examining everything. Crystals and books all seemed so interesting, especially if they did hold some magical secrets that he could unlock. However, nothing seems to react to anything he tries. There’s no glowing besides the king-in-waiting’s natural light and Hisirdoux’s spell, no sound beyond the natural, not even a smell that seemed mystical in some way.
It was nearing sunset, and the time the group returned, when the magic stuff was mostly put aside. Krel could consider Hisirdoux a friend, but still disagree with Douxie, right? Hisirdoux was awkward and at some points overly polite, but still try and help Krel figure this out despite believing it impossible. Hisirdoux even showed Krel the beginnings of a song he was working on.
Finally, Douxie, Claire, and Steve return, both Hiridoux and Krel knew to give them time.
Krel didn’t return to the room the team gathered in at all that night. He was given his own room, so it didn’t seem strange that he didn’t. Morgana was dead, Excalibur was gone, Douxie had failed his friends and the future. Keel was the least of his worries. Except the changes in memory weren’t. Even now, memories were coming to light and honestly it wasn’t an unwelcome distraction.
Douxie walking into Krel’s room after trying to speak with Merlin, the exact words didn’t last this long but the whole tone of the occurrence wasn’t as casual and happy as the ones from earlier. Krel was worried, spilling every negative thought about the time traveling incident to the past self of the cafe boy. Krel was crying, something neither Douxie had been previously aware he was capable of in his akiridion form.
Douxie lay alone as his past self listens to Krel’s worries, how much he already misses being home, how he wishes he could help, but also how much he regrets this. Keel starts ranting on what things he could have changed to prevent this all from happening, even going as far back to not opening the door for Douxie the other night.
Douxie starts thinking, what could he have done to prevent this. Maybe if he had fixed Morgana and Arthur’s sibling bond, maybe if he hadn’t opened the portal in time, maybe if he helped Archie find the staff sooner.
He falls asleep wondering if time stopped for Arcadia, or if Merlin and Archie are left to fight the Order in the future with everyone else they left behind, or if they thought that he was dead.
Part Three, five
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mimiswitchywrites · 3 years
Not A Burden: Chapter 10
TW: SH references, attempted s****de and references, child/s***al a**se references (not graphic but enough that could be triggering).
period typical h***ph*bia
Master list or read on AO3
2.7k words
I refuse to proof read this chapter after spending four days on it so apologies for the inevitable errors you'll find.
If you want to be added to my taglist, message me or comment!
Gwen liked to think that, after serving families from a young age, she was hard to surprise. That was, of course, until the enigma that was Miriam showed up. The girl, the woman was just so… SO. She was so pretty, so smart, so kind, so funny and so right for Gwen.
And Gwen, foolishly, thought Miri felt the same way. When she had admitted she was glad Merlin had interrupted her and Lancelot, her heart soared. The face Miriam had made upon hearing Gwen and Lancelot had once had relations practically confirmed that, her body draped in loving warmth.
But it was quickly shoved into the depths of ice as Miriam said those scathing words: “something so vile.” Was that truly what she thought? Was she pretending? Maybe so Gwen wouldn’t get the wrong idea and think she had a chance with the beautiful girl? It felt like Morgana all over again – she had found someone that she felt truly comfortable with and they ran off, leaving her to pick up the pieces of her broken soul alone.
But still, Gwen plastered on the servants smile that she had mastered over the years, and made her way about her duties, pretending everything was fine. Because everything was fine. It wasn’t like anything had happened or ever would happen and sure, Gwen had had a momentary lapse in judgement where she thought she could be truly happy with someone, but she would use this as a learning opportunity and would file it away as something to never allow to happen again. And if a tear slipped from her glassy eyes, well, good thing there was no one around to notice.
She breathed a sigh of relief upon finding Elyan’s note on the table: “I shall be spending the night with Gwaine, hopefully talking some sense into him. See you tomorrow dear sister, be well.” She loved him but the idea of explaining why she was in such a state was not something she favoured.
She sat on the creaky stool with a huff, pulling her shawl tighter around her shoulders, face burrowing into the fabric as if it were hugging her. At least something was. She stayed that way until the sun set, rocking back and forth very gently.
It was the way Miriam had said it that bothered her the most. She seemed to genuinely believe that a woman laying with another woman was disgusting, maybe even worth condemning by the god’s around them, and yet she was the one that suggested it. Why would she think of such things if she hated them? And yet, she had said that she had had a long day in the kitchens so maybe it was as she had said and she was just tired.
Gwen stood, pacing the length of her small hut.
She felt the need to apologise. To assure the girl that she had done no wrong and that it was Gwen that should have held her tongue. She probably shouldn’t have shared that she had been with Lancelot – especially not sharing a little of their more intimate relations – but there was something in her that told her it needed to be said. Maybe she wanted to put Miri off him. Was that selfish? Yes. And yet, it felt so right. There was a hint of relief in Miriam’s eyes, as if she was glad to have a reason to reject him.
Her heart fluttered again; Gwen pinched herself to force it to calm. She had no right seeing that as an opening for herself. What if Miri was uncomfortable with the situation with Lancelot? He was an honourable man, and he would back off immediately if he saw any sign of discomfort, but he was also passionate and that blinded him at times. Was it up to Gwen to step in? She should talk to Miriam. Yes, just to make sure that she understood where her courting could lead.
Gwen stopped in front of the wash bowl, splashing the chilled water on her face and neck. The cold was refreshing on her boiling skin – complicated emotions always made her warm. She took a moment to watch out the window and look up at the castle. She loved the way the candles flickered in the stained-glass window, creating beautiful colourful blobs that flittered about with the gentle breeze that would inevitably get into each room. The whole citadel was quiet tonight, as if giving Gwen peace to think. She hated it.
With yet another sigh, she forced herself to light the fire and heat the soup from the previous night. She hummed as she worked, determined to keep her thoughts in check with songs of Bears and Maidens.
As night set in, belly now full, Gwen prepared herself for bed. Her mind once again circled back to the beautiful girl as she put on her sleeping gown. She knew from the moment she saw Miri that there was something there, something that she was drawn to. She had to give her something, some reason to talk more, and so she had volunteered up a few old gowns for the girl to wear (Gwen did her best to ignore the image of the bloody dress in the bucket, soaking, as she recalled her first memory with her) and it had worked – they had spoken gently almost every day since then.
And now, Gwen thought, we may never again.
With that, Gwen curled up in a ball, pulling the itchy blanket over her head, and fell into a restless sleep.
When she woke, eyes caked shut with dried tears, Gwen made a plan. Sure, she felt like she was wearing a shops worth of armour – heart too heavy for her to move properly – but she was nothing if not efficient and a do-er and so her mind set to work.
Miriam was a good person, she had a pure soul – Gwen was sure of it – and so, saying something as… horrible as that must have been a lie. She was new to Camelot, brain in loops from her night in the woods and so she must not know the cities views on such relationships. Although, as she thought about it, Gwen realised that there wasn’t really much to prove Camelot had positive views on such things. There was Merlin and Arthur, of course, but not everyone saw them as she could and so why would someone new assume they would be okay with it? Maybe Gwen could talk to them, get them to tell Miri of their thoughts on the matter and prove her wrong? Show her that it wasn’t shameful and that such things were allowed to be talked about here?
And then what? It was foolish of Gwen to get her hopes up, to think that sharing this would make Miri like her. Like her.
Once again, Gwen’s heart fell.
As she looked in the mirror, tightening her floral corset that people always complimented her on, she imagined Miriam stood next to her. She could see the girl’s dark black hair cascading down her back, their eyes level – Miri was barely taller than Gwen – and they were smiling at each other. Gwen had noticed through stolen glances, that Miriam had three main ways of smiling. The first was her most frequent one: when she pretended she was doing well for people, such as Gaius who would question her on her emotional wellbeing daily. She could see the way it exhausted her to plaster such a look – ends of her mouth curled upwards – but she understood why she did such things. To admit her true feelings (Gwen didn’t pretend to know what they were, just that they were unlikely to be positive) would lead to her being stuck in the physicians chambers for longer, she wouldn’t be able to work in the kitchens and Gwen could tell that brought her true joy.
The smile she saw after meeting the girl the day before was the best smile she had seen in all her twenty-something years. Her eyes practically sparkled, singing her hearts joy, and the apples of her cheeks were full. She was light in her step, as if floating with happiness. The feeling was infectious.
The third smile was the one solely reserved for Gwen. It was the one she saw in the corner of her eye when busy, pottering around the room and clearing up after Gaius. She would pretend to be occupied, just so she could catch glimpses of it. She may not know why Miriam smiled like that, just for her, or why her cheeks glowed red each time she was caught looking, but she did know that it did wonderful things to the butterflies residing in her stomach.
That was the smile she imagined now, looking at the faux reflection of the girl next to her.
She sighed, pulling on her shawl.
By the time she had finished work that day, doing little jobs for whoever needed a helping hand, the sun was hiding behind the woods. She popped her head into Gaius’ chambers, asking where Miriam’s quarters were, before slowly setting off towards the servants’ lodgings. She was glad to have never needed to sleep within the castle – she found that living in the lower town, no matter how many drunkards would wake her with their shouts outside, created a much-needed gap between work and home life. They were kept well, there were plenty of people proficient at cleaning in this area of the castle, but Gwen noticed how much colder the stone felt without the fires being kept alight as they were in the parts of the castle that high born’s inhabited.
Gwen slowed her pace further as the end of the corridor came into view. Gaius said Miriam was in the room one from the end, on the left. She played over what she wanted to say, trying to form some sort of structure to the conversation but falling short. You should talk to Merlin and Arthur and Camelot is a kind Kingdom with accepting inhabitants and even if you do truly think people like that are vile, I cannot agree with you and I hope you accept that. She was less sure on that last point. It didn’t feel as if Miriam would think that but what if she did? Would Gwen even wish to stay friends with someone like that? Would it be safe for Merlin and Arthur to be friend with someone like that? She wasn’t so sure Arthur counted as her friend – she had heard conflicting reports on his thoughts towards the girl – but Merlin would definitely be affected by views such as that.
She stopped, the door within reach now. Her heart was racing, mind spinning. Despite trying to organise her thoughts for an entire day and night now, she was no closer to knowing what to say, not properly. How does one even broach the subject? She had to also be careful of the girls mental state – it was clear she did not want people walking on hot coals around her, but she couldn’t allow herself to be angry at the girl for what that could do.
She took a deep breath and listened, trying to ground herself.
There were voices inside. Although muffled, Gwen could make out the distinct, beautiful, melody of Miriam and, listening closer, Merlin.
Merlin. That was good. Maybe, if she knocked now, he could stay. That way, she would have someone to back her up that she knew would agree. Having him, she selfishly thought, also meant she wouldn’t have to bring her own feelings into the mix. She wouldn’t have to mention Morgana if someone that felt towards those of the same sex as was expected of the opposite was there.
She took a final breath of fresh air, pushing away the thoughts telling her to run and hide under her blanket.
She knocked.
And then again, just to be sure they would hear.
“Hello?” It was Miriam and, Gwen noticed, her voice was off – as if she were upset. That did not bode well.
“Miri?” She called, anxiety flowing through her whole body, “Can we talk?”
There was a pause and Gwen almost considered leaving, apologising for the interruption, and packing a bag. Maybe she could visit Ealdor and stay with Merlin’s mother for some time. Cleaning pig pens sounded far better than this—
The door opened and there she stood; eye’s glassy but still smiling hesitantly at Gwen. How did she still look so perfect when upset? Gwen’s nerves fluttered once again but, with a heavy swallow, she began, “Hi.” Her voice was quiet, but it brought Miri’s lips up more, evolving into that smile.
“Hello Gwen.” Came Merlin’s voice from inside the room. Miriam opened the door up further, allowing Gwen to peer into the chamber. It was small – smaller than Gwen’s room – but, judging by the one bed, it was all for Miriam which was a rare occurrence from what Gwen understood. Miri stepped back, gesturing for Gwen to come in.
“Are you alright?” Miriam asked, face softening in concern as she noticed the way Gwen was wringing her hands with worry. She nodded, once again trying to form the introduction to the conversation.
“I wanted to talk. About yesterday. And my thoughts on that.” Gwen caught the way Merlin and Miriam’s eyes locked – clearly, he was aware of the situation which would make asking him to stay a lot easier, hopefully. “You can stay, Merlin.” She turned to him, eyes practically pleading. He nodded, sitting on the seat behind him.
Miriam sat on her bed (which creaked in protest) and patted the space next to her. With yet another deep breath, Gwen gathered her dress and sat – keeping a bit of distance between them.
“I’m sorry—”
“I don’t understand—” They started at the same time, breaking off with nervous giggles, heat rising in each of their cheeks. Merlin’s eyes darted between the two.
Gwen nodded for Miriam to start.
She took a second, eye’s tracing the serving girls soft features, and began, “I am sorry for how I reacted yesterday. I shouldn’t have said such things – both suggesting you should… consider other options, and for saying it is an unnatural passion.” She picked at her nail, stopping before it bled. “I should have kept quiet, I have no right to interfere in your personal life, and I most certainly shouldn’t have said anything about exploring it like that.”
Gwen’s stomach dropped. Did she still think it was wrong? Why must the girl be such an enigma?
“I can’t wrap my head around you. You are such a kind, pure hearted woman – I am sure of it – and yet you seem to truly be disgusted by the idea of woman laying with woman and man with man. Why is this so wrong? Is it not part of life to be pleasured? If one finds the person that fulfils that part of them, should they turn them away purely for how they were born?” Out the corner of her eye, Gwen noticed Merlin bite his lip and look down at his hands. She had no intention of raising her voice, but she was just so confused, and she needed answers.
“That’s not it, I just, I –” Miriam stood, wrapping her arms tight around her waist and pacing, “I am sorry that I am not the kind of person you thought I was.” Her face was dark, eyes blank and brows pulled tight. Merlin was looking at her with a curious expression, head tilted to the side as if that wasn’t what he had expected her to say either.
“Oh.” Gwen couldn’t form any other words, world busy crashing down around her. She was so sure that Miriam was a good person. That she was just putting up a front. That she meant something with the soft touches of her shoulder and back. That she did actually have a smile reserved just for Gwen, and that the blush meant something more.
But maybe Gwen was wrong: she clearly had been with Morgana.
“Well, I am sorry to have bothered you. Goodnight Merlin.” Her voice cracked but she kept her head high, taking her leave. Her hands shook – whether with anger or sadness, she couldn’t be sure – and so she balled her fists as she made the long walk home.
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pi-cat000 · 5 years
Happy Holidays to @nebulous-rain​ !!! here is a Lewvithur fic for u :). (Also with sort of fluff?…it ended up being more of a hurt/comfort fic). 
Also, I got way too invested, and what I initially planned to be 500 words ended up heaps longer. I hope you enjoy the read. 
Summary: It’s Mystery Skulls but there’s no limb removal, character death or amnesia.  Because these kids deserve a happy ending occasionally. ( Lewvithur)
“So…what do you think?” Vivi nudges Arthur, attempting to catch his attention. Ahead of them looms a very large, very sooky, cave entrance. Hewn from dark stone, flecked with green moss, and resembling the shape of a skull, it is especially ominous in the full-moon light. Mystery, oblivious to the unnerving sight, is sniffing about, trotting back and forth in front of the opening. Lewis watches the dog search about in the grass, moving his attention to  Arthur. His friend gives the cave entrance a half-hearted once-over. 
“Ah. Yeah. A cave. It looks…damp.” Arthur inches his neck, slightly more nervous than before, but otherwise remains impartial.  Though Arthur has never been overly vocal about his love for spooky places he has always exhibited a keen interest in debunking myths and exploration. That is, until recently. Over these last few days, he has become withdrawn and distracted
 “This cave is said the be the resting place of a 1000-year-old curse which, coincidentally, caused the mines nearby to shut down. Suspicious right?” Vivi prods. Usually, it is Arthur playing the role of sceptic. Not tonight. Tonight, Arthur is staring at the ground, deep in thought. 
“Arthur?” Lewis questions to catch the other man’s attention.
 Arthur glances up, side-eying the cave again and shivering.  “That’s cool, I guess,” he comments in response to Vivi.
Cool? The way he says it is too quite. Not that Arthur being quiet is out of the ordinary but Lewis can't help but feel the beginnings of worry.  Maybe, he’s overthinking it. Everyone is entitled to the occasional mood swing every now and then.
“So, do we want to take a look inside?” He prompts out loud. After two hours of driving they should at least poke their heads in. Vivi hums, starting towards the entrance. 
“I wonder what sort of curse it is?” She remarks. “All the stuff I found online was super vague.”
“That last ‘curse’ we looked at ended up being a bunch of weird-sounding wind-chimes,” he says, quickly following after her so their steps are in sync. 
Vivi scrunches up her face in irritation, “You know what I mean…A curse curse. Not that fake stuff.”
“It’s always fake stuff,” Lewis snorts, getting a playful punch in the shoulder. “I’m just saying its more likely, you know, going off our track record.”
“Yeah, well, a girl can dream.”
Lewis chuckles, glancing back to check on Arthur. He is trailing behind, watching them. As soon as Lewis makes eye contact the other flushes, looking to the ground again. Odd. He glances to Vivi and she’s frowning at Arthur too, also worried. So, it’s not just him imagining things. Vivi has noticed as well. Both of them share a quick look before continuing into the dark. 
Aside from finding two old-school torches, which Vivi spends a good ten minutes trying to light, the rest of the trip down the tunnel is uneventful. Arthur continues to trail behind, lost in thought, and he and Vivi walk on ahead. In the dim firelight, shadows dance along the wall, reflecting off the moss, casting an eerie green glow. The further in they travel, the more claustrophobic Lewis feels. It is like the walls are closing in on them. Strange, considering how wide and spacious the tunnel is. If Lewis were the paranoid sort, he would say it felt like something was watching them.
“Do you think we should just call it a night?” Vivi finally wonders out loud from where she is pacing him, matching his longer steps with small jumps, hands tucked casually behind her head. She is still eyeing the walls with interest, but any full-on enthusiasm is absent. Arthur’s obvious disinterest has them reluctant to go off investigating. 
“Yeah, that might be for the best,” Lewis yawns, stretching, trying to shake his unease. “Exploring is only fun if everyone’s enjoying it.”
“What.” Arthur snaps out of his funk, having heard his comment. Lewis winces, realising he may have come across as more annoyed than he was.
“We can’t go home yet. You’ve been looking forward to investigating this cave.”
“We can always come back another time,” he points out. “It’s no big deal.”
“I’m fine, seriously. I just have some things to think about. We should keep going.”
Lewis glances to Vivi but she looks just as confused as he feels. If there is one thing they can both agree on, it’s that Arthur is definitely not fine.
“Okay…” He responds slowly, “If you want.”
“I do want.” Arthur nods at them both and, in a very un-Arthur-like move, walks on, overtaking them. He gets maybe three steps before stopping to peer nervously into the darkness. But he doesn’t look back, choosing to stand alone and anxiously fidget. Lewis frowns, worried, and his expression is reflected back at him by Vivi. 
Deliberately, she marches after Arthur, catching his shirt and tugging. Arthur twitches, glancing over his shoulder, listening to Vivi ask something that Lewis can’t quite make out. Whatever it is, it has Arthur waving her away with a smile that doesn’t touch his eyes. Fake, Lewis thinks, doubly worried now.  
The next hour is spend zigzagging across the space, taking EMF readings, writing notes, peering into the cracks and holes dotting the stone walls. None of them are really into it. It almost feels like he and Vivi are going through the motions for Arthur’s sake. Even Mystery, who is usually wondering off ahead, is sticking close to the group, not nearly as energetic. Coupled with the damp chill of the cave, it makes for an unpleasant experience all round.
 The awkward journey ends when they come to a split in the tunnel. Vivi spends a second contemplating the crossing before leaning in to whisper, “You go with Arthur down that one. See if you can find out what’s bugging him. I tried, but he said he was fine… I don’t know, maybe I was too pushy?”
“Yeah…sure,” He mutters back, having to bend down to hear her speak, “I’ll try.” Vivi can be a bit pushy when she’s worried. Unfortunately, Lewis is not sure he’ll be able to do much better. They’re out in the middle of nowhere in this unpleasant cave. Right now is not the time for personal talks. He'll still try though.
When Lewis turns to examine Arthur, he finds the other man watching them again. Lewis straightens and tries for a warm smile. The smile is met with an almost pained facial spasm. Arthur hurriedly looks down at his feet. Had he done something wrong? Vivi sighs, spinning to face away, Mystery on her heels.
“I’ll take this tunnel with Mystery,” she reaffirms, voice light with foe enthusiasm, “We’ll meet back here in an hour.”
 Vivi disappears down the larger of the two routes, glancing at Arthur one last time. Lewis raises his hand in a loose wave.
“Shall we?” He motions, attention back on Arthur, receiving a stiff nod in response.
Unsurprisingly, Arthur is unresponsive to all his further conversation attempts. More disconcerting is how vacant his eyes are, like his mind is a million miles away. It doesn’t help that the tunnel dips down in several places, forcing Lewis to bend low, increasing the feeling of claustrophobia. The silence which falls between them is only broken by the faint drips of water and Lewis grows increasingly troubled the further they walk.  It is frustrating.  Lewis cares, and he can’t help Arthur if he doesn’t know what’s bothering him.
Lewis is a second away from demanding they call an end to the expedition and return to the van when the tunnel around him opens into a large cavern. Taken off guard by the sudden change in environment, Lewis hesitates, holding his torch high. It barely breaks the darkness. Cautiously, he inches out and notes how the path ahead ends in a steep drop. A triangular stone platform extends out into the gloom. The walls and ceiling are too far away to catch the light, leaving the space on either side of him a pitch black. This cavern must be huge. He moves along the platform, craning his neck to see down over the cliff's edge.
“How far down to you think this goes?” He asks, momentary forgetting that Arthur is giving him the silent treatment.
“How about you find out?”
That…didn’t sound like Arthur.
“Wh…” Lewis starts to turn, but something hits him in the shoulder, tripping him backward. He stumbles, foot meeting with empty space. Arthur grins, hand outstretched from pushing him. Then, Lewis is falling into darkness. What? For one small moment, time slows, and everything hangs in place.
And…Arthur twists.
With his opposite hand, Arthur reaches towards him, fingers spread wide. He grabs onto Lewis’s wrist, tugging. Tears are trailing down his cheeks. One of his eyes is bright green. Unfortunately, Lewis is far too heavy, and his weight pulls Arthur with him. They both start to fall.
Red light flashes behind Arthur, momentarily lighting everything in an ominous glow. Something huge, with gleaming red eyes, looms over him. Terror steals all the air from his lungs so he can’t even yell out a warning when it lunges for Arthur. White teeth flash, clamping onto the arm not holding Lewis. Arthur cries out in pain.
Their fall comes to an abrupt stop.
Lewis swings down in an arc, shoulder smacking into stone, causing his teeth to clench painfully. With his one free hand, he scrambles for a hold so he is hanging over the darkened pit. The torch he had been holding falls past him, illuminating rows of sharp stone spikes before impacting and extinguishing itself on the cavern floor. Lewis shivers, watching its descent.
Then, Arthur is yanked back and away. His grip disappears from around Lewis’s wrist as he forcefully pulled up onto the stone platform by the monster biting his other arm.
“Arthur!”  Lewis calls after him, air having returned to his lungs. With both hands free, he has a better hold on the ledge, and he starts trying to pull himself up. Lewis has never been lacking in the upper body strength department, and, with the added fear and adrenalin, he heaves himself up with minimal effort.
“Whoa. Hey…Nice foxy. Let’s not do anything too rash now.” That sounds like Arthur’s voice, but the tone is all wrong. Who is he talking to? Lewis is unsure because there is no immediate response following the question.
“How about, instead of ripping off this poor kid’s arm, we make a deal yeah. What do you think?” Arthur continues. 
One last heave and Lewis drags himself back onto the rock platform, resting on his stomach, panting from the activity.  Across from him, Arthur is pinned under a giant, many-tailed, fox-like monster. It is hard to make out too many details in the gloom, but its jaws are clamped around Arthur’s upper arm. Lewis’s breath catches and a fresh load of fear freezes him in place.
“Hey, no harm no foul…you promise to find me another host, and I leave this kid no problems, no lasting damage…” Arthur, his face is weirdly warped, continues talking to thing standing over him. His one green eye flashes, very apparent in the dark. The monster growls and sounds vibrate the rock under, hanging in the air. Danger, is what it sounded like. Lewis wants to say or do something, but he’s still frozen. Fear has turned his arms and legs to led. What can he do! One wrong move and that could bite Arthur in half.
“It’s a deal,” Arthur speaks suddenly, answering some unheard question, grinning wide, “Don’t screw this up dog-breath, I’m counting on you.” 
Arthur goes completely slack.
For a horrible second, Lewis thinks he is dead. It is enough motivation for Lewis to struggle all the way onto the ledge, inching forward on his hands and knees to check. Arthur is not dead, Lewis can see the rapid rise and fall on his chest. His movement catches Arthur’s attention. Wide, panicked eyes flicker to meet his. They are both golden brown. Gone is the green, the grin and the confidence from moments earlier. It has been replaced with blatant terror.
Lewis is about to reach towards him when is the sound of rapid footsteps draws his and the monster’s attention. Vivi appears in the tunnel opposite him, holding a torch high which sheds a sudden light over the scene. 
“Oh my god.” She gasps.
/Be calm, both of you. I mean you no harm. / The disembodied voice echoes in his head, belonging to none of the humans present. The giant fox turns to Vivi, tails waving less aggressively.
Vivi brandishes the flaming torch like a bat, taking an aggressive step forward. “Let go of Arthur!”
/I will. Please be patient. /
The fox, true to word, releases its grip on Arthur’s shoulder, stepping back.  In the torchlight, Lewis watches a green, mist-like, substance curl in the air above Arthur. It seeps out from the wound at his shoulder and hangs, swirling and twisting in on itself. Arthur grunts, the process obviously causing some discomfort. The green mist condenses into an orb, hovering, then falling to the stone with a soft plink. Quickly, the giant fox moves further away from Arthur and begins to shimmer a brighter red. Its many tails twist in on themselves as the fox begins to shrink into the familiar shape of a dog.
“Mystery?” Vivi questions, gaping. 
With no giant monster in the way, Lewis crawls towards Arthur, anxiously scanning him for injuries. The other man is pale and shivering, but, apart from his upper arm, appears physically fine. 
“What’s going on? What is that thing?” Vivi demands, glancing over the fox-turned-dog and towards him. Lewis can see her relief when she spots them both. Carefully, Lewis reaches out to touch Arthur’s uninjured arm, attempting to catch his attention. Though Arthur’s eyes are open, they fail to focus on Lewis when he leans in.
/A parasitic demonic entity attached itself to Arthur. I have removed and sealed it for the time being. Unfortunately, in my hast, I may have caused some injury./
“Injury? Who’s injured?” At its mention, Vivi's attention is back on the two of them, probing. She hurries over, kneeling on Arthur’s other side. Mystery and the strange green orb are all but forgotten in her concern. Naturally, now the immediate danger of being attacked by a giant fox has passed, all they care about is Arthur.  
“Arthur?” She asks, lightly touching his cheek them moving her hand down to check his pulse.
“He’s out of it,” Lewis mutters, helping Vivi manoeuvre Arthur into a more comfortable position so his head is in his lamp instead of the cold stone, “Is it shock?”
/Demonic possession. It is far from a pleasant experience, so it may take a few moments for his mind to recalibrate. I am sorry I did not warn you earlier when I first sense its evil lurking. /
Quickly, Vivi unwraps her scarf and begins to tie it around the bite on Arthur’s upper arm as a makeshift bandage.
“What happened?” She asks, voice raising ever so slightly at the end of the question. She is now looking between him, Arthur, and Mystery. 
“We were walking…Arthur got all weird and unfocused. I should have known something was off, but...I didn’t. We came to this cavern,” Lewis gestures at the space around him, “I got distracted trying to see over the edge and…Arthur…he pushed me…”
Lewis waveres at the memory. So close, he had been so close to falling and dying in amongst those stone spikes.  
“I almost killed you," Arthur interrupts before he can continue, taking a deep shuddering breath, "I would have killed you.” 
“No…No.” Lewis hurries to disagree with Arthur who is now breathing hard and fast, “This wasn’t your fault. It was that uh…whatever that is,” He looks to the inert green marble resting a few feet away. “It was that things fault.”
/Such demonic beings are well versed in the realm of mind control. Any action taken to harm Lewis would not have been your own./ Mystery interjects.
Arthur shivers, twitching at the dog's voice, “No…I  should have been able to fend it off…I just couldn't…I was scared… weak...” His trembling increases, and he blinks up at Lewis as if just noticing him. 
“Hey.” Vivi interrupts, leaning in towards him, hands stilling in her efforts to secure his injury.  “It was a scary thing. That’s understandable. No one prepares for demonic possession. It's not your fault.”
Arthur just flinches, curling in on himself, speaking softly so he's barely audible, “…I should have stopped it…done something...like thrown myself over instead...It would have been better.”
“Arthur…” Lewis tries, raising his voice to cut over his muttering, “You know I’d be upset if you fell right?”
Arthur’s attention snaps to him, pained, “No…no you wouldn’t. You and Vivi have each other. You wouldn’t even notice I were gone.”
“What?” Is Lewis intelligent response.
“I just get in your way all the time,” Arthur struggles to sit upright, pushing Vivi’s hand away when she tries to help. Lewis lets him up, feeling very off-balance.
“Whenever you’re having fun, I’m there, ruining things.”
“Since when…What are you…” Vivi starts, voice cracking, visibly upset at the admission. She cycles through concern, grief and worry before arriving on something more akin to anger. 
“Why would you think that!”
Lewis winces at her outburst. 
“Even since you guys started ‘officially’ dating you hardly talk to me,” Arthur snaps, matching Vivi’s fervour despite his shaking voice, “And that’s fine. I get it. I wouldn’t want to talk to me either. But if you don’t want me around at least tell me.”
“But we do want you around!” 
“NO. You don’t! You’ve been avoiding me all week! I can take a hint!”
“I thought you wanted space! We were giving you space!" Vivi retorts, wringing her hands together in frustration. 
Arthur responds with a half-hearted glare, "You were whispering about me behind my back." Both their voices bounce around the large cavern, making them doubly loud. 
 "We were trying to figure out why you were so upset. Maybe, instead of sulking, tell us when you have a problem.”
“And what am I supposed to say, ‘hey guys I’m jealous because you love each other more than me.’ Because that’s a normal thing to be sad about.”
“You know, for a smart guy, you really are an idiot…I love you just as much as Lewis. We’ve known each other since kindergarten. We’re practically dating already!”
Arthur freezes, mouth open like he wants to continue arguing. In the sudden silence, Lewis seizes the opportunity to speak, his voice sounding very quiet when compared to Vivi and Arthur. 
“If you had died…I don’t know what I would have done. I love…you…too. The both of you.” The phrase sounds extra corny spoken out loud, but it’s 100% true and someone needs to say it. Funny, how it has taken all this insane nonsense for Lewis to fully realise it.
Arthur’s attention jumps to him, wide-eyed. “You’re lying,” He croaks.
“I’m not,” he says with 100% certainty. 
“It’s possible to love more than one person at once,” Vivi continues, less heated now. “No,” she holds up a hand to stop any further objections, “Don’t argue with me. It’s the truth.”
“We thought we were annoying you. Whenever Vivi and I hang around, you seemed annoyed,” Lewis explains, “…I guess we were wrong.”
“Yeah…I mean…I like my personal space…but I also like it when you guys pester me a little….” Arthur trails off, glancing between them, flushing. Lewis, ignoring how they are all covered in dirt, shuffles in close, scooping both Arthur and Vivi up into a hug. It feels good to hold them both after almost losing one. Vivi is quick to return the gesture, squeezing him back so Arthur is wedged between them. For several peaceful moments, they all sit simply existing together, the last of the night’s adrenalin fading. Even Arthur starts to relax, loosening from his fear-induced stiffness. Eventually, his shivering and shaking begin to die down at well. 
/I hate to interrupt, but I believe one of you needs medical attention./ Mystery’s voice breaks the calm, sounding both amused and exasperated. Right, Vivi’s not-a-dog is still sitting in the corner watching them. Lewis doesn’t care, he could stay like this forever if needed. 
Vivi pulls away first, glancing to the green orb, “Yeah. Right. We need to get your shoulder looked at by an actual medical professional. We also need to deal with the demon marble.” She finishes tying her scarf to Arthur’s arm, securing it for the trip.
/I will carry it for now. None of you should touch it./
A nod towards Mystery and Vivi stands, trying to wipe dirt off her skirt and getting more on it instead. She makes a face, looking down to Arthur, “We’ll figure something out…All three of us…Together. What do you say?”
“Once we’re somewhere that’s not an evil infested cave,” he adds. 
“Ye..yeah. I’d like that.” Arthur gives a small smile, which undoes some of the tension weighing on Lewis’s shoulders. They're going to be okay. He breaths out in a long exhale. Sure, there is a lot of stuff to process, like the fact monsters were real, but he can leave that all for later. 
Before Arthur can protest, Lewis reaches under him to scoop him up. 
“Hey,” Arthur makes a small noise of alarm, “My legs are fine.”
Lewis laughs. “I know.” The flush he gets makes the action worth it. Carefully, he rocks back onto his heels so he can stand without jostling him too much. Vivi hovers, checking over Arthur’s arm one last time before giving them both a relieved smile. 
As he walks back up the dimly lit stone tunnel, he hears Vivi ask suspiciously, “So…Have you always been a Kitsune? Does dad know about this?”
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choupichoups · 5 years
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Press F (Instagram/College AU) Ch.15 (FINAL)
Lucas swears he’s the absolute master of undetected stalking. Or: Eliott is instagram famous and Lucas is the disaster gay who accidentally likes his post.
Epilogue will be posted soon! Thank you so much to everyone who’s supported this fic ♥
Whoever thought of going to the skate park in this weather is down right insane. It was probably Basile. Yeah, it was most definitely Basile’s brilliant idea. 
And Lucas is a downright moron for agreeing to it. 
He hears Yann whoop loudly after Eliott does a successful trick— Lucas has no clue what it was even though his eyes have been glued on his boyfriend since they arrived. Eliott refuses to put his jacket back on, saying that he runs way too hot to be wearing it to the park, so Lucas finds himself clutching the jacket in between his arms, looking for the perfect opportunity to throw the damn thing over Eliott’s stubborn head. 
Because apparently this is his life now. Chasing after an errant boyfriend to protect him from getting a cold. 
“Eliott,” he calls out for the umpteenth time, feeling a brand new appreciation for his mother; this must’ve been how she felt like whenever he’d ignore the sound of her voice from the play structure way back when. “Eliott!” he repeats, louder now. 
Thankfully, they’re the only ones stupid enough to be there so Lucas doesn’t have to worry about any dirty looks thrown his way for causing such a ruckus. 
Eliott skates up to him eventually, grin wide and arms held out as if he hadn’t been ignoring Lucas’ voice for at least half an hour. Lucas dodges an attempt for a hug, huffing as he reaches around Eliott to place the jacket back over his shoulders— the slant of the shallow bowl Lucas is standing over thankfully makes up for their difference in height. 
He feels extra vindicated when Eliott is unsuccessful in trying to hide a sniffle. “I don’t care if it’s cramping your style,” Lucas says, tugging on the lapels of the jacket until Eliott’s properly covered in it. “You’re not going to wear just a shirt in negative degree weather.”
“It’s not in the negatives yet,” Eliott mumbles but obediently slides his arms into the jacket either way. A thoughtful look falls over his face the next second and then Lucas finds himself being subjected under an exaggerated pout, complete with sad eyes and hunched shoulders. “Actually you’re right, I am cold. Keep me warm?” 
Lucas stares at him with no ounce of pity. “Go do another trick then, I’m sure the adrenaline will warm you up.” 
“But Lucas,” Eliott whines, kicking his board up when it rolls down to jostle his ankles. “I’m too tired for that.” 
“Sounds like a you problem.” Lucas ducks down, hiding a smile behind his scarf, and moves away from Eliott’s grabby hands again. He hears Eliott huff out a laugh but looking up only has him catching an eyeful of Eliott’s soft gaze, pink lips upturned into a crooked smile. Lucas doesn’t realize he’s stopped blinking until his eyes start tearing up from a cold gush of wind. 
“It is a me problem.” With one hand in his jacket pocket and the other casually holding up his board, Eliott looks every bit the professional model he could be. Lucas tightens the hood thrown over his head and tries not to think about how he must look like some dweeby sock puppet and larva hybrid in comparison. “So hug me.” 
He shakes his head, his entire upper body moving with the act from how bundled up he is. 
Eliott tilts to the side, looking wholly amused. “Please, Lulu?”
Lucas lets out a grunt, hoping Eliott can see his eyes narrowing at the use of a nickname— how dare Eliott use Lucas’ weakness against him?
He hesitates but stubbornly stands his ground.
Lucas barely suppresses a squeak before throwing himself at Eliott, effectively shutting him up before he could do something as dumb as calling Lucas baby right in front of their rabid friends. Well, Yann’s still out on the giant bowl teaching Basile how to skate but Arthur is right there, head buried under a scarf and a winter jacket, but there nonetheless. 
Eliott has the gall to chuckle as he basks in the embrace— given under duress, thank you very much, but warm enough what with Lucas’ gazillion layers piled on one after the other. 
“You’re so—” Eliott’s voice is muffled from where his face is buried in Lucas’ shoulder. “Squishy.” He squeezes his arms tight as if to prove a point, like he’s squashing a teddy bear rather than a human being. Lucas feels that he’s in the right to smack his boyfriend upside the head, Eliott’s pitiful yelp notwithstanding. 
“That’s cause I dress for the weather unlike a certain idiot.” Standing on his toes makes him taller from where they’re at so Lucas moves his arms until they fall comfortably around the back of Eliott’s neck, preventing the wind from getting through the exposed skin there. He feels Eliott shiver before a smile is pressed into his neck and lets himself be used as a human heater. 
“If you skate with us, you wouldn’t be so cold.” 
Lucas knows that but he also resents that notion. “No thank you.”
“Does Lucas Lallemant not know how to skateboard?” 
“Does Eliott Demaury want another smack to the head?” 
Eliott laughs, starting to swing them side to side. “Just admit you can’t, Lucas.”
“Can so.” Lucas watches Basile fall on his butt for the thousandth time that day and winces in sympathy. Yeah, no, been there done that. There’s a soft rustling from under him and frankly, Eliott’s arms tightening around his waist should have been a clear warning, but Lucas doesn’t actually react to anything until Eliott hoists him up clear off the ground with a satisfied cackle. “Hey! Wait, what are you— Eliott?!” 
Lucas, rather afraid for his life, clings onto Eliott’s shoulders, screaming close mouthed when he hears Eliott drag his skateboard back by his feet. 
“We’re going for a ride.”
“No the fuck we are not, put me down right now!”
“Come on, just a little bit, it’s gonna be fun.”
“Falling and cracking my head open isn’t my idea of fun.” He squirms in Eliott’s grip, feeling kicking out in hopes of feeling the gravel back underneath them. “If you get on that board right now I swear you’re… you’re grounded.” 
That gets a delighted laugh out of Eliott. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. Time out too.”
“Who are you, my mother?”
“No, but I’ll tell my mother that you attempted my murder this very day if you don’t put me down.” 
Grumbling protests aside, Eliott’s pretty quick in relenting after that. He walks the both of them up and out of the ramp and only then does Lucas’ heart stop fucking palpitating. God, he’s going to get a heart attack from one of Eliott’s stunts one day. 
Eliott does bring his board up with them, however, and Lucas hears the scratch of its wheels as he kicks it up the pavement. To his credit, Eliott puts him down as per demanded, but the unsteady surface below his feet clues him in that his asshole boyfriend didn’t quite place him on the ground. 
Thankfully, being best friends with Yann ‘Skater Boy’ Cazas does come with perks; Lucas hadn’t been lying about knowing how to ride a stupid skateboard. 
“I’m sorry, please don’t make your mom call the cops on me,” Eliott apologizes, leaning close to steal a swift kiss from Lucas’ cheek and of course Lucas readily forgives him because he’s apparently weak against cute boys who rightfully fear his mama. Very, very weak. 
He pretends to think about it though, biting back a grin as he slides his hands down to fold his fingers between Eliott’s— he’s standing all wrong on the skateboard and his balance is off so he keeps a tight grip on their connected hands to prevent any accidental wipe outs. “Hmmm, I don’t know…”
“Please. It’ll be awkward if my dad has to visit my place only to arrest me.”
Lucas pauses at that, wobbling on the board enough to probably fall over if it weren’t for Eliott’s steadying hands. “Uh, your dad’s a cop?” 
Whatever lighthearted expression had been on Eliott’s face is gone now, which is unfortunate really. Lucas and his dweeby hybrid self had been enjoying it. He knows there’s probably a conversation to be had there somewhere. Just— preferably not in this minute.
But Eliott simply nods, his calculating look melting away into a playful smile. “I let that one slip during a live once, you don’t remember?” 
And thank god for sensitive boyfriends. Lucas takes the smooth misdirection and runs with it. “Alright, let me clear this up.” He pauses for maximum dramatic effect. “Contrary to popular belief, I have not seen every single one of your posts and stories and lives. Okay, maybe I’ve seen all of your posts but I swear I’ve only seen your live once.”
“Uh huh.” 
“It’s true!” Lucas tugs on their hands, rolling himself closer to Eliott that way. He digs his chin into Eliott’s chest, looking up into those dreamy grey eyes. 
He can’t believe he just unironically used the word dreamy.
“Okay, so you’re a fake fan then.” Eliott’s smile is too soft to back up his teasing. 
Lucas straightens up, lifts his heels that minuscule bit until his lips are level with Eliott’s. “Sorry this fake fan tricked you.” 
Eliott takes it upon himself to brush the tip of their noses together, the perfect balance of gentle and fleeting that has Lucas tilting up for more. “And how is this fake fan planning to apologize?” 
Lucas huffs out a chuckle, shaking his head before slotting their lips into a small kiss. “How’s that?”
“Mm, no, do it again maybe.” 
There’s a sharp flapping sound by their feet and it distracts Lucas enough to delay the second kiss he’d been planning to deliver. He looks down only to see Arthur staring up at them, phone in hand, evidently unimpressed. Lucas had honestly forgotten about him. 
“Do you guys mind?” Arthur gesticulates between the three of them, the vague hand movements has his jacket sleeves flopping about and hitting the pavement. Lucas thinks he gets the gist of what he’s trying to say. Doesn’t mean he cares all that much though. 
“No we don’t mind, actually.” Eliott retaliates, all cheeky and faux oblivious. Lucas bursts out laughing. 
“Just like, take ten steps away from me.” Arthur sits up, shooing them away with one hand. “If I take off my glasses I won’t be able to see how loud you guys are being.” 
It’s a testament to how Lucas is trying his best shot at maturity when he doesn’t roll his eyes immediately. 
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“He’s so bold.”
“It’s okay, Imane likes him back.”
“Yeah but I mean, isn’t it a bit intimidating crushing on your best friend’s younger sibling?” 
Lucas shrugs, head perched on Eliott’s shoulder as he absently looks down at Eliott’s phone, where Emir’s cataloguing exactly why he needs to be the most handsome guy at the party later so that Imane would pay attention to him. “Not if it’s Abe. He’s super nice and Emir’s a good guy too so I don’t see why they’d have a problem with it.” 
Eliott takes a moment to respond to Emir, snorting at the immediate barrage of responses he gets. “Still though, what if things go wrong? It’s scary.” 
“Shit happens.” Lucas shifts until he’s able to lay down on Eliott’s lap instead. “So you mean if Lucas 324 is Eliott 324’s best friend’s brother, he wouldn’t go for it? Cause it’s scary?”
The rapid texting above him stops, and Lucas peeks one eye open to watch the disapproving frown on Eliott’s face. “Well if that’s the case, then Eliott 324 better step up.” 
Lucas scoffs, “I’m sure every version of you is charming and perfect and ideal.”
“I can’t tell if that’s sarcasm but thank you either way.” He leans down and rains kisses all over Lucas’ face until a giggling Lucas pushes him away, insisting that his words are a hundred percent sincere. “You have way too much faith in me and my alternate selves. For all we know, Eliott 324 is a massive jerk.” 
“That’s tragic.” Lucas tugs on Eliott’s hand until he has it buried in his hair, fingers carding through the strands in soothing motions. Eliott laughs at his content sigh but he doesn’t care about the inevitable cat jokes when he’s the one who’s really winning here. “Lucas 324 doesn’t like jerks.”
“Very tragic.”
The sound of shoes hitting the metal staircase is loud in the empty building. The footsteps gain in volume the closer they approach, but Lucas doesn’t bother to open his eyes. Doesn’t move even when he hears the fire exit door unlatch with Yann’s familiar laugh following after. 
“There you are!”
“Congratulations,” Lucas says from where he’s still laying down. “You found us.”
“Shut up,” Yann grumps, leaning his board against the wall before plopping onto the floor beside him and Eliott. “Bas and Arthur are getting food, do you guys want anything?” 
Lucas only has enough energy to emit an incoherent groan, rolling over to grab his phone from where it had fallen on Eliott’s other side earlier. “Nah, we have to get going to see mama soon.” 
“Wait, Eliott’s going with you? To see her?” 
He nods, sending off a text confirming with Marie and his mom what time they want them there. “We have to bring Champ back to Marie and mama’s there with her so.” 
When Lucas turns back around, Yann’s wiggling his brows at Eliott. That combined with the giant grin splitting his face is starting to look more disturbing the longer Lucas looks at him. 
Eliott seems to share the sentiment, and he starts laughing a few seconds into their little stare off. “What?” 
“Nothing man, just glad you guys are at meet the parents level.” 
Lucas rolls his eyes, kicking at his best friend’s heel once before resting his ankle on top of Yann’s. “It’s just a casual supper thing.” 
“Uh huh.” 
“Shut your face.”
And because he’s dumb, Yann mimes putting a hand over his face, expression blank when he next uncovers it. Lucas throws a balled up thread he’d ripped off of his jeans earlier and sneaks a glance up at Eliott. They make eye contact, what with Eliott already looking down at Lucas with a large, amused smile.
“Let’s head out then?” Eliott says, then turns to address Yann, “we’ll walk with you to where Arthur and Bas went, don’t worry, can’t have you being all lonely now.” 
“Thanks, you’re so nice, Lucas would never.” Yann dodges another kick to his leg. 
“I thought I told you to shut your face?” Lucas lazily hauls himself off the floor, dusting his pants a bit before turning a confused look at Eliott when he notices him pull out a leather jacket from his backpack. “Why do you have that in there?”
Eliott eyes him like Lucas is the one acting strange. “Babe, I have to look good when we get there, first impressions are important.” 
Lucas can feel his cheeks heating up. He can also practically feel Yann’s googly eyes at the back of his head and the internal screeching reverberating through their shared braincell so he’s resolutely not looking back in that direction. At least Arthur and Basile aren’t present. 
He lets the nickname slip, though, choosing to unwind the scarf around him to wrap Eliott up in it instead. If his boyfriend insists on being unreasonable then Lucas would just have to take care of the missed details. 
The missed detail here being the fact that it’s way too fucking cold for a leather jacket, hot as it may look on Eliott. 
“Mama’s not gonna care if you look like a Calvin Klein model, Eliott.” Oh yes she will. Lucas would probably have to endure a few hours of brow raising and elbow nudging. But Eliott doesn’t need to know that. “But if you’re putting that on then you’re also wearing this scarf and that’s final, mister.” 
Eliott snickers, tugging the scarf off his neck and throwing it around Lucas before pushing the leather jacket back inside his backpack. “Okay, okay, fine, I will. And I’ll change later so it doesn’t get too cold. Happy?” 
Lucas grumpily ducks his head down into his scarf until only his narrowing eyes are visible. “Satisfactory.” 
“You know you guys act like a married couple, right?” Yann pipes up, hugging his skateboard to his chest as he leans back against the exit door.
Lucas shoves the door open and watches Yann tumble backwards with a crash. 
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Lucas feels like he’s been holding his breath throughout the entire trip to Marie’s house. He’s not nervous, no, he can’t imagine his mother disliking a single thing about Eliott. But it’s not like he’s had a golden track record of significant others to introduce to his mother so he doesn’t know how these things are supposed to go. Casual as he convinces himself this whole thing is, nothing about it feels all that casual to him.
“You look like you’re about to launch yourself into outer space.” Eliott places a hand on the low of his back once they reach Marie’s front porch, thumb brushing back and forth. “I’m supposed to be the nervous one here.” 
“I’m fine,” Lucas squeaks out, highly unconvincing. At least Eliott finds it hilarious so maybe he wouldn’t be a stuttering mess. 
Marie opens the door on the second knock and immediately takes a wiggling Champ into her arms. “Come on in, boys!” She steps back to open the door wider. “Hello my little Champagne, oh I missed you too, I missed you… just leave your shoes anywhere you can find. Lorraine’s in the kitchen,” she whispers the last part with a wink towards Eliott before walking off. 
Lucas laughs a little, easing up under Marie’s presence. He waits for Eliott by the door and notices how his boyfriend’s moving slower than usual, evidently delaying the actual first meeting part of the meeting. He holds out his hand before it gets too ridiculous. 
“She’ll love you,” he says, raising his hand higher when Eliott looks up at him like a deer in the headlights. “Come on.”
And he’s right. Of course he’s right. 
His mama folds Eliott into a warm embrace the moment they’ve exchanged names, endeared as Eliott does stutter through the introductions. 
“He’s handsome,” she says to Lucas when they pass each other in the living room. And there goes the elbow nudging Lucas had predicted earlier. “Very handsome.”
“I know, mama.” He rolls his eyes, sitting on the piano bench where Champ is napping under. Eliott and Marie are deep in conversation as she shows him a photobook of her family back in Jamaica so Lucas occupies himself with the piano, quietly hitting a few keys while his eyes roam over the top for a music book. 
What he finds instead are papers with his mama and papa’s names on them. 
He snatches them off the top of the piano, skimming through the documents to try and inch out what they’re for as quickly as possible. A hand on his shoulder stops his frantic reading and Lucas looks up at his mom with eyes wide in question. 
“It’s not about the transfer if that’s what you’re thinking.” She sits on the bench beside him and flips the papers until she settles on a page with big letters jumping out from the rest. It goes without question now. 
Application (Divorce)
Divorce Order 
When Lucas remains silent, she takes the papers away from his hands and puts them back where he found them. “I think it’s time, don’t you? I brought it over for Marie to read through so…”  
Lucas still doesn’t say anything but he manages a small smile in her direction before tucking her hands in between both of his. They sit there for a bit, just looking at each other, all teary and holding hands. Lucas thinks that yeah, they really are mother and son, getting all sappy at inconvenient times of the day. 
That’s before she laughs again, clear and carefree, and untangles their hands to play a familiar tune on the piano. She glances up at Lucas with a daring smile, one eyebrow raising as if in challenge. 
Lucas bristles, sitting up properly to prove that yes, he can still give her a run for her money. He takes a deep breath, fingers landing soft on the smooth ivory, letting his hands familiarize themselves with the instrument— it’s been a long, long time since he's last played. But here, sitting beside the woman who’s patiently taught him one echoing tune at a time, there’s no doubt in Lucas’ mind that he could never forget a single piece they’ve played together. 
And it feels so good to be doing this again that it almost pushes him over the edge, almost has him straight up crying. Only almost though. 
There’s complete silence in the living room only seconds after they start, and Lucas’ skin prickles at the feeling of eyes on his back. He doesn’t let it distract him, focused on hitting the correct notes as four hands dance around the length of the piano. 
Riopy’s I love you has always been his mama’s favourite. She’d altered the tune slightly so that both her and Lucas could play it together and for him, right now, it’s never sounded better.
Later, watching Eliott enthusiastically converse with his mama about possibly joining the culinary classes she’s attending (thank god), Lucas thinks it only makes sense for Eliott to be present the moment Lucas plays that particular piece for the first time in years. 
They head out with only a few minutes to spare before the bus to Eliott’s apartment arrives. Both of their group chats are blown up with reminders that they’re all supposed to wear costumes to the party, with explicit mentions of how Eliott and Lucas are specifically not allowed to ditch the party until at least two hours into it. 
“What was that song you guys played?” Eliott asks as they settle into the back seats, huddled together for warmth. 
Lucas hides his face inside the fabric of his hood. “I don’t remember,” he says, biting his lip as he wills for the blush to die down. Maybe they should’ve played one of Chopin’s pieces instead. “I’ll look it up later.” 
Yeah. Much, much later. 
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Abe had met up with them at Eliott’s so they could walk to the party together. It was apparently the only way to ensure that Eliott doesn’t cancel at the last minute. He’d complained all the way through about being left out and had even called Idris so they could ‘share their experiences as a third wheel’. 
His actions are made all the more ridiculous considering Abe is wearing a fucking banana suit to the party. 
Lucas secretly thinks that he wouldn’t have minded staying in, just him and Eliott on the couch with a movie and some snacks. 
But now he’s standing by the walls at this party, alone with the one drink he’s been nursing since the start, watching his friends jump around on the dance floor as the strobe lights cut through the dark to illuminate the wide smiles they share. 
It’s not that he’s bored. He’s just a little tired from the day he’s had and he could probably only dance as rigorously as everyone else for about five minutes before throwing the towel in. God, he’s getting old. 
Eyes searching, it doesn’t take very long for him to spot Eliott— he stands out after all. Tall and handsome even in a simple hoodie, messy head of hair bobbing along to the bass of the music. Eliott’s been swept into conversation by many, many people all night long and of course his boyfriend’s too sweet to snub them all. It seems like everyone’s constantly vying for his attention, just like that first party they’d attended together, and Lucas is still a little baffled witnessing it. He’s very quickly understanding why Eliott isn’t too fond of attending parties if this is how they always go for him. 
A loud whoop from the dance floor steals his attention and Lucas laughs at the sight of Basile flailing around in a dance battle against Abe of all people. It’s really not a good look to lose a dance battle against a walking banana. But Abe’s unfortunately just that good. 
Imane and Alexia are on the floor, collapsed in laughter. Beside them, Manon and Adam start clapping and cheering when Yann jumps to Basile’s rescue, flailing into a more acceptable dance routine that has Abe jokingly backing off, pulling Idris and Omar into the center of the circle for their turn at the dance off. Daphne is making wide eyes at Emir, poking him in the ribs hard enough to have him flinching closer to where Imane is slowly regaining her wits. Emma is at the bar struggling to balance a tray of drinks in her hands. He certainly hopes those are for the whole group rather than for her alone. 
Lucas hides what he knows must be another dumb smile on his face, watching his friends and Eliott’s friends interact like they’ve always been a huge messy group of idiots rather than only having met each other recently. Never did he allow himself to imagine that his and Eliott’s lives would merge in this way.
“What’s a beautiful guy like you doing here all alone?” Eliott whispers in his ear and Lucas is so startled he almost spills his drink on the both of them. 
But he recovers quickly, snorting at Eliott’s words. “I’m not alone, actually.” 
“Oh. No?” Eliott’s leaning on the wall beside him now, and Lucas thinks he’s the beautiful one here, so beautiful even the lights are shy as they strike flitting colours over his hair, his cheeks, his radiant eyes, his smiling lips.
“Mhm, I have boyfriend but he keeps ditching me for other people. You’ve probably seen him around.”
“Sounds like a terrible boyfriend,” Eliott says, “I suggest you break up with him and run away with me.” 
“What, right now?” Lucas plays along, discarding his drink on the first steady surface he finds. “I don’t know, he’s kinda cute.” 
“I’m cuter.”
Lucas laughs at that, hands anchoring themselves on Eliott’s shoulder as he stands on the tips of his toes. “I can’t see you clearly.” 
Eliott leans down to meet him halfway, catching his lips in a sweet kiss. Literally. He tastes like Fruitopia and somehow, that’s a funny enough thought to have Lucas melting into a heap of giggles. He feels Eliott’s amused huff against his hair before Lucas is being dragged back up, breath catching into a deeper kiss, and all thoughts of fruity drinks are quickly gone from his mind.
Warm hands insistently pull him off the wall and into Eliott’s chest, but it isn’t a hard feat anyway— it’s not like Lucas has any plans to fight against it. He brings his own hands up, sliding from shoulder to neck to the back of Eliott’s head where clumsy fingers tangle themselves into the soft strands they find there. He pulls away soon after, heartbeat off rhythm and lungs begging. His next inhale is an intoxicating mix of cologne and alcohol and Eliott. 
“Can you see me now?” 
Lucas smiles, hands moving to rest on either side of Eliott’s cheeks. Even in the dark, he’s the most precious thing Lucas has ever seen. “I see you.” 
And maybe, just maybe, Lucas number 1 did alright in this universe after all. 
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geekeryandsentiment · 4 years
Hey! I hope you’re doing fine! I’m sending a few, see if any of these work for you 😄 1- Liam and “you’re embarrassing me.” 2- Alby and “that’s gross.” 3- Arthur and “you should have thought about that.” Have a great weekend!
1- Liam and “you’re embarrassing me.”
“Liz,” William almost hissed the words, using every ounce of self control in him to refrain from swatting her hand away from him. He felt his cheeks burn as his little sister continued to make kissing faces while his girlfriend’s back was turned. “Liz. Lizzie. Kitty. Stop it. You’re embarrassing me.”
Elizabeth’s hand flew to her chest, “what do you mean? I’m not trying to!” Her lips curled into a small smirk as she raised an eyebrow to give him a faux questioning look.
William’s jaw clenched as he stepped forward, wrapping his hand around his little sister’s upper arm and dragging her a few steps away from his girlfriend who was distracted by a conversation with his dad. “Stop. Stop it.” He held up his free hand, leaning forward to put his face closer to hers, “don’t look at me like that. Stop it. We are in public. Lily is nervous. I am nervous. There are cameras everywhere. And if you don’t stop taunting me I’m going to make sure your life is hell for however long it takes for the press to stop reporting on your bratty attitude.”
Elizabeth’s eyes widened as William’s expression darkened the longer he spoke. “Shut up, stupid,” she shrugged her shoulder, pulling her arm away from his grip.
“Leave me alone,” William’s expression grew almost pleading, “just go…I don’t know! Walk with Alex! Or find Matty. He’s around here somewhere. You can torment Lily and I when we get back to the palace.”
“I’m not doing anything,” Elizabeth’s arms crossed. “I’m just talking to her.”
William bit back a hostile reply, wanting nothing more than to bring up all the things that he could just talk to his girlfriend about that would embarrass and mortify his little sister. Before he could threaten her with any embarrassing stories, though, Waverly entered his line of sight, pulling his attention away from his little sister.
“Mum,” William pointed at his little sister as the older woman approached them, a questioning look on her face. “Tell Lizzie to leave Lily and I alone. Please.”
“Lizzie,” Waverly’s voice wasn’t chiding, but it didn’t leave any room for debate, “why don’t you go ask your aunt if she wants a break from holding Lucas? Hmm? Maybe you can help feed hi before he goes down for a nap?”
William breathed out a sigh of relief when an excited smile spread across his little sister’s face and she disappeared, running off to steal their baby cousin away from their aunt.
“Thank you,” he mouthed to Waverly, spinning on his heel and making his way back over to his girlfriend, fully intending to save her from whatever God-awful conversation she was probably stuck having with his dad.
2- Alby and “that’s gross.”
Alexander leaned forward, his nose almost touching Elaina’s as she continued to speak, her voice growing quieter.
“–and that’s really hardly an excuse. I don’t think he should be allowed to run again if…if he’s…he’s been so very corrupt…and…” Elaina trailed off, her eyes dropping to Alexander’s lips, almost looking cross-eyed for a few moments. “You have cookie crumbs on your lips.”
“Do I?” Alexander raised a brow, “are you sure? Maybe you should check?”
Elaina huffed, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she heard her boyfriend’s chuckle in response to his terribly cheesy attempt to ask for a kiss. “Okay,” she couldn’t resist, pressing her lips against his for several long seconds. “Yes, I can definitely taste your mother’s cookies.”
“Ewwww,” Albert’s face scrunched up as he stood in the doorway, “that’s gross.”
Elaina and Alexander froze, their heads turning slowly to meet the gaze of the six-year-old in the doorway.
“Why did you eat a cookie off of his lips?” Albert stepped into the room, his judgmental expression, “it’s…gross. It’s already been in Alex’s mouth.”
“It’s just kissing, Baby,” Elaina pulled her feet up onto the couch, watching as the six-year-old walked across the room and snagged a cookie from the plate in the center of the coffee table. “One day you’ll understand.”
“It’s gross, and it’s how you get sick. You’ll give each other all your germs!” Albert took a bite of his cookie, his expression growing exasperated. “What if Alex is almost sick? Not sick, but like he’s gonna be sick tomorrow and he doesn’t know yet but he’s still courageous now even though he doesn’t know it and then you get sick now because you kissed him!”
Elaina blinked, not able to address all the words that Albert just said because she was caught up on one. “Courageous?” She turned to look over at Alexander, her eyebrows pinching together. “Is he wrong or am I?”
Alexander held back a snort, raising a finger and pointing at his little brother, “it’s contagious, Baby.”
Elaina relaxed slightly, shaking her head as she recovered quickly from worrying that she had used those two words wrong her entire life. “And…even if he is contagious,” Elaina emphasized the word, turning her attention back to her boyfriend. “I think I’ll risk it. Come here.”
“Ewwww!” With his mouth full of cookie, Albert covered his eyes and ran from the room. “Mummy! Alex and Ellie are kissing again!”
3- Arthur “you should have thought about that.”
“I’ve decided not to be Queen anymore,” Waverly lowered herself back into her husband’s deck chair, raising her heels onto his desk, using her free hand to gently stroke baby Alexander’s face. “I’m just going to have babies. You can do all the running the country and I’ll just have children and play with them all day long.”
Arthur was only half-listening to his wife as he read over a few papers. “That sounds fine.”
Waverly raised a brow, a small smirk forming on her lips, “I think we should just have another one right now.”
“Okay,” Arthur turned the page he was reading over and began to skim it, making a few lines down and making a few notes. “In a few minutes.”
“Like now,” Waverly chuckled, not at all upset that her husband was so clearly not paying attention to her. “I want to announce that I’m pregnant again in a few months, and just keep having babies until I’m forty. I think we can probably fit in another eight or nine, minimum.”
“Mhmm,” Arthur hummed, chuckling softly as he did begin to listen to his wife speak, hearing from her tone first that clearly what she was saying was outrageous, and then catching the second half of her statement. He stifled a laugh, but didn’t respond.
“Yes,” Waverly’s voice rose in pitch as she leaned forward and kissed her son’s face, “I’ll fill this palace with little babies and you’ll just stay little babies forever.”
Arthur huffed, refraining from commenting on the tantrum of epic proportions their eldest child had thrown the night before over bath time.
“I don’t want to be Queen,” Waverly’s mock pout was evident in her voice, pressing several long kisses to her child’s forehead. “I just want to be Mumma forever and ever.”
“I suppose you should have thought about that before you married the king,” Arthur lifted his head, a small smile on his lips. “How is William? Is he still napping?”
Waverly nodded her head, a wide grin spreading across her lips, “and this one woke up in a very happy mood.”
“Only because you’re holding him,” Arthur commented, pushing himself onto his feet, the paperwork not he table long forgotten as he walked around his desk, peeking over his wife’s shoulder at their almost two-month old son. “What happens if we have eight more and they all demand to be held like him?”
“I suppose we’ll have to grow more hands,” Waverly stated seriously, tipping her head back to give her husband a serious look. “I will not have my babies lacking the care and affection they desire.”
“Of course not,” Arthur didn’t comment on the physiological impossibility of growing more hands, instead he just leaned down and pressed a kiss to his wife’s head. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
Thought I managed to get a little bit of everyone in these three. Hope you like them :) 
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ai-katsuu · 4 years
Jack and Audrey 3/5
chapters: 1   2   3   4   5
previous       next
honestly average is such a great character though
The nine of them walked west for a few more miles. 
“So let me get this straight, you can control water? And you can make weapons out of them?” Arthur asked her. 
“Yeah, pretty much.” she nodded. 
“Could you make a gun?” Noki asked grinning. 
Audrey laughed, “That’s funny, me making a gun out of water!” she continued to laugh until her face turned serious as she put her hand under her chin as if in serious thought “Huh..” 
Snow and Hans were ahead of the group as they talked, leaving Merlin and Jack to chat. “So, did you save her life, or did she save yours?” Merlin asked. 
“A little bit of both,” he said honestly “I was brilliant as ever though.” a smug grin came to his face as he pulled his mirror out. 
“Your hands smell like the mucus of fish.” Hans pointed out from the front. 
“I did what I had to.” Jack sharply said as he side-eyed him.
The group came to a halt when they saw horses clopping towards them. “Is that..?” Snow squinted her eyes. 
“Hello, dwarves!” a funky voice sounded from the horse. 
“Horses can talk, I’ve seen it all now.” Audrey looked at it up and down. 
“No, over..here!” the horse moved sideways to reveal a small green dwarf with slicked-back gold haired. 
“Another dwarf? No...wait is that Average?” Merlin peered in. 
“Ah-ve-rahge!” he corrected. “Even when you’re human you’re still stupid.” he mumbled, 
“So you got cursed as well?” Jack asked him.
“Shut it!” he said in a high pitched voice, “This is only temporary and I will get my kiss! So, where’s that beautiful girl who was supposed to attend my party like, months ago?” 
“Uhh…” Snow looked sideways. 
Average then suddenly gasped, “It’s you!” he pointed directly at Audrey. 
“Er, have we met?” she cocked her head. 
“You still haven’t apologized for making it rain on my coronation!” 
Audrey put her fist above her palm, “Oh you’re that prince!” 
“You made me slip and made the crown land on a passing pig’s head! They jewels fell off and they could get it out because the pigs ate them! I have pig waste jewels on my head right now, apologize!” 
The nine of them looked at Audrey who crossed her arms and dully averted her gaze...before a small smile and snicker were on her face in the recollection of the event “Heh..” 
“Stop laughing!” he yelled. The others behind her laughed as well. Average grumbled “Fine! Have it your way, I know who you really are! I know what you did on May 28th! I know your true natur-” 
Audrey had uncapped her vials and pushed him off his horse and sent him flying in the distance. Popping them back on she noted “He talks too much,” this resulted in fits of laughter of the group as she joined in, feeling a little proud of herself. 
The sun was starting to set and they were near their destination already, however they thought that it would be nice to camp one more night as this was something they didn’t get to do often. They had set camp on a nice lake which Audrey assured it was not a demon-filled monster lake. 
“Wow, this is beautiful,” Hans looked around the green and lush flower field. 
Jack stared in awe “Where did you find this place?” 
“I like to wander around a lot, it’s my secret field.” 
The triplets, Snow, and Merlin ran around the field exploring while Jack, Audrey, Hans, and Arthur went inside the small cottage. 
It was homely and had a little water wheel just beside it. “This house is adorable!” Hans noted. 
“There’s a kitchen there so you can cook,” she smiled, to which Hans gave her a grateful look. 
“It’s just one room so we’ll all have to sleep in the same place. Is that okay?”
 “Yes!” Jack immediately replied looking at her. 
“Oh..” she looked back at him before letting out a small laugh “Okay, great.” she walked out of the door to check on the others. 
“Obvious…” Arthur sang. 
Audrey walked over to the triplets who were currently taking pictures of the flowers. To her right, she saw Snow making a flower crown for Merlin as they sat on the field. She couldn’t help but blush and smile at the action. Audrey decided to walk over to the lake and dip her hands in it. The water was cold, but it always relaxed her for some strange reason. 
“Audrey!” she turned behind her to see Snow walking towards her with something in her hands, Merlin a few steps behind her, wearing flowers on his head. “This is for you!” she presented her with a similar flower crown she had given Merlin. 
The action made Audrey’s heart warm-up, “Oh Snow..it’s beautiful thank you!” she put it on then thought for a bit. “I wish I could thank you somehow..” Audrey then turned to both of them “Have you guys ever been on a water slide?”
Moments later Snow, Merlin, and the triplets were having the time of their lives as they moved swiftly around the lake. Audrey had raised her arms and conducted the water as it moved in various directions, had loops, and occasionally made them free fall every now and then. Jack, Hans, and Arthur had heard the commotion had stepped outside the cabin just in time to see Merlin thrown up in the air only to land on Kio who threw him in the lake, causing them to laugh. 
Audrey saw them out of the corner of her eye and playfully moved her right arm towards them. The water from the leaked and slithered towards them and literally swept them off their feet. The joyous laughter as she brought them on the same slide made Audrey happy. Seeing people happy and content because of something she did was something she always looked for. It was usually with children but she helped the adults of nearby townsfolk too with her hydrokinesis. 
It was at this point where Audrey felt the urge to do something a bit selfish. Carefully, as her other hand was conducting the water slide, she moved her left hand and used her pointer finger to create a new, thinner slide which she had the current push Jack onto. The slide led to her side as he tumbled on the grass. As for the others, she sent the slide on autopilot to the far end of the lake, just enough to buy her time for a conversation. 
“What’s going on?” Jack laughed getting up. 
“I’m sorry your clothes keep getting wet cause of me,” she threw a worried smile. 
Jack shook his head, “It will, take some time to dry clean...but if it’s for your amusement then I suppose I can bear that,” he chuckled. 
“Aww you’d do that for me?” she sat down next to him. “Almost anything,” he said thoughtlessly.
“Whatcha say?” 
“Almost..!! Uh, nothing, forget it.” he said. Audrey laughed, the laugh that Jack was starting to find charming.
He finally started to realize the many reasons why he took a great liking to her in the matter of two days. She helped him with the fish proposal not even knowing who he was. And even when she did find out he was a hideous dwarf, that didn’t seem to bother her at all and offered to guide him through the forest. The first few months of the spell weren’t that easy. He had tried to talk to women as if he would normally but he was shunned out and they became disgusted to look at him. 
Meanwhile here she was, laughing with him normally as if he were human. 
‘No..’ he thought. ‘She’s with me regardless of who I am’. 
He didn’t know what came over him when he left this group and came to help her this morning. But he just had the feeling that he would be devastated if something happened to her. 
“You looked stupid when you said that,” she laughed as did he.
 That was another thing. She was able to be playful with him by insulting him even though she knew he was a prince. Everyone had always treated him with respect. Authorities were formal, the staff was uptight, ladies were changing themselves just to win his favor. Audrey...Audrey didn’t do any of that. She didn’t do anything to make him like her. Heck, she even threw him across the woods and doused him with water more times than he can count.
“I guarantee you the ugliest face I can make is still prettier than yours.” he crossed his arms. 
Audrey made an overdramatic gasp and it wasn’t that hard for her to tumble him over the grass. They burst into fits of laughter and Audrey too fell on the grass holding her stomach. 
Sitting up, she looked around “Jack?” he was nowhere to be seen, “Where did you go?” putting her hair to the side she scanned the field trying to point him out. Suddenly her something covered her eyes 
“Shh shh, it’s just me,” he chuckled. He stood behind her, his hands over her eyes. 
“Using your cloak to deceive me? What a fox.” she smirked using her hands to feel his. 
“Well, it was worth it to see your reaction,” he shrugged “Who knew you were so jumpy.” 
“Watch it, your highness. I can still throw you into the lake blindfolded!” 
Jack laughed and then clapped his hands once. “Oh! Give me a second,” he removed his hands from her eyes and took something out of his pocket. 
Audrey opened her eyes only to have them covered once more. “What’s this?” she put her fingers up and felt a soft fabric. 
“A blindfold,” he simply said, “I use it as a handkerchief. Don’t worry I clean it as soon as I finish using it, but it's mostly just covered with the water you doused me in now.” he crossed his arms in amusement. 
Audrey giggled, “So you’re human now?” 
“Well, with or without the blindfold I’m still behind you.” 
“Think I could fight you like this?” 
Jack laughed, “I’d like to see that attempt.”
Not far off, the rest of the group had emerged from the lake, squeezing the water off their clothes. 
“Oh, look at the two lovebirds,” Arthur gestured. 
“Don’t look at them! He wants to be human for a bit!” Snow moved his head away. “Let’s go inside, leave them be!” she excitedly said. 
“Well aren’t you little miss cupid,” Merlin said as Snow giggled. 
Night had overtaken the sky and the stars came out. Hans had the pleasure of cooking up a feast for the group. A ‘mukbang’ as he had called it. It was mostly seafood as that was all they had, but they all enjoyed it nonetheless. After dinner they turned it into a game night where they played a game of blindfolded twister (the F7 faced the other way when it was Snow and Audrey’s turn) While Merlin and Arthur were arguing over whose hand was on the red spot (it was Noki’s) Audrey sighed in content. 
She had never had a group of friends to stay with. With this group, she finally felt happy and relaxed. With Arthur, she could have fun with whenever she wanted to do something stupid. She could turn to Hans when she needed a meal or just someone to talk to in general, he would never tell anyone. Merlin..well she wasn’t quite there with him yet. 
She knows they both noticed something off about each other when they first met, but regardless they were still kind to each other and they worked well as a team. With the triplets she could literally goof off with them, trying all their latest inventions and using her powers as a test-runner.
And Jack.. 
She looked at him. Audrey had grown a soft spot for him. She had a hunch as to what it was but didn’t want to admit it to herself just yet. It could’ve just been a temporary feeling, it was too early to tell. But what she does know for certain is that she does care for him greatly, and he is very important to her.
She thought of this as she tried to sleep on the couch, tossing and turning. Unable to sit still anymore as she was wide awake, she sat up. She looked at the dark moonlit room where everyone else was sound asleep. She and Snow had been offered to sleep on the couch while the rest slept on chairs and pillows on the floor. Seeing as she couldn’t sleep any more she carefully made her way to the door, cautious not to step on anyone else.
Quietly she pulled the door handle down and escaped closing it behind her. The fresh night air hit her nose and she happily took it in. Walking down the stairs accompanied by the sound of wood and water moving she made her way to the right section of the field. Audrey liked looking at the lake in the evening. The water was so pure that it clearly reflected the stars in the sky, almost making it look like another dimension if you jumped in it (she tried).
While she appreciated the cool wind, sometimes it was too chilly that she got colds sometimes. 
“I forgot my cloak inside,” she mumbled as she rubbed her arms.
 When she had said that she felt something soft and warm on her shoulders. Human hands. 
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sweets-fanfics · 4 years
Homecoming 16
Title: Beginning of the break
wordcount: 2738
warning: I tried smut. Maybe I’ll be more adventurous in later chapters.
Tag: @rollyjogerjones
You walked up to Luca and gave him a painfully obvious fake smile. 
He grinned as you stopped in front of him, “I take it, your father said to be nice to me.” 
“Against my wishes, yes.” You roll your eyes. “I suggested we just ignore you, but my father wants us to be nice.” 
“He probably wants to stay on my father’s good side.” He stepped closer and ran his hand down your arm softly. “How do you want to do that.”
“By being able to go tonight without killing you. So remove your hand from my arm before that happens.”
Luca chuckled and stepped back. “Then at least watch the fireworks with me.” 
You rolled your eyes again but followed him. Soon you realized he took you to a small bench away from everyone. “If you are going to make a move on me I will actually kill you.” You warn him.
“Y/N, please sit, my father’s men won’t hear us here,” Luca says in a serious tone. His entire demeanor from being a flirty asshole was gone and replaced with what looked like the old Luca who would run into the music shop every day. 
You sit next to him a bit cautious, “Okay…?”
“Firstly, I’m sorry for acting the way I did back there. My father sadly expects it of me. Secondly, I feel you and your friends should not listen or take any advice my father gives you.”
“What? Why?”
Luca ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, “I think he’s going to betray you. I… Some men came in dark suits and had asked if they had seen the Van Der Linde gang.” Your blood went cold as you listened silently, “My father took them into his study and they talked in there for hours. I wasn’t even allowed inside.”
“Wait… So you aren’t an asshole?” You said registering everything.
He let out a chuckle, “That’s what you say after all that?” He gives you a kind smile, “You are still exactly the same girl who worked in the music shop. I’m sorry… I hurt you very badly back then. My father is insane. But I do love my wife, I promise. She’s the only I’ve been telling everything too. She suggested I tell you.”
Luca takes your hand and squeezes it. “You and your people have to Leave Saint Denise if you want to live.” 
“I… I’ll talk to my father. But he… he’s been difficult.” You sigh.
“I’m glad you got to meet him. Has he been everything you wanted?” Luca smiles.
You shrug your shoulders, “Yes and no. He’s given me and Henry a family, but I feel more that he has let us in to have more people on his side… and not because he genuinely loves us.”
“Yeah… fathers are horrible creatures at times… But at least yours seems kinder than most. And you’re husband, I assume you met him through your father?”
You smile thinking back to the day you met Arthur, “I met him first actually, he walked into the saloon I was bartending in.” You start to laugh, “I was really tight on money and tried to steal his money.”
Luca is still smiling at you but you can see it become shocked. “Miss Y/N, I seem to remember you sayin’ you’ll never be like your father.”
“Well, that was before I met them. Is it sad I feel like I’m gettin’ a hang of this life? But, I want Arthur and me to leave it, we want a family one day.”
The fireworks had begun but you and Luca kept talking. “Well… When you two feel you are ready, my wife and I will help you where we can.” He nodded to himself as if he made up his mind.
“Luca… You don’t have too…”
“I know. But you can see it as redemption for how I hurt you. You don’t have to accept right now. But please, think it over.” You two smiled at each other. 
You both were so into trying to hear each other over the fireworks you didn’t notice Arthur walk up until he touched your arm softly. You glance up at him and smile. You don’t notice how Luca watches your eyes light up and fill with love the moment you see your cowboy.  Luca simply stands and holds his hand out to Arthur.
Arthur glances at you as if asking for approval. “He’s on our side. We talked it over.” You say. Arthur nods and shakes Luca’s hand.
“Mrs. Morgan, I will let you know if I hear anything else. Also, again, please think over my proposal with your wonderful husband here.”
“I will Mr. Bronte. Tell your wife I said thank you.” Luca leaned forward and kissed your forehead before bowing his head to Arthur and rejoining the party.
“Are there two of him?” Arthur asks as he takes your hand.
“Turns out he has been our fly on the wall with Bronte since we ran into him in town.” You say in a hushed voice. “He thinks we shouldn’t trust his father… There is somethin’ else but I feel my father and Hosea should hear it too.”
“I came to get ya cause Dutch had your brother sneak some papers from the mayor's office. He says it’s time to go.”
You smile and loop your arm through his. “Well, then I believe we are done here.”
The five of you climbed into the coach before Lenny began driving. You immediately take your braid out and sigh. 
“Luca Bronte thinks we shouldn’t trust his father.” 
“I don’t very much trust him either.” Hosea agrees.
“Well now. Let’s see how that trolley thing goes.” Dutch says trying to defend Bronte as Henry hands him the papers he nabbed. 
“Luca said men in suits came to Bronte and asked if he had seen us. From the description, it sounds like Pinkertons.” You warned your father who you noticed did not look as worried as you thought.
“I doubt it was them. And if it was we will be fine.”
You glance at Henry but you didn’t see the same doubt. “I think we should trust our father. You know he’d never steer us wrong.”
You shoot your twin a dirty look, “I’m not saying I don’t trust him. I’m just thinking of the others in our group who may be worried if they find out the Pinkertons are closer than we thought.” 
“Then let’s keep it from them. Just for now.” Dutch simply said with a shrug. You knew the conversation was over you sighed and sat back in your seat.
When you all returned to the house you didn’t wait for any of the men to help you. You hopped out and walked up to your room. Arthur walked in shortly after you and smirked as you struggled to undo the ribbons of your dress. 
He came up behind you and softly put your hands down before untying the dress and helping you slip out of it.  He turned you around and wrapped his arms around your waist. 
Your face was red but you weren’t as embarrassed that you were standing in his arms wearing just undergarments. He had seen you fully naked plenty of times. This was no different. 
“I know you are probably stressed.” He says softly. “And I think I know how to help you relax.” You looked up into his blue-green eyes as he gave you a flirty smirk before his lips crashed into yours. 
He walked you back towards the bed as you struggled to get his tux off. He started to chuckle as you struggled with the buttons on his shirt. He stepped back softly pushing you onto the bed. He quickly slipped his shirt off and his pants leaving him in his own undergarments.
Before you could even attempt to help them with that off he slips off your bottoms leaving you exposed to him. He begins to kiss your jaw and neck as he slips a finger between your folds. You cover your mouth to suppress your moan as he immediately hits your sensitive spot. You could feel him smile as he continues to kiss your neck before moving and kissing your lips again. 
“Just relax, my love,” Arthur hums softly. “I’m going to help you feel good.” 
Arthur begins to kiss down your body. He stops at your breast as he puts a nipple in his mouth and squeezes the other. His tongue plays with your nipple before he switches sides. You keep your mouth covered but he’s making it hard to stay quiet. 
Arthur continues to go down your body until his face is between your legs. You look down at him as he smiles up at you. “What should I do?” He asks acting naive. 
His finger is still inside you making it hard for you to answer him without moaning. He chuckles every time you open your mouth and have to shut it right away as he teases you. “I can’t hear you, my love.” He hums.
“Please don’t stop.” Was all you were able to get out without moaning.
“I guess that’ll do.” He smirked before lowering his head between your legs and helping you forget all about the stresses of the night.
In the morning you hear voices. Without seeming awake you feel around to make sure you have some sort of clothes on before peaking to see who is in the room. 
Dutch is leaning against the door frame talking to Arthur. You feel the shirt on you so you are able to sit up slowly and glance at the two men.
As you rub your eyes Arthur gives you a soft smile. “How did you sleep, dear?” He asks. You notice how his attention fully shifts to you as if your father wasn’t even in the room anymore. 
“I slept well.” You glance at Dutch. “Can you two talk outside so I can get dressed?” 
“It’s okay. I’ll leave you two alone.” He smiles and walks off leaving you and Arthur alone.
“Does he normally stare at us sleep?” You ask. 
Arthur chuckles as he walks up to you and kisses your forehead. “He wanted to talk about last night. And he said somethin’ about gambling on a boat.”
What a dumb idea, you thought to yourself. “Who’s goin’?” You ask as you pull your skirt on.
“Javier, Trelawny, Staus and me apparently. I have to meet Trelawny in Saint Denise to get ready.” He makes quotation marks with his hands as he says ‘get ready’ which makes you laugh.
“Sounds fun.” Arthur walks up and wraps his arms around you.
“Somethin’ seems different about you today.” He hums and twirls you around before wrapping his arms around your middle again. 
“Bad different?” You wonder.
He huffs a chuckle, “No… almost like you’re glowin’ a bit.”
You get on your tippy-toes and kiss his lips, “Well I had a rather amazing night.” You whisper.
“Oh, you did?” He hums as he kisses you back.
“Y/N, I need you and Charles to go hunting.” You hear Dutch call from somewhere in the house.
You groan and place your head on Arthur’s chest as he laughs. “I swear, that man knows every time I’m in your arms.”
“He’s probably tryin’ to keep ya busy. You tend to get into trouble when you’re bored.” Arthur pokes your nose and places his hat on your head.
“Arthur, I got my hat…” You say as he shrugs.
“Just watch it for me, okay?” He starts to leave the room but backtracks back in. “Also, I love you so damn much.”
“Well thank god,” You pretend to look relieved as you braid your hair, “Because I love you just as much.”
Arthur rolls his eyes and smiles before heading out.
You walk outside and Charles is already getting both his horse and Suzie ready. You skip up to him and smack Charles’s shoulder. He jumps a bit as you realized he didn’t see you walk up.
“Hello Charles, I heard I’m your hunting partner today.” You smile as you climb on to Suzie.
“Yes, I think I know a great place too.” 
Before you two head out you hear some really bad coughing behind you. You turn and see Henry cough into a rag before quickly putting it away.
“Henry, I think you should see a doctor…” You sigh. 
“I’ll be fine sister.” He assures you as he gets on Lightning.
“Where do you think you’re goin’?” You ask.
“How about you don’t bother the man.” Micah groans lazily as he and his horse trot by. “Not like you’re his parent.”
“I’m allowed to worry about my brother, Mr. Bell.”
“Micah just said he wants to show me his idea for a job is all.” Henry smiles.
“Henry, I don’t believe Micah Bell is a good influence.” 
Micah rolls his eyes at your comment, “Come on Henry, you don’t need your killjoy of a sister to control your life.”
You suppress the need to shoot the man as he and your brother ride off. “Why is Micah with us?” You ask Charles.
“Your guess is as good as mine.”
At some point during hunting you got separated from Charles. You looked around the heavily wooded area trying to get some sense of where you were. Hell, you couldn’t even find Suzie. 
You tried whistling but heard no response. 
“It’s about time your alone.” You hear a voice behind you making you spin and pull your pistol. 
“Agent Milton…” You say softly as the man walks out from behind a tree.
“I’m alone and not here to hurt you.” He raises his hands slowly. “I just wanted to talk.” As he talks you here a leaf crunch beside you. 
You aim your gun in that direction. “Alone, huh?” Before he can respond you fire and an agent falls to the ground crying out in pain and grabbing his shoulder.
“So much like your father.” 
“What do you want?” You ask.
“I need more ears on the inside to help take your father down. We’ll pay you handsomely and I’ll even make your husband’s record disappear.” 
You glare at him, “Why would I ever help you. And what do you mean ‘more’?” 
“Ah, you caught on to that.” He slowly walks up to you. “Micah Bell has been gladly giving me information since right before the Rhodes incident.”
Your blood goes cold as you listen to him. But honestly, you aren’t shocked. “Why would you tell me this?” Why would he give such honest information?
“Because I know you won’t rat him out. We both know how Mr. Bell is, he’ll kill you before you even open your mouth.”
You scoff, “He can try.” 
Milton suddenly has a pistol inches from your forehead. You feel pretty proud of yourself as you don’t flinch and continue to stare him down. “Think about it. Or, I’ll pay you a less kind of a visit.” 
Milton walks over to the agent and helps them up. As they disappear from sight you finally feel yourself relax.
Arthur is not pleased as he rides into camp soaking wet. Sure he got some cash, but he didn’t think he’d be swimming in the damn river. As he hitches up Athena you and Charles ride back into camp. 
For once it’s Charles talking and you staying silent.
“Y/N, are you sure you’re okay? You seem off.” Arthur hears Charles ask you. He glances over his shoulder at you and sees your face is pale. Curious he walks over and takes the pelts from Suzie. 
“I’m fine, I told you… a snake scared me is all.” Arthur can tell right away you aren’t telling the truth.
“It’s okay Charles, as tough as she may be my wife does have a fear of snakes,” Arthur says as he glances at you. By the look on your face, he can tell you’re grateful.
Finally, Charles sighs and takes his horse to another hitching post. As soon as he’s out of ear sight and you’re off Suzie, Arthur grabs your hands and pulls you into a hug so he can talk to only you.
“What happened?” He asks.
“I… I can’t say.” Is all you’re able to get out.
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yeet-or-be-hawed · 5 years
“Attempts For Attention” Arthur Morgan x Reader
A request from @notursdutch!
Arthur is trying to throw hints your way that he has feelings for you, but he’s a little shy and you’re a lot oblivious. 
“Whatcha drawin’?” You were pulled from your concentration and looked up to find Arthur standing over you. You handed him the journal as sat down in the grass beside you. 
You were sat under a shady oak tree overlooking camp; it had the perfect view, you could see everything from up there, plus the shade was welcome on the hot summer day. 
Arthur smiled as he looked down at the drawing. The sketch took up two pages. It was Clemen’s Point, complete with undetailed little drawings of the inhabitants and the horses at the edge of camp. “This looks great, Y/N.” Arthur’s finger pointed down at the small figure with the horses. “Kieran?”
You nodded and smiled as you pointed out all the people. Lenny was just below Kieran, brushing his own horse. Tilly, Karen, and Mary-Beth were by the laundry bucket, and you had captured Charles mid swing of his axe. Arthur smiled down at his own figure, leaned against the back end of his caravan, his own journal in hand. Arthur loved your art style, your lines were softer and your shading was a little more defined. “I don’t know how you do it.” He said, eyes still focused on your drawing. 
You laughed, “Sure you do, you could put me to shame with your drawing skills any day!”
He shook his head, “Nah, I’m too heavy handed, I can’t quite get my shading just right.” 
You smiled. “What were you workin’ on down there?” You asked as you pointed to the small Arthur you had drawn. 
“Just doin’ some writin’. Its been a few days since I had enough time to actually open my journal.” He flipped the page and frowned. “Looks like those were your last pages.”
You sighed. “Yeah, I know. I’ve been checkin’ every town we’ve hit since we left Blackwater tryin’ to find somethin’ new but I guess the folks this far east ain’t as refined as we thought.”
Arthur laughed. “I’ll see what I can do next time I’m out.” 
You beamed up at him, “You would do that for me?”
He smiled down at you. “Course I will.”
You wrapped your arms around him tightly. “Oh thank you Arthur, you’re the best friend a girl a can have!” 
This took his by surprise, but he slowly wrapped his arms around you, returning your hug. You felt so warm and soft in his arms he felt his heart lurch when you pulled away. Your face was towards the ground, but Arthur caught the slight shade of pink in your cheeks. “I should probably go before Grimshaw finds me.” You stood and looked down at Arthur, “If you ever want to practice with me, I can show you some techniques to keep your wrist loose, that should help you with your shading.” 
Arthur’s eyes followed you as you went down the hill and joined the other girls at the laundry station. Your smile was contagious as you reached the other girls they greeted you happily. You seemed to have that effect on everyone, but Arthur seemed to fall prey to your charm worse than anyone else around camp, the trouble was you had no idea. 
He had been crazy for you since you first arrived, it took him damn near a month and a half to even say hello to you, every time your eyes shifted his way and you gave him a smile he would turn redder than a tomato. Hosea eventually had to be the one to introduce the two of you, and he still gives Arthur hell to this day for turning to a nervous blundering mess when you first stuck out your hand and said, “Nice to meet you Arthur, my name is Y/N.”
Arthur was lucky you were just as outgoing as you were oblivious because he never had the nerve to talk to you, but you had no problem with joining him beside the fire or barging into his tent for conversation, but you never noticed how flustered you made him. At first it was a relief, but now Arthur wasn’t quite sure. He wanted to tell you how he felt, he wanted to grab you by the waist and sweep you off your feet, but that required a level of confidence he just didn’t have. He looked down and noticed you had left your journal beside him. He grabbed it and headed down towards you. 
“So,” Tilly began mischievously. “What were you and Arthur talkin’ about up on that hill?”
You rolled your eyes. “Nothin’, Tilly. He just wanted to see what I was drawin’ that’s all.”
“And you showed him?” Karen asked with a raised brow. “Why is it Arthur is the only one allowed to see inside that journal of yours?”
You tried to hide the blush forming in your cheeks. “He’s an artist, so I like his opinion, okay?” You tried to sound assertive, but your voice came out meeker than a barn mouse. 
“Mhmm, I’m sure that’s what it is.” Mary-Beth said sarcastically. 
“It is!” You shot back, a little more defensively than you meant.
“Oh please,” Snorted Karen. “You’ve had eyes for him since you got here, you can’t deny that.”
You looked down into the suddy water. “Yeah so?”
“Yeah so, he’s definitely had eyes for you too!” Karen rolled her eyes. “I mean it’s so obvious!”
“He gets all fidgety when he talks to you,” Said Tilly.
“And he turns bright red.” Added Mary-Beth.
“That’s not true.” You pouted into your laundry bucket. “He just-”
You looked up to see Arthur coming down the hill towards you. “Shut up the lot of you.” You hissed quickly.
You cut off Karen. “Hey Arthur!”
The women looked in the direction you were facing and each one shot you a look, and you tried to ignore it. 
“Hey Y/N, you forgot this.” He handed you your journal. “Thought I’d bring it back to ya.” He rubbed his neck and wouldn’t meet your gaze. 
“Thank you, Arthur. You’re too kind.” You tried not to look at the women around you.
He tipped his hat to you and turned towards his tent. “No problem.”
You turned back towards your water bucket, “Not a goddamn word.” You said as Karen opened her mouth. 
The four of you finished the laundry in silence.
Arthur’s eyes scanned the camp and they landed on just the man he was looking for. Hosea was sitting at the small table in the middle of camp. Arthur took the seat across from him. “Hosea.”
He looked up at Arthur, “Ah, hello my boy. How are ya today?”
“I’m fine, I got a question for ya. You know this area pretty well right?” Arthur fiddled nervously with his thumbs.
Hosea raised an eyebrow towards him. “Guess you could say that, I spent a good bit a time down here with Bessie years ago.”
Arthur nodded. “You know anywhere I could get a new journal?”
Hosea tilted his head, confused. “You already filled that journal you got in Blackwater?”
Hosea was sharp as a tack, “No, I...its for someone else.”
A sly smile curled on Hosea’s lips. “I see. It wouldn’t happen to be for a certain young lady would it?” 
Arthur’s eyes shot up to meet Hosea’s and his face went hot. “Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t.”
“Don’t play coy with me Arthur.” Hosea said flatly as he crossed his arms. He lowered his voice. “You think I don’t see how you look at her?”
Arthur huffed, he knew there was no point in lying to Hosea. “Okay yeah it’s for her. I ain’t tryin’ to pull a move on her or anything, she just used up the last page in hers and I offered to pick her up a new one if I found one.” 
Hosea leaned back in his chair. “I see. But why aren’t ya makin’ a move then?”
This caught Arthur off guard. He sputtered and tripped over his words. “I-I can’t...I don’t know.” He let out a heavy sigh. “I don’t think she’d have me. She’s too good for me anyways.”
Hosea stood. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. When ya think like that you’ll be alone forever.” He turned to leave but threw a final glance at Arthur over his shoulder. “Saint Denis. It’s a big city not far from here. If I remember correctly they have an art supply store down there. It’s been years since I’ve been, but it’s worth takin’ a look into.”
Arthur nodded. “Thanks Hosea.”
Hosea threw up his hand in a wave and wandered off. Arthur took one final glance at you, your face was straight and focused as you did your work quietly. Even with Hosea’s words replaying in his mind, he still couldn’t seem to find himself worthy of you. You were breathtaking, and the kindest soul he had ever met. No one made him want to be good, not even Eliza or Isaac. Not even Mary made him want to be better, but when your kind eyes meet his, he wanted to feel like he deserved the genuine kindness behind your eyes. He nodded to himself and headed towards his horse. 
You wiped the sweat from your brow as you stood. You waved to the other women as you left, finished with your work for the day. As your eyes searched the camp, you felt a little disappointment as you noticed both Arthur and his horse were gone. You sighed and joined Abigail beside the fire. “You see where Arthur went?” You asked, trying to seen as nonchalant as possible. 
“I didn’t,” She responded, she took a sip of her coffee. “He rode out not too long ago after talking to Hosea. Probably got a tip off or somethin’.”
You nodded, “Yeah, that sounds about right.”
“Why ya ask?” You could tell by the look in her eye she knew exactly why you were asking.
“No reason,” You said quickly.
“Mhmm.” Abigail had a sarcastic tone. 
before you could respond, Micah and Dutch approached you. “Good afternoon, ladies.” Dutch said smoothly. “Either of you in the mood for some good ol’ fashioned stage coach robbin’?”
“Sure!” You responded quickly and stood. “Who all’s goin’?”
“Micah and Lenny.” 
You nodded and followed behind the two men. “I’ve been itchin’ to get outta here.”
“I thought you would be up for the job.” Dutch smiled down at you. “Go grab your pistol and meet the boys at the hitching post.”
“Yes sir.”
It was early evening when Arthur got back to camp. He hitched his horse quickly and pulled his satchel from his horse. His eyes searched the camp for you, he didn’t even see Dutch until he walked right into him. 
“Oof! Watch where you’re goin’, son.” 
“Sorry Dutch, have you seen Y/N? She asked me to pick somethin’ up for her in town.” His eyes were still searching as he spoke. 
Dutch had to stop himself from picking on Arthur, just like everyone else in camp, he knew Arthur had it bad for you. “I sent her with Micah and Lenny on a stagecoach job.” He said easily. 
Arthur’s eye shot up to Dutch. “Micah? Why the hell did you send her with Micah?”
Dutch raised an eyebrow. “She’s the one who wanted to go, I didn’t make her go. Besides, it’s not like they’re alone. Lenny will keep him in line.” 
Arthur huffed in frustration. “Ya know, I coulda gone instead of Micah.”
Dutch barked a short laugh. “I know.” He turned and walked back to his tent.
Arthur tried to push away the jealousy creeping into his stomach. He saw the way Micah looked at you and it made his stomach churn. He wouldn’t trust Micah with a wet sock, let alone you. But Dutch was right, Lenny would keep him in line from touching you and in turn your company would keep Micah from harassing Lenny over the color of his skin. It was a good trade off, but it still made Arthur uneasy. He pulled the journal he bought for you from his satchel and headed towards your tent. It was simple just like your old one, but it was a little bigger and the paper was a better quality. He spent a pretty penny on it, but it was worth it. You were worth more than all the money in the world to him, and he wanted to let you know. He gently laid the journal down on your neatly made bed. He also pulled out the candies he grabbed on his way out of Saint Denis. He remembered you telling him they were your favorite one day when he shared a bag with you. 
When he exited your tent, Abigail was standing there waiting for him with her arms crossed, looking suspicious. “Whatcha doin’ there Arthur?”
“N-nothin’. Nothin’ at all to concern yourself with.” He stuttered. 
“So, I shouldn’t be concerned that yer just sneakin’ around in some girl’s tent, huh?” She raised an eyebrow at him.
He groaned. “Come on Abigail, you know it ain’t like that.” “Do I?” She challenged.  She peeked behind his shoulder before he could move to block her vision. A knowing smile crossed her lips. “What’s that?” 
“What’s what?” Arthur responded, moving his body with hers as she tried to peek behind him again. 
“What’s that layin’ on Y/N’s bed?”
“It’s nothin’!” Arthur groaned. 
Abigail turned away. “Fine then, keep your secrets.”
Arthur sighed in relief and just as he took a step away from your tent, Abigail turned back around quickly and made a beeline for the tent. Arthur couldn’t react fast enough to stop her. 
“Oh Arthur, this is beautiful!” She said as she picked up the journal. 
“Yeah, I know.” He said sheepishly as he rubbed his neck. “Don’t go tellin’ her about it when she gets back, I want it to be a surprise.”
Abigail gave him a look when she walked out of the tent. “When are you gonna make a move Arthur?” His whole face turned beet red. “I don’t know what yer talkin’ about.”
She rolled her eyes. “Whatever you say.” She responded sarcastically as she walked away. 
Arthur yawned as he made his way back to his own tent. He laid down on his cot and began doodling in his journal. His eyes grew heavy and he didn’t even feel himself fall asleep. 
You pulled into camp riding between Lenny and Micah, the lot of you were still excited from the rush of adrenaline of a successful job. As you unmounted your horse, you turned to the two men you were with. “You boys did great today, let me know next time you wanna do this again and I’ll gladly ride with you.”
Micah turned and headed off towards Dutch’s tent, but not before you caught the rose color blooming on his cheeks. Lenny gave you his classic smile. “Anytime, Y/N. You did good today too.”
You smiled, “I appreciate the compliment, but stoppin’ a wagon and playin’ the damsel in distress don’t take much effort.”
Lenny looked at the ground, “Yeah, well it sure does help when you gotta a pretty lady playin’ the damsel.”
You laughed and patted Lenny on the back as you passed him, “Thanks Lenny.”
You spied Arthur asleep on his cot, journal still in his loose hands. It made you giggle, he looked so cute. You decided not to wake him as you headed towards your tent. When you looked down at your cot, you noticed the brown leather journal and the bag of candies laying there. Your heart skipped a beat as you picked up the journal and opened it. On the first page there was a message in Arthur’s hand writing. 
To: Y/N
I hope you like it, I thought of you when I saw it and had to grab it. 
Yours, Arthur
Your fingers lightly brushed the scrolling words on the page and you could feel your cheeks getting warm. Your fingers traced the words, ‘Yours, Arthur.’ It made you feel warm inside and your stomach fluttered. You grabbed the journal and the candy and headed out of the tent quickly. 
When Arthur woke, the day had fully transitioned into night. He stretched as he stood and noticed a folded piece of paper and a small pile of candies on his night stand. He smiled as he unfolded it. The paper was from the journal he had bought you and on it was a beautiful sketch of him, sleeping peacefully on his cot with his journal slack in his hands. He pinned the drawing up with the pictures above his bed. He grabbed the hand full of candies and headed towards your tent. When he looked inside, you were already curled up asleep, the new journal on the nightstand beside your bed. He found himself with a pang of disappointment, he was hoping he would get to see your reaction when you saw the journal, but he could ask you about it tomorrow, and he turned back to his tent. 
You woke early the next morning and made your way to the coffee kettle. You looked around confused when Arthur wasn’t there preparing the morning coffee. You looked over to his tent and he was still fast asleep. You rolled your eyes and headed his direction. As you entered his tent, you noticed the sketch you made him yesterday pinned up with his photos. You couldn’t help but smile. You gently put your hand down on his and shook him gently. “Arthur, it’s time to get up.” You cooed to him softly. “Come on Arthur, I’m ready for some coffee.”
His breathing hitched as he slowly opened his eyes. “Alright, alright I’m up.” He said groggily. 
You squeezed his hand and turned to leave. “Good, now come get the coffee goin’.”
He yawned as he pulled on his boots. “Don’t you know how to make coffee?”
You stood just outside his tent with your arms crossed, “Yeah, but I like the way you make it better.” 
As he stepped out of the tent, he put a hand on your lower back. “Yer right, you never make it strong enough.”
You rolled your eyes and leaned into his hand. “I know.” You looked up at him, “Thank you, for the journal by the way. It’s so pretty! How much was it? I’ll pay you back.”
Arthur scoffed. “It was a gift, I don’t want yer money.” 
You pouted, Arthur found it devastatingly cute. “Are you sure? I feel bad, you spendin’ yer hard earned money on me.”
He smiled down at you sweetly. “I tell ya what, you can just pay me back with those drawin’s like the one ya left me last night.”
You beamed at him, “It’s a deal.”
Arthur began buying you more gifts over time, it started small as candies and pencils and other little things he found on his journeys. In return, he would find a folded piece of paper on his night stand, always a lovely drawing usually of him or his horse. His caravan was slowly becoming covered in your sketches and he admired them often. His favorite was payment for the explosive ammo he crafted for your pistol. It was one of the most detailed one you had done. It was a picture of him, brushing his horse. You had caught the expression of his face perfectly, and the detail stunned him. It was one of your best works, he wondered how long you had been working on it. 
With time, Arthur gained the courage to give you the softest of touches. A hand on the small of your back here, an arm around your shoulders there, he even began complimenting you more, determined to show you how he felt, but to his disappointment, it seemed as if you were oblivious to his advances. 
He huffed in frustration as he watched you walk away from him. He had handed you a bag of your favorite candies and a new brush for your horse. His heart jumped in excitement when you hugged him tightly, but the excitement was short lived when you said, “How sweet! How did I get so lucky to have such a great friend?” And with that you turned and walked away. Friend? He was tired of being just friends. He thought he was being obvious about that and you weren’t picking it up. He sat down at the table in front of Hosea. “What’s eatin’ ya boy?”
Arthur rested his chin in his hands as he watched you walk up to your drawing spot under the oak tree. “I’ve tried everything, Hosea. What am I doin’ wrong?”
Hosea looked in the direction Arthur was gazing and he turned back. “Ah, I see. So have you told her how you feel?”
“God no,” Arthur grunted. 
“Well then how have you tried everything?” Hosea raised an eyebrow at him. 
“I’ve given her gifts, I compliment her just about every time I see her, I don’t know what else to do.” He said in a gloomy tone.
Hosea scoffed, “Listen, you ain’t gonna get anywhere beatin’ around the bush, just tell her how you feel.”
Arthur sighed. “Yeah what if I do? What if I tell her and she laughs in my face. I don’t think I could live with the rejection. Plus I don’t want to ruin what we have now.”’
Hosea stood. “Well you’re never gonna know until you try. And between you and me, I think you got a pretty good chance with that one.” He winked and walked away, leaving Arthur alone with his thoughts. He looked up at you again, your nose was buried in your journal and your head tilted up, you squinted, and then it went back down.With a gulp, Arthur steeled his nerves and stood. 
You were so focused on your picture that you didn’t hear Arthur approach. You about jumped out of your skin when he cleared his throat. “Jesus!” Your hand came up to your chest. “Damn it Arthur, you know better than to sneak up on me like that.”
He laughed as he took a seat beside you. “What are you workin’ on today?” 
You pointed down to Dutch, sitting on a crate puffing a cigar. He couldn’t help but feel a tinge of jealousy. He looked down at the drawing, “Wow, this may be your best one yet.” 
You had captured Dutch’s likeness perfectly. The way he slumped on the crate looked so natural, but the puff of smoke coming from his mouth was what really impressed him. “This looks so realistic, how did you get this talented?” 
You smiled, “My ma really enjoyed painting. I guess I got my base talent from her, but I guess it’s just practice.” You looked up at him. “Give yourself some credit though, you’re just as good as me, if not better.”
He pulled out his journal and flipped through his various sketches. “I don’t know about that.” 
“Wait, what was that?” Your finger caught the page before he could flip passed it. He turned blood red as you opened the journal to the page your finger had caught. “Oh Arthur,” You whispered as your looked down at the drawing in awe. It was a drawing of you, slumped against the tree asleep.”This is beautiful.”
He gulped, “Well, it helps when the subject matter is beautiful.” 
You looked up at him and he quickly averted his gaze. He cleared his throat, “Can you show me how you do your shading?”
“Sure.” You whispered as you handed his journal back to him. You scooted close to him, your shoulders were touching. You explained your process as you sketched Cain, moving your pencil slowly so he could see every move you made. When you finished you looked up at him, “Think you can do that?” 
He smiled as he flipped to an empty page. “Think so. Didn’t look too hard.”
As he begun, you leaned your head against his shoulder. This sent chills down his spine. He didn’t look at you, but he did lean his head down against yours. He held his wrist like you taught him, and as his own sketch of Cain came to life, his markings were lighter, allowing his shading to look more realistic. He held it out to you when he finished. “Whatya think?” 
You lifted your head and smiled. “Wonderful!” Your eyes met his and it seemed like time stood still. Your face was inches from his, and he felt your thumb gently graze his hand. This was it, this was his chance. You, looking up at him in awe, the golden rays of sunlight poking through the trees made you look angelic. He found himself beginning to lean into you, but then a voice came from the back of his head, she doesn’t want you like that. The voice whispered. Go on, kiss her. After you do she’ll go running and she’ll never come back. A girl like her could never love a degenerate like you.
Arthur sighed and stood. He put his hand out towards you, “Pearson should be done with supper soon. Let’s head back.”
Your eyes had a strange glint to them, something Arthur had never seen in them before. You looked back down into your journal. “You go ahead, I’ll meet you down there.”
Arthur kicked himself as he went down the hill. He chickened out, and found himself hating himself. Hating himself for not having the guts to tell you how he feels, hating himself because he knew you deserved better than him, hating himself for letting himself fall so hard for you. 
You watched Arthur as he left, was it just your imagination, or was he about to kiss you? You shook the thought, Arthur was your friend, as much as you wish he did, you knew he didn’t have feelings for you. You were a plain girl, not a single special thing about you, and he was...well he was Arthur. The most handsome man you had ever seen, and by far the most interesting man you had ever met. He had such a tough exterior, a badass gunslinging hunk of a man, but he also had a more sensitive side. The side that loves to draw and write, the side that sings silly songs when he’s drunk and always makes time for you.  He made your heart throb and most days it seemed like he was all you could think about. You sighed as you immersed yourself back into your journal. 
You had become so focused on your journal, you didn’t realize night had began to fall until you were squinting down at your journal. You looked up, and the next thing you noticed was the rowdy amount of noise coming from the camp. As you walked down the hill, Ms. Grimshaw greeted you and handed you a bottle of moonshine. “Courtesy of the Braithwaites, drink up, my dear!” 
You nodded and smiled as she walked away, you brought the bottle to your lips as you walked to the campfire. Most of the men were already quite drunk. even Arthur to your amusement. You could hear him loudly singing as you approached the campfire. When he looked up to you, he gave you the biggest grin you had ever seen. “Y/N!” He called drunkenly. He stumbled from his spot over to you and you laughed as he tripped over his own feet. You caught him before he could fall. “My hero!” He slurred. 
You laughed as you wrapped an arm around him. His arm looped around your waist and it felt so natural to hold him like this as he led you to the fire. “Found ma lady!” He announced as you joined the group at the fire. He sat back down and before you could move to sit on the ground beside you, he pulled you down on his lap. Your face was bright red and you hoped the fire wasn’t bright enough for anyone to see. “This okay?” He whispered. 
All you could do was nod your head yes and he wrapped his big arms around you tightly. Your head was swimming at his touch and as more liquor entered both of your systems, the nervousness melted from your bodies. By the end of the night, the pair of you were drunk as skunks. Arthur got a bit more handsier, his big palms slowly moved down your waist and by the end of the night his hand was cupping your ass. You were so drunk you didn’t care. You had one arm looped around his neck, playing with his hair. After awhile, it was just the two of you, Javier, and Charles at the fire. Javier strummed his guitar as Charles played the harmonica. Arthur took your hand and stood. Neither of you noticed Javier and Charles exchange glances as you walked away together holding hands. 
You swung the arm that had his hand, as you laughed and stumbled through camp. You found yourself on the hill under the shady oak tree. 
Arthur’s vision was blurry, but he could still see the look of desire in your eye as you looked up at him. “I gotta tell ya somethin’ but you can’t get mad.” He blurted. 
You laughed, giddy with alcohol. “No promises.”
Arthur let out a shaky breath and took your other hand in his. Before you could process what was happening, Arthur’s lips came down on yours. His lips were soft and he tasted like alcohol. As he pulled back, you loooped your arms around his neck and brought his lips back down to yours. You could feel his smile against your lips as you kissed him hard. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you against him tightly. When you broke the kiss, he rested his forehead against yours and let out a breathy laugh. 
“What?” You asked self consciously. “Am I a bad kisser or somethin’?”
He put a hand on your cheek, “Not at all, just laughin’ at myself for how long it took me to do that.”
You smiled up at him, “Do it again.”
“Okay” He whispered, and his lips came back down on yours. 
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