#everyone should go listen to Give Me Rain by Alexander Rybak
salubriousbean · 5 months
I love rain.
I love its smell, the clean, crisp, cold air it brings. That specific smell, fresh and delicious, clearing out the air and my head.
I love waking up and/or falling asleep to the sound of rain pattering on the roof. The soft drips, the pounding lashes, the fat, heavy drops, the drizzle, the torrent, the in between. The calm ambiance of the sounds of rain.
I love watching it splash outside and ripple in puddles, slowly filling up the sidewalk with dark splotches. Painting the windows with water. Sticking to my hair, my glasses, my clothes, my, eyelashes.
I love its ambient, neutral, even lighting, and how it makes everything look outside, darker, deeper. The grass greener, the tree bark darker, the colors of the flowers more vibrant. The road is shiny and slick, midnight reflecting the bright sky.
I love the rolling low clouds, grey and eternal, full of depth yet depthless, blue, angry, depressed, gloomy, brushed, light.
I love the taste when you catch a drop on your tongue, sweet, alive, wise, childlike.
I love dancing in the rain.
I love rain.
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