#everyone on the subreddit buys patterns on etsy and i mentioned i nthe post that theres been a lot of discussion around sellers leaving
crossedwithblue · 2 years
interesting that my post on the cross-stitch subreddit about supporting the Etsy strike was removed... by a mod who is a very successful Etsy seller who is NOT participating in the strikes at all
(cross stitch peeps, i am tagging it as such in case anyone has insights, but please don't reblog, i really don't want drama. please do reblog the other posts you see about etsy strikes tho, and if you can think of some way to make it ~relevant~ for the subreddit, please do lmk and i'll try again)
idk im just like. our hobby seems so innocuous and harmless in every possible way but nothing exists in a sociopolitical vacuum and it's disingenuous to pretend that isn't the case. things that affect our small business owners are important to the entire community.
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