#everyone is always doing some embarrassing shit and for what. a blonde man
mean-vampyre · 4 months
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the lestat show but everyone fucking hates him
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atlasmoonglade · 4 months
University AU Enemies to lovers
Joost Klein x fem!reader
Warnings: swearing, PiV (protected), 18+ only
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It's a Friday evening, soft music is playing through the speakers on Max's desk, mixing in with the chatter of your friends. Everyone is sitting in different spaces around the room, some on the desk, some on Max's bed, you and Olivia rest on Max's roommate’s bed. Red solo cups of beer are scattered amongst the room. It was calm and then the door swung open.
"Yooo!!" The entering voice rang, instantly earning a happy response from Max, who hops off his bed and heads towards the entrance.
“Joost!” Max exclaims, arms open wide to embrace his friend. “Where the hell you have been, man?”
"Consider my good time ruined" you mutter.
"Be nice" Olivia pats your knee.
"I am always nice. It's him who always starts shit. That di-"
"Hey, Y/N" Joost greets, taking a seat on the opposite bed. "Hey, Olivia."
"Hey, Joost" Olivia smiles. When you don't say anything, she nudges her elbow into your side.
You roll your eyes. "Hi, Joost"
"C'mon, that's all I get?" he teases. "What's wrong? You tired?"
"You have no idea" you say, finally looking at him. He is wearing a green long sleeve polo shirt and a hat, his blond messy hair sticking out the front it.
"Aw, is it past your bed time?"
"And the day is just starting for you? Let me guess, you just rolled out of bed."
"Oh, God" someone says "Here they go again."
"Max invited me here. I am more fun than someone who sits with a sour face all the time."
"Why are you talking to me? Don't you have anything better to do?"
"You know" Max says. "if you two just - I'm gonna say it - fucked one good time. You would get over this rivalry already."
Your jaw drops, you look at Olivia, who just shrugs.
"Don't ever say that again, Max. Ew" you say disgusted at the thought.
"Ew?" Joost says offended. "You would be lucky if I even considered it."
Your jaw drops even lower. "You arrogant asshole" you sit down straight. "And this is who you all want around?"
"Stop it you two." someone says.
You can't see yourself ever getting along with him. This "rivalry" as your friends call it has started a long time ago. During the first week of introductions, he asked you to speak louder, which completely messed up your track of thought and earned some laughs from the auditory. So, after the first homework tasks, you called his presentation uninspiring and poorly structured. He took the last internship place, which he knew you wanted. So, you assigned to write the final paper with the professor, he was planning to ask. You showed his old embarrassing Youtube videos to a girl he wanted to ask out, which lead to her blocking his number. So, he fucked your roommate, while you were still in the room. He calls you short tack, princess, anything but your name, making fun of the fact that he is taller than you. List of insults you call him is too long.
"I'm gonna head out" you stand up to leave.
"I'll come with you" Olivia left with you.
You take your favorite seat in the auditorium, noise of chatting students around you as you take out your laptop. The professor walks in, prepared to start the lecture. The room falling into gradual silence, then the door opens and Joost walks in. You watch him take his place further up, he notices you looking and flips you off. You mock him and flip him off back.
At the end of the lecture professor announces "As you all know the final paper consists of a group presentation. I took liberty and divided you into pairs. I will also email you the list." he pulls up the list on the projector screen. You search for your name. As soon you see it, the color drains from your face.
No. No, this must be a mistake.
A groan is heard from the back of the auditorium. "Professor, I am not working with her." Joost says annoyance clear in his voice. "Switch me to be with someone else."
You are sat in disbelief that you got assigned to write the final paper with Joost.
"This is a final list." Professor looks at the whole class. "Drop this attitude and act like grownups."
As the lecture ends, you hurry to the professors desk. "Sir, this is not going to work. He is going to sabotage my results. Can I just switch with someone?" you look at him with pleading eyes. "Anyone else."
"I assigned pairs randomly, so everyone has equal chances. You have to learn to work with everyone." he says. "This is final."
Joost rushes past us towards the exit. You roll your eyes. This can't be happening.
You meet with Olivia and tell her everything. She laughs in shock at first, but then insists you'll be fine, that you are adults and both want this done one way or another. You knew it’d be a miracle if Joost and you made it through 15 minutes of working on something together. 
You and Joost still haven't talked about it, as if pushing it to the last minute would solve the problem. It is halloween night, you are getting ready for the party, your costume is inspired by Britney Spears in her music video Baby one more time. You finish braiding your hair into two braids, fix your skirt, wait for Olivia and you head out to the party.
Loud music, neon lights, you already had a couple of drinks, feeling a nice buzz. Someone from the group of your friends suggests to play Spin the bottle.
"Hell yeah, let's do it." Max puts his hand around you. "C'mon grumps, you joining us?"
You push his hand away. "I am" you make kissing face at him. "Always dreamt of kissing you" your voice full of sarcasm. You and Max burst out laughing.
Your usual group of friends and a few people you met at the party find space in the house to set up the game, music still loud around you. Olivia brings the bottle, as you are all sitting in a circle, ready to start.
"Is there still space for me?" a voice behind you asks. You turn around to see Joost, his face painted to resemble a skull, he is wearing a black suit, which doesn't properly fit him and a red tie.
"Sure, man! We've been looking for you." Max makes room for Joost to sit next to him, opposite of you.
"I was a little busy with this girl I met." he says as he sits down. "Glad I found you guys just in time." his eyes find yours and he smirks.
"We are so lucky" you say contemplating if you should just leave. Olivia looks at you shaking her head as if trying to tell you "don't start it again", you roll your eyes.
For the past 15 minutes there was a lot of cheering as people kiss. Some give just a little peck, others fully commit, tongue and all. Max is currently making out with a girl from an acting class. Her hands are in his hair as they deepen the kiss.
"Okay okay. I am afraid you will start fucking soon." someone says. "I am not drunk enough to see that."
Everyone laughs and they pull apart, going back to their places.
It is your turn to spin the bottle, you down your drink and reach for the bottle. You give it a good spin, watching it, already knowing you will just give a little peck to whoever it lands on. The bottle slows and comes to a stop. You follow the neck of the bottle, it points to Joost. Everyone erupts into loud cheering and whistling.
"Finally!" someone says.
You look at Joost. Universe must be punishing you for something.
"Bring it on, princess." he messes up his hair. "Hope it's not gonna be your first kiss." he licks his lips.
"Pass." you say with a smile and cross your arms against your chess.
"No, that's not how this works" Max chimes in. "No skipping your turn."
You groan and look at the ceiling hoping you can just die on the spot.
Joost stands up and offers you his hand. "We will go somewhere private. Won't give you all a show. It is her first time, has to be special."
"Oh, shut up" you say. "Let's just move on, everyone"
"Just trust me." he kneels down next to you. "Can you do that for once?" he says looking into your eyes.
You stand up without his help and head towards the first room you see, you can hear his footsteps behind you.
You walk in and close the door behind you as he walks towards the window.
"I am not kissing you." you say.
"I wasn't planning on that" he replies and opens the window, he takes out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, puts one in between his lips and reaches for a lighter.
"You should quit that." you point at the cigarette in between his fingers.
He chuckles and takes a drag of a cigarette as you stand in silence.
"About that presentation.. " you start.
"I emailed the head of the department asking to let us switch partners." he looks down at his shoes. "He said no"
You look at him with your eyes wide.
"You would hate to work with me that much?" you ask shocked he went that far.
"I was doing it for the both of us. You know it would be a disaster. But since we are stuck together, promise me you won't fuck this up for us." he lifts his head up to look at you.
All of your anger returns. You can't believe you were about to offer him to put your differences behind you.
"Fuck you, Joost. Why do you think I would be the one to fuck this up? You are the unreliable one. Always gone somewhere doing fuckall with whoever." your hands ball into fists. "Fuck you" you say again and storm out of the room.
You leave the party without saying bye to anyone, you just need to go back to your room to calm down.
The street you walk back to the dorm is silent, lit up only by sporadic streetlights. It's late enough that everyone is already asleep or partying. Your head clears from the alcohol. You are deep in your thoughts, and suddenly you hear fast approaching footsteps behind you. You don't have enough time to realise what is happening, you feel a heavy hand on your shoulder. A flight or fight response kicks in and you scream, turn around and throw a punch, not risking waisting time to think about it.
Your fist connects with something.
"Ouch. You fucking bitch" you open your eyes to see Joost holding his cheek. It's not until you smell a familiar scent, cigarettes with cologne, your panic subsides a little. You think of how stupid your argument over the presentation was. The fear of being robbed or worse, has made you realise that Joost is not the enemy and never has been. Your hands start to shake and you burst into tears.
And then you hug him, your arms tight around his middle, he tenses but then wraps an arm around you, feeling you tremble.
"Hey, hey" his voice getting soft. "What's wrong with you" his other hand is still holding his cheek.
"I thought you were a murderer." you let go of him, still shaking.
"I called your name, you didn't hear?"
"No" you say "What are you doing here anyway?"
"No one knew where you disappeared to. I went looking for you." he says letting go of his cheek. The paint of a skull on his face has rubbed off from sweat throughout the night and you can see hints of red from where you hit. You start to feel sorry and embarrassed that you reacted that way. You reach out to him, but drop your hand before it reaches to touch his cheek.
"Let's not tell anyone about this." he suggests. "We can't give them the satisfaction of knowing you hit me"
It draws a laugh out of you and it makes him grin.
"It's the least I can do. I really am sorry, Joost."
"You are nuts for reacting like this...but I really didn't mean to scare you." he says. "Let me walk you home."
You walk together in silence.
"I'm sorry for what I said earlier at the party." he says suddenly. "I realise I was kind of an asshole"
"Kind of?"
"Ok, yeah, I overreacted. I guess what i'm trying to say is.. Let's just do that presentation and not kill each other. I already felt your knuckles on my face, don't want that again"
You look at him, seeing the red mark again. "My room. 7pm tomorrow. Let's at least start it"
Olivia left to go to a friend’s place, you changed into comfortable pants and a cropped sweater. You sit at your desk, and wait. You’d told Joost to come at 7. 
There is a knock at 7:14.
"Come in" you say slight annoyance in your voice.
"I'm sorry, short stack"
"I was starting to think you weren't gonna come" you turn in your chair to face him.
"I'm here now" he says taking a seat next to you, smell of cigarettes filling the space.
"I started writing a rough plan." you show him what you wrote on your laptop.
After 30 minutes of you two working out an agenda for the presentation, Joost leans back on his chair. "Wow"
It makes you look at him. "What?"
"Look at us. Not arguing"
"It's only been like half an hour" you look at your watch. "The night is young"
Maybe he has brain damage from the punch, but he can’t lie to himself, that night after the party shifted things. Seeing you so terrified caused a change in him. Feeling your arms around him, clinging to him and trembling so hard, softened him towards you.
He catches himself thinking you look so good all wrapped up in your shared work. He hooks his foot around the leg of your chair and pushes you closer to him.
"What are you doing?" you push yourself back.
"Why are you so far away from me?"
"I am not. I am an appropriate distance from you." you look at him as if he is crazy.
He pushes you closer again and leans in. He acts on an instinct, closes the distance between you and crashes his lips against yours. You press your hands against his chest and push away.
"What the hell was that?" you ask touching your lips.
He is just as speechless as you are. Speechless, and confused, and out of breath, and so pretty. Has he always been that pretty? 
You grab onto the hem of his shirt and pull him back in, pressing your lips together in an aggressive collision. Joost's hands grip your waist and he urges you to straddle him. Without breaking the kiss you put your legs on each side of his and sit on top of his thighs. He grips your hair and deepens the kiss, earning a moan from you, which makes him push up into your clothed core. You feel him hardening.
Joosts hands slide down to your thighs, he scoops you up in his arms, standing up and lifting you up with him. Your legs are wrapped around his torso, your hands on his shoulders. He supports your weight so easily, all while sliding his tongue into your mouth. He carries you over to the bed, dropping you on top of the mattress. He looks down at you with a grin.
"These fuckers were right." he laughs. "We needed this" he leans back to you, his hands sneaking beneath your sweater, pushing it up until your bra is revealed. He looks into your eyes. "Is this okay?"
"Yes" you moan, "Please".
His pushes your bra down, enough to reveal your chest. His lips wrap around your nipple, wetting it with his tongue and applying light suction. A soft moan left your mouth, and you grip onto his hair. He can't stop himself from smiling. He sucks harder, just to hear you make some noise. Any noise.
You rubbed your thighs together for some relief. Joost noticed this and proceeded to stick his hand down your pants, fingers sliding underneath the band of your underwear. He smirks at how soaked you were already and rubs your clit as he licks a trail up to your neck. You tighten your thighs around his hand, gasping at the friction and pulling at the bedsheets. His cock is pressed against the zipper of his jeans, getting to the point that it was excruciating. So, as he massaged your clit, he undid his pants and pushed them down his legs. 
"Do you want to do this?" he looks at you.
"Yes." you reply with no hesitation. "Condoms are in the drawer."
He gets off the bed, finds the pack of condoms, tears the foil with his teeth, and watches you as he rolls the condom on himself. You’re absolutely gorgeous, better than he could have ever imagined.
"How do you want me, princess?” The nickname finally getting a new meaning.
"However you want it.”
"We are doing acrobatics then"
It startles a laugh out of you, and Joost thinks he might love that—the way he makes you laugh.
He takes off your pants together with the underwear, bends your leg, pushes it away from him, closer to you, which reveals your slick core to him.
“Gotta tell me how you want me, and fucking quick.” he groans, just the view of you makes him do mathematics in his head to stop from cumming on the spot.
"Missionary works me." you prop yourself on your elbows.
So he climbs onto you. He kneels between your legs, then pushes them apart obscenely wide. You stay propped up on your elbows, watching him, but when he settles between your thighs, you fall back against your pillow.
“Good?” he asks.
"You haven’t done much,” you point out. 
"Smart-ass.” He reaches down and grasps his cock at the base, and drags the tip through your folds. He coats himself in your arousal, feels the heat of your pussy even through the latex, then notches himself at your entrance. He looks down and pushes into you. He goes slow but steady, and he hears a small gasp fall from your lips.
He remembers the way you clung to him that night, and he wants to capture that feeling again.
He picks up a steady pace, holding your legs apart, kissing your neck. One of his hands makes its way to your clit again, you arch your back as he starts to draw circles around it.
He feels you clench around him. "Joost. I'm so close" you moan and he watches you come undone beneath him, proud of himself — to the point of cockiness. Giving you a few more forceful pumps, he hides his face in your neck, and releases himself into the condom.
You want to remember this forever. Him panting, moaning in your ear. He taps the side of your thigh, pulls out and throws out the condom. You watch him pull up his jeans and sit down at the desk again.
"Let's do this thing"
You and Joost are sitting next to each other in the cafeteria. Max and Olivia join you.
"Look, both are still alive!" Max jokes.
"How did it go yesterday?" Olivia asks looking between the two of you.
A deep blush spreads across your cheeks.
"Wait." Max looks at you, then at Joost. "Did you two...?"
"No way!" Olivia gasps.
"Ok, shut up guys." Joost says
"You owe me 20 bucks" Max says to Olivia.
"Fuck!" Olivia exclaims
"You bet on us?"
"Last year!" Max takes the money from Olivia.
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aizawasbrazybaby · 9 months
❥𓂃𓏧Freak Like Me
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𖦹Warnings: Corrupt Cop!Nanami x Fem!Reader, Pet names? (Calls reader Beautiful a lot), Semi-public (car sex), p in v sex, Oral (fem receiving), Very brief mention of blood, Cervix kissing, Dubcon (consent is implied but he doesn’t ask before touching reader)
𖦹Word Count: 1.7k (I had to restrain myself from making it longer🥲)
🫧: Hello everyone sorry for any mistakes I always try to proof read at least twice before posting. Also I’ll be attempting to upload here and WP on Fridays at 5pm est.🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
Summaryᐕ: It was supposed to be a late night traffic stop…only he was off duty and everyone knows what happens after dark.
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Air moved deeply through your lungs harshly exiting your nose. Those fluorescent blue and red lights flashed obnoxiously bright, forcing your eyes to shut into a squint. The officer’s tall figure strutted over to your old compact sedan that was honestly hanging on by the grace of god herself. His blonde hair and white skin contrasted the chilled bitter darkness. Fingers tapped the window and signed for it to be rolled down. Your eyes hit the back of your head as you followed the lawful command.
And holy fuck…
A chill ran up your spine. He looked like the finest piece of art man could make- so much so you had to do a double take at the patrol car to see if it was the real deal. That this wasn’t an elaborate prank by some shitty tv show or idiotic influencers that didn’t know how illegal impersonating an officer was.
“Pretty late for a lady like you to be out here dontcha think,” he glanced at the bloody scrubs in your passenger seat, “long night?”
“That easy to tell?” your fingers rubbed at the dark circles under both eyes, “sorry but is your bodycam on?”
A strange mix of a laugh and hum rumbled in his throat, “license and registration ma’am.”
A demand.
Mint intertwined in his cool breath as he let out an annoyed sigh waiting for you to gather your things. As if you initiated the traffic stop on him. He softly snatched at the forms you handed to him.
“What has you out here so late, nurse ____?” His gaze flickered back to the passenger seat.
“Doctor,” you corrected.
“It’s Dr._____ I’m not a nurse.”
He grinned, “well, many apologies for my ignorance.” You looked in his narrow eyes and something shifted in you. In both of you. Your pants felt almost suffocating on your throbbing pussy as that honey-like essence pooled to your center.
“I-I just got off work at the hospital,” you pointed behind you, “third twelve hour shift this week. I pulled over to get some sleep, heard somewhere that driving tired is as bad as driving drunk.”
Why’s his stare gotta be so intense? Your mind raced. Eyes lowering to his beautifully plump lips. Watching his tongue swipe teasingly slow over the bottom one before it was held between his teeth.
Good fucking God.
“Have you been drinking tonight?” You could have swore a glimpse of a grin flashed just as quickly as it had disappeared . His calloused fingers softly traced your jawline, thumb running across your lips. A line was crossed. Several lines. But shit it’s been so long since you’d been caressed. And the man before you was so alluring. You leaned into Nanami’s touch- your eyes fluttering shut for a second before burning into his.
“No, officer.”
“Why don’t you step out for me beautiful,” his voice low and seductive. Embarrassment burned through you from how quickly you obeyed. Horny and stupid. Desperate and horny. He looked you up and down then grabbed your hands. Cold to the touch but you didn’t pull away, placing them behind your head, “Lock your fingers.”
Holy hell he was close.
You could feel the heat emanating from his mouth. Circling you he stopped behind, pressing against your back. His belt. The service belt was nowhere to be found. Pressure started at the wrist and worked its way to your waist. Outlining the shape. His fingers trailed over your breasts. so. very. slow. Each finger took its time feeling the buds that hardened under.
Desperation made itself known from a slight gasp that morphed into a whimper, “shit.”
Nanami groaned in response. He walked back around, hands lowering to the fat of your ass gripping and squeezing. He placed a kiss on your cheek and nipped at your jaw.
“Sir,” you glanced at the abandoned strip of road, “not out here.”
His hand pulled to the front rubbing your pussy through your thin sweats. His digits worked their way inside feeling how wet you were. Snatching a moan from your throat that your own ears struggled to recognize. No panties. A bold move on your end.
“Get in the backseat,” his teeth caught on your bottom lip. An arm rounded your waist pulling you away from your car before opening the door for you. He blocked your head from hitting the top of the doorway like he would if sticking you in his squad truck.
Before you could speak your sweats were around your ankles. His eyes looked back at you as he kissed up your thigh, “want me to stop?”
“No!” Your voice was under a shout. Loud. Desperate. And beyond fucking horny for the stranger with his upper half leaning between your legs. The other hanging out the car.
He chuckled, “okay doctor.” His tongue ran up your slit catching the enticing liquid that glazed parts of your skin. Ecstasy swam through your veins and straight to where the man was now sucking your sensitive clit. Hands sliding through his healthy locks he moaned on your cunt. You hissed at the feeling.
Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzzz.
You sat your head up seeing Nanami dig in your pocket and pull out your phone. He flashed the screen and your heart skipped a beat. “Don’t.” From his shit eating grin you knew he wasn’t gonna listen. He firmly pressed the green answer and tossed you the phone.
“Hey JESS,” you stifled the moan that clawed to be set free. The cop pushed your thighs apart, thrusting his middle and ring fingers inside. You squeezed your eyes shut at the sudden intrusion. Savoring that pain spiked with pleasure.
Is that mommy? Your six year old asked sleepily in the background.
Hey Miss.____ I was just checkin on ya. It’s pretty late just wanted to see if everything was okay
“Y-yes hon everything’s fine just got off work a bit late.”
Nanami unbuttoned his slacks, releasing his erection. Lining himself to your pussy that clenched around nothing. He smiled from ear to ear slowly inching himself deep.
That’s good. Baby Kiri keeps askin for ya wanna say good night before I put her to bed?
“No!” you lowered your tone, taking a fistful of Kento’s shirt, “no need I’ll s-see her when I g-get home.”
He took the phone muting and keeping it on speaker, “lemme hear you beautiful,” his pace increased. Squelching and your squeals filled the car, “fuck darling n-nice and loud. That’s it.”
“Nanami,” you whimpered, “fuck pleaseee.” You dragged.
“Uh uh Kento when I’m fucking you,” he smirked.
Why not? Hello? ___ are you there? Is everything okay?
He thrust one last time before plunging his cock deep inside. And fuck. Fuck. fuck. fuck. His tip was pressing against your cervix. Your legs started to shake slightly but enough where he noticed. And you clenching tight around him had his eyes rolling back and breathing heavy.
Unmute. “I-I’m fine Jess. Just in a bit of a s-situation right now.”
His hips rocked slowly bringing that tight coil closer. His teeth glided over your throat, “gonna drive me crazy hang up that damn phone,” you could sense his lust from his deep whisper.
Should I send someone out there? What’s happening?
“No need, ‘mtaking good care of her,” he growled at the nanny.
Who is this? Where’s ___??
“Gonna have to, ah, call you b-back.” You tried your best not to let it out but that moan slipped through and no doubt she picked up. Nanami took your phone tossing it atop those dirty scrubs.
Oh…ohh, it clicked. She hung up immediately.
He slammed his hips into yours. Faster. Stronger. Until that coil grew so tight in the both of you that you were shouting each other's names as you came. His hot cum filling you up so full and you leaving your cream all over him that is splattered just below his belly button. Drained of all his energy and stamina he rocked into you riding out the high to both of your orgasms.
“Kento,” you said breathlessly, “thank you.” Of course he didn’t know what you were thanking him for. Didn’t know you’d been so deprived from a man’s touch. You craved some kind of sexual interaction. Didn’t know he relieved so much of the pent up stress from work and being a single mother.
“Any time beautiful.” He panted but managed to keep a smile on his handsome face. He pulled out looking for something, anything to help clean you up. When his eyes landed on you, you pointed to the front seat.
“Got a few baby wipes in the glove compartment.”
He nodded. You watched as he climbed out zippering his pants as his head fell back. Taking in the cool night breeze. God he was something to behold. Walking around the front he took out the pack of wipes and jogged back to you.
“Does anything hurt? Are you alright?” He asked back to his monotone as he wiped your thighs and intimate parts.
“I’m alright.”
“Think you can walk?” he shimmied your sweats back up, shoving something in the pocket. Before you could even answer he pulled you to the edge of the car by your legs making you yelp. He held you like a bride before placing you in the driver seat.
“Hope so.” You said quietly. His hand grabbed the back of your head through the window pulling you in a kiss. Long and passionate. If you knew anything it was that this man was gonna be the death of you. You felt yourself getting wet all over again.
“G’night…officer Nanami.” You looked deeply in his eyes.
“Get home safe.” He didn’t smile or break the contact. He climbed back in his car shutting off the lights and starting his car back up. Digging in your pocket you pulled out his business card that had his number written neatly in blue pen on the backside. Your mouth gaped open and looked out your window as he was passing you. Driving slow he seen the card in your hand and winked at you. That shit eating grin back on his lips.
Staring daggers back at the card you wondered how long you were really out for.
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kteezy997 · 9 months
Friends to Lovers//t.c.
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Information: reader with a mid-sized body type
Warnings: some angst, little fluff- I guess, smut, fingering, female receiving oral sex-kinda, nipple play, creampie
It’s kind of a long read, get a drink and a snack, if you wish🩷
One evening, your friends were trying to tell you that Timmy was in love with you. But there simply was no way it was true! Number one, you were friends. Number two, you were nowhere near his type. You had a mid-size body, and Timmy was used to dating, and screwing, women with thin, perfect bodies. You knew that he would never see you in a romantic or sexual light. You had grown to accept it and be okay with it.
Deep down, you had always had feelings for him, but you kept them buried for so long that you often forgot they were even there. You always laughed and had a lot of fun with Timmy. He was such a great person, and you were glad to have him in your life, even if it was just as a friend. Even if it could never be anything more.
You always heard the saying, “if he wanted to, he would.” And Timothée never made a move outside of your friendship, so you knew he wasn’t interested in you as anything but.
"Timmy is not in love with me!" you insisted to your two friends that were in your apartment, arguing otherwise with you.
"But he is! So in love." Sophie claimed.
Olivia chimed in as well, "He loves everything about you: your body, your voice, your hair, he already knows your amazing personality. That's how he fell in love with you, by being friends first."
"Now he's hopelessly in love.” Sophie said, "Everyone of our friends knows, and you're the only one that's blind to it."
“Yeah, he wants to kiss you; he wants to touch your private parts, y/n.” Olivia said.
You had to laugh.
“You can’t deprive the man any longer.” Olivia pointed out, crossing her arms defiantly.
“It’s so obvious! We can’t take it anymore.” blurted Sophie.
You scoffed at their false claims, "Okay, this is just ridiculous, I'm going to have to prove you both wrong." You marched across your apartment, putting some shoes on and grabbing your purse.
"Wait, what are you doing?!" Olivia asked.
"I'm going over to his apartment and he's going to deny all of this, because he does not see me like that! You two are full of shit!”
You knocked on Timmy's door.
"Hey, hold on!" you heard him call from the inside.
"Timmy, I have to talk to you!" you said to him from the other side of the door.
The door opened, Timmy stood there, shirtless, and said, "Y/n? Are you okay?" there was genuine worry in his voice.
You looked ahead into his apartment, behind him several feet away there was a blonde woman getting dressed. Oh shit!
"Oh, you're...not alone. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have just barged in." you said, turning away to leave.
"Hey, whoa, whoa," he followed you, touching your arm to stop you, "you're not barging in, what's up?" He narrowed his eyes at you.
"Nothing, it was stupid anyways. Let's just forget about it." you said, waving your hand, embarrassed, brushing the reasoning away. "I'll see you later, Timmy. Sorry again, for intruding on your evening." You left without letting him say anything else.
You'd been lying to yourself if you said that you were glad that he wasn't interested in you. A tiny part of you had hope that he would want to be with you. You hoped what your friends were talking about was true.
The feelings you buried had been unearthed, just for a moment. But now, it was time to cover them up again, and go on like nothing had been said. It was for the best.
There was a knock on your door about an hour after you had gotten home. It was getting late, so you were surprised someone had even knocked.
Timmy was on the other side of the door, to your surprise. "Hey, can we talk?" he asked, nervously. He looked cute, messy curls spilling out under his baseball cap, wearing a big sweatshirt and his hands in the pocket.
"I mean, yeah Timmy, but you didn't have to cancel your date. You didn’t have to come here. I'm fine, it's no big deal."
"No, no. Tell me, why did you need to talk to me earlier? I think I might have an idea why but tell me." he pursued, letting himself into your apartment.
"You might have an idea? What does that mean?" you frowned, following him, expecting him to raid your pantry for a snack like he always did when he came over. You did your best to keep his favorites on hand.
"Stop stalling, y/n, and tell me." he leaned against your kitchen counter.
Okay, no food, no distraction. "Okay, okay,” you said, ready to get this silly situation over with, “Sophie and Olivia were trying to tell me that you are in love with me, and I got sick of it because there's just no way! So I went to your place to hear the truth from you, but turns out that you didn't even need to say anything because you were with some woman-"
"They were right." he said bluntly.
"See? It's just so weird that they would say-wait, what?" your heart started to pound. You could not believe what you heard. You looked at him in shock, waiting for him to say something else. Maybe you just misheard him?
"They are right, y/n." Timmy took a step toward you, he reached out and took your hand.
His hand was warm to the touch, so comforting.
"I love you. I always have. I just never say anything because I didn't think you'd feel the same way, and I didn't want to lose you as my friend.”
Okay, you had heard him right. But was he absolutely serious?
"Timmy, is that true? You're not playing with me?"
"No," he frowned at you, shaking his head, "I would never lie about this. Look, if you don't feel the same way towards me, it's okay. We can just go back to being friends like nothing happ-"
You cut him off with a kiss: something you never thought you'd do. You put your hand on the back of his head, and stood on your tiptoes, as he was quite a bit taller than you.
The bill of his hat got in the way, hitting you on top of the head. You both laughed and he took the hat off tossing it onto the counter.
Timmy then pulled you close to him, his hands resting on your lower back. He kissed you firmly, moaning into it. He opened his mouth, teasing your tongue with his, inviting you in.
You let his tongue swirl yours lovingly. You let out a little moan when he took your face in his hands, pulled away from your lips and kissed your cheek, then the other, and followed with a kiss on your forehead.
He looked into your eyes, smiling sweetly.
You giggled with glee. Your adrenaline had subsided, and your heart swelled. You couldn't think of any words to say, he had taken away your ability to think at the moment. "Timmy I-"
"No, no we don't have to talk right now." he whispered, touching your lips, his voice hoarse from the kiss.
Timmy had picked you up and carried you to your bedroom. He tossed you onto the bed, making you giggle. He had a smirk on his face as he removed his baggy sweatshirt. He watched you as you started to undress as well.
You weren't afraid to be bold and take your top and pants off. You were glad you had picked a cute, matching bra and pantie set.
He looked like he was in awe, which was a big boost to your confidence. He took his pants off quickly and kneeled in front of you.
You were sitting on the edge of the bed, and Timmy placed his hands on your thighs. You shivered as he pressed kisses there. His wet lips, the stubble on his chin, his long fingers kneading your fleshy thighs, it was delightful. You threw your hands into his hair. You had secretly wanted to play with Timmy's hair since you had known him. Now, you could do whatever you wanted.
And so could he. Timmy pushed your legs apart. He noticed the little wet patch on the crotch of your panties. He looked up at you for a second before dipping down between your legs and licking that wet spot.
You whimpered at the feeling, so invasive, so intimate, but you were still concealed to him. It was so hot, seeing his messy curls between your legs.
Timmy hooked his fingers into the sides of your underwear, and as he pulled them down, you laid back. His locked into your gaze, and your legs were brought upward, your feet landing softly on his chest. He shook his head, running his fingers threw his tousled mane. He grabbed your ankles, and he left a trail of kisses up your leg, moving downward with each one until he hovered just above you.
"I can't believe you haven't known until now." Timmy remarked. Little ringlets fell downward as he looked at you from above.
"I didn't... think I'd be your type." you admitted.
He chuckled, "Y/n, you're so beautiful to me, I've always told you that." he tucked your hair behind your ear.
"Well yeah, but I thought you were just being a sweet friend. I didn't know that you'd actually be attracted to me. I mean, I'm not for everybody." you shrugged. You weren’t insecure, necessarily, but you knew that some people would not deem your body type as beautiful or particularly appealing.
"I think you are sorely mistaken. I've heard so many guys thirst over you." he shook his head and blushed, "Me included."
"You want me? Timmy, you really want me?" you implored. You just wanted him to say it.
"Yes, I want you, I need you. Fuck." he kissed you hard, throwing his hands in your hair, grabbing your head. One hand tucked around your throat. He softly rocked his crotch into you.
You felt his hard cock against your thighs. You had to touch it. You reached down and palmed him through his boxers, moaning as his length filled up your hand. "Ugh, I want you to fuck me."
Timmy held your jaw, "Oh, you want me to fuck you?"
You nodded against his hand. You squeezed his cock gently.
"Mmm," he groaned in response, "You wet for me, baby?" he dipped his finger into your folds sliding them over your clit.
"Ah! Fuck." you clenched your eyes shut.
"I'll take that as a yes." he said just before he inserted a finger into you. He started pumping slowly. But gradually quickened his pace, and introduced another finger.
You arched your back, and grabbed his wrist as he fucked you with his fingers. "Timothee." you breathed out his name.
He removed his fingers but kept them on your clit, softly rubbing circles there and he leaned down to capture your lips in a kiss. He pulled away, instructing, "Take your bra off."
You quickly reached behind you, unhooked your bra, and tossed it away.
Timmy's eyes went to your tits instantly. One hand stayed on your pussy and the other went to your breast. He licked his lips, then put them on your hard nipple. He ran his tongue around it and sucked it into his mouth, moaning on your tit. He bit down, pinching the sensitive bud.
You whimpered as his attack on your nipple sent throbbing sensations to your pussy. You were eager for more, you licked your hand, and put it around his cock. You stroked him as he continued to suck your nipples all while giving your clit attention.
He slid a finger in again, hitting your g-spot. You rutted your hips forward onto his fingers. You tried to stroke his cock, but you couldn't keep a steady rhythm. You felt the tension building inside of you.
"Don't stop. I'm close, Timmy, please don't stop!" you cried. The stimulation was too much.
Timmy flicked his fingers inside of you faster and used his other hand to pinch your nipple.
You thought you might burst, "Fuck!" You shook a little and your legs clasped onto his arm that was between them. You shifted onto your side, panting heavily.
Timmy rolled you back over, so he could get between your thighs. He tucked your legs over his hips and slid his cock into you.
Your toes curled as he entered you fully. You gripped your sheets.
He found a rhythm and fucked you hard. His waistline bucked against your wetness, leaving smacking sounds throughout the bedroom. He put his hands on your waist, holding onto your love-handles.
“Oh my god!” you cried, writhing in pleasure, arching your back to meet his thrusts. You put your hands on his abdomen. His skin was hot, but smooth, and his muscles rippled as he fucked you. He had to smooth his hair back out of his face now and then.
After a while, he angled his legs to fuck into you at a higher protectory. His tip was able to hit you deeper.
You held onto your own legs as Timmy used you as an anchor. He rutted into you as fast as he could muster.
"Ah, fuck." he muttered. Sweat dripped from his brow, he closed his eyes, shooting his cum into you. He groaned as his balls were emptied, and he crashed onto you.
You wrapped your arms around his spent body. Your skin stuck to his in a shiny layer of sweat. His cock softened inside of you; you felt his warm cum leaking out.
Timmy nuzzled into your neck, leaving little kisses on your skin. His hand grazed over your hair as he regained control of his breath.
You both cleaned up with a hot bubble bath. Timmy dried you off and you got into bed together, naked.
"So, you just left that girl to come see me?" you asked, facing him.
He looked at you oddly, "Yeah, of course. I'd pick you over anyone."
"Well, that was before you even knew that I liked you back." you pointed out.
He cocked his head slightly, "Hmm, I'm still not even sure if you like me."
You giggled, smacking him playfully, "But really, you like me that much, to risk losing someone else?"
"Y/n, no one compares to you." he said, but then cringed at his own words, "God, that was corny."
"No," you laughed, "I could tell that you meant it. And I really like you too, Timothee Hal." You declared your feelings, once and for all and crawled onto your lover. You felt him hug your body and he kissed you deeply.
A/N: how are we all doing after the golden globes? are we okay? if y'all need to talk, I'll be here. We'll get through this together! lol much love XX
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @softhecreator @tchalamss
@bitchyunknownuser @lixzey @kpopgirlbtssvt
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wolfjackle-creates · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Enjoy another snippet of the fic about ghost Robin haunting Jason! I really need to think up a title. Maybe I'll brainstorm some ideas and put out a poll to see what everyone likes.
Part 1 is here
And onto part 2 (1.2k words)!
Looks like he was breaking his promise to Jazz to not do any ghostly business tonight. Of course Jazz’s boyfriend would be haunted by a ghost that needed help. Why was he even surprised? He adjusted the strap of his backpack to hold it more firmly. Hopefully something he’d brought would be enough and it’d be just a matter of getting Robin alone for a few minutes.
Jazz let go of Danny’s hand to take Jason’s as he led them down a hallway. Robin tightened his grip on Alfred before letting go and giving Danny a sad smile. Both Jason and Robin would point to objects and rooms as they passed. Danny paid extra attention to the items Robin pointed out that Jason ignored: a crack in the wall, a mark that had never been painted over, the chandelier he decided to hang from for a few seconds.
Voices echoed out of one of the upcoming rooms, and Jason slowed. Jazz leaned over to whisper something in his ear. Robin had the opposite reaction and shot a grin at Danny and flew to the doorway, waving him to come inside.
Danny couldn’t help but smile back at his obvious excitement. Jazz caught his expression and narrowed her eyes at him. Oh, she was not going to let this go.
With a deep breath, Jason entered the room, Jazz and Danny right behind him. “Hey everyone, this is Jazz’s brother Danny.”
Inside, too many people were gathered on a collection of chairs and couches. One man was sitting upside down on a chair, his feet on the back cushion and head inches from the ground. He grinned at them and did a flip that somehow ended with him on his feet and halfway across the room in the space of a breath. Robin cartwheeled to him.
“Hey, Danny, I’m Jason’s older brother Dick! Glad you could make it. Jazz says you’re always busy.” He held out his hand to shake, unknowingly passing it right through Robin.
Danny couldn’t help but look at where the arm passed through the ghost, but did have the wherewithal to shake Dick’s hand.
“Dick? You really use that by choice?” The words were out of his mouth before he could think. Embarrassed, he slapped his other hand over his mouth at the same time Jazz hissed a warning at him. “Shit! I mean—”
Only to be cut off by everyone laughing. Dick waved off his apology. “My parents were immigrants and it’s what they called me. After they died, I decided to stick with it. Don’t worry, I’ve heard all the jokes.”
“He’s made most of them, too,” added another black-haired boy. This one looked to be close to Danny’s age. “I’m Tim. We’re glad you could make it. Jazz mentioned you’re usually busy with work?”
Danny rubbed the back of his neck. “Uh, yeah. But I spent the last few weeks making sure I could get tonight free with minimal chance of interruption.” Not that it worked, his eyes flicked to Robin who was now hugging Bruce Wayne, the only person of the bunch he recognized on sight. And, what was that feeling radiating off Bruce Wayne? It was like liminality, but not quite. Had he died?
“Welcome to my home, Danny,” Bruce Wayne stood and came over to shake his hand with a wide grin on his face. “I’m Bruce and these are my kids.”
“Oi! Don’t call me your kid!” protested a blonde girl. “Hey there, I’m Steph and I’m just here for the food and to give Jason a hard time.” She also felt strange. Not a ghost, but the touch of death lingered. What sort of family had Jazz gotten involved in?
The rest of the group introduced themselves. Both Damian and Cass were liminal as well. So, out of the ten people he’d met tonight, three of them had died and two were as liminal as Sam, Tucker, and Jazz.
Completely ignoring the fact that Danny was trying to come to terms with all the death in what was supposed to be a normal rich family, Robin was doing even more antics to get his attention. He greeted Dick just as warmly as he had Bruce and Alfred. Cass, Tim, and Damian were the other three he seemed to like the most, though they didn’t get hugs. He didn’t react at all to Steph or Duke. He sat on Barbara’s lap for a minute, too, before returning to Dick’s side.
No one noticed the ghost desperate for their attention. Not even Jazz.
Barbara took the time to point out where the drinks were located and Danny looked over the selection of pop before grabbing a coke. He closed his eyes at the satisfying sound of the tab opening and sighed at the first taste.
One of the boys laughed and said, “You’re acting like you haven’t had a coke before.”
“Nope. I’m acting like I love coke and haven’t had any pop at all in ages.” He plopped down on a couch next to Jazz who ruffled his hair.
“Have you been traveling that long?”
Danny shrugged. “How long ago was our last phone call?”
“You don’t remember? Last week.”
“Grandpa had me doing favors for him. He dropped me off this morning.”
Jazz huffed in the way that indicated she was very annoyed. But it’s not like Danny could just not do the things Clockwork asked of him. Besides, his most recent trip was fun. He’d gone to another planet! He couldn’t wait until he could tell Jazz all about it.
Jason looked at them curiously. “You’ve never mentioned a grandfather before, Jazz.”
“Oh, he’s not really our grandfather. Just someone who helped Danny out once and decided to stick around. They’ve gotten close over the past few years. He’s fond of me, too, but we don’t have the same relationship.”
“Grandpa’s great. If infuriating at times. But favors for him are always interesting.”
“Next time feel free to invite him,” offered Bruce.
The image of Clockwork in Wayne Manor caused Danny to snort into his coke. “I don’t think he’d fit in here,” was all he said. Though maybe Robin would appreciate another ghostly visitor.
Dick did a cartwheel and landed upside down on an armchair. “What, too uptight for the likes of us?”
The last prank he and Clockwork had played on the Observants played in his mind and he smiled wider. “Not at all. You just come from different worlds.”
“I’ll have you know I grew up on the streets in Crime Alley.”
“I was a circus performer.”
“I was raised a rich kid through and through, but I hardly spend times in the upper echelons of society.”
“My dad’s in prison.”
“I’m a librarian.”
“I’m a foster kid.”
Danny held a hand up and laughed. They were still from different worlds, but he couldn’t explain he meant Earth versus the Infinite Realms. “I get it, I get it. I’ll let him know next time.”
“If he’s still in the area, you should invite him,” said Dick. “Alfred’s food is to die for.” Robin was hanging upside down next to Dick nodding solemnly.
Danny tried to stop himself, he really did. He even managed to keep from saying he’d been there done that, but he couldn’t keep from laughing so hard he couldn’t breathe.
Part 3
And for the tag list!
@addie-lover-of-stories, @justwannabecat, @gin2212, @amercurio, @regonold, @overtherose, @readerzj, @sjrose1216, @echoednonny, @deeterzz, @blu-lilac, @number-one-jew
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viaoverthemoon · 1 year
Never Enough <3
The people have spoken!!
Thank you for all the votes! ❤️ I had a feeling smut would win lol
I'd like to apologize for how long this took. I've been pretty busy and this gem has just been sitting in my drafts ;-; I'm just really fucking tired. ANYWAYS:
Vendetta!Leon x Fem!Shy!Virgin!Reader
Summary: You meet Leon in a bar and you two hit it off a little too well. <3
Tw: SMUT BUT NOT PENETRATIVE, oral (m and f receiving), overstimulation, non-penetration sex, this is kinda hot, why did I write this?, this shit kinda long.
You decided it was about time that you finally agreed to go drinking with your friends.
They'd asked you many times to go out with them and just relax, but you would always refuse.
Between doing college work and having a part-time job, you've just never had the time.
But tonight, you intended to loosen up a little.
Now you sit in a stool at some downtown nightclub, the shortest dress you own barely covering your ass as the worn leather of the stool digs into you.
You hardly understand the conversation your friends are having as you lazily sip from the fruity alcoholic drink they'd gotten for you, your head buzzing delightfully from the alcohol.
You nod along when someone else nods, and giggle when everyone does, barely paying attention until the bartender catches your eye.
He offers you a deep red drink and says its from a handsome blonde man sitting at the end of the bar.
After accepting the drink and confirming with the bartender that you would tell him if you ever felt uncomfortable, you look over at the man and are completely overwhelmed by the bright blue eyes of a stranger.
Time itself seems to slow as you lock eyes with him. His brown hair falls over his face in a messy, yet clean way, the stubble on his face a clear sign that he hasn't shaved in a few days. He eyes you over the rim of his glass as he drinks without stopping, lips forming into a sort of smile when he realizes you're staring at him.
Your cheeks burn in embarrassment once you have this same realization, giving him a quick hesitant smile before turning back to your drinks.
You nurse the both of them for a little while longer, returning to your friend's conversation (they hadn't noticed what was going on), and stealing glances at the man every now and then.
This goes on for another 10 minutes, until you're genuinely laughing at your friends' jokes, silently listening until a presence appears close to your back and the voices of your friends trails off as they all look behind you.
You look at their dropped jaws and glances at each other in confusion before turning around, eyes widening when you see the handsome stranger from earlier.
He looks down at you, a slightly confident smirk on his lips when you feel your cheeks heat up again.
You mouth a small 'oh, hello', looking up at him as he leans a little closer so he can be heard over the loud music. Only close enough to be heard but not close enough to be within your personal space.
"Hi. The names Leon. Leon Kennedy. May I ask about yours's?" He sticks his hand out to be shook and judging by the shake in his hands and the quiver of his voice when he asked the overly formal question, you can tell he's not very experienced in this. Well, lucky enough for him, you aren't either.
You can't take your eyes off of him as you mutter your name, stumbling over it as if you've never said it before, and shake his outstretched hand.
He seems to relax a bit more when he sees you're worse at this than he is.
Still holding your hand, he glances at your friends before leaning down to whisper in your ear,
"I want to get to know you more but we aren't really in a private place... wanna get out of here?"
If someone had told you the minute you'd stepped into that bar that you would be leaving with a complete stranger, you would've thought they were crazy.
But if they'd continued and told you you'd end up on your knees in front of said man with his cock shoved down your throat, well, you probably would've called the police.
15 minutes in a taxi with Leon and it felt like you both had known each other your whole lives.
Secrets had been shared, confessions spilled, and opinions expressed. You'd shared more with Leon than you had shared with your own parents, and vice versa.
Leon was surprised by the feeling of trust that clouded his judgement when he got to know you. It was... relieving... to finally have someone he can trust.
Whether it was the sudden feeling of trust, or perhaps the liquid courage (you really couldn't tell), it'd given you the nerve to bring him into a heated kiss outside his door.
He'd been surprised, but immediately kissed you back, unlocking his door and being pushed by you into the apartment.
And now, you sit on your knees in front of him, gagging slightly as he thrusts relentlessly into your mouth.
Your eyes sting and water as he repeatedly hits the back of your throat, but you don't care. The look of him above you, hair damp from sweat and almost sticking to his forehead. Him panting hard as he groans and whimpers, his grip on your hair painful but you're not complaining. These elements along with the low words he grumbles to you is enough to keep you going.
"Fuuuuck sweetheart... Didn't think you'd be a nasty little thing. Sweet Jesu- and you're taking me so deep- God-"
He throws his head back, his hips stuttering for just a second, letting you know he's close.
That statement wasn't entirely true. He knew you would be different the moment you drank the two half-full glasses of alcohol like shots, finishing the both of them in one gulp each.
Well, you didn't drink often but that doesn't mean you don't know how to handle your drinks.
And if there was anything he liked, don't worry, he'll tell you.
"Ah, shit- That felt so fucking good. Ooo, baby, do that again-"
And when he cums, he pushes your head all the way down on his cock, so deep in the euphoria of the orgasm you'd given him that he almost forgets you need to breathe. But you let him come down from his high, albeit choking and sputtering at the feeling of him deep in your throat and the warm feeling of his release sliding down your esophagus and into your belly.
Eventually, his groans and gasps for air come to a halt and he slides out of your warm mouth. Before you can pull away, he grabs your cheeks and forces you to look at him.
"Lemme see it..." He says this to you in a condescending, almost mocking, tone that annoys you but also makes you clench your legs together.
Yet, you follow his command, opening your mouth and sticking out your tongue to show him the remains. He exhales a slow breath, as if trying to control himself. "Thank you, angel."
He carefully lifts you off of your knees and kisses you.
His tongue fought eagerly with yours, the taste of him relishing in both of your mouths.
Leon began to slide his hands south, fidgeting with the bottom of your dress that rested right at the top of your thighs.
In a moment of fearful hesitation, you stop his hands and the kiss.
He slightly panics, thinking he may have crossed a line and you can see his thoughts in his eyes.
"Oh no, no! Leon I'm fine! I just... um... can we not do the... ya'know... Because I'm still- er- I've never-"
And then Leon's fears wash away. He gives you this soft smile. One that makes your knees weak and your embarrassment evaporate. He caresses your cheek, looking deep into your eyes as you swoon.
"Oh, angel. We don't have to do that if you don't want to. I completely understand."
You're left in a complete daze as you answer him with a 'yeah, okay'. He picks you up bridal style and carries you to what you can only assume is his bedroom.
He plops you on the bed before taking of his shirt and completely removing his pants. You follow suit, removing your short dress to reveal only your lacy thong.
Leon groans, placing his hands on the edge of the bed. His grip on the poor thing was terrifying. This guy is holding back demons.
"Fuck, angel..." He grabs your ankles and pulls you toward the edge of the bed, causing you to yelp.
"It's like you're trying to kill me or something." He kneels on the ground and throws your legs over his shoulders, licking his lips and eyeing you like a predator.
You barely understand a word he's saying. The view on your side was amazing. Having a powerful man on his knees in-between your legs was doing something to your ego.
You whine, toying with your nipples and biting your lip in anticipation. "Leon..." You try to tell him with your eyes to hurry up. Because if he doesn't give you what you want right now, you're about to get it yourself.
He only laughs, moving your thong to the side and out of the way of your entrance. "I know sweet girl... It must hurt so bad. I know."
You whimper, back slightly arching, when he blows cool air onto your pussy.
And before you can snap at him to tell him to stop playing with you, he licks a long stripe up your slit. You gasp, one of your hands flying down to grab onto his hair.
And before you can chastise him about that, he places his entire mouth on your pussy, sucking, biting, and sticking his tongue inside of you.
Oh, now you're screaming.
You're sure Leon will have noise complaints from his neighbors by tomorrow morning, but you can't find it in you to give a fuck.
The hand not buried in Leon's hair is busy gripping his sheets as he tears sound after sound out of you. He eats you out like a man starved, having no mercy on your poor cunt. You aren't even sure if he can breathe but that thought is lost somewhere in the back of your mind.
Your body can hardly keep up with his ministrations, not being able to tell if you're feeling pleasure or pain. You writhe in his grip. He'd wrapped his arms around your legs, locking you in place as close to his face as possible. He doesn't stop, not as you tug on his hair to pull him away, not as your screams and pleas get louder and louder, and not as you finally hit your high.
And you can't even have a moment to come down from it because he isn't stopping.
You cry out, tugging hard on his hair. You just wanted a small break, therefore not using your safe word. He looks up at you, finally.
Half of his face is dripping wet and shiny with your arousal and release. If he cares about that, he doesn't show it. He pants and looks at you with that wide smile, admiring your red cheeks, wet lips, and heavy breathing before leaning down to give you hickeys on your inner thighs.
"God you looked so pretty coming on my tongue, angel... Do it again?"
I was going to just do m receiving oral and then do f receiving another day, but then I was like "Fuck it. We ball." ya feel?
Anyways, hope you enjoyed!
Requests are open!! <3
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rinrinx2 · 2 years
Tumblr media
"Oh no! Not on the train"
Nanami × fem!reader
Summary: you were just on your way to college, you didn't know all those rumors about pervi business men on the train were true.
The morning train was alwayest the busiest, besides the 5 o'clock train. Whenever work started or ended the trains would be packed.
But you had come accustomed to this lifestyle. Having to use the trains as a means to getting to college was affordable and reliable, the trains had set times and the only time you'd have missed the train if is you weren't cautious with your time, but an intelligent young lady like you was always punctual.
But not matter how punctual you were, you always seemed to never get a seat on the train and somehow always ended up in the left hand side corner by the window, back to back with salary men who were half asleep from there overworked shift from their previous day.
But nonetheless you remaind optimistic. You had a window to look out of and with all the people turning their backs towards you, you had some sort of privacy and you were grateful for that, you didn't need some old lady giving you side eye looks because of the short skirts you wore, but it's notnyour fault that the short skirts were so cute, they came in light pink colours with frills to light blue denim ones.
And just like any other day you now stood on your designated spot waiting for your arrival at the next station. Peering out the window not even noticing as someone was approaching your spot.
It's only when you felt the cool breath that was laced with a minty tone did you turn around yo see who stood behind you, and to your surprise instead of being met with back you were face to face with a tall blonde salary man who only peered down at youvwith no reaction.
Quickly you turned away, slightly embarrassment causing you cheeks to burn.
Trying your best to ignore the man behind you, you went back to looking out the window, focusing on the scenery unfolding.
Until you felt a hand slither down your lower back.
'Its probably my imagination' you thought ignoring the feel.
You kept yout gaze ahead, until you felt it again but this time the hand traveled to your front grabbing at the plush of your thighs.
And you knew that was not your imagination, and just as you were about to turn around and confront the man, his lips were already grazing at your ear.
"Just enjoy the train ride"
You bit your lip internally screaming, and unaware of what to do now. You didn't want some man you didn't know to touch you but at the same time his soft touches on your thigh felt electric. So you decided to swallow your fear.
And without a second to miss the man crouched over your body, and the hand that was on your thigh want up into your skirt and began crazing at your panties.
The sheer lace fabric was being rubbed against your clit, causing soft whimpers to slip out of your mouth.
"Shh princess"
And you tried your best to not have the pleasure consume you, but the feeling of him rubbing your clit up and down through your panties was leaving you lightheaded. The sensation of him taking the heel of his palm and having you your hips hump it was going to bring you to your end.
You tried your best to suppress the pleasure opting to focus on the window but all you could see was his face in the reflection. His golden locks and deep brown eyes as he had you humping his palm like a bitch on heat.
"Shit! you're starting to drip through your panties"
And his lewd words had you pushing back, feeling the tent of an erection.
And you began wondering how it would feel if he sank his cock into you, if you'd moan out loudly and everyone on the train would know that the little college girl was a slut for the hot salary man she didn't even know.
Your thoughts were quickly melted away as your slick pussy was met with the cool air in the train. You gasped at the sensation of the cool breeze slapping against your puffy clit and dripping hole.
"Feels good doesn't it princess"
You could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Please sir" you begged hoping that he'd do something to help the needy feeling of wanting to be filled.
"I'm gonna stuff that pretty hole of yours but don't make any noise princess wouldn't want to have anyone else enjoy the show"
And with that he sank his index and middle finger into your cunt.
His fingers were huge and they stretched your out so well the sensation bringing tears to form in your lashline, and the feeling of his cool metal rings at your clit were having your want to scream out for me.
You felt your legs buck in, but before you could fall he held onto your waist shoving his fingers deeper.
"I didn't even start with this pussy and you're already weak in the knees for me" he joked
He started pushing his fingers slowly in and out, slowly causing a pressure deep in your pussy.
You continued biting your lip trying to hold back moans.
"This pussy is sucking my fingers in so deep, can only imagine what it'll do to my cock" he said as he began fucking you with his fingers faster.
Your ears was filled with a loud squelching noise , as he now fucked your pussy merciless with his fingers , shoving them in sporadically.
The feeling of his fingers in your pussy hitting that spot deep in your clenching walls while the heel of his palms rubbed up against your swollen clit was making you go feral. All you cared about was cumming.
"You looks so pretty like this Prin-cess" he moaned out against your ear as he began humping your ass trying to find his on release.
"The way you're dripping all over my fingers is making me horny. Can you feel my cock on your ass"
And you could feel it, making your eyes roll back in more pleasure as you felt his hard erection rub and down your ass.
"All these people are so unaware of how you're getting off on my fingers, such a naughty girl" he said as he licked at your neck.
You were so close you could feel the delicious sensation getting stronger and stronger, you needed to cum all over his massive digits you had to.
"Yeah fuck me please" you begged out quietly
And at your request he shoved his massive fingers as deep as he could inside of you, causing the pressure to burst as squirts of clear liquid was being pushed out onto his fingers.
Your walls continuesly milking his fingers even when you were trying to catch your breath.
He gently slipped his fingers out and you looked down to see a puddle of your arousal on the floor, but before you could groan about it the train came to a stop. The doors opening and people immediately rushing out.
Before you could process anything that had just happened your felt a card being placed in your hand. Quickly turning around to come face to face with the man who had just caused the best orgasm of your life.
He gave you a wink before walking away, and you looked down at the business card. The card that had the number and the name of the man whose cock you knew you'd have to feel inside you soon.
"Nanami Kento"
All rights reserved to @rin2x
#kento nanami#nanami x reader#nanami kento#jjk nanami#jujutsu kaisen nanami#kento nanami x reader#nanami x y/n#kento nanami x y/n#kento nanami x you#nanami x you#nanami x me#nanami kento smut#kento nanami smut#kento x y/n#jjk kento#nanami headcanons#jjk smut#jjk x you#kento x you#nanami kento x you#nanami kento x reader#nanami kento x y/n… See 
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
It Was An Accident!!! — Zeke x Eren x Jean x fem!Reader
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synopsis: jean is dead, zeke killed him and eren doesn’t care about any of it. how on earth did you get wound up into any of this?!
content: modern au, afab!reader, slight crack, fem! masturbation WARNING — dark themes, mention and depiction of murder & death
please. there is absolutely no part 2 for this. there will never be a continuation. i have abandoned this work and given it up to god but i just neeeeded to share it since im in a zeke brainrot rn
Mornings like these were always horrible.
Nothing to do with the blazing hangover headaches or the overbearing feeling of guilt — you’ve long developed immunity to those leverages bumming your mood.
No, mornings like these were horrible because of who you shared them with.
“Stop staring at me.”
You blink rapidly at the sudden deep grumble of Zeke’s voice in front to you.
Naturally your first reaction is to coo because the blonde whispers of hair that crown his face and the squish of his cheek onto the blanket almost make you snort with laughter. But only almost, because there was nothing funny, or amusing or even endearing about waking up next to this monster of a man.
“I’m not staring at you.” You mumble, hardly embarrassed from being caught.
You avert your eyes away from the man although your cheeks stay flushed against the pillow.
Zeke still doesn’t open his eyes but you can see the tort of his eyebrows slightly crease. His expressions seemed so much more expressive when he didn’t have his glasses to cover them.
“Yes, you are. I can literally feel your evil eyes on me. It’s the sole reason why I woke up.”
Zeke’s morning voice is low but in some places it’s whiney. He’s only ever this whiney in front of you.
Briefly closing your eyes, you don’t even think to retort back with the expected ‘I’m not evil’ cry. At this point, you don’t even think you could deny his claim. In a sense he was right.
Besides, being defensive around Zeke wasn’t an option nowadays, especially not when he knew so intricately in how to annoy you.
Instead, you decide to question him.
“How are you always this much of a pain this early into the morning?”
Opening your eyes again, your met to see that Zeke also has his open but they’re not looking at you. They’re squinted, still getting adjusted to the morning light. But despite that, Zeke still finds away — even in the delirious state of just waking up — to barter off of you.
“Being a pain is my coffee. My caffeine. Being a hater fuels everything about me.”
Zeke’s words are followed with an unapologetic yawn. As the man’s hot breath breathes into your face, you turn away. You make a gagging sound as your hand plugs at your nose.
“Fuck, man. Please don’t do that shit right in my face! Like go brush your teeth or something.”
Zeke doesn’t say anything in reply but you do hear him dryly snicker. His reaction rises a shallow simmer of anger inside of you and so you kick his shin underneath the covers. The laughter ceases.
“Next time, share a bed with Eren.” You grumble as you fling the duvet cover off of you and slide out of bed.
You can’t see his reaction but you know Zeke’s got something witty to say; he’s always got something witty to say.
“What, and leave you by yourself with Jean?”
You shrug as you scratch at your ass, already trudging to the en-suite bathroom.
“I don’t think I’d mind.” You spit. “I’d rather share a bed with a corpse than with you.”
Breakfast was mostly quiet, bar for the loud chomping of Eren chowing down his food. Sometimes you wonder whether he was the one raised without both his parents as opposed to Zeke.
The hotel was serving a continental breakfast and so Zeke thought the least he could do was ‘pay’ for everyone to eat. After the night you’ve all had, it was definitely needed. You believe the gesture was kind and was even about to thank Zeke for the thoughtfulness. However, once you realised you were already entitled to the food since you’d already paid for the second hotel room, you ceased your tongue.
“You know,” Eren waves his fork in your direction, his mouth still full of food. “This shit ain’t even real egg. It’s just yellow muck in a packet that they add water to.”
There’s a part of you that wants to ignore him, brush him off and continue to pick at your own food but in all honesty you were scared of the brunette Jaeger. Both brothers were sick in the head but Eren was on a different level of unhinged.
You didn’t even want to fathom what he’d do to you if you pissed him off in the slightest.
“Oh, really?” You plainly muse.
You take a bite out of your food to keep your mouth busy. Maybe if you showed signs of oral occupation, he’d eventually leave you alone.
“Yeah. Real gruesome stuff when you look into it but I honestly don’t think it matters. I say if it taste good, then I’m eating it! Don’t worry or care about where its come from or where its been.”
Eren gives you a suggestive look as he wiggles his eyebrows in your direction. You don’t even linger or question what innuendo he was suggesting but either way you were put off. Part of you wants to throw up the little of what you have in your stomach but you know that wasn’t the best case scenario for anyone.
Luckily, Erens interested in his Fake Eggs again and so he takes a hasty scoop of the food before cramming it into his mouth. You’d think he hadn’t eaten for days.
“Okay, so this is how it’s gonna go.”
Zeke turns his iPad towards the two of you. He’s been drawing and tapping and scrolling at it all breakfast.
“All we gotta do is frame Jean’s death as an accident. I’ve done a bit of research and we can easily propose it as if he’d just been a bit too silly and girlbossed too close to the sun. If we really back trace our steps, we can cover shit up and make us look like the victims.”
Zeke pushes the device to your direction before sitting back and folding his arms.
“I honestly think it’s a master plan.”
Both you and Eren lean in at the same time to witness an opened Procreate file that had scribbles and illustrations of Zeke’s supposed mind-blowing plan on.
Part of you feels that whatevers happening here is doomed because who the fuck even uses an art creating app to create a master plan of how to frame a murder? But then the other half of you just didn’t care. You’d gone beyond worrying about these type of things.
As Eren’s eyes glance over the page, his face suddenly breaks into a looped smile.
“Heck yeah, I get to play the mourning boyfriend? Sweet.”
At first you didn’t know how to react because maybe Eren was joking about being assigned a real role for the plan, but it’s when you saw how sparkly his eyes looked that you knew he was serious.
With a sigh, you give the Jaeger a pitiful look.
“Eren, you already are the mourning boyfriend.”
Seeing Eren’s emerald eyes peer through the side of his hair at you and you momentarily fear for your safety, fearing his reaction. But once he swoops the dangling piece behind his ear and shrugs, your defenses are slightly lowered.
“Yeah, but now I get to play the part. It gives me a reason to actually be sad about what happened. Surprisingly, I don’t feel anything right now.”
Slightly unnerving but you don’t dispute it.
The things that pissed Eren off weren’t simple — the brunette found it easy to be erratic about the smallest of things. But god forbid he feel an ounce of something for the death of his late boyfriend at the hands of his half brother.
You then figure Zeke probably allocated Eren that role just to make him feel included because in all reality, what good was the brunette for if not fucking up a role that didn’t make sense to him?
Looking back to the iPad, your eyes glide over the plan.
Not like you’d know whether things would work or not but Zeke had a cool nick for being able to calculate situations and their outcomes. Sometimes you think to commend him for his efforts because if it’s one thing about him? It’s that he’ll always get the three of you out whatever mud you’re currently in.
But then, he does something stupendously idiotic that absolutely grinds your gears, and makes you wish nothing but death and malice upon his life.
“Wait, why do I have to be betrothed to you again? What the fuck?”
Zekes in the midst of having a coffee mug against his lips, and he makes a hum at your words, as if you asked a insightful question during a seminar.
Lowering it, he ponders upwards before replying smoothly.
“To make it more plausible.”
“Bullshit.” You snap.
Zeke raises his shoulders but in a questioning stance. The look on his face makes you feel imbecilic, like you don’t know what you’re playing at, but you know Zeke well enough to know it was most likely a ruse.
“What else do you suggest? That you’re just gonna play the loner who decided to tag along? That suspiciously has connections to no one but the dead guy in the bathtub?”
“I don’t have connections to him!” You hiss.
Zeke raises his eyes at you and your next words are fumbled.
“He just…happens to think I’m his office competition! Eren has more connection to him than I do. His dick has literally been up his ass!”
“Believe it or not, it was always the other way round.” Eren chirps.
“Come on, be real for once. We’ve done this way too many times for you to have a problem with the arrangements.” Zeke takes a nonchalant sip at his coffee. “Is it because you’re still angry about this morning?”
Something inside you clicks.
Because why does Zeke always reduce your emotions to petty experience? If he truly believes that you’re angry simply because of a sleeping arrangement or because of how annoying he is or because of morning breath — then how lowly did he view you?
With a sarcastic huff of amusement, you look upwards at the ceiling before rounding down to watch Zeke in his face.
“Is that what you think this is about? About silly morning pillow talk?”
Zeke doesn’t look bothered nor gives an answer but he’s definitely listening. Eren only continues scoffing his face with food as his eyes dart between you both.
“It’s never about ‘this morning’, Zeke. It’s about every time that you call me out for ‘quick drinks’ or ‘a friendly catch up’ that we always seem to end up with a dead body on our hands. And now, you’ve gone and done it, because you’ve gotten Eren’s boyfriend involved.”
Eren raises his fork in thought, his face showing clear signs of nostalgia.
“We never really liked to use the label boyfriend. We liked Evergreen Other more — gave it more meaning, you know?”
Zeke slightly snorts, because he always finds shit funny, but there’s a switch in you that’s jammed and won’t allow you to turn off how his reaction digs at you.
Scraping your chair backwards, you gingerly pick up Eren’s room key before getting up to leave.
“Fuck this.”
Zeke’s eyes follow you cautiously, his expression fixed in a light smirk despite him being concerned.
“Where you going?” He muses.
You only stick your middle finger up at him before marching out of the dining room.
“To check on Eren’s Evergreen Other.” You say.
In all honesty, you’ve never been good with dead bodies.
You’re not sure why you came back to the room but you guess any excuse to be away from the Jaegers.
But there was something about the lack of life in dead people that haunted you a bit more than say, animals. But most of the dead bodies you’ve seen and known before this were never of people you knew. Yes, the odd occasion where you attend the funeral, but this was different.
Stepping into Eren’s room, your heart drums against your chest because you were expectant to see the dead body of someone you knew.
Of a coworker, that Zeke killed — and not in the context of a funeral.
As you slot the key and turn the handle, you open the door to then step into the room.
The place is a dump.
You’re not sure how, considering you’d only booked into these rooms yesterday night and that none of you had any overnight stay belongings. You toe away an empty bag from the door so that you’re able to clear a path and move.
It’s clear Eren had no home training despite his declared dual income, middle class, nuclear family upbringing.
You honestly do question whether he and Zeke got their sob stories mixed up. You wouldn’t put it pass you. So much of what the Jaegers lived for was fabricated and fucked up. Who says their back stories weren’t following the same pattern?
You take a seat on Eren’s unmade bed first but you know it’s because you were stalling. You were dreading going into the bathroom at all costs.
Not that you blame yourself — not even 24 hours ago, you were bartering with Jean back in the office break room — and now he was lifeless, void of any warmth or vim he previously had when alive.
“Maybe I should just mind my business…” You mumble to yourself before lying back down onto the bed with a bounce.
With your hands folded over your stomach, you wonder how you’d gotten into this situation. All you did was accept a messy invitation to be down for a quick fuck and now look, you were an accomplice to a murder.
Now that you think about it, you didn’t even get what you’d come all the way down here for and as you thought about it, your hand subconsciously started to lead down to your crotch and beneath the zip of your jeans.
For the past 12 hours you’ve been on an absolute edge. With everything that’s gone on, you’d forgotten the twinging neediness of your body. Quickly, you find yourself scooting upwards onto the bed and propping your legs up. As soon as your fingers are able to delve deeper beneath your jeans and feel the wetness of your underwear, you realise that you were more wound up than you thought you were.
How on earth did it get this bad?
“Zeke…promise me this is the last time.”
The blonde male disregarded your half moaned words as his lips treaded up the plough of your skin. His hands, as daring as ever slid their way up your shirt.
“You know I can’t promise you anything.”
Despite the blaring alarms in your head telling you not to engage with the man, you couldn’t help deny the tell-tale signs of your body that clearly wanted him. No matter how many times you told yourself you didn’t like him you always seemed to find yourself in this position more times than none.
The both of you sank into the puffed duvet of the hotel bed, the blankets engulfing you both.
You’ve so got to stop answering his ‘dtf?’ texts.
“Why you in town anyways?” You sigh as your hands tug through his blonde hair. It’s definitely gotten longer since the last time you saw him.
Zeke bites down into the suckle of your flesh which makes you whine in retaliation. His hands wash over the plump flesh of your breasts.
“Mm. Had to do a bit of work for Eren.”
You almost comment that it’s nice of him to be looking out for his younger brother but you figure it’d spoil the mood. You hadn’t seen the brunette Jaeger in almost four years. You wonder how he’s doing?
Although as if on queue, the door to the ensuite bathroom of the hotel room bursts open showing none other than a rather bored looking man.
“Zeke, he’s not breathing.” He says.
Both you and Zeke jump up and off each other but for different reasons.
The brunette, totally oblivious (or maybe just unphased) to your naked presence gives you a nonchalant nod.
“Oh, hey.” He says before he turns back to Zeke. “Jean. He’s in the bathtub but he’s not breathing.”
Automatically, Zeke’s getting up from the bed, boxer crotch still bricked as he half runs into the bathroom behind Eren.
Using the large duvet, you fold it over yourself for decency. Eren doesn’t seem half as bothered but you definitely notice the way his eyes scanned over your body.
”Since when did you get here?” You airily question.
It takes him awhile to realise it’s him you’re talking to but he eventually gets it.
“Oh, me?” He says as he points to himself. “Been here all along. When did you get here?”
You don’t even get a chance to mention that you’ve been here for a good half an hour already because Zeke’s voice echoes from within the bathroom.
Eren’s turning around to walk back into the ensuite and see what’s up. You quickly try to grab your shirt so that you could at least have it over your body.
As soon as you walk into the bathroom, you’re met with both Jaegers giving each other concerned looks. Since you’re unsure of what’s going on, you squeeze between them both to decipher the issue.
“What’s actually going o—Oh my fucking God!”
A massive gasp leaves your mouth as you tumble back into Eren’s chest. The brunette catches you but your legs still feel weak at the poorly sight you’re seeing.
There, lying limp in hotel bathtub with his eyes wide open, is none other than Jean Kirschtein — your colleague from work.
At this point, you were deep into a fingering rut. With your jeans pooling at your ankles and your tshirt hiked up, silky moans left your mouth as you continued to finger your cunt and pinch at your nipple.
Your high was so close! — Damn Zeke for leaving you on such an edge.
But before you could even finish at a climax, the door to the ensuite bathroom haggardly opens up on you again for a second time.
“Shit—” The voice croakily said.
You quickly pull your hands away from your folds with speed and squeeze together your legs in embarrassment of getting caught masturbating. However, once you realise who was in from of you, you let out the most blood curdling scream of your life.
How the fuck was Jean Kirschtein alive?!
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yourstrulyaiko · 2 years
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╰┈➤ featuring; boku no hero academia! drummer! bakugou katsuki! x lead singer! fem! reader  
જ about; Heartbreaks. Aches. Dreams shattered. You feel like there was no bridging between you and your goal as an artist. Especially since the bridge that connected you that was your ex-boyfriend, Shindo, who you met at club. Now, that you’re separated. You thought, that was it. No more. Well, you thought wrong.
જ contents and warning; profanity cause bakugou is on it, asshole bakugou, cigarettes, smoking, angst, drummer bakugou, band au, fluff, romance, drama, paparazzi, cheating, break ups, toxic relationships, getting physical (the bad kind) and many more that I have definitely missed.
જ author's note; I actually have a lots and lots of chapter about band au which needs to be revised and re-written. unedited.
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This is it!
This is your first album with the band
Technically, your debut album.
And you're writing it too while on tour.
While, you're on a private plane. Scribbling some possible lyrics.
Mina spots you then her little nosy ass is like
"What are you doing?"
Obviously you get a little shy.
You're writing songs in your room not with other people around.
Hiding that old notebook that was barely hanging on together.
"It's just... Some lyrics... I was going to suggest another song or... Maybe an album after tour?
Everyone is excited. Love the idea!
Look at you being so productive!
But debby downer jerk fucking Bakugou has to ruin everyone's parade.
"A fucking album? We're on a world tour and that's what you're thinking of, woman? We're fucking exhausted enough."
Everyday this bitchass always have something to say
And everyday you've had enough of his bitch ass
"Well, if you want this while band to sink down. I guess, I should stop writing. I'm not here to argue with you, Bakugou. I'm here to fucking help you. Whether you fucking hate it."
Before he could rage again and ignite another argument.
Kirishima, Sero and Mina all gave him a warning glare.
Especially, Kirishima.
This shit was going too far.
Didn't he remember his warning?
At this point, he really have to dig deep and send the message home.
"Katsuki. Talk to me, privately." Kirishima commands.
"Well, if you got something to fucking say. Just say it now." The blonde practically barks.
"Oh, I got a lot to say. But, I'm saving you the embarrassment from everyone. So, either we talk here or privately."
Anyways, Bakugou jumps up from his seat and grumbling along the way as he makes his way to the back of the plane.
That's when Kirishima slams him up the wall.
I know this is out character but I gotta-
"What is going on man?"
"There ain't nothing wrong with me-"
"Nothing wrong." Kirishima scoff "I told you about this. (First name) is here to stay and help. This is what we've been fucking fighting for. This is our dream. You're going to let it crash and burn? For what, some stupid fucking girl that clearly didn't care about you?"
"You don’t know shit-" Bakugou tries to shove but Kirishima overpowers him.
"I don't know shit." Kirishima mocks, "I know everything. I've seen it all with my own two eyes. I fucking know."
Bakugou was angry. Pissed even.
"I told you, we're moving forward... I hate to say this but it seems like we’re going without you.. " Kirishima pauses he calms down, "Look, I get it. You've been through a lot. But, if this is how much is affecting you. We'll have to part ways temporarily."
At this point, Bakugou's heart dropped to his stomach and his breath hitches.
Kirishima was serious about his threats
"We have to, Bakugou. We can't stay in the past. I know what happened. We know. I'm sorry. We're here for you. Right now, there are a lot of things you're through and have to unpack. Camie wasn't the best person. We're aware, now that she’s gone. This is your chance to get and ask for help. You're free now."
Kirishima gives Bakugou a firm pat on his back and he leaves.
Leaving Bakugou in his own broken thoughts.
There was about 5 hours left till you arrive in the US
Everyone was asleep at this point.
Except you, you're still revising and re-writing some of the lyrics.
The light above you was on.
It didn’t bother anyone. They were all in snooze land.
Well, except Bakugou.
He woke up because of the light.
He could never sleep with the light on
He sat up to get the eye mask then his naturally drawn into where the source of light is coming from.
It was you, your legs tucked in and you were furiously scribbling away
So deeply concentrated.
He stared for a while. Not noticing him wide awake and just watching you.
Eventually, he just left you in his own little world before falling back asleep.
World tour has come to an end.
It was amazing!
You have never travelled this much your whole entire life,
You were so fucking excited.
Your excitement was so infectious.
Everyone (except Bakugou) all had one thought, 'How cute'
It made them smile uncontrollably.
You're always asking them to take a photo of you with the weirdest shit.
Why not take a photo with landmark?
And you're eating something. Mina would whip out her phone,
You're showing your plate of pasta or the flower shaped ice cream.
Your whole damn camera roll is just filled with random photos of random shit. Hell you even took photos of the damn seagulls.
Ofc, there's photos of your bandmates doing random shit.
Like that one funny hat you found.
Kirishima being buried in the sand in Barcelona with some sand titties.
Denki gave him the yitties.
You and Bakugou never interacted much at all.
Actually, he avoided you at all coats.
When you are on break from rehearsals and sound checks
He gets up and leaves for a cigarette break.
He only does this with you tho.
Bakugou was speaking Bakugou with everyone else
What do I mean by that?
You know what I mean by that.
Jk, well the usual Bakugou. Calling them with some weird ass nickname and just acting the usual Bakugou
It would be for the better though instead of butting heads.
You all took a 2 weeks break.
This gave you chance to print out all the photos and keep in a photo album.
Since you got paid a phat stack.
You decided to invest in a better keyboard.
Cause your current one is barely holding on
You're a writing machine.
You didn't even sleep at all.
What break?
Also, you got group chat privileges now too.
Aka, you were added
Denki: Why should I not put water hot oil?
Producer Jirou: NO
Bakugou: What the fuck did you say dunce face.
Sero: Um
Kirishima: I'm coming over! Get out of your apartment
Mina: I so knew that.
There are also constant reminder too to take a break
But it seems like you're the only person who isn't taking this time to take a break.
Everyone is out having fun,
So, Sero texted that you are all going to hang out and meet them at the station.
Well, you do need it. Since you've only been writing and working for a week in your shitty apartment.
When you got to the station, everyone was there (except Bakugou)
All dressed weirdly to hide their identity cause they're more famous than you
"Hey!" Mina waves her arms wildly,
"Hey, so where are we going?"
"We're going to Bakugou's house." Sero informs you.
Oh, you're shitting yourself.
You're VERY aware this man doesn't like you.
And now you're going to his house?
You're meeting the lord savior Jesus Christ much earlier than expected.
Kirishima can sense that you're pretty nervous.
Denki is all like, "DoN't WoRrY, bAbY gIrL. i'M hErE tO pRoTeCt YoU."
Throwing his arms around you.
On the way there, you're already fucking shaking.
Walking from the train station to his house.
You're feeling sick. You want to throw up.
Now, you don't know know that this man was rich, rich.
He got a big house.
He got daddy and mommy money.
When the doorbell rang.
You're in fight or flight mode.
The person who opened it tho wasn't Bakugou.
Nope, it was a much older man.
It's his dad.
Now, you're wondering where the hell did he get his personality.
He lets you all in.
Not before making sure to shake your hand and welcome you into their home.
"Ah, you must be (First name), their new lead singer. Nice to meet you." “I’m Masaru. Katsuki’s father.”
"Now, I've been wondering when the hell are you brats going to visit us."
The MILF She's basically Bakugou but a hot MILF woman. Same attitude. Same appearance.
But, feminine.
She looks at over to you.
Not gonna you got nervous or hor-
"So, you're the new lead singer?"
Yes, ma'am.
Are you going to get shouted at again?
"Oh my God, aren't you so fucking pretty?" “My name is Mitsuki by the way! I’m the brat’s mother! You know the one who whacks his stick on the drum.”
She's squishing your cheeks.
She's praising you!
How many of you can say that a Milf is fangirling over you?
No one.
She's a little too honest too.
"The song My Happy Ending? I've been playing it non-stop in the car radio and even on my headphones."
"Masaru, don't you think she's better than the previous lead singer? Who was it again?"
"When are you coming out with the album, hon? It will definitely chart better."
You definitely don't know if she's pulling on your leg or she definitely thought, you're better.
But, hey! You'll take it.
“Hey, ma.” Kirishima spoke up, “Where’s Katsuki?”
“Said he needs to go somewhere.” Mitsuki rolls her eyes, “What? That brat didn’t tell you?”
She goes on a rant about needing to inform everyone especially if they’re coming over for dinner.
She sneaks in a little insult here and there too.
While, Mitsuki is throwing it down the kitchen. You all sat around in their sofa. Masaru is handing out some snacks and drinks.
Not gonna lie, you’re a little uncomfortable.
When, you stand up and try to help.
Mitsuki tells you to sit back down and relax
Yes mommy
Everyone was chatting away and having fun.
When Bakugou finally arrives. Slamming the door behind him.
They’re getting into screaming matches.
Judging from everyone’s reaction. This was a normal occurrence between them.
Dinner was pleasant. The food was incredible.
Of course, you had to compliment the chef and Mitsuki was incredibly flattered.
She also shared that some of the veggies were grown by Masaru in their back garden.
Everyone was having fun, chatting and laughing.
Something that was weirdly uncharacteristic though from one person in the room.
You noticed that he was so quiet, he was barely eating and just staring at his plate.
He was just so lost in his own little world.
You do wonder what's going in his head.
Break was over, everyone got their well deserve rest.
Except you, cause you're a hardworking ass bitch.
This was going to be a long months of recording. A brand new project,
Immediately, Jirou turned to you the moment you walk into the office.
She's like "What you got?"
There are going to be total of 10 songs in the new album
So, you present her your idea and the melody.
Obviously, since she's the producer, she will be the one who has the best and last calls on the final product.
Jirou would tell you; this way is better, add riff here, the runs would be better if it was this way in this part, the pitch is a little off try it this way, this line doesn't make sense can you revise it?
She's just so perfect and amazing.
Eventually, everyone started pouring in. They're pitching their own,
Even Bakugou was contributing into track playing a simple beat.
Everyone is having fun, chatting and sharing laughs in the writing process. Everything is going smoothly,
Mina also decided to film the whole process too. To post on the official YouTube Tokyo Lights channel.
But, you sat back as everyone chatted among themselves.
You're quiet, thinking over the whole song.
Something wasn't clicking with this one. There's something missing...
"Hey, Ei."
"Oh! We're in the nickname stage now?" He grins playfully, "So, what's up?"
"Can you sing?"
Now, everyone is getting excited.
(Except Kirishima)
Who is protesting about it cause he's never sang before or even been recorded (Sero says otherwise cause he's heard him singing his heart out while he's in the bathroom)
Kirishima is blushing because he's embarrassed about it.
In their past 3 albums, no one else has sang except their former lead singer.
This is really the start of a new beginning.
This album is a bit personal to you.
It was an open letter to your former lover to say you weren't in the good place to love nor did that person deserve your love.
You're fixing a lot of damage done.
It starts off by blocking Shindo's phone number and booking a therapy right away.
The next week, Bakugou sees you outside his therapist office.
@xviternity @bluebreadenthusiast​ @chuugarettes​
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solar-collector · 4 months
“ I go to all of your games ”
Pt 2 / ?
"Finney, I don't know what to do anymore! He's infested my mind, everything I look at reminds me of him! I look at grab 'n go and think of him. I see blonde hair and I think of him." Bruce sighed as he paced around in front of the table Finney sat at. "Yeah? Have you tried telling him you like him?"
Bruce stopped and looked at him. "Are you stupid? I'm sorry, that was rude, but no! It's the Vance Hopper, hell. He could kill me if he wanted, probably with one hand too.." He whined as he slumped down against the wall. "Why did it have to be him of all people..?"
Finney shrugged. "Dunno." Bruce glared at him. "You are no help Finney." The other glared at him. "I don't know what you want me to do! I'm not a romantic person! I've liked two people in my life, Donna and Robin, and I've yet to do anything about my crush on Robin." He huffed and packed up his stuff. "I wish I could help you more, really but I'm not good with the romantic, dating stuff, but you better figure it out."
Bruce watched as Finney got up and left, he sighed and covered his face. Pinball Vance Hopper, that's who he decided to fall for. Why did it have to be him? He remembered some of the stories that his friends had told him.
"Fuck me man, Vance fucking threatened me today because I glanced at him, SLIGHTLY. Who hurt him." He remembered Robin saying that. Sure, him and Vance were cool now and he often saw Robin and Vance hanging out, but still. Before they were good like that.
"Hey Vance." He looked over at the other as he sat down. He sparked a slight smile from the other, it was cute. God he looked like an angel. "Hi Bruce." Vance responded back.
"So, uh. You play baseball, right?" Bruce looked at Vance, did he actually ask that? He was Bruce the baseball's player. He laughed slightly and nodded. "Yeah, I do. I have since I was little. Uh, you like pinball right?"
Stupid Bruce. No shit he likes pinball. He pinball Vance Hopper. "I do, it's my favorite pass time. I always go to the grab 'n go one too." Bruce nodded and listened to the other talk. "Maybe I'll come watch you sometime?" No Bruce, why would you say that? "He probably thinks I'm weird." A pause. "Yeah, that would be nice. I'll come see your games. When does the season start?"
"Next week actually. Do you know Finney Blake? Pretty sure our first game is against them." Why'd he mention Finney? Everyone knew Finney and that he played baseball too. "I keep messing up." He criticizes himself. "Maybe I'll go with Robin, I'm sure he's gonna go support Finn." Bruce smiled and nodded. "Yeah, come by my house when you go to grab 'n go. I live right by it, so. I can come watch you play."
He sighed and looked down a bit, he knew he was very red. From embarrassment and just overall being flustered.
"Game day, Finney." Finney looked at him as he stretched. "Yep, I know. Kind of here. Don't get distracted by Vance." "Yeah, like you did when Donna was looking in middle." He glared at the other. "Okay Bruce. I'mma get back to my team, good luck." He raised his fist and Bruce connected his with Finney's
Bruce walked around, pacing a bit. He looked towards the bleachers, his face went a bright red as he saw him. Vance Hopper. God, did he look gorgeous.
He ran over to the gate that kept the stands from the field. "Hey Vance, hey Arellano." He smiled, his gaze meeting Vance's. "Hi Bruce." Vance answered back. Bruce's heart fluttered a bit, how could one human be so damn beautiful? "So-" "SHUT UP, THERE'S MY BESTIE!!! WOOOO!!! FINNEY!!!" Robin jumped up and yelled.
Vance rolled his eyes and walked away from Robin, Bruce followed. "Okay, now that we are away from the lover boy and his husband. How do you think you're going to do?" Bruce shrugged and messed with his fingers a bit, he honestly didn't know. He felt worried, maybe because Vance was actually there to watch him. "I think we'll win, because I'm just the best. No offence to Finney, his arm is mitt."
Vance put his fingers through the holes on the gate and looked at Bruce. "I'm sure you guys will do just fine. I believe in you." He had a slight smile tugged at his lip. "Hey Bruce?" He heard Vance's voice but nothing was really clicking for him. "Yeah?" He finally answered back. "You know.. I go to all of your games."
Bruce stared at him, he felt his face heat up. "You do?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "Yep, have since I've met you actually. I think you're a really good player. That's why I believe in you, because I know how good you are." He explained. "Sure, Finn's good, but he isn't you."
A yell from the coach caught Bruce's attention. "Can we talk after the game? I have something to tell you." Vance spoke and looked at him. "It's nothing bad, so don't let it fuck up your game." Bruce nodded. "Okay, after my game, uh. I'll meet you on the other side of the gate. Bye- Uh. See ya." "Good luck." He simply replied.
Cliff hangerrrr
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welldonebeca · 1 year
The Ways of Fate - Part 1 (PDF)
Summary: You had always craved for adventure on the open road with nothing to tie you down. You never expected to allow a night of passion from a Stanford Student with cute dimples and puppy dog eyes to become one of the most important moments of your life. The night began with you as complete strangers, but none of you expected what the meeting would really mean for the rest of your lives.
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No one had paid a single drop of attention to what you and your band were singing, and nothing would take that theory out of your head. Palo Alto was a nice town, and today was one of those days that the Stanford students were celebrating or nursing their sorrows over their grades in a bar, and just wanted some loud music to accompany it - and that’s basically what Revival, your band, did that night. You were paid shit, sure, but food and drinks were free, and it was enough for the gas you’d need to reach the next town.
“Is that good enough?” Becca slid the sandwich in front of you.
The jet black-haired bartender had a really hot British accent, and you just wondered if it was worth waiting for her shift to end to spend the night with her. She was cute and had a nice style, and you were feeling like you needed some good lay tonight - and Becca was probably the only one who paid attention to your band’s lyrics.
“Excuse me,” a deep voice called out for the Brit girl just when you were just done with your food. “A Pepsi, please?”
You turned to your side, having to look up to find the face of whom had slid to your side, finding the exact image of what a Labrador would be if transformed into a - what, seven-foot-tall? - man with floppy hair and a lovely, though, discreet, pout.
“A Pepsi?” you repeated, surprised.
“Surprisingly, Y/N,” Becca gave him the soda can. “Not everyone comes up with a fake ID to get drinks at my bar. Sam is a good kid.”
He smiled, blushing at your compliment.
“Come on, Becks,” you put all of your weight onto the counter, raising your legs behind you. “I’ve been drinking wine since my Bat Mitzvah!”
“This isn’t your synagogue,” she shrugged, walking away.
“Thank you, Becca,” he simply whispered, and you turned to look at him.
Oh, he was indeed adorable.
Finally, the feeling of recognition fell onto you. When you were singing along with the band, he was trying to hit on a blond, tall girl who didn’t give him two fucks.
“Oh, I know who you are,” you exclaimed. “You’re the snubbed boy!”
To that, the tall Labrador turned completely to look at you with a frown on his cute face.
You laughed.
“Sorry,” you picked up on your own soda. “I was just paying attention to you while I was singing, and you were snubbed by the pretty blond.”
He looked down on his drink, seeming really embarrassed, and you bumped your elbow against his.
“Hey, I think it’s her loss,” you tried to cheer him up. You definitely would take a piece of that if you could; Labrador boy was very handsome. “I’m Y/N. You?”
“Samuel,” he answered. “Sam Winchester.”
You nodded, almost getting lost in the kaleidoscope of greens in his eyes.
“Nice to meet you, Samuel Sam Winchester,” you raised your drink to him. “I would buy you a drink, but you probably have noticed the owner isn’t as cool as her tattoos make it seem.”
Behind you two, Becca scoffed loudly.
“I’m right here, girl,” she pointed out. “I can hear you.”
“Good,” you looked behind your shoulder. “You know, you won’t get too far if you keep acting like you don’t know what you’re doing, Sam. You should know that.”
Your companion curled around himself a bit, almost as if he was trying to hide, not that it was even humanly possible.
“I’m not good with girls,” he muttered. “Even a stranger like you can see it.”
You sighed. Sam Winchester was cute, one of those guys who were on the way to be an 11 in a world full of 6 and 7. He was tall and broadly built with nice hair and puppy eyes, and if your life experiences could predict, the only thing he lacked was confidence, and he’d age like fine wine.
“Doesn’t mean it has to be like that,” you drank your soda and put it aside, leaning closer to him.
You could help him. It’d be nice for the two of you.
You rested your chin on your hand and started playing with his flannel nonchalantly.
“Girls like boys who are confident,” you pointed out, toying with the lowest button of his shirt, tempted to run a hand right up his chest but holding back in respect. “You have the looks, the voice… If you just grow the confidence you’ll be unstoppable.
In front of you, Sam was as red as a tomato, and if the bulge in his pants could say anything, it would agree with the desire that was pumping through your veins
“Like... hm…” he stammered and cleared his throat. “Like how?”
You thought a bit to yourself, moving closer to him and watching his chest rising and falling in a quick motion under his clothes.
“Showing her you’re not going to hand around her waiting for attention crumbs is a good start,” you pointed out. “You’re your own person, Sam. Time is a non-renewable source.”
He shifted on his feet and you just waited.
“I’m not the best with all that,” he confessed with an embarrassed laugh. “Never really had contact with a lot of people growing up.”
“Really? Did you move around a lot?”
He chuckled.
“Every month,” he sighed. “Just me, dad and Dean in a car.”
You pulled your hands away, feeling the mood shifting.
“Why?” you asked. “Was he in the military?”
“Uh… no,” Sam hesitated. “He does pest control, kinda made me and my brother work with him and stuff. It kinda sucked.”
You gave him a sad smile.
“Sorry about that.”
Sam shrugged and you bumped onto him playfully.
“But fuck him, right?” you grinned. “You’re here, not there. You made it, Sam. Just leave him behind.”
He shrugged again.
“Yeah, I guess,” he sighed. “Damn, I ruined it, right? Sorry for dumping that onto you.”
“It’s okay,” you assured him. “Everyone has a weird family after all. I was raised super religious and conservative and look at me now! My Menorah looks like a vulva!”
Sam’s surprised laugh made you relax. Your parents were Conservative, and while you were still a believer, you were the very definition of modern.
“Long story short,” you sighed. “We’re all from shitty families and that’s okay.”
He tapped his fingers against the counter you were both leant on, you just turned around and looked up at his face.
“Can I kiss you?” Sam asked before you could say what you wanted to say.
Your eyes widened a bit.
You were not ready for how Sam’s lips felt against yours or how quickly his big hands moved to hold you. He grabbed your waist with determination and kissed you like he meant it, and moved a hand to your ass just as your knees got fucking weak. His fingers were so long they brushed right against the seams of jean shorts that touched your pussy lips, and you melted.
Who knew this boy was so bold?
Too soon for your liking, Sam pulled away and looked at you in confusion.
“You have a…?”
“Tongue piercing,” you confirmed, realising you were practically sat on his thigh. “It’s really good for kissing. And other things…”
Your fingers traced down his body and landed on the seam of his pants. Yes, he was happy.
“Oh,” he muttered, blushing.
“Do you want to put that to test?” you teased.
Sam kissed you again and one of his hands moved from holding you and slammed some money onto the counter, paying whatever he’d bought before and dragging you out of the bar.
He pressed you against the wall in the empty alley outside right when the door closed behind you two, and you weren’t the littlest bit embarrassed when his hand entered the back of your shirt and the other squeezed your thigh while his lips moved as if he wanted to simply eat you alive right there and then.
“Let’s go somewhere more private,” he kissed the way down your throat, sucking your skin enough to leave a bruise and make you moan just as his fingers hesitantly brushed up your breast, and he stopped, surprised at the lack of a bra.
Before Sam could pull away, you covered his hand with yours and guided him up, squeezing over him and panting just as he kneaded your breasts in his huge palm.
“Yes, please,” you whined. “You got a condom?”
He instantly froze, which was enough to tell you what the answer to the question was. You didn’t even think twice, detangling yourself from his grasp to Sam’s utter shock.
“Y/n, I’m so-”
Before he could continue, though, you dropped to your knees and pulled his belt open, making his eyes widen, and pushed his clothes away.
Fuck, Sam’s cock was just as big as himself. Your fingers couldn’t circle it whole when you held it in your hand, and he was easily longer than the biggest guy you’d ever had, You almost didn’t want to get up, and just wished you could suck him right there and then, but you needed him to be on his prime for when you finally got him naked.
“Wait for me right here,” you instructed, standing on your feet and half-arsed fixing your top.
You practically skipped into the bar, jumping right onto the stage and grabbing the microphone, tapping it to check if it was still on.
“Guys, hey,” you called out. “Does anyone have a magnum condom or two to lend me? Preferably trojan. Durex XXL is cool too.”
To say the whole bar was staring at you would a bit of an understatement, and the blond who had rejected Sam was looking at you with very wide - and jealous - eyes. You almost insisted for a moment, but a cute guy raised a hand.
“I do.”
“Great!” you exclaimed. “My friends will pay you back!”
You ran to his side, snatching not just one but three condoms from his hands, and pushed Esteban - who was right by your side - on the way.
“Thanks for covering me up,” you said to him and Esteban just held your arm.
“Este, it’s a magnum trojan cock,” you raised the three condoms to his eyes. “I need this.”
His face softened and he released you with a head shake.
“Fine,” he rolled his eyes. “Have fun.”
Sam grabbed your hand as soon as you left the place and stuffed the condoms into his pocket with the reddest face you’d yet to see on him.
“Where are you staying?” he asked.
“In an RV,” you confessed. “But it’s really close to a motel and the place looks clean enough.”
He chuckled.
“You’re really a wandering soul, aren’t you?”
You just grinned.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “I kind of am.”
He looked around a bit.
“We can go to my dorm if you don’t mind?”
You shrugged.
“It’s good for me.”
. . .
"The Ways of Fate, Part 1" is a PDF Exclusive. To read it now, subscribe as a Space Explorer! You can also purchase it for $7, DM me about it!
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102​​​ @yknott81​​​ ​​@maximofftrash​​​ @kgbrenner​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @shadowhunter7​​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty​​​ @05spn18​​​ @malindacathh​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @widowsfics​​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @giruvega​
Supernatural tags: @its-daydreamer23​​ @imagefanfictionlover​​ ​​ @smalltowndivaj​​ @tayrae515 @oneshoeshort​​ @andkatiethings​​ @wakanda-sometimes​​ @akshi8278​​ @xoxabs88xox​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​ @calstielwinchester ​ @isabelle-faith @flamencodiva @lyarr24
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dia-souls · 2 years
🥀 Subayui fanfic 🥀
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Pairing: Subaru🗡️ and Yui🌸
Author: Admin Ava
Genre: Funny, Sweet themes, Happy ending
Chapter: 2
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🥀 Gothic Soirée 🥀
“What the hell?!’’ Subaru looked at Kou’s face as if he was just accused of murder. Honestly who was Kou to ask him about his love life? He had only just heard about this stupid dance and now he was getting interrogated! Or at least that’s how he felt. Subaru folded his arms and ignored Kou's question,” I don’t fucking know. Why do I have to go with anyone in the first place?! Also, why do YOU want to know anyway?”
Kou snickered while he circled Subaru. The smile on his face made Subaru's fist clench. He always did think that the wannabe idol had a very punchable face. “Duh isn’t it obvious? Everyone and their mothers know that you wanna ask M-Neko-Chan to go with you, but you are too embarrassed to do it.’’ Kou landed a critical hit on Subaru's emotions. Just how was he able to decipher the youngest vampire feeling every single time?
Subaru grabbed Kou by the collar and lifted him off the ground.”I don’t know what the hell your deal is but I’m not going to be caught at some stupid dance full of rich wash bastards who only care about their social image. And I’m not going to ask her if she wants to go with me! So fuck off!’’ Subaru dropped Kou to the floor and then storm off to find a place to let out his frustration.
Kou looked as his best friend walked off. Picking himself off the ground and brushing the dirt off, he couldn’t help but sigh. However, his sigh turned into a cat-like grin as he walked in the other direction.” Oh, Subaru. You would think you would’ve learned by now. If you hide your emotions, you’ll end up hurting yourself more.’’
Subaru headed toward the roof and lay down on the bench. The sky was dark, no stars in sight. Even the moon wasn’t clear from where he was looking. Aimlessly looking at the blank sky gives a man time to think. Think about what kou had said . Well, to think about his hidden feelings. Unlike his other brothers, Subaru wasn’t the greatest at expressing himself in an obvious way like Kanato or Ayato did. He hadn’t come to terms with his emotions and could keep them under checks like Shu and Reiji. And he didn’t know how to cleverly hide them but still look happy like Laito did.
He always felt like the odd one out in the family. Like as if everyone but him had distinct personalities. While he was there for filler. Everyone had their talents; Shu was a prodigy in the musical arts, and Reiji was a genius that was able to uplift his social standing with the way he spoke and act, despite Ayato's ego, he was good at sports and had this overwhelming sense of self-confidence that’s Subaru was a bit envious of. Laito was a sick pervert but the way he talked to others and how he could act so human never ceased to amaze him. Even if he twisted his words to get what he wanted. Kanato was a brat who always whine if he didn’t get what he wanted but Subaru could never forget how his voice brought him so much solace during those hard days and his childhood. As he thought of how different his brothers are. He failed to see what was good about him.
He wasn’t into music like Shu and Kanato. He could sing but had no passion for it. He didn’t pay attention in school nor was he into sciences and ethics like Reiji was. He was strong and often worked out but had no talent for sports like Ayato. Subaru had never been comfortable around others, often snapping at those who tried to talk to him. Or in the worst-case scenario, he would completely beat the shit out of them until they begged for their lives. So he wasn’t as sociable as Latio. Then who was he? He had no talent, and no hobbies and his only defying personality traits were being angry all the time and sleeping in his coffin.
Out of all of his brothers, he was the most excluded, the most forgotten, and the most disgusting. That’s what he’s told himself for years. Until a sweet blonde hair girl came into his life.
Subaru felt his cheeks become red again, but it wasn’t as unpleasant as the first time. Yui was supposed to be another sacrificial bride like those before her. She either would die, go crazy, or get turned into a familiar or one of Kanato's dolls in the first week. But she had surprised him. She went against all odds and never lost true site herself. As many times as she got bitten, abused, harassed, and bullied. No one could take away her faith, her love, or her sense of pride. Even though she looked weak, she was stronger than he ever could be.
However, the one defining trait she had that separated her from everyone he had ever known, even his mother, was that she cared.
Normally people were scared of him because of how cold his eyes were, or those who did try to pick a fight with him would always end up barely clinging to life. Those who wanted to keep their lives ignored him and made him seem like he didn’t exist. And those who were afraid of him but still wanted attention would spread rumors about him which made everyone stare at every single move he made. It got so bad one time that he snapped, which lead to many people being put in the hospital.
When word reached their father, he wasn’t happy. He sent Subaru to the Lut Desert, one of the hottest places on earth. To make him reflect on his ‘’brutish actions’’. He had never been so pissed off before. That week was pure hell. From morning to night his rage continuously burns for 5 days. He destroys everything in his path. He didn’t care if it was a damn monument, historical artifact, or some useless animal. If he could ruin it, he would. The last two days he was so drained that he couldn’t even move. The day he went home, he looked defeated. Exactly what his father had wanted. His temper was strength and his hatred for everyone and everything hadn’t deceased in the slightest.
The day he got back, a wall was brought higher between his heart and his emotions. A wall that had been there since he was only a child. It was there to protect him and make sure that nobody could hurt him. The wall was impenetrable. But it wasn’t strong enough to protect him from himself. The only thing he couldn’t block out was his deadly thoughts. The only one who could harm him was himself. And he was ok with that. Tried to be ok with it at least. If he was the only one that could hurt him then that meant no one else had the chance to. It was foolproof. Until...
He started to hear another voice on the other side of the barrier. Her voice. It was low and muffled but he could still hear her.
In those first few months of her living with them, she was wary but not distant. She tried to learn more about everyone, even himself. She was the only one to ask him how felt he and what was his opinion. Never once did she look at him with fear or disgust. She talked to him like a normal person would. And it threw him off. Why was she so generous to him? Why did she make it seem like his opinion mattered? Why didn’t she see him as a monster as everyone else did?
While this whole ordeal was happening, Subaru hadn’t realized that his wall had a few cracks in it. And those cracks got bigger and bigger by the day. Then, one day when he was at his worst, the fact that beginning a monster had finally consumed him. He finally loses it.
He went on a rampage. Destroy everything in his way during his traumatic episode. His brother stood there as they watched him spiral out of control. All of them made backhand comments about how barbaric and crazy he was. Deep down inside he had a small bit of hope that maybe they would at least try to help him. He was the youngest, he had no friends or anyone that could help him. Those he at least thought was closed enough to just give him pity. Only made fun of him. That’s what hurt him most of all. The fact that he was truly alone made him so upset that he wanted to cry.
But then, that despair turned into rage. How dare they look down at him, how dare they treat him as a lesser brother, HOW DARE THE IGNORE HIM WHEN HE DOES NEED THEM! He was getting ready to obliterate them next. He ran towards them with blood-lust eyes. Ready to snuff them out! Until he was tackled to the ground. He and the person who tackled him rolled on the ground until they both hit the wall. Subaru quickly got up, ready to kill the person who got in his way. Until that person wrapped their arms around him tightly.
He looked down and saw Yui looking at him with tears in her pleading eyes. Begging him to stop his tirade and just calm down. He wouldn’t easily listen but she wouldn’t easily let go either. He tried to forcefully pull her off but her will was strong and stubborn. After a few minutes, he finally gave up trying to pull her off and decided to listen to what she had to say. Who would’ve known that would be the best decision? Every kind word she said made the wall crack more and more. Her voice on the other side got louder and louder.
Until the entire wall broke down and on the other side was a sunny field of white roses. In front of him was her, she knelt and stuck out her hand to him. She told Subaru that he wasn’t a monster. But a beautiful, sweet, strong, kind vampire. He took her hand reluctantly. His eyes stung from the bright light but for some reason, with her there. It wasn’t so bad. After that day he concluded that. This girl was going to be his life and death of him. His love grew day by day. His love had grown so dangerously big that he didn’t know if he could hold it in anymore. Subaru snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the door to the rooftop open.
Shu had walked through and the both of them made eye contact with each other. “Damn I was hoping no one would be here…What a drag.’’ Subaru looked at his older brother and got up.’’I was leaving anyway.’’ Subaru walked past Shu and headed downstairs. The bell had rung for the second period. Not having anything better to do he decided to head to class. Once he reached the classroom, he sat at the furthest desk and looked out the window. While the site of the outside scenery filled his vision, a thought came to his head.
“Maybe asking her to the dance wouldn’t be so bad…’’ Subaru thought as a rosiness dusted his cheeks. The bell rang, singling that it was time for class to start.
Chapter 2 ended
To be continued…
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the-real-treasure · 2 months
Wish Wish! Drabble #2
Knots and Ribbons
Main Masterlist: Here
Drabble Masterlist: Here
Read on AO3: Here
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Most everyone in Baratie can tie knots. That doesn't mean they can plait.
(Drabble #2) [Baratie Age 9 1/2] Normal/Reader's POV Word Count: 765 (Drabbles are only supposed to be how long? oops)
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"What" Zeff drawled, "happened to your head?"
The head chef was wrecked. The Baratie had only been open a few months, and it had already garnered a reputation for being one of the best in the East Blue. Zeff's pride was only matched by his exhaustion.
He was not mentally prepared to come up to staff quarters at the end of the day to find a distraught 9 year old -9 and a half! It scares him that your correction can rattle through his mind like that- in the presence of an equally upset Sanji and Patty. The blonde boy was the one who screamed at him as his question sent you another wave of frantic tears. The blue haired chef was fussing over your hair in a panic, the normal looped up ponytail turned into a rat's nest, curls tangled into huge masses of knots pulled tight as his large hands tried to untangle them. He wouldn't be surprised if a rat did pop out of it, as you had a habit of sneaking the pests into and around Baratie, acts that often left you confined to dish washing when you refused to give up the critter's locations.
"I was just asking. What is this." He came up beside Patty and looked over the mess atop your head. He watches your shoulders scrunch up to your ears. Whatever the reason, this whole thing had left you embarrassed enough as is. "Patty, Sanji. Out of here." The boy's face immediately bleeds bright red and his mouth drops open in a fury, desperately and aggressively defensive of you at all times. "Don't make me ask you again little eggplant."
His mouth snaps shut and you both hear the click of his teeth as he turns, marching out to the small balcony area, where Patty joins him with no complaint.
"C'mere little donkey. Let's see the mess you've made of yourself." He took a seat and pulled you in front of him. He was right, it was a mess. It looked like someone had gone through their hair with instructions to secure it like ropes. "How'd you even manage all this?"
"There was a lady in the dining room." Your voice was barely above a whisper as Zeff began to untangle your knotted catastrophe. "She had the loveliest plaits and I just..." your quiet voice hiccupped, your tears starting to calm, "...wanted to see... if it looked as nice..."
"On you?" Your shoulders were up around your ears as you nod and he's proud of himself for learning your mannerisms like this, "Just you by yourself aye? Or did you get some help."
"Sanji wanted to help." As always though he voice it, you never did like him and the boy arguing. You continued as he worked through your hair, separating the now loose hair into sections "And then Patty saw and asked why he was making such a pig's ear and tried to do one, then they started arguing and I just thought her hair was pretty, don't be annoyed at them."
You tried to swivel your head around to him, but he tutted at you and grabbed your head, turning you back round to face forward. The room stayed quiet and neither of you see Sanji and Patty peering back in through the small window in the door, eyes and mouths wide as they watch the loud, angry and gruff Zeff swiftly and easily braid your hair in his large hands. You don't see their eyes never leaving the pair of you as you stood and spun on the spot, face beaming up at the old man as your long braid fell like a h/c chain down your back, matching the ones marking up your arms and across your shoulders. You also don't see Sanji sneaking out of your shared room hours later to where Zeff was sat alone going over the till from today in his office. You don't hear him ask Zeff to teach him how to do that too, how to make you smile like that over something so simple. You don't see the lengths of cloth hanging in less and less messy braids on the coat hook in Zeff's study.
And weeks later, after you complain about how annoying your long hair is being, muttering under your breath about just cutting it off, you don't see the shared smile between the blondes as you twirl with your expertly done braid that Sanji had tied with a loop of aqua ribbon.
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ace-the-fox · 1 year
Fave male character: *exists*
Okay but can I make him cry 🤨
Day 3: Music
"Oh, Andrew please! Please, please! I'd love to hear you–"
"No. I'm not doing it."
Frank huffed, a bit like a small child being refused a treat. "But whyyy!" he whined.
Andrew sighed, fingers just gently gliding over the ivory keys of the school music room's piano just in front of him. Careful not to press down on any too heavily. As though that would just cross the threshold that he was desperately trying not to cross right then.
"I just... I haven't played in years," Andrew excused. "It probably won't be very good."
"Still, you played! That's cool!" Frank very quickly brightened up again. "I'd really like to hear it. I promise I won't judge!"
Andrew fought back the urge to roll his eyes. Unbeknownst to the blonde, Frank judging was the least of Andrew's worries. The reason he hadn't played in years was the most of them.
All of a sudden he was six years old again, not fully understanding why his father was scolding him for doing something he loved so much.
Still, Frank's eyes on him had become somewhat endearing. Encouraging. That and he realised it would simply be easiest to accept defeat. "Fine," he sighed, grimacing at what he was about to subject himself to. Not playing the piano had been easier. Not reminding himself of everything he'd had to give up for one milligram of praise had been easier.
He stared at whatever sheet music had been left over from some other kid's lesson. Moonlight Sonata. At least it was something he'd remembered doing himself. He took a deep breath and straightened his back.
Other than a few clumsy parts of losing his footing after so much time, Andrew lost himself in the piece. Remembering how good it felt. What a relief it was from the strict work he faced in his everyday life.
Frank noticed the change himself. The way that Andrew visibly began to relax. Eyes half lidded, dark lashes almost resting on the beds of his cheek bones. The faintest strands of hair that had come loose from their styled position through Andrew's daily duties. The shine in his eyes that Frank had never seen before.
He'd always thought Andrew was pretty, but he always just thought everyone thought Andrew was pretty. But this gave him new kinds of butterflies he wasn't sure he could just pin down to objective attraction, and that gave him very mixed feelings.
It was all over much too soon and much too late for the two of them. Andrew sat there, unsure of what to do with himself now. He wasn't sure if he could just go back to being strict and work-focused again. Well, he knew he could, he'd done it before, but it was as if he'd forgotten how.
"Wow! Now, why'd you give a talent like that up. I'm sure if you got back into it again you could... Oh no! Andrew, uh– Don't cry!"
Andrew, who hadn't realised he was tearing up for whatever goddamned reason (there were probably multiple reasons, actually), immediately flushed and tried to wipe himself dry. "Ah, shit... I mean, my apologies. Don't really know why. It's just... God, this is embarrassing."
But Frank, sweet, everloving Frank, simply shook his head. "Andrew, it's not." He cupped Andrew's cheek with his soft hand – wether it was platonic or romantic didn't matter in that very moment. "Cry if you want, man..."
Andrew, who'd grown up on a healthy diet of crying in locked guest bathrooms that no-one would ever suspect if ever at all, broke instantly. Even then, he thought it stupid. Crying over an instrument he hadn't played in years because some pretty blonde idiot found out he used to play it and wanted a demonstration. But Frank just let him sob into his palm without a word.
That afternoon, Andrew explained how the piano quitting wasn't exactly a conscious choice but rather another form of his father's control over him. And, as much as Andrew protested that it was stupid and didn't matter, Frank got him signed up for aftershool, private music room sessions. At the same time as the new archery club, so Andrew would have a decent excuse to give his father.
Andrew hadn't fully known it at the time, but that was one of the kindest things Frank had ever done for him.
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scienceoftheidiot · 2 years
For the ask game:
Dancing with our hands tied (Royai)
Obviously inspired by Taylor Swift, I can't deny
Thank you again and sorry for the long delay in replying ! I hope you will like what I've come up with !
Riza was used to being overlooked by her superiors.
It had less to do with being a woman - though in some cases it did, of course - and more with being a lower ranked officer, and above all, being Colonel Mustang's litteral shadow. Everyone was so used to see her follow him everywhere that she didn't matter anymore.
She virtually didn't exist, unless she was directly addressed. And she liked it this way. She was used to blend in her surroundings, not to be noticed. Before, it had been a question of survival. Now, it was about protecting the colonel, and picking up information.
She was great at letting her eyes wander, her ears eavesdrop, and registering everything, be it patterns or anything out of the ordinary. She would, later, report to her colonel.
It was her purpose, and she was set on being the most inconspicuous as she could, but sometimes, just sometimes, it could become incredibly irritating.
Especially when Colonel Blanc was involved.
"Mustang !"
A slim, blond man had just yelled from the other side of the corridor, and walked hastily to meet them - or rather, to meet Colonel Mustang.
"I saw you the other night, with that delicious brunette. How was it?"
Riza looked away from Blanc's lewd wink, focusing on his clothes. Blanc's uniform was slightly rumpled, and a blond stubble was starting to show on his cheeks. He hadn't slept at home the night before.
Blanc was only slightly older than Mustang. And if the rumour was true, soon to be married. But that didn't seem to stop him, and he was convinced Mustang could hook him up with some of the girls he was regularly seen with.
Mustang would have been happy to oblige, if Blanc had been interesting. He wasn't. But he was good for cover, so Mustang didn't push him away. He was hard to shake off, anyway.
From the corner of her eyes, Riza saw him reply to Blanc with a slightly blasé face and tone.
"Not the time of my life, I'm afraid."
"Shit. I was going to ask you if she had a sister."
"Not that I know of."
Riza knew for a fact that she had. Multiple sisters.
And a brother, too.
"Too bad. She was sexy."
Mustang slid his hands in his pockets. He'd been pretty sour all day, and didn't seem intend on playing his usual little game with Blanc.
"What, you got another one already? Come on. I know you do."
Mustang's face went through a couple of emotions so fast Riza herself couldn't really decipher them - at least it mean neither could Blanc. But Mustang's eye caught hers for a split second. Not enough to get anything from it. Riza stiffled a frown. This was not his usual.
She saw him push his hands further in his pockets, shrug and throw his head backwards in a - mock - embarrassed move.
"I've been rekindling an old flame. Or rather - I've been missing her."
"No, you? Come on. Not you?"
"Seems she's always on my mind. Can't help it. But she's one kind of a woman."
It was all Riza could do to stop herself from frowning, to keep an even face. What game was he playing, there?
"Bet she must be, to have hooked you of all guys."
"Oh, she is. She's amazing."
"She's all legs, I bet?"
"Now, Blanc, didn't you have a fiancée?" Mustang deflected smartly, to much shameful blushing from Blanc. "Or so I've heard. What's her name, already?"
"I see you coming, Mustang. Not telling you her name. You just tell me the name of yours."
"Oh but of course. Elizabeth." Mustang let the name roll off his tongue as if savouring it. Riza felt a wave of warmth crawl up her neck. Of course. That jerk. How could she have doubted even one second. And now she had to stand there, pokerfaced, and let him continue doing this.
Mustang turned briefly, as if he was tilting his head towards a sound at the other end of the corridor, but it was long enough for him to glance at Riza yet again. Before he turned his head away, though, she saw the satisfied smug, the one he could not let reach his lips, in his eyes.
His face was absolutely blank when he faced Blanc again, and not a full second had passed.
"Now. Does the fiancee have a name, or is it a rumour?"
"No, no," Blanc grumbled, "She's called Helena. She's a nice little girl. Quiet. You know. Perfect wife for an officer who wants to climb ranks." Blanc sniffed, and it was all Riza could do not to slap him. "Dull. Nothing like the brunette you had on your arm that last time."
"Well. Your choice, Blanc," Mustang said with a slightly mocking smile. "This is why I do not have a fiancée myself, see? Not dumb enough to get women more pissed than they should."
"Never? Not even the astounding Elizabeth, then?"
"Not now." Mustang started walking, finally feeling Blanc was going to let go of him, now that he'd been reminded of his engagement, and lack of honour regarding it. And he did.
But Mustang's last sentence was not addressed to him, anyway.
"But who knows. Maybe, someday."
Riza fell into step behind him, a new warmth crawling up to her cheeks, waiting to be far enough from Blanc to let her lips pull into an imperceptible smile.
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breedaboyd · 1 year
Something Something Thanks, Sigmund Freud ~ Klaber
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(Gif by me.)
Pairing: Eli Klaber ✕ Stephan Wolff (FTM!OC).
Word Count: 3.9k+
CW: Cumming in pants, fluff, lactation, trauma.
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Wolff has been...different this last week or so; more irritable, tired, mopey and oddly secretive, which Klaber would expect towards maybe Cyrus or Hauke but him? Never.
He wonders if maybe he's done something wrong. He's tried to be patient but he's starting to feel very close to the edge. Klaber remembers that his mother always told him to leave people well enough alone when they needed time but this is Wolff! He's determined to figure out what's wrong with the medic, or at least make him seem less, well, wrong.
Wolff has even started asking for his own room, something he never used to do, and it's gotten under Klaber's skin. That and he won't eat meals with the team anymore, which is strange. It's eating him up inside, not knowing what's wrong with him, especially when no gone seems to care.
Klaber sits at the dinner table, staring into his full plate. If Klaber ever leaves a scrap of food, you know some thing's wrong. Everyone is glancing uneasily at one another. No one speaks.
"You okay, man?" Langstrom begins.
"Something's up." Cyrus sighs resolutely. Klaber just keeps staring at his plate.
"Klaber, what is it?" Voller asks, taking a sip of his after-dinner coffee and taking a drag on his cigarette. The blonde grinds his teeth and sighs raggedly, putting his fork down. The clatter of utensil against dinner dish echoes in the hotel's dinner hall, he hadn't even realised that the others had set theirs down.
"Herr Doktor." He says simply. "He's been actin' weird lately. How come he won't eat with us no more?" Cyrus and Voller share a look. They clearly know something. Something they're not telling Klaber. "Did I do somethin' wrong?" He asks but the other men stay silent. "Come on! Why's he so mad at me? And why don't you guys give a shit?" Klaber's voice quivers slightly, the older men noticing.
"I wouldn't worry about it, Klaber. Stephan has been getting antisocial in his old age." Voller says dismissively, taking another drag in his cigarette. Klaber sniffs and slides his chair out, noisily standing up. Everyone looks away, Cyrus being the sole one to watch as he storms out.
Klaber gets halfway to the elevator before he feels a tug on his sleeve. He spins and Cyrus pulls close, exasperation in his eyes.
"Klaber." He breathes, his eyes flashing as he releases his hold on the other man's arm, holding the hitman's gaze.
"Stephan's not mad at you." He says and Klaber's heart flutters.
"Okay, then. What— Why— He's—"
"He's embarrassed." Cyrus says simply and Klaber shakes his head, confused.
"What? Why?"
"Stephan...has a hormone problem. You know he's..." Cyrus pauses, not sure how to put it in a way that Klaber would understand. But, of course, he understands, he practically knows the medic inside out. "Not like us? He's...changed a little. Not much. But it's noticeable. And he doesn't want you to see him like that."
"What are you talking about?" Klaber asks and a few guests turn to look at them as they walk past.
"Fuck, I told him I wouldn't say anything..." Cyrus grumbles. "He's just struggling at the moment but he's going to be okay. He's not angry at you, he's not overly sick; he's just—" And before Cyrus can finish, Klaber's taking off down the hall, hitting the elevator buttons and disappearing upstairs. The hitman grimaces and shrugs. Sorry, Stephan, he tried.
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Klaber tears his way down the corridor to the Wolff's lone room. It looks small, cramped, for a man like him, judging by how close together the doors are. He tries the handle. No dice. So he kicks the fucking thing down. Wolff bolts upright in his bed, shocked and in a panic, his hair messy and unbrushed. He's in nothing but a vest and some loose boxers, they look like a pair of Klaber's. The only light in the room is the flickering of the TV so Klaber can't see him all that clearly.
"Klaber, what—"
"Stephan! Tell me, what's been happening?" He's standing in the door, fists clenched as his sides, jaw set. "There's somethin' you've not been telling me." He stalks forward, closing the door behind him, thankfully it stays shut. The medic folds his arms over his chest and tucks his legs in, trying to make himself as small as possible.
"Klaber, please leave." He says lowly and the blonde shakes his head.
"Not 'til you tell me what's been goin' on."
"No." Wolff grits. "I'm not going to tell you."
"What's wrong?"
"You have to go."
"Have I done anything wrong? Can't I—" Wolff's biting his lip now. He needs a smoke and he needs one now. He swings his legs over the side of the bed and Klaber starts towards him.
"Klaber!" Wolff hisses, the syllables short and sharp, stopping the blonde in his tracks.
"Herr Doktor, if you tell me to heel, I will and I'll make it up to you. Whatever I've done." Klaber says and the medic sighs because, God, he's so devoted and so sensitive. "Please, Herr Doktor. What's wrong?"
"Bitte, bitte, just please—" Wolff mumbles in his mother tongue, turning away and folding his arms tighter. He turns the bedside lamp on and turns off the TV and Klaber can finally get a good look at him. Cyrus was right. He's changed... He looks bloated, swollen even, Klaber can see it mostly around his hips, thighs and face. He looks...fuller, healthier than he has been in forever.
"Herr Doktor, just tell me. Please." Wolff reaches to his nightstand, to grab a cigarette and his lighter and, as he untucks his arms from his chest, Klaber notices something, eyes narrowing. "Herr Doktor, your vest is—" And Wolff immediately tucks his arms around his chest again, cheeks going bright pink. His vest is wet. Why is his vest wet? And why is he trying to hide it so badly? Two damp spots either side of his chest. Surely, it's not something to be that embarrassed of if he spilt something or— Klaber stops, face alight with shock. He takes a deep breath and steps forward, pushing the medic's legs apart and kneeling between them, gently tugging away the defensive arms. Klaber carefully looks up into Wolff's eyes, his own boring in to icy blue. "Are you—" Wolff takes a couple deep breaths and nods, face still scarlet.
"Ja." And they're alone together, for what feels like the first time in months. "I-I'm not pregnant, don't worry. Haven't been able to get pregnant for at least five years now but... My hormones are all..." He waves his hands uselessly, taking a small, shaky drag on the lit cigarette between his fingers.
"But this is— I don't—" Klaber says, still almost coy with the older man. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want you to see me like...this." The medic says, voice quiet and soft. His arms drop to his sides, the material of his vest dampening more and more with every moment that passes. The older man sighs and takes a drag of his cigarette, avoiding looking at the other man's face.
But there's something deep in Klaber's hindbrain that switches on at the thought of Wolff like this. He looks healthy in a way Klaber could barely imagine for the medic. He's only ever seen the older man look thin and frail and sickly all the time they've known each other, he's become almost desensitised to it. But seeing him like this is just...wonderful. There's something there, a bundle of nerves, a collection of neurons, in the back of his head, that just light up.
It's sudden and shocking and powerful and Klaber can't help himself. His mouth latches on to one of the wettest parts of Wolff's vest, tongue pressing hungrily against the thin fabric and lapping up the liquid trapped between it and the skin. "Klaber!" The older man gasps out as his body runs hot. "Klaber, no! That's—" But the blonde wraps his lips around the older man's clothed nipple, gently tonguing at it. He just looks so... So... There's no other word for it; motherly. And Klaber's caught between his sudden need for maternal affection and his undying adoration for the man before him. He prays that the medic can give him both. Seeing the medic like this, even if it is just a hormone imbalance or a touch of menopause, has done something to Klaber, changed him. Suddenly, he's back to being that boy in Kentucky; fatherless, motherless, a rebel without a cause, just looking for someone to show him a little tenderness but too scared to ask for it.
Before Klaber knows it, his mouth is filled, sweet, milky fluid flooding over his tongue as his kisses shift to the other side of the older man's chest. "Klaber, don't... No... That's— Wha—" He releases with a loud sucking noise, warm milk dribbling down his chin and making Wolff shiver, then looks up to meet the medic's icy-blue gaze. His bright-blue eyes are wide, he looks vulnerable, nervous and so lovely that it hurts. "But I'm not— You can't just— Not without asking, te kibaszott hülye...¹" He says lowly and softly, clearly no malice behind the words. Klaber draws back, releasing his hold on Wolff's arms and swallowing audibly.
Wolff's undervest is nearly transparent, see-through where it's wet with saliva. Through it, the blonde can see the medic's nipples are pink and hard from the attention the other man had given them. Wolff sees him staring and blushes, the pink spreading down his chest and up to the tips of his ears. The medic looks so vulnerable, so scared. That, paired with the healthier glow of his body, makes him seem decades younger.
"Herr Doktor, please. Please..." Klaber murmurs softly, lips pink and wet and gorgeous. He's all tied up in knots inside, confused and anxious. He's silent for a moment, unable to look at the other man, before sighing, breathy and deep. "I... I miss..." Klaber's voice fails him. He sounds broken, tired, afraid of being hurt.
"What, Eli? What is it?" The medic asks, gentle and worried.
"I... I miss..." He balls his fists so tight that he almost draws blood with his fingernails, looking up, meeting the other man's gaze, a shadow of genuine fear in his expression. "I miss my mom." He breathes and Wolff reaches for his hand, threading their fingers together.
"Liebchen." He says, realisation hitting him right in the stomach. "You're years too late for that kind of attention." A whining sound escapes Klaber, his head dips and Wolff swears he can hear the other man sob. "Liebchen, don't. Don't cry. Don't cry."
Grief hits Klaber in the chest like a battering ram. It's not just missing his mother, it's missing home, it's being an outcast at such a young age, it's being gay in the fucking Forties, it's all the awful things he's done. All the killing he's done. It gets to him. It feels like years worth of hurt, bursting like a dam in his chest... No wonder he's so miserable. And worse still, he feels like a fucking asshole for pouring all this on a man who only ever cared about him. But maybe that's his problem, maybe he's just always been an asshole. An empty excuse for a man.
Wolff gently takes Klaber into his arms, stroking his back and letting him sob into his shoulder, hushing and cuddling him. It feels as though hours have passed before Klaber's able to speak, just a weak whisper, choked out between sobs.
"Sorry, Herr Doktor, didn't mean to—"
"Shhhh, let it all out."
"That's not what I—" The blonde shakes his head, biting his lip and trying to stop the tears running down his face. "I'm just so fuckin'—" He curls tighter into the older man's arms, more hot tears roll down his cheeks. He sniffs a couple times. "So fuckin' stupid and weak and—"
"No, none of that." Wolff snaps sharply, grabbing Klaber's chin and forcing him to meet his eyes. "I don't want to hear anything like that out of you ever again." Klaber feels better but still ashamed. "Eli, look at me. Liebchen, stop that." But he's too far gone, voice quivering and catching in his throat.
"But I'm stupid and I'm sad and I fuck everythin' up! And I ain't got nothin'—" Klaber sobs and Wolff grabs his face, holding him still, staring him down.
"Elias Klaber. You have me." He says and it pierces through the haze of self loathing. "You'll always have me." Klaber sniffs and hiccups weakly, tears making his lashes stick together, eyes puffy. "And you're absolutely perfect. My mutt, my pup, my Liebchen."
"Stephan— I've just been so lonely and I was so scared I'd done something wrong." Klaber whines, shaking under the medic's soothing hands. He wraps his arms around the older man's shoulders and squeezes tightly. "S-Seeing you like that...d-did something to me..." He stops and takes a deep, shaky breath, forcing himself to settle a little. "I'm sorry... Herr Doktor..." His voice lowers again. "I don't wanna presume anythin' here but... Could I... Uh... Was wonderin' if I could—" Wolff looks at him expectantly, eyebrow raised and he bows his head, mumbling. "Um... I mean that..."
"Spit it out, Liebchen." The medic chuckles. It makes Klaber flush, eyes darting to the floor for a moment.
"Was wonderin' if maybe... If you'd be okay with me... Y-Y'know... Like before...?" He asks, voice low and shy. A small smile curves the medic's lips as he cards a hand through Klaber's thick hair.
"You want to drink from me again, Liebchen?" Wolff asks and Klaber looks away again, flushing even hotter.
"Y-Yeah... Kinda... Is that— If it ain't okay, I—" He meets the medic's gaze for just a moment before dropping it again, focusing on the sheets to avoid Wolff's eyes.
"Come here."
Wolff shuffles back to sit at the head of the bed as Klaber toes off his shoes and strips down to his boxer-briefs before laying the older man down. There's a kind of warmth to his skin that the blonde's never felt before, a sort of vibrancy. Klaber looks down at him and, oh, he's just perfect. The medic's wearing that easy, infectious, stunning smile, his eyes are alive and the cold blue sparkles with something like lust and affection, he almost looks happy and that means everything to the younger man.
Wolff looks gorgeous as his fingers move beneath the hem of his vest, gracefully teasing up the fabric, up his stomach, revealing that trail of light hair that leads from his navel into his boxers. He pulls it up and over his head, his mane of white hair splaying out along his shoulders. He throws the vest to the side and Klaber fully takes in how gorgeously full his chest looks; rounded and pert, the rosy peaks of his nipples still stiff and swollen from the attention Klaber had given him earlier. The younger man can hardly believe this is happening, Wolff sighing softly as he brushes his fingers through Klaber's hair.
"J-Jeez... Herr Doktor, you're so—" The blonde breathes. He carefully spreads the medic's legs, seating himself between them and leaning in, both hands gently gripping the man's hips through the boxers. He rests his head in the crook of the medic's neck, breathing in the scent of him; it's warm, soft, and something sharper that Klaber can't name. Klaber slowly moves his mouth to the older man's chest. He strokes a thumb over Wolff's right nipple, feeling the heat beneath the skin and how engorged and stiff the bud is. Wolff shivers under his touch, gasping when he trails his tongue over it. Klaber wraps his lips carefully around the stiff, swollen bud and moves his tongue against it gently, warm milk dripping into his mouth.
"Klaber..." Wolff breathes, sliding a hand through the younger man's hair, pulling him tighter against him. His breath comes heavy, he huffs quietly and his body rolls up against the other man. He twists his fingers in to Klaber's blonde locks and starts petting him, murmuring sweet encouragements. The taste in the younger man's mouth is sweet yet slightly bitter, his cock twitches with interest as the flavour coats his tongue. He sucks greedily, occasionally swirling his tongue around the sensitive flesh, mouth full of Wolff's plump chest. When he hears the older man's soft whimpers, he has to force down a groan. Wolff's caught between pleasure and embarrassment. It feels so good; the weight of Klaber's head against his chest, the heat of the younger man's mouth around his nipple, the overwhelmingly warm tingling sensation that seems to run right through to the older man's cunt and, God, Wolff hopes Klaber can't hear how wet he's getting.
Klaber begins suckling from him, not just teasingly taking the milk from his breasts but drinking from them, gulping it down. Wolff whimpers and whines under his attentions, too sensitive. The first few deep pulls of milk bring an immediate flood of hot wetness to his cunt. His nipples tingle when the younger man's tongue laps them, sending shocks of pleasure through him. "Thaaaat's it, Liebchen. Good boy..." The older man hisses through gritted teeth, blushing hotly. He reaches up to gently palm at the other side of his chest, massaging the sensitive tissue with his fingers. Milk dribbles from him and down his side, soaking into the sheets, thick and sticky and hot.
Klaber suckles greedily, his hands slide up from the medic's hips and over his ribs, stopping where the swell of Wolff's chest begins. He slowly pushes his hips forward, rocking the bulge in his boxers against the medic's thigh. "Klaber... Pup..." Wolff chokes out, catching his hand in Klaber's, groaning lowly in to the man's hair, dragging him even closer. "D-Don't forget about the other one, pup..." Klaber switches to the medic's left breast, pawing him softly as he continues drinking from him. The liquid pools on Klaber's tongue, rich and sweet. But it doesn't seem like it's going to stop.
If anything, the stream just gets faster. One of his arms wraps tight around Wolff's waist, holding him against the younger man, and the medic yelps softly when he feels his leg pushed between Klaber's, the cotton of his boxer-briefs rubbing up against Wolff's thigh. The younger man feels like he could drown, there's just so much, but he's not complaining.
"Herr Doktor... Oh, God, fuck, you're so—" Klaber groans, letting the liquid pool in his mouth as the older man squeezes hard at his chest, encouraging the flow. "Ah, fuck, please..." He's noisily swallowed every drop Wolff has to give, but he's still eagerly pressed up against the older man's chest, the medic grinding his thigh up against Klaber's dick in an attempt to give the younger man some relief.
Klaber's cock is painfully hard in his boxers and he's leaving damp spots on the material just by rubbing against Wolff's leg. He's needy and wanting and the medic is the only man who ever gave a shit about him. "Fuck, fuck, please, Stephan... Oh, fuck... Can...probably get off like this... So much... So sweet..."
"You want it? Do you, Liebchen? Make sure you don't waste any." The medic gasps hotly, the heavy rise and fall of his chest only stopping for a moment as he squeezes another spurt of milk out, catching it on Klaber's tongue. The fluid fills the younger man's mouth and he swallows again, his belly nearly full thanks to Wolff. "Such a greedy little pup, aren't you, Liebchen? Swallowing all of my milk?" The older man goes red in the face, turning it into the pillow and barely containing a moan of deep arousal as Klaber humps his thigh.
"Thank you, Herr Doktor... So generous..." And it's like a fucking floodgate opens, pleasure crashing over Klaber in waves, almost overwhelming. The blonde gropes and massages Wolff's soft, tender chest, needing just one more swallow before he can cum. He gulps audibly, a long stream flowing down his throat as his breath comes hard and fast. "Gonna... Gonna cum, Herr Doktor...!" He cries, practically suffocating between the medic's breasts, muffling these beautiful blissed-out moans on the man's chest as he rocks and grinds against his thigh. "I'm c-cummin'... Ohh, fuck!"
His climax hits him like a ton of bricks and the noise he makes. It's like nothing Wolff has ever heard, almost painful, Klaber crying out and keening as his whole body shudders and arches, teeth and nails clawing at the medic's breasts, probably leaving marks, his cock jerks and twitches, cum soaking his boxers and Wolff's leg. His lungs are empty, like he hasn't got the air to shout but he does, gasping with a broken voice. "H-Herr Doktor, God..." He rides out his high on Wolff's thigh, his boxers soaked through as he stains the fabric, rutting like a dog against the medic. "B-Been so long..." He sighs as he collapses between the medic's legs, panting and moaning and full...
When Klaber finally stops panting, Wolff is petting his hair and running a hand along his back, beaded with sweat.
"It's nice to see you looking so healthy, Herr Doktor..." The blonde breathes after a long stretch of silence, looking up and meeting his gaze. "Is there...any chance...we could do this again? If I could — y'know... — drink from you again?" The medic blushes, his gaze flickering, then sighs heavily, biting his lip.
"O-Only if you don't tell anyone, Liebchen... If Herr Langstrom found out, I'd never hear the end of it." He sighs and Klaber nods, pressing kisses along the medic's side.
"Promise." Klaber whispers against Wolff's skin, gently licking any trace of milk he can find, like he hasn't already had his fill. "So, does this mean you'll be eating meals with us again?" The medic nods.
"Mhm. It's probably best if I eat properly if I'm..." He trails off and Klaber grins, licks his lips and wraps his arms around the medic's middle, drawing him close and resting his head on the man's soft chest. He feels around a little, just loving the sensation of the older man's body in his arms again. "Sorry, I was keeping my distance, Liebchen. I was just embarrassed. I didn't know how to deal with it. I guess I'm like you in that respect, Liebchen; don't deal with my feelings well."
"Are you gonna come back to my room tonight? Sleep in the same bed like we usually do?" The blonde asks and Wolff looks around at the scattered clothes and the wrinkled sheets.
"Why don't we stay here for the night then, in the morning, I'll move all my stuff into your room? Deal?" The medic sighs, that gorgeous smile — that makes Klaber go weak at the knees — spreading over his face.
"Best deal I've made all week." Klaber grins and the medic brings their lips together. The kiss is warm, loving, a connection that Klaber sorely missed the last week. When they part, the blonde's lips are pink and swollen. And it's the only place Klaber's ever felt truly happy; in Wolff's arms.
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¹ "Not without asking, you fucking idiot..."
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