#everyone in repcomm deserved better
tragedy-at-its-peak · 8 months
why is literally no one talking about scorch in the new tbb trailer....screaming and crying
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countessofbiscuit · 4 years
This began as a Banned Bingo fill for “excessive knife and gunplay” and because I wanted a sequel to my OT-era Bobakatan fic Su Cuy’gar. The writing stalled on a large cast strategy conference scene, but I definitely mean to finish, because I like its fusion of RepComm, Rebels, and Mandalorian S1 canon. It’s all my Mando fanon sewn up <3 
. . .
The second Death Star exploded as beautifully as the first. And this time, Palpatine had the generosity to be on station. Bo-Katan watched the Alliance holo again and again, and once more for those who’d never get the chance. It was wobbly, a rearcam view, but good enough to bring out the tihaar. And in her drinks, Bo-Katan loved a good airstrike.
Already weak, the clobbered Imperial garrison in Sundari grew desperate. There was no Saxon anymore — there hadn’t been for some years. Its frail leadership attracted the Imperial remnant like kreetles to a hemorrhaging corpse. Bo-Katan might not have minded. Let them come. Let them try to stake their claim to that wart in a wasteland. Our long-range missiles work even better on dirtside destroyers. But then a message came for her, from the only person who might still wrench Boba from her bed.
“Shysa begs an audience, chief,” said A’den, no fool in his choice of verbs.
“Then he can comm me himself, instead of greasing the servos with Fett-faced flattery.”
“He’s afraid of spooking the whelp. Knows how close you keep him.”
Bo-Katan didn’t bother to hide her disdain. She hoped the connection was strong enough for A’den to feel the chill. “If Shysa wants to speak to Boba, there’s nothing stopping him. Since he kindly wiped out the Imp comm station.” There’d been all sorts of interesting patter between Concordia and Keldabe lately, once you filtered through all the confabbing about meshgeroya fixtures.
“Naw, he has something that came for you. It’s ... unusual. Deserves special delivery.”
Bo-Katan frowned. The transmitter spike in the Imp’s transceiver was monitored. Closely. “We’ve not picked anything up.”
“Our spike is better than yours.”
“You gave me that spike!”
“As a present. And we have another one for you.”
Everything was in flux. Any mote might tip the scales. Bo-Katan swallowed her outrage and told herself that burning righteousness had its blindspots, and resentment tended to recrudesce there.
Shab, she really was starting to sound like her sister.
Making friends and keeping them: not a Kryze gift. But it helped that she and the Nulls shared a sense of humor, at least where one Fenn was concerned. “Shysa may have an audience whenever he wishes. Name the day and I’ll have everyone check their boots every hour on the hour, lest they step on him accidentally.”
A’den guffawed, startling the strill in his lap. “As Fi is fond of saying, don’t excite him, boss.”
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izzyovercoffee · 7 years
Do you have any ships in the clone wars/repcom fandom?
TBH I have a really… really long list of ships. I’m one of those people that could potentially ship anyone/everyone given enough time to come up with at least vaguely acceptable reasoning. 
I mean … I’m the one behind the ship of Mereel and The Stars so I don’t … uh, have a whole lot of requirements for shipping.
My lines are: Everyone is an Adult at time of ship; and any potentially coercive relationships are written with a very clear, honest presentation and understanding of that coercive nature (zero tolerance policy for romanticizing abuse).
Fair warning, though: I do have clone/clone ships, too, and I know that makes people uncomfortable — hence the warning. And for the record, any of the below ships? I don’t expect anyone else to ship it, and I don’t generally expect people to be down w/ it or write it, either. B’)
I also … have Mereel listed kind of a lot in here. He just has so much love to give, okay. B’)
and under a cut bc damn this got long
Republic Commando: 
Mereel and the Stars
Stars. Ka’ra. Ruling Council of Fallen Leaders. 
When Mand’alore die, it’s said they ascend to the stars. Is that where it ends, really, or do they become something more, something greater than they were in life? And if they do — do they interact with the people?
Do they keep favorites? Do they adore and adulate their champions?
And how difficult, exactly, is that relationship for the mortal who can’t quite reach out and touch the one he loves most?
Ordo and Besany
like honestly my OTP for the longest time lmao 
I never finished my ‘Are These For Me?’ 30 drabbles for them … but maybe one day. One day.
Fi and Ordo
Boy meets Boy. Boy compliments Boy’s skirt. Boy hugs other Boy so hard they hit the floor.
#true love
Besany, Fi, Ordo
Besany is the type of person who is so kind, and so considerate, and so understanding. And Fi … he needs that. He needs it just as much as Ordo needs it, and as they need each other, and Besany. 
Some might not find a closed polytriad “normal,” but if it works for them, then it shouldn’t be anyone else’s business. 
Darman and Etain 
My heart constantly breaks for them. They deserved so much better than what they got, and it kills me.
And their relationship was so … so good. So good, in the beginning. Tragic, what Kal did to them.
Atin and Laseema
They were lucky in that they weren’t Kal’s favorites, and so were able to fly mostly under the radar and out of his attention. Kal still held a lot of … really unhealthy financial control over them, but … I genuinely feel that Atin and Laseema could relate deeply on several levels.
They have… compatible demons, for lack of a better term. They balance each other. And Laseema was always an interesting character I wish we could learn more of — and her friendships with the rest of the clan. After all, she seemed to be the one in active communication with everyone. 
Niner and Boss
Listen … I love this ship. I feel like there’s a lot of UST going on whenever they’re onscreen, and it’s an interesting sort of dichotomy that goes on between them — two sergeants of two squads whose trainers viciously hated each other during training days. 
There’s a competitiveness there that can’t really be quashed, but there’s also an understanding that exists between them that’s unique to their experiences.
Jaing and Kom’rk
This is one of those incredibly obscure, controversial ships. 
Full disclosure: this is a pretty fucked up ship, and it’s mostly from the perspective of “wow, that’s kinda fucked up.” I don’t expect anyone else to ship it, and I don’t generally expect people to be down w/ it or write it, either. If they do, the fucked-up part needs to be recognized and recognizable, however obliquely, or it just doesn’t work. 
They’re two very damaged people, there’s no use shying away from that. 
I fell into this ship by total accident, going through all the nulls’ tags on ao3 years ago and stumbled on one fic, and like … since then, I haven’t really been able to climb out this hole.  
Corr, Ruusan, and Jilka
I am not a fan of Corr and Jilka, alone.
That said … I am a fan of Corr and Ruusan, of Jilka and Ruusan, and … of the potential dynamics of this poly combination, with the given that Jilka and Corr remain platonic as opposed to romantic. 
It just feels more … balanced? Also Rev @thesummerstorms and Gena @cassiansfuzzyjacket explain it way better than I do.
RepComm crack!ships:
these are very, very clearly not-canon and not to ever be taken as canon (by me, at least?) but damn. they’re nice to think about, and try to come up with ways in which it might work.
Etain and Mereel
But more seriously … Mereel was there every day for Etain during a very, very difficult time (the months after her almost-miscarriage). Of all the characters in the series during the course of the series, after Etain and Darman, Etain and Mereel spend the most unobstructed alone time together (about three months?) — and we would never know because, lol, the pacing and timeline of the series is not really presented in a way that makes that noticeable.
Mereel also does something with Etain he doesn’t do with anyone else, ever, that we see in the series: admit vulnerability. He’s genuinely vulnerable with her, in a way that he is not with anyone else. That means something — especially given the context that he doesn’t open up with anyone else, not his brothers, and never Kal. 
Someone that Mereel can be genuinely vulnerable with? That he must trust, implicitly, to share that vulnerability? 
And then you have Etain, who is isolated after the mess of pregnancy news blows up. She’s someone who doesn’t have anyone she can trust, or depend on, who isn’t looking to use her in some way — or someone that she can be equally open and honest with — in those months … right up until Mereel (and Rav), when she’s evac’d to Kyrimorut.
And when she is, she’s treated like a whole person. Not someone who’s just a vessel for a potential, not someone to be used or leveraged for misogynistic reasons. A genuine, whole, person who is highly intelligent, highly capable — and treated as an actual equal. She was not given that respect since the conclusion of Hard Contact (except, briefly, when hunting with Vau).
The whole situation, as terrible as it all is, allows for the foundation of genuine, real, trust to form between them.
There’s a lot of … well, there’s a lot of potential there. A lot of room for complications and conflicted feelings and angst — UST and one-sided pining and mixed signals and confusion and just raw feeling — and it’s all things that don’t necessarily need to be resolved negatively (or right away, or at all), that don’t have to end in heartbreak, that can be just as it is: complicated feelings that begin during a difficult time and, given room to grow, become something else or something more many, many years down the line.
Mereel and Boss
Don’t even look at me.
So this ship came as a result of SW RP (bc of course it did) and, tbh, they have a lot of … difficult commonalities and clashes of personality. Boss is a difficult man with a lot on his shoulders — a lot of responsibility, a lot of stress, just … a lot. And Mereel? Mereel is someone good at managing stress — out of necessity, and practice, and effort.
And the thing with Mereel is he’s fun, he’s easy, and he demands nothing. Boss doesn’t need to take care of him, because Mereel can take care of himself — and sometimes Mereel can take care of Boss, whether he likes it, or not (or likes to say he doesn’t when he does).
Boss certainly needs someone like that, especially after long days and hard nights with other people always needing him, depending on him. It’s good, it’s necessary, to have someone for whom he can truly relax and let his guard down around — that he can trust implicitly, and be allowed to be vulnerable, to have his ugly parts exposed, and still be loved unconditionally, because that’s just what Mereel’s best at doing.
Parja and Mereel
This also came as a result of SW RP, and mostly takes place in an AU where … Parja and Fi’s relationship inevitably crumbles, and they split — but they split amicably, and remain friends. Parja remains a mechanic and never is forced to give up her shop because of (poor misogynistic writing and) Kal. 
Mereel and Parja and Bardan are all particularly good friends and get up to all kinds of nonsense and pranks, and prank wars.
And … sometimes, late nights spent tinkering on separate projects in the same space, late nights working on the same projects, late nights spent together — and sometimes Mereel can’t quite come clean that he needs someone, that well after the conclusion of the war he needs physical contact in order to sleep.
And after the end of what Parja put too much stock and energy into what she hoped would be a sure future, a sure thing — maybe it hurts too much to sleep alone, but it’s too much of a risk to fill that empty space with romance when she’s not ready. Why not someone she trusts, that she knows would never, not ever, not in a million years, ever cross that boundary — someone who would never violate that trust, never take the invitation to share her bed as anything more than just that: a mutually beneficial way to get some rest.
Sometimes feelings happen. Gradually, and slow, and sneaks up on even the most vigilant. After a while, it becomes expected. After a while, it becomes wanted. After a while, they become needed.
other ships I’ve fallen into that I don’t have time/want to explain:
Fixer/peace of mind
Uthan/Mij (but way more hostile on Uthan’s part)
Walon/his star-crossed princess (literally, a real thing. I can’t get over how this is an actual thing)
Clone Wars:
admittedly, it’s been a while since I watched the series all the way through, but … repeating the warning for clone/clone bc that’s a thing in here, and the explanations are shorter bc, again, it’s been a while.
Marshal Commander Cody and Captain Rex
Their personalities mesh so well together, and honestly they’re just … so compatible ??? They also work so well together, went through training together … if there’s anyone Rex can really trust implicitly, it’s Cody.
Their friendship grows over the series and expanded (Legends) materials, and just … it works, in the way they need it to work.
Echo and Fives
Just punch me right in the chest.
really any combination from Domino Squad
because we all need tragedy in our hearts
General Aayla Secura and Commander Bly
You know … for the most part, I’m a little leery on ships like this where there’s a clear and obvious potential for really serious coercion. Most Clone/Jedi-who-are-their-direct-superiors tend to fall into this category.
but I’m just a sucker for Bly-post-war angst, for the conflict of fraternizing with a superior, with trying to navigate that Aayla really did have his life in her hands, and then the conflict of navigating those feelings surrounding killing her at the end of the war.
I’m a terrible person.
Duchess Satine Kryze and Obi-wan Kenobi
let me just like … repeat the above. My one thing about this is that I hate how Satine was killed off for Kenobi-man-pain, and generally only want to know stories that you know … fix-it, lmao, or give her a more respectable death that was written with better care to her character and her arc
Ventress and Obi-wan Kenobi
All of that flirting went fuck and nowhere. What a hugely missed opportunity — especially when Ventress was trying to work towards being better, or making a life for herself, turn over a new leaf or whatever.
I mean, we all know she hangs out in the kind of tapcafs Kenobi loves to get drunk in, let’s be honest with ourselves.
clone wars crack!ships :
I’m sorry in advance lmao
Captain Rex and Lieutenant Mereel
“What the hell.” Listen.
“Did this come out of SW RP?” HOW DID YOU GUESS.
Much like the other ships with Mereel, it’s all contingent on … Mereel operating as a free agent — a solo operator. Mereel pulling strings and favors across the GAR to make things just a little bit easier for Rex, for clearing up or speeding up administrative bull shit so that Rex can focus on getting what he needs for his men in a reasonable amount of time — or free up some time for himself.
And with the way Mereel’s … operations tend to go, paths sometimes cross that didn’t before. 
Anyway, who doesn’t like camping?
Quinlan Voss and Obi-wan Kenobi
Listen … they have a kind of fun playfully antagonistic thing going on. I don’t know if I could ever seriously ship it, mostly bc everyone who falls in love with either of them straight up die, so we come to a “unstoppable force vs immovable object” impasse if this ship ever actually came to fruition.
that and fandom can be kinda … gross w/ this ship sometimes so I’ve been avoiding it lately for that reason.
Senator Padme Amidala and Duchess Satine Kryze
how can anyone watch the episodes where they’re together and not see how good they are together. and like, the men in their lives, cause their deaths. so why not just … leave their men for each other?
Everyone wins.
not exactly clone wars honorable mention:
Ahsoka Tano and Kaeden Larte
I ship it so hard. if only !!! if only they didn’t meet when they did, when Ahsoka wasn’t as wounded, still, from the fallout of the end of The Clone Wars. and all of that tragedy. i just.
I just !!! ugh. they’re so good together.
aaand I think that’s all of them, or at least all that I can remember off the top of my head for now.
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izzyovercoffee · 7 years
RepComm for the fandom meme
send me a fandom and I’ll — meme
softly, with a lot of feeling: I’ve been waiting for this moment.
lmaoo not really but yes, yes really. I am here and I am ready for this. 
Thank you for sending this B’)
Republic Commando
the character i least understand
Karen “What Is Abuse I Don’t Know Her″ Traviss
Ko Sai. I think, for the most part, she was written with very alien motivations, and it was fairly successful, at least in conveying that it was difficult if not impossible to relate with her on any level. 
I’m sure if I spent more time thinking and writing about her I could maybe attempt to understand her character … but for the most part I don’t really “get” her, and I think that’s the point.
interactions i enjoyed the most
Mereel and Ordo are endlessly entertaining. 
Any of the Nulls together, individually or clusters or all six in one room.
Mereel and Etain have had some very, very touching, emotionally deep moments — the kinds of scenes KT generally doesn’t allow any of her characters to have between two characters that aren’t romantically involved.
tbh this list is gonna be very long so to sum up: everyone with everyone else, when they’re allowed to be individual characters with separate personalities and motivations recognized, instead of twisted into very specific moral representations that KT pushes towards the end.
the character who scares me the most
Walon Vau is reasonably frightening, though really he should be. He is about as cold blooded of a killer as you’re going to get, and he doesn’t make threats, he makes promises. B’) 
Plus he’s also very difficult to get into the mental space to write, because he’s a legitimate Bad Person, and trying to write characters like him can be difficult.
it’s also a good idea to maintain a healthy fear of the nulls, if only out of respect of their potential for sudden and extreme violence. They’re not as “unpredictable” as the text says, though.
the character who is mostly like me
mmm … actually, I’m gonna go with Kal. this is probably gonna garner some “whaaat? but you HATE him?” 
Yes, I do hate him. but let me list some similarities lmao:
perpetual limp due to a bad ankle and persistent injury that never healed right / properly (partially kept as a constant reminder for a mistake)
short and angry, like all the time
compartmentalize everything and everyone
obsessive about caring for and protecting family, literally does everything for family
extremely secretive, to the point of never telling anyone the full story or full truth, everyone just get bits and pieces that seem complete. no one ever seems to realize this.
self sacrificing to the point of martyrdom, especially for family
these are all pretty negative, but … unlike Kal, I am actually self aware lmao and am working on these things, and have for the most part listened when other people criticize me so that I can continue to work on being better. it’s a daily process, you know, so I don’t hurt the family I care so much about.
Kal starts off terrible, and the writing implies that he might learn from it … but then instead of him learning and growing like everyone needs him to, the narrative instead makes excuses for him, everyone suffers, and Etain dies.
it’s unfortunate bc people like him exist, and you can’t coddle them if you want them to survive life. and yet everyone coddles Kal. Fandom, in general, coddles and makes excuses for abusive men. Full stop.
but like, here’s the thing:
He is a grown man. He is not a child. Don’t treat him like one.
I hate him partially bc the entire fandom excuses his behavior when it is, ultimately, inexcusable. He is not a child. He is a man, who has undertaken a huge group of extremely vulnerable people under his care, and he ultimately hurts them all. Severely. And TBH Kal deserves better than to be coddled and all his boo-boos kissed away by a fandom who says they care about the rest of the clan, but cannot see the sheer world-shattering damage Kal committed on them, regardless of intention. 
You can like a character, and still hold them accountable. Fandom, somehow, seems incapable of this level of nuance, especially if they’re a father and shown as sympathetic in any way.
hottest looks character
Mereel, obviously. lmao
No but like, consider: he dyes his hair (and his skin, and his eyes) and has a full wardrobe for all situations. 
He’s the (Daniel Craig) James Bond of the Grand Army of the Republic.
But I also headcanon Jilka and Besany to be incredibly fashion forward. Besany usually embodying the Career Professional woman, with very sharp, very perfectly tailored outfits that allow no room for nonsense.
Jilka also perfectly tailored, though her wardrobe is potentially more fun, visually, and incredibly flattering in all the right ways — but still very sharp, and very much professional when necessary.
one thing i dislike about my fave character
Mereel, light of my life, sun of my sky, salve of my wounded and broken heart, peace at the eye of my storm …
why are you like this?
lmao. On a more serious note, I can’t outright say I dislike anything about Mereel, but his inability to share what really goes on in his head with … well, anyone. The only time we see a truthful admittance to weakness is that single moment with Etain, when he admits that he’s still human. That he’s not perfect.
Every other time, and I know I say this a lot, but every other time … he deflects any serious conversation with a joke — and usually a joke that the speaker wants to hear (even if they don’t know they want to hear it). He doesn’t let anyone in, not even his brothers, and that’s … got to be a lonely sort of suffering. 
The kind of internalized suffering I’m sure he’s learned from Kal, both in the how to do it, and the reason he does it. bc Kal does internalize a lot of his suffering and doesn’t share it, burying weakness while in the same breath saying that he’s experiencing it and letting it go. He doesn’t, it’s just a different sort of self-delusion and deflection, and Mereel echoes it to a painful degree.
And then, of course, there’s Mereel learning that he needs to do it, bc Kal only accepts a certain kind of visual presence of mental illness and suffering, otherwise the person is “damaged” in some way and will never be “okay” for whatever understanding Kal has given okay. (view, for example, how he sees Ordo vs how he sees Mereel. He sees Mereel as stable, bc Mereel is extroverted, outgoing, and “always positive.” It’s not something intentional, but it’s still damaging, to all parties.)
one thing i like about my hated character
I might hate Kal Skirata, but I also love him. He’s a fantastic character. He is so so so flawed. His flaws make him interesting, and he tries. He tries so hard. He cares so much. He cares too much, even. His dedication and his love for his family are all encompassing, to the point that he can even be blinded to their faults because he loves so strongly.
But that love is a sword. One might even say it’s a triple-edged blade.
Love, as bright and fierce and consuming as it is, does not make someone right. It does not make their actions excusable when it leads to hurt, or even someone dying needlessly. It does not make one’s choices correct.
Love does not excuse abuse. And I really wish fandom would, at the very least, make the attempt to understand that.
a quote or scene that haunts me
Yes, I know how the Kaminoans did it. They used our genes against us, the ones that make us bond with our brothers, make us loyal, make us respect and obey our fathers—that’s what they manipulated to make us more likely to obey orders. They had to remove what made Jango a selfish loner, because that makes a bad infantry soldier, and you can tell from the Alpha ARCs that the Kaminoans weren’t wrong. But there’s one thing I don’t know yet—and that’s how they controlled the aging process. That’s the key. They robbed us of a full life span. But we will not be defeated by time, ner vod.
—ARC Trooper Lieutenant N-7—Mereel—in an encrypted transmission to Captain N-11, Ordo
a death that left me indifferent
mmm, Sev, actually. Like, in the game? I went through the whole grieving process after I finished Republic Commando. 
The way it was written? idk. It did nothing for me.
This probably is an unpopular opinion lmao but honestly, that scene? did not hit me anywhere. it just kinda left a bad taste in my mouth … much like Etain’s scene, except that I was actually pissed off about Etain lmao to the point that I still rant about it bc of how little sense it made.
a character i wish died but didn’t
I mean I could go the obvious route and say Kal, but I actually don’t wish Kal died. I just wish he’d learn from his mistakes and people would point out how he’s hurting his family lmao?
who do I actually wish died? any of the nulls, even if they don’t die die. They’re presented as these entirely Untouchable cast, to the point that no one really expect any of the Nulls to so much as get a paper cut — because how can they? they’re presented as close to perfect (obviously not in the mental illness department, but they do inhabit this space of being invincible).
and for any of them, even temporarily, to die would have had incredible emotional impact — moreso than Etain’s. It would’ve really brought home the threat on all their lives in a way that Etain’s death could never convey. 
but I’m asking nuance of a writer who clearly overwhelmed herself with a cast much larger than she could handle in writing, and who started all these incredible thematic arcs only to abandon them, forgotten, over the course of the series.
my ship that never sailed
I have a lot of ships, tbh, but it’s kinda like … weird? to talk about? as if I expected them to sail and then they just simply didn’t. 
I don’t have any ships that I expected to happen or be recognized and simply didn’t. I mean … Fi read as if closeted, so I was kind of hoping he would maybe realize he was attracted to men, but then of course he was paired off with his caretaker, and my god there are so many consent problems with that. 
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