#everyone and their mother has probably thought of this idc i love fake married trope
the-black-paladin · 30 days
Kenobi series where everything is the same except Cody is there helping Obi-Wan cause he just happened to show up after Bail called. They have to think of a cover story which goes smth like:
Obi-Wan: “We need a cover story. We’re farmers from Tawl, you’re my brother and we’re looking for our niece who was kidnapped.”
Cody: “That would never work, we look nothing alike.”
Obi-Wan: “Do you have a better idea?”
Cody: “Yes, we are parents looking for our lost daughter. Much more believable.”
Obi-Wan: “We’re married?”
Cody: “We’re married. Now start acting like it, my love.”
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