#everyday i'm chugging energy drinks
maranull · 3 months
the day i got a second indoor cat was the day i became a caffeine girly
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dayumbxxch · 6 months
Spoiled Memories
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Chapter two
The clicking of shoes on tile fills the halls of Smith's Grove. A young 22 year old with dull eyes follows behind Delores, learning what to do at her new job.
The hushed lunchroom made Y/N heart race; even though she knew none of the patients were paying her any attention she couldn't help but feel self conscious. 
Y/N's eyes glaze over as she mindlessly follows the older woman. Life had become dull and meaningless ever since she'd lost her brother. So she began to let her mind drift throughout the day to happier times. It had cost her a few jobs and almost a car crash once but she left more alive in her mind. 
"What were you saying?" 
"We have to go down the hall to deliver the food to the ones that have to stay in their rooms."
Nodding the girl follows behind her mentor, the hallway was pin-drop silent. "These patients are deemed as hazards or themselves..or to others." Delores's voice dropped near the end while glancing towards a door they had passed. 
Her lunch break approached rather quickly, leaving the break room Y/N began ease dropping on a conversation while grabbing a soda. 
"So how's the new girl?"      "Weird she doesn't really say anything. She just stands there silent and shit." 
Hearing enough Y/N turned on her heel and walked back into the break room. Throughout her years of being a recluse she learned not to care about anything really. 
She was here for money to find her brother. That was all she wanted ever since he went to jail and she was moved to a different foster home. 
"So have you met the boogeyman yet?" 
"Um..no I don't think I have"
Y/N's new coworker began a strange story. 
"So there was this boy in a town near here in haddonfield. And one day after the years of bullying and torment he snapped and killed his sister, a kid from his school, and his step dad. So he was brought here when he was just ten years old. His mom came to see him every week. Then he snapped again killing a nurse right after the doctor stepped out of the room. His mom tired of it all shot herself dead. And in the next room was her daughter the boogeyman's little sister Laurie. Now he rots away in his room and he smells terrible. He looks homeless and has really greasy hair."
The boy described rang an unforgotten bell in Y/N head. "What was his name?" The woman spun around a clipboard from beside her. 
Michael Myers
Y/N's heart skipped a little her golden childhood friend had murdered a bunch of people; he's now in the Sanitarium she just started working at. "I'm Isabella by the way!" "Y/N." 
"Elvis I'm home!" A beaten up looking Russian Blue cat jumped at the sound of the front door opening. "Hey honey are you hungry~" Sitting her keys down Y/N picks up her beloved pet and walks him over to the kitchen. 
The move wasn't awful since she didn't have much to unpack it only took a couple of hours. Elvis had gotten used to the new house already and even started exploring outside.
Y/N's life continues as dull as normal even with her late night runs to calm her mind before bed. Everyday seemed to be a repeat of the last. It had only been a week but it felt like a month. The shifts went by slow and her home time with Elvis went by fast.
As usual Y/N begins her day staring off into nothing while sitting in bed. A loud alarm jolts her out of her dazed state, she makes her way to the bathroom.
After doing her usual eyeliner to bring some attention to her e/c eyes instead of the ever darkening circles around her eyes.
The drive to work was the usual forty-five minutes filled with hard rock playing to keep her awake.
"Hey Isabella." Her voice was barely audible but her newly found friend understood her perfectly. "Hey hon how's it going?" The blonde sets an energy drink in front of Y/N as she drinks her own. "Since you're now working the early shift you get to meet the man, the myth, and the legend, Michael Myers and his little pal Dr. Loomis." 
Y/N rolls her eyes while chugging her drink quickly. Tears prick her eyes from the carbonation, blinking them away she stands up and follows her friend. 
"So he's the usual creep. He stares and stands there until you leave. He likes OJ and that's about all we know about him. Don't give him anything remotely sharp he has special silverware that will bend if he tries to stab anyone with it." 
Y/N bites the inner part of her lip and Isabelle picks up on her silence. "You'll be fine. The man has got to eat." She says while handing her a tray. "Him and Dr. Loomis are in there." She uses her head to motion towards two doors. 
"Go" Y/N gets pushed towards the double doors and gulps while  the guards let her inside. Not saying a word she sets Michael's tray on the table. Y/N's eyes flicker towards the huge man and her breath escapes her. She'd briefly met eyes with the man in the mask. 
"Thank you ma'am you may go. Now Michael can you look back at the picture please?" 
A heavy feeling settled in Y/N's stomach, she'd always had a knack for feeling people's stares. 
"Michael?... Michael!"
"Ma'am could you please come back here for a moment?" 
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Water Challenge
This month I decided to challenge myself and drink the recommended amount of water every day for at least a week to see if I can reap the benefits of being well-hydrated.
How much water should you drink:
Sources varied but the University of Missouri gave this calculation which I ended up following:
Your Weight * 0.5 = oz. of water per day
For me that's 65 ounces a day.
To do this properly, I grabbed one water bottle that was 22 oz and made that my metric for tracking my water intake.  Everyday, I had to finish this water bottle 3 times to make it to 66oz in a day, just a little over what I need.
I didn't count any water I consumed through other liquids like juices or coffee and I also didn't include any water I happened to drink from a glass during a meal.
Doing it this way would not only guarantee that I'm drinking the 66oz but also allow me to drink slightly more than that.
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Met Goal.
Ended up eating a salty snack to help me make the goal. Feeling pretty normal, no noticeable differences.
Met Goal.
I worked out so I was able to finish a bottle quickly. Kind of bloated but could just be what I ate. Not noticing anything in particular yet.
Met goal.
I had three big gulps left that I took the following morning.
Took my water bottle with me when hanging out with a friend.
Met goal.
Had to chug 1 whole bottle before going to sleep. Getting a bit easier to drink more water
Met goal.
Did not meet goal.
Had 1 water bottle worth left and ended up leaving my water bottle at a different place but it was also a rough day so I won't fault myself.
Did not meet goal.
Switched to a 17 oz water bottle and was only able to get through 1 and a half
Also kind of a rough day so I'm trying to be kind to myself.
Met goal.
Chugged water before bed but back on track mostly
I think my biggest problem with staying hydrated is I don't often want to drink water. Unless I'm working out or it's hot I often forget to drink it, nor do I really want to.
I think doing this challenge helped me get better about actually drinking and realizing for myself that I am capable of doing this. Knowing that I'm capable makes all the difference in continuing to maintain it in the future.
A week is too short of a time to really see results but I think overall I had a little bit more energy and definitely felt healthier.
Though I fell short a few days, I tried not to beat myself up about it since that wouldn't really lead to anything productive, so I just focused on doing better the next day.
I will be continuing this moving forward, trying to meet the goal of at least 2 water bottles a day.
Thanks for reading! I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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ventura-starlight · 3 years
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hello my babes <33 sorry it's been so long. school hit me like a bus :p we are so close to 400 followers which is crazy!! I love and appreciate you all <333 these are my personal favorite pairings and if you are ever interested in coffee suggestions I'm your girl :)
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BLACK COFFEE AND A SCONE: these people either chose this because they have shit to get done or they did it because they got nervous ordering and this was the first thing they say. Either way, they chug the coffee down possibly working on homework or assignments into the late evening. scones are a way to soak up the intense caffeine, and I mean soak it up. Scones can be dry as hell but yet they still eat them...weird
->asahi, enoshita, SAKUSA, shirabu
ICED CARAMEL COFFEE WITH A WARM COOKIE: okay, literally some of the kindest souls in the world. they love sweet things and find it as a comfort after a busy day. hesitantly they will ask for the cookie to be warmed up a little bit only to smile wide when the worker says that's not a problem. also the best tippers <333
->YACHI, hinata, TENDŌ, aone [small smile]
ICED AMERICANOS WITH A SPECIALTY SANDWICH: THESE PEOPLE HAVE THEIR SHIT TOGETHER. sorry for the aggression but unlike the people who order black coffee these people walked in with their order ready to be said. hardly do they ever branch out, rather focused on all the things they are going to use the caffeine to achieve. sitting in the Cafe itself so they'll ask for the sandwich in a to go bag to enjoy later. always polite and patient <33
->iwaizumi, YAKU, KIYOKO, osamu
CHAI MADE WITH OATMILK: classy bitches <33 they seriously drink this everyday without fail. these people are rarely hungry so they just get the drink and leave. probably have stomach issues [hot people have stomach issues] so they always ask for oatmilk instead of normal cow's milk. probably is rushing to get the beverage and run because they slept in and are late for something
->TSUKISHIMA, suna, sugawara, SAEKO,
HIBISCUS ICED TEA AND A CHEESE DANISH: honestly hot beverages aren't their style. they complain that coffee is too bitter and hot tea just burns their mouth too often. Ice tea is their preferred option because it's refreshing rather than energy inducing. cheese danishes are the perfect balance between savory and sweet! so polite when ordering and give a HEFTY tip [like 5 dollars?!?!?!? THAT'S SO MUCH OMG]
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@sarahcameronss @risjime @shimishimii @rintah0e
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Ig this would be the.. intro? I dunno. It's just gonna be a storyline of how I ended up here. I'm sorry that it's so long
I used to be mildly into benadryl when I was in middle school. I took it a few times for it's intended purpose not thinking nothing of it but then I started noticing I like the drowsiness of it
Which led me to taking some damn near everyday before school. It wasn't anything crazy. I think the most I did was 50 mg. But most days it was the basic ass 25
My parents started hiding our pills after I opened up about a suicide attempt in 8th and up until very recently, we had no medicine at our reach.
I guess I wasnt that addicted. I was slightly salty but I moved on pretty quick. And after a while, I looked back at that time like.. oh WOW uh. That coulda been a problem. Least I dodged it? 😅
I'm now 19 (was 18 when all this first went down tho). I went to visit my mom for Christmas and during the trip I got a bad sinus infection. Tho I didn't realize that was what it was. She ended up giving me some of my younger sisters benadryl. It was. So fucking gross. It was liquid and it was not as potent since it was for kids so I had to take what felt like gallons of it.
By the end of the trip she told me I could just take the rest cause she didn't need it really and I might have issues again from being around all those ppl again on my way back
I didnt really think nothing of it. I liked the feeling but I wasn't thinking about going to my old ways at the time
But there was this day that I was just bored. And I saw the bottle staring at me. And I was just like meh. Why not?
Which is what landed me here. I liked it so much. I decided to buy some tablets on my own so I could do it again. My best friend used to abuse dph so she was casually telling me about some concoction she took that had her feeling nice and I decided I wanted to try it too
It hit me hard those first few times. I was taking random doses with loads of Tylenol. I couldn't tell you how much I took half the time. I would just be dancing around my room, chugging whatever energy drink i picked and taking em as I felt like it was starting to taper some.
Those first few times were. Very weird. My memory was so bad I was forgetting things mid thought/sentence. I had a really hard time talking to my bsf when I was gone off it. My vision wss lowkey blurry and I would be thinking about something and forget that I'm just THINKING it and it's not actually happening and by the time I look back down, ive texted her some nonsense
She used to find it funny tbh. She did warn me against using Tylenol frequently as she fucked her liver at the ripe age of 17 abusing that. So I decided to stop mixing and just focus on benadryl and monsters. Then I started to run out of money for energy drinks so I decided to just up my dosages so I'd feel good off of benadryl alone
I think by this point I started taking... 500? Damn near everyday. Once it was nighttime, I would get high. Unless I didn't feel like it or I forgot, I was high
I used to doordash it to me so my parents wouldn't get suspicious about me going places and only walking out with pills and drinks. But I quickly ran through sm money doing that. Doordash is expensive as is but after a point the packs I was buying would last all of a day or two.
By the time this was going on it was still all jokes and I still felt like I wasn't doing any harm. And she didn't either. We both got high together at one point. We just talked and did our thing til we passed out on vc. I believe this was around... February?
This is gonna seem random but. You remember how I said I visited my mom for Christmas? I got there by flight. But in order to get a cheap ticket I had to sit around and wait for my next flight. There was like... 10 hours of downtime. At the time, me and my best friend didn't talk for that that long. We'd play games together and vc, but usually once we got bored we'd talk for a bit more and say our goodbyes. But this layover junk had me scared. 10 hours is a long ass time. Someone could snatch me up or rob me. I dunno. I guess I was being paranoid
But I asked her one day if she minded staying on vc with me during it. And to my surprise she said yeah. I tried to warn her and shake her off the day of. She seemed sleepy and I was honestly nervous to be talking to her for that long. I thought she'd get bored and just be mad that she agreed
I've always been really antsy and was always worried about people being annoyed by how quiet I am. So I usually overcompensate. But with everything going on, I really couldn't keep up the bubbly thing for that long. I think by hour 4 I was done. My thighs stung from me wearing these jeans I had to pull up every 5 seconds, I was hungry but I didn't wanna eat in her ear, and I was really sleepy.
But even with all that said, it ended up being.. so fun. I wasn't even doing anything particularly interesting. But that's honestly what made it fun. Being on the phone with her taught me what comfortable silence felt like. It was... really nice to have someone I didn't have to worry about doing all that for. She didn't act any different towards me whether I'm on 1000% or being a hermit. She said she'd be there and she was determined to be there.
And while I didn't realize it at the time, I now see that day as when I fell for her. It iss. Kinda weird to think about now. To sum up the rest, we started talking way more; to a point where we were on vc for days and days at a time and we could go hours talking about whatever. Our families started to be familiar with us, to a point where they felt comfortable talking to me and vice versa. Those few months were amazing really
But ofc. All good things must come to an end. I didn't really realize it but she started catching feels as well. But, her girlfriend broke up with her. I guess its fair. We were always talking and shed forget to text her back being busy doing shit with me. She actually said she felt the same way towards me. But she decided that she should be focusing on fixing/proving herself to girlfriend even if that meant ignoring what all happened between us.
It still stings a lot. But at the time?? It was. A huge shock. I already was kinda letting go entirely in front of her. It had gotten to the point where we were always on the phone. So having her just like. Hey yeah I did say I love you and I do, but I love my girlfriend more so we can't talk like that anymore. I was sobbing. I didn't understand what I should do. How could she literally sit there and do all that and just.. boom yeah no more of that. I enjoyed it and you enjoyed it but we can't. I can't lose her
I felt so pathetic and I just wanted to stop thinking about it. Which led me to try to forget it with dph. And it didn't work. At all. I was still scream crying into my bed wishing I could go back to the not so complicated times of before. We were just existing. Enjoying each others company and doing what we felt like. But now, I have to worry about stepping on toes and being conscious of how often we speak cause her girlfriend will get upset if we talk too often
I couldn't even blame the gf tbh. It was completely fair for her to be upset. Which made it feel.. so much worse. I didn't know who to be mad at
And i just.. couldn't figure it out. So I kept going to dph. It got to a point where it wasn't even helping much. It just felt routine. This all went down late february/early march and between now and then, I was almost never sober. I'd stop for at most a few days. Then I'd start crying or something and go back. Not even entirely cause of her anymore. Just everything. I was so fragile. Anything that even mildly irritated me would make me want dph. Plus, it didn't help that I have been genuinely haviing big issues going on anyway.
Before all this went down, I failed a course and lost a scholarship that was the only reason I could afford the in the first place. So I dropped out. Or tried to. My uni's semesters were structured where there was 3 months of school and 3 months of work but none of their job opportunities were close enough to be feasible. So I technically was in school but.. not? I dropped out late february. And after a while of slow back and forth about that, by the time they finally let me out the school, they decided to drop the bombshell that the charges on my account were not for the winter 2022 term, they were from the fall. I'm assuming it's payment for the lost scholarship but I now owe them nearly 7k and they won't give me my transcript until I clear that.
I already had to borrow money anyway so I now owe... 22k? I believe? From one singular semester.
That all coming together is what made me spiral. I had learned that all about late april and I only had a week left to turn in my application for my next school. But now? No chance. I don't have 7k lying around so I can't prove I went to school. So i'm fucked. Least til Summer term
But, I think I'll be on the hook for my student loan soon. I haven't been in school since January. So it just. piled up. I never wanted to be here anyway and now I'm going to be stuck slaving working off my debt for something I was never really that interested in.
I was constantly high around this time. I'd usually wait til nighttime but then? I couldn't stand to be with my thoughts period. I was taking 600 and up everyday. Sleeping whenever and waking up, taking more, then going back to sleep.
Towards the end of this months long streak, I was planning on killing myself. I saw that if the student dies, loan debt would be cleared and I figured my uni wouldn't be pressed enough to hound the family of a dead ex student over 7k. I had it all prepared and everything and I was fully ready. I had bought a 1000 pill bottle of dph a little bit before all the stuff between me and my best friend went down and I still had plenty. I had gotten used to taking grams and up atp as well. So I figured all I had to do is take a few grams and wait.
But, I tried to give my best friend a heads up as in the past, I said I would. I didn't want to lie even if that did mean scaring her for the moment. I didn't say it outright. I was just being real ominous and telling her to find someone cooler if I take too long to be online again and shit. But omg.. It stung so hard to see how scared she was. I thought I was doing her a favor for letting her know that I possibly wouldn't be around but she was so fucking scared. And I felt horrible for it. Ofc, I know that is better than hitting her blind and lying. But yeah.
I couldn't go through with it though. There was so many times where I was going to but I was dreading not speaking to her. I hated ignoring her. And I just started thinking on if I survived. I'd have so much to explain to my parents. Plus, they'd be babying me for however long they end up doing that this time and they'd be watching me for a bit. I wouldn't be able to get high for a looooong time if I get caught
So I just. Stayed. Not really cause I want to but cause I don't want to deal with the consequences of me not staying. And in the meantime I got even more fucked off dph. I was getting to a point where I could barely feel anything below 300mg and I'd for the most part being taking shit in the 750-1k range. I think the highest I've gone was 1.25k? I dunno
But it got... really old. After you get into super high dosages the dry mouth thing turns into a lot more than just dry mouth. It became routine to be using eye drops 24/7 just to read texts cause my eyes were so dry they were making everything blurry. I'd feel so sick and sleepy for days after. And I was always so fucking thirsty.
So I tried to replace it with other shit. I tried to get back into dxm. I really liked it and that one time me and my best friend got high on it together made me chase that same feeling for a good while before I gave up on it and got back to dph. I tried to get back into it recently but swallowing all those damn pills is just. Too much. I tried delta 8. She really harped on it being good and she seems to really like smoking but for me? Delta 8 wasn't nearly strong enough for me to consider it a replacement to dph. I'd sit there and smoke all day and feel slightly different. It ended up getting used solely as a booster for when I took dph.
And that about brings us to now. I've gone a week here and there "quitting" benadryl but. I always circle back. I get really shaky and moody when I withdraw cold turkey so recently when I did it I made sure to taper instead. And it worked... relatively well. I was still was more irritable than usual but I wasn't ticcing so. Good enough
Uh is that offensive to say? I dunno. It's the firdt thing that came to mind. The first time I did it I kept jerking my head to left and I did it so much my neck was burning and cramping. I couldn't stop it unless I was in front of others out of fear of getting caught and even that was only to an extent. I couldn't control it at all and I couldn't sleep for 3 days cause my head just kept on jerking
I thought I'd be done for good after that last one tbh. But I was going to try dxm again cause I was falling off the deep end again and I wanted benadryl but I figured dxm would be a good replacement for the time being as I already had enough for 3rd plat on deck and I really don't have the money to buy anything else. So I took my usual nausea concoction so I won't puke up all the pills. 3 pepto bismol pills and a small amount of benadryl.
What I wasn't thinking of, however, is that my tolerance had greatly lowered since I wasn't taking high ass doses 24/7. at the time I was doing dxm regularly I was use to half grams of dph so 150 was really nothing
But that wasn't the case. I was waiting for the benadryl to kick in so that I'd know when I was good to get going with taking all 80 million of the damn dxm pills. But once the dph kicked in.. I really wasn't thinking about dxm anymore. It felt so good. I missed it sm.
I am. Kinda sad that I'm back to it. As I'm writing this I'm off a 3pm 200mg dose. It's really just the remnants atp but better than nothing ig. I've been trying to keep my doses as small as I can. But with that, I've been a lot more comfortable being high throughout the day so ig it aint that much of an improvement. It's gotten to the point where I'll take it when I'm out and about as well. I was just at the mall bout to pass out cause I decided to take some while I was there.
I just. I dunno. It just feels right atp. I'm so fucking sad all the damn time and this at least diverts my focus. I don't have to be sad about what a failure I've become. I can just focus on being sad about how sick I feel or how much I hate being dependent on allergy medicine. And people don't realize it but they prefer me high. I swear. Within the week I was off it I was told I looked sickly, depressed, and I bummed out my best friend a multitude of times.
I'm less self-conscious on it. I'm just so focused on staying up that it takes more effort for that sort of thing to poke through. So it usually doesn't. 99% of the pictures I take are when I'm high and everyone has been really glad I'm "getting out my shell" I've never been huge on pictures but. lol.
I've never really had too much off the hallucinatory effects benadryl is popular for. Ofc, I've had my moments towards the beginning but nowadays? Never. Unless I nap on it I'm pretty much normal. When I sleep uh. it gets fuzzy ngl. But all the shit about like. Hatman, static, spiders? Never. I just daydream more vividly and I do gotta put in the effort to not forget that's all they are. Plus, it makes music so much better. It's so nice to be able to listen to a song cause I like it rather than to drown out my thoughts. It makes all the basic shit just. Feel good.
Though, I know I need to stop at some point. I'm constantly dehydrated and I'm going to build a tolerance again. I've been good about not going over 200 lately but give it a week and I'm sure something's going to upset me to where I go over that
I'm going to use this page to go into specifics about my habit cause now that she's concerned about it, I don't want to talk to her on it more than I have to. So that will include, thoughts and feelings and possibly symptoms if I'm feeling up for it. It's mostly for me to keep track but if anyone wants to watch feel free.
Though, I'll say this much. If you are going to try and talk me out of it, don't. Not saying it like that but. I know what I'm doing is harmful. I already have an ulcer off the mere 5 months I've been doing this and my heart does it's own thing at times. And to the droves of ppl that love to scream oH sMoKe iNsTeAd!1!11! or jUsT dO dXm!!!1!!111!! pay for it and I will. til I can afford to casually drop the money to buy bottle after bottle of pills for dxm or the copious amounts of weed I'd need to replace dph, I'm just gonna do me and try my best. Sorry if that ain't good enough for yall as well.
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Tommy on his third day of working without sleep:
Karl: *dressed in ancient greek toga with a cowboy hat storming into his shop, hiding behind the counter and making a gesture for him to be silent about it*
Time Police: *storm inside, thinking he's a fae* have you seen a dangerous time traveling criminals?
Tommy, not looking up from his fashion magazine: nope
Time Police: understandable have a nice day
cue to the time police leaving and Karl aswell after thanking him and buying a Hoodie (iconic swirl one)
Tommy internally: either these were dedicated role players or I'm having hallucinations again, better get another energy drink
Ranboo who saw all of that happen in the span of 10 min: 👁👄👁
- 🤡
Everyday, Ranboo becomes a little bit more afraid of his new workplace-it just feels like it's on an entirely different plane of existence, and he fears one day he may not return from it.
Also, I love how Tommy's reaction to possible hallucinations is 'time to chug another can of caffeine'. Sleep? Please, he has far better things to do.
At this point, the only thing keeping him from finally going 'okay, what's going on' is blurry vision from lack of sleep and sheer force of will.
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unloved-cadillac · 4 years
I'm a simp for reiner 😩 so if you're open to it, could you do reiner and a fem reader doing 7 minutes minutes in heaven? And maybe it goes further later on in the night?
C/n: simp for Reiner? You’re talking to the right person. I couldn’t decide whether to make this in the canon universe or modern au, so chose the Modern Au with 22 year old Reiner ;) Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
7 Minutes With You Isn’t Enough.(Reiner x Reader Oneshot)
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Mmm, party night. The night to unwind from the college stress and to just relax.
Senior year of college had its fair share of ups and downs. Now, after finals and weeks of late night studying and chugging down energy drinks to stay awake to study, it was all finally over.
After your final paper, everyone yelled and laughed at the relief of finishing. You walked out of your exam room and waited your best friend by the stairs. Your phone started buzzing with celebratory messages from your friends and others.
“Oi, Y/n!!” You lift your head up and look at Armin. “We’re finally done, Armie!!!” You ran to him and leaped into his arms to crush him in a bear hug. “Yes! I’m so glad.” He laughs out and sets you back down. “How was it?” He asks and you scoff. “Piece of cake. Yours?” “Same. Hey listen. Let’s go to the Waffle House tonight. I’ve been craving that chocolate waffle for weeks now.” He emphasizes the “weeks” while rubbing his stomach and you chuckle at him. Yeah, the both of you had almost little to no time to spend together so hopefully this break you two would spend everyday together.
You two were walking down the stairs and you bumped into someone on the way and tripped onto them. “Whoa there.” Says the voice that you absolutely adored. His large hands were set on your waist and your hands were on his shoulders. You lifted your head up and looked at your savior. “R-Reiner. Thanks.” You stutter out and straighten yourself out. “No problem. ‘Sup Armin.” He greets Armin and Armin waves. “Hey Reiner. How was your paper?” “Good.” He answers and looks back at you, smirking. “There’s a party happening at Annie’s tonight. Hoping to see you there, Y/n.” Reiner winks and walks past you, making you blush.
“Oh shit.” Armin whispers and catches your dazed out face from trying to smell Reiners cologne. “What happened?” You ask as Armin looks through his phone. “I guess we’re going to a party tonight. Annie just sent me the invite.” He shows you the message and your phone dings as well. You check and smile. “Yeah me too. Hey. Don’t you have a thing for her?” You suddenly ask and Armin stutters. “U-Uhh y-yeah. I’m hoping to ask her out tonight.” He whispers and your eyes widen and jump onto his back. “Yes! Finally!!” You excitedly say and Armin chuckles. “And what about Reiner, Ms Y/n?” Armin asks and you hop off his back and smile. “I don’t know. We’ll see.”
Later that day, you were in your room getting ready. Armin was sitting on your bed waiting for you. You had a pair of skinny jeans on a tight black shirt on, which showed off your curves perfectly. Your neck was bare and only had a simple pair of earrings with your watch on. “What time is it, Armie?” You ask as you touch up your lipstick. “Time for us to leave. Let’s go.” He says and wakes up from your bed. You chuckle and grab your jacket. “Where’s Annie’s again?” “Uh, a block from here.” Armin says while he checks his phone while you lock up your apartment door.
You and Armin walk to Annie’s house while chatting here and there. Armin was telling you about the “cute” thing Annie did a couple of days ago. “And she sneezed and I swear my heart busted the fastest UwU everrr.” He explains and holds his cheeks making you giggle at his shyness. “Oh Armie.” You exhale a laugh while patting his back. Few minutes later, you both heard loud ass music coming from a house with party lights and dozens of cars in the driveway.
“This is it.” Armin says and walks with you up the driveway.
A lot of people were already there and one of them being Eren. “Y/n! Armin!” He waves and takes a sip of his drink. You smile and hug him and Armin shakes his hand. “Where’s Mikasa?” Armin asks looking around. “Upstairs. She’ll be down in a minute. But let’s go get you both a drink, yeah?” Eren says as he wraps his free arm around your neck. The three of you walk into the house and man, the music was blasting. Alcohol everywhere. It really was the perfect party.
Eren pours you and Armin drinks and hands them to you. “Y/n. You look good. Really good. Been working out?” Eren asks as you sip your drink. “Little bit. But I’ll get back into it now that finals are over. Thanks.” You smile and Armin locks eyes with Annie. She leaves her group of friends and walks over to him. Armin nudges your side, earning your attention with pain. “Ow, asshole. What?” You ask him and look in the direction he was and see Annie. She waves at you and you wave back. “Annie!” You throw your arms around her and hug her while she hugs back. “Thanks for coming.” She tells you and you smile. “Thanks for the invite.” As you were about to pull away, she locks you back in. “Reiner will be here in a couple of minutes.” She whispers and pulls back to see your blushing face. You nod and Annie goes to Armin. “Hi.” She greets him. “Hi.” He responds and she hugs him.
You turn to look at the pair and smile at Armin. Annie whispers something in his ear which made him turn red in a second. She takes his hand and drags him away from you. You wave a goodbye and sip your drink while looking around to see all familiar faces. Ymir and Christa on the couch, Connie and Sasha eating the snacks, and many more. You leaned against the counter when you heard someone scream:
You almost drop your cup at the yelling but look towards the door where a very drunk Colt drags Reiner in the house. “Everyone! Reiner’s here!” He yells out and everyone cheers. Reiner chuckles to himself and looks around, and his eyes land on you. You smirk behind your cup while holding eye contact with the tall man.
Reiner left his friends and stalked his way over to you, making your heart beat fast in your chest. You may look composed on the outside, but on the inside your butterflies surfaced. Reiner stands in front of you and leans forward, and reaches behind you for a cup. His front was almost pressed against yours but his neck was right in front of your face. God he smelled amazing.
He leans back and looks at you. “Hey, Y/n.” He greeted and you flickered your eyes back and forth from his eyes to his lips. “Hi, Reiner.” You breathe out and he smiles at your nervousness. ”We’re finally done with finals, huh?” He says and looks at your lips. “Yeah. Finally.” You whisper. As he leans into you, a shout of both of your names startle you. “Reiner! Y/n! Come on. We’re gonna play some games!” Marcel calls and the both of you pull away. Reiner clears his throat at the awkward tension. “Shall we?” He motions to the lounge and you nod. “Yeah.”
The both of you went into the lounge where a circle of people formed. Luckily, it was everyone that knew. An open seat was next to Armin and you took it. Reiner sat next to Porco who was across from you. “Oh hey.” Armin greets you and you greet back. “Where’s Annie?” You ask. “She’s in the backyard. Some of her other friends wanted to talk to her.” Armin replies as he sips his beer. You nod and steal a glance of Reiner, who was already looking at you.
“Alrighty everybody,” Eren began, “The game that was voted the highest was 7 Minutes in Heaven!” He yelled out causing everyone to make “oohs” and “aahs”. Many looked at each other, analyzing who would kiss who etc. Eren shot down the last of his beer and placed the bottle in the middle of the circle. “Everyone is surely familiar with the rules. So, without further ado, let’s begin. Marcel! You start.” Eren says and sits in his spot next to you.
Marcel spins and it lands on Pieck. Everyone “ooh”ed and cheered for Marcel. He had been crushing on Pieck for months now and finally could make a move. “Alright you two. Go into that closet and make out. We’ll be timing you for 7 minutes so hop to it. Oh and we want to see a hickey on one of you at least.” Eren says, making everyone laugh. Marcel wakes up and takes Piecks hand and leads her to closet where it was locked from the outside by Eren.
Seven minutes passed by fast and the pair came out with Marcel a bit out of breath. “Show it. Show it. Show it.” Everyone begins to chant and Marcel pulls down his collar to show a bright bruise on his neck. Everyone cheered and the girls giggled with Pieck.
“Ok. Who’s next?” Eren asked and looked around. “Me.” Your eyes shoot up to who said it and it was Reiner. He takes the bottle and looks at you. That look he gave you made you burn up. You sipped your drink and waited. Maybe you wanted it to land on you. Scratch that, you did want it to land on you.
“Spin Reiner!” Eren shouts and Reiner spins the empty bottle. It twirls and twirls until it stopped. Right on you.
Reiner smirked to himself while everyone cheered. Armin slapped your back and you smiled. You looked up from your cup and saw Reiner smiling. “Alright, lovebirds. Get in the closet. You know what to do.” Eren winked at you and you woke up and walked to the closet with Reiner right behind you. You both entered the small closet and the door was closed and locked.
Now it was just the two of you.
No music. No other people. No distractions. Just the two of you.
You played with your hands nervously and Reiner saw your tenseness. He took your hands in his and made you look up at him. He was so damn tall. “Y/n. We won’t do anything you don’t want.” He whispers and you shake your head. “No. I want to. I’m just nervous, that’s all.” You chuckle out and Reiner moves his hands around your waist and brings you closer. His left hand cupped your cheek and you lean into his palm. “Can I kiss you?” He asks and you nod. “Say it, Y/n. I need to hear that you want me.” Reiner explains. “I want you, Reiner. Please.” You say softly and bring his lips to yours.
You moved perfectly with each other. Tongues intertwined and moans spilled from both of you. Reiners large hands moved down to your ass, then your thighs and hoisted you up. He pinned you to the closet wall and moved his lips from yours down to your neck. “Aah, Reiner~” you moan and he groans. He nips your neck and bites softly making you gasp. He grinder into you and you pushed your hips down to meet his. He attacked your sweet spot forcefully and continued to draw out those beautiful moans he longed to hear.
Knock Knock “2 more minutes!” You hear Eren’s voice and you groan. But Reiner doesn’t stop. He kisses all around your neck to the other side and attacks there as well. “R-Reiner. Two- fuck- Two minutes.” You gasp out and grip his hair. He doesn’t answer. Just continues to ravage your neck with love bites.
“Time’s up!” Eren says and Reiner pulls away from your neck with a pop! His face flushed as well as yours, he lowers you down and holds you steady. Both of you were panting and the closet door was unlocked. “Meet me outside.” You tell him and walk out. Everyone looked at you and saw your disheveled hair and love bites all around your neck. “Damn Reiner. You don’t play games, huh?” Porco remarks and everyone chuckles. You smile and wave goodbye to everyone, Armin and go to get your jacket.
Reiner followed close behind and walked to get his jacket as well. You walked outside and waited for him. Suddenly, a pair of strong arms wrapped around your middle and kissed your cheek. You smile and he moves down to the side of your neck. “Mmm Reiner~ I’m a block away from here.” You appealed and he hummed in acknowledgement. “Let’s go then.”
You took his hand in yours and dragged him to your apartment. It took everything in him to not just take them and there on a wall but he behaved. He waited for you for so long so he wasn’t going to let this go to waste. Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest. After all this time, you finally had him. Months of flirting back and forth, you were both glad you waited until finals finished. Now, you two could pay special attention to one another.
As soon as you unlocked your door, Reiner lifted you up and threw you over his shoulder. “Ah! Oh my god, Reiner!” You laugh out and shut your door behind you. He chuckles and gives your ass a smack then walks to your bedroom. He throws you on your bed and hovers over your body. His hands rub your thighs and move up the side of your stomach, lifting up your shirt.
He leans down and captures your lips in his and you move your hands under his shirt, feeling his chiseled abs. Reiner groans and pulls away and takes off his shirt. He leans back to you and nudges your nose with his, making you giggle.
“7 minutes with you isn’t enough. Can I have you for forever?”
“I’ll leave the rest up to you. Idk why I’m not comfortable writing smut for Reiner. Maybe I’m still in love with him and I can’t show him my whore side yet. But soon.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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urlocal-gl1tch · 2 years
chat 2
donut changed the gc name to: exposing bitchless people
2:49 AM
bland hoe, man whore, ripoff badass miku, genderwho and carrot top came online
bland hoe: what-
man whore: the fact that we all collectively came online at the same time makes me laugh
ripoff badass miku: i mean we all were just taking a game break so-
genderwho: do yall people not have SCHOOL?? 💀🔫 genderwho: im trying to SLEEP 😀
bland hoe: we do we're just built different 🤪
ripoff badass miku: like you totally didn't chug down 3 energy drinks bc you wanted to spend more time with asuna 💀
genderwho: caught lackin 💀📸
carrot top: to say we're all sleep deprived would be an understatement
bland hoe: AINT NO WAY 💀✋🏻
genderwho: IM CRYINGG 😭
walking red flag, wannabe emo, and god came online
walking red flag: what happened to hi, hru-
wannabe emo: emma turn off your damn ringer oml i can hear it from over here, ur gonna attract the monsters 💀
orphan #1 and #2 came online
orphan #1 and #2 changed their name to orphans
orphans: everytime we come online, theres someone in danger 😟
god: what can i say, stupid people get in stupid situations
donut: *sends the screenshot*
bland hoe: i'm telling klein to come online now i need an explanation
my ass hurts and knock off annabelle came online
my ass hurts: heard we were exposing some people. came to observe
knock off annabelle: your next buddy 😊
bitchless came online
fish go bloop bloop came online
fish go bloop bloop: ur a red flag mitsuba oml
donut: like u aren't 🤨
dead bitch came online
dead bitch: was gonna defend yashiro but mitsuba has a point
bland hoe: damn the plot twist 😟 🍿
my ass hurts: WAIT I JUST GOT DONE READING THE SCREENSHOT my ass hurts: "22 Male, Single and ready to mingle"
bitchless: yall making fun of me for trying to get in a relationship hurts
god: good
carrot top: idk, ray how old are we again
wannabe emo: 12?
ripoff badass miku: damn klein just got his ego destroyed by a 12 yr old and a donut who knew society could do this now 💀
bitchless went offline
donut: HLEP
orphans: maybe we should be more kind, love is a hard thing in life :(
genderwho: okay master oogway
orphans: I'm-
carrot top: where have u been 💀 u missed a bunch
genderwho: sorry passed out while trying to read the chat and the tinder screenshot genderwho: did scare me tho, i thought i accidentally matched on my catfish account
fish go bloop bloop: CATFISH?? 😟🚩
genderwho: i catfish people into thinking im some hot model sometimes, for the shiggles yknow 🤪
bland hoe: just came back from dying adn trying to see where klein went, he left the game and everything
god: damn, i underestimated myself
wannabe emo: i overestimate you everyday
carrot top: i just estimate if we're gonna be dumbasses or not everyday
walking red flag: 3 different types of people in friend groups pt 1
ripoff badass miku: it's the dynamic for me 😍
fish go bloop bloop: now that i think of it fish go bloop bloop: where's kou??
dead bitch: getting his good 8 hrs after his nightly face and wash routine with his brother ✨
donut: if your right, i'm gonna assume that you stalk people hanako
dead bitch: like u don't
orphans: i mean u did go on the hunt for the tinder account and proceeded to expose him, so who are we not to assume we're next
orphans: the 2 dumbasses aren't here either
carrot top: probably out there dying like we were
wannabe emo: nah we a special case 😍
bland hoe: 💀💀💀
genderwho: you all are special
my ass hurts: im special
knockoff annabelle: u wish hun
genderwho: everyone shut up im trying to sleep
man whore: turn on silent mode
genderwho: i have it on but i have this gc on bypass, all notifs no matteer what
bland hoe: aww
genderwho: nah its so that i know when yall are talking shit abt me
donut: expecting the unexpected, i like it picasso
walking red flag: not the tiktok audio
donut: and how do u know that hmm?
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