#everyday i open google docs and i find at least three different WIPs staring at me
clacing · 4 years
do u have other she ra works in progress or gif ideas? what r they abt?
I do!! I assume by “she ra works in progress” you mean fics, so here’s what I’m working on right now:
- Chapter 5 of HYBM is undergoing some serious rewriting, because I realized by the time I got to the editing part that I wasn’t satisfied with it at all, that it felt very stale, and that I honestly wanted the story to go another way entirely. Sorry to anyone who’s been waiting for an update for 3 months, but I really am working on it and I hope it’ll be worth the wait! - An estranged childhood best friends AU. I won’t spoil it too much, but it’s a very personal project and I think it’s going to be three chapters. I’ve got one chapter ready, but I want to finish HYBM first, otherwise people would be waiting too long for the second one. Basically, Adora and Catra haven’t spoken to each other in years, except on each other’s birthday, but Catra keeps thinking about Adora and wants to fix things between them, though it proves to be harder than she thought. It’s interspersed with flashbacks of what exactly happened that tore them apart. - A Titanic AU with Adora as Rose and Catra as Jack - just because I’ve seen a lot of the other way around, and I personally like this casting more. No idea if I’ll ever finish it because trying to adapt the movie to SPOP is very hard dffgfg but I’m sure liking how creative it forces me to be - Another SPOP fic for a project I can’t talk about because it hasn’t been announced yet, but you’ll see soon enough - I barely started writing it, but I’ve been thinking about a Catradora Assassin AU and I’ve got the general plot down. The problem is it’s supposed to be more explicit than what I usually write, and I’m not sure if I could do it right :/  As for gifs, they’re not very exciting ideas but here’s what I’ve got: - Catradora 5x13 gifset with the quote “Heart, I implore you, it’s time to come back from the dark” - SW telling Glimmer “You won’t be like your parents. You will be better” vs Glimmer outpowering her dad in 5x13 - Not a gifset but I was making a photoset, before I could convert my videos and finally gif again, of Catradora + relevant lyrics from Noelle’s playlists And you can send in gifset requests at any time!! 
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