#everyday 鯛を釣る
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takigawa · 10 months ago
勢い余って「 #ことわざラップ 」の曲が出来ちゃいましたyo! https://x.com/takigawa_w/status/1790783955714928667?s=46&t=8Vf8aUwk_B-ZbQ5UAGv05w ポイントは磯野波平です😂 ((o(´∀︎`)o)) 曲名”Back Come On!” featuring DJ It’s So No! Now Me? Hey! 歌詞 “Hello!警報 人の振り見て我が振りnow on sale 少数say yeah 人生LUCKありゃCOOLもあるさ 足湯で疲れをfoot bath 骨折りzoneのくたびれmarket 四苦hack 馬鹿も休み休みyeah Everyday 鯛を釣る 正気のSaturday night 武士は食わねどtake it easy 壁に耳あり障子にMary 明日は我がme Ah. year but こう言う 腐ってもtie 今夜はbreak all 明かりをつけましょbomb ball in knee 塞翁がwoman 富国強Hey! 臨・兵・闘・者・皆・陣・Let's die then YO!YO!白くなりゆく山際! 一寸の虫にも五分のtime machine どっこいshot 言わんこっちゃNight お疲れsummer Death 波平「back come on!」” 2024©️MasayasuTAKIGAWA 瀧川正靖
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kurahashi-island · 5 years ago
First time preparing Japanese Sashimi! 人生初の刺身料理!
This month, my friend Junko came over with a several of the fish she caught with her fishing buddies and taught me how to prepare Japanese Sashimi and various other fish dishes. This is a picture of the Tai fish that Junko’s friend Kazu caught! Big size! Tai in English is Sea Bream but since have never even heard of that before, I just call it Tai in English too. 
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Junko and her friends seem to be like professional fisherman/woman.
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We starting out cutting the Tai fish first and was surprised at how well Junko could use the knife. Sine I am left-handed, she actually presented me with a universal knife so that even being a lefty, can still use it safely. 
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This picture is the “maboroshi” phantom fish Akou that Junko caught. She said that this fish goes for over $100 if it were to be sold in Tokyo.  Unfortunately had a little accident with the new sharp knife, but patched it up quickly and continued! haha
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We tried both Ako and Tai pieces of Sashimi and they both were delicious!
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After that we made Karupaccho with the Tai fish and I was surprised how it it was. It was just mixing fresh greens with the raw fish, sprinkling the Karupaccho pack on and topping it with olive oil. It tasted super fresh and wish I could eat it everyday!
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After this we headed inside to prepare various dishes in the kitchen. Junko showed how to make the beautiful fish presentation that you sometimes see at fancy restaurants.
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If you look carefully, you can see that the fish is actually being propped up with a pieces of a Japanese radish and broken ends up wooden chopsticks. 
This dish that Junko introduced is soy sauced dip Yazu with mayo topping and fire grilled. This was also super delicious.
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We grilled some of the sections of fish in the oven which turned out to be really good too! In addition we made fish nabe and it was delicious enjoyed the fresh with with various vegetables all cooked together in a hot pot. We ate it with Ponzu vinegar. I was so surprised that Junko knew how to cook at various dishes and was very impressed at how delicate and thought out all of them were.  Back in the States I’m used to larges portions of pasta, tons of pizza but I’ve been realizing that Japanese food fits best for me! Ever since coming to Japan, I have loved being able to eat fresh fish all the time. Most of the time I eat fish, it’s from the grocery store and have no idea where/how it was caught. This time it was pretty cool knowing who caught the fish and where they were caught. Preparing all these different dishes motivated me to want to be able to catch fish and prepare it at my house! Living this close to the ocean, it’s a shame to not be able to catch delicious fish like these! https://youtu.be/Mw-9cmbWd_U 日本語版 今月、友達Junkoが俺の家に来て友達と釣った魚を持ってきて刺身も色んな魚料理を教えにきてくれた。 この写真はJunkoの友達Kazuで釣ったの鯛。デカイ!英語では鯛はSea Breamじゃけど1回も聞いたことないけ英語でもTaiに読んどこう。
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この写真はJunko釣ったのアコウ(幻の魚)。東京だったらこの魚は1万以上行くと言われた。 残念ながら、新しいシャープの包丁でちょっと事故したけどバンドエイドしてから続けた。w
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次、家の中に入って台所で色んな魚料理してみた。 Junkoが時々オシャレなレストランで見る魚料理を作るのを見せてくれた。
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他の魚の部分をもオーブンで焼いてみてそれも美味しかった。 他に魚鍋も作って色んな野菜と新鮮な魚で鍋で作ったのは美味しかった!ポン酢と食べた。 Junkoが色んな料理ができて全部はあんなに繊細で作られてとても感動した。
アメリカではよく大森パスタとかピザとか食べとるけどやっぱり、和食は俺には合う! 日本に来てからよく新鮮な魚を食べれて大好き!今まで食べてる魚はだいたいスーパーから買って誰がどうやってとったのかさっぱりわからんかった。今回誰か釣ったのもどこで釣ったの知っててすごく楽しくてもっと意識的にいただけた。 こんなに魚料理見れると自分も魚を釣って、家で魚料理をできるようになりたくなってきた。せっかく海の近く住んどるのにまだこんな美味しい魚をまだ釣ってなくてもったいない! https://youtu.be/Mw-9cmbWd_U
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takigawa · 10 months ago
ふざけた歌詞だけどチョーかなり良い🎧曲ができたから聴いてみてください😊 ことわざラップ  https://x.com/takigawa_w/status/1791754995991478355?s=46&t=8Vf8aUwk_B-ZbQ5UAGv05w “Back!Come On! x4” feat. DJ: It’s So?No? Now Me? Hey!
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