#everybody gotta be dogeared
krim-ness-blog · 7 years
if your partner has a valid points or concerns and you respond with the my-way-or-the-highway ultimatum, you’re a fucking piece of shit. if it was that deep they would have been giving a break up speech instead of a do-better speech.
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spideyxchelle · 7 years
Hey would you mind doing a nsfw headcannon of Michelle going down on peter for the first time
guuuuuuuuuuuuuys. we all need a cold shower. COLLECTIVELY. as a fandom. these two idiots shared, like, four lines in the whole freakin’ movie and we are like THEY NEED TO BANG. i’m so proud of us.
peter likes making out with MJ
hang on, let’s back up to the beginning. because context is very important. 
HE and MJ are not dating. sure, they hook up behind the science building and hold hands under the lunch table where they pretend Ned doesn’t notice and she spends some weekends their senior year upstate at the Avenger’s facility but that’s only because best friends. honest. and at 17 that’s not weird. because 17 year olds are bad at feelings and talking about those feelings and, besides, there aren’t any feelings between Peter and MJ. you know, beyond the strictly friendship kind. and feeling MJ up on his squeaky twin bed after a study session falls into that friendship category. 
and he knows MJ feels the same way he does about the friendship thing.
in fact, MJ often likes to deny that she and Peter are even friends. like, yes, they hang out and spend all of their time together and she knows he’s Spider-man and is on a first name basis with the Avengers team but, like, that doesn’t mean they’re friends. no way. friendship is weird. and has a lot of stupid, silent, arbitrary rules that MJ will not be beholden to. no, sir.
so what if she feels good when Peter is around and smiles more when she sees him AND SO WHAT that she shared her copy of The Second Sex with Peter and he dog-eared the pages and she didn’t even care. what does it matter…dog-earring pages in the grand scheme of the world? Ned tried to dogear her pages once and she threw a shoe she lit on fire in his direction. 
her and Peter aren’t friends.
he and MJ are JUST friends. 
and so what if not friends/just friends makeout sometimes? 
answer??? everybody. every. body. fucking. cares.
its the end of their senior year and everyone is starting to get hella sick and tired of the Peter/MJ saga. they’re not even subtle. and the betting pool they have surrounding when they both start dating is now over $3000. yea, $3000. it has 37 students in it. and 4 teachers. what? people are invested. 
every member of the decathlon team are in on this bet, even Flash. in fact, Flash has $124 in the betting pool. because betting on Peter and MJ getting together feels like an easy bet. its gonna happen. he has eyes. like, Parker isn’t slick. he sees them on the bus to tournaments holding pinkies so they aren’t HOLDING HANDS REALLY. and its pathetic. and he’s CONVINCED they suck face, even if he’s never seen it.
and duh. he’s right. because, remember, they makeout. but its fine because they’re not friends/just friends. 
until its not fine. because feelings, bro. FEELINGS. 
in the end, its feelings that get the best of Peter. they’re making out on his bed with three months left of school and she’s grinding up against him and it feels good. he’s a teenage boy. it feels REALLY good. but his first thought isn’t “holy shit this is hot” its “god, she’s so amazing. how did I get so lucky?” and it startles him. because those thoughts aren’t makeout thoughts. those are relationship-y thoughts. and he also wants to CUDDLE???? oh fuck. 
MJ senses something is wrong and sits up (straddling his waist) and squints down at him “what?” “nothing” “that’s not your nothing face” “what? this is so my nothing face” “stop trying to change the subject, loser. what’s the face” 
and because Peter is so heartbreakingly earnest, he says, “just thinking that you’re great” and whatever MJ is expecting him to say it is NOT that. because she’s alarmed. this conversation feels soft and tender and quiet and like it could lead to something else. and she doesn’t WANT to talk about her feelings. in fact, she’d rather do about anything else.
Peter sits up so she’s forced to deal with him and he gathers the courage to start speaking what he’s been avoiding dealing with for months, “I think…I think I might like you, MJ.” 
she shakes head. no no no. they aren’t even FRIENDS. he’s not allowed to do this. he’s not allowed to make her feel things.
MJ looks so anxious Peter cracks a smile and tries to kiss her gently. “I don’t think…I do. like you, I mean.” 
she doesn’t let him finish that kiss. she turns her face away and tries to wiggle out of his lap. NUH UH. they are not talking about this. not now. not ever. feelings are weird. and make people even weirder. she’s read this story a hundred times and she knows how it ends. and she’s not really into heartbreak, thanks. because Peter Parker is absolutely capable of breaking her heart and she WILL NOT STAND FOR IT. 
he grabs her arm lightly, keeping her in place, “MJ please,” he tries. 
and she knows if Peter REALLY wanted to keep her there he could make her. he’s freaky strong. but the great thing about Peter (the thing that makes her stomach do weird flips) is that he would never force her to do anything. to stay here or even to talk about their feelings. he’s asking her please. and if she says no he won’t push. that will be that.
but she’s not ready to talk about their feelings…yet she also doesn’t want to leave him right now because she’s afraid that he might take her running away…poorly. like, he’s very sensitive. and she doesn’t want to hurt him. or possibly ruin any chance they might have in the future. 
AHEM. okay, so maybe she she’s at least willing to admit that she might want to talk about feelings in the FUTURE. but not yet. its too soon. and she’s freaking out.
but she doesn’t want to leave.
so instead, she does something terribly reckless.
see, the farthest Peter and MJ have ever gone is feeling each other up over their clothes, some hot and heavy grinding while they make out. but that’s where that ends. 
things they have not done: gone down on each other
things MJ attempts to do: go down on Peter
he’s still trying to talk to her when she makes up her mind. he’s gently touching her face and saying words she’s sure are sweet and heartfelt but her heart is beating too loud for her to hear anything else.
so her hands fly down to the button on his jeans and she pops them open and starts to zip down his jeans.
AND PETER FREAKS OUT. “MJ,” he knows his voice cracks, “what…um…what’re you doing?” and in the rational part of her brain he knows he should stop her. but he’s frozen and he can’t push her off because she’s sitting in his lap and what does he do??? freakin’ hell.
“getting your jeans off,” she says, biting her lip. she doesn’t look at him. her task is way more important.
his voice is crazy small and breathless, “w-why?”
“I’m gonna give you a blow job, Parker.” he squeaks. and she says after a beat, “so shut up.” 
he starts to stammer as she climbs off his lap and starts to pull on his jeans. like get off. you’re not wanted here. MJ wants to avoid talking about feelings. she has a penis to suck instead. that’ll SHOW him. 
without much finesse she reaches into his boxers once his jeans are off and clutches his member. his eyes BURST OUT of his head. “holy shit,” he swallows. and then, he tries to say something coherent, “MJ…you gotta..this is….bad idea. we should talk about-ah…my god.”
and he doesn’t finish that coherent thought because MJ pulls his penis free, bends down and wraps her mouth around it. no hesitation, no thought. BECAUSE IF SHE WERE THINKING SHE WOULD HAVE DECIDED TALKING ABOUT FEELINGS IS NOT A PENIS SUCKING OFFENSE. children. 
but once his dick is in her mouth, she starts to actually use her brain. and she’s FREAKING OUT. because what does she do with a dick in her mouth?? she’s never had one in her mouth before. its a softer, smoother texture than she anticipated. in fact, she always thought it would be stiff and solid. but its not. its softer and she’s pretty sure he’s not a hundred percent hard yet but even so….its moveable. like the skin. and its a little salty. not VERY. just a touch. 
and the weirdest part is she can feel his dick twitching firmer in her mouth. like he was only halfhard and now he’s starting to stand up to his full stature. weird. 
but she doesn’t move. just lets the dick sit against her tongue in her mouth. and breathes through her nose.
and she can hear Peter frozen and waiting above her. 
she bobs her head up and down once, taking his dick out of her mouth and then back in. and Peter exhales shaky. so she does it again and again. and faster. until she’s blowing him at a steady pace. 
she’s not practiced so she’s not sure if this is sucking is right. but Peter seems pretty content. in fact, he’s mumbling indiscriminately. 
and then, there is a change. she must hit on the right kind of motion. because she’s bobbing her head up and down and up and down. and it goes a little deep once and Peter curses and tangles his fingers in her hair. 
she starts going faster and faster and takes him deeper, almost uncomfortably, but she almost likes it?? no, she definitely did. she feels powerful. because this stupid superhero is cursing “oh fuck, baby…shit…holy….fuck” and on and on it goes. 
and her sucking goes from nervous to empowered to eager. 
she’s used to the weight of a penis in her mouth and its fun. its powerful. and its a little sexy. she’s never felt sexy before in her life. and this makes her feel crazy sexy. 
while MJ goes to town on his dick, Peter is in heaven. he’s not even sure she knows how she sounds. because she’s humming pleased around his penis and he’s certain he’s fucking dead. because holy shit she likes it.
he vaguely notices his bedroom door is cracked open and he’s got his webslingers on. so he shoots his bedroom door closed. he does NOT want to be disturbed right now. 
he knows his hips are moving a little along with the natural in and out of her mouth. but he can’t help it. he doesn’t even know if she’s GOOD. she’s just MJ. and he’s pretty sure he could just come from the image of her between his legs sucking him off. oh shit. he definitely could. 
the rational part of him thinks they should PROBABLY talk about feelings….but she’s taking him deep in her mouth and he’s dead. actually dead.
then, MJ looks up at him, her eyes slightly watery from the effort but he can tell she’s smiling with her eyes. and fuuuuuuck. he moves his hand to push her away from her so he’s not cumming in her mouth….but….it’s too late. because its happening. and he’s powerless. 
Peter cumming in MJ’s mouth really freaks her out. because it feels less powerful than everything else she’s been doing. but because she’s so shocked she doesn’t have the time to pull away until its over. and she reaches for something to spit in, like a tissue, but finds nothing.
so, for want of wanting the taste to go away, she swallows.
and she catches Peter’s eyes when she does. he looks embarrassed from cumming without her explicit consent. but he’s also looking at her like she’s a fucking angel for swallowing. and damn, if that isn’t hot. 
she grins. and he GROWLS. she never thought Peter Parker would be the type but it sends a shiver up her spine. the kind that makes her want to explore that. like. how else can she push his buttons enough to make him growl. that’s another question for another day.
and that crazy strength from earlier makes a repeat appearance when he hoists her up and tosses her to her back on his bed. she lets out a breathless laugh and he shucks on his boxers before he’s on top of her kissing the shit out of her. 
between biting kisses and a particularly heavy hand groping her ass, he roughs out, “we gotta talk about the liking each other thing”
“i don’t like you, Parker,” she says more out of habit than anything else. and then he bites her shoulder and she keens his name.
with a grin he asks, “you were saying” 
she blushes “oh shut up” 
later, when they’re breathless from the hottest makeout session of their makeout experience. a shirtless MJ (because yea, Peter Parker definitely got her bra off) rolls over and brushes hair out of Peter’s stupid face. “i’m not ready to talk about it yet”
and its not the answer that Peter wants but he nods, understanding that if its time she needs he’ll give her all the time in the world, and kisses her hand, “when you’re ready” 
she glances down and smirks like a wolf, “speaking of ready…are you, Parker?”
he closes his eyes, growls (which makes her toes curl) and counts his blessings as MJ goes down on him for the second time that afternoon. 
the following day at school, Peter tells Ned everything that happened. and he has a hard time comprehending. “twice?” “twice.” “but-” “i know” “and all you said was that you liked her” “yeP” “then she blew you” “pretty much” “…i’m confused” “who are YOU telling??”
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