#every time of bringing a spirit to the everdoor I cry ;—;
started playing spiritfarer again and I’m just ;—; I’m doing so good ;—;
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My Favourite Game #1
Spirtifarer is a 2D management game about dying. You play a ferry master called Stella and her cat, Daffodil. You were given this job by Charon who gives you your own boat in order to find and bring the spirits of the dead to allow them to pass on.
It’s a bittersweet game about life and death that took me by surprise. The story is told mostly through the cast of characters you meet whom you’ll eventually have to take to the Everdoor for them to move on. In between meeting them and taking them there, you get to talk to them, develop friendships, and learn about who they were and what happened to them in life.
The game itself balances out the heavy subject matter of death by making it a stress-free experience. You can grow crops, cook food for your passengers who all have preferences, fish on your boat, and do the occasional side quest that allows you to explore the world. Most of the time you’ll be on your boat adding new buildings for your passengers and making them comfortable on their final journey. My favourite mechanic has to be the hug interaction because the animation is adorable and heart-warming.
What stuck with me were the stories. The game tackles dark subject matters such as suicide, disabilities, disease, and, of course, death. Yet the way they went about it was mature and from a position that didn’t glorify or shock players. The story was slowly given to the player allowing them to process the information at a steady pace rather than having it all dumped on them at once.
This game made me laugh, and it made me cry. Some of the stories hit close to home which made me have to take a few moments before I could keep playing. It never felt burdening or makes you shocked for the sake of shock. I found myself empathising with every character I met and really attached to them which made letting them go a hard process.
Overall, the game is fantastic and beautifully animated with wonderfully rich stories.
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Spiritfarer part 6
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I didn’t play that long this time, only about an hour but that was because I let go of my first spirit and, I wasn’t expecting it to effect me. I didn’t full blown cry, but I did tear up and didn’t feel like playing anymore. So yeah. If this is how it is going to go, I am not going to last.
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I gave Atul the Pork Chops he wanted and he loved it. He then told me about some Union meetings he used to go to that were very long. He used to send a guy named Craig to get ingredients for food, some of it kind of crazy, but he always came through, like I did.
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I headed back to Villa Maggiore and found Gwen. She had been planning on ending her last days at her family house, to end it on her own terms. But decided to go with me back to the boat.
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I found the other spirit that had been in the house was the Gardener, and he had been kicked out. And he lost the key to his shed and was now locked out.
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Here we go. Gwen asked me to bring her to the Everdoor.
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Atul had another food quest for me. He wanted some Fried Chicken.
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I wandered around for a bit collecting items from crates and fishing, but I was just holding off the inevitable. So I headed off to the Everdoor.
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All the other spirits had gathered around to see Gwen off. But before we headed off Gwen gave me her lighter to remember her by. She had stolen it from her father when she was young and had it every since.
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As I rowed toward the Everdoor, Gwen talked. She said that she never dwelled on the past but that also meant she never tried to connect with anyone. She just went through life ignoring people. because they never cared.
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But I, Stella, cared as did her mother. But now she was ready because I was there. I was able to guide her as her guiding light.
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But now she was ready to go, she couldn’t hold on any longer. She thanked me for taking her here even though I didn’t want to.
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I then gave her a hug and this is where I started to tear up. 
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With that Gwen started floating and glowing and then disappeared, having moved on through the Everdoor. 
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Up in the sky, a constellation of a deer appeared, a mark of Gwen.
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After, Gwen was gone, I was in some sort of dream like place where there were platforms and purple butterflies where I played music and some scenes would play. I think they are memories, but I am not sure if they are mine, Stella’s, or Gwen’s.
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When I got to the top I met this spirit owl that said that it had been watching me for a long time. It didn’t explain what it was. But for now, it had to go because it hadn’t fully awoken. 
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I then was brought back to the ship. It seemed empty without Gwen there. I went to her cabin and there were flowers by her bed. I was then able to pick up a spirit flower.
I ended it there because I was a little emotional. I didn’t fully cry,  Just little tears at the corner of my eyes. This does not bode well for me if each spirit is going to make me tear up or outright cry. But oh well. I need a good cry honestly. But anyway, that was it. I’ll continue on next time. Until then. Later!
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