#every theory video for ruin just ignores like how the mimic actually works and how it is a developing ai
movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
If I knew how to edit videos I’d be the most insufferable fnaf essayist on Youtube cause some of you bitches lack the most basic understanding of context clues and subtle retcons/reworks in FNaF media
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princesscaliban · 5 years
On Set with Sam | ♥
I had 3 different ideas for this but this one got the furthest. I must tag @mschfavngz​ ♥ 
I guess there could be a part 2 if anyone wants it. I’m SUPER into this.... subject. 😉
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The Sabrina Netflix Instagram was updated with one story: a picture of Kiernan and Gavin both kissing Sam on the cheeks with a little red font ‘LOOK WHO’S BACK ON SET’.
The fandom went crazy with Caliban back on set right at the beginning of filming the next part. Every theory was brought to life but every Sabrina cast member kept silent.
Kiernan’s story was then updated: a picture of her sad with Sam behind her, also sad ‘I just miss @kleoshane_mua & wish she was here’.
“She’s at my apartment, she’s just sleeping.” Sam explained, “The jet lag and she hasn’t felt good.”
“But I got her a gift.” Kiernan smiled, “A super, special, surprise gift.”
“I told her to come visit today.” He shrugged, “She said she was going to sleep.”
“I will facetime her until she comes to see me and only me.”
Sam laughed, “I told her that you would want to see her.”
“And she naps? While I have a GIFT?”
“She has a… surprise too…” He smirked, heading to wardrobe as Kiernan was called to set. “I’ll try and get her here later.”
Kiernan: WOW I am so lonely on set it would be neat if you were here.
Kleo: There’s 80 people on set, I highly doubt you’re lonely. 😉
Kleo: We’re in the same apartment place as you, so just come by on your way home.
Kiernan: WHY DIDN’T SAM TELL ME THAT? I’m offended. Tell me the room and I’ll be there right when I’m done.
Kleo: Because he’s a guy and he doesn’t think it’s important.
Kleo: When it’s very important because this means SO many pizza parties while rewatching Lizzie McGuire with Abbey.
Kiernan: On another note, I told him I have a gift for you (I’ve ruined the surprise) but he said you have a SECRET SURPRISE FOR ME. 🤔
Kleo: 🤷‍♀️
Kiernan stood impatiently behind the cameras watching Sam film a scene with Gavin. The director couldn’t even cut the scene before she started questioning him.
“You’re at the same apartment place as me? Why didn’t you tell me?”
Both guys were wrapped with towels and handed robes as they were soaked from the previous scene. “I don’t know.”
“Well you’re not invited back to your own apartment after this because I’m going there.”
“I’m going on lunch.”
“And I’m going on lunch and you’re not invited.” Gavin pointed at her.
“I’m invited over you.”
“I’m invited over everyone.” Chance chimed in, not even knowing what he was talking about. “Where are we going?”
“Sam’s apartment on lunch. Kleo is there and I need to see her.”
“And I just want to go because Kiernan wants to go.”
“And I’m going because it’s my apartment?” Sam laughed, “I’m also going to shower off this… goo.. and change into dry clothes.”
“Me too and you’re definitely not invited to that.” Gavin joked, smacking Sam’s butt as they ran to the trailer area.
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Kiernan: There’s an entire van of people headed to your apartment right now because I said I was going and everyone else said they were too.
Kiernan: So I hope you’re awake.
Kiernan: We also brought Chinese food.
“I told you, she’s asleep.” Sam repeated, “You’re all in for a surprise now.”
“I thought it was just a surprise for me?”
Sam shrugged, pulling keys from his pocket, “It’s a surprise for everyone.” He unlocked the door and an apartment mirroring Kiernan’s was there. No decorations, just furniture and luggage. 
Cuddled up in a ball on the couch was Kleo, fast asleep, covered in a huge blanket she had bought Sam for set but soon after kept for herself. 
Kiernan, Gavin, Ty, Chance and Abbey not-so-quietly followed him in; putting bags of Chinese food on the empty table. 
“Kleo, babe. You’ve got visitors.” Sam said, sitting down on the couch next to her head, “Might want to wake up.”
Five different people said, “me” before she opened her eyes and smiled, “Hi guys.”
“Oh my god I know your secret.” Abbey almost screamed before covering her mouth. “I just saw something.” She mumbled between her fingers.
Everyone began looking around before Kleo started talking, “Ignore the fact that I’m in workout clothes and I haven’t been working out.”
“As if we all wear workout gear to workout.” Kiernan laughed.
“I also have gotten sick all morning and haven’t showered since we left Aus.” Kleo reached for Sam’s hand and he pulled her to stand up. “But—“
The blanket dropped and everyone gasped at her stomach, sticking out, clearly showing she was pregnant.
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“Surprise.” She smiled, unintentionally grabbing her belly. “This is why I’m tired and sick.”
“Oh my god.” Was all Kiernan could get out before running across the room and hugging her.
“I saw the prenatal vitamins on the kitchen counter.” Abbey laughed, lining up to hug her next.
“How the hell did you two keep this a secret?” Gavin asked, “You’ve even posted pictures and stuff.. how..”
“A lot of old pictures that had never been on Instagram.” Kleo laughed, “I just got past the point of looking like I gained weight. I finally look like I’m pregnant. Some pictures I can get away with an oversize hoodie and still post it.”
“Oversize hoodie..” Sam laughed, “She takes my clothes.”
“Because you’re half of the reason I need new clothes.” She grinned, making her way to the table full of Chinese food. “Please tell me this was intentional.”
“Sam kept suggesting it…” Chance said, “I just thought he was craving the Chinese food.”
“Fried rice and eggrolls are all I ever want.”
“And anything with cheese.”
“Anything. With. Cheese.” She agreed, “The heartburn is worth it.”
“Were you just planning on keeping this a secret for as long as you could?” Ty laughed, “Because it’s.. obvious..”
“I was going to go to set tomorrow and see who noticed.”
“Everyone would notice.” They all laughed, “Miranda, Lucy and Michelle are going to freak out.”
“Lucy joked about it today when I said you were sick.” Sam remembered, “She said I had probably knocked you up. And I laughed… and then left the makeup trailer because I didn’t know what to say.”
“You should have just told her she was right.” Kleo laughed, “Imagine the look on her face.”
Kiernan tried to mimic the face the all knew Lucy would have made before they all burst out laughing.
“Little bean is the size of an orange now, weighs two ounces and is growing hair and eyebrows.” Kleo read off her app that she checked every day, “Five months to go…” She groaned, “Less morning sickness and trips to the bathroom. Thank god.” 
“She peed fourteen times on the flight here.” Sam said, “She finally had to just tell the flight attendant she was pregnant because she seemed like a psycho.”
“I had to beg the last time because we were about to land but I was also about to pee in a water bottle.”
“She had an actual water bottle out and told me she was going to use it.”
“It’s not like you can hold it. It’s there and it has to come out. There’s no muscles to hold pregnant pee.” 
Sam laughed to himself and it seemed like Kleo immediately knew what he was thinking about, “Don’t…”
“We were leaving dinner one night and she.. she…” He could barely talk as Kleo just covered her face, “I made a joke about something dumb, it wasn’t even funny. And I got in the car and she never got in the car.”
“I was peeing by the car.” She told on herself, “I squatted down right there, in the parking lot, thankful I had a dress on and I peed.”
Sam turned his phone to everyone and pushed play, “Kleo babe, what just happened?”
Kleo tried to push him away as she got into the car, laughing at herself as she had just had to take her underwear off. “Sam I want to kill you.”
“What happened though?” He held the door open and she sat in the passenger seat with her arms crossed, “Just tell me.”
“I peed in the parking lot.”
“The parking lot of a restaurant.”
“It’s your fault.” She pushed him away and closed the door. He filmed the small wet spot of pavement before going to the driver seat to pester her more. “Stop filming me, drive home.”
“Babe, babe, babe. Just. I can’t. You just went down and peed.”
She rolled her eyes at him, “Because your pull out ga—“ the video cut and everyone laughed. 
“There’s so many videos and pictures I wish I could just post everywhere.” He scrolled through his camera roll: Kleo crying at a coffee commercial, Kleo eating french fries dipped in mustard, Kleo asleep on the bathroom floor, Kleo using his legs as some sort of pillow to go to sleep, a video of her holding a little pair of Converse and crying, her weird clothing selections and ways of falling asleep and the last sonograms they had gotten.
The black and white pictures were barely recognizable aside from a head and a body. “But we don’t know if we want to find out what it is.”
“I have thought about that a lot. But I don’t think I could do it.” Abbey said, “I’m too crazy about things. I would want to organize and have everything set and ready to go.”
“Same.” Kiernan agreed, “But for some reason, you two are the perfect people to not find out.”
“You’re so quirky.” Gavin joked, “So hipster.”
“Everything white.” Ty said, “No color.”
“No color at all.” Kleo laughed, “White and maybe ivory. Wooden toys. Gender neutral names. No pain medicine. At home birth. In the bath tub.”
“Cloth diapers. Organic food. All recycled everything.” Sam added, “Except for the fact that you want to be at a hospital and you want medicine.”
“Oh drug me up, I don’t want to feel a thing.” She laughed, “My cervix becoming the size of a bagel is something I don’t want to feel, ever.”
“A bagel?!” Kiernan asked, “I knew it would stretch but a bagel!?”
“That’s what the birthing coach said.”
“Awww, little Sammy and Kleo at birthing class. That’s precious.” Abbey said, “Did you do the whole breathing thing and stuff with a workout ball?”
“Actually, yes. It was really boring, then gross when they showed the video and then I couldn’t stop thinking about Cinnamon Toast Crunch so I told Sam to listen.”
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One by one they surprised the rest of the cast and crew. They were the only ones to know aside from their families and the last person Kleo toured with as a makeup artist.
Sam got a punch in the shoulder from Lucy for not telling her she was right earlier in the day. 
Miranda couldn’t stop hugging Kleo, kissing her head and telling her she was, “glowing.”
Michelle thought it was a joke and so did a few others. Kleo proved them wrong by pulling up her oversize shirt to prove it was her real stomach. She almost peed on set once from Gavin shoving pillows in his shirt and claiming he was also pregnant by Sam, but she made it to a bathroom just in time.
As they all filmed she fell asleep everywhere. In a dressing room, back stage, on a set they weren’t using and on Sam’s lap while everyone played cards.
@kleoshane_mua: Sam + Kleo = ❤️
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-@kiernanshipka: I can’t wait to meet the little demon baby of hell. 💕
-@gavinleatherwood: I’m mad that @samcorlett didn’t get me pregnant first.
-@ty_cotton: I have high hopes that #Mabrina follows in your footsteps.
-@tatigabrielle: I am obsessed with your new outie belly button. 😍
-@chance_perdomo: A little Duke or Duchess of Hell. Perfect. 😈
“I posted a picture and I’m putting my phone on do not disturb.” Kleo yawned, crawling on the couch.
“That would be why my phone is going off every thirty seconds.”
“Yes, Daddy.” She nodded into his chest, wiggling her way to get comfortable on top of him. “You smell good.”
“I showered?”
“I like it.” She shoved her head into his chest, “You’re comfy.”
“I’m glad?” He just watched her as she finessed her leg between his, her hand up his shirt, “Better than when I was covered in goo?”
“Way better.” She snuggled against him, her face in his neck, “You smell so good.”
“You said that.”
“I know but.. “ She took another sniff, “It’s different. It’s the pregnancy nose. Second trimester. I also haven’t felt sick in a while but my boobs hurt so bad.”
“They’ve grown.” He laughed, “Are you comfortable yet?”
“No.” She giggled into his neck, “I’m not.”
“Second trimester.”
“Second trimester?” He repeated after her, “Do you have to pee?”
“No, that hopefully will go away for while.”
“Is the baby moving a lot?”
“Well not right now.”
“Does your back hurt?”
“No.” She kept giggling, her hand wandering around his chest, down to where his sweatpants began. “They call the second trimester the Honeymoon Period.”
“There’s no way anything is happening like that.” He stopped her hand, “You could, wait.. couldn’t you cause contractions?”
“Not this early.” Sam looked down and her bottom lip was sticking out, “Nothing bad can happen, I promise.” She shook her hand from his grip and ventured further down, “And there’s no way you’re telling me no right now.”
“No.” He tried to push her hand off of him but she gripped onto the top of his pants.
“I’ve had to look at you all day shirtless…” She wrapped her hand around the back of his neck, “..wet…” She pushed herself up to straddle his lap, “…and being all moody with your lip biting and eye rolling..” Her nails dug into his scalp, “And the groaning when you were tied down…” 
Kleo was in his face, biting her own lip just thinking about the sounds he made all during that specific scene. “There was a reason I left early.”
“Oh do tell..” He smirked up at her, grabbing onto the back of her legs. 
Without missing a beat, “I was so turned on.” She said, sitting up, intentionally resting her weight on his hips. 
“Don’t say stuff like that around the baby.” He joked, rubbing her stomach. “But it is a little in the way.”
“I don’t think. You understand.” She took a deep breath, squeezing a part of his t-shirt in her hand, “That I will do anything. And I mean, anything, right—
“Woah, woah, woah, calm down momma bear.” Sam laughed, “You tell me what to do and we can do it.”
Without even answering she grabbed his face and pulled herself down to kiss him, baby bump slightly hindering how close she could get but she didn’t even care. All that mattered was that she could feel him pushing his own pants off before he grabbed onto hers.
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eenefangirlanalysis · 7 years
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Returning to the Eds we see that they have been busy with a project.
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Eddy refuses to break tradition, sitting lazily against a rock under a gigantic leaf.
Major props to Edd for making tools out of sticks! He is on a roll today!
I swear I noticed this big leaf before, but it never fully registered to me until now. Where did he get it? They use a few big leaves for their project. I wonder if Eddy did help some. Eddy’s laziness is another reason why the Eds, or Edd and Eddy’s, friendship deteriorated.
His laziness has to be from Bro. I can see Bro sitting back watching and probably laughing at Eddy as he tried to set up his own scams. That could be another reason why Eddy may sit out. He’s afraid his friends will laugh at him. He fears doing something wrong.
Eddy’s first scam was his ‘bottomwess Ed’ scam as shown in Every Which Way But Ed. It actually earned him two quarters. Even though Eddy has won on countless occasions it has never been enough for him. His brother always made him feel like a loser. He doesn’t want money. He wants people to accept and understand his being. 
His brother tore apart his soul. Bro made fun of Eddy’s talents and must have told him that he was too soft. Underneath that mask is a struggling human being. Eddy believed he could have friends and get around in the world by acting like Bro, a vicious psychopath. That affected Eddy and how he examines the world. He doesn’t trust anybody due to the life he had with Bro.
Another reason why he is on this journey to find Bro. It’s been years since they last saw one another. Surely, he must have changed in some way. Eddy wants to show his brother how hard he has worked to be just like him. 
If Eddy grew up differently, what kind of person would he be?
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Ed rather roughly grabs Eddy by the ankle to show him he and Edd’s creation.
Due to the amounts of time Eddy has played ‘Uncle’ with Bro I suspect that he has a limp on one leg. It’s the main reason for his ‘Happy Leg’.
I’m glad Edd is concerned instead of waving it off. That was more during season 5 where he’d ignore is friends to show off to the faculty and his parents. Edd will always be concerned for Eddy. He’s changed his life for the better. And soon he will realize that.
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Poor, Eddy. He gets tossed around so much.
Eddy’s canon eye color is blue according to Smile For the Ed. I like how the other is green for a moment. The artists should have colored their eyes more often. Well, maybe not. It may have looked off.
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Ed and Edd have constructed a duck boat. Wow, that’s pretty good. What did they use for the actual boat part? Is it wood? It look like it’s a tad wet. 
Peach Creek must be known for having big leaves.
Does everyone remember the bridge from Boo Haw Haw during their meeting with Rolf? What if Ed found it, broke it apart, and brought it back to his friends. They’re close by to the cul-de-sac all alone. 
My biggest question; Where and what is the paint made out of?
Edd cutely explains to Eddy that this duck shaped boat mimics the common mallard in order to offer minimal disruption to the local fauna.
Fauna -  All of the animal life of any particular region or time.
Edd admires nature. He studies every part of it closely. He studies how they communicate, how they move, and behave. He holds high respect for wildlife. Maybe Edd can relate himself to nature. Every being and animal has unique way of thinking. Edd wants to understand the way he acts. 
I can see Edd studying plants, animals and anything that has to do with nature. He wants to travel the world as he proclaims in Take This Ed and Shove It. He has been sheltered for most of his life. There is a big world out there. Although he scared throughout this journey he learns about his true inner self. Edd learns to open up. Nature brings the feeling of freedom. 
Eddy misinterprets ‘fauna’ as ‘sauna’.
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Ed excitedly bursts up making an unwelcome visit in Edd’s hat.
Even Eddy jumps at this.
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“Sauna’s make me sweat. More.” Great callback from earlier.
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The hat snaps off Edd making the boy plummet to the ground.
The shot is so quick that we don’t see Edd’s head. His eyes stay in place. 
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Eddy looks so concerned for a moment getting his [third or fourth?] view of what Edd is hiding under his hat. 
You have to be quick to spot the moment where the real Eddy shines through.
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Edd walks forward only for his head to be censored. 
“You stop that!” Edd yells at Eddy courageously walking forward.
Obviously whatever is on Edd’s head is not that eye vomiting as Eddy is smiling.
Eddy is really smiling at the scar, not Edd. He wants to know how he got it. It never registers to him that it has quite a backstory.
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“Does it hurt, Double Dee?”
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Edd refuses to answer anymore questions as he cleans his hat with air freshener. Once again his head is censored. 
Does Edd have the same length of hair as Eddy? I cannot imagine Edd without his hat.  
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Ed pulls his hand through his jacket to scratch the back of his head. 
Whatever is on Edd’s head makes Ed uncomfortable, yet it still intrigues him.
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Edd steps back onto the screen wishing to get back to business.
Ed looks pretty shocked. Probably because this is the longest amount of time Edd has walked around being hatless. He was annoyed but it wasn’t like the other times where he’d pull it on in a second or pull out any object to cover his head.
Danny Antonucci told fans in a video that they were going to show what was under Edd’s hat. That was not this scene. It was to be a scene much later on when the Eds were resting in that spot they stopped in for the night.
Fans have been riled up ever since. I was disappointed as well. 
Then again, maybe it’s best that Danny never revealed what was under Edd’s hat. It’s just like the scam at the beginning of the movie. It’s not important. And it would have taken away from people’s imaginations. 
Instead Danny revealed Eddy’s Brother. His impact in the last five minutes of the movie created quite a buzz around the fan base. His appearance turned around the whole series.
There are countless theories and seeing the actual secret would have ruined the series.
It’s practically canon through a deleted scene that Edd has a scar on his head from a dodgeball incident.
Other theories have included Edd is hiding brown hair, he is bald, he has a large bump, or has imprints from many band aids which were used as punishment from his parents. Remember that from My Fair Ed? 
The confession scene would have revealed a lot about the Eds inner turmoils. They would have connected more as friends understanding who they are. 
Eddy would have finally understood Edd realizing they had more in common then they thought. They each have a scar. Eddy more mentally as Bro scarred Eddy’s being.
Danny still has many fans angry with him. Still, he gets to sit back and read all the fan theories about his show. That’s what creators live for. They want to see how fans react to their work. We have all been having countless discussion on the characters and the world of eene. 
I’m more happy making up fanfiction about what could be under Edd’s hat then having it revealed. It’s hard for me to admit that seeing how I would have loved to see that confession scene. You can’t get everything you want. 
That’s why fandoms, fanfiction and fanart exist. We can add on.
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