#every spidey's got at least one dumb publicity thing that the media never lets them forget
duckapus · 1 year
Candace's costume is red and white because of course it is, so one of the media's nicknames for her is "The Candy Cane Crusader," and how derogatory it's meant to be depends on the source. Now initially she was annoyed by this, but she eventually figured she had three options. Fight a losing battle to try and get them to stop (believe it or not, all her busting attempts have taught her to pick her battles, she's just usually bad at it), change her costume (fat chance), or just fucking Own It. So now she leans into it a little, doing things like carrying around actual candy canes to give to kids who are extra distressed when she rescues them. The only one who hasn't called her that at least once is JJJ, since he prefers to stick to "Menace."
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