#every other bone in his body's normal though thats why he gotta land like a cartoon character square on his dome fjawrlkjalkv
todayisafridaynight · 5 months
Hey speaking of the mine with shadow-the-hedgehog-amnesia tags . i diiiid consider amnesia at one point for my au JFJFJFJ
need mine to have a goku moment and fall really hard on his head and forget 90% of Everything
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starpiper3 · 7 years
Love Make the Heart Grow Weaker
A crack of lightning ripped through the air in front of Soldier 76, the boom followed not too long after the strike. Soldier 76 growled as he only good jacket continued to soak in the rain. He was almost back to his home base, well, if he could even call it that. It was an old run down building that had been bombed not too long ago. Sad rusting metal was bent in ways it shouldn't be and some were even split in half. The concrete that surrounded the metal had been dimpled from the elements of the world, leaving the walls to sag around him.
The attack happened so fast, no one was prepared for it. Members of a group that went by the name of Talon were ruthless and unforgiving on the small town. No body knew what they wanted, or if what they wanted was even there. He growled at the thought of all of the families he had to help bring to safety, how many bodies he had to help unbury, and how many lives were lost. He helped with it all, yet he didn't know why he did.
After all of the hiding and lurking, he finally gave in to his commander side of things. He knew he needed to help, in any way he could. After all, he lost everything, it wasn't fair for other people to lose everything as well. Before the fall of overwatch, he had it all. A high rank, a great body shape, all the friends he could possibly want and a beautiful-
“Angela,” He whispered under his breath. The thought of his love made his body crumble beneath him. Oh how he missed her so. Out of all the things he had during his reign in Overwatch, she was the one thing he missed the most. How her beautiful eyes glimmered with happiness at the sight of a child taking its first steps, or when a patient was all healed and ready to go, thanks to her handy work. Or even when he did the silliest things around her or, in his words, try to be a manly man. The way her hair flowed ever so gently over her shoulders. It was just long enough to make it past her collar bones. The blond had seemed to take over his life with her shining personality.
He had never loved anyone more than he loved her, and killed him to say so.
The ground beneath him had turned to mud, covering his newly shined steel toed boots. This only seemed to worsen his mood. The rain kept pelting down on him and the wind was unforgiving on the lone soldier. Even thought he wasn't exactly seen as a bad guy, he still felt like one, for he was the cause of Overwatch’s downfall...
All of the people he saved in this city after it was bombed were sent off to a much safer part of the land. But for him? He chose to stay behind. Although he didn't know what the enemy wanted, he knew for a fact that they would come back. And when they did, boy would they have a grand ol’ time messing with the wrong person.
After days upon days of searching and prowling, he still couldn't find any sign of enemy presence. Not that this group was any smarter than a pair of pigs, but they were ruthless, careless and heartless in everything that they did. He scowled under his breath from the thought of what the group had put so many people through. It just wasn’t fair for them.
Suddenly, Soldier’s ears picked up a small cry for help, only, his was no ordinary cry for help. His legs shot into action in search for the victim. No matter who or what it was, he was determined to help. Only when his eyes landed on a pair of blue frightened eyes wedged in between two large slabs of cement, his heart broke. Gingerly removing his glove, he picked up the small little kitten from the ground. By the looks of it, the kitten was female with an orange tabby coat. It cried and cried while shaking in fear.
“You lost little girl?” Soldier asked holding the kitten closer to him. The kitten buried her face into his chest and curled up in hopes of staying warm. Soldier sighed. Now that he had found the kitten, there was no way he could leave her here.
“Come on, lets get you home and dried up.”
The rest of his walk to his little cove he called ‘home’ was longer than he thought it would be. Half way through their walk, he unzipped his jacked and placed the kitten inside to keep her warm. Falling asleep almost immediately, he  knew she must have been crying for a long time.
“I’ve got you in my sights,” he grunted as he climbed over more war torn buildings. His base was finally in his line of sight.
Finally stepping out of the rain and into the sheltered environment, he released the kitten from his jacket before taking his soaked clothes off all together. In the corner of the small room was his so called sleeping area, which held a blanket, a mix of torn fabric and a makeshift pillow.
The kitten, which was shaking from the cold once again, was still covered in a layer of dirt and soaked mud. It mewed weakly and looked up at soldier once more, as if she was unhappy to be covered in dirt. Soldier sighed and picked the kitten up to the small sink that managed to survive the attack. He turned the faucet on and began to wash the kitten.
“I’m sorry I’m sorry, I know its cold water,” he said apologetically, “but you want to be clean don’t ya?” The kitten didn't seem understand and took the cold bath as a term for torture instead.
Working as fast as he could, he managed to wash, dry, and warm the kitten within a couple minuets. Placing the kitten in his shirt against his chest, he then proceeded to cover himself with the only blanket that he had to insure the kitten’s warmth. The rainfall had finally stopped and the night finally settled in.
A cool breeze invaded the small area. On a normal night, it would leave him to shiver and fight for warmth, only tonight was anything but normal. With the kitten snuggled up against him, he seemed to be just fine. As hard as it was for Soldier to admit it, he really did enjoy the kittens company.
“Gotta keep you safe little kitten... gotta get you to safety...”
When morning finally came, the sun wasn't what woke Soldier up. The sounds of a crying, hungry kitten was the only thing that seemed to ring in his ear.
“Ok ok ok little one, let me see what I even have.” He chuckled as he stood up. The kitten, which was now waddling around on the ground, followed him every where he went, as if she were interested in learning about the world she was in.
“Alright, we have some water aaaannnd.... hm..” what do kittens eat other than meat and milk? He thought to himself. Technically they can and will eat anything, but thats not always the best for them. Soldier hemmed and haa-ed about what to feed the kitten.
“You know what? Why don’t we go on a search for something. Yeah?” The kitten only mewed louder.
He took that as a yes.
As he began to get dressed, he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of the little kitten rolling around and just being so gosh darn cute. He knew if he got attached, it would only hold him back, but the nearest civilization was miles away. He knew he would have to make the journey, therefore he declared that it would be the next day, seeing as the two had already burned so much daylight.
“Ok you little peanut...” He paused as he placed her in his jacket.
The word seemed to put him into a deep thought. It seemed to be the perfect name for her. Only he wondered.... She would hold him back, yet it already reminded him so much of his love....
Soldier decided to put his foot down and finally give himself some slack.
“How'd you like to be my little companion?” He asked the kitten. The question only made her mew longer, not to mention louder. Laying her head against his chest with a slight tilt, he took her answer as a yes, “then I gotta give you a name. How about Peanut?”
The kitten refused to answer.
“Peas for short?” He tried. After all, peanuts were his favorite snack. The kitten then proceeded to yawn and snuggle into him, “okay then Peanut it is.”
Their walk around the debris was tough but manageable for Soldier. He didn't mind walking around if it meant protecting the little gift the world had given him.
“Alright Peanut, here we are.” He said as he entered a run down store that was effected by the attack. The owner of the store was said to have passed, leaving Soldier feeling a little guilty, but at the same time, this was just what he needed to live until the enemy team decided to personally raid the run down area. Even though he still didn't find what they were looking for or even know what they wanted, it was still his job to take them out once and for all.
The sound of glass being crushed beneath his shoes echoed in the abandoned store. The only source of light came from outside of the store, all the lights inside were blown. Proceeding with caution, Soldier walked into the store. Fresh produce was scattered along the ground, some even began to rot. Graciously pulling a heavy duty flash light from his pocket, he scanned the store in hopes of finding some kind of food for the kitten.
“Let’s see here, milk maybe? No, the milk would probably be bad by now, but what about...” he trailed off as his eyes landed on a sign that read ‘cat food’, “maybe we’ll find something for you there.” Even though he knew that the kitten was far too young to eat any sort of cat food, he still had to try. Once he reached the isle, he became overwhelmed.
Bags of food were scattered all across the floor along with cat kibble decorating the floor like snow. Cans were busted open and laying messily on the ground. Trying to find what he was looking for would be quite stressful. In the end, he thought that it would be best to start looking right away.
As he looked at shelf after shelf, he began to give up hope. Feeding Peanut things her body wasn't ready for could be fatal and he knew it, yet, if she didn’t eat anything at all, she would perish much faster. Soldier decided to give it a shot.
“Alright Peas... Peas?” His heart fell at the sight of little Peanut. Weak and limp in his jacket, eyes barely open. The sadness Peanut bared seemed to seer his heart. He’s heard of what people call, ‘the last hurrah’. Where hours before death, a person or animal would regain all their bodily functions perfectly without fail. Of course, the speed and mobility weren't fast, but they were still manageable. He worried for little Peanut. She couldn't have used the last of her energy to cry for help, or snuggle into him the way she did.
It began to dawn on Soldier that he truly didn't know the last time she had eaten. It could've been hours, days or even weeks. She had to make it, she just had to. Looking at the can of adult cat food, he knew that there had to be something else, something that little Peanut could eat. With his heart pounding in his chest, he was determined to find something better.
Tearing through the shelves of cat food, throwing everything aside, he finally found it. The last can of wet food for kittens. A smile broke out on his face and tears swelled in his eyes. Maybe he really was good for something after all. He proceeded to make a small area on the ground for her to eat as well as look for a tiny bow to put the mush into. Grabbing the nearest bowl he could, he opened the can and dumped its contents into it the best he could.
“Alright Peas, come on, you can do it.” He chanted as he drew Peanut from the inside of his jacket. Her body felt limp and weak, but he was determined to save her. Placing her on the ground, he realized that eating would be something she wouldn’t be able to do on her own. The minuet her legs hit the ground, her body fell over, “I’ll help you Peas, I will,” He sat down with her and placed the flash light on the ground illuminating the small area. Using his finger to scoop some of the food onto his finger, he held his hand in front of Peanuts mouth. Slowly but surely, Peanut figured out that the food was in the bowl. Finding the strength to stand up, she placed her head in the bowl and began to eat away.
Relived, he sat back and watched her eat till her hearts content. But as he sat, he noticed a messy rack of collars at the end of the isle. Once he was sure that she wasn't going to go anywhere, he stood up and walked over to the rack. Collars of all colors, shape and sizes sat before him. One of which was leather with a piece of metal embedded into it. He smiled to himself and walked back over to Peanut.
“I found a cute collar for you Peas, I hope you like it.” Peanut looked up at him as he used a nail he found on the ground to scratch the name ‘PEANUT’ and ‘belongs to: Jack Morrison’ into the metal. He gently placed the collar around her neck and stood back admiring his work.
Oh how he loved her, then again, Angela would’ve loved her even more. She always had a way with cats, especially the orange tabbys. Researchers say that 90% of orange tabby cats are male, but Peanut seemed to be the acceptation.
“Welcome to the squad Peanut.”
A week passed since their discovery of the small store. Every day since, Peanut had been growing bigger and stronger. She was finally able to walk on her own around their living area (although Soldier would never let her walk when they went on their scavengers.) It was still unbelievable to him that he let little Peanut wiggle into his stone cold heart. The thought of letting her go was just too much for him to bare. She reminded him so much of Angela it hurt. She loved cats so much. Any cat was an instant friend to her and the orange tabbies seemed to be her favorite. Oh if only she could meet you and spoil you with her kisses. Soldier thought.
Peanut looked up at him and mewed at him as she pushed her food bowl towards him.
“Done already? Wow Peas, you're developing quite the appetite,” She cocked her head at him, as if she pretended to not know what he was taking about, “ah you little rascal.” He ruffled her fur and rubbed her ears a bit. Looking at his watch, he noticed that it was nearing time to go on their daily perimeter check.
Without wasting much time, he threw on the little side bag he had found and placed Peanut into the bag. Soldier then continued to pile on the rest of his gear on. He packed some snacks in the same bag as Peanut, just incase either of them needed some energy for later. Along with Peanuts food, he packed two bowls for him to use when she was hungry. Since she ate like a hog, meaning two to three meals a day, her second meal would be during their walk. Last but not least, he filled up his water bottle. Using her little hind legs to stand on the water bottle he had put in the bag, she placed her paws on the lip of the bag, letting her head poke out so she could look around.
“Alright, lets move out soldier.” He said as he stepped out of his little homey space.
The sun shone brightly and beat down on Soldier and Peanut. Most days, he would hate his walks. Like the day he found Peanut. It was cold, rainy and windy. Not exactly his forte. Yet the days where the sun was blistering down his back were not any better. But today, as the sun shone bright in the sky, he, for once, didn't mind.
Once they got half way through their walk, he decided to take a break. Walking over 20 miles a day wasn't any light work. He set his gear down in a shady place for them to rest in. Letting Peanut out of the bag, he couldn't help but wonder when the attacking team would come. It had been days now, what were they waiting for?
Soldier shook the thought from his head and continued to eat the snacks he had packed. Looking over at Peanut eating happily, he couldn't help but think of his past team. Yeah, sure, Peanut was on his team now, but his original team still held a special place in his heart. Especially Angela.
A heavy sigh escaped his lips. He knew he would never see his angel again-
Meeeerrow? Peanut meowed looking up at Solider. He looked down at her and smiled. It was then he realized that maybe he needed to move on from Angela, maybe he needed to put his love for her behind him in order for him to move on. It was a tough thought for him to think of, but he would have to face it sometime in his life. Although the picture of her in his mind was crystal clear, he would some how have to blur it the first chance that he got. He couldn't let the thought of her get in his way anymore.
He took a deep breath as he stroked peanut’s fur. Maybe Peanut was all he needed. A smile bore through his face as he looked down at her. It must've been destiny that brought them together-
The sound of a bomb going off took Soldiers attention off of Peanut.
That’s the que I’ve been waiting for.
Soldier jumped to his feet and loaded his gear. He couldn't waist any more precious time. As the amount of items before him decreased, he was soon left with one more item in front of him.
God, he knew she was going to hold him back, but now that they were this close and so dearly attached to each other? Sirens kept going off in his brain, indicating that he needed to go, he needed to finally take the members of Talon out once and for all. Yet, for what cost? He had just gained back all he had lost from just a tiny little kitten...
Fuck. It. Learn to stop being such a weakling and move on!
He said to himself before darting off towards the center of battle, leaving Peanut crying for him as he moved further and further away. Soldiers heart broke as he ran, but his legs kept moving him forwards. This was the end for them.
This would be her first time back out on the battle field since Jack had died. She didn't know if she would be able to do it. Her grip on her staff tightened as a thin layer of sweat dripped down her forehead.
“You ok there doc?” Winston asked. He and the team were more than concerned for her and her wellbeing. War was a sensitive topic around her since they told her about the news.
“Oh, yes, I’ll be ok.” 
“You know you don't have to participate in the cross fire if you don't want. I know it was your choice to come but it’s still your choice whether to shoot for not.”
“Thank you Winston, I really do appreciate it,” She gave a slight smile towards her fellow team mate and looked out the window as the chopper proceeded to grow closer and closer the ground. She swallowed as the chopper landed. It wasn't their big chopper, since only a quarter of the team was going in. Once they received news on the landing of a Talon chopper, containing about 4-5 people, they immediately boarded their fastest helicopter and took off right away.
Mercy, as always, thought that they were moving too fast and that they should take a moment to think about the situation at hand, but the rest of the team disagreed with her. The group had been harassing the small city for too long. They needed to put an end to the harassment. 
The group piled out of the small area and hustled to the coordinates Pharah was sending to them back at the base. Updating their movement every minuet of the mission. They were moving fast, but not fast enough.
“Winston do you copy?” Phara’s voice rang thought his ear piece.
“This is Winston, what seems to be the need for attention?”
“Well, before the team left, there were only 5 members of Talon.”
“And?” He pressed.
“Well, now theres a straggling sixth.”
“Why would that be concerning to us?” He questioned.
“It seems to me that they’re going rouge. Our radar picked up their vitals after you guys had left. It seems to be that they have been on the outer edge of the city this entire time. He was moving towards the group of Talon members, but now it looks like he's heading back to the place we located him in.”
“That’s strange,” He commented. The team had come to a halt in confusion as to what was going on, “you said they’re heading back to his original location, away from the Talon group?”
“Well keep an out for them and keep us updated. If there are any signs that they’re with Talon let us know ok?”
“Will do sir.”
“Alright team, lets move out!” Winston ordered. The team followed behind him, yet Mercy was tailing at the end of the line. As she followed them, she still wasn't sure if she was truly up for this. Of course she knew that she would be able to be protected from the crossfire, but the mere thought of being around the explosions and the flying debris just seemed like a lot.
As she looked up from the ground, she realized that she had fallen further behind than she thought. This left her alone with no one in sight. She was lost and alone. The grip she had on her staff tightened as she tip toed further in the direction she thought the rest of the team had went in. The grinding sound her teeth were making against each other seemed to comfort her just a little bit, enough to keep her legs moving. Her legs began to move faster and faster as the adrenalin coursed through her veins. 
Only minuets later did she heard the gun shots and the bombs that went off. They were not too far away from her. Her wings allowed her to glide over to the sounds as fast as possible. The only problem that was now in her way was that she had no clue where her team was. She could be flying right into the enemy’s trap. Thinking hastily, she flew on until she was as close as she thought she could get without getting in between the cross fire.
Arms shaking and body tense, she decided that she needed to move on, man up, and forget about the past. No more Jack or Gabe to hold her back now. It was just her and her caduceus blaster. She laid her staff on the ground where she stood and pulled her blaster out. A loud gun shot roared from the area next to her. Now was her time to shine. 
Darting out from behind the large concrete wall that was giving her cover, she shot blindly in towards the area of the sound. Squeezing her eyes shut, three rounds exploded from her blaster. Her eyes opened on the last shot. The ammunition just nicked the corner of the mans visor, allowing the front of the mask to shatter into pieces under the intense pressure. He cried out in pain and stumbled backwards before falling on his back, his hands covering a very small part of his chest as he did. 
She had done it. She had hit the enemy! And all it took was-
Even from across the land scape, she would recognize that face anywhere. 
What have I done?
Snarky voices rang out in the air.
“His by his own team mate. What a shame!” The voice laughed. Several others were followed by the remark. “He thought he could stop us solo. Looks like he's one less person we have to worry about.” Their snickers continued until they were no longer in hearing range. Mercy’s heart broke. Her legs carried her forwards towards the man, it soon turned into a sprint.
What. Have. I. Done.
She repeated again. Falling to her knees next to him, her hand gently caressed his face. It was old and weary, aged and worn. The damage had been done to what once was a young solider.
“Jack?” Her voice cracked.
His sole focus was on the enemy. 
Talon had finally arrived for their final fight. Today would be the day he finally took these guys out. Oh how he waited so long for this day. His hand was firmly wrapped around his pulse riffle and he was ready to fire at any moment. Not two seconds later did he see the reckless group of people walking towards him. They were right out and in the open. Perfect shots.
There was movement in his jacket reminding him to keep a good half of his body hidden from any shots that came his way. Not only was his job to protect, but it was also to attack. He grunted as he prepared to fire at the mass that was heading towards him.
The men suddenly scattered and hid behind all the walls they could thrown soldier off guard. They couldn't have known where he was or where he was located. He was hidden, it was impossible! 
The firing had suddenly started and soldier was more than ready to take these men down. Peeking around the corner, he slowly located where each enemy had hidden. Any second now, one would peek out of their hiding spot and-
Three shots buried them selves into three different cement walls. He missed? He was stunned by his mistake and proceeded to keep himself covered. He couldn't risk getting hurt.
Try again. 
He thought to himself. Giving himself the time to lock onto three more targets, he prepared himself to pull the trigger once more. The squirm in his jacket made him shift at the last moment before he pulled the trigger.
Again, all three shots hit the walls around the men. What is up with me today? He questioned as he prepared to take his next shot.
Thats when he saw her.
Out of the corner of his eyes he saw her. A radiant yellow glow surrounded her and wings sprouted from her back. God has she changed. She no longer wore the deep blue combat suit she made way back before the fall. A glowing halo sat upon her head instead of her little white medic hat. A full valkyrie suit covered her body, the one she went on and on about wanting to make.
“It’ll keep me even more protected than I already am!” She would exclaim when they went on their daily walks. And god did it do the job. But even after all these years, he still managed to recognize her beautiful face where ever she was.
Oh how he just wanted to-
A sudden pain grew in his chest and his stomach along with a shattering noise coming from the cracking of his mask. He didn’t expect it to end like this, not after all he had gone through. The sun glared on his naked face as he stumbled back on to the ground. Before he could hit the ground, he wrapped his arms around his right side of his body, making sure that nothing would be injured after the fall.
The sleepiness soon settled for the fallen soldier. His vision became blurred. Even with Mercy as a healer, he doubted that she would even think of helping him, let alone healing him. The clouds above him spun round and round as his jacket squirmed once more.
The sound of feet hitting gravel entered his ears and into his brain, allowing him to process that someone was approaching him. Mercy’s knees hit the ground so hard she thought she broke her knee caps.
“Jack?” Her voice wavered. Heart broken and shaken to the bone, she was clueless as to what she was going to do.
“Angela?” His voice was weak and he was fading fast, she must've hit something important.
Like my lungs and stomach? He thought to himself as he coughed up blood. Yup, that’ll do the trick.
“Jack!” She screamed frantically. His breathing became shortened and his movements were slow, “I am so sorry, I-I didn't know, I-I didn't mean to..” She trailed off as heavy sobs raked through her body. How could she have let this happen? How? All because of her stupid thoughts and feelings got in the way. How dare she let this happen. She had just gotten him back and for what? Just to lose him again. This was all her fault, and she would never forgive herself for this.
Jack tried to shush her and calm her down, which finally pulled her back into their reality. It finally struck her that he needed help.
“I can fix you up, I can heal you!” She exclaimed as she rapidly unzipped his jacket, only then did it dawn on her that she had left her staff somewhere out on the battlefield. Without her staff, she could do nothing. Tears raced down her face at an even faster rate. 
 Using all the energy he had, he reached up for her face. Unable to reach all the way, she helped him with the last couple inches.
“Angela?” His voice was now a whisper.
“Yes Jack?” Knowing that these would be his dying words kept her quite.
“Please... take care... of.... Peanut for me.... She was... all I had... all this time... I know... she’ll... love you.... And.. that you’ll love... her too...” He panted out.
Peanut? She questioned to herself.
The second she questioned who peanut was, a tiny furry head popped out from underneath his jacket. It’s tongue lolled out from it’s open mouth and it panted heavily. Mewing with great concern for her owner, she butted her head against his. Soldier wore a goofy silly smile as his other arm struggled to reach up and pet her.
“Be a good girl for Mercy... she already loves you....” He whispered before all life drained from his eyes. Peanut sniffed his face again as she realized that something was wrong. She licked his skin once more before starting a mewing fit. Panic flowed through her body as she tried to wake her father figure up. Only there was no use. In the middle of one of her cries, she looked over to find a blond girl crying heavily as well. With the thoughts that she was close to her father, she waddled over to her, mewing at her as comfort. Mercy looked down at the panicked little kitten Jack called Peanut.
Tears were more than blurring her vision as they also streamed down her face. Yet through them, she was able to see a little brown collar around her neck.
He was really serious about the kitten. She thought to herself.
Gingerly picking her up and cradling her in her arms, they began to calm each other down. Just the mere presence of something that was important to him made her feel just a little bit more better.
“You're safe now Peanut, you're safe.”
It was the dead of winter and the only sound in the house was the meowing of a very hungry cat.
“Ok ok okkk you goofy little Peanut.” Mercy said as she kneeled down to feed the not so little cat. She had grown an incredible amount since the incident. She was now the only constant in her life. Rubbing her back and scratching behind her ears made Peanut flop on to the ground on her side. Indeed she was getting old, but she was still the same loving kitten she had taken in 10 years ago.
Deciding that she had enough, she stood up on all fours and sauntered over to the couch. Above it was a frame with Jack’s 76 jacket folded neatly inside. Of course, Mercy had it mended and cleaned before hanging it, a symbol that he was always with her. Plus it gave Peanut something to stare at while she was gone at work. She meowed loudly up at the frame and sat down on the couch staring at it. She then began staring at it took. He definitely got one thing right.
They were getting along just fine.
Oooooookkkkkk. This took me way longer to write than intended because I added a stupid cat.
This is the original prompt that @imlostinatunnel gave me. And boy did I completely stray off the path 
{So 76 has yet to join up with the new Overwatch and is still taking care of things in some war-torn  part of the world.  One of the Overwatch missions takes them to where he is operating, and he unknowingly stumbles upon a seperated Mercy in the middle of a fire fight who shoots him after mistaking him for whoever they are fighting, almost killing him.}
Hahahahahaaaaaa.... Yup almost nothing like it. Plus I know I was pretty weak on the whole Mercy76 side of things but hey, I tried. I became more focused on that stupid cat than anything else. 
Y'all should be seeing an OC from me in another fandom very soon and I feel like I am the only person who is excited because, well to be quite frank, I don't know who else would. (except you @imlostinatunnel, you are the true MVP man and you know it all and her already). But I am pumped and hope that you guys like her.
I will also be straying into other fandoms to write fan fics and try to waddle out of my comfort zone of just writing Mercy76. So fandoms such as Miraculous, Steven Universe, VOLTRON (hint hint) and possibly Miss Kobiashi’s dragon maid or Tokyo Ghoul (probably the last two on my list)
I’m not going to hope for anything because hope makes my heart weaker but, I do hope that you guys end up liking what I have in store.
Criticism, comments, messages, always welcome.
My ask box, and now, my submission box is open too. Commission what you’d like through messaging (no charge at all, although there are things to consider that we will talk about)
I hope y'all enjoyed!
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