What does your Grillby and Muffet think of raindrop flower cakes?
EV!Muffet (A.K.A Missy) adores them!
She loves how precise and intricate they can be, and how gorgeous they turn out when they’re finished
She has tried making some that have a spider instead of a flower-
But she didn’t really get that far…
As for EV!Grillby (A.K.A Kelvin)…
…while he does admire how pretty they look, they are still mostly water, and don’t do well with his magic.
But he’d like to make one, some day…
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Also, what kind of hobbies does everyone have?
Thank you for the ask!
Obviously, the standard papyri & snes like cooking,
But i feel like everyone in the skeleton family likes cooking
And a funny thought in my head…
Cobalt decided to make some good ol’ homemade pizza one night, and was about to take it out of the oven, when the intrusive thoughts got a hold of him for a second.
Y’know how all the skeletons have plated/spaded tails?
Well, he figured since he couldn’t really feel anything in that part of his tail, he could use it like one of those pizza peelers/paddles and take it out.
Which would have worked, if it didn’t absorb the heat so quick and burn the part of his tail he could feel.
Hadés really likes to knit, and sew stuff
Fun Fact about this; the fur on Stitcher’s jacket wasn’t on there originally!
Or the fur on the inside
He bought some material and sewed it on, so it would give better protection in the snow
Teddy likes to garden/grow food
Sweets/Ochre, too!
They’re both pretty good at it, and always have some sort of plant in any room of their house
Potatoes, pumpkin, grapes, tomatoes, oranges, and peaches are what they have the most of, produce-wise in their back yard
A truly beautiful sight, their garden
Sweets/Ochre is definitely better with flowers, though
Wasp knows how to plays the bass
He swears up and down he’s only a beginner
But he’s written a few tunes and been at it since he got to the surface (2-3 years *cough cough*)
So who’s to say?
And speaking of instruments,
Everest (obviously) knows how to play the trombone and drums
And So does Stitcher
But recently Stitch’ has also been practicing electric guitar
And Badger knows how to play acoustic
We really have a lot of talented skellies in this house, huh?
Gaster actually goes out quite a bit!
Can’t say i’m too surprised, though
Being in the void’ll definitely make you lonely
He goes running early in the morning, being joined by Frosty/Paladin or Cobalt every now and again
He also really likes taking long walks around the park, or at the beach at night
He sets up a spot sometimes, with a blanket or two and stargazes
A simple man with simple tastes
(Can you tell he’s a favourite)
Suns/Taurus and Nova/Leo really like swimming
I guess the weightlessness reminds them of space???
Either way they’re a lot more lean that their counterparts
Cobalt, Gauntlet, Hadés, and Paladin/Frosty work out together
Cobalt & Gauntlet are a lot bulkier/bigger boned than the other two, as standard for sanses
Not to say that Hadés & Paladin/Frosty aren’t big boned-
They have bigger/wider shoulders
They all go around 2 or 3 times a week
Undyne and/or Alphys will join them, occasionally
Toriel/Ember does archery
Much like Asgore/Hot-cross has his Trident
Toriels/Ember has her Bow & Arrow
I might draw it later, but she has a specific outfit that she wears when she goes to a proper field to shoot in
I might update this later, but that’s all i can think of off the top of my head!
Once again, thank you for asking!
I love being able to share my thoughts and ideas
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Do Teddy and Orche have a favorite plant?
Teddy likes all kinds of moss and fungus- mainly bc of the puns he can make, but he also just likes the textures and thinks they’re neat!
Ochre likes succulents, they’re both easy to take care of, and make great gifts!
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Out of everyone, who would be the best cuddle buddy?
Thank you for the ask!
*i’m not sure what you mean…
*Like, who would be the best to cuddle with?
*like during a movie or something
*Or who is the best at cuddling?
*A dilemma indeed…
Sweets/Ochre, Teddy, Kelvin, and Kingsley/Asgore are the go-to pick for movie nights
Ochre, Teddy, and Kingsley are all big enough so that when they sit down you can lie on them without having your limbs off of their lap (mostly)
A few of the humans have definitely fallen asleep of Teddy and Kingsley before
It’s very hard to fall off of someone when they can surround you completely lmao
Those three of them are pretty much always down to just sit and relax while eating some stuff
Kelvin is always warm, and he enjoys cooking, so it works out well
He also needs a break, what with being the sole employee of his bar and all
*The best person to go to if you just need to cuddle for a bit, however, is someone you might not expect
*Say you need to cry for a bit, or just get away for a while
The best guy to go to is Stitcher
Don’t be fooled by his outward persona, he’s an emotional guy
The Everestverse sanses are on the taller side, so cuddles are pretty good quality for all of them
But stitcher always seems more attentive to emotions than the other’s
Even if you and Stitcher are less than friendly, he can usually push those kinds of feelings aside when need be
And being wrapped up in a warm fluffy jacket while being completely enveloped by a peaceful air of magic and a handsome skeleton doesn’t make it too bad, either
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What animal would you assign to everyone in the skelly group?
Thank you for the ask!
Everest is a hedgehog
Sleeps a lot, most awake at night, and definitely has his guard up at all times? That’s him.
Paladin is a bar-tailed godwit
While he isn’t the fastest of the skeletons, he definitely has the most endurance
Plus he technically doesn’t sleep
Cobalt is an Ant
Stronger than you think, and good at communication
He also somehow always has at least five snacks on him at all times (ants have 2 stomachs, 1 for eating, and the other to feed another ant8
Bee is a cheetah
Quick in both mind and magic, but has anxiety problems
Hadés is a jaguar
As a cat, he is well-groomed, and as a predator he is terrifying
Truly a perfect fit
Stitcher is a stray cat
Not that well groomed, and will usually lash out at people who mean the best
Has definitely bitten people as an adult
Gauntlet is a housecat
Elegant-looking, well groomed, and eats only the finest of food
…but he absolutely despises doctor visits and can be so very stupid sometimes
Wasp is a wolf
Loves his family more than anything, and will definitely kill if need be
But sometimes being alone is just as good
Taurus is a panda
Sleeps a lot, likes to eat, can still do damage but is generally just Not Up To It
Once again, a perfect fit
Leo is a dog
A staple Golden Retriever Boy
But like all dogs, he can definitely hurt someone, and is not that innocent
While Teddy’s name may suggest other wise, i think of him as a pitbull.
He can definitely do some damage, and has absolutely done so in the past, but he’s generally a nice guy and doesn’t really want to hurt anyone.
And Sweets is a Bee
Generally, people are scared of him
But it’d kill him if he had to hurt someone again.
Unless he was provoked, of course.
Gaster is…and owl
Generally seen as smart and wise, elegant and incredibly terrifying all at once.
He doesn’t know what he’s doing.
He is just, so tired…
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What’s the skeletons crew’s go-to-drink to order?
I imagine Stitcher and Everest like the typical soft drink/soda, like coke or pepsi. But they have inter dimensional pockets that they store sauce packets in. To put in everything.
Paladin would prefer water over anything else, but a nice tea, or some lemonade is something he also enjoys
Gauntlet and Hadés have their tastes set toward coffee, but the also like tea. (Gauntlet would probably try different teas, but Hadés would probably just have black tea with a little bit of milk)
Cobalt likes energy drinks and coolaid. But he carries a water bottle on him at most times. He enjoys coffee, but only takes it black when he’s very tired and in need of a boost. Otherwise? Very sweet and sugary.
Bee doesn’t like coffee, and prefers sweet drinks, like hot chocolate. He usually drinks tea with a lot of milk and sugar.
Wasp drinks coffee mostly black, with a small bit of sugar, and a splash of creamer. He also enjoys a sweet tea, hot or cold.
Taurus likes boba, and frappe’s. Sometimes a coffee in the morning, but it’s still quite sweet.
Leo, doesn’t drink coffee at all, and either drinks water, tea, or juice.
Sweets/Spud enjoys juice, shakes, and smoothies. Water and tea are okay, but he can’t have anything too sweet, because his teeth will start to ache.
He also prefers to use a straw, to make things easier.
Teddy likes mild coffee(hot), tea, water, juice, and smoothies. He doesn’t drink coffee too often, because he usually won’t get a straw with it.
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What is the crew’s favorite holiday?
(Not sure if you meant the main’s or just the skeletons, but imma do all of them)
Stitcher, Sulfur (EV!Fell Grillby), and all of the muffets and love Halloween
Everest, Gauntlet, Hadés, Taurus, Leo, and every other Grillby and the Toriels like Gyftmas/Christmas
And Bee, Wasp and Teddy love April fools like it’s their family
The amount of food on the table at Christmas is fucking insane.
‘Lotta cooks in this house already, and the Toriels just make it crazy!
Also, home-made butterscotch/cinnamon-eggnog, because of course.
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A little W.I.P, as a treat
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I wonder what e could be worried about? 🤔
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How often do shenanigans occur in the boys household? And what was the most ridiculous one?
Thank you for the ask!
Shenanigans don’t occur too often…
Though they definitely happen a lot more around this time of year
And April 1st is like Christmas to these guys, truth be told; Wasp & Bee are the Prank Twins of the house
There have been a few…accidents in the kitchen, when it comes to Cobalt & Gauntlet
They have regular cooking competitions at the end of each week, along with Paladin and Hadés, but they are most competitive with each-other
When they first moved up to the surface, they didn’t quite know how to work the gas stove in their temporary home, and ended up exploding the whole thing! Gas top, oven, and the poor bag of popcorn burnt to a literal crisp…
They bought on an electric stovetop/oven and replaced it themselves by the next morning.
They never did get the singe marks off of the sink, counter and wall though.
Or manage to fix the chip in the tile behind the new oven…
They know not to combine magic with gas now, at least!
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If your skeleton boys could get tattoos what would it be?
(It doesn’t have to be all of them)
Ooh! I like this one!
I feel like the guys could get tattoos??
Their bones are quite malleable-i don’t think they could express very well if they weren’t-
They aren’t real skeletons after all! Magic, an’ all that jazz. (Ooh, now that’s a good book title…)
But i feel like they don’t know that? And i do have to say, even with their bones being softer, the technique would need tougher needles…
But i’m getting side tracked!
Everest would get a simple forest tattoo, with mt. Ebbott and a likeness of his house on his ulna like this
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And some simple vines and snowflakes scattered around, including a small flake just next to/under one of his eyes
Paladin would have his sword going down his spine
And i can see him having a tattoo he got when he was drunk (which, while he won’t admit it, he’s actually kinda happy with it-)
It’s a meatball on a plate of spaghetti wearing a scarf and sunglasses, with the text “So Cool” in the Papyrus font.
Everest brings it up whenever he can at parties to embarrass the fuck out of him lol
I feel like Stitcher would have the most out of them, with maybe only wasp coming in at a close second
Mainly tribal-looking, or “badass” stuff, like “teeth” on each of his vertebrae, or the likeness of his blasters on his scapula…
And of course he’d get a criss-cross stitch pattern on his sternum!
Wasp would have, well, a wasp, probably with a knife, or some fire maybe
Like, just one, really near-cringeworthy cliché “badass” tattoo of that, and the rest would be different flame patterns going up his arms
Some flowers, some plain lines on his ribs
Cobalt would get a small look-alike of his hammer, upside-down on the back of his neck, and some blueberries with flora
Small, simple vines down one of his arms, too…
And maybe a small star or two just under his eye, like his og design had
A very simple man
Gauntlet would get something like Stitcher’s- A look-alike of his own blaster on his scapula -but it takes up more space, and the colours are an inverted black and white
He would also get a small, purple rose on his radius
Hadés would get a small crown on the back of his neck, just below most collars on shirts
A very pretty replica of his sword on his sternum…
And maybe some permanent eyeliner who knows-
Taurus wouldn’t really bother, maybe unless his brother asked him
But if he did, he and Leo would have matching tattoos on their scapula of their corresponding constellation! (Aww :D!)
Taurus would get Leo, and Leo would get Taurus
Bee would get almost exclusively florals, and comes in third for most tattoos that would be had
I imagine he would get a really nice and extremely detailed (and quite expensive-) large tattoo that takes up his whole left scapula, it’s a chunk of honeycomb laying in a pile of beautiful florals with a couple bees
It’s in medium pastel colours and it look gorgeous, it’s the one he’s most happy with
He also has an omage to his brother (is that how it’s spelled? I think that’s how it’s spelled…), a single, simple blue vine going down his arm
Hidden by the other florals, but easily found if you’re looking for it
I don’t think Sweets/Spud or Teddy would have any
But they might have one that represents the other, bc of course
Teddy would have a small monster candy with some simple, but cute, extra lining on his scapula
And Spud would have a teddy bear on his sternum
(And bc i’m self-indulgent asf even in my own au, teddy might have a line from the middle his bottom teeth to his chin to mirror my persona’s mark ;3)
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Which of your boys would have a debate over Waffles vs. pancakes?
Cobalt, Stitcher, Badger, Gauntlet and Spud would definitely choose waffles over pancakes
Paladin, Edge, Suns, and Teddy would choose pancakes
And everyone else is neutral.
Cobalt and Stitcher would absolutely throw hands over which one is better.
Teddy gets a pass for this though because his teeth are big for his jaw and hard foods make his teeth grind.
Also he’s the biggest sans, and while he just chills most of the time he could absolutely beat ass.
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How did the skellys get introduced to their favorite food or beverage for the first time?
Thanks for the ask!
Everest, Stitcher, Taurus, Wasp, Bee, and Teddy got introduced to their favourites when they moved into snowdin
Everest, Stitcher, and Teddy’s favourite food is grillby’s
While Wasp and Bee love Muffet’s
The sanses were around 15 at the time
And the papyri around 8
Paladin, Hadés, and Leo found theirs when they started training with their respective Undyne’s
Cooking lessons and all that, y’know?
Azure, and Rosé found theirs when they went shopping on the surface for the first time
Gauntlet found a nice wine
And Cobalt discovered a subway
Sweets made his.
He got some seeds as a gift and started his garden
It took some time, but eventually they grew
They were strawberries, and the first thing his garden ever grew
Gaster found his after he was released from the void and moved onto the surface
He was sitting with Sans and Papyrus eating something they had all made together.
It was spaghetti.
He really loved that night
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Out of everyone in your au, who’s your favorite (if you have one)
Teddy or Sweets.
I love my big boys :)
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Happy (late-ish) Hallows everyone
(I might finish a drawing later but for now i’m tired, thank you)
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Which character do you guys wanna see/see more of?
I’ve only drawn/shown the skelebros so far, really…
So lemme know!
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When a monster goes through stress/is in a stressful environment, their body stores magic and energy as a defence mechanism in order to protect themselves.
This build up and storage of magic acts like adrenaline, making them more awake and skittish, along with enhancing their endurance and staving off hunger.
However, if the stressful environment is intensified or prolonged, other things will happen
Monster bodies, being made the way they are, are…malleable…in a sense.
Their forms are made of magic, and rather than simply falling to the floor and slowly decomposing, their bodies turn to dust once they die. And as their souls are also made of magic, their bodies are very in-tune with what happens to it.
So when a monster’s magic reacts to stress and stores up, their body changes to house it-
Getting bigger, gaining new limbs- even growing other things like horns or eyes.
Such examples of stress induced ‘biggering’ can be shown with the EverestSwapFell skeletons, Gauntlet and Wasp. Though minimal, they are a tad stronger and around an inch or so taller than their counterparts.
Extreme cases like the EverestHorror skeletons are unfortunate, however.
Once a monster’s body reaches a point where it has grown around a foot or so bigger than it’s original height, it stops growing, and other things grow and fill out- such as the horns and eyes I mentioned. But these will most likely vanish as stress lowers.
Unfortunately for the horror skeletons, the prolonged state of so many intense stresses has made their larger forms a permanent change.
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