#ever since Atem spoke in red again SOMEONE'S been watching
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sennenpharaoh · 4 months ago
We Need To Talk
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Done for the day, Atem walked into his bedroom to change. Tossing his shirt to the bed he walked to the dresser to pull out some loose pjs for the night, passing by the wall mirror on the way there. There he locked eyes with his reflection, a seemingly benign occurrence on the surface. But Atem knew better as he continued to rummage through his dresser to look for a nightshirt. He knew that it was more than just the reflection of a mirror, especially once he heard a certain voice.
You felt it, didn't you?
Atem peeked his head back from the dresser to look at the mirror, locking eyes with the reflection once again. However he didn't say anything, that was until the reflection spoke once more.
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That rush of power. You felt it, did you not?
Atem didn't answer, but instead asked a question of his own. "What did you do to me? One minute I'm trying to strangle Dartz in my nightmare, the next I see my hands around my Colonel."
You still think I'm to blame for your little surge in power. May I remind you just who exactly it was that fought the Parasite and got too close to the stone inside of him? Hmm? And whose weakness was it that caused that little surge in darkness to finally come out?
"If you're quite done..." Atem turned away, back to the dresser to continue picking out a nightshirt, a brief silence filled the air.
It must have felt good, though. To put your hands around that neck of his.
"I was dreaming of someone else, not him. You of all people should know that." He finally picked out a shirt and slipped it on.
True, but to know that you had your hands around his neck the whole time... must have felt good to finally deal a little bit of justice... to your beloved murderer-
A slam was heard as the dresser was forced shut, Atem's eyes now locked onto his reflection.
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"You. Shut. Your. Mouth."
Why? That's what he is. He said it himself. How many did he say? Thousands? All those innocent lives gone and not once has he suffered for it.
"Since when do you care about the suffering and deaths of innocents?"
I never said that. You did.
Atem just narrowed his eyes.
That's why I'm asking you. It must have felt good to make him suffer, especially after all that he's done. Give him a small dose of payback for all those people he's killed, hmm?
"That's enough. I'd never-"
Then what's that on your chest?
Atem looked down, noticing the small black flame on his chest again, though for some reason... it was slightly bigger?
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"What have you done to-"
Again with the accusations. This is your own darkness, not mine. Every time you tap into your inner darkness that little flame of yours grows bigger. So far you've used it twice now: once against the Parasite when you exceeded the limits of your magical endurance, and once when you put your hands on your precious Murderer.
"Stop... calling him that."
Which, by the way, has me thinking... He's pretty strong, wouldn't you say? You've admitted that yourself that he may even be strong enough to defeat your beloved Snake. Tell me... if he's that strong...
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Why didn't he immediately stop you when you put your hands on him?
"What are you talking about?" Atem looked at the bedroom door. "He was probably... surprised... a-and you just said that... this..." He covered the small black flame with his hand. "Was the reason I was able to overpower-"
Your little brush with darkness may have caused you to defeat a hated enemy, but don't flatter yourself. So long as you continue to deny what's in front of you all of this is moot. Your Murderer can easily outmatch you, and you know it. So then... why didn't he stop you?
"That's..." He began, still looking at the door, but trailed off when he couldn't find an answer. Well... he did, but he didn't want to say it. Then again... he didn't need to say it, because...
Interesting. I've been thinking that too.
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That's when Atem glared back at the mirror.
Why such a look? You said it yourself, right? Actions have consequences. Don't you be looking at me thinking that he doesn't deserve some form of punishment for what he's done. He said it himself that he doesn't deserve forgiveness, and who are you to give any to him in the first place?
"..." Atem fell silent, looking at his hands. "Even if it was the case... I've no right to pass judgement. I am not the one he harmed or hurt, so I have no right to forgive or punish him."
A pause.
Maybe not him, perhaps. But I do sense that desire to punish someone. Someone close to you. But who is it?
"That's enough." He turned away. "If you're quite done, I'd like to get back to enjoying my evening, thank you very much."
Still wish to deny yourself, I see. Pity. But that flame of yours will only grow larger as you tap more into that darkness of yours. I wonder... once it gets too big to handle, will you embrace it... or let it consume you?
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"We're done here." He walked away, leaving the bedroom to enter the living room.
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sennenpharaoh · 2 months ago
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"Send me back. Right now. Send me back right now! Get me out of this nightmare and send me back to him right now!"
Atem had both his hands clasped over his mouth, a horrified look on his face, eyes already filling with guilt ridden and terrified tears that didn't even bother to wait before falling. Why? Because that word, that... name didn't come out of the dark other.
That came out of Atem's own mouth. He was the one who spoke of such a word.
Why? Are you too much of a Coward to admit the truth? That word came out of your lips, not mine.
"No! I... I refuse to believe that! You deceived me somehow! You had to have tricked me, controlled me to-"
Allow me to take the words out of the Murderer's mouth this time and call you an idiot. You... of all people know... what my magic is.
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Remember? Your Guardian told you of this, the Snake told you of this. I reveal the truth, nothing more. And just like clockwork, when the truth is right in front of you... you refuse to admit it. He's a murderer, a mass murderer, one could say his acts are parallel to genocide. You've thought it ever since you laid your eyes on that archive. Seeing the faces, hearing the cries, watching the bodies burn to cinders. Even he says his acts are unforgivable, and yet here you are... looking over those crimes, the lives he has taken, the families he has destroyed. Who are you to look past a nation's genocide, Pharaoh? Ah... That dream still rings in your head, doesn't it? When he did the same to your own Kingdom.
"Stop... Please... Just send me back to him." Atem glared back at the other, though his eyes were still flickering with red.
You're angry, aren't you? I saw it back then, just as I see it now. You're angry for those people. All those that never got a chance to live their life. Those that never got to see their families, or start a family. All of those whose sole crime was living in a certain nation. You're right to be angry for them. Such is the way of the noble and brave Pharaoh who defeated the Dark God and saved his own nation, isn't it? You care and feel for those people as if they were your own Kingdom, don't you? You wish to see justice be done for all those innocent lives, don't you? Well... he's right there.
Atem said nothing and just looked at the image of "Roy" in front of him. Why... All he wanted right now was to leave this nightmare and be in the arms of his newly engaged fiancé. But... instead of his Colonel... what he saw in front of him was the visage of someone who had done horrible crimes, committed countless murders, ended the lives of those who had done nothing. Nothing! What the other said was right... had those have been his people... Atem would stop at nothing to seek justice for those that have been harmed. And what was in front of him... wasn't the kind and gentle Colonel he had fallen in love with. No... this was the quiet and stoic "Hero of Ishval".
Hero... he was many things, but was no hero.
He was a murderer.
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"All those people... all those lives..." He muttered, right at "Roy". "Gone by your hands. Yours!" He approached "Roy", grabbing him by the uniform, tearful eyes of crimson looking back at the cold, stoic eyes of hazel. "How could you? How could someone so kind, gentle, patient, compassionate, and loving... do such a horrible, terrible, and monstrous thing? My words and feelings may not matter, and I know I have no right to say any of this..." For some reason it seemed... easier to speak to this "Roy" than the one he was actually laying with. A strained grunt left him before he opened his mouth again.
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"c... can't..."
Back in reality, Atem was still trembling in front of Roy, eyes still a flickering mix of red and violet, struggling even more as the words now seem to leave him against his will, the small rivers down his face now flowing freely. Though... there was no sign of possession or anything, no green circle on his head. Even the voice showed a hint of his normal gentleness, despite the words that were coming out- no. The words Atem was saying. The words Atem had held back ever since he laid eyes on an archive involving a certain extermination, and the same words that he "had no right to say", despite what he was feeling deep down.
"c-can't... forgive... you."
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Roy was confused when he heard the soft words spoken, what was he talking about or who was he talking to? It wasn't at him he could tell, but then when he tried to say his nickname that he always used. (his rank)
He was listening to make sure he heard him and then those words that he spoke with those same eyes he remembered from his nightmare he had. He's seen them before, but then now.. it was noticeable, and so was the tears that ran down his face.
Then the word he uttered next, just like his nightmare.
Roy felt his whole body froze in place. He could feel his heart sinking. He had never thought that those words would be said by Atem out loud, only in his nightmares. He hadn't expected it, but of course his brain already knows that's what he was. There was no going back for what he did and he knew it.
He was a murderer and he's accepted that fact, a war criminal, and he wasn't going to pretend that he didn't do the things he did, but the thing that really bothered him about all of this was that Atem wasn't exactly acting like himself.
There had to be more to it than that, but he didn't say anything. He let Atem say that word to his face, but he was scared that something was happening that he wasn't aware of, where he couldn't help him.
Was that version of himself talking to him right now? He was at a loss of what to say or do, he couldn't just deny that because he was considered one and it wasn't like he was going to pretend he never did anything like that, because he did. He would hold himself accountable for his actions, for the rest of his life.
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"Atem...?" His breath is shaky when he finally speaks. He needs to see that Atem is okay, even though his heart is racing, scared of what was to come, he would brace himself, but he wasn't sure what he was planning to say next since this whole situation was new to them both.
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the-pancake-writes · 6 years ago
Snippet: Prince Yugi/Bodyguard Atem AU 9 - Hurtful Words
Sequel to “The Kiss”
For a complete overview check the contents page
If you saw this post  you already know about this AU of mine. The title basically says it   all. Prince Yugi, body guard Atem, forbidden love, drama. ;D
Guys, I’m planning on uploading this to AO3/FF.net since it seems to be turning into a story after all lol. So if you have any ideas for the title let me know because I suck at titles!
Last time Yugi and Otogi took a walk in the forest. Otogi took the opportunity to kiss Yugi, much to Atem’s anger...
Another alarm for @spiritualpuzzleshipper and @yamisonarbtleh!!
“How dare you?!“, Atem hissed. “How dare you kiss the prince?!”
“Atem, calm down”, Lord Otogi said but Atem’s grip around his collar tightened.
“You will pay for this! I swear I’ll-”, Atem said and drew back a fist. But before he could punch, Yugi forced himself between Atem and Lord Otogi.
“Atem, what in the gods’ names has gotten into you?!”, Yugi said with outstretched arms and a drumming heart. Atem snorted, his face almost as red as his eyes.
“Me?! He’s the one who dared to kiss you! This is a crime and I will make sure that-”
“Atem, Atem, my friend, calm down”, Lord Otogi said and stepped beside Yugi, adjusting his coat and scarf. “I admit I may have disrespected Dareian laws but you know that in Kallias-”
“We’re not in Kallias! And once we are I will not let you kiss the prince whenever you please or … or even worse!”
Lord Otogi chuckled.
“Or worse? Atem, you’re talking as if I was about to show the prince the path to adulthood.”
Before Yugi could ask what that meant Atem pushed Yugi aside and Yugi almost slipped on the mud the melting snow had created. Atem seized Lord Otogi’s collar once more.
“Over my dead body you will!”, he said. “I’ve had enough! Pull your sword! I challenge you to a duel!”
Lord Otogi only rolled his eyes.
“Atem, I’m a diplomat. Even if I had a sword with me I’d be stupid to accept the challenge of an elite soldier. Relax, my friend.”
“I am not your friend!”, Atem said and shook Lord Otogi.
“Atem, stop!”, Yugi said, grabbed Atem’s arm and made him turn around.
“And watch how that shameless Casanova toys with you and your feelings while courting five other people?!”
“That’s not true and you know it!”, Yugi said.
“I don’t care! I will tell the queen that I see your purity in grave danger and then she’ll remove that philanderer from your vicinity before you completely forget about your duties!”, Atem shouted, his voice echoing through the cold forest.
“Why, aren’t you a hypocrite!” Yugi clenched his fists. “When I found the blue, little book you were the one who told me that here on the continent people are way too strict in that regard! That a noble can be a good leader without being mostly abstinent! And now you’re freaking out over a kiss?!”
Atem was speechless for a moment. He opened his mouth but no words came out.
“Could it be”, Lord Otogi said and stepped forward, “that what Atem is displaying right now goes beyond brotherly protectiveness? I dare say he might have romantic feelings for you as well.”
Atem stumbled backwards, eyes wide. Adrenaline rushed through Yugi’s body.
“A-Atem …” Yugi played with his hands. “Is … is that true …?”
Hope fluttered in Yugi’s chest like a hummingbird. Atem returning the feelings Yugi had been suppressing for so long now …! Atem would only need to say one word and Yugi was ready to run into his arms …!
“That’s … completely ridiculous!”, Atem said. “I’m your bodyguard, my prince! I … I’m only concerned about how you’re forgetting about the duty to your country! The way you’ve been acting I wouldn’t be surprised if you decided to run off with Lord Handsome and leave your people to die in a war!”
Atem might as well have rammed an icicle into his heart. Yugi could only stare. A cool breeze blew and made Yugi’s blond bangs dance.
“You know what?” Yugi’s voice was so calm it even surprised himself. “You go and tell my mother what just happened. But then I’ll make sure to find another bodyguard before I leave for Kallias. One who doesn’t stalk and spy on me. Someone who is honest when he says that I can trust him.”
Yugi turned around and ran. He heard Lord Otogi’s voice trying to stop him but Yugi didn’t care. Nor did he care about splashing himself with mud and icy water as he ran through the puddles, manoeuvring around all the trees and bushes. He mounted his horse and galloped back to the palace, getting away from Atem as fast as he could.
Yugi locked the door to his bedroom behind himself, ignoring the confused servants who had asked him to take off his muddy boots. He felt a few sweat drops running over his temples and a slightly painful tingle all over his skin, caused by the sudden change from the cold outside to the heated chambers.
He took off his scarf and gloves and flung them into different corners of the room. How dare Atem accuse him of forgetting about his people?!  How dare he insinuate that Lord Otogi was courting other people beside him?! How dare he ruin a moment that could have become a wonderful memory?!
Yugi tried to remember what the kiss had felt like but it was all overshadowed by Atem’s outburst. He sank into an armchair and buried his face in his hands.
He never meant to forget about his country! His mother had raised him to always be conscientious and responsible. Just because he had enjoyed how Lord Otogi had distracted him from a possible war it didn’t mean he had forgotten his duties! Even he deserved a break now and then … right?
Yugi didn’t know. But instead of anger he now felt guilt creep all over him for every time he had blushed or laughed because of Lord Otogi’s advances. What if the gods really looked down on him in shame and disgust? If not for forgetting about his people, then definitely for the blue, little book in his bedside table …
Yugi got up and peeled himself out of his coat. Without changing out of his riding attire he made his way into his office, hoping to appease both the gods and the tense feeling in his stomach by getting back to work.
Yugi spent the rest of the day and half of the next in his office. He had already distributed most of his tasks because of his upcoming journey but he still found papers to read or binders to reorganise. He ate little, spoke to no one and hoped that this way he could prove to the gods that Atem had been wrong.
Now and then anger flared up in his chest, directed at Atem and his unjust accusations. Atem’s anger on the other hand, apparently hadn’t lasted long. At least he hadn’t fulfilled his threat of telling the queen of what he had seen. Otherwise she’d have summoned Yugi immediately.
Maybe Yugi’s counter-threat of finding a new bodyguard had stopped Atem? But even if it had, Atem had only refrained from telling the queen because he didn’t want to lose his position as Royal Protector. It certainly wasn’t because he cared for Yugi. He had made that clear by calling the idea of him being in love with Yugi “ridiculous”. Yugi still felt a sting in his chest at the memory.
Just as he was taking notes concerning  the funding of a medical research facility, a knock sounded and a butler entered with a tray.
“My prince”, he said and filled Yugi’s cup with tea and half a spoon of sugar. “A maid of Lord Otogi gave this to me just now.”
He handed Yugi an envelope and withdrew. Yugi opened it and read:
My dearest prince,
I am deeply sorry if any of my actions yesterday caused you hurt or confusion. I hope I’m not the reason for your refusal to receive anyone right now. About Atem, I tried to talk to him but sadly he rejected my kind offer.
If you’re feeling lonely, know that you’re always welcome in my chambers. Whenever you need a friendly word, a shoulder to lean on, or more, do not hesitate to call on me. Furthermore, I think you’re a most devoted and hard-working person and a wonderful prince who only wants the best for his country.
With all loyalty and admiration,
Lord Ryuji Otogi
For a moment, Yugi’s worries were wiped away. How kind of Lord Otogi to write a note! The words on the page warmed him from the inside more than the steaming cup of tea next to him ever could. While Atem had pushed him away once again Lord Otogi’s arms were still wide open.
… you’re always welcome in my chambers.
Yugi had to admit that he’d much rather talk to Lord Otogi than keep working. But wouldn’t the gods be disappointed? Then again, he’d only spend 20 or 30 minutes with Lord Otogi – and he certainly wouldn’t let it result in another kiss! He only needed a few smiles and kind words, then he’d get right back to work …
Yugi stood up, left his own chambers and approached Lord Otogi’s. He knocked on the white door with golden ornaments but no one answered. Had Lord Otogi gone out? Yugi knocked a second time but still no answer.
Yugi’s heart sank with disappointment and he was about to turn around. But then he heard a female chuckle from inside. Yugi stretched out a hand for the handle. It’d be rude! But he only wanted to ask where Lord Otogi was … and he had written that Yugi was always welcome.
He opened the door and sneaked into the corridor. He was about to say something but heard another chuckle, a male one. Lord Otogi’s …?
It came from the drawing room where he and Lord Otogi always spent their lessons. The door was ajar and Yugi looked inside.
It was as if someone poured a bucket of icy water over his head.
The red-haired maid was sitting on Lord Otogi’s lap, their faces glued together in a kiss, and Lord Otogi’s hand on her naked thigh, pushing up her skirts.
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ayma-nidiot · 4 years ago
“Don’t Speak Their Names”- Shrimpshipping fic Chapter 31
This chapter can be found here on AO3.
Chapter 31 - The T.V.
~29 December 2005~ 
In an extremely rare moment of peace, Rex decided to take a stroll through downtown Domino City with all his… friends, for lack of a better word. If anything, he felt bad that everyone was doing so many nice things for him, and he had no appropriate way to return the favour. The weather during their stroll was as nice as it was shortly before regionals. After all I’ve done to everyone since then… am I really deserving?
It was Espa, of all people, who snapped him out of his thoughts. “FREAKING OW! ”
“Espa?” Mako turned around to see his boyfriend trying to bend over to pick up a maternity shirt that fell out of his handbag. “See, this is why I told you not to bite more than you can chew. Because you’re not-”
“Yeah, I know, I’m not a shark. Or a shifter like you.”
Mako smiled as he gently stroked Espa’s baby bump. “Maybe one of our babies might be. Wouldn’t that be cool?”
“So, that’s why I’ve been in pain all the time. Ugh.” Espa groaned, then looked to Rex.
“What, have the twins been giving you trouble?”
“Yeah… They’re growing so fast. Not helped, of course, by how they always want spicy food. If they don’t get it, they’re kicking me like crazy…” Espa rubbed his temples. “I haven’t been getting much sleep. I don’t know how you do it, Rex.”
“Heh, what an odd way to bond. Well, just think of how happy you’ll be when you finally get to look into their eyes. And believe me, it hasn’t been much easier for me, either.” Rex’s smile quickly faded. “At least you have the father of your babies at your side.”
The party, now feeling like they were done for the day, decided to make one last stop before going home. Rex’s beloved park was badly damaged from the monster attacks, and even with landscapers working hard to restore it, he knew it would take forever to regrow the roses that were once there.
“This is the park where we had the baby shower…” Rex couldn’t bear to look at the brambles all over the park benches. 
“Come on, Papa, chin up!” Amber hugged her mother from the front. “The Earthbound Gods are almost all gone, and after they are, you and Daddy can duel your hearts out here!”
“And me?” Joey pointed to himself.
“Yes, Joey, and you.” 
“But what about you , Amber?” Rex asked. 
“I… I don’t know…” Amber trembled. “After the Earthbound Gods are all vanquished, I will have served my purpose. So I’ll probably return to my own time.”
“You know what, fuck that noise.” Rex wrapped an arm around his daughter. “You’re one of us now, and nothing’s going to change that.”
“And I know better than anyone that time paradoxes really aren’t a thing when my cousin is involved.” Mokuba laughed.
“Too bad he couldn’t use those mysterious powers of his in Battle City.” Espa chuckled.
“Ah, shaddup,” Rex scoffed. “You weren’t even there in our ancient Egyptian time travel.”
“Papa… Okay, I think I’ll stay after all and attend my own birth, if only to make sure that Daddy isn’t late.”
“I hope he’s there at all… Ggh!” As Rex chanced upon the central tower of Domino City and the T.V. on it, another contraction hit him - so he called Dr. Balls for advice. “Doc, I’m having more regular and painful contractions now. And I’m feeling them everywhere, not just in my belly anymore. I know I should have told you this yesterday, but... this all started yesterday.”
“Then you need to get your butt over here right now, because you’re experiencing true labour. Your mucus plug came out a while ago, so it’s only a matter of time before your water breaks too.”
“Yes, Doc… I’ll be there in a minute.” Rex hung up.
“I’ll push you on the wheelchair to the delivery room, if you want,” Joey offered.
“And I’ll hold your hand throughout the birth if Weevil isn’t there,” Mokuba chimed in.
“We might as well all be there,” spoke Atem. “You’ll need all the support you can get.” 
“...” Rex said nothing, and merely looked at the giant T.V. that displayed the news.
“I thought you said that the park was your final pit stop for the day? You sure don’t have a sense of urgency for someone who’s about to give birth,” Espa noted. “What’s wrong?”
“This T.V…. It’s where Weeves and I watched the finals of that K.C. Grand Tournament we almost crashed.”
“I still think you guys should have won that duel,” Kaiba remarked. “Zigfried just got a super lucky starting hand.”
“We’ve been through so much together ever since I fell for him after regionals…” Rex subconsciously started crying; he hugged his baby bump with one arm and stroked it with the other. “And yet… he’s not going to be present for his daughter’s birth, all because of the Earthbound Gods.”
“Papa, I-” Before Amber could say her piece, she saw a familiar face out of nowhere. “Daddy!”
“Weeves?” Rex turned around. Sure enough, Weevil stood only a few meters away, staring longingly at the same T.V. He ran up to him and starting kissing and hugging him immediately. “I knew you’d come back to me! Baby, I missed you so much.”
“...” Weevil remained silent for a spell before he hugged Rex back. 
“You…” Rex’s tears turned to tears of joy. “You really are back…”
“No he isn’t!” spoke a demonic voice from above, whose source was invisible.
“A-Arrrrrgh!” Weevil knelt to the ground in pain. “My… My head…”
“Weeves!” Rex began to panic.
“Show yourself at once!” Atem demanded. “Or else you will know the power of ancient Egyptian magic!”
“Now now, Uru…” Watda appeared behind Weevil in the form of a crimson devil, with several snakes in place of legs. “Have you forgotten what your real goal is?"
“'Real goal...?'" Rex's fleeting good mood faded. "Weeves, explain yourself!"
"And why should I have to?" Weevil's voice hardly sounded like his own now. "Actually, scratch that. I'll explain myself... through battle!"
"You... You can't be serious?!" Rex wanted to collapse to his knees right then and there. "Grr! Watda, get out of my boyfriend's head if you know what's good for you!"
“You cannot unwrite what is already written!” Watda cackled as red-and-purple shadows emitted from Weevil’s heart. 
“Weeves!” The temperate weather gradually began to foul up, to the point where even Rex noticed. But that didn’t make him want to go to the hospital room any faster, his quickening contractions be damned.
“...Yes, my love.” Weevil’s clothes slowly peeled off, thanks to the flames that Watda created. “Your wish is my command. Say the word, and I will kill anyone who gets in our way.”
“Weeves?” Rex’s heart broke seeing his beloved get intimate with someone else. “You can’t mean that!”
“Oh, I think he does.” Watda caressed Weevil’s face. “Once I am through with you, I will bear Uru’s children. Then, this world will belong to the Earthbound Gods!”
“Weeves…” Rex patted his baby bump. “Does the love we share mean nothing to you now?”
“Whatever are you talking about? Ha!” Weevil cackled.
“Weeves…” Rex stepped back as his contractions gradually got worse.
“Papa!” Amber angrily turned to Watda. “Stop filling my mom’s head with shit!”
“Uru! It’s time!” Watda’s snakes delved deeper into Weevil’s body. “Receive untold powers!”
“Yes!” Weevil’s laugh became more sinister as his form began to change.
“Arise! Earthbound God Sanpedro!” So were Watda’s last words before he completely fused with Weevil. He was now not only half-shifted, but he also had red eyes, four dragon’s wings, and a maroon chain whip.
“Ha…” Weevil felt no need to say anything yet, hoping that the power coursing through him and his intimidating presence would speak for themselves.
“That’s…” Amber shook. “That’s the creature… that killed everyone…”
“Oh… my… gods…” Atem looked up in slight fear; even though it was midday, Weevil’s new transformation enshrouded Domino City in dark clouds. 
“Instead of gawking at him, why don’t we do something about it, pharaoh?” Kaiba shifted.
“You said it, Kaiba!” Joey summoned Red-Eyes Black Dragon and mounted it. “So bug boy has wings now. How hard could he be to defeat?”
“You really think so?” Anita and Weenus, as Aslla Piscu and Cusillu, showed themselves.
“I killed your buddy the whale like it was nothing!” Kaiba scoffed. “And you’ll soon learn that messing with Seto Kaiba will be your first - and last - mistake.”
“I’m right behind you, Kaiba.” Dip revealed herself.
“Ccarayhua… You’ll fucking pay, traitor! Hyaaaaa!” Anita thrust her beak at Dip, who counterattacked with her lizard tail.
“You go ahead and kill the damned rabbit’s other allies…” Weevil ordered. “Leave the damned rabbit and his daughter to me. ”
Amber had to think fast as Weevil approached, with his chain whip at the ready. “I never thought I’d have to do it again…”
“Amber?” Rex was about to mount Red-Eyes Slash Dragon.
“But if transforming into Rabidragon is the only way to bring Daddy back to his senses, so be it.” Amber lowered to the ground, hovering only slightly about it, as pink flames erupted from the ground. The flames changed her body into that of a dragon with rabbit ears, cottonball-like fur, and red spikes all over her body and tail.
“Beautiful…” Rex admired his daughter’s true form.
“Papa, get on,” Amber insisted. “We have a better chance of fighting the monster from the air.”
“Oh?” Weevil raised an eyebrow as Rex and Amber flew up to his level. “I’m a monster now? Whatever happened to ‘Daddy?’”
“You’re not my Daddy!” Amber glowered at Weevil. “You’re a disgusting monster that has driven Daddy mad!”
“Hah! Well, good luck trying to kill me without also killing your Daddy!”
Just then, Rex could hear a voice call from below, “Rex!”
“Mom?” Rex looked to see Ptera, Spinos, Camellia, and Adelaide running to him, 
“Get down from that butt-ugly dragon… rabbit… thing this instant, mister!” Ptera demanded. “You should be in the delivery room!”
“Harsh, Grandma… By the way, I’m Amber. Or Rabidragon, whatever you want to call me.”
“Oh my… S-Sorry.”
“And who is that? ” Camellia squinted at her son. “Weevil?”
“Ah, yes…” Weevil didn’t bother to descend, as Watda’s henchmen surrounded Rex’s family. “If it isn’t the Earthbound God Uru’s mother herself. You’ve served your purpose, as have the rest of you lot.” Weevil nodded, giving his monsters the go-ahead to attack.
“Oh, no you don’t! Go, Jurrac Tyrannus!” Spinos summoned his ace monster that barely protected Ptera in time.
“Spinos… Heh! I’m not some damsel in distress you need to save! Watch this! ” Ptera summoned Dark Driceratops and Black Ptera in attack mode. 
The Dark Driceratops fell an enemy close to Anita. “You lot are strong, for nonshifters.”
“And it’s too bad you’ll never get a taste of their power!” Kaiba blocked Anita from proceeding further. “But you’ll get a taste of the queen of Egypt.”
“And its awesome crown prince!” Heka did a funky dance before generating a ball of light from his hands.
“Heka, for gods’ sake, we’re in a battle!” Kaiba chided. “Be thankful to Ra that you haven’t gotten your head chopped off yet!”
“But I haven’t, Papa! Look what I can do!” Heka released a storm of light balls at several enemies around Weenus - and even one at Weenus himself.
“Ggh…” Weenus winced as the light ball took off a good chunk of his monkey tail. “I can’t believe I let this nimrod injure me!”
“Looks can be deceiving!” Heka stuck his tongue out.
“Aww, you’re so amazing, my love!” Amber squealed. 
“How dare you flirt on the battlefield instead of fighting me! ” Weevil charged, nicking Amber’s shoulder with the chain whip and nearly knocking Rex off.
“Aaaaaah!” Amber cried.
“Babe!” Heka violently pushed aside the enemies that swarmed him, killing most of them. “Get out of the fucking way!”
“Like hell I will!” Weenus slapped Heka with what little tail he had left.
“You… son of a bitch…” Heka held the gash in his arm, but still charged forward. “Nobody comes between my girlfriend and I, ya hear me?”
Heka began to sing, “Ireruruy iraruy…”
“What? Heka, you idiot!” Atem exclaimed as his Millennium Puzzle glowed. “Your body can’t handle the Pharaoh’s Incantation! You’re not mature enough-”
“Irakah urugem iomo atakatu, ijusanim uatust…”
“You…” Weenus could hardly remain in monkey form.
“You die!” Heka’s arm became enveloped in a blue, sword-like beam of light. “Now!”
“Gah…” Weenus reverted forms mid-air and fell to his death.
“You’ll pay!” Anita tried to slash Heka with her wings, that was until Kaiba took the hit instead.
“Leave my son alone, cur!” With his teeth, Kaiba seized Anita by the wings and kicked her hard enough to rip them off one by one.
“Hmm?” Weevil looked to the two Earthbound Gods who had just died. “Tch! Useless bastards. But no matter… Rex, I will kill you on this day, just like I did in Amber’s future. Do you remember, oh dear daughter of mine?”
“No…” Amber’s body started to blink like a car light. “No, leave me alone!”
“Amber…” Rex stroked Amber’s ears. “I’m here, and we’ll free Weevil from this evil. Together.”
“Hahaha! Come try me, rabbit stew!” Weevil unleashed the chain whip upon a weakened Amber.
“Weevil! Ugh!” Rex’s Tyrant Dragon barely managed to get a hold of the chain whip. “Please! You’re better than this! Even under that disgusting disguise, I know my bug duelist is still there. I know that the man whom I’ve literally been to hell in back with many times is still there.”
Weevil’s attack faltered for a spell. “D-Do you honestly think that you can sweet talk your way to defeating the most powerful Earthbound God of all? What a joke! I’m not weak-minded like Ccarayhua! And I’ll prove it to you right now!”
“If…” Rex closed his eyes in resignation as his last strong monster fell to Weevil’s chain whip. “If that’s how you really think, then-”
Rex opened his eyes again to see that Kaiba had taken the hit for him, and took a rapid nosedive in human form. “Kaiba! Gods, no!”
“Big Brother!” Mokuba led the “Dweeb Patrol” to where Kaiba had fallen.
“Hahahahaha!” Even though he was several thousand feet in the air, and Kaiba’s intervention knocked him back a bit, Weevil found it prudent to spit upon Kaiba’s body. “So much for the ‘God-Shattering Star,’ huh? That's what he gets for ruining my childhood! Fuck you, Seto Kaiba! I curse your name! I despise you!”
“Our God-Shattering Star…” Phuckdis couldn’t transform, as his flight feathers had been cut during the battle. “He has fallen!”
“P-Papa…” Heka was still fatigued from his battle with Weenus, as well as using the Incantation. He couldn’t even crawl to Kaiba, and passed out before he could try.
“Heka… My love, not again…”
“And to think, your cousin died for nothing, because you’re going to die anyway!” After brushing himself off, Weevil started his attacks anew, which Amber struggled to block.
“Amber…” Rex let his Duel Disk fall from the sky. “This is hopeless… If the Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon can’t defeat Weeves, then what am I supposed to do?”
0 notes
poisonzeth · 8 years ago
SOOO, I watched both HTTYD movies and the series and this came to me (maybe I’ll post info of the au later, or continue the fic)
If you have ever heard about dragons you know 2 things:
1-They breathe fire.
2-They’re really hard to kill.
Okay, maybe not THAT hard, but still.
Maybe if you have heard of dragons you have probably heard that they’re hard to find, well, that’s a lie or at least it is in Domino’s island in where dragons attack the town day and night, okay not always but not rarely.
Life in Domino was nothing close to easy, especially for a weakling like Yugi Muto, son of the chief and young genius, thought only Sugoroku (Yugi’s grandfather) and Ryo (Yugi’s best bud and also a weakling) were the only ones that cared about that.
Here are a few things you need to know about the boy:
1-It has been proven that Yugi was the weakest, tiniest most evasive, sneakiest Viking of all Domino.
2-He enjoyed long solo walks in the forest.
3-Dragons like Yugi, and I don’t mean it like they never attack him or something, no, I mean that almost where ever he goes a dragon arrives
Now that you know this let us continue.
It happened a day of summer, it was cold, why? Because in Domino exist only 2 kinds of weathers: cold and fucking cold; but that’s unimportant, the important thing is that, as often happened, Yugi had a fight with his father and he escaped to the forest.
Away from the town, Yugi sat under a tree, hugged himself and cried, he stayed there for a while and he felt a strong breeze that came out of nowhere, he tensed up, he knew what that meant, he looked up and froze on his place.
A Gandora with black scales descended in front of him; a scream died in Yugi’s throat and all he could do was stare with wide eyes at the dragon in front of him.
The mighty beast stood there his red eyes staring at Yugi and the fear in Yugi’s heart dissipated, Yugi was amazed by the beauty of the magical creature.
They stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, then out of nowhere the dragon put his forehead against Yugi’s squishing Yugi’s nose against its black scales, for a moment Yugi stopped breathing, his heart thrummed loudly in his ears and he felt the Gandora’s skull vibrate against him as it purred.
Yugi’s eyes had dried out a moment ago; slowly he raised his hands and placed them at the sides of the Gandora’s face.
The dragon’s long tail rested around Yugi and Yugi felt peaceful until.
“Yugi!” he heard Ryo yell his name.
The dragon moved as fast as light and before Yugi could blink it was gone.
“Yugi!” Ryo tackled-hugged him with tears in his eyes but Yugi didn’t react at all, he was in shocked as his brain processed what had happened “I was so worried!” Yugi stared at his hands as if they were something he had never seen before “What happened? Please stop disappearing like that”
Yugi finally reacted.
“Ryo you won’t believe what just happened!” the boy turned to his friend still trapped in the white haired arms.
Yugi told is fried about the Gandora, Ryo’s mouth hung open.
“I want to think you hallucinated”
“I didn’t” Yugi glared at his friend.
“Oh, I know that” Ryo grabbed Yugi face “You sure it was a dragon?” Yugi nodded “And a black Gandora?” Yugi nodded again “Amazing, just, amazing I would have loved to see that”
They sat in silence for some minutes until Ryo spoke again.
“So what happened?” Yugi was by now free of Ryo’s arms, both sitting and looking at the distance.
“The chief was in a bad mood”
“He’s always in a bad mood” none looked at the other.
“You know what I mean”
“You know what happened, is always the same”
“But something more happened, right?”
Instead of sadness Yugi felt hollowness.
“He threw my chess to the fire after he yelled at me”
“Oh Yugi” Ryo hugged the boy again “If you want I can make you a new one” Yugi sighed.
“It’s not that Ryo, it’s just” the tears Yugi didn’t know still had rolled down his face “My mom made it for me, it was one of the last things I have of her” Yugi sobbed.
Yugi’s mother had died by an illness a few years prior, it had affected everyone in town, especially Yugi and his father, and their relationship, when they had Yugi’s mom there they’re relationship was rocky but now that she was gone their relationship had gone from bad to worst.
“I’m sorry” said Ryo and soothed his friend.
After Yugi finally calmed down, they returned to town, it was almost night; they parted ways at Yugi’s house.
Yugi sneaked into his bedroom, without changing clothes he threw himself onto his bed and stared at the ceiling remembering his past encounters with dragons.
Like that one time stumbled over a tri-horned dragon, he screamed and ran back to town with dragon right behind him.
Or that time Yugi fell on a Spyro nest, he screamed and ran back to town, again followed by the dragon.
Also that time he was kicking rocks and he accidentally hit a Cyleer, just as the other times he screamed and ran into town with the dragon behind him.
Yugi noticed the pattern; he should really stop doing that.
He thought about the Gandora, his heartbeat grew faster as he remembered the beast, he wanted to see it again, he knew it was a foolish idea not because it was a dragon but because the probabilities of find it again where slim.
Against of what he thought, but you knew this already, he found the dragon, actually it was the dragon who found him, but it doesn’t matter who found who because that doesn’t change what happened.
Yugi had had a strong fight whit his father again, it seems like the dragon could sense Yugi’s feelings and again, it cuddled Yugi and purred.
This event repeated several times, whenever Yugi had problems or was feeling down he would go to the forest and the black dragon would find Yugi and console him.
Yugi named the dragon ‘Yami’ because it always appeared at 'dark’ moments of his life; also he had had no more accidents with raging dragons so that was a plus.
Yugi wouldn’t have noticed this last fact if his cousin, Anzu, hadn’t mentioned it.
“Good job baby boy!” Anzu had greeted him by hitting him on the shoulder blade.
Yugi hated that nickname but Anzu just wouldn’t stop calling him that.
“What are you talking about?” Yugi chuckled nervously.
“You haven’t destroyed the village by bringing a dragon in a month” she laughed.
“Really? I didn’t’ notice at all”
“Really? Well anyway, keep your good work baby boy” she said before running away with an axe in hand.
Yugi had told Ryo about all his encounters with his (probably) dragon friend, but he still hadn’t told his grandpa firstly because his grandpa had went overseas to visit a friend and secondly because he wasn’t brave enough.
Almost half a year had passed since Yugi and Yami met for the first time, Yami had starting to appear more often, more like whenever Yugi went alone into the forest, now Yugi could even call it.
Yugi whistled as loud as he could and Yami arrived in no time.
“Hello friend” Yugi caressed the beasts face “How are you?” in response the creature licked Yugi’s face and the boy laughed “You know? I was thinking” Yami growled playfully “Hey” he pushed halfheartedly Yami’s face away from him “Anyway, as I was saying, I was thinking; you as a dragon have the ability to fly” Yami made a sound of acknowledgment “and you are big and strong enough to carry me” Yami made a noise as if saying 'So?’
“So I said 'hey maybe I can ask my best dragon pal to give me a ride?’ so what do you say?” as an answer the only thing Yami did was lay down on the side.
Yugi threw himself on Yami’s belly.
“Oh come on” the dragon ignored him “Please, I want to fly too” the dragon didn’t even turned to him “Pretty please”
Finally, Yami turned and stood up but kept his head down so Yugi could get on him.
“Yes! Thank you!” as soon as Yugi had settled himself on Yami’s neck the dragon rose “Oh my gods” Yugi gasped when he looked down and regretted it, they were so high! “Oh my gods” he repeated hugging Yami’s neck for dear life.
Yami growled at the pressure.
“Sorry” then Yugi noticed it, the astonishing view “Wow” he said breathless.
He felt the wind against his body, he laughed and stretched out his arms, he lost his balance and almost fell.
“Careful little one!” someone yelled and a shadow covered Yugi and Yami “Don’t you think it’s a bad idea to ride a dragon without a saddle?”
Yugi looked up, his eyes widened and his mouth hung open in shock as he saw a handsome tanned boy with crimson eyes riding a Azure eyes silver dragon (a kind of dragon that was supposed to be extinct) upside down right above him, smiling at him.
The tanned boy laughed.
“I take from your expression that you had never seen an Azure dragon before, right?” Yugi could only shake his head “Well then, this is Puzzle, who’s your friend there?”
Yami shook slightly his head to get Yugi out of the boy’s spell.
“Oh, this is Yami” the black dragon shook his head again “a-and I’m Yugi”
“My name is Atem, nice to meet you” Atem changed from flying on top of him to flying at his side “You look around 11 and 14 so I suppose this is your first flight” Yugi gasped.
“Excuse me? I’ll have you know I’m 16” said Yugi angry, this didn’t seem to bother Atem at all.
“Really? We are the same age!” he said happy.
“You don’t say, you look around 60 or 65” Yugi tried to put as much poison as he could in those words, tho, it wasn’t much since Yugi has no poison, I mean, he’s too tiny to contain evil! “Good bye”
Yami descended, leaving behind Atem and Puzzle.
Yugi huffed a bit angered by Atem’s comment, Yami laughed.
“What?” Yami mocked his human friend “hey!” Yami laughed again “What’s so funny?” the dragon looked up to the dragon rider flying away “You find his rude comment fun?” said Yugi trying to act insulted, the Gandora made eyes to his human friend “What are you trying to say?”
“I insist you should get a saddle!” yelled Atem as he flew over them and disappeared in the distance.
Yami laughed.
“Oh stop it!”
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