#eventually this will be steddie x ofc
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i havent written today yet but this is where im sitting. pretty happy with those numbers especially since (like i said) i havent written anything in 4 years really seriously.
a few of my favorite parts so far:
“Yeah, you just said it. Those are the only places we’ve been lately. We need to get out and do something on your next day off that’s not at your apartment or my van!” “What, praytell, is there to do in Hawkins, oh, wise one?” “I’ve got wheels. We can, in fact, leave Hawkins.” “Well, my next day off I have to open the next day. What about staying in Hawkins for this one?” “Okay. What about the arcade?” “Now you’re speaking my language, Munson.” “A little Pac-Man. A little Donkey Kong.” He winked at her. “Oh, yeah, talk dirty to me.” She laughed. “Some Galaga.” He chuckled. “Dirtier.” Her laughter got louder. He stopped to think before offering, “Centipede?” “Oh, you know what I like.” She stopped, holding her stomach from laughing too long, “You’re on.”
“Just tell her that you like her, man. It’s kinda super obvious to everyone anyway. Except for, apparently, her.” Gareth was sitting with the rest of Corroded Coffin, casually tossing Cheese Balls into his mouth. “I’ve acted exactly the same around her since the day we met. How would she know the difference between a me who likes her and a me that doesn’t.” He told his friend, “A me who doesn’t like her has never existed.” “Jesus Christ, Munson!” Jeff said, taking a drink, “That’s the most poetic shit that’s ever left your mouth. Are you going to start writing ballads?” “Is this you telling us you’re going to leave us and join Whitesnake or something?” Grant added.
She finally got the last card in her hand and turned only to almost drop them again. She got a hold of herself before she had the chance to say ‘What the hell is Steve Harrington doing here?’ out loud. “Hello.” She said, her brain suddenly blank to any other English words she knew. “Hey there.” Steve replied, smiling as he looked her over. “Um…” She willed herself to think. She went to school. She knew other words. What were they? Oh yeah – “Can I help you?”
He smiled, suddenly excited, ‘You’re right. I didn’t even think of the mall! Thanks, Josie. You’re a lifesaver.” She smiled back at him, “What flavor?” Eddie almost choked on his own spit but stopped himself. ‘Is she flirting?’ He asked himself. “What?” Steve laughed. “You called me a Lifesaver.” She replied, “What flavor am I?” “Oh.” Steve raised an eyebrow, thrown off by her question, “I don’t think they make a flavor fitting enough for you.” “Oh?” She was just making a joke at first, but his answer threw her making the tips of her ears and her cheeks feel like fire. “Maybe a black raspberry flavor.” He told her, smiling. They just looked at each other. Josie blushing ferociously. Steve with a smug grin on his face. Eddie, from his chair, witnessing a Twilight Zone episode with his mouth agape. “Anyway, Josie.” Steve said, finally when she didn’t reply, “I’ve got to get home and let my dad know what I’ve found out. Thanks again for the information.” “No problem.” She managed to choke out before he left the store. “What the fuck was that?” Eddie said as soon as the door closed.
The door opened again and she walked in. Eddie’s nice, respectful thoughts immediately were nowhere to be found. She had gotten a new bathing suit, a simple, black bikini and she looked amazing in it. Eddie wished for a word other than beautiful. Gorgeous. Perfect. Hot – no, stop – Sexy – stop it. Jesus Christ. Goddamn. “I like the bathing suit.” Is what he chose to say instead.
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allyricas · 2 years
Broken pt. 6 is up.
Summary: Robin's plan to find out if Nancy likes girls is put into action during a small party at their place. Never have I ever gets a little raunchy and things change irreversibly for Cat in relationship with Steve. What place will Eddie have in her life after this night?
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i havent slept in over 24 hours bc of finals week so idk if this will make sense but
canon!steddie meeting modern!steddie
okay lemme explain
like. steve and/or eddie experiencing dimensional time shenanigans and ending up in a version of the modern day where there's modern versions of them and everyone they know
i just think the possibilities are very funny and cute and interesting like
80s!steddie x modern!steddie double dates, double the steddie for the price of one
modern!steve speedrunning 80s!steve's sexuality crisis bc he figured out he was bi years ago thanks to the internet, dustin's incessant research habit, and modern!robin's support (i need you to know modern robin has an undercut, it's not relevant to any plot ideas herein but it's important to me <3)
modern!eddie introducing 80s!eddie to more recent metal/rock (80s!eddie would go crazy for system of a down this is fact) + 80s!eddie's whole fashion and aesthetic driving modern!eddie nuts bc 'holy shit you're genuine vintage dude' lmao
the way i would i kill to see 80s!eddie or 80s!steve react to a smart phone (except modern!steve can't laugh because the walkman 80s!eddie has on him eludes him just as badly lol)
can you imagine 80s!steve reacting to like. WAP. or doja cat. pls it would be so funny. doubly so because he'd probably come to eventually like that genre of pop but my god his poor scandalized 1980s sensibilties
the possibilities for modern!steve's fashion are so funny bc 80s prep is so distinct from modern prep fashion, like i know in my heart modern!steve had a fuckboi phase in high school where he at least very much looked like one i know he did asffjsksk
also pre-relationship shenanigans that are absolutely ridiculous bc how tf you gonna be jealous of yourself from another dimension/time period?? 80s!eddie doesn't know but he sure is feeling some typa way about how friendly his steve is getting with eddie's doppelganger
meanwhile 80s!steve thinks modern!steve is so much cooler and has hit shit together so much better than he does (he very much does not, the modern era simply has better support systems for students who struggled to get into college + therapy is more readily available, rest assured modern!steve is just as big of a dingus), of course his eddie would wanna spend more time talking with the better steve
anyway i need steddie and i need funny time shenanigans. might fuck around and draw these idiots interacting. after i take a 3 day nap ofc.
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portaltothevoid · 2 years
For Whom the Bell Tolls - Chapter Thirteen - Road to Nowhere
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x OFC (Kat Ramsay), sequel to Foolin’
Summary: Kat explains her secret to the group and eventually her fears with Eddie. She gets in touch with Uncle Hank.
Warnings: established relationship, tender moments, the beginning of (platonic, with a lowercase p) steddie (if you squint just a lil), steve and dustin banter, 
Word count: 3.2k
Chapter song: Road to Nowhere by Ozzy
Tag list: @munchabunch​ @madaboutmunson​ @michele131​ @riffcrusader​ @prettyboyeddiemunson​ @literarypeachtea​
“Okay, but can someone please explain how Kat just appeared out of nowhere?” Steve asked, hand on one hip, the other punctuating his tone, exasperated at the fact that everyone was ignoring him.
“Steve, she used her superpowers! Come on!” Dustin said as he shook his head.
“So you know El?” Max spoke up in an effort to dispel the banter that could erupt between Dustin and Steve in hopes of getting to hear more of Kat’s story.
“Yeah. I was one of the only ones who looked out for her there. Everyone else was jealous of how powerful she was. I was right behind her in most of the tests.”
“But I thought you were from LA?” Robin questioned.
“No, I am, but my parents shipped me off here when I started to… make things happen. My uncle worked at the lab, so I went to ‘live’ with them, but really I was just a glorified lab rat.”
“How’d you get out of the lab, then? El had to literally escape. We found her in the woods the night Will went missing,” Dustin explained.
“I left in ‘79 when I was, like, twelve or thirteen. My uncle informed my parents of something really bad that happened and, of course, with their money, I was sent home the next day. It killed me to leave 011 there by herself. But I think… Whatever happened that day has something to do with whatever is happening now.”
“We don’t know… exactly,” Eddie confessed.
“Wait, how long have you known about Kat, Eddie?” Robin asked.
“Since uh… right after Halloween.”
“And you didn’t freak out?” Steve asked bluntly, to which Kat narrowed her eyes.
“How do you think she was able to beat the shit out of Jason?” Eddie scoffed.
“Yeah all the weird shit they say about me kind of has something to do with that… I held Jason down with my mind and, yeah, beat the shit out of him. The girls talking shit at the Halloween party, I made sure they couldn’t open their mouths and speak. Um, and then the jock that night, I sort of shoved him into a bush from far away… Eddie was there for all of it, so like, he knew something was up.”
“And I mean, hello, uh, real life sorceress as a girlfriend? No brainer.” Eddie said adoringly.
“Right? Come on, why else would I level up to become a sorceress in D&D?”
“See, Dustin? How’s it feel to not always know things?” Steve nodded to Dustin who just rolled his eyes in response.
“Kat, what else do you know about Vecna?” Dustin asked, changing the subject.
“He started out as 001. He pretty much murdered everyone at the lab except for 011 and me and some doctor. He wanted to help us escape and join him to take down the lab and I think take over the world or change it or something? Anyway, we basically used so much power that I thought we had just, like, disintegrated him, but I guess we opened this doorway to…somewhere and sent him there. I don’t know, he’s, like, transformed and is some gross monster now and… I couldn’t stop him. I saw him in Chrissy’s mind and he knew I was there. It was like he wanted me to watch it or something,” Kat finally took a breath as sharing that realization, admitting it, felt like a punch in the gut.
“Wait, wait, wait. Vecna is 001?” Dustin’s mouth hung open in dumbfounded shock. “Are you sure? How do you know?”
“Dustin, she just said it, because of the lab,” Steve scoffed. Dustin turned to glare at Steve.
Kat nodded. “He’s… he’s been appearing in my dreams for almost a month now. First he showed up as this veiny, I don’t know, burn victim, but it was like a bad signal as he changed from that to what I remember 001 to look like, just back and forth.”
“Oh, this is bad. This is really bad,” Robin said with a shaky voice as she winced.
“He… he killed again. Just before you guys got here,” Kat revealed, her voice barely above a whisper.
“H-how do you know?” Max prompted.
“I… I can feel it. There’s this razor sharp pain – it feels like my head is gonna split in two,” as Kat clarified, fear briefly flashed across Max’s face. Kat noticed it and also noticed how she neutralized her expression just as fast. “He wants me to join him,” she went on. “I think he’s building an army of some sort, but I don’t know why or for what.” The group exchanged knowing glances with each other as Kat explained. “H-he sent Chrissy to me in a dream last night. She tried to get me to join him– them. They kept saying it will ‘end my suffering.’”
“And you don’t know who he killed tonight? Or why he chose them?” Dustin asked.
Kat shook her head. “I knew something was up when I felt really, really sick around Chrissy, but I didn’t put it together until it was too late. It was so obvious.” Kat avoided eye contact with everyone and bit her lip.
“Kat,” Eddie said caringly as he placed a shaking hand on her knee, “there’s no way you could have known what he was up to. It’s not like you can, uh, read his mind.”
“No, but he can get into my mind.”
“But if you’re like El, can’t you go into people’s minds too? Like she did?” Max inquired.
“He killed Chrissy from inside her own mind from whatever dimension he’s in. That would be suicide if I did that. Do you people– Can you even comprehend how powerful he is?!” Kat’s tone began to sharpen.
“Okay, okay, Kat, we know he’s powerful. We’re just… trying to process this,” Dustin said in an attempt to ease the building tension.
“Don’t mind her, Red. She gets, um, a little snappy when she’s… scared,” Eddie apologized. He anxiously looked to Kat after he spoke in case she didn’t like what he had said. In response, she just huffed and rolled her eyes before her features turned to stone in seriousness.
 “Everyone should be scared,” she warned.
“We need 011 back,” Dustin sighed.
“My uncle knows where she is. He used to work at the lab, but he got reassigned to Nevada when it shut down. At least, I’m guessing that’s what happened. I need to call him. There was a payphone a few miles back… We were gonna try and sneak over to it tonight…” Kat’s voice trailed off just before her face reanimated as an idea dawned on her. “Steve, could you drive me? It’s late enough, isn’t it? There’ll be next to no one on the roads.”
“Uh…” Steve just stared like a deer in headlights. “I don’t know if…”
“We’ll stay with Eddie. If there’s any chance of getting 011 back here, we need to take it,” Robin interjected.
“I can hide myself, Steve. It’ll be like I’m not even there. No one will see me,” Kat urged.
“O-okay. But keep yourself hidden. They know you’re missing, but I don’t know if they’ve decided you’re an accomplice or if Eddie abducted you,” Steve commanded.
Shaking her head and rolling her eyes towards the sky, Kat mumbled, “Sometimes I just wanna…” She looked around at the five pairs of eyes blinking back at her. “Uh, on second thought.. Never mind,” she said quickly.
As she went to get up, Eddie grabbed her hand and pulled her attention towards him. “Be careful,” his words were soft spoken, but his eyes were screaming, pleading with her.
She bent down to kiss him. “Always,” she said as her thumb brushed over his chin. They stared at each other for just a split second, but the moment felt so much longer, as if they exchanged a thousand loving words, until Kat shot up to stand. “Alright, Harrington, let’s get this over with.” She nodded her head towards the door as she started towards it.
“Uhuh, yep, okay,” Steve spit out as he almost stumbled to keep up with her.
As they were leaving, Dustin scooted over closer to Eddie, “Hey, man, I’m glad you’re okay.”
Eddie gave him a weak, but appreciative, smile as he placed his hand on Dustin’s head to give it a couple shakes, back and forth. Steve’s eyes narrowed at the interaction, which Eddie caught, turning his own expression into one of smugness. “Thanks, Henderson.”
“Do you guys need anything? We could pick up some things and drop them off tomorrow?” Robin offered.
“Honeycombs,” Eddie practically begged with his eyes shining with want.
Kat fell out of earshot to hear the rest of his list as she walked over to Steve’s BMW. He had left the boathouse a few paces behind her and when he looked towards his car, he saw no one.
“Uh, Kat?” She just sighed, ignoring Steve calling for her and opened the door to get into the car. “Right. Get ourselves a real Houdini here,” he muttered to himself quickening his pace.
He started the car in silence while Kat stared out the window. “Hey, you should probably buckle up,” Steve advised.
“You should probably just drive real careful,” Kat deadpanned. “In case anyone drives by, even though it’s dark out, you don’t want people to see a seatbelt buckled with no one in the seat.”
“R-right. Good point, that’s a good point,” he nodded.
Kat was first to break the silence which filled the car, “What did Dustin mean when he said the monsters from the Other World have come back before?”
“So, Will got taken into the Upside Down by something and then these demogorgons appeared – that’s what we call them. They’re the monsters with heads that look… Well, they look like flowers in some weird way. But, uh, then Will got possessed by some kind of weird smoke from the Upside Down and was used as a spy for this weirdly intelligent misty monster. That’s the Mind Flayer. To protect him and the vines he used to spread the Upside Down into our world, there were demodogs, which, I guess, are teenage demogorgons. Then the Mind Flayer got trapped here and turned into this fleshy oozing version of itself. Mind tricked people into eating rat poison so they’d disintegrate. It tried to kill 011, but she sent it back to the Upside Down.”
“That’s when she lost her powers, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah… how– how did you know?”
“My Uncle Hank keeps tabs on her. He told me. He was actually here last month and helped me get my memories of the lab back. I just blocked most of it out. I stopped using my powers for a while. Or well, I numbed them using – let’s say – self-medication,” Kat scoffed at her recollection. “Now I know all too well what I’m capable of…” she trailed off as Steve pulled over to the phone booth. 
Kat shrugged off her battle vest and smoothed down her hair as best she could. Steve gave her a confused look. “Blending in, just in case,” she said as she got out of the car. She patted her pockets once she was standing. “Shit,” she mumbled. “Hey, you got some quarters? Kinda left in a hurry…” Kat sheepishly said as she leaned back down to talk to Steve.
“Yeah, of course,” he said as he dug around his cup holder. “Here you go.”
“Thanks,” she said as she trotted over to the phone booth and picked up the phone, dialing Hank’s number. Steve did a double take as he saw Kat and then saw a dirty, dilapidated phone booth, which she created while waiting for her uncle to answer.
“Hello?” a voice on the other line said.
“The Firebird has landed.” Kat used her code name in case the phones had been tapped. She wasn’t about to let some random payphone ruin everything.
“Where the hell are you?! What’s happened? Carnation has been fearing the worst.”
“I’m safe. I’m protecting myself. I know what’s happening. It’s 001. He’s back. He’s behind the murders. Remember when I told you we needed 011 here? Well, Paddington needs to get his shit together and–”
“He has her. They just got to NINA.”
“Jesus, about damn time– wait, just got there? As in, like, today?”
“Yes. We’ve known of the rumblings. We weren’t expecting it so soon. As soon as we got word about what happened–”
“Oh, you weren’t expecting it? Because I haven’t been warning you about this for, gee, over a month now?!”
“I know, I know. I tried, believe me, I tried. What do you need?”
“I need you to get your asses in gear and for her to get back to normal, so I can have some semblance of backup! I don’t know what 001 is doing, but he’s either starting an army or gathering strength or both.”
“Has he been in your dreams lately?”
Kat scoffed. “Only every time I close my eyes. He wants me to join him. He says it’s only a matter of time. He attacked again tonight, I don’t think anyone’s found the body yet.”
“How do you know?” Hank’s tone was rushed, urgent.
“Because he wants me to. I don’t know, I just…do.”
“Why is he connecting with you and not–”
“Because I’m here. It’s like I’m in range. That’s why it wasn’t as bad in LA and I could ignore it.”
“And the headaches?”
“Worse than ever.”
“He could be feeding off of you. Using you as an energy source. Have you been shielding yourself?” Kat’s mouth hung open as she processed her uncle’s theory. He had to have been right, at least in some way. There was a reason Kat was connected to this. It wasn’t just because she had sent him away or simply to join him. It was personal. He wanted her power. He needed her power. “Hello? Are you there?”
“Y-yeah. Still here. Um, yeah, I’m shielding myself right now actually.”
“Okay, good. Just keep doing that. Keep him away for as long as you can. And we’ll be there ASAP.”
“Just hurry. Before more people die.” 
Kat was about to hang up, when she heard, “Hey, kiddo?”
“Be careful.” And then the line clicked, signaling the end of the call. 
Without wasting any time, Kat was back in the car. Steve jumped when Kat opened the door. “A little warning would really be nice, ya know!” he exclaimed, clutching his chest.
“Sorry,” Kat chuckled.
As Steve made a u-turn, he asked, “Any luck with the call?”
“Not really,” Kat sighed. “I mean, the good news is that they have 011 and are working on getting her powers back. The bad news is they just got there today…” She shook her head. “We’re running out of time,” she whispered.
“Hey, we’ve beat this before. We have you here now, so we can and will do it again. We’ll find a way.”
“He’s only getting stronger…”
“We will find a way,” he said sternly. Kat offered a half smile. She didn’t have the heart to shut down Steve’s optimism, which she actually admired.
The rest of the ride was quiet, except when Kat asked for a napkin to wipe her nose, which she found in the glove compartment. As they pulled into the driveway, Kat offered Steve some advice. “Oh, hey, if you let Eddie know his friendship with Dustin bothers you, he’s just gonna keep dialing it up. It’s best to just not react. I swear, he lives to get under people’s skin.”
“No, no, no. I am not–”
“Save it, Steve. I saw the eye squint and so did he. Dustin’s like the closest thing he has to a little brother, but he respects the bond you guys have. He just has a hard time with sharing,” Kat laughed as she got out of the car.
“I’m not jealous,” Steve angrily mumbled to himself as he shut the car off and followed Kat back to the boathouse. 
“The bad news is 011 only just got to the lab in Nevada. The good news is that they’re trying to get her powers back as we speak. So in the meantime–”
“We’re fucked,” Eddie interrupted as he finished Kat’s sentence. 
“Basically. Look, you guys should head back before anyone sees you’re here.”
“Kat’s right, we gotta go,” Robin agreed. 
“We’ll be back tomorrow to check in and fill you guys in on anything we find out,” Dustin assured.
Everyone said their goodbyes and the fugitives headed back inside. Kat turned on the radio, thankful that it had only been a handful of months since Rick had gotten busted and the house hadn’t been wrecked. 
“You mind if I pick the music?” Eddie asked gently.
“Go ahead, I just wanted to put something on, just in case Vecna was lurking.” Kat let out a dry laugh, “I like that name for him.”
“It’s fitting. I guess they relate a bunch of shit to D&D to make sense of this,” he shrugged as he put in Rainbow’s Rising album into the tape deck and pressed rewind.
“Damn, I haven’t listened to this in forever,” Kat commented when it started to play.
Eddie made himself comfortable next to her. “You seem, uh, kinda far away. You okay?”
“Eddie, I’m scared,” she confessed as she looked up into Eddie’s calming and safe brown eyes with tears brimming in her own. “What if I’m not strong enough?” she whispered, her voice quivering.
He gripped her chin and forced her to look at him. “From what you showed me, and told me, that 011 girl was able to send that asshole to some other dimension because of you.”
“But she could’ve–”
Eddie placed his finger on her lips and continued. “We’ll never know, will we? Maybe she could have done it on her own. But she didn’t. You were there. You’ll tap into your power when you need it most and if you tapped into enough to evaporate Vecna to another world once, you can do it again. Like… like that physics rule or some shit, I don’t know, I can never pay attention. Anyway, this time? There won’t even be enough of him left to send to the next town over. You hear me?”
Sadly, Kat nodded. She knew Eddie was right. What was the famous law? “The Law of Conservation… Eddie, you’re a genius!”
“I’m a what, now?”
“I said, you’re a genius!”
“I know. Just don’t get to hear that often, so I had to hear it again,” Eddie said with an accomplished smile. “But, uh, how…exactly…am I a genius?”
“The Law of Conservation. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed – only converted from one form of energy to another,” Kat rattled off.
“How the hell do you remember that?”
“Eddie, my power is energy. I manipulate the energy around me. Who’s to say I can’t do it again? Maybe… Maybe there’s something that can power me up or I can tap into?”
“Now she gets it. But, uh, I’m afraid this is where my genius skills end. You’re gonna need Henderson to, uh, formulate this idea.”
Kat snuggled up to Eddie and hugged him as best she could, holding him tightly. “I really don’t know what I ever did without you.”
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hearmeoutno · 2 years
The embrace of a monster - a steddie oneshot
Originally posted by me on wattpad
Summary: even in the upside down, the moon shines bright. And there lays a figure, blinded by the light (see the rhyme I did there? I'm so fucking proud of myself for that)
What to expect: Kas!Eddie (i don't know what the ! Is for but everyone does it so idk), steddie ofc, mourning, depressive thoughts, comfort, first kiss, regular angst shit
A/N: i really need some good ass kas!Eddie because I am still crying over here
I watched a yt video in the whole kas lore, so here's my notes that I'll be following if you want to be up to date. I got this info from "Jorphdan" on YouTube
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Also, its my bday today woop woop!
It's dead silent. No noise apart from the slight hum coming from an X formed by portals.
There he lies. A body drained of life, surrounded by its killers. Left by its friends. Yet, not left by its courage. It takes a great amount of strength to give your life for a town that wants to take it.
His body lifts up from the ground, floating about 2 meters above it and moving towards the burning house in this strange dimension.
The body arrives in the attic, dropping down while kneeling as the life slowly creeps back into it. With a loud gasp it's eyes open, wanting to move yet this invisible force is keeping it in its place.
A coarse voice echo's throughout the building, a figure floating with tentacles attached to it's back is infront of him. The force snaps Eddie's head up quickly, forcing him to look at the being called Vecna Infront of him.
"Y- You fucker let me- let me go!"
Eddie's talking is interrupted by chocked back sobs, spitting of blood and groans of pain. His side's are burning, his head is throbbing and his throat is raw from screaming.
"I promise great things, Edward. I recruite you as my lieutenant as I plan my next attack. You are to keep peace and listen to my commands. You will be rewarded handsomely with another chance at life."
All Eddie thinks of is his life in Hawkins. The people he left without any goodbye. Even though it's absolute shit, nothing sounds worse than death. Taking a deep breath, he makes his decision.
"Alright, I'll be your fucking lieutenant. Do whatever you want and all that bullshit."
Although Vecna barely has any facial features left, he smiles -almost smirks- at his response. He summons a sword, holding it towards Eddie as the force around him weakens and eventually fades away.
"Take this blade, Edward. Accepting my offer will give you the great gift of life under my leadership. You will achieve greatness in your role."
Eddie struggles to reach for the blade, the wounds slowing him down. Yet, he manages to grasp the hilt of the sword. He feels his pain going away, his skin restoring by itself. As an armor grow over his body, he stands up. He feels almost like a god, wielding a sword that is more powerful than it seems
"I will not disappoint, Vecna."
Why was he being so respectful to someone who killed innocent teenagers? It's this or nothing, plus, just because he says it doesn't mean it has to be true.
After saying his goodbye, he leaves the house. The fire seemingly having doused itself. He returns to his trailer, seeing the swarm of bats still decorating the ground around it. Sighing, he enters a trailer that isn't split in half. Why did they just leave his body? Did they know Vecna would recruit him? They couldn't have know, right? Well at least he's alive now, somewhat.
"𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔪𝔲𝔠𝔥 𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝔭𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔯𝔣𝔲𝔩𝔩, 𝔈𝔡𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔡."
Eddie hears a faint whisper, yet there is no one around. He checks the trailer for any type of radio or television, nothing is recieving any signal. There's a glow emitting from the sword as the whisper returns.
"𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔠𝔞𝔫 𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔢 𝔄𝔢𝔠𝔫𝔞, 𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔠𝔞𝔫 𝔰𝔩𝔢𝔦𝔤𝔥 𝔥𝔦𝔪. 𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔥𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔭𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔯."
What the fu- is the sword talking to him? It must be, as the glow goes away with the whisper. What does he have to loose? Definitely not his life.
"Alright, sword. Guess we'll go cut some tentacle meat."
With a determent look in his face, his chest puffed and sword drawn, he marched through the woods towards the house. He pushes open the door, stomping up the stairs.
Eddie is faced with Vecna, like he knew what Eddie was planning on doing without needing a word of explanation.
"I wouldn't if I were you, Edward. You are merely a dust particle against my power. You're making a mistake."
Eddie stares at him, rage taking over his body as he screams while charging the being. Vecna fights back, his hand clawing at Eddie's face. The sword slices his hand clean off, it falling to the ground a writhing around.
The battle is draining, seemingly never ending. Blood is spilled and décor is broken. Yet there is always a winner in every battle.
The house shakes when Vecna falls to his knees, slowly starting to crumble down. Eddie was just able to flee the building before it no longer is there. Looking at the debris, he feels his eyelids become heavy. Also he falls to his knees, thinking this is where it ends. This is where Eddie Munson no longer is.
Steve is broken.
Having to act all happy and chipper around everyone drains the life from him. As he closes his front door behind him, he drops everything to collapse on his couch.
He was no longer Steve, only a shell of a person remaining. Right when he thought love was looking him right in the eyes, it slipped away before he could reach it.
As he burrows his head in the pillows decorating the couch, he lets it all out. Tears stream from his face, his wails fill the house and echo in the halls. Life really had it out for him. Ever since his first contact with the upside down, his luck went downhill.
Nothing mattered anymore, his life is nothing. Worth was nowhere to be found, love left years ago, don't even get him started on hope.
'oh, I hope it goes well.' and 'let's hope we make it' were just empty promises. He never meant any of it, he just said what everyone else would.
Just a shell of a man, a man who once loved, and a man who will never try again thanks to one loss that will forever change his life.
God, Eddie has to stop waking up like this. On the floor, but this time not surrounded by bats. He still held the sword in his hand, but the weight of the armor has been lost to a more light garment.
Confused, Eddie sits up quickly, grabbing at his head hoping it could easy his headache. He observes his body. His skin is pale, no blemish to be seen. His hands, they were bonier with slight claws at every finger tip. A cloth garment was surrounding his body, a cape decorating his back. The colour palette was red, black with golden accents, it looked way to rich to surround his body.
(This is what I based it off, taken from the forgotten realms wiki aka d&d wiki, btw this isn't what Kas the Destroyer looks like)
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Grabbing his sword, he stands up, finding a scabbard to slide his sword in. He finds himself still standing near the disintegrated house, so he figures he'll just find a good hidden place to climb through the portal.
Walking through the woods, he does what he always did which is run his tounge over his thee-
"Ow! What the fuck?!"
Something... Something pricked his tounge! As he hands fly up to run over his teeth, he feels a pointed tip on his canine teeth.
He's a goddamn vampire.
That explains the claws, the skin and the teeth! But why? Oh fuck why! Eddie fucking Munson is a vampire!
Not even caring about the odd garment, he runs deep into the woods, and after a few seconds of contemplating, he enters the portal.
As he gets ricocheted into his known dimension, he lays in the moonlight for a few seconds. As he slowly gets up, his senses heighten after being too excited to actually focus on himself. He can smell blood from miles away, hear the tiniest bug crawling and his vision is impeccable.
Aside from the overstimulation, he keeps walking through the woods. His first stop will be Steve's house. God, would he love to see Steve right now.
But... What would Steve think of him? What, what if he sees him as a monster? Would he run from Eddie?
No. It's Steve. Steve wouldn't run from Eddie. Because Eddie loves Steve, and Steve probably loves Eddie. Nothing should turn out bad. Ever. Not between Steve and Eddie.
Finally, after walking for what felt like hours, he reaches Steve's house. It's late, so he'll probably be in bed. Should he knock? Or ring the doorbell? He should probably ring the doorbell, he'll definitely hear it. How would Steve know it's him though? Oh, wait. I know.
Ring ring ring. Riiing riiing riiing. Ring ring ring.
S O S, he'll remember. He has to.
Meanwhile Steve shoots away, startled by the doorbell. Why is it ringing this much? All Steve heard was 3 long and 3 short rings.
Lucky for him, whoever is dumb enough to go door to door with whatever, rings the doorbell again.
Ring ring ring
S. Huh, wier-
Riiing riiing riiing
O? Is tha-
Ring ring ring
S, SOS, wait. All thoughts of Eddie in the upside down flash before his eyes, making him sprint towards the door. He violently swings open the door and jumps back, falling to the floor at the sight.
It was Eddie, or was it? His cheeckbones were more defined, his jaw was sharper and his eyes glowed red. His hands had claws and he was wearing some wierd robe with a cape. What the fuck?
"E... Eddie? Wha- no! You're dead! You're not real you're dead!"
As tears well up in his eyes he slowly crawls back a meter or two on the floor, away from whatever was infront of him.
Eddie comes in and closed the door, kneeling down next to him as his sword clanks against the floor. He slowly grabs his hand, amazed as the claws slowly soften into simple almond shaped nails.
"I don't know what happened Steve, but I'm real. I'm here. I'm alive."
He pulls Steve's hand to his chest, giving it a soft kiss. Steve sits up, looking at Eddie with big, watery eyes.
"I... Wh..."
Giving up on his words, Steve slowly inches his face towards Eddie's, giving him a soft kiss on his lips before dropping his head on his chest as tears erupt from his eyes again. Eddie lifts his hand to Steve's head, running his hand through his hair as he holds Steve close.
Even if Eddie's skin is cold, Steve can't help but feel warm and safe in his grasp. Who knew a shell of a man just needed the embrace of a monster.
Slays in 4 hours of writing, also I'm rlly happy with the response the last chapter got so I mean knock yourself out with this one. Hope y'all had fun and stan Kas-Eddie as much as I do
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