#eventually i wanna read the biography of the author pratt made into a comic...been on my to read for a decade haha
kustas ยท 2 years
your post abt the little prince is so real the emotions caused by the death in that book was so shocking when I was a little kid its stuck with me for years, later on ive now been to the little prince museum and it was magical, and the netflix movie is lame as hell
I remember seeing the "story" segments of that film (as in, the actual little prince moments) and being pleasantly surprised by the style they used, which is reminescent enough of the original, keeping the iconic designs and their charm but new enough to stand out, not feel like a copy, with its own style which is a lovely one. I have not seen the film, so my point of view cannot be perfectly accurate, but it seems to be doing this trope of "adding backstory to a simple tale" (ร  la 2012 Lorax Onceler) which I really dislike - it's simply unnecessary. There's nothing bad about a simple story. Why not just make a short, stop motion animation based on the book?
But in the case of the little prince and how the original writes about death - this is a book written and illustrated by an aviator in the middle of WWII, which features a stranded aviator as a POV character. The movie decided to make him part of its new invented segments now as an old man retelling the tale of the prince, so it seems. It's hard to not draw parallels between the aviator of the original book and it's author, and to think his life experiences influenced the philosophy of it. From the film, making the aviator into an old man was a poor choice to handle the original, because Saint-Ex died in his plane a year after the book was written. Looking up the film to answer this ask made me discover something I did not know, which is that it's an insanely popular book known around the world, so at this point, it might be that the international fame of the story trumps the context behind it. Still, something that feels like an oversight coming from a film adaptation...
Looking back I think I hated this book as a kid because it overwhelmed me, and I wasn't yet equipped to process what it made me feel. I'd love to reread it. Where is the museum you are talking about? If it's in my country I might come and visit. And dig up my copy if I still have it :)
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