#eventually! back on Cybertron before the war they were pretty chill with each other :>
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devilart2199-aibi · 7 months ago
I know I already said this prior to you, but I adore your Stunticon designs so much and feel an absolute rush of joy when I see you post art of any of them. I yearn for more information on your AU versions of them, and what happens to them all when they get to earth.
Where does Dead End go when he helps Breakdown, where do Motormaster, Drag Strip and Wildrider go after the split up in the team and how do they all handle it? They're all connected through the gestalt bond, which makes a gestalt closer than any other cybertronians, and how do they handle Motormaster hurting Breakdown, and then losing two of their own?
Does Motormaster ever regret what he did to Breakdown?
Thank you again! Hearing your interest in my AU really does make me so happy!! 🥺💕 So feel free to ask away! I've been pretty busy recently so I haven't had any time to work on the au sadly. But let's answer some questions now! With some drawings!! >:3
Also long post warning! !
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"Where does Dead End go when he helps Breakdown?"
In short, undecided atm! But this is what happened if he was planning to leave with Breakdown:
Dead End and Breakdown agreed on a meeting spot a bit outside the Stunticons base. But when Breakdown doesn't show up for a long while, Dead End figured he got cold feet and began heading back to base only to get a coms transmission from MotorMaster telling him to meet up with Dragstrip and Wild Rider who are currently in pursuit of Breakdown!
Dead End would be wayyyy behind the others and only end up catching a glimpse of Breakdown and Knockout being apprehended by the Autobots, the other Stunticons long gone.
Dead End wasn't really sure what he would do now. It seemed like the others didn't know he wanted out like Breakdown. But what if they did? Does he risk it and go back? What was he going to do if the plan had gone smoothly even?
Well... he hadn't really got that far. He just knew he was tired, and Breakdown suggested an out. But joining another group of hot-headed 'Cons? Really?? He needed something different... maybe just... roaming around earth would be fun? It definitely has to be calmer than anything he's experienced the past few Megacycles.
For Dead End, since I wasn't sure if I would have him leave with Breakdown or not, I hadn't chose a story for him yet, though i did have a few ideas in mind.
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"Where do MotorMaster, Dragstrip and Wild Rider go after the split up in the team and how do they handle it?"
They probably wouldn't go far, maybe just relocate their base. The remaining team would stick together for the most part. They're still the Stunticons, just... less.
MotorMaster would become hell-bent on getting the two back one way or another... or maybe even making them pay for such treachery to their team.
"How do they handle MotorMaster hurting Breakdown, and then losing two of their own?"
They were used to MM's intimidation techniques to get them back in line, but nothing like this. Sure he'd give 'em a good toss, smack or yelling at, but this, this was something else.
For Dragstrip he'd think to himself "What did Breakdown think would happen if he told MM him off and ditched the team? What a fool" as a kind of way to make sense of the situation. He'd definitely stand a bit further from MM than before.
As for Wild Rider, he loved a good fight. Heck he didn't mind killing a few bots! But never each other. He got an uneasy feeling from the whole thing.
For Dead End, they always remember him voicing his annoyance and tiredness with everything, but they never actually thought he'd do anything about it.
"Does MotorMaster ever regret what he did to Breakdown?"
Sadly not. He probably only regrets not being able to see Breakdown's desire to leave sooner. Not that he'd know what he'd do then.
And I think that was it? Thanks again for the questions and curiosity towards my au!! :3
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saphire-dance · 8 years ago
Could I request Rodimus/Megatron for the top meme?
Good choice. I haven’t really written them before, but they are a pair I like how a read more because this will be long
1. Who texts more often? Rodimus. Megatron prefers to call or talk face to face, but Rodimus sends little texts all day long. Megatron still isn’t sure what most of the emojis he uses mean
2. Who is better with kids? This depends entirely on what you mean by better. Rodimus is the fun Uncle he plays with the kids like he’s one of them. Children will be happy and perhaps slightly bruised when returned to their parents.Megatron is the responsible one. If he’s watching the children they will be returned clean, bruise free, and with some fun new fact they just learned because Megatron took them to the library. 
3. Who tops/bottoms? When they first got together Megatron topped. Rodimus decided in his own head without asking that that was what he would want and just how things would be. Megatron didn’t realize it was Rodimus trying to compromise and not an ingrained preference for far too long. they ended up having quite a fight, and Rung ended up refereeing. Now well Megs is still on top more often than not, but the mix it up a lot more and learned to communicate their wants more.
4. How do they eat ice cream? What’s their favorite flavors? Megatron gets the equivalent of vanilla. Considered plain but really just a subtle rich flavor. He gets a small cup and eats it with a spoon. Rodimus gets something like one of those monster extreme shakes, you know the kind with doughnuts or a slice of cheesecake on top and mountains of whip cream and sprinkles. Megatron’s teeth hurt just looking at it.
5. Do they go on dates? What are they like? Rodimus likes activity dates. He likes to go out and do something exciting together. Megatron prefers more quiet dates, candle lit dinners, getting to know each other better. They learned to compromise so they might do something like paintball and then off somewhere quiet for a drink.
6. Do they stargaze? Expand. They try. Megatron actually enjoys stargazing. The universe is beautiful and poetic. Rodimus gets bored by it and eventually gets Megatron to make out with him instead of watching the stars.
7. Who’s the laziest? Rodimus. This isn’t a bad thing though he really fits into the “Give a lazy man a hard job and he’ll find the easiest way to do it” mold.
8. Who complains more? Rodimus can be a bit whiny at times. It too Megatron a while to figure out that Rodimus didn’t want Megatron to fix whatever he was complaining about, he just wanted someone to listen to him.
9. Who wakes up earlier? Megatron. Rodimus will “five more minutes” for an hour.
10. What do they smell when they smell amortentia? For Megatron, the smell is expensive wax(from earth), smoke, and that obnoxious smelly car air freshener that Rodimus got on earth. Rodimus smells a kind of wax that was cheap on Cybertron before the war, but almost impossible to find now, and whatever the electronic equivalent to old book smell is.
11. Who sets the other’s ringtone to something loud and obnoxious behind their back? Megatron's phone is always the latest most obnoxious pop song, he cannot figure out how to change it.
12. Who uses chopsticks/Can either of them use chopsticks? neither of them can use chopsticks. Drift had at different times tried to teach them both. It was terrible. Drift refuses to speak about it.
13. When they can’t sleep what do they do? Megatron writes and stargazes. Rodimus will wake someone up and get them to distract him. It isn’t always Megatron he wakes up, so sometimes Megs is woken up by a call from one of Rodimus’ friends asking them to come get him because he finally passed out.
14. Who’s clumsier? They are both fairly graceful, but Megatron has a slight disadvantage due to being so huge
15. Who would hold the umbrella in the rain? Both of them prefer to just stand in the rain. Megatron spent so much time underground that the sky is something he’s romanticized. Rodimus just likes how it feels on his plating. he is always running hot, and the chill of the rain is nice.
16. What do they argue about most? Rodimus doing risky dumb stuff, mostly. 
17. Which one is a secret snuggler? Megatron. Rodimus is a not secret at all snuggler as any one of his friends would tell you. Most people just assume Megatron just puts up with the snuggling out of a fond sort of tolerance, but really he loves it.
18. Which one offers their jacket to the other when they complain they feel cold? It’s more Rodimus offering to set something on fire, not that Megatron complained about the cold, he’s stoic like that, but Rodimus could tell he was miserable.
19. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?Rodimus is always trying new things, so Megatron only has a general idea of what he likes. Megatron’s tastes are fairly simple so Rodimus remembers, and teases and gets Megatron to take a bite of whatever new dish Rodimus ordered this time
20. Who reaches for the other one’s hand while driving? At first, I was like “They’re both cars,” but then they fly spaceships so... Rodimus is the more touchy feely one, at least in public, and the bridge of a spaceship is pretty public.
21. Who gets the window seat? Rodimus, he called dibs, permanent dibs.
22. Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it say?) Listen if you don’t think Megs doesn’t write the most schmoopy love poems for Rodimus to find you have no idea who they are. Rodimus has them all saved and millennia from now they will be held up as some of the most romantic poems ever written. Yes, even the one about how cute Rodimus’ butt is.
23. Who wakes up first? Megatron is an early riser and a light sleeper. He always has been. Rodimus is a night owl and sleeps like a rock.
24. Who falls asleep while watching a movie? Rodimus. He says it is because Megatron has boring taste in movies but really because he’s always in motion his systems take him being still as a sign it’s nap time. All of his friends have cute pictures of him asleep in the middle of movie night.
25. Who’s prone to wearing socks indoors (or to sleep)? The socks were a gag gift, but Megatron wears them anyway, telling Rodimus he now has no right to complain about Megatron having cold feet
26. Who has bigger cravings? Rodimus. he’s horrible about having a balanced diet so sometimes his systems will just scream we need magnesium now, right now, and he finds himself at Swerve’s eating some weird new concoction. 
27. Who reminds the other to put on sunscreen before going to the beach (or pool)? Megatron is the responsible one. It isn’t sunscreen though as much as it is some sort of temporary spray sealant to keep sand out of their systems. 
28. Who carries all the important documents while traveling? I mean it’s Ultra Magnus’ job, but if he’s not along for the ride it’s Megatron. 
29. Who sneaks in cookies in the shopping cart? Rodimus. Megatron has a list. and cookies are not on that list, but he lets Rodimus get away with it.
30. Who cooks at 2 in the morning? Rodimus would, but he’s banned from cooking. So he wakes up Swerve who really just go off shift, let the poor bot sleep.
31. Who gets extremely competitive playing Mario Kart? Surprisingly Megatron. He’s not a race frame, he’d never win a speed competition in real life, but in a game well
32. Who takes longer getting ready? Rodimus, I mean have you seen his finish? and Primus forbid his paint job needs a touch-up.
33. Who likes doing the dishes? Megatron. He’s used to letting his mind wander and work while doing repetitive tasks. So he does chores whenever he needs to think.
34. Who points at a dog when they see it? Like you didn’t read this and picture Rodimus shouting “PUPPY!!!!”
35. Who’s prone to road rage? Rodimus. Megatron has been learning to manage his temper, but Rodimus can have trouble keeping himself in check at times.
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