#event: mardi gras
cozymochi · 16 days
You were right about the nightwear, but also they DID make Jamil’s hair undone. You can see the truth of the world
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dailydanneelackles · 2 years
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Danneel Ackles + Mardi Gras
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sewgeekmama · 8 months
Unmasking the History of Mardi Gras: Revelry, Tradition, and Vibrant Celebrations
Mardi Gras 2024 falls on Tuesday, February 13, but there is an entire carnival season happening now that leads up to the big day! I got to enjoy the festivities and craziness of Mardi Gras back in the late ’90s, and I still have some of the masks and beads from my trip. It was quite an experience! History of Mardi Gras Mardi Gras has its roots in medieval Europe and was brought to the United…
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swordsofsaturn · 8 months
i'm going to be honest i still feel very left out of the general queer scene in australia. something about it feels very.... insular. unable to be broken into unless you're already in it. maybe i'm just bitter and lonely and can never feel a part of any community ever but like every now and then i just see on instagram or something some random queer event or parade and i'm like ??? what on earth is this? why haven't i heard about this? like it's always something i'll never know about until it's too late. how do people get the secret knowledge in advance in order to attend these things. why is there a pride parade in melbourne right now i don't get it
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altontowerspolls · 6 months
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brutal-out-here · 8 months
*therefore don’t participate in any activities related to it
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azuriteknight · 1 year
Although I’m excited for the country-exclusive cultural events on the qsmp, I’m also hoping for more international holiday events where everyone gets to show the unique way their culture celebrates the holiday
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realasslesbian · 2 years
Can us lesbians actually stop just letting casual homophobia slip by in movements that are supporting us for this hot second. Because y'all did that with the queers and the transes and now y'all doing that with the rad fems, and my old homosexual ass is telling you these rad fems ain't gonna keep supporting lesbians once they don't need us no more. So when you see these hetties bad-mouthing the rainbow or gender non-conformity or whatever even small ass thing, can we, for once, take no fucking quarter?
#like the amount of straight rad fems I've seen shitting on Mardi Gras this last couple weeks#and the shit that they're shitting on is literally just homosexual people#they be like 'how dare these predators parade in the street'#like#fuck off Sandra your precious Nigel is probably doing far more degenerate shit right now#gay people being visibly gay is not inherently a bad thing#homosexuals merely existing doesn't mean we're automatically supporting TRA ideology#or sinning against the lord#or whatever your flavour of dumb thinly veiled homophobia is#Mardi Gras is a gay and lesbian event#for gays and lesbians#it literally says it in the name#and sure the TRAs have foisted themselves onto it like some stinking barnacles#but they're not what gay pride is about#so shitting on gay pride just for existing isn't revolutionary#it's just homophobic#you ain't no different from the hordes of homophobic men rampaging in Sydney's streets during Mardi Gras#you're ideology is just as homophobic as theirs#and therefore just as worthless#so maybe instead of opening y'all's mouth to condemn anything happening under a rainbow flag#maybe shut tf up for two seconds and ask yourself is it really your place to say anything at all#and is what your saying actually just homophobia#or just keep being homophobic idc at this point#what's another useless movement that lesbians busted our ass to get off the ground only for it to mutate into a lesbophobic dumpster fire#I'll honestly be surprised if this radfem wave turns out any different#lesbian#lgbt#feminism#gold star lesbian#gold star lesbians do interact
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ereborne · 4 months
Song of the Day: June 10
“Cowboy in the Jungle” by Jimmy Buffett
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thedungeonstore · 8 months
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Let the good times roll!!! We're coming to Naughty Gras from Studio 58 February 29-March 3rd in Gettysburg. We'll have violet wand toys, rope, paddles, floggers and more. And ask us about about our wax play gear like flameless wax play kits, blacklight wax and our conductive Zap Wax!
Tickets are on sale now and they have volunteer slots available. Go to https://studio58events.com/naughty-gras-weekend-2024 to find out more!
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I’m watching the opening concert for World Pride and feeling aaalllll the semi-closeted raised-Catholic feels.
Courtney Act’s Broadway style number ‘we’ve always been here’ actually brought tears to my eyes.
This is bloody powerful
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vivaelguapo · 2 years
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travelella · 2 years
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Bourbon Street, Mardi Gras, New Orleans.
Source: Dan Anderson/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock
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peresephoknee · 4 months
still not finished please hold: there’s also a thread where Louis of the past is trying to become an artist in this season as opposed to s1 where he appeared more frequently as audience/reader than creator/collaborator. It mimics the master/pupil dynamic Lestat imposes onto their relationship so it makes sense that in s2, where he is without Lestat, he moves to become the master of his own fate. And isn’t it telling that he gives up photography right around the time he falls for Armand? He's found someone else to control his life but at least this one will make him believe he has an iota of control (see how Armand calls Louis "Maître" even though he is the one showing him all the vampire tricks Lestat never wanted him to know).
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187days · 7 months
Day One Hundred Six
I started my morning by observing Mr. Q's American Studies class. Technically I don't have to observe him- I'm not his mentor teacher- but I asked him if I could for my own benefit. My thinking is that, as a department head, it's good for me to pop into new teachers' classrooms so that I can see how they're doing. I should've done it sooner, but things kept getting in the way. It's better late than never, though, and it was a really fun class. I enjoyed the observation.
The Principal caught me as I was on my way back to my own classroom, and we spoke about the issue I'd emailed him about yesterday. He apologized for not addressing it sooner, and we made a plan to meet after vacation to make some decisions. So that's good.
The teaching today was also good. In APGOV it was minimal, both because a bunch of my students were absent (Covid) and the ones who were present were taking a test, but that's okay. In Global Studies, I showed an excerpt of Romeo Dallaire's Fight Like Soldiers, Die Like Children, and we discussed the current situation in central Africa: the civil wars, the hunt for the LRA, the ongoing DDR efforts for child soldiers... I emphasized a line in the movie that basically says the situation is challenging, and it's going to take a long time to solve, but the work is being done to cut that time down, and change is going to come. That's a powerful lesson in hope, you know? I liked ending class on that, and, judging by their feedback, my students did, too.
In the afternoon, there was a faculty meeting. The Principal updated everyone about the budget process, new staff in the building, and a couple other things. Then we split off into groups to do work on our advisory curriculum. I spent all of about ten minutes with my group- the ninth grade advisors, and we came up with a plan for the work we're going to do on Thursday. That's all we really needed to figure out today.
I stayed late to do some set-up for the next APGOV unit (and eat two of the Mardi Gras-colored cupcakes that were left in the main office), but now it's all done, and I'm ready for what's next!
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a-gay-a-day · 1 year
Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras
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The Sydney gay and lesbian Mardi gras began on June 24th, 1978, and was a pivotal moment in Australian queer history. Most of this history is found in the Australian queer archives, and I will link to the website in case anybody lives in a place they could feasibly go check those archives out. The original mardi gras was a planned festival calling for the end of anti-homosexual laws. Though permission was obtained, it was later revoked by the police and they arrested all of the gatherers.
However, the Mardi gras happened again in 1979, and no arrests were made this time. The parade has continued through the years and is celebrating it's 46th annual event this next year. One fun fact is that the parade always starts with the dykes on bikes.
One watcher noted that the parade consisted of "bikies, Darth Vaders, cycle sluts, gladiators, Red Indians, Supremes, Carmen Mirandas, wizards, fairies, ballroom dancers, nuns and altar boys." which I think is the highest compliment an event can be paid.
The Australian newspaper reported about the event:
At 10.30 pm Australia's first homosexual Mardi Gras was in full swing, with about 1000 people singing and dancing down Sydney's Oxford Street, caught up in the excitement of a jubilant crowd.
One hour later, the mardi gras had become a two-hour spree of screaming, bashing and arrests.
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