#event: a hero's feast
lunarxtique · 6 months
It was kind enough for the camp residents to throw a huge party n honor of the demigods transitioning into their new lives. Although, come criticism couldn't have been helped from Davon's point of view. After having spent the last couple of years being an artist performing at concerts and clubs, this was....very lacking in comparison. The spread of food? Fit for gods for sure. No complaints on that at all. Though it was really the music that he was not particularly feeling. It was pleasant and beautiful but it made him want to lounge; not to dance and that's what he needed right now.
"So you guys really don't have anything else in your set?" He spoke to the saytrs and nymphs on their flutes, drums and strings. "You guys haven't kept up with modern music at all?" he sighed. "I should have made a playlist...would have if I'd known you all were doing this for us. That way you could dance too, y'know?"
The creatures appreciated the son of Artemis' consideration. From spirits of nature to a demigod of nature, they whispered amongst each other before nodding in unison with a smile. Davon's left brow lifted as he wondered what they were up to....
Then they began playing their new set kicking off with an unexpected tune.
"...You know what? I'm not mad about it. Ayyye..." He snapped his fingers, and started to dance away from the musicians while singing to himself. "Put him on his knees, give him some' to believe in! Never lost a fight, but I'm looking for a beating~ AYYY y'all!" He said walking up, popping his hips. "Turn up now with me, come on!"
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wxldhxrt · 6 months
[ event starter : open ]
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After the ambrosia and his powers starting to develop and reveal themselves, Greyson was definitely into the idea of a party. It had been a crazy time, lives turned upside down and a whole new world revealed to them all. Alcohol. It was needed. While godlings and citizens alike mingled around the bonfire, the son of Pan grabbed the first chalice he could find and drank whatever was in it. He was looking for a little buzz to celebrate. "You know, I still think I'm fucking dreaming all this." He chuckled with a shake of his head.
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raging-ale · 6 months
by this point ale was already starting to get a little annoyed at being at this party. not because of anyone -- just this was not his scene and all he wanted to do was get back to his own cabin with a massive plate of food and keep to himself. the over thinking was starting to get to him and which began to get him upset for no damn reason. this was something that the son of ares was trying to work on - not being so harsh on himself, but enjoy the new fresh start, no one here knowing his past or who he was. yet - all ale can think about was how angry he was at his own damn father, still blaming him for all this - this is focus just on nothing but anger right now, as he walked barely was paying attention as he nearly knocked into the person in front of him. "shit - you alright?"
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deathscn · 6 months
☠️ ⋅𓂃 ࣪ for the son of hera ≻ location ; grassy fields ╱ @harleymaguire
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                   winter was definitely drunk from the night. after taking a few drinks from the son of dionysus, he was starting to feel the effects of them now. and after finding himself out from the festivities, winter walked around. the place was absolutely incredible here. he couldn't believe it was his new home. and much of his surprise, did it not only have some amazing buildings, it also had some of the most beautiful nature to embrace.
so winter kept walking, until he found himself with another, at the fields, comfortably laying on the grassy fields. it was surprisingly soft. and the person he was with, he didn't realize was the son of hera.
❛ the sky looks gorgeous tonight, ❜ he responded. it was fascinating, to see so many stars like this. living in new york, he never got the chance to see as many like they could here. ❛ i've never seen this many stars before–– have you? ❜
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everestphillips · 6 months
No wonder this stuff was called liquid courage. Everest never drank prior to this since there were protocols in place during competitions, so it was just easier for him not to. Before tonight he always thought it was some sort of exaggeration. Or that maybe he possessed an iron will and would be composed despite being under the influence, but drinking the camp's own supply definitely has him feeling loose. In his defense though, this stuff was probably stronger than anything a mortal could handle.
However, Everest was the only one who was going to feel the effects of his drinking. The godling was in the middle, dancing with everyone, when he noticed a certain someone walking up to the cabin. These past couple of days, it feels like he's only been pestering Alejandro, and unfortunately, tonight was going to be another day to his streak. Smoothly slipping out the crowd of civilians, Everest ran behind the other before he ran past him, putting himself between Ale and the door. "The night's pretty young, Dro~" Ev hummed out, trying the new nickname. "You should come and dance with me before turning in!" He smiled, though his chest puffed out as he tried to regain his breath after the mad dash. "C'mon, what do you say?"
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sonssofhecate · 6 months
a small smile made it's way onto sethan's lips as he watched everyone enjoying themselves. people were eating, dancing, and definitely drinking. not that sethan wasn't doing that last one. enjoying what may be the best glass of wine he's ever had in his life. sehtan offered the other a kind smile. sethan was enjoying watching what everyone was doing, and was gossiping with a few ghosts here and there. as the wiccan was finding, they were a great source of information.
sethan turned to walk away from one conversation with a ghost. probably looking crazy as hell. and smiled as he saw someone looking at him. "sorry, was i freaking you out?" he asked with a chuckle as he looked at the other.
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hvrricaneromeo · 6 months
location: lake of lost souls. for: @athenianwit
everywhere he walks—where any of them walk—someone stops and bows their head respectfully, smile attached on their face. at first, romeo did what was polite, returning the smile and the bow of his head. throughout the night it just keeps happening, throughout the night people come up to him and speak, throughout the night he feels like he's being torn in every which way.
he inhales sharply as he steps away from the bonfire, from the cabins, from the people. his fingers loosely grip a chalice as he walks toward the dock of the lake, the moonlight casting a brilliant silvery glow atop its smooth surface. "seems i'm not the only one needing peace and quiet for a moment." he says in lieu of greeting, stepping up alongside the other. "care for a drink?" he offers the chalice, casting a sideways glance to slightly taller male. "i hear it helps."
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godlinghq · 6 months
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as the weariness of the ambrosia passes and one by one, the godlings accept their birthright, the camp bursts with life. the citizens within the camp begin to work in tandem with one another day in and day out. the smells of food waft through the air, the sound of crafting and constructing, huge logs as thick as tree trunks are pulled in through camp and set around the bonfire in the center of the cabins. one evening, days after, the celebration begins! a HEROES' FEAST. large tables are brought out, each with a name plate for the godlings—the son of zeus in the middle, with the others cascading out from him. smaller tables for the citizens sit before the godlings and, plate by delicious plate, food is brought out. a feast fit for kings, for heroes! eat up, enjoy, and let the festivities begin!
this is the first event for godlings! it's party time! after the godlings have settled in, a huge, larger than life feast has been created in their honor, to celebrate their first steps in their birthright and to show appreciation and admiration toward them from the citizens within camp. whatever food you could think of, what drinks you could think of, are present. the bonfire blazes even more, the flames dancing toward the sky, music fills the air, and the godlings can do as they please while eating, after eating, and more! the party lasts all night and into the following morning. this party is for them! have fun and enjoy!
when threading, tag your threads with the title event: a heroes' feast so we can keep track of all the fun times that will occur!
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kieransyphe · 6 months
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kieran  had  never  been  too  fond  of  large  social  gatherings  ; not much of a drinker or dancer , often found himself in the outskirts of revelry than truly part of it. but an urge within him prevailed this time around , a desire to prove to himself that he was much different now since aligning himself more tightly with the power that had been sleeping inside of him. because if he could be more powerful ... if he could be less human and yet more himself than he ever had been in his life ... then being companionable was an attainable transformation , too. so , he drank. wine ... mead ... whisky ... a centaur's moonshine. anything he could get his hands on for liquid courage , to feel uninhibited for once and put himself out there. but it was all futile in the end — took only a very full bladder and a still sober mind for him to realize that alcohol barely had any effect on his godling body. maybe he should have asked for something enchanted , but being a demigod didn't exactly come with a handbook. mood marked with frustration , kieran made quick strides into the dark forest , taking a piss among the tall oaks. he didn't think anyone else would be wandering in the woods , his very soul almost jumping out of his body when he heard the footsteps and rustling of leaves. " jesus , fuck— " he exclaimed in surprise , still pissing , head turned to look for the source of noises. ronan ... of course , it'd be him. " what the fuck are you doing out here ? you almost gave me a heart attack , " said as he zipped up and turned around to face the son of poseidon.
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athenianwit · 6 months
event a heroes feast location the amphitheater 
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"you know, i never realized how beautiful the night sky looks out here." atticus heard footsteps coming down the old, stone steps of the amphitheater where he'd snuck off to after they finished dinner. he was starting to feel a bit clausterphobic and overwhelmed by everything that was going on, he just needed to recharge his social battery before he came back.
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"all of this has really made me question everything i know about the world." did this person come to join him or bring him back to the party?
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xfireforged · 6 months
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Ochre eyes watched the fire in the middle of the feast, the flames licking towards the sky and crackling every so often, and Matai couldn't help but feel a calmness as he stood before it. Truth be told, Matai had always found comfort around fire even before realizing who his father was - the smell of it was warm and comforting, the warmth that radiated from it like a much-needed embrace from a loved one, and the sight of it something that invoked passion within him, that ignited the fire inside of his veins and wanted him to do more and be more. Even imagery of a fire meant a lot to him, part of the reason why one of his tattoos was the imagery of a lion - a symbol of his zodiac sign - on fire and the other even vaguely resembled a flame in a tribal design, and he even named his two dogs after fire.
Now that he knew who his father really was, now that he knew he was the demigod of fire and volcanoes and forges, he understood why he found comfort in it. Because for him, for his blood, in a way... it was home. And even as he stood next to the fire, the warmth of it dancing across his skin, the heat didn't bother him. Instead it was almost comforting, and where most people would have stepped away by now from getting too warm, he simply stopped and stared.
"You know," Matai started as he felt a presence next to him. "Looking back on it, there were signs, I think. Signs that pointed me towards my father. Like this." Gesturing to the flames, Matai took a sip from his chalice before he let out a soft sigh. "I've always found a sense of tranquility from fires. How about you?" he asked, turning to look at the other with a fond smile on his lips. "Any signs from before that pointed you towards your divine parent?"
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lunarxtique · 6 months
Now that he had warmed up on his own, Davon was on the hunt for a dance partner. As the fae band was transitioning to more slower renditions of modern throwback pop songs, Davon passed by several bodies, getting a whiff of each individual. The damn ambrosia had his nose off the charts but at least the headache from the original sensory overload was leveling off. Though he didn't need the enhanced sense of smell to note when there was a gentleman near by who had posh taste in cologne.
He back tracked a few steps, following his nose until he was facing the son of Nike. With out much warning, he leaned in toward Remy's neck, tip of his nose brushing against the side as Davon drew in a deeper whiff of the other male.
"Damn, you smell as amazing as you look. I'd apologize for being weird and potentially uncomfortable but I'm not exactly sorry to have your scent."
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 month
Good Omens graphic novel update: August 2024
This time last year, the Kickstarter was in full swing, what a journey it’s been since then! Colleen is still working hard to complete the graphic novel and we have some incredible pages to share with you.
There have been many merchandise updates in the past few months and whilst a number of backers told us they loved these, others wanted to hear more directly about the graphic novel itself. So, for this month we will focus 100% on Colleen’s work, and how the various editions of the book are coming along. Everything is shaping up rather nicely, if we do say so ourselves!
You may have seen some of the sneak peeks Colleen has posted recently, such as this wonderful scene between our heroes:
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And our favourite angel and demon on the road.
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Collen has recently shared a rare view from her drawing board with us. "Working on pages 75 pages apart at the same time" she explains. The joy for us is that these pages arrive similarly out of order, so the graphic novel is unfurling like a magnificent jigsaw.
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The reversible alternative covers by Rachael Stott and Frank Quitely are coming together beautifully. Different vibes, both ‘heavenly’ and we’re delighted to share them with you:
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Moving inside. Here's an introduction to your introduction: our favourites include: Dog: Satanical hellhound and cat-worrier. Everyone should have one!
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With the pencils mapping out the story almost completely in place, here are some samples from across the book – don’t worry we’re not giving too much away. It is always interesting to see these images come in, then watch them evolve over time
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As we enter the latter stages of inking and colouring, we're also getting glorious new artwork by the bucketload. Colleen has been working diligently and it’s simply wonderful to see the story coming to life so vibrantly.
We shared this a few updates ago in its inked form. Now here it is in full glass-shattering colour.
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A jaunty moustache and some 'definitely not-bad-news' being delivered in the middle of a birthday party.
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A prior inked piece we shared before. Crowley venting his frustrations, oh so subtly.
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And here's a closer look at some of the Horsemen in situ.
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...of course you must also have some snippets of Aziraphale and Crowley having a fine time with books and wine.
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And this rather lovely panel ends the previews of our main duo for this update.
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But one final thing before we leave our heroes for this month... feast your eyes on this absolutely gorgeous celestial piece.
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And now to the admin.
If you have a query, please check the Good Omens graphic novel FAQ page at terrypratchett.com. Some key recurring questions:
The Good Omens graphic novel was listed to publish in July 2024 - why have I not received it? We shared an update on April 16th 2024 introducing the new timeline and full context on why dates had to be moved. You can read that here. We appreciate that some didn't catch the timeline update and had been expecting items to arrive across July and August - the graphic novel and surrounding items are due to arrive in Spring 2025 to align with the new publication date. Thank you for your patience. We promise that it will be worth the wait!  
I've been in touch with a query about my pledge but have not heard back - what should I do? We have been dealing with a significantly increased number of messages recently and our team are working through them as best we can. If you have messaged over a week ago and are yet to hear back, please get in touch again, either via the message thread on Kickstarter or your previous email chain. Rest assured, we are reading and working through all messages as quickly as we can and appreciate your patience.
If your question is not answered in the FAQ, please don't hesitate to contact us and we can get back to you as soon as possible.
We announced in our June update that Crowley's S2 Bentley would be appearing at ACME Comic Con in Glasgow. Unfortunately, our team will no longer be attending, so the Bentley will not appear at this event. We wanted to let you know as soon as possible in case you have booked tickets expressly to see it, or to meet the Good Omens HQ team. Maggie Service is also no longer attending the event, however Quelin Sepulveda, our beloved Muriel, is still appearing on the Saturday, and there are many filming locations around the central belt of Scotland if you are visiting, so you can still make your trip a little more ineffable. We apologise for any disruption to your plans.
Colleen has also had to cancel her appearance at the upcoming DragonCon, as she explains here.
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raging-ale · 6 months
the thought of so many people around in one place always made him feel so out of place. this felt like it was not going to be any different, so he was going to make sure to just walk in and grab some food and keep to himself. hopefully no one was actually going to bother him while he was here. this was his chance to open up, meet the people that he was going to be putting his life on the line for - and all he wanted to do was eat and be left around, even if deep down he did want to break out of that hard shell, let someone in - just he couldn't bring himself to for the safety of the others around him. looking down at his food, he began to start over thinking on if he should even be here anymore. his head racing and that was when he began to start getting angry at himself. the urge to just jump up and toss his food out was riding the edge - he needed a distraction, to calm down.
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deathscn · 6 months
☠️ ⋅𓂃 ࣪ for the son of hecate ≻ location ; at the tables ╱ @magesethan
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                   winter had lost count how many plates he had. the amount of food there was, the different stuff that was being offered, of course, winter had to grab his favorite. he didn't know how it was possible, but all his favorites were there. and then there were other things that he never tried that he definitely wanted to give a go. so when he saw what the other was eating, he was curious what it was.
❛ what's on your plate? ❜ winter asked, looking over at the food and then back at the other male. ❛ is that some type of indian food? smells good. ❜ winter chuckled, as he took a bite of his chilaquiles he had on his plate. a basic food, but oh so delicious.
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everestphillips · 6 months
Even with all the things that was going on at the party, Everest caught someone sneaking away from the pack. Usually, he had more sense than to wander away from everyone, especially now that things felt eerily similar to a horror movie. But with who knows how many drinks in his system, the godling decided to peel away and follow this mystery person. Still, with a bottle of the wine that he's been enjoying throughout the night.
At first, Ev was leisurely following behind the other man until a certain point where lost himself in the flora. It was actually rather peaceful walking through it, even if went in a circle or two. However, with a sudden scream, he was pulled back from his own world and started running towards the commotion. With the bottle in his hand held like a makeshift weapon, Everest stood there ready for whatever may come his way. "What happened? Are you alright?!"
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