#evenifidieitsjimin fic
jetlukeheart · 7 years
sushi || pjm (f)
Going out on a date with some guy you met at a café could bring more with it than meets the eye.
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❀ genre: fluff. ❀ word count: 5,3k+ Spotify playlist | Youtube playlist
With slow steps, you dragged your feet towards the bathroom, feeling really tired from the nap you just woke up from. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to sleep before a date, but you couldn’t help yourself as you had woken up really early for work. A small smile played upon your lips as you thought about it, work. It’s where you met him.
‘’Y/N! A caramel macchiato!’’ your co-worker yelled from the counter as you hastily wiped away the mess you just made.
‘’Coming right at ya,’’ you just told him, still wiping the counter and now also the floor, as coffee dripped from the edges. Brown droplets splashed in front of your white shoes, almost making them brown too, but with a few more wipes it looked like nothing was ever there.
A heavy sigh left your mouth and you heard a shy voice speaking a few metres away from you.
‘’Please, t-take your time,’’ the voice said as you whipped your head around, gazing at the guy to which the voice belonged with surprised eyes. When you met his eyes, your heart was about the burst and you could feel your head getting lighter.
Warm, chocolate brown eyes, a bit puffy and a face handsome as hell. Lips plump at first, but when his mouth went upwards, the cutest smile ever appeared, making his eyes smile as well. You had no idea how a stranger could make you feel all giddy, but he did. His ash blonde hair fell in front of his face in various ways, and it gave him this chill and cute vibe.
‘’Oh Jesus, Lord, save me,’’ was the only thought going through your mind,
‘’R-Right,’’ you stuttered too and nodded, turning your back to him as you started to work on his caramel macchiato. Without ever facing him again in the process of making it, your started to fiddle with your apron and you felt your cheeks warm up a bit.
Cut the crap, Y/N! Focus!
You took a deep breath as you grabbed the saucer with his cup on top of it, adding a cookie or two and finally bringing it to the counter, facing him again.
‘’There you go,’’ you said, trying to sound a bit more confident than a few minutes ago, and he smiled looking down at his cup, before some kind of emotion flashed across his face. He was… confused?
‘’Y-You forgot to drizzle some caramel on top,’’ he quietly said, an even more shy smile appearing as he looked at you, warm eyes meeting you.
The realisation hit you hard and you gasped slightly, immediately backing up a bit and grabbing the bottle with caramel. You then started to drizzle some stuff on top of the macchiato, ending up with what looked like some stars and… was that a heart?
‘’Oh, shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t… It wasn’t my intention to… Okay, here you go,’’ you sheepishly pushed the cup over to his side and he looked down, the smile never disappearing and he picked it up with much confidence all of a sudden.
‘’Why, thank you,’’ he then said, giving you a smooth wink as he started to walk away from you. He sat down at a table by the window and he planted his butt on the chair and the cup on the table, putting his phone right next to it and his bag on the side of his stool. You heard him sigh and you watched the same smile appearing again as he looked down at his coffee.
With a blush you turned around and wanted to punch yourself in the face for being so stupid and clumsy. He just happened to be a very cute, nice, patient and shy boy, it was bound to happen that you’d get distracted easily. The sudden boost of confidence at the end, with that wink, was surprising you though and you wanted to disappear in a hole right there and then. Luckily, you didn’t faint and stood foot.
After that, the boy came back every single day. Well, not that you worked every single day, but your co-workers just happened to tell you and he sometimes asked if you were working sometime soon. Over time, you learned his name was Jimin and he was not even that older than you, less than a year. He always ordered something new and different, lowkey getting on your nerves with it, but in the end it was worth it and he always gave you compliments. It made the butterflies in your stomach hit every corner and place there was.
It went on like that for about two weeks, until one day he slipped you a note with digits written on them, giving his signature wink again. He hastily said goodbye and a ‘’see ya tomorrow!’’ before leaving the café.
With a blush you put the paper with his phone number deep into your pocket and when it was evening and you were done showering, you started to text him. It was the beginning of something new. What the thing you two had, you didn’t know that yet, but after only a week of texting and getting to know each other a lot better, Jimin waited up for you after your shift. It was only 1 PM when you were done for the day and as you walked towards the door, Jimin casually slipped his body in front yours, making you halt.
‘’Hey,’’ you said, almost breathless at his usual, handsome appearance. He always dressed so casual, so fashionable, it was amazing. Why he showed so much interest in a potato like you, you had no idea.
‘’Hey,’’ he said, voice lower than usual, ‘’I wanted to ask you something.’’
You noticed how close he was, so you took a step back, but somehow, not even noticeable, he took a small step forward. He had this confident yet anxious aura around him, making you wonder what was going on as you slowly nodded.
‘’What’s up?’’
‘’W-Well… Uh, I was wondering if you… If you possibly want…’’ He stopped mid-sentence as he looked at you rather curiously, because your eyes had already widened and your mouth was slightly opened by now. But he quickly shook his head, not wanting to get distracted at this point.
‘’Y/N, would you, like to go, on a date, with me, this Saturday?’’ he said and he paused briefly between every phrase before closing his eyes. A breath of relief escaped his lips and a whisper was next. ‘’There, I said it.’’
All you could do was stare at him, really taken aback by it. He just asked you out for a date. A real, proper date. You had to be honest with this; you never met a guy doing that so you seriously had no idea what to say but the next couple of words.
‘’I like sushi.’’
Oh Jesus, you just really fucked it up, didn’t you? Who would answer such a thing to a boy asking you out on a date? And for the second time in just a few weeks, Jimin made you wanting to punch yourself in the face once again.
All he did though, was snicker and he pushed his hands into his pockets, before he started to wobble back and forth on his feet really cute.
‘’Sushi date it is,’’ he then said, ‘’I’ll text you.’’ That’s when he decided to leave you, you being totally flabbergasted in front of the entrance of the café, as you watched him making his way down the street until you couldn’t find his very recognizable blonde locks anymore. After a good twenty seconds of complete silence, you started to squeal and jump up and down a little, until your co-worker called your name and you looked at him, wide-eyed, but he just smiled, waving you off.
‘’Just go already.’’
You nodded, stepping out of the café with the biggest smile ever, and nothing could take the happiness away you felt right now.
A sigh left your mouth as you watched your phone light up, a text message from Jimin appearing.
Jimin-ah: 7:30 ;-) im about to leave, see you in a bit [7:04pm]
Shit, fuck, fuck. You had less than 30 minutes to do a shitload of stuff, so after you replied to him with a kiss-smiley (yes, you were already at that stage), you started to throw some make-up on your face and threw your hair into a classy ponytail. As you eyed yourself one last time in the mirror and you noticed how slaying your winged-eyeliner looked, you whistled and your mouth grimaced impressively.
‘’Damn girl,’’ you whispered to your reflection, before giving your phone a glance and you saw it was 7:24 already. You weren’t even dressed yet!
You rushed towards your bedroom, careful not to stumble over anything as you heard your roommate in his room when you walked past his room.
‘’Yah, Taehyung, I’m about to go- Oh, hey Jungkook,’’ you casually greeted the boys as you saw they were playing Overwatch. Of fucking course. You slightly eye rolled, but didn’t want them to see it.
Taehyung turned around and wasn’t even taken aback by your almost bare body, you both being completely used to it now. He was already seeing some girl too, just like you were. He was your best friend and you never thought of something more with him.
‘’A date with Jimin?’’ Taehyung started to wiggle with his eyebrows and a wink followed, meaning it was just him messing around. You chuckled and nodded, noticing Jungkook was still in some sort of trance with the game. Not that you minded, it was quite funny to watch, really.
Taehyung followed your gaze and laughed a bit. ‘’This kid is obsessed, I’m telling you,’’ he said, slightly nudging a dazed Jungkook, but he still didn’t respond as he continued to play the game. You both shrugged at the same time and smiled at how cute the boy was with his healthy obsession called Overwatch.
‘’See you later,’’ you then said, leaving the room as you heard Taehyung scream: ‘’Don’t return until you got laid.’’
Another eye roll and a sigh later, you entered your room and the clock beside your bed informed you it was two minutes until Jimin could arrive. You hastily put on the clothes which were luckily already prepared by yourself, letting it be just a casual, tight dress and some fancy heels. Although you wouldn’t be walking in them for too long, they really matched with your outfit and damn, what a killer heels they were.
Only a few seconds after you put on the second shoe, a few knocks could be heard from the front door of the shared apartment and you couldn’t help but smile, getting real excited now.
As you were about to leave your room and turn to the left, to stand directly in front of the door, some quick footsteps and a strong force pushed you against the wall, laughter filling the air. Then the door opened and right in front of your eyes (and Taehyung’s) stood the most handsome man you had ever met.
‘’Aish, Jimin! It’s Jimin, right?’’ Taehyung said as you groaned, a pout on your red lips as you felt two hands on both your shoulders. You cocked up an eyebrow and looked up at Jungkook, who comforted you as he saw how hard Taehyung pushed you.
‘’You okay?’’ he asked you and you nodded, which made his hands fall back beside his body. You then focused back on Taehyung and Jimin and Jimin awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, a blush on his face.
‘’Yeah,’’ he answered before his gaze slid to you, eyes widening and you saw how he sucked in a breath. Taehyung saw it too and finally gave you a look.
‘’Woah there, how about no? Your fucking tit-‘’
You shut him up with your hands and pulled him back. Taehyung wouldn’t be Taehyung without licking your hand and you pulled back, totally grossed out by his action.
‘’Ew, dude,’’ you commented, wiping your hand over his clothed arm as he snickered. Then he looked at Jimin again and pointed his finger at him.
‘’You better be very, very, very careful with Y/N. Or else…’’ He waved with his finger and you pushed him even more away as you gave Jungkook a look. He immediately understood it and hooked his arm into Tae’s.
‘’Gotta go mate, Overwatch is waiting!’’
And with that, they finally disappeared into Taehyung’s room again. You let out a heavy sigh and turned around, a very uncomfortable Jimin still standing in the opening of the front door. You felt really guilty and walked to him. But somehow he managed to shake off the awkward demeanour and he smoothly grabbed your hand, you halting your actions.
You gave him a confused look, but he just brought your hand to his lips and he kissed it sweetly.
At that exact moment your soul left your body.
‘’You look really beautiful tonight, Y/N,’’ he said, warmth lacing his voice and it was just as low as the time he asked you out on a date.
You couldn’t help but giggle and he slowly let go of your hand. You then finally took a glance at him, admiring how chic he looked in that black sweater with a high collar. The white accents matched his earrings somehow, and his black jeans and shiny shoes almost made you faint.
He was just so handsome!
‘’Jimin, look at yourself! You are so handsome, I still don’t get it. Why’d you go on a date with me?’’ you chuckled, finally stepping out of the apartment after grabbing your bag with all the things you needed. You heard him laugh lowly and he put his hands in his pockets again, following you as you both walked out of the building.
You chatted about some nonsense along the way, the usual stuff, just like the way you texted until he parked his car right in front of this fancy sushi restaurant.
‘’You weren’t joking around when you told me it’d be a sushi date,’’ you said, probably sounding a bit amazed as you were about to step out of the car. But a hand on your knee stopped you and Jimin looked at you.
‘’Please let me be a gentleman,’’ he joked as you started to laughed, gesturing for him to do his thing as he quickly hopped out of the car, walking around the car to get to your side. He opened the car door and lent you a hand as you stepped out of the vehicle. When you finally stood on the pavement, Jimin locked his car and smoothly wrapped an arm around your waist. You already felt the electricity cursing through your body, first by your hip, then your side as you were pulled into Jimin’s body and the next thing that happened, was that just everything started to tingle.
With the deepest colour red painted on your cheeks, you both set in foot in the restaurant and Jimin walked with you to the woman controlling the reservations and tables.
‘’Park Jimin,’’ he nonchalantly said and you felt how his grip around your waist tightened a bit. You didn’t know why, but it felt nice at how protectively he was about you almost immediately. And you didn’t mind leaning a bit more into him as the lady led you to your table.
You eventually ended up somewhere in the corner of the restaurant, also sitting by the window as you gasped at the lovely view you had. The moon was shining brightly onto the water of the river streaming through the city and many lights lit up the sides of the water.
‘’Dude, this is amazing,’’ you said, not really knowing what to say furthermore as Jimin laughed at you calling him dude. He gently pulled your chair back and pushed it back when you were about to sit down. When he finally sat down, he took a look at the view himself.
‘’Yeah dude,’’ he replied, throwing you a smirk as he nodded, ‘’although the view’s beautiful, I think you’re way prettier.’’
‘’Stop! I’m already blushing and soon I’ll look like a tomato, oh my god,’’ you gasped, clasping your hands onto your cheeks as you somehow looked shocked at him.
He managed to let a giggle slip his mouth, but before he could respond with another compliment just to tease you, a waitress stood right next to you and held a notepad. She took one glance at you and then only looked at Jimin when taking your orders for the drinks.
Jimin gave you a brief glance before he ordered a whole bottle of some white wine you didn’t know a thing about, but you let it slide as the waitress wrote it down. Then she gave you both a menu to fill in your sushi choices and the quantities of it.
‘’Bro, a whole bottle of wine?’’ you asked him while he smiled bare-teethed, still looking down at his menu while filling in some things. He just ignored your question and asked you to share some stuff with him about your choices and what you liked so much about the nigari you choose. He genuinely looked interested in the things you said and the stories you had experienced before with ordering certain stuff.
At a certain point, Jimin even put down his pencil and just stared at you, while you rambled about that one time your friend was a newbie to sushi and she ordered anago. It was the worst decision ever, because she nearly choked at the taste of it. You had warned her though, but your friend was feeling wild and yet, she regretted it very much later on.
Jimin smiled all the way through your talk, the way your body and head moved with everything you told; your facial expressions as you tried to imitate your friend; your hands waving up and down. It was mesmerizing, really.
‘’Jimin?’’ you eventually said, done with filling in the menu as you chuckled at the dazed boy.
With your voice calling out his name, he snapped out of his trance and he shook his eyes. He felt the blood rushing to his cheeks and he grabbed his pencil again.
‘’Yeah, right. Uh… I-I hope everything ended well, with y-your friend,’’ he stuttered as he finished up filling in his choices. You knitted your eyebrows together and pressed your lips into a thin line to prevent them from smiling too broad. Of course you had noticed the way he looked at you, the whole time, but you were too caught up in the story and actually enjoyed it; how he looked at you. It made your heart go wild and you still felt it beating rapidly.
At that very moment, the same waitress returned with the bottle of wine and two glasses as she concurrently took your orders with her. Another waiter came by to bring you two some miso soup, and you unknowingly licked your lips at the sight of the delicious soup.
‘’Y/N? You okay?’’ you heard Jimin say and as you looked up, you saw him gulp and suck in a breath again. What was up with him?
‘’Yeah, I’m just really hungry,’’ you admitted, rubbing your hands together before putting your hands on both sides of the bowl. Jimin followed your lead and then you looked at each other like it was some sort of race that was about to start.
In your head you counted to three and almost simultaneously you brought the bowl to your lips, taking a very small sip.
Regret washed over your face as you hadn’t really noticed how hot the bowl actually was, so it felt like you were sipping fucking lava. Jimin had the same kind of reaction and hissed, putting the bowl back swiftly and clasping his hands together in between his thighs. He sat up straight and bit his lip, whispering: ‘’Fuck,’’ before filling up both glasses with wine.
You both took a few sips very fast to cool down your mouths and tongues, but you drank it a little too fast and so, you started to choke. You coughed and brought your hand to your poor heart, acting like you were about to die.
‘’I can see… the white… the white light,’’ you whispered dramatically and you slumped back into your seat and Jimin jumped out his seat, panic washing over him after he heard your words.
‘’Y/N? Y/N?!’’ he said, kneeling down next to you and putting his hands on your arm and thigh, before his hand on your arm went to the small of your back to help you lean forward as you started to cough less and less. Eventually, the coughing had ended and Jimin was circling his hand around your back in a soothing way, still kneeled down beside you with a very worried face.
The whole restaurant was basically looking now, but he didn’t have a care in the world for that. He just wanted to make sure you were okay. Your face was still red and your eyes were puffy, the tears that escaped your eyes now dried up on your cheeks. Man, the spicy stuff hadn’t even arrived yet and you were already choking on some wine.
Way to go.
‘’I just… I’ve got to use the bathroom real quick,’’ you announced and Jimin nodded, understanding it as he went back to his seat. He looked really nervous all of a sudden, and still concerned about you of course. His worried eyes followed you all the way to the bathroom, until you walked along the corridor and ended up facing yourself in the mirror.
‘’The fuck, Y/N. What the fuck?’’ you started to scold at yourself and how dumb you were for choking on wine. Although it was somehow cute and flattering how Jimin immediately went to your side to help you and that he took care of you, you couldn’t get over the fact at how embarrassing it was.
‘’C’mon, you got this,’’ you whispered, but you gasped lightly as you saw your left winged eye-liner was a bit smudged and another cry left your mouth.
Jimin somehow managed to hear that cry and he stopped midway taking a sip from his drink, eyeing the bathroom. His eyebrow went upwards and he silently sent prayers to God for you being alright in there. If he only knew the cries were for your ruined make-up (which Jimin probably wouldn’t even notice).
You tried to fix it, but it went in vain. So, with a groan you left the bathroom and halfway walking towards the table, you just kicked out your heels because those were annoying the shit out of you.
With an amused expression, Jimin watched you kicking of your shoes and he somehow liked how honest you were with your body and stuff. He thought back about you saying why he would go out on a date with you, and he seriously had to stop himself from listing all the things he started to like about you in the past couple of weeks.
When you arrived at the table again and you put your shoes right next to your chair, Jimin asked you if you were okay now, and you nodded with a sigh. ‘’Yeah, I’m fine now,’’ you smiled and you looked at him, relief washing over his face.
After a while, more small talks and finally finishing both your miso soups, the real food came. The sushi you had ordered arrived on wooden boards and you started to rub your hands together again. Before you attacked the food, you took one last sip from your wine and as Jimin refilled your glasses, you secretly put a piece into your mouth.
‘’Hey, that’s rude. Starting without me,’’ Jimin laughed as he put the bottle of wine back. He grabbed his chopsticks and then put something in his own mouth. The way he did that, with his eyes widened and making it look like he was really munching it, made you laugh and squint your eyes at him.
And that’s how the rest of your dinner went basically, filled with laughter and chatters. The wine helped you both getting a bit loose and you basically started to forget about how there were other people around you, having way too much fun.
At one point, you were asked for a dessert and Jimin asked for some mochi ice creams. You gave him a questionable look as you had no idea what those were, but he only said you should trust him on this one. With a shrug, you leaned forward again and placed your hand on the table, the other one grabbing your glass of wine. That’s when you noticed you almost reached the end of the bottle, and you widened your eyes.
‘’Jimin,’’ you said, which made him look up.
‘’The bottle of wine’s empty,’’ you said with a blank face and now Jimin leaned forward too, squinting his eyes a bit as he placed his hand on the table. His fingertips slightly brushed against yours, and the same electricity returned just like at the beginning of the evening.
‘’Aish, pity. After this, we could go to my place, I have some more over there?’’ he proposed and you with your tipsy mind just nodded bluntly. Jimin nodded too and he leaned back again, but his hand never pulling back again.
Somehow, after that, it went silent for a bit, you both looking at the view once again. It was 9:30 PM by now, the restaurant got emptier. It was still full of life though, but just less than at the time when you arrived.
Jimin his hand managed to wrap itself around yours, and this gesture made you look away from the moon. A sly smile appeared as soon as you saw and felt how well your hands fit into each other. Jimin grinned as leaned forward.
‘’Did I already tell you how beautiful you look?’’ he murmured again and you giggled.
‘’Only about eight thousand times, not a biggie,’’ you said and he laughed along, giving your hand a squeeze. Your heartbeat quickened again and even though the date started out rather awkward with you choking, you really did have fun. You really liked Jimin and how he made clear he accepted you just the way you are. Your imperfections were to him your perfections.
In the end, the dessert arrived and you got all excited when you saw how the mochi ice creams looked like profiteroles and marshmallows combined.
‘’Shit, that looks good,’’ you said and although your stomach protested to receive any more food, your hand already flew towards the plate. However, Jimin was the first one to get there and he picked one up to bring it to your mouth. Your other hands were still holding onto each other as you obediently took a bite from the food, immediately wanting more.
‘’Feed me the whole thing, oh my god, this is good,’’ you softly moaned as Jimin tried to hold in his giggles while putting the rest of the mochi ice cream into your mouth. You accidently closed your mouth around the tip of Jimin’s finger and with a pop he pulled his hand back again slightly.
His eyes were widened and his hand stopped mid-air, while he was watching you taking another mochi ice cream by yourself.
With a fucked up, dirty mind he hastily put his hands back on his thighs as he craned his neck to look out of the window. He tried to think of other things, like rainbows and unicorns while he heard you eat the dessert all by yourself. It was just all of a sudden at how he lost his appetite for the food, but he just couldn’t help himself. Why was he being so stupid?
‘’Jimin, here, have one,’’ you said and he looked back at you. The plate only had a few left and that somehow made him laugh, as he looked at the mochi ice cream in your hand.
‘’Alright,’’ he said, heartbeat finally calming down and thoughts straight again as he reached out for the food on your hand.
‘’Wait, no, I want to feed it to you too,’’ you then said, twisting the ball so it was in between your index finger and thumb. You motioned for him to open up his mouth and as he did, he couldn’t help it but wrap his lips a little further than around the dessert. Your heart missed a beat at the feeling of his warm, plump lips and while his teeth took over the mochi ice cream, you slowly retracted your hand.
You both finished up the dessert silently, somehow in a complete daze and Jimin ended up paying for the dinner. You didn’t protest, because your thoughts were somewhere else and you weren’t listening at all at the conversation Jimin had with the waitress. With slow hands you put your heels back on and you dusted off your dress.
Jimin held out his hooked arm and you hooked your own in it as you both classily left the restaurant.
The nigh life of the city was about to start, and there were already screaming teenagers sauntering across the street. From several directions there was music playing in bars and clubs and you had the urge to visit some with Jimin, but you had made other plans already. He pulled you along towards his car and you both stepped inside the vehicle. Without saying another word, Jimin put the radio on and one of the albums of The Neighbourhood started to play.
‘’I didn’t think you’d be the kind of the guy to listen to these kind of songs,’’ you snickered, while Jimin started to drum along the beat on the steering wheel with ‘Prey’ with his fingers. You started to study them, staring at each ring wrapped around different fingers and you started to wonder what the meaning behind those could be. The way his fingers would grip the steering wheel as he took a turn to the left; how smoothly he moved his hand; how his fingers tapped along the rhythm of the music. It was fascinating, really. You loved how cute and somewhat small they were and you noticed you started to fall for the little things with Jimin.
The car ride was silent and relaxing, the silence not awkward at all as Jimin sometimes hummed along with the music, which managed to keep you awake.
A sigh left your mouth as lanterns flashed by your eyes, shining bright upon your face. It was at this very moment that Jimin looked sideways for a moment. His heart melted a bit at the sight of you staring out of the window, looking a bit zoned out and absent. Even though he looked straight ahead of him again very quickly, he had the image printed out in his head, and he made a note to himself to take a picture of you the next time it happened.
It’s when the music got louder, raindrops fell from the sky and Jimin drove onto the highway when this really relaxing mood took over both of you. Jimin took your hand and snaked his own arm around yours, before finally intertwining your fingers with his. You let it all happen with a smile and you sighed, somewhat satisfied.
‘’I had fun tonight,’’ you then said and Jimin hummed, the music a bit softer now.
‘’Me too, Y/N,’’ he said, sounding like he totally agreed with you and he looked at you shortly. ‘’I hope we can continue doing… this.’’ He gestured to your intertwined hands and you nodded.
‘’Yeah, I’d like that.’’
sushi 02
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flakandforay · 7 years
Weekly Fanfic Recommendations 124
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this will and always will be my favourite era, im weak for all, anyway im back for another fic rec, i just got done with my chem test today and so im deadass tired
do take a look at my selling post with #fafsells ~
lets start~
1) The Golden Ones
by @xiutingmyself
a jungkook x y/n fic 
being competitive with each other is one thing but what happens when you both are causing mischief?
2) Jungkook Smut
by @malikscofield
( yea i was surprised at the title too )
a jungkook x y/n fic 
3) Sushi
by @evenifidieitsjimin
a jimin x y/n fic 
ongoing series with 2 parts out 
it starts out with a sushi date, whats next?
4) Stumble
by @tae-namjoon
a yoongi x y/n fic 
tripping over some boxes is one thing but spilling coffee on your new shirt is another, yoongi feels bad and so decides to make up for it 
5) Kinks
by @houseofbangtaninternational
a taehyung x y/n fic 
taehyung tries to find out your kinks when you have accidentally might have exposed one of yours 
6) Taehyung smut
by @malikscofield
a taehyung x y/n fic 
7) Discipline
by @jhopehatesnakeu
a jungkook x y/n fic
jungkook knows you crossed the boundary and so will teach you a lesson 
8) Point of no Return
by @ifeelkdirty
a jungkook x y/n fic 
ongoing series with part one out 
friendship with bts is a bonus, but youre especially with jungkook 
this is all for this fic rec, another one up soon~
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