#even though that age is long gone and castles can't protect you
ludcake · 1 year
btw just as an update if anyone is curious i am currently on the process of writing the rise and fall of the hightower dynasty and YES they are fully habsburg coded. not in the "i wanna fuck my cousin" way but in the "we're so powerful we have to distribute different centers of power but then we need to marry each other to keep a single political unit but we marry out and then marry in again in a loop" and also the catholicism. and witchcraft,
Second and third inspirations are Houses Bourbon and the Anjou
and yes Westeros is getting the Holy Roman Empire in the 1600s treatment get ready for the bloodiest rumble in history guest starring wild dragons, shadowbinding, independence movements, religious schisms, pirates, colonialism, musketeers, three inquisitions and one (1) guest appearance of the development of wildfire-powered artillery destroying everything
and local fan favourite albrecht von wallenstein pulling a king lear
after that i think i'm gonna mess with a few things. i do know that we're backing up the doomrot of house targaryen but with a few funny twists. heavily thinking up a Stuart thing. primarily in terms of house of orange-analogue, but also some religious drama and steadily losing power and holding on for dear life at what they still have and getting their heads chopped off if they try to pretend to be 2 maegor 2 furious
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wolfiwonderer · 2 months
Tonny is sus
In honor of the new chapter and questionable decisions, I'm going to deep dive on Tonny and why I think his innocent look is a front.
He believes he's the good guy (which honestly, confidence in one's righteousness is a red flag that Julia (prev), Tonny, and Sahed all share). The Tonny that he presents cares about each member of the circus, hates taking their lives at the beginning and end, and has sweet innocent thoughts about Julia. I think he really believes that.
I love Tonny as a character btw, super excited to see where this goes.
Tonny does not really care about the people in the circus.
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The oldest history we've been told is that they were in a castle. An old woman knew about them and funneled people there for money. Tonny gave them an offer to tie themselves to the castle for eternity to protect them from pursuit.
Okay, but everyone in the castle is miserable. Tonny looks miserable. The people around him do. He clearly isn't too worried about the woman directing people to him. So why is he signing them up when he has been shown that they will break down?
It seems like there must be some kind of compulsion that means Tonny needs to add people to the pact continuously. If he's really burdened by giving them happiness, then he wouldn't sign up for more work.
2. Tonny is not that bothered by taking people's lives.
Okay, first of all, I don't know how you could keep killing people twice and not prove that you don't actually feel bad about it. He has many options other than killing people.
Most of this being bad is predicated on Tonny knowing that there's a cost after their second death, but given how hard he claims to be working to stop people ending their lives (particularly to people who have been around for a while), I think he knows something of it.
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Mr. Finnegan is the epitome of Tonny's immoral sign up practices. I have no doubt that Tonny thought he was doing the right thing, but a good 30 second think on Finnegan's motivation shows that it's a terrible idea. The entire reason that Finnegan wants to sign up is to spend more time with his wife. What exactly did Tonny think was going to happen when the wife died? It was going to happen, since he didn't sign both of them up (also, why not?). He had to know that Finnegan was a short term stay.
Mr. Finnegan is the 'youngest' of them all, which makes me wonder how many people have come and gone in the last hundred years. Sahed would probably be somewhere around his age if he aged normally, so he's the next youngest we know outside of Camille and Julia.
Speaking of Sahed, we also know that he made some kind of promise to him that convinced him to sign up.
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Sahed has had the same goal for a long time and he thinks Tonny betrayed him. I'm inclined to believe him - even if I'm sure the details of what he asked for were impossible. Tonny agrees with him that Ah'kon deserve equal rights. He also seems sad about the hate against them in a way you don't see from other characters. But, his logic that it is too dangerous to taken them in seems weird when he also took in Dotty while police were after her. Sahed's intake couldn't have been risk free considering he's a legendary level escapee.
I could see this being a savior complex. He 'solves' the problems presented to him with the hammer he has. He signs up to fix problems he can't and then when he doesn't deliver, he hides behind all the other promises he's made. But it's like he' s a married man with a secret family and it's somehow the family's fault he wasn't faithful when they find out about the other.
3. Julia is not safe with Tonny
This is full on theory/prediction and I want to talk about some phone fast pass episodes, so putting it under the cut.
Honestly, Camille kind of called this out in the last episode. Julia has said that Tonny is keeping her close and he has a certain possessiveness. He shows signs of feelings (for no apparent reason than chemistry though? Like do they have much in common? Julia wants to not die but also not be a bad person. Tonny wants ???), and that could be explanation. But I get antsy about a guy who wants a woman to center her life around him. But if that was all, I wouldn't be quite so suspicious of him.
Tonny has admitted that Julia is in the middle between him and someone else, but then, like... doesn't explain. He's said full trust, but she's just hoping he will make her not die, when he has a history of breaking promises (other than killing people, he's got a good record on that, seems to be the go to solution for everyone at the circus). I can't help but think that the reason he hasn't elaborated on the true details of anything to Julia, and likely to everyone, is that it is something horrible.
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dreamcatcher2113 · 2 years
The Dragon Dance
Summary: What if Rhaenyra had another child? What if Rhaenyra had a daughter with white hair and purple eyes? What if she was betrothed to Aemond as an alliance with Greens? 
You are the daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen, unlike your brothers you have white hair and purple eyes. You are the twin sister of Jacaerys. You were close with Aemond when you were kids, you two attached to the hip. Ten years later after your family left to Dragonstone, your family reunites with the Greens. You see a familiar face, Aemond Targaryen. Even though it's been years since you last saw him, let's just say you are not the same little girl you were once before. 
Warnings: The reader and Jacaerys are aged up, they would be eighteen. Uncle/niece insect. 18+ smut(eventually). Language. Mentions of assault(mainly from Aegon). Violence. And possible other warnings that I can’t think of. There is a happy ending.
Part 21
Author Note: This part is going to be longer than the other parts I have written.
The Dragon Dance Part 22:
As time passed, your little baby bump started to show a little bit more. You couldn’t help but to admire the small but noticeable bump you have. You would run your hands over it, and smile at the little dragon rider that’s growing inside of you. Aemond would always talk to your bump, or have some type of contact with it. You love those moments with Aemond, you love how involved he is in your pregnancy. He would ask his mom, Heleana, and even your mother on how he can help and support you during your pregnancy. You couldn’t help but smile at his thoughtfulness. You also noticed how protective Aemond has been over you, ever since you announced you are with child. Aemond has always been protective over you, but now you feel like Aemond has been a little overprotective than usual.
You and Helaena started to make your way through the gates, the both of you thought it was a good idea to go into town for new fabric and to get out of the castle. You and Helaena had few of the guards and few of the handmaidens as well. The two of you spot Aemond and Luce talking, and you wanted to give them a quick hello. You told Helaena that you will meet outside, and you make your way to your brother and husband.
"Hello my husband, and brother." You walked up to them, greeting them with a smile.
Both of them turned to you and smiled back at you. Aemond reached his hand out, for you to grab. He brings you knuckles to his lips, you couldn't help but smile at your husband's actions. Always the gentlemen.
"Hello my wife. It's nice to see you again." Aemond greeted you, not letting go of your hand.
"Hello sister." Luce greeted after, getting used to being the third wheel.
"Aemond, you just saw me this morning." You giggled a bit.
"And that was a long time ago. I can't help but miss your presence when you are gone." Aemond explained. Pulling you closer to him, putting his forehead against yours. You rubbed your nose against his, and Luce just rolled his eyes.
"What are your plans for today, my wife?" Aemond asked.
“Helaena and I are going to town for new fabrics, because as you can see my love-” Your hands rubbing your growing stomach, “-I am growing.”
“You’re going into town? With no guards?” Aemond asked, his good eye widened.
“Aemond. We have guards.” You try to explain your overprotective husband.
“I’ll come with you.” He declared.
“What do you mean no?”
“I mean no. You have a council meeting soon, and I will be perfectly fine. I have Helaena and the finest guards in King’s Landing protecting me and our little dragon rider.” You reassure your husband, but from the look he is giving you, he is not convinced.
“I can go with her.” Luce spoke. You and Aemond turn your heads, a little surprised at his suggestion.
“Luce, I appreciate you offering but you don’t have to. I’ll be well protected.” You said.
Luce quirked his eyebrow, and gave you a look. “If you think I’m going to let my pregnant sister go to town without Aemond, our step father, or me. You are very mistaken, dear sister.”
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. “You are spending way too much time with my husband. He is starting to rub off on you”
“Lucerys.” You walk to your brother, holding his face. “I’ll be safe.”
“Sister. This isn’t up for a debate, I am coming with you and aunt Helaena. I'd feel a lot better if one of us was with you.” Luce gives you a very serious look, and you know Luce can be stubborn when he wants to be.
“I agree with Lucerys. My mind would be at ease if Lucerys is with you and Helaena.” Aemond rubbing your shoulder.
You sighed, knowing you’re not going to win this one. You let go of Luce, and you turn to Aemond. You put your hand under Aemond’s eye patch, caressing your thumb under his scar. “Why must the men in our family be so overprotective?” You ask no one in particular.
“You two win, Lucerys will accompany me and Helaena.” You said in defeat.
“You’re funny if you think you have a choice sister, I was going to go with you no matter what you said.” Luce smirked, making his way outside to meet with Helaena.
“Thank you my Spitfire.” Aemond said to you, putting his forehead against yours. Giving you a quick peck on the lips.
“Of course my dear husband. Now if excuse me, I kept Helaena waiting long enough.” You kissed him back, and started walking away. Giving him a quick smile, and blew him a kiss. Aemond couldn’t smile a little and watch you leave, and started to make his way to the council room.
At The Town
You, Helaena, and Luce were walking around town, the day was beautiful. It wasn’t too hot or too cold, there was a nice breeze. The three of you were just enjoying the town, going to different stores, and of course saying hello to the citizens of King’s Landing. You were asking Helaena about childbirth and about being a mother. You are so excited about becoming a mother, but you were also scared. You didn’t want to have the same fate as your grandmother Aemma, or your step father’s late wife Laena. 
“What does childbirth feel like?” You asked Helaena in Old Valyrian, linking arms with her. As you walk through the streets.
“It hurts a lot. It’s a type of pain that is hard to describe.” Helaena answered honestly, she didn’t want to scare you off but also didn’t want to lie to you. “In honesty, the pain is worth it. Having both of my children happy and healthy is the greatest gift.”
You gave her a smile, thanking her for her honesty. Luce didn’t mean to, he was also listening to the conversation. He wanted to ask some questions as well, mostly out of curiosity. 
“Aunt Helaena, if you don’t mind can I ask some questions as well?” He asked.
“Of course you can Lucerys.” Helaena answered.
“What does it feel like to have a human inside of you?” Luce asked with curious eyes.
Helaena smiled at him, and answered. “It’s strange to be honest. It also feels surreal, once they start to kick. That’s when it starts to feel real.”
“Women are incredible.” Luce responded, amazed what women can do that men can never experience. You and Helaena smiled at his sweetness, the both of you know he will be an amazing husband, and an incredible Lord. You notice his mind starts to wonder.
“Everything okay little brother?” You asked.
“I’m fine sister, why do you ask?” Luce answered, giving you a small smile. But you know your younger brother all too well, you know when he starts to overthink.
“Lucerys. I know when something is troubling you. What’s wrong brother?” The three of you stopped in front of a stand. You’re facing him, rubbing his arm to comfort him.
“Will I be a good Lord for Driftmark?” He asked, avoiding eye contact with you.
You gave Luce a confused look, not understanding what he meant. “What do you mean Luce?”
Luce turns to face you. “How can I be the next Lord of Driftmark, after what I did to Aemond?”
You sighed, you should have known this is what has been troubling Lucerys. The relationship between your brothers and Aemond has gotten better, and they are healing from the incident. Luce still feels guilty for what happened, and what he did to his uncle.
“Lucerys. Aemond has forgiven you, all he wanted was for you to take responsibility for what you have done. Which you have, you even offered your own eye for him. You will make a wonderful Lord brother. It is your birthright.” You try to comfort your brother.
“I am not like you or mother.” He suddenly said, looking down at his feet.
“In what way, sweet brother of mine?” You asked with a soft look in your eyes.
“I’m not so,” he paused for a bit, looking at you once again. “Perfect.” 
You smiled at his response. You stepped closer to him, and placed your hand on cheek. You started kissing his head repeatedly, and you rested your forehead against his. “We are anything but.” You pulled apart from him.
“Mother had made mistakes, and I have as well. You will make a fine Lord dear brother. Mother and I will be by your side helping you. You are not alone.” You gave him the comforting words that he needed to hear. Your mother Rhaenyra has admitted her mistakes she made, but you, Jace and Luce never saw her any less. Even the past Kings have made mistakes, it’s only human nature.
Luce gave you a small smile, while a man gave him a cup of sample wine you assumed it was. Luce gave him a polite thank you to the man, and then the man turned to you.
“I’m sorry if I am intruding. I couldn’t help but listen to the beautiful language you were speaking. Old Valyrain? Am I correct?” The man asked.
“That is correct, sir.” You replied with a smile. “And you’re not intruding.”
The man started to beam. “I thought so! You must be Princess Y/N Targaryen.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the man's excitement. “Yes, sir. I am.”
The man starts to pour some wine into a cup, and starts to hand it to you. “I have this special wine for you. You are the first one to try it.”
You hesitated at first, then looked at Helaena. She gave you a slight nod, and made a little bit gesture to let you know only to have a little bit. You take the cup from the man, “thank you for kindness dear sir.” You thanked him.
Before the cup touched your lips, Lucerys started to smell something funny. At first he thought it was his cup, he took a sniff and realized it wasn’t. He started to sniff around and realized it was coming from yours. He immediately put his hand in front of your cup, preventing you from drinking it.
“Sister, don't drink the wine!” He yelled, grabbing the cup from your hands. Sniffing it, confirming that the strange odor is coming from your cup.
“Lucerys, what’s wrong?” You asked, stunned from his outburst. 
“A strange odor is coming from your cup.” Luce answered. His eyes that are usually light and happy, turned dark and serious. You have never seen Luce like this before.
“What did you put in my sister's cup?” Luce asked with a serious tone, glaring at the man.
“I-i-i don’t know what you mean young Prince.” The man stuttered.
Luce is still glaring at him, handing your cup to him. “If you didn’t put anything in the cup, you drink it.” Luce demanded. The man turned pale, shakingly taking the cup from Luce’s hand. The man threw the cup on the ground, and started to run away.
“Someone stop him! He tried to kill your future queen!” Luce yelled out, and pointed to the man, who was fleeing.
“You guards escort my sister and my aunt to the castle. Tell the queen and my sister’s husband what happened.” Luce pointed at the guards. “The rest of you follow me, and arrest that man.” Luce demanded.
“Lucerys.” You call out to him.
“I’ll be okay sister. Go back to the castle, and stay safe.” Luce said softly, putting his forehead against yours. Before you can say anything, Luce and some of the guards went after the man. Helaena linked her arms with yours, and the two of you started walking back to the castle. You put your hand on your stomach, like you are trying to protect your unborn child somehow. Who would want to kill you and your unborn child?
Taglist: @mikariell95 @random-human02 @buttercupstrand @rosaryos @whitejuliana1204 @schniiipsel @jeyramarie @mingiholic @klutzyfreak @a-beaverhausen @cl-0-vr @havlindzk @ladywin17
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starkholme · 6 months
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"Is this really what you want?" her fingers closed around the edge of the table, she couldn't belive what he was saying "Living in the shadows? Hunting, being hunted? Always alone?"
"I don't stop to think about it." His voice was sharp, although Karen recognized the same lie she tells herself everyday right there.
Agent Castle is an alluring enigma to her, yet his eyes can't hide the truth from her.
Frank Castle worked long enough as an especial agent to know how it ends: Maria and Bill were the proof, he couldn't let anyone interfere anymore. The last two missions weren't the easiests ones and every scar left was a reminder of how he'd be better off on his own.
They're gone, and he has to live with it.
Even tough his age was making him "less sane", according to his fellow Agent Madani, he'd never thought of stopping what he does. And even with simple missons through the months follow the arrival of the new Boss, he's feeling it might be the time where he finally learns how to live it with his grief. Until, a letter from former FBI hacker and now one of his best friends, David Lieberman, arrived at his doorstep alerting him that the Organization is back again.
Frank is send into the Ma Gnucci Ring, and soon realizes the Organization he destroyed alongside his best friend Bill was rising from sketch with the presence of every member from big mafias around the world. And one man is the main head of it: Jigsaw.
Although he's willing to go after who's behind the Jigsaw identity, Frank didn't anticipated the existance of Karen Page: a journalist, friends with the double Agent Urich, and knows the secrets behind the Organization more than she appears to know. They have to trust each other to survive, and somehow find they're much more alike than what it seems.
Kastle but make it 007 Spectre AU
PS: In this scenario I envisioned Maria is Vesper Lynd and Karen is Madeleine Swann. Vesper was Craig's Bond's first love in the series and he still griefs her, while Madeleine is his other chance as well she's his last love.
Things I want to mention even though this is already long af:
PS²: I also believe Ben Ulrich would be a double agent in the past and had a friendship with Karen, so here in this Spectre scenario he can take the role "Mr. White" and ask Frank to protect Karen because "she knows too much about the Organization" but definitely knows enough to help Frank figure out things. And imagine if he asks Frank to leave him there so Kingpin can kill him so it doesn't make anything suspicious upon Karen? I'm liking this AU too much for someone who's not writing this
Ps³: Kingpin would be one of the mafia bosses working alongside Jigsaw, he'd have a clash between Agent Castle and Agent Murdock and a much nervous Department Lawyer Foggy Nelson
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kate-m-art · 2 years
was gonna wait til i had more sketches but Im having a lot of feelings and want an excuse to ramble somewhere so ajdkfk Lir and her dad TvT
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Guess first just wanna say how much I love the relationship between Lir and her dad TvT She looks just like him, they have the same hair, same eyes, same face (she got her mama's height tho.) Her dad was the one in her family most fluent in sign next to her, and Little just loved him sm and trusted him w everything. When Eileen got upset she'd gravitate more towards her Mom, but Lir tended to go to Dad. It's not like he always knew how to help or what to say (especially with the magic struggles that came from his wife's blood) but he always did his best to make sure she knew she was loved regardless of what she could or couldn't do. And like, she was his littlest in age, smallest in size,, she had the most trouble with controlling her magic and refused to even try for a long time (it scared her a lot.) Just,, Protective Dad Instinct ™️ was there w all his kids but kinda even stronger with her and they were so close, she took after him sm, sass and all carried on his legacy and all that and crying TvT
Even longer rambles incoming because I need to get it out apologies in advance you guys don't have to read all this XD
Look legit can't remember how much I've said here but I have a lot of feelings over the concept of a dad!Link, especially with one as seasoned as the Hero of Legend TvT
His first adventure when he was a kid had him witnessing his uncle die, being hunted by knights, navigating a dark world on his own, changing forms, navigating 12 separate dungeons, being too late to save the princess at first, facing a sorcerer and then the embodiment of ancient evil itself. Just that alone is so much, affected him a lot with him being so young. And like he didn't even have to, no one forced his hand. Gets to me that he's one of the Links just motivated by *how much* he wants to help others (not a sibling or village being attacked, he and the Hero of Hyrule were just asked if they'd help and they both saw it through to the end even without a companion pushing them along.)
And then guy doesn't just stop there, he keeps traveling and helps other kingdoms who need it. Has an amazing head on his shoulders to be able to navigate oracle games dungeons. So much gets thrown his way and then on top of it all he has to defeat the evil he already thought he had destroyed; he has to live the rest of his life with the knowledge it's possible for Ganon to be resurrected, he's already seen it happen. And I guess I think that really shakes him up even more, because in Links awakening, facing Ganon again is his worst nightmare...
Gosh idk Arin touches on it a lot in Autumn's story but ye legacy hero of legend didn't have an easy time laying Hero duties and fears aside to live his own life after everything. He still has a fear deep down that he'll be called away from his wife and kids to face a threat only he can take care of. He and his wife argue about it, guys torn between being asked to keep his kingdom (and by extension his family) safe and being there for his wife and kids. Eventually he told Zelda he'd laid down his sword and wouldn't fight himself anymore but still gets called to the castle occasionally to help advise and strategize with the queen,, and always a bit of uneasiness in the back of his mind that things will take a turn for the worse and he won't have a choice anymore.
And like his fears leave an impact on his family too,, even though he stepped back from the role and title to be a dad he's still afraid that once he's gone and won't be able to protect them, others will hurt his family because of who he was. Guy has *everything* from his adventures hidden away, the only other person in the world who knew where it all was Maggie. When he passed, the crown took care of the body as per his wishes. Guy wasn't buried with anything that would identify him or trace him back to his family,, not even his wedding band. None of his family, even Mags, knew where he was laid to rest, and for generations (even through to Autumn's time) they kept quiet that they were descendants of the Hero.
Gosh idk just really gets to me how torn he was and how roles of Hero and Dad never quite meshed together. Also gets to me how much he just wanted to be a dad and be there for his kiddos, how he threw his whole heart into it, and how much he gave up to try to do that. Loves his little ones with his entire being and would've done anything for them. And like guy didn't always get it right but he tried so hard and TvT
Just Some Guy, but a guy who had the biggest heart in spite of a sharp and gruff exterior and *holds gently.* He didn't want to leave a trace of his life as a hero behind, the kingdom could make what it wanted from the stories, but his family kept the legacy of who he really was as a person and as their dad alive and idk,,, I Just Have A Lot Of Feelings TvT
(Also if you made it this far I am so sorry, giving you cookies and so many hugs 🫂)
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aeswna · 1 month
Sengoku A Live ~Translation ~
Main chapter: Season 1
- Chapter 1 episode 3 -
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A Fateful Encounter
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[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"I'm intensely attracted to you guys. I'm convinced that you guys are what I need."
I can't believe Yocchan would say something like this
A strong light in his eyes...
..I can't help, but to support them.
Even though the people I'm dealing with , are the people that I don't know.
[Date Masamune]"Well, it makes sense that you're obsessed with us. There's no way I'd sing in this situation."
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"I see, than do whatever you like."
[Date Masamune]"Eh.....?"
[Hattori Hanzo]"Do what you like...is that okay?"
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"I've communicated my intentions. The rest is up to you guys, there's nothing I can do about it."
[Oda Nobunaga]"I have no use for such fragile castle."
[Date Masamune]"I'm going too,--- Take care."
Two of them just walked out
[Takeda Shingen]"..... Ashikaga-dono, thank you for bringing me here."
[Takeda Shingen]"But I think I'll find my own path."
[Mitsunari Ishida]"My lord is also waiting, so please excuse me.----The proposal to conquer the world with song was an interesting one."
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"........"
[Hattori Hanzo]"Please wait a moment!"
[Hattori Hanzo]"Do you really think it's right to leave now?"
[Mitsunari Ishida]"I exist for my purpose. To fulfill my mission, I must return to my master."
[Hattori Hanzo]"ah....."
Almost gone......
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"Aren't you boys going."
[Hattori Hanzo]"..............I have nowhere to go......"
[Fuuma Kotaro]".....I don't care. As long as it helps me get through today"
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"Okay, we'll protect you guys"
[Hattori Hanzo]"eh...?"
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"(name), I'd like to stay in the guest room of your house please."
[You]" That place is Yoochan's house anyway, so it feels weird to be asked to do it again..."
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"Even though I say it's my house, I inherited it from my mother, but i don't know what to do with it, so I'm lending it to you."
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"You're probably the one who mostly managing the garden by weeding and cleaning it."
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"it's only natural to get permission from the owner of that house."
[Hattori Hanzo]"master...."
A spacious home that is also a keepsake of my grandmother.
( It's true that the room is not very tidy though....)
[Hattori Hanzo]"-------"
Ah, our eyes met.
[Hattori Hanzo]"Lord, the word 'anxiety' is written on your face."
[Hattori Hanzo]"We.....we are suspicious after all aren't we?"
[Hattori Hanzo]"I think I may have had a time slip. I don't really understand my situation, so it's natural for the owner to be worried about letting us stay at their house."
I'm making those child worry...
*[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"Don't worry to much, about the kid unnecessarily.(Name),there was a sturdy lock on the separate door where you lived"
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"My mother had it costum-made for security purposes."
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"I'll stay with you too. So it's okay don't have to worry."
Well, if it's only for a night... I'll feel save if yocchan is there.
[Hattori Hanzo]"so, can I take care of you?"
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"Any adult who leaves a kid with a face like an abandoned do is guilty of seppuku in this day and age."
[Hattori Hanzo]"Seppuku!?"
[Fuuma Kotaro]"That's right...."
[You]"No no Yocchan, it's was a joking right?"
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"haha"
*So, early in the new year, I decided to take The two suspect of time slip to home.
Next morning
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[You]"Ah, Hanzo-kun, Kotaro-kun good morning!"
[Hattori Hanzo]"Good morning! Lord, Yocchan."
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga"Did you guys sleep well?"
[Hattori Hanzo]"Ah...this isn't a dream after all, right?
[Fuuma Kotaro]"I thought that if I sleep for a night, I would return to my original world but...."
Probably my stomach was growling.....
[Hattori Hanzo]"it's reality... right?"
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"Haha, well we can think about it after breakfast .Hey, sit down.(Name) Make some zoni for us"
[Hattori Hanzo]"Ozoni! Itadskimasu!
[Hattori Hanzo]"Hmm! The zoni that Lord made is delicious
[You]"Glad you like it"
[Fuuma Kotaro]"mogu...mogu..."
[Hattori Hanzo]"Kota-kun, did you steal my rice cake? Hey,did you steal my rice cake??"
[Fuuma Kotaro]"mogu...."
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"do you like mochi?"
*[Fuuma Kotaro]"....."
*[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"Ahh, you've been making no noise while eating for a while now."
[Fuuma Kotaro]"No, there is a sound.."
[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"eh-----"
Kotaru quickly stood up and left the room.
[Hattori Hanzo]"Hey, Kota-kun wait up!"
Hanzo-kun also follow
*[Yoshiaki Ashikaga]"it's not busy, but we'll go to."
Could it be intruder?!
To Be Continued....
Not all translations in this are correct..I have tried my mostly best to translate this so please don't simply steal it.
If it has any mistakes wrong in this translation please let me know , this is my first time doing this kind of blog..🙇🏻‍♀️
English is not my first language...so please forgive me . If there are a lot of typos, and if you see any mistakes, please tell me which paragraph and which spelling is wrong and I will come to fix it again
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shysneeze · 4 years
i solemnly swear i am up to no good (george weasley x reader)
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request:  what if one night the golden trio is look at the marauders map that the twins gave Harry and they see the reader and George sneaking around hogwarts and they ask George about it the next day? ~ anon
warnings: yo i don’t even think i swear in this one it’s a miracle, can’t think of anything else but Fred’s dramatics
authors note: this is the best porcastination I have ever tasted (fuck chemistry uno?) anyway, I hope this is what you were looking for anon and thank you for the request <3 
It's a carefully constructed routine, one that George has perfected by now. He's worked out that Lee is always the last to fall asleep, and so the coast is always clear when he begins to snore, that he's safe to slip from his covers and creep down the stairs, by which point the common room is always empty and he's free to leave completely undetected.
He knows the corridors to avoid, the ones with the gossiping portraits and regular prefect patrols.  He knows that McGonagall keeps her classroom lit through the night to discourage snooping students and that the ghost will turn a blind eye at most things, unless they're in a particularly bad mood.
He's thought it through perfectly, even if he does say so himself. In fact, he's not had an incident since the first night they met up, when Peeves decided to draw the attention of every sleeping painting in the vicinity, who awoke rather grouchy, and ready to take their complaints straight to Dumbledore until George convinced them he wouldn't let it happen to again.
Now, though, he's sure he's considered everything and he's rather smug with himself when he arrives at the kitchens. (Y/N) smiles at him when he arrives, already perched on one of the counter tops beside two mugs of hot chocolate.
"Still beat ya, Georgie." She grins.
"Right you." He teases. "You have no idea the expedition it is to get here without getting caught."
"Excuses, excus-"
He's kissing her before she can finish, her laughter vibrating against his lips until she recovers from the abruptness of it and is gathering a handful of his jumper and pulling him closer as she does every time.
They've thought of everything to keep it their own, their sacred routine and their special secret. They've eliminated every possible hiccup that could occur, they're sure of it. Everything always goes as plan and their relationship is kept protected in it's own little bubble, the way they like it. 
"You're not still obsessing over that map."
The boys by the fireplace jumps at the sound of Hermione's voice, staring wide-eyed as she stands on the bottom of the girl's dorm's staircase with a disappointed frown. Harry clutches the map against his chest, as if it will anyway hide it from her.
"'Mione." Ron exhales. "You gave me a bloody heart attack!"
"What are you doing up?" Harry asks.
"I left my textbook down here." She informs. "You?"
"We're uh, checking to see if Flitwick is still in the hospital wing with the flu." Harry admits shamefully. "So we don't need to the do the homework..."
"Of course you are."
She comes forward with a sigh, dropping into the seat beside them. She can't help but be slightly curious on the matter, even with her already completed homework upstairs. The map is characteristically empty for the time of night, most people's names stationary in their dorms except from the occasional pacing teacher, still up marking, or the prefects on their rounds.
It's what makes the set of footsteps tiptoeing down an empty corridor so noticeable, George Weasley's name so stark on the otherwise empty stretch of enchanted parchment. Hermione frowns at it curiously and points.
"What is George doing?"
"Who knows." Ron shrugs. "Probably just setting up some sort of prank."
 Hermione gives him an unconvinced look and drags her finger up to the Gryffindor tower, halting at the boys dorms, where Fred's name lies still where he is sleeping. Ron takes a minute to catch onto the implication.
"Then why is Fred not there either?"
"Maybe he's gone rogue?" Harry suggests.
"I doubt that."
They return to George as his inky footsteps lead further through the castle, looping through hidden corridors and secret passage ways methodically before arriving at the kitchen, where upon realisation, Hermione lets out a chuckle.
"What?" Ron frowns.
"Look who already in the kitchens." She explains.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)." Ron exhales. "What's he meeting up with her for?"
"Think about it, Ronald." Hermione smiles knowingly.
Ron's brows scrunch in confusion, looking expectantly to Harry, who seems to have already clued himself in and is grinning knowingly. Then his eyes begin to widen with realisation and Hermione nods.
"He can't be- with (Y/N)?" Ron gasps. "No..."
"Seems that way." Harry gives an amused smile.
"That smug git." Ron breathes. "I knew he was hiding something!"
Hermione lets out a soft laugh, soon followed by Harry. Thoughts of Flitwick's whereabouts long forgotten at this new information and it's implications. In the kitchens the pair's names have stilled together, oblivious to the secrets they've spilled.
George sips slowly at his coffee, willing it to make up for his late night with a burst of energy. Even through his tiredness, he's grinning to himself at the memories of the night before. His eyes search for (Y/N)'s across the room, finding them quickly, well practiced in the art of doing so. She’s nursing a cup of coffee in a similar way, and gives a knowing smile before dropping her gaze with a slight shake of her head.
Across the table, Ron watches the exchange with insider knowledge and scowls at his elder brother, a mixture of perplexed and impressed. Harry nudges him warningly, but wears a knowing sort of smirk that George catches from the corner of his eyes and causes him to grow slightly uneasy from.
"What?" He asks.
"Nothing." Harry assures, coughing out a laugh. "Nothing, George."
He attempts to return to his breakfast when he hears Ron snigger, rounding back on them with a frown. Hermione lifts her glass to her lips to hide her smile, only adding to George confusion. Fred's picked up on it too now, watching their little brother and his friends curiously.
"What are you lot so smug about?" Fred asks.
"That's what I'd like to know." George agrees with a frown.
George watches as Ron's eyes drift across the room towards same place as his had a moment ago, to (Y/N). George's jaw slackens ever so slightly, alerting Fred to this new development, also glancing over at the girl. (Y/N) isn't blind to this new attention, lifting her eyes to meet theirs and frowning in concern.
"Shut up." George tells Ron sternly. "Don't say anything."
"What?" Fred frowns. "What are you on about, George?"
George fixes Ron with a glare whilst also trying to figure out how he's come to know this information. He's so sure he'd considered everything, yet his brother is grinning at him like he's just won the lottery for best blackmail material possible.
Then, from the corner of Harry's robes, he recognises the aged parchment that he and Fred gave the boy themselves. He finds himself gulping and his cheeks growing warmer by the second as Harry chuckles at him.
"What the hell is going on?" Fred ask sharply, growing agitated at being left out of the loop. "What has (Y/L/N) got to do with it?"
Ron last two seconds before he's blurting it out despite George's pleading look.
"George met up with (Y/N) in the kitchen's last night."
"Merlin..." George groans.
"What!?" Fred bursts loudly. "You what?"
George groans and drops his head into his hands as Fred stares wide-eyed and betrayed. George should have considered the map, the most damning piece of evidence there could be, that no perfect timing and strategic route planning could save them from.
"You absolute git!" Fred exclaims, punching his twins arms. "You've got yourself a girlfriend and didn't tell me!"
"Ah!" George exclaims, sitting up to rub his arm soothingly. "No need for violence!"
"Uh, yeah there is!" Fred argues. "How long has this been going on?"
"I don't know- a few weeks?" George offers.  
"A few week-" Fred gasps. "And Ron knew before me?"
"I didn't exactly plan that." George defends. "Harry's got the bloody map."
"Wow." Fred folds his arms. "You think you know someone."
"Oh come off it, Fred." George groans. "I would've told you eventually."
"Eventually." Fred scoffs. "I'm your brother- your twin! I should have been told the minute it started!"
George runs his finger through his hair with a sigh and gives Fred a sheepish look, although it does nothing to appease his twin's sour look. He's nice enough to feel somewhat guilty for it, even with his brother's dramatics.
"Are you ashamed of your family George?"
That's when George clocks that he's just being a dramatic git. He rolls his eyes at his brother as he starts up with a rant on loyalty and brotherhood, hand on his heart like he's quoting Shakespeare. 
"You'll get over it soon enough." George decides flippantly. "We just liked sneaking around."
"That's possibly the most goddamn boring excuse you could come up with." Fred announces disappointedly. "You just ruined my whole thing- I was hoping for something like she thought you were me the whole time and this was actually a case of identity theft."
"Sorry to disappoint." George smirks with a shrug. "But she thinks I'm the better looking twin."
"She's clearly blind."
"Listen, I'm sorry I didn't tell you all." George sighs. "It started as an accident and then we just kind of got used to it."
"Wow, romantic." Fred jokes.
"Shut up." George scoffs. "It's not everyone's idea of a nice date but it's ours and we like it."
Fred smiles quite genuinely at this, the defensiveness in his brother's tone.
"You really like her." He observes. "Huh?"
George's eyes drift unsubtly towards the girl in question, where his smile widens at seeing her with that smile he's so used to feeling on his lips when they kiss. He chuckles to himself before turning back to his brother.
"Yeah, yeah I do."
"Then I'm happy for you." Fred decides, clapping his brother's shoulder. "But ever keep anything like this from me again and your twin status is revoked."
"Noted." George grins. "Oh, and Ron?"
Ron gulps at the change in his brother's tone.
"I'd be checking your shoes for spiders for a while mate."
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celamoon · 3 years
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Warnings: Beheading, love at first sight
Pronouns: She/her
Summary: The royal life is full of tricks, strings and flaws from ages ago, but there are still some strings that even the highest of nobles can't reach. Emperor Kusuo and Princess Y/n knew that better than anyone.
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Saiki Kusuo was what many people would define as, a textbook king. He was prim, proper, and he didn’t talk to his subjects much, only listening to the messenger’s reports on what the people wanted. He was an emperor, but he felt much more like a king than anything else.
It wasn’t like Kusuo particularly wanted to be a textbook king, it was just that rumours go around quickly in the nobility and then to the commonfolk. He wasn’t allowed to leave the castle since he had psychic powers, and it was thanks to the same psychic powers that he had accidentally destroyed another empire in battle.
But it was also thanks to the same psychic powers that the actual heir to the throne ran away to start his own empire. His older brother swore that he would ‘out-king Kusuo’ and come back for revenge one day. The two kingdoms now rest in peace because of a treaty, and Kuusuke doesn’t do much other than manage his own affairs.
Kusuo’s parents had disappeared under mysterious circumstances years before any of this madness had occurred. He was crowned king a year ago, despite not having a queen by his side. His grandparents didn’t live long enough for them to see grandchildren, but they didn’t worry. The priest said that Kusuo would find himself a queen in no time.
No time became two years, and soon, the royal advisors were nagging at him to get himself a queen. They had even brought up the idea to have the king call in commoners to date, but Kusuo wanted none of that.
Then came princess Kokomi. Princess of Gardenia, the embodiment of perfection itself. Kusuo had taken one peek at her thoughts before he decided that he wouldn’t date her. Her kingdom would’ve gone to war over this, so the king agreed that he would open up applications, and that anyone who wished to become queen could submit an application. They would get one meeting with the king before a yes or a no was chosen.
News of this spread to other kingdoms, and soon, news of this reached the Sirius Kingdom. Among the listeners was the infamous princess Y/n. Though not as gorgeous as the princess of Gardenia, she was still an enigma. The title of princess was placed upon her head since a young age, and she was a princess of the people. The girl who listened to whatever complaint was placed.
“Good Morning Princess Y/n!”
“Good morning Princess!”
“Good morning Sato-san! Good morning to you too Suzumiya-san!”
“How’s the castle life so far Princess Y/n?”
“It’s been alright. I’m still trying to get mother and father to listen to the requests. I do hope that you are doing well today?”
Y/n was charismatic to the people, despised by the nobles. To them, royalty and the working class should not intermingle, and the nobles were noble because God had chosen them to be. Not because of the lies and tricks behind the curtains of perfection. Y/n had learned from a young age that perfection was not real, and that flaws were just hidden by money and wealth instead.
Perfection meant marrying a royal, and with the news of King Saiki searching for a queen, Y/n’s parents were quick to sign her up for it. It resulted in a rather large strain the family relationship, but no outsider needed to know that. The facade put up was for the public to see, and the royals to uphold.
“You’re selling me off!” Y/n screamed one particular evening at dinner.
“We are in no way selling you off. We are simply sending you to the Psi empire to see if they would accept you.” Her father booms. “Stop putting words in my mouth,”
“You are selling me off.” Y/n glares. “I don’t wish to marry a textbook king! If I’m marrying a man then I’m going to do everything at my own pace. I am no queen who will sit around while my people’s requests and complaints are ignored by the nobility and royals.”
“Y/n darling-“ Her mother tries.
“You have one month.” The king bellows. Y/n pulls on her gown and leaves the room. The outfit is quickly ditched in her room as she wanders through the passageways of the castle. She meets the exit soon, and she rushes outside, wiping off any traces of her royal blood. She runs, and ignores all the greetings as she reaches for the flower field in the outskirts. The field was behind a noble bar surprisingly enough, and information was always passed there. The girl messes up her hair and leans against the back door to the bar.
“Miss f/n,” The bartender nods, locking the door behind him. “The nobles wish to overthrow the royal family by marrying one of the noblewomen over to the Gardenia Empire,”
“Ah?” Y/n looked up from the ground. “Which noblewoman?”
“I believe they wish to marry over Madam Hinata to Prince Makoto,” the bartender nods.
“When do they start negotiating?” Y/n looks up.
“I believe they start tomorrow,”
“Alright, thank you kind sir,” She hands the bartender a bag of gold and wanders off. Even if she wanted to hate her parents, she was still their daughter. She may hate the castle, but it was her home, and she was taught to protect what mattered to her.
“Mizuki-chan grab me a horse from the palace, I want to leave this wretched place as soon as possible.” Y/n calls for her servant when she gets the animal, she hands the servant a letter.
“No one other than mother and father is to see this letter,” You slip her the letter, and then you’re gone.
The night breeze feels good on your skin. It feels like freedom, running away from your past, embracing your future. Y/n feels free, but her goal isn’t to run away, it’s to protect what was hers and to protect what will be the royal lineage’s. She had siblings, people, and a country in a corrupt noble’s hands was no better than a fragmented one.
The gates to the Psi Empire are huge. Y/n goes through several checks before she’s let in, and she continues riding until it’s early morning. She’s exhausted, but she isn’t allowed to rest until she arrives at the palace.
The crack of dawn arrives at the Psi Palace and Kusuo arises. His day runs as usual, but he’s met with a sudden emergency guest. His advisors suggest that he ignore them to continue his job, but the person’s thoughts are too much to handle and he would rather get it over with.
“Call the person over,”
Y/n wanders into the room, lifting her cloak off of her head. “Your highness,” she bows.
“… Princess Y/n…” Kusuo raises a brow. “You may rise. What brings you here to my empire?”
“King Kusuo,” Y/n nods. “The nobles in my kingdom are planning to overthrow my family from the throne. I come here to request help in repressing them.”
“Why should I help you?” Saiki raises a brow at her figure.
“My kingdom would prove to be an excellent allegiance with yours.” Y/n held her head high. “On top of that, I could be promised to you in exchange for your help. I may end up as your queen from this exchange.”
Saiki stares at the princess. She look bold, strong, yet small and kind. Her thoughts are kind, caring, and he can tell that she has the best for the commonfolk in mind. He thinks over whether or not his empire should get involved.
“However I must be honest your highness,” She bows lightly. “The nobles wish to marry off a noblewoman to Prince Makoto of Gardenia. While I have no doubts that your kingdom would be able to hold them off, I believe that it would be extra trouble making an enemy out of a kingdom that has the fairest princess in all the land.”
“I am aware,” Saiki nods. “How urgent is this matter?”
Saiki wants to turn her down, but there’s something about the fire in her eyes and the truth in her words that draws him in. He feels slightly sick thinking about all the lives that would be lost if he sent men.
“They start negotiating with the kingdom tonight,” Y/n responds.
“Will there be lives lost?”
“I can not promise that there will be none,” She shakes her head. “But I can promise that if action is taken early enough, the nobles will be repressed with minimum bloodshed. I wish not for my people to take part in a bloody civil war.”
Her words are genuine and Saiki nods. “I understand. Do you have a messenger bird at home?”
“I do,” The princess nods. “I would prefer to pass laws onto the nobles, but they hold a much higher number in the government than I would like. My only hope would be being wed to you, or perhaps crushing them by force.”
“Becoming a tyrant?” Saiki raises a brow. “Do you not believe in any other alternative?”
“Noblemen have been in power for centuries your highness. If the root of the issue is not removed, then the weeds will still continue growing.” Y/n nods. Saiki eyes the girl once more and smirks.
“Then how about a proposal? I’ll help in exchange for you by my side for eternity.” Saiki knows you’re desperate. He admires you for thinking about the number of lives potentially lost to a civil war, and he cannot think of another way that would benefit both his empire and your kingdom.
Y/n pauses to look at the emperor. “Then Emperor Kusuo, I would like to propose that we take it slow, and that I do not be touched in any way that would make me uncomfortable,”
“Then I shall announce you as my lover.” Saiki smiles. “With the announcement, a portion of the noblemen in your kingdom would start to doubt the plan, and eventually the root of the problem would be weeded out. Do I have your permission Princess Y/n?”
Y/n looks at his challenging gaze with one of equal ambition. “Of course your highness,”
The news of Princess Y/n of Sirius dating Emperor Kusuo reaches the ears of all the kingdoms at the same time. Y/n’s parents are elated, and they welcome Emperor Kusuo with open arms. The commonfolk are in ecstasy, their beloved princess marrying an Emperor.
The news reaches the Castle of Gardenia and Princess Kokomi throws a tantrum.
“How come the emperor didn’t decide upon me? I’m the perfect princess, and I’d make an even better queen!” She sobs, and her brother consoles her.
“I’m forming an alliance with the nobles in Sirius, we’ll take down the royal family and then I’ll force the emperor to submit to me and marry you,” Makoto smiles. Kokomi only sniffs and nods.
The Sirius kingdom is flourishing. Saiki and Y/n are taking it slow, but they’ve made significant progress relationship wise. The two have started going on walks, and Kusuo joined Y/n one afternoon in town. He’s surprised to find so many commoners crowd around her.
“Suzumia-san! How have you been?”
“Ah I got married recently! I’m Mrs. Sato now!”
“Sato?? That’s incredible!” You clasped your hands together and Saiki had smiled at you softly. You looked so pretty, so gentle. He could picture you as his queen.
The calm is always before the storm though. The noblewoman who was supposed marry Prince Makoto pulled on with the plan, and the two started discussing about the wedding.
“For the wedding, I would like for it to be grand. I wish for it to make a statement to the opposing empire,” The noblewoman smiles.
“Ah yes,” Prince Makoto smiled. “It shall make a statement to the other empire for sure,”
The day of the wedding is grand, there’s palace guards everywhere. Neither royal from the Psi empire make an appearance, and the noblewoman thinks she’s scared the other empire into preparing for war. The wedding itself throws the woman off guard though.
“Do you, Miss agree to the crime of treason?” There’s an evil glint in the pastor’s eyes and the Psi royal guards rush in. The family looks around in confusion.
“I applaud you for trying to take over and become queen, but unfortunately there are strings that you as a noble simply can’t pull.” Y/n walks down the aisle, wearing a pair of white trousers and a simple dress shirt. Their hair is styled, and they looked like any other palace guard.
“I applaud you for trying,” You smile. “You were mistaken to think that I wasn’t best friends with other princes and princesses,”
“Huh?!” The noblewoman looks around and both Teruhashi’s are smiling.
“I may be in love with the emperor, and my brother may despise him, but sometimes throwing innocent commonfolk into a war isn’t what we wish to do,” Teruhashi smiles.
An agreement had been reached last minute between the Kingdom of Gardenia and Sirius. Neither side would shed blood, and they would arrest the nobles and strip them of their titles. While Princess Kokomi had grown up with Princess Y/n, it was also only reasonable to not shed innocent blood. Besides, the Teruhashi’s were far relatives of the L/n’s.
“Alright now Princess Y/n, I would like to know what you’ll pay with,” Teruhashi grins playfully as she holds her hand out. She had dropped her facade in front of the princess ever since Y/n had exposed her for it.
“I’m not sure, how about I pay you with an invitation to the golden ball later this month?”
Teruhashi pretends to think before she grins. “Nope! I want your lover right there~”
Y/n gasps in shock and pretends to be offended. “I am not giving you my future husband!”
“You never know,” Kokomi grins teasingly.
The execution is the next day, the jury had unanimously decided that the nobles were committing treason thanks to Princess Teruhashi. The blood curling screams and mess created from the beheading didn’t seem to bother Princess Y/n much as she had expected it to.
The rest of the half of the month passes quickly, and soon it’s the golden ball. Y/n is in a f/c ball gown, and Saiki’s suit matches her outfit. The two spend the evening close to each other and Kusuo leaves her side for a moment.
“Your highness!” A commoner approaches her and she smiles. “Congrats on the engagement!”
“Engagement?” The princess tilts their head in confusion.
“Are you two not yet engaged?” The commoner looks confused before they gasp as they look behind her.
She hears more gasping around her. She looks around and finds her lover on the ground.
“Your highness-“
Saiki raises a brow in question at the name and Y/n corrects herself. “Kuu…”
“My darling Y/n, there would be no honour greater than to become your king and emperor. I can not think of myself with anyone else in this life, and I hope that we would last through all of our lifetimes together. From the day that I saw you, to this very second, I have never been more in love. My darling Y/n, will you marry me?”
Y/n’s eyes water and a bit of their makeup comes off. A choked out “yes” leaves their lips and Kusuo pulls the princess in for a hug. The girl feels bad for ruining her lover’s shirt but her tears don’t stop coming.
“I’ll love you for eternity,”
“As will I, your highness”
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kaderp · 3 years
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BASICALLY this is gonna be a collection of bullshit me and @blackfliesinbluesugar have come up with and drawn
It starts with Goldie still living in Ireland at 17-19 and Scrooge from ages 18-20 staying in Scotland. And long story short they're dumbasses as teens. Cliche forbidden romance type stuff. Goldie's dad has shot people in the foot for trying to mess around with Goldie or just even talk to her for too long. So the only logical explanation they have is make Scrooge hide in the barn when he visits.
Basically Scrooge chills in the barn for a while cause Goldie's the only one that ever really goes in there because she's in charge of all the chores there. Which is where the context of this post is from
After the first time they fooled around Goldie was like 'oh crap what if I got pregnant D:' and told her mom she's going through a phase of flowey/big dresses when in reality she's trying to hide a potential baby bump. Now her mom doesn't care because she's too caught up in the fact that Goldie is finally 'acting like a lady.'
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So eventually because they never put together that 'hey, if we keeping doing this we're gonna end up with a baby', Goldie does end up pregnant. And because her dad is a dick and a 'I catch you with my daughter then you die' type of shotgun dad, Goldie is freaking tf out.
About a month after she finds out she's pregnant, the O'Gilt's (well mostly just Goldie and her mom lol) get invited to a fancy dinner and Scrooge is really wanting to see Goldie again. So what better way to see her than to travel to Ireland, steal a uniform, and sneak into said dinner party as a busboy. Problem is he can't risk Goldie's dad seeing him again so he tries to slick back his whiskers
But while Scrooge is running around, he eventually spots Goldie across the room. Now he's never seen her in anything fancy, usually just the flannel and green work skirt. And he just about dies 😭
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By now she has a bit of a baby bump she's had to hide so she normally goes for high waisted dresses that immediately flow out.
Anyways, as Scrooge is putting on the uniform he realizes he has absolutely no idea how to actually be a busboy. He doesn't know the first thing about dining and stuff so he's just like AAAAAAA
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As they both see each other, Scrooge gives a dorky grin and Goldie smiles before realizing he snuck in. Right when Scrooge goes to see her he gets dumped with a bunch of dishes he has to set. Goldie sees him struggling to figure out how to set a table and he just gives her a nervous grin while she's like 'oh you beautiful dumbass -_-'
She's turning red cause she's trying so hard not to burst out in laughter as Scrooge slips and a bunch of silverware falls on him
He's getting yelled at by the director but he's just giving Goldie a goofy grin from across the room.
Her parents: remember to be calm and not make a scene no matter wh-
Goldie watching Scrooge trip on the tablecloth: BWAHAHA
But as the dinner progresses, Goldie remembers Scrooge doesn't even know she's pregnant. So she keeps trying to tell him but they both constantly get pulled away to do other things.
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Towards the end of dinner Scrooge gets a free moment and realizes then that 'holy shit I actually like really love her!' So he darts to wherever she is and is struggling to get it out cause he doesn't know how much time he has left. He eventually spits it out and tells Goldie he loves her and is immediately called away. Scrooge takes her hands and quickly kisses her cheek before running to wherever the director is calling him from.
Goldie is shocked and stays still for a moment but by the time the shock wears off she realizes Scrooge is already long gone and they don't see each other again. And now Goldie's like 'crap crap crap, he said he loves me and I didn't even tell him I'm pregnant.'
They aren't able to communicate for a while cause Goldie's so focused on trying to keep her family pleased while still hiding her baby bump, and Scrooge keeps getting sidetracked and forgetting to write. (You can't tell me that isn't something he'd do because he kept getting distracted in the life and times when coming back home). He has her address, and he has started a letter, and even his family knows about her. 3ish months pass of no communications until one night Goldie starts contractions.
She darts to the barn after the first contraction and realizes she has to do this alone. A letter takes a day to get to Scrooge and going to Scotland herself would take closer to 7 hours. At that point it would be safer to not move.
It's like 3am by the time she lays and the egg ends up being pretty small. The entire time Goldie was just getting sicker and sicker. She ends up too weak to even hide the egg and has a high fever. She seriously thinks she's not gonna make it for the first night she can barely stay conscious.
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The next morning she has just enough strength to lazily hide the egg in the hay and sluggishly make her way back to the main house. Her parents are already up and she explains she started feeling iffy while doing chores and collapses.
Because her parents aren't completely heartless and she still is their daughter, her parents' main focus shifts to trying to nurse her back to health. They assume she fell with a bad flu and don't know she had spent all night laying an egg.
During this time she writes to Scrooge telling him to get over here asap, it's an emergency.
Goldie's parents take over her chores in the barn and the moment they said that Goldie went into panic mode again. During a lunch break she climbs through her window and runs to the barn to hide the egg better. She does, and she successfully makes it back to her room but collapses again and sleeps until the next day.
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Scrooge arrives 3 days after she lays and now she's really panicking. She's still weak and sick, and her parents are coming closer and closer to finding the egg. Scrooge when he sees her is genuinely freaking out. Not only for the future and that he now has an egg, but because Goldie did it by herself in a dirty barn. She's still a little loopy even though it's been a few days and Scrooge just feels heart broken that he wasn't there to help. He starts going on a tangent about how she could have died but Goldie just kisses him to get him to stop blabbering.
Scrooge helps her clean up a bit cause even with her parents looking after her, she's still a mess. But as he's washing her and the egg up, they hear fighting from the main house. Her parents realized she wasn't in her bed. She starts crying and tells Scrooge he needs to run home asap because if her dad finds out he'll most definitely kill him and/or the baby.
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(This was the first doodle for the au before deciding on an exact age/place/look so don't mind the sloppiness)
Scrooge escapes right as her dad comes in. She pulls the excuse of she thought she felt well enough to do chores.
Scrooge rn is running like a madman back to Scotland. He went from chilling with his family to being a father who's child needs to be kept secret within a day.
By the time Scrooge gets back home it's the middle of the night and is ngl feeling pretty overwhelmed. He tells Downy that he messed up and she's just like ??? So Scrooge holds up the egg and Downy just purses her lips like 'ah'
The next morning Scrooge explains to his family what happened and doesn't leave out any detail. Fergus and Downy obviously have mixed feelings. Scrooge is barely 19 yet he already has a kid??? But in the end they realize they can't change what's happened and focus on helping Scrooge protect this child.
Once the baby hatched, all mixed feelings from Downy erased and she just went into 'this is my grandbaby and no one will touch her' mood.
Scrooge and Goldie kept in contact from the moment Goldie gave away the egg. Because of the little incident of Goldie 'trying to do chores while sick,' she was put under close monitoring for the next few months and couldn't visit each other. After constant writing back and forth, they find a date to meet up half way between Scotland and Ireland so Goldie can meet her baby. They try to decide on baby names through the letter but they can't agree on anything. Goldie finds out that Scrooge moved out of his small Glasgow home and into McDuck Castle. He gives her the new location on the map as well.
The first time Scrooge tries to sneak out with the baby Fergus is just standing right outside with his brow arched and Scrooge starts freaking out.
Before Scrooge can apologize for trying to sneak out, Fergus just asks if Scrooge would like him to go with.
Scrooge is a little shocked but can't talk with the frog in his throat and just nods. Along the way Scrooge explains how he and Goldie have been trying to find the right time to sneak out for weeks because it was so hard for Goldie to get free time. She was sent to go across country to get supplies and uses that opportunity to go meet up with Scrooge and the baby again.
Fergus just nods and continues.
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When they do see Goldie, she almost breaks down at the sight that the baby survived and is being raised in a good house hold and can't stop holding her. The baby is about 3 months old by now. They finally agreed on a name and she ended up being named Maryanne. (Yes Jelly and I chose that because it means Star of the Sea)
She has to give the baby back to Scrooge cause stupid teenage and still getting over pregnancy hormones are getting the better of her and she starts full on sobbing as she sits on the ground. Scrooge freezes cause he's like aaaaaa what do I dooooo while still holding the baby.
But Fergus crouches down to her and asks if she wants a hug. All Goldie can say is 'uh huh' and he just wraps himself around her. She hugs back and Fergus rocks back and forth until Goldie's calmed down.
'I'm sorry I pulled your son into the mess. I-I was just so scared that my papa w-would kill one of us that I didn't know what else to do.'
Fergus pulls her away so he can actually look at her. And part of him feels that tinge of fear and sadness that the two teens had experienced. He grabs onto her shoulders which causes Goldie to look up at him.
'While I dinnae agree what you two did was right. Ah'm proud of you. Because what you did, finding the will to give up a child for their own safety, took a lotta strength there, lass.' And before she can react, Fergus pulls her in again and let's it sink in.
Scrooge is still holding the baby but now he's sitting down and bouncing the cooing baby on his knee while watching the scene unfold.
Over the course of the next few months, Goldie visits as much as possible and she grows closer to the family and Scrooge every time. On the times she can't visit, Fergus accompanies Scrooge in order to protect them from Goldie's dad. She's had a few close calls with her dad, but nothing too serious
After those events, Goldie practically moves in with the McDucks and they work on raising Maryanne. However like in the Rosa series, they're still experiencing tax trouble and Scrooge says he's gonna have to go to South Africa. The baby is about 2 by now and Scrooge is almost 21, while Goldie is about 19 and a half.
(This next section was an accident but basically it started as jotting down ideas but turned into a fic after I said it would take 20 seconds to write but turned into 2 hours fjdbfndn)
Scrooge is torn between whether or not to go until Goldie says she'll go with him. And because she's stubborn, no one objects. So the three travel across the world together. Maryanne practically grows up on the sea and all of those adventures where Goldie is present in the DT17 Rewriting History book happen.
On adventures they trade off tying the baby to their backs until she's old enough to not need to anymore. Although for the more dangerous ones, one of them stays behind.
But because they weren't married and had a kid in their teens, they were generally looked down upon. It got to the point where they just started saying they were married in order to avoid conflict with others. And after a while they actually forgot they weren't in fact married
'Huh, I forgot we're not actually married.' 'WAIT WE'RE NOT???'
'We're married' 'Oh ok, can i see your marriage records?' '... oh right'
But some old lady or old guy either way starts criticizing Goldie for being a young mother and they just deck the shit outta them and run. Or Goldie fighting someone with baby tied to her back.
Maryanne grows up to be an ocean cartographer and leads sailing expeditions and that's all we have for her. Also she has super blue eyes lol
That's basically almost all of the things we have for this au lol
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noneatnonedotcom · 4 years
RWBY before Oswald is stuck in a hard place the council needs a mission done but no one is willing to sully their hands and he can't bring himself to go see jaune he tries to talk to ruby only to have her publicly rip him a new one stating her beloved isn't a tool to be used by him and the council when he sees fit
   right so sorry I took so long with this but as you can see I did put a lot of effort into this, I hope you all like it. also @bssaz97 I’m tagging you because I know you like this au and wanted to do a scene or two with summer and tai so figured it was best to make sure you were in on the new “cannon”
                                       ADAM’S PEAK
This was a disaster, not just militarily but personally. It was devastating news, and Oswald wasn’t sure just what to do about it.
A white fang general had taken the faunas’ elite troops and had gone on a mad crusade through Vale’s countryside. In a little under a week, they would cross the western mountain chains and be into their heartlands.
The fact that Adam was not acting under orders would do little to calm the hatred of vale and the other kingdoms. Menagerie might very well be whipped off the map as a result.
The actual problem was that the huntsmen were not ready for combat like this, he barely had a thousand of the newly minted warriors, and adam was marching with some six-thousand-five-hundred troops. All with aura unlocked. All with years, sometimes decades of experience in human combat. And well equipped too. The only ones with an army left after his idea to rely solely on huntsmen was Atlas. And their military commanders were… less than ready for the war to come.
There was only one man who could save them, and Oswald already owed him too much to be willing to ask him himself.
But his hands were tied with the news that came in this morning. The council of Atlas had called back the expeditionary force under the command of ironwood. There was a significant uproar over this fact, and the returning general ironwood had launched an investigation, but Oswald knew the truth.
The first battle with the white fang was a disaster. While ironwood managed to get his men out fast enough, Adam had defeated the army soundly. It was only ironwood’s impeccable tactical understanding that allowed him to survive it. With most of his army but none of the provisions as their camp was ransacked and raided as they were forced to retreat.
And now only one man could save them, and Oswald couldn’t bring himself to ask.
When he explained the situation to ruby, she had been quiet for a long time before she finally asked, “Is that all he is to you? A sword you can draw in times of war and put away when you’d rather not face the dark truth? Who do you think you are to ask him for more after what he gave! His family was nearly left destitute by you! His legacy and way of life are gone! His reputation tarnished! His very dreams now taken from him, and I have to lie awake a night listening to his nightmares! All on your orders!” she was shouting, now unable to sit with the anger coursing through her. “WHAT MORE CAN YOU TAKE FROM HIM? THERE’S NOTHING LEFT FOR YOU, OSWALD. ALL THAT’S LEFT TO HIM IS HIS LIFE AND HIS HONOR!” she was crying now Oswald reached out trying to offer comfort to the girl by she smacked his hand away.
She glared at the man she once saw as a grandfather “he’ll go, we both know he’ll go. He’s a knight of Vale. He’ll always stand ready to protect those he loves. He’ll give the full measure of devotion for his kingdom” she turned away “you don’t deserve him, none of you do, but he’ll take up lance and sword for you” her final words as she shut the door behind her “you deserve eternal life.”
In the backroom of the council chambers, Adam Taurus smirked, looking over his weapon a katana. Menagerie had ordered him to stand down. Told him that the time of heroes was at an end. But adam knew there was one last trial left for those who sought to be a hero. One final glory before the end of the age. And his name was Sir. Jaune the Just.
Though adam preferred his other name.
The butcher of anima.
The knight’s age was coming to an end, he knew it, jaune knew it, everyone knew it. But there would be one last glorious battle before the end. It was only a matter of setting things up. He needed jaune out of vale and away from his retenue. Luckily for him, the council wanted to be rid of the knight. And of Oswald. All they needed to do was have Oswald be the one who sent jaune out, and when the hero died, both would be gone.
This battle needed to happen. It was his last chance. If he missed this, it was over. His name would never be mentioned in the history books. But if he could take the head of the butcher? Then his name would live forever as the last knight of the world. And the last great general.
When the councilors came and told him the news, he was overjoyed. But he kept his mask up. All he needed from these fools was a chance to kill jaune. Once that was done, their bargain was complete.
And vale was wide open for plunder.
Yes, if this was the last act of the heroic age, let him return to menagerie with a heroes bounty.
In a week’s time, he would face jaune at a no named castle fortress. He didn’t mind that it had no name. For by the end of this, it would be known as adam’s peak!
Jaune stood before his army, his steel-like gaze casting over the lot of them. They were not knights, not even soldiers and barely men, but they were his. Not for the first time, he cursed the council for sending these men out to die with him rather than having the courage to execute him themselves simply. But he put aside his anger; this wasn’t about the council; this was about his men.
“Nothing is more becoming of a man than to be brave before your enemy,” he began, his voice clear and level as he made eye contact with as many of these boys as he could. Seeking to let them know he was there with them, “but a man may be afraid and still be brave!”
The soldiers, despite their nerves and apparent fear, perked up at this, “And any man who goes into battle without fear is a moonstruck fool! To be brave is to go forward anyway, no matter how a-feared! That is why I go forward in the company of so many other brave men.”
Jaune shot the men before him a grim, but encouraging smile, “I will not lie to you, I can promise you nothing but a hard struggle to come.” Jaune was met with silence before he continued you on, “What would you have me say? I will not lie, not to you, and not for any matters of strategy or state. I will not shame myself as such. But there is one thing I will tell you.”
“YOUR FATE SHALL BE THE SAME AS MINE,” the men cheered at this, “whatever glories in the battle to come, I want you to know that we shall share them, I will be by your side!”
Jaune saw the enemy army marching over the last swell of the hill, having divided themselves into two separate forces consisting of thirty-five hundred men each.
“It is a great honor to be thought of by the kingdoms as an educated and well-read man. After all, it is the home of one of the greatest places of learning in the world! But I tell you this, in all of my studies, I have never encountered the likes of our foes! They would fill bestiaries yet unwritten, and good scholars would blush to write of their perversities!”
“And finally, I can tell you as a man of learning that a book can be beneficial before a battle, I would not recommend Tacitus though, the pages of his books are very rough on your nether regions!” the men laughed. Jaune raised his sword, “THEY WILL REMEMBER!”
A great cheer went up as the men rushed to their positions, forming together in tight spear walls on the mountain’s steep incline.
For Jaune, there was only one truth that rang in his head at the moment, that invincibility is found in defense, but victory can only be found in the offense. It’s why he had ignored the small wooden walls of the “castle” behind him.
No, he wouldn’t die cowering behind the wooden wall of a fort. His destiny lay down the hill before him. And with a determined look upon his face, Jaune kicked his horse into a gallop and went down the hill; his banner raised high...
… And rode right past the second army, making their way up towards him.
Adam would give this to Jaune; he had indeed done his best to give his men every possible advantage. A lesser commander would have hidden behind those wooden walls at the top of the mountain, but not Jaune. He had sallied out and met him, man to man, on the field of battle. But Adam wasn’t worried. Even with such a steep incline helping the enemy, they were no match for trained soldiers with armor and aura.
The poor peasants that the council had sent to die with Jaune would be remembered at the very least, as they would have the privilege of taking place in the last battle of the Age of Knights. A movement out of the corner of his eyes showed him the banner of house arc proudly dancing in the breeze, with Jaune running down the mountainside right past his army.
He immediately ordered his second army to give chase as the envelopment meant nothing to him. In time these farmers with their pointy sticks would fall, but Jaune must not be allowed to escape and rally a defense elsewhere.
It was not some three minutes later when his lieutenants spoke of Jaune coming for them, leaving Adam to gape at such an action. What Lunacy, surely, no one would be foolish enough to charge an army on their own?!
Adam had little time to comprehend his enemy’s ploy, for when he turned around to the battlefield, he was greeted with a sight to behold. For there before him, plowing through his men as if they were nothing more than dominoes to be toppled over was Jaune Arc: His horse a resplendent white; His armor a polished to a perfect shine; and with his lance couched at a perfect angle as he connected with the unsuspecting Adam’s armor.
There was a moment of resistance before Adam felt weightless as he was taken off his horse from the momentum of Jaune’s weapon crashing against his armor. Then, he felt a flare of pain as Jaune’s lance tore through his armor and pierced his heart in a clean kill before his limp body crashed against the cold, hard ground in an undignified heap.
And then, there was nothing but the void of darkness to greet him.
Lie Ren was not a knight. He wasn’t even a soldier. He was a farmer, a poor one at that, so when the council had said they needed men to act as levies, he’d signed up. He figured they’d have him digging ditches and carrying supplies, nothing too overtly complex he’d imagine.
But not this
The world was a haze of violence and pain in front of him; faunas in heavy armor struggled uphill through their wall of spears. He thrust without thinking, hoping that it might dissuade the warriors, while every few seconds, another cry would go up as one of his allies took a blow. Nearly all of them were bleeding now, yet none dared to fall, for to fall now would surely lead to their death. Before them, the mass of knights had formed a solid wall; he’d kill for a musket like the one Nora had wanted to buy him, but it was too expensive, and he wanted to save the money to get new farm equipment.
That steam tractor seemed so frivolous right now.
A flash of steel was his only warning as the man next to him died, clutching his throat. Eyes wide, begging for help the first one but most likely not the last. Ren thrust the spear, again and again, ignoring his growing fatigue as he did so. He’d survive this, and he’d make it home to Nora, that’s all that mattered.
But how? They were surrounded.
He wondered if Nora would find another, he hoped so. She deserved happiness, more than he could offer her, that was for sure. Her smile was the best thing about her. It was what drove him to work so hard. Knowing that she’d be back at home waiting for him, he could endure any hardships for that smile. He was hoping to marry her when he got back when the farm was stabilized, and they could build their lives together.
He hoped she wouldn’t mourn too long.
It was just as he was about to give up when he saw him; Sir Arc had gotten behind enemy lines. Down the massive slope, he could see the other half of the army giving chase. And it all happened in slow motion.
Sir Arc Riding up the hill
His lance lowered just as the enemy general turned to see him.
A great screeching as the lance went through the armor of the faunas.
There was a moment of stunned silence.
And then they started screaming.
Panic took the enemy that just a second before was utterly unfazed by them. But now, with their spirits broken, so too was their aura.
The battle was now a haze of red, and Ren gave chase without thinking. He needed this, needed to kill them as they had tried before. He stabbed with his spear running down the fleeing knights as they tried to escape his spear, barely having the time to rechamber as he killed with reckless abandon.
This was no longer a battle; it was a glorious red hazed slaughter, the most potent high of rage elation and victory ren had ever felt, and he needed more, and more, and more! Let the world drown in his enemy’s blood.
Eventually, though, they ran out of men. And ren came down from his high, all around him were tired bloody men, but more importantly, the field was covered in a carpet of dead knights, so much so that the grass couldn’t be seen underneath.
Ren looked at the sky, and that couldn’t be right.
The sun hadn’t moved; it was still high noon.
It had felt like hours, but…
“One thousand men, and seven and a half minutes,” came the voice of Sir Arc. Ren took in the sight of their savior. His horse, once pure white, was now covered in red. His armor the same, his eyes tired. “That’s what it took to gain victory over six-thousand-eight-hundred and thirty-eight men. All consisted of the greatest knights still living after the great war, and the Faunus rights revolution. And the leadership to the militant arm of the white fang” Sir Arc laughed, “and it took me seven and a half minutes AND A THOUSAND FARMERS WITH POINTY STICKS!” and the call went up, the men cheered and hollered. Their cries echoing off the mountain.
Ren would go home to Nora; when he did, they would make love, to the point that he exhausted her. And they would keep going until a week later when Ren’s pay would show up, along with a sizable bonus, and a note.
In time all this would happen, but for now, ren stood on the pile of corpses, covered in blood, spear raised high over his head, and he screamed his victory to the gods on the slopes of what would be known as Adam’s peak.
Legends would be told of this battle jaune knew as he looked over the clean up being done by his men, the knights of note and the leaders were being beheaded, jaune personally doing the honors for adam. He had plans for all of them. He also had a message from adam’s personal effects back at his camp. He and the council would be having words, and all the world would know of their misdeeds.
The battle itself was the deathblow to the knightly way of life though, jaune could feel it in his bones. It was jaune’s victory purely because of the weaknesses of the knightly system. Aura was based on morale, how willing to fight a man was. When things were going well in a fight, this was all well and fine but scare a man, disrupt his concentration, and he could no longer muster the will to fight, then he was just as vulnerable as any other. Perhaps worse so, as all his skill was based on what he could do with his aura.
The weak point of an army was always their order of battle and morale. And when jaune had killed adam, it had broken them, they could have rallied, but luckily one brave warrior by the name of Lie Ren had rushed forward, seizing the initiative, and as a result, inspiring all the men behind him to push forward as well.
Lie Ren had won this battle just as much as he did.
But adam had committed everything to this battle and lost everything. The knightly system was high risk, high reward, with no real way of knowing how the results would turn out.
The huntsman system didn’t have this problem. It was decentralized, meaning you couldn’t kill a general to break the enemy’s will. And the loss of a team of hunters meant very little in the grand scheme of things. Vale could lose again and again now and still have more to give.
The system was simply a higher reward for lesser risk. And so jaune was faced with the unenviable knowledge that he was the one to end the age of knights. And that he would be the last commander for the final battle.
The after-action report was straightforward. After all, he was only writing it for Oswald. And that was only so ruby would know he was alive before he showed up with the heads of his enemy. Perhaps vale would hate him for this as well, but he no longer cared what happened to that den of vipers.
Jaune had been stationed in the mountains that will henceforth be known as Adam’s peak. He had one-thousand levies from the local farms, poorly trained and equipped. And he had been engaged by the enemy army of the White Fang numbering six-thousand-eight hundred and thirty-eight. Being made up of the elite knights and veteran leadership of the white fang. Knowing that the wooden castle walls would do him no good, he had set his men on the steepest slope in a choke point. It would not have granted him victory, but it had bought him time and had set up the next stage of his strategy.
Adam had sought to capture him for a grand execution and had sent half his army to ensure that he did not escape. Jaune had gambled on the fact that he was a high priority of the enemy general and had run past the second army with his banner held high. Jaune was right in that the enemy was quick to pursue him. He then made a suicidal charge through the back lines of the enemy and slew Adam in a single blow. Therefore, the morale of his enemy and their aura shattered the rest had been a simple mop-up action to ensure they could not rally. With him personally hunting down and killing the enemy commanders as his men slaughtered the rest.
Having followed him, the second army was already exhausted from the chase and, with their auras weakened, could not run away fast enough, blocking the first armies escape and ruining any chance of organizing resistance as units ran through each other to get away, utterly destroying cohesion.
In total, the battle had taken him seven and a half minutes. In seven and a half minutes, Jaune Arc had shifted the direction of fate and history and had secured for himself the title that all would know him by for the rest of his life.
Sir Jaune Arc, The Just, The Butcher Of Anima.
And The Knight of Miracles
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chlodani · 4 years
This is my next smau. It's a Harry Potter smau. Neville X F.!Reader pairing. There's a bit of Fred X F.!Reader pairing in here. There's also Neville X Fred X F.!Reader. Title:A Muggle's Love Story
Trigger warning: Slight swearing! Mentions of sex! Will be mentions of rape! Slight abuse! If you are sensitive to these things read at your own risk!
Y/n was a muggle brought into the world of magic, at a very young age. She didn't know how to handle it. And with her older sister, her guardian being the only one who could take care of her, it proved to be difficult for her with her sister being the Defense Against The Dark Arts professor, and her having to live in the world of magic. She feels a little left out, seeing as both her sisters, her older and her younger, - her twin - are wizards and she is not. But that all disappears when she meets the one person who helped her realize not everything is about that. And it's not all its cracked up to be. Neville was there for her since she was young and they became the best of friends. However, as they got older they realized their feelings were more for each other than they even orginally thought. But what happens when Neville finally has the courage and another man tries to swoop in and take him from her?
End Special Edition Part 18. . .
Part 19 Coming soon. . .
Adelina's P.O.V.
I walked to the spot I've wanted to forget about for years. The spot I knew he'd be. I knew he was waiting for me. And I knew what he wanted to do. I have Minerva looking after Luna. And I have Fred and Neville protecting Y/n. All he has left is me.
"Adelina, - I was hoping you'd show up," Austin spoke out as he walked out from behind a rock.
"You knew I'd be here," I told him trying to keep my cool.
At least at first.
"Yes, only to get revenge on me for what I did to your precious little sister. I would've done it to her twin to, but I couldn't find her -"
"I'd kill you,"
"Ooo, Im so scared, -"
"You should be,"
"Why didnt you tell me about Luna?"
"I never wanted you know,"
"You didnt think I had a right to know about my own daughter. Something we created together through our love,"
"Love?! Please! You raped me! - I knew thats all you wanted from the beginning and because I wouldn't give it to you, - You decided to take it from me! Well, guess what Austin, I've grown since then! I've grown stronger and I know how to protect myself,"
"Let's try it shall we,"
He shot a blast at me from his wand. I quickly blocked it with my own.
"Very nice - Im intrigued,"
"You're also sick,"
"Come on Lina, lets go back to the way things used to be -"
"I'd never want any part of you ever again. And you're never gonna get anywhere near Luna or Y/n ever again!"
"We'll see,"
He shot another blast at me, I once again blocked it. He kept firing them at me. I kept blocking them. I blasted him with one, in a split second where he was just holding his wand, and it was enough to blast him back several feet, making him fall to the ground. I felt proud of that one. However, it wasnt enough to stop him. He quickly shot a blast at me sending me back, making me land on the ground. I tried to catch my breath from the impact of the blast. Out of my blurry vision I saw Severus come out from behind me, standing in between me and Austin.
"Severus what are you doing here?!" I asked him honestly quite irritated that he followed me.
"Making sure you're alright," Severus told me.
I stood to my feet.
"Dont worry, Im fine, - Now leave Severus!" I commaned of him.
"No! - Not until I know your safe!" He told me.
"Im fine! Will you just -"
"Isnt this just precious? -"
Severus and I both looked at Austin.
"Is Severus Snape finally your boyfriend? - After all these years?"
"I'm not her boyfriend," Severus told Austin quickly.
"Oh what a pity, - She used to talk about you all the time. How much she loved you and wanted you. - She talked about how much she wanted you to ask her to the yule ball, but you never did. When you left her in the dark, I was the only one left. - I was clearly better than you. Seeing as I was one of the chosen contestants for the Tri-Wizard Tournament. I asked her and she went with me. Thats when we started dating. - And since its out in the open, I did only want one thing from her, I might've had to force it on her, but I got it. And from that one moment, she got pregnant. And she never bothered to tell me. - I've come for my daughter Adelina, and Im not leaving until I get her,"
"You'll have to go through me first!" I threatened.
"Not a problem," he stated.
Severus shot several blasts at him from his wand. Though Austin just quickly blocked all of them. In one strong blast from his wand, he threw Severus several feet. I wanted to kill him right here and now. In anger I used the crucio spell on him. It brought him down to the ground. I was satisfied as I looked at him. I moved myself back to Severus to make sure he was okay. My one mistake was turning away from him. Though I was alert to him. I quickly turned, blocking another blast.
"If I can't get to my daughter and your sister, I can take away the one man you've always loved, - It'll hurt you more than anything -"
Just as he held up his wand, to use the killing curse on Severus, I panicked. I quickly held up my wand, speaking out the words quickly, but clearly. I walked over to him cautiously, after he had flown back and landed on the ground near the rock. I looked deep into his eyes as he laid there. Is it finally over? Am I rid of him forever? Severus rushed over to me.
"Adelina, are you -"
Before he could finish his question, I threw my arms around him, holding him around his waist as tightly as I could. Severus said nothing he just held me. My heart raced as I felt him place a soft kiss to the top of my head. Tears raced down my cheeks. Severus just held me.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked me softly.
"I didnt want you to know, - I was ashamed, - And I was trying to keep anyone else from knowing about him, because I knew it would put their life in danger. That's why I didnt tell anyone about Luna. - I knew it would put them in danger. - I was afraid he would come back, and -"
"You don't have to worry about him now - He's gone Lina - And he won't ever come back - Luna is safe now, and she always will be," Severus said to me reassuringly.
I didnt know what else to say. I let myself relax as he held me, placing another soft kiss to the top of my head.
"Was what he said true? - About you having feelings for me?" He asked me not sure if he wanted to know the true answer.
"Yes Severus -"
I leaned back from him, so I could look into his face.
"It's true, - I've had feelings for you ever since I met you. I was just too afraid to tell you. - I didnt know how you'd react and I was afraid you'd reject me," I finally admitted to him through fear that he would actually reject me.
He was quiet for a moment. I was honestly afraid I made the wrong move just now by admitting my feelings to him. He looked straight into my eyes.
"I love you too Adelina,"
Before I could say anything else, Severus trapped me within his lips. I honestly didn't know how to feel, except calm and at peace. I kissed him back without any hesitation. Now that I have him, - I wont let him go. A smile passed Severus as he leaned back and looked at me. I haven't seen him smile in a long time.
"I think maybe we should go disclose to Albus what happened," Severus told me calmly.
I nodded in agreement.
"I'd also like to go see my sister," I told him.
"Of course," he spoke softly.
We walked back to the castle together. Severus kept an arm around me as we walked. All thoughts of everything rushed around in my head. I know Severus is right about telling Albus about Austin, but all I care about right now is Y/n.
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Part 19 coming soon. . .
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This particular diamond was extra special And though you might be gone, and the world may not know Still, I see you, Celestial And I should but I can't let you go
Linnea hated this place. 
That was the refrain that ran on a loop through her aching mind. 
She was confined to her tiny single bed in a dank, far-flung corner of the castle. Her year of being sequestered was only half-way through. A condition of being taken on under Valdemar's tutelage. She was confined to the palace. 
She had spent her life in service thus far. Everything she was being force-fed in clinical settings, forced to observe, to learn...were things she already knew. Of course, she didn't have the language that the medical tomes had. All of her knowledge was practical. Hands-on. She knew bodies. She knew babies. She knew illness. She knew healing. 
She didn't know how to be put on the spot and recite anatomical jargon and define how the body functioned. She didn't know how to be mocked and belittled by some wretched, sickly creature in their laboratory. Watching them take morbid joy in vivisection and dissection. 
This was all a means to wrench her compassion out of her heart. To force her to come to heel. Make her conform. To make her be this...thing. This false version of herself. 
To make her Celeste. A pleasing name. A fabrication. 
She knew her brother was up above, somewhere. He had gained the Count's favor. He had made friends with the other staff. The other guards. He would occasionally round down there. Ever cheerful, never defeated. Telling her to keep her chin up. 
"It's not so bad, Sissy." he would say, sweetly. And she would nod, not wanting to put it on him. Aric was her first baby. A good foot taller than her, and the same age, but he was her responsibility, too.  If she had to lie and smile through it, she would. For him.
For Aric. Not for that evil bitch, Morga, that had forced her father's hand and sent them to this hellhole. For her stupid son-of-a-bitch son.  
She forced her pain down. If it meant she cried herself to sleep every night, that was how it would have to be. 
She missed her mother. She missed her father. She missed her brother. 
She missed home. 
An arm was cast over her eyes. Her head ached. A pain that started in her jaw, climbed up her cheek, radiating into her ears and up into her eye. Throbbing. It had been like this for hours. She was nauseous from the pain. She had fought it, for hours, straining to take notes as her vision came and went. Struggling to concentrate. Eventually, she had enough and stole away to her room, struggling to even make it that far. 
There was a knock at the chamber door. Sharp, and swift. She winced, her whole body tensing. 
"Unlocked," she croaked. As if that were necessary. There was no lock on the door. She wasn't permitted one. Her things could be searched at any time. Another delightful perk.
He swept into the dark room, fully prepared to play the knight in shining armor, holding a small bottle between his fingers, held aloft, gesturing grandly at it with the other hand, posing. 
But, she wasn't watching him. She didn't move at all. Eyes still covered. 
What a letdown. 
He pulled a face, annoyed, and took another pose, hand on his hip, appraising her. 
Still, she didn't move or speak. 
She looked small. Wan. Fragile. And his annoyance faded. 
"I brought you something that might help." He said, stepping towards her. 
She hissed a "Sshhh" at him, raising her other hand and pressing her index finger against her lips. His voice grating against the inside of her skull. 
"That bad, huh? Poor chick," he said, sympathetic, crouching down beside her. 
She groaned and threw her arm up, one bloodshot eye cracking open at him, her lips pursing into a tight knot. 
He startled. She looked hungover. But, she didn't drink.
...Well, not true. She didn't drink often. They had, once, sat at his desk, passing a bottle back and forth after a particularly heinous day, which had only served to make the next day even less tolerable. 
No, this was something else. 
He gave her a slight smile, dropping his voice to a whisper. "Peppermint oil." 
She lifted her eyebrow, puzzled. At least it wasn't leeches. 
She winced as she forced herself up. Her whole body ached, and her stomach lurched as she moved. She gagged involuntarily, leaning over the side of the bed. Nothing came up, but stars danced in front of her eyes. Julian reached out and steadied her, unflinching, moving to sit behind her on the bed, bracing her in his arms. 
Even in her state, she knew enough to feel panic at his touch, and she tried to move away from him. And failed, miserably. Her head thrumming and throbbing. 
The trouble was...she liked Doctor Devorak. She wasn't sure how much of that was simple proximity and how much of it was genuine affection. He was handsome. And...different. So different than every man she had known her whole life. Creamy like a pearl, with such brilliant red hair and misty grey eyes. His smile was roguish and it did wicked things to her. 
He was a problem. 
He was her superior. If only in title. He wasn't much older than her. Had only slightly more "formal" education than she had. A field medic. If her village had titles, she would likely outrank him. But, in the palace, there was a hierarchy. She had to learn her place. Even if it was bullshit.
But, he was the closest thing to a friend she had. She didn't want to have friends. She didn't want to want anything from this place. To tie her here. 
She knew about passion. The passion that clouded reason and made people weak. That brought on baby after baby. She knew about sex...In theory. 
And she knew herself. She liked to think she could walk away. Unmarked, unscathed, unattached. 
But, she was already attached to him. 
When she would find him at his desk, passed out, late at night. Clinic notes scattered all around. A bottle half empty in the middle of it all. The way she would have to fight brushing his hair from his face. From kissing him awake. From leading him back to her tiny, cramped room and holding him all night long. 
When he'd stand behind her in the surgery, pressed against her, guiding her hands as she cut, or watching her as she stitched, praising her technique. Making her feel valued. Embracing her intelligence. 
He was so kind. And so very sad. And she wanted to take his sadness from him. Even in her own grief, she wanted to take his from him. 
She had known what her life would be like. She would take her mother's place as the healer. Her grandfather would force her father to find her a husband amongst the men in the village. She would learn to love him. They would have babies and a home of their own. She would be happy. She would be home, where she belonged. Beside the frozen sea. 
It wasn't supposed to be this. She wasn't supposed to feel this. She didn't want to want this. 
He gathered her against his chest, resting his back against the cold stone wall, pulling her up between his thighs, her back against his chest. 
Her hair was down. He didn't usually see her like this. Disheveled. She was usually so neatly dressed. Pinned up. He liked how elegant she was. She made his days...easier. Every day since she had arrived, she had relieved so many of his burdens. Cleaned up his messes. Made him want to do better. To take care of her. 
They barely knew each other. And it seemed she wanted it that way. He didn't even know her last name. She could look at him, so sweet, and then she would stiffen and pull back from him. She would dodge his inquiries. She was a mystery. It was intriguing. 
He imagined that was why Valdemar pushed her so hard. They knew that there was something there that they could exploit. That was simply how Valdemar worked. It was what they did to him, too. But, he was an empty well. 
Celeste was brimming with possibility. It was impossible to hide. She had something that the Quaestor wanted. A reason she was kept under such tight lock and key. Even he, on his worst day, had never been under such intense scrutiny. It was no wonder she was so brought down by it all.
He wanted to protect her. But, he had no real influence. He could only be nearby her. A soft place to fall. He wasn't very good at it. But he wanted to be. He really did. 
He brought his gloved hand to his lips and used his teeth to pull off one of his gloves, tossing it on the tiny bedside table. Cringing when the rickety thing swayed, the oil in the unlit lamp sloshing back and forth.  He reached around her to remove the other glove, and, more carefully, deposited it with its twin.
He unstoppered the bottle and pressed his index finger across the small hole, shaking the bottle. It was pungent stuff. He wouldn't need much. He closed it back and sat it by the wayside. He rubbed the tips of his fingers together, then brought them to her temples, rubbing small circles.
The scent was so intense. She, almost immediately, felt something break loose in her head, tension fading. She was by no means, recovered. No, these headaches could last for days and leave her spent. She had them since she was a young girl. As soon her menses had started. But, they had gotten worse with age. She didn't know what was going to set them off. A change in the weather. A poor choice of meal. 
And she knew she could magic it away. She could heal herself. But she was under strict directives to avoid any use of her magic. To avoid drawing any undue attention to herself. The palace was full of people who were sensitive to it. She couldn't risk it.
She sunk into his chest. She had never been this close to him before. She didn't think he'd ever been silent for this long. It must be a struggle for him. He was a talker, that was for damn certain. 
She felt the rise and fall of his chest beneath her. His fingers strayed into her hair, tugging lightly. She made a contented noise. The skin that he left in his wake tingled, chilled by the mentholated oils. It was soothing. 
She laid her hands on his thighs, and she felt him shift a bit. 
He was glad she couldn't see his face. He bit his lip, and he could feel the scarlet flushing from his nose to his ears. Blood flooding to other places, too. Hence, the slight adjustment. He suddenly regretted everything. But, she looked so peaceful, her eyes closed, resting in his arms. Her chest rising and falling...and he had such a great angle, straight down her blouse. He swallowed and drew a shaky breath. 
His slim fingers moved along the sides of her head, and down to her neck, massaging the base of her skull with his thumbs, fingers resting on the sides of her neck. Such a long, elegant neck. 
The smell of the peppermint was overwhelming. But, he could smell her. She always smelled delicious. One of the guards always brought her the very expensive vanilla from the pantry, mixed with good bourbon.  She used it as perfume. It was sweet, and woody, from the oak barrels the alcohol, was aged. He'd seen them do the handoff once, and the big, blonde man had given a hard look that effectively shut him up. Not that he would ever give her away. If she wanted to feel human, have nice things, she should have them. She deserved that.
His hands moved to her shoulders, pressing his thumbs along her spine. 
"Thank you," she whispered, voice strained. His touch was so calming, so loving, so reverent. She had never been touched like this. And she was too tired to fight it. Tendrils and waves of static pinpricks moved across her body. Alternating warm and cool. She felt her nipples constricting and puckering, unbidden. 
He smiled broadly down at her. Warmth radiating through his chest. Pleased that he had been successful. He didn't know just how successful. "Of course. I wouldn't let my patient suffer." Julian replied, coy. 
She scoffed, sending an elbow playfully back into his torso. He stifled a laugh, trying to stay quiet.
"Do you feel better?" he asked, smoothing his hands down her arms, squeezing her biceps gently, then releasing her with a pat. 
"Mmhm." She responded, moving onto her side, drawing her knees up. Her head resting on his chest. Of course, he was wearing one of those white shirts. And of course, it was unbuttoned. She could feel the course hairs brushing her cheek. The valley between his pectorals. That sobered her, a bit, and she stiffened, straightening, lifting her head from his chest, pulling away a bit to look up at his face. 
She saw the flush of his cheek. His heavy-lidded eyes. The want. 
And she sighed, resigned. Her heart breaking just a little bit more. But...maybe not breaking. Maybe just cracking open. Giving way.  
"Will you stay with me?" she asked, not at all certain if this was the right thing to do. How could it be? And how couldn't it be? How could it be wrong? 
He leaned forward and caught her lips. His only answer. It was a short kiss, but it didn't lack passion. His hand moved to her hip, and hers to his cheek. When they broke apart, he looked panicked. 
This was a completely terrible idea. 
And he was no stranger to bad ideas. 
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nylaaaaa · 4 years
Little Secret
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Chapter 1. Your Secret Is Safe With Me
Name and Surname: Natalie Fleur Estelle
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 19th August 1692
Place ( Registration 
of      < District                     Cynthell
Birth  ( Sub-District
"Here's the birth certificate. It has nothing about her parents on it as you suggested." I gave the man standing beside me, who had grown to be a brother to me, a quick, but satisfied, grunt of approval. 
"Thank you. Keep this between us and I'll keep up my end of the deal." Quintin gave me a questioning side glance. I knew he didn't appreciate me bringing up the past but I needed him to keep this between us.
"I don't see why you won't be honest to her. For all we know she might be like you..." I knew what he was suggesting, but I refused to listen. She won't be like me. She can't be like me. I waved him away, annoyance clear as day across my face. He will be annoyed too. We both have secrets. I just don't know whose is worth more.
Today is possibly the worst day I'll have in my life. I'm honestly not sure. 
Today I officially turn 18 which, unluckily for me, means I have to add another thing to my job description.
Isaieth adopted me when I was born because my father died and it caused my mum to become a drunk. I don't exactly blame her for leaving and forgetting her troubles with a drink. But I also can't say I'm fond of it. I love Isaieth with all my heart, he feels like an actual father to me. But I sometimes wish I had an actual mother to help me grow as well.
When I was born my father died. No one told me how, I just know it was traumatic enough to make my mother a drunk. Isaieth adopted me when I was 2 after he had an accident that caused him to be deaf and partially blind. He wasn't fit for work anymore so the second I turned an age where I can go to the toilet by myself he taught me how to tend his farm. He makes a business by selling wheat that he grows and whatever we can get from the few animals we own. When I was 16 I found an abandoned lamb who we later discovered was a merino sheep. Merino sheep are, in my opinion, the best sheep you can get. Their carcasses are smaller than the average sheep so they aren't used for meat but rather for the wool that they grow. The average amount of wool the sheep grows is 11kg which is enough for about 11 sweaters. Aswell as the sheep we have 2 chickens, both of which are female. They were actually, in some ways, a gift from the king. The king and Isaieth are best friends almost from birth. They both grew up in royalty but only the king kept it that way. Isaieth was the son of a knight, and so in turn, Isaieth was also a knight. The king was born a prince and then was assigned a knight who happened to be Isaieth. One of the times when Isaieth was protecting the king he ended up getting seriously injured and the king fired him for his own safety. The king doesn't exactly care for the knight's wellbeing but because they were friends he decided a knight was too dangerous for Isaieth. After the event the king offered him a plot of land on the outskirts of the city that was run down and abandoned but had potential for a farm. Isaieth's dream as a boy was to grow old and have his own farm, so like any friend the king got him his own farm. Because of the friendship and countless times Isaieth saved his life our rent was greatly reduced and we were offered a permanent job to make sure we always had the money to pay rent. The job included selling off our produce from the animals. The eggs given to Isaieth was originally just starter food but Isaieth decided to keep them and let them hatch instead. When they grew to be quite old he kept a few of the last eggs they would hatch and did the same thing. The hens we have now are 1 years old, or will be in a few days. We don't get much from our farm but because of the discount on rent sometimes we have enough money to spare to get nice things. The average price of rent can go up to 100 gold.
(100 gold is like 1k, the money in this story is, bronze= pence or cents or whatever is the lowest in your country, silver= pounds or dollars etc and gold= the hundreds +. In simpler terms, but in GBP ((Great British Pounds)) terms, 1 bronze= 1 pence, 1 silver= 1 pound and 1 gold= 100 pound.)
Ours however got put down to 45 gold. It's still a lot that we just about make each month but we're still thankful that he even gave us this place to begin with. He didn't actually have to.
It's also lucky that our farm works well with rent times. Each month you have to go to the castle and pay your rent. If you dont have enough or you skip it they go to your house and either take a child, that becomes their servent who has to work for the money you didn't pay, or they take some belongings that you don't get back unless you pay extra. Luckily we've never seen it first hand but one of my childhood friends ended up becoming a servent from it. I haven't seen her since. Our wheat takes a month to grow so we've always got that to keep our money up. Unfortunately wheat sells cheap, one wheat grain sells for 30 bronze. Every month we grow, on average, 700 wheat grains but have to keep back 350 to replant so we can get 350 the next month too. So on average every month with wheat alone we make 10 gold and 5 silver. Which by itself is almost a quarter of our rent. Replanting and harvesting wheat is one of the most tedious jobs of farming, but maintaining is by far the easiest. You only have to water the plant at most once in summer but otherwise never. All you really have to do is make sure the plant isn't dying and be on your way. The worst job I have is turning the sheeps pelt into wool. She doesn't like to be milked so doing that is an annoyance but I dread making wool the most out of all the farm jobs I have. Next to maintaining the crop the hens are the easiest too. They lay at least one egg everyday, the only thing I have to do is collect the eggs without breaking them and make sure the hens are well fed and have fresh air. With making wool you have to flatten the pelt completely and then tie the strands together to make a really long piece of wool that I have to cut and ball up. It's the worst job on the entire farm but I can't say I hate doing it. My favourite thing is balling it all up after dying it. I'm just thankful all these things take a month to do or we'd be screwed on rent every month.
(Realistically these don't actually take a month, I researched so much to make the story as legit as possible but for story sake I tweaked the timing. Hens do lay one egg a day at least, if properly cared for and also depending on breed. But wheat takes a LOT longer to grow and you can only shave a sheep once a year. I changed the timing of it all tho or I'd have to be even more creative with money and stuff and tbh I'd rather not. Coming up with these ideas for the farm was hard enough.)
On average you get 2 balls of yarn out of 1kg of wool. Luckily for us our merino sheep produces 11kg of wool giving us 22 balls of yarn. 1 ball of yarn sells for 1 gold, so for 22 balls of yarn we make 22 gold. Personally I think it's extremely expensive but it does make sense considering there aren't many sheep around, which also means clothes, blankets and shoes are harder to get. On average with the hens we get 2 eggs a day. 1 egg sells for 25 silver, meaning the 2 we make in a day gives us 50 silver. There's 28 days in a month meaning with eggs alone we make 14 gold. Altogether in one month we usually make roughly 46 gold. As good of an amount as that is, 45 of it has to go to the king, leaving us with roughly 1 gold left. Because we're human and need to eat, bathe and clothe ourselves just like everyone else, whatever's left gets spent on stuff like that. On average every month we spend about 50 silver on food. I have my own plant pots in my room that we use for our own food. There's only 2 of them but in one plant pot I grow strawberries and in the other I grow raspberries. Truth be told if I sold the strawberries and raspberries we'd probably be richer but honestly, we're both kinda used to this life and although we don't have everything we want, we have everything we need. Besides the fruits take 2 months to grow and because of my reputation people would refuse to buy them for their actual price. They just about accept the other things, if fruits were in the mix I'd probably get death glares and 1 bronze for a batch. It doesn't bother me too much though because with whatever odd bit of wheat we had spare from the 700 odd we plant and sell we use that to make bread or pastry, so every 2 months we make the fruits into a jam or crush them and make a pie. My all time favourite activity is making them into pies or bread and jam with Isaieth. It's the only thing we can properly do together. He helps me replant and harvest the wheat sometimes because there's so much of it but usually he just watches from afar. His eye sight is getting worse the older he gets so he helps less and less. It saddens me because I know he doesn't want to go fully blind, we wouldn't be able to communicate at all and what kind of life are you living if you can't see or hear anything. You might as well be dead at that point or you'd be so throughly confused. 
Getting back on track. Today is a bad day because it's the first day where I have to pay for the rent. I've been a few times with Isaieth as a child but I've never gone alone. It's an adults job and should only be done by an adult. But today, aswell as being my birthday, it's also rent day. Isaieth didn't actually want me to do it but I insisted knowing that he would have severe trouble doing it himself. And what's more is that I have to go alone to sell our produce now aswell. I don't put any blame on him and I especially will never complain. But in my head I can feel bitter about the situation. 
I look forward to the day.....
No I don't. 
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