#even though mayoi is the one singing
alkaloidalypse · 1 year
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seangelfish · 10 months
hii 💕 i wanted to request hcs of mayoi, rinne and rei (separately obv), about them being all needy, clingy and annoying to their s/o hehe ^_^ (nsfw too pls, with afab they/them reader 🙏🙏)
A/N: Honestly, I had no idea how to even incorporate NSFW into this request because it just seems more of a fluffy than a sexy request lmao so please bare with me on this one. However, I actually enjoyed writing this, so I hope you enjoy reading! ⸜(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)⸝♡ I need to fuck Rei.
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Featured characters: Mayoi Ayase, Rinne Amagi, Rei Sakuma ♡ Tags: Smut (NSFW), established relationships (separate), gn!AFAB reader (no mention of pronouns), unprotected sex, creampie, soft & vanilla sex, handjob, riding, missionary, oral (receiving and giving), bondage, headcanons but also written as a bullet point fic(?), not proofread! ♡ Word count: 1,988 ♡ Synopsis: HCs of how the three would act towards you in their 'time of need.'
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT! NSFW below the cut. Please proceed with caution.
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After a while, when he's finally comfortable in the relationship where he can act clingy around you, he'll annoy you with his need for your affection and touch.
He'll never make a move on you first though. He doesn't want to 'damage' you, so he'll always wait on your initiative. He'll let you do anything to him, but he wouldn't dare do anything to harm you even if it's just sex.
He wants to hug you like he usually does, but this time, the feeling's a little different. He thinks that he'll lose your trust if he touches you when he's feeling aroused. So, if he's feeling needy for your touch, he'll stutter it out.
"(Y-Y/N)..." he whimpers. "P-Please touch me..."
The way he looks at you, begging you to touch him, turns you on. Since he has asked you so nicely, you have decided to fulfil his needs as you begin to rub his clothed cock.
He's a stuttering, whimpering mess. His face is flushed red as it already forms sweat. He continues to act needy, begging you to keep going.
"Wah... (Y/N)... t-touch me more... p-please..."
That's when you unbuckle his belt and slip his pants off. Being annoyingly needy has its consequences~
"Alright, this is what you asked for~" you sing. "Get ready."
Therefore, whenever he acts so desperate and needy for your attention, you tease him a bit. You don't give him what he wants as quickly as you should've, but he doesn't mind. He feels like he deserves it, that he should beg and wait for it. He doesn't mind if you stroke his cock ever so slowly, that you let go midway as he's about to come. As long as your hands are touching him, he's happy.
He knows you're not mean, that you just won't let him finish. So, he's patient, and he'll wait for the time you allow him to come.
He'll probably annoy you with words such as "Ah~ (Y/N)... p-please... please let me come..." and even cling onto your arm. However, you like this a little too much.
Him annoyingly begging for you to come? Music to your ears. You love your adorable, needy Mayoi, and you're going to let him come, alright.
When he's on edge where he can't hold it in anymore, that's when you speed up your strokes. "Let out lots for me, darling~" you soothe. "Y-Yes, dear..." he breathes as the tip of his dick gushes out with handfuls of cum. It's a beautiful sight to see.
You clean him up with your mouth, licking his cum all up before kissing him roughly. "Like the way you taste?" you ask him, but he can only let out a whimper. You're definitely the dom in this relationship.
He's definitely exhausted, but it seems like he wants more by the way he has kept you in place. Well, you weren't complaining because you wanted to do him more too.
When you undress yourself, his face becomes even more red than it was earlier.
Yet he loves it when you stuff his dick into your pussy. He loves the tightness of it, how your walls cave in on him. You don't even let him touch you when you ride him either, but it's okay because he feels ecstatic. He feels so good that he's moaning even louder. He's also glad that you're enjoying yourself too. Your moans are cute and he wants to drown himself in the sound.
You make out with him as you grind on his cock. He enjoys the feeling so much that he's about to come again. He warns you and you force him not to come until you allow him to. He easily obeys even if it's hard to do so.
"Ahh~ (Y/N)... I can't hold it in a-any longer!" he wails. "P-Please... f-forgive me for asking too much of y-you...!"
When you finally let him come again, you continue with your act. Why not overstimulate him? He's been begging you for your touch, so why not give it all to him?
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Whenever Rinne's needy for your touch, he's really annoying about it. He clings to you, saying nothing but sweet, sexy things to you. Usually, you'd comply because seducing you usually works, but this time you were just too tired.
He's still trying though since he's already brick hard, but you just didn't want to have sex with him in that moment! You just wanted to doze off and take a nap, but he's so persistent.
"Please, my love?" he pleads as he nuzzles his nose in the crook of your neck whilst spooning you.
Of course, if you truly didn't want to do it, then he'll leave you alone, but he can tell by your body language that you did want to partake in it. After all, you've been rubbing your ass on his dick for a while now.
However, you were still kind of tired, so you had let him do everything this session as you rested your eyes for a bit.
He's usually not this needy, but it's a nice sight to see. He took his clothes off before stripping you down. Then he left trails of kisses from your neck to your chest, taking little nibbles at your breasts.
"Argh... I wanted you so bad, you don't understand," he says. "Today's been rough."
When he inserts his cock inside you, he lowers his body down so the two of you can hold each other. However, since you were dozing off to sleep, you're not exactly reciprocating his feelings. This makes him more annoyingly needy as he tries to wake you up, breathing into your mouth as he kisses you roughly.
"(Y/N)... please..." he whines. He usually doesn't whine like this, but it sounds nice. "I can't do this on my own... I want you to do it with me..."
Because he's being so cute, you end up following his needs. You wrap your legs around his back, returning all the kisses that he has given you. He thrusts into you slowly and the two of you moan into each other's mouths as you make out.
You try your hardest not to mention how cute he's being, though. Otherwise, he'd stop. You know how Rinne is.
He will keep moaning your name when he's in this state. "Ahhh~ Fuck... (Y/N)... You feel so good around my dick... Shit..." he groans into your ear. "Argh, (Y/N)... Fuck... Please don't go to sleep..."
Having him wrapped around your finger like this feels great. Maybe you should keep him going? Well, that is what you wanted him to do to begin with, but he's begging you. He doesn't usually do this. So, you WILL make the best of it.
As Rinne fucks you, you drift off into a light slumber. He's kind of upset that you're not paying attention to him anymore, but he'll make do. He'll fuck your body awake if he can, but knowing you, you'd probably sleep through it.
So as he speeds up his pace, trying to get off on you, he continues to whimper out your name. "Ahh... ahh... please... (Y/N)~" So annoying. You were trying to sleep for real this time. 'But fuck, it feels good,' you think.
He's been leaving you hickies everywhere too, trying to jerk you awake, but you don't let him win. You like the way he's moaning right now, so you're going to savour it.
When he comes inside you, he falls into your chest, breathless. "(Y/N)... you were so mean to me today..." he breathes. "Fuck..."
Needy Rinne is something you could get used to~
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Rei is constantly needy for your affection whatever it may be. He is the definition of clingy. When he is in need of your touch, he'll get on his knees and beg for it. He'll kiss the back of your hands, your palms – whatever you need him to kiss, he'll do it. He's so down bad for you, it's crazy.
But it's also so hot.
Because despite his clingy, needy days, you're the one who's usually pestering him to put his cock inside you. It's a nice change to see him beg for you now.
And you just love the way he begs.
However, even when he's the one who's begging you to touch him, to make him come, you're one to use this opportunity to have him eat you out instead.
"You'll get your reward once you do this for me~" you purr.
And because he's so desperate to have you suck on his cock or to have you ride him, he'll do whatever you want. He was already on his knees, so it was perfect. With your thighs spread apart, he digs in. Licking your pussy like a hungry dog, his dick was getting harder and harder by the second. Oh, he wanted you so bad. And the way you were moaning by the touch of his tongue? He wanted to hear you scream his name once his cock was shoved inside you.
"Ah~" you moan. "That's it... ah~ that feels so good~"
Once you came, he looked at you with puppy dog eyes, awaiting his turn. "(Y/N), please... please fuck me..."
"Since you've been such a good boy," you begin. "I'll do what you ask~"
The two of you like exploring different ways to pleasure the other, so this time, you had Rei tied up. Bound to a chair with ropes wrapped around his wrists behind his back, you slowly insert yourself down his shaft, causing a moan to escape his lips. He's excited at the predicament he's in. This is so alluring to him. Perhaps he should have you do this to him more...
With your arms looped around his neck, you start grinding on his cock. It's unfortunate that he can't touch you with his hands, so he'll use his mouth instead. Biting at your earlobe, Rei continues to groan at the pleasure you're giving him. He'll start begging for more. He'll beg you to ruin him, and that's something you can never say no to.
"Gyah~ ahh... (Y/N), my love, I... gah..." he chokes as he moans, saliva forming in his mouth. He looks so red right now, red as the tomato juice he usually drinks. He's sweating too, his hair a mess. It honestly turns you on a little bit more. "I want to touch you... please..." he begs.
"I'm sorry, dear, but you can't!" you chirp. "After all, I'm just giving you what you've asked for... my needy, little vampire boyfriend deserves this, does he not?"
His face is already red as it is, but he's flushed by this. His dick twitches and you can feel it inside you.
"You can't come yet," you order, your tone stern. You grip his fringe back to reveal his bare forehead. He likes this side of you since you're usually so sweet, and you still are as you give him a little kiss on his forehead. And now he wants you even more.
He tries to laugh, but the pleasure that you're giving him is so good that all he can let out are beautiful moans. "More..." he groans. "(Y/N), please... ahh~ make me produce lots of cum..." "Of course, my love, but you better not let it all out until I tell you to~"
And he obeys. He's a moaning mess, his body sweating, his hair tangled up. "Ahhh~ (Y/N)~ Fuck... ahh... you're making me feel so good, my love... But I can't keep it in any longer..."
You slow down, kissing his lips softly. "Then come, my love." As he comes inside you, he moans out your name, his body shaking all over. You could feel his seed fill you up. It makes you moan too, the way he fills you up is addicting.
Even when you pull yourself up from his dick, he keeps coming. His dick is still hard and it's still squirting out strings of thick cum. What a pretty sight, to see your beautiful, dark-haired boyfriend who's always composed be so pathetic. Although, he is already kind of pathetic sometimes.
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My darling Dolls AU
You admire and love dolls. You always walk this certain shop from school when your young.
You always gaze longingly at the beautiful dolls that are being sold and displayed.
Yet as someone who cannot afford much, those dolls are luxuries you can never own.
Yet even knowing that fact. It doesn't stop you from wanting to own one. That's why you save and save, from pennies to a few cents.
Maybe with those mere changes and money, you have saved your able to buy one, someday.
Even the dolls arent new, or branded, or even if they are broken or haunted. You want the doll.
That's why when there's a chance of having one thrown your way, even if it's from a shady street toy seller, you are quick to run back home to get your savings and brought the only doll in the stock.
It's a beautiful doll with dark purple hair that reminds you of the night sky and beautiful shade of blue eyes.
The doll have a nervous sharp teeth smile, as if not sure what to do while you stare at it with a wide happy grin.
There's a a bit of damage in the doll but it's not something you cannot learn to fix.
That's why you hug the doll lovingly and welcome the first doll to your life. Not even minding the words of the seller.
"Remember dolls can have a soul. If they love and care enough, they will gain a heart. Maybe one day with enough love they can become a human too. So little deary, take care of mayoi for me ok?" The seller says as he give you the doll
"Ok!" The young you replied happily to the seller. Not even knowing such fate have been created that day you choice to take the doll home.
As you play with the doll beside you, after fixing the small problem it has, the nervous smile becomes a happy smile as it turns its head to look at your sleeping form that hugs its soft plushie body. "Hello, my owner... I'll take care of you too... Even though I won't do much. In this state of mine but maybe one day I can do more..... So please continue to love me till that day." A voice spoke out in your humble room but you were too asleep to hear it.
Soon a singing voice that lullaby you to a deep sleep can be heard in the room, as your doll sing you a song of a phantom who finally found a home.
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Table of content:
Part 1: My darling dolls: Alkaloid, Crazy:B
01: Mayoi Ayase
02: dolls, gods and Tatsumi Kazeheya
03:Idols, 3rd-4th Dolls and Watchful gaze.
04: Lost, Classmate, haunted and Blue star
05: Reunion, Alkaloid and Crazy:b
06: Mofumofu and The phantom
Part 2: The Phantom, the haunted dolls and the blue star.
07: Playing dress up
08: Sewing a dolls pt1
09: Sewing a Doll pt2
10: A dream of a doll maker
11: The theory of time travel and no place as home
12: there's an odd kid outside
Part 3: The Sleeping Beauty, The forgotten Past and a Contract
13: The Sleeping Beauty
14: the same feathers flock together
15: The Plan
16: Worry
17: selfishness, hypocrisy and a contract.
18: The doll who become a puppeteer
Part 4: mischievous adventure of a Doll-MC
19: Kaname knows how to Jinx someone
20: Kaname knows how to Jinx someone pt 2.
21: Pseudo darling doll MC
22: Pseudo darling doll MC
23: Aoi twins Past, The 6th Doll and The Pikachu
24: ii Hiyori and the Sakumas brothers
Part 5: the sakuma siblings.
25: the pestering Rei, the Shadow Doll, and The Void
Part 7: The first dollmaker(s)
PART 9: the Lost God
PART 10:
PART 11:
To be added
My Darling Dolls AU Mini Corner: Dear sleeping beauty
Episode one
Episode two
Episode three
Episode four
Episode five
Episode Six
My darling doll au: crossover PT 3 "la mort"
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
A/N: a fairy tale inspired au. A Pinocchio retelling. This is supposed to be a mayoi ayase one but I decided to make it an AU where the alkaloid are dolls. This is also inspired by a game known as 'nameless'.
UPDATE: I'm adding Crazy:b and MaM in this AU.
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katatedge1 · 2 years
Hey there, mutual :3
I was wondering if you could perhaps write Dazai with a s/o who is a siren? If you're unsure of what those are, sirens are creatures from Greek Mythology that can take any form, and lure sailors to their deaths with their singing (which manipulates the mind of the person who hears their song) Headcanons and a scenario (or just one!)
Have a lovely day!
Oh my!! What an awesome request, I'll do a scenario and headcannon!! :DD
You hypnotised me with your beauty!
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When he first met you, Dazai thought you were a normal citizen, a really beatiful citizen!
He thought he he could get you really flustered
But oh my did he struggle with that.
You kept on flirting back, even though he used his flirting skills to the fullest!
You even made him blush a bit
But when he found out you were a siren, oh my.
Imagine that you look like the GIF in the start, Clothing that show alot of skin, Beatifull face and body, everything about you was beatiful.
He created nicknames like "Fishy" or "Mermaid Maiden" even tho he knew you were a siren, he just wanted to mess with you.
When he found out you lure sailors (mostly men) to their deaths, he was rather shocked, but he quickly tried to cover it up.
But now that you have met Dazai, you may have lowered your hunger of killing.
The sun was reflecting its light on the sea, and it was going down, symbolising that the moon was yet to come around.
(Dazai is wearing the same outfit as the 0316 mayoi dazai card, search it up so that you can know)
Dazai was watching the sky, waiting any moment for you to come around. He was madly in love with you and he was NOT afraid to let it show. He gives you gifts,love and all that.
Dazai turned to the sea, looking at it, its beauty reminding him of you, you were as beatiful as the sea, gentle as the sea, and calming as the sea.
A head poked out of the water, Dazai's eyes widening as he gets ready to use his abillity.
He wasn't ready for that, nor did he expect it, who would be on the beach that late in the night.
As he was in his own thoughts, you showed your half body (head to waist) in a beatiful outfit that looked like a swimming suit, but not quite it (readers outfit looks like the GIF)
"Y/N? Is that..You?"
"Oh my, yes it is indeed me."
He was shocked, you looked so beautiful, you suddenly came out of the water, he instantly spotted the scales on your arms, legs and everywhere around your body.
"Are..Are you A MERMAID?!" He yelled, not caring if anyone heard him, all he wanted were answers right now.
"Not quite mermaid, No~ I'm a siren!" You said slowly, with some blood dripping down your legs.
"Are you okay?! Are you hurt??" He asked, looking REALLY worried.
"No..That's not my blood, it was a random sailors, my abillity is to attract anyone with my song, or to hypnotise them, that allows me to kill them in water."
He didn't know you had an abillity, He didn't know! Why didn't he know? Why didn't he look into you like he does with anyone else?! Did you..Hypnotise him?
"...Why do you kill?"
"I don't have a choice, it's how my abillity is structured, it can only be used to kill, not for good."
"But, you made me stop killing everyday, I kill so rarely now, I have made progress haven't I?"
"It will be much better if you don't kill at all..."
You walked to him, suddenly hugging him, get some sea water on his clothes, you smelled of the calming sea.
You were as beatiful as the sea. You were as gentle as the sea. You were as calm as the sea.
He wasn't hypnotised, these were his true feeling. He loved you more than anything else I'm the world.
You hypnotised him with your beauty, no powers, just beauty.
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@nikolaisswifey here u go <33 hope you enjoy it!
Reblogs are always appreciated!!
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aeoki · 25 days
Blackjack - Gifts Will Not Arrive: Chapter 5
Location: Underground Family Residence Characters: Mayoi & NEGI Season: Autumn
TL Note:
“Sensei” is the honorific for a teacher, instructor, mentor etc.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< At that time, someplace underground. >
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NEGI: “♪~♪~♪”
Mayoi: That’s it – 1, 2, 3 ♪ 1, 2, 3 ♪
NEGI: “~.......~”
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Mayoi: Sorry, let’s stop here for a second.
NEGI: “What? Why?”
“Did I do something weird?”
Mayoi: Yes. You forgot to sing as you danced, NEGI-san. We're in the middle of a dance lesson right now.
NEGI: “I can’t sing and dance at the same time.”
Mayoi: You can do it – Any ES idol working their butt off at the frontlines can do it.
NEGI: “I’m not a freakin’ rotten idol from that freakin’ rotten ES.”
Mayoi: That’s a nasty tongue you’ve got there…!?
NEGI: “What? Are you trying to say that girls shouldn’t do such a disgraceful thing? You a caveman or something?”
“Anyway, Mayoi-sensei[⁎].”
Mayoi: I–I haven’t done anything for you to refer to me as your teacher, I don’t think!?
NEGI: “How else should I call you? You teach me how to sing and dance, so you’re my teacher, aren’t you?”
Mayoi: T–That’s just how things ended up – I didn’t have a choice…!
NEGI: “You could have just left me– no, us alone.”
Mayoi: I can’t do that… I’ve already crossed that dangerous bridge, so we’re in the same boat now.
NEGI: “Sorry. You’re doing all this for us.”
Mayoi: I–It’s alright! I’m glad that you two are safe and in good health! That’s all I need to feel rewarded!
NEGI: “You’re a kind person, Sensei. I like you a lot.”
Mayoi: Huh? I–I have Shinobu-kyun– I mean, I’ve already made a one-sided promise with the Chief that I’ll be spending my future with him, so–!?
NEGI: “I didn’t mean that sort of ‘like’. Ugh, what are you, a girl who fancies love stories?”
“Wait, it’d be biased of me to say that, huh. I’m contradicting myself.”
“Anyway, are you sure you want to waste your time here, Sensei? You’re a busy ES idol, so you’ve got school and work, right?”
Mayoi: I can’t leave you alone, NEGI-san… I’d like to move you guys someplace else but the security near the entrance and exit is pretty tight.
NEGI: “Then you should just leave us alone and go back to your daily life. Why are you staying with us?”
Mayoi: I was asked by Hitsugi-kyun to keep an eye on you since he won’t know what you might get up to if there isn’t anyone watching you.
NEGI: “Could you not refer to my brother with that nickname?”
Mayoi: I–I–I’m sorry! It must have sounded unpleasant, right?
NEGI: “It’s fine, though. I can’t sense any malice from you. Pour some love on my lil’ brother, alright?”
“He might not look it but he’s a poor little thing.”
“Anyway, let’s stop with the chit-chat and continue with the lesson.”
Mayoi: To be frank, your wounds haven’t fully healed yet, so I’d like you to take it easy, though.
NEGI: “No way. From what I’ve heard, Anzu’s organised this year’s Christmas so that anyone can take part in the fun performance event, right?”
“I’m definitely going to take part in that. No, it feels like Anzu’s calling for me.”
“So I’ve got to make sure I’m ready for that day.”
Mayoi: (Oh, geez… Hitsugi-kyun was rather honest but this other personality? NEGI-san is quite stubborn.)
(Just as Hitsugi-kyun expected and told me, she got really focused on the lesson once I told her about “Star Fest”...)
(She has stopped wanting to leave this place, so that’s one thing I’m relieved about, though.)
(It looks like she’ll do whatever she can to get out of here to take part in “Star Fest” too… I’ve got to keep a close eye on her on that day.)
(Even so, I’ll observe her carefully through the pretence of teaching her.)
(These two siblings are involved in something bad… There are people outside moving in the shadows with their eyes set on them.)
(Until I can guarantee that the outside is safe, I’ll have to keep them here– I mean, protect them.)
(I also need to stick close to them so my movements are limited too.)
(For now, I should contact everyone in “ALKALOID” and tell them that I’m unable to move due to personal matters.)
(I don’t think my classmates will notice my absence… so I should be able to buy some time without anyone worrying about me in the meantime. Yes.)
(No one would be troubled if I was gone, anyway.)
NEGI: “Sensei, Sensei. I can’t get this step right no matter how I try.”
Mayoi: Oh, yes, for that step…
(Besides, it’s also very enjoyable to stay with NEGI-san and teach her since she’s a diamond in the rough…♪)
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maximumcheese · 1 year
Playing Cards - They Stand Shoulder to Shoulder 2
Location: ES
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Hiiro: I told you that…I had a talk with Tenshouin-senpai before our conversation on the phone in the rose garden, right?
Mayoi: Yes. On the car ride home…You had told us that you were in the office reading fan letters.
Hiiro: It was a confusing, unclear series of questions and answers. However, from that moment on, I really began to care.
How will I meet my fans’ expectations? How should I grant Tenshouin-senpai’s wishes? What is an idol, even?
I was told to think a lot about it, and I’ve been really thinking about until today but—
In the end, I wasn’t able to answer that question for myself. On reflection, since I was a little kid, nothing has changed.
Tatsumi: Since you were a little kid?
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Hiiro: Even at that time, I would always keep thinking about what Nii-san had asked me.
At that time, I had an answer in mind, more-or-less but—
Because I didn’t want to disappoint him by saying the wrong thing, so I thought that I just wanted to think about it more carefully.
Because, if you cannot give the right answer, it’s the same as being unable to fulfill your duty. It’s only meaningful to answer the question when you have the right answer, right?
Aira: Yeah? But it’s not a problem on a test, it’s just a question, right?
It’s not like a test at school where you get a score, so isn’t it harder to give an answer that fits perfectly?
It’d make me happy to hear your thoughts on just that, Hiro-kun.
I look at you, who can do anything, and there’s times where I think to myself “What the hell is guy?” and get super frustrated.
If even Hiro-kun is worrying and thinking like this, I can see that we’re really just the similar in that way.
Hiiro: …hm. I wish I could have a flexible way of thinking like you, Aira.
This time around though, I understood that both back then and now, I’m only brooding about, and that I have no confidence in the conclusion I reached. I felt like I didn’t grow.
Tatsumi: Don’t be so hard on yourself.
While you are bold enough to take action, on the other hand, you are also capable of holding your ground to make a careful judgment—
Hiiro-san, isn’t it possible that your virtue to thoughtfully react to questions has stayed the same since you were a child?
Mayoi: That’s right. And you have had a lot of growth, too.
Compared to when we first met, you’ve grown dramatically in singing, dancing, and movements. If you can take my word for it, I can guarantee that.
Being a person who doesn’t know much about idols, I’m amazed at the amount of growth you’ve accomplished over just one summer.
Even if you’re not similar to the others, we can work on the parts that you feel inexperienced at from this point on. Because we will help you as much as you need…♪
Aira: Senpais, you’re very parent-like when you say that.[1]
Hiiro: Was that just a haiku? No, if you don’t use the seasonal word, isn’t it considered a senryu haiku?[2]
Aira: No, I’m not reciting a poem…
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Hiiro: Fufu. Thank you all for really talking with me a lot.
If only I could have answered with self-confidence. If only I could have been able to take action for Alkaloid, with my own judgment…
I feel very guilty for the crisis that I have caused to everyone, and I will reflect upon my actions.
To know that I have comrades who are close to me, it’s very reassuring. I feel more light-hearted now.
Mayoi: We are happy to see your smile, too, Hiiro-san…♪
Tatsumi & Aira: ……♪
Hiiro: Like Mayoi-senpai said, I was able to grow a lot.
I’ve come to learn the common sense of the city, and of course, there are countless things I’ve gained since becoming an idol…For me too, I’m sure I figured out a couple of things, too.
I’ll think more optimistically from here on again. For a clear answer to Tenshouin-senpai, and what I can do for Alkaloid.
Tatsumi: That’s right. There is nothing that you have to face by yourself, Hiiro-san.
The fact that a good result is required of Alkaloid, it’s a problem that affects the entire unit.
Sooner or later, regardless of who started it, we would have something to confront.
Aira: I think if I had started it, and if Tenshouin-senpai had come at me like that…To be honest, it’s a scary thought.
That’s why it’s great that Hiro-kun thinks through everything and speaks up about it properly ♪ You’re fine! Have some self-confidence!
Hiiro: It’s a bit of a strange feeling to get praised by you, Aira.
Aira: Hah~? I’m trying to cheer you up here!
Tatsumi: There, there. It’s embarrassing to get praised by Aira-san, isn’t it, Hiiro-san?
Aira: Eh~? Then choose that kind of language from the start.
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Mayoi: ………
Hiiro: Why are you so quiet, Mayoi-senpai?
Mayoi: While I was listening to your pleasant conversation I…I began to think again.
I thought about what I’d like to try with Alkaloid, and what I’d like to act on.
Hiiro: Did anything come to mind?
Mayoi: No…
Nothing comes to mind, so I’ve started to wonder what we can do to get something we can call a good result, and also remove the obstacles in the way of our objectives.
To put it simply, to win some sort of award. But in reality, to become so popular that you’ll have a schedule where you’re counting down by the minute—
It’s the height of being an idol…It’s not like we ourselves covet the status of being popular figures.
Aira: We're the younger generation. Yeah, we’re not really hungry for power. 
I mean, have you ever thought of aiming to become one of ES' Big 3?! Honestly, I haven’t.
Tatsumi: The Big 3….Hm. If popularity ranking is visualized on the foundation of a clear, numerical value of L$, it may be an appropriate indicator of authority within ES.
Aira: But numbers aren’t everything, right?
Even for a term like “top idol”, everyone has different criteria for what makes someone at the top.
In my case, I call someone a top idol when I can point at them and call them great but…
How well they sell, their ability, popularity...Financial power? It's not like the top idols in every sphere are all the same
Mayoi: Yeah. Even after this much deliberate thinking, there’s no way that we can just come up with something so suddenly, after all…
Tatsumi: The realization seems to be setting in that viewing things from an ordinary perspective will not do—For both close goals, and far goals
Hiiro: ….That’s right but. It’s just one thing, but something came to mind for me.
Aira: Huh, when?
Hiiro: Less of being something that I want to do, it’s more of something that came to mind.
It’d be a job for everyone in Alkaloid, and not only can we act on it at once, but I have a feeling that we would rake in some good experience.
I was told it was a happening on a large scale…We should be able to get good results from it.
Aira: W-Wait a sec. Don’t leave me hanging, hurry up and tell us.
Hiiro: —Yes.
Let’s do a live. With Alkaloid, let’s participate in Underland.
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In Japanese, what Aira says here is a 5-7-5 syllable pattern, which is a haiku
A senryu haiku is a type of haiku that is usually a dark comedy about human fallacies
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toujokaname · 2 months
Card shuffle / Episode 13
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Author: Akira
Characters: Rinne, Aira, Mayoi, Niki, HiMERU, Tatsumi, Kohaku, Hiiro
"—I see. In today's match, the winner was Crazy:B."
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[ Read on my site for a better viewing experience using Ois~su ♪ ]
Season: Winter
Location: Café Cinnamon
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Rinne: You see, I, Rinne Amagi-kun, am the leader of Crazy:B. That fact has never officially changed on paper or in any official records.
Aira: W-Well, even if the records say so, it was decided by the show's rules, as part of the production, to swap leaders—
Rinne: Hey, did any of you guys hear that notice from anyone other than me?
Mayoi: Eh...? Ah, now that you mention it...? It was Rinne-san who informed us about the change in leadership, and neither ES nor the administration made any mention of it—correct?
Niki: Y-Yeah. Rinne-kun suddenly brought it up, and we just kinda went along with it, like "oh, for realsies~?"
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Niki: If it meant getting rid of Rinne-kun's tyranny, even for just a little, I was all for it.
Rinne: Niki's in for a wrestling move later.
—And oh, if you bothered to pay attention to the project proposal, you would've noticed that not a single line mentioned a leader swap.
HiMERU: So, to sum it up, Amag—Rinne just spoke on his own accord about the leadership exchange.
We were under the mistaken impression that it was a directive from the planning or management team.
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Niki: W-Why'd you have to tell such a lie?! Got my hopes up for nothing! I thought, finally, I could be happy too!
Rinne: You better start practicing your falling techniques.
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Tatsumi: —I see.
In today's match, the winner was Crazy:B.
It was a strange, inherently implausible event.
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Kohaku: Ahh? Is it really so impossible for us to beat ALKALOID? Just 'cause ES has it out for us, ain't ya gettin' a little too arrogant?
Tatsumi: I didn't mean that, what I meant was that it was a strange situation within the framework of the Matrix rules.
As Rinne-san confessed earlier, his and Hiiro-san's positions were not exchanged—If that is indeed the case...
In today's showdown, not a single Crazy:B member was on the stage.
Mayoi: Errmm, umm... Aah, yes, I understand.
If Hiiro-san remained the leader of ALKALOID, then only the four members of ALKALOID were on the stage.
That means that no one from Crazy:B's side was present in the showdown.
HiMERU: Right. Then, under normal circumstances, Crazy:B should have lost by default.
And yet. The audience gave a high score to Crazy:B, even though none of us were on stage...
As a result, we ended up being declared the winners.
Rinne: Ain't that a riot ♪ Under Matrix's rules, everyone waved their glow sticks at the empty, uninhabited void.
They were voting up a storm! Gyahaha! ☆
HiMERU: You appear to genuinely enjoy ridiculing people like this, Rinne.
Rinne: But I mean, ain't it clear how meaningless the DreamFes system is?
Even if according to the rules there are no idols, rack up plenty of votes, and suddenly you're "outstanding idols," huh! ♪
In the extreme, idols don't even have to sing and dance on stage. If they get votes, they're winners, they're the superior idols—What a load of bullshit! ♪
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Rinne: Do you think I can stomach to have our worth be measured by such an empty system without an ounce of humanity? Do you?
I'm gonna keep on proving just how stupid ES is, so buckle up!
ES's beloved ALKALOID will be thoroughly beat to a pulp, while we, Crazy:B, who ES hates like poisonous bugs, continue our winning streak—
I'm gonna kick the shit outta ES through you guys and laugh my ass off, gyahahahaha! ☆
Hiiro: —Is that so. I see. That's amazing.
There was no change of monarch (leader). Through such a trivial trick, Nii-san brought two victories to his own forces.
Niki: What? Really? It does look like we won today's game, but for the next round—
Hiiro: I remained the monarch of ALKALOID. In other words, all of the ALKALOID members took part in the competition as “representative players."
Following the Matrix rules, none of us can compete in the next round. In other words, regardless of the details of the match, Crazy:B will win by default in the next showdown.
Rinne: Exactly right. Two victories outta two matches, and we've already pulled ahead of ALKALOID by a considerable margin.
It'll be a liiittle tough to make a comeback from this point on ♪
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Aira: S-Setting all this up before the real battle even started... You're taking this frivolous wrestling showdown way too seriously, Rinne-senpai.
It's incredible... Really, incredible is the only word for it...
Rinne: Ohh, look at you actually praising me for once, Girlfriend-kun.
Aira: I'm not praising you, I'm just kinda appalled...
So much stuff's starting to make sense now—Rinne-senpai seemed oddly detached despite looking like he'd enjoy this kinda competition.
Was it because you were planning to betray us right away?
HiMERU: Indeed. Hiiro-san trained HiMERU and the others so thoroughly that we sincerely hoped he'd take pity on us, but there'd be no need to do so if he was going to betray us sooner or later.
Hiiro: Umu. That would only end up aiding the enemy.
Rinne: Gyahaha. After getting told the truth, it's way too late to be saying "I thought something was off." You're so lame ♪
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Rinne: And of course, this ain't all I've got in store for you. I've mapped out a strategy to win every battle from start to finish, so you better brace yourselves—"ALKALOID."
It's thanks to ES's favoritism that you've been strolling along the sparkling Cinderella road.
But in this project, you lot are gonna continue suffering these miserable defeats, playing the role of pathetic losers, got it?
The role you've been given is not that of a poor little ash-covered princess who deserves to be happy.
Instead, you're meant to play the wicked stepmothers and stepsisters who trample on such unfortunate heroines.
You've been strutting around all high and mighty, but this time around, there's no happy ending in store for you ♪
Tatsumi: ...As much as we're being spoken ill of, I don't believe we've done anything particularly cruel.
Rinne: True that! Tough luck, you guys are just unfortunate gamblers who happened to roll the worst possible fumble.
You might have a laundry list of gripes, but you better curse your rotten luck for having stumbled into the gambling den that is the idol industry!
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HiMERU: —Your gaze was vacant and lifeless until today, but suddenly you're brimming with energy, Rinne.
Niki: Yeah, that look on his face's like when he hits the pachinko jackpot and a buncha balls start flooding out...
Kohaku: I reckon this rotten scoundrel feels most alive when showin' off his own wickedness.
Madara-han from Double Face is cut from the same cloth.
Rinne: Hey, hey, I'm practically handing you guys the win, so won'tcha ease up already?
[ ☆ ]
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everglowstardust · 1 year
One and Only
English Translation:
Overwhelmed by huge waves
My struggling pride is so tiny
I innocently reach out
Aiming for the sunlight, never look back
The world is simpler than I imagined
I’m gonna wish “I want to live!” more
But my journey is longer than I imagined
I won’t hesitate anymore
I’m gonna shout out, One and Only
One more step forward, forward
I’ll puff my chest out, One and Only
I won’t let anyone imitate me
It’s like my buttons are slightly off
Even though this isn’t what I planned
The things important to me breaking
Feels like waking from a dream too soon
The world is more twisted than I imagined
The more I talk about it, the farther the truth gets
But my bonds are stronger than I imagined
C’mon c’mon, until the day we meet again
I’m gonna shout out, One and Only
One more step forward, forward
I’ll be sure to remember it, One and Only
A step just for myself
Oh yeah oh yeah I’m alive
I’m not alone, I can say that now
I hear your voice
Like a soft breeze
Oh yeah oh yeah and once again, Here I go
I can’t say that I haven’t lost anything
I have things I want to protect, after all
The way I’m trying to outrun my burdens
Is that really so bad?
I’m gonna shout out, One and Only
One more step forward, forward
I’ll get fired up, One and Only
A shout just for myself
Even you are One and Only
Another one can’t be found
It’s the genuine article, One and Only
This irreplaceable life
Oh yeah oh yeah I’m alive
I’m not alone, I’m sure of that
That warmth and those tear drops
Are like a gentle rain
Oh yeah oh yeah and once again, Here I go
Oh yeah oh yeah while singing, Here I go
Romaji Lyrics:
dekai nami ni makarete mogaku
puraido wa nante chicchai no
mushin ni hikari wo mezashite
te wo nobasu never look back
souzou ijou ni sekai wa tanjun
ikitai to motto negaou
souzou ijou tabiji wa nagaishi
ima sara mayoi wa naishi
sakebou ya One and Only
mou ippou mae ni mae ni
mune harou ya One and Only
dare ni mo manesasenai
honno botan no kakechigae
sono tsumori janai no ni
daiji na mono ga kowareru no wa
akenai yume mitai
souzou ijou ni sekai wa nejire
kataru hodo toonoku shinjitsu
souzou injou kizuna wa tsuyoishi
C’mon c’mon mata au hi made
sakebou ya One and Only
mou ippou mae ni mae ni
kizamou ya One and Only
jibun dake no suteppu
Oh yeah oh yeah I’m alive
boku wa hitori janai ima wa ieru
kimi no koe ga kikoeteiru
yawarakai kaze no you ni
Oh yeah oh yeah soshite mata Here I go
ushinau mono ga nai nante ienai
mamoritai mono datte aru
nanika wo seotte hashirinuku sugata
warukunaku nai?
sakebou ya One and Only
mou ippou mae ni mae ni
moeyou ya One and Only
jibun dake no shauto
kimi datte One and Only
hoka ni miataranai
shoushin shoumei One and Only
kakegae no nai raifu
Oh yeah oh yeah I’m alive
boku wa hitori janai kitto sou da
sono nukumori namida no tsubu
yasashii ame no you ni
Oh yeah oh yeah soshite mata Here I go
Oh yeah oh yeah utainagara Here I go
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ibitsunahaato · 2 years
Season: Winter
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Mayoi: …
Nn…. This place… Where on earth…?
Um… Is this…a jungle? Speaking of jungles, the Hokkaido jungle that Trickstar was trapped in… The memory is still fresh in my mind.
C-Could it be that I was brought here like them—
No, I cannot be sure of that! Even if it is the lowly me, I have not committed offenses severe enough to have me thrown into a jungle…!
This has to be some kind of a cruel prank, right? Anyone… If you’re watching me, please come out!
Uu, No response…. At this point, it’s starting to seem less like a prank…?
And even though SS was chaotic, it finished without any more problems. Then, there should be no reason to abduct someone like me, right?
Agh, it hurts. Did I bump my head against something? It’s throbbing quite painfully. Is that why my memories are also so vague?
In any case, it will not do for me to meet my death by being stranded here. Let me search around for someone.
…? What is this… growing, long shadow—
[Stomp! Stomp]
Mayoi: (Eek…! M-Monster?! Some kind of creature covered with scales just passed by me…!)
(Is this a dream? Was that actually real? What in the world…I cannot make heads or tails of this…)
(Speaking of which, I am finally starting to remember.)
(A vast forest that stretches endlessly. A gigantic monster I have never seen before is wandering around—the truth of this strange, unrealistic world is—)
The Phantom… Airship…
Time: A few hours earlier. Within the first ten days of January.
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Mayoi: Ahhh… I want to be dead already, I want to disappeaaaar!
Someone like me… I’m not a being that should be acknowledged by others. I’m merely a foolish, unsightly phantom who simply hides under the guise of a normal human being…?!
To request something from someone like that… Anzu-san is too innocent. She would obviously be disappointed if she were to see my actual abilities.
Uu…. I feel faint from all this self-loathing.
At times like these, all one can do is view the precious photo I had acquired recently…. Certain nutrients can only be obtained by seeing cute and innocent kids!
Oh my, how lovely…! This photo from Branco’s concert, how pure, how innocent!
My eyes go first to Aira-san, then the other sweet kids, singing and dancing…and they are shining! Truly a sight for sore eyes… Fufu, ufufufufu… ♪
Sora: HaHa~! (tackles)
Mayoi: Hwah?! W-W-W-What is this?!
T-This is a hidden room practically nobody knows about. And I had made sure to lock properly…!
Sora: HiHi~ Happy new year, Murky Onii~san!
Aren’t we meeting for the first time since SS~? Have you been well?
Mayoi: S-Sora-san…. Why are you here?
Sora: …Should Sora have knocked?
Senpai taught Sora the electronic lock’s PIN so that Sora can come here whenever he wants to talk to Murky Onii~san.
So… Murky Onii~san, have a chat with Sora!
We were so busy during SS that we couldn’t talk despite being in the same Red Team… So I want to hear what ALKALOID is doing these days~♪
Mayoi: Y-You’re acting strangely forceful, aren’t you? It’s too dazzling for me…!
I don’t mind chatting but why don’t we do that in a coffee shop or the cafeteria instead of a place like this where there’s no one else around?
Sora: Why do you say that? This place is so quiet… Isn’t it great for talking?
Mayoi: Gulp… It’s difficult to refuse when faced with Sora-san’s beautiful eyes but…
Anyway, we simply cannot stay here. This is a secret room where no one else was supposed to enter. If my secret place is exposed, then it would cause trouble for even Sora-san…!
Natsume: Hmm. I was wondering what you were up to and it turns out you were staring at Sora’s photo without my permissiON?
Mayoi: Eek! N-Natsume-san is also here?!
Natsume: Fufu. I entered while Sora had your attentiON.
Not just mE. Even Senpai is hERE. I’d appreciate it if you could welcome him tOO.
Tsumugi: Hello~ Good to see you again, Ayase-kun.
Your performance with Crazy:B during the SS finals was incredibly wonderful.
I had actually wanted to tell you immediately afterwards but that day was really busy, right?
Ah, that reminds me. I had received leftover catering food from SS, as a sort of New Year’s gift I suppose you could say? Please have some Kouhaku[1] steamed buns if you would like some ♪
Mayoi: No. Um… Actually…
Everyone, what possibly could you all want with someone like me? The three members of Switch have assembled… Are the magicians going to exorcise the phantom or something…?!
Natsume: Your persecution complex is too extreME.
ActuaLLY, we have a job perfect for someone with an inferiority complex like youRS.
We’re inviting ALKALOID to the Phantom AirshIP. Will you cooperate?
Mayoi: Phantom Airship…? What is…that?
Sora: Seeing it yourself is more fun! And we swear there won’t be any harm in checking it out~!
Please believe in Sora and Switch! We’ll cast the magic of happiness and turn Murky Onii~san’s colour into a warm one for sure ☆
Writer: Kino Seitarou
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JP Proofing: nazunyan427 ✦ EN Proofing: Clyde
Kouhaku manjuu or red and white steamed buns are eaten during special occasions. Click here to learn more.
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madd-computergore · 2 years
I love Mayoi Ayase so i will ramble abt her b/c i am insane and she's my wife /hj
I love how she's so passionate abt her dances and music, she truly cares so much abt wanting her peers and other members of groups to get better that she goes out of her way to write them encouraging advice and constructive messages until she earned the the nickname "phantom". She could've instead done nothing and just watched them struggle until they just decided to half ass it or give up but instead she helps them.
I also love her personality, it shows that even though she has bad intrusive thoughts she makes it clear that they're nothing but thoughts even if she almost acts out on it. Intrusive thoughts aren't bad or hard to control but considering she has some form of trauma and almost acts out on some things (ie. Mentions of wanting to drug, peep, stalk ect) she controls them to the best of her control and succeeds, even if she insults herself to now end.
Which brings me to another thing, i want to know what exactly caused her trauma. As of now, I'm playing ensemble stars in the English servers so maybe her past is revealed in the Japanese servers but i want to know what made her so scared of people, what happened that made her be so anxious of people to the point she gets panic attacks, why is she so self loathing and deprecating? Does it have to do with the Shinkai cult? Does she even play a role there? And if she does, what was it? What was her role? It's clear that she played some role since Kanata mentioned that she "smelled familiar" (as far as i remember).
Aside from that, i love that she can handle herself, even though through all of the self doubt, even with her struggle with a group of people, let alone an audience, even with constant insult towards herself, she still manages to be an idol and be happy with it. She can sing and dance and let the music do its thing and make her do all of these things gracefully. She could've quit, i imagine if anyone was feeling what she feels for even a day, no one would deal with it without stressing and feeling miserable (not that I'm saying that she doesn't feel that way, she's mostly silently about it) but she doesn't mind it and in fact is happy that she's experiencing it with her friends.
She's also just so pretty to look at, she looks so scared but when she smiles she's so happy!! She makes me wanna tuck into bed and give her a forehead kiss while singing her a lullaby! Her blush is so cute and her cute shark teeth is so cool! Her beauty mark is so pretty to look at, i wanna kiss it muah muah i love my wife.
I also love how she's so passionate abt her hobbies!! She loves making dioramas! I never really cared for them but now everytime i even hear anything related to dioramas my mind immediately goes to mayoi! She's so talented and it fits her so well! She loves small-cute things so what's better than making some small-cute things right? She also likes sweets and the outdoors, i can definitely see her being outside the most, enjoying the forest or maybe a meadow and just sitting down while she eats some cookies or small cakes and pastries with some grapes on the side and just staring at some flowers, or maybe just relaxing after a hard day of training and practicing, with school on top of that!
Anyways my hyperfixation won, can't believe i like enstars, enstars is trash and I'm mad i know what it is, it should be deleted off the internet /affectionate (if enstars ever disappears i will cry)
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mayoiayasep · 2 years
i know everyones gonna say her, but mayoi for the ask game <3
ooh i was waiting for this one<3
favorite thing about them: she's soooo pretty and canonically super skilled as well like she can cook dance and sing goddamn
least favorite thing about them: we have no lore and it haunts me everyday happyele release the mayoi tour im begging
favorite line: "(Even if I were to be in complete darkness, there are people who will call my name and drag me out to the center stage. ...I am not alone anymore." the way i wanted to start sobbing when i saw this
brOTP: mayoi and sora!! or mayoi and shinobu its just mayoi and the two most supportive little guys in the world
OTP: tatsumayo!! though tbh i have been side eyeing arashi and mayoi for a good few weeks now
nOTP: i dont have one that i hate?? per se but i dont like mayoi and aira
random headcanon: she has a bunch of scars from scabs that didnt heal over properly bc it kept picking at them
unpopular opinion: assuming mayoi fans are creepy or into weird stuff even as a "joke" isnt fucking funny
song i associate with them: lake by roland faunte (thank you spicy)
favorite picture of them:
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look at her<3<3 mipy<3
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sucrows · 1 year
Hi!! I just read your nazuna post and I love it <3 curious though, do you have any other transmasc hcs for other characters? Or was that just a one time thing for the drabble
I love considering any and every character as trans when the whim hits me tbh, butttt I do of course have favorites so I'm going to make a list of who and why for both horny and non horny reasons: (under cut because i got too invested lmao)
Nazuna: Ok we already know i just have the hots for him BUT theres also other reasons. One of the big factors in Nazuna's misery in Ex Valk was because of his voice changing and no longer being able to sing his old parts. Can you imagine the angst potential in that being because he started T? ESPECIALLY if he were stealth? Like, I highly doubt he would've been able to get away with it but, if he were, then his voice changing would've been something occurring due to something he actively chose to go through. Would he feel like him choosing his joy in transitioning is the same as choosing Shu and Mika's misery? There's just so much to consider there
Mayoi: I also have the hots for them and every character I have them for is schrodinger's gender where they're whatever I want at the moment. Otherwise, he's a weirdo! A freak! I love that for him! I enjoy his funkiness and think he should embrace it with his gender. A lot of trans people are already outcasts so fuck it! he's already an outcast why not embrace it. Not to mention it would add another layer of depth to his insecurities. Transmasc, trans man, transfem, trans woman, nonbinary, agender, genderfluid, all of it!! any of it!!!
Kuro: Ok, weird one, hear me out though. It stemmed after I read this on ao3 (AFAIK the author does not have a tumblr). He feels pressure to be good for his unit, his friends, his family, etc etc- but one of the things he isn't good at is basically anything "feminine". He's a very stereotypically manly person in appearance and its often what he's recognized for. What if though, he just... starts longing to be what he's not? Maybe he spends time in groups and circles with more women because of his more stereotypical feminine interests and he finds himself feeling a bit too at home there. Maybe he gets a few opportunities to wear a cute, pretty, or beautiful getup and he's like... oh... i like this. Just!!! Agh!!! I like the idea of transfemme Kuro a lot.
Hiyori: Ignored youngest daughter raised to ignore her own feelings discovers he's happier as a man and goes on to do his own thing but still feeling an obligation to the family that raised him even though he was pushed aside in favor of his older brother? Once again, angst potential. Oh also, he's already really fucky with his appearance in not being scared to wear prettier, more feminine shit in a way that implies he know what he's doing and i love that. Could just be him being cool as fuck, or that tboy swag. Either way, I like it.
Ibara: oh i just think it's be neat, otherwise though, we've all seen the unbloomed bogie time card. Similar vein as Kuro, he was raised in a an environment filled with nothing but men, men, and more men. He probably didn't even consider it an option for a really long time that he could be anything but a man. The way I see it happening is through a convo with someone who is already out and trans and hearing about their experiences. He thinks the experience they describe sounds to similar to his background thoughts on his gender and then it suddenly hits him that "oh no... am I?". He would probably stay in the closet a longgg time and then one day just come out all at once.
Oof I don't have to much energy for the rest of these but some others im fond of: Natsume, Shu, Niki, & Ritsu.
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real-life-cryptid · 3 years
i would like to know about your music industry au please i'm begging you
ok so this is a. ranpoe-centric au because i. that is my whole identity. i only produce ranpoe content. so the main plot of the au revolves around ranpo and poe and their relationship as stars of the music industry under the spotlight
the organizations here are all labels / production agencies that the characters happen to work under depending on their affiliation, and the heads of the organizations are the producers that the characters are signed under (ie; ranpo is signed to fukuzawa's agency as a solo jpop idol)
a lot of the plot before My plot parallels the actual bsd plot up until the guild arc but converted into something music industry related (atsushi getting kidnapped and rescued 500 times in canon is turned into the agency and port mafia battling over who will sign indie singer atsushi to their label first in au,)
some characters sing solo, others are in a band. none of this is based off the actual band mayoi cards (though those are very cool and i love them to death)
THE AGENCY: one of the most famous labels in japan, specializes in producing jpop/jrock/indie musicians. one of its famous associated bands is "moonlitdreams", a bedroom pop band made up of nakajima atsushi (lead singer), izumi kyouka (backing vocals / songwriter), and miyazawa kenji (instrumental)
THE PORT MAFIA: nicknamed the "Port Mafia" for its strict contract, suspected corruption, and harsh treatment of its stars. specializes in jrock / rap. its primary claim to fame is the creation of "Double Black", the jrock band that keeps topping the charts... despite dazai's departure from the band and the Port Mafia label as a whole.
THE GUILD: nicknamed the guild for its exclusivity, it takes in talented singers from all sorts of genres, from punk rock to... erm. religious ska. its publicity contract is notoriously strict, and being seen acting outside of it is enough to get you kicked off the label, no matter your talent. hailing from here is the pop punk band "The Living Dolls", made up of lucy maud montgomery (lead singer / guitarist) and mark twain (drummer / background vocals). formerly, edgar allen poe was their background vocalist and songwriter, but he left the band for unspecified reasons.
pspspspp just ask if you want to know about other characters ;) real life artists that produce similar music to what i think they would produce in the au will be listed in italics after the description
edogawa ranpo - jpop / alternative / pop rock singer. his adoptive dad, fukuzawa, runs the Agency, so he's often accused of gaining fame due to nepotism. in truth, the Agency was created for him and his talents, so the nepotism charge is very unfounded. he's a musical prodigy, able to master almost every instrument he lays his fingers on, but the reason for his minor fame despite all of his talents is that he is .... awful at publicity. though he is a likeable public figure, he does not hesitate on being bluntly honest even if it will ruin his reputation. get this man away from talk shows.
(artists: polkadot stingray, necry talkie, kero kero bonito)
edgar allan poe - gothic rock / dark cabaret / pop punk singer. released solo albums along with being a part of "The Living Dolls" up until six years ago. his last public appearance was guest-starring on an international singing competition with ranpo, who openly criticized his work, and then he disappeared for good from the public eye by announcing an indefinite hiatus. just before his hiatus, he posted a twitter statement claiming that his break was "for mental health reasons", but it's widely speculated that it had something to do with the singing competition. despite his total radio silence, his music is incredibly popular among certain circles (goths and emos) and they anticipate any signs of him coming back from hiatus.
(artists: thoushaltnot, shayfer james, ludo)
lucy maud montgomery - pop punk singer and the lead of "The Living Dolls", she's most known for her crazy vocal range and tendency to produce awesome breakup songs (despite never having had a known relationship). she struggles a lot with the Guild publicity contract, having been put on probation multiple times for letting her temper get the best of her while interacting with the paparazzi. she desperately wants poe to come out of hiatus-- not even to rejoin the band, but simply because she's worried for him.
(artists: the regrettes, paramore, avril lavigne)
akiko yosano - pop singer who produces exclusively hit singles. redefining what it means to be a female singer in japan, she rejects the idol persona most singers take on and finds inspiration in american pop and a femme fatale image. all of her songs are incredibly #girlboss. good for her. ranpo's foster sister and best friend, she coaches him through most public interaction with the media so that he doesn't ruin his reputation permanently. she is ranpo's de facto manager / advisor.
(artists: beyonce, the spice girls, gwen stefani)
hoping to cooperate with an american label, fukuzawa makes an agreement with fitzgerald to send one of his artists over to America to collaborate with a Guild artist. fitzgerald is actually not very keen on cooperating, because he plans on buying out the Agency anyways, but for pretense he agrees.
the artist that's sent over is none other than ranpo-- and the singer he is sent to collaborate with is none other than poe, who is really not happy to see him for some reason. ranpo and poe's first meeting was on a singing competition, like the voice, and long story short poe got embarrassed on live tv so hard by ranpo that he took a 6 year hiatus from music LMFAO. and now he is permanently bitter and also refuses to produce music. which is actually why fitz set the two of them up together anyways: he doesn't really want to cooperate w/ ranpo's label, so he steered ranpo towards the One artist he employs that doesn't make music anymore to be like ohhh nooo u aren't making songs what a shame. back to japan u go.
of course ranpo doesn't remember indirectly driving poe to his 6 yr hiatus, he just remembers giving ~constructive criticism~ and then. not seeing poe for the rest of the show ever. ehehehe. maybe he should've guessed but urrr. its a rough start on the collab because poe simultaneously refuses to talk to ranpo, work, or let ranpo work. they butt heads w/ working together because poe is so capricious and keeps fluctuating between "i dont want to do this" and "stop doing it yourself you'll mess up". even in terms of genre, they clash-- poe's goth ass lyrics don't mesh at all with the upbeat instrumental of ranpo's music.
because of this, they're constantly at each other's throats. even as ranpo repeatedly tells poe "i don't want to fight with you, i respect you as an artist", poe can only focus on the way ranpo insulted him 6 years ago and hates that ranpo is acting like it never happened n trying to be nice to him (not an act btw ranpo legitimately does not remember what happened). this all leads up to a huge argument where poe finally voices the actual problem he has w ranpo about the singing competition 6 yrs ago instead of being passive aggressive about it and ranpo is like "What. That's Not How I Remember It." and they start piecing together the misunderstandings.
ranpo apologizes which is really rare for him so 👍 and says that it's what he thinks now of poe that matters and despite all of the fights they've been through, ranpo admires poe and can see the other's talent for songwriting. this flips a switch in poe's brain in where he realizes that the reason he was so emotionally distraught after the singing competition incident was not only because of the public humiliation of getting called out on live tv, but also because he liked ranpo and ranpo's criticism felt like rejection which he physically could not deal with so he channeled that into being angry. he does not voice this because its a realization he just doesn't want to deal with so. repression ❤️❤️
over the course of working on the collab album together, they gradually grow a quiet respect for the other. they live together in poe's studio apartment because ranpo Could find a hotel but it's easier to work together when you're in close proximity. they learn the little things about each other that make it hard to really truly despise the other person -- ranpo's sweet tooth, poe's doting affection for his pet raccoon karl. their relationship becomes less strained and more amicable. ranpoe domestic era.
poe starts avidly writing songs of his own again, and he'll never admit it, but the muse for his newer songs is always ranpo. he's kind of Down Horrendous but he refuses to acknowledge it. not even when confronted with the literal love song he wrote about ranpo. ranpo of course is Very Aware that these songs are based off him but he never says anything about it because 1) he's already ruined their relationship once by humiliating poe. he will not do it Again by asking if these songs are about him. and 2) he enjoys looking over poe's lyric drafts because it feels like a personal love letter to him (which it basically is since this is the only way poe feels comfortable expressing his feelings about ranpo) and 3) he's been Down Horrendous for poe ever since they met 6 yrs ago (though his feelings faded a little when poe was being a passive aggressive dick to him) so its nice to see poe catch up.
they finish their album, and on the night of its official release, they get extremely drunk together in their own little celebration party. ranpo can hold his alcohol because all he ever drinks is fruity little cocktails that actually get you drunk so fast so he's built a Tolerance. poe however has an alcohol sensitivity and so he can get white girl wasted after only a glass of wine. so the situation is that ranpo is only a little drunk while poe is fucking GONE.
ranpo suggests that they take a little walk outside in a nearby park so as to sober up poe a little n while they sit on a bench, poe drunkenly kisses ranpo n confesses his feelings. ranpo can't help but get a little flustered but ultimately he is like "yes yes i know i like you too but you are going to be soo mad when you wake up and realize you've confessed while wasted so you can tell me again when you're sober". n poe goes YOU LIKE ME TOO???? why is he so surprised. after that revelation poe cannot keep his hands off of ranpo because now he knows hes Allowed to want ranpo in this way so even with ranpo halfheartedly resisting in consideration of sober poe's feelings, ranpo gives in to poe and ermm. long story short they get very caught up in each other to the point of being totally unaware that the paparazzi now has a photo of them making out at the door of poe's apartment.
the next morning, poe wakes up to a really bad hangover, his phone blowing up with panicked text messages from lucy and twain with links to different gossip articles + too many twitter notifications, 25 missed calls from fitzgerald, and a sleeping ranpo in his bed. and he completely panics. not only did he obviously make a Very Public move on ranpo, someone he would rather confide his feelings to in private, but he also violated fitzgerald's publicity contract And accidentally "confirmed" the rumors of him n ranpo being in a relationship so now his twitter mentions are clogged as FUCK.
so in his panic he books the next one-way flight to yokohama in ranpo's name, shakes ranpo awake, and tells him that he has to go back to japan. after all, the contract is over, they've released the album. no more reason for the other to stay. poe tries to distance himself from ranpo so it'll hurt less when he leaves. insists that everything was all business and that last night was nothing more than a slipup so really, ranpo should start packing. ranpo doesn't understand poe's panic bc he doesn't care at all about the paparazzi or publicity in general and instead gets a little mad that poe would call what they had "business" because even Before they kissed it had Never been business, not even once, so for poe to say that it was. hurts more than he'd like to admit.
they get into a big argument and it ends with ranpo slamming the door in poe's face n leaving with the plane ticket. once ranpo leaves, poe tries to defuse the situation on social media and appease fitzgerald but everything he does once ranpo is gone feels kinda hollow. technically poe won the argument by getting ranpo to fly back to japan where he'll probably forget the other but. does not feel like hes won at all. ranpo has a few days before his flight so he's staying at a hotel and all the while poe is agonizing over his decision and moping around. he decides he'd rather endure all the gossip and have ranpo by his side than not have ranpo in his life anymore, but he can't find a way to Tell ranpo this. lucy gets very tired of poe venting all of his relationship problems at her so on the morning of the flight she pulls up to poe's apartment in her red cadillac and is like "get in loser. we're chasing down your man before he leaves so you can get your shit together." poe has no choice but to get in the car. lucy has a metal bat and he is weak willed and missing ranpo.
they pull up to the airport and catch ranpo before he boards the flight. yosano has been doing her own work as a ranpoe wingman by delaying the flight and talking with ranpo about poe's point of view of this whole situation so now ranpo is less mad and more guilty that he lashed out while poe was in emotional distress. poe apologizes for his harsh words and says he doesn't want to force ranpo to stay with him, but he'd like to pursue a relationship outside of work even if it means losing his contract at the Guild. ranpo in turn also apologizes for losing his temper, and says that poe was right before. he kind of Has to return to yokohama now so he can't stay in america. poe visibly deflates at that before ranpo says "but. nobody said you couldn't follow me to yokohama." with a sly grin. they kiss in the middle of the airport and lucy + yosano are blissfully free from the roles of wingwomen for two stupid gay men. the enddd ❤️
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Rankin’ the Waifus
I feel like when you’re drunk with friends, you either have the best ideas ever, or the worst ideas. Which is this? Well, at first, I thought this was a fantastic idea, given that @fukae-flwr challenged Drunk Me to do this, until she gave me the rules. . . The rules made it even harder for Drunk Me to do, leaving Sober Me to rise to the challenge, just to prove her wrong. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Persephone, you have too many Waifus, ranking them is like picking between them is impossible,” but I finally, after a lot of debate, reviewing, and “friendly” discussions, involving way to much cussing and slamming of hands with friends, I was finally able to settle on the list, so without further ado, here are the rules.
1) Only one character from the franchise.
2) They have to be Waifus, not favorite characters (this rule comes in to play a lot later on).
Let’s kick off this list now with the easiest thing, the honorable waifus.
Honorable Mentions:
Now, these are in no particular order, because even leaving them off the top 10 was hard enough.
Lucy Heartfillia: Fairy Tail
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This one waifu per series is the only reason why Lucy had to be cut from the main list. Let’s clear something up here, Lucy is Top Tier Waifu, especially in a series with as many Waifus as there are. Lucy has everything, from a fantastic development, to a great personality, to a gorgeous character design, and she definitely deserves more praise in the series than she gets. Sadly, my waifu choice from this series, only barely beats Lucy, but not mentioning her would be a crime.
Rindo Kobayashi: Shokugeki no Souma
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Rindo is the most obvious choice from this waifu heavy series. She’s spunky, entertaining, and a glutton to boot, but above all, she’s actually a terrifying opponent to go against, especially since she’s one of the best cooks in the series. I mean hell, she literally uses alligator in one battle simply because she just felt like it, and her being apart of Centrol and having access to as many resources as they do. From the moment she’s introduced, she stole every scene she was in, even if it was just for a panel or two, if that’s not a waifu, I don’t know what is.
Maika Sakuranomiya: Blend S
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This is where that waifu rule plays in.  Maika is my waifu of the series, not my favorite character; that title is held strong by Hidori, the trap idol who steals the series from the moment they are introduced in episode 8.  Maika, and her non-intentional sadistic look, make her the best waifu choice.  It’s endearing, and sweet to watch her try her hardest to not be sadistic, but fail making all of us fall in love with her more.  Also, who doesn’t love a bit of sadism in their waifus?
C.C: Code Geass
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Ah, the waifu who started this whole drunken debate.  She’s the classic, Pizza Hut loving, immortal waifu, who is literally unforgetable.  The latest addition of her to my massive figure collection only reminded me just how strong of a waifu choice she really is, despite being from one of the oldest series on this list.  
Mayoi Hachikuji, Tsubasa Hanekawa, Hitagi Senjougahara:  The Monogatari Franchise
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Honestly, a solid argument could be made for any of these girls to be the second best waifu.  You have Hanekawa, the lovely class president who only knows what she knows, Hitagi, the tsundere who has an unhealthy obsession with stationary, Mayoi, the dead snail ghost-turned-god girl who has literally the cutest bit with Araragi in the entire series, or even Karen and Tsukihi, the Fire Sisters of our main character.  Every girl in this series is a valid choice; well all but Nadako.  Fuck Nadako.  
Now that those mentions are out of the way, let’s get to the truly hard part.  
Top Ten Waifus: 
10: Homura Akemi: Puella Magi Madoka Magica
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Okay, she’s not really 10, but I’m still mad at her, and after a full hour of debate, I still couldn’t justify putting her above any of the 9 other waifus who I wasn’t eternally mad at, so that valid.  Homura is such a bad ass, and honestly, one of the more deadlier choices of a waifu, adding on the massive magical girl obsession I have, I physically couldn’t leave her off the list.  
9: Brandish μ: Fairy Tail
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Ah, Brandish, the Nation Destroyer herself.  She’s perfect, in every way, and I’ve loved her from the moment she was introduced in the final arc, and by far one of the standouts of Alvarez.  She’s adorable with her unique design, a massive cat obsession, and a stupidly powerful magic.  Also, she’s one of the few characters to actually get some development in the entire arc.  Mashima didn’t do a lot of good things in that arc, but he did gift the world with Brandish, so I can’t be too upset.  
8: Retsuko: Aggretsuko
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One of the most relatable waifus anyone could ask for, but what more could I say that isn’t obvious?  She’s a Sanrio Red Panda who works in an office, hates her boss, and sings Death Metal kareoke.  I know she’s supposed to be an adorable mascot meant as a way to get us to spend money on her merchandise, but damnit Sanrio, did you have to make her this cute?!  Ugh, just take all my money already.  
7: Minako Aino (Sailor Venus): Sailor Moon
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This is where the waifu of the series rule killed me.  My favorite character is Hotaru (Saturn), but I wouldn’t consider her a waifu; she’s more of a badass senshi who can literally destroy an entire galaxy with one swoosh of her Silence Glaive.  The only three I would consider waifu enough for this list are Seiya, Usagi, and Minako, but after breaking it down throughly with @fukae-flwr​, we were finally able to come down to the decision that Seiya, while being fantastic in every way, is not a waifu, and Usagi, while being relatable as fuck and lovable to boot, is and can only be Seiya’s Waifu, leaving Minako, the winner of the debate, and for good reason too.  She’s loveable, kind, caring, powerful and the leader of the inner senshi, and S Tier waifu material, so overall, I can’t be unhappy with the outcome of the debate.  
6. Android 21:  The Dragonball Franchise
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Okay, this one was the hardest series for me to pick just one waifu from.  With so many choices, from Bulma to Android 18 to even Launch, (remember her? no? It’s okay, even Toriyama doesn’t).  I love all most of the Dragonball Waifus, so why did I ultimately settle for for the best Video Game Bae?  Simple.  She’s a badass who is hot as hell and literally eats people. . . .so a kink basically, but like, can you blame me?
5. Himako Toga: My Hero Academia
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A knife wielding, psychopathic, serial killing yandere schoolgirl? There isn’t even a contest, Toga is best girl.  Period.  I will fight anyone who says otherwise.  
4. Stocking Anarchy: Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt
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Again, this is another obvious choice as far as waifus go.  It was during yet another rewatch of this underrated show that I realized how much I genueinly love Stocking, and she’s clearly the better choice over Panty.  Stocking is the sweets loving, emo fallen angel/demon who cusses like a sailor and is into bondage.  Yes, I am aware, it’s another kink, but I don’t care, not even a little bit.  
3: Shalltear Bloodfallen: Overlord
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Yeah, I choose Shalltear over Albedo.  Shalltear is best girl, and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise.  I will admit though, that while Albedo is gorgeous and a great choice, Shalltear is a vampire with lesbian tendencies, and that instantly puts her above the virgin succubus.  Thank you Lord Peroroncino. 
2. Shiro: No Game No Life
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When making this list, and talking out all of the waifu ranking, there were two that didn’t budge on the list at all, Shiro, and the number one choice.  Shiro is perfect, and even in a series with freaking fox people and Jibril, and that says something.  
1. Shinobu Oshino ( Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade): The Monogatari Franchise
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Meet the Best Waifu in existence.  Honestly, it doesn’t matter if she’s in her Shinobu form, or her fully powered vampire form.  Shinobu/Kiss Shot is by far the best waifu anyone could have.  She’s a freaking powerful vampire that’s gorgeous, and mysterious in her true form, and even in her weaker form still manages to be powerful, snarky, and adorable as hell.  Also, her reaction to donuts will literally be the greatest thing in waifu history.  Ugh, I love her.  
And there you have it.  10 waifus ranked, and it only took three days, three people to rant to, and a shitton of headache pain killers later.  @fukae-flwr​ told you I could do it.  Next challenge. . . Husbandos.   Oof.  
So yeah. . . . Thoughts I guess?
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aeoki · 25 days
Blackjack - Miracles Don't Exist: Chapter 13
Location: Star Fest Stage Characters: Shinobu, Souma, Mayoi, Tetora & NEGI Season: Winter
TL Note:
“禰宜 / negi” is the term for shinto priests. They primarily address prayers and general worship to the deities.
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NEGI: “He’s right, Mayoi-sensei.”
“You’re a pretty amazing person, so don’t put yourself down so much.”
“Just kidding. Hurts my own ears hearing that.”
Tetora: Is that Kurone-san? No, NEGI-san, right? He’s got a dress on…?
NEGI: “Yup. It’s NEGI.”
“I do have a real name, though. I was raised to be a NEGI[⁎] – a priest – so that’s what I use to call myself. Pretty ironic, though.”
“But today, I’ll throw away the irony and hatred.”
“And I’ll sing of love as an idol with an innocent smile on my face.”
“Let’s celebrate Christmas Eve. That’s what you wanted, right, Anzu?”
“That’s what you wished for.”
“Ahh, I couldn’t have imagined this when I was still alive…”
“What a happy future.”
“Haha. I think I might accidentally go to heaven.”
Mayoi: Hehe. Anzu-san looks so happy.
Shinobu: I see. So Anzu-san came to see this. She risked her life to escape.
Mayoi: Come to think of it, NEGI-san mentioned this, didn’t she? That she was looking forward to “Star Fest” and standing on stage with the outfit Anzu-san made for her.
I tried to stop her by telling her it was dangerous over and over again, though.
But she isn’t the sort of person who would listen to those warnings.
We only lived together for a short amount of time, but I can tell.
Souma: Sengoku, Ayase-dono and Nagumo as well – You should all come up on stage.
Right now, it is indeed his… her solo stage, but I have sensed something unpleasant from a short while ago.
It appears there is something evil…
Who has poked their head out from someplace safe and has their sights on their prey – on her.
Based on what I’ve heard from Sengoku, they must be the followers of the one controlling the “aidoru industry” from the shadows, correct?
And judging by the sort of event “SS” is, we who have passed the “SS” Qualifying Round and are set to participate in the Main Stage should be assets that are difficult for him to let go of.
We will be useful pawns he needs to control the “aidoru industry”, no, the whole world in the future.
We overcame the difficult qualifying round and were selected as those sorts of people.
Therefore, if we stand by her side and become walls of flesh, then it should also be difficult for that detestable individual to lay a hand on her.
It would be impossible for someone to control an industry if they are a fool who defiles and destroys their own assets themselves.
If they can make decisions in a calm manner, then they should not attempt something so foolish.
NEGI: “I sure wonder about that. I told Anzu this but ‘Priest’ isn’t sane anymore.”
“Perhaps he’s lost all sight of his priorities and might just come directly to kill me.”
“He might have simplistic thoughts and not care about the aftermath, ordering his subordinates to finish me with a bang.”
Souma: Then, that would be splendid. If he is that foolish, then this “Priest” will eventually lose miserably against us and leave with Hasumi-dono guiding him to the exit.
We can bring his weakness to light. That is what we want.
And if he takes action, then Hasumi-dono will be angered. If Hasumi-dono is angered, then his childhood friend, Tenshouin-dono, will as well. If those two start moving, everything else will too.
If there are casualties, even “Priest” will have a difficult time trying to cover it up. For that reason, his footing will be unsteady and an opening will be created.
It is highly unlikely that those troublesome upperclassmen will let that opportunity escape.
Shinobu: So we’re the diversion, huh. Well, stirring up the battlefield is the job of a ninja ~de gozaru.
It would be a ninja’s honour to become a sacrifice for victory.
Tetora: That’s a cool line you’ve said there, Shinobu-kun, but you’re also trembling like crazy.
Mayoi: Indeed – How cute.
Souma: Hehe. It is natural to be deterred when faced with an extremely dangerous situation. But despite that, you all braved the fear and came up on stage.
It is admirable, my dear younger brothers. You two are truly men amongst men.
Tetora: Hehe. I’d prefer if you complimented me and said I’m an “excellent idol” instead.
Shinobu: Yeah ~de gozaru. “Star Fest” isn’t over just yet – As long as the stage stands, it is an idol’s job to perform on it.
We are simply doing what’s natural, Kanzaki-dono.
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Souma: I see. Hahaha, the future of Yumenosaki is a bright one.
I am relieved. You, too, are the same, no, Anzu-dono?
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toujokaname · 2 months
Card shuffle / Episode 10
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Author: Akira
Characters: Rinne, Mayoi, Aira, Tatsumi, Hiiro
"—Now, let the showdown begin, ALKALOID!"
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[ Read on my site for a better viewing experience using Ois~su ♪ ]
Season: Winter
Location: MDM Stage
Ten minutes later. Matrix Round 1, just before the start of the "vocal ability" showdown.
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Rinne: Welp, let's get on with it.
Mayoi: Y-You seem rather unenthusiastic, Rinne-onii-san.
Rinne: Hey, you've got no business calling me "Onii-san." Ah, though Ai-chan can do it, since you're gonna be my brother's wife ♪
Aira: Can't lose your temper... Can't lose your temper... This scumbag's one of us now, getting mad's just giving him what he wants—
Tatsumi: Fufu. Um, anyway... So, excluding Rinne-san, the three of us will participate in the first "vocal ability" match, is that correct?
Aira: In other words, it'll just be the official ALKALOID members...?
Rinne: Yeah. I'm the odd one out. No matter how much we rush to blend in now, the out of place feeling's gonna win out.
We haven't even practiced syncing our voices. Even if I try to fill in for what Otouto-kun usually does, it's just gonna be about matching the numbers.
I can't fully become the real Otouto-kun, so I'll always be inferior compared to the usual.
The place's also bad. We're on ES's turf, and the crowd gathered here are mostly our usual fans.
Tatsumi: Ahh, well, we did attempt some low-budget promotion to attract some audience.
Rinne: Yeah. It was a bit too late, but Akan-san worked hard for us.
Looks like there was some publicity on the internet and fans got rushed to gather at the event site.
And officially, Matrix is supposed to be a showdown between Crazy:B and ALKALOID.
Our rookie reputation ain't squat compared to the powerhouses...
So most of the crowd's just our fans.
It's meant to be "a grand event to celebrate the end of the fiscal year!" but it's not like fans of other units would really give a damn.
Aira: I guess... Especially since there's an entry fee.
Aside from our fans, the only people who'd still come to see the show would have to be either really curious or hardcore idol otaku.
Tatsumi: I see. For our fans, who constitute the majority of the audience, replacing Hiiro-san with Rinne-san as the leader would make ALKALOID seem rather phony.
Rinne: Right, right. They'd just be confused on how it got to that point.
On top of that, the differences between "your familiar songs" and the ones we'd be singing now will stand out, it's like shining a spotlight on the awkwardness.
They just won't enjoy the singing. People will find it hard to even evaluate us.
Tatsumi: The competition follows a DreamFes format, meaning the audience selects the winner through voting.
Eliminating elements that could dampen or confuse the emotions of the audience, who are at the core of the competition, seems reasonable—I can agree with that.
Rinne: That's the way it is! Man, you ALKALOID really came through on being so goody-goody.
If it were the Crazy:B guys, they'd be sticking their noses in everywhere, sometimes not even listening, making 'em not worth talking to.
Mayoi: Ahaha... Being serious is our strong suit, after all.
Aira: Let me clarify as an otaku.
It's dull to just be serious all the time, so Crazy:B really appeals to those who enjoy the chaos, you know?
It's not about which is better or worse, just different preferences.
Rinne: Yep, yep. Yet here they are, pitting these polar opposite units on equal footing, under the same rules, just to see who's better.
I'd rather not keep repeating the same point. It ain't sinking in, huh? What Matrix really boils down to.
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Rinne: ...Akan-san's always been like that.
Aira: ...?
(I guess Rinne-senpai and that AkanP have history after all?)
(Maybe AkanP was the producer responsible for Rinne-senpai when he was a rookie...)
(He was pretty obscure at that time, and it's been so long that I don't remember much about it.)
(Maybe I'll dig up some old magazine issues later. I'm pretty sure there's some with Rinne-senpai's name lying around at home.)
(I-I mean, I don't even really care. So what if they knew each other before? It's not like it means anything.)
(But... I can't help but feel curious.)
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Rinne: Hm? What's up, Ai-chan, staring at me like that... Gyahaha, you cheating with your brother-in-law while Otouto-kun's not around? You're pretty naughty for someone with such a cute face ♪
Aira: Can you please stop talking? People are already here, so I don't wanna hit you.
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Aira: (Ughhh, I just got it wrong. Rinne-senpai is Rinne-senpai, and that fragile expression I thought I saw—must've been my imagination.)
(Rinne-senpai will always be an unpredictable, inconsiderate jerk who keeps you guessing.)
(I even felt a bit sorry for him back in summer, but there's no need to be kind to such an infuriating guy!)
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Hiiro: —Now, let the showdown begin, ALKALOID!
Hehe. It's like the saying goes, "yesterday's enemy is today's friend," but in reverse. Once again, I feel the mysteries of fate that you and I will be facing off as enemies—
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Aira: Hm? Eh, Hiro-kun?
Tatsumi: Wait... Is Hiiro-san the sole representative from Crazy:B's side?
Hiiro: Umu! That's exactly right! So, does that mean you guys have three representative players, excluding Nii-san?
Aira: Yeah... Mixing in Rinne-senpai would confuse the fans, so we decided to compete with just the three real ALKALOID members.
Tatsumi: Conversely, it's a strange strategy to have only the odd one out competing. Hm, what could be the reasoning behind this?
Numerically speaking, it's three against one, placing you at a considerable disadvantage.
While Hiiro-san appears to have practiced diligently, he's not yet accustomed to Crazy:B's music.
Aira: Does it mean they're throwing the first match and betting on the next?
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Hiiro: You'll find out soon enough. But more importantly, we don't want to keep our audience waiting forever, so shall we get started?
—Let's have an enjoyable match ♪
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