#even though its freezing as fuck and dry and windy
clownpassing · 8 months
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in case you were wondering what las vegas looks like in january
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alliebruns-blog · 6 years
Rat Race Recce Report: Subterranean Snowdon
Now a few if you may know my feelings about cycling. Cyclists are cheats, bikes are cheat machines, some of them poo in their lycra, horse attacking half wits etc. but that didn’t stop me from from biting Jim’s arm off when he asked if I wanted to come to Snowdonia to recce one of the new Rat Race Projects - ‘Subterranean Snowdon’. 
I’ve done Snowdon a few times - Snowdon trail Marathon, Snowdon Ultra etc, but this promised to be more than trotting up a mountain and stumbling down again. 
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Sometimes it pays to be short....
The premise is that you start of half a mile underground in the old mines at Llanberis. You make your way up to the surface and jump on a mountain bike (gross) for 15 miles to the foot of Snowdon then run up the Watkin Path- possibly the most technically difficult way up - its’ got ridges  and drops and all sorts. You know how I like a ridge right? (Spoiler - I don’t). Once you get to the top you run down the other side and then abseil down 3-5 waterfalls to the bottom. Sounds fun right? Looks good on paper right? Reality is it’s the most exhilarating, exciting and terrifying fun you can have in 12 hours. 
We stayed the night in a little hostel in Llanberis and after a big old breakfast and briefing myself, Ross (our safety guide ninja) Jim, Darren and Handsome Pete made our way towards that start of the event - the slate mines at Parc Padarn. It was a little overcast and chilly but nothing to get upset about. Yet. 
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Yeah, that’s a train.....
We’re put in a tiny train that looks like a well dodgy, yellow vertical version of the DLR, and clank our way down the mine shaft. A little bell goes and the doors open - we are now half a mile underground in a warren of still functional mines. It’s pretty dark in mines isn’t it? That’s why I was wearing a stupid at with a light. Our guides were great and led us through the little passages (poor Handsome Pete bashing his head every 3 seconds, Jim and I not having that problem at all) until we reach a pretty steep rail track that obviously hasn't been used for some time. We have to climb up it, towards the light - a climb that starts off ok but ends as more of a scramble. I’m not really that claustrophobic but this gets your heart rate and anxiety going for sure. Once at the top, it’s straight onto our bikes which have been waiting for us at the top of the mine. This is where it starts to get funny. 
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Follow the light, kids. 
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This is the hole we popped out of......
I haven't been on a bike for ages (boris bikes drunk don’t count) and I am so glad we had Helen - our lovely mountain bike guide - to help.  I basically had to learn how to ride one again - and it is NOT the same as running. Whereas Darren looked like he was about to win the Tour de France, I came across more Pee Wee Herman. 
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Thrilled. I was thrilled. 
But that’s ok. I didn’t fall of. And Helen was brilliant. She was really encouraging and gave me some amazing tips - and didn’t laugh at me once for being shit. Well maybe once but that was because I was being shit. If the idea of riding a bike puts you off doing this - don’t let it. There loads of support and (don’t tell anyone) I actually had a really good time!
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Standard Pete Rees crouch. 
The first part of the ride is roads - downhill and fast and really good fun. The uphills were a struggle for me - running and cycling are very different AND I am bad at maths AND I’m not really very ambidextrous which made changing gear just LOL-worthy. Darren was flying up the hills, Jim was flying up them, I was getting off and walking a bit and flying DOWN them.  Handsome Pete was hanging out the back of a van filming us. Standard. Then it started raining. (It now won’t stop raining until the second we finish the trip). 
After all the fun of the roads and the beautiful farm tracks comes the really hard bit - mountain biking down very steep, very wet technical terrain. It would be hard enough to run down with trail shoes and not slip, let alone ride a bike down. I looked at the trail with slight horror wondering how I was every going to be able to do it, but once again Helen gave me a masterclass about putting my seat down, balancing and standing up - and down I bounced actually LOVING it and not falling off. Darren on the other hand had bought his MAMIL bike and DID fall off. Lessons learnt? You need a mountain nike for this or else you’re going to be carrying it on your shoulder. 
Over to Darren on that......
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Jim and Darren survey the “track”
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At this point we had been on the bikes for about 3 hours and the rain had really set in - we were all pretty much soaked. The beauty of Snowdonia make up for it though and although wet, by the end of the second leg we were all feeling awesome. 
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Serious briefing time at the start of the Watkin Path....
Quick stop at the trucks to get a change of gear, and we were off up Snowdon along The Watkin Path. This is one of the most beautiful routes up with waterfalls and woods and a gradual incline before you start to get to the big boy section. It was still drizzling but as we ascended it got worse and worse. It’s about 6km to the summit, but its a lung buster with some decent scramble sections and some terrifying ridges to deal with. It got to the point where it was so foggy and rainy I couldn’t see Handsome Pete or the Guide who were no more than a meter in from or behind me. 
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Love a water feature....
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Visibility getting worse
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OK, where is everyone? 
The good thing about this for me was I couldn’t see the drops on either side of the ridges. Anyone that read my UTA blog knows that I have a really bad fear of ridges with drops on either side. The best thing is if all I can see is cloud or fog - and that’s how it was here. Gutted there were no views, massively relieved there were no views. It was REALLY fucking windy though. 
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Lovely ridge. Thank God I can’t see it properly. 
We were all soaked and freezing and even getting changed at the Summit in the lean to of the NOT OPEN cafe seemed like false economy - the rain was NOT giving up but I was freezing so wicked on a couple more layers and put my sodden jacket back on. 
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Up we go - there were sheep up here - how the fuck did they get up there? 
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Lovely view from the top.....
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And down again.....
We started the trot down the Pyg Pass - again it was GREAT that is was so foggy and I managed the trot down pretty easily with no view. As we descended the fog lifted, but the rain and wind remained. We kept moving, because whenever we stopped we got cold. It was technical trail and bogs, technical trail and bogs, all the way up and down until we finally got got to Cwm Dyli Waterfall. It was huge and so noisy you couldn’t hear yourself think. It was awesome. 
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This is FOR real people. First waterfall drop. 
We were in a cloud at the top of the falls, and we were totally soaked and it was windy. We were all starting to get cold so did our best to keep moving while Ross and the Rat Race squad got our abseil kit ready. It was at this stage that it dawned on Handsome Pete that he might have to abseil. I had not been thinking about this part, because I needed to get over bike fear before anything else. But now, looking at the ledge we had to throw ourselves off backwards, the slippery ledge that had tonnes of water gushing over it, it became a little bit real. 
No audio apart from waterfalls - but this is where I explain to Pete there are 5, FIVE abseils. You can add your own subtitles for LOLs. 
Handsome Pete was having none of it and decided to him from up the top - filming was being made very difficult by the rain and the fact we didn’t really have a waterproof casing for the camera. Quite how my phone survived this ordeal even in my bag, is beyond me, but the only shots I have of the waterfall abseils are shots from a previous recce - but you get the idea! 
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Fun vs Not fun. You decide! 
We managed 3 abseils. I HAVE done this before (in Thailand where it’s dry) and I know where I should be putting my feet etc but it’s a different kettle of fish when you have tonnes of water gushing over you, and the rock you’re going down is VERY slippery and VERY smooth. It’s a case of not freaking out, really. The minute you realise you have started to freak out, you start to freak out more then it’s game over. 
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I got to the bottom of the first drop and fell in the plunge pool like the lady I am, then got roped up for the second one. This one was huge - there’s a picture of it above. I was literally being waterboarded by nature. You can get the idea of the power of the water in this video taken the week before on the same waterfall. 
There came a point towards the end where I totally lost my footing and swung straight into the rock and under the falls. It was actually quite glorious but fucking painful. I just kept swinging in and out like a pendulum, occasionally bashing against the rock, until Stuart - one of the badass RR experts - managed to pull me out by my harness. Embarrassing but hilarious. My bruises are amazing. 
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The third one was smaller and much more manageable and their was the option of doing 2 more, but it was late and we were all freezing and starving so we called it a day. In better weather it would have been amazing and I would have kept going all day - as it was I was very wet and cold and I knew it was stupid to carry on for no reason. 
End of the day, the whole squad got together for a curry before an amazing nights sleep. Love the Test Pilot Squad! 
So is this something I would do again? 100% yes. It’s a brilliant challenge for anyone who’s relatively fit (enough to run a 10k I reckon) and the support is amazing. I knew I could do all the things I did, I just didn’t know how much I would enjoy it. It’s hard - don't get me wrong - it’s a really long day and you are on the go the whole time but it’s also fun and beautiful and exhilarating and it teaches you stuff about your organisational skills and brainhole. Top tip for anyone thinking about this? Take a spare waterproof if it’s raining and don't scrimp on waterproof trousers - lifesavers. 
Next up? It’s Man Vs Coast with the Rat Race crew and a little recce on a sandbank that’s been put off and put off and put off. Fingers crossed for this time! 
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givemesomeluh · 8 years
Somebody Else.. 4
Somebody Else... 4 It's been a good month since the club and two and a half weeks since I last hung out with everyone. Tonight would be the first time in awhile, holly and swazz begged me to come night swimming with the crew at some cool private place. I'd agreed though admitted I wouldn't be swimming saying I had been feeling under the weather. Which was partly true, however honestly I didn't know how to swim. So when we got there I quickly asked everyone for their phones so they wouldn't get wet. Promising to snapchat our cool adventure. Tonight it was a little windy but a beautiful clear night. Nate looked sexy without a shirt on his eight pack showing, as well as his finished sleeves. Holly was wearing some skimpy red bikini and flirting with some guys that were here as well apart from our group I rolled my eyes. Looking to see what Nate would do but he was looking at me, I frowned looking away, we hadn't talked since our little disagreement but that was more on my part. I watched as everyone was jumping into the pool, the whole time I spent taking snapchat videos and laughing and being a judge for the canon ball splashes. And then everyone was packing up and heading back to the cars after I'd given them their phones back, though they had gone in a group and were starting to come back. But the boys that holly had been flirting with were still here and drying off, and my boys were o Lin their way back. However they were a few feet away when holly started towards me. "Scar, there's this really cool like underwater fountain you should take a look at and then maybe take a picture." Holly cheers softly. I nod looking over the edge of the pool, when I hear the boys laughing. I turn to see what's so funny when holly is right behind me shoving me in. I scream pushing my phone out of the way so it doesn't get wet. When my back hits the water flashbacks take control of my mind, and all I can see is the black murky water. I try to fight of the memory's screaming, when I swear I can feel Someone grabbing my leg and pulling me under like what had happened so many years ago. I start screaming and thrashing to get out of the water. The laughter at my expense stops as voices of concern take over. "Scar!" I'm hearing my name being shouted. But my flailing limbs go limp the cold water taking its toll, and my brain is shutting down. I can hear a simple splash much different than the canon balls that I had been judging Earlier tonight. But then my body is being pulled into a solid warm one. And my head is lifted out of the water. "I've got you, I've got you. I won't let go okay?" A voice is muttering into my ear. Its hard to hear over some girls screams, only is it when I feel Nate holding me tighter still muttering the same words that the screams die down, my screams die down. Nate quickly pushes me out to the water before following suit. Holly is there she's a little frantic as she keeps apologizing. "I'm so sorry scar, I didn't think the story's you told me were true, I didn't really think you were scared of the water" she mumbles. "Wait you knew?!" Nate asks quietly. I'm shaking, the wind has picked up and I'm soaked in my clothes, I try to clench my jaw, but that doesn't keep my teeth from chattering. Nate must hear as he pulls me off the stone floor, rubbing my back up and down trying to heat me up. "I mean she told me stories, that she was kind of afraid of water but I just thought she was joking I swear Nate!" She pleads. He says something but I don't catch it, as I'm Being picked up and Carried to a back seat of a car. "I'm going to take her home. Take holly home" Nate is saying before he starts the car and cranks the heater before pointing all the fans at me. "You're safe now." He whispers again. ~ ~ ~ I don't remember being dropped off at my apartment, only that I was, I stripped out of my wet clothes before pulling on my onesie, and cuddling under the covers as i was freezing. I remember falling asleep, and then waking up kind of, just to fall back asleep. I can hear a jingle go off that makes me think of my phone, but I don't want it as its making my head hurt worse. So I cower under my pillows hoping that it will stop. It does eventually so I go back to sleep. That's when I'm woken up by someone shaking me while pulling off my blanket, a cold breeze washing over my body. "Mm" I whimper shivering, and grabbing for the blankets. "Oh shit lil ma, you're burning up" I hear Nate say darkly. My eyes don't start to flutter open until I feel a cool rag against my head and neck. When I do everything's a little blurry around the edges when Nates face comes into view. "Na-ate" I croak looking up at him. "Hey lil mama" he whispers back. I try to crack a smile, but a groan comes before I'm rolling over the side of the bed and dry heaving. Not so lucky for me, there's only bile, and stomach fluid in me at the moment. Nates able to pick me up and carry me to the bathroom, where I up heave into the toilet. After I'm done, tears streaming down my face am i able to turn and see Nate slightly clearer. "Why are you here?" I croak before rinsing my mouth and brushing my teeth. Nate helps me out of the bathroom and leads me to sit on my bed as he starts to unzip my footie pajamas I don't mind as I'm soaked through in sweat. I have on only underwear so when he's finished unzipping me I tell him to turn around. Glad to be rid of the wet clothes I crawl back into bed as that took most of my energy. "Scar baby, do you want my shirt?" He asks. But I shake my head laying face down with the comforter around me. "Baby I know you're hot, so let's put you in a cold bath while I change your sheets so you're more comfortable hmm?" He asks running a hand through my damp hair. "Mmph" I groan but nod my head. Nate puts his shirt on me before picking me up and carrying me back to my bathroom. He starts up the water keeping it at lukewarm temperature, before taking my hand and leading me to the tub. "Wait, I want to sleep in this so we can't let it get wet." I mumble to Nate. He smiles a little, nodding he walks out of the bathroom, only to come back with a different shirt. I smile thankfully at him. "Turn around." I say still not feeling comfortable with him seeing me naked. He obliges giving me his back while i slip his shirt off, and out on the different one. I love wrapping my arms around him and resting my face against his back. "I just want to sleep" I whimper feeling extremely tired and my head starting to throb. "I know, baby I know but for now I need you to just sit down in the bath, you'll feel a lot better. I'm going to get you some pain medication and a bottle of water. So I want you to wash yourself in the bath okay, and wait until I get back." He says, turning so that he hugs me back. I smile a little nuzzling into him. I hear a rumble in his chest as he groans kissing my forehead before pulling my arms from around him to my sides. "Go get in the bath, I'll be right back." He states kissing my forehead again before leaving the bathroom yet again. "Okay." I sigh. Moving to the bath I put one foot in and sigh as it's cool but not frigid. Quickly I plop down in the bath, before folding the shirt like I used to do when I was in middle when I thought showing off you're tummy was the shit. By pulling the bottom of my shirt through the top. I'm giggling remembering how I'd pose in a mirror before pulling my shirt normal and going to school. Looking down it still looks ridiculous, but now that I have boobs maybe it isn't half bad. Nate finds me giggling as I wash myself off feeling good, but really,really tired. "Here's some water and pain meds, baby girl Now let's get you dried." He says. He waits holding the bottle of water and pulls out to me, quickly I take the pills before swallowing them down with the cool water. Before slowly reaching out to drain the tub and standing. Nate holds out a fluffy towel wrapping me in it like a burrito before carrying me out to my bedroom. I lean my head into the curve of his neck. He sets me down but I stay leaning into him, as he rubs down my body. He hands me his shirt, which smells so much like him that I smile. Feeling a bit loopy, I turn my back to him, slipping off the damp shirt and pulling his on, before moving to my underwear drawer slipping off the soaked ones and pulling new ones on. I turned to look at Nate who was tapping on his phone before looking at me. He winks, while I hold out my arms. "I'm too tired to walk to the bed" I say coyly but it's true. I can feel my self shivering as everything feels too cold now. He smiles coming to me and picking me up, carrying me to bed and tucking me in. "Are you leaving now?" I ask feeling my voice tilt with a sliver of sadness. "I can if you want me to, but I thought you might like it if I stayed." He says sounding nervous. "Well then come here and keep me warm." I mumble. I pat the side of my bed, to which he moves to lay down before retreating. "Fuck you doing." I mumble already half asleep. "Getting comfortable ma." He says chuckling. I can feel myself smiling at the sound of his happy laughter, it's been awhile since I've heard it. I hear his clothes rustling as well as the lights being turned off. I hear him place his phone on the nightstand before finally, he's laying down beside me. I wait not sure if he's going to cuddle me, I bite my lip getting comfortable in my pillow. "Get your cute ass over here." I hear him grumble before I'm being pulled into his warm, bare chest. His arms wrap tightly around me pulling me half on him, I nuzzle my face into his chest grinning. His hand rub up and down my back, even sneaking under my shirt to run his fingers up and down my spine. I hum softly feeling quite content, when his phone starts buzzing. He doesn't stop rubbing my back, I look to see him grab his phone type something, before turning it off. When I look at him questionably, he just kisses my forehead before hugging me tighter. "Get some sleep pumpkin" and I try to. ~~~ "Scar, scar, baby girl I need you to wake up." Nate says while shaking me awake. "But I really don't feel good." I whimper. "You need to open your eyes and look at me." Nate says his voice taking on a very serious tone. So I do as he says it takes awhile as my eyes feel heavy as well as the rest of my body. But I open them, looking at him and smiling a little. "Okay keep looking at me okay" he quickly grabs his phone and turns on the flashlight. I wince but keep looking at him, only after he's thoroughly checked out my eyes and complexion does he turn off the flash light and just look at me. He's wearing a relieved smile on his face. "Why are you smiling at me like that?" "Because, you're dimples are the cutest Nate." I shrug before moving back into the comfort of his arms. "I mean I think you're dimples are cuter than mine but that's just me." He hugs me tighter before kissing me on the forehead. "Why'd you check me with the flashlight?" I ask just realizing how worried he had looked earlier. "You were looking really pale, and I wasn't sure if you okay, so I called the doctor at the emergency room to see if I needed to bring you in." He states, swallowing thickly. Relief is clear in his expression and the way he's holding me gently rather than as tight as he had been earlier. Love floods through my veins knowing that he cares so much for me. I kiss his chin. It's not exactly where I want to kiss him but it's the best that I can do in this situation. "Thank you." I whisper. Before nuzzling back into him and allowing my eyes to close. "For what?" He whispers "For caring about me" I say before falling asleep. Hi lovelies hope you enjoy this new chapter for somebody else 💕💛
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