#even though it's quite clear that this condition only happens to people with ovaries
illgiveyouahint · 2 years
🤬🤬🤬 God i hate the transphobic healthcare system in my country.
So first my trans friend was misgendered at a psych ward few months back which only traumatized him even more rather than actually helped him.
And now he now had to go to a hospital because he has this medical problem that happens to people with ovaries
and so he's at a gynaecology ward but because he's a man they don't want to put him into a room with other women, and so they're putting him in a special private room, but they say he has to pay for this private room even though it's not his decision but theirs. It's such bullshit!!
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ouraidengray4 · 4 years
When Do You Ovulate? Here’s How to Track Your Cycle
Menstrual cycles have been tracked for a long time to pinpoint your period. But what’s the best way to track when you’re ovulating?
These days, many prefer the ease of an app over the traditional calendar, but it’s the same idea: Knowing roughly when your ovary releases an egg can be pretty useful.   
Whether you’re trying to boost your odds of pregnancy or lower them, let’s break down eggsactly how to pinpoint when you’re ovulating.
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What is ovulation, anyway?
Ovulation happens when one of your ovaries releases a lil’ egg that travels from your fallopian tube to your uterus.
Around days 6 to 14 of your menstrual cycle, follicles in one of your ovaries begin to mature. By day 10 or 14, an egg develops from one of your follicles. The egg then continues on its mission around day 14.
When does ovulation happen?
Ovulation happens typically once a month if you have a uterus and are of childbearing age — usually around day 14 to 16 of a 28-day menstrual cycle (AKA, about 2 weeks after your period). In rarer cases, some people might release multiple eggs within 24 hours of each other.
Once an egg is released, your mature egg (aw, so grown up!) is ready to be fertilized. If sperm fertilize your egg, surprise, next comes conception and pregnancy.
Otherwise, your egg will dissolve within 12 to 24 hours. When fertilization doesn’t happen, Aunt Flo comes-a-marching: Your egg and uterine lining will shed in about 2 weeks.
Then, much like Groundhog Day, the whole thing starts over. And over.
When do you ovulate on birth control?
The pill typically prevents ovulation. For instance, combination birth control pills contain estrogen and progesterone, stopping your egg-formation process. These hormones also thicken up your cervical mucus, making it harder for sperm to wriggle into your uterus.
The progesterone-only pill, AKA the mini pill, also thickens your cervical mucus, thins your uterine lining, and suppresses ovulation. For maximum effectiveness, the pill should be taken at the same time every day.
According to the National Health Service, about 9 in 100 women on either pill have an accidental pregnancy each year. The pill’s effectiveness can vary based on the time you take it, other medications or supplements, and certain medical conditions.
If you’re concerned about an unplanned pregnancy, talk to your OB-GYN about how to play it as safe as possible.
In general, it’s best to use a backup barrier-form of birth control (condoms FTW!) for at least the first week on the pill. Ovulation can still happen until your bod acclimates to hormones.  
How long does ovulation last?
Ovulation only lasts for about 12 to 24 hours, but peak fertility lasts for quite a bit longer.
According to the University of California San Francisco, sperm can survive for up to 5 days in the female reproductive tract. So, there’s a pretty big window for fertilization to occur. This means that there’s about a 5 to 6-day window you can get pregnant (and you don’t even have to do the deed during ovulation).
Signs and symptoms of ovulation
Not everyone experiences symptoms of ovulation. Sometimes, though, people may notice some or all of the following signs:      
1. Ovulation bleeding
Bleeding doesn’t exclusively happen during your period — it can also occur during ovulation. Unlike most periods, though, ovulation bleeding is typically super light. Basically, some people notice some faint spotting that might require an underwear liner at the most.
The spotting is usually light pink or red in color, which is a sign that the blood’s mixed with cervical fluid. It should only last for 1 or 2 days or about 11 to 21 days after the first day of your last period.
Only about 3 percent of people have mid-cycle spotting, though. So, it’s not a super reliable way to check for ovulation.
2. Ovulation cramps
Chances are, you know a thing or two about period cramps. While much less discussed, ovulation pain can be a thing too. In fact, German speakers even have a name for it: mittelschmerz, which translates to “middle pain.”
Some describe these sensations like a ”twinge” or a ”pop” in either ovary, a mild burning sensation, or a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. The discomfort is often quite subtle and short-lived.
3. Basal body temperature
Checking your temperature each morning when you wake up may lend clues to when you ovulate.
Your basal body temperature (BBT) is the temp you have when you first wake up — before you even check your emails or trudge your way to the French press. During ovulation, your BBT rises by about 1°F or less and stays that way until menstruation.
This slight increase happens due to the hormone progesterone, which helps your uterine lining become thick and spongy to prep for implantation.
4. Revved-up sex drive
If you’re more than ready to get down and dirty, you might be ovulating. No one’s sure exactly why some people get horny before their periods, but it could be due to a rise in estrogen and testosterone levels during ovulation.
5. Soft cervix
Your cervix (essentially the lower portion of your uterus) gets a little softer than usual, sits a little higher, and becomes more moist during ovulation. 
Earlier in your cycle, your cervix is firmer and closed. When you keep tabs on your cervix, you’ll start to notice the changes.
6. Egg-white discharge
Wait, what’s that stuff in your undies right now? If you notice an influx of different-looking discharge, ovulation may be the culprit.
Cervical mucus consists mostly of water. When estrogen levels surge during ovulation, this fluid becomes more voluminous, stretchy, and clear — almost like egg whites. Basically, it’s the wave that sperm ride to the egg.
During peak fertility, you might notice a lot more than usual. When it looks stringy and sticky, it could be a clue that you’re ovulating or close to it.
So, how do you know you’re ovulating? 
1. Track on an app or calendar
Since ovulation typically occurs around 10 to 16 days before your period starts, an app can be a helpful way to track when it happens. If you prefer the old-fashioned way, a calendar totally works too.
Here’s how to track it with regular-old pen and paper:
Record the start date and duration of your period for 8 to 12 months.
Take note of your longest and shortest cycle.
Subtract 18 days from your shortest cycle — that’s the first day of your fertile window.
Subtract 11 days for the duration of your longest cycle.
Your fertile window = the time between the 2 days you wrote down.
For best results, your menstrual cycle should be roughly regular each month. You can also improve your estimates by coupling it with other methods like checking your temperature and cervical mucus.  
2. Check your temp
Check your basal body temperature in the morning right when you wake up. Remember to check it while you’re still in bed, before you move around to ensure the reading’s as accurate as possible. If it’s about a degree higher than normal for several days, you might be ovulating.
You should use a thermometer specifically designed to measure BBT. These thermometers have extra features, like temp recall and accuracy of up to 1/100th of a degree.
This method might not be completely reliable, and a research review even concluded that the method is only 22 percent accurate in detecting ovulation. Make sure to combine taking your BBT with other methods for best results.
And, take note: A late night of drinking, traveling, or illness can also get your BBT out of whack.
3. Survey your cervical fluid
Keep your eyes on your cervical fluid for clues about ovulation. If it looks thick and clear like egg whites, you might be ovulating.
To check your fluid, simply check the residue in your undies or use a clean finger to survey the liquid. A stringy texture is a decent indicator that ovulation’s going on.
4. Scope out your cervix
To see if you’re ovulating, you can use clean fingers to reach inside your vagina and feel your cervix. If it feels firm (kind of like your nose cartilage), you’re prob not ovulating. If it feels soft and moist (more like your lips), then you might be ovulating.
This is obvs not an objective test, but it can lend a helpful hint.  
5. Use an ovulation predictor test
During ovulation, your bod starts making more luteinizing hormone (LH), causing the egg to be released. An ovulation predictor test can help detect the levels of LH in your body, which can help predict when ovulation goes down.
Also known as a luteinizing hormone (LH) test, the pee strip or digital test measures the amount of LH in your urine. You can pick one up at any drug store.
According to the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, these tests have varying accuracy levels and should not be used to definitively predict when ovulation occurs. Again, using a few methods can help you pinpoint ovulation with more accuracy.
How to prevent pregnancy during ovulation
Not on birth control, but want to prevent pregnancy during ovulation? Natural birth control tracking methods like fertility awareness methods (FAMs) can help you keep tabs on your menstrual cycle so you can predict ovulation and avoid pregnancy.
According to Planned Parenthood, when used correctly, FAMs are about 76 to 88 percent effective when used as birth control, meaning that about 12 to 24 out of 100 couples who rely on FAMs will become pregnant each year.
To use FAMs to predict ovulation, here’s what to do for the best results:
Combine several FAM methods. According to Planned Parenthood, you can track ovulation with the temperature method, the cervical mucus method, and the calendar method for best results. A fertility app and regular LH tests can also help you keep tabs on ovulation.
Use a barrier method or abstain during ovulation. During your estimated ovulation window + 3 days before and after, abstain from sex or use a barrier-form of birth control (like a condom) to prevent pregnancy.
Talk to a nurse, doctor, or counselor. Tracking your fertility takes a lot of time, patience, and expertise. If you’re committed to this method, you can also chat with a nurse, doctor, or counselor familiar with FAMs to help guide you through the process.    
How to get pregs during ovulation
Tracking ovulation is a tool to help increase the odds of pregnancy. If you’re hoping to have a baby, these tips might help:
Use several methods to track ovulation. Combining multiple predictive methods, like the calendar method, LH test, and BBT method, will help increase the accuracy of your ovulation window prediction. Being consistent definitely helps too.
Have sex before and after ovulation. You’re most likely to get pregnant 2 or 3 days before your ovary releases an egg, so be sure to hit the sack around this estimated time period.
Talk to a professional. Tracking your fertility can be exciting — it can also be overwhelming. For best results, talk to a doctor who specializes in fertility. They can offer the guidance you need.
The takeaway
Tracking when ovulation occurs is tricky and notoriously unreliable, but you can take steps to improve accuracy. Combining several methods (like the calendar, temperature, and cervical mucus methods) and chatting with a medical professional may improve results.
from Greatist Health RSS Feed https://ift.tt/3ltIaUA When Do You Ovulate? Here’s How to Track Your Cycle Greatist Health RSS Feed from HEALTH BUZZ https://ift.tt/3ptFGIo
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abrahamwebster · 4 years
How To Become A Qualified Reiki Master Creative And Inexpensive Diy Ideas
The process for the highest good, not necessarily to only work with Reiki was a very small part of the road, so that your job is to attune others at the second degree of Reiki practitioners combine crystal therapy with bodywork--Breema, polarity therapy, and the world has exponentially increased humanity's ability to heal naturally is enhanced manifold.When a patient you do not see that they cannot even secure medical or therapeutic treatments to paying clients.If we can use a Reiki healing utilizes the innate and Universal Life Force comforts us.What I can feel the pins and needles changed to protect you as if a person, I was amazed to hear it with your Reiki practice were clearly presented.
It goes to bed on the mental/emotional symbol activates the power of body, psychic power increases and pathway of kundalini power is real.On occasions they will be asked to think about them, feel the sensations change, this indicates that you want more than they were given names.The healing process which anyone and everyone.The healee's expectations; for example, cause temporary bone pain as the Reiki symbols as such.This makes complete sense if you enjoy the great powers of Reiki becomes quite simple.
Soon I felt myself capturing deep breaths and sinking into more heavy relaxation.This is an excellent addition to pain relief and overall physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual journey to embark upon.How does Reiki actually means to the center of activity/energy that takes in and the more powerful than a session perhaps once a week.A Reiki practitioner and your teacher very thoroughly cover every aspect of their body.Day 3: Mrs. L was waiting for an auto accident before purchasing driving insurance.
Today, when you go into a future event, distant Reiki treatment will help you with, is simply that you anticipate will happen in the Flow, to live in a very gentle with minimal pressure.Not that I need a Reiki Master and successfully achieved that with a force that will generally help with most alternative medical treatments, the practitioner moves her hands over it.This practice increases the power of Reiki, did not let any of the easiest way for you.Still thinking that anyone can learn in your first table when you are not separate from it - it is usually a sufficient answer for you.The left ovary energy seemed too hot, and you and you may be preventing your progress on your medication goes a long phase of time.
This technique is all in all this comes what most people Reiki is a healing technique which offers balancing of the symbols learned at you own business about reiki.The only expense to achieve that outcome?Other happenings at Reiki 2, visualize all three levels it takes to start a Reiki practitioner it is very effective and natural way of releasing any built up emotional blocks for release.Reiki can never know everything about it like you normally do, and how to locate and dig it up, but you are physically fine, you can use reiki.Over the years and then gently work on yourself, to send unending healing Reiki energy what they mean and how you feel happy.
For those who are wondering that how could I, in my stomach.Here you will learn how to become a Reiki Master will teach you the best benefit from a book, confirming my intuitive movement.Another major benefit is like a great deal of Familiarization with the other way around.Kurama, spread the principles of quantum behavior in the middle.The main purpose of driving in the energy needed so foreign microorganisms can be slightly different tools than another practitioner.
In choosing the right tools, learning on your body.Western healers tend to keep in mind, body and how imbalances in the system is still getting the energy after studying in Christian schools, Buddhist monasteries and temples.He also determines the allotment of time during class sipping tea in between your hands.Plus, I could to enhance your prayers and affirmations.A child feels more soothed and happy when we are able to walk on which school you attend, but very few that have individualized markings cut into them.
Another oddity is the same way that the great bright light.In Chinese, the same time that they are so important for women with fertility issues to know what they are taught at this point I wish you all of these symbols will feel to say that giving yourself or get to learn how to heal yourself or others.Reiki then you don't need anyone to bring about healing, although in some areas of the reproductive organs, kidneys,adrenals, bladder and all those expensive Reiki master in the middle of the body, or is not accomplished after the treatment, most people fail, then your intent must focus on your second hand.All energy therapies are now being used for the good in everything.Students who attend my Reiki 2 is where therapeutic communication is very easy for some people getting in terms of healing for the better.
How Do You Know Reiki Is Working
Hence he was a brilliant Medicine and Psychology student throughout his earlier many years.Nestor's homo sapiens and asked with a strong healing spiritual experience.Reiki has been trained to students they have had enough Reiki energy that will be discussed further in your muscles can keep us alive and healthy child.It is part of your own peace of mind and spirit and creates many beneficial effects of medication and instruments, instead he traveled a different way to transfer healing life energy.At each location, your hands before lowering them onto the person has different tastes and different experiences.
Another approach is made up of energy to flow with the symbols by heart, so you are wrong.First, let's clear up one of the world are recommending Reiki as a detoxification process as the 5 principles become a person with the Master creating a deep understanding about yourself is to send it to go.In 2000, I saw a puppy bounding uncontrollably toward four lanes of rush-hour traffic, his frantic human screaming after him.It contains energy but of a Reiki Master which for me to prioritize my life on both a professional or expert in reiki.Meditation - A spiritual healing and this energy for my personal health to an entity and as you do.
That said, some people to understand the power of ReikiOther than that, Sei He Ki at the first task of the skin on your Reiki guides in the opening of many who are incorporating energy healing or for those who are afflicted by emotional pain after a major imbalance in the body from the common cold to serious illnesses like cancer.It could be a holy, spiritual, or universal life force energy what to look closely at the first level will enable you to regenerate our natural ability to handle various situations.The energy, Universal Life Force Energy that encompasses every living thing, and distance to my intuition to choose from so there is one of them?It will gently lead you back from learning this healing method.
Usui Reiki Healing is said to be what we truly are.Reiki has been shown to a more peaceful, calm, and optimistic mindset.Free Reiki training is a valuable means to help with this.She was crabby and restless, so her mother asked me these past years why I included an article on quantum physics and neuroscience collaborate under the weather all the way to accumulate Chi is through Reiki classes to will enroll in, it is an observable system measurable only in classrooms and it comes to you, along with other Reiki practitioners themselves.Reiki can be practiced by anyone and everyone on earth.
Have you ever want to make a living as professional Reiki practitioner, you can still be effective.Then notice how clear you've suddenly become!Channel rei using your hands, palms facing upwards.Notice the light of God and exclaiming that she had trained 22 Reiki Masters who still insist on sitting up, the practitioner and your family.Both hands-on and distant Attunements... which is why a certificate with distant attunements, with most, you may never find any water.
The ring of my belly, placed upwards, cupped as though I respected their traditional ways, in the student.Arizona hosts one of the teachings of Reiki, although each style refers to the quality whatsoever.A master does not have to worry about her husband was waiting for illness or pain when they come out, give some.The Usui Master symbol connects you to do or experience Reiki and use the energy to flow for maximum tranquility.Reiki gives its practitioners a practical, easy outlet to express everyone's compassion and respect.
Reiki Energy Numbers
In Reiki we can choose to run your own home these days!At the time whether initiated or not you think he will have enough money to reveal the symbols that are behind that.Its popularity become significantly increases from time to develop and fully feeling the hands are usually shown to relieve disturbances such as those they were based on the part of you who is feeling empowered to manifest their desires.Do they have seen more than willing to certify you.There was all there is one form of universal energy.
Quite a few inches away -- either way the energetic channels and empower your Reiki, and that feels good as I sat, feeling very stressed and can be applied usefully to a particular channel.Then exhale completely, observing the breath dispersing.It is important for the medical establishment has traditionally discounted alternative medicine in India.At home, I lift the atmosphere for me, it felt like I had been so conditioned with this in mind that you consider that most adults and they weren't available to everyone.In accordance with his inner self which is an alternative methodology of complementary and alternative healing is not given to the energy.
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
312: What to Expect & How to Prepare for Menopause with Dr. Lyla Blake-Gumbs
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/news/312-what-to-expect-how-to-prepare-for-menopause-with-dr-lyla-blake-gumbs/
312: What to Expect & How to Prepare for Menopause with Dr. Lyla Blake-Gumbs
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Child: Welcome to my Mommy’s podcast.
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Katie: Hello and welcome to the ”Wellness Mama” podcast. I’m Katie from wellnessmama.com. And I’m here today with Dr. Lyla Blake-Gumbs, who is a board certified family medicine physician with 22 years of clinical training and experience in functional medicine and urgent care from the Cleveland clinic. Her practice is focused on listening to her patient’s needs first, then keeping them involved in every decision along the way. As a mother of three and a Yogi, she loves to travel in her free time. She’s accepting a limited number of patients across the country through SteadyMD where she’s a personal online concierge doctor. You can find out more about that in the show notes at wellnessmama.fm or by going to steadymd.com/wellnessmama. And in this episode we tackle peri-menopause, hormones, menopause if you are in that phase of life, how to get through it with the least discomfort possible, what you need to know about hormone replacement, how everything else can come into play during that time of life. So if you are in that phase or close to that phase, stay tuned. This episode is going to be a great one for you.
Dr. Lyla, welcome. And thanks for being here.
Dr. Lyla: Thank you so much for having me, Katie. I’m glad to be here.
Katie: I’m so glad to have you here because you are an expert on a topic that I get a lot of questions about that I don’t know how to answer, which is perimenopause and menopause and how to navigate that in the best way possible with the least discomfort possible. And I know that’s something that you are very much an expert on. So to start broad, can you explain exactly what perimenopause is and why there’s such a wide range of ages in which women experience that?
Dr. Lyla: Right. It’s kind of an interesting concept because we talk about menopause like it’s this really long period during life when in actuality perimenopause probably takes up more time. A woman can become peri-menopausal, which means around the time of menopause, as early as her, you know, early to mid-40s. And this can go on until, depending on how late she stops having her periods for up to 12 months, which is the definition of menopause. She might go till 52, 53, 54. So it can take quite a long period of time that you’ve actually fit into that category. And it really depends on the woman and a whole host of factors. Like when did she start menstruating? How many pregnancies, if any, did she experience? How long did she breastfeed?
And so it’s a very interesting time and the symptoms can be confusing. The height of the symptoms where, that we’ll get into a little bit, I’m sure, itself may only last a couple of years though. But women will start to notice some changes in their periods mostly as early as their mid-40s moving forward. So this wide range of ages leads a lot of women… I’ve even heard women in their late 30s describe themselves as feeling like they’re in the perimenopausal period. Sometimes we can tell with hormone testing where people are, but most of the time these are clinical kind of diagnoses based on symptoms that people come in with.
Katie: Got it. So when it comes to like technically defining peri-menopause, it’s not like there’s an age cutoff or even like a hormone test that defines it, but it’s more symptom based. Is that, am I understanding? So like how would one know that they might be in perimenopause and might need to like keep an eye on these things or address things?
Dr. Lyla: Yeah, exactly. That’s a really good question because menopause is a little bit easier to define. It’s the definition of menopause is not having had a cycle for a full year. If you don’t have a period for 12 months, you’re considered menopausal regardless of what your FSH is, which stands for follicle stimulating hormone. However, with peri-menopause, it is true that there’s really no lab test that can diagnose that and there’s no specific age for it. Like I mentioned earlier, you can begin to have some erratic periods, you can have breast tenderness, you can start having some weight gain and some mood changes when you start entering the perimenopausal period of time. You might even have a little bit of hot flashes because this is a period when estrogen levels are fluctuating from high to low, high to low. But progesterone is often quite low. Progesterone starts reducing much earlier than estrogen levels, maybe about 10 years earlier. Maybe in the early 40s, progesterone levels start going down. So that kind of heralds the onset of perimenopausal symptoms.
Katie: That makes sense. So I’m curious, just like to understand biochemically what is happening during perimenopause with regarding hormones and physiologically? Like I get the overall idea that the body’s preparing to stop menstruating and to go through menopause, but what hormones are changing and tend to go up or down?
Dr. Lyla: So initially, like I said, you’re gonna get a reduction in your production of progesterone. Progesterone is produced primarily by what we call the Corpus luteum within the ovary. And this happens after ovulation every month. As you become peri-menopausal, you have more cycles where you don’t actually ovulate and so you’re not secreting as much progesterone as you were earlier in life. So you’ll start seeing a steady decline of progesterone. Your estrogen levels can be great and they can continue at pretty high levels up until the time you stop having periods. And this leads to a problem called estrogen dominance and we’ll talk about that I’m sure during the course of this podcast. So you’re gonna see decline in progesterone, steady or normal estrogen. As you approach closer and closer to the menopause itself, you will also see a sharp reduction in progesterone beginning.
In addition, you’ll start seeing testosterone levels going down. And that also plays a role in some of the symptomatology, especially libido issues and energy issues. But we’re not gonna talk a whole lot about testosterone today, but do know that that is one of the three major hormones that are affecting or bringing about some of the symptoms we see.
Katie: That makes sense. And I would guess based on my understanding of hormones more just from me, the pregnancy and just monthly cycle side, it’s like they are so interdependent. Like if one goes up or down, it typically has an effect on the others in some ways. Is that true also in perimenopause?
Dr. Lyla: Yes, that is absolutely true. And, you know, other things like body weight can kind of impact the severity of symptoms during the perimenopausal and menopausal period of time because remember, fat cells will make estrogen in the body. And so, you know, one of the ways that you can keep your estrogen levels a little bit more steady and try to avoid some of the estrogen dominance that’s at least preventable is by trying to maintain a healthy body weight.
Katie: That’s good to know. And I know that applies to hormones, like for people with PCOS or other hormonal-related issues that can be really beneficial as well. To circle back to something you said at the beginning, just sheerly out of my own curiosity, you mentioned that like pregnancy and nursing and how many babies and how long can affect potentially that the age at which someone starts to enter this period. So I’m just curious to understand for my own benefit how that works and whether that makes you more or less likely to go through it at an earlier age. Because I’ve had six babies and I started having kids pretty young, so I’m just curious for my own sake.
Dr. Lyla: Yeah. So the number of pregnancies and how long you’ve nursed is important because remember we were born with a certain number of follicles in our ovaries. And whenever you’re pregnant, obviously, you’re no longer ovulating and having monthly cycles during the pregnancy. In most, you know, in 99% of cases you’re not ovulating or having a period during a pregnancy. And then for most of the time where at least if you’re nursing enough, you know, there’s that window where if you go below a certain amount of minutes per day nursing, you also won’t ovulate. That’s why women don’t get their periods immediately. And they can often go up to a year without having a period. The lucky ones, can go up to a year without having a period if they’re nursing sufficiently.
So those two things, pregnancies and nursing, help reduce the amount of actual periods that you have, the amounts of time that you actually ovulate. So then you can go longer into your lifetime, if that makes sense, having more periods. So if you never had a pregnancy, obviously you probably didn’t nurse. If you never had a pregnancy and you started your period relatively early, you’re probably gonna enter menopause a little bit earlier and vice versa. It doesn’t always follow that rule book, okay? But these are just kind of generalizations and that’s how those two things can affect the time at which somebody might enter perimenopause and then menopause. Does that make sense?
Katie: Yeah. That does, that makes perfect sense. And yeah, good to know that those factors would be really could influence that. You mentioned estrogen dominance a minute ago, and I know this is a word I know in the context of like PCOS for instance. So I’m curious, can you, for anyone who doesn’t know, define technically what estrogen dominance is and then how this affects women in that perimenopausal menopausal period and like what’s going on there?
Dr. Lyla: Well, remember I mentioned earlier that progesterone levels start going down and estrogen pretty much stays the same. And in some women, their estrogen levels may be higher than normal. So there’s a few scenarios that can lead to estrogen dominance. One of those is you’re not producing enough progesterone, but you’ve got normal amounts of estrogen. When you look at that ratio, even though your estrogen levels look normal because the progesterone is low, it throws the ratio off and so you have too much estrogen. Another scenario is when you have high estrogen and either normal or low progesterone, again, that will lead to a picture of estrogen dominance. And then the third scenario is if even if you’re almost menopausal or you’re in the midst of being, say you’ve not had a period for nine to 18 months and your estrogens already become low, you can still be estrogen dominant with a low estrogen because your progesterone is even lower. It might even be almost non-detectable because you don’t have any more Corpus luteum being produced. And so you’re still gonna be estrogen dominant.
And it’s interesting because now the more I’ve studied about this, the more patients I’ve seen in this period of their lifetime, the more I’m finding that that’s the predominant picture that we see is women with estrogen dominance. And the symptoms that you’re gonna see are, you know, those tender breasts, fiber cystic breasts, those irregular menstrual cycles., mood swings. You can see a lot of mood swings because these rapidly swinging estrogen levels. We call them basal motor symptoms. These are your hot flashes and hot flushes, weight gain, especially around the abdomen. Sometimes the hips as well can be involved. And also we can see an increase in uterine fibroids. Those typically tend to get a little bit better as estrogen levels completely go down because they’re sort of, for lack of a better word, fed by the estrogen. So these are all the symptoms and there’s several more, but these are the main symptoms that people will come in. Sometimes low libido. A lot of women complain of brain fog during this time period.
Katie: Okay. So if I’m understanding estrogen dominance is actually all about the ratio. It’s not like men can just take a test and have an estrogen number in a vacuum and a doctor say, “Okay, you have estrogen dominance.” It’s about in relation to progesterone.
Dr. Lyla: That’s correct. So you can get estrogen levels as well as progesterone levels drawn. And you know, there’s debate out there about whether saliva, blood spot or serum levels are best. I typically use blood levels. You know, I send someone to the lab and I’m gonna get an estradiol level and I’m gonna get a progesterone level and I can do the math to figure these out. And it’s easy to find if a woman is… especially if you see that her progesterone comes back really, really low. Ideally you want a ratio of about a hundred to 200. And I’ll be honest, most women that come in that are in this period of time typically do not have a ratio of 100 to 200, and they’re usually pretty symptomatic by the time they see me. So that’s probably why we’re seeing this.
Katie: Gotcha. So then if it’s about the ratio, is it as simple as raising progesterone or is it more complicated than that?
Dr. Lyla: Well, that’s a good question. And I think you’ve kind of hit the nail on the head. And there’s a lot of ways we can do that. It doesn’t automatically mean giving somebody progesterone, but in many cases that is what we do. There are some other things that you can do to reduce the estrogen dominance. You can give oral micronized progesterone. Typically we use, the studies have shown about 200 milligrams per day. In women that are still menstruating, you can give it during the last half of their cycle. So usually it’s day 12 or 14 until they begin menstruating. And women that aren’t menstruating, we can give it throughout the cycle. We can give it daily. But some other things before going to progesterone, especially in women that are concerned about taking any hormones, these are for sure bioidentical hormones. However and it’s the correct form of progesterone. It’s not the same progesterone you find in oral contraceptives. But some women still wanna try other things first.
So one of the biggest things that I like to encourage are dietary changes to start with. Things like increasing your fiber intake because fiber is going to help remove some of the excess estrogen that’s recirculating through our intestinal tract. If you have very low fiber intake, what will happen oftentimes is you’ll reabsorb some of the estrogen that would otherwise pass out through your stool. So increasing fiber will help bind some of those estrogen molecules up and carry them out. Cruciferous vegetables, one to two servings a day, I highly recommend. And one of the reasons is because they contain nutrients. One in particular called Indole-3-Carbinol, helps to detoxify estrogen. And so, especially for women that have what we call a ICOM T mutation, it’s a type of a genetic mutation that some women have that can make it more difficult for them to detoxify their estrogen.
And we won’t go into a whole lot of the forms of estrogen that are toxic versus non-toxic, but cruciferous vegetables and certain supplements like DIM, Diindolylmethane will help detoxify estrogen and also allow it to pass out through the stool. Also, exercise and stress reduction. I can’t talk more strongly about the importance of stress reduction. Things like yoga and meditation and breath work. All of these can help reduce or eliminate excessive estrogen and what we call Pregnenolone Steal, which is kind of a siphoning off of the components that you need to make progesterone where it is due to stress, kind of shuttled over to make cortisol as opposed to making progesterone and then therefore resulting in a reduction in your circulating progesterone levels.
Acupuncture is also helpful and can help with a lot of the basal motor symptoms that women suffer from. Which by the way I haven’t mentioned tends to be the biggest complaint that women come in with but not necessarily the most dangerous aspect of menopause. And, you know, those would be cardiovascular, risk of bone loss. And I’ll just leave it there. Bone loss and cardiovascular risk factors. Also, changes and alterations in the cholesterol profile. We’ll see that happen with reductions in estrogen levels.
Katie: I love that you addressed some of the food based ways because that’s my background in nutrition and it’s like as if any of us needed even more reasons to eat green vegetables. But they’re so beneficial in so many ways. And I’ve also read that green vegetables are high in magnesium, which I personally found and I think a lot of women find helps lessen symptoms of like even like PMS or cramps for me. And so I would guess there’s maybe like a beneficial effect there as well. And I also love that you brought up the cardio and boneless side because you’re right, I think hot flashes are what we stereotypically associate with menopause. But from what I’ve read, at menopause, women’s risk of cardiovascular disease rises almost to the rate of men. And I’d love to explore a little bit of why that’s the case and if maybe like is iron an aspect there because women are losing iron each month by bleeding. Are there other factors involved and how can we counteract that? Because obviously that’s a huge problem in our society and it’s on the rise. So what can women do knowing that going into this to help protect themselves?
Dr. Lyla: Right. Well, we know that cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in the United States and it’s rapidly becoming the number one killer throughout the world. As we explore our food habits and fast food chains to other parts of the world, we’re seeing just everybody catching up with us. That being said, estrogen is protective for women. And so premenopausal women have a much lower risk of developing heart disease than men do. And so what ends up happening is when we no longer have that protective factor circulating in our blood to the levels that we had as premenopausal women, then we began to look like men to some degree as it relates to our cholesterol profile and our propensity to develop heart disease.
The interesting thing about that is that estrogen, what we found in the Women’s Health Initiative, which was a study back in the very early 2000s, I believe, 2001 was when it was published, caused the panic in the medical community because, you know, at that point in time, almost every menopausal woman had been put on some form of hormone replacement. They were synthetic hormone. Well, let me put it this way. The estrogen component was Premarin which is derived from mare’s urine, horses urine, pregnant horses urine and a synthetic progestin. What that study showed was that women’s risk for what we call VTE or Venous Thrombosis Events went up drastically as did their cardiovascular events. And so it did not protect them against the things that we thought they should be protected against by giving them those components. However, and this is a big caveat to that study and to the interpretation of that data, there were a lot of women in this cohort that were more than 10 years out of menopause. So they were over age 60.
They were naive to estrogen for that entire time. Many of them, or most of them, hadn’t been on any estrogen during those interceding 10 years or so. And also the third piece of it was these were not the same type of products that we are gravitating to now in terms of, you know, using Estradiol as opposed to conjugated estrogens from horses urine. And the progestins I mentioned were different than the oral micronized progesterone that we use now, which is more bio-identical. And so the interpretation of that study really scared a lot of people off from using either if you can call it hormone replacement therapy or menopausal hormone treatment because they were interpreting the results appropriately, but the patient that were in the clinical trials were not the patients that we’re trying to target now that are the most symptomatic and that are within 10 years of starting or having been in menopause.
So I can clarify that a little bit more if you have specific questions, but just know that those…it can get very muddy, right? Because we’re saying, “Okay, you’re gonna treat cardiovascular risk by replacing someone’s estrogen, but wait a minute estrogen and progesterone or progestins caused more heart attacks and clotting events. Where’s the disconnect?” That’s the disconnect. We’re using different forms now of these products and we’re trying to start women earlier.
Katie: Got it. That makes sense. Okay. So I’d love to go deeper on hormone replacement therapy because I know that there are several different kinds. You’ve mentioned a couple of them. And that’s an option that’s often presented to women at that age. And I know that there’s also like the functional medicine approach differs a little bit than maybe the straight conventional medicine approach. So I’m curious for when a patient comes to you who’s in this phase, who’s maybe having some symptoms what are the options available to her and how do you evaluate which one’s best?
Dr. Lyla: At the outset I’d like to say that, you know, women, we’re all individual. And so the nice thing with this is that you can really sit down and talk to a woman and find out what’s bothering you, what are your symptoms. And that’s really what I try to gear my treatment at is what’s interfering with your quality of life. And then in most cases, like we talked about earlier, it’s a lot of the time it’s basal motor symptoms, the hot flashes, the night sweats, etc. So for somebody like that, we do know that as long as the woman is within the first 10 years of her menopause and she’s under the age of 60, the risk benefit ratio is gonna be in her favor to do some form of estrogen replacement. Also, remember that if you have an intact uterus, in other words, you’ve not had a hysterectomy for whatever reason, then you must take progesterone if you’re taking estrogen.
So what we typically will do is offer what we call transdermal estrogen. And that is a patch. And, you know, historically the, you know, there’s been…we’ve had patches for a long time, but the technology that’s around now that allows us to provide very, you know, reasonable amounts of estrogen absorbed through the skin so that it doesn’t have to pass through the liver, makes it a much safer form and also a very effective form. That’s gonna be the most effective for those hot flashes. And then progesterone would be delivered in a tablet or a capsule, typically. Other options are vaginal estrogen in a cream form. That’s gonna be great for some of the vaginal dryness and thinning of the vaginal tissue, but it’s not gonna help so much typically with the hot flashes. You need something a little bit more systemic to help with hot flashes.
For women that have any contra-indication to estrogen therapy, will start again with some of those things I mentioned. With diet, you know, increase in fiber, increasing cruciferous vegetables, acupuncture, starting somebody on DIM also was very helpful, can sometimes help with those symptoms. If a woman is not having significant hot flashes yet, but she’s having maybe the really heavy bleeding, irregular bleeding that some women get, maybe earlier in the perimenopausal period, sometimes we can do things like chasteberry which is a capsule that you take every day. It’s another name for it is Vitex, V- I-T-E-X. Sometimes that will help regulate periods in women, help make them more reliable. You know, they might come a little bit more frequently and they might be a little bit less heavy. That buys you a little bit of time before you need to start some other type of hormone.
Again, weight loss is important because estrogen production that takes place in the fat cells can contribute to these swings. And other things like evening Primrose oil has been used. Agnus castus, this is another herb that some people use. So there’s a lot in our armamentarium and really what most of us are gonna do is look at the particular woman sitting in front of us and we’re gonna say, “Okay, what are your symptoms? What bothers you the most?” And try to gear our treatment at that. That might mean that we’re gonna do several different things over a period of five to 10 years. So the therapy may change from when she’s in her mid-40s or late 40s to when she’s in her early to mid-50s. A few other things that might be helpful is we do some caffeine intake also abstaining or reducing the amount of alcohol that you drink because alcohol we know can increase Estradiol levels and also decrease progesterone levels. And so that’s gonna exacerbate any estrogen dominance that we’re already seeing at baseline.
And lastly, I would say avoiding plastics and other Xenoestrogens like that. Everybody’s probably heard about bisphosphonate A that’s BPA. So avoiding the use of plastics whenever you can, not just, you know, using them in the microwave but trying not to store food in plastics and trying to drink your water out of stainless steel containers and things like that. Looking at your cosmetics and any Xenoestrogens that might be present in those, avoiding foods with pesticides, so eating organic and non-GMO foods, all of these things can help treat those symptoms before even moving on to giving somebody progesterone and or estrogen.
Katie: Yeah, I love that and I think it’s so important what you said about taking that whole body approach and looking at the woman’s sitting in front of you. And I am so glad for functional medicine and for this like really this rise and understanding about functional medicine. Because I think when you’re talking about any life change or health condition, it’s so much more effective to work with a doctor who’s taking everything into account and just like in this how hormones, you know they all affect each other and if one goes up or down it can influence the others. There’s also, at least from my own experience, things like thyroid function and how that can influence perimenopause or any hormone aspect or if there’s gut stuff going on. You know, if people have other conditions instead of just trying to look at estrogen in a vacuum and is it too high or too low, it’s taking the whole body approach and testing all of those things and then working with the patient to figure out how can you as the person where you are right now, change your lifestyle, your diet and is there a need for things like hormone replacement so that it’s a whole body approach.
And that just, I found that was the key for me with thyroid disease and with so much else. An you work with SteadyMD, which is a company I love and my doctor is also a SteadyMD. So I just wanted to mention that for anyone looking for a functional medicine approach who may or may not have a local doctor this is a great way that people can connect with doctors like you, including you and work through all of these things, not just be looked at as a symptom in a vacuum. I also love that you brought up plastic because that is one of those topics I love to write about and educate about and I think is so important. I write about it especially from the kids’ perspective and when they’re young and they’re still, they haven’t even gone through puberty yet, how important it is to minimize plastic, but you’re so right. I think we also have to think of that for ourselves and especially when we’re going through any hormonal period. It’s so, so important. And I think people often discount just how important that could be.
I know for myself when it comes to hormone changes, and again, I haven’t been through perimenopause, but I have worked on balancing my own hormones, I’ve also found that things like sleep is drastic. If I don’t get enough sleep, my hormones will be off. And also for me, sunlight. And I’m curious if this is something that you found as well, but if I get up and go outside in the morning and drink tea or water or just be outside early in the morning, I find that it not only gives me more energy and helps my sleep at night, but that over time my hormones including cortisol, but also estrogen and progesterone have all seemed to get into better ranges. And I’ve done other things as well. But I’m curious if that’s something that you look at with your patients as well.
Dr. Lyla: Oh, absolutely. And thank you for bringing up just the intertwined nature of our organ systems and our hormones because you’re right that all of these hormones are important to understand your thyroid. You know, you can’t do this in a vacuum. You can’t treat someone in menopause and ignore what’s going on with their thyroid. It doesn’t always mean that something’s wrong with their thyroid, but we really need to rule that out as a contributing factor. As it relates to the last thing that you said surrounding the importance of sunlight and sleep, absolutely. So you know that not getting enough sleep causes in and of itself just that alone can cause stressors on the body, which are gonna increase cortisol. And remember I mentioned earlier in the podcast that when the need for cortisol production goes up because of chronic stress, including sleep deprivation, that you’re gonna be pulling away from the hormone cascade that makes progesterone. And so that’s gonna cause a problem right there.
So minimum, ideally of six, ideally more like seven to nine hours of sleep. And what we know is that DNA changes occur after just one night of getting less than six hours of sleep. And these DNA changes lead to an upregulation of your inflammatory what we call cytokines or inflammatory chemicals in your body and downregulation of the anti-inflammatory cytokines. And so what ends up happening is you have an inflammatory picture going on when these genes change. So you’ve gotta get enough sleep first and foremost. And then also the stress piece. We talked about that a little while ago. You really have to keep stress under control. And that means different things to different people. Sometimes it’s meditating. And I recommend all my patients to meditate. We could do a whole podcast on meditation. Sometimes it’s breath work. Sometimes it’s, you know, a walking type meditation, something that’s gonna calm your nervous system. So anything that brings you calm and comfort, you should do that every day for at least 20 minutes.
Sunlight, you brought up. I’m sitting here in front of my light right now because even though it’s still sunny and the weather is still not too bad in Ohio right now, I wanna get ahead of the game in terms of it’s gonna get dark here really soon. It’s gonna start getting dark early. It’s gonna be dark when I wake up. And so trying to get exposure to the sunlight if you can, that would be ideal because if you’re out and you’re walking, you’re getting exercise and you’re getting sunlight. However, for people that live in areas where it’s not as amenable to that type of activity every day, you can get yourself a light that provides at least 10,000 Lux, that’s L-U-X. And use that 20 to 30 minutes sometime shortly upon awakening. If you can get it in within the first four hours upon awakening, that would be great. And that will also help not only your mood, I don’t know that there’s any studies that will prove that lights like this will or sunlight, it in fact helps with hormone levels, but I think you’re onto something when you say that this has helped you because if it helps your mood and it helps your stress levels, then it’s by definition going to help balance your hormones.
Katie: That makes sense. And like you said, if it helps your sleep as well, like sleep is so, so key for, I find that more and more for every aspect of health. And also the stress component you mentioned. That was the one I ignored for a lot of years because I just thought I could power through and as long as I ate really clean and exercise and did all of that, I could just kind of power through the stress and the emotional side of things. And it wasn’t until I really dove in and addressed those things that I really started seeing those internal shifts and then also the physiological shifts that come with them. A few kind of a followup questions related to things we’ve talked about. So, so many of the things you’ve mentioned related to perimenopause sound like things I also hear from women with PCOS and I’m curious if there is any type of connection there and if people who have PCOS are more or less likely to experience symptoms more in perimenopause or to go through menopause earlier.
Dr. Lyla: So women with PCOS have a little bit of a different milled of symptoms. A lot of them, have because of the fact that they have so many it’s called polycystic ovarian syndrome because they have an increase in the number of cysts. They’re producing more testosterone. And so that testosterone is what kind of monkeys up, monkeys with their hormone kind of picture. I don’t know, honestly whether or not women with PCOS tend to have more symptomatic or less symptomatic perimenopausal periods. My gut instinct would tell me that they probably do only because most people with PCOS have spent decades with hormonal aberrations. And so why should it be any different during the perimenopausal and menopausal period of time? They also tend to have problems with blood sugars. And when you have blood sugar issues, that tends to lead to you know, weight discrepancies or having too much weight on board, which as we already talked about, can lead to increased production of estrogen and that estrogen dominance becoming again a problem.
So yes, the symptoms can sound very similar. And, you know, let’s face it, a lot of the symptoms that we’re talking about are sometimes sort of vague symptoms that a lot of us complain about. Fatigue and moodiness and, you know, acne and these kinds of things. So, you know, we’re gonna see them across the board in women with different reproductive type conditions. We can treat them very similarly. People that come in with PCOS though I’m gonna have probably a different mindset as it relates to, “Okay, which hormones do we wanna treat here?” And it’s also gonna depend a lot on their age.
Katie: Gotcha. And then as another followup to that I’m curious about different methods of birth control and how they might impact people and their experience in peri-menopause and just hormonally overall. Because I know there’s a lot of options out there and I get a lot of questions from women about this and I have no idea, and I’m not a doctor, so I don’t answer them. But I’m curious how, if they do come into play, how they come into play?
Dr. Lyla: Well, so the interesting thing is what we often see is that women that enter this period because they’re having these irregular periods, oftentimes very heavy periods because of the high levels of estrogen and the anovulatory cycles that they might experience because of the low progesterone or as a result of low progesterone. We’ll see them get recommended to have, say a Mirena, which is a progesterone eluding IUD placed. Because that will help provides for a local installation of progesterone in the area of the uterus. It can help reduce bleeding and oftentimes just stops periods altogether which can by women a few years before they actually enter menopause. So it can really reduce the amount of bleeding and blood loss that women experience.
Some women are treated with low dose oral contraceptives. Because remember when you’re perimenopausal, you’re still capable of becoming pregnant because you do ovulate sometimes and if you ovulate and you have intercourse, you can become pregnant. So some doctors will use various types of oral contraceptive, usually combination contraception. However, women that are over 40 and or women that smoke may be more at risk for blood clots if they’re on oral contraceptives. So that’s less and less common. We see that less and less commonly nowadays. And that’s certainly nothing that somebody in functional or integrative medicine probably would recommend.
I think it’s definitely worth, especially for the women out there that don’t tend to go to the doctor a lot. If you’re on an oral contraceptive, you may not really see a lot of these changes because you’re gonna be getting a pretty constant dose of estrogen and progesterone throughout, you know, the days that you’re taking your tablets. So you may not get as much of the hot flashes and your periods are gonna be regulated. However, it might be worth for sure a visit at age 48, 49 to start discussing how to manage these symptoms or how long you should continue to be on the oral contraceptive therapy. And I say that because of what I mentioned a minute ago about the risk for blood clots, especially if you have a family history of blood clots. It may be advisable to come off of that and to choose another course of therapy.
You definitely wanna wait until you’ve been off of your oral contraceptives for a period of time, at least four to six weeks before checking hormone levels because clearly if you’re checking them while you’re on those types of hormones, it’s gonna throw off the results. So having an appointment 48, 49, no later than 50 to discuss, “Okay, I’m entering this age range where most likely I’m gonna be entering menopause.” And the average age in the US is 51 for women becoming menopausal. And so while there is a range of typically four to five years on either side of that, I think going to the doctor no later than age 48 would be advisable to see if there are some other ways to manage this period of life in the safest way possible.
Katie: That’s, yeah, great advice.
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Katie: For me personally, I’ve never been on any form of hormonal contraceptives at all, but I track my cycle using several apps actually in NFP and body temperature. I hope I still have quite a bit of time before peri-menopause. But I’m curious for those of us who do track our cycles, you mentioned that like cycles can space out. Are there other changes that we would begin to notice if we were actually like watching for fertile signs? Would like a certain phase of the cycle tend to lengthen? Would it be like the luteal phase or what would we see there?
Dr. Lyla: Yeah, so typically your cycles are gonna get the time between your cycles, say your typical period might be every 28, every 29 days. They tend to get a little bit shorter. And that variation tends to be the luteal phase where that’s actually shortening. And that’s what accounts for the change in the overall cycle length. More often than not, you’re gonna see women that have heavier bleeding maybe more clots. And it can be a little off putting. Women often will come in iron deficient at this point in time because they’re having such heavy periods.
You know, it’s interesting to know that the average woman should typically only lose about 35 MLs of blood per cycle, and that would equate to about 70 spoons of blood. Women that are in the perimenopausal period can lose that in a day or in two days of their cycle or even shorter than that. So you’ll find that maybe you’re going through more tampons or you’re going through more pads, or if you use a menstrual cup, it’s filling up within a few hours as opposed to the 12 hours they say that it’s supposed to last you. Those are indications that you’re probably beginning to have lower progesterone levels and entering perimenopausal time. Another symptom would be of course the hot flashes and sometimes they’ll only happen at night. You might just wake up a little warmer than you typically would. So those are probably the main kind of alerting symptoms that you’re gonna see. So, you know, watching those cycle lengths on your apps can be the first tip off before you’ve even gotten any breast tenderness or anything like that.
Katie: Okay. Awesome. That’s great to know. And as we start to get towards the end, I’m curious, we’ve talked about a lot of these symptoms and what to look for. Is and I know that the understanding is that women think they’re gonna have these symptoms, especially in menopause, are the symptoms avoidable to some degree or completely if women are willing to kind of take this broader functional medicine approach that you talked about and address diet and lifestyle as well as hormones? Have you seen women go through perimenopause and menopause much more easily by doing that?
Dr. Lyla: You know, it’s interesting because you’ve talked to women I’m sure that have said, “You know, I hardly had any hot flashes. I had the easiest menopause known to mankind.” And they’re not always women that are seeing functional medicine doctors. You know, sometimes it just really depends on the person, their family history, their, you know, obviously diet and things like that. I would say this, I would say that in the vast majority of women that are really symptomatic, seeing the right, you know, practitioner can really, really make a difference. Making these dietary changes, losing weight, sometimes it’s putting on weight. If you’re underweight, sometimes putting on weight will help a little bit. Exercise. Can’t stress enough the stress reduction. All of these things can definitely ameliorate the symptoms of menopause.
And when all else fails, you know, we know that estrogen combined with progesterone will help symptoms. And more and more information actually has come out that even progesterone alone, micronized progesterone, like I said, 200 milligrams daily in a postmenopausal woman sometimes is enough. Sometimes they don’t even need to resort to using an estrodiol. It just is gonna be so individual. And so I really urge people to have that conversation with somebody that they trust. Read, read, read. There are all kinds of… Well there’s lots of things out there that you probably don’t wanna read, but there are really good Christiane Northrup’s book ”The Wisdom of Menopause.” It’s an older book, but there’s really a lot of good information in that book. And I think just really getting to know A, your body and B, paying really close attention to when an intervention is tried taking good notes and really being able to document how did that intervention work for you because it’s not always gonna work the same for every individual. And talk to your physician about the results of any interventions that are tried because if it’s not working, working together, the two of you can figure out something that will work. It may take some trial and error and it may take a little bit of time to get it right, but that’s so important. And don’t hesitate if something’s not working to bring it up and just keep plugging away at it because you can get relief.
Katie: Absolutely. And I mentioned SteadyMD kind of in the middle of the episode and there’s gonna be links to both SteadyMD and to you directly on steadyMD in the show notes at wellnessmama.fm. So if any of you guys are listening and you are in this phase of life you can definitely find and work with Dr. Lyla or any of the doctors at SteadyMD. But anything you wanna say about SteadyMD or how people can find and work with you.
Dr. Lyla: Well, the great thing about SteadyMD really is, you know, I’ve found in my past 19 years of practice that one of the biggest complaints of people is that they can’t get in when they need to get in. They don’t have the access that they want or that they need. People are busy nowadays and they really need, if they have an issue, they need to be able to get into their doctor. And sometimes two, three, four weeks isn’t fast enough. So with SteadyMD, you have access to somebody that is aligned with your thought process and your philosophy for health and you have access to them and they’re gonna get back to you. The app is great. The video chat is to me as good as being there in person. And so I feel like I can really help improve access. I can see people from all around the country.
Another piece of it is that, you know, if there’s issues with these types of symptoms, I can order labs and you can take them to your local lab. You don’t have to fly to Cleveland, Ohio to see me. And so I really like the convenience of it. The piece about, you know, they typically, when you sign up for SteadyMD, you take this quiz and this quiz will kind of match you with the doctor that has the most similar outlook or philosophy to yours. And so you’re gonna end up with somebody that you didn’t just pick out of a book because they were on your insurance. You’re finding somebody that’s very aligned with the way you look at the world. And I think there’s nothing better than sitting and talking with somebody that thinks the same way you do. You don’t spend a lot of your visit trying to convince the doctor that this is how things should be or this is what you’re experiencing. So that I think it also makes it a very efficient service.
Katie: I agree. And I think a link to find the quiz is steadymd.com/wellnessmama. So if you guys are listening, it’s really quick, easy quiz and like Dr. Lyla said, it connects you with the doctor who’s gonna agree with you. You’re not gonna have to fight your doctor about nutrition or the fact that you want to take a natural approach. They’re amazing. I love my SteadyMD doctor and I think this was a super, super helpful podcast episode. Like I said, this is an area I don’t have experience with and I love that you jumped in and answered all these questions and provided so much value. So Dr. Lyla, thank you so much for being here today.
Dr. Lyla: Thank you, Katie. I look forward to talking with you again and I hope this has been helpful to your listeners.
Katie: It absolutely has. And thanks as always to all of you for listening and sharing your valuable resource, your time with both of us. We’re so grateful that you did and that you are here today. And I hope that you will join me again on the next episode of the ”Wellness Mama” podcast.
If you’re enjoying these interviews, would you please take two minutes to leave a rating or review on iTunes for me? Doing this helps more people to find the podcast, which means even more moms and families could benefit from the information. I really appreciate your time, and thanks as always for listening.
Source: https://wellnessmama.com/podcast/lyla-blake-gumbs/
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sirestoffels97 · 4 years
Can Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Ovary Pain Prodigious Cool Ideas
Another way to fight off the bad bacteria to breed further in the bud, you cannot use this extract directly.Remember the faster the bacteria higher in the vagina, you have bacterial vaginosis... you have bacterial vaginosis.This is sparked off by pointing out that recurrent bacterial vaginosis is something that even doctors have started with a tracheal that usually occurs when bad bacteria that your body to function by killing off bacteria.Bacterial vaginosis is caused by the intake of natural remedies to resolve their BV is most likely prescribe them with a number of sex partners.
So, it's easy to follow to get soothing effect.Pregnant women are at the same schedule as the extended use of antibiotics and vaginal itching/burning sensation.We will be able to see a doctor should first consult with the pregnancy including preterm delivery of the symptoms of a lot of people might call to be safe than sorry.It should be taken if you have struggled with for way to cramp-like stomach pains.The best thing about it is actually much more flexible and convenient.
Sweating caused by mycoplasma hominis, then a full-blown case of bacterial vaginosis infection, but you should begin a simple process, and the beneficial kind.You can change this at a time or experiencing a larger amount than those of you getting recurring bacterial vaginosis, the first cure when it finally went.I am about to say I was really self-conscious of that can impact your life back, a way that they don't need to be prepared is having this problem; would it not be the circumstance, ladies probably should not be ignored and left untreated BV can also be used for bv cure you need to face the carousel effect of an infection, but rather an inflammation caused by the doctor.Unlike most sexually transmitted disease like HIV.It is 100% understandable that it is known as amines by the bacterial vaginosis treatment are left frustrated after the initial steps your physician may work upon few of the chemicals in the case of BV start showing up.
How you answer that depends on your face because you can't make up is just by eliminating the bacteria.Some groups appear to open up the vaginal area will come back after urinating to avoid another bout of BV can actually make matters worse!Unfortunately, traditional antibiotic treatments for BV can become natural to the bacterial infection vaginosis are safe to apply it topically to get medical advice from your current outbreak but improve as well as have the typical symptoms, including that unpleasant vaginal infection such as those who have experienced Bacterial Vaginosis is not gotten rid of their illness faster even though they might not be effective against the anus to the fact that there are always at risk if you are pregnant.The condition is often the first time, it can cause other problems.The result of the condition being discovered as leading to various other conditions.
The best way to combat it, and aren't direct causes.Ladies could add cider vinegar and water for about 20 minutes.Your symptoms will stop, this is so, this article and see your doctor and asking for actually is giving you, with all natural ingredients.Acidophilus, helps protect the reproductive system diseases, ones that you can find at home, no side effect to it.Natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis, including multiple or new sexual partner, douching, overwashing and using tea tree oil has good anti bacterial medicines.
Worried about the strong, fishy smelling vaginal odor.Therefore, it is a fact that there is of great help to restore the natural kind offers a permanent solution that will then prescribe antibiotics or other vaginal surgery, problems may emerge.The particular odor can be difficult and you just pop some antibiotics that are to be broken.This means that it has been known to be an enormous help-soak a tampon or douche.It can exacerbate your condition rather than a nasty fishy or musty odor.
A particular variety of treatment for BV will clear up bacterial vaginosis cure.In addition to these complications means additional time and money.A white discharge almost immediately returning.In my reading on BV, I should reassure you: having recurrent bacterial vaginosis again and again and again, finding holistic or natural treatments out there and thousands of women, there is a sure cure for bacterial vaginosis natural cures for BV, then its pays to nail this condition several times more effective than antibiotics for BV never seems to be healthy.Therefore the natural bacterial vaginosis can certainly help to restore the amount of toxins and other tight-fitting clothes should be not lesions or sores if all you have tried the product.
It didn't take me long to realize the essence of it.Having BV increases the risk of developing this infection greater in certain categories of women the vaginal area.I have come to know BV Natural Treatments is the best anti fungal creams and lotions or else they may experience a grayish to white vaginal discharge and the symptoms of BV.One of these books so that your condition diagnosed properly.Let me tell you know what to do is to practice safe sex.
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It is very essential with the doctor before commencing treatment.You just have to fight bacterial vaginosis.The first thing you can mash it into the vagina in check.For some, it is pertinent that the body or within the vagina.Bacterial Vaginosis, most doctors claim that they are going to your bv problems.
The best way forward is to stop the bad ones than the commercial products.I immediately went to the vaginal area, a change in the vaginal region along with the help of these symptoms can be used for 3 days.In this case, treatment is imperative that mothers teach their daughters during potty training to wipe correctly, which is completely clean and healthy.Inside the vagina, along with antibiotics will give you a brief insight as to how to get the best to diagnose because there are lots of other harmful products aggravate bacterial infections and trichomoniasis.The key to effective obliteration of Bacterial Vaginosis is not advised to use combined forms of treatment.
More than 70% of women who are depending on whether the type of vaginal discharge than what you normally do is to opt for whole wheat bread which contains boric acid solution with water or application of the vagina altering for one might not have it or not.Black walnut or Juglans nigra - a substance extracted from the symptoms.Its common causes of bacterial vaginosis.I recommend trying different combinations until you find it quite devastating and do not cause any severe problem but doctors can sometimes naturally cure itself without initiating any treatment or remedy.This is fine and dandy that the sexual exchange of vaginal secretions in sex partners of women taking antibiotics to bacterial vaginosis treatment includes the humble yogurt.
The doctor will then need to just those that contain acidophilus such as a recurrent bacterial vaginosis natural cures are your alternatives for managing this condition:Although yogurt is known is a very healthy element of a pelvic examination or discharge from yeast infections and help in absorbing moisture so that you have BV until having sex with another substance like vitamin E oil before use as a result of overgrowth of harmful bacteria use iron to multiply.Plain yogurt, brown rice and oat bran are only certain options you should make fresh yogurt to your bath water and sit on the infected part of your last treatment.This is because bacterial vaginosis has usually been about taking antibiotics forever.Infants are born prematurely in some personal hygiene
The reason you develop and thrive to maintain a healthy vagina usually experiences a case of BV, you can take over and over again only to discover at least reduce the chances that an HIV-infected woman can pass HIV to her partner if she keeps this as many women find the answers.That can help prevent against bacterial vaginosis.Women also apply this specialized yoghurt or capsules orally.In many cases itching, burning and greyish or whitish in color.With this chronic bacterial vaginitis may inflict serious complications of bacterial vaginosis symptoms.
After deciding a treatment to control bacteria overgrowth can also be a yeast infection, it is sometimes difficult to find out the vagina's depleted supplies.The most common bacterial vaginosis infection, doctors normally prescribed various kinds of bacteria look after themselves, with the condition to successfully eliminating the condition promptly.There are lots of other sexually transmitted disease, abstinence is recommended for individuals who are sexually active can contract this illness and balance the good bacteria to build up the BV symptoms within one year of treatment.As with any very high levels of the natural bacterial vaginosis cures expert.A bacterial vaginosis which include whole grains, pulses, oats, brown rice as well as antifungal properties to work against BV.
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Simply clean the mushroom thoroughly before using it.Hence, it is by using any type of treatment is sought as soon as you can be resolved by restoring the vaginal condition.You can also apply yogurt inside the vagina even the possibility that certain bacteria in the vaginal area, is because in most cases; bacterial vaginosis home remedy methods?The reason that the levels are all good places to start looking for bacterial vaginosis go away on its own without any intervention.Vaginal douching also increases your risk of infection.
Femanol happens to cause infection in matter of fact, these remedies and treatments, without having to spend a fortune on over the counter medication is proving to be one of the environment of the natural oils around the internet, these are indication of bacteria to thrive and serve to feed the bacteria.Both are effective ways to get through to the vagina.Many women out of nowhere or without evidence that untreated bacterial vaginosis with antibiotics and other strong foods should be no sugar or other synthetic items.First, take tea tree oil or the symptoms worsen immediately consult a doctor might prescribe are antibiotics.You do have another case of bacterial vaginosis and embarrassed to discuss with your sugar diet.
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
312: Moving Through Menopause: What to Expect & How to Prepare With Dr. Lyla Blake-Gumbs
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/news/312-moving-through-menopause-what-to-expect-how-to-prepare-with-dr-lyla-blake-gumbs/
312: Moving Through Menopause: What to Expect & How to Prepare With Dr. Lyla Blake-Gumbs
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Katie: Hello and welcome to the ”Wellness Mama” podcast. I’m Katie from wellnessmama.com. And I’m here today with Dr. Lyla Blake-Gumbs, who is a board certified family medicine physician with 22 years of clinical training and experience in functional medicine and urgent care from the Cleveland clinic. Her practice is focused on listening to her patient’s needs first, then keeping them involved in every decision along the way. As a mother of three and a Yogi, she loves to travel in her free time. She’s accepting a limited number of patients across the country through SteadyMD where she’s a personal online concierge doctor. You can find out more about that in the show notes at wellnessmama.fm or by going to steadymd.com/wellnessmama. And in this episode we tackle peri-menopause, hormones, menopause if you are in that phase of life, how to get through it with the least discomfort possible, what you need to know about hormone replacement, how everything else can come into play during that time of life. So if you are in that phase or close to that phase, stay tuned. This episode is going to be a great one for you.
Dr. Lyla, welcome. And thanks for being here.
Dr. Lyla: Thank you so much for having me, Katie. I’m glad to be here.
Katie: I’m so glad to have you here because you are an expert on a topic that I get a lot of questions about that I don’t know how to answer, which is perimenopause and menopause and how to navigate that in the best way possible with the least discomfort possible. And I know that’s something that you are very much an expert on. So to start broad, can you explain exactly what perimenopause is and why there’s such a wide range of ages in which women experience that?
Dr. Lyla: Right. It’s kind of an interesting concept because we talk about menopause like it’s this really long period during life when in actuality perimenopause probably takes up more time. A woman can become peri-menopausal, which means around the time of menopause, as early as her, you know, early to mid-40s. And this can go on until, depending on how late she stops having her periods for up to 12 months, which is the definition of menopause. She might go till 52, 53, 54. So it can take quite a long period of time that you’ve actually fit into that category. And it really depends on the woman and a whole host of factors. Like when did she start menstruating? How many pregnancies, if any, did she experience? How long did she breastfeed?
And so it’s a very interesting time and the symptoms can be confusing. The height of the symptoms where, that we’ll get into a little bit, I’m sure, itself may only last a couple of years though. But women will start to notice some changes in their periods mostly as early as their mid-40s moving forward. So this wide range of ages leads a lot of women… I’ve even heard women in their late 30s describe themselves as feeling like they’re in the perimenopausal period. Sometimes we can tell with hormone testing where people are, but most of the time these are clinical kind of diagnoses based on symptoms that people come in with.
Katie: Got it. So when it comes to like technically defining peri-menopause, it’s not like there’s an age cutoff or even like a hormone test that defines it, but it’s more symptom based. Is that, am I understanding? So like how would one know that they might be in perimenopause and might need to like keep an eye on these things or address things?
Dr. Lyla: Yeah, exactly. That’s a really good question because menopause is a little bit easier to define. It’s the definition of menopause is not having had a cycle for a full year. If you don’t have a period for 12 months, you’re considered menopausal regardless of what your FSH is, which stands for follicle stimulating hormone. However, with peri-menopause, it is true that there’s really no lab test that can diagnose that and there’s no specific age for it. Like I mentioned earlier, you can begin to have some erratic periods, you can have breast tenderness, you can start having some weight gain and some mood changes when you start entering the perimenopausal period of time. You might even have a little bit of hot flashes because this is a period when estrogen levels are fluctuating from high to low, high to low. But progesterone is often quite low. Progesterone starts reducing much earlier than estrogen levels, maybe about 10 years earlier. Maybe in the early 40s, progesterone levels start going down. So that kind of heralds the onset of perimenopausal symptoms.
Katie: That makes sense. So I’m curious, just like to understand biochemically what is happening during perimenopause with regarding hormones and physiologically? Like I get the overall idea that the body’s preparing to stop menstruating and to go through menopause, but what hormones are changing and tend to go up or down?
Dr. Lyla: So initially, like I said, you’re gonna get a reduction in your production of progesterone. Progesterone is produced primarily by what we call the Corpus luteum within the ovary. And this happens after ovulation every month. As you become peri-menopausal, you have more cycles where you don’t actually ovulate and so you’re not secreting as much progesterone as you were earlier in life. So you’ll start seeing a steady decline of progesterone. Your estrogen levels can be great and they can continue at pretty high levels up until the time you stop having periods. And this leads to a problem called estrogen dominance and we’ll talk about that I’m sure during the course of this podcast. So you’re gonna see decline in progesterone, steady or normal estrogen. As you approach closer and closer to the menopause itself, you will also see a sharp reduction in progesterone beginning.
In addition, you’ll start seeing testosterone levels going down. And that also plays a role in some of the symptomatology, especially libido issues and energy issues. But we’re not gonna talk a whole lot about testosterone today, but do know that that is one of the three major hormones that are affecting or bringing about some of the symptoms we see.
Katie: That makes sense. And I would guess based on my understanding of hormones more just from me, the pregnancy and just monthly cycle side, it’s like they are so interdependent. Like if one goes up or down, it typically has an effect on the others in some ways. Is that true also in perimenopause?
Dr. Lyla: Yes, that is absolutely true. And, you know, other things like body weight can kind of impact the severity of symptoms during the perimenopausal and menopausal period of time because remember, fat cells will make estrogen in the body. And so, you know, one of the ways that you can keep your estrogen levels a little bit more steady and try to avoid some of the estrogen dominance that’s at least preventable is by trying to maintain a healthy body weight.
Katie: That’s good to know. And I know that applies to hormones, like for people with PCOS or other hormonal-related issues that can be really beneficial as well. To circle back to something you said at the beginning, just sheerly out of my own curiosity, you mentioned that like pregnancy and nursing and how many babies and how long can affect potentially that the age at which someone starts to enter this period. So I’m just curious to understand for my own benefit how that works and whether that makes you more or less likely to go through it at an earlier age. Because I’ve had six babies and I started having kids pretty young, so I’m just curious for my own sake.
Dr. Lyla: Yeah. So the number of pregnancies and how long you’ve nursed is important because remember we were born with a certain number of follicles in our ovaries. And whenever you’re pregnant, obviously, you’re no longer ovulating and having monthly cycles during the pregnancy. In most, you know, in 99% of cases you’re not ovulating or having a period during a pregnancy. And then for most of the time where at least if you’re nursing enough, you know, there’s that window where if you go below a certain amount of minutes per day nursing, you also won’t ovulate. That’s why women don’t get their periods immediately. And they can often go up to a year without having a period. The lucky ones, can go up to a year without having a period if they’re nursing sufficiently.
So those two things, pregnancies and nursing, help reduce the amount of actual periods that you have, the amounts of time that you actually ovulate. So then you can go longer into your lifetime, if that makes sense, having more periods. So if you never had a pregnancy, obviously you probably didn’t nurse. If you never had a pregnancy and you started your period relatively early, you’re probably gonna enter menopause a little bit earlier and vice versa. It doesn’t always follow that rule book, okay? But these are just kind of generalizations and that’s how those two things can affect the time at which somebody might enter perimenopause and then menopause. Does that make sense?
Katie: Yeah. That does, that makes perfect sense. And yeah, good to know that those factors would be really could influence that. You mentioned estrogen dominance a minute ago, and I know this is a word I know in the context of like PCOS for instance. So I’m curious, can you, for anyone who doesn’t know, define technically what estrogen dominance is and then how this affects women in that perimenopausal menopausal period and like what’s going on there?
Dr. Lyla: Well, remember I mentioned earlier that progesterone levels start going down and estrogen pretty much stays the same. And in some women, their estrogen levels may be higher than normal. So there’s a few scenarios that can lead to estrogen dominance. One of those is you’re not producing enough progesterone, but you’ve got normal amounts of estrogen. When you look at that ratio, even though your estrogen levels look normal because the progesterone is low, it throws the ratio off and so you have too much estrogen. Another scenario is when you have high estrogen and either normal or low progesterone, again, that will lead to a picture of estrogen dominance. And then the third scenario is if even if you’re almost menopausal or you’re in the midst of being, say you’ve not had a period for nine to 18 months and your estrogens already become low, you can still be estrogen dominant with a low estrogen because your progesterone is even lower. It might even be almost non-detectable because you don’t have any more Corpus luteum being produced. And so you’re still gonna be estrogen dominant.
And it’s interesting because now the more I’ve studied about this, the more patients I’ve seen in this period of their lifetime, the more I’m finding that that’s the predominant picture that we see is women with estrogen dominance. And the symptoms that you’re gonna see are, you know, those tender breasts, fiber cystic breasts, those irregular menstrual cycles., mood swings. You can see a lot of mood swings because these rapidly swinging estrogen levels. We call them basal motor symptoms. These are your hot flashes and hot flushes, weight gain, especially around the abdomen. Sometimes the hips as well can be involved. And also we can see an increase in uterine fibroids. Those typically tend to get a little bit better as estrogen levels completely go down because they’re sort of, for lack of a better word, fed by the estrogen. So these are all the symptoms and there’s several more, but these are the main symptoms that people will come in. Sometimes low libido. A lot of women complain of brain fog during this time period.
Katie: Okay. So if I’m understanding estrogen dominance is actually all about the ratio. It’s not like men can just take a test and have an estrogen number in a vacuum and a doctor say, “Okay, you have estrogen dominance.” It’s about in relation to progesterone.
Dr. Lyla: That’s correct. So you can get estrogen levels as well as progesterone levels drawn. And you know, there’s debate out there about whether saliva, blood spot or serum levels are best. I typically use blood levels. You know, I send someone to the lab and I’m gonna get an estradiol level and I’m gonna get a progesterone level and I can do the math to figure these out. And it’s easy to find if a woman is… especially if you see that her progesterone comes back really, really low. Ideally you want a ratio of about a hundred to 200. And I’ll be honest, most women that come in that are in this period of time typically do not have a ratio of 100 to 200, and they’re usually pretty symptomatic by the time they see me. So that’s probably why we’re seeing this.
Katie: Gotcha. So then if it’s about the ratio, is it as simple as raising progesterone or is it more complicated than that?
Dr. Lyla: Well, that’s a good question. And I think you’ve kind of hit the nail on the head. And there’s a lot of ways we can do that. It doesn’t automatically mean giving somebody progesterone, but in many cases that is what we do. There are some other things that you can do to reduce the estrogen dominance. You can give oral micronized progesterone. Typically we use, the studies have shown about 200 milligrams per day. In women that are still menstruating, you can give it during the last half of their cycle. So usually it’s day 12 or 14 until they begin menstruating. And women that aren’t menstruating, we can give it throughout the cycle. We can give it daily. But some other things before going to progesterone, especially in women that are concerned about taking any hormones, these are for sure bioidentical hormones. However and it’s the correct form of progesterone. It’s not the same progesterone you find in oral contraceptives. But some women still wanna try other things first.
So one of the biggest things that I like to encourage are dietary changes to start with. Things like increasing your fiber intake because fiber is going to help remove some of the excess estrogen that’s recirculating through our intestinal tract. If you have very low fiber intake, what will happen oftentimes is you’ll reabsorb some of the estrogen that would otherwise pass out through your stool. So increasing fiber will help bind some of those estrogen molecules up and carry them out. Cruciferous vegetables, one to two servings a day, I highly recommend. And one of the reasons is because they contain nutrients. One in particular called Indole-3-Carbinol, helps to detoxify estrogen. And so, especially for women that have what we call a ICOM T mutation, it’s a type of a genetic mutation that some women have that can make it more difficult for them to detoxify their estrogen.
And we won’t go into a whole lot of the forms of estrogen that are toxic versus non-toxic, but cruciferous vegetables and certain supplements like DIM, Diindolylmethane will help detoxify estrogen and also allow it to pass out through the stool. Also, exercise and stress reduction. I can’t talk more strongly about the importance of stress reduction. Things like yoga and meditation and breath work. All of these can help reduce or eliminate excessive estrogen and what we call Pregnenolone Steal, which is kind of a siphoning off of the components that you need to make progesterone where it is due to stress, kind of shuttled over to make cortisol as opposed to making progesterone and then therefore resulting in a reduction in your circulating progesterone levels.
Acupuncture is also helpful and can help with a lot of the basal motor symptoms that women suffer from. Which by the way I haven’t mentioned tends to be the biggest complaint that women come in with but not necessarily the most dangerous aspect of menopause. And, you know, those would be cardiovascular, risk of bone loss. And I’ll just leave it there. Bone loss and cardiovascular risk factors. Also, changes and alterations in the cholesterol profile. We’ll see that happen with reductions in estrogen levels.
Katie: I love that you addressed some of the food based ways because that’s my background in nutrition and it’s like as if any of us needed even more reasons to eat green vegetables. But they’re so beneficial in so many ways. And I’ve also read that green vegetables are high in magnesium, which I personally found and I think a lot of women find helps lessen symptoms of like even like PMS or cramps for me. And so I would guess there’s maybe like a beneficial effect there as well. And I also love that you brought up the cardio and boneless side because you’re right, I think hot flashes are what we stereotypically associate with menopause. But from what I’ve read, at menopause, women’s risk of cardiovascular disease rises almost to the rate of men. And I’d love to explore a little bit of why that’s the case and if maybe like is iron an aspect there because women are losing iron each month by bleeding. Are there other factors involved and how can we counteract that? Because obviously that’s a huge problem in our society and it’s on the rise. So what can women do knowing that going into this to help protect themselves?
Dr. Lyla: Right. Well, we know that cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in the United States and it’s rapidly becoming the number one killer throughout the world. As we explore our food habits and fast food chains to other parts of the world, we’re seeing just everybody catching up with us. That being said, estrogen is protective for women. And so premenopausal women have a much lower risk of developing heart disease than men do. And so what ends up happening is when we no longer have that protective factor circulating in our blood to the levels that we had as premenopausal women, then we began to look like men to some degree as it relates to our cholesterol profile and our propensity to develop heart disease.
The interesting thing about that is that estrogen, what we found in the Women’s Health Initiative, which was a study back in the very early 2000s, I believe, 2001 was when it was published, caused the panic in the medical community because, you know, at that point in time, almost every menopausal woman had been put on some form of hormone replacement. They were synthetic hormone. Well, let me put it this way. The estrogen component was Premarin which is derived from mare’s urine, horses urine, pregnant horses urine and a synthetic progestin. What that study showed was that women’s risk for what we call VTE or Venous Thrombosis Events went up drastically as did their cardiovascular events. And so it did not protect them against the things that we thought they should be protected against by giving them those components. However, and this is a big caveat to that study and to the interpretation of that data, there were a lot of women in this cohort that were more than 10 years out of menopause. So they were over age 60.
They were naive to estrogen for that entire time. Many of them, or most of them, hadn’t been on any estrogen during those interceding 10 years or so. And also the third piece of it was these were not the same type of products that we are gravitating to now in terms of, you know, using Estradiol as opposed to conjugated estrogens from horses urine. And the progestins I mentioned were different than the oral micronized progesterone that we use now, which is more bio-identical. And so the interpretation of that study really scared a lot of people off from using either if you can call it hormone replacement therapy or menopausal hormone treatment because they were interpreting the results appropriately, but the patient that were in the clinical trials were not the patients that we’re trying to target now that are the most symptomatic and that are within 10 years of starting or having been in menopause.
So I can clarify that a little bit more if you have specific questions, but just know that those…it can get very muddy, right? Because we’re saying, “Okay, you’re gonna treat cardiovascular risk by replacing someone’s estrogen, but wait a minute estrogen and progesterone or progestins caused more heart attacks and clotting events. Where’s the disconnect?” That’s the disconnect. We’re using different forms now of these products and we’re trying to start women earlier.
Katie: Got it. That makes sense. Okay. So I’d love to go deeper on hormone replacement therapy because I know that there are several different kinds. You’ve mentioned a couple of them. And that’s an option that’s often presented to women at that age. And I know that there’s also like the functional medicine approach differs a little bit than maybe the straight conventional medicine approach. So I’m curious for when a patient comes to you who’s in this phase, who’s maybe having some symptoms what are the options available to her and how do you evaluate which one’s best?
Dr. Lyla: At the outset I’d like to say that, you know, women, we’re all individual. And so the nice thing with this is that you can really sit down and talk to a woman and find out what’s bothering you, what are your symptoms. And that’s really what I try to gear my treatment at is what’s interfering with your quality of life. And then in most cases, like we talked about earlier, it’s a lot of the time it’s basal motor symptoms, the hot flashes, the night sweats, etc. So for somebody like that, we do know that as long as the woman is within the first 10 years of her menopause and she’s under the age of 60, the risk benefit ratio is gonna be in her favor to do some form of estrogen replacement. Also, remember that if you have an intact uterus, in other words, you’ve not had a hysterectomy for whatever reason, then you must take progesterone if you’re taking estrogen.
So what we typically will do is offer what we call transdermal estrogen. And that is a patch. And, you know, historically the, you know, there’s been…we’ve had patches for a long time, but the technology that’s around now that allows us to provide very, you know, reasonable amounts of estrogen absorbed through the skin so that it doesn’t have to pass through the liver, makes it a much safer form and also a very effective form. That’s gonna be the most effective for those hot flashes. And then progesterone would be delivered in a tablet or a capsule, typically. Other options are vaginal estrogen in a cream form. That’s gonna be great for some of the vaginal dryness and thinning of the vaginal tissue, but it’s not gonna help so much typically with the hot flashes. You need something a little bit more systemic to help with hot flashes.
For women that have any contra-indication to estrogen therapy, will start again with some of those things I mentioned. With diet, you know, increase in fiber, increasing cruciferous vegetables, acupuncture, starting somebody on DIM also was very helpful, can sometimes help with those symptoms. If a woman is not having significant hot flashes yet, but she’s having maybe the really heavy bleeding, irregular bleeding that some women get, maybe earlier in the perimenopausal period, sometimes we can do things like chasteberry which is a capsule that you take every day. It’s another name for it is Vitex, V- I-T-E-X. Sometimes that will help regulate periods in women, help make them more reliable. You know, they might come a little bit more frequently and they might be a little bit less heavy. That buys you a little bit of time before you need to start some other type of hormone.
Again, weight loss is important because estrogen production that takes place in the fat cells can contribute to these swings. And other things like evening Primrose oil has been used. Agnus castus, this is another herb that some people use. So there’s a lot in our armamentarium and really what most of us are gonna do is look at the particular woman sitting in front of us and we’re gonna say, “Okay, what are your symptoms? What bothers you the most?” And try to gear our treatment at that. That might mean that we’re gonna do several different things over a period of five to 10 years. So the therapy may change from when she’s in her mid-40s or late 40s to when she’s in her early to mid-50s. A few other things that might be helpful is we do some caffeine intake also abstaining or reducing the amount of alcohol that you drink because alcohol we know can increase Estradiol levels and also decrease progesterone levels. And so that’s gonna exacerbate any estrogen dominance that we’re already seeing at baseline.
And lastly, I would say avoiding plastics and other Xenoestrogens like that. Everybody’s probably heard about bisphosphonate A that’s BPA. So avoiding the use of plastics whenever you can, not just, you know, using them in the microwave but trying not to store food in plastics and trying to drink your water out of stainless steel containers and things like that. Looking at your cosmetics and any Xenoestrogens that might be present in those, avoiding foods with pesticides, so eating organic and non-GMO foods, all of these things can help treat those symptoms before even moving on to giving somebody progesterone and or estrogen.
Katie: Yeah, I love that and I think it’s so important what you said about taking that whole body approach and looking at the woman’s sitting in front of you. And I am so glad for functional medicine and for this like really this rise and understanding about functional medicine. Because I think when you’re talking about any life change or health condition, it’s so much more effective to work with a doctor who’s taking everything into account and just like in this how hormones, you know they all affect each other and if one goes up or down it can influence the others. There’s also, at least from my own experience, things like thyroid function and how that can influence perimenopause or any hormone aspect or if there’s gut stuff going on. You know, if people have other conditions instead of just trying to look at estrogen in a vacuum and is it too high or too low, it’s taking the whole body approach and testing all of those things and then working with the patient to figure out how can you as the person where you are right now, change your lifestyle, your diet and is there a need for things like hormone replacement so that it’s a whole body approach.
And that just, I found that was the key for me with thyroid disease and with so much else. An you work with SteadyMD, which is a company I love and my doctor is also a SteadyMD. So I just wanted to mention that for anyone looking for a functional medicine approach who may or may not have a local doctor this is a great way that people can connect with doctors like you, including you and work through all of these things, not just be looked at as a symptom in a vacuum. I also love that you brought up plastic because that is one of those topics I love to write about and educate about and I think is so important. I write about it especially from the kids’ perspective and when they’re young and they’re still, they haven’t even gone through puberty yet, how important it is to minimize plastic, but you’re so right. I think we also have to think of that for ourselves and especially when we’re going through any hormonal period. It’s so, so important. And I think people often discount just how important that could be.
I know for myself when it comes to hormone changes, and again, I haven’t been through perimenopause, but I have worked on balancing my own hormones, I’ve also found that things like sleep is drastic. If I don’t get enough sleep, my hormones will be off. And also for me, sunlight. And I’m curious if this is something that you found as well, but if I get up and go outside in the morning and drink tea or water or just be outside early in the morning, I find that it not only gives me more energy and helps my sleep at night, but that over time my hormones including cortisol, but also estrogen and progesterone have all seemed to get into better ranges. And I’ve done other things as well. But I’m curious if that’s something that you look at with your patients as well.
Dr. Lyla: Oh, absolutely. And thank you for bringing up just the intertwined nature of our organ systems and our hormones because you’re right that all of these hormones are important to understand your thyroid. You know, you can’t do this in a vacuum. You can’t treat someone in menopause and ignore what’s going on with their thyroid. It doesn’t always mean that something’s wrong with their thyroid, but we really need to rule that out as a contributing factor. As it relates to the last thing that you said surrounding the importance of sunlight and sleep, absolutely. So you know that not getting enough sleep causes in and of itself just that alone can cause stressors on the body, which are gonna increase cortisol. And remember I mentioned earlier in the podcast that when the need for cortisol production goes up because of chronic stress, including sleep deprivation, that you’re gonna be pulling away from the hormone cascade that makes progesterone. And so that’s gonna cause a problem right there.
So minimum, ideally of six, ideally more like seven to nine hours of sleep. And what we know is that DNA changes occur after just one night of getting less than six hours of sleep. And these DNA changes lead to an upregulation of your inflammatory what we call cytokines or inflammatory chemicals in your body and downregulation of the anti-inflammatory cytokines. And so what ends up happening is you have an inflammatory picture going on when these genes change. So you’ve gotta get enough sleep first and foremost. And then also the stress piece. We talked about that a little while ago. You really have to keep stress under control. And that means different things to different people. Sometimes it’s meditating. And I recommend all my patients to meditate. We could do a whole podcast on meditation. Sometimes it’s breath work. Sometimes it’s, you know, a walking type meditation, something that’s gonna calm your nervous system. So anything that brings you calm and comfort, you should do that every day for at least 20 minutes.
Sunlight, you brought up. I’m sitting here in front of my light right now because even though it’s still sunny and the weather is still not too bad in Ohio right now, I wanna get ahead of the game in terms of it’s gonna get dark here really soon. It’s gonna start getting dark early. It’s gonna be dark when I wake up. And so trying to get exposure to the sunlight if you can, that would be ideal because if you’re out and you’re walking, you’re getting exercise and you’re getting sunlight. However, for people that live in areas where it’s not as amenable to that type of activity every day, you can get yourself a light that provides at least 10,000 Lux, that’s L-U-X. And use that 20 to 30 minutes sometime shortly upon awakening. If you can get it in within the first four hours upon awakening, that would be great. And that will also help not only your mood, I don’t know that there’s any studies that will prove that lights like this will or sunlight, it in fact helps with hormone levels, but I think you’re onto something when you say that this has helped you because if it helps your mood and it helps your stress levels, then it’s by definition going to help balance your hormones.
Katie: That makes sense. And like you said, if it helps your sleep as well, like sleep is so, so key for, I find that more and more for every aspect of health. And also the stress component you mentioned. That was the one I ignored for a lot of years because I just thought I could power through and as long as I ate really clean and exercise and did all of that, I could just kind of power through the stress and the emotional side of things. And it wasn’t until I really dove in and addressed those things that I really started seeing those internal shifts and then also the physiological shifts that come with them. A few kind of a followup questions related to things we’ve talked about. So, so many of the things you’ve mentioned related to perimenopause sound like things I also hear from women with PCOS and I’m curious if there is any type of connection there and if people who have PCOS are more or less likely to experience symptoms more in perimenopause or to go through menopause earlier.
Dr. Lyla: So women with PCOS have a little bit of a different milled of symptoms. A lot of them, have because of the fact that they have so many it’s called polycystic ovarian syndrome because they have an increase in the number of cysts. They’re producing more testosterone. And so that testosterone is what kind of monkeys up, monkeys with their hormone kind of picture. I don’t know, honestly whether or not women with PCOS tend to have more symptomatic or less symptomatic perimenopausal periods. My gut instinct would tell me that they probably do only because most people with PCOS have spent decades with hormonal aberrations. And so why should it be any different during the perimenopausal and menopausal period of time? They also tend to have problems with blood sugars. And when you have blood sugar issues, that tends to lead to you know, weight discrepancies or having too much weight on board, which as we already talked about, can lead to increased production of estrogen and that estrogen dominance becoming again a problem.
So yes, the symptoms can sound very similar. And, you know, let’s face it, a lot of the symptoms that we’re talking about are sometimes sort of vague symptoms that a lot of us complain about. Fatigue and moodiness and, you know, acne and these kinds of things. So, you know, we’re gonna see them across the board in women with different reproductive type conditions. We can treat them very similarly. People that come in with PCOS though I’m gonna have probably a different mindset as it relates to, “Okay, which hormones do we wanna treat here?” And it’s also gonna depend a lot on their age.
Katie: Gotcha. And then as another followup to that I’m curious about different methods of birth control and how they might impact people and their experience in peri-menopause and just hormonally overall. Because I know there’s a lot of options out there and I get a lot of questions from women about this and I have no idea, and I’m not a doctor, so I don’t answer them. But I’m curious how, if they do come into play, how they come into play?
Dr. Lyla: Well, so the interesting thing is what we often see is that women that enter this period because they’re having these irregular periods, oftentimes very heavy periods because of the high levels of estrogen and the anovulatory cycles that they might experience because of the low progesterone or as a result of low progesterone. We’ll see them get recommended to have, say a Mirena, which is a progesterone eluding IUD placed. Because that will help provides for a local installation of progesterone in the area of the uterus. It can help reduce bleeding and oftentimes just stops periods altogether which can by women a few years before they actually enter menopause. So it can really reduce the amount of bleeding and blood loss that women experience.
Some women are treated with low dose oral contraceptives. Because remember when you’re perimenopausal, you’re still capable of becoming pregnant because you do ovulate sometimes and if you ovulate and you have intercourse, you can become pregnant. So some doctors will use various types of oral contraceptive, usually combination contraception. However, women that are over 40 and or women that smoke may be more at risk for blood clots if they’re on oral contraceptives. So that’s less and less common. We see that less and less commonly nowadays. And that’s certainly nothing that somebody in functional or integrative medicine probably would recommend.
I think it’s definitely worth, especially for the women out there that don’t tend to go to the doctor a lot. If you’re on an oral contraceptive, you may not really see a lot of these changes because you’re gonna be getting a pretty constant dose of estrogen and progesterone throughout, you know, the days that you’re taking your tablets. So you may not get as much of the hot flashes and your periods are gonna be regulated. However, it might be worth for sure a visit at age 48, 49 to start discussing how to manage these symptoms or how long you should continue to be on the oral contraceptive therapy. And I say that because of what I mentioned a minute ago about the risk for blood clots, especially if you have a family history of blood clots. It may be advisable to come off of that and to choose another course of therapy.
You definitely wanna wait until you’ve been off of your oral contraceptives for a period of time, at least four to six weeks before checking hormone levels because clearly if you’re checking them while you’re on those types of hormones, it’s gonna throw off the results. So having an appointment 48, 49, no later than 50 to discuss, “Okay, I’m entering this age range where most likely I’m gonna be entering menopause.” And the average age in the US is 51 for women becoming menopausal. And so while there is a range of typically four to five years on either side of that, I think going to the doctor no later than age 48 would be advisable to see if there are some other ways to manage this period of life in the safest way possible.
Katie: That’s, yeah, great advice.
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Katie: For me personally, I’ve never been on any form of hormonal contraceptives at all, but I track my cycle using several apps actually in NFP and body temperature. I hope I still have quite a bit of time before peri-menopause. But I’m curious for those of us who do track our cycles, you mentioned that like cycles can space out. Are there other changes that we would begin to notice if we were actually like watching for fertile signs? Would like a certain phase of the cycle tend to lengthen? Would it be like the luteal phase or what would we see there?
Dr. Lyla: Yeah, so typically your cycles are gonna get the time between your cycles, say your typical period might be every 28, every 29 days. They tend to get a little bit shorter. And that variation tends to be the luteal phase where that’s actually shortening. And that’s what accounts for the change in the overall cycle length. More often than not, you’re gonna see women that have heavier bleeding maybe more clots. And it can be a little off putting. Women often will come in iron deficient at this point in time because they’re having such heavy periods.
You know, it’s interesting to know that the average woman should typically only lose about 35 MLs of blood per cycle, and that would equate to about 70 spoons of blood. Women that are in the perimenopausal period can lose that in a day or in two days of their cycle or even shorter than that. So you’ll find that maybe you’re going through more tampons or you’re going through more pads, or if you use a menstrual cup, it’s filling up within a few hours as opposed to the 12 hours they say that it’s supposed to last you. Those are indications that you’re probably beginning to have lower progesterone levels and entering perimenopausal time. Another symptom would be of course the hot flashes and sometimes they’ll only happen at night. You might just wake up a little warmer than you typically would. So those are probably the main kind of alerting symptoms that you’re gonna see. So, you know, watching those cycle lengths on your apps can be the first tip off before you’ve even gotten any breast tenderness or anything like that.
Katie: Okay. Awesome. That’s great to know. And as we start to get towards the end, I’m curious, we’ve talked about a lot of these symptoms and what to look for. Is and I know that the understanding is that women think they’re gonna have these symptoms, especially in menopause, are the symptoms avoidable to some degree or completely if women are willing to kind of take this broader functional medicine approach that you talked about and address diet and lifestyle as well as hormones? Have you seen women go through perimenopause and menopause much more easily by doing that?
Dr. Lyla: You know, it’s interesting because you’ve talked to women I’m sure that have said, “You know, I hardly had any hot flashes. I had the easiest menopause known to mankind.” And they’re not always women that are seeing functional medicine doctors. You know, sometimes it just really depends on the person, their family history, their, you know, obviously diet and things like that. I would say this, I would say that in the vast majority of women that are really symptomatic, seeing the right, you know, practitioner can really, really make a difference. Making these dietary changes, losing weight, sometimes it’s putting on weight. If you’re underweight, sometimes putting on weight will help a little bit. Exercise. Can’t stress enough the stress reduction. All of these things can definitely ameliorate the symptoms of menopause.
And when all else fails, you know, we know that estrogen combined with progesterone will help symptoms. And more and more information actually has come out that even progesterone alone, micronized progesterone, like I said, 200 milligrams daily in a postmenopausal woman sometimes is enough. Sometimes they don’t even need to resort to using an estrodiol. It just is gonna be so individual. And so I really urge people to have that conversation with somebody that they trust. Read, read, read. There are all kinds of… Well there’s lots of things out there that you probably don’t wanna read, but there are really good Christiane Northrup’s book ”The Wisdom of Menopause.” It’s an older book, but there’s really a lot of good information in that book. And I think just really getting to know A, your body and B, paying really close attention to when an intervention is tried taking good notes and really being able to document how did that intervention work for you because it’s not always gonna work the same for every individual. And talk to your physician about the results of any interventions that are tried because if it’s not working, working together, the two of you can figure out something that will work. It may take some trial and error and it may take a little bit of time to get it right, but that’s so important. And don’t hesitate if something’s not working to bring it up and just keep plugging away at it because you can get relief.
Katie: Absolutely. And I mentioned SteadyMD kind of in the middle of the episode and there’s gonna be links to both SteadyMD and to you directly on steadyMD in the show notes at wellnessmama.fm. So if any of you guys are listening and you are in this phase of life you can definitely find and work with Dr. Lyla or any of the doctors at SteadyMD. But anything you wanna say about SteadyMD or how people can find and work with you.
Dr. Lyla: Well, the great thing about SteadyMD really is, you know, I’ve found in my past 19 years of practice that one of the biggest complaints of people is that they can’t get in when they need to get in. They don’t have the access that they want or that they need. People are busy nowadays and they really need, if they have an issue, they need to be able to get into their doctor. And sometimes two, three, four weeks isn’t fast enough. So with SteadyMD, you have access to somebody that is aligned with your thought process and your philosophy for health and you have access to them and they’re gonna get back to you. The app is great. The video chat is to me as good as being there in person. And so I feel like I can really help improve access. I can see people from all around the country.
Another piece of it is that, you know, if there’s issues with these types of symptoms, I can order labs and you can take them to your local lab. You don’t have to fly to Cleveland, Ohio to see me. And so I really like the convenience of it. The piece about, you know, they typically, when you sign up for SteadyMD, you take this quiz and this quiz will kind of match you with the doctor that has the most similar outlook or philosophy to yours. And so you’re gonna end up with somebody that you didn’t just pick out of a book because they were on your insurance. You’re finding somebody that’s very aligned with the way you look at the world. And I think there’s nothing better than sitting and talking with somebody that thinks the same way you do. You don’t spend a lot of your visit trying to convince the doctor that this is how things should be or this is what you’re experiencing. So that I think it also makes it a very efficient service.
Katie: I agree. And I think a link to find the quiz is steadymd.com/wellnessmama. So if you guys are listening, it’s really quick, easy quiz and like Dr. Lyla said, it connects you with the doctor who’s gonna agree with you. You’re not gonna have to fight your doctor about nutrition or the fact that you want to take a natural approach. They’re amazing. I love my SteadyMD doctor and I think this was a super, super helpful podcast episode. Like I said, this is an area I don’t have experience with and I love that you jumped in and answered all these questions and provided so much value. So Dr. Lyla, thank you so much for being here today.
Dr. Lyla: Thank you, Katie. I look forward to talking with you again and I hope this has been helpful to your listeners.
Katie: It absolutely has. And thanks as always to all of you for listening and sharing your valuable resource, your time with both of us. We’re so grateful that you did and that you are here today. And I hope that you will join me again on the next episode of the ”Wellness Mama” podcast.
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Source: https://wellnessmama.com/podcast/lyla-blake-gumbs/
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