#even tho linux is best
roebeanstalk · 1 year
months ago i amazed many by saying i liked windows 11 (within an hour of installing it)
i still like it, mostly. however, of course:
here are the things i do not like about windows 11, as promised.
-yeah, a lot of right click options are under "show more options" now, requiring you to click through for a lot of stuff. extra clicks. annoying. -the window snapping to edges uh, hitbox, is bigger now and it's kind of annoying. sometimes yes, i really do just wanna put a window kinda in the corner but not have it take up a predetermined amount of screen. takes some nudging -sometimes streaming on discord does not do audio?? i dont get it but it works sometimes. i also use eartrumpet so this could be on me somehow lol -sometimes i have a hard time finding old settings. it seems like moving things over from the old settings/control panel style is a work in progress and happening slowly - so not everything's migrated yet. idk if it all will. but it can just be tricky finding stuff. it's THERE, somewhere, but it's harder to find than it should be probably -taskbar can't be moved. i do not like that. it's fine but i just used to always have my taskbar either on the top of my screen or on the left. i'm used to it now. -the widgets box could be so fuckin cool. but they force you to have a bunch of awful news stuff and i can't seem to figure out how to either get rid of it entirely, or make sure it doesn't show me stuff that'll make me rage. so i never use it, despite a lotta useful stuff.
here are some things i am loving about windows 11 tho, because i am sticking with it lol
-rounded corners. they just make me happy. -centered taskbar. hell yeah. -phone link is massively improved. i can text and call my mom from my computer now. nice. -quick settings. this is in windows 10 but it always felt kinda pointless. here it has a lot of little settings, and you can do a lot without having to leave the box finally. yay. -window organization/snapping - yes i bitched about this. however, built in are some grids that help for some quick organization in a really nice way that you could only do while running power toys. i admittedly still use it
BEST THING ABOUT WINDOWS 11 THAT PC ARTISTS WILL UNDERSTAND: it remembers window/monitor locations. so if you disconnect your cintiq with clip studio open, even though it bumps it to your main monitor... IT GOES BACK WHEN YOU PLUG YOUR CINTIQ BACK IN. it actually remembers which monitor a program was on in different settings (extend, pc screen only, duplicate, etc). fuckinggg finally. so good.
i'm sure i will hate the things i love and love the things i hate and learn how to do things or windows will update them out. i'm here for it.
SHRUG!!! it feels modern finally and not like, an attempt to be modern. so that's cool. it'll get there eventually i hope, or ai will take it over in a horrific manner. we'll see.
(note to linux people: do not tell me to use linux i will go into a rage) (note to mac people: do not tell me to switch to a mac unless you're buying me a new mac)
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wyrm-town · 1 year
Here are my guesses:
Mori 🌿🐇 - rabbit lover
Dr. Two-brains 🧀🐁 - mouse lover
Marina 💜🌑 - based on that recent reblog, moon goddess?? (Not really a guess tho, since it was outright stated)
Pheo 🌺🔥 - she either really likes flowers or really hates them
Olli 🦊🧡 - Fox lover
Becky ⭐️📕 - a reader
Amanda 🥩📼 - these items could not be less related (exaggeration). I don’t even have a guess
Linux 🔌💿 - having the same name as an OS and with those emojis, he def likes technology a lot. Possibly a fellow programmer?
Victoria 🏆🏅 - strongly prefers to win (maybe a sore loser? <-probably not but I want at least some of these to have more detail)
Shellington 🐚🔬 - marine biology. Likes collecting seashells on trips to the beach
Kwazii 🌊🏴‍☠️ - a pirate
Silly 🎪🎠 - either makes a lot of jokes or is generally less serious
Cap’n 💫🪐 - likes to gaze at the stars at planets
I had another question but I forgot
Mori 🌿🐇 - Yeah! I love rabbits, hares, and kinda just nature in general. I felt like those emojis kinda fit my vibe.
Dr. Two-Brains 🧀🐁 - He doesn’t just love mice, he IS a mouse. Kinda. See, he’s called Dr. Two-Brains because he has two brains. A human brain and a mouse brain. He also loves cheese so much. Too much. It’s his defining character trait.
Marina 💜🌑 - Yep, that’s pretty much it. She’s a moon goddess. Also her favorite color is purple.
Pheo 🌺🔥 - Tbh the flower is just kinda there for aesthetic reasons. It looked pretty so Pheo liked it, and that’s about it. The fire is there because sie’s a whole ass phoenix.
Olli 🦊🧡 - Yeah, his favorite animal is foxes, and it’s favorite color is orange.
Becky ⭐️📕 - She loves not just reading, but words and language in general. Also her design features lots of red and yellow stars, so that’s why the star is there.
Amanda 🥩📼 - Lol, these emojis are based pretty heavily on her source. The game is in an analog horror style, so that’s what the VHS is for. There’s also a bit of a meat, gore, and rotting motif throughout the game.
Linux 🔌💿 - He is actually just a silly little computer boy. He’s just a little robot friend. A little TV headed fella. We collectively know very little about tech and programming, unfortunately.
Victoria 🏆🏅- You’re actually so right! Literally her whole character is that she’s obsessed with being the best at everything, and she refuses to lose at anything. Very much a sore loser (although we’re teaching her to be more open to messing up and all that) and loves winning everything.
Shellington 🐚🔬- Yep yep! He’s super into marine biology, and loves all things ocean related.
Kwazii 🌊🏴‍☠️- Yeah, he’s a pirate and also loves the ocean.
Silly 🎪🎠- Silly is a clown who is obviously super into clowncore and all that stuff! Sh3 also loves things like amusement parks as well.
Cap’n 💫🪐 - They are actually an introject of a character who was a spaceship captain! He does love learning about and space and stargazing.
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flockofdoves · 1 year
i need this to be the summer i actually set up using grocy and make the executive functions involved in grocery lists and finding out what to cook soooo much easier
but its still just slightly too over my head for me to figure out. id probably be fine if i had a windows laptop and bought a usb scanner and just did everything on my laptop since it has the windows desktop application
but my laptop has very limited space remaining and its a mac so i dont want to dual boot it. i guess i could look into a virtual machine just for using grocy??
but also regardless it might be nicer (and helpful for other stuff too) to self-host grocy
then i could scan from my phone and have it go to both my laptop (mac mojave) and my desktop (windows 10 but also planning on dual booting with some sort of linux soon)
but im just not sure at all how to self host it/best practices even if i did figure that out. i cant even figure out docker which so many people say makes it easier
i also have a shitty old screenless mac laptop i can connect with hdmi to a screen if needed and install w/e operating system on that maybe i could use to host stuff?? no idea if thatd be convenient or needed tho??
tech mutuals help :(
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arttobefinished · 9 months
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After HiPaint betrayed me again and deleted my shading layers on a drawing after crashing, im Switching completely to Krita. Just to get a feel of things I sketched this dude.(with an incredibly wonky shoe lol)
The only thing that makes me hesitate for Krita on android is the UI. But I guess I can work with it in the hopes od stability. At least its nothing completely new worked on Krita before on Linux with my XP Pen. The brush engine is one of the best tho, even rivaling CSP my main on desktop.
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twinhood-2dot0 · 2 years
Random stuff
Good afternoon Alex, and today I’m feeling lazy and I have no topic soooo here goes :P
Potato gaming
As you know, I have a 6 year old potato of a computer with performance worse than integrated graphics nowadays (i5-8250U, 16GB RAM, 128GB SSD, 500GB HDD, NVIDIA 940MX). Also, for fun, I checked how it compares to the best GPU right now. The RTX 4090 has 16384 CUDA cores and the 940MX 384, so that’s like 42.667 times the cores. Enough numbers, into gaming. So, I use Linux, specifically Pop!_OS, you don’t want me to get into it, but it’s a better in every way to Windows (I will provide a few fields tho :P)
As Linus Torvalds, creator of the Linux kernel once said, 
“A computer is like air conditioning – it becomes useless when you open Windows.”
Allow me to flex my desktop
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I haven’t even customized it fully yet. Windows is much more restricted when it comes to customization, and I'm a customisation freak.
Okay, right, gaming. As a Linux user I obviously prefer open-source software, so for most games I use the awesome Heroic Games Launcher for games I own on Epic Store (sidenote: I would never buy from Epic Games, they are a crappy company and do not support Linux, even for games like Shadow Of The Tomb Raider, which has a linux native port for god’s sake, but they do offer free games every week and I am broke so :P). I discovered however, that SOTTR would not run on Linux because of DRM (Digital Rights Management, a software thing that stops you from doing anything the service provider does not approve of, a la linux gaming without the use of the epic store :P). So, I decided to switch to Windows and try it there. So, first thing I did, download NVIDIA drivers for the GPU. Big mistake, you can’t install drivers without an NVIDIA account which is like so dumb, I JUST NEED MY GPU TO RUN YOU DRICKIGN AJFD. sorry, I hate nvidia. Okay, next, install Epic Games Store, and the game itself.  I ran the game. I got an average 15 FPS, with a lot of stuttering with crappy graphics. This is coming from me, who plays games at 960x540 with FSR Sharpening at 1, I am very generous to graphics, but look at this
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Bleugh. Then, I installed Epic Games on Linux using Wine, instead of using Heroic, and the results were shocking. The game ran at 33 AVERAGE FPS. Rich gamers will look at this and go “33 fps? Makes me puke, why is this girl so excited about that” and they’re right, 33 is low, but I am running on a potato. And also, I started playing the game with V-sync set to half refresh rate so it was locked to 30 fps, it barely ever dropped below that, and the visuals looked like this.
Sure, it didn’t look the best, but it is waaaaaay better than how it looked on Windows, and at a better framerate!
For reference this is how it looks with ray traced lighting.
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And here's how it looks on my laptop:
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I could even play at Medium settings at a higher resolution. I don’t know how a Windows version of a game ran better on Linux, but that is how it performed on my laptop.
I also played Control, another 2019 game at 60 fps at low settings, 540p render, upscaled to 4k, yes, 4k. Although, the game is set is a much smaller are and has much less to render, so it’s apples to oranges.
I know the post is getting extremely long but I just need to talk about Control. Control is a game made by Remedy Entertainment in 2019 as part of their Remedy Connected Universe. They're known for the critically acclaimed Max Payne series, Alan Wake, the first game in the Universe and Quantum Break. From this we see that Remedy is pretty much known for exceptional games with interesting topics. So, Control. Control follows the story of Jesse, a girl from a town called Ordinary searching for her brother. The game is set in the Oldest House, the headquarters for the Federal Bureau of Control. The atmosphere is awesome, really fun gameplay, the game hands you supernatural powers which are really fun to play around with, and the game has the best destruction physics ever seen in video games. The story and the characters are really captivating and even the characters you don't really directly interact with turn out to be a fan favorite. The game is inspired by the SCP Foundation, a fictional secret organization dealing with the paranatural. If you like SCP stuff, you'll love this. The soundtrack, while almost non-existent, has it's moments, especially in one of the best levels in video game history, the Ashtray Maze (i'm not the best person to comment on that, since I've not played many PC games, but I did play the Arkham series soooooo). And the graphics, god it looks phenomenal even on lowest setting and upscaled from 960x540
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My music listening habits
As you may know, I have this habit of switching favorite artists every so often, so I tried to find my favourite artists for each week since I got a spotify account. Here's a pastebin if you're interested:
You can see the exact point where I became obsessed with Avicii. Also I was not aware that I was into DC Comics in 2019???
American Pie
In 1971, Don McLean released a song called “American Pie”. 52 years later it inspired me to write this small segment of this post. This song lyrics are so complex, there’s a whole website dedicated to the meaning of the song. https://web.archive.org/web/20200118091340/http://understandingamericanpie.com/vs1.htm
McLean has also famously said "It means I don't ever have to work again if I don't want to." and "You will find many interpretations of my lyrics but none of them by me… Sorry to leave you all on your own like this but long ago I realized that songwriters should make their statements and move on, maintaining a dignified silence." which is like, you know that meme,
> Drops banger
> refuses to elaborate further
> leaves
Although he did auction of his notes so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (also sidenote to brag about Linux, there’s this feature called the Compose Key, so I can press Alt and two corresponding characters and get any symbol or letters from other languages, like ß, å, č ø or ©, ™, ¯ or even type unicode so I can get ツ in 5 keystrokes okay sorry I go off on tangents sometimes, forgive me.)
There’s also an awesome Weird Al parody of it that you can’t watch because you haven’t watched Star Wars >:(
McLean himself praised the parody, even admitting to almost singing Yankovic's lyrics during his own live performances because his children played the song so often.
I love stuff like this, with a lot of hidden and complex stuff. The first ten minutes of the Pixar movie Up is so important it has its own Wikipedia page. Like, how wild is that. The iconic music in that scene, “Married Life”, is scored by Michael Giacchino, whom you may know I adore for The Batman, Spider-man’s MCU Trilogy, Jurassic World, Coco, okay I’ll stop right there, but he’s scored a lot of awesome movies. He is even in the Top 10 most listened artist for the past 6 months, so that’s an achievement, considering how many artists I listen to.
Okay that’s it, I thought I’d need more but hey. Okay, cya!
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nahasexotic · 2 years
64 bit notepad++ download
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#64 bit notepad++ download install
#64 bit notepad++ download software
#64 bit notepad++ download code
#64 bit notepad++ download license
I can select all (or some) of them and edit them. Let’s say I have a class that I want to rename in a file. This feature can be used efficiently when you have a very large number of identical changes to make but you don’t want every occurrence to be changed. To use this feature, press control and click on the different places that you want to edit. Support for multi-editing can be enabled by navigating to Settings > Preferences > Editing > Enable (Ctrl + mouse click/selection). So what else does Notepad++ have to offer? Let’s see below.
#64 bit notepad++ download code
The features listed above are present in almost all code editors. dll file and placing it in the Plugins folder in the installation directory or importing it via Settings > Import > Import plugin(s) . Importing a plugin is as easy as downloading the. Here’s the Notepad++ Plugin Central, which you can download and import. all + Download > Go back to the scatter file in Notepad++ and change. Notepad++ supports various plugins that can help you with comparing two docs, even compiling code, altering text, recording and running macros, and more. Download Samsung Odin Official Tool OR Z3X Tool Select and. Bookmarks and multiple language support.Multi-tab view and automatic word and function completion.Search/replace option in one or all of the documents open in Notepad++.This highlighting and folding can be user-defined depending on your preference.Notepad++ supports syntax highlighting and syntax folding.Ngoài chc nng son tho vn bn thông thng, Notepad++ 64-bit ch yu c s dng bi các lp trình viên chuyên nghip vì nó h tr.
#64 bit notepad++ download install
Looking to install Notepad++ in Linux? Why not take Notepadqq for a ride? It is a clone of Notepad++ after all. Notepad++ 64-bit là mt phn mm son tho vn bn mã ngun m, hoàn toàn min phí và có th c s dng cho nhiu mc ích khác nhau trên các máy tính Windows 64-bit.
#64 bit notepad++ download software
This means you can install Notepad++ on Ubuntu from the Software Center. It’s not the best way, but it’s definitely a convenient method for using Notepad++ on Linux.Īll Ubuntu versions have Snap enabled by default. So basically, you’re running Notepad++ through Wine, but without setting up Wine first. The Notepad++ snap package uses an embedded version of Wine that helps it run on Linux. How to install the real Notepad++ on Linux Though this Notepad++ Linux application isn’t natively developed for the Linux platform and actually runs on Wine, it’s now a command (or click) away from you. The good news is that Notepad++ is now (unofficially) available as a Snap package for Linux users. This is why Linux users have had to settle for Notepad++ alternatives. The problem with Notepad++ is that it’s exclusive to the Windows platform and the developer has repeatedly refused to develop it for Linux. The uncluttered experience and additional features make it an ideal choice for source code editing.
#64 bit notepad++ download license
Note: if the screenshot shows any work that is not a direct result of the program code itself, such as a text or graphics that are not part of the program, the license for that work must be indicated separately.Notepad++ is a free and open-source source code editor and is a favorite of many programmers like me. See version 2 and version 3 of the GNU General Public License for more details. Notepad++ Notepad++ is a source code editor that is free to use and is available in various languages. This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This work is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation either version 2 of the License, or any later version. You may use it freely according to its particular license. This screenshot either does not contain copyright-eligible parts or visuals of copyrighted software, or the author has released it under a free license (which should be indicated beneath this notice), and as such follows the licensing guidelines for screenshots of Wikimedia Commons.
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acevenoms · 2 years
A quick intro to HD physical media
Hey, since @pneumatic-tubes got me thinking about it again, I've been reviving my habit of collecting physical copies of media I like and I thought I'd share some good tools I've found for doing so. It should be said, collecting Blu-Rays is a bit expensive, your average BD movie is gonna cost $30-$40 new, 4K/UHD even more, box sets can cost up to a couple hundred. Even when I was collecting a ton, I really only bought movies and shows that I was absolutely going to watch multiple times. Still, I have them forever, in their original state, in full quality, with extras, and that's definitely worth something.
1.) blu-ray.com
This site is super useful for tracking your collection, getting news and updates on upcoming releases, understanding and finding the differences between releases, and even doing business with other collectors for rare or out of print releases. Create a free account, get the app on your phone, and keep your collection up to date!
2.) Shout! Factory
Shout! Factory is one of the biggest DVD/Blu-ray distributors outside of the major studios, they have hundreds of properties including anime, classic movies, cult horror, foreign films, and more. BestBuy actually carries a lot of their releases in store if you'd rather shop brick-and-mortar.
There are tons of boutique and more genre specific releasing companies still active so I won't list them all here, but if you explore on blu-ray.com, you're bound to find what you're looking for.
3.) RedBox
Even for new releases, getting the physical disk from a RedBox is typically cheaper than renting it on Amazon, Google, Apple, or where ever ($1.99 vs $3.99+). The selection is much more limited, but they do have more than new releases. RedBox carries the retail disks too, so you can watch extra features if you want.
4.) An actual blu-ray player
This one is a bit obvious, for sure, but in case anyone's wants some basic advice on buying one: Sony or LG are your best bet. Sony wrote the blu-ray spec so they're obviously invested in keeping the format alive. A good (4k/uhd) player is still expensive, but many of them double as a streaming player. My Sony UBP-X700M has Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu apps on it. In my desktop PC, I have an LG blu-ray drive (BH16NS40 Blu-ray Disc Rewriter) which is what enables me to do the cool shit in the next item on this list.
I've never explored external BD drives like you'd use for a laptop, hopefully someone who sees this post can give a good suggestion.
5.) MakeMKV
Honestly, this is the real special sauce on this list. Playing Blu-Rays on your PC is a huge pain in the ass. BDROM's DRM schema is absolutely insane, but it's not impenetrable, this is where MakeMKV comes in. MakeMKV is a tool for making legal, authorized back ups of blu-ray disks that you own, regardless of their encryption (obviously you would never make a copy of a disk you got from a RedBox). MakeMKV is currently in "beta" because they have not paid the license fee to legally read blu-rays, but anyone can use it, fully featured while it's in "beta", you just have to refresh the product key once a month. Personally I bought a license because the software is solid as a rock, built for windows and linux, and has been indispensable for blu-ray collecting.
6.) FFMpeg/Handbrake
I'm gonna plug this even tho it's only really applicable to digital copies of movies because I really think more people need to understand how to manipulate media files. The MKV (Matroska Video files) that MakeMKV exports are huge, blu-ray disks are effectively uncompressed video, and MakeMKV doesn't decide to compress them for you. After a while, you're not gonna want to have every movie taking up 30, 40, or even 60+ GB on your PC, so you're going to have to compress/re-encode them. An actual guide on how to encode video properly is outside the scope of this post, but both FFMpeg (command-line, multi-platform, handles anything) and Handbrake (GUI, windows-only, much more user friendly, less features but more focused) are very easy to find guides for.
Well that's about it. Video collecting is a fun hobby and a great way to preserve media you love. Hopefully, as more people get into it, studios will expand their offerings and we can avoid this stupid bullshit that HBO Discovery has put people thru losing access to shit they've already paid for just because some fuck-ass exec decided to pad the bottom line. Take real ownership of your media with these tools and happy collecting!
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femenaces · 3 years
You could look into openoffice/libreoffice as a software to make stickers. It is free, can be used offline and has similar functions to word, and all the other programms. The ui is kinda ugly/not very intuitive.
Is open source, you can use it on linux, is discontinued but still available.
It has different programs also similar to paint, powerpoint, excel.
Idk tho how well it could be used to make and edit photos
Thank you for the recommendation! Personally I usually use a combo of clip studio + various vector softwares to make my stickers, but for anyone looking to start making feminist graphics, here's something to try :D
If anyone is looking for a more traditional alternative to photoshop, GIMP is free and very powerful (although the UI is... cluttered is an understatement lol). I'd also recommend watching for sales on Clip studio (sometimes it goes down to like $25, which is nuts), I've been using it for 10 years and it's the best all-around illustration/editing program I've used, it even supports 3D models, comic making, and animation.
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chamiryokuroi · 5 years
im still a few years from uni but i wanna get into comp sci. do i need to know at least one language before going in or is it okay to go in blind?
I went into it blind and look at me!
Ok no but for real I dont think it is necessary, but if you still have the time and want to I would suggest start reading about Object oriented programming, Java and Database administration, this is what most likely they will start you off at school with, and having at least some basic understanding of how it works will help you greatly.
Remember that they wont teach you everything at school, there is a lot you will have to research on your own, but if you want to get an idea this is more or less what I was taught while I was in college (or what I remember at least).
Object oriented programming
SQL databases
Cisco networking
Waterfall methodology (this should be obsolet tho because everyone works on AGILE now, so I would suggest reading about that instead)
JavaScript (even tho it says Java it has nothing to do with Java)
But like I said at first, you don’t really need to know any of this to go into it, just remember to try your best!
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myfirstgamejam · 7 years
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Game Engines - Under Construction!
Not sure what engine to use yet? No problem!
Click here for our suggested engine flowchart!
Or, take this quiz to find out what engine is best for your needs!
We'll be adding examples of games made in each engine but throw any suggestions for information you would like to see in an overview! I'm thinking something that tells what kind of scripting language each engine uses or common games made in each engine (tho a lot of engines can do anything if you work hard enough) might be helpful.
Text and Visual Novel Engines
Twine – Free
Twine is one of the most popular interactive fiction tools today. No code is necessary to create a simple branching story, but use of CSS, code logic, and JavaScript can even more complex, involved games for more advanced users.
Runs on: Web, Windows, Mac, Linux
Games playable on: Web (html)
Ren'py – Free
Ren’py is one of the most popular open source visual novel engines! Its code is not too difficult to pick up, and you can check out a helpful sample game to get started quickly. Like its name suggests, Ren’py supports Python, a powerful scripting language to customize your visual novel even further!
Runs on: Windows, Mac, Linux
Games playable on: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS
Novelty – Free
Visual novels / U/C
Runs on: Windows
Games playable on: Windows
2D Engines
Game Maker Studio – Free+
Game Maker Studio is a top choice for jammers who are choosing to create 2D games.
Runs on: Windows
Games playable on: Windows, Mac (Mac required for export)
With paid license, games playable on: Linux, Web (html5), Android, iOS, Windows phone
RPG Maker – $ Steam
An accessible game engine for creating classic RPG games!
Recommended versions: 2003, VX Ace, MV
Runs on: Windows / MV runs on: Windows, Mac, Linux
Games playable on: Windows / MV games playable on: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, Web (html5)
Stencyl – Free+
An engine with drag and drop coding, Stencyl is a great choice for sidescrolling platformers. It is also one of the few free 2D engines that runs well on Mac. Stencyl's free version exports flash games.
Runs on: Windows, Mac, Linux
Games playable on: Web (flash)
With paid license, games playable on: Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android
Construct 2 – Free+
Construct 2 is an event-based html5 game engine. With excellent online documentation, examples, tutorials, and community, it is easy to get started on game projects. The event sheets in Construct are easy to read and pick up through tutorials for beginner programmers, and the built-in behaviors save time and eventing. The html5 export makes your game playable on web and instantly accessible. If you don't have a license, keep in mind that the free version has a limit of 100 events and 5 layers.
Runs on: Windows
Games playable on: Web (html5)
Clickteam Fusion 2.5
Clickteam Fusion 2.5 is an event-based game engine.
Runs on: Windows
Games playable on: Web (html5)
3D + 2D Engines
Unity – Free+
Unity is one of the most popular 3D engines for independent developers. With a vast array of demos, tutorials, plugins, and community, it has the most accessible resources to create games for both 3D and 2D. Unity isn't as visually heavy as Unreal, and is easier to run on most computers. Unity uses C# and its own version of Javascript. If you’re not sure which language to use, we recommend C# because it is generally more supported.
Runs on: Windows, Mac
Games playable on: Windows, Mac (requires Mac), Linux, iOS, Android (requires Android SDK and Java Development Kit), WebGL
Godot - Free
Open source 3D and 2D engine that uses C++.
Runs on: Windows, Mac, Linux
Games playable on: Windows, Mac, Linux, *BSD, Haiku, iOS, Android
Unreal Engine – Free (Registration required)
A visually stunning 3D engine with 2D capability as well. Unreal uses C++ as well as a beginner-friendly visual scripting system called "blueprints." Unreal comes packaged with common game templates (first person, sidescroller, third person) easily get you started on a project. Epic games has excellent documentation and simple to follow online video tutorials. If you are keen on creating a realistic 3D game, Unreal is an excellent choice with lots of built-in lighting and material presets. You may need a more powerful computer to run the editor and test your game at highest detail.
Runs on: Windows, Mac, Linux
Games playable on: Windows, Mac, Android, Linux, Web (html5), iOS, PS4, Xbox One, VR
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mutsuenka · 5 years
Building A Rig Headache
The last time I touched PC Building community and informations was 2 years ago at the release of AMD Ryzen gen 1. It was a huge uproar in the Hardware enthusiast. I bought one 1700X to replace my old with broken pin FX CPU. Thing is, the hardware I used are the “non-mature” one since the processor is just born. I don’t mind tho, at the time I definitely NEED the CPU to be changed ASAP for the broken pin blocked me from using internet on Linux.
After that, I followed a bit of GTX 10′s generation, but not buying it. And soon I lost in work and forgot anything about PC building. Well, I don’t even game much these days. 
However, seeing that my “naked” and somewhat mixing old PC is being used a lot, I started to think that I need to upgrade some of this old rig’s part. Therefore I opened the door to the world I’ve been left a long time ago.
Damn, I AM an ancient.
Ryzen is about to release its’ gen 3, including its’ VGA. RTX has 2060, and GTX 1660 and others. My RAM is discontinued (dammit, just when I want to add new of it). etc.. etc..
With these many hardware and technology update, it is hard not to be tempted to get “full upgrade” of the system. My old system was 3 yo, my current system is 3 yo. Good reason to update, considering the age.
But hey, money talks.
Whenever money involved, it is a hard talk.
I have a lot of option, and my options are built around “what case are you want to use”. Since that means that I will try to satisfy the case requirements. You cannot use ATX mobo on ITX case, can you? 
Alas, it is hard to choose the best case in term of economic and aesthetic.
Building A Rig was not this hard for me, it is real hard now that I had the knowledge of hardware, and the need, and also
0 notes
Selenium Training In Chennai
Login For Excellence Login For Excellence is that the best coaching Institute settled in Velachery, that is that the Heart of the City. Here we provide the topmost A+ quality courses to the new generation students by our trained staffs. The students will move with the staffs and learn in an exceedingly straightforward manner. The Infrastructure is equipped with all the Lab facilities and atmosphere is so Student-Friendly, that the students can come up with new ideas and compile them into a new Technology. We conduct Mock Interviews and build up the blocks of lacking skills of the student. We tend to conjointly offer workshops for hands on expertise to students that facilitate them in sensible knowledge. Every Student is given full attention in order that they could mention new concepts and build the blocks of future. Why Login for Selenium? Selenium Training In Chennai is made so much easier in Login For Excellence by Faculties with Extensive Training Experience and Selenium training and testing for absolute beginners with all the attention which the Newbie’s require. Selenium: Selenium may be a transportable framework for testing internet applications. Selenium provides a playback (formerly additionally recording) tool for authoring purposeful take a look at is while not the necessity to find out a test scripting language (Selenium IDE). It additionally provides a take a look at domain-specific language (Selenese) to write down tests in an exceedingly range of in style programming languages, together with C#, Groovy, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Scala. The tests will then run against newest internet browsers. Selenium deploys on Windows, Linux, and macOS platforms. It is ASCII text file software package, free underneath the Apache a pair of.0 license: internet developers will transfer and use it for free of charge. Name Derivation: The word selenium is derived from a funny barter comedy made by Mr. William Huggins. He had sent an email, mocking as a contestant named Mercury, voice communication that you just will cure intoxication of Mercury poisoning by taking Se supplements. The People who received the email thought "SELENIUM" as the name and ran with it. History: The story starts in 2004 at ThoughtWorks in Chicago, with Jason Huggins building the Core mode as "JavaScriptTestRunner" for the testing of an internal Time and Expenses application (Python, Plone). Automatic testing of any applications is core to ThoughtWork's vogue, given the Agile leanings of this consultancy. He has facilitates from Paul Gross and Jie Tina Wang. For them, this was a day job. Jason started demoing the check tool to numerous colleagues. several were excited regarding its immediate and intuitive visual feedback, also as its potential to grow as a reusable testing framework for different internet applications. ThoughtWorkers in numerous offices round the world picked up Se for industrial comes, and contributed back to Se from the teachings learned on these comes. Mike Williams, Darrell Deboer, and Darren Cotterill all helped with the increasing the capabilities and the robustness of it. Components: Selenium consists of many elements with every usurping a selected role in aiding the event of internet application check automation. ⦁ Selenium IDE ⦁ Selenium client API ⦁ Selenium WebDriver ⦁ Selenium Remote Control ⦁ Selenium Grid Selenium IDE: Selenium IDE may be a complete integrated development atmosphere (IDE) for chemical element tests. it's enforced as a Firefox Add-On and as a Chrome Extension. It and permits for recording, editing, and debugging of practical tests. it absolutely was antecedently called chemical element Recorder. selenium-IDE was originally created by Shinya Kasatani and given to the Selenium project in 2006. Selenium IDE was antecedently little-maintained.[4] chemical element IDE began being actively maintained in 2018. Scripts could also be mechanically recorded and emended manually providing autocompletion support and also the ability to maneuver commands around quickly. Scripts ar recorded in Selenese, a special take a look at scripting language for Se. Selenese provides commands for acting actions during a browser (click a link, choose associate degree option), and for retrieving knowledge from the ensuing pages. Advantages: ⦁ Selenium may be a suite of tools that helps in automating solely internet applications. You must have a basic understanding of Java or the other object-oriented Programming language for victimization Selenium .It has capabilities to control across completely different browsers and in operation systems. ⦁ Selenium IDE -a Firefox plug in that lets testers to record their actions as they follow the progress that they have to check. ⦁ Selenium RC-was the flagship testing framework that allowed over easy browser actions and linear execution. It makes use of the complete power of programming languages like Java, C#, PHP, Python, Ruby and PERL to make a lot of advanced tests. ⦁  Selenium Web Driver-is the successor to element RC that sends commands on to the browser and retrieves results. ⦁ Selenium Grid-is a tool wont to run parallel tests across {different totally completely different completely different} machines and different browsers at the same time which ends up in decreased execution time. WEBDRIVER is Available For: ⦁ chrome ⦁ Firefox ⦁ IE ⦁ opera ⦁ edge ⦁ safari # # We can even use languages: ⦁ C++ ⦁ Python ⦁ Ruby ⦁ Java ⦁ Javascript Test Automation for Web Applications: Many, maybe most, code applications nowadays area unit written as web-based applications to be run in an online browser. The effectiveness of testing these applications varies wide among corporations and organizations. In associate era of extremely interactive and responsive code processes wherever several organizations area unit exploitation some type of Agile methodology, check automation is often changing into a demand for code comes. check automation is commonly the solution. check automation means that employing a code tool to run repeatable tests against the applying to be tested. For regression testing this provides that responsiveness. There are several benefits to check automation. Most are associated with the repeat ability of the tests and also the speed at that the tests are often dead. There are variety of economic and open supply tools out there for helping with the event of check automation. antioxidant is presumably the foremost widely-used open supply answer. This user’s guide can assist each new and practiced antioxidant users in learning effective techniques in building check automation for net applications. Test automation has specific benefits for up the long-run potency of a software package team’s testing processes. Test automation supports: ⦁ Frequent regression testing ⦁ Rapid feedback to developers ⦁ Virtually unlimited iterations of test case execution ⦁ Support for Agile and extreme development methodologies ⦁ Disciplined documentation of test cases ⦁ Customized defect reporting ⦁ Finding defects missed by manual testing Mobile Testing Support: With selenium, you'll conjointly take a look at native, hybrid, or net mobile apps, tho' you’ll would like further package. There square measure two main choices – Appium and Selendroid. they're each supported element in order that developers already versed in it will apply identical principles once testing mobile apps. Both tools ar open supply and have nice community support. the most distinction is that Appium supports iOS, Android, and Windows devices, whereas Selendroid targeted completely on android. Selendroid conjointly bundles with Appium in order that once you test for android versions 2.3 through 4.3, the program can mechanically switch to Selendroid. It may appear that mistreatment Appium may be a a lot of logical selection because it doesn’t limit you to at least one OS. However, it makes a lot of sense to simply use Selendroid if you’re going to testandroid completely. It additionally incorporates a few not bad options like “hot plugging” – you'llconnect devices and disconnect them while not interrupting the tests, increasing the amount of emulators or hardware devices that may be tested at an equivalent time. There square measure 2 a lot of niche tools you would possibly wish to understand concerning as well: ⦁ Robotium – a black-box testing framework for Android ⦁ ios-driver – a Selenium WebDriver API for iOS testing integrated with Selenium Grid Flexibility and Extensibility: You’ll notice that selenium is very versatile. There are some ways you'll be able to add practicality to each selenium take a look at scripts and Selenium’s framework to customise your take a look at automation. this is often maybe Selenium’s greatest strength in comparison with alternative automation tools. These customizations are represented in varied places throughout this document. additionally, since selenium is Open supply, the sourcecode will continually be downloaded and changed. Conclusion: Selenium isn't good however it’s simply ok for testers to place forth a bigger effort and ignore the codeless trend. It hits that sweet spot once you’re ready to pay a number of hours searching for an answer on-line rather than obtaining the assistance you procured. And it still contains a few aces up its sleeve that match right in with today’s engineering narrative: quicker delivery, returning in little sections to handle simply, receiving immediate feedback. Selenium could be a universal use case. It doesn’t overshadow all of the opposite check automation tools, particularly if you have got the allow them. However its monopolizing nature causes you to deliberate before you look the opposite method. Perhaps, it’s not that unhealthy.
0 notes
9 Factors Why PC Gaming Is A Better Value Compared to Consoles
9 Reasons that COMPUTER Video gaming Is A Better Worth Than Consoles
Mount Linux and have all the features of a computer system connected to a large display TV. Save the data you desire to maintain to your computer before formatting. Do these details understand the best ways to conserve cash with the x box gaming console? With stunning functions and awesome graphics such as minimized save times, the PS3 has been prepared to control the video clip game globe for fairly some time. How to Repair PS3 Yellow Light - Should You Repair Your PlayStation 3 Yourself? Guantee that the air vents of one's Ps3 have the tendency to be clear, as well as there might be not another heat creating electronics near to it. There isn't an incorrect selection to be made here, just the most effective option that suits you or your enjoyed one's details demands. Past the cash element though, Decluttr is among the very best ways to reuse your undesirable gaming console, despite its state. We have done our best to offer precise as well as as much as date info, nonetheless this could be subject to change any time. Upon invoice of all details, Microsoft will send you a shipping box so you could deliver your unit to them completely free. More advanced functions of wise Televisions, such as screen sharing, will not work on the Pitt Pc gaming network.
Ryan couldn't be much more pleased. This applies more to earlier video games compared to current ones, but on balance, cross-platform titles tend to look better on Sony's equipment. Certain, you won't have the ability to play handful of first-party titles on Sony's end, however every little thing else makes it over-- and also frequently (barring edge situations like Arkham Knight) in far better problem compared to the console variations. Spencer's goal is making games backward and forward compatible, similar to applications. Or maybe the best ways to shed Xbox 360 online video games to disc without modchip? Thus your Xbox 360 requires a full-time defense and Xbox 360 bring situation has become perfect not just for lugging but also for the defense of your Xbox 360. Publisher: mocowiz For less than the even more preferred xbox 360 you obtain a high def blu ray gamer consisted of, the only gaming system to do so. For more details about psp games please see my website as well as appreciate yourself.
Network link readily available, it implies you link with web for downloading and also playing on-line games and also far more entertainment. The Double Shock 4 additionally has an exterior audio speaker as well as earphone jack for your headset, just know, it can just result in stereo from the controllers connection - nevertheless, a good touch. So much so, that obtaining Wii was, or even currently still could be, challenging as demand appears to continuously go beyond supply. Utilizing this card, you could access your savings account information as well as utilize the same for various other numerous facets such as entertainment purpose also. My transmission capacity is 1.28 Mbps, which is simply great and has coincided for several years. This has been the most awful headache of all gamers that have Xbox. Console gamers need an original Xbox to play it as it did at that time. See our initial Xbox FTP tutorial to walk you through ways to use Documents Transfer Method. The reality is that the Slimline is tiny, it's sleek, and also it occupies a whole lot less area compared to its original version.
The problem is, the heat sink is the cooling system which is intended to maintain the motherboard cool, and considering that they shrunk it also a lot, a great deal of individuals are obtaining red light mistakes. If you own an Xbox 360 after that there's an excellent chance you have actually either come across or found out about the Red Rings of Death (RROD). Nevertheless with the entry of Xbox 360 the world of video gaming has actually carried on to a much higher platform. The RetroPie software application develops off of the Emulation Station front-end pc gaming software application, which runs each different pc gaming emulator, as well as adjusts it to service a Raspberry Pi. You don't need to bother with upgrading your gaming console. Also tho it might potentially however be a although simply prior to we obtain any kind of genuine proof that this console is even in advancement, we are able to just hope and view for it beforehand. Alright heres the deal ... When you are doing this, you don't need to forfeit large loan, certain it sets you back something ... Yet hey!
0 notes
9 Reasons Why PC Video gaming Is A Better Worth Compared to Consoles
9 Factors Why PC Video gaming Is A Better Value Compared to Consoles
Install Linux and also have all the features of a computer system attached to a big display TELEVISION. Save the information you wish to keep to your computer system prior to formatting. Do you understand how you can save loan with the x box gaming console? With spectacular features and also breathtaking graphics such as minimized save times, the PS3 has been prepared to dominate the video game world for quite time. How you can Fix PS3 Yellow Light - Should You Fix Your PlayStation 3 Yourself? Guantee that the air vents of one's Ps3 have the tendency to be clear, and there could be not one more warm producing electronics near it. There isn't an incorrect selection to be made below, simply the best selection that suits you or your loved one's certain requirements. Past the cash aspect however, Decluttr is one of the most effective ways to recycle your undesirable gaming console, no matter its state. We have actually done our ideal to provide precise and up to day info, nevertheless this can be conditional at any time. Upon invoice of all information, Microsoft will certainly send you a delivery box so you could ship your device to them free of charge. Advanced features of smart Televisions, such as screen sharing, will certainly not operate on the Pitt Gaming network.
Ryan couldn't be much more pleased. This applies more to earlier games than recent ones, however on equilibrium, cross-platform titles tend to look far better on Sony's equipment. Certain, you won't have the ability to play handful of first-party titles on Sony's end, yet every little thing else makes it over-- and also typically (preventing edge situations like Arkham Knight) in far better condition than the console variations. Spencer's goal is to make games backward and also forward suitable, just like apps. Or perhaps just how to shed Xbox 360 on-line games to disc without modchip? Therefore your Xbox 360 requires a complete time protection and Xbox 360 carry instance has become optimal not only for lugging however additionally for the protection of your Xbox 360. Publisher: mocowiz For less than the even more popular xbox 360 you get a high def blu ray gamer consisted of, the only gaming system to do so. For more information concerning psp games please see my internet site and enjoy on your own.
Tumblr media
Network connection readily available, it indicates you get in touch with internet for downloading and install and also playing on-line games and also a lot more amusement. The Dual Shock 4 additionally has an exterior audio speaker as well as headphone jack for your headset, simply be conscious, it can just result in stereo from the controllers connection - nonetheless, a good touch. So a lot so, that getting Wii was, or even now still can be, hard as demand seems to frequently exceed supply. Using my latest blog post , you can access your financial institution account details and use the same for various other different elements such as enjoyment function too. My bandwidth is 1.28 Mbps, which is just fine as well as has been the exact same for years. This has been the worst headache of all players who have Xbox. Console players need an original Xbox to play it as it did back after that. Visit our initial Xbox FTP tutorial to stroll you with how you can use Documents Transfer Protocol. The reality is that the Slimline is tiny, it's smooth, and also it takes up a lot much less area compared to its initial model.
The issue is, the warmth sink is the cooling down system which is meant to maintain the motherboard cool, and also given that they shrunk it way too much, a great deal of people are obtaining red light errors. If you have an Xbox 360 then there's a likelihood you've either come across or read about the Red Rings of Fatality (RROD). Nonetheless with the entrance of Xbox 360 the world of pc gaming has actually proceeded to a much greater platform. The RetroPie software constructs off of the Emulation Station front-end gaming software application, which runs each separate gaming emulator, and also adjusts it to deal with a Raspberry Pi. You do not need to fret about upgrading your gaming console. Also tho it may perhaps nonetheless be a although right before we obtain any kind of real proof that this console is also in development, we have the ability to only wish as well as see for it beforehand. Alright heres the bargain ... When you are doing this, you don't have to waive huge loan, certain it sets you back something ... However hey!
0 notes
symbianosgames · 7 years
The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company.
Welcome to the Meganoid(2017) post-mortem. This post-mortem goes into the details on the Meganoid figures and stats. Without context the stats are pretty much silly numbers, so please make sure to read all of this because there is more to the numbers than you might think.
So I'll keep this short, if you want to learn more about who I am, please check out my techblog and website. I've been a full-time (indie) developer since 2004. Mostly known for mobile games, but since 2015 also branching to PC games and even some consoles releases here and there (PS Vita and 3DS).  I've never had hit games that made me millions, but I have been doing very decent for many years releasing games that have found a growing fan-base in a niche area.  My biggest titles include the Gunslugs and Heroes of Loot series of games and Space Grunts.
The original Meganoid was released in 2010 on Android and iOS and was a very hard platformer with short levels that sometimes had you screaming if you didn't manage to reach the finish. For me it was a turning point in my games as I finally decided to just build games like that since those are the games I love the most. Luckily I found a niche that works for me and an audience that has been growing alongside me and my games. It also managed to reach close to a million downloads since.
Meganoid(2017) is a reboot of the franchise lifts a lot on the designs behind Spelunky, while still maintaining the difficulty of the original Meganoid game. I named it a "love child of Spelunky and Meat-boy in space", which is a very clear description of what the game is. It's not extremely original, but I'll get to that later on!
Oh, the game was also created in "just" two months, but I'll also get back to that if you keep reading..
So before Meganoid I was working on a game called Ashworld, which is a huge project for a one-man development team (which I am) and it's also an open-world game, a genre that I personally have no experience with because I often quit those games within a few hours of play-time.  Simply put: Ashworld is a huge challenge for me, and I have been working on it since June 2016.
Seeing as my games are actually my livelihood, money needs to come in on a semi-frequent basis. My business is still running fairly well, I have a huge back-log of games and they are all still bringing in money on a monthly base, but to keep it all running I do have some rules on how long game-projects can take.  Ashworld is breaking those rules due to a challenging development phase where I've been learning open-world design and also searching where the actual fun in the game-design is. So the game isn't done, and still needs a few months of work.
Enter the stage: Meganoid.
In January I decided to just do some prototyping with the hopes that I would end up with something playable that could be extended into a game. For this to work, I needed a clear design idea and direction. A game that I could almost create on automatic-mode.
This "automatic-mode" does need some nuance here, I wrote a blog about it a few weeks ago and I think it painted a wrong picture. Some comments and replies I got thrown at me were along the line of "a quick money grab". My bad on writing the article and not being clear about things, so here's to rectifying it:
The game was made in "just 2 months; and 13 years of experience".
The key part being those 13 years experience, factual there are a lot more years of experience, but the 13 years is how long I've been doing this commercially. Meganoid at it's core is a platformer with rogue-like mechanics. I've created close to 60 commercial platform games, and I've been doing rogue-like elements in my last 5-6 games. I know what to expect code-wise, and I know how to program those things without having to think about it.
To put it in some more perspective, my game Heroes of Loot 2 is a huge RPG-adventure/twin-stick shooter, and it was made in little over 4 months. So I normally work really fast and very effective.
Now think what you like about the short-development cycle, I don't plan to change your mind about it, but from a business point of view: this made sense and still delivers a quality game.
To have this game make some profit I needed it to take just a couple of months work so it would be easier to recoup on the costs AND make money on the game.
The development-cycle was pretty short, but since I had some interesting stuff pretty early on I actually showed some screenshots and gifs in the first week of development on twitter,facebook,instagram and a couple of forums. Some of this got picked up pretty early by mobile-game sites, and Toucharcade showed the first couple of video's I released in the weeks after.
I started using reddit a bit more, and finally managed to post something there without it being taken down (actually on second try, the first did get taken down because I didn't disclose that the "pre-order discounts" was on a game I made, which obviously makes a big difference../sarcasm).
The two or so weeks before the launch I already had various mobile sites mailing me for some promocodes, which is the up-side of being "known" in a market. In contrast to that there is the PC scene, where I'm basically unknown and nobody talks about my games.
The launch week I started looking at youtube streamers for the PC version, so I basically searched for big youtubers that covered games like: Spelunky, Meat boy, and a few other more recent pixel-art indie games that fit the same category as Meganoid.
I mailed all of them, close to a 100, which at least one steam-key included (for some group-youtubers I included up to 5 keys) and this all resulted in an awesome 0 streams.  I did a follow up email to a large portion of them a week later, and this resulted in 1 Streamer playing it,  yay results!
It's still possible some streamers will pick up the game later, having full inboxes, managers that handle emails slowly, or just large backlogs of video's. But I don't hold my breath for any of it.  Same goes for PC game-site reviews, so even tho I did everything "right" it basically ended up with fairly little returns on it.  The emails were short, to the point, showed a GIF of the game, bullet points, youtube trailer, quick-links and a steam-key included with a link to the website/presskit for more info. All according to the average marketing-advise.
Basically, in my opinion and experience, you need to know people to get things done. But reaching out never hurts and is also the way to get to know more people, so yeah.
Okay, okay! that's what you guys came for, I get it!
Google Play's "Best new seller" list charting
Let me first start with this, Meganoid was so far:
Featured on App-store under "New games we loved" - worldwide
Featured on Google Play "Early Access"
Featured on Google Play "New and Updated"
Top-charted (top 25) in Google Play "Best new sellers" list
Game of the Week - on TouchArcade
"Best games of the week for iOS and Android"  - Pocketgamer
Now, back to reality, for those who don't know, making money on games is HARD, on any given day there are 100-500 games released on various platforms. That's EVERY DAY! Standing out from those games is extremely hard, most games you will never see and they get like 5-10 downloads (depending on how many friends the developer has).
With my experience of doing this business for a long time, I set a fairly low but do-able goal for Meganoid: $6500 during the launch-period. I know it's a not a huge game, and it had fairly short marketing-visibility before release due to the fast development cycle.
For me a launch-period is the first month or so after releasing it. My goals is usually to make 80%-100%  of the development costs back in this first period. I calculate development costs fairly rough by multiplying each development-month with $2000 and then add any outsourced work costs. Since I do code+design+game graphics that often leaves out-source costs to music and high-res marketing art.
The $2000 is very low-end of what my cost-of-living is each month (in the Netherlands, with mortgage, girlfriend and pets). It doesn't take into account taxes and extra cash-flow for "the future". But we're talking about launch-period here, so a game will live on for a few more years and with future sales and discounts you can often double the money a game made on launch.
So for this game I had 2 months of work, that's $4000 and since there was such a short dev-cycle and I used ambient sounds from my sound-libraries, there was no music cost and just a few hundred dollars for the awesome marketing art. So let's round it to $4500.
Now the point is to get extra cashflow to cover the longer development-cycle of Ashworld and we get to a $6500 minimum revenue that I was aiming for with Meganoid.  Again this is all launch-period revenue, because obviously it's a low amount especially if Ashworld development still needs 2 or 3 months time. So I'll get to that in a few paragraphs below.
I released Meganoid on March 30 on iOS, Android and PC (steam/humble/itch, windows/osx/linux) and we're now at three weeks into the release and currently the revenue is just a little shy of the target at $6200. Which is not bad at all!
So let's dig into this $6200 launch-period amount. Where did most of it come from, and why! The biggest bulk of this comes from the iOS version, actually close to 50% of it: $3580.  On iOS the game was priced $4.99 with a launch-discount the first week making the game $3.99. Meganoid was made Game of the week at Toucharcade which most certainly helped, one of the weeks best games for iOS and Android on Pocketgamer, but sadly it had no "games we play" feature for the first weekend.
For some reason the game only showed up in the "Games we play" on Monday/Tuesday for the USA App-store, at which point it spiked to slightly below the launch spike so effectively doubling the sales in the 3/4 days it had that front page feature.  I'm pretty sure it would have done better if it did have that feature in the first-weekend (during the sale) but those things are pretty much out of my control and I'm glad it eventually did get a feature after-all (something I kind had planned for in setting my revenue targets).
Apple loved it - all over the world!
Second biggest seller was Android, now this was done a little different. I tried some beta stages on Android and this put my game into "Early Access" on Google Play a week before the launch at a $2.99 price. This price was mostly because I believe that the brave people who try out a beta shouldn't pay full price.  The game got a nice Google feature in their "Early Access" list, which only has about 20 games listed, so that's a pretty good list to be in.
The possible down-side of this is that a lot of people don't seem to be clear of understanding what "Early access" means on Google Play, so there was a lot more buying going on than I had planned for, and that means I was pushing updates daily to work out some "obviously-beta" features. Early-access users can't leave reviews during that phase, so that might have been a positive thing, the down-side of that is that many people forget to leave a review once the game was released.. so not as many reviews as I normally have during the launch-period. Not sure if I would do that again on Android, but it's been an interesting experiment.
Finally we come to the PC revenue, in total that's $900 which is split over Steam, Itch and Humble. This is also my biggest pain-in-the-butt, obviously my games still don't make much waves amongst PC gamers. Especially since about 50% of that money comes through Itch.io where I ran a pre-order with 20% discount in the two weeks leading up to the launch. So these buyers are mostly people from my own social-circles and mailing-lists, people who in many cases also buy the mobile version and in a lot of cases people who tipped up to $10 (even tho the pre-order price was $3.99!)  (THANKS!).
The humble-store sales were about 10% of that, so the rest is up to you to calculate :p
Side note:  Besides this launch-period revenue, there is also the added advantage of extra money made on back-log sales. New gamers that see Meganoid will check out my other games and in some cases end up buying a few more of my games. On top of that a lot of subscriptions to my social-circles and mailing list have happened during and after the development of Meganoid, which are all potentially future fans of my next games.
Another important thing to read about, how are the ratings? Because let's face it, making a game in two months isn't interesting if it's a crappy game. On iOS the game has a strong 4/5 star rating from gamers, and on Android it's at 4.8/5 star rating. I'd say those are pretty good ratings (most of my games are around the 4.0 - 4.5 ratings)
On Steam there are only about 4 ratings of which only 2 ratings count since they bought the game on Steam and not through my website/Itch.io or Humble. But I think "all of them" are fairly positive!
Game-site wise, well that's a mixed bag of thingies. As mentioned before, the game was made "game of the week" on Toucharcade, and it was part of the "best games for iOS and Android" that week on Pocketgamer. On the other side Toucharcade's review gave it just a 3.5/5 rating, and Pocketgamer managed to give it a 7/10.  So that's the same two websites already making for mixed-reviews.  Not sure what to think about it, and it's mostly the reason I focus on the average user-rating on app-stores since those people play the game even after a review.
PC game sites pretty much ignored the game completely, except for a few news-posts on one or two sites. But the whole game-review-site business is something for another topic. In short, those sites only talk about your game if people are already talking about your game, or if there's something controversial to be found, because that brings in readers and thus advertising-money.
Now there's always a part in a post mortem where people go say things that went right or wrong and how things could have gone different. BUT!  Meganoid was just as much an experiment as it was a way to earn some extra cash.
For one, the price: $4.99. For a PC game that's a fairly cheap price-point, and it was something I wanted to try out. Normally my newly released PC games go between $7-$10 in the launch period because I honestly think that's what my games are worth for the amount of playtime and enjoyment you get. However, a game like Meganoid is perfect to try out new stuff and I've been wondering if maybe my games would sell better at $4.99.  Haven't really compared it yet with my previous games, but my gut-feeling says I sell about as much copies at this price as I do at a more normal price of $7.99.
On mobile the $4.99 is actually on the high-end of things! More experimenting, normally I'm at max at $3.99 and often in the launch week it's at $2.99. I do believe this game could have done better at a $3.99 or $2.99. Possibly sold much more copies with the result being more revenue. Some people hinted I should have lowered the price when I got the iOS feature, but my golden rule is to not punish the instant-buying fans, which I would have done had I suddenly lowered the price within a week of it's release.
In general the gamers liked the game, which is the most important thing. One guy complained that he couldn't get past the first level so it was way to hard, another guy complained that the sound-effects sounded generic (he was a sound-designer offering to do sound effects.. that's business!). One mobile-game reviewer had a lot of problems with the touch-controls, which is ironic for a mobile-game reviewer in my opinion.
I've been pushing regular updates to Meganoid since the release, and I still have one bigger update planned. After that it will mostly complete the work on this game minus any required fixes or OS-updates.
I never create games as a service, all my games receive two or three bigger updates and then I move on. That's my business-model and that's how I stay in business.
As for the game itself, it now becomes a "back-log game". This means I'll be able to do sales and discounts with the game in the next few years. It's also possible to perhaps get it ported and released on consoles or other gadgets, and there are alternate sales-routes the game can take on platforms like Android or PC (different markets, bundles, etc).
On top of that the game engine is fairly straight-forward and easy to repurpose. So it could be possible to re-use the game, create a new game-world and content for it and release like a $1.99 game with it (in fact I already have a funny viking-style game running on the same engine, so who knows).
All those back-log options should be able to at-least  double the game's revenue within a year, so let's say the game does $10.000 in total by March 2018. Set against the 2 month development cycle (and 13 years experience!) that's not a bad deal.
For now I got some breathing room again for working on Ashworld, so follow me on Twitter or Facebook if you want to stay updated on that one!
(Grab Meganoid here for Windows,MacOS, Linux, iOS or Android)
0 notes
symbianosgames · 7 years
The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company.
Welcome to the Meganoid(2017) post-mortem. This post-mortem goes into the details on the Meganoid figures and stats. Without context the stats are pretty much silly numbers, so please make sure to read all of this because there is more to the numbers than you might think.
So I'll keep this short, if you want to learn more about who I am, please check out my techblog and website. I've been a full-time (indie) developer since 2004. Mostly known for mobile games, but since 2015 also branching to PC games and even some consoles releases here and there (PS Vita and 3DS).  I've never had hit games that made me millions, but I have been doing very decent for many years releasing games that have found a growing fan-base in a niche area.  My biggest titles include the Gunslugs and Heroes of Loot series of games and Space Grunts.
The original Meganoid was released in 2010 on Android and iOS and was a very hard platformer with short levels that sometimes had you screaming if you didn't manage to reach the finish. For me it was a turning point in my games as I finally decided to just build games like that since those are the games I love the most. Luckily I found a niche that works for me and an audience that has been growing alongside me and my games. It also managed to reach close to a million downloads since.
Meganoid(2017) is a reboot of the franchise lifts a lot on the designs behind Spelunky, while still maintaining the difficulty of the original Meganoid game. I named it a "love child of Spelunky and Meat-boy in space", which is a very clear description of what the game is. It's not extremely original, but I'll get to that later on!
Oh, the game was also created in "just" two months, but I'll also get back to that if you keep reading..
So before Meganoid I was working on a game called Ashworld, which is a huge project for a one-man development team (which I am) and it's also an open-world game, a genre that I personally have no experience with because I often quit those games within a few hours of play-time.  Simply put: Ashworld is a huge challenge for me, and I have been working on it since June 2016.
Seeing as my games are actually my livelihood, money needs to come in on a semi-frequent basis. My business is still running fairly well, I have a huge back-log of games and they are all still bringing in money on a monthly base, but to keep it all running I do have some rules on how long game-projects can take.  Ashworld is breaking those rules due to a challenging development phase where I've been learning open-world design and also searching where the actual fun in the game-design is. So the game isn't done, and still needs a few months of work.
Enter the stage: Meganoid.
In January I decided to just do some prototyping with the hopes that I would end up with something playable that could be extended into a game. For this to work, I needed a clear design idea and direction. A game that I could almost create on automatic-mode.
This "automatic-mode" does need some nuance here, I wrote a blog about it a few weeks ago and I think it painted a wrong picture. Some comments and replies I got thrown at me were along the line of "a quick money grab". My bad on writing the article and not being clear about things, so here's to rectifying it:
The game was made in "just 2 months; and 13 years of experience".
The key part being those 13 years experience, factual there are a lot more years of experience, but the 13 years is how long I've been doing this commercially. Meganoid at it's core is a platformer with rogue-like mechanics. I've created close to 60 commercial platform games, and I've been doing rogue-like elements in my last 5-6 games. I know what to expect code-wise, and I know how to program those things without having to think about it.
To put it in some more perspective, my game Heroes of Loot 2 is a huge RPG-adventure/twin-stick shooter, and it was made in little over 4 months. So I normally work really fast and very effective.
Now think what you like about the short-development cycle, I don't plan to change your mind about it, but from a business point of view: this made sense and still delivers a quality game.
To have this game make some profit I needed it to take just a couple of months work so it would be easier to recoup on the costs AND make money on the game.
The development-cycle was pretty short, but since I had some interesting stuff pretty early on I actually showed some screenshots and gifs in the first week of development on twitter,facebook,instagram and a couple of forums. Some of this got picked up pretty early by mobile-game sites, and Toucharcade showed the first couple of video's I released in the weeks after.
I started using reddit a bit more, and finally managed to post something there without it being taken down (actually on second try, the first did get taken down because I didn't disclose that the "pre-order discounts" was on a game I made, which obviously makes a big difference../sarcasm).
The two or so weeks before the launch I already had various mobile sites mailing me for some promocodes, which is the up-side of being "known" in a market. In contrast to that there is the PC scene, where I'm basically unknown and nobody talks about my games.
The launch week I started looking at youtube streamers for the PC version, so I basically searched for big youtubers that covered games like: Spelunky, Meat boy, and a few other more recent pixel-art indie games that fit the same category as Meganoid.
I mailed all of them, close to a 100, which at least one steam-key included (for some group-youtubers I included up to 5 keys) and this all resulted in an awesome 0 streams.  I did a follow up email to a large portion of them a week later, and this resulted in 1 Streamer playing it,  yay results!
It's still possible some streamers will pick up the game later, having full inboxes, managers that handle emails slowly, or just large backlogs of video's. But I don't hold my breath for any of it.  Same goes for PC game-site reviews, so even tho I did everything "right" it basically ended up with fairly little returns on it.  The emails were short, to the point, showed a GIF of the game, bullet points, youtube trailer, quick-links and a steam-key included with a link to the website/presskit for more info. All according to the average marketing-advise.
Basically, in my opinion and experience, you need to know people to get things done. But reaching out never hurts and is also the way to get to know more people, so yeah.
Okay, okay! that's what you guys came for, I get it!
Google Play's "Best new seller" list charting
Let me first start with this, Meganoid was so far:
Featured on App-store under "New games we loved" - worldwide
Featured on Google Play "Early Access"
Featured on Google Play "New and Updated"
Top-charted (top 25) in Google Play "Best new sellers" list
Game of the Week - on TouchArcade
"Best games of the week for iOS and Android"  - Pocketgamer
Now, back to reality, for those who don't know, making money on games is HARD, on any given day there are 100-500 games released on various platforms. That's EVERY DAY! Standing out from those games is extremely hard, most games you will never see and they get like 5-10 downloads (depending on how many friends the developer has).
With my experience of doing this business for a long time, I set a fairly low but do-able goal for Meganoid: $6500 during the launch-period. I know it's a not a huge game, and it had fairly short marketing-visibility before release due to the fast development cycle.
For me a launch-period is the first month or so after releasing it. My goals is usually to make 80%-100%  of the development costs back in this first period. I calculate development costs fairly rough by multiplying each development-month with $2000 and then add any outsourced work costs. Since I do code+design+game graphics that often leaves out-source costs to music and high-res marketing art.
The $2000 is very low-end of what my cost-of-living is each month (in the Netherlands, with mortgage, girlfriend and pets). It doesn't take into account taxes and extra cash-flow for "the future". But we're talking about launch-period here, so a game will live on for a few more years and with future sales and discounts you can often double the money a game made on launch.
So for this game I had 2 months of work, that's $4000 and since there was such a short dev-cycle and I used ambient sounds from my sound-libraries, there was no music cost and just a few hundred dollars for the awesome marketing art. So let's round it to $4500.
Now the point is to get extra cashflow to cover the longer development-cycle of Ashworld and we get to a $6500 minimum revenue that I was aiming for with Meganoid.  Again this is all launch-period revenue, because obviously it's a low amount especially if Ashworld development still needs 2 or 3 months time. So I'll get to that in a few paragraphs below.
I released Meganoid on March 30 on iOS, Android and PC (steam/humble/itch, windows/osx/linux) and we're now at three weeks into the release and currently the revenue is just a little shy of the target at $6200. Which is not bad at all!
So let's dig into this $6200 launch-period amount. Where did most of it come from, and why! The biggest bulk of this comes from the iOS version, actually close to 50% of it: $3580.  On iOS the game was priced $4.99 with a launch-discount the first week making the game $3.99. Meganoid was made Game of the week at Toucharcade which most certainly helped, one of the weeks best games for iOS and Android on Pocketgamer, but sadly it had no "games we play" feature for the first weekend.
For some reason the game only showed up in the "Games we play" on Monday/Tuesday for the USA App-store, at which point it spiked to slightly below the launch spike so effectively doubling the sales in the 3/4 days it had that front page feature.  I'm pretty sure it would have done better if it did have that feature in the first-weekend (during the sale) but those things are pretty much out of my control and I'm glad it eventually did get a feature after-all (something I kind had planned for in setting my revenue targets).
Apple loved it - all over the world!
Second biggest seller was Android, now this was done a little different. I tried some beta stages on Android and this put my game into "Early Access" on Google Play a week before the launch at a $2.99 price. This price was mostly because I believe that the brave people who try out a beta shouldn't pay full price.  The game got a nice Google feature in their "Early Access" list, which only has about 20 games listed, so that's a pretty good list to be in.
The possible down-side of this is that a lot of people don't seem to be clear of understanding what "Early access" means on Google Play, so there was a lot more buying going on than I had planned for, and that means I was pushing updates daily to work out some "obviously-beta" features. Early-access users can't leave reviews during that phase, so that might have been a positive thing, the down-side of that is that many people forget to leave a review once the game was released.. so not as many reviews as I normally have during the launch-period. Not sure if I would do that again on Android, but it's been an interesting experiment.
Finally we come to the PC revenue, in total that's $900 which is split over Steam, Itch and Humble. This is also my biggest pain-in-the-butt, obviously my games still don't make much waves amongst PC gamers. Especially since about 50% of that money comes through Itch.io where I ran a pre-order with 20% discount in the two weeks leading up to the launch. So these buyers are mostly people from my own social-circles and mailing-lists, people who in many cases also buy the mobile version and in a lot of cases people who tipped up to $10 (even tho the pre-order price was $3.99!)  (THANKS!).
The humble-store sales were about 10% of that, so the rest is up to you to calculate :p
Side note:  Besides this launch-period revenue, there is also the added advantage of extra money made on back-log sales. New gamers that see Meganoid will check out my other games and in some cases end up buying a few more of my games. On top of that a lot of subscriptions to my social-circles and mailing list have happened during and after the development of Meganoid, which are all potentially future fans of my next games.
Another important thing to read about, how are the ratings? Because let's face it, making a game in two months isn't interesting if it's a crappy game. On iOS the game has a strong 4/5 star rating from gamers, and on Android it's at 4.8/5 star rating. I'd say those are pretty good ratings (most of my games are around the 4.0 - 4.5 ratings)
On Steam there are only about 4 ratings of which only 2 ratings count since they bought the game on Steam and not through my website/Itch.io or Humble. But I think "all of them" are fairly positive!
Game-site wise, well that's a mixed bag of thingies. As mentioned before, the game was made "game of the week" on Toucharcade, and it was part of the "best games for iOS and Android" that week on Pocketgamer. On the other side Toucharcade's review gave it just a 3.5/5 rating, and Pocketgamer managed to give it a 7/10.  So that's the same two websites already making for mixed-reviews.  Not sure what to think about it, and it's mostly the reason I focus on the average user-rating on app-stores since those people play the game even after a review.
PC game sites pretty much ignored the game completely, except for a few news-posts on one or two sites. But the whole game-review-site business is something for another topic. In short, those sites only talk about your game if people are already talking about your game, or if there's something controversial to be found, because that brings in readers and thus advertising-money.
Now there's always a part in a post mortem where people go say things that went right or wrong and how things could have gone different. BUT!  Meganoid was just as much an experiment as it was a way to earn some extra cash.
For one, the price: $4.99. For a PC game that's a fairly cheap price-point, and it was something I wanted to try out. Normally my newly released PC games go between $7-$10 in the launch period because I honestly think that's what my games are worth for the amount of playtime and enjoyment you get. However, a game like Meganoid is perfect to try out new stuff and I've been wondering if maybe my games would sell better at $4.99.  Haven't really compared it yet with my previous games, but my gut-feeling says I sell about as much copies at this price as I do at a more normal price of $7.99.
On mobile the $4.99 is actually on the high-end of things! More experimenting, normally I'm at max at $3.99 and often in the launch week it's at $2.99. I do believe this game could have done better at a $3.99 or $2.99. Possibly sold much more copies with the result being more revenue. Some people hinted I should have lowered the price when I got the iOS feature, but my golden rule is to not punish the instant-buying fans, which I would have done had I suddenly lowered the price within a week of it's release.
In general the gamers liked the game, which is the most important thing. One guy complained that he couldn't get past the first level so it was way to hard, another guy complained that the sound-effects sounded generic (he was a sound-designer offering to do sound effects.. that's business!). One mobile-game reviewer had a lot of problems with the touch-controls, which is ironic for a mobile-game reviewer in my opinion.
I've been pushing regular updates to Meganoid since the release, and I still have one bigger update planned. After that it will mostly complete the work on this game minus any required fixes or OS-updates.
I never create games as a service, all my games receive two or three bigger updates and then I move on. That's my business-model and that's how I stay in business.
As for the game itself, it now becomes a "back-log game". This means I'll be able to do sales and discounts with the game in the next few years. It's also possible to perhaps get it ported and released on consoles or other gadgets, and there are alternate sales-routes the game can take on platforms like Android or PC (different markets, bundles, etc).
On top of that the game engine is fairly straight-forward and easy to repurpose. So it could be possible to re-use the game, create a new game-world and content for it and release like a $1.99 game with it (in fact I already have a funny viking-style game running on the same engine, so who knows).
All those back-log options should be able to at-least  double the game's revenue within a year, so let's say the game does $10.000 in total by March 2018. Set against the 2 month development cycle (and 13 years experience!) that's not a bad deal.
For now I got some breathing room again for working on Ashworld, so follow me on Twitter or Facebook if you want to stay updated on that one!
(Grab Meganoid here for Windows,MacOS, Linux, iOS or Android)
0 notes