#even tho ive fixated on it for almost a decade
bluebedo · 4 months
I remembered Tumblr existed and wanted to check on the eah fandom and wdym ur all rehashing apple white discourse it's 2024 ppl
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rsmrymnt-tea · 3 years
ramble ramble just spewing art ideas because i dont have a rubber duckie
ahsjdhaa art idea but like really specific and i dunno if ill come thru but ive been thinking about it and tbh im not sure i can pull it off—just wanna get some hours into trying to do fantasy and detailed stuff
if these come out nice then at least thats stuff for my portfolio right??? agdidhaja
aka iah’s trying to combine the main game thats consumed her with the current fixation and also is trying get some gears going because she cant study without direction
ever since i saw someone make avengers art in the style of gw2 ive been wanting to do something similar even though my poor hands can only dream of pulling off that art style
so ofc Im gonna try studying the shit out of it because Im stubborn and have been in love with that art for almost a decade now >.>;; the elite specialization reveal art from HoT still lives in my heart and head rent free and it has been 6 years
ahdjdha my god solomon as an elementalist and satan as an engineer has been stuck in my head and yeah once again self indulgent af because those are my two mains
lucifer - renegade (iffy but i feel like the vibes right?)
mammon - daredevil
levi - deadeye
satan - firebrand or reaper
asmo - mirage
beel - herald
belphie - scourge (genuinely idk what works with him)
solomon - tempest (or honestly the vanilla guardian? druid sorta makes sense too)
simeon - dragonhunter
barb - chronomancer
dia - spellbreaker (honestly idk what suits him either)
this would sorta double as me thinking of more… fantastical? designs for their demon forms because lowkey i dont enjoy how modern streetwear-y most of them look (i mean i really like most of em but also wish that they vibed more conventionally evil and demonic like dias??? or like a dark twist on their angel forms even tho those outfits came way way later and satan wouldnt have one unless its based off of lucifers)
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the pegs;;;;;;; do i have the confidence and skill to even try?????? well i can try and learn a lot from the experience at least, its about time i do some ‘master’ studies of these pieces because honestly its been years and i still swoon over these
one day ill be free of how much gw2’s art influences mine but todays not that day and tbh after a solid 10 years im lowkey convinced its just built into my brain to love their art and attempt to incorporate many aspects of it into my work like the main man i look to for how i do portraits worked on HoT and man aaaaa
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oswednesday · 4 years
so like my mom acted like she didnt bring anything from the grandparents house, but i was in her room gathering trash and i was like where are the bags she got from the house a while back? like shes gone back to using like this big ratty bag she got from a thrift store, my gut says she sold them it was two of them like, and while i was looking for these bags i found under some wallmart bags of some shirts that idk who theyre for, maybe my brother, one i kind of want to just snag and hope she forgot about getting but like these bags are like very deliberately on top of these old amazon boxes that i did notice she was gathering in her room are a few like cups and such from the gparents house so she like took them out of whatever she brought them in and like ?hid? them for some reason in amazon boxes, i could Almost wonder that theyll be gifts for me but i big time doubt that so its ??? that she went through the effort to hide them like that tho that Would explain why she launched into the whole what are you going to get me for xmas before i was even asked or even said anything about it, which like of course i want my grandparents things to be like passed down to me but my mom has succh a fixation on things that arnt like heirlooms in any way shape or form, like the thing with like the decades old cutting board thats like 20 dollars online dfgdfg or like this series of bone porcelain thats like i can find on ebay for like 12 dollars (which is what she took this time), when they have like really nice stuff thats like irreplaceable or very cost prohibited to replace, i mean she has taken some grandma art which feels like this big evil act she did like she had them all hung up in her room only until like recently when she brought one out in the living room but it was like weeks after its was like hey what should we do with this and i was like oh we should have it in the living room and she hung it in her room by her bed like gdfgdf and she has two paintings that were apart of a bigger series and its like she rotten of her to have them like i even asked for one instead of just taking it and she was like no teehee they should be together like, as if she wont like destroy it or try to sell it the moment she thinks she can get something out of it, or even leave it behind if she decides to move on a whim when im gone which like is a thing that might happen since thats what shes literally done every time ive moved out of the house she’s in, but back to the bags they probs werent worth much but still like designer bag price range cause she has like no eye for when stuff is nice and expensive and it really drives me insane that shes like this like being extra suzzy not even grabbing the nicer things (or they Were really expensive and she sold them like she did that to greatgrandmas jewlery when she got them after all the estate stuff was done with) , and she’ll act like theyre super sentimental to her like theres some of greatgrandmas like lower price dishes like 12 dollar plate kinda thing but like she hasnt grabbed like quilts or like dolls or anything so i think she just thinks she has something super valuable that she stopped her sister/late brother from getting when its like, stuff you can get at like macys
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leviathiane · 5 years
1, 5, 9, 11, 13!! Give us the good stuff, Dwepths 💦💦💦💦
😩🔪 Chr oooMMIII All I Wanted Was To Harass Others Not To Be Harassed snjdhbfk i never actually even read the questions on this post before reblogging 
, but ill do it anyway bc im a hoe
1 (Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic) - i wasnt actually aware of what my ‘comfort zone’ was until i tried writing romance and now im MORE than aware that its just straight up gen angst ✌️its what i live and breathe and what ive written since i was little and now its My Immediate Fall Back aksdjhbfd,,, need those tense silences and choked back words and digging nails into ur palms :)
5 (Share one of your strengths) - straight up editing sakhfd ive been an editor for years and its the work i honestly find the most rewarding (and it shows in the leap in quality of my own writing after an edit or two .,,)
9 (Which fic has been the hardest to write?) - currently im having a lot of trouble with BoI and WRoR, but thats more just that im hanging on to my fixation with one piece by the edge of my fingernails 😩
11 (Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?) - writing is both a passion and a hobby! i am an english major, and writing has always been a massive part of my life– but my career focus revolves more around editing than writing my own novels so its also a hobby. i do write seriously outside of fic as well tho, and am working on publishing some of my own prose in the future
13 (What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?) - the best writing advice ive ever come across has been to just push through it. Just sit down and write. That I cant just rely on a burst of inspiration to break a writers block, or a plot hole- i have to work for it. I spent years, half a decade, not really writing or posting, because i was so dependent on waiting for that rush of adrenaline to make me bust out a fully finished piece. but writing doesnt work like that. this also applies to first draft anxiety and the need to have a perfect piece right away– just sit down and get it the hell out, and the rest will come later. i have to repeat this to myself AND people i help almost daily lmfao
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