#even tho i was around people and could've had someone help me if i rlly needed it -
swagyna · 6 months
ftr im not even supposed to eat strawberries but i do it anyways.
and i was only supposed to get 8lbs but bc i was standing in 16°F w 20mph wind gusts for half an hour while only wearing a light jumper and beanie for cold protection..... i figured i should make it count
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and! ok and. so i was asked at 11pm the night prior to go purchase these strawberries. the times given were from 10am to 10:30am. i said "sure" despite suffering from severe tummy huwties (food poisoning)
alas, i slept poorly due to the aforementioned tummy huwties, and awoke at 8am. i kindly asked my parents to handle the retrieval of the berries instead.
i woke once more at 10 to find no one had moved to secure the strawberries.
i. am. devastated.
my super special birthday is coming up and i decide i absolutely need these berries.
i was brave - too brave - as i drove to see if there were strawberries left, assuming the berry vendors has been ransacked and left with nothing or were ready to leave. because of this, i made a very crucial mistake - the lack of warm garb.
i arrive at 10:15, i check the back of my vehicle to see if my past self had been clever enough to stow away a blanket enchanted with warmth (heated blanket); alas, she was not.
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confusion quickly set in. something is amiss. there is a giant line a block down the alleyway, no one is moving.
the vendors are nowhere to be found.
remember, i'm barely wearing clothing appropriate for above freezing. i was under the impression the purchasing of fruits would either F) not happen or 3) take a meager five minutes.
i am distraught, it is cold. i join the wary travelers, deciding i shall suffer thru more poor decision making all in the name of strawberry pastries. it is 10:20.
this is where you, dear reader, should take note of my bravery. my tummy starts making the rumblings. it dawns on me that i am, absolutely, fucking myself over thru exposure. i've done dumber things than this before, but not while my stomach is battling expired food. i nearly vomit.
i overhear devastating news.
apparently they posted on facebook they'd be late. i don't have facebook bc i'm not a stinky old fart, so i had no idea. there was not an eta.
the quips of the ladies next to me make my heart shrivel, one of whom i recognize. she and i were not on friendly terms, and i could tell this woman was trying to break down my resolve. i kept hearing things similar to "God, I can't imagine standing in line without all of my winter clothes!", "People not dressed for this should stay back in their cars.", "Oh my gosh it's soooo cold!!", "I would give up if I dressed any lighter."
these remarks ultimately fueled the flames in my belly. i am stubborn and i am petty. i steeled my resolve.
it is 10:35. the line has moved up but the vendors are still no where in site. the wind is picking up. surprisingly, despite this, i am not cold. i've been managing well by bouncing back and forth on my heels while rubbing my arms. my forearms are tucked into the opposite sleeve, and my fingers are pressed into the crevice of my chelidons.
as the chill finally starts reaching in, i sporadically and frantically message my mother. asking her to bring me gloves or a heavy jacket. she does not respond.
resigned to my fate, i started looking around at my fellow peoples. many are dressed as light as i am, and i take solace in knowing i do not suffer alone.
as this happens, the berry truck arrives. i am not filled with relief nor spite. it is merely acceptance. i know it will be another 10 minutes until i'm able to make my purchase, this is not what i'm worried about. it is the journey back to my car. 2 blocks away.
the line moves, there are some vehicles trying to escape the chaos. while this happens, i lose my spot in line and i do not notice.
the 2 women who'd been behind me were now in front of me. the one woman i was acquainted with glared at me, she did not say a word. her friend, however, gestured for me to return to my spot. she could tell i was starting to struggle out in the cold.
i quickly get my berries and start to head back to my car. this was easily the worst part of the whole experience. i'd barely been moving while waiting in line, and to suddenly jumpstart an engine that'd been sitting in the cold, with no time to warm up? shit coulda been disastrous.
but we have a happy ending :) i got my berries, got back to my car, sat and warmed myself up while considering is i should preemptively devour my haul (i did not) and then drove home.
i almost got t-boned by some asshole coming out of the Walmart parking lot. ppl don't know how the fuck to turn left in this town.
anyways, moral of the story. always pack a warm blankie in your car.
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seoafin · 2 years
i felt every single emotion reading it. i am numb.
(forgive my rambling... please)
megumi... poor boy. when ur around his age, you would imagine that you'd trust people easier, or have a "child-like faith" but he's the complete opposite and it BREAKS MY HEART LORDDDD
tsumiki as well... 😭 carrying so much on her back and she probably hasn't even learnt quadratic formula yet 😭 my heart aches everytime i think about her tbh. it takes an insane amount of maturity (for someone as young as her) to keep smiling and get things done for her and megs. or maybe she has double the amount of child-like faith that megumi just seemed to lose along the way. (just yet another way of how she's raising them both.... crying)
toji may be a piece of shit.... but he's my piece of shit im so sorry. glad that rip!mc gave him that wake up call though !! (if only she were canon.... gege im in ur walls).
satoru being angry and annoyed for this entire fic did make me giggle. personally, i don't think many things can get him that riled up,,, so let's just say im jumping up and down at the fact that someone so "boring" can make his blood pressure increase like no one's business. (i love how protective he is even though if u look closely, he can be borderline psychotic. he cares SO much about her anddddd i have tears in my eyes again. wow. just him immediately taking rip!mc to his room to play cards. him making immediate moves to help her and megs. that is SO important to me.)
suguru as well 😭 he is so cute shame... just constantly flustered 😭😭😭 thank you for making him happy.. it's all i've wanted for the past 3 years 😭😭😭 (him and satoru.... thin ice... love them tho. but thin ice)
shoko. im in love. nothing has changed. i understand rip!mc. plus,,, her being the biggest instigator LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭 not giving satoru, suguru, OR toji a moment of peace. such wife material actually. it's also so heartwarming that she doesn't pry into rip!mc's stuff, how she continues to lie to the boys just for her. the blind trust.... they're meant to be... (THE END WAS EVERYTHING TO ME. PERSONALLY.)
rip!mc.... you really dug at my heart this time 😭😭😭😭 i don't wanna overshare, but all i will say is, she is JUST like me. im fr just looking at myself at this point and all this kinda hits home 😭 (the daddy issues theme was amazing morgan love it) she is too kindhearted for her own good (sounds like SOMEONE... 😔) but i love her w everything in my heart. she deserves every single good thing and more that comes her way tbh. just her projecting her issues onto megs and toji was so heartbreaking. love her.
marie is so fine.
amazing fic as always morgan. you are genuinely such an amazing author, u really grabbed me and forced to feel every emotion in this fic 😭 ur talent never fails to amaze me. you >>>> the world. ly and goodbye. (more art coming ur way!)
my favorite thing abt writing rip!mc is hands down her dynamic with megumi and i know i haven't written abt those two as much as i probably should've but i love them...i made it so that rip!mc would parallel megumi bc i wanted to explore a character that really had no other choice but to become a jujutsu sorcerer like in an another life rip!mc could've been megumi and megumi could've been rip!mc the possibilities!! tsumiki too. im rlly excited for her role in the upcoming chapters/arcs bc i rlly want to see more of her. just imagining tsumiki who is barely older than megumi taking on the role of responsibility when they were children breaks my heart. also a lot of ppl talk about megumi and toji but what about tsumiki and HER mother??? like yes toji abandoned megumi but so did tsumiki's mother like ouch that must've hurt or maybe she was just so used to it which is why taking care of megumi came so easy. maybe she was used to fending for herself 🥲
toji.... i originally envisioned rip!mc finding him in a pachinko parlor LMAO stsg were ALSO supposed to visit the hostess club unfortunately i cut the scene out bc it didn't make sense. but yes the man definitely needed a wake up call personally i think rip!mc should've been even harsher but the girl was straight up dissociating that entire conversation fjdksfdjnks
hs gojo is such a tsundere!!! like it's part bc he sucks at communicating and it's another part the fact that rip!mc is just extraordinarily dense in aspects. he also just assumes that it's a given that people understand him (like geto does) LMAO. i feel like that's the difference between hs gojo n adult gojo in regards to his relationship with rip!mc. adult gojo is just a lot more confident in how to handle her and knows exactly what buttons to push while hs gojo is a lot more rash and easier crueler with his words. he is the WORST.
when else is geto not going to be happy other than in my fics 😔 i love him so much!!! i wrote all the geto scenes for this fic first and then tried to figure out where to fit gojo let me TELL YOU. all the geto parts were done and written!!! it took me like 3 months to finish gojo's though 😭😭😭
ok let's talk shoko aka the TRUE ENDING. yes shoko is the biggest instigator ever. it would be hilarious to see gojo and geto riled up while also asserting her Dominance as rip!mc's number 1 <33333 in the end she's the only one that actually and truly just wants the best things for her bf even if that may or may not include stsg. these bitches r so gay.....gojo n geto r just willfully blind about it DNFJKSDNJF
thank you so much for reading friend!!! once again im so so so so happy you enjoyed it <33333 like if even one person enjoyed that makes me soooo happy and thank you for letting me read your thoughts I LOVE WHEN PPL TALK TO ME ABT MY FICS <3333 also i will eagerly be awaiting whatever u draw omg
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