#even moooore old art
bollekatze · 6 months
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(mr. reyes as charon from an silly au i had with a friend🙃)
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mislamicpearl · 1 year
Thoughts on Danny Phantom: A Glitch in Time
If you want the tl;dr of my thoughts on this graphic novel, it's simple: I LOVED IT! And I want moooore!
I'm soooooo happy with all the dialogue and characterization, it is just spot on! I could perfectly hear the original voices of the characters saying these lines, this comic could literally be a new episode of the show and it would fit seamlessly! No 2020's slang or memes, no wokeness that wasn't there before, just pure Danny Phantom. The only few indications of the comic having been written in 2023 is the use of words like "selfie" and "goat", and those are already old enough now that they don't feel that blatant.
Needless to say I'm sooooo glad this story's main premise is on Dark Danny, the fact that that storyline never came back in the show was always a sore spot for me. And not only Dark Danny but Vlad AND Clockwork come back for major parts to play? This is like the most wish fulfilling fanfic ever, except it's CANON!
But yeah, love that Vlad got to come back, it's always funny when he has to work together with Danny, AND the fact that he gets a redemption of sorts at the end fixes one of the many things I disliked about the show's finale - it had always felt like this was a villain character that could have and should have gotten a second chance to do some good.
Ahahaha I had completely forgotten that Tucker was made mayor of Amity Park in Phantom Planet, and ngl it was a great move on the comic's part scrapping that idea immediately, that had always been pretty silly.
I wish we could've seen just a little bit more of Danny interacting with his parents now that they know his identity as a half ghost, but considering they weren't major characters in this plot (and considering how things end up) it kinda makes sense.
The important thing is that we still got lots of cute wholesome hugs between Danny and his friends. :')
Aaaaaah Dark Danny is so cool! The art style was really cute but the author also managed to make Phantom look just as dark and menacing as he was in the show.
The best and most disturbing joke was Danny seeing that Vlad still had a clone of him in stasis, ahahaha! And this actually comes back to play an important part in the plot later!
I'm glad Valerie got some moments to shine in this too, I never liked how her and Danny's whole thing was just kind of rushed and brushed aside in the show's finale. Now we can see, she still doesn't completely trust him!
If there's just one thing I fault this comic with, it's the whole glitching through different timelines thing to make filler action scenes. I felt like they ate up page time for nothing.
"I put you two in the ground before, I can do it again" HOLY FRICK THAT'S DARK, DANNY!
I really love the lore surrounding the ghosts that was added. Given that Butch Hartman has said the ghosts aren't actually deceased spirits of real people, the explanation given here actually makes the fact that we have ghosts like Poindexter, who was a living boy once, make sense without negating what he said. It also very simply explains why we have weird formless or creature-like ghosts, something I'd never even thought to wonder about.
I did think it was a little too easy for Danny to get his powers back after that explanation (and dang, as if he hasn't been compared to Spider-man enough XD), but I love what it did for Vlad's character arc.
I don't know how I'd never thought before about Dark Danny and Vlad interacting but WOW I needed to see that! God what a deliciously complicated relationship - Vlad literally adopted this version of Danny and made him who he was! And again, what a great way to develop Vlad's character making Dark Danny show him exactly what would result from him getting what he'd always wanted in making Danny his protegee!
Clockwork Dark Danny looked so cool~
"Why was I the one who lost everything?" God this part punched me in the gut. 
Clockwork returning Danny and his friends back to the status quo of the show would usually annoy me, but I totally see that this is the author's way of undoing the results of Phantom Planet and leaving the story open to doing the ending over again - and I'm all for that! You know, if in fact we do get more comics after this.
Which it seems like we will because we kinda left Valerie on a cliffhanger there?
And Dark Danny is now a kid again and back with Vlad, heck yeah! Again, I need mooooore! Bring back Dani next!!
5 stars man, this is a continuation done right in every way!
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coralcatsea · 3 years
🤢🤢🤢 for the emoji ask prompt!
"What aspect of canon bugs you the most? Could be a name, an age, a birthday, etc."
This will be hard to choose, because while I do like canon in a lot of ways, there are also a handful of things I don't care for.
I'll just list a few things:
-This might sound silly, but waaaay too many of the characters have purple eyes. It kind of irks me because that's an extremely rare colour and I feel like it doesn't make sense for a character that's supposed to represent a country to not have one of the more common eye colours of that country. I can give it a pass a few times and let the character be an anomaly, but there doesn't seem to be a good reason to give multiple characters one of the rarest eye colours in the world. On top of that, there were certain characters that had a different eye colour before it was randomly changed to purple. Give them the old eye colour back!
-Lack of hairstyle/facial hair/body type variety. I know this is primarily a bishounen anime, but there are different types of beauty, and beauty is subjective! It's more fun when there's a wide range of appearances. (Yes, there's already a little variety, but I want moooore.) Also, I know this anime isn't always historically accurate, but wouldn't it be amusing if Himaruya at least occasionally showed existing characters with different facial hair in different time periods? Not all the time, but maybe briefly as a joke?
-Not enough girls. I think the reason there weren't many girls before was because Himaruya felt like he didn't know how to draw them well, right? But his art has improved and he clearly knows how to draw them now, so...more girls, please. Again, for variety!
-Canon nyotalia designs. I just...think they could use a lot of work, and they don't make sense to me. Why is it they look too similar to the originals to be unique, yet too different to be a good counterpart? They're this annoying in-between that is overall unsatisfying regardless of how you interpret them.
-There isn't quite enough of characters interacting outside their comfort zone. One good way to flesh out characters is to make them interact with characters they don't normally interact with. Thankfully, that's been getting better, but it would always be nice to see more of.
-Roman emperor stuff. I never got into this and I didn't understand why it was a thing that kept going. Were any of the emperors even shown talking to Rome? If so, it wasn't enough for me to remember.
-America never getting a serious song. Please, please, let him have at least ONE serious song this season! That's all I ask! So many of the other characters have one. I just want a slightly more meaningful, better-sounding song than "HAMBURGERS FOR BIRTHDAAAYY DURUFUUUU". If energetic, happy-go-lucky Italy can do it, so can America!
That was longer than expected. Oops. Ah, well!
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astickofbutter · 4 years
ah did you? i ahev glasses too cuz my eyesight has beeen shit ever since i was 9 lmao
me? oh!! ive been writing for tsukasa week alot lol, not much is happening (◕ᴗ◕✿)
Yeah...It's a bit melancholy, but I absolutely love the way it came out for a first attempt. Yay!
I actually didn't think that you would have glasses. God, that makes you even cuter Cey. But my glasses are strictly for reading, and/or anything that involves a screen...ironically. And my eyesight just recently started to combust along with my hearing. Which is weird because I'm still a minor in high school. Lol I'm going to have the worst time as a old person.
*Gasp* Can't wait! I know I've said this once before, but I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR WRITING!!! I actually wanted to participate for Tsukasa Week, but I just don't know what to do.
FUCK THAT! Now I do! Sorry I got randomly inspired to start writing something, that happens sometimes. But at least I know what I want to do now! Heh..Heh..
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diyanimationshow · 4 years
Season Break - Thank You Denver! DPCC 2019 Wrap-Up  ::  SB #6
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Our DPCC 2019 Booth!
Hello, old and new DIY-ers!  We are back from Denver Pop Culture Con!!
Now that both of us have finished our travels, we’re getting back into the swing of our usual schedules.  We’re a little bit later posting this blog than we intended (jet lag is crazy), and so have had some good time to reflect on the amazingness that was DPCC.
We were lucky enough to table in the Artist Valley with some of our favorite artists, promoting The DIY Animation Show, meeting new friends and regular listeners (hey guys!), and selling DIYA merch (which you can find later in the post) and Jess’ art. It was super fun times, and we’ve gathered some of our fave highlights from the experience below!
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Good times with fans and cosplayers who bought Jess' art and a Follow Your Heart print 
Jess I’ve tabled at DPCC for a couple of years now, and it’s easily one of my  favorite conventions.  Between the gorgeous views of the mountains in  Denver, the lively atmosphere of the crowd, and the all-around positive  vibe of the show, I can’t get enough!  One of my favorite things each year is catching up with people I’ve  meet from previous years and meeting new ones, whether they’re fans,  booth buddies, volunteers… the list goes on.  Everyone is always so nice  and welcoming, and I believe they represent the best of what the pop  culture crowd has to give. Other highlights for me include spending quality time with friends and family that traveled with us, seeing Amanda Palmer in concert for the first  time (mind-blowing!!), and finding a super cool Saitama action-figure  from One Punch Man.  Good times all around! 
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Lauren found her new vocation in a friend's Iden Versio helmet
Lauren Colorado is even more beautiful than I’d expected; for a long time I’d had a distant hope of maybe - just maybe - seeing those mountains one day.  So wandering around Garden of the Gods was a dream come true.  Never have I seen anything so sublime. Add to that a weekend of DPCC’s excellence and radness, meeting new listeners… and somehow having a knack for missing you regulars (Every. Single. Time. XD I’m so sorry!); there was so much good art and such a joy of expression, it really gave me a kick start in my own creative hopes and plans!  Got the chance to attend Cary Elwes’ spotlight and discover just how hilarious he is, as well as deepen my love for astronomy and space with NASA’s roster of talks. And finally - the cosplay.  This was my first time experiencing cosplay on such a scale, and boy, was it ON POINT.  I saw Henry Jones Sr., Mermista and Katra, and - perhaps the cherry on the cake - got to try on a new friend’s replica Iden Versio helmet.  I have found my new calling.  501st / Rebel / Mandalorian Legions… sign me up for all of them.
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Overwatch cosplayers showing how it's done.  Thanks friend Keith for the photo.
We met so many wonderful people at DPCC, here are just a few we thought you'd like, too.
Will Terry children's book illustrator, teacher, & podcaster Website | Podcast I’ve been following Will Terry’s YouTube channel and podcast for a few years now, and he and his co-hosts always deliver great advice, whether you’re an illustrator, animator… you name it.  We were able to catch up as the show was coming to a close, and it was just really great to see him!  
AJ Nazzaro illustrator & character designer Website | Instagram A good friend from the early days of The Oatley Academy, it was so fun to catch up and see just how AJ’s hard work and indomitable spirit is paying off.  Now illustrating for the likes of Blizzard and Overwatch, and trying his hand at a little animation now and again, AJ is nailing it.
Ajay Young comic artist & illustrator Website | Instagram If you’re in need of a good “potentially offensive” laugh and a super-awesome human to hang with, Ajay is another fellow Oatley Academy artist from years past.  He and his wife are always a pleasure to catch up with at the show and see what new things they have in store. (“Mustache Duckstache” is a personal fave!)
Savvy Jensen illustrator Instagram Savvy’s art keeps growing more out-of-control in its awesomeness!  Another fellow OA-er, Savvy and her tenacious spirit are always pushing the boundaries of her painting skills (those colors though!!), and it was fantastic catching up with her.  Dude is rocking it.
Andrew Thompson illustrator Website | Instagram One of those happy con-connections, we got chatting and instantly clicked!  Andrew’s art is super rad, bursting with acid pop colours and insanely energetic, filled with battles and hope.  Can't wait to see what more he creates!
Booth Buddies! Last, but not least, we were so fortunate to have such excellent booth buddies this year!  Fantastic art and wonderful humans: Erin Powers-Kim, AKA Lociro illustrator & webcomic creator Twitter | Instagram Erin's razor sharp wit coupled with her coffee cats and fun art kept our spirits buoyed all weekend.  Thanks Erin! Sean Callahan & Alex Kmeto colourist & illustrator Sean's Website | Twitter | Alex's Website | Instagram (Some work NSFW) Along with their friends Martin, Hallam and Jason, this bunch made for a motley and hilarious crew - great art, lots of laughs, and a plethora of high-five techniques.  Thanks guys!
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The 'Follow Your Heart' print started out as a gif!
We have a few ‘Follow Your Heart’ prints and sticker sheets left in stock for those who couldn’t make it to the show and want a piece of DIYA!  You’ll find them over on Jess’ etsy store, in the DIYA section.
The package includes a signed and inscribed Follow Your Heart print, measuring 8x8” on matte 80lb cardstock, and a mini-sticker sheet of 6 unique designs.  There’s only a few in stock, so grab them while you can!
Our DPCC Take-Aways!
Jess: My take-away, and honestly I’m reminded of it with each show, is that you and your art will touch people in ways you can’t fully grasp. Making the choice to show up and put yourself out there, whether to sell art, to promote a show, to talk to the people there, can lead to joy, new friends, and so much more.  It’s always worth it.
Lauren: My biggest take-away from DPCC is that there’s so many different types of art, and so much out there to capture, so let’s make the art our heart desires!  I’m so excited to play with my art, grow with it, and love it :D
Smiles and Satisfaction
And with that, Denver Pop Culture Con 2019 has come to a satisfying close!
We can’t tell you just how excited we are for the future of DIYA - we’ve had a taste of that Con Life, and we want moooore!!!  It was incredible meeting everyone, and we’re looking forward to doing more shows in the future, getting more content to you all, and seeing just how far DIYA can go.  Thank you all for your continued support!  We appreciate you.
In the meantime, stay on the lookout for more blog posts this Season Break, and especially stay tuned for the upcoming Season 4 of DIYA!
Catch ya next time, and remember… Follow your heart, and have fun animating! <3 Jess & Lauren
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DIYA Instagram | DIYA Twitter | DIYA Facebook | DIYA Ko-Fi Jess | Lauren Thank you Azureflux for our awesome music!
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moonlit-maiden · 7 years
Hey i saw some posts on here kind of shitting on people who want better representation in media, or who headcanon characters as trans? Idk how old the posts are, just wondering.
I THINK I know which posts you’re talking about?
So since it’s 2 topics I’ll address individually. First is representation. In general I’m fine with it. I’m fine with people wanting it. Fuck dude, I would LOVE to see a healthy poly relationship in a book for example. What I’m NOT okay is people DEMANDING representation. I’m not okay with people reading a book or playing a video game or watching a series and whining “why weren’t they like THIS instead of THAT?” and acting as if they’re entitled to representation. No one is. Encourage it. Write fanfics, make headcanons you share and enjoy with others who like the headcanon. But demanding a writer, an artist, a maker of any medium to bend to what you want? No. I draw the line there.
Not only that but there’s been an increase in female and queer representation in mainstream media. Great right? Except a lot of it is done poorly and even when you put that aside it’s “not enough”. What is enough then? When you, a random person says it is? Who gave you the right? No one. Instead of going “Hell yeah, x character is great!” and finding positivity in it they go “but why isn’t there moooore!”. Again, a very entitled attitude. A very demanding mentality that restricts creators in order to be PC. Just like how free speech is for everyone, everyone should be allowed to create whatever they want.
On to the second one. Headcanons. Like I said; I generally don’t care. A headcanon is a headcanon. I’m NOT okay with people insisting their headcanon IS CANON. I see it done a lot in fandoms of all kinds. They also bully people who don’t support their headcanon. Unless you are the creator, a headcanon is just that; something you yourself feel the character likes, does or is. But beyond that you have no right to demand others to share your headcanon, demand creators to act of said headcanons (SU and BBC's Sherlock are good examples of this) and you do not get to insist your headcanon is actual canon. If someone thinks X character is trans I don’t give a shit. If you INSIST they’re trans and it’s canon when it’s not, THEN I’m gonna roll our the red carpet on you.
As a writer, headcanons being shoved as “canon” is a touchy subject for me. I invested months of thought, energy and love into my proverbial children. I know if, say, after reading Red Comet someone went “nah, Princess Weilai is a lesbian. Sorry I don’t make the rules uwu” or “Zenshou is secretly trans! It’s canon guys!” or gave Yun dark skin because “POC representation guys!” even though literally 90% of the population IS what we’d call POC, I’d be pissed as hell. These are MY character, MY kids. Who are you to tell ME what my own canon is? To flounce around the interwebs saying your headcanon is the official canon? It disrespectful to the author. Headcanon all you want. But the moment you say it’s canon or bully others into accepting your headcanon or “you’re a -phobe!” you crossed the line to me.
All of it boils down to entitled attitudes with regards to creation and media. No one owes you anything. No one has to make a character or story or relationship to your needs and wants. If the burning need is so intense make your own. I’ve seen some amazing fan stories and spin-offs with the rep they wanted in the canon series. They built the canon series up without acting entitled. In fact, some of the spin-off stories of Avatar I’ve seen should seriously be made real; they’re that good! I always encourage people to make their own things to build up good, positive representation in media for whatever group is concerned. I’m fine with headcanons, sharing fanfics and art and stories around it. But the moment you demand something. The moment you ignore the integrity of an established character to shove an agenda and call it canon? That’s when I’m not okay.
As a side note; my stances have not changed. These are things I’ve felt for a while. Seems to me like you’re not terribly happy with them. Granted, I could have worded them better. I’ll admit that. But they haven’t changed. Sorry to disappoint you.
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Moooore Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow stuff, courtesy of another Tom King interview: 
King was on the Supergirl Radio podcast this week, and while a lot of it is just a repeat of what was said in the previous interview on ComicPop Elseworlds Exchange, there were still some interesting bits, IMO!
They opened with some general questions--how did he start writing, when did he get into superhero comics, etc. 
And then, the Supergirl portion!
The hosts asked where he first encountered Supergirl, and as before, he said that Supergirl is one of those characters that everyone just knows, like Batman and Superman. So he felt there was never a time where he wasn’t at least aware of her.
If forced to pinpoint something specific, though: the cartoons (Superman: The Animated Series and JLU) and for Kara Zor-El in particular, hardcover trades of the 70s stuff.
He had some AWESOME Carmine Infantino art, from the issue where Supergirl fights a bunch of mini-supergirls, in Daring New Adventures.
When asked if he used any of those stories for this new project, King again said that he went back to the ORIGINAL origin, in the Silver Age Otto Binder stuff.
Because he’s written Superman, the hosts asked if he thinks about the differences/similarities between the two when writing Supergirl.
He said that Kara’s more of a survivor than Clark, she’s been through more; he feels that Superman is always striving to be the icon that is Superman, whereas Kara can just be herself. 
He describes her as harder, more cynical, ‘she’ll drop an F-bomb here or there,’ she’s ‘old and crusty.’
The hosts asked him how he came to be on the book and while it’s basically the same story he told on the other podcast, there were a few additional details he mentioned here.
He specifically said that editors were frustrated, because there is this. Thought? Among creators, that Supergirl is perfect, and there are no fun Supergirl stories to tell. 
(Brief, opinionated interjection here: HOGWASH!)
He again brought up the idea that people can be precious with Supergirl; he said she is precious, but she’s also badass.
When asked if there was any particular piece of Supergirl mythology that he wanted/was excited to use, King said that this book isn’t really about that--he again used the expression of stripping off the barnacles that have built up on the characters over the years, really getting at the most basic, pure take on them.
He was like, ‘we keep the dog, maybe the horse if we can make time for him, because [Comet] is the weirdest thing in all of comics.’
Elaborating on the book/lack of Supergirl mythology: He put her in space, gave her a simple mission, and let the story be a thesis on why Supergirl is awesome.
Next question was about the comic writing process.
King said there’s no set way to write a comic script; he tends to write ‘full scripts’; they resemble movie scripts in that there’s panel descriptions for each page, as well as the dialogue for each panel.
His descriptions are light, though. For example, he’ll simply put: ‘Supergirl encounters a Space Dragon’, and leave the rest up to Bilquis.
Again had nothing but praise and excitement re: working with Evely and Lopes. 
Said Evely adds such depth and emotion and storytelling to the artwork.
Then there was a question from the live chat; the listener noted that a lot of King’s work contains romance/is focused on romantic love. They asked if this book would also be about romantic love, or another kind of love.
King: This is not a romance. The love in this comic is a friendship love, between Kara and Ruthye.
When asked if other pre-existing characters would make an appearance: There will be shout-outs, but this is first and foremost a book about Supergirl; she is at the center of the book.
The goal is to make her one of the pillars of DC Comics.
On the subject of the ‘western’ part of the space western: Again mentioned True Grit, as well as The Searchers, and Red River.
Compared Kara to John Wayne.
Likes the idea of a character who has a simple mission, needs to go somewhere, and travels through various lands to get there, like the Odyssey.
Initially, he was going to have Kara be a sort of ingenue who learns to be tough as she goes on this journey, but his editor said, ‘No, she should be the teacher, instructing this young girl on how to be tough’ b/c Kara has the life experience. And King was like, ‘yeah! Let’s do that!’
And of course, because it is Supergirl Radio, they asked if he’s watched the show.
He watched the 1st and 2nd seasons with his daughter, then they fell behind/stopped watching because she moved on to other things, but he loved it! Specifically loved that he could watch a superhero show with her; good bonding time.
They asked him about incorporating stuff from the show and he said that he opted not to do that, as it’s sometimes not done well/feels forced. The example he used is that it’s very hard to get something like Calista Flockhart’s performance from the TV show into the comics, both in terms of the actual writing, and also in terms of legal stuff like the likeness rights, etc. 
Then they talked about KRYPTO! And King’s own dog, Roxy. 
Because King is a dog owner, he said he found it very hard to write Krypto sometimes, because he never wanted to put him in danger.
He also said that you can feel like a dog is a family member, and that is how Kara views Krypto; he is not a pet, or a tool, but a member of her family.
Another live chat question: Does he think of Kara differently, now that he’s written her?
King said she’s a much tougher character, than he initially thought.
Compared her to Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark; you don’t see him become Indy, he just already IS Indy, and he’s done this stuff a hundred times over.
And then he shared a little bit of issue 2 to illustrate this point: Ruthye and Kara encounter a guy who has beef with Superman, so he decides to take it out on Kara, and Kara easily dispatches him; Ruthye (the narrator of the book) marvels at how this happens everywhere they go, and it’s just a daily occurrence for Kara, because everyone thinks she’s the weak link/a way to get back at Clark.
Final question was about what he hopes is his legacy/the takeaway of this book.
King said he wants it to do well, and convince DC/the editors that there ALWAYS needs to be a Supergirl book on the stands.
As mentioned, a lot of this stuff was already covered in the prior podcast, BUT! There are some new details here that build on those points.
For instance: King is really committing to a harder, cynical Kara. Who knows if she’ll remain that way by journey’s end, but that’s the take he’s going with.
(And, as before: not my preferred/ideal Kara! But I am open to seeing this. Largely because it is rooted in like. Character backstory/history; he’s not being edgy for edge's sake.)
*insert happy muppet flailing here*
I will admit that I had the extremely cursed thought that he’d bring back Comet, or worse, 90s Comet as some sort of guest star--and maybe he will, who knows! But I don’t get that vibe, really. Like, maybe as a fun shout-out, but not a full-on character in the story.
I do like that he repeatedly emphasized that this is a very simple book, with Kara at the center, and that it’s basically about Supergirl, and why she’s awesome.
Especially given how Future State whiffed that one.
That said, was a little dismayed to learn that Ruthye will be the narrator of the whole thing. It brings back horrible visions of Future State, and it’s harder for the reader to get into a character’s head when you’ve got someone else narrating the whole thing, but. We’ll see.
(What might take the edge off of this narrative choice is Evely’s art, since you can better determine Kara’s emotions/thoughts/etc.)
Interestingly, King didn’t want to comment too much on this book’s potential connection to Future State: Superwoman which...has me a little concerned.
(Please, never let that book be canon. PLEASE.)
The further details on the BTS stuff is disappointing, but not surprising. ‘Supergirl is too perfect/boring’ is a take that 1.) mirrors the same nonsense you see about Superman, and why everyone would rather be writing Batman and 2.) has existed FOREVER, and was particularly prevalent after the introduction of Power Girl. 
(It’s also flat-out wrong, in the same way that ‘Superman is boring’ is wrong.)
Other little things: Love that King says Kara views Krypto as a family member (because he totally is), and the Camine Infantino art was SO COOL.
SO, OVERALL: Gonna have to get used to the idea of an old, crusty Kara.
(Honestly I can’t even be mad at that description because I kinda find it funny? I mean, what with the Superman Fortnite announcement recently, I’m feeling pretty old and crusty, ngl. XD)
But I like a lot of the stuff King’s said so far.
Some of it does give me a little pause--like the heavy emphasis on the Supergirl part of her identity, as opposed to Kara, and how she’s just this awesome badass, with no real mention of other aspects of her character--but.
As should be very clear by now, I’m not in it for the writing.
Rather. I am here primarily because of
*takes a deep breath*
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firewarrior117 · 7 years
The Witch and the Tambourine, Part 4
Part 4 of the Caravaneer’s journey across Vitaria. There travels have taken them to the lands of Despoire, where Fiona, Vayle, and Akimoto are known to be quite infamous amongst the supporters of the Republic’s Severus Braxton. They continue there performances with the Luminous Stars Caravan troupe, unaware of the dangers that might shortly follow them.
(Castle Dragon-claw, Severus’s quarters)
Severus: *Drinking Tea* Hm...This day has been quite relaxing. Not a stressful moment in the kingdom this day...
Wyrmkin maid: More tea, M’lord?
Severus: Yes! poor it in! *Smirks as the maid poors the tea in his cup* Aaaaah...Hm...A decent cup...though it could be better...
*The Guards from the red market come charging into the room!*
Republic Soldier: LORD SEVERUS!!! *Pant*...*Pant*...Lor-...Lord Severus!
Severus: Uuugh! Dammit! What have I told you fools about bothering me? Can’t you see I am busy?!
Republic Soldier2: *Pant*...*Pant*...*Phew!*...*Despoire Salute!*...Lord Severus! Akimoto Infernus and two of his companions have been sighted in the Red market!
Severus: *!* Akimoto Infernus?! Uuugh...So much for a relaxing day...That fool has some nerve traveling into our borders! What was he doing? Who were the companions?
Republic Soldier: It was the Seeress and the White Witch, my lord! They were traveling with a band of Caravaneers last we saw...
Republic Soldier2: They just left the Red market and are currently heading down to the path near the capital!
Severus: Near the Capital?! Caravaneers aren’t allowed in the capital! Why in blazes would they be heading here?
Republic Soldier: M-Maybe they’re spies, my lord! trying to sneak in and raise a rebellion of some kind!
Severus: Don’t be ridiculous! As if a bunch of skirt twirling, tambourine playing Myrmidons would be spies for the Empire...They’d sooner sing around a fire and dance under the full moon than sneak in and cause an uprising...
*Severus takes a sip of his Tea, thinking for a moment...*
Severus: ...Then again...The Infernus clan is traveling with them...If they WERE to try and storm the gate, that DEMON would no doubt cut down our soldiers in one strike...Hmmmm...Maybe we should deal with them while we can...
Republic Soldier2: *Salute!* What are your orders, My Lord?
Severus: We will have our scouts watch for where they camp tonight...Then, when they are all settled, dancing around there little bonfire and singing merry little songs...I’ll unleash my new...Pet...to deal with them! Hmhmhmhmhm...
Republic Soldier: *!* M...My lord...Y-you don’t mean...?
Severus: Yes! THAT ONE!
Republic Soldier2: ...*Gulp!*...A...A-as you command, my lord...
Severus: Hmhmhahahaha...I want see its carnage for myself when it happens...You’d best prepare yourself, Infernus! No song or dance will save from this creature’s fury...*Sips tea menacingly*...Hmhmhmhmhahahahahaaaa...
*A performance by the luminous stars occurs within a town near the capital, the sisters singing a humorous song with Fiona Providing a dance routine along with it*
Sarisa: The knight did raise his blade the sky~! Casting it down into Ogma’s eye~! 
Fareeha: And thus Ogma the pie thief’s rain was no moooore~! 
Both sisters: As his his ugly old head fell down into the ocean floooooooor~....
Fiona: *Jingles her tambourine, twirling with the sisters and they all strike various poses!*
*The Town errupts in laughter and cheer, clapping and throwing drakes to the performers as the three girls bow to the audience!*
Vayle: Hahahaha! Splendid! Bravo!
Akimoto:...Okay, Fiona totally just struck a JoJo pose!
Tulio: Ha! I’m not sure what a “JoJo” is, but I like it! *Clapping for his performers!*
*after the performance, the Caravan prepares itself down the road once more, the sun setting upon the lands of Despoire!*
Rosalita: *decorating Fiona’s hair into a braid with flowers holding it in place!* This is a style I usually like to do in the spring and summer times...A Bandana is all well and good, but sometimes even the most beautiful of flowers should bloom on stage once in a while!
Fiona: Really? *Red Face!*  that’s kind of you to say...
Rosalita: You really are a beautiful young girl, Little sister! you should make yourself stand out more!
Vayle: That’s what I tell her! But the poor girl is so shy when it comes to social interaction. When she’s not reading books, she’s usually just collecting alchemy ingredients in the forest. I really do need to get her into social situations more.
Rosalita: Hahaha! Aren’t we all at that age? She hasn’t even grown to her prime yet, and I can already tell, she’s going to be a Goddess amongst maidens! That charming sparkle in her eye, the extravagant shine in her hair...You are going to break hearts, my dear! *Finishes her hair!* And there we are! See for yourself!
Fiona: *Looks in the mirror!* *!* Oh, wow! That’s so pretty! I love it! It’s so beautiful!
Rosalita: Hmhmhmhm! I knew you would! That look really suits you, Little sister!
Vayle: Oh my, that is fascinating! I should try that on my designs some time...
Rosalita: The Braid and flowers were a favorite of Esmeralda’s, too! She would always wear her hair that way during the warm days of Vitaria...Hm...Her and Tulio were such good friends...He was absolutely devastated when he got the news of her death...
Fiona: *Her smile turning into a curious expression of sadness* Hmmm...Yeah...She was a very nice woman...How long did you and Tulio know her?
Rosalita: Since we were children. Those two were an inseparable pair when we were younger...They were more like siblings than friends. Esmeralda was the one who introduced me to Tulio in the first place! She saw something in both of us that would have us be bound for the rest of our lives! And she was right...I don’t know where I’d be without Tulio in my life...He’s such an upbeat and optimistic man! The way he brings a smile to anyone’s face is enough for him to become friends with everyone we meet in our travels! Hmhmhmhm...I’m proud to be the wife of such a wonderful man...
Fiona: Hehehehe! Esmeralda was such a wonderful woman. It’s hard to believe how she’s changed so many lives...
Vayle: ...*Smiles*...Yes... I would have loved to have met her...
*The Caravans come to a halt suddenly*
Rosalita: Oh dear...What now?
Corina: Oh, blast it all...Gerardo! You didn’t get us lost again, did you?!
Gerardo: GERARDO NEVER GETS US LOST! I just not read map properly! We should be in port black-heart in no time!
Corina: Yes...Port Blackheart...Which is WEST, Gerardo! You were leading us NORTH! No wonder I can see the capital from here! 
Gerardo: CUT GERARDO THE SLACK! He just have one of too many of the drinks before we left last town. Also, I think Gerardo’s Compass might be breaking, as well!
Miguel: *facepalm* Oh, Gerardo...
Akimoto: Everyone calm down! It’s starting to get dark, anyway...Might not be a bad time to rest up for the night...
Tulio: Sir Akimoto is right. Let us set up camp someplace safe for now. I think the map says there is a campsite not too far this way...
Gerardo: Yes! Yes! Gerardo sleep like baby, THEN navigate us to port!
Corina: Or...How about CORINA drives us to the port tomorrow, yeah?
Gerardo: ...*Shrug!*...That work just as well...
*The Caravans Camp within a  large opening in the middle of the woods, the bonfire illuminating the entire camp*
Miguel: *playing his Lute as the sisters dance with there Tambourines!* There we go, girls! Let the rhythm do the dancing for you!
Akimoto: *Drinks from water Canteen* Huh...Is there a day you guys DON’T perform?
Tulio: Hahaha! Usually only when we’re on the road or sleeping. We gotta keep ourselves in shape and ready to bring happiness to the people at all times! That’s the life of a caravaneer, my friend...*Takes a swig of wine*...Heh...Now, are you sure you’re not interested in ether of my daughters? *wink!* I think Fareeha might be your type!
Akimoto: *Glare!* for the LAST TIME, old man! I’m not interested in ether of them!
Tulio: HAHAHAHA! Again! I jest, my friend! I only Jest! *Offers him wine!* Would you like some? Wild-berry Wine! it’s a delicacy in Despoire...
Akimoto: No thanks...I don’t drink...
Fiona: *Reading a magic tome, practicing levitation on a teapot!* ...Focus...Focus...
*The Teapot lifts 2 ft. into the air as Fiona focuses her magic into it!*
Tulio: *!* W-woah! What? Is that Teapot flying?!
Vayle: Good job, Fiona! Now try gently setting it down back on the platter...
Fiona: Right! *Gently starts to make it descend as she concentrates on the plate!*
Tulio: Aaaaah! That’s right! Little sister is a scholar of the arcane arts, yeah?
Akimoto: Yep! She’s been practicing it since she was little! That’s one of her big dreams when she’s older...she wants to master magic and become a powerful Sorcerer like her parents were.
Tulio: Hehehe! She’s a big ambition for it, eh? Learning these arts must be quite important to her...
Akimoto: More than anything. When we found her, she lived in a giant hollow tree near white reef. Hehehe...Whole tree was FULL of books, Scrolls, artifacts...She’s mostly self-taught, but Vayle and Gramps have tried to help her the best they can. We try to find her some new tomes, too! Help her stay in touch with her studies...
Tulio: Hahaha...That’s very kind! You’ve certainly been taking good care of Fiona, haven’t you?
Vayle: Oh! Of course! We all love her dearly! She’s a wonderful girl, and the way people treat her because of her curse is completely unfair...
Tulio: ...Her...Curse...?
Akimoto: Er, well, it’s not much of a curse, more that it’s a burden to her...
Fiona: *Sigh* Aki, just let me explain it...You See-...
*two despoire scouts peak from a higher ground near the camp*
Republic Scout: *Pulls phone from pouch*...Lord Severus...the Caravaneers have been sighted, there guard is down...Awaiting your command...
*in a small encampment not too far from them...*
Severus: Excellent...Keep watch for movement...we shall ready the beast for its attack...*Turns to his other soldiers!* OPEN THE GATE!
Republic Soldier: W-What?! OPEN IT?! M-my lord, are you mad?! What if it pounces and attempts to take your li-?!
Severus: I Said...OPEN THE GATE!
*The Soldiers panic as they release the locks on the gate, the beast growling and grunting with each lock undone...*
Severus: Hahahahaha! Yes! That’s it! Release it!
*The Final locks break, the Gates flying open as two glowing Yellow eyes stare down Severus...A large, Lion like paw emerges from the shadows, then the rest of the beast starts to reveal itself, shadowed by the moonlight as it growls and glares at Severus*
Severus: Peace, Monster...I am not your target! THIS is your target...*Pulls a ripped sword belt that used to belong to Akimoto, throwing it down in front of the monster*
*The Beast begins to sniff at it, pawing at it as it’s glowing eyes than take its gaze beyond Severus as it growls with fury!*
Severus: That is the scent of a DEMON who opposes Despoire! I want you track it, and DESTROY THE SOURCE! *Points* NOW GO! FOLLOW THE SCENT! KILL THE DEMON! AND ANYONE WHO STANDS IN YOUR WAY!
*The Monster roars loudly, A Hissing sound from behind it as it then spreads its wings and dashes off toward the scent!*
Severus: Hahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!
*Back at the Caravan...*
Kaseem: *Hears roaring in the distance*...What the hell was that?
Valmiro: Probably just some wolves...
Kaseem: I don’t recall wolves making noises like that...
Fiona: -And ever since, I have been forced to wear these Shackles...Forced to hold her back, hoping that as I continue to study the Arcane arts...I’ll find some way to break her out of my body...make it so the one in my body is just ME, and not her...
Tulio: Oh...Little Sister...I...I am so sorry! I did not know such a burden was afflicted upon you! I wish there was something I could do to help you...
Fiona: I appreciate you saying that...But I think the answer lies deep within the secrets of the Arcane arts! Arts that would horribly mutate a human and alter there minds... Luckily, I am a Drow! So hopefully when I DO find the answer! I can use the spell without any horrible side-effects...
Arcana: (It exists...I know it does...I want to be free of you as much you want to free of me! We must keep finding the answer!)
Rosalita: Well, if there IS anything we can do to help you find a way to free yourself from this, Say it!
Akimoto: That goes for all of us in the tower as well! You know we got your back, Fiona! We won’t let Arcana possess you!
Vayle: Agreed! We shall do everything to help you...No matter how long it takes!
Fiona: You guys...I....*whipes away tears from her shaking eyes*...I don’t know what to say...I’m so-
*The Roaring is heard once more! But MUCH louder this time!*
Valmiro: Okay...Maybe that isn’t a wolf we’re hearing...
Kaseem: I told you! SOMETHING is out there!
Vayle: What in blazes WAS that...?
Akimoto: I don’t know...It sounded kind of like a Manticore, but...
Fiona: *!!!* A...A Manticore...?!
*The trees suddenly rip apart, falling to the sides as a large beast emerges from the dark!*
Valmiro: *!* WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!
Kaseem: LOOK OUT! *Pushes him out of the way as they rush for the Caravan!*
*The Beast Swipes at the Bonfire, the flames hitting the logs and trees that Surround the Caravan! The Flames brighten the entire camp, revealing the beast from its shadows. Its appearance resembling that of a Lion with glowing yellow eyes, large horns sprouting from its head, the hind legs and wings of a bird, and the tail of a snake as it hisses and leers at the Caravaneers alongside the lion!*
Miguel: *!!!*...By God...
Tulio: It’s...I-t’s a...IT’S A CHIMERA!!!
Akimoto: You gotta be kidding me...*Readies sword!*
*The Chimera Roars in a bloodthirsty rage, the Snake Hissing and leering it’s glowing red eyes at the Caravaneers!*
Fiona: *Stares in utter terror at the beast, stepping back from it!*...N-No...No...Not again...
To be Continued in Part 5!
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