#even just getting into a place like we’re trying to would feel like an amazing dream rn after last night
lionhanie · 3 days
riwoo as your boyfriend! ♡
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fluff, boyfriend riwoo x gn reader!
word count: ~760
warnings: none
a/n: been having a severe case of boyfriend riwoo thoughts like i desperately need to keep him in my pocket
likes ♡ and reblogs ↺ always appreciated!
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never ending source of laughter and (really bad) dad jokes but he’s cute so you always end up smiling regardless
the effect he has on the members is practically ctrl c + ctrl v when he’s with you
nobody can deny that he has some BANGERRRRR jokes but when he’s always trying to make ‘em…. its inevitable that some will miss LMFAOOOO but he’s lucky to have you as his partner, because you always end up giggling when he looks to you when a joke flops
everyone will groan when you’re all hanging out and riwoo pulls the corniest play on words known to man, meanwhile you’re on the sidelines facepalming as you chuckle into your hand. “see, y/n understands how funny i am!” he boasts, feeling super full of love knowing he always has you to laugh at his jokes aw :,((((
i think he would literally have sparkles in his eyes every time you compliment him. he loves being praised by his partner!!!!! especially if we’re talking about something he’s worked really hard on or is particularly proud about 
you’re in the practice room with him, sitting on the floor and leaning against the mirror as you watch your boyfriend replay the same section of the song he’s been trying to choreograph for HOURS. even though it’s getting late, you’re completely mesmerized by the way he moves, his intricate facial expressions, and his (super cute) look of frustration when he isn’t quite satisfied with the steps he just made
“ah, this doesn’t look right. i feel like my flow is all off today,” riwoo groans as he lays flat on the floor next to you, splayed out like a starfish. “maybe i should just restart tomorrow. should we go home now, y/n?”
“mm, i thought you looked really cool though? that footwork you did for the chorus was amazing, it’s crazy to think you came up with it just now!” you’re deep in thought as you give him your two cents, finding it easy to compliment him when he’s just /so talented/ in the first place. “i don’t think you should get rid of everything you worked so hard on, but maybe you should get some rest so you can clear up your doubts about it!”
riwoo can feel his ears burn at your never-ending praise, cheeks starting to hurt from smiling too hard at your words. “okay, if my sweet y/n thinks i did a good job, then i must’ve really come up with a great choreo this time. come on, let’s go eat~!” 
methinks he’s big on rlly casual dates! stuff like staying at home and playing games, going on walks together, cafe hopping across the city, things along those lines :3
ooommmmfffgggg like. i’m thinking about enrichment time w riwoo LOLLLLL. it was a long day & you’re both just washed up laying next to each other on your shared bed just . scrolling on your phones. not a word said to each other for Lord Knows how long…except for the occasional poke to your shoulder bc riwoo wants to show you the funny dog vid he saw on his instagram explore feed… the two of you are just so content being at home together in comfortable silence that neither of you really mind that it may not seem particularly “exciting” to many
if you aren't staying in, riwoo loves going on walks with you, especially a little bit after the sun finishes setting. the weather’s a lot cooler without the sun, there’s less people out and about, and the mixtures of pinks, purples, and oranges from the sunset linger in the sky still -- and he has you! your fingers are interlocked as he swings your hands back and forth as you walk and talk about your days </3
okay…..now just IMAGINE what riwoo would be like if he had a s/o who worked at a bakery/cafe/pastry shop
first of all. riwoo would be all DOE EYED every time u left for work n just being like … “could you maybe… bring home any leftover pastries if there are any today? to make up for the fact that you're LEAVING ME ALL ALONE for a couple hours >:(” literally BEGGING u to bring him home something with his eyes awh
when you come home after your closing shift, he engulfs you in a huuuuge hug that lasts for maybe…. 5 minutes…. mainly because you smell like SWEETS and he literally wants to Eat You bc you smell so yummy LMAO 
im convinced this would be his DREAM PARTNER because wdym he can just waltz on into the store when 1) he misses you and 2) he can get his sweet tweat AT A DISCOUNT bc ur working… oh you're just so perfect for him! :,)
he is SO HAPPY to support you in any way that he can, without a doubt
i feel like you’d text him like “baby i’m really dreading work today :(“ and then when you’re on your break riwoo is there to visit! and he brought you snacks so that you aren’t too hungry by the time your shift ends; you can’t deny that his presence alone makes working a little more bearable, def gives you the motivation to keep going so you can quickly go back home to ur sweet boyfie
or if you’re feeling a little unconfident about the big test you have coming up, so you need to spend a couple hours studying every night-- i just KNOW riwoo is sat at the table with you for that mental support. you’d go through flashcards together, him quizzing you on each one and literally jumping in joy when you /finally/ get a term you’ve been struggling with correctly (he has no idea what he’s testing you on, but he’s just happy to be there for you!)
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© lionhanie 2024 ; all rights reserved!
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peachesofteal · 6 months
Simple Math / Part Six
Simple Math masterlist
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Ghost/Soap/female reader 4k words - AO3 Warnings - tags: 18+ MDNI. No smut but this fic contains mature themes. Nurse reader, hospital setting, medical inaccuracies. Reference to past domestic violence. Angst. Alcohol. Crying, anxiety, panic. Johnny in distress. Johnny is still a menace. Soft dads. POV switches. Note: Safe sleep for infants always. I do not endorse sleeping with your baby in your bed. This is a fic not real life. Simon does some digging.
“Shhh now, ye’re alright.”
Johnny coos, Penny cradled up to his chest. He’s not wearing a shirt, eyes still half sealed shut with sleep, and she squalls in his arms, screaming as loud as her little lungs will allow. “What is it, mah wee lamb? Are ye hungry? Do ye need a change?” He checks her nappy, efficiently looking for a mess or something to clean up and is nearly disappointed when he finds her still dry. If it’s not her nappy, then maybe her stomach? Could she be hungry again? He thumbs through the notes on his phone to find Simon’s last entry: 23:20 – 50 ML. 
That was only an hour ago. 
He frowns, walking in a circle, bouncing her gently, trying to settle her back to sleep. She’s so tiny, and still has grown so much in just the short time since they brought her home. It amazes him. It terrifies him. 
“What is it, sweet bairn? What’s got ye all upset?” He touches his lips to softest skin he’s ever felt, his thumb trying to swipe away the tracks of tears on her cheeks. “Please dinnae cry. I-“ 
“You okay?” Simon clears his throat behind him, and Johnny tenses. 
“We’re fine. Ye’re supposed to be sleepin’.” 
“Heard the two of you in here fussing. Thought I could help.” Simon’s trying to be supportive, trying to be a good partner, Johnny knows, but all he can feel is irritation, a defensive reaction making his hackles rise. 
It’s not fair. He’s so good at it. He’s a natural. And Johnny… Johnny feels like he’s failing his own kid, when she’s not even a month old yet. 
“I dinnae need-“ 
“Hey.” Simon touches his elbow, and then his chin, tilting his face upwards. “I know you don’t, love. You’re doing a great job. It’s not your fault she’s having a rough go.” He soothes him, fingers kneading into the top of his spine, squeezing the nape of his neck and pulling him into his arms. Penny is still crying, but softer now, a low-pitched tone of misery that makes his heart ache, and he feels so overwhelmed, so helpless, staring down at her as she tries desperately to tell him what's wrong, the only way she knows how. He rests his cheek against Simon’s chest, melting into his hold, letting him wrap his arms all way around his waist. 
“She hates me.” Johnny grumbles, and Simon presses his mouth to Johnny’s temple in short, succinct kisses. 
“She doesn’t. She’s brand new. She can’t hate anything, yet, and certainly not her Da.” He strokes her cheek. “Let’s bring her to bed, see if we can get her down and then one of us can put her back in the crib, alright?” Johnny sighs. 
“What’re you doing after this?”
“Going to bed?” What else would you be doing?
“I’m thinking about going to Jackie’s for a drink… wanna come?” Nia untucks her scrubs, pulling the top up over her head.
“Jackie’s, huh?” You chew on your lip. You shouldn’t. You really, really shouldn’t. But… Jackie’s is a dive. It’s dark, and dingy, with black walls, black floors, no window in sight. And... it’s a hospital haunt. 
“It’s my birthday.” She whispers, casting a glance around the rest of the room. “I’m not… it’s not a thing, I just want to go, have a few to celebrate.” You take a deep breath. “Please?” She tacks on at the end, and your shoulders dip down in defeat.
“Okay. One. And then I gotta go.”
“Yes!” She cheers, excitement smashing her palms together.
Nothing like a seven am beer. 
Jackie’s is a distinct place. It’s one of the only twenty-four-hour liquor licenses left in the city, or so you’ve been told, and has been frequented by hospital staff for decades. It’s dart boards and dark wood floors, cheap beer and rail vodka, a worn to hell pool table, and an old, disabled juke box that someone broke intentionally, years ago. It’s an institution, and reminds you of some old places you used to frequent, when you weren’t… who you are now. Years ago, before, you used to love a good dive bar. Didn’t mind the way the floor stuck to your feet, and you considered yourself nearly tactical at darts. It was a source of pride, the accuracy, the rate at which you could make a bullseye, even when you were a few sheets to the wind.
“Coulda been a surgeon.” You’d tease, a smirk growing across your boyfriend’s face.
“If you were a surgeon, sugar, who’d be at home waitin’ for me after work?” He’d push back, coating the warning in an adoration, giving whoever was undoubtedly watching a slick smile before snaking an arm around your waist and tugging you close. “You don’t need to be surgeon. You don’t even need to work. You have me.” 
You thought you knew, then. Knew how to handle it, how to navigate the ever-present, ever-growing threat… but you were wrong.
You were so, so wrong.
“So, heard there’s a spot opening up on days.” Nia chucks her purse at the bar top, climbing onto the stool next to you. “You’ve got the seniority… you givin’ it any thought?” The bartender walks by with a hello, and you nod at him.
“Old Speck please. And no, I like nights.” She raises an eyebrow.
“Didn’t know Americans liked Old Speck.”
“We have it in the states. I didn’t live under a rock.” You quip, and she laughs before ordering her own poison, a choice that makes your own eyebrows shoot up in question. “Vodka on the rocks?”
“I’m a straight to the point kind of girl.” She explains. “So, no days?”
“No days. You?”
“I might. Night shift is kicking my ass.” She complains. “Don’t even know what day it is half the time. My rhythm is off.”
“You need like, at least six months to fully adjust.” You put a note down in exchange for your beer, and then the bartender scuttles away, distracted by some insistent woman at the other end of the bar.
“Six months?!” You’re about to launch into your spiel about how it’s not that bad when your phone vibrates in your pocket.
>Make it home from work alright? 
>It’s Johnny, by the way :) 
The two texts are the start of a new group chat with your number, Johnny’s number and the number you put in your contacts just yesterday… Simon’s. Your head jerks back on instinct, confused.
“You okay?” Nia asks, and you nod.
“Yeah, fine just…uh-“ She peeks over your arm, and giggles.
“Is that your patient? Two sixty-eight?”
“Your patient. The military hottie. The one that’s always lookin’ at your bum.” Your face burns, and she tsks. “Ah, don’t be embarrassed. He’s smokin’. Wish he looked at me the way he looks at you.” You’re surprised at the flare of irritation that starts up in your stomach at her, a hot streak of jealously simmering there, burning away indignantly. “Aren’t they… I mean… isn’t the scary mask guy his partner?” He’s not scary, you scowl inwardly. He’s just… protective. The butterflies in your stomach startle, and you drift back to last night, in the stairwell, in the car.
“You’re doing great, sweetheart.” 
“If you ever need anything, Johnny and I… we’re here.” 
Nia says your name, dragging you back to earth, and you shrug. “Yes… they… they’re together. It’s just been hard on them, so I think there’s a bit of an attachment growing there. You know, it’s not unusual.” She bites her lip, mouth pushing up into a smile.
“They’re quite fit. Wouldn’t mind if they formed an attachment to me.” She pauses, delicately sucking her gasoline on ice up through a straw. “Gonna text him back?”
“Nia.” You hiss, and she barks out a laugh.
“Oh, come on, just a bit of fun. I don’t mean anything by it.”
“It’s not appropriate.” You remind her, and she rolls her eyes.
“You’re such a stick in the mud sometimes. Remember when Marshall was fucking his brain cancer girl? Now that, was not appropriate.” You do remember- Marshall’s sudden absence, the whispering, the HR investigation that spanned weeks, interviews with everyone on the floor.
Your beer goes sour in your stomach.
“I gotta get home.” You wrap an arm around her shoulder with a squeeze and a whisper. “Happy Birthday.” You feel bad for abandoning her, and maybe in another life you might even consider her a friend, but you’re already too exposed here as it is, and staying any longer would be too indulgent- not to mention, incredibly stupid.
You pass another nurse on the way out and him know that Nia’s at the bar, alleviating your guilt just a tad before you hike up your hood and make a beeline for the train.
By the time you get back to your hotel room, get showered, and collapse on top of the far too big bed, it’s nearly been an hour. You plug your phone in, unlocking the screen to flick on do not disturb, and realize the group message is still open, cursor blinking, waiting for your response.
It’s fine. You can tell you got home okay, that’s not crossing any lines. 
>Yeah, just got settled for bed. See you later!
A text from Simon chimes back within a minute, and you squint at it, one eye open.
>Get some rest.  
The floor is dead silent at the beginning of your shift.
Nothing beeps or whines or cries, no noise echoes around the corner to where you’re scrolling through Johnny’s chart, getting caught up on his day, triple checking that his levels and vitals are all within normal range. He passed his follow up for the liver procedure with flying colors, and the relief you feel is not unexpected, the weight of worry lifting free from your shoulders without another thought.
He’s fine, he’s better than fine, he’s… too healthy for the ICU.
Reality hits you like a truck, and you stop short, sneakers squeaking along the floor.
He won’t be your patient anymore. 
He won’t… be your patient anymore. 
The thought twists you into a mess of complicated emotions. A snarled, tangled viper's nest of unknowns, uncertainties, things you're desperately trying to tuck back behind your heart, hide them away so no one, not even yourself, can see them.
This is a good thing. This is what you want. Stable patients, on their way to recovery. 
So, you’ll miss them, that’s okay. There’s a little bit attachment, that’s alright. 
This is the best case scenario. You’re making a mess of things. You’re getting too involved with your patient and his family. You let Simon drive you home, for fucks sake. 
They’re getting confused, because you’re the caretaker. It happens all the time. As soon as Johnny steps down, they’ll forget all about you. 
You’re risking too much. You’re risking their safety, their child’s safety, your own. 
It’s for the best. 
You put your best work smile on when you approach his room, pulling as much air into your lungs as you can manage.
Focus on your job. Your patient. You’re a professional. 
Johnny is alone. No Simon, no visitors, nobody keeping him company. It’s a strange sight, and he looks almost uncomfortable, creased brow lowered down over his eyes. That’s… odd. Worse, there’s a heaviness in his gaze, sadness pulling his mouth downwards, usual playful demeanor nowhere in sight. Even sad, he’s a marvel, and every day, he gets stronger, he gets healthier, he gets closer to leaving this room, amazing you with his tenacity, his will. 
“Hey, you on your own tonight?” You casually knock on the door frame, and then pull it shut behind you, cocking your head.
“Aye.” He’s sullen, his despair tugging you closer to the bed, an urge to try to comfort him too strong to deny. 
“How are you feeling?” You try the subtle question, hoping he'll be forthcoming, and you keep yourself composed as you wait for his answer. 
“’m alright.” You tab through his chart, glancing it over once more, if only to assuage your own anxieties, and then tap into his vitals. Everything looks good, last labs look great… so what’s going on? 
“Just alright?” His fingers flex in the blanket, tanned skin against white linen, picking at fibers and threads, unable to hold himself still. He looks like he’s going to burst open at the seams, explode inside this room, a ticking time bomb, just waiting for the end of the countdown.
A tear tracks down his cheek. “Johnny?” You step closer, close enough so your fingers graze his, trying to delicately let him know, you’re here. “Hey, hey. It’s okay. What’s going on?” The monitor beeps steadily in the silence, his chest depresses with a gust of air.
“It’s… it’s nothin’ bun. I’m jus’… I’m havin’ a bad day.”
“Want to talk about it? I hear I’m a pretty good listener.” You encourage, and his face twists.
“No, I- Ach. Aye, alright.” He shifts in the bed, and you hover in case he needs help, but he waves you away. “It’s… bein’ in here. I want to be wi’ my family. Penny turned one, before I left for this assignment. Was only supposed to be two weeks tops, but then it turned into a month, then two. And now, I’m home… but ’m not really home, and I-“ His voice cracks, raw thread of agonized emotion separating his words, and he swallows it, forcing it back. “I’m blown to bits and cannae even see my own daughter. I’m missin’ out on everything.” Oh, Johnny. Your heart is heavy, and it hurts for him, bleeds as he wipes his face. 
“You’re not blown to bits, just a little banged up.” You give him a soft smile, and when he shakes his head, your fingers find his on instinct. You don’t even stop to second guess yourself, fully sinking into the contact with a gentle squeeze. “Hey, look at me.” His lashes are wet, sticky with tears, and he sniffles. “You’re making great progress, Johnny, going to be out of here in no time. You won’t even be in the ICU much longer, and then once you’re downstairs, Penny will be able to come visit all the time. After that, it won’t be too much longer until you’re back home with them.” He nods, and you stroke your thumb across his knuckles.
“Ye think so?”
“You’re the toughest patient I’ve ever had, and I’ve had a fair amount, you know. Traumatic injury recovery takes time, it takes patience, but you’re doing a great job of it so far. You just have to take it one day at a time. Before you know it, you’ll be at home on your own couch, bossin’ Simon around all day instead of me.” He laughs at that, a throaty chuckle capable of spreading heady warmth through your veins, and then gives you one of those stupidly stunning smiles.
“Shouldnae be cryin’ in front of ye.”
“You can cry in front of me any time you want. That’s what I’m here for. Besides, it’s not the first time.” You tease and he rolls his eyes.
“Doesnae count. I was high.”
“Uh huh. Sure.” The untouched dinner tray on his side table catches your eye, and chilling worry reappears in the back of your mind. “You didn’t eat?”
“Didnae have an appetite until ye showed up, pretty girl.” Okay. You can remedy this easily, if he's interested in eating. Lack of appetite is alarming, but if you can get him to eat now... 
“You hungry? I haven’t eaten yet. Want me to grab you something?” He brightens, indulging in a spectacular smile, and you take it as a yes with a small laugh. “Alright. Let me run down to the café, yeah?”
“What’s that saying, about how I hate to see ye go, but love to watch ye leav-“
“Okay!” you practically shout, cutting him off, fire racing across your skin, and he snickers, palm pressing against his heart like he’s wounded. “I’ll be right back.” You give him a serious look, and and he rubs his palm through his hair, mirth sparkling in his eyes. Holy hell. How is he so attractive? And how is it still so blinding, every time?  
You get two of the only option left this late in the evening, chicken soup and some sourdough, balancing the bowls carefully on their trays until you’re placing them down in the room, swinging the little table over Johnny’s lap and settling in beside him, perched on Simon’s recliner. The soup is warm, spiced with herbs and thick with noodles, and you're pleased that it's better than you were expecting, happy that Johnny seems to like it as well. 
"Wanted to take ye out properly for our first date, but this will have ta’ do. Simon’s gon’ be so bloody jealous.” He masterfully hums between your bites, and your eyes go wide, trying and failing to swallow your soup instead of choking on it.
“Johnny, we… this… I- this isn’t a date!” you squeak.
“Why not?” He asks, inflection innocent, and your brain rattles around inside your skull, splitting down the middle, falling apart in bewilderment. Why not? What does he mean?
“You… you have a partner. Simon? You know, your family that we were literally just talking about?” He doesn’t say anything, just stares at you with this look on his face, one you can’t interpret. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“What did Simon tell ye, the other night. When he took ye home?”
“What? He… I don’t remember.” Does he know that Simon gave you his phone number? 
Of course, he knows, he started that group text. 
Does Simon know what Johnny said, about you coming into their lives? About-
“Didnae he tell ye, we’re here for ye?”
“We, bunny? We.”
“I don’t… I don’t understand.” He sighs. What is he trying to say? What is going on?
“We like ye. Like I said, we think ye’re really special. Simon, and I. Together, bun.”
“Wh-what?” Puzzle pieces snap together and then break apart, like a landscape jigsaw that you spent days completing once before it was promptly ruined. Does he... does he mean... Oh. Oh no. Oh no no no. You have to squash this. Now. Just explain it, he’ll get it. He’s smart. “No… no, Johnny it’s just… it’s this thing, that happens. Patients get attached to their nurses or doctors sometimes, it’s normal. You d-don’t like me, I promise. There’s nothing even to like.” He blinks, jaw grinding under stubble. If Simon’s stare feels like he’s reading your mind, then Johnny’s is like being pinned down in one place, unable to move. You’re paralyzed, and powerless, lost in the icy blue sea of his eyes, drowning with a hand sticking out above the crest of the surf, reaching for him.
“Why would ye say that? That there’s nothin’ about ye to like? Nothin’ could be farther from the truth.”
“I don’t… there’s not. It’s… I’m your nurse, Johnny. That’s all.” Sweat glosses the small of your back, slicking upwards to cover your spine, and your heart hammers, it beats, beats, beats- so loudly you’re sure the pulse point in your wrist is visible. “Johnny.” His name shakes from your lips, and he relaxes, gentle concern replacing the relentless intensity in his gaze.
“Shhh, hey. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didnae mean to upset ye.” You're still frozen, a statue, and he reaches for you, trying to grab onto your hand. The heat of his skin breaks you from the spell, and you force a robotic, bedside smile onto your face, scooping up your half empty bowl.
"It's okay." You need to get out of this room. Now. The walls feel too close, Johnny feels too close, everything is compounding on top of you, threatening to derail your entire life, ruin your plan. They cannot like you. They cannot care about you. They cannot show interest in you. You can’t let this happen. “I’ve gotta check on some other patients, okay? I’ll swing back your way in a bit.” You promise him, guilt eating you alive about running away, and when he gives you a sad smile, you almost lose your resolve.
“Alright, pretty girl. I’ll see ye later, then.” He murmurs, and you try not to trip over feet during your hasty exit.
Fuck. You’re so fucked. 
Simon and Johnny’s house is finally silent.  
Penny is down, safely tucked into dream world, her grainy grey-scale image flickering on the video monitor at Simon as he pours two fingers worth of bourbon into a glass.
Poor baby girl. His stomach twists. She put up such a fight tonight, hollering at the top of her lungs, standing up in her crib, working herself into an absolute state. He hates leaving her alone to cry, and on nights like this one, the only way she’ll close her eyes is if she’s being held, snuggled in Johnny's arms, or against Simon's chest. 
He’s a sucker, he knows. Doomed from the day she was born, but he can’t help it. Neither of them can. She’s their baby.
So, he doesn’t blame her for being so out of sorts. She always sleeps better when her Da is home. They both do.
His phone vibrates with a text, a short message from Johnny, and he scrolls through it, settling on the couch with his laptop, unopened email from Laswell blinking impatiently.
>She’s jumpy. Tired. Looks like she hasn’t gotten any sleep. Simon frowns.
> She manage to find a pair of panties for work today?
>Unfortunately. He can practically see the pout on Johnny’s lips, can hear the way he probably huffed and puffed when you first came into the room this evening, your hips swishing side to side, pretty smile on your face for him.
>I think I made her upset. Simon pinches the bridge of his nose. Johnny, love. Why can’t you listen? He takes a deep breath, trying to relax the worry that’s creeping up the back of his neck. 
Disagreements aren’t for text messages. They’ve learned that the hard way. 
>Take it easy for the rest of the night, then. She’s skittish. He shoots off the recommendation, and then pulls his laptop across his knee, clicking open the email from Kate.
Simon,  Your girl is a ghost. This kind of wipe work is professional level… are you sure she’s a nurse?  I’ve attached everything I could find, but it’s pretty scarce. The name you provided pulled a copy of her NHS nursing license, her taxes, an award she won at work last year, and a COVID vaccination record. No birth certificate, state identification, or public records of any kind, even after a global hand search. Nothing that even proves she exists or is an American except a sealed record from years ago in the states. It’s not accessible, even for me, which means it could be WITSEC, or a court ordered name change in relation to a domestic violence case. There are 18 states that seal those records to protect the victim, so she could be from anywhere. My gut says it’s probably the latter, which is why she doesn’t exist prior to.  You’ll notice on the vaccine record, she marked ‘unhoused’, and I couldn’t find any lease/rental agreements, sale records, or mortgages in her name.  I wish I had more for you, but she really is a bit of a puzzle. I’ll keep digging.  -K.L. 
There’s an unsettling rattle going off in the front of Simon’s skull. It’s a siren, a smattering of warning bells, and he swallows the rest of the bourbon in one go, embracing the burn that slides down the back of his throat.
Who are you, little bunny? And who are you running from? 
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taexoxosgf · 6 months
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PAIRING park jisung x fem!reader | ft. friendgroup!nct dream
SYNOPSIS Your horny friends try to pull a little prank on you in the days leading up to Christmas. One thing Park Jisung likes to remind them is: he totally doesn’t want any part in it. Except, he totally does.
WARNINGS smut, ANGST, fluff, lots of dialogue, vag fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, vanilla vanilla vanilla, they're in love basically
NOTES I have to admit, this isn’t my best work lolllllll. though this was supposed to be posted on christmas, this can be my new years gift! 2024 here we come babyyy
★ Part of A Dreamy Christmas Collab!
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“Why don’t we all be her secret Santa?” 
“What are you talking about?” Jaemin chuckles, eyes dancing as he seems intrigued by the idea.  But what pervades his mind was nothing like what Donghyuck was about to propose. 
“Think about it…” he trails.  “She used to say, if it’s an SOS, and we need help in that department,” he points to his crotch– “She would help us out.” 
“You’re fucking crazy,” Jisung rolls his eyes when he catches on to Hyuck’s sudden idea.  
“So you’re saying we all get her a present?” Chenle asks.
“Yes… But we all have to give her the same… present,” he walks between each of the men like a devil hovering over their shoulders.   
“Hyuck, just get to the point,” Jeno huffs. 
“Okay, bu–”
“No ‘buts!’ Get to your point,” Renjun groans.  
“The gift we’re giving her can’t be put into a shitty little box.”
“Oh my god, NO!” Mark whines.  
“What’s so wrong with a little fun?” 
“Are you seriously suggesting an… orgy?” 
“No, you idiot,” Hyuck pinches his nose bridge.  “Let’s all give her our present one by one leading up to Christmas… Like an advent calendar,” he shrugs, unable to hide the pride beaming off of him from the simile.  
“So you’re suggesting we all have sex with her in the days leading up to Christmas?  Am I hearing this right?” Jaemin intervenes once more, orbs gleaming with interest. 
“Ding Ding! We have a winner!”
“Jisung’s right. You’ve gone insane,” Renjun fully laughs.
“You know I’m insane, and that’s why we have fun.  But you know what? Let’s make this more interesting… When we tell her after Christmas, the person who she says is her best fuck, get’s her secret Santa present,” Hyuck smirks. “You know she goes all out.” 
“I’m in, but it might be hard for Mark because he’s actually in love with her,” Jaemin turns his body towards his friend who avoids eye contact before offering a retort. 
“Why just me? You guys are all in love with her!” His claim is met with a group of huffs and groans.
“How do you know she’ll even agree to this?” Jeno points out, earning a nod from the others. 
“She doesn’t have to if she doesn’t want to.  If she does, then great! Amazing even! But if she doesn’t, then man, I feel kinda bad because we all got a thing for her.” Hyuck accepts the facts of the predicament. “Hopefully we can laugh about this on New Years.”
“I don’t.  I guess I’m the only one,” the youngest of the group speaks out but it’s not taken seriously by his older friends as a fit of laughter echoes within the small space.  
Hyuck’s the first one to speak– placing a hand on Jisung’s shoulder, “You’re the worst out of all of us.”  
“What are you talking about?”
“You guys always bicker and talk shit but I know all you want to do is rip each other’s clothes off,” Jeno jumps in. “Nice try though.  I almost believed it.”
“I’m not! She’s annoying as hell!”
“So annoying you want to fuck it out of her, right?” Jaemin joins. 
“You guys are jumping me right now, I’m leaving,” Jisung excuses himself earning a look of victory from his friends.
“Wait!  So you agree to it, right? Jisung?!  Hello?”  Chenle and Renjun yell out in unison, but the only reply heard is the slam of a door.  
“You’re serious about this Hyuck?” Mark asks one last time. 
“No, but this is just so those two kids will finally admit they’re down bad for each other.  I think this will be their breaking point.” 
“Damn,” all the other boys yell in unison. 
“I know right? Someone needs to hire me for something!  I don’t know for what, but something!” he crosses his arms to bask in his actions. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Mark laughs at his friend.  “You’re so dumb.” 
“Just wait and see.  He won’t make it to Christmas…”
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Everyone is being… weird. 
On the very first day of December, you and all your friends come together to pick a name out of a jar.  The game of Secret Santa is an annual tradition you love partaking in. But once the weather dropped thirty degrees, all the boys started acting shady.  They were canceling plans with you on purpose, avoiding eye contact when you spoke to any one of them, and just running away the first chance they got.  It was easy to get mad, even call them out for it, but the replies would always be the same– that there was nothing wrong or they were just tired.  
And you’re not going to lie, it was starting to make your skin crawl.  The sudden shift in dynamic between you and the boys has you wondering if you did something wrong. But if they were trying to pull something, then they had another thing coming. It was frustrating, trying to shake it out of them in every way possible, but no one would budge.
December eighth rolls around and you know everyone is free today because you all collectively promised Sunghoon that every year until the day you die, this day will always be open for him.  It’s always an annual trip to the snowy mountains– a secluded cabin and powdery snow that’s fit for snowboarding. Surprisingly, but not so surprisingly, everyone’s busy up until the car ride to the cabin. 
Their persistent avoidance, even for an event like this, just pulls on the strings even harder. 
You’re leaning against the island of the kitchen, glaring into their souls from across the room as the music's bass reverberates throughout the warm cabin; and the bitter liquid in your plastic cup disappears like water down a drain.  
“Why are you standing here all by yourself?” 
You turn to the voice, sporting a grin once you realize who it is. “Hey, birthday boy. Just glaring at the boys.  Don’t know if they notice though,” you squint a little harder, hoping they’ll finally notice. 
Sunghoon’s orbs follow the seven of them scattered around the living room. “They notice alright. I’m sure they’ll come crawling back when they realize you don’t play.” 
“Oh, they know I don’t.  But they’re still gonna try anyway,” you let out a heavy sigh.  “I just wish I knew what they’re up to.  It’s killing me.” 
“Just ask Jisung.” 
“Why Jisung?” The mention of your friend’s name causes the subject of your orbs to shift to him, but he’s already looking your way.  When you make eye contact, he hurriedly glances away, confirming the suspicion that something’s up. 
“I feel like whatever they’re planning, he’s telling them he doesn’t want to do it.” 
“Why is that so detailed? Do you know what they’re up to? Spill right now!”
Sunghoon shakes his head in denial, raising the cup to his lips before responding. “Nah, you guys are always going at it. That’s all. It’s just a hunch.” 
“Fine, maybe I will. But I was gonna do it anyway.” 
You’re already making your way towards Jisung when Sunghoon blurbs out.  “If it doesn’t work, I’m always available.”
“You wish, Park.”  But you stop in your tracks.  “Wait, what?” 
Sunghoon walks off in a hurry, “Nothing! Had to try at least once!” 
Rolling your eyes at the birthday boy, you finally make your way to your destination but all seven of your friends go completely mute once you reach it.  There’s not a sound emitting from them, and it practically forces smoke out of your ears. 
“Okay, what’s going on?”
“What do you mean?” Jeno murmurs.
“You guys have been ignoring me ever since December started! Spill your evil plans right now!” 
“Nothing’s going on,” Chenle adds, but it’s met with a crack of his voice at the final word, and you know one hundred percent they're lying. 
“Haechan! I know you’re the mastermind,” you turn to your friend, but all he does is shrug, eyes still looking everywhere but yours as he nonchalantly sips from his drink. 
“Nothing whatsoever. We’ve just been busy that’s all,” Jisung speaks out, but you chuckle, knowing he’ll eventually give in if you press him hard enough. 
“Of course, you’re a part of this! Sunghoon told me you weren’t, but I doubted him as soon as those words left his mouth!” 
“What is that supposed to mean?” Jisung’s tone changes, as if he’s warning you.
“That little shithead!” Jaemin groans.
“I knew it!” you exclaim.
“What did he tell you?” Renjun interrupts.
“Nothing, just what I said before.”
“Nothing is going on. You don’t believe us?” Jisung is still firm on his decision to make you believe otherwise. With that stupid smirk he’s trying to hide and how his form influences you to shift back. 
“Of course, you’re still on that even though Jaemin just admitted you guys are planning something! You’re the worst!” 
“And you’re a dumbass,” Jisung mumbles once you turn away.
“Look who’s fucking talking,” you don’t realize you’re stepping closer at every syllable exchanged and you don’t know why your friend loves to push your buttons so much.
“You always say I’m the worst and then you come right back.  I don’t think you hate me as much as you say you do,” Jisung’s eyes glimmer with a playfulness to them, closing the space between the two of you as the bickering reaches its climax.  But his words only fuel your rage.
At this point, you can only see red.  
All you do with Jisung is bicker or fight about stupid shit. Your friendship with the other boys is the glue that holds you and Jisung together.  No one could guess that you met all the boys through him. You both had been friends with benefits long ago— practically another lifetime. But you’d jump off a cliff before admitting that the shards of glass remain. And that it still cuts. 
It’s impossible to act like everything is fine and you both can get along.  So instead, you fight and fight until no more words can be said.  
“Ooooo,” you hear Jeno say, reminding you you’re still in a place full of swarming bodies. 
“What about you? You either hate me or you love me. It can’t be both,” you mutter, condemning yourself as you catch a glimpse of his lips hovering above yours.  You're both staring one another down, and you notice the same vein on the side of his temple, and his jaw clenches with each phrase that escapes your lips. 
“Watch it,” Jisung seethes.
“What? If you wanna play this game, let’s pla—“
“Okay! Enough of this,” Hyuck groans before dragging the both of you by the wrist and out of the main room.
“What are you doing Hyuck?” you urgently inquire, but he doesn’t reply.  He only hurriedly rushes along, throwing you both into a bedroom you don’t recognize.  And as you rush to escape the enclosed space, your friend shuts the door in front of your face– leaving you with your hands practically clawing at the door.  
“Lee Donghyuck! Open the fucking door right now!” you yell out, unable to comprehend how your friend could think this was a solution.  “Open the door before I beat your ass!” 
“He’s not going to open the door,” Jisung reminds you of his presence amidst the chaos.  “Not until the morning.”  
“What?! No. No. No. This is not happening right now.”  
“Let’s just sleep.  So when we wake up, we can just get outta here.”  
You scan the room, realizing there’s nothing for you to rest on except the bed in the center– the one Jisung is currently sitting on.  “You think I can fall asleep with everything that’s going on?  And I don’t even know what’s going on,” you’re shifting awkwardly, habitually rocking yourself on the heel of your feet following the eye of the storm.  
“Just sleep.  It’ll be over soon,” Jisung already makes himself comfy, placing his legs under the covers and rearranging the pillow to his liking.  He’s too calm.  Way too calm for what just occurred. 
“Where am I supposed to sleep?” 
“I don’t know, figure it out,” he mumbles, lids already fluttering shut.  You hate how you admire how long his eyelashes are.  
His eagerness to ignore the dilemma influences you to the bed to pry his lids open.  As Jisung opens his eyes willingly, you finally take notice of how close you both are.  His eyes widen at the proximity and he shifts back to the edge of the bed in surprise. You’re caught off guard because there seems to be something lingering in the air between the two of you.  And you brush it off because you know it’s annoyance. 
“Just sleep,” he softly lets out before returning to his original position.  “Next to me.” 
His softness in these last words has you admitting some defeat– realizing fighting won’t solve anything.  “Fine.”  
There are still zero answers that will satisfy your scrambled mind.  
And you’re trapped in a room with someone you can’t stand for more than five minutes.
It’ll be over soon.  Right? 
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You’re fucking drenched. 
As the daze of sleep washes over, you notice the stickiness between your thighs. And not the good kind. 
It felt as if you just entered the fiery pits of hell. 
“What the fuck?” you whine. The air was so humid, you were practically suffocating.  And as you turn to the side, you see an irritated Jisung.  If you thought you looked gross, Jisung didn’t have a dry spot on his clothing.   
You try your hardest not to stare at the clothing sticking to his abs.  This is not the time.
“Don’t,” he warns, thinking you’re about to poke fun at him.
You chuckle at the sight of his discomfort, offering a half-assed apology.  “Sorry.”  
“Lee Donghyuck! Turn off the fucking heater!” he yells out, but there’s no answer.  
“Fuck.  We’re going to die.” 
“I’m not dying here with you.  That’s not how I’m going out.”  
“Is that so bad?  Chill the fuck out,” you roll your eyes. 
“Yes it is! I’m gonna kick the door down and beat Donghyuck’s ass.”
You don’t know if it’s the unbearable heat, or the constant fucking attitude from Jisung all night.  Maybe it was the pent-up frustration from all the other times you both didn’t get along.  But you’ve decided enough is enough. 
“What’s your fucking problem?” 
“What are you talking about?” 
“You’re always so fucking mad at me.  I do nothing and you’re mad.  I breathe and you’re mad.  It pisses me off!  At this point, I should be the one giving you the attitude you give me!”  
“And you know what?  I always cared what you thought.  But not anymore. I’m done caring so pretend I don’t even exist,” your heart is beating out of your chest as the words spill out like vomit.  
“That’s no–” Jisung’s unable to finish his sentence when suddenly his orbs follow your fingertips gripping the hem of your top to bring over your head– leaving you in a bra.  “Wha-”
“It’s hot as shit and I’m not going to suffer.  Do what you want,” you huff, continuing with the removal of your jeans. You notice Jisung's stare lingering on your contours as you eventually pull them off, and it appears as if a million different things are running through his mind when he suddenly glances away and shakes his head.  
You’re not going to lie, it’s amusing seeing Jisung’s usual persona falter. Your boldness and the situation it creates masks the uncomfortable predicament the two of you are in.  “It’s not like you haven’t seen me like this before.”  
“What did you mean by ‘you used to care about what I thought?’” He swallows nervously.
His words have you stopping in your tracks, not realizing your words were true candor. “Nothing, I was just saying nonsense,” is all you can render as you make your way to the bed, but Jisung beats you to it, grabbing your wrist to prevent you from escaping.  
“Tell me. Please.  I know it wasn’t nonsense,” his voice is like syrup, the usual bite to it completely gone.  
You turn to face him, though you regret it the moment you notice how his eyes match his voice. “Well, I cared what you thought because of what we did before we all became friends.  And us… Or whatever we are.  I don’t know what we are now but I cared about you and what you thought about me.”
“I still do…”  
“Then why do we fight?” 
“I don’t know.  I guess you hate me so I just returned that energy.” 
“I don’t hate you,” he sounds hurt, the similar bite of his voice attempting to escape.  “You annoy the hell out of me, but I could never hate you.”
“You really act like you hate me though,” Jisung offers a small smile.  
“I don’t hate you. You’re annoying as hell. And I just don’t know what to do with everything lingering in the air when I’m around you,” you bite your lip at the confession, realizing it wasn’t a very good one. And you see him watch you do so. 
“You mean the tension?” 
“Yeah… The tension… The tension causes us to fight. Right?” The air becomes more suffocating than it already is. Maybe it’s the heat, maybe it’s Jisung so close to you, or how you’re basically naked in front of him.  
“What else would we do?” his eyes are still trained on your lips.  
“I don’t know,” you murmur not above a whisper. “You tell me.”
“Let me try something,” he takes a step forward, shortening the small space between the two of you. “Promise you won’t get mad.” 
“No promises,” you urge, because you’re unsure of what Jisung planned to do after the indirect confessions made in the room today.  One things for sure. This territory hadn’t been visited in ages and it scares the shit out of you.  
“What are you go–” You’re cut off the lips that make its way onto yours. 
When you see Jisung dipping his head down to capture your lips onto his, you're taken aback.  However, the minute he makes contact, your legs almost buckle.  It's a familiar sensation, and you melt into him as he tests the waters with increasing devotion.  
When you reciprocate the kiss, it gets feverish, and your trembling lips work together haphazardly, interwoven with airy sighs.  His arms reach for your waist, pulling you into him harder than ever before.  He knows your body like no one else, and it drives parts of your brain haywire.  It feels like only yesterday that you both would rendezvous.
He groans into your mouth and squeezes your ass as you tug on his hair the way he likes it.  It makes you whimper since the combination of the sloppy kiss and the rush of pleasure is far too satisfying. 
 It feels good.  Way too good.  
That's why when Jisung pulls away, you chase his lips and he emits a small chuckle at the action. “Tell me you missed me.  Tell me you don’t hate me and never did,” his shoulders rise and fall at a rapid pace as he catches his breath. 
“I don’t,” you look up at him, and you want nothing more to kiss him again.  It feels like all the frustration aimed at him was sexual.  It’s honestly his fault for always looking so tempting while offering some smartass retort.  “I never did.” 
"God, I missed you," he smashes his lips against yours again, this time much more aggressive, and the back of your knees reach the edge of the bed, briefly disconnecting your lips.  You laugh, and he smirks before diving back into you as soon as your back comes into contact the mattress.  
Something possesses him at that moment, makes his hands glide up the back of your thighs, to kiss down your neck, sucking and biting to leave small bites that he later licks over to soothe the sting.  “Know how much you love to be marked.” 
“And I know how much you love me choking on your dick,” you giggle, licking a long stripe along his neck up to his jaw.  
“You’re dangerous,” Jisung hooks your thong aside, unsurprised when he notices the sticky arousal coating his fingers.  “Fuck, I forgot how wet you get.” 
“It’s from the heat.”  Your words contradict themselves as noises of pleasure leave your lips when he runs his fingers along your folds.  Jisung, on the other hand, knows the meaning behind your words like no other.  “All this stickiness is from the heat? I don’t think so baby,” he offers some stimulation to your clit and your back arches once he comes in contact with your bud.  
You shake your head and he dips his head down onto your neck offering a small kiss against the side of your neck.  God, he looks so hot, with the sweat dripping down the side of his temple and his puffy lips from kissing.  
The lewd sounds from his fingers running along your folds sends you into a frenzy.  You’re attempting to gain more friction, bucking your hips to feel more.  You’re so needy for his touch.   You've been longing for this touch.  "I'll be nice, baby," he says, inserting one finger inside your hole, your walls engulfing him up to the knuckle.  Jisung experiments with twisting and curling his fingers, enjoying the way you gasp and pulse around his fingertips. 
The wet glide is so satisfying and you moan, basically fucking yourself onto his fingers. “Sung–” is all you can choke out as he begins thrusting with a rhythm you both can’t forget.  “Wai–”
But Jisung can’t withhold any longer, not with you looking so pretty underneath him.  Not with the sounds that he remembers all too well.  His cock practically throbs at these thoughts, begging to be free from its confines when you’re already a mess.  He’s pressing against your clit along with the constant thrust of his fingers.  “Shit, Sung!” you wail, already foreseeing your high from the short time.  
Your nails dig into his forearm, body twitching from the overwhelming pleasure only he can give you.  “Oh, fuck,” the words are combined with a moan as your orgasm takes you by surprise, coating his fingers in a creamy pearl substance.  It drips down your folds as he pulls away, and the wash of the aftermath runs from your toes to the crown of your head.  It’s blissful, but your hunger for him doesn’t stay satiated.  “Good girl,” he says as he revels in your figure. 
“I need you,” you pant.  “Now.”  
“Whatever you say, Mom,” he jokes as he pulls his shirt over his head before discarding the rest of his clothing.  
“Ewww. Never say that again,” you say, earning a laugh from Jisung.  
“Like words ever stopped me before pretty girl.”
He's tugging the side of your panties, dragging them down the side of your legs while practically gaping. He continues with your bra and he gazes, unable to believe everything taking place currently.  You're like a dream, sprawled out beneath him. The pretty girl he could never get close to after being so close with.  
“Ready?” he asks after he shakes himself out of the trance you have him in.  
“Mhm,” you nod.  
He pushes inside, sighing into your ear at the creaminess of your cunt.  Your arms are wrapped around his neck as he bottoms out, fingers burrowing further into his scalp.  Jisung, rather than staying against your neck, takes advantage of the chance to peer at you.  When his nose brushes up against yours, all he sees are your lips caught between your teeth.  
At the feeling of his big cock inside of you, you clench around him.  He groans against your mouth, habitually bucking his hips forward.  “Fuck,” you moan out, back arching at the feel of his cock dragging against your walls. Your brain is already a mess and it has been since the moment he kissed you.  But Jisung loves how you’re a mess around him.  He takes pride in how he makes you feel, and that turns him on beyond belief. 
“Move Sungie, please,”  you plead and Jisung groans at the nickname you know he loves so much.  It’s enough for him to grab your wrists to pin them above your head before he begins moving.  
“Sung,” you call out again when he begins to move.  His calculated movements have you squirming beneath him, but you’re still perfectly fit against him and it’s as if you both never stopped this routine.  
“You’re mine.  I’m not letting anyone touch you,” he coos, and you’re quick to agree.  “Yours.” 
The constant rhythm he keeps has your eyes rolling to the back of your head, and you're shivering when he picks up the pace--giving him a look that seems to make Jisung's cock practically explode.  He snaps his hips forward, so close to the edge that you shudder at the perspective. 
He's fucking you so well that your eyesight is fuzzy, and the brush of his dick against the spot that drives you insane only adds to the sensation. "I-I'm so close," you warn, your irregular breathing hitting his face.  
“Wait S-sung-g no.” Just as you’re about to hit your peak, Jisung flips you over so that you’re sitting on his thighs.  Though you’re disappointed in the delay of your orgasm, the angle has his cock pushing deeper than before, tip nudging against your velvety walls harshly.  “Fuck, I can’t,” you beg as your back arches at the smallest movements.  
As fast as words leave his throat, Jisung dips down to suck on your nipple, occasionally leaving purple blossoms.  “Wait I’ll–” 
“You’ll what?” he says, chuckling when he sees you instinctively grinding forward against his member. “Cream my cock?” He watches your fucked out expressions, loving how your eyes are lined with tears.  
“I’m planning on it, “ he smirks before thrusting up into you.  
“J-jisung!” you’re a sobbing mess above him as his harsh thrusts sends pure pleasure up your spine.  His name falls off your lips like a mantra, and the gibberish he can’t make out only urges him to move furiously into you.  Though your brain is a puddle of mush, the band in your lower abdomen is about to snap, so you grind your hips against him with newly found fervor, stimulating your clit in the best way possible. 
Jisung watches you above him as his fingers dig into your waist.  You’re so beautiful, he thinks.  Everything about you, every part of your mind and body he worships, and he swears he’s not going to let go of you this time. 
“S-sung,” you moan again and again, and Jisung continues to abuse your boob, kissing up your throat as you inch closer to your high. “So perfect.” 
You let out a high-pitched moan at a specific thrust, and your thighs tremble against his.  "I got you," he says as he places a gentle kiss on your lips.  And after a few thrusts, you're collapsing against him, again repeating his name.  You're just a lick away from teetering off the edge.  
“I want it so bad,” you blabber against his neck.  “S-so close.  Don’t stop.” 
“Give it to me,” he dips underneath to circle your bundle of nerves with the perfect pressure and you come undone, high-pitched moans and whimpers against his ear.  
 The mix of cum and the slick from prior allows the glide to be that much easier for Jisung to glide against as he tips over the edge as well.  You’re still pulsing and gripping his cock like a vice and it’s a done deal for Jisung.  “Inside?” 
“Inside me,” you kiss the side of his neck.  He feels euphoric as your noises against his ear urges him on and his arms hold you tightly.  And after a few more thrusts and desperate hips, his cum shoots inside you.  “Fuck.” 
It's so much energy that when the sensation of your high washes over you, you collapse against Jisung, who also collapses against the mattress. 
“You’re sticky,” you look at his face and admire how good the afterglow of sex looks on him.  
 Jisung massages little circles across the small of your back in comforting stillness.  
“I’m going to murder Hyuck,” he realizes how much the humidity encases the room. 
“Maybe not too brutal, because his plan to lock us in here so we can finally make up worked,” you notify him and his eyes light up.
“I think everyone’s asleep.  How about we torture them some more?” he smirks at you.  
“I say Hyuck isn’t going to get a wink of sleep tonight,” you mischievously grin and it’s enough for Jisung to dive down and continue drowning in your lips. 
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DECEMBER 31  11:59 PM
“Damn, I can’t believe my plan worked! You guys are attached to the fucking hip,” Hyuck comes over to you and Jisung hand-in-hand.  
“Your plan worked for once dumbass,” Jeno butts in abruptly, almost spilling the alcohol in his cup. 
“We have no more arguing but I don’t know if it’s worth it,” Jaemin points.  
“You guys are like rabbits!” Mark yells out.
“Gross! Not the fucking time! I need to find someone to kiss,” Renjun groans. 
“Yeah but everything Hyuck does to end our suffering, it just reappears as something else!” Chenle laughs, earning a middle-finger from the subject of his words. 
“Guess you were right.  We can laugh about this on New Year's,” Jeno turns to Hyuck.  
“Happy new year motherfuckers,” Chenle says before clinking all the cups together.  
You turn to Jisung as the clock counts down, his arm around your waist. “Happy New Year, boyfriend.” 
“Happy New Year, Girlfriend,” he smiles the hardest you’ve seen him in a while.  
“Happy fucking new year,” he says before smashing his lips onto yours. 
Happy fucking new year indeed. 
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dragonsholygrail · 7 days
So about this Demon priest, I'm intrigued... go on. I can imagine as he's in the middle of a sermon, reader walks in, as reader just felt led to enter the church. As soon as Demon priest sees reader... he stumbles over the carefully and well prepare recitations. Sight focused on the back pew that reader silently sat on, not even noticing the uncharacteristic falter of the priest, nor realizing his eyes trained on them. He's been enraptured.
This is amazing, I am all for making this canon to Demon Priest. He’s so stinkin cute.
When you first walk into the church, Demon Priest swears he’s finally been graced with the presence of an angel once more. Your beauty ethereal, your presence divine in nature.
Hope blossoms within his chest that he has finally completed his repentance. That he will finally be welcomed back into those pearly gates. With heavens light shining back at him in your eyes how can he think otherwise?
He meets you after the service and realization dawns on him that you were not a messenger sent from above to take him to rejoin his fellow brethren. No, he realized instead that you were something far greater.
As part of his repentance, Demon Priest feels the pain of remaining inside a holy sanctuary. His feet burn with every step he takes, his hands while holding all blessed liturgical objects, and his face with the use of Holy water. With his demon healing they heal, only for them to come once more. Yet they each leave their own scars.
But as soon as your hand slips into his in greeting, Demon Priest feels as though a balm has been washed over his soul. The pain leaving him instantly with your touch. You certainly weren’t there to bring him home but perhaps you were something better than he could’ve ever imagined.
You were a gift.
Sent down from above and placed on his path. A testament to his strength and devotion. And he would be so utterly devoted. To you.
At every turn he seeked your approving gaze. At every chance he could risk he seeked your soothing touch. You had so utterly consumed him, turning his world upside down until it all came back to you.
It wasn’t long before he could no longer resist the idea of what it would be like to feel more of you. To grasp your supple flesh in his palms. Take your hardened nipples between his razor sharp teeth. Taste the sweet nectar of your essence on his tongue. He wanted all of you. To consume you as you had him.
Now as his hands run all over your body, leaving a lustful heat in his path, he finally has. The stain glass windows of his office shine down on you, illuminating your beauty as you ride his cock.
Your body bouncing so prettily along his hardened length, his eyes watch you with a feral hunger. Claws digging into your hips as he fucks up into you, not being able to help himself from taking you as roughly as he’s been wanting to. Your cries of pleasure being the most lovely sound he’s ever heard.
“Yes! It’s s-so good. Feels so good. I can’t believe we’re doing this,” you exclaim, baring your neck for him. His cock twitches within your wet heat, the curves of your body driving him closer to delirium.
He molds himself over your form, not being able to get close enough to the ecstasy of your skin. His lips latching on and sucking heartily at each of your breasts, leaving you panting as you try and match his every thrust.
“Tell me, my beloved, how can I be expected to deny you? That which I most crave. My greatest temptation…” he growls and you feel the vibration move through your body and shoot straight to your soaked core.
His claws sink into your plush hips, using his hold to slam you down on his needy cock. A hoarse cry is ripped from your lips. Hands finding purchase and bringing a soothing relief to his shoulders as he drives himself into you.
“Let me worship you,” he whispers with an intensity that sends chills up your spine. Yet you can’t focus on its meaning as your pleasure bursts through you, clenching down as you cum hard on his cock.
Demon priest grunts, his fierce eyes never leaving your expression so deeply filled with ecstasy. The sight of your pleasure enough to send him right over the edge with you, stuffing you full of his length as he shoots his cum deep into your womb.
And it’s in that moment he knows. He has found salvation in you.
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gay-dorito-dust · 24 days
(If you’re not up for it simply ignore. I love your work and hope you’re happy and healthy and taking care of your own mental health ❤️)
The bat boys with a reader who has really low days and really just wants to be held?
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I just wanted an excuse to add Kyle Rayner as a bonus cuz I’ve been wanting to write something for him but dunno what. Plus I’ve been needing something like this after the week I’ve just had lol.
Dick would smile softly as he held you in his arms, tightening his grip on you as he peppers you in kisses however he could.
He knew that days like these were the hardest for you and he wasn’t going to hold it against you, not in the slightest as he would softly hum a song to you as he carried you to your shared bed, Hayley hot on his heels as she was worried about your change of attitude.
Speaking of Hayley, she never leaves your side, in fact when she sees Dick hold you against him , she immeditly joins in and tries to wriggle her way in between you both in hopes of covering your face in comforting licks. She wants to see you happy and she’ll gladly cuddle up with you if that’s the only way to do it.
Dick would spoil you rotten with cuddles, kisses and words of encouragement when you felt as though all hope was lost, for the last thing he wanted was for you to feel as though no one had you back when he did this entire time of being together.
‘You’re amazing baby and I’m so fucking proud of you, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise you otherwise because you outshine them without having to try.’ He says while pressing a kiss to your forehead.
Dick would gladly make a fool of himself if it was to make you feel better but holding you, kissing you, and praising you will have to do for the meantime as he could hope that he has given you the strength needed to get out of this dark place that you’ve found yourself in.
He believes you can do it but until then he’ll gladly hold you until you could stand on your own two feet again.
Jason doesn’t need to be told twice as he was well aware of what you want the moment you came through the door of your shared bedroom.
‘Come here sweetheart.’ He would say as he sets aside his book and held out his arms for you to burrow into as you rested your head on his chest, arms latching onto his waist with an iron like grip.
He didn’t need to ask about the day you’ve had for he could feel the fatigue and weariness within your body and the deep sigh that left your lips that told him you have been holding in for a long while. Your body practically radiated with tiredness in all its forms that made it impossible for him to ignore even if he tried.
‘Rest your heavy head and your weary eyes chipmunk,’ he tells you as he begins to rub up and down your back soothingly, ‘I’ll be right here when you wake up, so just relax for me okay?’
You hummed out a small and a tad muffled ‘okay’ and Jason presses a kiss to the side of your head as he tightens his hold on you. He’d even read passages of his book to you in hopes the tit would take your mind off of things quicker as he knew how much you liked the sound of his voice.
Jason knows there’s want much he could do when you experienced days like these but all he could hope was that he was making enough of an effort to make you feel just that little bit better.
Tim makes sure he has everything you could ever need during days like these such as your favourite plushie, blanket, comfort foods, and some water just to name a few as he wants you to be comfortable and taken care of if he was to not be moving away from the bed anytime soon as he held you in his arms.
He just wants you to be okay and doesn’t want you run in on an empty stomach.
‘We’re human, we have limitations and breaking points that tell us to stop and take a break for ourselves, but yet we have been made to think that we shouldn’t and that we should neglect our health and well-being for temporary achievements and successes; almost as if that’s the only thing that should mean something to us.’ Tim tells you as he cuddles you against his chest as a movie played on his laptop as background noise.
‘You’ve done so well for yourself and now your more then deserving of a rest, we’ll return to reality in our own time, we’ve got enough of it that it shouldn’t matter whether we’re still here an hour or two later.’ Tim continues as he presses a kiss to your forehead.
And he meant it, Tim didn’t care how kind he’d have to wait for you to get better because he understood that it wasn’t going to be as easy, having had shit days where he couldn’t be bothered to bring himself to do anything other then lay in his bed, wondering to himself about what he could’ve done to feel such deep pain and isolation.
He knew that it would take time for you to feel even remotely better and even when you did you’ll still need all the help you can possibly get, and he’ll be there for as long as you’ll need him there too.
Damian isn’t well versed in the art of comforting someone but with you, suddenly he’s an expert as he lets you flop against his side as he holds you protectively.
He doesn’t trust his words enough to bring you any comfort as he wasn’t given much himself when he was growing up, so Damian instead just lets you cling onto him and watch in silence as he draws whatever in his sketchbooks: in this instance it was quick sketch of you, him and all of his pets on a field somewhere.
Damian knew his drawings were somewhat therapeutic to you as you got to watch him go through every step he took to make the perfect drawing, no matter if it was heavily detailed or less so, that and he was proud of his artwork that he doesn’t mind showing you some of his precious works and telling you the stories behind them.
Titus joins you, obviously, as he could tell something was wrong with you and will lay in your lap to provide you with some comfort until he’s fallen fast asleep, rendering it impossible for you to move but you didn’t care and neither did Damian as you were surly to follow the Great Dane into dream land where you would be laying in that field that Damian drew.
You were a lot more stronger then you let yourself believe in Damian’s eyes but that didn’t mean he wasn’t more then content in holding you in comfortable silence until you felt better, even if it was just a little bit but even then Damian was determined to outdo himself and find other ways of helping you no matter what.
He just wants to see that smile he loved so much again that told him that everything was going to be okay.
Random Bonus character: Kyle Rayner
Kyle hates seeing you so down and will do absolutely anything and everything he could even if it meant only getting a little smile out of you he’d take it wholeheartedly!
Anything was better then that distant, solemn look on your face as you stared out the window as though life didn’t look as bright or pleasant anymore as it did before.
He’d conjure up anything your heart desired if that helped even by the smallest amount, any amount of progress was better then none. Kyle just wants to see your eyes light up again with childlike wonder again, even if it was momentarily.
However he doesn’t mind if him holding you in his arms was the only way to achieve such a thing as he could keep you close and squeeze you tightly as he tries to pour everything encouraging into your ears in low hushed whispers.
‘You’ll be okay,’ Kyle begins, ‘whether that’s within days, weeks or even months, you’ll be okay. You’re not missing out on anything nor are you going about life at a slower pace compared to others, you’re going at your own pace and that’s okay, you’ll get where you need to be in due time so there’s no point in rushing yourself to get there quicker.’
Kyle would even do some silly little doodles for you just to hear you chuckle or even let out an amused huff. He’d gladly make himself look silly if it meant brining a little light to your heart and life back into your eyes.
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magxnoria · 1 year
Starring Tokyo Revengers Men In ✰ Eight Months In
Cast Line Up Ran, Rindou, Haruchiyo, Mikey, Kakucho, Hajime and Current Shuji
Rated TV-MA
Minors This Isn’t For You
Summary ✰ How The Men Treat You when You're Eight Month Pregnant with Their Baby, Baby Daddies treating you Like Royalty!
No pronouns up in here but the Reader has a Kitty 
Ran Haitani
✰ Ran proudly Admit How Weak He is for you now with your belly all round with his Baby
✰ Seeing you waddle around got him Feeling things he never felt before, His face lighting up whenever he sees you just Glowing 
✰ Will drop everything to attend to your needs even Partying is a thing of the past, Ran is in his Dad Era
✰ Ran is struggling to keep his hands to himself.  Your Belly is like a magnet to him and Your Hormones aren't helping, Got Him and His dick working overtime trying to keep you Satiated 
✰ Rindou and Sanzu's ears are about to fall off because all Ran do is talk about how much he stays buried in your pussy
✰ “Can't stay Long Guys, The love of my life needs my dick expediently” Ran says while pouring himself something to drink, “ Always Talking about your personal life, We’re not fucking Twitter” Sanzu Groans while Rindou tries his best to ignore this conversation. “ You're Just Jealous your family not Growing and Your babe not Glowing” Ran Grins while Sanzu just sighs as Rindou lays his head on the table
✰ Ran will Keep Bragging about you after all you giving him the best present he could ever receive
✰ “ You're so wonderful you know that” Ran whisper in your ear as he embrace you from behind
Ran Softly Thrust into you from behind while his fingers softly pinched your nipples, “ So fucking Beautiful and absolutely breathtaking” Ran Groaned while handing you an extra pillow to place under your belly for support
“ Ran, How good you make me feel” You whined as Ran rolled his hips making his dick hit that spot deep in you that always makes you a shivering mess, Your body was filled with ecstasy as Ran kept fucking you tenderly 
Ran's dick felt like heaven to your needy pussy as he constantly gave you long strokes that made you lean deep into the pillows that were under you, “Pussy always so Good and tight, Feels so fucking Good” Ran groaned while you clenched around him making him shudder
He laid kisses to the back of your neck while you whined under him so prettily, “ Your Moans sound like music to my ears” Ran Singsong while he fucked into you deep. “So Close Ran, So Close” You moaned as your pussy throbbed around him
“Come on Beautiful, Cum for me” Ran groaned while he kept fucking into your clenching pussy, Your body obeyed Ran’s words as you had an orgasm so strong that it made your body shake. Ran gave you two strong thrusts before he cumming deep inside you with a groan before resting while still inside you, “You were amazing baby like usual” Ran said while his hands roamed your body
Rindou Haitani
✰ Rindou could never be prouder of you, How beautiful you look so full with his baby
✰ Brings you whatever you want on a silver platter, He  would do anything to put a smile on your face
✰ Is very observant of your expressions.  he knows when you need Food, a massage, or some dick to ease the throbbing of your pussy
✰ Drops everything to get you whatever your hearts desire. Doesn't matter if he was at work, they know you come first
✰ Rindou is a Homebound king, He doesn't even go to the club anymore because he doesn't want to be far from you
✰ Your pregnancy got Rindou in a daze, His high off the thought of you being pregnant with His Baby and How he will soon be a father
✰ “ I want to keep you pregnant and bred” Rindou groans as he rubs your full belly
Rindou Laid on his back while you straddled him, his dick deep in your pussy as his left hand played with your clit. “You feel Good Baby?? You okay?” Rindou asked while he gave your pussy soft but deep thrusts, “Feel Good Rinnie, so good” You mewled back as you rocked your hips for more friction
“Ahh, I needed this so bad” You moaned as you closed your eyes enjoying the feeling of Rindou’s dick in your cunt. Rindou could only smile up at you as he propped himself on his arms so he could suck on your right nipple making you coo as he pushed his dick in and out of your pussy
The way Rindou was fucking you plus the way your hormones were making you feel had it That every touch, Every stroke, and every twirl of his tongue was amplified making your pussy throb as you bit back your screams of Pleasure
“Rinnie. Oh, Baby, I’m So close” You moaned while Rindou proceed to work his thigh muscles to fuck up into you, “Cum for me baby” Rindou groaned as your walls contracted around his dick. Your body spasmed as your climax hit you hard, you had put your hands on Rindou's chest for support. Rindou followed you as your pussy milked his dick so well his hips jolting as he released inside of you
“Fuck. Felt damn right Heavenly” Rindou Gasp as he rubbed your chin, “Now let me run you a bath and get you cleaned up,  yeah?” Rindou said before kissing your lips 
Haruchiyo Sanzu
✰ You being Pregnant have done something to Haruchiyo, He stays By your side and He's sober Now 
✰ The Thought of you carrying a new life got him going crazy, Haruchiyo can barely contain himself 
✰ Your Wish is his Command, Whatever you want Haruchiyo will happily give it to you even if it means waking out of his sleep to fuck you softly while you whine in his ear
✰ You and Your Swollen pussy got him fully subservient, If it wasn't for his work he’ll be home with you all the time 
✰ He takes your moodiness in stride, he just loves everything about you having his kid.
✰ “I'm Hooked on you being knocked up with my kid, Fuck. Let's have a house full of kids” Haruchiyo Grins while kissing your belly
Haruchiyo's fingers rubbed patterns on your clit as he fucked into you with care, “Fuck. How does that feel baby? Telling by how your eyes rolling back it feels good” Haruchiyo groaned while your pussy squeezed him in response. “Feel so Good Haru” You mewled back while Haruchiyo continued working your pussy
His dick massaging your walls while your pussy pulsed around him making him shudder, “Ah Fuck. You grip my dick so fucking good babe” Haruchiyo groaned before bringing his head down to suck on your perky right nipple
Haruchiyo actions were driving you wild as he stimulated you so good that you felt like you were touching heaven, Your pussy felt absolutely wonderful being spread open by Haruchiyo dick as his tip kissed your G-spot with every stroke
“Haru, Fuck. I’m cumming” You moaned as Haruchiyo fucked you toward ecstasy. Your body jolted against the mattress as he continued to give you deep strokes, his thrusts only becoming erratic when he began cumming inside you. “Fuck. you always drain me so good” Haruchiyo Groaned before pushing his hips into yours one final time, “Now what do you want to eat?”
Manjiro Sano
✰ Manjiro is in Heaven. You are finally all his, this baby solidifies that.
✰ All of Bonten is at your beck and call, snap your fingers and they will bring whatever you want 
✰ Even Manjiro is even more homebound Now, He can't keep his arms from being wrapped around your round belly
✰ He is obsessed with you being pregnant, Your change of Hormones excites him and He takes everything you toss at him with a smile on his face
✰ The fact that you are more dick hungry makes his dick so achily hard. He fucks you with such love and cares that you're wondering where the old Manjiro went
✰ He would never put The baby and you in Jeopardy, You two are the most highly valued people in his life right now. You Give Manjiro a reason to live.
✰ “I love you two so much” Manjiro softly says while his head gently rests on your belly
Manjiro languidly rocked his hips into yours pushing his dick deep into you make you whine, “Jiro Please rub my clit” You pleaded making Manjiro chuckle. “ How can I forget to pay attention to your pretty clit huh?” Manjiro grinned before sucking his thumb and using it to apply pressure to your clit making you moan
His free hand stayed on your belly as he concentrated on making you feel good, Manjiro's hips softly snapping as he fucked you just right making your toes curl. “  You are gorgeous, you know that right?” Manjiro groaned as your pussy tugged on his dick, “ Like an Angel” He whispered making your eyes lock with his
Your eyes stayed locked while Manjiro kept fucking you, his thrusts not letting up even as your cunt began clenching down on his dick hard or when you bought your left hand to his face. “ Jiro, you're beautiful too” You moaned making Manjiro's face heat up as he brought all his attention back to fucking you
You could feel that familiar sensation of your orgasm nearing as Manjiro worked your pussy like an expert, “Jiro, I'm cumming” You moaned as Manjiro fucked you into your bliss. Manjiro Hips spasmed as his own orgasm hit him so hard that his body shook, he was only able to give you one more shaky thrust before resting on his elbows. “ I love you so much” Manjiro whispered to you before kissing your lips 
✰ Kakucho has been a dream though your pregnancy, He's always there with what you need before you say you need it 
✰ He is elated to be a father and he can't stop talking about how beautiful you look with a round belly 
✰ He hates seeing you in distress  with your hormones, he will do anything to elevate the pains of your pregnancy 
✰ If you need good food? He's cooking. If your pussy needs his dick? He's ready to make tender love to you
✰ Kakucho is so gentle and soft with you, not like he could ever hurt you but every move he now makes is calculated and with the most care
✰ Kakucho always falls asleep with his hand on your belly, He needs to keep you safe even in his sleep 
✰n“I can't wait to meet Our Little One” Kakucho says while he caresses your belly
Kakucho's dick was in you as You two Spooned, his left hand resting on your belly while his right hand you close to him. His hips rocked into yours as he fucked you softly making you coo with every motion of his thighs 
“Kaku, You got me feeling like I’m in heaven” You moaned as Kakucho Lips kissed your left shoulder, “An Angel should feel Heavenly” Kakucho whispered in your ear while he pushed his dick deep in your cunt making your legs tremble
“ I love making you feel good” Kakucho Groaned as your pussy held him tight. You moved your hips trying to get Kakucho ever so deeper in your pussy, your eyes rolling back as his tip rubbed that spongy spot in you just right. “Kaku, Just like that don't stop” You moaned while Kakucho did exactly as you said 
Your pussy pulsating as your orgasm came out of nowhere, your body shaking Against Kakucho as he stroked you through your climax. Kakucho gave you two more solid thrusts before his hips began jolting as he started cumming in you, filling your pussy with cum. “Feels so beautiful. You are beautiful” Kakucho groaned while he gave you one more thrust before sliding out of you making you whimper
“Now Let me cook you something to eat” Kakucho said before kissing your lips
Hajime Kokonoi
✰ Hajime Spoils you 1,000,000,000 Times more since the moment you told him you are pregnant
✰ He works from home now, he can't pull himself from you and the baby
Whatever you want you already got it, This child will be the most spoiled baby around 
✰ Hajime can tell what you want by the tone of your voice, He knows if you need a good massage or  some TLC or to get dicked down
✰ Hajime doesn't want you lifting a finger, He hires maids to clean the house while he tends to your needs
✰ Literally feels like he's in the best dream he ever had, the Mere thought of fatherhood got him blissed out 
✰ He wakes up in the middle of the night to watch you sleep while his thoughts are consumed by how the two of you will be parents in a month
✰ “ You and this baby are priceless to me” Hajime whispers while kissing your stretch marks 
Hajime's dick was buried in you while he tenderly Massaged your shoulders, “Please Koko, Fuck me” You moaned making Hajime Move his hips making you Mewl out his name. “ That Feel Better Love?” Hajime asked before he began kissing your neck softly 
Hajime's Hands roamed your body as he fucked into your creamy cunt so good that you felt yourself losing control. your fingernails scratching his back making him close his eyes as he ground his hips against yours trying to reach the deepest parts of you, His hips pushing his dick deep as he rolled them making you whimper
“Koko. Right There Right there” You moaned out while he brought his lips down to your breasts to suck on them making you press yourself against him, Hajime savored all of you as he sucked on your left nipple making you writhe against the mattress
“Koko, Please don't stop. Gonna cum” You moaned while he kept sucking and fucking you so that your nerves felt like they were aflame, The fire only burning brighter as you began cumming around Hajimes dick. Your pussy squeezing Hajime inches so hard that he couldn't hold back himself from spilling his seed in your creamy pussy. 
“Got my mind hazy” Hajime Softy groaned before kissing your lips and rubbing your belly, “ Now let me get back to massaging you” Hajime whispered as his hands worked your shoulders 
Shuji Hanma  
✰ Shuji is still shocked about you being pregnant, it's like he's in a hazy dream, and he's living for it 
✰ Whenever you wake him up and he sees your belly so full with his baby he just can't help but admire you
✰ “Fuck. You're so gorgeous baby” Shuji said while his hand rub your belly
Shuji is so soft with you and delicate, You have never seen this side of him before. He literally says yes to whatever you ask him
✰ Your Hormones got him on his toes and he loves it, Hes a fiend for waking up in the middle of the night to bring you snacks and to give you that good dick
✰ Shuji always keeps a hand on your belly, Loves to feel the baby kick his hand and the way he always smiles up at you is priceless 
✰ Hate to admit it but he's addicted to you being pregnant with his baby, He has a growing Need to keep you constantly filled with his baby
✰ “ You know you look so beautiful Pregnant, wouldn't mind us having a couple more babies after this one” Shuji Says while massaging your shoulders 
Shuji had you on the edge of the bed while he worked your pussy with his dick so good that tears pricked into your eyes.  “Shu, A little deeper please” You moaned making Shuji laugh, “Deeper? Okay babe I’m Going to Give you what you want” Shuji Grinned before angling his hips to fuck you deep just like you asked
“Just like that” You cooed as Shuji fucked into you so good that you couldn't help but cry from pleasure as Shuji's dick rubbed your G-spot. Shuji brought his thumb to your swollen clit building on the mountain of bliss you already were on 
“Fuck. Do I love making you feel so good that all you can do is cry” Shuji Groaned while he rolled his hips as you writhed under him, His free hand massaging your right breast making you moan his name out. “ I can feel that pussy Pulsing for me, I know you're close baby. Let me have it, I can take it” Shuji Groaned while he kept stimulating you the way you like it
Right on cue, you began cumming on his dick as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm, Shuji's hips still snapping into yours with precision even as his dick painted your walls with his cum. “ Fuck. Babe, You got me wrapped around your finger, you know that right?” Shuji Groaned while rocking his hips before giving you a sloppy kiss on the lips.
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Please Don’t Steal My Shit 
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superhero--imagines · 9 months
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Being Sanji’s GF would include:
A/N: this is the ugliest banner I ever made I swear.
Tags: Female reader
* A man that is 6 ft +, can cook, and treats you with respect? I can’t believe we as a society weren’t simping for him before
* We already know that he loves pretty girls, so if you reciprocate his advances—he’s down hook, line, and sinker
* I feel like he’d fall hard and fast for someone a bit shy, with a soft form of kindness
* Sanji himself is so kind, even if it’s in these extremes depending on the gender of the recipient
* So seeing someone who kindness comes to so naturally, where it isn’t a flickering flame or a bright fire, but just a soft warmth that linger in all of their actions leaves him in awe
* “You’re amazing.”
* He’s still got a wandering eye though, so catch him randomly slapping himself or sitting with his face in his hands as he tries to restrain himself from ‘being unfaithful’
* “Hey Sanji?”
* “Hmmm.”
* “Have you ever thought about cheating on me?”
* The dishes he was washing clatters in the sink and he grabs your hand in both of his, kneeling in front of you
* “Never!” And he means it, he might look but he would never dream of being with someone other than you. “You’re the only person I want to be with.”
* I think as time goes on he gets a lot better at understanding why he feels the way he does, and eventually the flirtatious behavior cools down even though he’s still as kind as always because he realizes it comes from a place of craving validation instead of genuine love
* And honestly, now that he has you he doesn’t need it from anyone else anymore
* “(Y/N)-chan, can you get me the oregano?”
* You smile as you get it from the fridge, it’s not easy for him to ask you to do things
* He has the biggest goofiest grin on his face when you wrap your arms around his waist and rest your head on his shoulder
* Sanji would literally give you a romance as big as the world — or he’d try to at least
* “Sanji this is really lovely.” And you mean it, the candle lit dinner and all your favorite foods at the center of the deck
* “But um, I feel a little bad for Luffy.” It’s more than a little, there’s an entire waterfall of drool falling past his lips from his spot behind a pillar.
* His fingers curl under your chin, urging you to meet his gaze
* “There’s nothing to feel bad about, of course I would spoil the most important person in my life.”
* Your cheeks heat up from the words.
* “But Sanji—“ you look to the pillar seeing seven faces quickly duck, and a hand grab luffys still salivating head. “—they’re all staring!”
* If you could die from embarrassment you’d be six feet under
* “Let them stare, it’s because they’re dazzled by your beauty.”
* “Actually it’s because we’re hungry!” Luffy shouts, only to have his mouth covered by Nami.
* Sanji ends up making them a snack.
* His favorite hobby is pretending Chopper is your child when you guys go out
* “When are you guys going to stop pretending he’s your baby?” Zoro growls
* You look over at Chopper who’s happily sitting on Sanji’s shoulders, munching away on cotton candy
* “When he stops pretending to enjoy it,” You respond
* “That’s never going to happen!” Chopper shouts with a giggle
* He’s so greedy with you I swear
* You give him a kiss, he gives you back at least five
* You hold his hand, he keeps you glued to his side for the rest of the night
* “I know it’s ugly of me to get an inch and take a mile, but…around you I just can’t keep myself from trying.”
* He learns how to make all your favorite childhood foods, either from a relative or by studying old recipe books from your homeland
* And if you ever seem homesick or you’re feeling down he’ll suspense you with the dish
* “How did you learn to make this?” Your region is a far ways away from his usual French cuisine
* “I have my secrets.”
* Please cook for this man, just once, make a fancy dinner and have the whole crew pitch in as wait staff
* “You’re always taking care of us so this time we wanted to serve you!”
* He’ll eat half-burned pasta with tears of joy streaming down his face
* “This is the best meal I’ve ever had.”
* He’ll fall even harder for you if you have his wanted poster near your bunk bed
* “There’s a little red stain near my lips though—“
* “Ah, sometimes when I can’t see you at night I give it a little kiss for luck haha.”
* He’s dead. Sanjis dead.
* Cause of death: love sickness
* He died happy though
* He’s just such a simp for you man
* Like, take the shirt off his back and lay it over a puddle so you don’t get your feet wet, hear you’re craving a certain type of food and make it the next meal, buys you feminine hygiene products from the store with pride (along with some snacks he knows you like, kiss your hands and worship the ground you walk on type of love.
* Honestly what a dream
A/N: kinda wanna make a nsfw version too.
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cozage · 10 months
Congratulations on hitting 2k🎉🎉
I really love your writing and I’d love to see how you think the op boys would react to their s/o getting jealous you could maybe do ace law and luffy?
Characters: gn reader x Ace, Law, Luffy Cw: Put your rose-colored glasses on, folks. Because we got some red flags (cough cough Law)  Total word count: 1.6k
Jealous Reader
Ace is just being fun. He’s just too oblivious to realize the other people are flirting. He doesn’t notice the soft touches across his torso, or how they lean in closer to him every time they laugh. But you do. 
“You don’t look like you’re having fun,” he said halfway through the night. “We can go, if you want.”
“Wouldn’t want to take you away from your fan club,” you spat back, venom in your words. But he either didn’t notice or he pretended not to.
“Yeah, they’re funny aren’t they?” He laughed. “They all buy me drinks whenever I tell a new story. Hospitality here is amazing!”
“Right.” You got up to leave. “Have fun with that.”
“What?” his brows furled together in confusion. “Where are you going?”
“Back to the ship.” And with that, you slammed the door closed. 
A few seconds later, he’s racing after you into the crowded street.
This man has no idea what he did wrong, but he’s trying to make it right. 
He abandons everyone in that bar without even a goodbye, and as his fingers lace through yours, you can’t help but feel a little better about that. 
He kisses your cheek and follows you closely, not wanting you to get away from him. He knows you all need to talk, but he also knows this crowded street isn’t the place to do it. 
When you all get back to your room, you try to break away from him, but he pulls you into an embrace, strong warm arms wrapping around you. 
“You’re the only one I have eyes for, you know that right?” he said, rubbing your back lightly. 
“Didn’t feel like it tonight,” you mumbled harshly. 
“Well you are.” He tilted your face up so he could cover it with kisses. “I just use those people to get free drinks.”
“I know,” you whispered, leaving your head against his chest to hear his heartbeat. “Doesn’t make it any easier to watch though.”
“Okay.” Ace kissed the top of your head. “Won’t do it anymore.”
You looked up at him, surprised. “Really?”
“Of course!” He kissed your lips now, gently reminding you that he was all yours. “Your feelings aren’t worth some free booze.”
Of course this woman was some fancy doctor. Of course Law had read her book. All her books. And now he had been gone from your all’s table for almost thirty minutes to talk to her. 
She wasn’t just polite. She was friendly. Overly friendly. You had watched as she had scooted closer and closer to your boyfriend, minimizing the gap between their bodies. 
Finally, you couldn’t take it anymore. You got up from your seat and ignored the snickering of Shachi and Penguin from the table. 
“Law, dear.” You gave a strained smile to him and the woman. “I hate to rush you, but we’re kind of on a schedule.”
Law stood, still staring at the woman. “Wow! The time really flew by. Thanks for letting me pick your brain.”
“Oh doctor,” the woman cooed, a seductive smile on her face. “The pleasure was all mine. Feel free to find me any time you want to have a…chat”
“Thanks for being patient,” Law said as the two of you walked away. “It’s not often I-”
“Let’s go,” you said to the others as you walked past the table, not pausing for a moment. “The captain made us late.”
You don’t use “Captain” often. And based on your tone, Law had to guess he was in trouble. 
The snickers from Shachi and Penguin weren’t helping either. They had surely watched you become more and more irritated as time went on, so they had a pretty good idea of what was going on,  
“Can you give me some pointers? Any warnings?” Law mumbled to his crewmates, desperate to get a read on your emotions. 
“You don’t know what you did?” Penguin asked as Shachi burst into laughter, causing all three of them to receive a glaring look from you
When you got back to the Polar Tang, you made a beeline for your bedroom. Law didn’t follow. He assumed you needed a bit to cool off. Plus he wanted to check out another book from the woman he had just met. 
After a few hours, Law rubbed his drooping eyes, and finally decided to see you again. He still had no idea why you were so upset. 
You were asleep in the bed, but you had built a pillow divider between his side in yours. He rolled his eyes and quickly pulled the pillows away, curling into you. 
You tried to push him away, proving you weren’t asleep, but he wouldn’t let you. 
“Can you tell me why you have such an attitude?”He was irritated, and you laughed at the irony. You were the one who was supposed to be irritated, not him. 
“Why don’t you go ask that famous doctor since you care about her more than-”
He scoffed, cutting you off. “You can’t be serious.”
You stared at him for a long moment, and then turned away from him, pouting at his words. 
“I’ve read her books, that’s all. Can you stop acting like a child with this petty jealousy?”
His words tipped you over the edge. “I’ll stop acting like a child when you treat me like an equal!” you yelled. You rose to your feet and quickly strode out the door, slamming it behind you. 
Oh, he really fucked up now. His tongue was always getting him in trouble.
He scoured the Polar Tang, searching for you. He finally found you on the couch and curled up next to you. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “That was really insensitive of me to say. If the situation were reversed, I would be upset too. I’ll do better in the future, okay?”
You gave him a slight nod, and he quickly shambled you both back to the bed to get some much-needed sleep. 
“Oh, Hancock is coming, right?!” Luffy asked. “I like her!”
“And we all know how she feels about you,” you mumbled under your breath. Your comment sparked laughter from Nami, causing Luffy’s attention to drift over to you. 
“What’s funny?” He asked. “I want to be in on the joke!”
“Nothing,” you grumbled. You could see Boa Hancock’s ship in the ocean, and your stomach churned with dread. “Sanji, do you need any help in the kitchen?”
Working with Sanji had been a bad idea. Boa Hancock was beautiful. And while you could hear her fawning over your boyfriend on the deck, Sanji fawned over her in the kitchen 
It was only thirty minutes before you gave up and retreated to your room. You were in a bad mood, but this was a celebration, and you didn’t want to ruin it. 
Luffy entered the kitchen looking for two things: Meat and you. “Sanji! Y/N-hey, where are they?”
Sanji shrugged. “Said they weren’t feeling well. Not sure.”
Luffy headed to your all’s room. Now that he thought about it, you had been off. You hadn’t been chatty or smiled most of the day, and he was starting to get worried you were really sick. 
As you heard the turn of the doorknob, you quickly wiped away your stray tears. But your eyes were still red and puffy. 
“Oh man!” Luffy sat down next to you on the bed, staring at your face. “Your allergies are terrible! You should’ve told me, we could’ve moved to another season ecosystem!”
His idiocy made you let out a garbled laugh, trying to hide your true feelings about the party. 
“It’s fine,” you said, shaking your head. But your bottom lip trembled, giving you away.
“You’ve been crying.” He stated it as a fact, not a question. He knew you too well for you to hide your tears for long. He smushed your cheeks together and held your face so you couldn’t avoid his gaze any longer. “Did Sanji make you cry?”
“No.” You tried to pull away from his grip, but he clamped down on your cheeks so you couldn’t escape. He wouldn’t let you leave his gaze until he figured out what was wrong. 
While you were here alone with him, all your worries felt so silly. Luffy didn’t even realize Hancock was in love with him. If you brought it up now, you’d be causing a big scene. 
“It’s stupid,” you whispered, but he only frowned at you. He opened his mouth to say something. 
“Luffy!” Hancock called from behind the door, interrupting his thoughts. “Are you in there? Should I come in?”
You rolled your eyes at her voice. Of course she came to find him. He had been gone for too long, and he was the only reason she was here. 
You tried to hide your disdain for the empress, but Luffy caught it, and his eyes widened. “You don’t like her!” he whispered. 
“Luffy, can we not do this right now?” you hissed, and the door opened. 
“Oh!” Hancock blushed seeing you and Luffy so close, but she glared daggers at you. “I didn’t realize you were with someone, Luffy.”
Luffy’s eyes slid between you and her, trying to figure it out. He was so close to the revelation, but he just couldn’t get there. 
The three of you rejoined the party reluctantly, but Luffy kept you close to him for the rest of the night. 
He’s always been a physical touch person, and tonight you were grateful for it. He was always holding your hand or had his arm wrapped around you. He stayed close, and even though you got death stares from Hancock, at least you had Luffy by your side to make it more manageable. 
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clockwayswrites · 4 months
Masked in Amity
CW: Sam doesn't come off great in this, but not Sam bashing. She just has a lot of growing up to do still and knee jerk reacts badly. (I also don't want to listen to any Sam bashing please and ty.)
Sam’s room still looked the same as always. Danny supposed that’s what happened when someone moved out for college but still came home again— especially to a home like Sam’s. There were only a few posters, a few photos, and a knickknack or two that had changed between high school and now. Danny sat on the edge of the bed like always.
“So how’s school doing?” Danny asked into the awkward silence. Silences never used to be awkward between them, or was that just looking back with rose colored glasses?
“Ugh,” Sam gripped and flopped back onto her bed next to Danny. “Why would you even ask me that? You know I hate it.”
“Because it’s what you’re doing right now? It’s a huge part of your life, you can’t just… avoid it.”
“Watch me,” Sam said, bitterly. Her snarled lips looked weird without the dark purple lipstick. “I’m going to get my stupid law degree my parents are paying for and work at some stupid corporate firm Dad has connections at and when my trust fund has made enough in interest I’m going to quite and go open a non-profit and sue all those fuckers I was forced to work for over how they’ve fucked up the environment.”
“Okay,” Danny said. He didn’t want to argue about this. He just hoped this plan worked better than the last three Sam had had before her privilege knocked her down a peg.
“Can I ask about, I don’t know, your time in Chicago at least?”
“Chicago is amazing,” Sam said, wistfully. “Being in Chicago, I mean, I’m sure you know how it is, it really makes it clear how backwater Amity Park is. The things people worry about here are so small compared to what’s out there!”
Danny just hummed in response. He didn’t exactly know what to say to that. It didn’t feel completely wrong, but it wasn’t right either. Worries weren’t a competition like that.
“And the bands!” Sam continued, thankfully changing the topic. “I have got to see so many amazing bands. The local scene alone is amazing and no one knows about them so you can be right up close and a lot of times even talk to the band after. You should come for a show sometime.”
“I can try to,” Danny said. Sam’s music wasn’t usually his thing, but something like that might be fun. It would be different at least. Danny gave her a little smile. “Maybe Tucker could make it out too.”
Sam rolled her eyes. “You know he won’t. When was the last time you talked to him not on the computer or the phone? He’s only here at Christmas when you aren’t.”
“You know how I feel about Christmas, Sam,” Danny said, holding back a sigh. Sure Tucker had been busy lately and that had made him more distant, but he was still one of their trio. “And if we plan something then Tucker can schedule for it. Don’t count him out just because he’s busy.”
“Alright, fine, we can plan something for a bigger show with Tucker,” Sam agreed, “but you still need to come out to something local. They’re really better anyways. We’ll go out to eat first and hit up a bar or three after. I know some really great places— places like you’ve never seen.”
Sam reached up and wrapped her hands around Danny’s neck, pulling him down a little. “It can be a date.”
Something in Danny balked at that. It was an innocent enough comment. Sam and him had dated and then not and then dated again or just had fun together. They’d known each other so long that it was easy to just ebb and flow out of the different levels of a relationship like that.
This time, though, Danny found himself resisting the tide. “Or we can just hang out.”
The almost dreamy smile Sam had crumpled into a frown. “What? I mean, sure, it can, but why? Are you seeing someone?”
“Yes? No? I mean, I’ve been… sleeping with someone, but we’re not dating or anything.”
“That’s okay,” Sam said easily. “I’m not going to make you be exclusive. I don’t want to be either right now; we’re not around each other enough for that and You know that I’ve been sleeping with my roommate sometimes and I’ve met a cute person in study group now too with amazing fingers.”
“No, I know, just…” Danny gave a frustrated noise. Nightwing and him weren’t even close to being exclusive. Someone like Nightwing could have anyone they wanted and with how much he liked sex, Danny was pretty sure Nightwing did have whoever he wanted. Danny was just… convenient for the hero side and Danny didn’t begrudge the other that. It was convenient for Danny too. It was just…
Danny didn’t want to keep living the same cycle with Sam where he was her world for a few weeks or months and then just back to an occasional phone call. He didn’t want to keep being pulled back to Amity Park. Maybe meeting her in Chicago would be different enough, but Sam was still so tied to Amity and always would be by her parent’s money.
“Maybe we shouldn’t do this again,” Danny said slowly, feeling the words out as he said them. “Maybe it’s time just to leave us dating in the past?”
Sam dropped her hands and sat up. “Excuse me?”
Danny rubbed at the back of his neck. “Just, we’ve tried being together in a lot of different ways and we always end up in the same place.”
“So you want to leave me in the past?”
“No!” Danny said quickly, trying to get ahead of this before Sam spiraled too badly from making assumptions. “I’d love to come to Chicago and see a band with you! Just… not as a date.”
“Because you want to leave that in the past,” Sam snapped and got up off the bed.
Danny scrambled off also.
“That’s not a bad thing. I enjoyed it and I know you did too. Just more, okay, maybe that wasn’t the best phrase? I mean maybe we shouldn’t go down that road again when we know where it’s going to end.”
Sam crossed her arms. That was never a good sign. “Right, because I’m always going to be a dead end, is that it? Not like you who’s off playing hero with the big names?”
“What? What does me being a Titan have to do with this?”
“Don’t play dumb, Danny, we both know you’re not. You left to go be a famous hero and hardly looked back at Amity Park or me or Tucker or your parents. What if the town needed you?”
Danny threw his hands up in the air. “Why would they need me? I destroyed the portal, came to an agreement with Vlad, made sure my parents couldn’t build another working one— it fixed everything!”
“And then left.”
“So I could help other people!”
“Sure it wasn’t so that you could be famous?”
Danny closed his mouth with a clack.
Sam winced at her own words. “Danny…”
“No.” Danny backed up a few steps from her. “No. You don’t get to— you of all people don’t get to come at me like that! I never wanted to be a hero, Sam! You’re the one who said I needed to protect Amity and you were right, sure, but it’s never what I wanted! You wanted it!”
“Danny, no—” Sam reached out for him and Danny stepped back again, hitting the wall.
“Yes you did, Sam! You did or I never would have had to die a second time after your wish! I lost everything again! I don’t have a future like you and Tucker, I just have being a hero. I just have being dead.”
“Come on Danny,” Sam tried. She moved close again, slowly, like Danny was some sort of feral animal.
Maybe he really was just a caged beast.
“I’m just— I better go. I’m just going to go,” Danny said. In a flash of light he was back to being Phantom. He let himself tip back and phase through the wall.
As he left Amity Park behind, he couldn’t help but think it really said something that he was far more comfortable being Phantom these day than Danny.
AN: Here's yous all voted on treat for the day! This comes before Danny showing up at Dick's door, quite upset.
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mcflymemes · 10 days
PROMPTS FOR SHARING COMPLIMENTS AND PRAISE *  updated version. assorted dialogue for uplifting remarks, adjust as necessary
i think the world of you.
that was very brave, what you just did.
they owe you their lives.
you made it work.
i just knew you'd find a way to get it done.
you looked at me like you cared, like you saw something of value in me.
i didn't know people like you existed.
no one else listened to me when i came to them. except you.
i think you're doing an incredible job.
they'll never forget you after that.
you've shown me there's more to life than this.
you're getting better at that every day.
you make me want to do better.
your hair looks really nice like that.
you have great taste in music.
you should be very proud.
you inspire me.
i can tell how much time you put into that.
i enjoy spending time with you.
i look up to you.
that was incredible!
thank you for all you’ve done for me.
i’m so proud of the person you’ve become.
did you cook this? it tastes amazing.
i don’t know who i’d be without you.
you saw me when i was invisible.
that was really brave of you.
you did a really nice job.
thank you for caring about me.
that was a brilliant performance.
i’ve always admired you.
i’m so lucky you love me.
you always manage to make me laugh.
i’m very proud of you.
that was great! let’s try it once more.
how can i ever repay you?
it’s so great seeing you do what you love.
you catch on quick.
i loved that book you recommended.
you’re so brave.
i’ve never met anyone as kind as you.
i see you as a role model.
let’s go out to dinner and celebrate you!
you clean up nice.
i love what you’ve done with the place.
you did everything you could.
i couldn’t do this without you.
you have endured so much, and yet you still stand here.
did you do this all by yourself?
you’re really easy to talk to.
i’m a better person because of you.
i knew you could do it.
they never took away your kind heart.
you’re so cute.
your kindness drew me to you.
i always believed in you.
you make it look so effortless.
you always check to make sure i feel comfortable.
your passion really inspires me.
that looks like something out of a magazine.
i always knew you had it in you.
i trust you.
i admire your ambition.
your hard work paid off.
you never gave up. even when they told you it was impossible.
you’re such a strong person.
you have such beautiful eyes.
i admire your confidence.
no one else would listen to me. you did.
i can always depend on you.
i’m so glad we met.
you always care about my input.
you’re my hero.
i’m so glad we’re friends.
you’re more than enough.
you smell really nice.
i can tell you’ve been practicing!
you blow me away when you do that.
you are exceptional.
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lolaxbunnyy · 5 months
IDK IF YOU STILL DO MY HERO ACADEMIA AS IM NEW- but I love your writing so
What about poly Bakugo, Deku, Todoroki x Fem!reader who’s nine months pregnant, due any day now. She’s about to go into labor but they’re not home due to a mission
Idk if I explained this well 💀
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also I hope this is good enough I haven’t been on here in a while 😬 . Also I gave the baby a name and a gender if you want something else then you can feel free to change it. Also if anybody has anything they would like me to write please ask!
warnings: fem black reader, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of birth, nothing bad though just enjoy.
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SHOTO, IZUKU, AND KATSUKI. The top three most amazing and well known pro heros who were well loved by their fans had a little secret. They had a pretty little wife who was carrying one of their babies. Katsuki decided that he was going to be the one to get her pregnant first, the other two had no problem with that. After months of trying and no show she was finally pregnant and all four of them were so happy to finally have their first kid.
It’s been 9 months already and their precious baby girl has yet to leave her place within her mamas tummy.
Y/N rubbed her swollen belly as she did her rotations on her exercise ball. Katsuki’s mom was here helping her out with the little things that she needed. Mitsuki loved her from the moment Katsuki introduced them and now that she’s going to have a little grandchild she was even more happy with her future daughter in law.
"Y/N honey. The boys are calling again."Mitsuki said as she walked in from the kitchen to the living room rolling her eyes. “This is the fourth time they’ve called in the last hour.” Mitsuki chuckled.
"They're so worried that you're going to pop before they get back." Y/N grabbed the phone from, Mitsuki’s hand and put it up to her ear.
“Hello?” “Hey, baby. You doing okay?” Y/N rolled her eyes even though he couldn’t see her. “Yes I’ve been okay since the last time you called.” She heard him chuckle. “Okay. You’re a little worked up. What happened? Sick of us calling?” Y/N giggled. “Nope, never. I can’t even miss or worry about you guys because you’re too busy calling all the time instead of focusing on your task that you three were sent to do.” Before Izuku could respond she heard the faint voice of someone talking to him. “Oi? Is that Curls?” Katsuki of course.
Y/N heard what sounded like the phone being snatched away from Izuku. “Oi, Curls! If you ever hand up in my face again we’re gonna have some problems when I get back home, you hear me?” Y/N chuckled. “Yes sir.” She heard the blonde kiss his teeth before handing the phone back to Izuku.
“Sorry, bout that. Anyways you’ve got some scolding to do to Katsuki anyways.” “Don’t you dare tell her about that!” She could tell Izuku rolled his eyes. “He was being careless today and almost lost his leg.” Katsuki grumbled. “ ‘Was not bein’ fuckin’ careless. ‘The hell was I s’posed to know he was gonna turn his leg in to a fuckin’ chain saw?!” Y/N pursed her lips. “Y’know if you two are done bickering we have matters to attend too.”
Shoto said out of nowhere. “That’s right. Well baby, look like we gotta go. We’ll see you next week, hopefully.” Katsuki butted in. “Yeah so tell the brat to avoid her eviction notices till then.” Y/N laughed. “I’m sure she heard you, Kat. I’ll see you boys next week. I love you.” “We love you more baby.” Then the phone clicked and the call was over.
Y/N sighed. She truly did miss them. Sure she enjoyed the company of her soon to be in laws, but she missed her boys. It was quiet and peaceful while they were away and she hated that. The bed was always cold and empty and she also hated that but it still smelled of them and she could at least appreciate that. So did the large shirt that she borrowed from Shoto’s side of the closet.
The boys had already been gone for two weeks and they’d be back home next week but it doesn’t feel like Blossom can wait any longer to be out in the world. Her eyes trailed over towards the belly cast that she had gotten done. The boys had decorated it all pretty and even drew a little family of four on it in Katsuki’s terrible excuse of a drawing. She’d never tell him that though because even if it was bad it’s still cute and still has meaning to it. She can still even feel their careful hands on her stomach.
Izuku’s hands are the most scarred and a little calloused but still firm and calming. Katsuki’s hands being the most calloused and somehow a bit sweaty from time to time. Sho’s hands were the softest but were always cold.
She missed the special treatment and massages they’d give her before they left. They were very caring and spoiling.
It’s been like this since they’ve found out that she was pregnant. They couldn’t be home for her, they had their moms take care of her. Then when they came home for the night, they’d be all over her because in their words, “you look so cute when you’re pregnant.”
She smiled softly at Mitsuki as she smelled the cooking of her favorite food. It’s getting later and later and there was a storm outside brewing. She didn’t want her poor boys caught outside in the rain.
"Y/N, Inko sent some more clothes for Blossom." Mitsuki smiled as she handed them to her. “Awe. We’re going to run out of space in her little closets.” Y/N held the shirt to her stomach. “Do you like it, B?” Y/N suddenly winced at a sharp pain in her stomach. “Okay, I’ll put it away.” But the pain kept coming. Mitsuki helped Y/N up carefully and at that very moment, her water broke.
Mitsuki immediately started to call phones. "Inko, Rei! It's happening! I need you here now! The babies coming!"
Mitsuki was rushing around the house to get the bags ready and extra clothes before helping her soon to be daughter in law towards the car.
Once they arrived after some time Mitsuki rushed in to get a nurse and she came back with a nurse who had a wheelchair ready and the both of them helped Y/N out of the car in to the chair and she was wheeled in and rushed towards the maternity floor. They put her in a room and went to go get things ready for her.
“Where the fuck are they going?!” Y/N whimpered out as one if her hands held her stomach while her other arm was draped across her face. Rei and Inko walked in. "They're going to get everything ready. More doctors and your epidural for your pain, Honey."Inko responded and Y/N hummed in pain.
“Did you call the boys?” Rei asked and Mitsuki nodded her head as she tried to get Y/N comfortable and situated. "Yes but they're not answering. I think they're too busy in what they're doing."
Rei let out a soft okay before looking at the clock on the wall. 12:03 AM it read. A nurse came back in and injected her with the medicine but it didn’t have time to do its job because right after the doctors came in and it was time for her baby girl to come out in to the world.
Everything went smoothly. (beside the three mothers having to stop Y/N from attacking the nurse. Twice. First time because if her giving her the epidural late and second because the bitch almost dropped her baby.) when Blossom was all cleaned up it was about. 2:19 when Y/N got to hold her baby and feed her.
She was so pretty. Her skin was a mix between Y/N and Katsuki and her hair was blonde and straight but Y/N was sure that her curls would come in soon. Last but not least her eyes her round and (e/c) just like her moms as she looked up at her through her blonde eyelashes. The three mothers huddled around Y/N to look at their granddaughter. "Awe. She's so pretty." Inko cooed softly. “I’ve got to get pictures.” Rei gushed and both her and Inko rushed to their purses to get their phone out while Mitsuki stayed by Y/N.
"Do you want me to get her so you can rest?" “Yes please, if you don’t mind.” Mitsuki took Blossom and soon after, Y/N was knocked out.
Izuku was the last person to get out of the bath for that morning. They’d been up since midnight going on a fake lead, practically wasting their time all night. Izuku grabbed what he thought was his phone but noticed that it was Katsuki’s. “Hey, Kachaan? You’ve got 10 missed calls from your mom.” Katsuki raised an eyebrow as he set down his freshly cooked spicy ramen.
He went to his call log and clicked on his mom’s name in face time. "Hello?" His mom’s face showed in the camera. “You called 10 times?” He said unamused. Thinking that it was just her being worried and paranoid again. "Well, I needed to tell you something." Katsuki hummed. “Kay?” The camera flipped around and Katsuki saw blonde hair then the phone fell to the floor as his mom let out an agitated ‘damn it’ before picking it up and a sleeping baby was shown.
“Is that?” "Yep." Inko cut off her son. “That’s Blossom guys!” The boys mouths dropped. Their daughter was so pretty just like her mommy. After that face time call that day the boys had to call off the mission to get home to their girls immediately.
Y/N was released from the hospital two days before they could come home so when they made it back they instantly without a second thought came straight home and they finally got to see their daughter. Blossoms little hair started to curl up a little so she most definitely started to look like Y/N.
Katsuki was the first to hold her and she was so small Katsuki feared that he might break her. Izuku and Shoto walked towards Katsuki, standing on either side of him as they looked down at their daughter. “She most definitely looks like a Blossom.” Shoto spoke softly as the little baby curiously looked at the three men.
Their moms smiled at them. "Congrats boys!" Mitsuki had tears in her eyes as little sniffles came out. "Oh my goodness. I'm finally a grandma! I'm never gonna get over this!" She cried into Inko’s shoulder and Inko patted her back comfortingly. “I wanna hold her next.” Izuku held his arms out and Katsuki carefully handed Blossom to him. Once he was secure in his arms, Katsuki turned towards Y/N.
He smiled softly and he walked over towards her giving her a kiss on her cheek. He watched the others coo over the little blonde haired baby.
“Thank you so much, baby.” Three months later, the world knew about their two girls after Izuku had posted a video of Blossom giggling away at Katsuki and Shoto making silly faces at her while Y/N just watched in the background with a big smile on her face. That video was the most brought up topic in their latest interviews and they didn’t mind at all telling the world about their girls.
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this story belongs to @lolaxbunnyy !!
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aureatchi · 7 months
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⛇₊˚ʚ₊˚✧ SANTA TELL ME IF HE REALLY CARES ft. dazai, chuuya, ranpo, fyodor, nikolai, sigma
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the pm is hosting a christmas party for yokohama! everyone is encouraged to bring a gift for the people they love…so what do the bsd men get you?
info. fem!reader. sm fluff. profanities from chuuya ofc LOL, them trying to outdo each other for you. pm hq has a rooftop floor here. implied reader is in the ada. wc. 3.1k
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You walked inside the lavish lobby of the port mafia headquarters to be greeted by DAZAI, who immediately embraced you in his arms.
“Bella! You made it!” he exclaimed, pulling you in. You could feel the heat of his body warming you up, relieving you of the chilly weather outside.
“Of course, Osamu,” you giggled. “Wouldn’t want to miss something super special as this.”
Still trapping you in his hug, he led you down the hallway, one hand moving to playfully pat your head. Security guards parted to let the two of you through, entering the room where everyone was.
“So many people!” you exclaimed when you entered the headquarters’ formal dining hall decorated in Christmas festivities. Everyone was either chatting about or gathering by a table to get sweet desserts or hot chocolate.
“Want some hot chocolate to warm up, angel?” Dazai asked, looking towards the line.
“No thanks,” you replied. “You’ve warmed my heart up already.”
He gave you a smug smile in response, but you didn’t miss the light pink that also flushed his cheeks.
“Come over here.”
You followed Dazai as he made his way to a different table filled with wrapped presents and bags alike.
Dazai took one of them—the gift bag in your favorite color and handed it to you.
“For the gift exchange,” he smiled. “Merry Christmas, bella. I hope you like it.”
Your eyes lit up in joy, grateful and excited to see what he had gotten you. “Thank you!”
The first thing you pulled out of the bag was a custom heart pendant in your preferred metal—Dazai knew whether you liked silver or gold better. When you unclasped the locket, you saw matching pictures of you and Dazai inside, both bundled up in the snow. It was a good memory to look back at.
“This is so cute, Osamu.” You closed the locket and let the brunette place the jewelry around your neck.
“It looks even better on you.”
The second thing inside the bag was a box. Pulling it out, you saw that it was a Lego flower set.
“As much as you love flowers, they don’t last forever. However, these do!” You grinned widely at the thought and matching gift—Dazai always easily recalled your favorite things.
“We can build them together, too,” he continued, and you gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I love them. You’re amazing at getting gifts.”
“I wouldn’t expect that at all.” Your attention was brought to the ginger-haired who had his arms crossed beside the both of you, a cheeky grin on his face. CHUUYA had a mug of eggnog in his hand, though you knew for sure he’d rather have a glass of red wine reserved for the evening party instead.
“What’s up, doll?” he smiled, a different, sweeter tone entirely, as he strode towards you.
“What do you mean by that?” Dazai asked, referring to Chuuya’s earlier comment.
“Thought your taste in gifts would be shitty, just like you,” he chuckled as you greeted him with a hug.
“Hey, that’s a bit rude,” you whispered.
“Oh really?” Dazai responded with his own sarcastic laugh. “I’m not sure you could do any better.”
“You really underestimate me! Come with me, baby…we’re going to prove to the-thing-that-comes-with-the-discounted-bandages who really knows what to get a lady for Christmas!”
Dazai stood, jaw dropped, dramatically offended as Chuuya pulled you away.
You two walked to the other side of the room, where there were even more gifts under one of the many Christmas trees in the hall.
“Bastard,” Chuuya sulked under a scowl, picking up a box wrapped in crimson red, his statement color.
You chuckled in amusement. He riled up so easily, over something so trivial. “Don’t worry about him, Chuu. I already know I’m going to like what you got.”
“Ya better,” he replied, but cheered up from your words. “Are you able to hold it?”
He handed you the box, hovering his arms below for support in case you dropped it. Though it was a larger package, it was still a bit heavier than you expected.
“Yeah, I got it.” You then raised an eyebrow. What could be inside this gift?
You set it down on the nearest table, undoing the pretty bow of ribbon and wrapping paper that kept the mystery intact.
Inside, you were received with a record player.
“Oh, wow!”
You loved music, and you’d always wanted to start collecting vinyls as it looked cool, but everyone knew it was an expensive hobby.
Not only had Chuuya gotten that—a very nice one, too—he also got the records of your top ten favorite albums.
You looked through the covers, smiling with each new one you saw.
Chuuya explained a few things—how he was setting you up for good because he made sure you got a turntable player instead of a suitcase one, how you should replace the black slip mat with the white one he bought instead so your vinyls look prettier, how to not damage the records…you could hardly pay attention to him though because you were overjoyed at how thoughtful he was for that.
“You seem passionate. Do you collect them too?” you asked.
“No, I just wanted to research to find something good enough for you.”
You could feel your heart melt. He had really spent time picking this out after you’d only mentioned you finding record players vintage and cool twice, and you’d never even pointed out you’d want it as a gift.
“Thank you, Chuuya,” you said, leaning towards him, burying your face in his neck. “I love it…especially how you recall my favorite albums, too.”
“Of course doll,” he replied, running his hands through your hair. “Merry Christmas.”
You could’ve stayed like that, but your little moment with the port mafia executive was ruined when Chuuya glanced over at one of the snack tables to find all the food had just disappeared.
“Now what the fuck?”
You followed, looking at what he was looking at. Then, you realized the man standing by the table with a piece of cake—the last piece of cake.
RANPO caught your gaze and jumped, hyper from all the sugar he consumed. “There you are!” He ran towards you and shoved you on the ground, away from Chuuya.
“Hey man, what the hell is wrong with you?!” he shouted in annoyance.
Ranpo acknowledged the ginger-haired only then, looking up from where he had you suffocating in his arms. “Huh? Oh, sorry, didn’t see ya there.”
Chuuya grew even more infuriated at the provoke.
“You tryna pick a fight?”
“You still want to after knowing how last time turned out?”
Ranpo was referring to their last encounter, where Chuuya had embarrassingly lost against him from a single blow. But you didn’t need to know that.
So, Chuuya used all his willpower to keep silent under an outraged glare as he watched Ranpo drag you away to make sure he didn’t bring up any details about it.
“I got you a gift too!” Ranpo exclaimed as you walked back towards where the other agency members were hanging out. “Wanna guess what it is?”
“Hm…some sort of treat, that’s for sure,” you replied.
“Partly correct!” he replied. “That’s not all that I got you though.”
“Oh? How generous!”
“No!” his response was stern. “A princess like you deserves more…as the world’s greatest detective, noone would know that better than me.”
You smiled. “You’re right, Ranpo.”
With that, he handed you one of the cutest gift baskets you’ve seen. The actual basket was snowman-themed, and inside was everything you wanted that could fit in it—that pajama set you had in your online shopping cart, the new skincare products you’ve wanted to try, your favorite candle—you hadn’t even ever mentioned it to him before. And, of course, a lot of chocolate. Of course, Ranpo would also be the best gift-buyer, using his knowledge to his advantage.
The one thing that really stood out to you, though, was a jar of Hershey kisses, with a note on it that said:
It even had a chibi-fied face of the cute brunette on it.
“This is my favorite thing in this gift,” you said.
“Of course, because I know you always miss me when I’m not there to kiss,” Ranpo confidently stated. “Which is why I came up with a solution! They’ll never be as sweet as me, but it works.”
You laughed in delight. It was a very creative idea. “This is amazing; thank you, Ranpo!”
Never knowing how to respond to thankfulness directly, he answered it with something else. “Hey, there’s something on your nose.”
“Really?” You moved a hand to feel what was on there, but Ranpo grabbed your wrist to prevent you. Instead, he bopped your nose with his lips.
“There was frosting,” he said, probably from when he excitedly greeted you earlier.
“You enjoyed those desserts, huh?” you asked, glancing at the depleted table once again.
“Yup! It was just lying there, and noone said anything about how much you could take, so…!” He paused, trying to remember something.
“Merry Christmas, sweetheart.”
You chatted with agency and port mafia members alike a while after. Everyone was having a good time, even when Chuuya started bickering with Dazai and challenged him to a duel.
“How about you talk once you grow another two inches?”
As everyone was being entertained by Chuuya breaking an entire wall by throwing Dazai through it, your eyes were distracted by an elaborate bouquet of roses and baby breaths that you hadn’t noticed before.
Curious because it wasn’t by any other gifts, you left the crowd to inspect it.
You were surprised when you picked the arrangement up and saw that it was addressed to your name on a note. However, there was no name to say who it was from.
You looked around to see if anyone was nearby that could’ve placed the flowers there. But everyone else was watching the fight.
You flipped the note over, seeing a sketch of an elevator and a four-number code on the back.
An elevator?
You scanned the hall once again. The only elevator there was the one at the corner, restricted to the port mafia. The guests weren’t allowed to use it, and a security pad was guarding it.
You hesitated but then decided to approach the door. If someone gave you the code they wanted and were permitting you to use it, right?
Once again, no one protested because they were all distracted watching Chuuya on the ceiling, making sure Dazai couldn’t touch him. You pressed the four numbers into the pinpad and were congratulated with a correct ding! sound and the elevator sliding open.
You stepped inside and realized there was only one button—to go up. You pressed it, and the doors closed, moving you up.
Luxurious as always, the elevator had a glass window, the entire city of Yokohama coming into view as you went higher. A few seconds in, you realized that the elevator wasn’t going to stop until you reached the top.
You still weren’t sure who had mysteriously invited you to meet them. You hoped it wasn’t the boss—the doctor in charge creeped you out, if you were being honest. But you figured it couldn’t be him because he was also downstairs, chilling with the agency’s president.
Your heartbeat raced as the elevator stopped and the doors slid open, adrenaline surging in anticipation of the surprise, coupling with the chilly breeze outside. You had reached the rooftop.
“You’re so easy to tempt; those flowers drew you in faster than a blind mouse to a piece of cheese laid in a trap.”
You smiled as you heard the foreign accent of the person near the edge riddle you while admiring the entire city below. “Hi, Fedya.”
FYODOR turned around, violet eyes meeting yours.
“I should’ve known.” Of course, the enigma was him—conundra was the Russian’s signature.
“How in the world did you even get here?” you asked, though you already knew the answer. He always had his ways to infiltrate anywhere—through deception, through hacking, anything goes.
“I invited ourselves,” he smirked, and only then did you notice his two subordinates on the other side, one in fear as the other tried to trip him over the ledge. “Didn’t want to miss out on the gift-giving either.”
Fyodor took out a jewelry box. “I hardly get to see you. So I thought to get you something that you could wear everyday.
“And this one is special, to remind you of my presence even more.” He opened it, revealing a bracelet, and like Dazai, he also knew what color jewelry suited you best. It was nothing too showy—it was simple, but it was classy, timeless, just like him.
And you noticed what made it special. There was no clasp. It was made to be welded on the person’s wrist—a forever bracelet.
“Choose wisely,” Fyodor said as you looked in awe. “Which wrist, milaya?”
You quickly contemplated and held out one of your wrists towards him as he took out tweezers and a small laser. You watched as he delicately fastened the bracelet around your arm, making sure it sat on your wrist perfectly.
“Finished, fine with it?” he asked when he was done, and you lifted your hand toward the horizon.
“It’s perfect, thank you,” you responded candidly. Then, Fyodor lifted up his own sleeve under his coat, revealing a matching one. You were almost stunned, because you didn’t think he would be the type to wear anything other than a necklace.
“Merry Christmas, dorogaya,” he softly said, pressing you against his chest in a hug.
“WAIT, WAIT! Dove, there’s still me! Don’t seal away your heart just yet!”
“Huh?” You both turned towards NIKOLAI, who kindly but quickly moved Fyodor away from you.
The next thing you knew, there were foil snowman and reindeer balloons in your hand, white confetti popped over you, acting as snow, and the jester standing in front of you presenting a large gift.
“To be honest, I’m scared,” you admitted, knowing his chaotic, playful nature.
“Why?” he giggled. “Think I’m going to scare ya, baby? You can take my word, there’s no jumpscares in this one.”
“You better not be lying,” you said and removed the lid of the black box that reminded you of a magician’s top hat.
And he was being truthful because you were greeted with the exact opposite of remarkable. He had gifted you plain, white socks.
“Wow, Kolya. I never even knew you were capable of being mundane.”
He laughed once again as he just set the box in front of you, not saying anything more as you stared at him in confusion.
You took the socks out. Surely, there was a catch. He was acting too suspicious. And the entire gift was odd. You found nothing tampered with on the socks, though. And there was nothing else in the box. So why was it so big? And why did it look deeper than where the bottom stopped?
You nervously looked at Nikolai before sticking both hands in. You felt your way around the level until you realized the entire package floor felt like paper machete, something used in piñatas and things like that.
By instinct, you lifted a fist and punched through the box. You immediately punctured through the false bottom, uncovering your true gift.
He celebrated. “Smart girl!”
There was an assortment of plushies—many of them. You always asked Nikolai to help you get some whenever you found claw machines at amusement parks, so he knew you loved stuffed animals.
Then, there was a large, fluffy throw blanket, perfect for winter.
“I got that because I know you’re probably so cold when I’m not hugging you.” True. Nikolai encapsulated you like a blanket whenever he came over.
“The thought of having this didn’t even cross my mind,” you said. “Well, that goes for everything you do,” you chuckled.
“That was really creative; I love it, thank you!”
Nikolai popped more confetti, this time in pink hearts. “She loves it! Happy, happy Christmas!”
He swung you off the ground, spinning you with ease until your own head started spinning the opposite way.
“Gogol! I think she’s dizzy!”
The two-tone-haired casino owner had a concerned look on his face, and you couldn’t tell if it was because your eyes were unfocusing or because Nikolai was throwing you around so easily. Strong guy.
Nikolai stopped, realizing he had gotten too excited. “Sorry, dove! Are you alright?”
“Y-yeah,” you responded, unable to keep your balance as you tripped over yourself. You landed on SIGMA’s torso, and he helped guide you to stand up properly again.
“Thanks, Sigma,” you replied. “How are you?”
“Good, now that I get to see you again.” He lightly blushed, breaking eye contact as you smiled. “I’m glad to see you too.”
“I got you something as well,” he replied, showing his own present. “I’m not sure what the people downstairs got you, and mine isn’t as fancy as Dostoevsky’s nor as extraordinary as Gogol’s, but I hope you like it.”
You felt warm, even in the icy weather. “Awh, just hearing that you got something for me is more than enough,” you replied. “I am so grateful no matter what.”
You took the present and opened it, first greeted by a new set of poker cards. However, this one was different because when you sifted through them, you realized it was the Decay of Angel’s custom set. You had been wowed by Nikolai’s Joker and Fyodor’s Jack when you first saw them, always using the set when you played a game with others.
But there was also a new addition to this stack. You were on it, taking your place as the queen.
“What? Sigma, this is so cool!”
There was one more thing inside. Your favorite lipstick in your favorite shade.
Sigma loved the color and even more how it looked on you. He loved how his cheeks would stain whenever you kissed him there—the pigmented contrast to his paler skin. You hardly needed restocking as you loved the lipstick yourself, but it was always good to have another extra.
“Merry Christmas,” Sigma said as you opened the container and swatched it on your face. You looked as beautiful as ever.
“Merry Christmas, Sigma,” you responded, kissing his forehead. Then, you pulled a cookie wrapped in a napkin from inside your coat and placed it in his mouth.
“Saved it for you,” you giggled. “There’s a lot downstairs. Maybe they’ll let you guys in if I say I invited you. Well, at least you.”
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i heard if u rb, u will receive x2 gifts this xmas from ur favs! reblogs are appreciated; they are your christmas gift to me! <3
tags : @kissesmellow21
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© AUREATCHI 2023. no reposts or translations. do not steal. support banner + heart lights divider by benkeibear.
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notjustjavierpena · 3 months
How did reader reveal that she was pregnant with Lucas?
Bun (Drabble)
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Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost
A/N: This might be heavily influenced by a TikTok that I watched months ago. I hope you like it. It seemed to fit a first-time-pregnant couple.
Summary: You do a pregnancy reveal for Javier!
Pairing: Javier Peña x reader (no y/n)
Tags: Domestic fluff, pregnancy reveal, hugs and kisses, Javi is a himbo, reader is a MILF
Word count: 700
“How bad is it? Is it very bad?” You ask, peeking over Javier’s shoulder and into the oven. It’s a miracle that the smoke detector has not gone off because a tiny cloud has just emerged from your oven.
“Honey,” Javier sighs dramatically. He has oven mittens on, pulling out a rack from the oven whilst you are giggling, “I love you so much but why would you make a single roll? How did you even measure the ingredients?”
He places the rack on top of the stove. On the baking sheet lies a single bun, black from charcoal as you have accidentally forgotten about it in your excitement to tell your secret. You roll your eyes but cannot stop smiling. You know something he does not, “It’s not a roll, it’s a bun.”
Javier pulls off the oven mitts and hangs them in their usual spot on a hook on the wall, furrowing his brow, “Okay?”
“What did you just pull out of the oven?” You say. You really thought that he was going to get there sooner.
“A burnt roll,” he replies with slight exasperation.
“Noooo,” you laugh at his obliviousness, “It’s still not a roll. It’s a bun.”
“Fine,” he shakes his head, “A burnt bun then.”
“It’s a bun,” you try to spell it out for him, “… In the oven.”
“Uh-huh? Yeah?” He narrows his eyes in confusion.
“We have a bun in the oven,” you smirk.
“I just pulled it out,” he argues.
You run a hand over your face, and then you start laughing loudly but it only seems to annoy your husband. If he only knew that you want to make a joke about pulling out being too little too late.
“What? Why are you laughing?” He is starting to lose patience with you.
“Javi,” you say his name sweetly when you finally start to calm down, “We’re having a baby.”
The sentence’s meaning takes a moment for him to process but suddenly, his eyebrows rise up into his hair. He looks much younger now, mouth falling open in amazement and awe, “Wait, what? Are you serious?”
“I took a pregnancy test while you were at work,” you giggle as he practically launches himself in your direction. He picks you up from the floor when he hugs you, causing a squeak to leave you, “And then I took two more. They’re all positive.”
“You are joking!” He gapes at you when he places you back down on the floor, mood changing incredibly quickly between surprised, happy, and suspicious. You nod and he runs both hands through his hair, “Are you sure?”
“I’m not joking, and actually I’m positive,” your cheeks are starting to hurt from beaming due to happiness and Javier laughs genuinely at your silly joke. You know it’s only been eight weeks but this just feels so right, and you will confirm it at the doctor’s next week.
“Oh, mi amor. ¡Qué fantástico! (Oh, my love. How fantastic)!” His kiss takes you by surprise but you hold onto his wrists as he cups your face and melt against him, “I love you. I love you. I love you.”
“I love you too,” you bask in your happiness and love when you pull away, bump your noses together, “Now we’ll just have to hope they take after me. Otherwise, we’re in for some serious trouble.”
“Ay,” he tuts as he kisses you a few times more. You pull his hands from your face and wrap his arms around your waist. He hugs you close to his chest, “These strong genes are sure to give you a Peña clone.”
“Alright, Peña,” you giggle into his shoulder, “We get it.”
“It’s really ‘we’ now, huh?” He talks into your ear.
“It was always we. As in I can’t believe we’re going to have a baby,” you say dreamily, “I’ll be a mom.”
“You’ll be a MILF,” he snickers when you pull back to glare at him. You slap his chest.
“Not in front of the b-a-b-y,” you say with fake outrage.
“A M-I-L-F then,” he jokes back.
“You’re incorrigible,” you lean back into his embrace.
He puts his arms around you even tighter, talking against your cheek, “I never know how to behave accordingly around you, Momma.”
FOLLOW @notjustjavierpena-fics s AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS 💖❤️💖❤️
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gunnerfc · 2 months
Just Breathe | Lia Wälti x Reader [Blurb]
Summary: Lia helps you through a panic attack
Warnings: fear of fireworks & panic attack mentioned!
WC: 971
This morning you woke up excited to cheer on the men’s team in their Champions League game. You’d spent your time getting ready texting back and forth with Lia, both of you agreeing to count this as a date night despite some of your other teammates being there. 
You beamed as you opened the door, Lia waiting on the other side with a bright smile on her face. You quickly pull her into a kiss, pulling away before it could get deeper. “Let me just grab my jacket and we go,” you mumbled against her lips before disappearing inside.
Lia giggled at your quick actions, offering you her hands as you locked your front door. You were thrilled to be able to spend some down with her, with the hectic schedule you both had, you didn’t have much time to just relax. 
The car ride to the Emirates was spent laughing at jokes and singing loudly and out of time to your favorite songs. You giggled as you pulled into the parking lot, a few of your teammates had already arrived. 
“Took you long enough,” Katie joked as you got out of Lia’s car. You threw up your middle finger at her words but the smile on your face told her you were joking as well. 
It took a bit longer to get in and find your seats but you loved the atmosphere at the Emirates so you didn’t mind having time to take it all in. You took your seat at the end of the row, Lia next to you in a heated debate with Steph over something silly. 
You took in all the fans in the stadium, though in your amazement you failed to notice the fireworks that were on the pitch. Lia laughed at something your Aussie teammate said before turning to look at you, her hand reaching for yours. 
She leaned in to place a light kiss on your cheek before the loud cheers of the fans pulled you both from the bubble you were in. You stood up to cheer for the team and that’s when you noticed the on-field fireworks. You felt your breathing pick up as you blinked rapidly, trying to control your breathing. 
You hated fireworks, the loud noises making you feel unsettled. You swallowed lightly as you tried to focus your vision but the second they went off, you felt like you couldn't breathe.
You were too focused on yourself and the panic you were feeling to notice Lia’s concerned eyes on you. You turned, blinking a few times to focus on the midfielder before excusing yourself. You made your way into the small hallway that led to your section, leaning your back against the cool wall as your heart pounded against your chest. 
You were too in your head to notice Lia followed you. You jumped when you felt her hands on your cheeks, forcing you to look at her. Your eyes were wide and tears were threatening to fall as your breathing stuttered. 
“You’re okay, you’re safe,” Lia’s voice sounded distant despite how close she was to you. You tried to nod your head but you couldn’t. 
Lia moved one of her hands to rest on your chest, moving one of yours to rest on hers. “Just breathe. You’re going to be okay,” she assured you as she took a deep breath, waiting for you to follow her. 
You attempted to do the same, though you struggled. You hated her seeing you so panicked, you tried to hide your anxieties from her. You blinked a few times before opening your mouth to speak, “We’re gonna miss the game.” You hoped it would be enough for her to leave you be for a second.
“The game can wait,” she insisted, as she pressed harder on your hand that was against her chest. You nodded weakly as you focused on breathing, you knew even amid your panic that she wouldn't listen to you. 
Your breathing slowed as you focused on the rise and fall of Lia’s chest. You closed your eyes as you focused on where you were. You could hear the loud cheers of the fans and you could smell the food people had. You swallowed once more as your eyes fluttered open to meet Lia’s.
You were expecting pity but all you could see was understanding. You rested your head against the wall behind you as you took one more deep breath. 
“Are you feeling better,” Lia’s voice didn’t sound so far away this time as she squeezed your hand.  
You nodded, you didn’t trust your voice just yet. You both stood there for a moment while you regrouped. You turned your head down to look at her, your eyes filled with sadness thinking you had ruined her night. 
“I’m sorry I ruined our date,” you mumbled, refusing to meet her eyes. 
Lia shook her head as she took a step closer to you, giving you space in case you needed it. “You didn’t ruin anything, Y/n,” Lia’s voice soothed you some but you still felt like you had.
“We can leave if you want,” she offered, she wanted you to feel safe and comfortable and if being at the stadium didn’t make you feel that way, she would do what she needed. 
“No,” you shook your head, “I’m okay,” you sighed, feeling yourself calm down even more.
“Just…” you started before locking eyes with her. “Don’t let go,” you mumbled as you squeezed her hand.
Lia smiled softly as she squeezed your hand and took a step back. “Never,” she nodded as you made your way back to your seats. 
You watched the rest of the game with a tight grip on Lia’s hand, the midfielder grounding you and reminding you that you were safe by her side. 
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The Quiet Ones 8
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You live a quiet life, but your peace is fractured by a chaotic man.
Characters: Lloyd Hansen, short!shy!reader
Note: it's hump dayyyy.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Asking for more or putting ‘part 2?’ is not feedback.
Love you all. You are appreciated and your are worthy. Treat yourself with care. 💖
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Lloyd drags you away as you hear the disgusted muttering of his parents. You try to tug free but he’s too strong. Even if he did let go, where would you go? Your ankles nearly bend in the heels as he urges you to the stairs and you stumble into his back. 
“Aw, baby,” he faces you, “don’t get ahead of yourself. We’ll get there.” 
Before you can react, he scoops you up. You cry out, the dregs of your bile burn your throat. You make a face at the smell. He’s hardly bothered as he turns to continue up the staircase. 
“Damn, jelly bean,” he snarls as you feel his heart racing, “I knew you were a freak underneath it all. The way you just dug right in. Like an animal. Feral,” he snickers and kisses the top of your head as he gets to even ground, “we’re more alike than you know, aren’t we?” 
You gulp and say nothing. You’re disgusted as much by yourself as him. All that and for what? You’re still stuck with this madman. How on earth did he even notice you? By his parents’ suggestion, you’re far from his type. 
“Urgh, I don’t feel good,” you rub your stomach and wriggle in his grasp. It would be a good excuse to get away, or at least some space.  
“That’s alright, jelly bean, you let me take care of you,” he carries you breezily down the hall, his footsteps jaunty. You put your hand on his shoulder to steady yourself and his blue eyes flick down to the diamond ring, “fuck, that looks amazing on you. I’ll look just as good on you.” 
He laughs at his slimy joke but it only unsettles you. Even with barf on your breath and steak in your teeth, you can’t deter him. You’ve tried everything; ignoring him, waiting him out to the point of starvation, and making a fool of yourself. Your hope dwindles to a single strand, ready to snap. 
He takes you into the bedroom and through to the adjoining bathroom. The shining marble and gleaming golden accoutrements reflect the overhead light in a pristine sheen. He places you down on the counter so your legs dangle over the edge and he puts his hands on your shoulders. 
“Don’t take it to heart, bean, mom and dad are just like that. You’ll always be good enough for me,” he winks and shifts over to the sink.  
You watch him, helpless. You know better than to hop off in those heels and twist your ankle. He fills a clear cup with porcelain and wets a toothbrush before adding minty paste. He holds them out to you and you accept them wordlessly. The sparkle of the ring makes you wince. 
“I’m their son and they don’t really like me. Sometimes I wonder why they even had me...” he sighs and flicks the cup lightly with his finger. 
You put the brush in your mouth and scrub your teeth. It’s a good excuse not to reply. You don’t really get this man. He’ll kidnap a woman then spill his heart out like you care. Still, knowing how his parents are, you can piece together how he got to this point. 
“You get me, jelly bean. I know you got no parents and sometimes, I feel the same--” 
You choke and pull the brush from your mouth. You swig with the cup and lean over to spit into the sink. You sneer at him, a genuine wave of anger rising in you, “how do you know that?” 
Surprise washes over him at your reaction. He shrugs and hooks his thumbs in his pockets, “well, of course, I had to learn everything about you, honey. To take care of you. Tie up any loose ends hanging off of you--” 
“What the... you...” you scrunch your brow up and shake your head. You feel even sicker. “You’re not going to stop, are you?” 
“Stop?” He smirks, “stop what?” 
You sigh and put the brush back in your mouth. You scrape away the taste of vomit and rinse your mouth again. He takes the cup and brush and puts them aside for you. He comes back to stand in front of you. 
“Your special, bean. I gotta keep you safe. I mean, look how easy I just waltzed in, imagine what a really bad guy could do,” he frames your face with his hand, “just look at you...” he squeezes your jaw tightly so you can’t pull away, “so small and cute and... delicious. I bet you taste as sweet as a jelly bean, huh?” 
His other hand tickles your side and he steps closer, wiggling his way between your knees your legs splay wide. The skirt strains around your thighs as he grips your hip more firmly. He purrs and leans in, his nose tickling yours. 
You press on his chest, "your parents." 
"They can see themselves out, they always do," he slithers, "baby, I only need you." 
"Wait, I'm not-- I--" you babble as his hand slips down and his fingers curl under your ass to grope you, "Lloyd, please, we-- we aren't even married yet." 
He pauses, hovering before your lips and draws back. His mouth slants. 
"Are you an old-fashioned girl, huh? I shoulda known," he purrs, "well, I can get with that," he drops his hand from your chin, "we don't gotta go all the way." 
He brings both his hands to your hips and pulls you towards him. You fall back with the suddenness and barely catch yourself on your elbows. You squeal as he keeps your legs wide and yanks at your skirt. 
"Please, I'm not-- I'm not ready," you plead. 
"Don't worry, babe, I'll get you warmed up," he rasps as he shoves his hands up your dress, bending over you as he exposes your panties. 
"Ah, gosh," you sputter dumbly, writhing as he bows down to bury his nose against your underwear. He takes a big whiff and you exclaim, embarrassed. "Ayeee, Lloyd." 
"You smell like heaven," he lowers himself to his knees, "and I'm not a religious man, mind you." 
You clutch the edge of the counter as you slip down, propping one elbow as you fight the slipperiness of the satin. He nuzzles you, dragging his nose along the trim of your panties as his breath dampens your skin. He nips at you playfully and snarls. 
You squeal in surprise once more. The rippling sensation that radiates from his touch has you as off-kilter as your position. He feels along your thigh and hooks his hand around your other leg. He flutters his fingertips against your panties and tugs them to the side, a waft of cool air dancing over your bare lips. You wriggle again. 
"It's okay, baby, I'll be nice, just a little appetizer," he coaxes and swipes his tongue along your cunt. As you gasp, he rears back and does the same, "jelly bean, you lied to me. You are ready," he licks his lips and you look down at him, his lips already glistening. 
As he dives back in, you gulp and shut your eyes. You turn your head away as he spreads his tongue wide and laps you up. He rocks his head, tickling you deliberately with his mustache, humming into you. You whimper and slap a palm onto the marble counter top. 
He flicks up and down, swirling as you squirm and pant helplessly. As in all things, you can’t resist. Your head falls back against the mirror and you whine. How is he doing this to you? Why is he making you like this? You don’t like him, you don’t want him! 
He tilts his head all around, garbling into you hungrily as he smears your wetness all around his face. His shamelessness spikes your arousal, a new flame razing up your spine. You heave and reach down to latch onto his hair, tugging on it as he seals his lips around your clit and sucks. 
You cry out, legs quivering against his face as you try to close them. He growls and snarls eagerly, devouring you as the pressure wells up to the brim. You huff and puff, curling your spine as you try to fight the pulsing in your core. No, no, no. It’s so intense you feel the tingle in your toes. 
Your voice grows louder as your spasm and the spring overflows. You feel yourself spill into your mouth. He hums again, laughing into you as he drinks up your orgasm. You throw your arm over your face, thoroughly ashamed of your desecration. 
You slide limply down, head tilted up against the mirror, as your legs open and hang loosely. Lloyd kisses your cunt before he pulls away, making a slurping sound as your eyes slit open. You can see the wetness in his mustache. He grins proudly and sighs. 
“Fuck, jelly bean, you’re just like candy,” his eyes drift back to your exposed cunt. 
You try to close your legs and he catches your knees. Holding them open. He tuts and pokes his tongue out, once more licking up the slickness around his lips. You cringe and push yourself up on your elbows. 
“You want me to wait for all that?” He growls, “damn, baby, you must be a sadist, making me hurt so much.” 
He traces his fingers up your thighs and pinches until you squeak. He clucks and reaches past you to the counter. He pulls himself to his feet and you see the bulge in his pants. He rubs his hand across the obvious outline and he shudders. 
“You don’t gotta do anything, just let me look at you while I play with it, how about it?” 
He doesn’t wait for your permission. In that moment, you can’t speak. Even if you could, you don’t even know what you would say. He unbuckles his belt and pushes down his zipper. He’s trembling as he frees himself, his swollen top poking out of his fly. He crumples the top of his pants as he shoves them down impatiently. 
“Show me your ass, I just wanna see it,” he grabs himself and groans, “ah, shit, please, jelly bean, I’m begging you. You want me back on my knees?” He kneels again, stroking himself slowly, “please, turn over, baby, promise I won’t touch.” He moans, “can’t you hear how much pain I’m in? For you?” 
You slide down, feet touching the cold tile. You flutter your lashes, legs shaking. You’re weak and senseless. You can’t look at him. You turn and he groans again. He sounds agonized. 
He chuffs out air as you hear him pumping himself. You hang your head, leaning on your arms as he pulls up your skirt. He whines as he reveals your bare ass around the slender string of the thong. You’re roiling in humiliation and something else. 
“Shit, shit, shit, baby, you are... immaculate,” he grits, “where-- where do you want me to come?” 
“Huh?” You utter. 
“Fuck, too late,” he lets out a roar, punctured by deep huffs, petering out to a pathetic panting that leaves him droning. 
You stay as you are, hiding as your heartbeat slows and the coil inside you loosens little by little. You pull your skirt down, skin scoured in shame, and face him. He sits on his knees still, head down as his dick twitch and slowly softens. You try not to look at it. 
He lifts his head to you, his cheeks flush and his hair askew. He looks around with his foggy eyes and chuckles, “well, it’s good we’re in here, huh? We can get cleaned up.” 
You just stare at him. You’re mortified. You can’t believe what he just did. To you. Then after. And you just laid there. You think... you think you had an orgasm. 
“Let me...” he begins and wobbles before he can plant a foot on the floor. He stands stiffly, not bothering to hide his dick. You ignore the way it flops.  
He turns and goes to the tub. The top of his ass peaks out of his crooked pants. He’s absolutely ridiculous. He the last kind of person you would ever associate with. Not that you talk to anyone, but he is not anyone you would dare to speak to. Yet he has made himself your personal pest. 
He bends over the large tub and cranks it on. You peek over at the door. How loud were you? Were his parents still there to hear you? You frown and raise a foot then lower it again. Your instinct to run fights with your logic. You know you won’t get far, not on jelly legs and not from him. 
The water spills out and he stands, backing away as he rubs his lower back. He strips off his jacket and rolls his shoulders. He turns back and lays it across the other end of the counter. He unbuttons his shirt and looks over at you. 
“Come on, jelly bean, unless you like a bit of zest, I don’t mind it,” he pokes his tongue out at you, “extra flavour and all. 
You let your disgust singe through and curl your lip. He laughs. He drops his shirt and nears. He turns you to face him as your skirt drapes back over your legs. He guides the straps down your shoulders. He shimmies the sheath down your body, his fingers grazing your skin cloyingly. You shiver as bumps raise on your skin. 
“You been hiding, jelly bean, well I’m about to bring you right out of that shell,” he smirks, “if there’s one thing to know about Lloyd Hansen, there’s no walls that can keep him out. I’m gonna tear yours right down.” 
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shabbytigers · 15 days
good thing i didn’t know about the DLAB, the U.S. military foreign language aptitude test, till now. had i acquired that information at a plausible age, i might very well have ended up working for mfucking Defense because this is the greatest test in the world. look at it!
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first of all this is gold. it’s hands down the funnest kind of question i’ve ever seen. are there prep books. does it have a name i can use to scour the internet for puzzles
but what’s amazing is that it’s authentically fucked up. janky, if you will. like, i think i can see what choices are the best of those provided, but they do not feel like great, lucid, this-is-so-obvious-now-that-i’ve-thought-it-through, rock solid answers. they feel more like, okay i’m def lost in the rain forest but yeah me and my machete are gonna head in this direction. this, uh, can you call four instances and two tentatives a corpus? this dataset is a goddamn mess. i love it. i said “authentically” because tbh that’s pretty much the flavor of the feeling i have wading chest deep into one of the trickier thickets in a real existing foreign language, albeit one with fewer actual cryptids
we’re dealing with wo/wohin/woher prepositions in German and it’s an overt swamp; there’s a desultory table but they obviously got demoralized and punted. drilling a lot of examples—gehen zum Arzt, sein beim Arzt, kommen vom Arzt—may be better than trying to decide rationally, in the middle of a sentence, whether the Kino is more of a building or an activity.
the feeling i get wondering why they chose a skull, specifically, for farkila in this DLAB sample question is very akin to the feeling i get about … look
if a German cat sits on a table, the table is in dative—die Katze springt auf dem Tisch—because the cat is immobile, so it’s answering a where question
if the cat jumps onto the table—auf den Tisch—it’s in accusative, because it’s answering a where-to question
but if the cat jumps off the table, that’s a where-from question, and requires dative. vom [= von dem] Tisch. this is true even though there’s motion involved, and I was told not a month ago that motion = accusative, no motion = dative, using wo and wohin examples. now that woher is here the entire fucking heuristic is broken and i feel gaslighted. how can it be that jumping onto X is accusative but jumping off X is dative?
well, they say, it’s von. von always takes dative.
ok great, two rules in conflict, i’m supposed to just know which one wins, this is like what if order of operations in arithmetic but worse
furthermoar, why vom and not aus dem? onto = auf. on = auf. off (of) = von. feels messy. also, the cat is literally still in midair, so why isn’t this like coming out of the supermarket (physically exiting it) vs coming (to some not immediately proximate place) from the supermarket? well, it’s just different, they say. it would be aus if the cat was jumping out of a container like a cardboard box. but this is a flat surface so it’s von. hope this helps
o yes thank u that helps. i am definitely going to vom
it’s not that much palpably better than farkilam jankov? it makes a kind of unsatisfactory spot sense, if you wrestle assiduously through each example and get to ask annoying questions, but like. The System Is Bad
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