#even if you ignore chapter covers and such there's still water everywhere. which what makes the desert imagery so effective too
corfisers · 7 months
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yes i am putting yashiro in water yet again
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footballffbarbiex · 2 years
Compersion. Chapter 1.
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Words: 1874 Warnings: alcohol, mentions of nightclub bathrooms (which if you’ve ever been in one, you’ll know what state they get in and why this is a warning), mentions briefly of drug use.
Chapter two will pick right up after this but let me know what you think so far?  _
The women’s toilets are a mess, leaving you disappointed but not surprised. The air is filled with perfume and body spray. The floors are covered with water, spilt drinks and piss. Toilet roll is strewn on the floor in cubicles, condom wrappers are littered in the corners between the toilet and sanitary product bin and vomit splatters around some of the bowls themselves from someone with poor aim and a weak alcohol tolerance. The cubicle next door sounds as though the occupant is powdering the inside of their nose. Had you not double checked the door before walking in with Beth, you wouldn’t have guessed it was female territory. You’ve covered the seat with paper before sitting down and can hear others outside the stalls singing and gossiping as you try to pee.
It’s just after 1am and the clubs are starting to come alive. The dance floor is heaving, you can’t escape the bar area without losing half of your drink because someone has bumped into you to get past to claim the spot you’ve just left open and the mating game was well and truly on. Everywhere you looked it was men prowling, eyes flickering between the bodies to see who they’d like to try their chances with, women dancing and throwing lingering looks at the ones they’re already envisioning going home with. Couples, whether established prior tonight or have just met, are grinding against one another, tongues mixing in each other’s mouths as their arms lock around one another protectively staking their claim. Already drama has begun and several people have been thrown out and still the night was young.
You’re pulling your underwear back up and tugging your dress back into place before flushing the toilet when you’re met with Beth the second you open the cubicle door, blocking your way out and making you interact with her.
“Do you know who is looking good tonight?”
“Don’t.” You already know whose name is about to come out of her mouth and you’re not looking forward to what will undoubtedly follow when the two of you leave this bathroom.
“I’m going to. Ash.” she says it anyway despite the stern look you’d given her. She almost looks giddy with excitement and your stomach churns.
Choosing to ignore her stupidity, you walk past her and head over to the sink to wash your hands and sidestep two girls who were hanging onto each other as they laughed hard about something. Their happiness brought a smile to your face but it quickly fades when you make eye contact with Beth in the mirror.
“Don’t you be like this with me.” she pouts before facing herself and begins to adjust her boobs, pushing them together and making them sit better in the strapless bra.
You dry your hands as you continue to watch as she fluffs herself, humming along to the song that plays out throughout the club as she begins to touch up her lipstick. “You always say that,” and then you end up sharing my bed for a week when he ghosts you, you mentally finish the sentence, not wanting tonight to end in tatters over him once more. You push your hair back into place and walk to the other side of Beth to the full length mirror that has just become available and you turn this way and that to ensure you look your best, even if it’s just for yourself.
“Ah, but this time I’d be using him for sex. Not the other way around.” You can see that even she doesn’t believe what she’s saying.
“If you’re going home with anyone tonight, it should be with me.” You add, running the lip balm over your supposedly kiss-proof lipstick and rub your lips together before giving an exaggerated kiss.
“Should,” she says with emphasis and you already know it’s a losing battle. You love her dearly but boy do you want to knock some common sense into her. “Besides, getting dicked never hurt anyone. Am I right?” Beth announces and you can’t help but laugh when someone in one of the toilets shouts out
“Unless it’s an ex baby girl, go ride that dick.”
“What does she know anyway?” Beth whispers as she grabs your arm and leads you back out.
You’ve been left to fend for yourself as she heads to the bar, leaving you alone at a table near the action of the dance floor but far enough away for a smidge of privacy and so you’re not wrapped up in the thick of it. The club staff assigned with glass collecting move around clearing away any empty drinkware they find, while their expression shows that they are so done with tonight's crowd. Apologetically, you hand the two normal and four empty shot glasses to the girl barely out of her teens and give her a small smile which she returns before moving on.
There’s a few people that you recognise, with some that you would really, really rather not have seen but for the most part, the atmosphere has remained upbeat and positive and most importantly, Beth seems to be staying away from Ash.
“Are you alright?” You hear spoken directly into your ear. Turning, you come to face the owner of the voice and stare into the blue eyes of a brunette. “My friend wants to know if you’re single.”
It’s a line that is as old as time and it never gets better hearing it from a new person. “And can your friend not ask me themselves?”
“He could, but he’s a bit shy,” she grins. “And he doesn’t want to come out VIP.”
“Bit of a dick move though is it not, for someone so interested in me?”
“Oh, he’s going to like you.” She says, lips curving at the corner as she studies you.
“And who is your friend?” You ask, trying not to look over at the VIP section that’s roped off and away from the mere commoners that you’re surrounded with. “Do I at least get a name?” You try to see if any of them are looking at the two of you, but no-one seems to realise anyone is missing from their table, much less trying to see how the situation is going.
“He’s called Ben. Do you want me to introduce you? I can take you over?”
“My friend will be back with our drinks. Which table is he at? I can walk across myself.” you say as you gesture to the one nearest to you.
“I can come back and wait for her.” You glance over at the crowd waiting to get served and spot Beth speaking with Ash, hanging off his every word as she laughs at whatever it is he’s saying.
“I’m Sam by the way,” she says. “If you don’t want to, that’s fine. I get it. You have no reason to trust me. Text your friend, hell, take a picture and send it to her if it’ll make you feel more secure.”
Though you hesitate, you find your lips moving and the agreement to go and see her friend comes out. You know this club like the back of your hand and so when mystery girl leads you past the usual VIP booths and through the part to get into upstairs overlooking the dancefloor and offering extra privacy to truly VIPs in the form of celebrities instead of people booking the roped off section for £150 for the night, you know this is no ordinary meeting.
Mark, one of the bouncers that you know from nights out gives you a big grin and pulls you into a hug when you step forward for one.
“Not with trouble tonight?” He asks, giving you a little squeeze before letting you go. Most club security were sleazy, no two ways about it, but Mark kept his hands to himself and made sure the girls were safe.
“She’s supposed to be getting our drinks, but she found Ash instead.”
“Same shit, different weekend,” he rolls his eyes and you pull a “what can I do?” expression. Mark, like you, has seen this play out far too many weeks to know how this will end. “Are you both going upstairs?” He asks, looking between you and Sam.
“2.” She confirms with a nod.
“And if Beth comes looking?”
“Send her up.” Sam replies, “I can wait for her.”
Mark confirms he will and gives you a little nod that it’s all good before letting you both progress further.
Your heart hammers against your chest as you try to keep yourself calm, desperate not to trip up as you follow her as quickly as you can. This part of the club was all new to you, security up here was different. Not only were there so many more of them, but they made the men on the doors look like amateurs.
“Ready?” She asks as she continues to walk, making you almost skip at the side of her to try and keep up.
“I guess? I don’t know if I should be nervous or not.” You give a small laugh.
“That’s good.”
“Who are you to him?”
“Their friend.”
You’re about to question why it’s not “their” and not “his” but before you can say anything else, she’s already pushing the door open. Inside the room is a mix of men and women, the table in front of them is overflowing with glasses, bottles, buckets of ice, extinguished bottle “sparklers”. The room opens up onto the balcony, allowing the view below to be taken in. Allowing them to look over everyone. A staff member of the club stands to the side, ready to complete any drink orders required.
You scan the room, trying not to stare anyone down but you try and work out who here is the one who has picked you out. No-one seems to be waiting for you, though some cast a long glance over you as they try to work out why you’re here. Sam places her hand on your back and gives you a warm smile when you look at her.
“Are you still sure? I can take you back down.”
“Yeah, I think I’m good.”
“I’ll be here. I won’t go.” She says and between her and the club staff member stood watch, you feel a little more settled. Mark knew you were up here and you trusted him to come check if you were gone too long. It’s not until she moves you through the group that you recognise one of them sat on the couch, back against the seat, legs parted, glass in both hands which hangs between his thighs. His face is tilted upwards, a smile on his face as he talks to the person who is leaning against the balcony, his attention on the one sitting.
Their faces have been everywhere, a good proportion of the country has been backing them, your work colleagues have their names on their backs. If you didn’t know who they were, it would be a surprise.
“Trent?” Sam says, gaining the attention of the two men before you and finally, you find yourself under the gaze of Liverpool’s Trent Alexander Arnold and Dominik Szoboszlai.
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Forevers: @pom277​  |   @emilielfc​  |  @odegaardsblues​​   | @archxron​  |  @lawsandother​  |  @meteora-fc​  |  @smileytaa​  |  @holdmybvbeer​  |  @football-and-fanfics​  |  @ofxinnocence​  |  @footballerimaginess​  |  @imaweirdobutyoulikeit​  |  @kxndrixx​  |  @chokinghazrdd  |  @marcdurm​  |  @pingyu-in-wonderland​  |   @dreamyfootball  | @declansmount​  |  @penguintransporter​  |  @degea-drama-llama​ |  @callyhandra​  |  @gatekeptlee  |  @elliestonesx  |   @peterparkerbae​  |  @untitled92260​  |  @heli991113​  | @mrsmctominay​ |   @football-rambles​  |  @britishmoonchild​  | @ninuffi​  |  @thiagoalcantaras​  |  @0wlm0nkeygh0st  |  @mxsonxmountx​  |   @adorestonsey  | 
forever non smut:  @yagetintoit​  |
Compersion: @friedoperatorsportsangel​  |  @footballfangirly​    |
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maybege · 3 years
Booth Jazz
Summary: You and Boba explore a little fantasy – as a treat. (Part 4 of Midnight Special)
Pairing: hot dad!Boba Fett x fem!Reader
Wordcount: 4.0k
Rating: E (18+ only!)
Warnings: explicit sexual content, dom/sub relationship, exhibitionism, almost getting caught, vaginal fingering, dirty talk, consensual degradation and namecalling, multiple orgasms, creampie, car sex, mention of somnophilia, also these two idiots have feelings
I know it’s been a while but I hope that some of you are still interested in this little project. Updates will remain irregular for a while but you can look up the most recent posting schedule here. As always, big shout out to @ayybtch for enduring my thirsting for hot dad!Boba. I hope you all have an amazing start into the week and let me know what you think of this chapter!
masterlist | crossposted on AO3
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“Back again, huh?” the man behind the counter greeted you, “And on a Thursday no less.”
“Yeah,” you smiled sheepishly, nervously motioning to the menu, “Could I get a cider please?”
“Sure thing, sweetheart,” he nodded, wiping it one more time before grabbing a glass from behind him. You waited patiently, looking around the room and finding that while it was a little more crowded than last time you had been here, you recognized none of the people which was a good thing.
The last time you had been here, it was a weekend with live music. Now it was a Thursday evening which meant that there was a sports game of some sort playing on the large TVs, the centre of attention of the patrons that were there.
It did not escape you that the bartender looked you over, no doubt noticing your very fancy outfit for a Thursday night. Then again, he had never seen you wear anything else.
“Here you go,” the full glass slid towards you, leaving a wet trail on the polished wood, he nodded towards the end of the room, “Should I put it on his tab?”
“That would be great, thanks,” you smiled, taking your glass in hand before making your way to the direction he had nodded towards.
No one paid you any mind, the game being a finale of some sort. Still, you felt as though everybody. You were wearing a dark green cocktail dress, the fabric shiny in the low light and the neckline lower than what you usually wore. And, when the light shone just right, revealing the texture f the lace of your bra underneath. The fabric felt cool and smooth against your hot skin you felt as if everybody could see up your skirt even though the hem hit your knees with every step.
Your steps quickened when you spotted a single man occupying one of the booths at the very end of the room. He was looking down at his phone, intentionally paying you no mind and a coy smile slipped on your lips.
Without stopping, you raised your legs, making to climb over his lap as he was blocking one entry to the bench. Boba’s hand shot up, gripping your hip and keeping you standing over him while his eyes roamed over your figure.
You bit your lip, seeing how his eyes darkened when they landed on your chest, your nipples already pebbled and visibly through the fabric.
“Is this seat taken?” you asked teasingly, shivering when his hand left your hip, trailing down your legs until it simply fell to his side.
“Not at all,” he rasped, motioning to the free space next to him, “Feel free.”
You settled down next to him in the booth, Boba’s arm immediately coming to rest around your shoulders.
“Hello there, little one,” he rumbled, turning his face to press a kiss against your mouth. It already made you clench your thighs, your anticipation building a thick knot in your lower belly.
He groaned, his tongue dipping inside your mouth to taste you and you thanked the stars that the lights were dimmed in the room or else everybody would see you getting in a heated make-out session with him. His other hand went to your bare thigh, big fingers splaying over the soft flesh as he gripped it and patted your legs.
Your breathing came heavy as his mouth wandered to your jaw and behind your ear. “Sorry, I’m late,” you breathed out, leaning your head back against the plush leather of the booth, “Work ran later than I wanted it to. How can I make it up to you?”
Boba chuckled into your ear, the sound low and gravelly and sending a rush of wetness between your thighs. You already knew he had the filthiest thing in mind and you were so here for it. Your walls fluttered around nothing. All day you had been looking forward to tonight, barely able to focus on work, and now that you were here, it was as if you were already on the edge.
“I want you to take off your panties for me, little one,” he instructed hoarsely, pulling your legs open even further, “I want to finger you right here in the pub and I want you to stay good and quiet for me. Can you do that for me, princess?”
You grinned widely, putting your hand on his and pulling it in between your thighs. “I’m not wearing any … sir,” you bit your bottom lip, suppressing a gasp when you felt his middle finger swipe through your already wet folds, “you can do whatever you want with me. I’m all yours.”
“That’s what I want to hear,” he praised you, his thumb circling your clit and you felt heat rise to your cheeks at the wet sounds that came from between your legs.
“Stars, you’re wet for me,” he praised you, “Good girl. Gripping my fingers real tight, hm?”
The bar erupted in cheers at the game, chairs scraping on the floor as some stood up, calling for new rounds of beer and high fiving each other.
You whimpered, breath catching in your throat as Boba used the cover of their noise to speed up his movements. Your legs shook and you weakly tried to put your hand on his, pulling them away from your cunt as the knot in your belly tightened. Everything felt warm – hot– and tight and you felt yourself clamp around him, your feet trembling in the heels you were wearing.
Boba mumbled something you did not understand and suddenly his hand was gone and you whined at the loss, arching your hips. But then his hand came back, slapping your pussy and your hand flew to your mouth, biting into your palm as he pulled an orgasm out of you so strongly you were surprised you did not leave an entire wet patch on the floor.
Leaning back against the bench, you felt dizzy and sweaty and
Boba had sat up slightly, his body covering you from anyone who might decide to look into your general direction. He was looking over you, his face dark as his fingers lipped back inside you. Immediately your walls clamped around the digits again and bit your lip, doing your best to remain quiet.
There was the tell-tale bulge in his jeans and you weakly raised your hand to touch him. Even through the thick fabric of his jeans, you could feel the heat of him and your mouth watered at the thought of getting him into your mouth. Of licking the precoma from his tip before having him push his cock so far down your throat it would make tears appear in the corner of your eyes.
“Fuck I want to sit you on my cock so bad,” he cursed under his breath, his fingers not ceasing their movements and you whimpered, “but that would be a little too obvious, wouldn’t it? You’re too much of a cock slut to stay quiet.“
Boba curled his fingers inside you, slowly rubbing his long fingers against that spongy spot inside you while his thumb swiped over your clit and you bit into his shoulder, feeling slightly sorry for the nice shirt he was wearing as you tried to muffle your sounds. How had you just come and still craved his touch?
Your walls clenched around him. The sounds of the bar echoed in your ears, seemingly getting louder with every thrust of Boba’s fingers inside you. There were people everywhere. And here you were creaming around Boba’s thick fingers as he whispered pure filth into your ear.
“Need you to be quiet for me, little one,” he reminded you with a chuckle, completely pressed up against you, “unless you want everyone to know what a good girl you are for me.”
You nodded frantically, trying your best to keep quiet. But then you saw him look down and you followed his line of sight and the whole staying quiet thing became much more difficult. Because with how you had spread your legs, your dress had ridden up, revealing his thick fingers pumping in and out of your pussy, glistening from your juices.
A quiet moan left you. one that Boba immediately swallowed up with a heated kiss. His thumb
“If you keep this up you’re going to have to let them watch.”
You knew he did not really mean the second one. Early on in your text messages, he had told you he was not one to share – “And certainly not you, little one” – but his words still flustered you and you squeezed around his fingers.
“Have I told you how much I love this?” he whispered into your ear, clearly trying to coax another orgasm out of you and with the way your pussy got even wetter at his deep voice, it was clearly working.
You shook your head breathlessly, feeling your cheeks heat with anticipation as his teeth grazed your earlobe.
“All we said to each other today was hello before I had my fingers buried in this tight cunt of yours,” he revealed, “You did not even ear any panties, you’re that much of a slut for me. Letting me fuck you right in the booth where we first met.”
You whimpered, thankful for the loud cheers of the other patrons, and bit your lips, trying to ignore how good his degrading words made you feel. But Boba knew you and he could read your body like an open book.
With a teasing smirk on his lips, his other hand came up to your neckline, pushing it to the side and when his thumb caught the lace edge of your bra he just pulled it with him. And suddenly not only were you getting fingered undeath the table but one of your tits was bared to the warm air of the bar.
You gaped at Boba’s confidence before your mouth clamped shut trying to keep your sounds in when he started to play with your nipple. “One more,” he encouraged you, “one more time around my fingers and then we can do whatever we want,” he promised you hotly, his fingers pinching and pulling your nipple.
From the corner of your eyes, you spotted someone making their way to the washrooms. Which meant that had to pass by you. Your heart jumped in your throat and your limbs locked up, the pleasure threatening to become too much while the fear of being discovered rendered you silent.
Boba seemed to notice it too, a dark look forming in his eyes as his fingers sped up. He shifted, his body now completely covering yours in the dark booth. “C’mon,” he growled, his thumb flicking over the bundle of nerves, “Either you come right now or you don’t come at all.”
The drunken man stumbled a little, clearly intoxicated, as he supported himself on a table on the other side of the aisle. Boba made a sound at the back of his throat, forcing you to look at him and your breath caught in your throat, walls rhythmically clenching around your fingers.
There was a determination in his eyes and suddenly your entire chest was bared and Boba leant down, biting into the soft flesh of your left breast and you came.
It took everything in you to not slump forward and be seen by everyone in the bar but sideways into Boba’s body, every muscle in your body tensing before relaxing into what felt like melted butter as wetness coated Boba’s fingers.
You closed your eyes, completely out of breath, uncaring that your tits were still very much out in the open.
“Good girl,” Boba mumbled against your temple, pressing a kiss against your cheek as his fingers slowed their thrusts until he pulled them entirely from you, “My goof fucking girl.”
You smiled dreamily, pushing your face into the crook of his neck, “Thank you for making me come, Boba.”
He chuckled and you felt his chest move with the sound. “You’re very welcome, little one,” he rumbled, “How are you feeling?”
Shifting in your seat you grimaced as you felt the wat patch between and under your thighs. The leather was slippery and your skin felt like it was glued to it.
“Sticky,” you answered truthfully, heat shooting into your cheeks, “Stars, I am so embarrassed, I – it feels like I left a puddle. They will know what we did and –“
“Let me worry about that okay?” he interrupted you gently and you watched with wide eyes as he slipped his fingers into his mouth, making a show of sucking and licking your juices from his skin. His dark eyes kept looking at you and you felt your lower belly clench with want.
Stars knew you would not be able to come again so easily but you needed him.
“Let’s go to your car,” you breathed, your hands falling to his thighs, “I – I need you.”
“But you haven’t even finished your drink, little one,” the older man teased you, his lips dragging over your shoulder as he helped you to straighten out your dress. The soft fabric felt cold against your heated skin and you were glad that you had chosen a dark colour because you were sure otherwise everybody would be able to see the stains on it as it plastered to your wet skin.
“I don’t care, I don’t want it,” you pouted, one hand rubbing him through his jeans and you noted with a hint of satisfaction that his jaw tensed as he tried to keep it together, “I only want you.”
“Good, then promise me you won’t get angry with me, princess.”
Your frowned, “What-“
Something wet and cold spilled over both of you – but mainly you. You gasped at the shock, the cider immediately soaking through the fabric of your dress and you scooted away from him, quickly making a grab for some napkins that you pressed on your lap.
“Oh no,” Boba said drily, wiping his hands on a dark patch on his jeans, “I better go ask the bartender for something to clean up this mess with.”
Only now did you realize what exactly Boba had done. Because with you scooting away, the glass had not stopped spilling – it simply spilled on the already wet leather now. Which meant Boba had the perfect cover to wipe down the table and the bench and no one would be the wiser.
Well, except for you.
He came back a moment later with a rag and motioned for you to stand up which you did readily, grimacing at the sticky feeling. You watched as Boba bent over the bench, thoroughly wiping everything away and making sure not a trace of your activities was left before he stood up again.
“There we go,” he mumbled, eyes roaming over your form and his lips quirked up, “And I am sure you don’t want to stay here in these wet clothes, little one. I think I might have a shirt back in the car that you could borrow. Sound good?”
You smiled, “very good.”
Boba smiled, one arm wrapping around your waist as he guided you out of the bar. The other patrons were so busy with the game they did not even notice you leave.
The front of the bar was completely abandoned and you smiled when he led you into an all-familiar alley. “Keep it in your pants, little one,” Boba joked, passing the spot where he had first thrust inside you, “I’m not gonna fuck you against this brick wall again.”
Your shoulders fell, “Why not?”
“Because there are so many other places I want to fuck you first.”
But Boba ignored your very obvious interest in that line of conversation as he led you to the parking lot at the back of the building. Much like the bar, there were a few cars there but it was not too crowded which meant that you recognized Boba’s truck immediately, your steps speeding up the closer you got.
The headlights lit up as he unlocked it and you smiled when he passed the driver’s door and instead opened the back door.
“Not to forget the secret wish a little birdie told me,” he smiled, settling himself in the back seat, already fiddling with his belt.
You hiked your dress up, “Which is?”
Boba grinned wolfishly, clearly happy with how the evening had progressed and his warm hands found your hips, pulling you on top of him. You looked down to where he was freeing himself from his briefs, thick and heavy and already leaking precome.
“That someone would very much like to be fucked in her sleep,” he revealed, a knowing look in his eyes and once again Boba Fett managed to fluster you, “but you did not expect me to say that now did you?”
“How did you know?” you asked, softly gasping when his hands once again pushed the neckline of your dress out of the way before pulling down the soft cups from your bra, revealing your tits to the cold night air.
“A hunch,” he shrugged, “That and the fact that you were begging me to fuck you by the time you were half asleep,” his fingers rolled your nipples between them, “I believe your exact words were I don’t mind if I wake up with your cock inside me, Sir.”
Both embarrassment and pleasure coursed through and you threw your head back, “Oh stars.”
A loud groan left him when your wet folds rubbed up against his shaft. “Fuck, little one, don’t think I will last long tonight. Not like that.”
But you did not let him deteriorate from your mission. With one hand supporting yourself on his shoulder, the other pumped his cock, keeping him steady so that you could sink down in him in one go. You wanted all of him and you wanted it fast and hard.
“I don’t need to come, Boba,” you replied breathlessly, working yourself onto him, “I – I just want you to come inside me, please. W-Want you to fill me up again so I can feel you tomorrow.”
The sound he let out was beautiful and you let your hands drift over his shoulders down to the fabric that was covering him. You lifted yourself up in the process, relishing in how thick he was inside you, how he seemed to rub against your walls in only the best way, before sinking down again, the sudden movement causing a slapping sound.
Quickly unbuttoning his shirt, your hands roamed over his chest and belly, exploring his tattoos. Boba moaned, his hand squeezing your tits and massaging them roughly, sometimes venturing to circle your nipples and pull them just how you liked it.
“Feel so good,” he brought out, his hips starting to meet yours and you lost your rhythm, simply letting him fuck up into you, “Tightest little pussy just for me.”
You buried your face in his neck, whining at the way he kept using you to get off. Shit, you knew you would not come again and yet there was something so very hot about Boba for once only being concerned with his pleasure.
A broad hand wrapped around the back of your neck, pulling you away from him until you were face to face. “Look at me,” he ordered breathlessly, his eyes glassy and you leant forward, kissing him as hard you could. With every thrust, his cock seemed to reach deeper inside you and your clit rubbed against his belly, more or less accidentally stimulating you.
“You really just want me to come inside you, huh?”
His hand tightened, teeth nipping at your bottom lip. “Say it.”
“I just want you to come inside me,” you squeaked out, your “Please, I just want you to come inside me. Just use me. Please use me. Pleasepleasepleaseplease –“
He surged forward, teeth clashing against yours and his hips snapped up even harder. He was close, you could feel it in the way he hardened inside you, how his hand tightened around your neck and how his breathing became shallow, dark eyes locking with yours.
And then he came.
The car windows were foggy and your eyes rolled back in your head when the feeling of his seed spilling inside you triggered the surprising third orgasm of the night. You felt warm and full, Boba’s solid body underneath yours the one thing that grounded you in reality.
Catching your breath, you cuddled into his chest, ignoring how his come started to trickle out of you around his cock while Boba gently brushed your back, his lip pressing soft kisses wherever he could reach.
“Thank you for coming inside me,” you mumbled sweetly and grinned when you felt him twitch inside you again.
“Stars, woman,” he groaned, running his hand over his face, “You are really going to be the death of me, aren’t you?”
You laughed, “I hope not.”
It was silent for a moment before both of became aware that you were indeed very much in public and that it only needed one patron to come out to notice what you had done. Which meant that, as slowly as possible, you pulled away from each other.
“Here,” he whispered, reaching behind him and handing you a dark t-shirt, “This might be more comfortable.”
“Thank you,” you smiled, pecking his lips before quickly changing in front of him, “So what do we do now?”
Boba looked down, focussing on re-buttoning his shirt. “I have an idea.”
For a moment, you had feared that he would drive you home already.
But that fear dissipated quickly when he turned into the local fast food’s drive-in.
He got each of you a burger and a milkshake and some fries to share, depositing them between your seats. Still parked behind the neon sign of the drive-in, you mostly ate in silence, quickly devouring your food and drinks while smiling and looking warmly at each other.
Neither one of you wanted to address the elephant in the room.
Only when the music on the radio changed from Electro House something to Calm Country go home music did Boba start the car again, taking the route to get you home.
“When’s your flight?” you asked into the quiet, pressing a kiss against his neck. Your heart was still racing in your chest and with the slight sheen of sweat on your skin, you shivered from the cool night air that came through the window you had cracked open.
“Four a.m.” he replied, a large truck passing you, “A buddy of mine is going to drive me to the airport.”
You hummed, looking out the window. You had been so excited for tonight, for good reason too, but now you felt as if the little time you had, had passed way too quickly. You wanted to hold on to him, this, for just a few hours longer but a look at the dashboards clock – 2:30 am – told you there was no that was going to happen.
“Two weeks,” you sighed, slumping against his side, “I’m going to miss you.”
Boba’s hand slipped from the gearshift to your thigh, lightly squeezing your knee, “I will miss you too, little one. Did not think an all-inclusive business trip to Hawaii would have me this hesitant.”
Neither one of you said anything as he kept driving, the city sights soon turning into familiar streets and your heart ached as he pulled into the parking lot in front of your apartment complex. It was completely abandoned and only the street lamp Boba had parked in front offered a little light.
Both of you remained sitting in the car and it calmed you somewhat that Boba seemed as reluctant to let you go as you were.
“Will – will you text?” you asked, turning to the side to face him while your hand already rested on the doorknob.
He looked serious, then, nodding slowly as if getting used to the thought. “Yeah, little one,” he whispered, “I will.”
As you hurried up the stairs to your apartment, confident that none of your neighbours would be awake to see you only in a slightly too long shirt, you wondered if this something between you could be more than a booty call.
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
Slow & Steady [P1] [Sabo x f!reader] (+18)
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Hey bishes. I snapped and decided to publish first chapter of my current project. This was inspired by @glitterfreezed​​ playlist . Honestly I am so thrilled for this story. It’s different from everything I have written so far and I am excited for how it will turn out.  Genre : Romance - Smut - Bestfriends to lovers  General warnings : Alcohol consumption - Dark themes - Swearing - S m u t - possessiveness - Mention of ex-relationships - jealousy
Synopsis : Isn’t love a matter of timing after all ?  That’s what Sabo has always thought. It was about finding the right tempo, making the right moves and hitting the right spot. Patience is a virtue after all, and he had a lot of it. It all started when your ex cheated on you. You were heartbroken, you needed someone and he was there. Was he always that hot ? You didn’t know. But after that night you have never seen him in the same way.  Part II -
Part I : 
“(Y/N)…You should really stop drinking. Said Nami as she took the cup off your hands.
-Leave me alone ! I wanna drink some more…Come on…Let me drink“ you said as you reached weakly for the cup in her hand but ended up stumbling and almost falling.
You were quick to feel an arm encircle your waist. Your intoxicated senses could still pick up his scent, a mixture of mint and cologne. His gloved hand held you a little tighter against him so you don't fall.
« Sabo ! Glad to see you here. I didn't know what to do with her...She's been drinking non-stop.
His hand tightened possessively around your waist. He only knew too well what happened, yet he still asked Nami for confirmation :
« -Hey Nami, What's wrong ? (Y/N) isn't used to drink this much. -Oh...I don't know if I'm technically supposed to tell you but... » she bit her lower lip « let's say that she broke up with (ex). »
You started hysterically laughing as you heard you now ex's name while trying to escape from Sabo's firm grip.
« Eeeeeeeh ? Saboooo~ ? Whatcha doin' here huh ? Oh gosh are you following me ? Why do I always see ya everywhere ? Come're...Let's dance together~ Saboo.. » you screamed so he could hear you over the music.
The nightclub was extremely crowded but you needed all these faces, all these bodies almost crushing you on the dance floor. You needed to drown your pain in alcohol, the pain of being used and discarded, of being betrayed.
You didn't talk about this to Sabo, your bestfriend. You didn't want him to see you in this pathetic state. Seeing you like this made the blood pump into his veins. His fist clenched, but he tried to keep his calm. He slid a hand in his blond locks, sighing and rocking his head back.
He had to keep it in, if he lost his temper, it was going to be the end for your ex.
« I'm going to take her home » He says to Nami as he holds you by your arm.
« 'kay ! Here, she gives him your purse. Take good care of her okay ? I'm counting on you. » She seemed really worried.
-What are you guyyyz on about ? I don't wanna go home ! I wanna drink some more...Come on Sabo, you're no fun. It's good to loosen up from time to time. You're always so uptight...Come on...Lemme go...
-There is no way that I am going to let you in this state, (Y/N)
-That's none of your business ! Let me go....It has nothing to do with you.
Your words hurt but he was used to them, his role as your « best friend » meant that you were always blunt with each other, and usually it amused him, but not tonight.
« You're coming with me. 
-Namiiiiiiii, you traitor! »
Sabo ignored your loud whines taking you to his car, eyebrows tied together, his blood on fire. He felt guilty ; he didn't prevent you from this hearbreak, he didn't protect you, his dear princess. He was too fooled by how happy you seemed, by the way you spoke so eagerly about that bastard, making him wish that it was him instead. But that was going to change. 
You fell asleep while on the backseats of the car. Your dress was slightly up, showing your beautiful legs. It was extremely painful for Sabo to concentrate on the road, his head fuming because of anger and because of seeing you so vulnerable at his side. As you were sleeping and he didn't want to leave you alone, he decided to bring you to his own appartement that he shared with Ace.
He held you like a princess as if you were as light as a feather. Once inside, he put you on the couch. You slowly opened your eyes ;
-Sabooo...Ohh...We're at your place...Where's Ace ?
-Ace is spending the night with Thatch. You can stay here till tomorrow. I can't leave you alone...Well...Like this.
You rubbed your eyes together,  sitting on the sofa. He found your flushed face extremely cute. 
-Ohhh...’kayy...Gosh I'm nauseous..you put your hand over your lips. You looked at the glass of water on the table and got up to reach for it, but you stumbled and dropped the glass on the floor.
-Oh goddamnit...I'm sorry...you bent over to collect the shattered glass but Sabo's hand held yours ;
-It's fine, I'll take care of it. Are you hurt ?
You look at your hand some blood was dripping from the fresh cut. You instinctively put your finger in your mouth while looking into his eyes :
-Uh-uh it's fine...I'm really sorryyy for the glass.
-It's okay. I'll bring you another one, you just wait here, and don't touch anything. He says as he collects the pieces of glass to throw them away. Then he disappears into the kitchen only to come back with a glass of water.
You were sitting there, on the couch, in your underwear ; a simple set of black bra and cotton panties. Your dress was on the floor and you reached for the remote control to turn the T.V. on. Sabo blinked many times. He knew that you were bestfriends, and that you probably only thought of him as a brother, yet, you have never stripped in his presence. He almost dropped the glass of water but thankfully he managed to keep his cool. You were drunk. He didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable, especially not tonight. 
« Here, drink up. » He sits next to you and you put your legs on his ;
-Thank you~ Ahh, I took off my dress because it was wet. You said as you gestured to the said black dress. I didn't want to get your couch wet...Also it's kinda hot. You don't mind huh ? It's not like you've never seen me in a swimsuit before...Duuh. Wait ? Are you looking at my chest ??? Eh Sabo, stop right there you're looking at my chest ! I'm sure you're doing it haha.
You said playfully. You had a point, you were to the beach together before, but something about seeing you in underwear was different, and he hated himself for looking at you that way while you were so vulnerable.
-I'm not looking. As you said, it's not like I've never seen you in a swimsuit before. You're going to get a cold though. I'll get you a shirt.
He moves your legs out of the way and gets up.
-Okayyy~ But don't make me wait blondie.
-Blondie ? He stops and looks at you with a raised eyebrow, which makes you laugh super hard. - You know what ? Nevermind.
He proceded to ignore you and comes back with a shirt and some shorts. He took advantage of the situation to change into a white shirt and gray sweatpants. He takes place next to you on the couch as you were too focused watching cartoons and laughing at every not-so-funny joke. 
You managed to put the black shirt on which was too big for you, reaching your thighs. You just threw the shorts away because the shirt was long enough to cover your panties.
-Thankyou~ Wha, your clothes really smell good. Kinda smells like you. You smell good.
He knew that your words were innocent, and that you were much more open because of the alcohol, however, he couldn't help but find you extremely adorable wearing his shirt. The thought of what your ex did made him extremely angry. How could he hurt you this way, you, almost an angel ? 
If only you let him love you, he would never hurt you that way, he would cherish and protect you. You’ll never need anyone but him.
An hour passed, with you laughing extremely loud and him trying to keep his calm as you teased him -unconsciously-, putting your head on his shoulder or messing with him. Then, as you were starting to get a bit sleepy at one in the morning, you let your head fall on his lap and said ;
« Thank you for taking care of me Sabo. You're always here for me...Youuu always help me, you really are an amazing guy. 
You were getting emotional so you put your hands on your face, a bit uncomfortable while talking about your feelings this way. Even though you were bestfriends, you weren't the kind to open up about her feelings so much. You hated being perceived as weak. He ruffled your hair lovingly, taking your hands slowly away from your face. His eyes were extremely gentle, it almost melt your pained heart. You couldn't help but think of your ex, and what he did.
-It's normal (Y/N), I wish I could've prevented all of this. I am sorry for what happened.
-Why are you sorry Sabo ? It's not your fault...It's just me, it's like I'm a fuckboy magnet or something...You said with a bitter laugh, trying to dedramatize the situation.
You sat down again on your knees on the couch, he turned  a bit so he was facing you. He didn't know what to say to ease your pain. He didn't know what to say without betraying his emotions, without giving himself away.
-It's like...Everyone I meet plays me and breaks my heart. I'm so done...I really...What did I do wrong huh ? Why did he have to cheat on me ? Am I not enough ? Am I not pretty enough ? Am I not good enough for him ? What's wrong with me... ? Tell me Sabo what's wrong with me...
You did your best at holding your tears. Sabo gently placed his hand on the back of your head, this gesture was even better than words for you. You just snapped and started crying, your mascara staining the white shirt.
-You are more than enough (Y/N). He is just a bastard. You are extremely pretty..You are kind...Every man dreams to have you by his side. Shh..Don’t cry...he gently caressed your hair
You jolted back, looking him in the eyes and sniffing. He hated to think that in this moment, you were adorable, like a little puppy that was only asking to be protected :
-You're so kind Sabo...Why can't I attract guys like you huh ?
His eyes darkened, he never expected you to say anything like this. He knew it was the alcohol, he knew you didn't mean it, yet, it lit something new inside of him : a hint of hope. And if this wasn't better, you kept going on :
-I mean, you're handsome...You're kind, you're smart...And you make me laugh...you laughed a bit, hell you've seen me at my worst haha ! You really are amazing~I’m so lucky to be your best friend.
you moved yourself a bit because you were getting uncomfortable sitting on your knees on the couch like that. You just slipped onto his lap, and it wasn't the first time you did that. Actually, you had to sit on his lap many times when you were teenagers and you didn't have enough place in the car. But this time was different, you were both adults, and you were drunk and heartbroken.
-I'm sure that a lot of girls are into you...
You look down at his shirt, it's true that you have seen Sabo many times before, but you have never noticed that he was this attractive. You run your hand in his hair as if you were discovering his face for the first time, and you felt some kind of electricity between both of you. He was letting you go too far, almost to the point of no return, but you kept going on and on without leaving him the time to even process one thing.
-Why don't you tell me about anyone huh ? Don't you like girls ? What about that girl, Koala, I'm sure she's into you ! She's pretty cute and...Ahh...Don't tell me you're gay Sabo ???!
You put a hand on your lips simulating a shocked reaction. You knew him for so long and you would be offended if your bestfriend was gay and never told you about it. He held your hand and took it away from your lips. Looking at you with eyes you've never seen before. A serious look, you could've sworn that it was the look of yearning :
-I am not.
His voice firm, just like his grip on your wrist. You could've sworn that you saw something mirrored in his black eyes, something that disappeared as fast as it first appeared. And this thing, that little flame that you almost saw thrilled you. You wanted to understand this change in  atmosphere, and why he wasn't laughing along with you. You felt a bit intimidated.
Did you go too far?
But you wanted to go too far.
You wanted to feel something, to forget the stinging pain, to do things that you would regret.
You wanted to sabotage yourself, as a form of punishment.
But for what? And what did he do to deserve this?
Those questions didn't even cross your mind, adrenaline rushing through your veins making your mind blank. You were defying him with your eyes.
« Oh » you said, a mischievous smile forming on your lips. He didn't like this at all. He didn't like how you took all of this as a game while he was serious. But he was that desperate to see your next move. 
The game has just started. It was the perfect timing.
«-Prove it.
-This is getting ridiculous. You should go to sleep as you are saying nonesense.
He knew that you were drunk, but pushing his buttons like this ? It was out of the question for him to take advantage of the situation. His feelings were sincere towards you. He didn't want to do something and betray your trust. He was better than your bastard ex. 
If something was meant to happen, he wanted more than a hookup, he didn't want to abuse of the girl that he has always knew and loved and that saw him as a brother, even if she was half naked on his lap.
It took every ounce of control he had. Every drop of patience in his system to not block you on the couch and kiss your glossy lips.
-You're such a coward...Really...You scared huh ? You're scared ! Say that you've never been with a girl~ Come on, admit it...Who would've known huh ? Sabo you're always so cool~ But in reality you're juuusttttt a virgiiin. I'm so gonna tell Ace ! It's over for you blondie~
You playfully said unaware of the effect of your words, and of how dangerous they were, awakening something almost feral inside of him, just for a few seconds he lost control, pinning you against the couch fist on the side of your face. His face was so close to yours, his hair caressing your cheek and almost making you giggle. 
You have never been this close to Sabo, physically speaking. You felt his leg between yours and you instinctively closed rubbed against it for friction. You just wanted to numb the feelings away. In that moment, you wanted to taunt him, you would've wanted anyone to fuck you. In fact, has he left you in that night club, you would've definitely ended in someone's bed.
But he took you here, so it was his fault, right ? So now it had to be him. He had to numb out the pain.
He was serious.
Sabo, your sweet blondie. Sabo the good friend. Sabo that was always here to pick you up everytime your heart was shattered in million pieces on the ground.
«-Don't try me. I think I'm really close to reaching my limit (Y/N) »
You felt thrilled to see him being serious. You wanted to push his buttons and make him mad. More mad. Because you were broken and you needed some intensity to forget. In that moment, you closed the gap between your lips and encircled his neck with your arms, leaning into a kiss: a desperate, sloppy, drunken kiss. Sabo's eyes opened wide as he felt your soft lips on his. He would have never expected this moment to happen. He never imagined his first kiss with you to be this way. You were so eager, so desperate, and the way you kissed him reflected your conflicted emotions. You kissed him like you needed him, not like you wanted him. 
And that made him full of tenderness. 
He sustained your back, bringing you a bit closer to his chest as you pulled down, eyelids heavy, eyes full of tears :
-Sabo...Kiss me back...Please...I need you. He wanted you, he wanted you so bad that it angered him, but the taste of alcohol on his lips reminded him of your state. His lack of reaction made you even more desperate ; -Sabo don't you want me ? Am I not pretty enough ?...Tell me Sabo...Am I not good enough ? You started nibbling on his ear, and he couldn't help but get hard, he was human after all, and he has loved you for so many years. You whispered into his ear ;
 « Saboo I want you to fuck me »
That was it. That was enough. He got up leaving you there on the couch. Trying so hard not to lose it. He wasn't that guy. If anything, he was mad at your ex, seeing you so hurt that you would initiate something with him, thinking that it was only because of the heart break and alcohol. He held you in his arms like a princess ;
«-Enough playing now, you're going to sleep.
-B-but ! This wasn't what I asked for....You're really a coward after all...You virgin... »
He carried you to his room, putting you on the bed and sitting next to you.
«-I'd love to prove you wrong. However, it would be better if you were in a state where you'd be able to recall how good I am. If you want me to fuck you this badly then maybe ask me when you're sober. »
- Please support me by leaving feedback <3 it motivates me to keep going ! I am tagging people who asked to be tagged or exepressed interest. If you wanna be tagged, ask me !  Enjoy~
 @vemuabhi​​ @glitterfreezed​​ @mwls-garden​​ @soanywaysistartedsimping @tsunderedoctor​
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script-nef · 4 years
Tokyo to France
Category: fluff
1.6k words; Office date [1/6]
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Gojou Satoru is many things. The Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer, an official title which is proven often to be true; humanity's ray of light in the fight against cursed spirits—see the "strongest sorcerer" bit; a teacher at the Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu Specialty High School even though most, if not all, of the Sorcerers Exclusive don't really approve of him; and a total bother. 
He has an aloof and laid-back aura, indicating he doesn’t really care about much other than his missions and his occupation as a teacher. He’s whimsical and spontaneous, sometimes selfish in the extreme, putting his desires—like his all-too-often snack breaks—first ahead of anything, except for critical situations. And even then he might still not come. Add his total disregard for higher-ups who pretend to see the “bigger picture”, and there’s a lot of reasons why everyone he’s ever met—well, most of everyone since the newest kid Itadori is yet to experience the full "Gojou's shitty antics" ride just yet but it'll come soon, you can tell—are often annoyed by him.
And the one person who experiences this more than anyone is you, who's currently suffering under his relentless chatter after another successful mission. He always does this, like you’re the only person in the world he can talk to (read: bother).
You don't have anything specific against the man, he’s usually a good friend and a welcomed fellow sweets enthusiast, it's just that you're currently behind on your assigned paperwork and he's a great distraction. His tales are often laced with humour and he has a natural knack for storytelling. The fact that Gojou has a nice, soothing voice which beckons for your attention is also a factor. If you didn't have work you'd be fully invested in his recount but as previously discussed, he has shitty antics and one of those is not particularly caring about whether the other person is busy or not. 
He keeps talking and words like “egg tart”, “Shibuya” and “internationally famous” slip through your defence, forcing your brain to block out the lengthy paragraphs on the report and enticing you to listen to him. After a while, you decide that this is getting nowhere. You can’t remember the last couple of paragraphs and Gojou is usually relentless, but you can hear his voice weakening just a bit as you pretend to ignore him. 
Resigning yourself from the work and leaning back onto the chair, you make pseudo-eye contact with him. He seems to brighten up just a bit when you do so, the strength of his voice returning. That makes a ghost of a smile appear on your lips. You'll just have to pull an all-nighter after your dinner with Ken-chan. 
Gojou always has great stories about his trips everywhere, both in Japan and overseas. Having a teleportation skill is incredibly useful, you realise with envy. If only I had his inherited techniques is a thought which pervades your mind often. 
"And I was so close to getting the egg tart but the person in front of me bought the last one! I waited for an hour! For nothing!" The story is topped off with a small pout as he slouches on the chair, chin sitting on the backrest. You laugh, amused at the sudden change of mood. Only he could go from happy and light-hearted to gloomy and dejected in a breath, jokingly or not.
An easy conversation flows between the two of you as you finally disregard your work, chin resting on your palm and eyes crinkling with laughter. 
It’s nice like this. He’s been coming around the office more lately, sometimes armed with sweets and sometimes with an agenda to whisk your time away for his use because he’s bored. It’s mostly fine because a person to talk to is welcomed after a couple of hours by yourself, staring at lit screens until you can feel your eyes die off. You once got a scare because everything had a weird white outline when you finally diverted your eyes from the screen. In a sense, he was keeping your sight safe. He smiled when you said that, replying “Glad I can be of service!” before rattling off another description of a strawberry cheesecake he found in Belgium.
“It must be so nice, being able to teleport places. It takes me so much time just to travel within Japan, honestly such a bother. And I can’t really go overseas either with so many tasks to do with all the cursed spirits running around.” Sighing, you slouch on the desk and bury your face in your arms, missing how Gojou’s lips immediately quirk up.
“I can take you there, you know.” Your head shoots up at that, staring at him with wide eyes. “I can take you anywhere. How about France? We’ll be there in the blink of an eye. We can spend a couple of hours there, eat as many pastries as we want to and just snap right back here. What do you say?” His foot taps on the ground repeatedly, like he’s nervous or agitated. Is he in a hurry or something?
Well, it doesn’t take you long to come to a decision. The offer sounds nice. Really, really nice. 
It’s been a while since you had a break. Not like you can take a long one since cursed spirits are unpredictable in their appearances and need constant attention so that civilian casualties don’t occur. Which means the workflow never stops coming. A trip to pastry country sounds amazing.
“Sure, that sounds good. We need to set up a ti—”
The door slams open, the sound echoing through the hallway and the office. Gojou’s new student, Itadori Yuuji, leans on the door while gasping for breaths. 
“Hey, Yuuji! What’s the rush?” 
“We’re supposed to be training! I was waiting in the room for the past 10 minutes!” A quick glance at the clock indicates 6:40 and you finally notice the sun setting over the mountains. The fading light paints the room in a golden warmth, which makes you wonder why you didn’t notice how fast time was flying. Probably because you were too invested in your conversation with your friend.
Who is now picking himself up from the chair and putting up theatrics by brushing off non-existent dust from his pants. Small giggles escape at his antics. A glance at Itadori tells you he’s close to dying from either dehydration or exhaustion. He must have run all over the campus trying to find Gojou. You wonder why he doesn’t just use his phone. You do live in the fifth technological age and sort of expect a teenager like him to be able to use one.
“Itadori-kun, do you want some water?” Rising out of your seat, you reach for a cup but Gojou’s hand stops it by covering yours. He twists your hand in his and interlaces his fingers with yours.
“No, it’s fine. We’re going to go now. Think about the time and date, okay? Keep in mind the time difference.” He gives the connected hand a slight jiggle as a farewell, skipping out of the room with a bright “Goodnight!” He’s initiating a lot more physical contact recently. Wonder what that’s about.
Itadori watches the scene unfold from the doorway, jaw slack. His eyes follow Gojou but as soon as he’s out of the room, they snap to you. He stares at you so intensely that it looks like his eyes are going to pop out of its sockets pretty soon. You have no idea why he’s staring at you like this and why he’s not following his teacher. It’s like he’s frozen solid in his spot.
Some—read all—of his students sometimes complain about his walking speed, how he purposefully uses his leg length as an advantage and briskly walks on ahead, leaving them in the dust. Some—again, read: all—of your co-workers said the same thing as well. You asked him about it one day and he replied with a great big smile, “I just do it for fun!” He doesn’t do it to you, though. It’s weird because he does it at least once to everyone else you ever met, even your own brother, despite him being only a few centimetres shorter than Gojou. It apparently played a part in his reluctance to partner up with him. Or just generally hang out with him. You wish he’d give Gojou a chance, he’s not that bad once you get to know him. 
Hm, maybe I just don’t have an interesting enough reaction for him. Am I not interesting? Is it a really weird and backhanded way of telling me I’m boring? The train of thoughts takes off, expanding and multiplying until you realise Itadori is still imitating a befuddled statue.
You stare at him. He stares back. He doesn’t break eye contact. This is a really weird thing to think right now but he would absolutely crush everyone at a staring contest. 
“Itadori-kun? Don’t you need to go?” That seems to startle him out of his stupor. 
“Ah, ye—yes! Sorry for interrupting!” Before you can assure him that there was nothing to interrupt, the poor boy stumbles out of the room and also manages to bonk his head on the door and wall no less than twice. Yelps of “I’m okay!” and “Don’t worry!” followed by his running stops you from checking up on him.
“Man, Gojou must really have his hands full taking care of such a clumsy boy. Thank God Fushiguro is a bit more calmer. Now, where and when should we go… Probably should find out the time difference like he said… Oh! Maybe I can invite Shouko and Ken-chan to come along! They need to get out and have a holiday as well. I’m sure Gojou won’t mind if I invite them.”
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Masterlist | Next chapter →
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littlemessyjessi · 3 years
“A Deal With Cupid”: James Fleamont Potter: PS Reader: Chapter 11
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(A/N: Reader has a very cute/kawaii aesthetic to her and is all about the pampering.  I was originally gonna make her an oc but I know a lot of you have been missing reader content so I figured this would be a good compromise.  A reader insert with all that that entails but with a little bit of a theme, lol)
Also, big thank you to Delilah for comish-ing this chappie! I hope you enjoy it love! 
James was positively buzzing with excitement.
Y/N has finally overcome her sickness...and period...with the help of the four of them mother henning over her.
And, of course, with the help of Madame Pompfrey's potions.
And just some good old fashioned rest and relaxation.
James discovered something about himself during the whole process.
And that something was that when Y/N got sick... he turned into the biggest sap in the world.
He hated it that she was sick.
Absolutely hated it.
But also...he kind of loved how needy she was and how she wanted him to hold her constantly.
Which he was more than happy to do, honestly.
The only time it was particularly gut wrenching was when he had to leave for classes or quidditch.
And of course, the absolute misery that was when McGonagall came to investigate about the sick girl and found them curled up in his bed.
To say that James panicked would've been the understatement of the century.
But the professor simply gave him a stern look and reminded him of the rules that she was sure he'd no doubt break before telling him to inform her that she is to return to her dorm when she wakes up.
James had whined incessantly but relayed the information none the less.
He walked her as far as he could before she simply pecked his cheek and went to bed.
He didn't even see her for two days but it would seem that bit of of uninterrupted rest was exactly what she needed.
That morning, he was up with the first rays of sunshine and on the Quidditch pitch for practice.
They'd spent the early hours running drills and preparing to absolutely slaughter Ravenclaw next weekend.
So he fully intended on having a shower and collapsing in his bed for a quick nap before tracking down his girlfriend to check on her.
When low and behold, he opened his dorm room and the scent of orange and cream filled his senses.
Music was coming from the door to his lav and he could smell the familiar scent of that vanilla candle.
Y/N was here and taking her bubble bath it would seem.
"Love?" James called out to her gently, as not to startle her.
"In here, James!" she called back. "I'm in the tub!"
"Oh alright, love.  I'll be out here when you get out!" he called back.
He was fighting with himself because he missed her and wanted to snatch her into his arms but he also wanted to give her her space and be respectful.
"Ok, but I mean, you can come in her, babe.  It's fine.  I'm covered by the bubbles anyway." she said and James went rigid.
"Bubbles pop, love." he chuckled nervously.
"Not these." she giggled.  "They're my own invention.  I'm a frickin genius."
"And so modest." he teased poking his head in the door to see her sitting there in a tub almost overflowing with bubbles.
She shrugged and grinned mischeviously, "Even if they do pop I think we're past that stage.  You held my hair while I puked for the past week and literally cleaned snot out of my nose."
"Yeah, that was gross." he said finally stepping into the lav and taking a seat on the edge of the tub.
Her head was wrapped up in a pink scarf, protection her hair from getting wet and there was a purple face mask covering her skin.
James couldn't help it as a soft smile crawled onto his face.
"What?" she asked furrowing her brows at him, making the mask crack a bit in places.
"Nothing." he said with a chuckle.
She splashed some water at him, "Tell me."
"Nothing." he said reaching in and splashing him back.  "It's just, I love how comfortable we are with each other.   We haven't even had our first kiss yet and here we are.  I'm covered in mud and I stink from Quidditch and you're literally sitting in a bubble bath.  You don't seem concerned with that at all."
She shrugged, "It's cause I know you won't hurt me and I know I can be myself with you."
"Me too." he smiled. "Mud and all."
"Eh." she shrugged again and pointed at her face.  "You have your mud and I have mine."
"I guess that's true." he said.
"Do you want to get in?" she asked and James nearly fell in the floor.
She giggled wildly, "I just meant because you need a bath, James.  You've been to practice.  It doesn't have to be weird if we don't make it weird. It's just a bath."
"Yeah, but we'll be.."
"Naked.  Yes." she said.  "But again, it's a bath.  If you're not comfortable that's ok.  It was just an offer anyway."
"No, no, I'm ok with that.  I just don't wanna- what I mean is- I don't want to ever make you feel like- ugh, fuck- I can't - I just don't want to-" he stammered.
"James, I'm the one that brought it up." she said pointedly.  "If I had a problem with it, then I wouldn't have said anything."
He nodded with a gulp.
"Er, uh, ok?" he said.
She tilted her head, "James, if you're not comfortable it's ok.  There's not pressure. I'm cool either way."
"No, no." he said. "I'll have a bath with you.  I just have to."
"Oh right." she said closing her eyes and creating a shield with her hands.  "Ok, go ahead.  I can't see anything."
James chuckled as he undressed, "I wasn't really worried about that but thanks for the thought."
"What do you take me for?" she teased.  "Someone who would take advantage of you in your vulnerable state?"
"And what state is that?" he asked dipping into the hot water of the tub opposite of her.
"Exhausted from Quidditch, of course." she giggled.
James snorted as he moved some of the bubbles around to cover him.
"Alright, I'm covered." he said and she moved her hands to reveal her grin.
"Helloooo." she said impishly.
"Hello." he said.
"Want some face mask?" she asked holding out the purple tube to him.
"Maybe later." he said leaning his head back on the edge of the tub.  "You know, I'd planned on a shower but I think this is much better."
"Well a soak is usually great for aching muscles.   A massage is too.  Come here and I'll rub your shoulders." she said.
James' eyes snapped open and he went rigid again.
"Uh, what?" he squeaked.
"Oh, James relax." she laughed.  "I was just gonna rub your shoulders. I know you hold a lot of tension there."
"Are you sure?" he asked, searching her eyes for any speck of hesitation.
"I won't bite." she grinned. "Unless you ask me too that is."
James narrowed his eyes at her.
"Don't you start." he said before slowly making his way over to her.
He checked her face once more for any sign of discomfort but she only smiled at him.
He turned around and she slowly pulled him back into her.
He had to work to ignore the way his skin felt against hers.
"See there." she said, placing a kiss to his jawline. "And you were scared for nothing."
"I wasn't scared, love." he admitted, relaxing as he felt her fingers gently massage his shoulders.  "I just don't want to ever do anything that hurts you or makes you uncomfortable.  You mean way too much to me.  I'd never do anything to-"
"I know, James." she said, kissing his cheek and running her fingers through his hair.
He sighed and continued to relax until he was leaning against her heavily.
She soaped up the wash rag and gently washed his chest, letting the bits of dirt slide down into the bubbles concealing them.
James continued to let her wash his hair and rub his shoulders for a bit before he leaned back to look at her.
"Thanks, babygirl." he said. "I didn't realize I needed that but I did."
"I got you." she said.  "Just like you've always got me."
He nodded, "Couldn't get rid of me if you tried."
"A week ago I might not have believed you if you said that to me but you did put up with me while I was sick AND on my period. I'm a terror when I'm like that." she admitted, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and placing her cheek into his wet hair.
"You just felt bad, love." he said, kissing the back of her hand.  "You couldn't help it."
"Still." she shrugged.
"You weren't that bad, honestly." he said. "You just wanted a lot of cuddles. But I'm always more than happy to provide that service."
She giggled behind him and he couldn't help but grin softly.
"Hey James?" she said and he leaned his head back to look at her again.
She was looking at him differently and he was mesmerized by the twinkle in her eyes.
"Yeah, love?" he asked.
She didn't say anything as she leaned in to connect their lips.
James' stomach turned and flipped as they melded together.
He never would've imagined it to happen this way but it couldn't have been more perfect.
They finally seperated and James opened his eyes to see her looking at him oddly.
It was only when she started giggling when he noticed the mask on her face was smeared everywhere.
"There's purple all over my mouth isn't there?" he asked but her giggle told him everything he needed to know.
He splashed his own face with water to wash it off before a mischevious glint took over his features.
"James Fleamont Potter, don't you dare!"
"Too late." he said and send a tidal wave of water crashing into her.
The purple mask leaked off her face and her hair wrap was soaked to her head ... but she was smiling.
She pounced on him, trying to drown him in the bath water.
It was in that moment, when she was laughing wildly and simulataneously trying to murder him that James wondered how he'd ever gotten by so long without her.
She was the love of his life and he never wanted to spend another moment without her.
------- Chapter 10 Chapter 12 coming soon ---------
Hey loves! Thanks for stopping by to read!  I hope you enjoyed this and I would love to know your thoughts! Thank you again to the lovely lass who commish this chapter! If you’d like to commission a story or future chapter of stories, please reach out and I would be happy to answer any questions you have!   Love, Kenny
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wbearv · 4 years
Five times pt.1 | h.h.j. - k.s.m.
Member(s): Hyunjin, Seungmin
Genre(s): suggestive, angst (only a little bit, nothing serious)
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: heated makeout, hickeys, marking (kinda?)
Summary: Seungmin likes you but he never finds the courage to tell you. Hyunjin on the other hand, well, let's just say he knows what he likes and isn't scared to go for it.
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It had started as a joke, or so Seungmin thought.
“You know… if you don’t do it, I might give it a try” Hyunjin smirked, looking at Seungmin. “How long do you think it would take me to have her surrender to me?”
He is drunk, he’s not being serious.
“Hyunjin, stop” Seungmin was starting to get mad “Your jokes are not funny”.
“Ah, do you really think I’m bluffing?” Hyunjin got closer to the younger boy and looked him straight into his eyes “I can assure you I’m being dead serious here. I guess you just don’t like her that much, do you??”
Seungmin opened his mouth but nothing came out of it.
Hyunjin laughed and lifted his hand to ruffle Seungmin’s hair, smirking at him.
“Oh, but don’t worry Minnie, hyung will take care of it”.
Seungmin really laughed it off at first, but now?
He was pissed off.
He wanted to say something, anything; but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He might hate Hyunjin right now, but he hates himself more for not having the guts to step up.
Chapter 1: the one in the pool.
“We will be tipping into severe to extreme heatwave conditions-”
The faint sound of the tv playing in the room was the only thing you could hear, besides the fan of course.
“Temperatures are expected in the low to mid-40s for those locations, probably peaking tomorrow-”
The sound of the tv remote being thrown to the floor startled Seungmin, making him get up from the couch a little bit too quick, making him dizzy.
“The last thing I need is for them to tell me how much heat I am supposed to endure for the following, I don’t know, three fucking years?” Jisung said, letting himself fall onto the couch, fanning himself with a piece of cardboard angrily.
They were all thrown off due to this extreme heat wave that was making them all walk like miserable zombies around the house.
At least they had the pool party you were throwing that evening to celebrate your birthday and none of them could wait for it, specially Seungmin.
The party was supposed to start around 6pm but he decided he would go sooner so he could help you prepare everything; and hopefully, he could spend some alone time with you.
Time went by, and it seemed like an amazing idea until he realised Hyunjin hadn’t been around for a while at home.
“Hey guys, where’s Hyunjin?” Seungmin asked, entering the kitchen where Felix and Minho were preparing some food for said party.
“Oh, he left like half an hour ago. He said he was going to help y/n with setting the party up” Felix said calmly, not breaking eye contact with the sandwiches he was cutting in half.
“You know… if you don’t do it, I might give it a try”.
Hyunjin’s words resonated in his mind and, half a second later, he was walking rapidly out of the house.
“Seungmin! We are leaving for the party soon, where are you going?”
“I’m walking, I’ll see you there” He rushed to the hallway, closing the door harshly and ignoring his housmate’s confused looks and questions.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Hey y/n where do you want me to put this?” Hyunjin shouted from the backyard, hoping that you would hear him. “it’s kinda heavy”.
“Oh, sorry Jinnie, em, wait!!” you screamed all the way from the kitchen.
You came running with all sorts of sweets and snacks that you could carry and left them all on top of a table to help Hyunjin carry the big tray with the main dishes.
“There I think is fine” you smiled proudly, wiping off the drops of sweat running across your forehead. “It’s getting really hot in here, why don’t we go inside until the rest arrive?” you turned around to look at Hyunjin, that was smiling at you.
“I have a better idea...” he approached you slowly, and before you could know it, he grabbed your waist and lifted you up “How does going for a dip sound, huh?”
“Hyunjin no! I have my phone with me, put me down!” you said trying to sound convincing.
He smirked and took your phone out of your pocket, throwing it on top of the deckchair.
“There, problem solved” Hyunjin was walking at a quick pace, making his way to the pool on the other side of the backyard.
“But I- I- I have my clothes on Hyunjin, at least let me change first!” You said and looked straight to his eyes, pleading and hoping it would do.
Hyunjin looked at you and smiled softly, and for a split second you really thought he would let you go.
Ha, so innocent.
“You know what?” he said looking at you, his face softening “nah, it’s your house you can change later”.
And faster than you could count to one, you were being thrown into the somewhat cold water of your pool.
Hyunjin, of course, was laughing his ass off while he stared at you from the outside.
“Come on y/n, admit that you feel so much better after your quick trip to the bottom of the pool” he said dipping his toes into the water of the pool you were currently in.
“Oh, yeah, I feel refreshed, thank you so much my saviour” you said, swimming slowly towards Hyunjin. “Now would you be so kind to help me out? I still have to feed the cat before the rest arrive” and you handed your hand to him, which he grabbed, still rejoicing in your defeat.
“Yeah, yeah sure” and when his hand touched yours, something clicked in his mind “Wait, y/n you don’t have a-”
The loud sound of water being splashed filled your ears, and you laughed loudly at the sight of Hyunjin falling into the water.
“-cat” Hyunjin said after cleaning his face and throwing his blonde hair back, and off his face. “What’s so funny, huh?” he got on his feet and being his tall himself, towered over you even inside the water.
You tried so hard to conceal your laugh but failed miserably. “nothing, nothing, I’m not laughing I-” then you looked down at his chest, rising rapidly from the scare, all covered in water drops.
Hyunjin had a spectacular body – not that you haven’t noticed it before – but seeing it bare first-hand was something else.
Suddenly you became aware of the position you both were currently in. You were practically pressed against the wall, with him standing only a mere 30 cm away from you. You were so caught up in your own thoughts that barely didn’t hear when Hyunjin spoke.
“What, like what you see?” he said cockily, looking at you while raising one of his brows.
“I- I wasn’t lo-” you said nervously looking away from him.
“Yeah, you were” Hyunjin grabbed your face and forced you to look at him “If you want to have a taste, there’s no one stopping you baby girl”.
Your eyes opened wide, and you were so shocked that you didn’t move for a second, until you noticed how he slowly started kissing up and down your neck while caressing your right arm. “C’mon, tell me what you want y/n” he licked slowly all the way up your neck until he was facing you again, lips only a few millimetres apart from yours.
“Hyunjin, I-” you didn’t even bother to finish the sentence, crashing your lips against his without a second thought.
Hyunjin grabbed you by your waist and pushed you against the wall, your legs around his waist. His tongue brushed against your lip and you unconsciously opened your mouth up for him. He slipped his tongue into your mouth and you let him dominate your tongue, him sucking on it before biting down on your lip.
“Jinnie, ah-” you could feel his hot breath and the smirk that formed in his mouth as he heard the sounds you were making for him – because of him.
He went on until he was satisfied, making sure there would be a purple mark in your neck soon after.
You both parted for a split second, catching a breath. You kissed his lips again, quickly turning into a heated makeout while Hyunjin’s hands wandered all over your body as if they were lost. You moaned at the feeling of his hands trailing everywhere, and he hummed in response. Hyunjin grabbed the back of your head, pulling you even deeper into the kiss. As you tilted your head, you trailed a hand down his chest and abdomen feeling him squirm under your touch.
After a while, you stopped rubbing your hands on his chest, and chose to start tugging on his long hair to what he moaned in your mouth, pressing his knee against your core.
You let out a moan that you tried holding in, but it involuntary came out when he started to suck on your neck. You gasped and put your hand on his shoulder, trying to stop him from sucking too hardly.
“Don’t mark me. They will see it.” That’s what you were able to say.
Out of all things.
Hyunjin smirked and he scoffed, only to suck harder onto your neck.
“I want them – him – to see this.” Hyunjin whispered in your neck as he continued to mark you up. He took off your shirt with a swift movement and left you only in your bikini, starting to kiss down your neck and onto your chest before ending up kissing the top of your breasts. He looked up at you with dark lustful eyes before reaching up and sliding off the straps of your top. He was just about to free you from it when Seungmin’s voice resonated outside the property, calling you both to open the door.
Hyunjin huffed frustrated and pulled away from you, not without giving you one last heated kiss, leaving your lips completely swollen – as if they were not swollen enough already.
Rapidly, you rearranged your top and, in less than 10 seconds you were already outside the pool, looking for your towel and opening the door to Seungmin.
“Hi Seungmin!” you said enthusiastically, trying to catch your breath.
“Hi y/n, I-” he began talking, looking at you in a way you couldn't quite decipher “why are you soaked?” he frowned.
“Oh! I fell to the pool, you know how clumsy I get” you laughed it off and excused yourself to go and grab some drinks from the kitchen, leaving the boys alone.
“What’s up bro, wanna take a dip?” Hyunjin said, calmly laying against the border of the pool. “It’s… really hot” he smirked.
Seungmin looked from Hyunjin to the living room on the inside where you were grabbing some glasses, and back to Hyunjin; trying so hard to ignore the faint pain he felt in his heart when he thought about the sound of your breathy whimpers that he swears he heard from outside.
Suddenly, the boys appeared behind Seungmin, and without notice, the party had already started.
Hours later, the sun set and the party calmed down a little bit while waiting for dinner to arrive, the night summer breeze making the heat more bearable.
“Hey, how’s that pizza going?” Jisung asked from the inside of the pool “I’m hungry” he pouted.
“It’s almost here Jisung, wait for a little bit more” you said, looking at the boy.
“But I’m hunnnnngry y/n” he fake cried.
“YOU HAD FIVE SERVINGS OF BARBACUE HOW CAN YOU BE SO HUNGRY!” Minho screamed from inside the house where he was playing games with Chan and Hyunjin.
While Jisung and Minho screamed back and forth to each other, you were sitting comfortably in a chair, laughing at the sight and enjoying the soft breeze of the night.
You looked amazing with that gauze dress you were wearing, your hair making subtle waves due to the pool’s water and your eyes shining in the bright light of the lights you had hung in the backyard that same evening.
Or, at least, that’s what Seungmin thought anyway.
He was determined, he would confess his feelings right here. He would not wait anymore, and so, he took a seat next to you, smiling shily when you looked at him.
“Hey” you said, smiling softly.
“Hey y/n” he moved his hands nervously, not knowing where to put them “So, I wanted to talk to you about something, erm…” he looked away for a second.
“Yes? What is it Seungmin?” you said, brushing your hair off your face – and subsequently neck – without realising.
“Well, I-” he looked at you, but suddenly his eyes were fixed, not on your face, but on your neck. More specifically, on the purplish mark that appeared in your skin, right in your pulse point area.
Seungmin froze, and the only thing that came to his mind was the image of your neck being kissed, you leaving small whimpers of pleasure, chanting his name.
Except it wasn’t his name.
“Hyunjin- ah!”
Seungmin closed his eyes, trying so hard to calm himself. What felt like an eternity to him was, in reality, only a few seconds of silence.
“Nothing y/n. Just wanted to say happy birthday.” He smiled to you, and if hearts could physically break, you could have heard his smashing into pieces.
You were left so confused, but before you could say anything, he had already disappeared inside the house.
Seungmin walked through the corridors on his way to the bathroom so he could wash his face and calm down to face the group when his chest crushed against someone.
“Seungmin” Hyunjin said, smiling at the younger boy “Are you enjoying the party?? I sure am.” He grinned.
“Hyunjin I am really not in the mood to put up with your stupid games. Leave me alone.” he said angrily.
Seungmin usually was a very calm person, he was not the one to scream or raise his voice at anyone.
“Hey, hey, chill” Hyunjin said, walking past him on his way to the door “If you’re so mad, why don’t you do something about it?”
Seungmin didn’t say a word, he just looked at Hyunjin hardly.
Turning around, he continued his way to the bathroom.
“why don’t you do something about it?” as Hyunjin’s words resonated in his mind he felt the most jealous he had ever felt.
He didn’t envy his face, his body, his dancing or his rapping. But he sure as hell envied how easy it was for Hyunjin to just go. for. It.
If only he could be honest with you, things might be different.
But I guess things don’t work out for the shy guy.
hi guys it’s sonia! I've been writing fanfics for a long time now and I decided it was about time to post them in here. I'm sorry for any typos but I didn't really proofread this hahaha.
anyways I hope you enjoyed this and thank u so much for reading!
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letsperaltiago · 3 years
show me you're shameless
the one where i upload the 2nd chapter 5 months after the first :)) so sorry skskss. anyways... CLUB FIC CHAPTER 2, BABYYY. And it’s getting smutty! Works fine on its own, but reading chapter 1 first does add that *extra spice*
Rating: E
Words: 5.8k
Read here or on Ao3
Besides the obvious bruising and swelling caused by Manson’s punch, Jake is unharmed and allowed to leave the hospital right after his debrief. Officer Wilson nicely offers to give him a ride home and after the day he’s had, which Jake gladly accepts - the faster he gets home, the faster he gets to see Amy. By the time he steps out of the car, onto the sidewalk framing Amy’s apartment building, and tells Wilson thanks for the ride, it’s closing in on two am. The streets of Brooklyn are as desert as the city that never sleeps can be, rather unusually quiet, but Jake can’t think about anything else but the painkillers he’s about to pop, the girlfriend he gets to kiss, and last but not least the soft bed that’ll promise him a good night’s sleep. 
Or so he thinks. 
The second he steps a foot into the apartment, using the spare key Amy gave him a few weeks ago which he proudly accepted, making him feel that more committed to their blossoming relationship, Jake immediately notices that something is not quite how it usually is. And if there’s something he loves about Amy and her place it’s how routine is everywhere to be found - from the tiny key-hook by the front door that holds Amy’s keys to how he knows the painkillers are stashed in the little pink plastic basket on the right top shelf of the bathroom sink cabinet. Tonight the atmosphere feels out of routine, almost making Jake feel like a stranger in an apartment that’s somewhat his own (they’re not quite there yet but they’re mostly at her place so). 
It’s not just because the only elements lighting up the blacked-out apartment are candles (quite many of them) which in itself is very weird because no way Amy Santiago would go to bed with a candle, let alone tens of them, lit. The scene screams fire hazard. Jake himself has a hard time putting a finger on it, but somehow the entire energy seems different. It’s as if, somehow, the air is charged with a certain electricity, and, for a second, Jake wonders if he’s accidentally let himself into the wrong apartment - but that’s not possible, right? No way Amy’s key works for other front doors. 
His keys make a by now familiar clinking sound as he places them on the key-hook, on top of Amy’s. A routine amidst the estranged feeling of this situation. Although he’d hoped and would’ve loved it if Amy had stayed up and waited for him, he knows his girlfriend’s schedule is highly prioritized (even over him, he learned very early on) and so he ignores her absence. What he can’t ignore is that Amy would’ve gone to bed with multiple candles still burning. Her silver three-arm candelabra on the dinner table, her rose-scented block candle on the coffee table, multiple smaller ones in the windows and around the couch/tv-area…
“Ames?” he calls out, loud enough to catch her attention if she’s awake but low enough to not wake her if she’s asleep. 
He quickly shrugs off the absence of her reception, and, as per a routine he likes to think of as “domestic”, a new feeling and aspect being with Amy has introduced him to, he kicks off his shoes. Instead of leaving them to clutter up the room, like he would if it were his own apartment, he neatly aligns them with hers on her little shoe rack. His coat goes on on a coat stand instead of a random chair. It’s small gestures like these that make him feel more in sync with his girlfriend. This also leads him to go around the room to blow out the candles. He knows Amy will appreciate him doing it, but he’s just barely put out one candelabra-light when his beliefs are contradicted. 
Someone clears their throat and it has Jake freeze in his spot by the dinner table, much like a deer caught in headlights - a Jake caught in candlelights, one could say. All he can see is a silhouette standing in the hallway. Only just barely lit by the candles’ tiny flames, casting the otherwise dark room in a yellow and orange glow, it’s hard to see anything clearly. Still, there’s no doubt in Jake’s mind: It’s Amy. 
From the way her silhouette almost looks naked, her curves on full display, he can tell she’s still wearing the infamous red skintight dress. Her now messy dark locks frame her face - her beautiful , amazing face - and scatter onto her bare shoulders which are only covered by the sleek dress straps. She looks flushed, luminous, and Jake can’t help but wonder whether it’s the candlelight or the sudden heat he’s sensing. Did it actually just get really hot in here or just him? 
“You don’t like my candles?”
The sound of Amy’s voice is something Jake is very familiar with by now. Her presence has become something his senses immediately tap into, yet when she speaks, red, perfect lips shaping the words with precision, Jake feels his heart skip a beat as if it’s the first time seeing her. His jaw drops to the floor and he surely looks like an idiot, stuck in the same spot with no audible reaction. It surely doesn’t help when his girlfriend walks up to him in a way that has her look like a goddess on a runway. Slow, sleek, and surely she steps up to him as if she isn’t wearing uncomfortably tall stilettos. If Jake hadn’t previously listened to her complain about how awful these heels were then he’d beg her to wear them forever. 
“I- uh- yes? No? I don’t know?” 
A cocky chuckle gushes from her lips. It’s obvious that she has him right where she wants him, physically and mentally, and from the burning look in her eyes, he can tell she has a plan for them to follow tonight whilst she, hopefully,  wears that dress (at least for some of it). 
“I thought I’d try to make the most of the night...” Her eyes switch to the clock on her wall. Five past two. Her brown irises slot back together with his. “What we’ve got left at least.” 
He’s so entranced by her sultry gaze, mystery and mischief glowing in her eyes, that, until he suddenly feels her hands on his hips, he fails to notice how far across the room she’s made it. Now her warm breath is bedewing his neck, fingers playing with the buttons on his shirt and Jake’s never been good at chess but this feels a lot like checkmate. 
He doesn’t say anything. Quite honestly unable to do anything else, he utters just the sound of his breath hitching in his throat, but Amy’s happy; it’s enough to reveal his true sentiments when she gracefully pops the first button with her sleek fingers. She pauses and holds his gaze. 
“I’m really glad we ran into each other tonight.”
Already very much confused and barely able to grasp what reality he’s in at this point, Jake offers her little statement a frown. Ran into each other? They literally went to the club together, what does she mean-
“Most guys I run into at that club are usually barely mediocre...”
Oh… OH. It all suddenly clicks. That’s what she’s doing. 
“... but you...” she interrupts herself by biting into her newly applied lipstick, showing off just how white her teeth are, as she moves on to pop the next button in line. “... you look like someone worth spending a night with.”
The colorful lights, the loud bass, the smell of cigarettes and alcohol, their moment of weakness in the scummy bathroom; the sensation of being back in the club comes rushing back. All of this, along with it the thought of Amy Santiago being his scandalous one-night stand, flicks a switch within him. Being with her every day is indeed a much better deal, one he’d never want to change, but this fictional role of the one-night stand he’s been put in? Definitely works for him too. Now he just needs to get up to speed and make up for time wasted on being utterly obvious. Luckily Amy Santiago can turn him on easily as a faucet. 
“Yeah? You do this a lot, eh-?” He attempts, dabbling and getting comfortable in his newfound role. 
“Oh yeah, cool cool cool. Cassidy.” 
After this infamous fumbling, figuring things out, he shifts back into gear. His voice descends into a darker tone, as well as his eyes - and don’t even get him started on his train of thoughts. His hands, up until now stuck by his sides, gently latch onto her waist instead and the soft feel of her dress, silk, he guesses, helps him adopt the exact right mindset for this game. 
“So, Cassidy ,” he emphasizes the name as to get familiar with its taste, immediately learning that it savors of something poisonous and addicting. “You do this a lot? Take home guys without even knowing their name or telling them yours?”
Meanwhile, Amy’s already popped another button, revealing a good chunk of his chest, and has to tear her eyes away from it to meet his villainous gaze. There is no fighting it, and she willingly dives right into him as one would in a pool. Although instead of a clear blue mass of water, her’s is a dive right into a sinful twilight that’s slowly but surely consuming them both.
“Well,” she abandons the last two buttons untouched and sneaks her left hand down to the front of his pants to be met what she’s been patiently waiting for all night. A bulge, still quite modest but without a doubt present and growing. After all, they’re just getting started. “All you needed to do was ask for it. Like I’m going to do now: what’s your name?”
She grins, her eyes as well as her lips, and it takes every muscle in Jake’s body to think of a name, stay in the role, all while he’s not to give in to the hand that’s unmistakably cupping him through his pants. 
“I bet you’re used to asking for what you want.” He’s kind of proud of that line, he must admit. “... And I’m Andrew.”
“Good to know, Andrew. And yeah…” she tightens her grip on him just a tad more, “it’s the easiest way to get what I want.” 
“And what exactly do you want?” 
Just like hers had moments ago, Jake’s hands slowly travel south and back, getting two handfuls of her ass and the fabric that’s enhancing its perfect shape. He feels her breath sink into the skin of his neck and lower face, slowly and bit by bit becoming a part of him.
“Whatever you’re willing to give,” she kisses the side of his neck, feeling the dampness her breath has left behind. Turns out he tastes even better than usual, a mixture of him, cigarettes, and alcohol so having her lips let go already seems unnecessary. 
“And what if what I’m willing to give isn’t enough?” 
He shamelessly squeezes her ass, thanking God for this goddess of a woman he gets to call his, and he’d be lying if he said her sucking on his neck and the feeling of her full behind didn’t have him almost fully hard already. 
“Then I’m not shy of a little... begging,” she physically punctuates her sentence by letting her teeth sink into the skin right below his jaw, and it immediately sends her man of the night into another dimension where he can’t hold back and play nice any longer. Luckily, she doesn’t want him to. 
In the bat of an eye, he’s got her face cupped in his hands and their lips colliding with a hunger that makes it seem as if they’ve never kissed before this very moment. The kiss is clumsy, hungry as if they’ve been starving for days, and once in a while they can hear their teeth clacking, colliding. 
“You’re so gorgeous, Am- Cassidy,” he’s quick to correct himself. “Couldn’t keep my eyes off of you at that club. Was wondering how a fucking goddess like you was hanging out in a shit-hole like that.” 
He feels her hands cling onto his neck. In response, he has to let go of her face. Instead, his hands wander back down to his hips. Although rather than both slipping backward like earlier, one sneaks its way down and forward to get a grip on the hem of her dress. 
“And wearing this dress? How could I not notice you and instantly dream of fucking you in it.”
This rewards him a tiny moan, airy and soft right into his ear where her lips happen to be nibbling on his earlobe, and Jake knows he’s giving her exactly what they both want. 
“Touch me,” she breathes almost inaudibly and although he hears her he can’t help but push some buttons. 
“What are you saying, baby?” He smirks, slowly forcing the dress-hem up the warm skin of her thighs. “Say it again - louder.” 
“Touch me, please .”
With two fingers hooked around the red fabric he drags it up to stop right by her pubic bone. “Only because you’re so good at asking for it. I might have you beg a bit later.”
She barely answers, only utters a little uhuh . The same two fingers slowly slip beyond the fabric and slide across the already damp gusset. It’s with a small victory smile that Jake carefully starts rubbing the area, immediately earning himself a small whimper. It falls from her lips as if it’s been waiting to do so for a long time now, and her head drops to rest on his shoulder. 
“What did you say?” he cranes his neck in an attempt to get a glimpse of her face, but it’s mostly hidden in his neck. “Does that feel good?”
He doesn’t hear her but feels her nod against him, and so he adds a little more pressure with his fingers, digging into her through the fabric of what feels like lacy panties. 
“I have barely touched you and you’re already this wet. Do you want more? Is this okay?” His tone doesn’t change by Amy can tell it’s Jake asking, not Andrew. 
“Y-yes,” she whimpers, wishing he’d put more energy into touching her.
For a second Amy believes he can read her mind because as soon as the green light has officially been re-approved, her partner’s fingers force aside the gusset and gather some of her wetness to help embed themselves inside of her. He feels her shuffle on the spot in an attempt to stay on her feet and squirm a bit around him when his middle finger penetrates her, all to be summed up by a soft moan into his neck. 
“God, you’re soaked, baby. Do you know how good that feels? Do you feel good?” he slowly starts moving his fingers inside of her, in a pattern he knows she enjoys, and he has to use his free hand to stabilize her as he challenges her with a quicker pace.
“S-so good. More, please.”
Her wish is his command, and he immediately meets it by switching up the pace to which he can hear and feel her react right away. 
“This is so hot,” he breathes into the top of her head, her hair already mussed and messy from their fooling around. “You look amazing, you feel amazing. Kinda just wanna keep you in this dress. It looks fantastic on you.”
Busy whimpering and grinding along to the pace of his fingers, Amy has no time to reply and instead gives in to his upper hand. There’s something so exciting, so hot, not only about the roleplay but also the spontaneity of things, the way they haven’t even made their way out of the dining/living room. If Jak- Andrew wants to, he can have her right then and there. She wouldn’t mind one bit… 
Caught up in a whirlwind of feelings and thoughts, trapped in the vessel that is her quivering body, it comes as a surprise when suddenly Jake nudges her in the direction of the dining table. Making sure to stay away from the still lit candelabra, Jake backs her up against the wooden surface. 
“Sit,” he prompts and helps her over the edge of the table, safely seating her on it and as a consequence, his fingers slip out of her. They’re glistening with her juices and when he runs his hand across her thigh, her skin is smeared with her own lust. Then he nudges her legs further apart for him to fit in-between. The tight dress has by now suffered a lot of moving, already pushed up above her hips and creased into a bunch around her lower belly, which, once he’s ripped off her panties, leaves him with open access to where they both want him to bee.
“Wanna taste you,” he huffs into the kiss he’s pulled her into, leaving them both breathing hard and yearning for air when he retreats to sink to his knees. He’s left at the perfect height. “I’m gonna make you forget about all the guys before me.”
And he sure keeps his promise. 
He dives right into the sacred space between her legs, tongue first, drawing circles around and with her clit, while his hands are forged onto her shivering thighs, making sure they stay wide open and spread for him. Her heaves and tiny breaths escape her with shorter and shorter intervals, promising them both a climax, which his tongue follows, focusing on all the right spots. He continuously eats her out like he’s been starved and deprived for God knows how long,  and she’s his main course. 
“I-I’m almost there.”
She dares to let go of the table, just one hand, and plants it in his messy locks, which are already sweaty and wild from his rummaging between her legs. The tugging throws him into a higher gear that demands extra help from his fingers, still wet from earlier, which makes entering her easy. The second they sink into her, from the higher pitch of her moans, Jake can tell he acted wisely. She shakes, not only the thighs beneath her hands but her entire body, and he fights to keep up the pace that seems to be succeeding in bringing her closer to the edge. A few more pumps, licks and kisses to her inner thigh a couple of times before his tongue reunites with her clit for the final licks that have her climaxing with a loud moan, right there on the dinner table and his mouth. He pecks her heat a few more times as she comes down, then her inner thighs where he spreads her climax on her skin before standing up to see her leaned back onto the elbow that wasn’t tugging on his hair. The dress looks miserable crumpled up around her waist but something about it, paired with her closed eyes and messy makeup, leaves him with what he believes is the perfect picture. Her breathing is more or less just heaves and he lets her catch some air before he leans in to kiss her, open-mouthed as to allow her a taste of herself. 
“So good,” she smiles right into the kiss, given a taste herself, eyes still closed as she focuses her energy on assembling herself for what is yet to come. 
“Wanna see what you’re hiding in here,” she breathes but Jake barely hears it as all he can currently fixate on is her hand cupping the bulge in his pants, and her nimble fingers working the button and zipper open. Who said attending multiple meticulous and detail-oriented bomb-defusing classes would never come in handy? 
 “Wanna suck you off. I’ve been wanting to all night, even in that disgusting bathroom we met in. Could’ve sucked you off while you looked at yourself in that disgusting mirror.” 
Though it’s pureoy fiction (at least for now - who knows?) Jake feels lightheaded just hearing her thoughts break free and let out into the open. Despite the fact he could never ask her to kneel on the club bathroom’s disgusting floor that, so filthy it stuck to your shoes when walking on it, just the thought of it does ignite something within him. One second they’re still making out, Amy on the table with Jake standing in between her legs, the next she’s got his pants unbuttoned and unzipped thus proceeding to push herself off the table, consequently pulling both his pants and boxers down at once (which kinda impresses Jake - he’s not gonna lie) as she gets descends to her knees. 
Cassidy, Amy, whoever she is in this moment, doesn’t waste time. Jake admires the adulterated hunger in her eyes as she wraps her fingers around his hard, pre-cum leaking cock to give it a few assisting pumps before leaning in to kiss the head. Her gaze diverts from his hard-on to his eyes, up at him through thick and black mascara-coated lashes, as she gives the very tip a tiny, almost experimental, lick. Just the sight and feel of her tongue on him, her saliva mixing with his pre-cum is enough to send him to heaven, but he sure doesn’t complain when the innocent lap is succeeded by a full-on licking motion that goes around his full girth. 
“Gosh, you’re killing me.” 
He reaches for her cheek, stroking it with his thumb as if to praise her for her actions. “You like this, huh? Hunting down your preys, taking them home… only for you to become the prey.” 
Nothing is answered, at least not verbally. Instead, she slowly goes down on the length, lips stretched to the max around him and batting her eyelids as her gagging reflex is challenged. His hand leaves her cheek and instead travels to the back of her head where it can get a good grip on her hair. Here it settles on following her movement as she bobs her head, swallowing him again and again. The grip on her doesn’t have a real purpose, he doesn’t try to control or force anything with it. All it really does is provide him with another pleasing aspect of feeling her movements, giving him some sense of staying grounded when the thrill becomes too much and he starts losing himself to the thrill of her actions. 
“Fuck, you look so good on your knees like this, and…” He’s interrupted by his own growl, escaping him the second he feels a very soft scratching of her teeth against his pulsing member. It takes him a few seconds to recollect himself. She’s sucking him off like a champion, one hand by the base, the other on his thigh, steady rhythm and small hums in between. Hums that he’ll remember till the day he dies. “Your lips stretched around my cock like this? Like they were made for it, fuck. I’m not gonna last though - not if you keep eating me up like this.” 
Her lips offer him a few more pumps, slowing down to a halt and leaving her in his mouth for a few seconds before she lets him slip out of her mouth, leaving a thin thread of a mix of saliva and pre-cum to hang on for dear life between her lips and his cock. She can taste him and he can see his discharge on her lips glowing in the candlelight. Her knees are pink and raw when she stands back up, hair messier than ever, and dress crumpled, bunched up around her waist. She’s amazing, Jake thinks, in awe of how he landed someone as perfect as her - in every way imaginable. Tonight is just one of many aspects, and every day with her is truly the best day ever
“C’mere,” he pulls her in by the waist, too caught up to let her go for even a second, and without even thinking twice his right hand cups her heat, feeling the wetness seep through her lips and trimmed bush. Just what he’d hoped for. “You’re gonna start dripping on the floor if we keep going like this.”
“Would you like that?” she breathes onto the shell of his ear, grinding into his hand, and sending shivers down his spine. 
“Yeah, I would… But I’d rather put how absolutely soaked you are to good use.” He slips his middle finger in between her folds, gathering wetness, feeling her squirm. “I’d much rather fuck you right into this wall…” he backs her into the nearest wall that’s clear of shelves and pictures frames, a low-risk area per se, “... while you’re wearing this stupidly hot dress.”
She’s sucking bruises into his neck, not allowing him to see her face, but the second her back hits the wall she’s back to kissing her way up to his lips. Here she tugs on his plump, still bruised bottom lip before dropping her head backward, letting it lull against the wall. Her eyes are darker than ever, brown irises borderline black, as she stares right into his. “Do it then.”
“Do what?” he challenges. He wants to hear her say it. Every word, every syllable. 
“Fuck me. Up against this wall. Wearing this red dress.” She pulls down the skirt, just to cover her ass and give him the full dress-experience rather than it just being fabric bundled up around her waist. “ Please .” 
It sure is impossible to not act when she bats her eyes at him, spilling filthy words, drawing him in like a moth to a flame. Before he’s even fully aware, his animalistic instinct takes over and has him holding up her leg with one hand, the other giving his cock a few pumps prior to guiding the tip through her folds. 
She’s quick to interrupt. She knows it’s his character asking, since, in reality, they both know they’re clean and she’s on the pill - though she appreciates the effort of staying in character and the fact that Andres is a reasonable man.
“Fuck me. Raw.”
“You’re something else, Cassidy,” he chuckles, and having already gathered enough wetness on him he pushes into her, slowly and torturously, feeling her heat take him in and hearing her moan shatter the silence. 
“Yes,” she hisses at the stretch, her uplifted leg leaving her more open and the piercing sensation somewhat smoother. 
He starts slow, rocking into her with ease. 
“You look so hot. Can’t believe you’re letting me take you right here up against a wall. Fucking filthy.” 
He eventually picks up her other leg as he picks up speed and by the time he’s fully slamming into her with a powerful pace that has her legs shaking, he’s fully holding her off the floor and fucking her into the beige wall behind her. She moans with every thrust, every collision between her body and the wall, thumps, as she holds onto his shoulders for dear life, thighs burning from clinging onto his hips. The angle at which he penetrates her is just perfect, hitting and stimulating all the right zones, and, even comparing to the loads of amazing sex they’ve had, this, without a doubt , goes in the top three. The wall is cold against her back, creating a sizzling contrast to the heat forming between their rubbing fronts. His shoulders and arms are flexing under her weight, and now there’s no denying that Jake Peralta the hottest guy she’s even been with. 
“R-right there, ah, yes,” she hisses, head pressed back into the wall, the friction messing up her hair. 
“This feel good, huh?”
“So good- fuck , harder, please.” 
“You feel so good around me, you know that? All wet, all tight… Just like your dress. Fucking gorgeous.” 
He picks up the pace, putting great effort that has him sweating through his nice shirt, never fully removed, as he works her up, almost as if he hopes to leave an outline of her on the wall. Her moans pick up the pace, turning into small squeals that can barely come to an end before a new one takes over, and Jake can tell she’s closing in on a climax. So is he. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, J-Jake.”
It flies out of her, beyond her control. It’s hard to stay in character when your groin is one fire like (almost) never before, but she was the one to start the roleplay and he’s going to keep her in it. You have to finish what you started. 
“Who’s Jake?” the trust going in with his name is extra hard and earns him a loud whimper, topping all other sounds so far, as if to apologize for her mess-up. “Is he some other guy who you’ve taken home and gotten fucked by?”
“S-sorry, bad habit,” she leans in to kiss him in hopes of making him forget or at least let go. 
“Do I fuck you better than he did? Huh?”
She doesn’t say anything but keeps moaning, her pitch gradually becoming higher.
“Tell me,” he momentarily lets go of a leg, feeling her ankles hook together behind his back, to cup her cheek and force her to look right into his eyes. “Have you been fucked like this before?”
“N-no,” she stutters in-between his cocks collision with what he knows is her good spot. 
“Couldn’t hear you,” he growls, provoked, and dying to hear the statement in its entirety fall from her sinfully pink lips now that he’s gnawed off the red lipstick. Almost synchronously to his demand, he picks up the pace, heading for the last stretch, which he knows might not be the smartest when he wants her to speak. But Amy Santiago loves a good challenge. To his surprise, the always so consistent woman completely fails, moans turning into small screams as she chases her peak, and Jake can only forgive her inability to answer him right away. It doesn’t refrain him from insisting a few moments later though. 
“What did you say, baby?”
Every word is punctuated with a thrust, thrusts that go deeper than before, and Amy on her part is a wreck barely clinging onto him and the wall behind her.  
“I-I said…” melts into a groan when he, once again, strikes just the right spot. “I said that I’ve never been fucked like this before.” 
“Didn’t think so.”
Jake grins rather proudly even though, in reality, he’s competing with himself. Beads of sweat trickle down from under his wavy bangs who by now are very much soaked, plastered to his forehead like a wet (but also kinda cute, if you ask Amy) mop. In every which way possible, there’s something very special and satisfying about a chuffing, puffed-up, sweaty Jake holding her like he currently is, taking on this commanding role of Andrew, and Amy is sure: she won’t mind revisiting this act some other time. 
 “Be a good girl: suck on my fingers and get them nice and wet for me.”
His hand that was once on her cheek presents itself, and Amy doesn’t even have the time to feel embarrassed about how quickly, without any second thought, she opens her mouth for them. Obeying is part of her DNA and dutiful as Amy Santiago is she immediately welcomes his index and middle finger into her mouth, sucking on them with a great commitment that Jake undoubtedly appreciates. 
“Good girl,” he praises, their eyes’ locked in their perhaps most intense staring contest ever. Amy makes sure to take his fingers all the way in, lips reaching his knuckles, and Jake almost forgets his agenda. 
Keyword: almost. 
After slowing down the pace of his thrusts and retracting his fingers, to Amy’s great chagrin, the hand drops to between her legs, and his fingers are added to the mix, the chasing of her climax, and oh it definitely works. Amy’s whining reaches a brand new level, hitting a high note he’s never heard before, and he can feel her tense around his cock and fingers. She’s almost there, and even though Amy, in the red strappy dress, taking him so well, is a piece of art that he’d like to hang on a wall forever, he knows she needs release. And so does he. 
 “Yeah, that’s it, baby, just like that. Do you know how beautiful you are? It’s very distracting yet I can’t look away.”
High-pitched moans and whimpers are all he gets in return. His fingers slip out of her heat, now even wetter than after being sucked on, but don’t go far and redirect to give her clit the final attention. 
“If you keep making those sounds I’m not going to be able to stop myself.” He chuckles, leaning in just far enough to peck her lips, and if they hadn’t only been dating for a couple of months, the best couple of months ever , he would be pretty sure of the fact that he’s very much in love with Amy Santiago, Cassidy, Dora and every other version of his incredible girlfriend. 
“T-then don’t.”
So he doesn’t, her word is her command after all, and a couple of strokes and thrusts later, nibbling on her clavicle with just a bit more teeth than intended but too blown away to be able to control it, she lets out a cry as she comes apart around him. Limbs going limp, just barely managing to cling onto his body and avoiding a fall to the floor, Amy reaches and crashes completely, hitting a climax for the record books. Jake follows right behind, coming into her,  riding it out with her aftershock, and then the room goes silent as if nothing had happened. Only their heavy breathing is to be heard. 
“Shit,” she pants.
“The good kind?” he chuckles pulling out of her, but still carrying her. 
“The very good kind, Andrew . Maybe the best one yet.”
They share a small laugh as she pushes his sweaty hair back, admiring the admiration in his eyes that seconds ago were darker than the pitch-black night sky outside her window. How fast they can switch will never cease to amaze her. 
“Kinda sucks I let another man beat that record.”
“Well…” she leans in, offering him a consolatory kiss that he gladly accepts, before she pulls back, just an inch, to whispers against his lips. “The night is young. Andrew had his turn, now Jake Peralta can show me his worth.” 
“Holy shit- Amy Santiago, you’re going to be the death of me.”
It’s safe to say that Jake wins back the record and Amy eventually ends up washing her dress. Twice. On the warmest setting possible. 
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The Prodigal Daughter Chapter 3/?
Story Summary: As the secret daughter of Jason Gideon, you’ve always had a certain proclivity towards profiling. After finishing the Academy, you finally have your chance in the BAU- only months after your dad’s passing. Will it all be too much? Will you find yourself sharing another proclivity with your father for a certain genius with big puppy dog eyes? A/N: Thank you all for the continued responses to this story! I’m so happy I’m finally just forcing myself to write for the first time in a decade. Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! special call out to @candlesandsoftrain for being an especially awesome beta for this one- her suggestions are always amazing! Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
 Category: Fluff/mild anxiety driven angst Content Warning: So much tension, a very anxious Y/N, sexually charged moments. Later chapters will include NSFW Word Count: 3500+
Previous Chapter
Chapter 3
After a night of drinking more than you, well, probably ever had, you woke up with a horrible hangover. You rubbed your eyes and stretched, before suddenly becoming aware of another human being behind you on your bed. You searched your mind for what happened the night prior, only kind of panicking at the idea that you could have… did you?
Said person in your bed made a sound, and you chanced a look without moving too much. “I feel like I’ve been hit by an 18 wheeler.” You heard Emily moan grumpily, which made you giggle lightly. You’d forgotten that she asked for a sleepover. You were so wrapped up in everything Reid, which was absolutely all you dreamed about last night. His hands, his voice, his hair, how he smelled like books and the forest…
“Me too…” you agreed. “Reid said he was going to come and get us this morning, but I have no idea what time it is or even when he’s coming. He said he’d text you.” Emily reached over to her side of the bed blindly, almost knocking her phone off as she tried to grab it. “Are you going to need to go to your place or do you want to borrow some more of my clothes. You seem to fit my PJs pretty well.”
Emily made a noncommittal noise as she put her phone to her face. “Hey Spencer, what time do you thi- You’re five minutes away? Cool cool no of course we’re up and ready to go. No we are not still in bed shut up.” You could assume she was talking to Spencer, and you panicked again, looking down at yourself and imagining what your face and hair looked like right now. Fuck. “Y/N, what’s the apartment number so he knows what number to buzz up to?”
“Um… 364.” You responded, and when she looked at you, she gave you a questioning gaze.
“Yeah, see you in a few, thanks Spencer.” She hung up the phone and stared at you, waiting for you to explain your face.
“I look like a mess!” You shouted, making her wince. You got up and started running around, your own hangover a thing of the past in favor of trying to clean up whatever you could. Your two cats who had been asleep on your feet made some very disgruntled sounds at your dislodging them, and they ran for the hills when you started running around like a crazy person. You imagined that you looked like a hungover hurricane. “He can’t see me like this! I’m in my pjs and my hair is gross and greasy and my makeup is probably smeared all over my face and my head is pounding and I bet I smell and- ugh!” You ran into the bathroom and turned on the shower. You didn’t have long, but you could make a lot happen in five minutes if you tried. “Grab whatever you want to wear!” You screamed, leaving Emily in the dust as you hopped in the shower.
You heard her follow in after you had closed the curtain, fumbling around with your drawers, finding what she wanted apparently. Her hand reached in and handed you what you figured she’d been looking for- a makeup wipe. You took it gladly, scrubbing your face clean with it. “You know, he’s not really like that- shallow, I mean. He’s probably the least shallow person I’ve ever known. And even with smudged makeup and PJs, you’re still bangin’, he’d be blind not to notice. And trust me, he’s noticed that you’re bangin’.” Her voice filled the room.
She was rustling through your drawers again, and you could hear your makeup rattling around as she sifted through it. “I… I’m sure that’s true, Emily, but I still… he doesn’t know me yet. I… I just want to make a good impression. He’s just…” You paused, suddenly remembering that you’d literally just met this woman and you were about to pour your heart out to her. “He’s just… he’s a new coworker and it’s different with men in the workplace. I don’t mind you seeing me a certain way, but I don’t want Morgan or Hotchner or Rossi or Reid to see me anything less than professional.” You finished, knowing she saw right through you, hoping she wouldn’t comment on it.
“Yeah, sure, you want Reid to only see you in a professional light. Sure. Professional.” Emily snickered. “You absolutely don’t want him bending you over a desk in the middle of a classroom while he’s wearing tweed and ramming you until you see stars-”
“Emily!” You would have blushed if you hadn’t already been completely red from the hot water. Even though it was embarrassing that she saw right through you, you laughed. You knew she was teasing and she meant no harm. It was nice to feel so at ease with her already.
“Did you know that he’s a professor in his off hours? Like a real one. At a college. With students.” She continued, and you could almost hear the shit eating grin on her face.
“Oh my god go away!” You laughed, trying to ignore the warmth spreading low in your belly. That image was… incredibly attractive. How were you supposed to get through the rest of the day without picturing everything Emily just described?
“Oh yeah, sure, I’ll go, so you can have some alone time.” Just in time too, because the buzzer went off in your apartment. “I’ll go get it, miss Y/N, enjoy the rest of your shower time.” She sing-songed as she headed to your door. You tried to focus on finishing in the shower and not on the fact that Spencer was on his way up to your apartment right now. While you were naked in your shower, possibly thinking about him in a professor look fucking you over his desk in his classroom…
“You are my favorite person in the whole world, have I ever told you that?” You heard Emily squeal. “Y/N is in the shower, but I’m sure she’ll say the same once she sees.” You were curious, but you needed to finish getting ready.
Spencer laughed softly. The sound excited you, happy to hear it coming from inside your home. A few minutes later, you finished up and stepped out of the shower, only to realize you’d forgotten a towel. “Em? Can you grab me a towel from the closet in my room please?!” You called out to her from the opening in the door. You heard some shuffling outside the door, waiting wet and cold until a towel appeared through the slot in the door. You grabbed it and wrapped it around your body, revelling in the heat of it. “Thanks, Em, I appreciate it-” You opened the door and found a very non-Emily person standing in front of you. “S-Spencer! Oh! I-I thought you were Emily- oh my god!” You squeaked, realizing you were standing in front of him looking like a wet rat, covered in only a towel. You didn’t get a chance to see the dark look on his face as he stared at you, taking you in head to toe, because you slammed the door in his face. He made a noise of disapproval. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know- I asked Em and then it was you-”
“It’s okay, Y/N, I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable. Emily was in the middle of putting herself together something to eat and she asked me to help you.” His voice came from the other side of the door, soft, unsure, and lower than you remembered it from yesterday. “I’ll leave you alone to get ready, I’m sorry.”
After a moment of silence, he walked away, his feet shuffling on your carpet. You cursed yourself for making him uncomfortable. But the towel wrapped around you barely covered anything. He’d seen you soaking wet and you were so mortified. No one ever wanted cute boys to see them less than perfect.
You cursed yourself inwardly, moving quickly to get ready- hair, a touch of makeup- only to realize you hadn’t grabbed an outfit before running in a panic to shower. Sighing, you put your PJs pack on to make the trip back to your room, just a tank top and a little pair of shorts- you hated being too covered up at night, so you preferred minimal clothing to sleep in.
While you were bent over and moving things around in your drawers to find yourself a bra and underwear, you heard a sound from behind you- a sharp intake of breath.
“S-Sorry! Sorry I-I just wanted to l-look at your books! I didn’t- I was sure you’d be finishing in the bathroom I am so sorry!” He said, putting his hands over his eyes. You wanted to be horrified- your shorts were SO short and he had definitely just seen a lot of you… but he looked so cute, like a little kid who saw something he wasn’t supposed to.
“Spencer, it’s fine, really. I’m clothed this time, so it’s… it’s fine, I swear.” He peeked at you through his fingers, making you cover your mouth to contain the laugh that wanted to come out. His eyes fell right to your chest, which you realized was only covered by your thin white tank top- oh. You wanted to cover up pretty badly, but you also didn’t want to make him feel even more guilty. You looked around your room and tried to see if you’d left anything inappropriate out, but couldn’t find anything.
“You just… you have so many books, and Emily said you had even more in your room and I wanted to see- I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have intruded. This is such an invasion of privacy wow-” He was now looking everywhere but at you, and you kind of missed the way his gaze warmed your insides up and made you shiver. You should have been mad that he was in your room uninvited, but… you liked how he looked in here. It made you feel alive- to have this man here looking at your most private space, looking at your collection of books and belongings.
You stepped towards him, which made his gaze rise to your face, where he found a soft smile. “Spencer, it’s okay. I… would like some privacy to get ready, though? You’re welcome to take in my book collection some other time, if you want. I never get rid of a book. I’d love to know if you think I’m missing anything that I should own.” You said, playing with the end of your tank top.
Spencer smiled at you, shy and adorable. “I’d… like that.” You both stood there for another moment, your eyes avoiding his as he looked at you. The air in the room felt thick and tense, and your heart kept getting faster as he stared at you. After what felt like hours and no time at all, Spencer seemed to pull himself together and walk out of the room to give you your privacy, and you were finally able to take your first breath since you saw him. You looked at yourself in the mirror and took stock of yourself- your chest was flushed pink, your hands were curled into the bottom of your thin tank top that was leaving- very little to the imagination. You never noticed how revealing it was until now, under his scrutiny. You… didn’t mind, though. You liked how he looked at you like you were something beautiful.
Getting dressed in a daze, you finished up and took a deep breath. Time to face the music. Emily and Spencer were on the couch whispering, Spencer's brows creased together. “Hey guys. Sorry I took so long.” They broke apart, both looking at you.
Emily was the first to speak, Reid averting his eyes from you, a rosy color painting his cheeks. “Hey hot stuff. Reid got us caffeine!” She pointed to what you assumed was yours on the coffee table- an energy drink, and somehow, your favorite brand and flavor.
Your face broke out in a huge grin, and you bounced your way over to it. “Thanks so much, Spencer!” You said, opening the can and downing a few gulps. You moaned in delight. “Oh that’s good. Thank god for chemicals that make my brain think it’s awake.” Emily bumped shoulders with Spencer and made him look up at you. He smiled and shrugged, though that tension that you’d had in your bedroom seemed to come back in spades. Would it be inappropriate to jump your brand new coworker within 24 hours of meeting them in front of your other new coworker that you also just met within the last 24 hours? Because you were seriously considering it, your eyes having been staring at his lips for… well, too long at this point. You shook yourself out of it, your face turning a light pick as you caught his eye and he looked a little… damn, did he look smug? Fuck, smug looked good on him.
“What did I miss, guys?” You were desperate to ease the feeling in the room that was making your stomach twist hotly.
Emily smiled at you like she knew all your secrets and took a sip of her coffee, staring you in the eye the whole time. “You know… just talking. You about ready? You took so long in there.” She accused, blinking at you slowly and teasingly.
“Yeah, well, I forgot a towel and then clothes for the day and it just… took a few extra minutes.” She snickered like she knew there was more, but she didn’t press you. “Thanks for coming to get us, Spencer, we really appreciate it. You guys ready to go?”
You turned from them because if you spent one more second looking at that man on your couch, you were going to explode. Or implode. Chances were pretty split on that at the moment. You heard them both get up behind you, and you took the chance to take a breath as you put your shoes on and slipped your jacket on. You really needed to get yourself under control. You worked with the best profilers in the world- there was no way they couldn’t all see through you.
The ride to Quantico was mostly quiet, your head leaning on the window, only answering Emily or Spencer when they directly spoke to you. You were steeling yourself- you were in the process of pulling yourself together. You couldn’t jump your new coworkers bones. You could not continue to fawn all over him. You didn’t join the BAU to get a boyfriend. You joined the BAU to start the career of your dreams, and that was the focus you needed to let drive you. For your dad.
You arrived at Quantico and Spencer parked your car. You all got out relatively quietly, and started heading in, but he put his hand on your elbow and held you back from Emily gently so you two were just out of ear shot. “Y/N… are you okay?” He asked, eyes searching your face.
You couldn’t meet his eyes, but nodded and started walking into the building, hands playing with your bag. “Yeah, of course. Just… excited for day two. Maybe a little nervous. I’ll be okay.” You deflected, pursing your lips. He didn’t look like he believed you, but he didn’t press.
“I’m sorry if I’ve upset you, Y/N.” He started, his voice small and his eyes on the ground as he walked beside you. “I didn’t mean to intrude this morning, I just thought- I thought…” He looked at you, and you pretended not to notice. You couldn’t do this right now. You had a job to do, and you couldn’t have… feelings.
You both had stopped walking, and you turned and looked at him, giving him a sad smile. “Spencer, I’m not mad, or even upset. I just… I think I’m a little overwhelmed. Yesterday was my first day, and then everyone was so nice and then they got me drunk and you are just so-” Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath. Your hands were shaking a little, your anxiety making it hard to breathe. You felt his hand take yours, just like last night, and playing with his fingers brought you back down to Earth and made it a little easier to take air into your lungs. “I’m just trying to survive all of this new stuff. It’s all too much and I just… my anxiety can barely take it.”
The sadness in Spencer's beautiful eyes belied his smile. You hated puting that look there. “That’s more than understandable, Y/N. Based on a survey from the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, while only 9% of individuals are living with a diagnosed anxiety disorder, 40% experience ongoing stress or anxiety in their daily lives. It’s completely normal. And being a new person on a team like ours… well, I can’t imagine that helps. T-Take your time. You have friends here and we’ll help you through this transition, okay?”
You smiled, looking at him with relief. “Thank you, Spencer.” You met his eyes then, and the pull you felt from the moment you met him surged through the air, tugging you to him, desperate to close the gap between you. But you fought it, forcing yourself to pull away from him completely and drop his hand. “Come on, let’s go. Day two begins now!” You didn’t have to pretend to be excited, because you definitely were. You walked into the bullpen with Reid, only to be greeted immediately by a mildly grumpy and hungover Garcia.
“Genius boy, new girl, we have a case. Pretty butts to the round table, please.” She said, gesturing for you two to follow her. You did, and the rest of the team followed suit. An hour later, the team were all headed to the plane, you behind everyone else. You didn't know where to sit, because everyone paired off--Morgan with Rossi and Hotch to go over theories and ideas, Emily and JJ talking about the case and clearly gossiping too as they sat beside each other. Only Reid sat alone. You nervously stood there, trying to figure out what to do, when Reid looked up and smiled at you, gesturing to the spot by him.
The plane ride went by smoothly after that, you and Reid working together easily- you already had a base geographical profile to work off of by the time you landed. The team was impressed, and you were both proud of your accomplishments. The case was long and hard… the cases with kids were always the hardest for you to hear about when you were young, And this one was incredibly difficult to live through- three little girls lost, and you had only found him after he’d made a mistake and left one alive- just barely, but alive, where he dumped her. She was only 7.
The jet ride home was quiet, everyone dealing with the case in their own way. You sat in your own corner across from Reid, shaking and holding on to your go bag tightly, one hand inside it, your hand on your dad’s journal. You dug your nails into it, trying to find something to ground you. You couldn’t get the images out of your head. The images of those girls…
Suddenly, a note fell upon your lap, and when you looked up, you saw a messy scrawl on a ripped piece of paper. “Only people who are capable of loving strongly can also suffer great sorrow, but this same necessity of loving serves to counteract their grief and heals them. - Leo Tolstoy” You ran your fingers over the letters, memorizing how his letters looped, how he pressed his pen in differently with each word.
You looked up at him and gave him a small smile, sadness in your eyes. You held your hand out, gesturing for his notebook. He handed it to you along with his pen wordlessly.
“We are imperfect mortal beings, aware of that mortality even as we push it away, failed by our very complication, so wired that when we mourn our losses we also mourn, for better or for worse, ourselves. As we were. As we are no longer. As we will one day not be at all. - Joan Didion” You handed it back to him, tears in your eyes.
He scribbled back quickly. “There is no grief like the grief that does not speak. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow… The first one’s always the hardest, I’m here if you wanted to talk. I’m also here if you just want to sit in silence,” the note read.
You took a moment and thought about it, looking up at him and smiling softly before writing back. “Open your mouth only if what you are going to say is more beautiful than the silence. – Spanish Proverb” His smile in response was absolutely breathtaking, but in the best way- he understood completely. For in this moment, the comfortable silence between the two of you that was everything you needed.
The notebook appeared on your lap again, Spencer not looking at you as you looked at him in wonder. “In the flush of love's light, we dare be brave. And suddenly we see that love costs all we are and will ever be. Yet it is only love which sets us free. - Maya Angelou”
Next Chapter
@rexorangecouny​ @asomers603​ @green-intervention @averyhotchner
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Never Satisfied [Chapter 2]
Corpse Husband x Original Female Character
Warnings: Language
Collaboration between Vy & Ashens 🖤
“this chick is crazy...and I kinda dig it“
It’s been four days since the incident and he’s all but forgotten about it, removed it from his memory entirely as if girls hide from police in his car on a regular basis. 
Today is colder than usual, and his body has been quick to respond to the change, aching around the joints. Some days it’s impossible to move, feeling his clothes and sandpaper and housing spikes as joints. Thankfully, today isn’t that bad, the pain is rather manageable. Which checks out well for him, considering he has to do some cleaning around his apartment. His skin itched at the sight of the mess his living space has become over the last few weeks he hasn’t been bothered to pick up the strewn about items or wash the dishes in the sink. 
Standing in his living room, he turns in a circle, taking in the disaster that is surrounding him. His chest tightens, throat closing up due to the overwhelmingness of the work he has ahead of him while all he wants to do is hide in his room, under the blankets of his bed that is for sure not willing to offer him much comfort at the moment, seeing as how it too is a mess. 
Forget about that! He isn’t sure if his mind is telling him to forget the task he has at hand or the comfort he has in mind. Either way, he knows what the right thing to do is. It may give him anxiety, but it has to be done. 
He clenches his jaw and closes his eyes, taking deep measured breaths and exhaling slowly just like his doctor had instructed him to do, in hopes to ease the tension around his lungs. 
Calming down a bit, he finally decides to get on with it, starting with the smallest space he has to clean, hoping accomplishing a small victory would fuel his ambition to move onto the actual rooms with a lesser struggle. So, pulling on his favorite hoodie and a beanie over his black curls, he slips out of the front door and down the stairs of his apartment complex with a trash bag in hand. He may hate cleaning, but he hates messes more, therefore it’s an easy call to make. Easy when putting the two in comparison, a struggle when he actually has to get on with the process of cleaning. 
With a deep breath as a final ‘You got this’ before action, he unlocks his car doors and looks around its interior. He starts off with the junk in the front - first tending to the passenger seat where he finds a couple plastic bags and a few water bottles. He keeps the area around the driver’s seat clean as can be, so he skips that side. Unfortunately, now he has to turn to the nightmare that is the backseats. 
While it may be tame, compared to most, the three paper bags, five disposable coffee cups that he’d dropped to the floor are more than enough to annoy him. He also makes a frustrating find of a hoodie, a few shirts, a hat, and what appears to be a forgotten CVS bag of medication. Much to his dismay, there’s more: handfuls of old receipts that he is now shoving into the garbage bag he has in hand along with straw wrappers, a few stray cold fries dating back to God-knows-when. He sighs, somewhat relieved to see the backseat is doing a lot better now than it was a couple minutes ago, though it’s not even entirely clean just yet. Something catches his eye though - a choker that was probably covered by one of the clothing items he had found. He picks it up, turning it over in his hand. It’s made of soft leather with a gunmetal ”C” and a pentagram embossed on it. It has a leather braided cord on both ends to tie together and no price tag or brand to indicate its origin. He can’t remember buying this...but then again, retail therapy is a thing and it wouldn’t be the first time he forgot a purchase. He gives it one final once-over before shrugging and pocketing it. After collecting the headphones he’d also dumped in the back and retrieving a pair of boots from the trunk, he locks up his car and heads back into the building, mentally preparing himself for facing the terror of cleaning his apartment.
Returning to his place after tossing the trash in the dumpster along the way, Corpse locks the front door behind him and proceeds to drop the things he’s brought back near the front door. 
This defeats the purpose of cleaning up in the first place, Corpse. He scolds himself but that’s what it remains at - just a scold. He slips the hoodie off his torso, but pauses when the leather collar falls to the floor. Tossing the clothing item on a dining room chair behind him, he picks up the choker and, without as much as a second thought, places it around his throat just below his Adam’s apple The metal feels cool against his skin and as he ties the leather cords at the back of his neck the corners of his lips curve upwards just a little. 
I probably look stupid. He thinks to himself. Corpse tries not to look much at his own reflection, mostly because it’s a reminder of how little sleep he gets with the dark circles and worn out, exhausted eyes staring back at him whenever he looks. But when he catches a glimpse of himself in his peripheral on his way to piss, he admires his reflection, or more so the way the black leather stands out across his pale skin. He’s gotta admit, it looks pretty cool. Edgy. Very urban. Goth maybe? But he still prefers the chains he’s known to wear over chokers.
After doing his business, he starts heading toward his office with the intention of recording a new story for his channel if he manages to find a decent submission - and also to ignore the cleaning he still had to do eventually - when the sound of someone banging on the door of his neighbor’s apartment makes him jump, thinking the sound was coming from his door instead. Being the nosey bitch he is, he creeps to his door, listening to the muffled and almost completely incomprehensible voices from across the hall. The screaming match taking place is making him rather nervous and anxious and as much as he’d rather hide in his room and pretend he never heard or saw anything, he also doesn’t want the altercation to escalate into anything physical. 
“You fucking bailed on me!” An angry female shout dominates over the other voice, a male one, that’s quick to follow the previous example with the tone volume.
“You almost got caught, it's not my fault you screwed up!” It’s the male’s turn to shout, his words intriguing Corpse.
Got caught? Screwed up what?
“Fuck you! You don’t just ditch like that! That’s such a dick move!” 
Ditched? If it wasn’t for the ‘getting caught’ part I would’ve thought it was a flopped date?
“I wasn’t about to get arrested for your klepto ass! I’m done with your shit!” The male voice takes the upper hand again, and though the female attempts to speak, she’s promptly cut off by the male, “No! No, I said I’m fucking done! Get the fuck out of my apartment!” A loud bang that sounded remarkably like a chair being flipped over made Corpse jump again with his thoughts once again racing to try and make sense of the situation. 
Klepto? So she’s a thief. Great. He rolls his eyes, not that he needed a reminder that he lives in a bad neighborhood, but he sure got it. He inhales slowly, finally deciding to check the aftermath in the hallway. Again, it isn’t his business whatsoever, but he can’t rest easy until he knows there isn’t an injured person outside his door right now. He peeks out the peephole before unlocking the door and sticking his head out to see a long haired individual still standing in front of his neighbor’s door. They have their back turned to him and are getting prepared to start banging on the door once again. 
“Little scared-ass bitch! I’ll be back for my shit!” She screams, kicking the door to punctuate her point. 
This chick is absolutely nuts. Everything in his gut is telling him to turn around and go back inside but his brain’s less-rational side is convincing him to check on her. He carefully steps into the hallway, swallowing nervously as he reaches out to tap her shoulder. “Are um-...you okay?”
The girl whips around, a furious expression on her face. Corpse makes a pause, his eyes widening at the sight of that familiar face.
Holy shit, I know this girl. 
Standing in front of him is the girl who leaped into the backseat of his car only a few days ago. 
Shit! What are the odds? 
She’s wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a cropped sweatshirt with the quote “Mercury’s in Gatorade or Some Shit” written in bold letters and a solar system around it, with a leather jacket on top. 
His mouth dries when he makes a realization... 
Oh fuck. She’s way prettier in the natural light instead of that ugly light I saw her in that night. 
“Oh hey! Parking lot guy! What are y-...is that my choker?” She interrupts herself, looking closer at the black leather on his pale skin, her brows furrowing. He’d forgotten he was even wearing it to be honest, but she seems to recognize it. “That’s my fucking choker, dude! I’ve been looking everywhere for it!” She reaches up seemingly with the intention of taking it off him, causing his whole body to freeze up.
Finally finding his senses, Corpse takes half a step back, eyes slightly widened, “Woah, hey! Easy there, I’m pretty sure I bought this.” He warns, hands hesitantly held out in front of himself to try and create some distance between them. 
She seems not to take the hint at his desire for personal space as she reaches out again, stepping closer. “No, I made it with my own two hands, man! It’s got a C on it for my name - Cora.” She says sharply to the point of anger that honestly frightens him a bit. 
He quickly unties the leather straps, removing it from his neck. However, he refuses to give it back so easily as he holds it up out of her reach. 
Maybe if it isn’t on me she won’t be all up in his personal space. Yeah, it’s a bit evil, but he didn’t care. Besides, part of him is still mad about the fact she used his car as a hiding spot, shooting his anxiety through the roof in the process. 
“I feel like you owe me for those fries you stole last time we saw each other. Make it up to me and I’ll give it back. If it’s even yours, that is...” He says, brows furrowing slightly and eyes narrowing as he takes another step back. “And, you know, for nearly getting me busted by the police for something I wasn’t even a part of.” 
Sure, he was talking but her eyes are wandering analyzing him: first the silver chains around his neck that glimmer in the light and his dark hair, strands dangling carelessly as a curtain over his face. 
He too finds himself admiring her, memorizing her features better in this light. She has olive skin and sports a little bit of a tan. Stray locks of wavy dark brown hair hang around her ears having come loose from her messy bun. She has earthy brown eyes with flecks of green that he can’t help but stare at, despite their current sharpness. Her right arm is decorated with a few small tattoos: a skull of some sort of animal that appears to be puking flowers; a small cartoon t-rex floating via many colorful balloons and a brain with a spiky spiral in the center of it. She has a single line drawn around her pinky finger on the hand of the other arm and the shadowy silhouette of a forest around her wrist. However, the one thing Corpse could see better than all of that, was she is pissed. 
“Gimme my fucking choker back! I paid you for those fries, it’s not my fault you spent them on douchebag lessons!” She snaps, hopping to try and grab his arm. 
She is pressed up against him now, a wave of perfume hitting him when she attempts another jump. He holds the choker higher, maybe even subconsciously, just enjoying the warm presence of another body for as long as possible - not that he’d admit that. 
Corpse’s brief content comes crashing down as he stumbles backwards when he feels something hard on his hip and her hands grabbing at the front of his shirt. 
“Wait-“ He tries to say, but is cut off when a good amount of weight pulls at his jeans. “Oh Fuck!” He rasps out, dropping the choker as he slams onto the floor. In the split second he spared to take a breath, his pants had been yanked down to his knees and his neck was crooked up against his door. He’s now lying on the floor as the girl hovers over him having landed with her hand on top of his head and one leg over his chest while the other is pinning his arm down.
While remaining unmoving under the girl, he takes a moment to let the previous five seconds sink in before replaying them in his mind:
This small woman, Cora she said her name was, had put the boot clad toes of her left foot into the pocket of his baggy jeans to use as a stepping stool. In turn, they were shoved down, effectively pantsing him and tearing the pocket before knocking them both to the floor. 
Corpse leans against his door, jeans still around his knees, hair a mess as he watches Cora stand up from where she’d practically tackled him and equip the choker. 
“Serves you right.” She sticks her tongue out, tying the piece of jewelry behind her neck. “Now get up before someone calls the cops, we both know what happens then.” She rolls her eyes and bends down, offering her hands to help him up after he situated his trousers.
“Ah-um...I-...” anxiety started reigning in his chest and head as he realized everything that had happened. He takes both her hands and she uses all her weight to pull him up. Her pull was so strong that when he stood up, he had to hold her tight to keep her from falling back. He stabilizes her, maybe a little too hard because her chest collides with his. He apologizes under his breath, releasing her hands quickly. “Don’t people buy dinner first before yanking off their pants?” He snorts, trying to make light of the situation and crossing his arms over his chest. “But then again, you stole my dinner.” 
“Are you insinuating I should take off my pants?” She asks with a smirk. 
Corpse nearly chokes on his own inhale, eyes wide as he quickly looks away.
Oh my god is she serious? “N-no!” He says, perhaps too quickly. Too loudly. His cheeks turned dark pink as he gapes at her for a moment before furrowing his brows again. He hunches his shoulders a little, doing his best to avoid those sharp hazel eyes. 
She’s pretty. Way too pretty for him and now she has him all flustered. This girl has way too much power over the agoraphobic anxiety bundle that is Corpse. 
“Oh so you’re insinuating that I should buy you dinner since I took off your pants?” She prompts, eyes narrowing with a delighted little smirk on her face. She has to be enjoying watching him squirm in embarrassment, otherwise, why would she keep asking questions like that? Of course she does. She is like every other girl in his life.
“I’m..-just...Forget it.” He mumbles, shrinking back away from her as he turns to go back inside the safety of his apartment. 
She’s probably making fun of me. Great, as if I didn’t have enough self-esteem issues already.
Before he could get inside, a hand grabs his shirt at the small of his back. “Hey, I’m just fucking with you, dude.” She says, giving the shirt’s fabric a tug. 
He turns and looks at her with wary eyes, wondering if she was trying to goad him into falling for her taunting again. But the ice in her gaze has melted and she gives him a crooked smile. “Lemme buy you dinner to pay you back. It’s the least I can do after you helped keep my ass out of jail.” She releases his shirt after a brief moment of reluctance and then offers her hand to him for a handshake. “Oh, I should introduce myself, officially this time. I’m Cora.” 
Corpse looks at her hand and carefully takes it. She has small hands and his long fingers practically engulfed hers as he shakes it lightly. He gives her his name in return and she smiles that light filled, beaming smile he remembers from the car. 
“Nice to, um- meet you, I guess.” He finds himself staring at her, unknowingly still holding her hand in his until she looks up and grins a little wider. 
“This seems like a roundabout way to hold my hand, bro. You could have just asked,you know.” She teases, but this time it felt okay, his embarrassment having faded slightly, but he still hurries to look away and release his hold on her. 
Corpse murmurs a quick apology, but before he could stick his hand back into the ripped pocket of his jeans, she takes hold of it again, tugging him forward. “Come on, lock your door. I’ll buy you something to eat. You drive though.” She lets go of his hand after a moment and, much to his surprise, he catches himself missing the warmth that it provided him while it was there. Turning, he ducked into his apartment to grab his hoodie and keys, feeling suddenly thankful he’d cleaned his car out.
Taglist: @vixenl  @fockingwhore
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Wicked Romance
Chapter 3
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Character : Mob!Steve Rogers x Retired Assassin Female Reader
Summary : Steve was hoping to meet the right one until he met her. But is he ready to be with her? He thought his life already dark because of his job. He wouldn’t able to find a woman that strong enough to face the hardship to stand beside him. Turn out his life is nothing compared to her. 
Warning : No smuts, since I don’t know how to write it. Peace y’all. 
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Today (Y/N) drive Peter to his workplace; the business still close, but Wanda wants him to come to discuss which recipe they should use for the grand re-opening.
Usually, Peter use his bike to go to work. But (Y/N) offers to use her car since she’s also going out.
Peter notices a big back on her backseat. “Where are you going?”
“My friend needs my help.”
“Hmm.” He was silent if (Y/N) mention ‘help’ means including guns, explosions, and deadly battle.
“Who’s your friend?”
(Y/N) felt nervous, she bit her lips. “John Wick…??” She answered him with questions because she knew he doesn’t like it when dealing with underworld stuff.
The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.
She felt nervous because he became quiet. “Are you mad? Don’t worry Bambi, I’ll be back before you know it.”
She glanced a bit to see his reaction wondering if he’s mad. Well, she’s right cause Peter’s head is looking out his window and he already put on his earphones. (Y/N) sighed inwardly, she couldn't help it when her former comrade asked for her help.
Their ride was silent until her car stopped at Peter's destination. From her view, she could see the restaurant almost done with the renovation. The worker put in new furniture and chandeliers.
“Have a good day Peter.” (Y/N) rests her on the steering wheels; she smiles sweetly at Peter, but he still give her a cold shoulder.
She doesn’t like it when he ignores her, so when he gets out of the car and closes the door, (Y/N) open the car window and screams, "Bye, I love you!!!"
Honestly, he didn’t play any song to his ears; he only put it on just for show because it’s too early to argue with (Y/N). How shocked he was when he heard her sudden shout. 
Peter was embarrassed because there are many people in front of the store and pedestrians right now. All eyes and giggle are directed to him; he pulled down the hoodie to hide his face.
(Y/N) giggled like a maniac, she shouted again, “Peter, I won’t go until you say it back!!”
Peter huffed before turning around and ran to the car again. “Love you too, don’t get killed and don’t ruin your new carpet with blood this time.” After he said that, he ran into the building. He wishes he could dig a hole and hide right now.
(Y/N) feels satisfied after knowing he’s talking to her again. She drove the car, heading to her battleground.
When Peter stepped inside, he saw his colleague chuckled when they looked at him. He tries to act cool and walks towards Wanda table.
Peter felt a big shadow covering him; it made him stop walking. He glanced through his shoulder and saw his boss, Sam, Steve, and Bucky, looking at him with a weird smile.
“Ehm, can I help you sir?” Peter's shoulder became tense; he has never been this close with them.
Bucky put his arms around Peter’s shoulder. “Have you had breakfast Peter?”
“Yea… Waiitt….” Before Peter could finish his answer, Bucky carried his body like a potato sack.
Peter doesn’t understand why he got treated like this. They enter the private room that is only reserved for the elite patron.
Bucky drops Peter to the seat while Sam offers the kid an apple juice. Steve is standing in front of him.
“That was a nice car Peter.”
A light bulb appears in front of Peter; he could figure out what they will ask him about (Y/N).
Peter is right; three of them are curious even before they heard a woman shout towards Peter.
Because of the car.
Today (Y/N) drove using her car of the day, which is a Lamborghini Aventador.
Even the sound of the car engine made everyone turn their head to see it—no exception for Steve, Bucky, and Sam.
Before Peter arrived.
Steve, Bucky and Sam, are already at the restaurant to supervise the working progress. They were heading out after making sure everything was fine until they heard a loud engine sound.
How surprised they were when they saw Peter step out from the car. Steve could see it was a woman who drove the car.
“Hmm, Peter usually drove a bike here.” Said Pietro, who joined them.
“He acts like a poor kid turned out he’s rich.”
They are still looking outside, trying to see who the driver is. Lucky for them the car window rolled down.
Steve almost popped out his eyes when he saw the woman he was longing to meet is the car owner.
“Hmm is that Miss Lilly?” Pietro recognised his favourite customer. His hunch was correct all this time; Peter and she knew each other.
“Bye, I love you!!!”
The adult male gasped when they heard her shout towards Peter.
“Oh my god, Peter is a sugar baby and Miss Lily is his sugar mama.” Pietro gasped.
Steve knocked the bartender's head lightly. “Go help your sister.” Pietro rolled his eyes and left to help Wanda.
Bucky looked at Steve, who had a jealous expression on his face. “Ask the kid.” He knew his friend had been looking for the mysterious girl for weeks, but they found nothing. It turns out the one who gives them the information is here.
“Thank you, it belongs to my sister.”
How relieved Steve was when the word ‘sister’ came out of Peter's mouth.
"You never mention you have older siblings. "
"Step sibling actually."
"So her name is Lily Parker?" Bucky opened his notebook and put her name in the database. He thought they could find something, but they didn't.
Peter raised his eyebrow.
"Come on Peter, you know what we do. Our boss here is interested in your older sister."
“We didn’t share a last name. Her name is Lily Belcher.”
Bucky immediately types the last name. He smiled after they finally found what they’re looking “Steve, come and take a look at this.”
Steve looks at the screen; he could see her occupation as Special Project Analyst, skills in archery, karate, and Muay Thai.
“In which industries she’s working?” Steve asked Peter.
Steve can’t be fooled; this is must be fake info of her. There’s no way an analyst hide a dagger under her dress. There’s a lot of question in his head right now, but he needs to wait until everything is ready.
Peter and others are having lunch together until Vision turn up the TV volume. Usually, they let it on without any voice. But today, breaking news is different because they could see a camera moving and show Brock and his lackey are asleep on the plane runway.
“Today in the middle of the city, there’s a guy riding a horse and shooting a certain group and some witnesses said a female helping him. Then a private jet that belongs to Mr Rumlow got stolen by them. The culprit put the passenger to sleep as you can see.”
The big bosses are laughing out loud in the office; they could hear it from outside.
“Hahaha, who is this guy? Who ever did this to Brock, I owe him a drink.” Bucky has the loudest laugh. 
While they were laughing, Peter almost choked to death. He was drinking water when he heard the news—only one brave enough to steal in daylight.
Inside the stolen private jet, a woman treats a wounded male with blood everywhere on his body.
“Does it really necessary to steal from him? There’s a lot of empy jet that we could use.” John Wick is lying on the small couch while closing his eyes because (Y/N) stitching his open injury.
(Y/N) answer while trying to finish her job. “That guys annoyed me, because of him my tea time got ruined.”
John chuckled, hearing her childish reason. “Remind me not to get on your bad side (Y/N).”
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Another day, 
Another challenge.
Finally, Steve business re-opened again. He and his friends are welcoming their guest together. But secretly, he’s nervous, thinking if she will come or not. He kept dreaming about her.
“Punk, your girl is here.” Bucky alerts his friend.
Steve turns his head to the entrance. He became dumbfounded at one moment when he saw her step into the building. She was beautiful, and when not smiling, she looked more dazzling, her presence hypnotising her spectators.
“Great party Rogers.” (Y/N) compliment the host party while handed him liquor as a gift.
Steve was surprised when she gave him a gift. “You don’t have too.” He prepared to decline in the polite matter, but Pietro grabs the bottle.
“The Dalmore 62??!!” He almost screamed when he saw the label. Because of his job, he knew a lot of expensive liquor. The one he’s holding is costly. Even with his salary, there’s no way he could buy this drink.
“Thank you Miss Lily.” Pietro looks at Steve with a big smile. “I’ll put this into your collection boss.”
Steve rolled his eyes to his childish bartender, he felt annoyed, but he became less tense when he heard her giggle. He ordered a drink from Pietro assistant for both of them.
The beautiful couple talks like it’s only them who inside the room.
"Lily Belcher is not your real name right?" Steve twirl the whiskey glass in his hand.
"Maybe, why do you think that?"
"Can I know your real name?"
"What are you gonna do about it?"
Steve smirked; he lowered his head to get closer to her ear and whispered something that made her giggle.
"That sounds fun."
"How about a bet? If you win I will tell you my real name."
"But if you win?"
"I'll get free food everytime I come here."
Steve chuckled, then he let out a big laugh. He never thought a girl like her would ask this from him. Somewhat refreshing actually; well, he won't mind if he lost because he could see her every time she came here.
Steve hug her waist intimately. "What exactly is the challenge?"
"How many spies we could find in your party."
Steve looked at her face with a big question mark.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and act playfully in front of him. "Ah, come on Steve I know this grand party also a silent announcement that this place is neutral. Like where the law enforcement and mobsters could enjoy their drink and food together."
Steve was impressed with her judgment.
"My guts tell me you already figure who it is."
She tapped her lips"Yeah, not the police cause they don't want to deal with mobster. My guess is…" She whispers to him, "C.I.A."
Steve gripped his wine glass; he felt annoyed he got an uninvited guest tonight.
"They won't target you tonight. I assure that."
"I fell safe already cause an angel like you guarding me." Steve responded.
(Y/N) laugh bitterly that's what man calls her like love, baby, and another sweet nickname, but after they break up, she gets called bitch, or satan.
"Who could figure who the spies the most won."
(Y/n) is walking away from Steve, but he holds her waist. "Let's do it together." Since he doesn't want to let her wander around, other males will try to flirt with her. Nope, not on his watch.
“I forgot to tell you, there’s a time limit.” (Y/N) move away from his embrace; she taps her watch. “We have 30 minutes. Time is ticking Rogers.”
Steve’s hand felt empty when she stepped away, but he more determined to finish their bet. "Okay."
Bucky, Sam, are looking at Steve, who acts like a lovesick puppy. They could tolerate Steve for leaving them to attend to their guest. Since the main reason for today party is to impress her. It seems like the plan is a success. Steve and she are inseparable.
Sarah and Joseph Rogers enter the party together. Usually, Steve would welcome them immediately, but they didn’t see a glimpse of their son.
Sarah approach her son best friend to ask, “Where’s Steve?”
Bucky smiled at her. “He’s with a special guest tonight.”
Joseph smirked since he understands what Bucky just said: “I would like to meet her.”
(Y/N) use her skill to seduce the spies; most of them were unprepared for a beautiful lady like her to approach them. They are here to get information. Her method was quiet; she put sleeping pills into their drinks. One by one, the spies excuse themselves to the bathroom to wash their face. That’s where (Y/N) knocked them down.
While Steve uses his status as the host party. He is a proper host; he gave a warm welcome to the spies. The spies knew they are done. They want to refute, but they are already in the wrong since they fake the invitation. Steve is considerate and doesn’t want to make a scene asking them to go back to their car.
When Steve walks behind the spies, he sees her already standing leaning to the car.
“20 minutes, not bad. How many that you found?”
“Three.” Her finger pointed to the three male who fell asleep.
Steve smirked. “Four.”
“No way.”
“Look like I won.”
(Y/N) clicked her tongue. “How?”
“I have the upper hand from the beginning since I’m the owner. I knew who the guests were and the people who work under me.”
“Ah, I haven’t checked the kitchen. My dress-code won’t allow me to enter.”
Steve nodded. “There’s one waiter who I've never seen before, he works alongside Pietro, your favourite bartender.”
The spies felt like a light bulb for the couple; they excuse themselves quietly by dragging their team, who fell asleep, back into their car and drive away. They bet the couple doesn’t notice nor seem to care about their presence. It’s uncomfortable watching the mob boss flirting.
They were right; the couple doesn’t care at all. They went back to the building where Steve takes her to the terrace; he already arranged it to be beautiful; he requests to make the light illuminate the flower perfectly.
“So my mysterious guest would you tell me your name?”
Under the light, Steve saw her beautiful smile “(Y/N) Parker. I’m pretty sure you already know about me and Peter.”
Steve nodded. “He’s lucky to have a beautiful sister like you and your name sounds perfect to my ear.”
He put his arm around her waist and leaned his head near her ear. She could feel his breath kinda tickle her neck. “(Y/N), what kind of reward will you give me since I successfully redecorated this place and won the bet today?”
She always likes a straightforward person like Steve. She doesn’t mind his aggressive touch. This time it (Y/N) turns to whisper in his ear. What she said almost made Steve’s leg become jelly. If he didn’t maintain his self-esteem, he would lose at this moment.
“Oh, I’m sorry I thought this place is empty.” A guest interrupted. 
Steve sighed; another one tries to disturb their private moment. He asked her if she wants to come to his house, to which she immediately agreed.
“Not saying goodbye to your brother?”
(Y/N) doesn’t worried about Peter since she taught him lethal self-defence. There’s a lot of sharp weapons if someone tries to hurt him. “He’s fine.”
Both of them get into the car; Steve drives back to his place.
When they headed to their destination, they got attacked again. (Y/N) and Steve’s make-out session got disturbed.
Both of them knew it’s a bullet that hit Steve’s car. He already prepared for this kind of attack, all of his car already modified with bulletproof.
Guess who? Brock, he’s made a fuss since he didn’t get the invitation.
Steve felt guilty looking at his date, but his worries are all gone when he saw her look excited.
“Keep driving.”
(Y/N) hand move to touch Steve blazer that made him shocked because of her hand touching his abs.
“(Y/N) now is not the time.” Steve hold his breath.
(Y/N) she laughed because Steve seemed misunderstood; she didn’t say anything that made him more frustrated. If the situation is different, he wouldn’t mind.
Her finger found Steve’s gun that attached to his belt. “I’m going to borrow this for a moment.”
“That’s dangerous, let’s stop here.”
Before he stops the car, (Y/N) opens the window; her body still stays on the seat; she puts out her right that holds the gun. She saw her target through the car window.
“Drive to the left a little bit Steve.”
Steve does as she told. It gave her a clear shot at Brock's car.
Steve gasped, his head kept turning back, looking at the scene; with just one shot Brock’s car tire got shot that made them lose control and hit the concrete barrier.
He finally able to stop his car. “That was a big crash.”
(Y/N) felt proud with just one bullet, she able to ruin the car chase. “If they die, that’s on them.”
“You’re amazing.” Steve grabbed her cheeks and brought her head closer to him so he could kiss her. It’s been a long time since he gets excited like this.
‘I never met a woman like you.’ 
They only been together for hours but Steve already felt the connection. And tonight even though there’s a lot of distraction, he could be himself when she stay beside him. 
He hope she would be the last one. 
So they drive back to his place and do the deeds. 
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While the couple is enjoying their intimate moment, the atmosphere quite different in C.I.A HQ.
‘THUD’ The sound of a pile of document being smashed to the table made the people who stand fidget a bit. They put their head down since they too scared looking at their boss.
“DAMN IT!!!”
“It was perfect, but all of you failed the mission. How?”
The person who just punched the table and screamed at her subordinate is Peggy Carter, also Steve ex-girlfriend. They were together in the military, but they broke up after Steve decided to work with his father.
She is pissed that her plan to get her people to be the informant for the mob, using the party tonight, has failed.
C.I.A has trying to get dirt from Steve group; they even use Peggy to fool Steve since they had a history together. Peggy uses this mission to make Steve quit being a mobster boss, but it’s such a difficult task to change his mind. Her mission was failed when Natasha found out.
Peggy knew she’s finished when Natasha confronted her.
Her betrayal hurt Steve, and he banned her from stepping into his territory.
“Who found you?”
“The big boss.”
“Argh, that even worse.”
“And there’s one more that is helping him. She’s the one who put the other three to sleep.”
“She?” Peggy raised her eyebrows.
“Yeah and a pretty one. This is the first time we've seen her with Rogers.”
“Have you found out who it is?”
“We use facial recognition, her name is Lilly Belcher.” One of the agents gives her a document.
She read the file “She looks innocent to be with Steve.”
‘and beautiful’
Peggy clenched her fist when she looked at the photo. The break-up left bitterness in her heart. From the story, she heard from her agents, seems like this woman is strong and doesn't mind playing along with Steve. The totally opposite of their relationship.
'Perhaps he found his right partner.'
Peggy doesn't like that idea “I won’t let you have a happy ending Steve.”
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A/N: uUHH... Steve has a bitter ex. 
Please tell me if you want to be tagged for the next chapter:
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a-non-ymouswriter · 3 years
Five Times Then One
Rewind Crossover Shot with Living In Circular
Living In Circular is an awesome DSMP looping fanfic that recently did a crossover with Rewind :D Yes I gave the author permission to use Rewind in their story and yes it is completely awesome. 
In honor of that awesome chapter, of course I had to write a shot for it involving Red (Aka, Looper Tommy) and Theo :)
It’s kind of a long one folks! 
TW: Language, Self-Loathing, Angst, Etc. Etc. 
it’s mostly hilarious, but the ending is very emotional.
Five Times Theo was Dragged Into Therapy + One Time He Wasn’t
First Time
You know, there was a lot of things that Theo hated now that he and Toby were in the present. His hate for those things varied and changed as time went by, but his latest subject to vehemently hate was himself.
And he wasn’t just being edgy, or anything like that but he really, definitely hated his alternate self.
His newest alternate self.
The damned Looper alternate self, or whatever they were. The ones who suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and just interfered with everything.
Which was kind of ironic given Theo and Toby had done just that months ago when they first arrived. But at least they weren’t as fucking chaotic as the new group- and it’d just been him and Toby that came, then Ghostbur who was there because of time-fuckery but at least it was just the three of them!
Now there was a whole group of displaced time traveling (looping) assholes that were really getting on Theo’s nerve. It’s easier to get on his nerves now that his mind was so... quiet. 
But Red? Aka his dickhead alternate looper self? Oh, he was the worst of them all. 
“The fuck do you want now? What? Not enough that you gave me one hell of a black eye and locked me up with Toby to talk about feelings and all that crap? We’ve... done that already. Thank you.” There was little gratitude in his tone, more tired vitriol and annoyance. Theo makes a face at the memories of being locked in a room with Toby the room was too small the room was too small fuck fuck to talk (actually talk this time) about everything because their initial ‘talk’ was interrupted. 
It ended with less bruises than the last but Toby had an insufferable smile on his face now. 
Red had his arms crossed and he gave Theo a look, “Puf-White offered therapy, she’s pretty good at it y’know. Thousands of years of experience and all that.” 
Theo narrowed his eyes, “I’ve heard.” He replied dryly, “But no thanks. I’m good. She’s not gonna force me to take her offer.”
“Oh yeah, she won’t.” The smile on Red’s face was practically malicious and Theo immediately turned around and started running.
“But I will.”
Second Time
“I stand corrected last time, I absolutely fucking despise you.” Theo hissed at the physically teenage boy but mentally ancient mother fucker that had him hogtied and was currently carrying him in a princess-carry. Purposefully trying to humiliate him every step of the way. 
It’s not the carry that he’s hating, he could’ve been fine with that. It’s the fact that he’s covered in pink. Hot glittery pink. He was covered in hot pink glitter that would take ages to wash off. If ever, the little bastard might make him be glitter pink forever. 
Red snickered, “Oh calm your tits man, it’s not gonna stay forever- sure it’ll stain for a while and you’ll find glitter everywhere for a while but not forever... Wilbur and the others forbade me to make it last forever. Shame but this is all your fault y’know, you could’ve just gone to Puffy’s next session on time but nope, you tried to skip out.” He gives him an infuriating smirk, “Can’t have that now can we?”
Theo really hated him. He did. 
Third Time
“H-How exactly is he doing that?” Someone among the group asked, watching Red tug on... nothing but thin air. He was clearly just miming on pulling on something, a rope which was presumably tied around Theo who was struggling against it- but there was no rope. A few people checked, nothing there.
Silver, Looper Tubbo, chuckled, “He’s had an interesting variety of loops- this isn’t his strangest ability in his arsenal. He did say he was getting rusty on his miming tricks.” Red let out a silent cackle as he hauled a very loudly swearing Theo on a horse that didn’t exist and rode off towards White (Looper Puffy)’s Therapy Office.
“I’m frankly quite terrified but ultimately glad it’s not me in his place.” Toby admitted, watching him go- his own session wasn’t set for today, and unlike Theo, he actually went on his own so he was safe. 
Fourth Time
“I hate you, I fucking hate you so damn much.”
Red patted Theo’s cheek, “The feeling’s mutual bub. Feeling’s mutual.”
Fifth Time
“Tommy, I’m not really sure if you should keep forcing him in here.” Puffy admitted to him after the session. Theo had immediately left without another word. “Just because I said I wouldn’t force him to take my offer doesn’t really mean you should.”
Tommy rose a brow at her, “I thought you said you were making progress with him.”
The sheep hybrid sighed, “Minimal progress. He’s actually talked-”
“Then I don’t see the problem-”
“Let me finish Tommy. He HAS started talking, but not much. He asked for water or for maybe one of Niki’s cookies (which not really surprising, my wife’s cookies are amazing) but other than that? Nothing.”
The blond looper scowled, “So what, you want me to stop? To just let the guy continue to be a traumatized bastard? Just leave him be?”
“Not really- look, all I’m saying is that Theo is already... distant, to say the least, with us all. Forcing someone into therapy can both be helpful and not, sure he does need therapy and we’re trying that. I’m trying that, but you constantly forcing him isn’t helping him. And I don’t think your methods to get him here are helping that too.” Puffy pointed out dryly, remembering the angry silence as Theo wrung out his red hoodie, completely soaked from head to toe.
She laid a hand on Tommy’s shoulder, “I know that you’re trying to help but you’re also angry with him Tommy. Which isn’t helping him, nor you.” She sighed, and gave him a pleading look. “At least stop humiliating him on the way here? He might get more comfortable around me if he isn’t so preoccupied by whatever you did and stewing in silence because of it.” 
Tommy didn’t look too pleased but begrudgingly nodded his head.
Not This Time
It feels like his head was going to explode.
Overloaded with thoughts that should’ve been held back the static kept him in check his head swirling with every thought being merciless to his focus and keeping distracted to the point of helplessness the static kept him focused his head was empty and yet so full.
Ever since that looping Callahan subdued the static and kept his enchantment from hurting him too much, his head...
Has never been calmer.
Paradoxically, it’s never been more chaotic.
Every thought he’s ever thought, everything he’s kept buried with the static floats into the front of his brain and he has no idea how to deal with it. 
Years worth of guilty thoughts, regrets and more keep appearing in his head. Not only that but everything seems so much louder than before. But muted too. 
It’s a confusing contradiction that has him reeling and he doesn’t know how much more he can take it. Every time he goes out, he feels like he’s being assaulted by just existing even though he’s doing nothing wrong he did everything wrong he fucked up so badly he deserves this punishment just standing there and his head threatens to crack open.
He can usually ignore it, carry on with his day what does he do now he was being useless what is wrong with him but lately it’s been getting harder and harder to ignore it all.
The static isn’t there to keep him grounded, he feels like he’ll end up flying off the ground. It isn’t there to keep him afloat, he’s going to end up sinking into the deep.
He should have said no, when Callahan subdued the static he needed it e-even if Dream said so he NEEDED it it’s so muted in his head and he has no idea what to do with the free space.
Theo has to let go of the static.
But he doesn’t want to.
Even with it muted, the absence and the less intense reaction of the static is throwing him off. 
He feels more tired than ever and on the verge of collapse.
Theo just wants everything to stop.
“You’re late to Puffy’s therapy session.”
Theo clutched his thighs, pressing them closer to his chest as he curled up even tighter against the tree trunk. He didn’t say anything to the blond god that stood not too far from him. 
He felt ridiculous. Here he was, curled up, hugging his fucking legs like a fucking child- as if it’d do anything to stop the more powerful better version of himself. Hell, he might as well be a child. He probably was compared to Red.
It’s almost funny.
Despite looking like an adult, Theo was a child, still a scared teenage fucking boy exiled from home. While before him stood an ancient old man, looking like a familiar teenage boy that Theo can only see in L’Manberg now. Two of them actually, but only one of them was Tommy Innit, a smiling teenager his own age.
Theo’s too tired to resist much this time.
The air was too much, or maybe it wasn’t enough because his lungs ached in his chest and it hurt to breathe. There was something in his eyes because they were wet and irritated. He was cold, even with his hoodie on, he was cold because he was shaking.
Everything was too loud. The wind, the cows, the rustling plants.
Everything was too quiet. The static, his voice, his own hearing.
He felt like he was going insane.
Theo doesn’t dare move from his spot, even as he hears the incoming footsteps. Dread and anticipation pool in his guts- there’s not enough room. He might heave and puke when he gets to Puf- to White’s office. He’ll clean it up maybe. 
Just what will happen now?
Theo doesn’t look up to see what’s going on, hearing and feeling someone sit a few spaces beside him on the ground. Red is suspiciously silent and it’s not helping the nausea that’s building in his throat. 
One minute passes.
Fourty-five minutes.
“I just...” His tongue is heavy and bloated, soft but raspy and he’s struggling to speak, “want everything to stop.” 
“...” Red doesn’t reply. 
“I’m so tired.”
“It’s not going to stop.” Red replies softly, for once, the hatred is not there as he sees the child underneath the mask. “And you’re always going to feel tired- but it’ll get better.”
“It does?” The child asks the old man.
The old man does not smile, “I swear, it does. It just takes time and effort.” He promises the young boy.
Theo is not fragile. Tommy isn’t. 
But everyone has their moments.
They stay there for the whole day.
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lesbianlotties · 3 years
Comfort Food - Dani/Grace - Terminator: Dark Fate
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Terminator (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Grace Harper/Dani Ramos Characters: Dani Ramos, Grace Harper, Sarah Connor, Carl (Terminator) Additional Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Post-Canon, Missing Scene, McDonald's, Fast Food, Comfort Food, Fluff, basically grace survives and they stop by mcdonalds after they escape Words: 2870
The Rev-9 is destroyed. The four of them are barely alive after the fight. The first thing they need is to find a safe place to go.
That's when they step into McDonald's.
Sarah didn’t have time to say it, and she couldn’t exactly remember where she heard it first, but there was something oddly comforting about McDonald’s. That’s not to say she loved the place. A most likely despicable company, sure. But it was just so goddamned… big. It was available in most of the globe, and in every stupid country Sarah found herself in she could turn a corner and there it was, like a fucking mirage. The ridiculous “M”, the lights, the colors, the food, and the bathroom too. They were all mostly the same everywhere. The most childish spot for feeling like stepping into a sort of time loop. Somehow the most appropriate place to stop by after destroying the Rev-9.
The four of them were in various degrees of falling apart, some of them quite literally. “Wait here,” Sarah instructed Carl, not any more gently even after everything. He diligently hung back at the door, missing arm and all, while the three women entered the fast-food restaurant. “You two, sit,” Sarah pointed at one of the tables and confidently walked to the register. Dani and Grace hesitated at the door, but eventually gave in and followed the instructions.
Their little group probably looked beyond suspicious and out of place. They walked a long way until they found this place, and they were still covered in blood, dirt, and ashes. At least Dani’s long hair was the only thing still dripping water. Surprisingly, the employees of McDonald’s barely bat an eyelash at the new clients. It fascinated and worried Grace to think they weren’t the strangest thing these people had seen walk into the establishment in the middle of the night. Thankfully, there weren’t any other patrons.
“Are you alright?” Dani asked, as soon as the two were comfortably seated in one of the booths.
“Hm. Yeah, I think so,” Grace mumbled. She lowered her head, realizing Dani had noticed the way she had ungracefully fallen onto her seat, wincing and bleeding. “What about you?”
“Well, I’m alive.”
Dani’s answer came in a whisper. Her voice was trembling just slightly. This still wasn’t the time and place to think about the events that lead her here. However, this place, the bright lights above her, the clean floors, the smell of food, it was enough of a taste at normalcy to make her feel like she could take a break, like chaos was solved and she had made it out alive, for now. Which was enough, surprisingly. The best part? Seeing the moment that the words she just spoke fully registered in Grace’s mind as well. 
Dani had survived. The Rev-9 didn’t make it through the second explosion they had pushed it into. It was definitely gone. More and possibly worse problems could be waiting for them. But, for now, all that mattered was this, Dani’s little smile from the other side of the table. Dani was alive and Grace had completed her mission, “You know,” Grace started to speak, “I didn’t think…”
“Dig in,” Sarah interrupted them, dropping two trays of food on the table and sitting down beside Dani.
The following seconds were a quick flash of very different approaches to their meals from the three women. Sarah didn’t waste a second to get started on her burger. They needed food to stay alive, they had a chance to eat a warm meal, no time to waste. Dani, on the other hand, took a deep breath then turned her head away from the food. How could they eat after everything that just happened? Her stomach churned just thinking of all the violence she’d had to stomach since the previous days. Then there was Grace. For a second, she frowned at the food. Offended about the interruption, about the way it seemed to upset Dani, and… and then there was the smell of the fries. She took a handful of them, slowly chewed them, and then there was no turning back. She got started on her meal as if her life- as if Dani’s life depended on her eating that burger.
“Let’s get to the point,” Sarah announced after a few bites and a long sip of her drink. “Grace. The terminator was a hundred percent dead, correct?” Her question was met with silence and thumbs up, considering the augment soldier was halfway done with her burger. “And you? Will you live?” She ignored the look Dani her sent her way. Sarah was used to being blunt in worse scenarios, she wasn’t about to change things now. If anything, change within her was barely noticeable. But there was just something uncharacteristically earnest in her tone as she made her question. She cared about the answer, more than she was ready to admit.
They had to wait until Grace was done chewing, but finally, she got her appetite to slow down for a moment enough to give an answer. “There was a lot of damage,” she said, quickly scanning through the systems in her body, a series of unsatisfactory percentages showing up in her vision, but nothing too alarming. “Nothing I can’t fix,” Grace stated with finally, diving right back into her food. This would hold her up for a short while, but she would need to raid a pharmacy soon.
“Good,” Sarah nodded. After a few more moments of eating in silence, she turned toward Dani. “What about you? How, uh, how’re you holding up?”
Dani, almost without noticing, had started to slowly go through her set of fries. Eating them slowly, enjoying the warmth and the distraction. However, instead of answering, she ended up blurting out the first thing on her mind. “How are you so calm right now?”
“It isn’t my first rodeo. Hell, it isn’t even the second time I go through this shit,” Sarah replied, finishing her meal. “No time to dwell on it. We have to move to safety. Plus, we got that monster as a bodyguard waiting outside.” She nodded her head to the window, where they could glance at Carl, calmly waiting outside for them. Dani almost made a comment about Sarah forgetting her promise to destroy him if they managed to survive, but she decided against it. “I’m going to the bathroom,” Sarah continued, “you two finish up, get cleaned up. I’ll get us a phone and a vehicle. Then we need a pharmacy and a safe house. Don’t take too long.”
A moment later, she was done. Up and moving again. Dani was thinking about how much she would have to learn from Sarah, how much she would like to learn from her. Grace was thinking… “Dani,” she whispered, “Do you think I could get another one of these?”
“You can have mine,” Dani chuckled. She pushed the burger toward Grace. After taking notice of Grace’s frown and already knowing that was a sign for an upcoming speech about her protection and importance, she added, “Please, Grace. I can’t stomach it right now.”
Grace was reassured by the fact that Dani at least was steadily eating her fries. Encouraged by her deep hunger, she accepted the burger. “Thank you,” she smiled. After taking the first bite she made a sound of appreciation. If her attention wasn’t all taken by Dani and her meal, she would have attempted to think about how profundly human she felt. It was a comfort to eat this incredibly ordinary food and pretend everything was perfectly normal about her, her life, and the world around her.
“What were you going to say,” Dani asked her without preamble, “before the food arrived?”
“It doesn’t matter,” Grace shook her head softly.
It wasn’t convincing in the slightest. Even less so to Dani, whose stubbornness could easily match Sarah’s and Grace’s. But then again, there was something mesmerizing, comforting, but also so simple and easy about watching Grace have the time of her life eating ridiculous McDonald’s food. It rendered Dani speechless. It got her thinking a little. About the way Grace had gone through so many years without these simple pleasures. About the way Grace’s body worked differently, but the bigger part of her was always so endearingly human. About Grace in general, fascinating even under the worst conditions. Done with what little food she could tolerate and soothed by the space and the company around her, Dani allowed herself to close her eyes for just one moment…
“Dani… Dani?”
Grace’s voice eased her out of that unlikely sleep she had fallen into. The soldier sounded concerned enough to still sound like Grace. But it was undeniable the hint of amusement and fondness in her tone. Was she used to waking up her Commander from accidental naps like that? Was that a spark of jealousy that Dani was feeling for her own self of the future?
“Sorry,” she attempted an awkward laugh. “Let’s stop by the bathroom. We don’t want Sarah causing a scene because we’re taking too long.”
“Take your time,” Grace said. Her words were soft, her frown was unforgiving. The fondness between her and Sarah was reciprocated, but still complicated. Grace wouldn’t hesitate to stand her ground against anyone that tried to disturb Dani’s brief moments of peace.
The bathroom was another unlikely little piece of heaven. It was clean, empty, functional, quiet. Most importantly, it looked like Sarah had acquired a first aid kit from the employees and left it behind for the two of them. What followed was a slow and steady process of dealing with the most pressing issues both of them had. First, a visit to the toilet, sure. Then, washing faces, hands, and arms. Grace wet her hair, and was almost completely unaware of Dani's appreciative stares at the whole process. They didn’t have a lot to work with, and there were a lot of bandages and healing in their near future. But, at the very least, they had a small bottle of alcohol, and they did what they could with it.
Cut clean and bodies slightly refreshed, Dani had time to openly stare at Grace. “You’re incredible,” she sighed. She hadn’t meant to just blurt it out, but at the same time she couldn’t figure out a reason not to. Grace turned to look at her with genuine wonder in her eyes. “It already looks better,” Dani added, pointing at the wound on Grace’s neck. Back at the dam, it had looked beyond deadly. It would have been, to anyone who wasn’t an augmented soldier, apparently. Now the wound appeared to be closed, at least. Though there was still a long road of healing ahead.
“See? I still got it,” Grace replied. Technically, the smile she wore at that moment was small. But it was so… new, to Dani, that she found it to be the brightest most beautiful thing in the world. For a moment she felt like the luckiest person on Earth knowing that now she would have time to really get to know Grace, her sense of humor, her personality beyond being a soldier, all of her. She didn’t even have time to think about all the upcoming smiles from Grace that would soon come to lovingly blind her. For an instant, Dani opened her mouth to reply, but then she closed it and turned away to stare at the mirror again. “What?” Grace gently prompted her.
Dani took a deep breath, and started washing her hands again, quite unnecessarily too, but it was better than staring at the other woman as she said, “It’s just that… not running for our lives? Looks good on you.”
Grace stayed silent. She took her time processing the information. The look on her face was complicated. A small arch in her eyebrows showed she was at least a little impressed by the compliment. Then there was that absolutely gorgeous pair of expressive blue eyes. They were delighted, caught off guard, for sure, and very appreciative for Dani’s matching ease, the first time she saw her relaxed and awake since they met. But there was an unmistakable hint of grief, nostalgia for something impossible to recover, even if what was in front of her was just as good.
Dani took the opportunity to ask something that she hasn’t been able to shake off her mind. “What were you going to say,” she slowly asked Grace a second time, “before the food arrived?”
The expression on Grace’s face instantly dimmed, but she didn’t look too bothered about it either. “I just didn’t think I would survive this far,” she gave a small shrug, “that’s all.”
That’s all, she said. As if that wasn’t a pretty significant thing, Dani thought. “I can’t imagine,” Dani frowned and spoke in whispers, while Grace tilted her head and listened intently. “I can’t imagine… ever, you know, being the person that gives the order to send you, Grace, in a suicide mission.”
“It’s not like that,” Grace shook her head softly. She was leaning against the sink, staring at Dani with all the devotion she couldn’t seem to shake off her eyes whenever they locked eyes. “I volunteered,” Grace said, “I, you and I, we both knew I’d be the best one to protect you.”
“Why is that?” Dani asked, considerably more breathless than she meant to. Then she took a hesitant step forward, and nearly started shaking when Grace mimicked her move.
“Can’t you tell?”
In the back of her mind, Dani was thinking about how she could probably spend the rest of her life analyzing that question, and the way Grace said those three words. She was genuinely asking, she was hopeful, she was afraid, she was sad, she was… She was placing a hand on Dani’s cheek. Grace was cradling Dani’s jaw with a delicacy and gentleness that most likely shouldn’t be possible in a soldier like her, wounded, traumatized, transformed, and scarred. But Dani felt like the two of them were standing on top of a cloud, leaning forward, looking up into crystal clear blue eyes…
“A car is here,” Grace announced, sharply turning her head to the right and schooling her expression back into deadly professionalism.
“Righ,” Dani exhaled a heavy sigh, took an extra moment to recover herself, and added, “Let’s go.” Then, without allowing herself to think too hard about it, grabbed Grace’s hand and led her outside. She didn’t look back to see Grace’s reaction to her taking the lead like that, but she could have made a pretty good guess.
Outside McDonald’s, they met Carl. The retired Terminator looked at them with his familiar but stoic stare and said, “I hope your meals were satisfactory.”
“Yeah,” Dani nodded, “Thanks.”
“Is that safe?” Grace asked, nodding toward the car parking a few feet away from them.
“Stay put,” Sarah ordered as an answer.
Carl couldn’t help but take a couple of steps forward, to be closer to the stranger, to protect Sarah if necessary and possibly even against her will.
Hearing Sarah’s curt response, mutual fondness or not, Grace nearly groaned out loud in annoyance. She did tighten her hold on Dani’s hand. Which brought to Dani’s attention the fact that their fingers were still comfortably interlocked and how natural it felt to just continue to hold on.
“Hey, Grace,” she said softly, tugging a little on the hand she was holding.
With her attention back on Dani, Grace instantly relaxed. Irritation vanished from her face, and the pressure of her hand loosened a little too. “Yes?” she asked. Looking at her with that same exact spark of adoration from before. 
“Can I kiss you now?”
First, Grace just smiled at her. It was an honest grin. She genuinely looked elated. Not at all like she had expected this outcome based on experiences from a future that hadn’t happened. She looked overjoyed and relieved as if she was experiencing the completion of a dream she’d had her entire life. 
“Of course,” Grace replied, in the middle of taking a deep breath and exhaling a soft sigh.
Grace stepped closer, Dani placed a hand on the back of her neck, they met in the middle. At first, it felt like a spark, an explosion of all the action, the adrenaline, the terror, and the thrills they had experienced during nearly every second since they met. Then, the feeling melted into a slow and steady flame, it was comfort, relief, triumph, safety. It was an action of complete love, and hope, and the promise of a future together.
A moment of such levels of perfection, of course, could only be interrupted by the loud and tremendously inopportune sound of a car horn.
“Let’s go, lovebirds!” Sarah yelled from the window of the driver’s seat. She sounded like her usual self, even if she couldn’t hold back her smirk.
“Please,” Carl added, “excuse her for the interruption. Would you like to have an additional moment of privacy?”
“No, Carl, uh, thanks,” Dani replied, a giggle stuck in her throat. “We’re, um, we’re good. Yeah. Let’s… let’s go.” She could hardly keep her composure, not with Grace standing behind her, arm wrapped around her middle and holding her close, her lips smiling and pressing a kiss on the top of her head.
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suzumenokakimono · 4 years
I was here first I
Pairing: Namjoon / Jimin x reader,
Genre: AU, smut, fluff, angst, roommates to lovers, fwb, friends to lovers
Word count: 7k
Summary: Jimin was your roommate, best friend and in love with you so bad it wasn’t even funny. His friends knew this all along and were surely surprised you’ve never noticed. But you didn’t. You were oblivious as the Earth was round. Now, Jimin decided it was time to finally confess to you. He asked one of his closest friends, Namjoon, to help him. But what if you end up liking Namjoon instead of Jimin?
A/N: English is not my native language. I do not apologize. 
Masterlist | Chapters: One | Two | Three (incoming)
First ring of the doorbell found you in your bed, still in sweatpants, oversized T-Shirt of your favorite band and a face mask covering your face. You looked up, for a moment, scared you’re late and didn’t calculate properly the time you needed for your preparations. But no. You still had a good 30 minutes before scheduled leaving. You had no intentions on going out even a minute earlier. Plus, your company would have never left without you. Being late was not a problem in this situation.
You got back to scrolling through Twitter when you heard a ring for the second time. 
“Y/N! Can you let him in?!”
This time it was your roommate, screaming from the bathroom. He’d been taking a shower for the past 30 minutes, getting ready for tonight. He’d gotten pretty excited and you didn’t know why. But you did know that person standing on the other side of your apartment door, was his friend that was supposed to join you tonight. You’d never met him before, even though they’d been working together and both had known each other for quite some time. You’d just heard some stuff about him and he seemed nice.
You really didn’t want to move from your cozy bed but that annoying sound was going around your apartment and making you crazy. Also, that guy was still ringing the doorbell. 
Lazily you left your room, kicked the door to the bathroom, probably scaring the shit out of your roommate and opened the front door. 
“Come in. Jimin is still in the bathroom, making himself pretty. His room is over there.”, you pointed towards the door behind you. 
Your nose was inside your phone all the time, you didn’t pay any attention to the guest. You heard his response but didn’t put a mind to it. You just noticed he came inside. He seemed tall or at least that was how he looked like while he was passing by you. By the time you realized you should say something more and be at least a little less rude, he was gone in Jimin’s room. When you turned around, the door was already closed. You shrugged your shoulders, thinking you would have time to talk to him later, so you went back to your room, while still being stuck to your phone. Passing by the bathroom you didn’t hear any water running so you assumed Jimin was done with the shower. This meant you still had time. 
When your door closed and you were safely covered by your warm comforter, Jimin ran out from the bathroom, shirtless in his sweatpants and still with wet hair. It was not that he was shy next to you or something, but this time he wanted you to see him when he was ready. And he was doing everything to manage to do that on time. Because he was always late. Everywhere. All the time. And for the first time he cared so much he wanted to be ready on time. 
He got to his room and immediately went straight to his closet. 
“Where is that black T-shirt…”, he was mumbling to himself. 
“Hello, to you too.”
Jimin jumped in place, hitting harshly to a shelf. Grabbing his head with his arms he looked outside the closet. 
“Fuck, Namjoon. You scared the shit out of me.”
“Y/N let me in”, Namjoon chuckled to himself. 
He was sitting on the bed and reading a comic book. 
“So you met her?”, Jimin’s face immediately brightened up after hearing your name.
“I can hardly say that. I think she was too invested in something on her phone.”
“But you saw her? What do you think of her?”, Jimin was persistent in talking about you.
“Black face mask really outlined her eyes.”
“She’s probably picking up some cute outfit right now. I must look perfect tonight…”, Jimin already stopped listening and got back to rummage through his clothes.
Namjoon smiled to himself. This evening was kinda special for Jimin. 
For the past three years that you’d been friends with him and you for two years that you’d been living together, he’d been madly in love with you. So madly, he had no idea what to do with it. How to confess to you, what move should he make. How to tell you how he felt about you. All his other friends, with Namjoon on top, were pretty puzzled about this. Jimin was always a good looking guy, with a hairstyle on top and nice clothes. He never complained about the lack of female company. Or confidence. So why was it so hard when it was coming to you?
You were his friend and he was definitely scared of losing you. He’d met you at a party and probably 5 minutes later he’d developed his crush on you. He’d taken your number, with the intention of asking you out later. But you’d written him first and started to send him memes and cute pics of cats from the internet. He’d thought that was adorable but pretty fast realized you were treating him like just a friend. Which had been fine at the beginning! You hadn’t been anything serious so he couldn’t have been mad at himself about this. But the more you’d been spending time together the more he was liking you not just like a friend. When you’d been looking for a place to live, because your earlier roommate had been moving out and you couldn’t have afforded the place on your own and he’d offered you a room at his apartment, he’d been already madly in love with you. He’d known that this was not the best idea, given his feelings towards you. But at the same time, he’d wanted to have you close to himself.
Two years later, you were close friends, he was dying inside to be with you and finally decided enough is enough. Or actually Namjoon did. He was the one who had convinced Jimin that he should confess to you. From the beginning Jimin was scared that after doing so, he would find out you didn’t reciprocate his feelings, they would become a problem and you both would drift apart. But Namjoon had pointed out that otherwise it was going to be worse. Especially if you found someone else, not knowing about Jimin’s affection. 
So Jimin was gathering all his strength and confidence to organize this evening. The whole idea was to go out with you to a bar or a club and use alcohol courage to finally ask you out. Namjoon was supposed to be a cover for this whole scheme. You weren’t supposed to realize what was going on, until Jimin smoothly swooped in and confessed. Simple as that!
“You think you’ll manage to do it tonight?”, Namjoon asked, while Jimin disappeared in his closet again. He put a comic book on a desk, remembering he has to finish it later.
“I have to”, Jimin sounded pretty serious.
“In case something was going wrong, we should have a sign or a code.”
“What? What do you mean?”
“I mean, if you decide not to do it, we should have a plan B to back up without her knowing what was going on.”
Jimin closed his closet, while wearing a simple, black T-shirt. It wasn’t a fancy or an expensive one but he knew you liked him in it. You’d told him that once, when you’d been both buzzed a little and had been watching some show on Netflix. He didn’t remember what show that was or what alcohol you’d been drinking, but he didn’t forget your words.
“I have to do it”, Jimin repeated himself.
Namjoon didn’t get back to the topic. He knew Jimin was right. But he also knew what his role that night was. He wanted to help his friend. Not only, so he confessed to you, but also if anything went wrong and he needed to evacuate Jimin or you. Jimin was known for being dramatic. Any outcome of the night might have been pretty big.
Jimin finally got ready. After finding his special T-shirt, he matched it with some tight black jeans and leather boots. He came out of the room to look for a jacket and Namjoon followed him to the hall. It was his first time at your place and he started to actually look around. At that very moment you left your room and came right across to him. You looked so much different than before. You were wearing a pretty, black short dress, with a pink flower pattern. You’d put on matching makeup, added some earrings. Your hair was tied up in a messy ponytail and you were just picking up some shoes. Jimin saw you, but he just took a quick look. He knew how good you can look so even though he liked your outfit very much, he wasn’t staring, he was preparing for leaving as well. 
But Namjoon froze in place and was tracing your every move. He didn’t believe he’d actually ignored you before. He couldn’t take his eyes off you. And while you were trying on a pair of shoes, you noticed that. You noticed him. You knew Jimin’s friend was supposed to join you tonight, you’d opened the door for him, but hadn’t paid any attention. And now you noticed this tall guy standing in your hall and staring at you, with his mouth open, still in a weird shock. 
He was wearing a long green jacket and a white T-shirt with a random print on it. Dark jeans and black heavy boots were making his legs look even longer and slimmer than they really were. He also wore a beanie, which was more as a fashion statement, because it was not cold outside. He looked good. You couldn't have called him handsome straight away, not ugly as well. He was definitely different than the other guys. And his eyes. He was staring at you without any embarrassment. You liked those brown eyes.
Jimin snatched both of you to reality by dropping his keys to the floor. You blinked a few times and realized you stopped in place and forgot what you were actually doing. You looked at Namjoon again but he broke eye contact and was helping your roommate. That also helped you to gather yourself and finally chose some shoes. Jimin picked up his keys and let you out first. He gestured to Namjoon to do the same, but before he left, he grabbed Jimin’s arm and pulled him behind the door.
“Is… is that Y/N?”, he asked quietly, to make sure you didn’t hear him.
“Yes...Who else? You’ve already seen her...”
Jimin looked at him like he was doubting his big brain was still there and working. He eyed him up and down with unspoken questions and followed you, leaving his friend in the hall. At that moment Namjoon started to doubt that including him in tonight’s plan was a good idea. After all, he was supposed to help Jimin to hook him up with you, not snatched his three-years-old crush right in front of his nose.
Thirty minutes later you ended up in a newly opened club in the city. The moment you arrived, you found your table, which had been reserved a few days earlier just in case and ordered the first round of drinks. Jimin wasn’t waiting for anyone and finished his before you even started yours and ordered another one. You had trouble catching up and at some point Namjoon’s hand covered your drink, just to stop you from drinking that fast. Jimin was not stopping himself at any point though. 
He was nervous. You’d noticed that pretty quickly but wasn’t able to connect the dots. There was no reason for him to act like that. At least you couldn't have thought of any. The drinking though was not an issue, it was actually a normal part of the evening. He absorbed alcohol like water or at least that was what he was telling everyone. He liked drinking and had never said no, convincing people around him he had a strong head and alcohol didn’t affect him much. You would be the first person to destroy that image, vividly remembering in what kind of state he’d used to be after all those occasions. And as always alcohol did help him to relax and become fun and chatty him. He was touching your hands, arms, knee and even tacking your hair behind your ear when you both were laughing. You were feeling comfortable around him. You knew how flirty he can be, how touchy he was even without alcohol. You’d gotten used to that and had to admit you liked that. It was somehow flattering, even if it didn’t mean anything. 
With his fourth drink Jimin started to talk. Like a lot. He was talking about you, him, how you’d been living together, he even mentioned how you’d both met. When this topic had come out, you started to laugh remembering that party
“You came with your friends and started to drink right away!”, you pointed at him, while telling the story. “I don’t know how much you had drank but you fell from your chair like three times before the evening even started for good!”
This memory always made you laugh. You were absolutely astonished how a guy like him could have fallen from any sitting surface, without even a drop of alcohol. His relationship with chairs was truly very complicated. 
While you were still laughing, you turned around to Namjoon to tell him everything about that, so you missed Jimin’s face expression. He was sitting on your other side the whole time and quietly listening to how you had fun. He wasn’t drinking that much and that fast like the two of you, but didn’t want to fallout from the party as well. He needed to stay more sober, though. Just in case he had to play his wingman role. When you’d started your story you put your hand on his wrist that was on a table, with his drink. You were not sure why you’d done that. Alcohol started to talk through you which had always made you a little touchy and more brave. Not Jimin level though. You wanted some kind of physical contact with him. At first he looked at your hands, still listening to you. Then he looked at you, the same way as he did in your apartment. With those beautiful, brown eyes, going right straight through you. Your temporary courage made you not froze and silenced but your heart definitely skipped a bit and you felt a heat coming straight to your face. There was something at his gaze that you liked so much. You felt a little sparkle between you two and were getting excited. Things like that rarely happened to you and you really wanted to know where this was going. 
For a moment you forgot you were not alone there. You stopped babbling, cleared your throat and got back to Jimin. You wanted to drag him to the whole story-telling but he somehow had stepped back. He moved a little further from you on his seat and looked like he had completely lost his attention to what had been happening next to him. He wasn’t smiling as wide as before. He was also looking away, at the bar, people on a dance floor, somewhere else. You pulled out your hand to him but he moved away and got up from his seat, hiding that with an excuse of going for another drink. Before you even had said anything he left your table not looking back.
What the hell had just happened? 
“Did I say something wrong?”, you turned to Namjoon once again.
“No. Absolutely not.”, he shook his head and looked at you. “Jimin is… he has something on his mind. You don’t need to worry about that.”
His words didn’t help you much though. You started to recreate all that had happened when you’d come to the club, somehow thinking it was your fault. Namjoon saw that, he saw your face expression.
“Y/N! Don’t.”, he finished his drink in one sip. “Please, don’t torment yourself with this. Let’s get you another drink, shall we?”
Saying last words he grabbed your hand and smiled at you. He had probably the most charming smile you had ever seen. He was smiling with this whole face, his full lips and dark eyes. And you noticed how cute dimples showed up on his cheeks. His smile was really contagious. 
You nodded at his proposition, feeling being under his spell, not being able to answer him this time and wanted to get up to the bar but he stopped you.
“I’ll bring it to you. Same as before?”
You thanked him and sat back in your place. Him leaving your table had snapped you from the effect he had on you. You’d barely just met but you were starting to like him. He was getting cuter each minute you were spending together. You weren’t sure he felt the same way, though. He was Jimin’s friend and technically he’d come with him, not with you. When you’d first heard he’d invited someone to this evening, you hadn’t been convinced to this idea. Meeting new people was always stressful and you just wanted to have fun after a long week at work and not dealing with some random dude that you’d barely known. Thankfully, that dude, was a lot different than you’d suspected.  
Namjoon disappeared among the crowd, same as Jimin had before. For a moment you were left alone and you started to look around, checking to see if you could find your roommate, who you were still worried about. However, he was nowhere to be found. Namjoon had told you not to think about that, but you couldn't help it. He was not just your roommate but a friend after all. 
Before you started your coming train of thoughts on what might had happened that had upset Jimin, Namjoon came back with your drinks. When he was putting glasses he accidentally spilled some on the table and on your dress. He immediately pulled out his hands like was trying to stop it from spilling any further, which was of course pointless. 
“Fuck, I’m so sorry!”
“That’s fine”, you chuckled. “There won’t be any stain, no worries”.
Namjoon didn’t look convinced. You smiled at him, took your drink and took a big sip, showing how much you didn’t care about the dress. He smiled back and did the same. 
Since you were left with Namjoon alone, he took the responsibility to talk with you, to entertain you. And, because both of you were getting pretty drunk already, it wasn’t that hard. You didn’t know each other, so he started asking tons of questions about you. About your life, job, where had you lived before and why the hell had you agreed to live with Jimin in the first place. He also listened to everything you were saying, which made you feel more comfortable around him pretty quickly. For the whole time he was also looking straight into your eyes. He was paying his full attention to you. He didn’t look bored or anything. He really was enjoying this conversation with you.
He was also providing more drinks. You were getting more and more dizzy. At some point you excused yourself and went to the bathroom. On your way back you thought you saw Jimin and stopped in place. You narrowed your eyes to have a better focus. The world really started to spin around and you needed a moment. But you were not wrong. That was indeed Jimin. He was standing close to the bar, on the side that was not visible from your table. And he was talking to a girl. His arm was around her waist and while you were lurking at them, her hand landed on his neck to keep him close. They were definitely flirting. All this time you were worried he was upset and he’d just wanted to find someone and get laid! 
You knew Jimin was popular with the girls. You’d always known that. Girls liked him for his look, his smile, his flirty side which he wasn’t able to turn off even with you. He wasn’t a fuckboy, at least you’d never noticed anything. Bringing home stranger women was not his thing. It had happened a few times, since you’d been living together but at some point he’d just stopped doing that. You guessed he wanted to try again. Maybe going out brought up some memories and he’d found himself in a women’s company again, without any effort.
When you got back to your table Namjoon was waiting with fresh drinks and you already knew you had to ask him to stop buying them. Otherwise you would end up under the table and no one wanted to see that.
“I just saw Jimin. He’s talking… well, at this point probably making out with some girl”.
When Namjoon heard that, his eyes went wide open.
“He what? A-are you sure? You sure that was Jimin?”, he started to look for his friend.
“It’s hard not to recognize that butt of his”, you laughed to yourself from your brilliant joke. Jimin’s butt was indeed something.
“But… Jimin was…”
“Was what?”
Namjoon immediately bit his tongue. He couldn't have told you what Jimin was supposed to do. You were not supposed to know until he finally confessed to you! But for some reason he’d seemed to abandon the whole plan. Why the hell was he making out with some other girl? That didn’t make any sense. Like him leaving the table without any explanation. Had he changed his mind? Had he noticed how Namjoon was looking at you? Had… no, that was impossible. He would have never stepped down after noticing his friend liked you. He’d been in love with you for too long. 
Namjoon got lost in his thoughts and didn’t notice how you sat closer to him. His consciousness was just coming back to him. He felt your thigh right next to his. You accidentally knocked him with your elbow when you were fixing your dress in your boobs area, at this point not caring much who was watching. And Namjoon was watching. 
You looked at him with a question in your eyes and he froze, for a moment being scared you might had noticed and had read his mind, which he was pretty sure you could. You looked so pretty. He was damn sure it was all written on his face, how much he liked looking at you, how he actually liked you and probably everyone had already known what thoughts were storming into his mind. He shifted nervously in his seat, starting to sweat a little. He looked at the bar, like was making sure Jimin was really there, though he didn’t see him at all. When he maintained eye contact with you again, he licked his lips, making a decision in a brain of his.
“Nothing. Good that he’s having fun.”
You snored at that and took a sip of your fresh drink, totally forgetting about your previous statement, enjoying sweet and cold beverage. 
“Y/N, do you wanna dance?”
He surprised you with his offer. He surprised himself, to be honest. But he was sure, if he spent a little more on wondering should he do it, he would had never done that. You didn’t hesitate for a second. You nodded and at the moment he smiled at you one more time with the most sincere smile. You felt yet again how your face was turning red under his gaze and was thanking for your makeup and dark lights in the room. He took your hand in his and guided you to the dance floor, making small steps so both of you wouldn’t fall into anyone. It was full of people but you found an empty spot for yourselves, a little in the back. You felt his arms around you immediately, dragging you close to him. You were surprised by his bold action again, but you didn’t mind. You wanted him to touch you, to hug you. And also do the same to him. You could only imagine how it would have been to lean your head on his chest, to smell his scent, maybe feel his heartbeat.
And at that moment, like if the universe had heard your thoughts, music changed and a slow song started to play. Before your clouded mind realized what was happening, Namjoon put his arms around you and pulled you even closer to him. Dream was coming true and you felt another heat wave hitting your body but you didn’t want to show him that. Instead, you wrapped your arms around his neck and shyly looked up into his eyes. As before, he was looking right at you. It seemed like he wanted to look only at you, all the time. Maybe it was alcohol talking but you noticed his gaze was shifting from your eyes to your lips. And then back again. He hugged you tighter, you felt how his fingers were drawing circles on your back, which made you shiver despite the heat in the club. He parted his lips and took a deep breath. He looked like he was having an inner fight with himself and was actually losing. He got nervous and you felt how he tightened his fist on the back of your dress. To soothe his struggle you reached out to his hair that was pointing out under his beanie and started to play with some on his neck. It seemed to work. He looked at you again with those eyes that you liked so much from the very first moment you saw him and leaned to you. A kiss was soft, gentle and very quick. When your lips met your breath hitched, you dug your fingers into his neck, nervousness taking control under your body. He leaned back a little but didn’t move away, keeping his forehead right against yours, eyes closed. You grabbed his arm and hummed, more to yourself because you were damn sure he didn’t hear that. But maybe he felt that. Or maybe he was in the same state of mind as you were, because a moment later he kissed you again but this time much deeper. You felt his hand on your neck, holding you close to him. Other hand still on your back, making sure you would stay there with him. His tongue started poking on your lower lip, asking for permission. And you gave it to him. He opened your lips with his, you felt his tongue on yours. He tasted like his drink, a little sour and sweet at the same time. You smiled to yourself, liking that taste. 
When he pulled away, he grabbed your hand from his neck and took to his chest. You felt how fast his heart was beating, giving he must had been pretty nervous about this. If the light was brighter he was pretty sure you would had noticed his dilated pupils, full of desire for you, for more. 
But instead of that you saw how his gaze changed in just one second. From soft and blissful to scared and maybe even panicked. He realized what just had happened, what he had done and immediately got scared. He wanted that, for a second that even had sounded like a good idea. He was also convinced you wanted to kiss him. The way you had been looking at him… He broke an eye contact, embarrassed of himself and looked around, making sure nobody actually had seen what you were doing, which felt extremely stupid at a place like this. Though he was thinking only about one person there. He dropped your hand and stepped back, keeping a safe distance from you. He closed his eyes and mouthed something to himself. You hadn’t heard him and wanted to ask what was wrong when you felt someone’s presence next to yourselves. 
Jimin put his hand on your arm, which made you jump in place and turned you to him. His face was close to yours and you had no doubt he hadn’t stopped drinking after leaving you and Namjoon. His breath smelled like an alcohol and he was slightly swaying in place.
“I was looking for you.”
“You were the one that left”, you pointed out. Jimin smiled at you with that cute smile when his eyes were completely disappearing, changing into two thin lines. He liked when you were sassy and all smart ass. He thought it was cute.
“Can I talk with Namjoon?”, he asked.
You looked at a guy in front of you, still frozen in place. You wanted to get back to what you started, to kissing and dancing, and touching. You really liked that and was getting the impression Namjoon had too. But he was avoiding eye contact, probably for the first time this evening so you just nodded at your roommate and left the two of them.
You got back to your table and took your unfinished drink, still dizzy after what happened between you and Namjoon. You were just wondering, why had he stopped so abruptly. He’d been the one that asked you to dance and kissed you. So, did he like you or not? Still being on a cloud nine, you were taking sip after sip of your drink, thinking about Namjoon and his full lips on yours.
Meanwhile, Jimin turned his friend around, so you wouldn’t be able to guess what they were talking about. Namjoon felt his sweat coming down his back. He had screwed up, hadn’t he? He knew that. He was feeling like a kid caught by his parent on doing something he’d been specifically told not to do. Jimin was surely about to put him into place and he had nothing to defend himself. Nothing than that he was drunk, stupid and liked a girl his friend was in love with. Extremely poor excuse. 
“I need you to take Y/N home.”
“Listen…”, Namjoon started to talk at the same time, trying to put back in time what was coming but he quickly realized what he’d been asked to do. “Wait-what?”, and his drunken ass didn’t understand the request the way he should.
“Change of plans. Y/N is pretty drunk anyway. I don’t want her to go home alone. Go with her, make sure she’s safe.”
“But… you…she”, Namjoon was completely lost. 
“We’ll talk later. I…”, he brushed his hand through his hair and took a deep breath. “I just don’t want her to get into any trouble. She can do stupid things while drunk.”
With that Jimin left, taking a quick look at you. Namjoon stood on a dance floor, not sure how to understand what just had happened. Had Jimin seen him kissing you? Why had he left you earlier without any explanation and then had asked him to take you home? And why had he been making out with another girl? Nothing of that made any sense. Especially the kiss. Everybody had been kissing not a person they should! Kissing you had been an impulse and even though he’d enjoyed that very much, he knew it had been a mistake. He’d wanted to do that. And hell, he was pretty sure you’d wanted too. He had to quickly calm himself, before more something would happen. 
Still, he decided to do as he’d been asked to. He got back to you. Your drink was gone already and he realized Jimin had been right about you being drunk. Maybe even a little too drunk. So he helped you leave the table, making sure you wouldn’t spill his own unfinished drink. You slipped your hand under his jacket and wrapped your arm around his waist. Your head first landed on his shoulder and then slid off to his neck. He felt your hot breath on his skin and his mind was going places. He was tempted to hug you, to pull you closer to him. He was getting sure he was too drunk as well. Alcohol in his blood was starting to take control over him, telling to take you home, but not yours. To kiss you again, but not on the lips. To touch you, but not on your hand or back. He felt dizzy and barely called a cab. He helped you to get into the car, then he sat on the other side. He took a deep breath and leaned his head on the back. He needed to get you home safely and forget about everything. 
But you didn’t give him a chance. At this state you’d forgotten what embarrassment was, your shy ass had been put into silence and brave version of you had gone out the surface. Once again your lips were dangerously close to his neck and it was starting to drive him crazy. It was like you’d known where his weak spot was. It made him groan deep in his throat and cursed any god that had ever existed for allowing this. Each passing second you were getting more and more irresistible to him. 
He gently cupped your cheek and turned to you.
“...Y/N”, his voice was hoarse and he couldn’t help it. 
He wanted to ask you to stop. To chill for a moment, move to the side, so he could start breathing and thinking straight again. He wanted simply to put you into bed, make sure you fell asleep and do the same at his place. And maybe take a long, cold shower. But he did not do such a thing.
A little shyly, a little not sure what he was doing, he found your lips again. You immediately reciprocate the kiss, deepening it and pulling him to you. He was so confused yet again was getting so aroused, he lost control. You grabbed his T-shirt with your fist and moaned quietly when his hand traveled from your face to your waist. His touch was gentle and carrying but you knew he was able to hold you in place like that, right where he wanted. You didn’t want to stay behind, so you left his T-shirt and slid your hand down and found his inner thigh, dangerously close to his dick. When you squeezed a little, you felt his muscles tense but he didn’t push you away. He wanted you to touch him everywhere, all night. He was sure he had not only lost his control but also mind. He absolutely loved kissing you. 
He pulled away for a second or two, to catch a breath and to look at you. You were difficult to restrain in that moment as you were following his lips, hungry for more. He chuckled quietly to himself, holding your face in his hands. You looked so damn cute. He wanted to devour you whole, give everything that you’d wanted and needed, and see how that was making you to fall apart. Car stopping right in front of your building snapped him from his fantasies, which were getting more and more bold. He paid without even looking at the money and almost pushed you outside.
By the time you reached your apartment, you were kissing like crazy, with tongue, teeth and hands all over your bodies. You tried to open the door but Namjoon pinned you to it and didn’t want to let go. Capturing your lips again, he bit your lower lip, enjoying your little moans you were making. He decided there and then this was his favorite sound ever. He took your keys and blindly guided them to the lock, kissing down your neck, which made a small moan coming out of your throat, again. He chuckled at how easy that had been and how much he liked making you do that.
You almost had fallen to the floor when the door got open but he caught you just in time, pulling you close to him. He kicked the door behind him and you almost dragged him to your bedroom to pull him with you on the bed. You both fell to your sheet, making one pillow fall on the floor. The moment you felt his body weight on you, his lips found your neck. You turned your head to side to give him more access and hissed when you felt his teeth on your skin. His hands started to wander and one slid down, right under your dress and landed on your thigh, quickly finding your hip. He was trailing over your skin with his fingers, playing with the hem of your panties, teasing you and waiting for your reaction. He slid his hand under the material on your hip, keeping his thumb close to the place you wanted him the most. You felt the slightest pressure of his finger, which made a shiver go down your spine and then he took it away, making you wine. He smiled to himself, while his lips were on yours but didn’t say anything. Moving his hand lower, he grabbed your thigh and urged you to wrap your leg around his waist. You did that, adding the other one and hooking them on your ankles. With you holding him tight close to you, he started to grind his clothed cock right into you. You felt his hard length pressing on your pussy, a little painful with his pants still on. He moaned into your ear, that little friction giving him a relief but not satisfaction. He was fully hard and barely thinking. Cute sounds that you were making when his dick was brushing on your clit were driving him crazy. He was breathing loud, breathing down your neck, holding you by your waist to stop you from moving your hips. You were so eager for him to fuck you, you couldn't stay in place. You took off his beanie, threw it on the floor and tugged his hair a little. This made him grunt down in his throat and his hand moved from your hip up, right to the underside of your breast. But he didn’t touch you there. His thumb started to trace from one side to another, barely brushing it making you crazy. Your panties were all wet from your arousal, after all that friction of his cock and you just wanted him to finally take them off.
You attempted to grab him by his wrist and put his hand on your breast when you realized his hips slowed down his pace. The rising pleasure disappeared and you waited for him to do something, but instead of that he laid down, still pressed into you, not moving his body or his hand.
“Wait… Y/N… Slow down… I need to… slow down…”
He was barely able to speak, his voice hoarse and his throat felt really dry. He kissed your neck one last time and stopped for a second, hiding his face in the pillow. He was so hard, it was almost painful. He had no idea how on Earth he was able to stop and think about something else than fucking you with so little blood in his brain. With all his strength that left, he pulled himself on his arms and moved back. Immediately your hands were on him, dragging him back, tagging on his shirt, trying to take it off, asking not to stop. He sat on his heels and hid his face in his hand. What the fuck he was doing? 
He felt how the bed shifted in your place. You were kneeling in front of him, still trying to get him back to you. Moving his hands away he saw you right there, he felt your lips on his, on his neck, how you started to touch him. You slid your hands down his body, straight to his hard cock. You started to palm him right then and there through his pants which drew a low moan from him. It felt so good. For a moment he let you do this. He closed his eyes and surrendered to the feeling of your gentle touch on him. His face was hidden in your hair, your scent overwhelmed him completely. He felt how you tugged his T-shirt from his pants, how your hands were roaming on his chest and sliding down his stomach. You unzipped him and wanted to take him in your hand but he grabbed your wrist and stopped you. He sighed heavily, it was still not too late.
He attempted to leave the bed, gather himself and take that last drop of dignity that had been left with him. But you didn’t want him to leave. When he was standing up you hold your hands behind you and unbuttoned your dress. You let it slip off your shoulders and fall down without any restrain, gathering around your hips. When Namjoon looked at you he choked on his breath and nearly tripped. You were naked from your waist up. You didn’t wear any bra because it hadn’t fit the dress. And now Namjoon was looking at your bare breasts and couldn’t believe his eyes. He felt his cock twitch at a sight, still hidden in his unzipped pants. You were so fucking sexy he had no idea how the hell he was supposed to just leave you like this. With his mouth agape, he was looking at how you crawled to him, how the dress pulled down your knees when you reached the edge of the bed and took his hands in yours. You wanted to put them on you, to feel him on your hot skin. 
‘Y/N, don’t take this the wrong way…”, he whispered to your ear.
Namjoon took a deep breath. He had made up his mind. His hands landed on your shoulders and he gently, but firmly pushed you on the bed. With you starting to touch him again, was really hard but he managed to fully pull you back and lay you down. He took your dress and smoothly slid it down your legs and took it off. You were just in your panties, laying on the bed and waiting for his next move. You put up your hands above your head, stretching, trying to expose your body to him, show him that it was all for him. You yawned and tried to hide it with your hand but Namjoon noticed that. You were starting to get sleepy because of the all alcohol and he wanted to use that to his advantage. 
He put your dress on the back of a chair that was standing close to the bed. He looked back at you. You were so god damn beautiful. He was sure in a normal situation he would have never let you go, never left you and spent the whole night tangled in the bed sheets, making all neighbors jealous and restless. But everything was so fucked up. He was wondering if you even were going to remember this evening. It would have been better if not. But on some level, on a very selfish one, he wanted you to. He wanted you to come after him, maybe while being less drunk and try again. Would he be able to resist you? He was willing to find out. 
But in that moment he had to leave before Jimin came back. He adjusted himself, still being hard and zipped his pants, feeling uncomfortable. He grabbed your comforter and covered you with it. You’d been already half asleep which made everything much easier. You still trying to act horny and needy was the sexiest image ever that would live in his mind for the rest of his life. Before quietly leaving your room, he took his beanie off the floor and closed the door behind him. He needed a shower. A long, cold shower to sober up and collect his thoughts. Too much had happened and he was on the brink of the edge.
By the time he was going down the corridor in your building he’d gotten a text message. At first he thought you’d woken up and was looking for him, which would have been catastrophic. He had no idea how long he could have resisted you in this state. He was sure he would just run back to your apartment, remembering how you had looked right before he’d left. But it wasn’t you. He had to look closely to make sure he’d seen the name correctly. Things got so fucked up. 
Jimin [00:35]: Thanks, Joon. I really appreciate your help. We’ll talk tomorrow.
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the-silentium · 4 years
Siren Song
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Masterlist - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
Fors is an Original planet. I do not give permission to people to use it for their own fics, the planet, the animals, the Nightmares, the lore or anything related to Fors. Thank you.
Pairing: Bad Batch x Reader
Words: 3025 words
Warnings: Blood, monsters, ANGST.
A/N:  Thanks to @shadow-hyder​ who helped choose who got hurt in this chap ~
Taglist:  @haloangel391​ / @lightning-wolffe​ / @cherrydemon5​ / @and-claudia​ / @clone-rambles​ / @mandaloriandin​
"Wrecker. I knew you'd come to help me." 99 whispered through his comm.
Wrecker couldn't contain his excitement at his ori'vod calling out to him. He was alright, on this planet, away from the long-necks and their experiments, away from the dirty looks and degrading whispers, away from all the forced maintenance. He left the rainy planet like he always dreamt he would. 
For so long Wrecker ached for the reunion with his brother. He had so much to say to him, from his biggest explosion to date to his best prank on the regs with Crosshair and he couldn't forget to relate how he fought a giant snake that could have easily swallowed him whole in a single bite! 
He could already see 99 listening intently to each of his words, nodding and smiling as he would move his hands around to illustrate his words, because words weren't powerful enough to convey the power of the moment. 
Clone force 99 would be complete with its fifth member on board. All they needed to do was get him out of there with the rest of them. 
"That's not him! Guys!" 
For a split second, Wrecker had forgotten their newest teammate. Their cabur'ika. He was so wrapped up in helping his vod that he forgot everything else and let his body take control. His body knew what to do, fighting was in his blood. 
A new spark burned to life in his chest at the prospect of presenting you to his very wise sibling, maybe he could help you with your insecurities like he helped them all with theirs. 
"I know his voice Y/N! That's him!" He pushed forward, his team right behind him. 
You'd see soon, it was worth it. 99 was worth it. 
"Stay under the trees!"
He would have laughed at your words if he hadn't caught a glimpse of a man standing near a river. Trees were everywhere on this planet, you didn't have to worry. Instead, he forced his legs to move faster. 
A huff resonated through the comm just as 99 called again, the newfound fear in his voice made Wrecker's blood boil in worry and anger. 
He was almost there. He'd help. He'd save him. 
A nagging feeling plagued the back of his mind. It was just like when he forgot to close the light of the fresher one night and caused the ship to be inoperable for a couple of days or when he forgot Crosshair in a secluded village while on a supply run. He couldn't tell what was wrong, all he knew was that something wasn't as it was supposed to be. 
Wrecker got to the edge of the river, 99 just on the other side of the large angry stream. The ravine they had followed for a while was visible from his spot on the bank. It seemed they had moved a klick away from it and deeper into the jungle. The tall wall of rock and mud abruptly stopped and disappeared under a tumultuous waterfall that would be breathtaking in broad daylight. 
He doesn't see them, but Wrecker heard the soft steps of his brothers joining his sides. He didn't acknowledge their presence in the slightest, his eyes being glued to his elder kneeling on the ground clutching his chest, the grunts of pain leaving his mouth were too clear over the roaring water separating them. 
Without thinking he took a step forward, carefully setting foot in the deep river to reach the other side without getting carried away by the rapids. 
“Wrecker, what are you doing?” Hunter put a hand on his pauldron to keep him from going further into the water.
“He’s hurt!”
Without wasting a second, Wrecker harshly shrugged Hunter's hand away to venture into the raging water, fighting for his balance against the strong current pushing against his abdomen threatening to take him further through the jungle. Wrecker winced as static took over his comm, drowning the words of his team behind him. 
99's voice overflowed the nagging sound to encourage him forward, inciting him to grab the outstretched hand as soon as he was within reach. 
"Stay back." Wrecker ignored the help, he didn't want to pull his older brother into the river where he'd have no chance to survive. 
The ignored hand gripped his armpit in a useless effort to assist him, water dripped down his soaked blacks and armor, nurturing the grass below. 
"Are you okay 99?" Without wasting a second, Wrecker turned to his brother, already reaching for his frail shoulder. 
The sight squeezed his heart in nostalgia. There he stood, smiling just like the last time the Batcher saw him when they departed for their mission on Devaron. He even opened his arms like he always did whenever they’d all return from their assignments. This was him.
An urge to jump into the long-awaited embrace propelled his body forward to carefully wrap his strong arms around the fragile form of 99. Relief flooded his brain as soon as he felt arms wrapping around his own waist, numbing his senses to concentrate solely on this moment.
"Thank you for making all the way to me." He heard his voice in his comm, as clear as day, the background white noise abruptly muted as Wrecker's eyes widened in understanding. 
He managed to pull away slightly before the sight in front of him paralyzed his muscles. By fear, surprise or sadness, he couldn't decide which one had more control over his body. 
“Thank you for saving me Wrecker.” 99's lips stayed glued together despite the words echoing through the soldier's head. The once calming smile had lost all its warmth only to be replaced with a way more sinister grin. 
Half of 99- no, half of the monster disappeared under a layer of darkness slowly bleeding from its eyes, nose and mouth, the black goo covering its right side morphed into parts of someone else. Brown hair, a youthful smile, a broad muscular arm, they all appeared for a moment before the goo engulfed them again and changed over and over again, never truly setting on anything in particular. 
The shiver running up his spine brought the man to his senses long enough for his brain to order his body to move away from the threat. His chest separated from the smaller one as his feet stumbled backward. Unfortunately, his left hand didn't have such luxury. The liquid tightened around his fingers, crept over his palm to reach his forearm and slide under the sleeve of his blacks. 
He pulled and pulled again without any success. He was trapped. 
"So long…"
It was cold as death, enough to chill the giant to the bone. Bile raised in his throat as the sticky feeling crept up his skin. He tugged as hard as he could, but inches by inches the wicked sludge reached his elbow, gaining complete control over his arm. 
"It has been so long…" 
For some reason the tank of a man has never felt as small as in this instant, heterochromatic eyes staring up at him right in the eyes like his opaque visor wasn't even there. 
"We're so hungry." 
Before he could register the meaning behind his words, Wrecker went flying backward a few meters away from his initial standing spot, a heavyweight on his chest pinning him to the ground. 
Everything was happening too fast. Wrecker had some difficulties keeping up. That is until the unprotected skin of the underside of his upper arms burned worse than a blaster wound, his brain instantly knew what happened. 
With a yelp followed by a powerful kick, the clone tried to once again to dislodge the opponent clinging to him. His movements didn't send the gigantic thing rolling like he hoped, instead it merely shrieked in his face and flapped its cracked white wings to fly away, claws still locked around his arms. 
Fortunately for once, the beast doesn't get off the ground. Unfortunately, it meant that some parts of its prey had to go. 
Massive maws closed around his helmet, offering an absolutely atrocious view of the beast's mouth and throat. Wrecker would never admit it, but the sudden fear forced his eyes closed for a split second, protecting his fragile orbs by doing so.  Shards of his visor exploded under the assault of some particularly sharp teeth, scratching the sensitive skin around his eyes. 
This high level of panic was completely new for him and he didn't like it one bit. A nice adrenalin rush was one thing. This was far from the enjoyable spectrum. He wanted to yell for help, but who would hear his call? He was alone. 
The pressure around his head was increasing fast. Saliva covered his helmet, leaving Wrecker to blindly touch around his head for the maws, fingers slipping between the sparse teeth to force them open. The grip around his upper arms tightened, shooting a new wave of searing pain through his body as the claws dug deeper into his flesh. 
Ignoring his agonizing arms, he put more strength behind his movement and had the toothy vice open in a second. A well-placed kick on the bird sternum sent it flying backward, liberating his lacerated skin in the process. 
Hands cleaned his visor in a haste but stopped as soon as his fingertips started to tingle. The soft feeling soon morphed into full-on burning, prompting the soldier to wipe his hands onto the grass at his sides. 
Holes adorned the once intact tactical gloves, showing the damaged skin that it was supposed to protect. 
Before he could question the condition of his hands, a screech pulled him back to reality. 
The milky bird was big, easily four times his size with weird legs and two pairs of arms. The long white beak was pretty sharp with nasty teeth occasionally poking out, its maws opening frantically on a high pitch screech, its old-paper like wings flapping in anger at its side. 
Following the blue trail of bolts hitting the creature, the calls of his brother resonated through the comm without any interference as soon as his eyes landed on their offensive positions. 
His brothers. He remembered them now. He wasn't alone. They were here. 
"-ot responding." Tech 
"Wrecker! Come back here!" Wrecker winced at the very loud order coming from his sergeant. Apparently, it wasn't the first time he barked his instructions. 
"I'll get h-" Static filled his ears once again as 99 appeared at his side, hands wrapped around his pauldron.
"Don't leave me. Please Wrecker, help me.."  
"I'll hel-" His words were cut off by a sudden pull from behind, quickly followed by water engulfing his armor. 
Gasping, Wrecker tried to keep his head above water by instinct but failed miserably. The strong current left him totally helpless, the force of the water digging into his injuries to make him totally unable to move them around to get to the surface. Where was the surface? He turned on himself so much that nothing made sense anymore. 
A pull on his back stopped his body from turning in all directions, halting his quick descent down the river. Multiple hands pulled him out of the stream and wasted no time to pull him upright. 
"Wrecker can you hear me?" Hunter shook his shoulder forcefully. 
Too soon Wrecker tried to lift himself up using his arms to reassure his brother. All he managed to do was to almost faceplant into the wet dirt beneath his torso. 
"99." Was all he could say. He still felt a pull towards the other bank where he knew his oldest brother was still waiting for him. 
"There's nothing there. It's not real." Hands lifted him by the armpits to take him back under the cover of the trees. "It was a trick."
"No he's right there!" The clone was getting frustrated as everyone ignored his hand pointing behind them focussing instead on keeping him upright. 
A shriek pierced the night followed by a sudden splash of water, causing the three soldiers to jump simultaneously. Wrecker turned just in time to see the bird emerging from the river and fly away with something bright in its mouth.
Once the beast disappeared over the horizon, every memory repressed by the weird fog obscuring his brain came back to the front of his mind. Tears ran down his cheeks as he remembered that 99 died in a Seppie attack on Kamino, that he wasn't there to help. 
He had to bite his bottom lip to keep his whimpers from escaping, the pain of losing his brother a second time was way worse than it originally felt. Whatever it was back there felt so real, so warm, it told him exactly what he needed to hear and acted like the one and only 99. Deep down maybe he knew already but allowed himself to be blinded by hope. 
And hope crushed his heart in the more twisted way possible. 
Crosshair was the first to let go of his brother when they got deep enough into the line of trees, moving his attention to the grapple fixed under his rifle to put it away. So that's what pulled him into the river. 
"Are you okay Wrecker?" Hunter's worry pulled at his already suffering heart. 
"I am." He weakly mumbled, quieting down the hisses of pain menacing to erupt from his throat. 
"We don't have much time." Hunter carefully lowered himself to set his brother at the foot of a large tree. "We have to patch you up and search for Y/N before anything that might 've heard the noises comes this way." 
 Wrecker perked up at the mention of your disappearance, his eyes roamed the surroundings to get a glimpse of your shirt painted in blood and guts that always gave him a tiny heart attack every time he looked at it. He never thought not seeing that shirt would fill him with dread. 
"What happened?" He asked just as Tech removed his helmet to toss it at Crosshair for examination. 
The jungle looked way more terrifying without the night vision helping his sight. Without it, every shadow looked like an Algax silently staring with its inexistent orbs. 
"We don't know. We were too…" Tech trailed off, quickly assessing the wounds on his arms. "focussed to notice anything." 
Wrecker winced at the same time Crosshair did, although for a totally different reason. Tech stopped poking at the edges of the wounds to stuff some gauze pads on the bleeding lacerations before wrapping them with a sterile wrap. 
"Cross?" He asked his brother that stopped analyzing the helmet to lose himself in his thoughts, eyes fixed on one of the holes in the visor. 
He seemed taken aback for a moment but quickly recovered, rolling the customized helmet in his hands. 
"Night vision stopped working on one of the lenses. Too damaged. The front is melted at some places," He turned the helmet over to trace a long crack at the back of the head. "and it may not resist a hit to the right place." 
The frustration in his tone wasn't lost on anyone. Clearly, the helmet wasn't the subject of his irritation and no one had to ask for the truth. They were all prey of the same guilt. 
"I'm sorry. She told us not to follow voices." Wrecker averted his eyes, not able to look at his fuming brother anymore. Whatever happened to you was his fault. If only he hadn't followed the voices, you wouldn't be missing. 
Bile raised in his throat as his mind wandered on the dreaded questions. What happened? Were you in danger? Or hurt? Or dead? 
From his experience on this planet, Wrecker knew it was safe to assume that you crossed paths with a monster of the night. This was a certainty. All there was to speculate on was your wellbeing. 
"Her tracker is still working, we'll find her." Tech applied a small bacta patch that he pulled out of his belt onto the palm of Wrecker's hand, the latter hissing in pain. 
"You're lucky the water washed off any remaining chemical that burned your skin or else we'd see some bones if the state of your helmet is anything to go by." He admired the edges of the burns that weren't covered by the patch. "I'll wrap your fingers together to keep them from moving on each other so refrain from closing your hand. You'll only damage it more."
"But I won't be able to shoot!" He frowned, teeth clashing together as Tech put some gauze between his fingers and wrapped the bandages tightly together. 
"Blasters don't work anyway." Hunter grumbled as he turned back to them, letting go of the hair at the back of his neck to face his team. 
"But light does." The engineer got on his feet to help Wrecker, offering his forearm to pull him up.
"I threw an emergency light stick at it." 
"How did you know it would chase it?" Wrecker pulled on his helmet that Crosshair held out to him. 
Having only one night vision lens would make it difficult for him to continue, hopefully, it wouldn't slow him down too much or cause him to miss some monster out there. He couldn't be more of a burden than he already was at the moment. 
"I didn't. It was merely a theory." He typed away at his vambrace, missing Wrecker's bewildered expression. "And I was only partially correct. They indeed are reactive to light, but they do not fear it as I initially thought. Turns out that light enrages them. It gave up on you in order to eat the stick." He explained in his signature matter of fact tone.
Before anyone could add to the previous conclusion, Tech continued. 
"I got her position. She's close” The corners of Wrecker’s lips lifted slightly. They could track you, everything would be fine from here. You weren’t lost. “and unmoving." The whispered last words rang loud and clear in all the clones' ears.
Wrecker's breath wasn't the only one to abruptly stop.
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sokkascroptop · 4 years
traitor. (sokka x f!reader) pt 5
part 1 | part 4 | part 6
A/N: Y/N finally meets the gaang; on a side note, I am really proud of this chapter ❤️
She caught it just a moment before it smacked her in the chest. Her reflexes were delayed from her sleepiness but also from the realization that her Fire Princess just had dropped to her knees and tied her boots for her. “Easy. I’m not a bender. I don’t need the sun.”
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“Lo and Li have advised me that it isn’t smart to go after Zuko and Uncle with a Royal Procession.” Azula leaned in the doorway to Y/N’s room. Her hair was a black curtain around her pale face. Y/N ran her fingers through her own loose hair before replying.
“It would be less conspicuous without guards flanking us on all sides. Do you think that the two of us could do it ourselves?” She asked hesitantly, thinking back to just a day earlier when Azula said she was a liability. Y/N wasn’t even planning to fight when she agreed to come! She thought it was going to be easier, she didn’t expect Iroh to be so suspicious of them from the get go. Apparently, neither did Azula. She was so mad when they pulled her from the sea, the water was steaming off of her clothes and skin. 
Azula smiled and sat in the chair to the small, empty writing desk in the room. “I need a small, elite team.” She tapped one pointed nail on her chin. “I think it’s time to call on some old friends, don’t you think so?”
“Mai and Ty Lee?” Y/N questioned. The last time one of them was mentioned Azula set fire to the napkin she was holding at dinner and pointed a butter knife in Y/N’s direction telling her never to mention their names again. 
“Of course them.” Azula rolled her eyes and cracked her fingers. “They’re our friends, Y/N. They’ll do anything I want.” Her voice was low and even though it wasn’t meant as a threat, it sounded like one. 
Azula shut the door to Y/N’s room with a sharp click. She leaned back against her pillow and crossed her arms. This was not going to go well. 
Anytime she and the girls exchanged letters, the answer was always the same. Neither Mai or Ty Lee were planning on coming back to the palace any time soon. They never explicitly said that Azula was the reason–one could never know who was reading your letters–but Y/N could see the subtext. A taste of life outside of Capital City and outside of Azula’s influence had spoiled them. Y/N had never felt like that before, but every day, she got a little bit more understanding as to why one might want to leave. 
It was still dark out when Azula came into Y/N’s room the next morning. She tapped Y/N’s cheek with her nail. “Get up, we’re leaving soon.”
She glared at Azula from under the very warm covers. “Why so early?” 
Azula’s gold eyes flashed with humor. “It’s a long ride into town. I’ve got us a carriage.” She grabbed the blanket that Y/N was clutching and threw them off the bed, leaving her shivering. 
“Every time,” Y/N muttered as she pulled her night clothes off and her red tunic and pants on. 
“Every time what?” Azula asked. Y/N thought she could hear a smile in the other girls words but she was currently too busy looking cross-eyed at the laces of her boots to check. 
“Why are you such a morning person?” Y/N knew the answer that Azula was going to give, but it didn’t make the question any less relevant in her mind. She hated mornings. 
“More like a question as to why aren’t you?” Hands slapped Y/N’s own fumbling ones away and tied each boot deftly. Before Y/N could even utter a ‘thank you’, Azula was grabbing her sword from where it was propped in the corner and tossing it in Y/N’s direction. 
She caught it just a moment before it smacked her in the chest. Her reflexes were delayed from her sleepiness but also from the realization that her Fire Princess just had dropped to her knees and tied her boots for her. “Easy. I’m not a bender. I don’t need the sun.”
Azula had only tied the boots because she wanted to get going, Y/N decided. Probably.
“You sound like one of those Water Tribe savages. Next thing you know, you’ll be howling at the moon.” Y/N laughed with Azula no matter how awful she thought the joke was and basked in the warm that her friend gave off. She was always so much nicer in the mornings. 
The sun was just rising as they set off, probably purposeful if she knew Azula. Y/N stared out the window the whole trip. She’d never been to the Earth Kingdom before and she was so intrigued by everything she saw. There was greenery everywhere. It made her heartache for her childhood home on Ember Island. The climate was different, here it was much cooler and the wind ruffled the leaves on the trees every now and then. And Ember Island was hot and muggy year round. But she couldn’t miss the similarities of the two places. Every now and then she’d catch an animal she’d never seen before run past and she’d all but hold her head out the window to get a second look. Azula was much more regal, which was unsurprising though she wasn’t sure if Azula had ever been to the Earth Kingdom either. She sat in the seat across Y/N with her arms crossed and her feet on the bench next to Y/N. Azula had her eyes closed the whole time, reclining in a beam of sunlight coming in through the windows, but Y/N knew she wasn’t sleeping. 
She thought Azula looked much better like this; with her face softened in relaxation. No furrowing of the eyebrows or pursing of her lips. Occasionally, the wind would blow in the windows and ruffle her usually pristine hair. Y/N thought Azula glared and frowned way too much for a fourteen year old girl, Fire Princess or not. Just then Azula cracked open one of her eyes like she knew Y/N was thinking about her. But Y/N didn’t look away like she usually would have done. She just stared and smiled at her friend until Azula closed that eye again and settled further down into the seat. Y/N chose to ignore the light tap of Azula’s toe on her elbow, but not the small smile that was now on her face. 
After reaching the town it wasn’t hard to find the circus. Azula and Y/N just followed the noise and the smell. They were set up in a large field where they could have enough room to set up their tall tents and keep their platypus-bears and scorpion-lions. 
Ty Lee was in the middle of it all. 
She didn’t see them when they first approached. Y/N thought it looked like Ty Lee was flying as she flipped head over heels in the grass. She held herself in a perfectly still handstand. Y/N’s abs ached just watching. 
“Azula! Y/N!” Ty Lee rushed forward, hastily bowed, before crushing Azula in a hug. Y/N received the same tight–albeit longer–hug. “It’s so good to see you!” Ty Lee chirped. 
“I’ve missed you!” Y/N did realize how excited she was to see her old friend until she was in her arms. She smelled the same, like rose perfume and the rosin she used in her tricks. Letters were nice, but they took weeks to travel to each other. Something always happened between them, and when it was time to reply, that ‘something’ was never important anymore. 
“Don’t let us interrupt… whatever you’re doing.” Azula raised an arched eyebrow.
Ty Lee took that as permission and backflipped back into a forearm stand and began scissoring her legs in the air. She held herself on her elbows and rested her head in her hands like it was the easiest thing in the world. 
“You look like you’re having the time of your life here, Ty Lee,” Y/N said. The glow on the girls cheeks and the permanent smile on her lips was obvious. She was always bubbly, but she’d never been like this.
“What is the daughter of a nobleman doing here?” Azula asked, gesturing around to the tents and people who walked by. A hurt look erased Ty Lee’s smile, one that Azula didn’t pay attention to. She jumped right in, never caring for small talk. “I have a proposition. I’m hunting a traitor. You remember my old fuddy-duddy uncle?”
“Oh, yeah!” Ty Lee exclaimed. “He was so funny.”
“I would be honored if you would help me and join my mission.” 
Ty Lee’s feet, which moment’s ago rested on her head, slipped as she lost balance and nearly fell forward on her face. She looked to Y/N for assistance but like a coward, Y/N looked at the grass under her boots. The glance lasted half a second, maybe even less but it still made Y/N tense next to Azula as if she was caught with her hand in the bowl of unfried dough by her mother. This was between Ty Lee and Azula. Any indication that Ty Lee and Y/N had spoken since she’d left would. Be. Bad. 
“Oh, you know Azula, I would love to.” She flipped back to her feet. “But the truth is I’m really happy here. My aura has never been pinker!” Y/N smiled. Leave it to Ty Lee to lighten the mood by talking about her auras. It was incredibly smart, to make it seem like you were dumb to avoid consequences. Y/N wished she could pull that card with Azula sometimes, but she knew her too well. And Y/N knew nothing about auras. 
“Well,” Azula frowned. “I wouldn’t want you to give up the life you love to please me.” 
Y/N ground her teeth. She looked up through her lashes at Ty Lee. This was somewhere she finally fit in. Y/N knew the story with Ty Lee’s sisters and how she felt like part of a matched set. This is where she needed to be, not traveling the world with Azula on some mission that wasn’t going to do anything for her. Y/N didn’t have a choice. Ty Lee did. Don’t fall for it! Y/N wanted to scream. 
Maybe it was Agni, or maybe Ty Lee just had more self control and a self-preservation that Y/N lacked. She placed one fist against her open palm and bowed deeply. “Thank you, Azula.” 
Azula was bristling beside Y/N as they walked away. “Of course before we leave we’re going to catch your show. Aren’t we, Y/N?” Azula gripped Y/N’s arm like a vise. 
“We wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Y/N said. 
Y/N wasn’t sure what Azula told the ringmaster, but every seat in the tent was empty that night. 
High above their box, a square frame filled the stage. Lanterns hung around the frame, illuminating the whole tent. A tightrope spanned across it; a tightrope which Ty Lee was currently balancing on. 
“We are so pleased to have the Fire Lord’s daughter here tonight to see our humble circus. Please tell us if we can do anything to make it more enjoyable.” the ringmaster bowed and left the stage. 
“I will,” Azula muttered. Y/N furrowed her brow in Azula’s direction but she stared straight ahead like she didn’t even notice. What was she planning? Y/N wondered. 
Ty Lee was perched on a pole that rolled along the tightrope like pulley. She slowly switched from hand to hand, posing with a split in the air. Her costume glimmered under the candle-lit lanterns and her full dancer’s skirt bounced as she moved. 
“Incredible. Do you think she’ll fall?” Azula asked Y/N. 
Y/N scoffed at the question, never taking her eyes off of Ty Lee. “Of course not!”
“Then let’s make it more interesting. Ringmaster! Let’s remove the net at the bottom.”
The man’s grey eyes widened. “Remove the net? The thing is–the performers–”
Azula waved a hand. “You’re right. That’s been done. Set the net on fire.”
“Azula, don’t you think that’s a little much?” Y/N asked warily. She wasn’t sure what her friend was playing at but risking Ty Lee’s life wasn’t the answer. Y/N, however, didn’t get an answer. The ringmaster had already done what she had asked. 
For a second, just as the fire reached all the corners of the net below, Ty Lee seemed to teeter, before regaining her balance. Azula huffed, almost like she expected the other girl to fall. “Brilliant. And ringmaster, what kind of dangerous animals do you have here?”
“Azula, I don’t think–” Y/N started only to be cut off by a hand waving in her face. 
“Well, Princess, our circus boasts an assortment of exotic–”
“Release them all,” Azula smiled. 
Y/N sat in horror as she watched saber-tooth moose tigers, scorpion-lions and even an elephant-bear get released below the tight-rope. 
How Ty Lee managed to finish her act without falling was a mystery to Y/N. When she reached the opposite platform she even blew a kiss in their direction before climbing down and ceding the stage to the rest of the performers. 
Azula had only been interested in Ty Lee’s performance and ignored the rest of the performers, finding filing her nails into sharp points more interesting. Y/N wasn’t much better, her head was still spinning at what Azula had done. This was her friend. Someone who ignited such a rage in leaving her that Azula had threatened Y/N with fire if she ever mentioned her name. Was that why she did it? Was this some type of revenge for running away to the circus?
For a second she allowed her mind to think of what would have happened if Ty Lee hadn’t been such a good acrobat. What would either of them have done had she fallen into the flames? The net was in tatters, blackened and burned away. It couldn’t have held her weight from a fall that far, would have been like it wasn’t even a net at all. Plus she would have been on fire! Y/N had just watched Azula try to publicly kill her, and Y/N had just sat there and watched. 
As soon as the performance ended Azula dragged Y/N out of the tent. The air was full of black smoke from the net being burnt away and it blotted out the stars above. They made their way to Ty Lee’s tent. 
She was sitting at her vanity peeling sticky jewels off her face and wiping away layers of makeup. Y/N stared at the stain of ash that coated her gold-plated headband.
Azula leaned against the table forcing Ty Lee to look up at her. “What an exquisite performance. I can’t wait to see how you’ll top yourself tomorrow.”
Ty Lee caught Y/N’s eyes in the mirror and Y/N knew what she was going to do. 
“Unfortunately, there won’t be a show tomorrow.”
Azula widened her eyes in mock-surprise at Y/N. “Really?”
Ty Lee stood to hang her headband above the mirror. “The universe is giving me strong hints that it’s time for a career change. I want to join you on your mission.”
And that’s when it all clicked for Y/N. That net being set on fire and the animals being released wasn’t about killing Ty Lee. Sure, it would have killed her if she had fallen, but the real motive behind it all was worse. 
She could tell by the smirk on Azula’s face that she had gotten exactly what she wanted. Because during Ty Lee’s show, Azula was putting on her own. She was displaying the power she held over them. Telling them without so many words what would happen if they proved disloyal, or stepped out of line. She was in control. And suddenly, Y/N was very fearful of her friend; even as she allowed herself to be pulled into a hug. 
“Let’s go get Mai.” Azula tucked a stray hair behind Y/N’s ear and nodded at them to follow her out of the tent and back to the carriage. 
Azula made the carriage take them back to the ship that night. The mountain roads were too small for a carriage as large as theirs to carry them to Omashu, where Mai’s father governed and they needed to dock the ship at the city’s port. This time, Azula entered on a palanquin. Ty Lee and Y/N marched behind it as they entered the palace grounds. 
“Please tell me you’re here to kill me.” Mai bowed to Azula as they approached. She looked at Azula seriously, before smiling and laughing. 
“It’s good to see you too, Mai,” Azula confessed. 
Ty Lee rushed past both of them to hug Mai. When Y/N could tell that the hug had lasted long enough for Mai, she gently pulled Ty Lee off and replaced her. 
“I thought you ran off and joined the circus?” Mai asked Ty Lee. “You said it was your calling.”
Ty Lee smiled brightly. “Well, Azula called a little louder.” 
“And you–” Mai gripped Y/N’s bicep. “Swinging that stupid sword must be all you do. You’re built like a guard.” A comment like that coming from anyone else might have offended Y/N, but from Mai she knew what it really meant–you’re still in one piece. 
Mai was quick to join their team. Y/N knew from letters that Mai was bored with Omashu, and this was a perfect opportunity to get out from underneath her parents. 
“You guys came at the right time,” Mai said as they entered the palace. “My brother was kidnapped by the resistance last night.”
“Oh no!” Ty Lee gasped. 
“Why would they take Tom-Tom?” Y/N asked. There had to be a motive behind kidnapping a baby. Omashu might have been taken over by the Fire Nation but surely the people here wouldn’t resort to anything...murder-y just for their city back. He was just a baby! 
Mai looked back at her and Y/N noticed dark circles under her eyes she hadn’t seen before. She didn’t sleep at all last night knowing someone had her brother. “We don’t know.”
As she led the three of them to the throne room where Ukano and Michi were waiting, she caught them up on everything they needed to know. The room smelled like dust, clearly sitting unused since the governor took over the city. The three girls, as well as Mai’s parent’s knelt on pillows as Azula ascended to the throne. 
They all bowed before sitting up. Mai continued, “We’ve offered up an exchange; we sent a messenger hawk last night. We have Omashu’s King in the prison–Bumi.”
Azula turned to Ukano. “I’m so sorry to hear about your son. But really, what did you expect by just letting all the citizens leave?” She clasped her hands together and crossed her legs. Y/N noticed she didn’t look sorry at all; her face was cold, angry even. 
“Princess–” Ukano bowed his head respectfully. 
“My father has trusted you with this city, and you’re making a mess of things.” She stepped down from the throne and the girls all rose to meet her. “Mai will handle the hostage trade so you don’t have the chance to mess it up. And there is no more Omashu.” Azula growled. “I’m renaming it in honor of my father. The city of New Ozai!” She strode out of the room with all three of them on her heels. All three of them ignored the tears in Michi’s eyes.
They met on the landing of a construction project. Looking up, Y/N could see what it was. It was a giant statue of Ozai. It was mostly covered in scaffolding but Y/N still shuddered just looking at it. Though this Ozai was made of stone, the eyes were the same, cold and dead. Mai took the lead flanked to left with her and Azula, the right with Ty Lee. 
Even from a distance Y/N could tell that these weren’t members of any resistance. They were kids, probably her age, but maybe younger. Two were wearing Water Tribe blue–the boy in the middle though–was wearing yellow and orange. Y/N had never seen anyone wear those colors before. She could hear Azula hum thoughtfully next to her. 
A crane from above lowered the metal box that held former King Bumi. Y/N noticed he seemed rather chipper for being locked in a metal coffin with only his head sticking out. 
“You brought my brother?” Mai asked. Her low, raspy voice carried over the distance between them. 
“He’s here. We’re ready to trade,” The one in orange answered.
Azula turned to Mai. “I’m sorry, but a thought just occurred to me. Do you mind?”
Mai tensed. “Of course not, Princess Azula.”
“We’re trading a two-year-old for a king. A powerful, earthbending king. It just doesn’t seem like a fair trade, does it?”
Mai’s eyes narrowed, searching over every inch of Azula’s face. Her jaw tightened and slowly she turned to look back at the ‘resistance’ members. “You’re right. The deal’s off.”
Ty Lee and Y/N shared a look. What was Mai thinking? This was her brother. 
As King Bumi was once again lifted into the air, the boy in orange ran towards them, a swirling mass of dirt trailing him. Azula stepped out and threw a ball of fire at him. Or at least where he should have been. He jumped and then flew? high above them, floating on air currents with his staff that was now a glider. He was an airbender. 
“The Avatar!” Azula exclaimed. “My lucky day.” As Azula took off after the Avatar, Y/N ran to the Water Tribesmen, Ty Lee and Mai hot on her tail. She drew her sword and cut an ice dagger in half that the girl threw at her head. She ducked a rope of water and slipped past the waterbender, leaving Mai and Ty Lee to take care of her. Y/N was going to get Tom-Tom. 
The Watertribe boy was furiously blowing on a silent whistle and trying to wrangle the squirming baby in his arms. He turned and ran but tripped over a loose board and slid backwards to the edge. Y/N was nearly there, her fingers inches from grabbing the baby when something wet wrapped around her ankle like seaweed and pulled her hard in the opposite direction. She hit her chin on the wooden boards and lost her grip on her sword which skittered away helplessly over the edge and down to the ground. 
She kicked out but there was nothing for her foot to hit. The waterbender had grabbed her foot with a water rope to stop her and went back to fighting Mai and Ty Lee. She had her hands full with them, dodging chi blocks and blocking knives so she was protective of the boy–loyal to him. Her brother. Use it. A voice in Y/N’s head that sounded too much like Azula’s told her.
Y/N pushed herself to her feet, ignoring the sting of her chin and slid down the ladder just as the Water Tribe boy had done seconds earlier. 
He stood at the bottom looking to the air like he was waiting for something. He watched her come near but didn’t move. That’s when she saw her sword laying a few feet away. He saw her see it at the same time. 
They both rushed to it. Y/N grabbed the hilt but couldn’t pull away. He’d crossed his club over it holding the blade down.
“Then I won’t.” She kicked his club away and pulled her blade back. They both backstepped giving each other space. She held her hand out to him. “ I just want the baby.” 
“Not a chance.” His bright blue eyes watched her every move. He shifted Tom-Tom on his hip.
“Please, it’s my friend’s brother. What would you do if this was your sister?”
“Don’t talk about her!” He shouted. But Y/N didn’t miss his eyes flicker to the platform. 
“I can talk to Princess Azula. I can tell her to make the deal. Bumi for Tom-Tom. Just trust me.”
“Trust you?” he echoed. Then he laughed. Y/N didn’t get to ask him what he was laughing about because she was suddenly hit with something large in the ribs and thrown under the scaffolding. She grunted as she sat up and crawled through the broken beams she was thrown through. In the sky was a flying bison.
“Damn it.” 
After climbing back up the ladder, Y/N and her friends met in the middle of the platform, Azula nowhere in sight. 
Y/N shook her head. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get Tom-Tom.”
Mai massaged a bruised wrist and shrugged. 
“But why would Azula cancel the deal?” Ty Lee asked. “We want Tom-Tom back just as much as they wanted King Bumi!”
“Azula didn’t,” Mai spat. 
Y/N sighed. “Why’d you let her do it, Mai?”
“You know why.”
“It’s not fair.” Ty Lee slung an arm around Mai’s waist. Y/N mirrored her on the other side. They walked back to the palace in silence. Nothing needed to be said, they knew what one another were thinking. 
“We have a third target now,” Azula announced from inside the palanquin as they marched out of the city. “We’re going after the Avatar.” 
“Ooh, I’d like to see that cute Water Tribe boy again, wouldn’t you?” Ty Lee nudged Y/N in the ribs with her pointy elbow. Y/N smiled, he was pretty cute, she thought to herself. 
Her smile grew to a grin. “Yeah, but I bet Mai’s more excited to see Zuko.” Y/N poked Mai in the arm and watched the girl who tried her hardest not to show her emotions flushed a deep red. 
Ty Lee and Y/N fell into a fit of giggles. Y/N missed her friends.
Taglist: @reclusive-chicken-nugget​ , @myexgirlfriendisthemoon​ , @astroninaaa​
A/N: if you’re getting vibes that Azula likes Y/N more than a friend, you are right ;) AND HEY we finally meet the gaang!! Y/N thinks Sokka’s cute!! Sokka hates her Fire Nation guts!! 
Like & reblog!! ❤️If you would like to be added to the taglist please shoot me a message or ask! 
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