#even if we dont talk much sorry i cant survive outside of groups chats
lycankeyy · 11 months
I need to follow more tmnt 87 fans I'm doing the thing where I'm scared of dipping my toes into fandom Too hard again
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ts-2020-olympics · 5 years
EPISODE 1 - “My Legs Were Not Qwoperating” - Kathy (Part 1)
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One world ! 24 other players ! I 
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I'm too old to be here but... it's happening! I made it on Tumblr Survivor mom! Determined to not be first boot!
Also I'm aligning with Jordan Pines because I love chaos and these newbies won't know what hit them
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Well this is certainly something. I'm going to try out seeing who pms me without me saying anything. I'll pick up the activity tomorrow, so it doesn't really affect me, let's see if anyone takes the initiative so I don't have to. If I get dragged into a majority alliance then that's cool. I don't think that this group is great in terms of teamwork as of yet, but we'll see. There's so many tribes our chances of going to tribal are pretty slim, even if we suck. We're kindof underdogs, so sucking might not be excusable. 
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First day of surviving the Survivor survivorship...survivor. These forms are going to take some time to get used to, but I'll manage. Got conversations from Beck and Sammy so far - might scope the field, see what's out there. Or, I can lay low and do what I need to do for my team until merge hits. 
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i actually really like the people on my tribe and i'm excited because i have hopes for us. i've also made some nice friends so far and i'm hoping that pays off later but even if it doesn't i'm glad my first day in a skype survivor org has been positive! woo!
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Fuck this complicated ass first challenge 
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Hello! Guess whose back? It me! Anyway, it’s been a fun first night. Things are going okay. I am worried a little bit about the One World mess, I don’t want to come off too social right now but at the same time I need to secure a good place. So here is the breakdown analysis of my tribe: Chris Stoner: hello ???? I didn’t know they let stoners into the Olympics, didn’t we drug test? I haven’t spoken to him much but we did play Crossroads together although not really together. Anyway, fun to see him. Don’t know if I’d work with him but I guess that’s to be determined. Karen: KARENNNNN! I wasn’t expecting to see them here but now that it’s happening I am very glad to have someone who I have worked with before around, and a solid foundation of working together. Right away I felt like I had someone who had my back and I hope I’m not misreading that, because Karen and I always seem to work together until a certain point. Hopefully we can work together longer than usual this time! Kevin: uhhh soooooo love Kevin but we don’t have the best track record? He was in Circle with me we had a little fight where I may have called him a racist for being mad at Asya anyway it SEEMS as though that’s not an issue anymore and I think we might be able to work something out. I don’t wanna have to vote Kevin out before Stoner or Tommy. Tommy: ok no offense to this man but he is so hard to talk to so far. Every conversation feels flat and even though we are talking about subjects I could go on about for a while, it feels like the convos are going nowhere. I feel like there’s a sort of slight bond between Karen, Kevin and I but then Tommy and Stoner are kind of...hopefully who they’d want to kill off first, I’m probably wildly misreading every situation rn. Outside of my tribe I’ve talked to Juls who I am going to take under my wing as my daughter and she will win this season if I don’t get to! I love her so much she reminds me of my old school Skype babies and I feel like a cool mom when I talk to her I’ve also talked to beck briefly, KING love him bc he’s dating Asya and I don’t necessarily want to bond based on that. I also know beck is a good as game player bc I’ve watched him play so......I’m gonna be nice and observant and maybe we can establish a threat/threat symbiotic relationship. I also talked to Jacob C. who I love so much and he and I have been comparing some notes. He’s already told me Sammy has an idol that he can only use for three rounds so heh heh heh. OH SPEAKING OF SAMMY I love that man he’s such a doll and I really hope we can work together if I get far. At this point I love this cast but I really feel like I am not gonna vibe with the newbies, they’re like very....quiet in the PM’s but loud in the one world chat? I find that backwards. I’m hoping the newbies I do like will be able to  get rid of the newbies I don’t like so that when we merge the newbies I do like will help me get rid of the returnees I don’t wanna work with. That’s what we are manifesting, 2020 vision yeehaw. 
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Showmance, eh? I might play dumb, surprise them all later? I could play the role of disposable pawn while possibly orchestrating things behind the shadows. Could be a long, long shot, but it could work. 
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omg okay this is all so crazy i love it i can’t stop shaking AAAAHHH dhdkshHSJDHEVSJbokayOKAY so like i LOOOVE my tribe we’re the fuckin best tribe here cus we’re all so cool like we’re the FRIENDSHIP tribe and being able to make friends is a useful skill in this game like no offense but being the “dominant” tribe or “champions” tribe or whatever tbh it’s pretty unskinny bc that’s a target on you forever whereas my tribe we’re all friendly and trusting!! 💖💞 xoxo lets hold hands all the way to finale and have fun! 🌈✨
okay i forgot to talk about strategy lol anyways yeah I looOOOVve everyone on my tribe and that’s great but also sucks because there’s only 5 of us, it just takes 3 votes to send you out so I wish there was some oblivious cocky dick on our tribe we all could hate so we’d have an easy first vote like that guy Billy.. why is he on the respect tribe¿? anyways i love everyone but I think Will and I are becoming the closest we talked for a lil while last night yknow things got a little steamy 🥰😩 (you’ll have to pay for ts all access for that footage 😘) we bonded really well and I think for this first vote if we lose, Will and I are definitely gonna be voting together.
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Alright, so here we are at the 2020 Olympics.   I came in as a last minute replacement, so I feel like I have to prove myself more than some others who applied weeks before hand and made the cut.   As well, got some past players, and past winners, which makes the competition stakes that much greater this season.   Then, to top it all off, at the One World style camp, so can talk to everyone which is definitely a nice touch.   Now, regards to my tribe, I honestly like the people on my tribe, and find that we're going to be a solid crew.   Here is my actual impressions on my tribe mates thus far though: Beck - Probably one I recognize most, just due to being in a discord org vl with her, definitely seems like a friendly gal, and when time is right, I feel she could end up being my closest ally on the tribe Ben - Probably one so far who I have talked the most too, and I feel like we're connecting alright thus far, so going to keep building up a bond with him and his route could end up being as my first ally of these Olympics. Kathy - Haven't spoken one on one with her yet, just in the tribe chat somewhat and main chat, which she definitely seems like a cool person, and hoping to get to know her a bit better, but terms of this game, hard to say if we'll be on same side or not. Bailey - Speaking with her a little, but kind of same lines as Kathy currently with her, just not sure if Bailey will end up being an ally who will be with me, or someone who will be against me. Overall, time will tell how this game goes, but hopefully it goes well for me and I come out with at least something worth while.
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HOLY SHIT I FOUND AN ADVANTAGE OH MY GOD!!!!! I GOT AN ADVANTAGE ON DAY FUCKIN TWO OF MY FIRST SURVIVOR EVERR HOLY SHIT!!!! okay so it says i can get an extra vote IF at the next tribal i decide to NOT vote and save that vote for later so i’d have an extra vote. Now the hard part is making my first tribal an easy vote so i can save my own.. hopefully i’ll be able to do this! i’m so scared ohmygod
okay i’m in a serious predicament... so I may not vote at the next tribal meaning there’s only 4 votes. While looking at the cast reveal i discovered something.. Nik is a drag queen, Eve also does drag as well... what if they applied together from some drag community or are bonding because of that. That’s 2 votes together already on a tribe of five.. that’s dangerous especially when I’m not allied with either of them! If they vote together and i don’t vote... they’d have half the votes already and may get rid of my ally Will! I’m hoping to god they don’t know each other but if they are aligned then Will or I could be out! I want this advantage but i don’t know if i can take it.... fuuUUUUCK
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I’m really enjoying my tribe and I think that the people in this game are super awesome! However with that being said, I can definitely see who could potentially be an issue down the line and I’m keeping my eyes peeled for them!
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whoa. this game is a lot. I managed to message everyone on day one because I just rely on my social abilities. I tried to be as relatable as possible to everyone but literally some people were dead fish. Some newbies have asked me for advice already and they said returners are intimidating so I said "I mean only the returners that won" hahah and they were like "oh yeah so true" sorry I threw y'all under the bus. But ummm kathy is playing and we are from the same hometown so I am hoping we end up on same tribe sometime soon. I love juls too!! OH AND JACOB IS MY RIDE OR DIE. we had a tribe call and I was so uncomfortable because I felt like I had nothing to add to the conversation. my fav 2 on my tribe are Jacob and Caeleb tho! umm okay last thing I searched for the idol....AND BIH ON DA FIRST TRY I GOT ONE BLSFSI only good for next three tribals I attend tho. I told Jacob. it was in a yellow condom. okay sorry this was very choppy I just wanted to get it all out.
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This tribe seems to be working fine together, while I'm still terrified of losing, I think we stand a fighting shot. This cool little band of misfits would be a cool sight. I've kept my quiet for the first day, time to ramp things up just a tad. I've talked to Landen and I feel pretty alright about him, and given this tribe is as small as my will to life after playing QWOP, we only need one more! Landen's probably talking to everyone, so I just need to seal the deal with him. I think my challenge performance will suffice for being enough to keep me around, but I need a bit of a backup just in case. If we go to tribal, there's not a "stay UTR" option. It's either I'm in an alliance and I'm calling some shots, or I'm being (in)directly blindsided. But, I picked my strong suit in flash games for a reason fellas. The one world chat has quite a bit of activity. I'm quite and that's fine, if we swap I can readjust. If we go to tribal I'm sure I'll become just a tad more popular along with the other 9 that go. tldr:I'm winning duh
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Ayo, tribe energy looking DOPE AS HELL BAY BAY! We all seem to be getting along pretty well, seeing as our communication during this challenge is pretty dope! No bad personalities in sight. I gotta wonder though, how nervous do I have to be? I know for a damn fact if I start talking more to these people they gon' be fallin' as hard as underage kids seeing the hottest girl in school enter their club. Thing is though, I'm fresh meat coming into this, so any pre existing relationships in this game are like dust mites to me. Can't see em' but GOD DAMN they annoy me. Nonetheless, I gotta work my magic in case we go to Tribal. I ain't letting anybody take out a rookie, especially a rookie who has somethin' to prove, and someone who at his best is the damn king of the world. See me work bay bay!
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survivorarabia · 8 years
EPISODE 7 “Rocks for Roxy” Aren
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“Last tribal was soo wild and I didn’t even participate in it… The results had me shook though. I’m ecstatic that Jay, the only original Fawz member on that tribe, used his idol and survived because he’s someone that I trust and I would like to keep him close. Alex ended up going home and that was delicious news to receive because I definitely get mastermind vibes from him plus he was a Khiana. An idol was flushed out that ultimately protected Jay and forced Lena to vote out her own ally or herself. Issy proved that she really is on my side and I want to work with her moving forward.”
Well, SHIT. Jay (my cute lil overplaying BOT) just spilled some major tea or 'intel' in this new alliance chat.  So, this little fucker was recruited into this alliance which was mainly consisting of OG Khiana members, so Jay, just as his daddy taught him, started playing along for information from this alliance. Richie, Nicole & Lena are the co-ring-leaders of this alliance, and the little fuckers wanna vote-off everybody in our alliance other than Jay & Roxy. LITTLE BITCHES???? WANNA PICK A FIGHT WITH THE AREN MEISTER, EH? MEET ME IN THE PIT AND THROW FISTICUFFS WITH ME, YOU LITTLE PUSSY. Jay speculates that now that the merge is here they'll kick him out of the alliance and recruit Alex & Ruthie instead, but are we gonna let that happen? NUH-UHHHHHHH! As long as we get Emmott on our side, we can make this a 7-5 vote and I can still flush Alex, the turd, down the toilet! Weeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
“WE OFFICIALLY MERGED! This is every survivor’s goal because no one wants to date somebody that doesn’t make the merge. :> We have a takeover and it turns out that someone is coming back with Pandora’s Box. I immediately guess Alex because out of all the eliminated contestants he knew what he was doing and he’s smart.”
“S h o c k e r, Alex returned and he’s acting super arrogant after being out of the game for about 5 minutes. -.- Issy tells me she’s highkey upset that he’s back, so maybe we can plot to send Alex right back out kind of like a revolving door! Apparently, he’s shocked Issy voted against him when he voted against her twice and almost got her voted out the second time. I reassure her that we’re on the same side and that I have her back.”
well arabia has been fun thanks so much for hosting but my time here is done now !!!!!!!!!!! http://68.media.tumblr.com/38817c3e9059c7603d59e2cd59b17f7b/tumblr_oelryngZFq1vzwwmeo8_250.gif this is a letter to nicole: Nicole, we go way back, like super long time to a couple months ago, youre a cool girl and i like you so im sorry that i even tried to lie to you by saying it was a typo... i know youre not dumb and i dont want you to think i was insulting your intelligence by suggesting that you would even believe me when i tried to tell you that me saying "i want that idol in my pocket before nicole can get it" was a spelling mistake, i wanted to just own up and be like yeah okay bye but i figured i should at least try to play it off... and your "i saw that"???? ripped my scalp off iconic... but yeah that was a message suppose to go to alex because he had just told me he had found an idol so i went to him with the clue that you just gave me to try and get his help to figure it out because im GREEEEEDDAYYYYYY ohhh you know that im greedy for love but yeah... sorry bout that Love, Richie http://68.media.tumblr.com/80148f3ba599fe2ce93d4324978b2a20/tumblr_of3ougvqUC1vzwwmeo3_250.gif anyway im pretty much dead lmao i cant believe i accidentally sent a message talking about nicole, using her name directly, to nicole herself... like how fucking DUMBBBBB am i!??!?!? and nicole is someone i genuinely trust too she just told me about a fricken idol clue why tf would i want to betray her right now??? bc im paranoid about her using our kauai past against me down the road?? probably!!! but still..... i'm a fucking IDIOT!!! in a minority alliance of 4 (with someone who was just voted out bc no one trusted him) on a tribe of 12 and i just fucked up the one relationship i have with someone outside of that 4 group.... like.. who do i think i am to fuck up my game this bad????
GUESS WHOSE BACK BITCHES!!!! I have been feeling so down in this game, these Roblox kids got me SHOOK okay. I literally thought the only person I could trust was Richie, but now today he sent me some rude ass message about me that I think he meant to send to Alex, and I GAVE HIM THE IDOL CLUE. So, of course I was kind of annoyed. I knew I had to get the idol before him to ensure my safety. I FOUND IT because I read it over and decided to Google it since it was in quotes! Duh Brian said the idol clue!! I'm a flop, but I HAVE AN IDOL! Now I just have to decide whether I'm going to use it or not. My issue with Survivor is I am SO impulsive, I would hate to go out with an idol in my pocket so I rather use it like an idiot and then be able to find a new one, than go home. I am trying to see if I'm going to get any votes.
“I know how to get into people’s heads by pulling on their heart strings a little and controlling their emotions. :> I want people to feel like they can lean on me for anything, trust me with everything and ultimately strengthen my bond with them. I think I’ve been achieving this specifically with Emmott. If he feels like he’s being treated like an outcast, I definitely want him to stick up for himself and I will always be there to talk to him especially if no one else will. Note: If an opportunity falls in my lap, I’ll be the first take it especially if others don’t see any use for it.”
Shit is going down with this vote and I don't know which side I want to be on here There's Jay, Roxy, Aren, CI'ere, & Kat all (claiming) they want to vote for Alex Then there's Richie, Lena, Nicole, Alex & Ruthie voting for god knows who (Ruthie mentioned Roxy? Idk) And then there's Emmott who's totally reasonably pissed at the OG Fawz alliance because he's not in it, but Ruthie and Alex are trying to take advantage of this and it pisses me off that he's even considering flipping on Fawz because we need Alex gone NOW I want to work with Emmott, he's super nice, he's just unpredictable as FUCK and he keeps wanting to make big moves which I totally understand but this is not how you fucking win this game & I don't know what to do with him tbh Jay is a super huge threat and a sneaky bastard and I don't like how many alliances he's made (me/Emmott, OG Fawz, Ci'ere/Aren, fuck knows what else) & I'm not happy that Emmott is being excluded from the OG Fawz chat because not only is it a shitty game move to make him want to flip because he feels like he's on the bottom, but I don't like how sneaky Jay & Roxy & etc. have been about all these alliances
“Okay so now I’m going to do a brief merged tribe assessment! I will basically be expanding on the people that I already know or introducing players that I’ve just recently met or have gotten more info on along the way!
Alex: I’m not really happy that he’s back to be honest. He’s smart, he’s dictating the other side, and he does well in challenges. Alex will probably be a target for the rest of the game until he’s voted out or until he wins.
Aren: I still feel the same way about him since my previous assessment, but the fact that he questioned my loyalty kind of set off red flags in my mind. I think he just needs to chill out.
Emmott: He’s very positive and fun, definitely the life of the party. I mean, we did swap and he ended up voting out Blossom so I’m just very confused about that whole situation. We established that we’re gonna stay loyal to each other and I hope Emmott is being genuine about this. He seems concerned on a game level and it was actually quite relieving to know that he’s stressed and paranoid just as much as I am.
Issy: I was kind of iffy on Issy, but I think Shay really did mess up. She doesn’t have a problem with me and I’m not gonna let that affect my relationship with her. Issy proved that we were on the same side by voting out Alex. I definitely want to take her under my wing and I hope she flies through the rest of this game by my side.
Jay: I’m starting to see winner potential in this guy and he’s slowly becoming more threatening. He beautifully played an idol last tribal which would confirm Alex’s elimination. Then he puts together an alliance and starts taking initiative. I trust him and all, but I think Jay needs to be voted out a little before the end if you know what I mean.
Kat: Highkey irrelevant but we’re in an alliance apparently so I have to kind of work with her for now. If this alliance happens to be successful, I’m voting her out because I don’t want any goats at the end.
Lena: We were on good terms when Khiana 2.0 ended, but I feel like she was just doing whatever it took to make sure she was safe. Lena made a mistake of trying to save Alex, so she can go.
Nicole: I really like Nicole and I think I want to take her all the way to the end. She is the physical player, I am the social player, and we balance each other out in terms of strategy. She wasn’t included in this new Fawz alliance and I feel like telling her about it, but I think there might be a reason she wasn’t added.
Richie: Cool dude that I could see myself working well with and going far together, but if tribal lines continue then it probably won’t happen. :[
Roxy: I absolutely love this girl and I know she’ll be loyal to me. Roxy has truly had to survive to stay in this game and she kicked butt to get to the merge. I’m extremely proud of her! She’s still hyper af tho. xD
Ruthie: She had a very sweet and enjoyable presence while we were together on Fawz 3.0, so I hope we can work together here as well!
As for me, I’ve been in a great position this entire game. I’ve been carrying out moves behind the scenes and playing stealthily. I have pushed myself in each immunity challenge to help my tribe win. I’ve made social bonds with everyone and I don’t believe I’m anyone’s priority target. I have been able to get people to trust me and just relate to them. I think I also managed to get in the majority of this merged tribe and I’m ready to start taking people out. I was able to blindside someone and get everyone to flip in unanimous vote. I just need to strategically get myself to the end and start making big moves.”
 WOAH THIS IS A LOT SO BAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA i get this message from jay the other day "wanna be a part of an OG fawz majority" i didn't reply i just ignored it couldnt give a fuck i look a little later to reply and he fucken deletes the message right. anyway, i seen this message.... so i say "oh btw, would love to do that alliance" then he was like "Oh dw, it fell through! No one is really wanting it" lol ok I get a message from my MAIN GURL BOO THANG #1 ISSY <3 <3 that there is an OG FAWZ ALLIANCE CHAT THAT I AINT IN AHAHAHAHAHAH ROXY'S FUCKING IMPACT omg im in love with these people there so fucking stupid im obsessed. dumb people actually bring me so much joy omg i hate them all so much. not even like as a group, as individuals they're all dried up grapes and so sad omg so issy's like telling me its okay we'll just go along with it. but i feel thats easier for her to say. 1) shes in the alliance 2) roxy doesn't hate her 3) people actually pm her juicy goss ^^^^ i dont have any of these things so the alarm bells are really going off for me right now, and i kinda wanna flip to the khiana people. i like alex and ruthie more anyway!!! fawz people (minus issy, aren and something ci'ere) makes me feel depressed and bring down my IQ being around them idk what the fuck is going on! all i know is im not in that alliance and that's there own stupid faults! THEY REPLACED ME WITH KAT KAT!!!! my boyf has been more active in this game and all his done is laugh at me when i told him "Some psycho woman (roxy) is yelling at me over the internet" on the topic of julia/roxy/crazy do you know how hard it is to talk to her! omg i talk to her so much and i know we're both bullshitting each other but i have to pretend like shes my favourite person in the world and oh my god, its like hurting my soul genuinely aw well remember shay...... ALSO IDK IF I'VE SAID THIS YET ROXY NEVER SPELLS MY NAME RIGHT - emot - emott - emmotte - emitte - emmot LIKE HOW CAN HARD IS MY CATFISH! i can't wait to tell her my name is actually nick she is gonna freak the fuck out omg
“Jay poured some piping hot tea on the OG Fawz alliance and now I’m glad I didn’t give Nicole any information. On Khiana 2.0, Richie and Lena linked up and formed a group that also included Jay and Nicole. They wanted to get out everyone in the alliance that Zak had made and exposed. The Fawz alliance needs Emmott on board with us so that we have majority. We currently have 6 votes which is enough to tie, but with Emmott we would have 7. I’m not really sure why he wasn’t included in Jay’s new alliance, but I’m guessing it was for voting Shay out.”
i literally dont remember anything that happened last night so like... who knows. anyway jay won immunity and i found out via ruthie herself that she is the target????? jay won't give me a name even though i know he's on the majority alliance which is totally BS because he told richie and i when we were on post-swap khiana that he was on the bottom of his alliance which we just found out (and knew previously tbh) was a lie. anyway so like... apparently we have emmott and issy on our side now? that will bring our numbers to 6, and their numbers are also 6
Aren has agreed to be the seventh vote, and has formed an alliance with Ruthie and I.  So, theoretically, if Issy and Emmott are with us, we should have seven against Roxy.  Theoretically.
I give it even odds at BEST.  I'm gonna tell Ruthie about the Idol, and because her neck is the one on the block, see what she wants to do, play it tonight versus keep it for the future.  I'll let her make the call either way, because I don't think I'm the one getting votes tonight.
TODAY HAS BEEN SO HILARIOUS, I have so much news and I really hope I pull off staying and I hope Alex, Lena, Richie and Nicole stay safe too. <3 SO I've definitely heard my name- that they are going to split a vote between Alex and I in case one of us has the idol, but then... GOOD NEWS.  Nicole spilled that she has the idol and will use it on me if she thinks I'm in danger and that just makes me feel SO good!  I really hope Julia goes because I want 'The Family' and Nicole super safe tonight.  I also have Aren and Emmott's votes... I hope.  Also Aren, Alex and I started an alliance together so that was new and exciting, it's nice to have backup, whew! Anyway, all this has been going on while I was at work and now I'm back home and on the computer and I'm happily trying to use my social game to my advantage.   Let me just add that Julia is HILARIOUS under pressure, she has me dying, I can't even bahaha.  And the thing is I REALLY LIKE HER!  Alex and I would have stayed aligned with her but she's just all over the place, I can't.
“I have been pushing on Alex to get voted out ever since he came back and right now we have 7 votes for him. I tell my alliance that we should tell the other side that we’re voting out Ruthie because Ruthie, Richie and Nicole have all came to me trying to figure out who my side wants out. On the other hand, I’m reassuring Ruthie that she’s gonna stay which is actually the truth lol. It’s pretty messy right now.”
FUCK YOU EMMOTT, YOU LITTLE FUCKING FLIPPING WEEDWACK. SO, since he flipped to the Richie/Ruthie/Alex/Lena/Nicole like a fucking dumbass and since he's incredibly paranoid and thinks Roxy's gunning for him and voted him this time for WHATEVER reason, it's gonna be a 6-6 tie on Roxy and Alex??? And all I have to say, is... FOR THOSE ABOUT TO PURPLE-ROCK, I SALUTEEE YOUUU!!!! (Can we get an episode-title on that one? No? Wow, fuck you guys.)
JULIA IS THE.MOST.ICONIC!!! PLAYER OF ALLL TIIIIIIME!!!!! EVERYTHING SHE SAYS IS AMAZING SHES SUCH A GLORIOUS MESS I LOVE IT SO MUCH THIS WHOLE DAY LEADING UP TO THE MERGE VOTE HAS BEEN SUCH A CLUSTERFUCK OF A MESSS AND I LOVE ITTTTTT!!!! my name hasnt been brought up once (at least to my knowledge but watch me get blindsided lmao) so i've just been talking to everyoneeeeee getting all the tea and taking notes and being a passive participant in all the mess watching like http://68.media.tumblr.com/05e3f3a1cccbad0a8494dbb4cede9e5d/tumblr_of3p41DFQy1vzwwmeo5_250.gif i really dont want to vote out julia just because shes so entertaining im going to be so bored without her messiness and unique juliaism... or roxyisms the girl is so messy she cant even decide on one name for herself I LOVE HERRRRR.... but at the end of the day im not an audience member so voting her out is what i have to do as a player RIP :(  i cant even begin to describe the full mess of what went down because i spent the last 2 hours in a mix of confusion and awe but hopefully after this vote i'll be able to process it all and just soak it all in bc whew iconic... P.S. fuck all yall in the viewing lounge for not picking my merge tribe name i cant wait to vote you out in all stars
https://i.gyazo.com/1be8248e4edff1d7ed768134ec2db491.png https://i.gyazo.com/e19c0acb752ac521d8aecdbf1643cd27.png https://i.gyazo.com/f5940ddc231a3f713a48a98f16d26198.png https://i.gyazo.com/465a114fe61239ed6fb2338a7a8fd2f8.png https://i.gyazo.com/83f620477610f6c6d5236273d8db38eb.png https://i.gyazo.com/df05067f6e3b5d593654c9ea08236bb9.png I HAVE A FEELING THAT HE'S JUST HAVING A YANK AT MY COCK BUT HOLY FUCK IF I LEGIT JUST FLIPPED HIM BACK TO ALEX I WILL BE SO FUCKING HAPPY OH MY GOD AREN YOU ARE A FUCKING SURVIVOR COGNOSCENTI GENIUS BOW DOWN FUCKERS
Well, FUCKING SHIT. That just happened. Roxy, one of my closest allies and best friends, is now out of the game. I should have her Jury vote if I do make the end though, as she's constantly like 'oh good luck aren' 'oh aren youre great' 'oh i love you aren' and I mean -- she 'aint wrong, I'm pretty fucking brill. Meanwhile, I did actually manage to flip Emmott back, which is always nice. Next vote, Alex should be leaving. I clearly had to play double-agent this round between my alliance and the other alliance, and I had to persuade the opposing side that Ruthie was getting the votes, just so if they were in possession of an idol, it'd go on her. And, hey -- it did work! Nicole played an idol on Ruthie, under the guise that she'd be leaving. HOWEVER, Alex unfortunately had an idol too, and he used it on himself, thus fucking up our plans. Unfortunately for me, I played double-agent at the expense of any shot of receiving the respect of our rival alliance. Apparently they hate me now, and I can't blame 'em! I fucked them over, and honestly, it's just because I'm that fucking good at lying. Alex just told me that I'm the NatT of this season, and he should honestly just go and fuck off. I'm fucking INCREDIBLE at this game, you little shit! Who's the one that's already been voted-off? Suck my LOLLIPOP, BRUH.
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