#even if they already look fine maybe they're just bored of their current hair/style/whatever?
heartshattering · 16 days
Imagine being one of those girls who posts a selfie asking "How can I improve my make-up skills?" or "What haircut suits me?" and just getting flooded with comments like "Idk the answer but I'm just commenting to let you know you're gorgeous" or "Nooooo don't change anything, you're perfect, you have my desired appearance" etc.
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sup-hoes-its-me · 3 years
Kakashi in love with a friend
Summary: you are kakashis best friend and he's always been secretly in love with you.
Word count: 2000
A/N: first time doing some headcanons/this style post. I've been really out of it lately and haven't been working on my current wip so I took a break with this.
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When you two were younger, he didn't really notice you. To him, you were just another comrade/classmate and he didn't have the time to make friends.
But after the deaths of his teammates and sensei, he's desperate for someone to care about him, to be kind to him and make him feel something other than sadness and self-loathing
That's where you come in. He notices the way you talk to Gai and the others, how pure and sweet you are when it comes to friendship. You aren't the strongest, maybe that's why you never stood out to him before, but now he's hyper-aware when you are around.
He suddenly finds himself hanging around Gai a lot more, since he's your one of your closest friends,, and you'll usually make an appearance.
He's sure glad he wears a mask because even when you simply say hello and ask about his day, he's getting flustered and pink in the cheeks.
One day you even fall asleep in his lap and he's more than overwhelmed.
It had been a long day of training together. You, Kakashi and Gai actually had a break from missions for once, after a long span of constant trips and missions away from each other. You were originally just practicing your jutsu with the help of Gai when Kakashi had shown up and offered his expertise as well.
Needless to say, hours went by and you were tired. You settled yourself comfortably under a tree in the shade and tossed your head back against the bark, no doubt getting dirt or wood stuck in the strands of your hair.
"Tired already, Y/N-chan?" Gai asked, standing in front of you with his hands on his hips. You could only nod, and from there he plopped himself at your feet, tucking his legs in a knot beneath him. "You did really good. Your water style is getting better everyday."
"Maybe I'm getting better, but I'll never be good enough to keep up with Kashi over there. He's amazing."
Kakashi felt his muscles tense, and he could only shake his head in disagreement. He didn't want you complimenting him by putting yourself down. You were doing just fine on your own, no need to compare you two.
"You're doing just fine. Don't worry about it," he said.
Kakashi settled himself on the ground beside you and leaned back on his arms. You were tired, and he could see the way your head lulled from side to side as if you were going to fall asleep any moment. He sighed. You were awfully cute for a shinobi. Soft eyelashes fluttering and cheeks puffed out from a long day of hard work. Adorable.
"It doesn't really matter does it. I have you and Gai to protect me if things don't go right. My best friends," you sighed with a soft smile on your face, happy to have them in your life. "Do you mind, Kakashi?" You asked, motioning down to his lap.
"Mind what?"
"Can I lay my head in your lap? I'm so tired and you look so comfy."
Immediately, he felt his cheeks beginning to heat up at the thought, but he nodded nevertheless. "Yeah, no-no problem."
You laid your head gently on his thighs and sighed, cuddling into his jogging pants. It wasn't long until you'd drifted off into your own little dreamland. Your breaths steadied to a calm rhythm, chest rising and falling with each exhale. It was nice.
"Cute, right?"
"What?" Kakashi asked, raising a brow in his friend's direction.
"I said, you think they're pretty cute. I can tell exactly how you're feeling, my rival."
He didn't know how to respond. Yes, he thought you were beyond cute, adorable gorgeous, whatever. But he wasn't just going to admit that outloud. He stared up at the clouds and shook his head.
"They like you too, you know. A lot. They're always talking about you when you're not around. Boring, if you ask me. They think of you as their best friend."
"Yeah. Just thought you might want to know."
Kakashi kept that thought in the back of his mind, lost in his own emotions. You cared for him. You trusted him so deeply. He felt honored that you spoke about him. He thought about you more than you could ever imagine.
He was happy with you there in his lap, sleeping away with your tiny breaths and your hands curled up in front of you. He wished life could be like this all the time, but he knew it was too good to be possible.
Soon enough, he's hanging out with you alone. On days you see him walking by, you run up and join him on his errands, and he loves it.
He'll tell you to leave him alone, embarrassed you can make him feel this way, but you both know he's not serious. You just laugh and follow behind as he gets his groceries or visits the bookstore.
You're not turned off by his distant personality. You understand his trauma and pain, and work to accept him for all his quirks and flaws.
As you two mature and he learns from his mistakes, he knows he can't let you go. He doesn't even want you out his sight.
He's sure to say goodbye before you leave for any major missions. If you died, he wouldn't forgive himself if he didn't see you off.
He's in charge of your apartment when you're gone. He volunteered to water your plants and feed your cat. He'll leave a bag of candy on your countertop, your favorite kind, to surprise you when you come back home after a long trip.
He always, and I mean always, puts down his book when you enter the room. You are the center of attention for him, and he can't possibly be distracted by anything else.
Why would he even need those romance novels when he has you and his budding romance to focus on?
He takes you out for drinks at least once a week, under the guise that he's just bored. No no no, he just loves to be around you one on one. He doesn't even mind paying.
He's not big on touching, so he'll never go out of his way to hug you...but if you hug him, he's gonna fucking cherish that shit. Anything you do for him he appreciates.
One day you come home injured from a mission and he is just...broken up to pieces he's so worried.
When he is finally allowed in your hospital room, he sees your weak form lying in the bed, wrapped up under the covers with your head turned toward the window, staring out at the birds flying by.
You hear him finally, and your head turns to him and despite your pain you try to smile. Oh that sweet smile he'd come to care for. He just wished you weren't so hurt while wearing it.
"Y/N, I was so worried," he confessed, walking up to your bedside and taking a seat in the nearby chair. "I should have known this mission was too dangerous. I should have said something."
"Oh, Kakashi, please don't bother with any of that. This was solely my fault. No one else's."
"What do you mean? I knew the enemy was stronger than you but-"
You cut him off, brows furrowed just a bit. "It's not that the enemy was stronger than me, thank you very much. I could hold my own just fine." You crossed your arms over your chest and huffed. "I fell down a well and broke my rib and leg. It was an accident."
He paused for a moment, his lips opening into an "o" shape. To say he was surprised would be an understatement. He was dumbfounded. You were that clumsy? A whole life dedicated to being graceful and tactful, and you fell down a well.
"I see. I apologize for assuming."
"It's fine. Just me being dumb as usual. I bet if you were there, you would have swept right in and caught me, huh?" You laughed, pressing your palm to your cheek. You felt warm, probably from the infection you'd gotten after your injury, but it just might have been from the bashful feeling in your chest.
He sighed, keeping his breath calm and his attitude cool and collected. You were right. He would have caught you. He was sure of it. With his eyes on you almost every second you were around, instinct would have just set in.
"I'm just glad you came to visit me. I missed you, you know."
"I-I missed you as well."
"Well, I'm gonna be home for a little while, so you'll be seeing a lot more of me."
He straightened his back, eyes trailing over to the wall instead of your face. He was nervous. The sweeter you were to him, the worse these emotions got. He wanted all of you to himself, selfish as that may be. "When do you get out of here?"
"Probably tonight. I just need to take meds for a while and try to take it easy."
He rubbed the back of his neck and cringed. Was he really about to ask you on a date? He couldn't believe himself. He was losing his mind. All because of this one person. "Are you up for dinner? I know you're hurt and all but..."
"Where do you wanna go?"
"Oh uh, I didn't think that far ahead, I guess."
"Well considering I've went through quite the ordeal today, Yakiniku Q sounds pretty good. Do you mind?"
"No, sounds great."
"Then, it's a date," you hummed, peering over to catch his red cheeks and wide eyes at your words. You laughed to yourself as he coughed on his own breath. He stood from his spot beside your bed and straightened out his vest as he did so, uncomfortable suddenly. He was so embarrassed.
"If that's what you want."
"Yes. Of course."
And he said goodbye, worming his way out of the room wanting to bury his head in the sand. How had this worked out so perfectly in his favor? He didn't go in there with the intention of asking you out, but it just happened to play out that way and he felt hot in his own clothes, suffocating on the air around him.
Now he just had to find something to wear. And maybe fix his hair a bit. He would have to ask Kurenai if he saw her, what would impress Y/N the most.
Your date goes well. He fixed his hair and his clothes just enough to look presentable, and you were definitely pleased.
You did most of the talking, as usual, just telling him about your injury and the mission and what you had planned for the next week you stayed at home. You asked him about your cat and your plants that you hadn't had the chance to go see yet. You asked about Gai and everyone else. The mission had been long after all.
He walks you home of course, helping you along as you clutch his arm for support. You really shouldn't be walking, and he felt slightly guilty for taking you out in such a state. Thankfully your apartment wasn't very far.
You get to your place and pull the key from your pocket, twisting the knob to your door. You turn to say goodbye and he stops you, grabbing your wrist in his rough, calloused hand.
"Not yet."
"Don't leave me yet."
You nod, waiting patiently for him to think about what he wanted to say, what he wanted to do. You know this had to be hard for him. He was so rough around the edges, so emotionally burdened.
You kiss him, after a moment of silence. You stand on your tip toes and you place a soft gentle kiss to his masked lips. He can only stand there, staring down at you, lips slightly ajar.
How could this be happening? He wasn't the desirable type. He was a monster. A cold hearted killer. How could you possibly care for him like that.
"Stay with me tonight," you say to him, "Help me rest up. I'm very injured, you know. Make me tea. Feed Mr. Whiskers. Tuck me into bed." You're smiling, and he's just in shock. How had he found someone so perfect.
He nods and walks right into your small apartment. He would spend the night, if only ro help you out with the most miniscule of tasks. Just to see you smile, just so he could feel your lips on his over and over again.
He got a lot of kisses that night, even one without the mask, when it was dark enough you couldn't see.
His life was coming together slowly, piece by piece, but now he had you. That's all he really needed.
A/N: Lol, I thought this was gonna be short. I'm so dumb. Hopefully you guys like. I'm currently working on another multi chapter Kakashi fic so hopefully I can have the first part up soon.
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katedrakeohd · 4 years
What Happens in Paris...(7)
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Back at the train, the men and women separate to get ready for the tea party. Down in Max and Drake’s shared room, Drake is sitting on his bed watching Max do his primp and polish in front of the mirror. Impeccably dressed in his black Gucci dress shirt and trousers, Maxwell is running a comb through his neatly trimmed hair and whistling. If he wasn’t his friend, Drake could almost hate him for it. His clothing style rarely changed. His way of taking his day look into a night look usually involved the undoing of a button on his shirt, and the addition of a hair product to keep himself looking sharp when he broke out the moves on the dance floor. Drake knew though, even by day when Maxwell appeared to be calm and collected there was always a three ring circus, complete with peacocks, going on inside his head.
Drake looked down at Maxwell’s shiny black shoes, and then glanced at his own scuffed and worn looking brown ones. As much as Drake didn’t want to dress all fancy for a Royal tea party today, he knew that Kate was expected to be there. Plus he wanted to witness the look of envy on Maddy’s face when Kate walked in all dressed up and stole away attention from the future Queen. Although he usually wouldn’t give a damn how he looked when he skulked his way into events after everyone else important arrived. This time he knew Kate would be under Liam’s lustful eye, and it made his stomach ache at the thought. If he was going to escort Kate into this stupid party, even as her seemingly platonic friend, he had to make an effort to fit in for his own peace of mind. Drake cleared his throat to get Maxwell’s attention. I can’t believe I’m doing this again. Heaven help me.
“Uh, Max? About this party today… I can’t exactly show up looking like some bum off the street. Could you help me pick out something fit to wear?”  
Maxwell gasped, dropping the lint roller he was using to remove fluff and hair from his trouser leg. “Really?! You’ll let me dress you up for two events in a row?”
Drake sighs, getting up from the bed and running his hands through his hair. “Well don’t make a big deal out of it.”
“It is a big deal. My grumpy best friend wants to impress a girl!”
Drake grimaced, “Tone it down will ya? Besides, you are not my best friend.”
Maxwell is unfazed by the brush off and just raises his eyebrows, nodding, “Oh right! We’re even better than that now. We’re family!”
Drake opens his mouth to protest and then closes it again. Technically Max was right, as painful as it was for him to admit. He raises his hands and gives Max an impatient head shake, “Alright! Alright! Whatever! Are you gonna help me or not?”
“Of course I will. Show me what you got.”
Drake holds his hands out to the sides to display his current denim disaster.
“No, no silly.” Maxwell drags over Drake’s suitcase and flops it onto the bed. Drake places a protective hand on top, shakes his head.
“No point in looking in there," Drake grumbles.
“Okay then, to the Royal Closet we go.”
Kate sits in front of Hana’s portable makeup mirror, while Hana runs a round brush through her hair, coaxing it into soft waves. “I love your hair Kate, it’s so soft and manageable. What shampoo do you use?”
With a shrug, Kate admires her freshly painted fingernails. “Some kind of fruity scented stuff that I bought at the drugstore. Drake forgot to grab the matching conditioner when we showered, so I hope my hair doesn't get all full of static and frizz.”
Hana meets Kate's gaze in the mirror and they both giggle. “Oh my goodness, Kate. No wonder you two were late for breakfast.”
Trying to hide her blush in the lighted mirror was impossible, “Yeah, well I did interrupt him while he was shaving this morning. And damn he looked sexy in that bathrobe.”
Hana sighed with envy as she parted Kate’s hair and swept it behind her shoulder. Kate hands her the golden, flower embellished comb from the counter. “What’s it like Kate?”
“Having a King and his best friend both in love with you?”
"It's not as fun as you might think. They've both staked their claim on me in some way and I hate being the rope in their tug of war. The worst part is that Liam has already lost me and he doesn't know it yet."
“Poor guy, he’s going to be crushed. What does Drake have that Liam doesn't?”
“He doesn't have the weight of the kingdom sitting on his head and shoulders, nor does he have a bunch of noble ladies fighting over him. Plus he’s nobody important to the press or tabloids. I’m not as worried about being seen with him, because I know he’ll protect me.”
“He’s not worried about being pulled into the Tariq scandal with you?” Hana asks, a look of concern on her face.
Kate shrugs, “I know he doesn't regret coming to my rescue, except for maybe the punches Tariq landed on his ribs. He was very much a gentleman about the whole thing, which is a lot more than I can say for Tariq.”
“But speaking of having two guys interested at the same time, what about Neville and Rashad?”
Hana wrinkles up her nose with a frown of disgust, “They're so boring. And neither were very nice to Penelope when we first met them.”
Kate applies a pale pink lip gloss to the center of her bottom lip to enhance her lipstick, pressing her lips together and then checking the results in the mirror, “Well frankly, since finding out she participated in the smear campaign against me, Penelope isn't one of my favorite people either. But I get what you’re saying, especially with Neville. He creeps me out in the same way Tariq does. Rashad seems to be marginally better than his friend as far as character goes, having made his own way as a businessman. He’s not depending on his Father’s money like Neville.”
Hana tilts her head, considering Kate’s thoughts. “I suppose you make a good point. But still, neither are as important, charismatic, charming or handsome as the King.”
Kate smirks, “Liam's definitely a charmer. I wonder sometimes what he sees in an ordinary barmaid like me. Or what Drake does either.”  Kate meets Hana's gaze in the mirror. "Am I really worth all this fuss? What's so special about me that loving one man must mean breaking the other's heart?"
"You mean besides your charisma, charm, intelligence and beauty? You're a genuinely nice person Kate, and everyone is drawn to you. The other women in the room envy you when the men all look your way."
Kate turns around to look up at Hana, seeing the admiration in her eyes. "You're all of these things and more, Hana."
Hana looks down at her shoes, shyly,  "I wish. My parents have invested so much into my training, refinement and education. But they've rarely praised me for any of my achievements. Sometimes I feel like they'd throw me at any available bachelor if it would raise my status on the social ladder, especially if it got our names in the media back home."
Standing up from her seat, Kate places her hands on Hana's shoulders. "Hey now, don't beat up on yourself. You're more than just some guy's arm candy or potential wife. You need to stand up and grab the future you want for yourself. To Hell with your parents’ expectations. I bet you could excel at anything you put your mind to. You don't need a man to raise your status. Be the strong independent woman I know you can be.”
Hana smiles, “Thanks Kate. I wish I’d met you years ago. You're the type of friend I've been missing all my life.”
Kate smiles back, “You’ve been here for me too, so it's only right that I return the favor.”
Stepping back from Hana, Kate strikes a pose with one hand on her hip, raising the other in a provocative sweep of her hair to highlight her face and bare shoulders. “So what do you think of my finished look?”
Hana smiles broadly, with a clap of approval at her stylish handiwork. “You're going to be hotter than the tea, that’s for sure.”
Kate winks, “Damn straight. We are.”
Drake stands outside of Kate's train compartment, fidgeting. Dressed in a crisp white dress shirt and dark grey trousers, with his hair combed and set with some of Maxwell's styling compound; he felt like a teenager on Prom night. Drying his sweaty hand on his thigh, he's reminded of how thin the fabric feels compared to his usual denim. The way the slim fit of the pant legs hugged his thighs made him feel so exposed, almost naked, and he was starting to regret not opting for his usual jeans. But Maxwell had assured him that he looked good, and that he’d fit in just fine at the party.
He hoped he looked good enough to escort Kate. The sudden absurdity of wanting to dress up for a tea party makes him chuckle and he shakes his head. Damn it Kate, what have you done to me?
Sucking in a deep breath he knocks on Kate’s door and waits.
Crouching down to secure the gold strap of her shoe around her ankle, Kate hears the buzzing sound of a text message coming from inside her purse. She glances up, “I bet that’s Drake.”
Hana gets a pinging sound on her phone seconds later, “It's a group text from Liam. The cars arranged to take us to the tea party have arrived. We're to meet in the dining car to coordinate who is traveling with whom.”
Kate breathes a sigh, picking up her clutch. “Ok, off we go then.”
Drake is leaning against the wall looking at his phone when he hears the sound of voices to his right, causing him to look up. Kate and Hana are giggling as they approach hand in hand, and then they stop as Kate sees Drake and gasps. “Oh..my...God! Look at you.”
With a smirk, Drake straightens up blushing. “What..do I look that bad?”
Kate shakes her head, then appraises Drake all over again with a head tilt and a slow look from head to toe and then back up again. “Nah, ah. Hardly. You’re looking like a tasty snack.”
Drake clears his throat, raising his eyebrows. “Heh, look who's talking. If I’m a snack you're definitely dessert.”
Hana grins at them both, rolling her eyes, “Ok lovebirds, quit with the flirty food talk and making eyes at each other we’ve got a party to get to.”
Stepping aside, Drake nods. “But of course, after you Ladies.”
Taking in a deep breath and closing his eyes as Kate passes him in the hall, Drake falls into step a few paces behind them. Damn she smells nice, this party isn’t going to be torture at all.
tagging: @jovialyouthmusic @sirbeepsalot @emceesynonymroll @emichelle @mskaneko @speedyoperarascalparty @dcbbw @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @drakexwillow @kingliam2019 @kimmiedoo5 @gardeningourmet @drakesensworld @mfackenthal @thequeenchoices @debramcg1106 @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @wickedgypsymoon @griselda1121 @indiacater @texaskitten30 @nikkis1983 @lynne1993 @bobasheebaby @drakesfiance @moonlightgem7 @princessleac1 @janezillow @jlpplays1 @walker7519 @drakesensworld @furiousherringoperatortoad @samihatuli @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @rainbowsinthestorm @burnsoslow @bbrandy2002 @jessiembruno @msjpuddleduck @princess-andromeda-nazario @princess-geek @mom2000aggie @batgirlassociationofgothamcity @masterofbluff
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