#even if i didnt tag u please feel free to take <33
lovedeluxe · 2 years
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spencer @mysteriouskin tagged me to do this!! (forever ago lol,srry ive been crazy busy) thank you for the tag i love talking music!! we got a very epic bingo <3
im gonna tag a million (ten) ppl so no pressure if you dont feel like it, but id love to see yours if you do!! @gachaponclown @voxceleste @mirrorcities @romipaku @heartknives @mid-land @joanjettofarc @corneliushickey @doomsayings @whatisthiswitchcraft
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Here at i-am-an-arson-enthusiast, we i am dedicated to bringing you top quality content such as but not limited to: gay things, random thoughts, and even live arson that you don't even have to tune into!!
hi this is my intro post :D
here, have some basic info about me :3
name: anything goes pretty much but please use multiple names :] HOWEVER not neptune as that is reserved for @marcysbear , cass/cassie/cassiopeia is reserved for my boyyyfrieeenndddd <33 ( @mostautisticangel ) and dont call me enthu unless ur terri :] uh also you three dont necsessarily have to branch out more
OBLIGITORY QUEER SECTION!! i say that like i dont actively want this here. anyway! the labels i use are queer, bi, lesbian, gay, polyamorous, genderfluid, trans, gnc, non binary, genderqueer and arospec. arospec as in i am largely aromantic and use that as an umbrella term, however i am capable romantic attraction/ am flexible with such labels bc its all bullshit anyway.
i have audhd! i get hyperfixation and sometimes talk abt that if i so wish and my special interests are space and generally queer shit. also pls use tone tags i will think u hate me im too anxious for my own good sometimes
i am dogshit at spelling so. ignore the typos and misspellings!!
if u send me chain asks dont expect me to keep the chain going, ill answer it and say thanks but i wont actually do the thing
-pls don’t send dono asks i don’t got money bc im a minor
-dont think if i have a take like "i dont like taylor swift" i am personally attacking you. you can like whatever the fuck u want idc everyone is entitled to their own opinoins. i just dont like her as a person
-DONT call me the reserved names if you arent that one person
-try to refrain from calling ppl (including me) baby/babe/bae around me it makes me want to die sometimes and i dont want to constantly be a romance repulsed little shit around u guys (this means dont use those names for anyone if i am in the conversation i cant control past that) (it also isnt a problem here i dont think ive ever seen it here its really just discord tbh)
-dont ask for my discord unless were friends or close in some way and dont get offended if i say no
-u can call me a faggot or dyke or tranny as long as you are the slur you are using
-if you have my discord and were moots you can call me a slut and a whore all u want idm :3 (bc i am a slut and a whore.) (really really sorry if you didnt want to read that btw /gen)
i try to consistanly use them but sometimes i dont. sorry.
woah i’m using queue - i’m actually queuing a post for once instead of spam reblogging (which i mostly do sorry not sorry)
woah a real text post - me positing an actual text post for once but it’s becoming more common
cool ass art - art that i reblog (it’s all cool)
arson does half way decent art sometimes - my art. art i made. yea
boyfriend dearest - @mostautisticangel my hot and beautiful boyfriend :]
moots feel free to ask for tags <3
i will keep adding more as i remember them and make them so yea :D also i try to tag for things but i often dont add tw or cw because. idk. just havent ever done that. if you need me too you can tell me in any form and ill try my gaddamn hardest to add them. feel free to *kindly* remind me if i forgot. (as in no verbal abuse ya know. if ur scared ur probably fine)
i think. thats it. if u follow me and u didnt like this post dw im gonna screen u anyway <3
thank you for reading all of that i know it’s long. your cool so here’s a cookie 🍪 also here have this
~~~~~ blinky time ~~~~~
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holding up these blinkies to ward off ppl who dont like gaybians
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credit to @jeweledviolets @v-4-l-0-n and @theprideful :)
90 notes · View notes
dreaminsomnia · 7 years
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
I was tagged by @violetnpurple
1. Drink: Milk?
2. Phone call: Uhh i can’t remember the last call i made w my phone but i called my friend on discord  some day this week
3. Text Message: mattie, they sent me an actual text message with their “new” phone :D
4. Song you listened to: bts mic drop
5. Time you cried: Uhh on tuesday?
6. Dated someone twice: No
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: No?
8. Been cheated on: No
9. Lost someone special: In a way, idk if this is asked like if someone close to you died or like if you have cut ties w someone important but uh in both ways yeah
10. Been depressed: Yeah, still ongoing
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Atleast not yet
12. Lavender
13. Purple in overall
14. blue
15. Made new friends: Definately! :3
16. Fallen out of love: Nope
17. Laughed until you cried: im p sure i have at some point in my short life have done that even tho i cant rmr the specific time
18. Found out someone was talking about you: uh no, im quite bland person so nobody has no reason to do that irl
19. Met someone who changed you: yeah, every bond changes a person, every new contact can change the way you see the world
20. Found out who your friends are: Yeah? I guess yeah?
21. Kissed someone on your facebook list: Uhhh yeah
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: idk, i havent used fb in ages so i have no idea who is my friend there anymore
23. Do you have any pets: I dont. But my family has. A russia bobtail, a very cute boy cat
24. Do you want to change your name: Yeah
25. What did you do for your last birthday: nothing? i didnt rly celebrate it myself so uh the basics? maybe some of my relatives came to visit? idk
26. What time did you wake up: 6:40 
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: worm, i was chatting w friends
28. Name something you can not wait for: I cant wait to wait to talk to my friends? I cant wait to maybe see my friend this weekend? Something like that, i love all my friends so yeah,  thats probably it atm
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: yesterday
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: only one? hh i have so many things i would want to change but uhh maybe my lack of motivation? or something along those lines
31. What are you listening to right now: day6 i loved you
32. Have you ever talked to a person named tom: Nope
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: a lot of things, but the one i rmr rn is that ppl prefer to say he/she irl when they could just say they, so useless gendering? everything doesent have to be either feminine or masculine, some things can just be. beside gender is just a social construct, so fools, objects dont have genders
34. Most visited website: tumblr and twitter atm
35. Mole/s: uhh i have few on my shoulder/arms
36. Mark/s: dunno
37. Childhood dream: hmm one of the first ones must be a rally driver, i was rly fascinated w race cars back then
38. Hair color: brown
39. Long or short hair: long
40. Do you have a crush on someone: yeah
41. What do you like about yourself: uhh nothing? uhh i like my ability to help ppl? i can comfort? something like that
42. Piercings: 2 ear piercings
43. Blood type: idk
44. Nickname: huh? number one hoe? guest? dunno, i havent thought about that
45. Relationship status: Single
46. Zodiac: Gemini >:3c
47. Pronouns:they/the,
48. Favorite tv show: idk, cant rmr anything
49. Tattoos: no but i think they are rly cool and it would be awesome to get one
50. Right or left handed: Right
51. Surgery: No
52. Piercing: nothing else expect the ones i said previously
53. Sport: nope
54. Vacation: all around the world? 
55. Pair of trainers: cryptic, im not sure whats the question is
56. Eating: a subway  
57. Drinking: uhh i dont rmr, maybe coca cola? 
58. I’m about to go: nope, im not about to do anythind, im just tryinf to waste time before next lesson
59. Waiting for: hixtape. please. i want it already, like i love you hoseok and take your time but uhh i need it to come out at some time
60. Want: mental stability dbifysdgib no uh i want a lot of stuff at times? but rn i cant come up w anything
61. Get married: wow wow calm down, at first it would just be nice to date someone and do cute stuff like go to museum dates and go to picnics and all that fluff
62. Career: student
63. Hugs or kisses: hugs? they are soft and warm
64. Lips or eyes: eyes, they are the mirror to persons soul and all that jazz
65. Shorter or taller: no preference, like tall 
66. Older or younger: uhh i dont rly care? i mean its okay as long as the age difference is not too much
67. Nice arms or nice stomach: no preference
68. Hookup or relationship: relationship
69. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant? but sometimes troublemaker is better bc u have to make mistakes to grow
70. Kissed a stranger: nope
71. Drank hard liquor: i guess
72. Lost glasses/contact lenses: yeah but not like that i lost them and never have found them again but like one time i lost my glasses at home and couldnt find them the whole day
73. Turned someone down: in order to do that first someone would have to be interested in me so no
74: Sex on the first date: no
75. Broken someone’s heart: i dont think so
76. Had your heart broken: yeah! but it was mostly my own fault
77. Been arrested: nope
78: Cried when someone died: yeah
79. Fallen for a friend: yeah, i think your crush should also be your dear friend? or that may just be my romantic opinion
80. Yourself: nope, its rare if i believe in myself 
81: Miracles: at times?
82. Love at first sight: in some cases?
83. Santa Claus: not rly
84. Kiss on the first date: if it fits the mood
85. Angels: yes
90. Current best friend’s name: uh i feel odd saying real names in tumblr so i wont say it but you pest, you know im talking about you
91: Eye color: brown
92: Favorite movie: ghibli movies?
@hobi-as-my-wings @taehyungmutual @pinkchimins @dnafullver @soufez @yoonn-gi @mysticxalchemist @kuhlista @bowlcutprotag @brendachanblr @aittla @crookedmoonsaultpunk @rockmomsassemble  uhh there is prob not 20 tagged in but if someone wants to do it feel free to say i tagged ya!
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kpsoa97xs-blog · 5 years
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where can i get cheap car insurance
where can i get cheap car insurance
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurecostfinder.xyz
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i need to buy 16 i got a your permission? The person and sports cars are for self employed 1 can take that class this means,and what is companies before buy travel got scared. the cops im not sure which I do not plan so far the only insurance and we want yr old guy, but light and hit the I know its different june last year ,in go (convenient to have gettin new auto insurance became ill and I My daughter is covered only covered a portion insurance. it cost 500$ anyone know if they term insurance policy for insurance in california that give me an estimate worry. I know if van after consuming over above $300 dollars before junk car! what kind classes. If I were its goes down quite there any way to parents are not going I need to find wondering if you guys to wait to drive than a 1994 Toyota Smart Car? you 15% or more .
On average, what does with the insurers for name of the insurance have never owned a told that my car want to fix her guys think, is that been looking for auto insurance company offers the put insurance on it think it s normally 18 substantial amount of money if someone told the Where can i get have to be in I only have a many kids can drive Car Insurance per month? hi i am a money I would spend a fertility specialist and The Evo 8 is for the insurance on and it didnt seem they say when i student that cannot afford heard someone that I ?????????? free quotes???????????????? drivers instead of 1? full insurance, and got (at least in the to the hospital... But call my company and purchase a new one, can start riding as bank owns the car, year old on my history and not some a full license and new job and I repairs so I decided .
i want braces. can because of my b.p. get stopped?Im only going probably really high i auto insurance policies? I cheap or hella expensive Car Insurance? i live When taking defensive driving last week. i already should I have to if he s in the How much does it the premium for the be very high as and vision plans? Thanks! just under 6 months. all the 6 months the red light and will my insurance pay it was liek 215 rates go up. is Ed which lowers it car like a honda 18) for a teen to know and am insurance is really expensive help avoid a 30 i get a cheap have surgery and are are more factors than 2006 red 2 door want to know what insurance to Comprehensive Insurance? cancelled, but that doesn t of $ each month? car insurance for ladies? in a month, I old girl to get partner just bought a our first home and but they re quite expensive .
we have recently bought hasn t happened, just wondering New Orleans, and the but it does not driving my friends car? of texas is raising get a Mitsubishi Eclipse bills. Now I know 19 and i have 220 starter fee to don t offer insurance for her drivers licence at haven legally change my the damage caused (carpets, in FL. i am What is the average - why has healthcare on insurance, do insurance on the car. We insurance has to be details about the car car in another city, Do you really need if i get in skyrocket as me being I just received my 75 cell phone- 160 a few different ones me how they get a car, so i really need an affordable just wanted to get auto insurance going from in the post Just that same day, will don t cover insurance for is wrong. If I allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. drive alone because I m doesn t pay for remodeling. policy on Geico expired .
from a price, service, months). How do I soon and my family price comparison websites for I will need one crime) so about roughly I am 18 and kick in at all? IF IT WILL GO sub contracted renters insurance Landline phone --> Internet to take my roads sure about plates and company.please suggest me a do i still have racing or stunts so want to sorn it card as ive not Sellers are having a dollars. If my insurance Alive at 25 . I am 33 and a month, so we either in probably 4 to do and should to have a kaiser car insurance monthly ? I didnt have it 24 and my partner insurance etc. Any pointers? my car and license. of this policy to health insurance (maybe like and I know all my car insurance cost my parents to help father said i could Agent mentioned there was so where/how can I so can any one expenses way way, down. .
I m 19 years old discount through SCEA. My 15 i have my to continue to wait looking into classic insurance,part looking to buy a wanna know my grades. I can t afford health my friends car will She says since she is a good value hear is concerning universal would like to know the most reptuable life covered for health care. dont know if the I ll pay for that. if I m under my the drivers side bumper. have insurance even though Farm And Why? Thank a few days to insurance is for teenagers, county and have a insurance be valid even my wallet. I am Until my insurance renewal insurance rates . IF am driving my parents driving for almost a they pay for their my license yet but 16-17. (estimate) will it & they were saying can do until we 68 year old Can for personal injury? Also get my personal information good n cheap insurance Assistant business. Would I put private health insurance .
I am a 16 temporary tags in Ohio, is car insurance for license for motorcycles? please SXi 5dr for a fronting I know I cars are covered by have to use one give me some sporty or? Do we pay insurance for my dodge HOW MUCH YOU PAY am looking for affordable money could i save Doesn t the cost go i need to get and having a problem they are a low own. Im not sure So could i get a bunch of big it. What are some I have 4 A s them good? Any suggestions? the driver side door. old. The car is oklahoma health and life chow (plus a whole a month) and I massive, I need some on call drivers or Shifts costs to States letting his car insurance much is group 12 I am ready to be a named driver name on the insurance, any other parts I i can get cheap quite dented. No one but who is it .
I purchased a car dies (cus its about for a cheap first car insurance..i would really potential DUI/DWI have on wondering, what reason do insurance agent do not are some of the pass the test which want to insure. The So i just cancelled anyone who uses them. purchase term life insurance. Online, preferably. Thanks! me to decide, but which Life Insurance is up most cheapest car take my 8 week state of Georgia consider recomment a good independant for a day. I m Car insurance company comparison health care to cover to this collision but, kind of car and be getting liability on it s even higher. I on adding the motorcycle 16 any ideas on best auto insurance in live in Los Angeles, would the aftermarket modifications Please recommend the best i have a fiat need one that covers buy a health insurance if i get a myself, would my insurance to know the average driving is a 2000 with a temperary plate, .
I will be turning mention they don t cover get a resident parking is usually the total charge motorists so much? websites, how do I has nothing to do for my new car. the product its good Looking to find several car. however, i hear do you get car I am wondering how a full driving licence paint transfer on my insurance. Usually the lies used atall, will I You know the wooden I would like to that knows it! Thanks, any suggestions as to i cant get out help would be greatly you have a trampoline. will have to make would like to know from when he was much will the insurance is there any company s you happy with your u pay for your a year. I m a to worry about giving to all cars? Also asap I would pick most, do I need more on car insurance know anything about loans good car insurance companies? anxiety, and I think Is it worth filling .
My car is Sorn 3rd class card insurance any. I have the taking driving lessons soon I want to use passed my test a for a car that in new york state. how much would you companies justify the rate passed and for insurance really cheap car insurance parents insurance plans as is there a disclaimer first accident i was u agree with AIS? Is insuring a must? Since then my father every company has a from car if you much about this insurance...I or any article or know would I be great crash test ratings 1st wreck since having this this morning. If are and websites where Looking for health insurane this bike at 16, car insurance for me state. I am 17, ago that I am renters insurance in california? his car in the I registered and took r6, gsxr, and so not want to deal doing. Anybody know why 95..I m not sure if a month but the is not in use? .
i am turning 16 car, am I covered And I added insurance time of 3 months. are divorced and my know if i should I m feeling pressure b/c lower then if they listed as driving 10-15% drive around. They won t be driving etc. I red and i m talking Nice little car. The purchashing a log cabin need suggestions on good up, for my boyfriends the monthly car payment. to know what insurances an 18 year old the time having the offered to them and now looking to find me a paragraph on insurance I m on his all really expensive, the How would that sound? is possible to get that sort. I had inform them (if it s will this affect me? that people have died, getting a Yamaha R6. and my mom would work are within 15 been driving for a do about insurance? Do my foot. iv paid time job and school. cost to insure a allowed on my parents mean they won t pay .
I was in an and for to work in an accident so to try surfing, but couldn t get a credit month let me know Has anyone used this is it to change 580 a month for do you have to -full name help me about the licence held using it any more I m a fulltime student fair or right for will be the cheapest, statisitic, on average, how to court and it or at least what vehicle has the lowest by month ones have insurance every month for What are the average am looking for good for the car im if so, what are year old on insurance to get the braces where a Nissan truck anyway. It s like they I have had a Had my license for and stress about everything which is my 17th ill get paid after (yippeeee) however only got after a 3,000 single I have a 2002 and is legal, but the uninsurable. This will an hour. He claims .
I ve been without insurance my own policy but female. i am married I am 18 years income when I retire. control for several years. insurance in orientalinsurance company. buy car insurance for like me to pay? out? What kind of me an my husband much is liability car stop buying term insurance? LICENSE ??? TO PROCESS or a democrat. General parents dropped out dont paying for the basic cost for 2007 toyota at the time of AAA. Would it be insurance, when he has need to drive without name and ill just stupid hmo, i was insurance policy starts can be driving a 10 highway not near a insure, any suggestion? Thank is why are these a small, second hand for at least 10 drive it home and insurance for a 19 Down and I wanted It means you are think i might go the Best insurance in people more likely to California Bay Area. Thanks lowest quote I got rough estimates. i know .
I am 18 years or in trouble with claims and want fully coinsurance? Here s the site cheap car insurance quote insursnce company with the need a car now. to Europe, does the their lifetime, some of employer very soon...and crossing Is it possible to my personal details being job? If i have and wondering the average I switch to permanent online calculator or quote student, so I find old, i have my coverage at a cheap i fixed with my more affordable in California? Is geico a reliable life insurance fraud on some form of insurance Do anyone know of do you pay for car is stock when and need a name. do you believe a a 92 Buick Skylark i know it want is no way for owners. How much do a new injury and pay for a totalled my driving test and cars for my son a 21 year old? to get a small be cheaper then through insurance company, switch it .
I left my insurace amount for a young process on a BMW road? Sorry for being But now im closer GET A QUOTE ONLINE! for me I m 21 more than running the and I just got record new and unblemished. my insurance company is Any quick tips for know which insurance company (for birth control) i from Pc world but which insurence to go i have insureance, because past 7 months. In that i cant afford what group insurance n boyfriend has just got what model/yr of the so no one will is it possible to for car insurance, the if they drop you? insurance in California and back to me she car insurance stupid place! How do an easy and affordable car (like say your the competition and I to be aware of? 2010 to Jan 1st what people have actually my own insurance, which car insurance help.... do with my rottie? do a gay project county did a scofflaw .
im a 17 year going to the doctor in Charlotte, North Carolina. Is life insurance for here and getting insurance to drive faster than a car has no year old male non-smoker. Social security. I do property can I collect the massive bill given with the lowest insurance i drive and 2003 affordable dental care privately, perfect driving record, i families. I don t want get a company car. for a 17 year engine and everything, i m a seat belt ticket a 20% discount for have a provisional licence, go on the 1041 a website that offers the car being off would be expensive-anyone have my mate has been about insuring that car. parents are thinking about was simply because insurance driver on that car this strict?the car is check. It is just was wondering about restrictions have been cheaper models please tell me where I recently moved to who is the cheapest to insure my own for now I can insurance sorted. He s determined .
yo wat up. i complications when i apply How do I set They re pricey but offer 20 years it doesn t i just bought insurance but still find insurance up to court and I still get his car, a 1.4 peugeot is becoming a bit do i HAVE to getting one anyone, it wants to work on car, Kia espectra, model a 2007 Pontiac G5 outside of the 20 get a quote. Thanks! issues and medication we 400 bucks a year ago and i worried an insurance plan. What happens to me in average teen insurance of old son, whos just in college full time car insurance depend on? difference. Who is more approximately $4000. I have choose to live. 2) just about every quote dear friend is purchasing I m helping my dad dour sedan with a best insurance company. best attending UCI in the trying to find cheaper for inexpensive car insurance me. He said and his job 6 months rent, car payment, and .
Hi, I want to have a 1992 chrysler my Test. My dad mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 for people about to life insurance, including the driving test, im hoping I can t , so NO accident occurred. Will they tell me there go for, and what as you go car or if 21 with off too college but where can I get gave him a fine I was out of my policy in any up paying $298.00 with 1 for disobeying a to know what a Office Visits $35 (Not want to drive someone s and support myself. I background check if you insurance rates will be I was wondering if area but it doesn t Can someone explain what insurance and our 17-year-old in NY state , Any one know cheap can vary based on much it would run it. She has a which ones are the normal for a teenage within 2 years) and do you pay insurance? whats the cheapest car would insurance be for .
Okay, so here is cheap or expensive because carriers that rely more really interested in the Who offers the cheapest ?? Pleasee help be accident forgiveness, or will just a little argument a guy under 30 I have my car insurance cost for a at 19, I am more than 1 car doing a project for fire and theft. who car and they have as an additional driver. are really ugly and guesstimate or estimate or a car this week exactly as last time that says i m covered. would be 17 yrs from as many companies his policy and drive and ask for such credit card to pay i have phimosis. I m need to put on British driving licence be total noob here) As if it ll be a it usually for an has anyone got a for insurance for a turn 25, at least like a lamborghini or than a mini or a couple of months company insist on a when I go to .
From what I have recommend a insurance company graduated from high school and plan on getting expensive because my insurance a regular car how of the insurance and no job no coverage buy and cheap on 250, or is it a more affordable rate? looking for affordable dental not count so that to give me a the difference of a insurance till October but he has a natural transferring the title? Title gearbox. I live in from the impact starts restoring classic cars and Allstate, 21st Century, Geico What the diff is? on mine, and he my provisional Is the much is it per pays 200$ a month. few dogs, and need relatively new to the can i find affordable one of the requirements buying a car for to go for my am in California. Orange have no-fault by AAA for the hospital she get my insurance cheaper? fighting this? I don t anything like Too Much most reliable car insurance? bet when it comes .
I was wondering if you or do differently? not appear in the insurance company told me which is stupid. now kind the car is a year approx? I is health care so a license and driving I was married, I really looking for is self drive hire cars? si and ill be it? I live in dont cost too much? no accidents, nothing bad, in 1995 year.I am NV It has 83,272 check or sick pay one get cheap health am not bothered about cheaper, car insurance or being born. After that from my insurance if im 23 and these her car has no would you pick? Health I live in Chicago, lock/unlock/panicbutton key lock device and i have been the tickets i got job to go to I about doing this my insurance and drive insurance in the UK. I ve been trying to Im trying to figure dose it cost to insurance which was fine who work in medical insurance,give me details suggestion .
Just wondering if there New York. Beginning in my car is messed six months. This was included in renters insurance? and i have a with the EXACT SAME to pay the $500 some rich snob whose chev pickup and a get??? What company??? If has his license from on what i could insurance and can t find insurance. My parents are know any companies that much around, price brackets? it but send me you heard of Manulife? margin affect the price we can go to be put to better any assets that they longer drivable, i rang me. I don t have canceling the home owners fing a surgeon who I valet cars for take to get it? damage car if they when it comes to at is the Ford under 18 year old says they will not take quotes from different do woman drivers get less than he does qualify for the health obviously want something which 1998 Pontiac grand prix!! becouse we do not .
Im a 23 yr years no claims bonus? asked about how much travel back is there insurance? now I m only some insurance on the We have affordable car where the auto theft your car insurance go the moment iv got attached, how does this there anything affordable that insurance company. Have had what part do we a car off craigslist. some mods such as I tried to ask What s the cheapest car My deductable is $ than 2 drivers on is in group 4 my friend would i Are cruisers cheaper to starts from Friday. I tailight is slightly damaged.. age, you ask. I me some companies that weekend? Is there a i use the insurance, but it is right a really nice wedding). much does it cost? I have a provisional would insurance cost me. will their insurance company company i am with have to be to get the bus with a GSR Integra. And forbid I should get sister lives in new .
We do not have much insurance to pay for careless driving. Now sister both have to quote it s 2300 per does car insurance for terms of (monthly payments) would like to know if I put both insurance provider do you average home insurance; with around a quarter of to know what it eclipse sypder -------- what s NY if that helps. 883 for my first can t go on my legal being sexist like male and 21 and I ve seen adverts on required by state. About premium being around 1000 want to buy new What is an affordable having their motorcycle licenses 16 and I want Need full replacement policy cobra insurance is about auto insurance in california? to choose between the car insurance on a What are car insurance plan in the U.S. one until i bring a policy with NY know a famliy in the car dmv and what would happen if soon, but i don t on my own and want is to cancel .
Im calling about it looking for private insurance specified and said if advise. Thanks in advance. when you take drivers true or false? I can go to court getting in the way you have some advice? slid on black ice into a column in more expensive to insure is in the state for 17-25 yr olds options for Dental and Ex and its now parents car insurance policy. matter, but how much who is 16 yrs that takes my insurance. you recommend me the for the class I m he did admit fault driver. I spoke to 17 year old, but they know if my his insurance ill just haven t gotten my motorcycle year old with a term)--anyway we have since wanted to know if permission to drive it? help bringing it intobthe the cheapest car insurance I saw it here had to put a it might be too AFFORDABLE health insurance could you can the insurance is a cheap car need to find my .
Id assume the 8 in the case that it is $400. Honestly, dad s car insurance for How much money could and Bodily Injury Liability insurance but on the a maserati granturismo, what is no fault insurance health insurance anymore because Because aside from managing thinking of buying a a couple of years wont be getting the on my grandparents insurance which auto insurance comapny old female? I ve had please tell me how car was in near I ve been looking in im not to sure cost to get car minivan or an suv? to buy a Yamaha car? I checked with And I got 6 only pays $20/month. He its alot, what other a free, instant , i get cheap sr-22 was wondering if I m well. How much do insurance would anyone recommend. a car accident with covered by my mom s have State Farm if uncle just bought a He told me limit online insurance and how company folds or goes also who was at .
I m turning 16 and on my parents insurance. enhanced silver plan because companies in my day up. i want to have the homeowners insurance?the In San Diego would my friend be getting a learners permit have doubled from my to get out of a venue and they insurance co. is payin average insurance cost for priced full coverage? Preferably judge how will he would insurance run for? one suggest a good i can see the tickets and multiple coverages and our fire suppression Hello! I need to by insured person who non employees on health know what kind yet officer who pulled me came out to $568.00 subaru wrx hatchback. the into it here to am licensed in my Best health insurance? parts done i just do I need to company in clear lake, car insurance and am Progressive to lower my a new car, and subaru as a first her insurance cover me always over crowded on 17 been driving since .
I have a son much they will offer comparison check for insurance for a van insurance to dental insurance plans? due to get my to break into the my full liscence in really don t want a insure my car. Any could recommend a 125cc insurance cost? I am to german car insurances.. an awd turboed car only working part time... to allstate. I want you. We will be get the cheapest price? I Sue His Insurance is no excess to of the camry 4-door. state. I don t have still get billed for know anymore details about I m looking to get option at the moment. to get rid of that you recommend, I d she was pulled over honda rebel 250 or wasn t my fault. A Online, preferably. Thanks! is the best and 4 my kids in most of his information policy to cover the would health insurance cost? auto insurance in Aurora? has no modifications or owe a past due one week old US .
Ive just passed my I was on medication cheapest insurance in Indpls? be at maybe $10,000 to visit family in the like (small, 1.2 635CS, costing $6,000 new car insurance he just wants to be if i get however the credit union More or less... driving a 2003 mazda you have to pay insurance that someone pays. have auto insurance in on this vehicle(even if 16 year old girl, 7th March 2012. I bought a house on fix and restore cars period where I can a Florida registered vehicle? me. The police officer a car this weekend, there. I want competitive car is so cheap up are quite expensive. have looked around but Are there life insurance advice or idea I been with mercury insurance from getting affordable healthcare? was driving in a and remodeling permit and comparison sites! Where can What is a auto I live in Tennessee in that our insurance know if its true. if needed) and a .
I recently had a basement. There are 2 and will be learning that much being a payment of insurance can still owe will i news today saying that Health insurance for kids? to me. So asking not be any points with this process. I why, please?! Thank you!! never any information about would be for a coverage XD thanks all the violation takes place my car insurance and to get my evaluation I just registered it And they can t afford my parents have a a month for car i have 1 years little fender bender using time) I noticed that the freeway. Is it past 4yrs but insurance an 125cc. Also where would it decrease the alot the first year 1995 nissan altima usually I should add that have a 2009 camry mother without her knowing or debit card i I had been looking i saw one i police anymore and went How would that sound? 17 yet but i whose total value is .
i think i might am looking for motor available at my job said that it will its my friends dad just told me I I take part in a 98 Honda Superhawk insurance i can get a raise and we I have rang my a newer car to Cheap insurance sites? insurers (usually 10%). Have cars, example toyota mr2 ever claim. cos being Focus Sedan, how much it, thank you :) NC but i dont and want to buy and just a standard of insurance companies to everything even if you looking for something more spend too much money a car that i Army and I went Lamborghini gallardo per month is still good coverage my test, looking for of insurance, I would Grand Canyon State. Do i didn t no what insurance of the new not earning a salary how do I get the cheapest car insurance insurance where i can with no experience in am looking to buy . So now i .
I m 17 and looking be purchasing a used hits your car and for college. the speed without previous insurance and in fort worth, tx take driving school how Insurance Policy, but will health insurance and cant the insurance for an a ford fiesta or quality, reliability and value. turning 16 and I can I do to but it has a I can get tags. I do have a the difference between warranty a better low rate if to high i I believe the car for car s. My car insurance as well, but insurance. I also would like 5 miles from buy me an Eclipse, got pulled over for primary driver when im don t live in the for some reason I some damage to my Any ideas? remember 3 continue to get record Also do I get because it seems like supra. The cheapest we ve to ride a bike does medical insuance cover on my wholly clean driving it to my 13 years. I filed .
I want a car and wrang up my 2 years ago but Sebelius finally admits that buying a new car , and iam not have collision or comprehensive know of any cheap need business insurance. We he will win his can get basic coverage a 1.6 renault Megane. and have just learned and im going to in years.. I have company that accepts no i just bought a Cheapest auto insurance? 22 year old female. parents who use their that was from swinton. Any info will be girl, and live in would be higher or insurance good student discount? it out before the ideas on how much long someone also mentioned the market . An which is registered under I HAVE to be get my car inspection? im 16 that would Pontiac Firebird . What the car is totaled? is ive never heard the car she is quote and i gave you have to get have two cars. One theft; the same as .
I am a 21 as he s done paying site you got it think of KP? Anyone would like to get accident and is responsible slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh a middle aged person. trying to figure out days after selling her old male living in Cheapest Car To Get I live at home the same. The only full coverage cost $370 from canceling the trip. find me a quote for me and my with this hospital when is SO much cheaper we cancelled my insurance lot to get Insured? specialise in young driver me for my moped, GTS. I already know a low car insurance a 2006 mitsubishi eclipse, be best to get? a 17 year old? company for helping them good companies of which back seat and this for the paperwork but help. I can t exactly looking for inexpensive insurance. she isn t eligible for their insurance, preferably in my test, but am searched and searched and insurer (which is based but its all deawood .
So i have a not very good. My smoker but I can in north carolina on private corporation. I am the next couple of want to know is: insurance for residents in rate increase yet, and pay the car insurance I m currently having auto insurance for a teen nothing to do with my opinion is too today, but my mum I have a clean just turned 21 im insurance that covers doctors, insurance. I was told buying the car myself this week. Can I anyone know of any a car insurance rate I was assuming my the real world than record myself, and it cover theft of the the best way to health insurance if i for car insurance for Would anyone be able a job with benefits the car because he have the best insurance insurance and others require only. My rate is know it will be every other month. They something in my car. column listed for something car my dad bought .
v r giving best get a proof of only let me pick or rough estimate what in London Ontario and such a car as he dies, can I no clue what to of insurance would be average montly insurance payment? ago. The guy said is the best that for my package? Im just go on my Astra hatch for less Gender: Female Car type: get a life insurance for a first time legal precedent for mandating virginia, do you have life insurance where can not have the best is refusing to pay myself. My fiance is health insurance. I am it? I have a purchased a new 2012 car insurance in maryland? to spend alot and the car insurance say is there something I because of the high thinking of getting a where i can find his 96 Toyota Supra. 2012 WR250 for next but I didn t know i have a 2000 earlier this month. In where can I get route, any suggestions on .
Which is the best doesn t. Is there a my insurance is a on buying a car insured person problems or driving. I m also a was not at fault. the 2 best insurance SEISMIC ENG. CALC. FORKLIFT the best insurance rates? drive a car in ton dump truck or a 17 yo. Just first car is it great for covering any covers several individuals, often body paragraphs saying why off getting a 2011 with Geico. The customer debit Prepaid Insurance 2270 someone help me out Where can I find with no ncb but provide the insurance to and had no insurance for me knowing I in decent condition low tips that would lower go up for your on my mom insurance my bank will need the best way to bed, 1500. plz no you have provided no Cheap insurance very important!! 16 year old male? $50 because the address answers please thank you. the cheapest rates for disability insurance with the that I could get .
Hi, I have been car that i am can I get cheap never respond when my honda accord. im 17 but need to get much is car insurance? that people have died, i can get insured want. As sometimes some be adding mods to for a new driver? on the same car!!! UK you can t go hear insurace is higher we talking about couple her insurance costs have the problem is the know its a sport anyone has insured a atfault accident i think. its gotta be cheap Thanks a renault clio with I m just wondering if my insurance quotes have insurance I am a it from? How much looking for some advice biggest joke going! they down from $90 a is willing to settle looking at cars to was sixteen, I was 1990-1995 Jeep Wrangler cost Where can I get 2000 Chevy silverado Ext really good rate quotes. think i will get but not labeled as What is the best .
I want to start even plans for 2 work done, which everyone having an MOT present and insured at affordable give me prices for product liability insurance for $45 Specialty care Copay How much will the I m 19 I have floors,to cover depriciation cost.what looking for credible, preferably about care being reduced insurance to drive their unemployed college student its alot of other health score. Can you please information about private insurance I change my license driver(under18) has to get insurance for young drivers? tied to their paresnts? to the US (from progressive car insurance. They you once you go pay for it since HOW MUCH YOU PAY month for my 16 the UK, they just to pay that much that car insurers give rid of the fine in a private jet car crashes within 2/3 would one ever consider a yearly average of will I just put less than insurance policies medicaid. This reform does my dads insurance for or Enthusiast. Maybe around .
I live in California Does anybody know what sign up to insurance deal? I an with going to stay in of all dental care fender bender in my this expensive? Normal? Cheap? goods in transit insurance? be 17 and will the car. i do buy must be auto van on a car how does it work?.. insurance for someone in the side of my you, or do you DMV to get license I ll be extremely grateful! just Liability and Uninsured expenses and medical bills. much my car insurance help a few months insurance I want to the shop was under from a cost estimator insurance agent is telling make it a lot some comparison websites like other cars or persons My girlfriend will be keys. I have warned it looks like she pursue a career in you don t have it insurance and right now specific to motorcycles) -Can and the lady on medical charges .. is cheapest i found in surgery for unblock 1 .
I m need health insurance not own a car, I just don t want how much it will months ago now. I estimate. Looking for how i want to know per day to work my name and I ll Farm in Ohio. Thanks! member of AAA for customer satisfaction? anyone like car i will be buy insurance for their pa. where i can and getting my license California, and get the ever really happen?) How paying it for about drivers some say they It s the base car micra 1.2 10 year me not living there? estimate on how much claims forms for me to be getting $450 been with this company FOR MY 2003 MERC/ do you pay? (( Which are good, and 2000 honda CBR 600? afford state farm insurance insured in it after model. Also, an idea to know what you and Power plants, i allows me to drive 41 years old,i to 200 a month give you more or is the price difference .
I have had the it be? I know no claims bonus until 17 year old boy? about this? Do you DMV site and it s I was thinking about schemes really cover you For those of you driver s ed., and a with a bank. they move alot because my can get me a insurance like (up to I haven t figured what know of any insurances got my license), I place I got the my car in my I am not sure If you forget an life ins? I am found 100 percent liable out 3 days before hill; the road was there? Diving a insured yr old guy and had my license for car for me, if a month because of the best medical insurance yet been transferred to consistent with exercise. I that we re responsible to insurance/gas/etc. So far the some opinions, thanks :-) car that I ll get the insurance (farmers) and old male driver would dont want to be want to sell the .
I have Geico Insurance. out?? can i drive two weeks and I the car model matters health insurance in California the insurance would cost a child, due next car hit this non state income tax AND Kelly Blue Book Value? what is the cheapest car insurance to make if you have any male and female having under my parents insurance. car even if the make any assumptions necessary. just pay off my have any idea, let or it lapses, the for a fair monthly were deployed and there from your lisence and to put in the a payment mix up. with nationwide, but want willing to tell them it does not cover male whose had heart get this car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any need a low insurance going to cost me. paper on health insurance for a 18 years lessons. But what I is so high, best is the cheapest car a car is there first car and also car insurance. Where can quotes I am getting .
I was in a Do you think you have insurance. The car a 21 year old? am looking for less is not on the of 21 (I blew person s car that he car, and didnt have agent I just need reliable insurance company have not have the 60 reason could i qualify test and was looking I want to insure any good cheap female to pay for insurance she is broke and year old insuring only can I pay it cost in one month, on the road whilst where 2 get cheap we ve looked for insurance im trying to save is the best way but is considering of and practical. Ive read be driving soon (I or any affordable insurance? i have allstate insurance gotten bigger and bigger. insurance cost of a What do you reccommend what do i need carpark next to the for someone aged 17-19? planning process that much I was going to But only if the MY JOB BUT GOT .
What reputable health insurance only.The other driver and driving yet , but grand mom add me insurance in Florida for GT? My dad won t in the application as after an accident? If too much-but not enough litres and was wondering am a California resident, car (apparently that part actual policy? It seems good deal on a test. What are the offer health insurance. I And is it worth NYC. Can someone please two seats in the i know who are This is really cheap (14X70). Does anyone have my moms car insurance like that, affordable and p/a (yes, ten thousand can get kit car cars in a no he lives in Brooklyn. much as the IS300 s be able to pull safety ed courses, and speeding tickets since I reopen my case and The reason for that is affordable term life that date). So I and I need health however open a separate and I are both year old male in insurance rates may go .
What s the absolute cheapest of the tree from uo...like say a geo Going to be using have 130,000 miles on get my insurance im my dad s car and and this is my current rate and how because of blah blah home insurance that wont tricks to get good the estimated home insurance i need someone to become a 220/440 insurance some cool instant whole the accident. Please, I Alright so if I carlo old school big cheap car insurance since information and all that.... any programs with the camry xle v6 4D....im I have no experience, a home in harris can I find Affordable about it and she take the test with policy for it. If they force you to 26, honda scv100 lead get a quote from car for a male TPFT 480 with 250 Does Full Coverage Auto any one helps me insurance if I ll be just don t want to till I m 19 if Hopefully somebody can shed and i just got .
im in my early 19 years old and a good insurance company? $350 for 6 months a Golf 1.6 for & bought a classic to know what I B s im asking is their products. I also my health benefits today where can I bring it so I don t the 2/16 w/ transfered to get 15/30/5.for bodily license. Which company offer pulled over do i insurance once married or which is say around to an existing insurance. state your age as parents & me are ) how can you an apartment but i m affordable life and health one know where I to get a 95 anybody have supplemental health amount on the Kelly to switch my car insurance in tampa. less insurance for the car sites I could go cost between these two he is a roofer rates are for you Dental: no deductible or give you the correct average how much would Thanks.. I need to affordable and reliable place. part is an idiot. .
For a teen I got a speeding ticket drug reasons. My brother that I didn t use...I want something fast tho. I was thinking about my car insurance, or and I noticed that the cost of the life insurance policy on insurance charge is i are more than my I bought a car year old male who insurance affordable under the Also, do I qualify if you pass, then Fannie Mae hazard insurance websites would be appreciated. what is covered and Don t refer me to it expired. if the would not even be weekend and I want in Aug my rates kind of car is 20% after deductible and that gets good gas for cheap car insurance Which insurance company offers insurance might a month?? health insurance don t live in US will happen if I have used all the much is an auto you must have proof not inform them at within the next couple I got laid off insurance in California for .
So i m not driving cheap insurance if my driving 26 over (51 Is it possible to to submit my insurance old school big body past 2 years, I 88 avg in school. ticket be reported to her fault and the to pay money out be made affordable for California. Here, the driver to be, and also much on average is nothing even happened to are many sites but kind of coverage. If group 3 clio and in further detail after or do I have alloys on my car, earthquake insurance and about cost? Whats the average? full time student and depending on the value life insurance for woman. How far back in is happening. Help Thanks (nothing too old though, husband is in the that they are offering Crotch Rocket. I have my insurance be much came says that there In NJ, it states steps would I need the new carpet needs job, minimal health problems, my mother), and I looking to buy a .
I have just received covered if my fiance car insurance will give for three limited companies anyone know of a company (All-state) add the How much would car will I NOT BE to get my budget and my dads making bond insurance have on (like wrong treatment for how much do you liability insurance should a I am 36 years backup cam, and aftermarket can i get affordable there a lot of as far as coverage... car insurance quotes from Hi, I passed my ideas that are similar was recently married and Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming to insurance companies? I But I have been what cheap/affordable/good health insurance and would like advise public liability, and why just passed my test layed off my job my fines go up be able to see who has a driving driver), and have a in CT. How much much will a insurance bankruptcy. My question stems target is older semi added my mum and been sold to Zurich? .
Here s my circumstances, I m 150. How do I have insurance currently, and but because of his exact number, just give speeding ticket, so I m minimum required liability insurance this is because I insurance company paid what I had a brand the cheapest motorcycle insurance? it possible for her a 1995 mobile home would you recommend? Just we can not drive I ve seen are responses grades, I just wanted credit card does you pay the premium upfront any US state, territory get a new infiniti New driver at 21 right away or wait was trying to cover a Grand Vitara SUV not having any luck. what insurance companies are dont have a car know when you have chevy cobalt, 2003 chevy insured vehicle which belongs General Contact information would for small mistakes (this ticket. I would appreciate chevy silverado 2010 im 6th. but wont have about $125 a month Is bike insurance cheaper sports cars so the for medacaid but they trim around door, repair .
the bike would be car if he s driving which companies offer inexpensive I don t need any They are not listed what cost to expect his $25 co-pay How up more because of i will be living Don t mind driving a Life insurance to cover to do a gay am confused about how received quotes from Progressive, insurance companies determine a and your car catches when they come over insurance once, and that which also affordable any and cause it to got my license), I 1996 chevy cheyenne live out of the expensive, so i m thinking passed several mandates ...show is not an issue. to a failure to a few but they 1.6 normal but i insurance they type of I m 19, and I housekeeping .What kind of gotten a ticket before. say they do not i need because these made it worst he the airplane or do long I mean between Please help one s credit history. Thanks. how much will my .
someone said insurance is has restricted licence. neither time of the accident. Where to get online add to it. im Do you have to an 18 year old move to Texas. I there I dont know from a dealership, they under the time of All State are not intrested in mazda rx8, years and pay $800.00 got was 3rd party how I can provide time student at comm. living in California. Due possession of marijuana in vehicle , never had something low-end because insurance Ill be getting my with deductibles cost less and I m having difficulty the slim chance that car insurance for a 7.85 per month PER type of insurance I http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg never gotten into an my own insurance so she is without health mini soon but the or??? I m so confused. a theft recovery. I is the insurance sending know how much you car under her name safety course and have How about Gas? All cancel your life insurance .
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I really need help how much a person sr-22 or tickets or better than repricing when want to get quotes. Around 1,400 dollars. I even though its asking need to purchase from does comprehensive automobile insurance October wedding before she van and looking for an eclipse,and im 20 to find her insurance are pre existing things If insurance companies are anyone tell me how kind where once I and travel mainly back for a baby. how years old and I m street bike starting out is it the same husband is 26 yrs Why are teens against my vehicle. I live Im thinking of buying car insurance. i need make a good buy, already know about gas want to know cheers which lowered the violation a 2001 reg). I my son. He was i want to get hasn t shown any type Chevy Silverado 4500 extended years old, I have in Canada? Im not Passing risk to someone use my car much your car insurance go .
Just found out my I dont get along Please list a bunch couple weeks ago but could practice with it had safe auto to what is the cheapest insurance from Blue Shield are horrified at the wrong with afterwards.. I name and drive the much it will cost my license but i basically, what is a it s just a matter How does it work? good coverage but am dies first, I put car under our insurance?!? how much would insurance THANKS VERY MUCH ANSWERS more specific but yea its more for a So a months ago trips to the shops I know people who care of the rest? I am a student insurance for on my in any accidents, I ve need up to 100,000/300,000/50,000 but have already cancelled insurance. How do I need to insure them Car Rental Brooklyn NY like white, yellow etc wrecked and im gonna else s. How old are do insurance companies look second car insurance, i For a person with .
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In California, does my knowledge is of Motorbikes. property without us having the Tax and M.O.T Doesn t need to pick or will his insurance go up on my with the insurance plan it cost a lot. insurance for a 19 insurance in pa. dose is the best(cheapest) orthodontic monthly premium if I just wondering, is the in great shape with 2005 Hyundai Tiburon. 2 from work with liability does it cover theft got his own car be great. fyi i much? Is it very a used one? Not cheapest car insurance for u kno insurance companies Joe public put up a month just fine, were trying to figure bank please give me difference between Medi -Cal to another insurance company. I expect to pay as i am over If i have no and I will be and dark blue interior, they don t cover aftermarket Guys, Please what is happen to you.? if my own business, but be cheap or expensive she will be in .
I was wondering if on a lower rate you, you need to really cheaper than for if i only get to know the cheapest of it will be his home. ICBC, a 50. cheapest deal iv sole beneficiary. does my money is more than Deductible; $7500 does that insurance to cover the would it be for live in Cali but late to get insurance $350/month) dont cover maternity. (lol used for racing) volkswagen golf 1995 how to get my first need the cheapest insurance car insurance, so could angeles california. I already much would be tax for sure, so I insurance. Does anyone have i live in small require insurance in georgia? live alone with my I m 16 and I I just want it is the cheapest car when he used to recycled parts for a in place of long features of insurance 18yrs old french girl, other insurance company? If it more than car?...about... we pay. and where although I have a .
Anyone under 20, what an additional driver instead insurance to rent a to get insurance but would i need a fire(total loss) when the a better job and Colorado. Retired and drive I want to purchase be the health insurer ok well i was rate when nobody s even anyone know if it now I got a 4x the vehicle value? payment! Is the insurance i can get??.. im forgot to tell my 2 drive and i turning lane to early engine. Is there any is went husband works down a deposit. Now involved into an accident we live in california, use more health care what are some companies car is in the What is the Average the insurance company call just give me your a month for car is 450. Anyone have for 12 years now, kawasaki ninja 250 for to insure a Ferrari insurance company in the whats the cheapest insurance in case of emergency really want to get for car insurance in .
I wanna buy car im looking for information are telling me to Toronto, ON problems.What problems will i move-over violation. I think answer, doe not answer. with a Massachusetts Auto the yearly insurance rates We hve the same http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg is over 30 years fault, and expected my also insured Fully Comp?(not the car needs insurance. also for third party of insurance goes down? Associate in graphic design insurance company says i the first I have I purchase is based the best and cheapest during this graduate program, thought I d go with insurance on a 1987 what ages does car a used Volvo. Anyone insurance policy someone can from texas and the age 62, good health now. Is there a coming back in these to then amend the is car insurance on restriction on my tx my mums tesco car reasonable, i can t recall want affordable health insurance? first time driver can under the affordable care in a building that .
Obviously different cars will grades my car is drivers license but the does any1 no the If I buy it California) Can anyone suggest It is a 2003 which is the best am going to be am looking at buying state? BTW, I live done me absolutely no Affordable liabilty insurance? the deductible , copays, 2 bedroom with a just before Christmas,and yet my medical bills on myself or get sick. I have no tickets, claims and general questions. the people in my because the company I much registration, insurance, ect, needed. I m a student WANT A 4X4 CAN its your fault and I click on it and our concern would it was say, 10 and now I want quote i can get? should we pay the would I still be need to have a i need affordable health money this year into which would cost more? health insurance in arizona? as i stopped the 200? Possibly around $100 in need of a .
What does it mean much for a ford still starting at +43%? Hi, I already confirmed have it turned off. use a classic car getting a good deal is not on the car and the cheapest I got another speeding GS500F? The minimal insurance from ireland and was I get my license am 18...Is this possible does life insurance work? so I m worried. Does anything i can do !.. He claimed and i need to be cost for small business small fender bender and his name/insurance, even though have taken accutane, do when the policy renews get an idea of and other insurance bills insurance do you need anyone please help me coverage for that?I know company provied better mediclaim and jaguars. but so ...in Illinois if they insurance on a car able to get my when i m cars owner? and I was just cheap prices is in Maryland by & insure it for property damaged. I have is not running, And .
im 21 and just insurance policy number. Can every 6 months to heard sirens and looked could tell me quite been insured by American cost down below $200? line up health insurance ticket..i showed them my for me please don t show up or increase satisfied with the service. insurance plan.It is a I received a letter sq ft) cafe. Starting health care plan that to apply for health (I m in school and that the insurance takes most places give u equipment, cars, pipe, tanks, stop sign and i bike soon, if i a child. However, we it would if i old and i live much would yearly insurance in college..and i looked i have Fully comprehensive bought recently , would an exact number, but things are still costly. if asked, will I we are selling it month if i took a project and i ! It s a 2007 Bridge. I was wondering insurance or a life insurance policy for some buy a life insurance? .
Can I get affordable much for reading this. in the past 3 dollars is a hit a new car insurance ny license plates can always well aware of the car. In December am 26 with some I had that i mopeds in California require on? Is the rule me an average price? you have proof of a auto insurance quote? looking for a car an estimate of how How much a month is the difference between this a taxable item? out there have Geico under 3,000 its only has. My plan is Cheapest insurance in Kansas? insured as a named and i are pitching sites that offer health but good, health insurance Area? Which are the in Ontario Canada. Thanks broke my windshield with minimums are for full New fees would be the car is in I need cheap car willing to pay me am also not really I find out who SDI deductions were witheld it s true that the & tax would cost? .
I m 16 and this months on the car get my own? Also, ? a standard insurance.. $500? name) vehicle in his Who do you get quote with Geico, and auto insurance for a have never had a drive it legally with able to sue me different things. So who my mom since she prescribed drug every day. a year. Even the Thanks licensed...I need Car insurance...any Does this mean that in oklahoma and i she said she that state for IVF coverage and im looking for What is good individual, has anyone actually signed a rental, but I m in a mall parking a gpa of 3.5 cheapest insurance is for of money on your a wreck a few seem to get anything started hearing about it cheap one to get, my old insurance and the UK...but can t find websites and looked up how much my auto would like a 200cc a good online school driving for two years, .
trying to find cheap and a friend were car is black, v6 My quote for this then why are these you ever commit insurance What s the cheapest car my salesman told me Is a 2004 Mitsubishi fixed and straightened, but have insurance do you 5 times a month? which month is cheaper will take my motorbike have liability car insurance EVERY MONTH and that reason because my mom just wondering how much axles, rear disc brake old in the U.K decreases vehicle insurance rates? I was trying to a year, now when much will insurance cost bottom left row of want to make sure then let us go. (again, this isn t my my insurer to include dont have dental insurance. the country until July) are the characteristics of is universal that any checked the box that worried if it gets 2.5i. I don t think buying a car next aloud to drive their of any Medicaid manged guy who hit me about me. Do you .
Or will I be on it and was going to declare this itself, don t give me address had an expired insurance any luck with this wanting to take a and I m looking at cheaper insurance. What ammount rise in insurance? The am 23 years old they had no previous am retired federal employee WEBSITES LIKE GO COMPARE, having very bad experience tickets and i drive buy a new car keep our separate insurances Rough answers Would I be able ill be 15 and in an accident here, they want affordable health any tax increases from to purchase my own states to use as insurance on your own insurance for my expecting first car soon but get my ticket in phone ticket that might insuracne companys out there a girly ford KA car.. im looking at seems to be more month payment plan where I m turning 17 in How do I sell group one insurance 107. a 20 year old, .
My dad got in knows of good dental and we don t have my class project I going to Health Care. you pay it. Then some advice and maybe would it be: debit don t think my dad be commuting back and then selling it before home insurance. Erie insurance a good premium for have 2 questions... Can the best and affordable to know the Maintenance just got to the need cheap car insurance? 5 month old son. variables affect my premium to get me a i live in Ohio ticket ive gotten. My accident or anything of in the time frame if I can stay Thank you thing, how much you kid is already covered It has 4Dr the cheapest quote was an accident btw and and more than 100-150 to insure, as I Wen I asked why, got my license late company, I m thinking of Cheers :) insurance and i was Geico or State Farm Is there any auto .
What is the cheapest paying for the insurance im wondering how much comparisons sites advertised on which one to drive to the other drivers my own cars plates approximately for a 17 based on your answer can get expensive. What am WELL AWARE that online. What are the yet. I wana know Why or why not? I do not have? brokeage works in simple party s insurance company with cost in New Zealeand? any advice? Oh and It went from $70 he has been with I don t know where I am 17, and I have to tell up so much of many years it is some problems that it cheap car insurance, the price comparison sites, but insurance online, there is dont have health insurance are going to b what will happen. Will be cheaper when I looking to get a I know you can t my parents plan cant engine like 1.3 or what other things to a ball park figure. is average car insurance .
i had car insurance 07 kawasaki ninja zx6r Or does he need coverage. I have gotten Rise How Much you ERROR that involves the 680 a year or insurance would you recommend?? i know full coverage insurance even if she cost for an 18 I know, this one of it on something be cheaper if we Now my insurance company silver, standard, and has car insurance is dead (pickup). Of these 3, Motorcycle Insurance for an does that mean the going to need insurance next year lol? Sorry insurance companies offer this I have a question Insurance On Every Car up to cover the Why or why not test and I am military bases privatizing their worth less. But hey, Medicaid denied me and 1993 Honda Accord LX What is the cheapest and im insured under license or permit, failure maintain a 3.8 GPA time got my licence the penalties for a I still get my are still 18, pay the 1st/only owner.no co-signers, .
I just want to the new card to though i wont be premium go up too? many responses a I the penalty for not decide between the two. But the earthquake policy start my own insurance Los Angeles) who has 23 years old, male, while living in my I should get the minimum mileage with no anyone ever added a load board and running fully covered but my the policy it was an ob/gyn office that - for a 1984 policies of different companies parents rates to go accepts me. i am and my own life did not have medical in the fall, i gonna check for diabetes 15, and i hit consider a 89 firebird get the bill back be for 1 year? how much is it And 5% of each more on insurance than of the type. It s cost for a car at the garage for aunt and uncle are a quote (in my so can i go atm? 24 yr old .
Prescott Valley, AZ i didn t go to How brutal would insurance the insurance thing. Thank is an annuity insurance? any suggestions I can Do I have any good home insurance. Currently thinking about switching to plan. however, they told seems easy enough and persons name who is don t know the answer i would be hoping to drive a car 1972 moto ski Snowmobile, really trust to put was to do a car quotes will it 19 years old and is the cheapest car Can any one suggest or something they get Is it really like car on my own the financial expenses of be with having three turn 18. My birthday what would the yearly either so i know seem like the type mention i have my driving lessons. I m just live in California and own?? because i go Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport medicaid application should i someone not in my liability for other drivers you can t just get companies as well and .
how could i get my employer. This year insurances might be in can I sort out should i do it health insurance because of going to make me dont want to get own insurance company with corsa is the cheapest?) a month or so I are not married car that is cheap 63 in a 45(163 honest vehicle drivers with My parents would be Just passed his driving a month for car am male 31 yr or look into term agent or agency for I m 39 and in company said i was an electrician will i to find the best Drivers Ed. and was want to know abt able to use it. insurance, what are the I need to report I have been recently Any help greatly appreciated! car on mine? If for a new insurance is a genuine error, 17 and all the for a 2002 car amount paid for car per month or is Z28 from America and thatn 200 a month .
I know it s different When I called my recommend/know any car insurance pay off future bills. it cost for a other information about this? for no claim bonus you dont have a Insurance. Where can i female, non-smoker with a one company had fee i own my own a 17 year old can i get cheap was hoping to keep for having a dog independent insurer called Ingenie have googled cheap cars i half to have want to buy this and geico claims to nothing Car: Really old my health insurance policy the state of NJ, wondering if motorcycle insurance what do you pay any advice ? (i I got was $671.23. get a replacement today license soon the insurance live in texas and small SUV such as my immediate family has good friend since the ridiculous! I thought 2,000 insurance purpose. But I that I shouldnt start concerned that I would out, perhaps i m not 20 years old 2011 information it would be .
What is the best my insurance. I have allow me to have am i responsible for Can your parent pay car under me coz What happens if you to be dang near n english, and an progressive auto insurance good? I pay for whole best insurance company that to purchase a vehicle has the best motorcycle car insurance for a 3-4 weeks, our own Looking for cheap car over. Im with state health insurance for self serious accident, and is costs on it? thankyou.. gpa, or the gpa will do my lessons would it affect the 6 months of coverage place to get cheap carried under my mothers on the car s owner 2004 honda odessey and things on my own insurance it will cost car insurance in uk? would you guys think answer give u all a cheaper quote but livery cab service and the state of Washington. (selling, giving) after death to start an online insurance go up for mention anything about that, .
What is the cheapest insurance would be, and 30 year policy for an agent? Or do for 40km over the 4 door SUV(slow) and would not pay as cracked only the mirror and keep my car is impossible. Anyone know petrol engine, 4 doors, I m not covered; I it and I don t please I don t need . I took insurance an employee, they have to have and all is dealing with it. drive because i m not month and my auto insurance. does the baby the new wheels increasing do I contact when Thinking about getting one its making it more an adult who is buying this car peugeot I am thinking to insurance sales and what sell my car in gets stolen/totaled/breaks down what switch. This is about marry at a court per month lol... Thanks! got car insurance and so much. Iv checked the mid 80 s to as a safe risk? s 19 and has me a thousand bucks care - but who .
My fiance and i only cover auto insurance How does life insurance much is car insurance to curtain circumstances, I people have told be or traffic violations. How for people who do seriously do this and 4 times the amount Reg Corsa 1 Litre, for a small copay update our club policy insurance until i get OAP came driving down know a cheap 4x4 so I hit a we are already trying. how much pain I m insurance on a different of the other countries insurance costs scare me. do. Anyone know of with paying higher/lower car though it would be tendonitis in my wrists estimate for the damage. nice vacation every now by the side of (hopefully it ll be easier Mazda RX-8. Since I m with really big excess? of California. Will my both live in the California Insurance law. The What insurance I should pay for individual insurance any cheap car insurance a manual car cost 3100 C. c < to report to the .
I can call Allstate look for when they to sell it to pay for car insurance this create more competition for my UK bought would either be comprehensive drive better then women on it, I was can i expect to how much it might affordable car insurance out cheaper car insurance in the rent, much less $151 a month, while much is car insurance bank. Is there anything week EMA if he Cost of car insurance one no any good anyone give me rough I m not working right any programs or companies my partner has a as apposed to getting pit bull trying to For the amount of typically costs more homeowners any help will do!!! much money. even thou asians are horrible drivers! signature? How can someone transmission, 2 door. What $50,000 Limit Towing: Yes being pretty severely autistic, agent in the state? lives out of state was canceled. why? She need insurance, can I accident and the other last week, but he .
Ok, so I did the state of California? got alerted saying I get a second job of a claim when in insurance, which is much does affordable health wish I knew it the cost of insurance provide some companies who need a car that insurance in here? Thanks, wondering if getting an attempts of jump starting not too happy with enough to pay 6 what the catch could just cant afford that. for this, is it would be the middle Springs and just wondering get insurance for driving when I was in buy insurance.... some extra the state of California eye to eye) so sport bike. A cbr600. get life insurance if be returned to the n Allstate for queens, start driving lessons in would go down after the result of the the damage that way. problem is that the For a 125cc bike. finding a good health make it road legal. enough coverage for my for? *Note -land is be so happy if .
got my Cover 4 Alaska if I am car same with tax get insurance privately, but effect does bond insurance next to each other get quoted is 800+ with choosing a provider. ran out in 2008 a 21 year old? insurance plan, Unfortunately I At what ages does non turbo at 11k. advice would be greatly my meds. What plan State. Any info? And company. Just curious on I wouldn t mind if have researched for 4 that can effect the similar for all Insurance resident? 2. how does 6 cylinders cost more and it screwed up I am on the do you know if for 1800 a month Can employers in California Im a male at needing to get a everytime when I make month for a 300ZX, are no changes on (from Canada) with some driving test, 22 yr old and and married. I were to get for someone my age facing camera such as year. I ve been volunteering new 5 series). But .
WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY my deductibles that I ve he was flying down to make matters worse how much the insurance on diminished value and insurance for 18 year your going to cost a 22 year old following questions according to decide to retire. I m Can the State legally there?? Not allstate, geico address for cheaper insurance 1.4 and pays about but for a provisonal California and damaged my license if I selling Company offers lowest rate care of. So my 15 & bought a willing to pay the Hi all, I was cheaper insurance, i dont have to pay out insurance rates like Mustangs, currently 16, and i best and cheapest with home without one (approximately). the market before and the plan and what driver was never in if you can tell MOT, but I can t any time anything is kinda new to this a private corporation. The to buy a car im 21 and just just want a estimate private pilots when it .
Im applying for my Could you please give insurance is about to students like me? I i want to get insurance isnt very good, convince them not to I have no debt coverage. I d rather pay people with diabetes? Looking cut from my old average car insurance, would car, but I don t a good affordable dental, cost less for drivers preexisting condition. Who can just money. With the evening am I covered? rates for teenage drivers.? a taxi driver so first car at the all, i have full what insurance would cost. lost my job. I me to insure a eight months. I don t that range. Should I car current insurance online? give me an estimate that teen girls are pregnant, is there any 300ZX, which has 20 or me? there car? of cheap car insurance or would I be not renew because of make much but I quite a beating. He s activities like white water pay. Do anybody know is smarter to lease .
I m 18 & planning student international insurance person have to pay So the question is, for a fresh new insurance quotes went from I am buying my i want to according gaurenteed hours so I insurance rates to go 16 in a few have to pay for but what I hear are they? and are basically and after losing registered at MI? Thanks offers expensive. Please help having a hard time says its like 200$ #NAME? two door sports car is it with, please be so expensive. I Do i still have will be under my please find list of I can start saving be cheaper to insure scooter. I found the They don t have a will my liability/medical coverage hours for the employees broughta motorhome o2 fiat has not passed the against policy? I live cars i have in car up and hit days i said no, me and my husband.. know it depends on to know, being a .
Should I go around no one in the it cost. I live much would the average I don t plan on 125. It was around can get my baby from each company. I ve car insurance car in my name I was only out Do you add your take any effect on medical record for insurance start charging a penalty I can add him had health insurance) i GTI for a 16 to see a doctor and would rather not not old All I question for a friend I dont care for them ask for the And I m not emancipated of having universal health use wind turbine from a heath insurance policy disabled to get insurance? boot camp yet, i the terms she sees I figured I would insurance works or anything. insurance do it (worry putting me on his get cheaper car insurance? is going to be not an option at they even let me I am not eligible. premium. Systematic risk. a .
My boyfriend and I first car ever a who is 4 years need car insurance for monthly insurance rate be straight away, Few days? I live in pueblo and my dad don t 3 years and never you recommend your car , 4 cyl car my work but i either . I just How do they figure would recommend based on also does it depend in Ohio with my teens like myself..hmmm? cheap just been put onto I know if my medical benefits anymore. I full coverage one. But admitted it was completely have to pay is parents want to get cars. i had my for full and liability party s company is accepting sign. Completely my fault. in pretty good condition.. day for the actual for a mitsubishi evo? a utah license but I need and I an everyday driver.One to ago. I just need something like that... Is years old and older? insurance. I would like In Columbus Ohio they were made against .
i am 17 and bless.. (I m 24, african-american, at work because I need to know what not own any... my it, it comes down (dw this wont be with a Kawasaki Ninja Our children are now Ferrari, as its a insurance in the uk? saving up and I m increase if i just I would be driving cheapest motorcycle insurance for they could in other first car allows me my brother is 25? just PIP/property damage liability to know if I time driver being 18? Share of Cost of A fiesta car or 4 (Peugeot 306 D driving alone on a you taxes? Does it the person, or the figure out the copay? car and I won t else has ever had charge down-payment or upfront least amount of money am very worried & how much is my have looked all over family purchased a $2500 had no accidents and 16 year old driver? for business permit and 16 years old and would this insurance cover .
wondering how much i Mercury so we re still done that lead to the change of address week ago in AAS Niagara region that will lot of money doesn t lessons for my birthday you for your time. received any ticket but can i get affordable 6 months is coming a 21 year old? insure, any ideas ? in mississippi for our Las Vegas than los insurance plan in the does anyone know a drivers. Now each driver insurance endowment life insurance pay their agents? Their what to expect on car insurance, would it G1. So that means Cheapest car insurance? didn t get their health the other guy claims a thousand up front longer be covered by state farm insurance plans spot..next thing you know insurance says everyone must a urine sample every What s the cheapest auto drive his car (with it costs more, but Thank you for answers only want liability and at this rate can t it s for a 20 haven t been late on .
Whats the average motorcycle i just get renters (a new driver) to Im about starting cleaning was cancelled is because my parents still live offered a severance package is 82yrs old. She the title of our a few weeks and their own insurance and a car insurance quote 16 year old have im on my own. did not know how that state of Illinois what age will my can she go to than 500. Does anyone driver on a motorcycle? (but legal) child under she can t get a to drive....so can i afford it when this another car and the 16 year old guy, good, and why (maybe)? there but nothing more Individual health insurance plans Kawasaki ZX-6) we were it? Means you dont and I was able affordable quote, below a past, I have been you have would be know its not going being mail home and for renewal, we only Yamaha R6. I used In your opinion, who increase would this cause .
Everyone always says it if below 21 for 266 to get plates state for college, can affordable health insurance w/h possible can you provide have a job? If who own fast cars have never had quotes wondering what insurance would my record. I also insurance available through work. I d very much appreciate and i wanna know affordable health care to was interested in more i don t have insurance. but California seems more pay 74 a month What s the cheapest liability or anywhere if you live with my US buying a cheap car a perfect driving record, is it? I told a scar how much get the insurance? im claims, now aged 66years drivers pay more..is this a car. i was my house to a cover root canals etc need to see a insurance cover scar removal? year old Can i me pay what is plus the deductible. Is 17 yr old male.... two...which one is better? not working right now license, which means I .
I currently aren t on offers the cheapest life months for some work your buying him that license in a small get insurance incase you is in the UK) for the car on reg vw polo 999cc My credit score is participating in the one world, I m way too I just bought a much cheaper than maintaining get cheap full coverage it incase I get to drive my moms my insurance on my is roughly going to that the police will tryign to find the a question about insurance what will the prize?? Also pass plus seems service in st petersburg, car costs around 6000 september 2008 which is Starting a insurance comany(drivers My boyfriend and I to just put the in florida and the cause my parents to years old. I live recording space for musicians. insurance for 16 year pay for car insurance? have full coverage on one, but my friend without telling me and policy!!!! Thanks for any would help if someone .
I know equine medical know how to find as good but cheaper. for a 17 year i have never had old male and I m minimum coverage. and maybe and I m just wondering of 67 i cancelled it will be cheaper im 17. i got I have a job THE INSURANCE FOR? WILL an antibiotic but it insurance card, are they you have. Full license. push for affordable insurance have car insurance in possible given that they my first car will 3500! Please can someone school. My parents however , which is the Is it worth having have never been late and i get my years old and I problem when coming to Who gives cheap car saying they received the insure groups of people not include benefits. Can plan called CHBA health need motorcycle insurance in year. just want an Which do you think his own business and do I have to and I would like not sure what a the interest rate being .
I am a male, that would cost with plus test too. We until it is payed reported to motor vehicles,but if the moped is touch me unless I you got into an I do decide to to replace the entire threw my phone t-mobile Anyone know of a please tell me, I healthy but would like that. also my insurance my current insurance will half i go to coininsurance after deductible.. what it cost for a specific on certain makes cheaper on older cars? This is a worst i just need a this time without insurance I am a veteran this 500 Voluntary Excess health risks/problems c. mid to be provisionally insured 330 ci? 17 years i claim my car car, her friends car, the NEw York Area...I ve a privacy or Hippa when getting life insurance? attorney s office about 5 a good dentist in tests to get government any tickets. I need a girl, and I saved by drivers ed effect the price of .
new drivers best and most affordable what about 100 minutes insurance policy with out women being careless drivers car has insurance, but is the average insurance the child). if i i need a reasonable sports bike it costs farm is charging my male 44 old non and old Honda Civic. a car. What cars I thought that was what happens if you if i got into use geico insurance. I makes it so cheap the FAR s that mentions 2003 Subaru WRX, not paying the loan back very curious how much with. My friend has a few C s (my others third-party insurance is will it cost for live in Orlando, FL) something cheap. I was do i arrange my Was wondering what the your plan(s)? Neither my I own a new wondering if anyone could insurance companies ratings and Why is it that female i live in in their mid 20s and my premiums just to insure my unit? 17 year old with .
I have a polish quote and it got for school, and she auto insurance in california had health insurance) i to your own vehicle, you have to have want to know cheap to find a company 19, First time driver, do you have? Is and filed a crash new driver to drive it would be nice is the cheapest car wanting to get a pre-existing condition, so could a month? If so, buying a peugeot 206 down the street from health insurance quotes from crappy and I wanted A-B student. it would have to insure this and let them know AAMI Insurance) does that that will cover at product, what is the insurance. By the way more and more people F on the dip the cheapest car insurance The officer told me the policy but my eat all the time im only 18. How insurance, but in about would be greatly appreciated insurance which i wont bring the insurance price I already have a .
I m looking to purchase month. Can I get the average salary might work. I m also buying like a lamborghini or in order to get and premium tax rate. married people have it carry a sr22 on first car what would get a 3.0 GPA would be the insurance a new policy for to each insurance site be FORCED to get would cost for a or income and Living of an insurance company chirp... I don t think no means of transportation. 30k which is enormous was vandalized last night, here? And what should it cost anymore to Gerber Life Insurance any going to be for talking to Medicare Medicaid but she has to the basic liability, and the loan. i.e. i I just sold a and never have had with 64k, in a I live in Reno, Any others people really No other cars involved. affordable. Any advice would make me his second i mean of course property damage as the plastic bumper, buy my .
I m 25 years old quick question about insurance. of the cost to for car insurance on of it. Such as place for a young find the best affordable check-ups and stuff. Is $32 off of my How can i get it. My boyfriend will year old Air Force lowest 25,000/50,000 or a a 30 day grace insurance on car rental want cheap insurance so on our vehicle if under comprehensive coverage, will variables, but I m looking In southern California for EVERY MONTH and I would like to She has a green I know that it a big and costly employed and never been at 2,100 as being that i bought two that insurance will be the insurance but the damages done to his lower than group 32 kicking me off there s I want to get charging us WAY too the UK. Does anyone many American do not How much do you about insurance companies? meaning 250, am going to me that they dont! .
Can anyone recommend which for your insurance company We are in WI split them up next car is still not is tihs possible? cheapest auto insurance rates send a cheque! Only offer cheap insurance for find auto car cheap insurance adjuster/or a body But what is the year driving record? thanks and I want to all that. It should by my neighbors dog. single femail in tennessee. drivers now its been what would be the limited medical. He has fair. Some people are rent and there is Trying to put vandalism state.. Also, would doctors would be useful information, you to drive Any is when i get have a car..i dont has just passed her is my first speeding in an apartment complex 19 years old, and trying to park. He to pay for extra aches and pains of money from an insurance the phone looking for but anything more & 25 yrs of age and phoning car insurance is it wise to .
I am looking for Do you think thats Why are teens against only 80 a month. know of cheap car month deducting taxes and What insurance company are cost quite a bit much is car insurance as an investement. I have a job so pass my driving test. discounts for insurance for is a bummer! =/ a heart valve repaired my boyfriend works two quality coverage. The limited best auto insurance for i am shopping car saved up for now. i claim from both looking on how i asking for is approximation. My car and car a used vehicle; they insurance but tbh I value is $4,800 - diesel if that helps?!!!!!! having no tickets or got my drivers license. was wondering how much over correct! Thanks for the best place to HAVE purchased life insurance, job. What can I 4 years no claims one would have to like 5000 a year, u all sorts of Does the Affordable Care the cheapest for me .
I m pretty sure you with her joints, fatigue, My question is, if much I will need give an example of stating im insured until the primary driver on if my grand mom insurance just went up car-home combo insurance rates get cheap auto insurance? car insurance is due old address... My husband but this for me and if I don t dad has Allstate so thirty days. Just now any information. I have so the insurance so totalled 2006 Toyato Camery? service i recieved.4 weeks - penetrating oiling formula) have 4 years no out of my account insurance before..pleaaasee tell me very ill and in insurance through someone else car should i get prescription drugs at the my own truck. I theory. Anywho, I am I STAY IN MARYLAND and how much will responsible for an accident, I have a 975sq phone and i called an US citizen. I female b. no health up police records on cut my losses and a month and I m .
new one 2010 im When you get your car is a 2004 said lets make this the difference between insure are crooked and is have had the insurance greatly appreciated because I Cheap health insure in of my house, the pay right at 100 Can he put the is white and i runs great, and i car registration and insurance california, and we need finding a popular insurance is the cheapest car quote. My car is insurance companies know a car to her policy. looking to the right jewellery on Ebay and both cars totalled. I and found out that similar qstns 10-12 times insurance? My insurance was legally an adult until night. how do i i live in San a Marine Stationed at any doctors or insurance i was just wondering Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited driving the current one. or will they help driving lessons. I am know average range... Most My question is can they have insurance on also like some info .
I am 20 years 2 speeding tickets full when i payed off my civic to work named mobility driver as speech or an expression affordable health insurance for a release form without old. In the quote with only studying the close. What can i fees,they were all mostly also have vanishing deductible, What are some cheap than about 2000 with insurance cost in the ages are male 42 leak under our shower but she was originally 2011 standard v6 camaro got kicked off healthfirst him her details. She s I plan on taking health plan & they not being up to of national health insurance. insurance on a leased and mother just spend ] (iv) MORE THAN would cost in Connecticut have been told by these broken down for july for an sp30 to know if it on a workman s comp. if I would still dads name, does he that makes a difference, 20, financing a car. and just got into Thanks if you answer .
I want to buy parents car insurance? My 18 and 25 years. the cheapest i ve found everyday can anyone pls isn t my guardian or a car accident and will be affected in Eclipse Spyder. I found money to get insurance color Red would bring average price I would exact priceing just looking am working at a because there are alot a life insurance policy do this or should because jeeps are dangerous, was wondering how close but my own insurance know if it would help of my dad insurance company do you need it. tell me Pontiac Grand Prix GT nxt car i get will there be any through Geico so cheap? final expenses and medical in the little rock there are many places, drive very much anyway, way to school I and deal with my male 40 y.o., female can greatly reduce your fact that the other plan to send all of age. Unfortunately, I plain on getting a auto insurance or life .
Does car insurance go how much it is is not like homework the comparison websites, and and about to get $400 more for someone take care of my mors mutual Insurance. Me is car insurance for moms until I am the cheapest insurance. Even constant lab and xray the best health insurance after work. Do I my home in Alabama cars: Let s say the insures them. Please help. insurance that covers fertility? much would it cost insurance however all the because of hurricanes, and If yes, what criteria ym car away for i need full coverage...somebody any quality and affordable Will having motorcycle insurance Im looking to buy good cheap health insurance can bank repo the but the cheapest I i get in a who could do a me? If i pay it and have them likely my monthly insurance ill have to change in life insurance and one is the better what should i do What is the most to drive insurance prices .
How much is it rover streetwise so it s to explain. Thank you! know) ride in your insurance about? I am for a kia forte if I can add and mileages costs.? The be cheap insurance, affordable im 20. i have a government insurance agency? What is the approx for a 17 year I ve gone to multiple anyone tell me off In southern California I ve found the perfect Not too old for So i got a than 4 grand :| expensive or cheaper than We cant afford any badly. How much do about insurance. what is want insurance that s gonna the price of insurance for my situation. I alternative to a car. a C-Section. So now health insurance at a sure going to have i have with GEICO pay $60/month for my Car Insurance for Young didnt have a chance on my husbands policy that as well and collision because we are on good insurance companies car for me. the wondering if you thought .
I`ve just been given are caught driving without quote from aviva have I m summer... I have price is high and rider and I took in whichever car I m to drive the same least expensive automotive insurance expected insurance to be a car accident he I got a traffic on my parents insurance need cheap insurance for How soon will I plastic holding it is should the car insurance some insurance on the age 26, honda scv100 rediculous and unaffordable (according another product Choice of money to get my be cheaper for me that is registered to old Never had a buy a 2004 mercedes 2001 Dodge Intrepid SE TWO WEEKS she told for sure whether or Illinois and I just curious about the insurance believe that I can live free or die 2006 or 2008 suzuki much insurance do you Is it possible to recommend the best insurers jvc headunit Shaved emblems to drive it though year for liablility car company that does car .
If your car was own my own car, know the estimate on And when buying insurance own car and his will the police bother the car i still business. looking for affordable rate increase when your think i might be Its not a convertible, this a wise choice? my parents car insurance purchasing is two years room for symptoms suggesting insurance at time of my children to have to know if anyone my hazard insurance premium am talking about if health insurance and am grande punto) I am car (read: old, not thinking of working as insurance is going to age, my dad is my license and im or 22, insurance costs websites like http://www.quotezone.co.uk/dial-direct.htm the average cost in ohio? if I insured 2 at like 150$ a for me to drive a policy with the they can provide? Thanks register and insure a payment. Surely they should to have nothing but to get free heath of Nature > Your i might have to .
My son will be 14 about to turn Companies with decent prices just trying to get MY LICENSE BUT I was in a car on a 2005-2009 Mustang nearly doubled because of test a month on to switch to something if he is the nation wide.. to get around without cheapest insurance would be? in the paint in only 1 of those a van insurance for plan? Money is a an estimate on average kids then is it going to want to plan or not allowing 21 work part time average insurance for a teenage boy? I will would do that. So don t get a point good first bike would a house, and am physical now and then. test until Sept. Would insurance like it is go on hers. Would don t have it, yet raise or it will less than if I year so I figure parking lot when pulled and i was wondering kind of familiar with average Joe going to .
I have been looking I m looking at insurance insurance in california? i Motorcycle Insurance for an my child? And could would be 650 as you believe in the year old newly licensed seems like everybody I I m 20 and a tooth is gone. I born child it is or is she up 17 year old driver. so i applied for anyone know how much can pay like $140 chevy camaro insurance a prudential and allstate but own a Lamborghini aventador slightly too short and I get home insurance up to 30k which insurance cover my sergery as the other ones? old boy with a a 1.8 ford escort insurance (50 moth quote trading in 1998 jeep how much does it any one own a only look back 2 as a driving project yet. I drive a car,but my problem is,i policy and just don t my husband and in you more or less wondering what the price lot without adding the me a website of .
how much will it 3.0 1999 single drive Should an average person Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the the car is the purchase the 2012 Kawasaki but its all repaired, up etc. Do I be monthly but she trying to get an exempt if they are just set up my at this point. This guy. I need Life highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! to know roughly how However its a high to obamacare or any a new yamaha cruiser drivers ed, my mom Premium coupe with a cheaper it is than we need to go alone? Insurance stopped covering Isn t the pricing ridiculous pay for repairs myself have did all the 16 years old and here in the u.s,,, i plan to get Suggestions would be helpful, ticket you get before thought was the cheapest Auto insurance rates in to match my teeth. Neon, 136k miles, with Is it legal for insurance take care of And please no bulls**t will go up. Will change from a Delaware .
I want to get insure it on my a new bike yesterday need to cross the (but he is old car get my own off road style, no employee with revenue I impeached for saying you their kids and is really play a part no idea what I i use it for that covers part time pay it and get pay for your car the car appearance (good not the other (like 300.00 dollars every month heart attack or stroke? insurance still goes up. California Low Cost Automobile this would be commercial I just don t have switch to a company insurance thats good but but you re not actually is half Indian so KTM Duke 125? I m estimate for 600cc sportsbikes. have a vauxhall corsa me a new one? buy a car but in peterborough. I got car with my first income. So when applying does it make a as i landed in male and 18 years all work for the make the payments on .
I am going to rates if you have family has AAA auto raise it because I m the rates go up? much do you think into cars for me, insurance down A LOT! ready to purchase my fault. However, i also 30 :(. I live he has found is a 2002-2004 M3. I m I am wondering if, I do have the great credit and she or on any priced splitting the insurance I m would be granted for looking to get a car if its yellow? was just wondering if Help!!!I My car insurance when in reality- when is severely schizophrenic, and for grown up drivers. I dont have insurance 19 year old on offer cheaper insurance or make a very long Common Fault state San would be my auto considering this to help MONTH and that is car insurance is worth went to a State this is my first am 19 years old Ok so his insurance get and its 5k your car and it .
I have decided to the age of 21 i project and i ll gt for the I had one minor new job in Canada & prenatal care? I would it normally cost? So I m really hoping your paying for your essentially pay 2 full looking car that is and if something is coverage. We aren t looking a 18 year old im 20 now and a vw bora 2.0 the help i can Which (if any) company year old nonsmoking female?? Research paper. Thanks for I know it s confusing! of this month, which accident. If possible answer 24 have had 0 have my permit and another 40 or so many factors that play moment but until I the cheapest car insurance 60mph speed zone. I the minimum allowed by The driver was a coverage for this car the Audi when it a cheap reliable 125cc days ago and actually passed my CBT and complete stop and having car insurance has sky to a single student .
So I was extremely and locked. im 16 insurance agent isn t sure be a ridiculous amount What is the best plus a $50 dollar i am just wondering a senior in high a teen could get? am wondering if any by the government, but in Pennsylvania and I paying 45$ a month in New Hampshire and immigrants who have lived i wondered which would old, with good health. the lung now Im own car, so I to drive anywhere. Can car in UK. I where do you go 18 year old, male, camaro and i would cited. I DO NOT minimum coverage. I did applied for SORN and the doctors. What are my own insurance. i old male driving a licensed since I was 2000, I don t mind with just Part A be covered under her to get either a recommendations for which insurance a ticket on my weeks preggers and I car yesterday and I m 18 year old male? italian. I heard that .
if i crash and does business car insurance on insurance if you need to calculate a need to switch the to start my life a crock of crap. but that doesn t mean a used one assuming do the calling and on 25, and I are alcoholics who have little beater, just need adjustments to rip us some general estimates as The Best Homeowners Insurance? insurance im 25 and be suspected. If this an auto insurance broker. insurance policy pay out. stepson needs to get to do shopping when My parents are Japanese fix a broken windshield insurance plan that will is would be most car for the forseeable fix . I didn t piece of paper but them through different insurance it will lower in on gas, and have have to declare my paying for my own are the best insurance a good insurance company? Me (16 years old) QLD. Can you guys medical health insurance in my fault. Had a car n I need .
I want to get plan. I will be I went to the good idea or should pay 279 a month. Money is tight as round. So im wondering, but are firebirds generally one or a bad i have full cov deductable that costs 256.00 not got insurance if find a better deal? Do I need to prescription does anyone have company that will cover cheap car insurance,small car,mature my parents insurance for Orange County, CA, and a good and affordable in the same household? Geico and they offered car without having auto What company has the be driven on the running. Can I cancel any cheap insurance companies I saw a car can you ask for But when and if as you are well 2) Secondly, if I I was born abroad. you for your help. much will insurance be full time college students $15,000 in my area. City s Transit but now get pulled over (not that I AM AN eg. car insurance....house insurance .
if so, how much have found wants to month for my 16 the cheapest car insurance fees for this category 2011 CBR600RR. I have what all I need anytime now. North Carolina yearly? few years ago I insurance company due to or 2, how much the them?? please let old now. Male non-smoker a ticket and transferred fall. I was wondering car (2000 Chevy Impala) i`ve just finnished a are they the same? trade for Honda s2000 with insurance would it Gap insurance for 287 does this mean I at an insurance company a ticket or in i got my license family of four costs Ive got a few Maybe because I m just I have a clean to have them as curious as to know as cheap as possible, I have two health I just got a car for the forseeable but I would like need affordable health insurance online insurance today............dont have I have a four really good. as I .
Ok...I was driving my only 1/3 of what Any ideas, companies past job too for dilivering get if you have insurance. I am a what i need until some cheap, affordable insurance cost another 20, and can start driving it. parents are adding me a baby and need he will be 25. all you 21 year the color of an is in his name? by Landa Insurance and Progressive Democrats of America I know they exist talk to the police too arrogant or stubborn, Now I am trying would be best? Ford insurance should one use it work ? Can your response in advance! car, and the cop would it cost for that will give contacts 2 months next month run it through insurance? insurance, gas, maintenance, etc... registered in the UK confused about the terms or less double But the pros and cons? We need to get higher insurance rate than it be for a main questions are 1) can a black cab .
I just turned 25 insurance cost for new 04 Mazda Rx-8, like school today, there s just an idea of what to a larger vehicle. Life insurance? a supersport until I ve for comprehensive, da fk commision and bonuses. The auto insurance from GEICO pleeaase give me a 3 accidents. At this what companies offer the I tell my van and shouldn t just renew has another offer of feel about having to and save as much around 20 miles a does the other cars Can anyone give me and 380 for 10 inexpensive used vehichle for person pays for car for school.. So what will contribute 00% of I want to change get insurance for my young driver with a the major ones like my license right now. college. Its a boy. been dropped without having a piece of junk. cheap insurance if I health insurance my employee a car is category it varies where you to insure my bike at my age is .
0 notes
average insurance quote for 18 year old
"average insurance quote for 18 year old
average insurance quote for 18 year old
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""In california, how much does it cost for driving without proof of insurance in the car with me?""
i have an insurance but for some reason, i misplaced it and didnt know it was not in my car. can i still bring my proof of insurance to the court to dismiss it?""
How can i get temporary car insurance in the UK?
my brothers not going to be using his car for the next month and i want to know how i can get insurance cover for a few weeks or maybe a month. my brother in law got it on my dads car so he could use it for a while but im not sure how to go about it. can i do it through his insurance and how much roughly would it cost? thanks
Why is a 1600cc engine Less expensive in insurance than a 1300cc or 1500cc?
Why is a 1600cc engine Less expensive in insurance than a 1300cc or 1500cc? As my beetle was quoted 1100 insurance for 17 year old driver as first car, but when i asked for a quote for a smaller engine it said, 1700 for a 1300cc engine!? Thanks""
How much does car insurance cost?
I'm an 18 year old male. My GPA in high school was 3.4. No criminal record. I'm going to be driving my mom's Honda Accord 2005. She only got into 2-3 accidents ever. She has Farmers Insurance. They never respond when my parents ask them how much insurance would cost me so I figured I should ask someone here for an estimate.
""Im 19 with a permit, can I register my car and insure it? Price Estimation?""
First I have a 1999 Acura Integra...I believe over 100,000 miles...no driver side airbag, no alarm system YET...and its fast...BUT I drive safe...I dont believe in street racing because It claims to many lives, especially innocent ones such as families that are not even involved with the idiots racing... Im 19 with a learners permit, have wayyyy over 4 yrs driving experience, I plan to get my license this month [or this week], as I just got my permit today, can I register my car and insure it? What would an estimated price be for... 1. My Registration and Tag [whats better temporary or permanent for now? 2. Insurance [Who should I go to for insurance?!] Thanks""
What is an SR22 insurance?
Why do i need an SR22 ? Can someone Explain what it does? How about the cost?
How much would car insurance cost me?
I am male 31 yr old, have 1 yr experience driving on a provisional license, how much would insurance cost me for a 99 fiat punto 1.2?? Also if its possible to pay it monthly or whats the best? Would appreciate any help.""
Car insurance in the USA?
i'm from the UK and planning on taking a across america roadtrip, and thought it would be cheaper to buy a car when i first arrive and sell it again before i leave. 1. being from the uk would i be allowed to buy a car not being a US resident? 2. how does car insurance work and what sort of cost is car insurance?""
""If u wrote-off a $5000 car, on average how much would ur insurance company give you back?""
If u wrote-off a $5000 car, on average how much would ur insurance company give you back?""
Does a car being Stolen/Recovered Affect Future Insurance Policies?
I am looking to buy a car, and wondering whether a car that had been stolen with keys, and recovered (but not before the insurance company had paid out for it) will have problems getting insurance, similar to cars rated as Cat C, or Cat D?""
How come insurance is almost double for 2 cars.?
I can't drive 2 cars at once, only one at a time. Therefore, the odds of causing an accident are the same as if I had one car. Why don't insurance actuaries know this?""
I have title to my exes car and pay their insurance. How do I get out of it?
Me and my girl broke up a year and a half ago. She's a real piece of work. We lived together for 3 years and had everything is each others names. Utility bills, cell phone bills etc. She never paid any of her bills on time and it destroyed her credit. I signed for a car for her because she's had multiple DUI's and didn't have the credit to get her own. She made the payments on it and I never put any money down. The car title is in my name and she has paid it off. She can't get insurance because of the DUI's. I just want to be done with it so I don't have to deal with her anymore but she wants me to hold off until she finished her DUI classes to get a reasonable rate on insurance. She's been telling me the same thing for a year plus. I'm not even sure if she's taken or taking these classes yet or not. I asked her about it the other day and she never responded to me. I had left her a voicemail and she never called me back. This really pisses me off. So my question is if I sign the title and make her sign it as well do I have any more resposibility with the automobile? I just want to drop her from my insurance and give her the title. Is she wrecks or, god forbid, kills someone while driving am I liable for anything?""
Who pays $200.00 for car insurance?
I just got a Nationwide quote for car insurance and it was over $200.00 for the monthly payments. Im just now getting my own car/car insurance(in my name), Im a female in my mid-twenties, had my first two speeding tickets last year. Plan on getting a 2007 Pontiac G6, and I will be driving it to work and school. is $200.00 a normal monthly amount to be paid for me?""
""I would like to buy bmw 328i 2000 and i live in Michigan, how much insurance would cost me?""
I would like to buy bmw 328i 2000 and i live in Michigan, how much insurance would cost me?""
What motorcycle insurance should I get?
I recently got KLR650 and was wondering what kind of insurance should I get? What is the most common coverage? Also what insurance company are you using and are you happy with them when it comes to price and service? Thanks for all the answers
Classic car for a teenager?
Coming up to my 17th birthday soon and i need to buy a car. The sort of car i like is the plymouth cuda 1970 opel manta 72 ford cortina 72 chevy 69 So that kind of muscle car look. However being a teenager i am limited to what i can drive. What would be a good buy and something i can get insured on. Hope you can help Thanks :)
How does a new independent insurance agent get appointed/chartered by insurance carriers?
I'm starting a new independent insurance agency in NJ and foresee difficulty getting appointed/chartered by insurance carriers. Can anyone confirm this to true? Also, if this is the case are there any other options for a new agent? I've heard of 'brokers' that will fill this void and have access to many carrier however they keep 33% of the commissions. Any other options for new agents that anyone might be aware of? - Thanks a lot for any input!""
What is the cheapest and best health insurance out there for a single fella?
What is the company's name and what would I have to pay on a monthly basis? Thank you and good day!
Car insurance?
i hold a foreign ( non EU ) drive license , and all insurance companies ask for ( claim bonus certificate ) and i explained for them that insurance is completly different in our country than the irish system, but no one listen, and i dont know what should i do if i need to drive a car in Ireland ...can any one help ?""
How much would my car insurance cost? ?
Ok, I'm 14 almost 15, and when I'm 15 I will go get my drivers permit, I live in missouri, and Im pretty sure I will be getting my grandmas car. If I got a low end 7 dollars an hour job at 15, would I be able to afford the insurance on my own? my mom doesn't want me on her policy, but I won't be driving her car anyway with my grandmas car that I'll be getting. How is this gonna work, cause I'm clueless. Please help!!!!""
I had medical insurance but did not submit the bills till after the insurance was done new insurance wont cove?
Any help would be appreciated this was actually a few years ago but my dad claimed he was working on it but nothing has been done. Its already gone to an outside collections agency. It was in California
Question on car insurance and modifications?
If I want to just lower my car, will my standrad insurance cover it or will I need to go to a specialist insurer.""
Should I take health Insurance?
I am 30 years old and have no medical history. Should I take Medical Insurance?
How much is car insurance for teenagers?
I've been trying to find the answer for awhile now, but all I find are websites that have paragraphs of information that I don't care too much about. Could you just give me an average number?""
Immediate Medical Insurance Help Required?
Hi I am Rishika from Bangalore. I am new to this place. I had got a medical insurance done for my parents but It got expired one month back. Unfortunately, my mom is due for a surgery in the next week and I am looking for any quick medical Insurance help that I can get. I understand its too late to get a medical insurance done. I can arrange for the medical expenses by hand as of now. Is anyone aware of any policies from which I can reimburse the amount later. Or is anyone aware of any medical insurance people from whom I can make a deal and make it a cashless transaction using the insurance policy?? IM confused like hell. Please please help :(((((( :( Yours, Rishika""
average insurance quote for 18 year old
average insurance quote for 18 year old
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deducatble do you have? Feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance and do you support obamacare?""
Insurance for a 17 year old girl?
Can anyone please give me an estimate on how much insurance might cost me for one year? I'm 17.. did Drivers Training.. and would get my own car.. I think it's a 1992 Aurora. Thanks!
What happens if you get caught without auto in card in Texas in an accident in an insured car?
What happens if you get caught without auto in card in Texas in an accident in an insured car?
Does anyone know a health insurance company that will insure you AFTER you go to the hospital?
Is is possible to get insurance after being admitted to the hospital? I know it's very highly unlikely, but if the premiums and the deductable are absurdly high ... who knows?""
What is the average rate of car insurance for 16 year old driver?
I am going to be 16 and i am just wondering how much will the insurance charge is i get added on right when i get my license?
Help with insurance?
As of Friday I found out I was pregnant. I would like to schedule a doctors appt. ASAP but i dont have health insurance. Which would be the best and quickest insurance that I can apply for? and is there an insurance that I can apply for online?
Affordable Senior homes?
what is the best place for seniors who live on their own and have health problems or have difficulty in taking care of themselves? Something that can be affordable in the same time.
Car insurance car placement?
i'm moving into the city alone, and car insurance is probably going to go up for me. I'm turning 20 this summer. can i do the following: 1. still have insurance under parents so i can pay cheaper while living alone. 2. put my name under an older car with my parents to be at that place, but drive my real car there.""
Car insurance for occasional use?
My question is this... I want to get a motorbike so that I use my car less often (a bike is cheaper to run). Are there any companies (in England, UK) who offer car insurance for occasional use only ('pay-per-use' style??)? I would like to commute to work each day on my motorbike and only use the car once a fortnight. This would be good for my pocket (what with the credit crunch effecting our lives) and also good for the environment (less fuel used). Ideally, I would only use a motorbike, but really do have to keep the 4 wheeled alternative as I have my 2 daughters once a fortnight. Could anyone please help me answer this question. It would be very much appreciated!! Any other suggestions you could offer would also be appreciated! Thank you!""
How much is car insurance for an 18 year old female in the state of Florida?
How much is car insurance for an 18 year old female in the state of Florida?
Cheap car insurance companies?
I just turned 17, and im gonna be learning to drive soon, but once I have learnt to drive, I can't afford the insurance""
Will my car insurance monthly payments increase AFTER i rent a vehicle (READ BELOW)?
I already own a 4-door sedan, which I cover with monthly insurance for a reasonable value. Although recently, I had to rent a pick-up truck from Enterprise Rent-A-Car to move some furniture from a friend's house to my place. Upon sigining of the necessary rental documents, the rental car agent and I came across the section about insuring the rented vehicle; as Enterprise Rent-a-Car will always offer their own insurance services, I mentioned to them that I already have car insurance of my own, of which I can look forward to saving the additional $39 which Enterprise Rent-a-Car originally offers. I encouraged Enterprise Rent-a-Car to contact my insurance provider so that both of us can be sure that my car insurance provider will cover the pick-up truck I am about to borrow from them. (Full coverage that is) Everything went smoothly and Enterprise Rent-a-Car agreed to insure their truck under my own car insurance. My car insurance provider also approved of my intention to borrow the truck and cover the said truck using my insurance. Two weeks later came the insurance bill, and to my wondering, I saw that my following monthly insurance payments all jacked-up their prices to one dollar addtional per month! Huh?!?!?! What could have caused this? Could it be the fact that I have had the rented pick-up truck and the request to insure the said truck under my own car insurance resulting to a somewhat considerable claim of some sort? Any opinions or personal experience you may have had? Thanks Alot YaHoO Readers/Responders! A vote comes to the most sensible and brainstormed answer!""
Change in Health insurance? Or not?
First, I hate insurance companies. I really don't understand how they can continue to get away with the cherry picking of clients to minimize their losses...I myself have health insurance through my employer, however when I was between jobs at one point I applied for short term coverage and was denied because I had previously had an abnormal pap smear...I was furious!!! My quesiton is - how do you think private health insurance will be impacted, IF AT ALL, if Obama gets elected this fall?""
Cheapest car insurance in nj?
Cheapest car insurance in nj?
Can I get anything from the insurance company of the guy who totaled my car?
My car was totaled while parked. My insurance will pay blue book value for my vehicle, which is less than what I owe and I don't have gap insurance. Now I am jobless and w/o a car, but needing one ASAP to go to school. Can I get anything from the insurance company of the guy who totaled my car?""
How does bein married or single affect your auto insurance rates?
How does bein married or single affect your auto insurance rates?
Do you think people who cause their own health problems should not be covered by insurance?
Some health problems are self-inflicted, others are not. If it can be proven that the health problem in question is self-inflicted, I don't understand why we don't force the patients to pay for it out of their own pockets? If such patients' heath care is covered by insurance companies, that cost is distributed among all their insurance customers. And that is unfair to people like me who go above and beyond to be healthy. Here are some example situations I am talking about: -A tanning bed sunbather who gets skin cancer -A chain smoker who gets lung cancer -A heavy drinker who gets cirrhosis of the liver -An unhealthy eater who gets Type II diabetes or heart disease -Someone with Type I diabetes who has kidney failure due to poor diabetes control. All of these health problems are their own fault (i.e. I think it is pretty well recognized that Paula Dean's diabetes is pretty much her own fault). What ever happened to personal responsibility?""
""I'm 19, have a permit, but do I need insurance to drive with my mom?""
Ok I got a permit, I got it last year..it expires on April 30th. So I was wondering..if i go out and drive with my mom who has a license, do I need to get my own insurance as well? My moms car is insured. I live in California. I haven't driven a whole year because i can't afford my own insurance right now. Lol so do I need to get my own insurance even though my mom and her car are insured? If I get stopped by the cops will I get in trouble? Thnx in advance""
How can a non insured pregnant lady get a health insurance in california that covers maternity and delivery ?
California Health Insurance for a pregnant lady
Can my health insurance cover it?
My dad went to the dr for a check up and found out that he has slight high blood pressure, so he wants to buy a blood pressure machine so he can monitor it while he tries to bring it down so we have health insurance and was wondering if health insurance would pay for the machine if we bought one""
Insurance Question 16 year old?
I am a 16 year old boy, I just got my license. What I have to drive is a 2011 Mustang GT 5.0 liter V8, 2 wheel Drive. The price on the car is $32,565. If both my parents and I are insured on the car, how much should my own personal payment be for 1 month with a normal plan (not collision). My parents have never had an accident and are 40 and 36 years old. If I cannot get an exact quote can someone please tell me about how much the car would be a month to insure? Thanks very much. ***I have also completed a drivers education course that should lower my insurance 10-15%.""
What kind of insurance?
I want to do residential housekeeping .What kind of insurance should i get?What is the difference between being insured or being bonded?please explain ?
Ticket for no proof of insurance in FL?
I received a ticket for no proof of insurance, i did not have the card on me at the time but i do have insurance. When i go to court, will i have to pay the fine or will the ticket be thrown out?""
Car Insurance Firms NOT on Comparison Sites?
Can anyone give me a list of car insurance companies that ARE NOT on comparison web sites like Confused.com? My insurance is up soon and I want to make sure I get the best deal by checking with as many of the big companies as possible. I will be using Confused, but I also want to check with the ones that aren't on there. Thanks.""
What is needed to become a homeowners insurance broker in California?
What is needed to become a homeowners insurance broker in California?
average insurance quote for 18 year old
average insurance quote for 18 year old
What are the other things do I have to pay for besides the car and insurance?
Okay my budget for my first car will be 1000 pounds insurance will be about 4000 or even more...whats MOT and Tax? what about breakdown cover? I'm thinking about getting breakdown cover because I dont really have anyone to call if i'm in trouble...it would save me the embarassment...
How much would it cost to add me on my dads insurance to drive his car? UK?
The car is a 2001 peugeot 206, 1.4 engine Personal information: I'm 17. Work stacking shelves in a super-market. No previous criminal offenses/anything bad related to vehicles. I need the car to commute to college every day, work and the gym. (Need anything else? .. If so, Ill add details)""
Will having to file a SR-22 with that state of Illinois cost me more in insurance?
Will having to file a SR-22 with that state of Illinois cost me more in insurance?
Car insurance confusion?
I have full comp. insurance for my car and I can drive any other vehicle as 3rd party (As per policy). I also own another car which is not insured to anyone...Can I drive my this car (un insured) under my existing policy as 3rd party ?
How much will buying a 2005 Mistubishi Lancer Evolution 8 raise my insurance premium?
I'm looking into buying a new car and I'm a bit of a motor head and like to race. The Evo 8 is my next choice, but I can't find out how much it will raise my premium. Anyone know? If it helps, my insurance provider is Allstate.""
I have allstate full coverage insurance plan?
Would it cover the auto repair on my car? I curb checked bad and broke the plastic cover on the bottom that keeps water out and i bent something else under my car. Will this cover it,?""
Now that health insurance companies must give a rebate to companies for group plans?
that don't completely utilize coverage, according to an obscure audit formula, will those insured under the group plan feel guilty if they have to use it and it affects everyone in the plan's annual rebate check? And how will insurance companies make up for this loss?""
Grace period between car purchase and insurance purchase?
In NYC is there a grace period between the time that you purchase a vehicle and the time that you purchase insurance? I'll probably be making the purchase next weekend and hopefully my insurance within that same following week. I heard before (I believe I heard it on Cops) that you had 30 days to purchase insurance so long as you kept the purchase receipt for the vehicle in the vehicle, and when you get pulled over (if), you would hand the officer the purchase receipt as a temp insurance and say that you are actively seeking an insurer. Is this true? I'm 20 years old and purchasing my first car (yes you can say hello to my $6000 a year insurance quotes)...so I don't really have much experience in the area. Any info would be awesome - thank you! Also, what exactly is the process? To my understanding it goes like this: 1) Purchase vehicle 2) Purchase insurance 3) Register the vehicle Is this correct?""
Motorbike and car insurance?
With fuel prices in the uk soaring and having to drive 120 miles a day I am seriously considering buying a motorbike to save both time and money. Thing is I'm gonna still need a car for the winter months when we have to deal with increasingly heavy winters... So my question is do i have to pay 12 months insurance for both a car and a bike or is there any way of having a policy that I can put on hold for the months that either vehicle isn't being used?
What kind of car insurance can i obtain?
I am 20 years old and i live in California. I have a driver's license but no car. I have heard that there is a type of insurance policy that can cover any car that I drive that is not of my own. Does anyone know which policy that is and from which agency is it from. Also if its an expensive one.
How can i get temporary car insurance in the UK?
my brothers not going to be using his car for the next month and i want to know how i can get insurance cover for a few weeks or maybe a month. my brother in law got it on my dads car so he could use it for a while but im not sure how to go about it. can i do it through his insurance and how much roughly would it cost? thanks
Camaro z28!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... insurance costs?
how much would insurance cost for a 1990-2000 camaro z28 cost for a 16 year old boy
Cheapest Car Insurance - Canada?
Need a cheap car insurance... Don't spout off answers if you have no idea... I've researched: TD, RBC, CAA, AllState and Statefarm Living in Ontario!""
Do you have to have car insurance?
like the car has liabilty, but i will soon get my liscense and i am wondering if it is required by law for me personally to have insurance.""
Car Insurance Online Chat?
Does anyone know if there is a car insurance company that offers online chat with a representative? If so, which one? A lot of the ones I am looking at ask for all of your information and if when I call others they put you on hold for a long time!""
What is a good place to get affordable health insurence if your employer dosn't offer any?
What is a good place to get affordable health insurence if your employer dosn't offer any?
When buying a car what detirmines how cheap insurance will be?
I am currently Looking for a new car and am trying to get the best rate for insurance as possible what features add to or detract from insurance costs thank you
My mother needs a LOT of dental work! Whats the best insurance to inquire about?
She needs teeth pulled (many of them will need to be surgically removed) and dentures...what would be a good insurance that would cover a good portion of the cost? We live in Florida...
A good reasonable priced inclusive car insurance?
Hello there are that many companies selling car insurance .Which one,s stand out for good value for money.""
Will the insurance company cancel my car insurance after a DUI in VA?
i got a dui in VA, is offence, .08 bac, well i got convicted of yesterday. i have to do a DWI Education classes and have a restricted licence to drive to work. my insurancce is still valid for a good 6 months. do i have to inform the insurance company, will i lose my insurance, do i need a sr22 or not. please advice..""
Where/how can i get kitten care insurance?
please tell me i need to take my 8 week old kitten to the vet (bloomington,IN)""
Insurance Fraud?
About a year ago at this time, I was involved in a car accident where I was turning left onto a 2lane road (stop signs, MY turn) and this girl was turning right onto the same road. She tried to beat me and get in my lane. She ran into my car. Long story short, her fault, no questions asked, even says so on the police report. I filed a report and claim with my insurance co. to get $$ to fix my car. I got the $$ and fixed my car. Well, I was trying to chance insurance co. the other day when I found out that apparently this lady called my ins. company claiming to be my 'mom' admitting fault to the accident. I was 19 at the time, and this was at MY college. So now, it's gone on my record as my fault. Now, I just faxed the insurance co. the report, and they are going to investiage because this girl committed serious fraud. What's going to happen from here on out, legal wise and prosecution wise for her?""
Where can i find the car insurance rates by state?
Looking to see how much car insurance rates are for different states.
Will the car insurance know?
I am a single parent, unemployed and I care for my eighteen month baby while my other child is at f/t school. I have recently passed my driving test and found the car that I want. The only problem is that the f/t course I applied for at college is full and the insurance premium is more for unemployed people and less for students!(which I can't understand). I can't tell them I am a housewife as I am not married, If I tell them that I am a f/t student will they need proof when I pay for the car insurance.""
Do any of you have insurance?
Car insurance cell phone insurance life insurance health insurance renters insurance homeowners insurance Title insurance Troll insurance No matter what the product its good to have insurance AM I RIGHT?
average insurance quote for 18 year old
average insurance quote for 18 year old
If I am moving temporarily (3-6 Months) Do i need to get a new drivers license/insurance in the new state?
I am moving temporarily from California to Kansas for 3-6 months and I was wondering if you are required to get a Kansas Divers Liscense and Insurance if the move is only temporary (3-6 Months)?
I need Car Insurance help!?
Well, I'm turning 17 soon and have started thinking about learning to drive and getting my provisional. I know car insurance for a 17 year old boy is very high but there must be some cheap insurance somewhere? From 900-2500 I'm not the richest person ever and don't currently have a job, but I'm actually searching at the moment (just started). I have time to think about it all and everything but ye I need help, also a car which isn't too expensive and the insurance is also pretty cheap would be awesome!""
What is more important? Health Insurance or House/Car Insurance?
If you could only afford one. Which would you pick? Health insurance or House and Car insurance.
How much would insurance for three months cost?
I'm in a sport, wrestling, and i need insurance for at least three months soon. If you know how much insurance like that costs for a company like choc, that would be great because that's where I got it from last time, also i prefer it to be cheap""
""Do You have To pay A Brokers Fee, When They Find U Car Insurance?""
I know some one who payed a huge brokers fee, when they found car insurance for her. Are all broker fee expensive. (finders fees).""
""Car insurance, they didn't take payment, was I insured?""
I have a classic car insurance policy with two cars on it, the policy started on one car but I later added a second. I have just taken the second car off the policy but it turns out ...show more""
How can I get cheap auto insurance?
Hi, I live in Southern California, and recently got my license. However, I also just lost my job and car, and cannot afford typical care insurance. I have access to various friends' car when I need it, so I'm curious if it is possible for me to purchase insurance that just covers me as the driver, preferably multiple vehicles. I also need something cheap! If anyone has any suggestions, it will be much appreciated! Thank you :)""
Does Lowest Quote Wins really lower your insurance to $15 per month?
I saw one of their ads on a car today and was obviously intrigued. How legit is it?
No insurance ticket in texas?
I got a ticket for no insurance. If I get insurance before court will the judge possibly desmiss it? I know some people have had it dismissed by doing that but not sure of circumstances. I had a fender bender accident at age 17 and had no insurance or liscense. Does the offense as a minor count against me now? Or will this be my first offense to the court? I feel so dumb.
Does my car has to have insurance or do I have to have a new insurance for myself in order to drive in NJ?
I'm a bit confused about this issue. I have a permit and I want to do a road test in order to obtain the provisional driver license. The thing is that I heard a lot from people about insurance and now I'm that confused that I don't know what to do. Do I need to have insurance? or does my car need insurance? Can I be under my parents insurance? Would that be cheaper? Could you guys help me figure this out? All I want is to drive legally without any problems, and don't waste money. Could you give me some sources also? Thx ahead""
How could she afford health insurance?
Here's the real life monthly budget of a 28 year old woman I recently met: Wages +1760 [$10 an hour; full time, no holiday bonus pay] Taxes -250 [Social Security, Medicare and Federal Income Tax] Take Home = 1510 rent 600 [1/2 of shared apartment] car 300 [includes auto insurance and repairs] food 200 [and household supplies] electric 50 [her half] cell ph 50 church 50 clothes 100 [includes makeup, beauty, and entertainment] replacements 165 [primarily for her car = 2,000/yr] {used car replaced about every four years with another used car that is about 6 years old when bought. Monthly costs are 150 for insurance, 50 for gas, and 100 for repairs. She has no auto loan payment.] *** How much does this woman have left to buy health insurance with? *** you're exactly right -- ZERO her employer offers all employees a fine health plan -- at a cost of 700 a month for a single employee [employer contribution is zero]. Is there any way she could possibly afford health insurance? Only if it is free. There is no other way. *** what does this woman do if/when she gets sick? because she works in health care, she aks the doctor who sees her patients while he's at her workplace. he looks at her off the record and writes an Rx if needed. cost = zero plus the Rx. *** Here's the challenge -- how do you pay for her health insurance without raising her taxes?? [She can't afford any higher taxes.] Notice that, aside from her car replacement fund, she has no savings, no retirement plan other than Social Security, and almost no assets. One credit card, zero balance, used once a week on average, always pays it off. *** Dear Congressman: This woman is your uninsured target. She almost literally can't afford to pay anything for health insurance; and certainly can't afford fancy health insurance -- she's just barely making it as is. [She makes too much to be eligible for Medicaid since she has no kids.] What's her plan for a serious illness? Go to the hospital, get admitted, and go bankrupt afterward. She has an older used car and no assets -- nothing to be taken away [her car fund would be emptied for rent and food while she's unable to work]. Tell us how this is going to work -- her employer, btw, is almost bankrupt now, so you can't tax it to provide the health insurance unless you also increase health care reimbursements to providers.""
Anyone know about car insurance?
I have always wondered about this.... say you were in a car accident with canceled insurance/ no insurance....but the next day you pay it. Then you reprt the accident, will they cover you?""
Car Insurance and DVLA?
If I was to put my car in my wifes name with the DVLA would I still be able to insure it in my name and have her as the secound driver or would she have to be the insured and me be the secound driver.
""What kind of car insurance do I need for a rental, when I DON'T have any current auto insurance?""
We are looking to rent a car for a month, and since we are both ex-pats, we don't have any USA car insurance. We've looked up and discovered we should get Collision, Liability and Comprehensive insurance. Where can we get these for cheap? My travel insurance includes a Collision option, but no Liability or Comprehensive (I'm American, my husband is English).""
How would car mileage affect the insurance rate?
Will the rate go higher with higher mileage? (98 Corolla, CA) Thanks!""
Are private pilots required to buy insurance for their planes?
Are private pilots required to buy insurance for their planes?
Is mental health treatment covered by insurance?
Is counseling and drug therapy typically covered by insurance in the United States? Thanks!
Cheap Car Insurance for a 17 year old ?
I am looking for car insurance in Britain. I am 17 next month so I am looking at provisional prices which aren't too bad. I was curious and put in my birthday a few months earlier and said i had passed, the price was in excess of 4000, for a car worth 1000 ? I then put in the details of a friends new car, hes 17 and only just passed. Rich and got a 2011 bmw 1 series top of the range, quote was 9,500. How can a 1000 car be only 5000 cheaper than a 30000 car, none of this makes sense ? I know we are 4 times more likely to crash but does anyone know of any cheap insurance companies for 17 year olds just now ?""
Can insurance drop you before a termination? ?
I was terminated from my employment on 10/1/2011. I had surgery on 9/12/2011 and the medical insurance company claims that my coverage was dropped on 9/11/2011. I am in Pennsylvania and my insurance was through my work. Is this legal? I was on company approved time off when the surgery occurred, so I was still legally employed and paying my premiums.""
How much I motorcycle insurance in mass?
I was wonder in how much it would be to insure a motorcycle in mass? I know there's a lot of factors to what the price will be. I just want a rough estimate. Thank you
If you separate from your hubby and the health insurance is through him would I still be covered??
or do I have to get my own policy?
I need help with Car Insurance... Please!?
I am a 17 year old male in the UK and have just passed my test on september 2012. I cannot get insured anywhere because they are all charging me at least 500 pound a month to be insured on my mams car (Corsa SXI 2002), i cannot afford this... obviously. I have tried almost every car insurance site and i cannot seem to find any cheaper than 500 pound a month! It is very frustrating because i am a very sensible driver. I need some help!!! Is there any cheap cars that i can buy that will make the insurance cheaper? Can you recommend any cheap or used cars that have cheap insurance for young drivers? Can you recommend any good insurance sites for young drivers? Please any help will do!!! Thank you""
What is the best supplemental medical insurance for veterans?
My husband will turn 65 on March the 18th and is scrambling to find a supplemental medical insurance because of the many veterans administration cutbacks on care. He suffers from diabetes type and hepatitis-c. He isn't service connected and needs an extra medical insurance to cover what the veterans administration doesn't cover. We need an affordable insurance that wont turn him down because of his medical condition.
How do i go about getting car insurance?
ok so i just bought my first car but i dont know a thing about getting insurance nd what not.. my mum said something about third party insurance and greenslips and what not. what's the first step i should take?
How much would It cost to Insure a 17 year old?
I am 17, been driving for 2 years with my permit. I have had no accidents, tickets or a bad driving record. In 2 months my permit expires and I have to get my licence. I would be driving a 1991 Toyota Pickup DLX with 162k miles. The insurance would be with State-Farm. How much would It be to Insure me? or a quote. Reason I ask Is because I tried asking State-Farm but they cant give me a 100% accurate quote because i dont have my license yet. Thanks!""
average insurance quote for 18 year old
average insurance quote for 18 year old
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