#even if he's trying to stop the antagonists too now I wouldn't be suprised if touma is still down to put a bullet in someone's head
childrenofthesun77 · 4 months
Giving the heroes 13 mikuni's (well 12 now I guess. Or are 12 fake mikuni's left and the original is not among them so it's still 13? What did you do now mikuni, I'm so confused) to defeat makes a lot of sense now that I thought about it a bit.
Almost all characters are on mahiru's side at this point, with the exception of mikuni, jeje, lily and tsubaki. Even former antagonists like touma and tsubaki's subclass are trying to stop the ritual from succeeding. Now that all the eves and servamps on the heroes side (and gear, touma and tooru) got a chance to show off their powers against pandora I'm expecting that fight to end one way or another soon, meaning we need other antagonists for the many heroes to fight and there aren't a lot left.
Tsubaki is still figthing with kuro. I guess other characters could join the fight, but my guess is that this fight will be mainly between the two and maybe mahiru will join to support kuro at some point. All the servamps coming together to convince tsubaki that they are also his family would be cool too I guess tho.
Last time we saw jeje he was bound in chains and tsubaki stole his jinn, so jeje is currently not exactly a threat unless someone frees him.
Lily could start a fight with someone, but he's not a great fighter, he's a schemer and he already revealed most of his plans to misono. I also feel like while other characters could fight against lily in the end it's misono who has to get through to lily so any other confrontation would only exist to give the characters something to do.
In a similar case I feel like misono should be the one to stop mikuni, but with mikuni's plots harming so many people now (I see lily and mikuni as the true antagonists at this point) I would understand if the other characters got to fight him too. Which thanks to mikuni multiplying a lot is now possible. Some mikuni's are already covered by tsubaki's subclass (so far we've seen belkia, higan and lilac. Plus two pairs of unknown subclass of tsubaki, but I doubt they will defeat mikuni) but many others are not, leaving a lot of mikuni's to defeat to stop whatever spell he cast to aid tsubaki.
I wonder if tsurugi could also return as an antagonist. Not out of his free will of course, but because mikuni is puppeteering his corpse or something. Mikuni told jeje to leave the body as nice as possible and lily killed tsurugi by beheading him with one clean cut. When mikado woke up again the corpse was gone. So did mikuni take it with him to do something with it? Dead tsurugi vs touma would be emotionally brutal😅
The count could return in one form or another too I guess, but I feel like that is something mainly for mahiru and kuro to deal with.
Of course it's possible that a few more heroes get pushed off the board by injury or something similar (tooru is too injured to fight and freya, ildio and lawless did take a lot of damage as they shielded the eves from pandora's blast) but with so many characters on the side of the heroes we need more antagonists to give them something to do while the main characters deal with the bigger threats.
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